(Rule 14a-101)


                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
               Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.   )

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [_]

Check the appropriate box:

[_]  Preliminary Proxy Statement          [_]  Soliciting Material Under Rule
[_]  Confidential, For Use of the              14a-12
     Commission Only (as permitted
     by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[_]  Definitive Additional Materials

                        Bio-Reference Laboratories, Inc.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.
[_]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed  pursuant
     to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
     calculated and state how it was determined):

4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

5)   Total fee paid:

[_]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:

[_]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
     0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was paid
     previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
     or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

     1)   Amount previously paid:

     2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

     3)   Filing Party:

     4)   Date Filed:


                        BIO-REFERENCE LABORATORIES, INC.
                            481 EDWARD H. ROSS DRIVE
                         ELMWOOD PARK, NEW JERSEY 07407



                                  JULY 21, 2005


     The annual meeting of the stockholders of Bio-Reference Laboratories,  Inc.
(the  "Company")  will be  held at the  Sheraton  Crossroads  Hotel,  Crossroads
Corporate Center,  Route 17 North,  Mahwah, New Jersey 07495-0001,  on Thursday,
July 21, 2005 at 9:00 A.M. local time, for the purpose of considering and acting
on the following matters:

     1.   Election of two directors to the Company's Board of Directors, each to
          serve  for a term of three  years  and  until  his  successor  is duly
          elected and qualified (Proposal One).

     2.   Such other  business as may properly be brought  before the meeting or
          any adjournment thereof.

     Pursuant to the provisions of the By-Laws, the Board of Directors has fixed
the  close of  business  on  Wednesday,  June 15,  2005 as the  record  date for
determining the  stockholders of the Company  entitled to notice of, and to vote
at the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     Stockholders  who do not expect to be present in person at the  meeting are
urged  to  date  and  sign  the  enclosed  proxy  and  promptly  mail  it in the
accompanying postage-paid envelope.

                                     By Order of the Board of Directors

                                              Marc D. Grodman

Dated: June 17, 2005


                        BIO-REFERENCE LABORATORIES, INC.
                            481 EDWARD H. ROSS DRIVE
                         ELMWOOD PARK, NEW JERSEY 07407


                                 PROXY STATEMENT


                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                           TO BE HELD ON JULY 21, 2005


     This Proxy  Statement  of  Bio-Reference  Laboratories,  Inc., a New Jersey
corporation  (the  "Company") is first being mailed to  Stockholders on or about
June 17, 2005 in connection  with the  solicitation  of proxies by the Company's
Board of  Directors  to be used at the  Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  of the
Company to be held on Thursday,  July 21, 2005 at 9:00 A.M.  (local time) at the
Sheraton Crossroads Hotel,  Crossroads Corporate Center, Route 17 North, Mahwah,
New Jersey  07495-0001.  Accompanying this Proxy Statement is a Notice of Annual
Meeting  of  Stockholders,  a form of Proxy  for the  meeting  and a copy of the
Company's 2004 Annual Report containing financial statements and related data.

     All  proxies  which are  properly  filled in,  signed and  returned  to the
Company  prior  to or at the  Meeting  will be  voted  in  accordance  with  the
instructions  thereon. A proxy may be revoked by any stockholder giving the same
prior to the exercise  thereof by (a) written notice  addressed to the Company's
Chief Information Officer and delivered to the Company's principal offices prior
to the commencement of the Meeting, (b) providing a signed proxy bearing a later
date, or (c) appearing in person and voting at the Meeting.  The Company intends
to vote  executed but unmarked  proxies in favor of Proposal  One. The Board has
fixed the close of business on  Wednesday,  June 15, 2005 as the record date for
the  determination of stockholders who are entitled to notice of, and to vote at
the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     The  expenses of  preparing,  assembling,  printing and mailing the form of
proxy and the  material  used in  solicitation  of proxies  will be borne by the
Company.  In addition to the  solicitation  of proxies by use of the mails,  the
Company may utilize the services of some of its  officers and regular  employees
(who will  receive no  additional  compensation  therefore)  to solicit  proxies
personally, and by telephone. The Company has requested banks, brokers and other
custodians,  nominees and fiduciaries to forward copies of the proxy material to
their principals and to request  authority for the execution of proxies and will
reimburse  such  persons  for  their  services  in  doing  so.  The cost of such
additional solicitation incurred otherwise than by use of the mails is estimated
not to exceed $10,000.

     At the record date, the Company had 12,722,767  shares of its Common Stock,
$.01 par value (the "Common Stock") issued and outstanding, the holders of which
are each  entitled to one vote per share.  The presence in person or by proxy of
at least a majority of the outstanding Common Stock is necessary to constitute a
quorum at the  meeting.  Broker  nonvotes  (that is,  proxies  from  brokers  or
nominees  indicating that such persons have not received  instructions  from the
beneficial  owners or other  persons  entitled  to vote  shares on a  particular
matter as to which the broker or nominee does not have discretionary  authority)
will be counted for  purposes of  determining  a quorum for the  transaction  of
business at the Annual  Meeting but will not be considered as votes for purposes
of  determining  the outcome of a vote.  Election of  directors  (Proposal  One)
requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast on the Proposal by
the holders of Common Stock present in person or by proxy at the meeting.

     The following table sets forth information as of June 15, 2005 with respect
to the  ownership  of Common Stock by (i) each person known by the Company to be
the beneficial owner of more than 5% of its outstanding  Common Stock, (ii) each
director of the Company,  (iii) each executive officer of the Company,  and (iv)
all directors  and  executive  officers as a group.  The  percentages  have been
calculated on the basis of treating as outstanding for a

particular  holder, all shares of Common Stock outstanding on said date owned by
such holder and all shares of Common Stock  issuable to such holder in the event
of exercise of  outstanding  options and  warrants  owned by such holder at said
date which are exercisable within 60 days of such date.

- -------------------                            SHARES OF
DIRECTORS AND                                 COMMON STOCK          PERCENTAGE
- -------------------                       ----------------------     ----------

   Marc D. Grodman(2) ...................       1,657,846                 13%
   Howard Dubinett(3) ...................         481,001                  4%
   Sam Singer(4) ........................         299,567                  2%
   Joseph Benincasa .....................           -0-                    --
   Harry Elias ..........................           1,000                  --
   Gary Lederman(5) .....................          27,200                  --
   John Roglieri(6) .....................          52,000                  --
   Executive Officers ...................       2,518,614                 20%
   and Directors as a group
   (seven persons)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)

- ---------------------

   Babson Capital Management LLC(7) .....       1,513,894                 12%
   One Memorial Drive
   Cambridge, MA 02142-1300

- ----------

*    The address of each of the Company's  directors  and executive  officers is
     c/o the Company, 481 Edward H. Ross Drive, Elmwood Park, New Jersey 07407.

(1)  Except as otherwise  noted,  each holder named in the table has sole voting
     and  investment  power with  respect to all shares of Common Stock shown as
     beneficially owned.

(2)  Includes  1,429,779  shares owned  directly and 4,000 shares  issuable upon
     exercise of options.  Also includes  176,067  shares owned  directly by Dr.
     Grodman's  wife,  Pam  Grodman,  and  48,000  shares  owned by their  minor
     children.  Dr.  Grodman  disclaims  beneficial  ownership of these  224,067

(3)  Includes  477,001  shares owned  directly and 4,000  shares  issuable  upon
     exercise of options.  In lieu of an outright  sale, on March 30, 2004,  Mr.
     Dubinett entered into a pre-paid variable forward sales contract  ("Forward
     Contract")  with Bear  Stearns Bank plc ("Bear  Stearns").  Pursuant to the
     Forward  Contract,  Mr.  Dubinett  pledged  100,000 of his shares of Common
     Stock to secure  his  obligation  to  deliver a maximum  100,000  shares of
     Common Stock to Bear Stearns on March 30, 2006 (the "Settlement Date"). Mr.
     Dubinett  received a  prepayment  from Bear  Stearns  for his pledge of the
     100,000 shares.  On the Settlement  Date, Mr. Dubinett will be obligated to
     deliver a variable  number of shares to Bear Stearns  based on the price of
     the Common Stock on the Settlement  Date, up to a maximum  100,000  shares.
     Until the Settlement  Date, Mr. Dubinett is deemed the beneficial  owner of
     the pledged shares.

(4)  Includes 290,667 shares owned directly, 4,000 shares issuable upon exercise
     of  options  and 4,900  shares  owned by  children  who share Mr.  Singer's
     household. Mr. Singer disclaims beneficial ownership of these 4,900 shares.

(5)  Includes  15,200  shares owned  directly and 12,000  shares  issuable  upon
     exercise of options.

(6)  Includes  40,000  shares owned  directly and 12,000  shares  issuable  upon
     exercise of options.

(7)  Babson Capital LLC ("Babson") in its capacity as an investment  advisor may
     be deemed the beneficial owner of these 1,513,894 shares which are owned by
     investment  advisory clients. In its Schedule 13G Amendment No. 1 dated May
     10, 2005 filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  Babson stated
     that to the best of its knowledge,  these 1,513,894 shares were acquired in
     the ordinary  course of business;  were not acquired for the purpose of and
     do not have the  effect of  changing  or  influencing  the  control  of the
     Company;  and were not acquired in connection  with or as a participant  in
     any transaction having such purpose or effect.


     The  Company's  executive  officers  and  directors  and  members  of their
immediate  families  owning and having the right to vote an aggregate  2,482,614
shares  (20%) of the  Company's  outstanding  Common  Stock  have  stated  their
intention  to vote their  shares  FOR the  nominees  proposed  for  election  as
directors (Proposal One).

                        ACTION TO BE TAKEN AT THE MEETING

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
                                 (PROPOSAL ONE)

     The number of  directors on the  Company's  Board of Directors is currently
fixed at seven. The Company's  Certificate of Incorporation divides the Board of
Directors into three classes.  The members of each class of directors  serve for
staggered three-year terms. The Board is comprised of two Class I directors (Dr.
Grodman and Mr. Dubinett), two Class II directors (Mr. Singer and Mr. Elias) and
three Class III directors (Mr. Benincasa, Mr. Lederman and Dr. Roglieri),  whose
terms  expire  upon  the  election  and  qualification  of their  successors  at
successive  Annual  Meetings to be held in 2005 (the Class II  directors),  2006
(the Class III  directors)  and 2007 (the  Class I  directors).  At each  Annual
Meeting of Stockholders, the directors comprising one of the classes are elected
for a full term of three years.

     Mr. Singer and Mr. Elias  (current  Class II directors)  are being proposed
for  re-election  at this Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders,  each to serve for a
three-year  term and until his  successor is elected and  qualifies.  The shares
represented  by proxies  will be voted in favor of the  election as directors of
Mr.  Singer and Mr.  Elias who are the  nominees of the Board of  Directors  for
election and authority to vote for their election as Class II directors shall be
deemed granted unless specifically withheld. Management has no reason to believe
that  either or both of such  nominees  for the office of  director  will not be
available  for election as a director.  However,  should  either or both of them
become  unwilling or unable to accept  nomination  for election,  it is intended
that the  individuals  named in the enclosed  proxy may vote for the election of
such other person or persons as the Board of Directors may recommend.

     The following table sets forth certain  information with respect to each of
the directors and executive officers of the Company.

            NAME                    AGE             POSITION
            ----                    ---             --------

Marc D. Grodman, M.D. ...........   53      Chairman of the Board, President,
                                              Chief Executive Officer and
Howard Dubinett .................   53      Executive Vice President, Chief
                                              Operating Officer and Director
Sam Singer ......................   61      Vice President, Chief Financial
                                              Officer, Chief Accounting Officer
                                              and Director
Joseph Benincasa (a)(c) .........   55      Director
Harry Elias (a)(c) ..............   75      Director
Gary Lederman, Esq. (b)(c) ......   71      Director
John Roglieri, M.D. (a)(d) ......   65      Director

- ----------
(a)   Member of the Audit Committee
(b)   Chairman of the Audit Committee
(c)   Member of the Compensation Committee
(d)   Chairman of the Compensation Committee


     The  following  is a  brief  account  of the  business  experience  of each
director including each nominee for director of the Company.


     Marc D. Grodman, M.D. founded the Company in December 1981 and has been its
Chairman of the Board,  President,  Chief Executive Officer and a Director since
its  formation.  Dr. Grodman is an Assistant  Professor of Clinical  Medicine at
Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons and Assistant Attending
Physician  at  Presbyterian  Hospital,  New York  City.  From 1980 to 1983,  Dr.
Grodman attended the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard  University and was
a Primary Care Clinical Fellow at Massachusetts  General Hospital.  From 1982 to
1984, he was a medical consultant to the Metal Trades Department of the AFL-CIO.
Dr. Grodman  received a B.A.  degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1973
and an M.D. degree from Columbia  University  College of Physicians and Surgeons
in 1977.  Except for his part time  duties as  Assistant  Professor  of Clinical
Medicine  and  Assistant   Attending   Physician  at  Columbia   University  and
Presbyterian  Hospital,  Dr.  Grodman  devotes  all of his  working  time to the
business of the Company.

     Howard Dubinett has been the Executive  Vice-President  and Chief Operating
Officer of the Company  since its formation in 1981. He became a Director of the
Company in April 1986. Mr. Dubinett  attended Rutgers  University.  Mr. Dubinett
devotes all of his working time to the business of the Company.

     Sam  Singer  has been the  Company's  Vice  President  and Chief  Financial
Officer since October 1987 and a Director since November 1989. He is responsible
for all of the Company's financial activities. Mr. Singer was the Controller for
Sycomm Systems Corporation, a data processing and management consulting company,
from 1981 to 1987, prior to joining the Company.  He received a B.A. degree from
Strayer University and an M.B.A. from Rutgers University. Mr. Singer devotes all
of his working time to the business of the Company.

     Joseph  Benincasa  became a  Director  of the  Company  in June  2005.  Mr.
Benincasa  currently  serves as the  Executive  Director of The Actors'  Fund of
America, a position he has held since 1989. The Actors' Fund, with more than $70
million  in  assets,  is  the  leading   national,   non-profit  human  services
organization   providing   comprehensive   social  and  health  care   services,
employment,  training and housing support to the entertainment profession. It is
headquartered in New York City with regional offices in Chicago and Los Angeles.
Mr.  Benincasa  sits on the Board of  Directors  of The  Greater  New York Blood
Program  where he previously  served as Director of Public  Education and Public
Relations.  He is also a director of St. Peter's  University  Medical Center and
also sits on the boards of  directors  of  Broadway  Cares/Equity  Fights  AIDS;
National  Theatre Workshop of the  Handicapped;  Career  Transition for Dancers;
Times  Square  Alliance;  New York  Society of  Association  Executives  and the
Somerset Patriots, a minor league baseball team. Mr. Benincasa holds a B.A. from
St. Joseph's University and an M. Ed. from Rutgers University.  He also attended
the Fordham University Graduate School of Business.

     Harry  Elias  became a Director of the  Company in March  2004.  Mr.  Elias
commenced  his  employment  in sales and  marketing  with JVC Company of America
("JVC") in 1967,  subsequently being appointed as JVC's Senior Vice President of
Sales  and  Marketing  in 1983 and as  Executive  Vice  President  of Sales  and
Marketing  in 1990.  In 1995,  Mr.  Elias  was  named as JVC's  Chief  Operating
Officer,  a position he occupied until April 2003 when he resigned his positions
upon his appointment as JVC's "Honorable  Chairman." JVC, a distributor of audio
and video products headquartered in Wayne, New Jersey is the wholly owned United
States  subsidiary of Victor Company of Japan, a manufacturer of audio and video
products  headquartered  in Japan. In January 2005, after retiring from JVC, Mr.
Elias  was  appointed  Chairman  of the  Board  of and  commenced  to serve as a
consultant to AKAI USA, the sole  distributor in the United States of electronic
products produced by AKAI, a Chinese manufacturer.

     Gary  Lederman,  Esq.  became a Director  of the  Company  in May 1997.  He
received his B.A. degree from Brooklyn  College in 1954 and his J.D. degree from
NYU Law  School  in 1957.  He was  manager  of  Locals  370,  491 and 662 of the
U.F.C.W.  International  Union from 1961 to 1985.  He is retired from the unions
and has  been a  lecturer  at  Queensboro  Community  College  in the  field  of
insurance.  He  currently  serves on an  institutional  review  board for RTL, a
pharmaceutical drug testing laboratory.

     John Roglieri,  M.D. became a Director of the Company in September 1995. He
is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine at Columbia  University's College
of Physicians and Surgeons and an Assistant  Attending Physician at Presbyterian
Hospital,  New York  City.  Dr.  Roglieri  received  a B.S.  degree in  Chemical
Engineering  and a B.A.  degree in Applied  Sciences  from Lehigh  University in
1960, an M.D.  degree from Harvard Medical School in 1966, and a Master's degree
from Columbia University School of Business in 1978. From 1969 until


1971, he was a Senior  Assistant  Surgeon in the U.S.  Public Health  Service in
Washington.  From 1971  until  1973 he was a  Clinical  and  Research  Fellow at
Massachusetts  General  Hospital.  From 1973 until 1975,  he was Director of the
Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars program at Columbia University. In 1975 he
was appointed  Vice-President,  Ambulatory Services at Presbyterian  Hospital, a
position  which he held until 1980.  Since  1980,  he has  maintained  a private
practice of internal medicine at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center. From 1988
until 1992, he was also Director of the Employee  Health Service at Presbyterian
Hospital.  From 1992  through  1999,  Dr.  Roglieri  was the  Corporate  Medical
Director of NYLCare,  a managed care  subsidiary of New York Life. Dr.  Roglieri
was chief medical officer of Physician  WebLink,  a national  physician practice
management company,  from 1999 to 2000. Since 2001, he has been Medical Director
for New York Life  Insurance  Company in  Manhattan.  He is a member of advisory
boards to several  pharmaceutical  companies, a member of the Editorial Advisory
Board of the journals  Managed Care and Seminars in Medical  Practice,  and is a
subject of biographical record in Who's Who in America.

     There  are no  family  relationships  between  or among  any  directors  or
executive officers of Bio-Reference  Laboratories.  The Company's Certificate of
Incorporation  provides for a staggered Board of Directors pursuant to which the
Board is divided  into three  classes of  directors  and the members of only one
class are elected each year to serve a three-year term.


                          THE BOARD AND ITS COMMITTEES


     The Board of Directors  held six meetings  during  fiscal 2004.  All of the
Company's  current  Directors  attended  at least 75 percent of the fiscal  2004
meetings of the Board of Directors and of the committee meetings which they were
eligible  to  attend.  The  Board  of  Directors  has  determined  that the four
non-employee  Directors each meet the definition of "independent" as required by
the applicable listing standards of the Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. ("Nasdaq Stock


     The Board of Directors has established three standing committees:  an Audit
Committee, a Compensation Committee and a Nominating Committee.


     The Audit  Committee is comprised of the four  non-employee  members of the
Board of Directors, Gary Lederman (Chairman),  Joseph Benincasa, Harry Elias and
John  Roglieri.   The  Board  of  Directors   deems  each  such   individual  as
"independent"  as  defined by the rules of the Nasdaq  Stock  Market.  The Audit
Committee met four times during fiscal year 2004.  The Audit  Committee  confers
with the  Company's  auditors  and reviews,  evaluates  and advises the Board of
Directors  concerning  the adequacy of the  Company's  accounting  systems,  its
financial reporting practices,  the maintenance of its books and records and its
internal  controls.  In addition,  the Audit Committee  reviews the scope of the
audit of the Company's financial  statements and the results thereof.  The Board
of  Directors  has  determined  that Gary  Lederman is qualified to serve as the
Company's  "audit  committee  financial  expert"  as  defined in Item 401 (h) of
Regulation S-K promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC").

     The Compensation Committee is comprised of the four non-employee members of
the Board of Directors, John Roglieri (Chairman),  Joseph Benincasa, Harry Elias
and Gary Lederman. The Compensation Committee met twice during fiscal year 2004.
The Compensation Committee reviews salaries, cash bonuses and compensation plans
for  the  Company's   executive   officers  and  eligible  employees  and  makes
recommendations  concerning same to the Board of Directors.


     The Company does not have an Executive  Committee.  Officers are elected by
and hold office at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

     The Nominating  Committee is comprised of the four non-employee  members of
the Board of Directors,  Joseph  Benincasa,  Harry Elias, Gary Lederman and John
Roglieri all of whom may be deemed  "independent"  as defined under the rules of
the Nasdaq Stock Market.  Pursuant to its charter,  the  Nominating  Committee's
role is to  establish  criteria  for the  selection  of  directors;  to identify
individuals qualified to be directors;  to evaluate director candidates proposed
by stockholders;  to recommend individuals to fill vacancies on the Board and to
recommend  nominees  for  director  at  each  annual  stockholder  meeting.  The
Nominating  Committee  was  established  on August 9,  2004 and its  charter  is
available on the Company's website at WWW.BIOREFERENCE.COM.

     The  Nominating  Committee  identifies  potential  director  candidates  by
referral  from  management,  members of the Board of Directors and their various
business  contacts.  The Nominating  Committee  will also consider  nominees for
director  proposed by a  stockholder  as provided as follows.  Information  with
respect to the proposed nominee must be provided by the stockholder addressed to
the Company's  secretary at the Company's principal offices in Elmwood Park, New
Jersey not less than 60 days nor more than 90 days prior to the anniversary date
of the prior year's annual meeting.  The information  should include the name of
the  nominee  and such  information  with  respect  to the  nominee  as would be
required  under the  rules  and  regulations  of the SEC to be  included  in the
Company's Proxy Statement if the proposed  nominee were to be included  therein.
In addition,  the stockholder's  notice should also include the number of shares
of Common Stock the  stockholder  owns, a description  of all  arrangements  and
understandings   between  the   stockholder   and  the   proposed   nominee,   a
representation  that the stockholder  intends to appear in person or by proxy at
the meeting to nominate the person named in its notice, a  representation  as to
whether  the  stockholder  intends  to deliver a proxy  statement  to or solicit
proxies from  stockholders  of the Company and  information  with respect to the
stockholder as would be required  under the rules and  regulations of the SEC to
be included in the Company's Proxy Statement.

     The Nominating  Committee will evaluate  candidates based upon factors such
as independence,  knowledge, judgment, integrity,  character, leadership skills,
education, experience, financial literacy, standing in the community and ability
to complement the Board's  existing  strengths.  There are no differences in the
manner in which the  Committee  will  evaluate  nominees for  director  based on
whether or not the nominee is recommended by a stockholder.


     The  Company has  adopted a Code of Ethics  that  applies to its  executive
officers and to key financial and accounting personnel. The Company will, upon a
stockholder's written request to Investor Relations,  c/o the Company, furnish a
paper copy of the Code of Ethics.


     Based  solely  on a  review  of  Forms 3 and 4 and any  amendments  thereto
furnished to the Company pursuant to Rule 16a-3(e) under the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934,  or  representations  that no Forms 5 were  required,  the  Company
believes  that  with  respect  to  fiscal  2004,  its  officers,  directors  and
beneficial owners of more than 10% of its equity securities timely complied with
all  applicable  Section 16(a) filing  requirements,  except with respect to the
open market purchase of 1,000 shares on July 13, 2004 by Harry Elias.


     The following table sets forth information concerning the compensation paid
or accrued by the  Company  during the year ended  October 31, 2004 to its Chief
Executive Officer and its other executive officers who were serving as executive
officers of the Company on October 31, 2004.  All of the  Company's  group life,
health,   hospitalization  or  medical  reimbursement  plans,  if  any,  do  not
discriminate in scope,  terms or operation in favor of the executive officers or
directors of the Company and are generally available to all salaried employees.


                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                         ANNUAL COMPENSATION                        COMPENSATION
                                   ------------------------------   -------------------------------------------
                         YEAR                              ANNUAL   RESTRICTED                        ALL OTHER
NAME AND                 ENDED                             COMPEN-     STOCK     OPTIONS     LTIP      COMPEN-
- --------------------  -----------  ------        -----     -------  ----------   -------    -------  -----------
Marc D. Grodman M.D.      2004    $554,625     $125,000       $-0-     $-0-          -0-     $-0-      $-0-
President and Chief       2003    $499,750     $154,750       $-0-     $-0-          -0-     $-0-      $-0-
Executive Officer         2002    $470,000     $125,000       $-0-     $-0-       4,000      $-0-      $-0-

Howard Dubinett           2004    $272,000     $ 60,000       $-0-     $-0-          -0-     $-0-      $-0-
Executive Vice            2003    $240,700     $ 21,800       $-0-     $-0-          -0-     $-0-      $-0-
President and Chief       2002    $191,700     $ 60,000       $-0-     $-0-       4,000      $-0-      $-0-
Operating Officer

Sam Singer
Vice President and        2004    $259,004     $  60,000      $-0-     $-0-          -0-     $-0-      $-0-
Chief Financial and       2003    $240,000     $   9,600      $-0-     $-0-          -0-     $-0-      $-0-
Accounting Officer        2002    $180,300     $  60,000      $-0-     $-0-       4,000      $-0-      $-0-

- ----------
(a)  See  "Split-Dollar  Life Insurance" herein concerning the Company's payment
     of life  insurance  premiums  pursuant  to  "split-dollar"  life  insurance
     programs for its three executive officers.


     Dr. Grodman serves as President and Chief Executive  Officer  pursuant to a
seven-year  employment  agreement which expires on October 31, 2011. Dr. Grodman
has the right to elect to cancel the employment  agreement  effective at the end
of any calendar month commencing October 31, 2008 on not less than 90 days prior
written  notice,  subject  to  a  six  month  non-competition  restriction.  The
employment agreement is automatically  renewable for additional two year periods
subject  to the right of either  party to elect not to renew at least six months
prior thereto. The employment agreement provides Dr. Grodman with minimum annual
base  compensation  of $750,000  subject to annual  percentage  increases to the
extent  of  annual  percentage  increases  in  the  Consumer  Price  Index.  The
Compensation  Committee  can  but is not  required  to  increase  Dr.  Grodman's
compensation  at the end of any fiscal  year  based  upon his and the  Company's
performance.  The  employment  agreement also provides Dr. Grodman with business
use of an  automobile  leased by the  Company  and  participation  in any fringe
benefit and bonus  plans  available  to the  Company's  employees  to the extent
determined by the  Compensation  Committee.  The employment  agreement  contains
provisions  governing in the event of Dr. Grodman's  partial or total disability
and provides for termination for cause or in the event of Dr.  Grodman's  death.
Dr. Grodman has the right to terminate the employment  agreement in the event of
a material  change in his duties and  responsibilities,  the  relocation  of the
Company's  principal  executive  offices  from  Elmwood  Park,  New  Jersey to a
location  more than fifty miles distant or a material  breach of the  employment
agreement by the Company  (including a reduction in Dr. Grodman's benefits under
the agreement).  In the event of a Change in Control of the Company, Dr. Grodman
can elect to terminate the agreement.  In that event,  he will be entitled to be
paid a lump sum Severance  Payment equal to 2.99 times the average of his annual
compensation  paid by the  Company for the five  calendar  years  preceding  the
earlier of the  calendar  year in which the Change of  Control  occurred  or the
calendar year of the Date of Termination.  See "Split-Dollar  Life Insurance" as
to the Endorsement Split-Dollar Life Insurance Agreement between the Company and
Dr. Grodman.

     Mr. Dubinett serves as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
pursuant to an  employment  agreement  which was extended in fiscal 2004 for two
additional  years beyond its October 31, 2004 termination  date. Mr.  Dubinett's
minimum annual  compensation under the extended agreement is equal to his annual
compensation  in fiscal 2002 and is subject to  increases  based on increases in
the  Consumer  Price Index as well as to  increases  (including  bonuses) at the
discretion of the  Compensation  Committee.  The agreement  provides (i) typical
health insurance coverage;  (ii) the leasing of an automobile for his use; (iii)
participation in fringe benefit,


bonus,  pension,  profit sharing, and similar plans maintained for the Company's
employees;  (iv) disability benefits; (v) certain termination benefits; and (vi)
in the  event of  termination  due to a Change  in  Control  of the  Company,  a
Severance Payment equal to 2.99 times Mr. Dubinett's average annual compensation
during  the  preceding  five  years.  The  Company  has the option to extend the
extension  period of the  employment  agreement on the same terms and conditions
through  October  31,  2007.  See  "Split  Dollar  Life  Insurance"  as  to  the
Endorsement  Split Dollar Life Insurance  Agreement  between the Company and Mr.

     Mr. Singer serves as Vice President and Chief Financial Officer pursuant to
an  employment  agreement  which was extended in fiscal 2004 for two  additional
years beyond its October 31, 2004 termination  date. Mr. Singer's minimum annual
compensation under the extended agreement is equal to his annual compensation in
fiscal 2002 and is subject to increases based on increases in the Consumer Price
Index as well as to  increases  (including  bonuses)  at the  discretion  of the
Compensation  Committee.  The agreement  provides (i) typical  health  insurance
coverage;  (ii) the leasing of an automobile for his use; (iii) participation in
fringe benefit, bonus, pension, profit sharing, and similar plans maintained for
the Company's  employees;  (iv)  disability  benefits;  (v) certain  termination
benefits; and (vi) in the event of termination due to a Change in Control of the
Company,  a Severance  Payment equal to 2.99 times Mr.  Singer's  average annual
compensation  during the  preceding  five  years.  The Company has the option to
extend the employment agreement on the same terms and conditions through October
31, 2007. See "Split-Dollar  Life Insurance" as to the Endorsement  Split-Dollar
Life Insurance Agreement between the Company and Mr. Singer.


     Pursuant to the terms of their 1997 employment agreements,  the Company had
established split-dollar life insurance programs for each of its three Executive
Officers.  As a result of the passage of the Sarbanes  Oxley Act of 2002 (signed
into law on July 30, 2002), these three programs were modified.  Pursuant to the
modification,  each of the three Executive  Officers  assigned  ownership of his
policies  to the  Company  and new  policies  were  issued to replace  the prior
policies  with  annual  premiums  under  the new  policies  ($70,000  under  Dr.
Grodman's  policy  and  $25,000  each  under  Messrs.  Dubinett's  and  Singer's
policies)  being equal to the  premiums  paid under the replaced  policies.  The
Company  has  now  executed  new   "Endorsement   Split-Dollar   Life  Insurance
Agreements"  with  each of its three  Executive  Officers.  Pursuant  to the new
agreements,  the Company has agreed to continue to pay the annual premium on the
policy on each officer's  life during the period of his full-time  employment by
the  Company.  The  Company  is the sole owner of the policy and of its net cash
surrender  value,  and in the event of the  officer's  death while  serving as a
full-time employee of the Company,  the Company will be entitled to receive that
amount of the death  proceeds equal to its interest in the policy (the aggregate
amount of  premiums  paid by the  Company  with  respect to the policy  less the
amount of any loans,  if any,  from the Insurer to the Company  against the cash
value or policy proceeds,  and less the aggregate amount of any premiums paid by
the officer to the Company in reimbursement of premiums paid by the Company) and
the  balance  of the death  proceeds  will be paid to the  officer's  designated
beneficiaries.  The premiums paid by the Company on the current policies and the
prior policies aggregated  approximately $1,044,000 at October 31, 2004. At that
date,  the net cash  surrender  value of the three current  policies  aggregated
approximately $1,044,000.



     In July 1989, the Company's  Board of Directors  adopted the 1989 Employees
Stock  Option  Plan (the "1989  Plan")  which was  approved by  shareholders  in
November 1989. The 1989 Plan provided for the grant of options to purchase up to
666,667 shares of Bio-Reference  Common Stock. Under the terms of the 1989 Plan,
options  granted  thereunder  could be  designated  as options which qualify for
incentive  stock option  treatment  ("ISOs")  under  Section 422 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986 ("the Code"), or options which do not so qualify ("NQOs").


     Under the 1989 Plan, the exercise  price of an option  designated as an ISO
could not be less than the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date the
option was granted.  However,  in the event an option  designated  as an ISO was
granted to a 10%  shareholder  (as defined in the 1989 Plan) such exercise price
was required to be at least 110% of such fair market value.  Exercise  prices of
NQOs could be less than such fair market value.  The aggregate fair market value
of shares  subject to options  granted to a participant  which are designated as
ISOs  which  first  become  exercisable  in any  calendar  year could not exceed
$100,000. All options under the 1989 Plan were required to be granted before the
Plan's  July 1999  Termination  Date so that no further  options  can be granted
under the 1989 Plan.

     At October 31, 2003, there were outstanding ISOs issued under the 1989 Plan
held by five employees and  exercisable to purchase an aggregate  257,668 shares
at an exercise  price of $.71875 per share.  During  fiscal 2004,  two employees
exercised ISOs under the 1989 Plan and purchased an aggregate 205,000 shares. As
a result,  at October 31, 2004,  there were outstanding ISOs under the 1989 Plan
exercisable  to  purchase an  aggregate  52,668  shares at an exercise  price of
$.71875 per share.


     On August  25,  2000,  the Board of  Directors  adopted  the 2000  Employee
Incentive  Stock  Option Plan (the "2000 Plan")  reserving an aggregate  800,000
shares of  Bio-Reference  Common Stock for issuance  upon exercise of ISOs which
may be granted  under the 2000 Plan.  Stockholders  ratified the adoption of the
2000 Plan at the December 14, 2000 Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders.  At October
31, 2003,  there were outstanding ISOs issued under the 2000 Plan exercisable to
purchase an aggregate  705,000 shares at exercise  prices ranging from $1.688 to
$9.66 per share.  During  fiscal 2004,  ISOs were granted under the 2000 Plan to
ten  employees  exercisable  to purchase an aggregate  50,000 shares at exercise
prices ranging from $13.70 to $15.34 per share, and 46 employees  exercised ISOs
issued under the 2000 Plan and purchased an aggregate 215,088 shares at exercise
prices ranging from $1.125 to $8.40 per share. As a result, at October 31, 2004,
there were  outstanding  ISOs under the 2000 Plan  exercisable  to  purchase  an
aggregate  539,912  shares at exercise  prices ranging from $1.688 to $15.34 per

     The 2000  Plan  authorizes  the  grant of  options  which  qualify  for ISO
treatment  under Section 422 of the Code, to purchase up to a maximum  aggregate
800,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock.  Options may only be granted under
the 2000  Plan to  employees  of the  Company  and its  subsidiaries  (including
officers and directors who are also employees).

     The 2000 Plan will be  administered by the Board of Directors or by a Stock
Option  Committee  designated by the Board of Directors.  The Board or the Stock
Option  Committee,  as the case may be,  has the  discretion  to  determine  the
eligible  employees to whom,  and the price (not less than the fair market value
on the date of grant) at which options will be granted; the periods during which
each option is exercisable; and the number of shares subject to each option. The
Board or the Stock Option Committee has the authority to interpret the 2000 Plan
and to establish and amend rules and regulations relating thereto.

     The 2000  Plan  provides  that the  exercise  price  of an  option  granted
thereunder  shall not be less than the fair market  value of the Common Stock on
the date the option is granted. However, in the event an option is granted under
the 2000 Plan to a holder  of 10% or more of the  Company's  outstanding  Common
Stock, the exercise price must be at least 110% of such fair market value. Under
the 2000 Plan,  options must be granted  before the August 24, 2010  Termination
Date. No option may have a term longer than ten years  (limited to five years in
the case of an option  granted to a 10% or greater  stockholder of the Company).
The aggregate  fair market value of the  Company's  Common Stock with respect to
which  options are  exercisable  for the first time by a grantee  under the 2000
Plan during any calendar year cannot exceed $100,000.  Options granted under the
2000 Plan are non-transferable and must be exercised by an optionee,  if at all,
while  employed by the Company or a  subsidiary  or within  three  months  after
termination of such optionee's employment due to retirement,  or within one year
of such termination if due to disability or death. The Board or the Stock Option
Committee, as the case may be, may, in its sole discretion, cause the Company to
lend money to or  guaranty  any  obligation  of an  employee  for the purpose of
enabling  such  employee  to  exercise  an  option  granted  under the 2000 Plan
provided that such loan or  obligation  cannot exceed fifty percent (50%) of the
exercise price of such option.



     On June 3, 2003, the Board of Directors adopted the 2003 Employee Incentive
Stock Option Plan (the "2003 Plan")  reserving  an aggregate  800,000  shares of
Bio-Reference  Common  Stock for  issuance  upon  exercise  of ISOs which may be
granted under the 2003 Plan. Stockholders ratified the adoption of the 2003 Plan
at the July 31, 2003 Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders.  At October 31, 2003,  no
ISOs had been granted  pursuant to the 2003 Plan.  During fiscal 2004, ISOs were
granted under the 2003 Plan to 40 employees exercisable to purchase an aggregate
104,000  shares at exercise  prices  ranging from $12.22 to $21.46 per share and
one employee  exercised her ISOs and purchased  2,000  shares.  As a result,  at
October 31, 2004, there were outstanding ISOs under the 2003 Plan exercisable to
purchase an aggregate  102,000 shares at exercise  prices ranging from $12.22 to
$21.46 per share.

     The 2003  Plan  authorizes  the  grant of  options  which  qualify  for ISO
treatment  under  Section 422 of the Code to purchase up to a minimum  aggregate
800,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock.  Options may only be granted under
the 2003 Plan to employees of the Company and its subsidiaries  (including those
officers and directors who are also employees).

     The 2003 Plan will be  administered by the Board of Directors or by a Stock
Option  Committee  designated by the Board of Directors.  The Board or the Stock
Option  Committee,  as the case may be,  has the  discretion  to  determine  the
eligible  employees to whom, and the prices (not less than the fair market value
on the date of grant) at which options will be granted; the periods during which
each option is exercisable; and the number of shares subject to each option. The
Board or the Stock Option Committee has the authority to interpret the 2003 Plan
and to establish and amend rules and regulations relating thereto.

     The 2003  Plan  provides  that the  exercise  price  of an  option  granted
thereunder  shall not be less than the fair market  value of the Common Stock on
the date the option is granted. However, in the event an option is granted under
the 2003 Plan to a holder  of 10% or more of the  Company's  outstanding  Common
Stock, the exercise price must be at least 110% of such fair market value. Under
the 2003 Plan, options must be granted before the June 2, 2013 Termination Date.
No option may have a term  longer  than ten years  (limited to five years in the
case of an option granted to a 10% or greater  stockholder of the Company).  The
aggregate fair market value of the Company's  Common Stock with respect to which
options  are  exercisable  for the  first  time by a  grantee  under  all of the
Company's  Stock Option Plans during any calendar year cannot  exceed  $100,000.
Options granted under the 2003 Plan are  non-transferable  and must be exercised
by an optionee,  if at all,  while  employed by the Company or a  subsidiary  or
within three months  after  termination  of such  optionee's  employment  due to
retirement,  or within  one year of such  termination  if due to  disability  or
death. The Board or the Stock Option Committee,  as the case may be, may, in its
sole  discretion,  cause the Company to lend money to or guaranty any obligation
of an employee for the purpose of enabling  such  employee to exercise an option
granted under the 2003 Plan provided that such loan or obligation  cannot exceed
fifty percent (50%) of the exercise price of such option.


     At October 31, 2003,  there were  outstanding  NQOs and  Warrants  owned by
employees,  directors,  consultants including members of the Scientific Advisory
Board and a software  provider  exercisable  to  purchase an  aggregate  533,750
shares of  Bio-Reference  Common Stock at exercise  prices ranging from $1.00 to
$7.94 per share.  During fiscal 2004, NQOs exercisable to purchase 15,000 shares
at an  exercise  price of  $13.70  per  share  were  granted  to a member of the
Scientific  Advisory  Board;  NQOs  exercisable  to purchase  12,000 shares were
canceled and NQOs  exercisable  to purchase  210,750 shares were exercised by 17
individuals.  As a result,  at October 31, 2004, there were outstanding NQOs and
Warrants owned by employees,  directors,  consultants  including  members of the
Scientific  Advisory  Board and a software  provider  exercisable to purchase an
aggregate  326,000  shares at exercise  prices  ranging from $1.19 to $13.70 per

     See Note 11 of Notes to the Consolidated  Financial Statements contained in
the 2004 Annual Report accompanying this Proxy Statement.


                        OPTION GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR

     No options to purchase shares of Bio-Reference Common Stock were granted to
any of the three Named Executive Officers in fiscal 2004.

                         FISCAL YEAR-END OPTION VALUES

                                                                            SHARES OF
                                   SHARES OF                              COMMON STOCK       VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                 COMMON STOCK                         UNDERLYING UNEXERCISED      IN-THE-MONEY
                             UPON OPTION EXERCISE                        OPTIONS AT 2004        OPTIONS AT 2004
NAME                            IN FISCAL 2004       VALUE REALIZED     FISCAL YEAR-END (b)    FISCAL YEAR-END (c)
- -------                      ---------------------   --------------     ------------------     ------------------
Marc D. Grodman ...........                --                    --           4,000                   $ 29,080
Howard Dubinett ...........           200,000            $2,578,250 (a)      13,334                    178,025
                                           --                    --           4,000                     29,080
Sam Singer ................                --                    --           4,000                     29,080

- ----------
(a)  Based upon the difference  between the last sale price for the Common Stock
     on NASDAQ on March 22, 2004 (the date of exercise) and the exercise price.
(b)  All of these options are currently exercisable.
(c)  Based upon the difference between the last sales price for the Common Stock
     on NASDAQ on Friday, October 29, 2004 and the exercise price.


     Directors who are not Company employees were each paid a $6,250 per quarter
director's  fee  during the first half of fiscal  year 2004 which  increased  to
$10,000 per quarter for the second half of fiscal 2004.


     On April  20,  1993,  in order to  facilitate  the  Company's  1993  public
offering,  Dr. Grodman  canceled his pro-rata  option and all other  outstanding
options and warrants to purchase shares of Common Stock held by Dr. Grodman, his
wife and an affiliated  entity (the "Grodman Group")  exercisable to purchase an
aggregate 604,078 shares of Common Stock at prices ranging from $1.4438 to $1.50
or an average  price of $1.47 per  share.  The  pro-rata  option  permitted  the
Grodman  Group to purchase a  proportionate  number of shares of Common Stock or
securities convertible into shares of Common Stock sold or issued by the Company
so as to continue to maintain an approximately 19.6% beneficial ownership in the
Common Stock on a fully diluted basis. In  consideration  for the  cancellation,
the Company issued 604,078 shares of a new class of senior preferred stock, $.10
par value per share ("Senior  Preferred Stock") to the Grodman Group. Each share
of Senior  Preferred  Stock had the same  voting  rights  (one vote per  share),
dividend rights and  liquidation  rights as each share of Common Stock and for a
period of ten years after  issuance,  was  convertible  into one share of Common
Stock upon payment of a conversion  price of $1.50 per share. The 604,078 shares
of Senior  Preferred  Stock were issued to the Grodman Group on August 23, 1993.
On May 13, 1997 pursuant to a  recapitalization,  the Senior Preferred Stock was
retired in exchange for a new class of Series A Senior Preferred Stock issued to
the Grodman Group.  The new Series A Senior Preferred Stock was convertible into
an  aggregate  604,078  shares  of Common  Stock on or  before  May 1, 2007 at a
conversion  price of $.75 per share and had the same voting rights (one vote per
share), dividend rights and liquidation rights as each share of Common Stock. On
July 23, 2004, Dr. and Mrs. Grodman paid the $453,059 aggregate conversion price
and  converted  their  604,078  shares of Series A Senior  Preferred  Stock into
604,078 shares of Common Stock.



     The  members of the  Company's  Compensation  Committee  are John  Roglieri
(Chairman),  Joseph  Benincasa,  Harry  Elias  and Gary  Lederman.  None of such
individuals has ever been an officer or an employee of the Company.


     Through fiscal 2001, the Board of Directors,  including the Company's three
executive officers,  were responsible for reviewing the compensation paid to the
Company's  executive  officers,  provided that none of the  Company's  executive
officers  could vote with  respect to his own  compensation  package.  In fiscal
2002,  the Company  established  a  Compensation  Committee  consisting of three
non-employee  directors,  Morton L. Topfer  (Chairman),  Gary  Lederman and John
Roglieri.  Mr. Topfer resigned as a director and as a member of the Compensation
Committee in February 2004. In March 2004, Dr.  Roglieri  became the Chairman of
the  Compensation  Committee  and Mr.  Elias  was  elected  as a  member  of the
Committee. Mr. Benincasa was elected as a member of the Committee in June 2005.

     In May 1997, the Company executed an employment  agreement with Dr. Grodman
which  expired on October 31,  2004.  Effective  November  1, 2004,  the Company
executed a new seven year employment  agreement with Dr.  Grodman,  the terms of
which are described above. See "Information  Regarding Executive  Compensation -
Employment Agreements with Executive Officers."

     In May 1997, the Company also executed  employment  agreements with Messrs.
Dubinett and Singer (each expiring on October 31, 2002). During fiscal 2002, the
Compensation  Committee  authorized  extensions  of both  Messrs.  Dubinett  and
Singer's  contracts for two additional years, with the Company having the option
to extend each agreement for two consecutive  one-year  periods in addition.  In
consideration   for  Messrs.   Dubinett  and  Singer   executing  the  extension
agreements,  the Company agreed that the base compensation during each extension
year would not be less than the total cash  compensation paid to such individual
in fiscal 2002.  The Company's  option to extend Mr.  Dubinett and Mr.  Singer's
employment  agreements  has been further  extended for a third  one-year  period
through fiscal 2007.


     In determining  the bonuses to be awarded to the Company's  three executive
officers  with  respect to fiscal 2004,  the  Compensation  Committee  took into
account  the   backgrounds,   employment   histories,   achievements  and  prior
compensation  of Dr. Grodman,  Mr.  Dubinett and Mr. Singer,  the benefits to be
obtained by the Company from their  employment  in light of the current state of
the medical testing  laboratory  industry,  the Company's current status and its
anticipated future development.  The Compensation  Committee determined that the
base salaries and bonuses paid with respect to fiscal 2004, and the terms of the
extension  agreements  with Messrs.  Dubinett  and Singer,  were  reasonable  in
relationship to the services  performed,  the  responsibilities  assumed and the
results obtained,  and were in the best interests of the Company.  In connection
with Dr.  Grodman's  compensation,  the  Compensation  Committee  considered the
Company's  substantial  increase in net revenues and operating  income in fiscal
2004 compared with the  corresponding  period in fiscal 2003.  Furthermore,  the
compensation  paid to Messrs.  Grodman,  Dubinett  and  Singer  for fiscal  2004
comports  with the  Compensation  Committee's  perception  of base  compensation
levels of  principal  executives  employed by other  companies,  both public and

     During  the  summer  of  calendar  year 2004  with the  knowledge  that Dr.
Grodman's seven year employment agreement was due to expire in October 2004, the
Compensation  Committee commenced negotiations with Dr. Grodman for the terms of
a new employment  agreement.  In the course of its  negotiations,  the Committee
took  into  account  among  other  factors  as  a  barometer  of  Dr.  Grodman's
performance as the Company's chief executive officer,  the substantial  increase
since 1997 in the Company's net revenues,  operating income and the market price
of the Common Stock.  Another factor taken into account by the Committee was the
compensation  being paid to the chief executive officers of a peer group of nine
other publicly owned clinical testing  laboratories.  The terms of Dr. Grodman's
"split-dollar"  insurance  arrangement  with the  Company  and the fact that the
proposed new


employment  agreement  did  not  provide  Dr.  Grodman  with  additional  equity
compensation was also taken into account.  After  discussion,  each of the three
members of the Compensation  Committee at the time (Dr. Roglieri,  Mr. Elias and
Mr. Lederman) concluded that the terms of the proposed new employment  agreement
were fair to and in the best interests of the Company and its  stockholders  and
that the proposed compensation thereunder was not excessive.

                                             COMPENSATION COMMITTEE

                                             John Roglieri, Chairman
                                             Harry Elias, Member
                                             Gary Lederman, Member

                             AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT

     The Audit Committee oversees the Company's  financial  reporting process on
behalf of the Board of  Directors.  It is the  responsibility  of the  Company's
independent  auditors to perform an independent  audit of and express an opinion
on the Company's financial statements.  The Audit Committee's  responsibility is
one of review and oversight. In fulfilling its oversight responsibilities:

     (1)  The  Audit  Committee  of the  Board of  Directors  has  reviewed  and
          discussed  with  the  Company's   management  the  audited   financial

     (2)  The Audit  Committee has discussed with Moore Stephens,  P.C.  ("Moore
          Stephens"),  the Company's independent auditors,  the matters required
          to  be  discussed  by   Statement  on  Auditing   Standards   No.  61,
          "Codification  of  Statements on Auditing  Standards,  AU ss. 380," as
          modified or supplemented.

     (3)  The Audit Committee has also received the written  disclosures and the
          letter  from Moore  Stephens  required by the  Independence  Standards
          Board  Standard No. 1  (Independence  Standards  Board Standard No. 1,
          Independence  Discussions  with  Audit  Committees),  as  modified  or
          supplemented,   and  has  discussed  with  Moore  Stephens,  P.C.  the
          independence of that firm as the Company's auditors.

     (4)  Based on the Audit  Committee's  review and  discussions  referred  to
          above, the Audit Committee  recommended to the Board of Directors that
          the  Company's  audited  financial   statements  be  included  in  the
          Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  October 31,
          2004, for filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

     Each of the Audit Committee members is independent, as defined in the Rules
of the Nasdaq Stock Market.

     The members of the Audit  Committee are not  professionally  engaged in the
practice  of  auditing  or  accounting  and are not  experts  in the  fields  of
accounting,  auditing, or auditor independence.  However, the Board of Directors
has determined that Gary Lederman is qualified to serve as the "audit  committee
financial  expert" of the  Company as defined in Item 401(h) of  Regulation  S-K
promulgated  by the SEC.  Members  of the  Committee  rely  without  independent
verification on the information provided to them and on the representations made
by management and the independent auditors.

                                                AUDIT COMMITTEE

                                                Gary Lederman, Chairman
                                                Harry Elias, Member
                                                John Roglieri, Member


                             STOCK PRICE PERFORMANCE

     Set forth  below is a line  graph  comparing  the yearly  cumulative  total
return on the Company's Common Stock for the five fiscal years ended October 31,
2004 based on the market price of the Common Stock,  with the  cumulative  total
return of  companies  in the S&P 500  Composite  and with a peer  group of eight
publicly owned medical laboratories.

                              S&P 500 COMPOSITE AND
                          MEDICAL LABORATORY PEER GROUP

         [The following table represents a chart in the printed piece.]

                               REFERENCE       S&P 500      PEER
                               LABS            INDEX        GROUP
                               ---------       -------      -----
               Oct. 99          100            100          100
               Oct. 00          206.45         106.09       334.46
               Oct. 01          516.13          79.67       357.67
               Oct. 02          745.39          67.64       278.37
               Oct. 03         1712.52          81.7        328.19
               Oct. 04         1452.39          89.4        409.35

     The Medical Laboratory peer group consists of the following companies: Enzo
Biochem Inc, Impath Inc, LabOne,  Inc,  Laboratory CP of Amer Holdgs,  MDS Inc.,
Pharmchem, Inc., Quest Diagnostics Inc; and Specialty Laboratories Inc.


     The firm of Moore Stephens, certified public accountants, has been selected
by the  Board  of  Directors  to  audit  the  accounts  of the  Company  and its
subsidiaries for the fiscal year ending October 31, 2005. Moore Stephens and its
predecessor   firm  have   served  as  the   Company's   auditors   since  1988.
Representatives of such firm are not expected to be present at the July 21, 2005
Annual Meeting of Stockholders.


     Moore  Stephens  billed the  Company  $125,595  for  professional  services
rendered  in  connection  with  the  audit  of the  Company's  annual  financial
statements  for the fiscal  year ended  October  31,  2004 and the review of the
financial  statements  included in its  quarterly  reports on Form 10-Q for such
fiscal year  compared to $124,485 in billings  for such  services for the fiscal
year ended October 31, 2003. In addition, Moore Stephens billed the


Company  $7,600 in fiscal  2004 for its audit of the  Company's  401(k) Plan for
calendar  year 2003 as  compared  to  $9,360  of such  fees in fiscal  2003 with
respect to calendar year 2002.


     Moore  Stephens did not render any services  related to the  performance of
the audit or review of the  Company's  financial  statements  for fiscal 2004 or
2003 other than the services reported under "Audit Fees" above.


     Moore Stephens  billed the Company  approximately  $39,000 for tax services
for fiscal 2004 and approximately  $29,000 for tax services for fiscal 2003. The
fees were billed for tax return preparation.


     The Audit Committee  pre-approved  each material  non-audit  engagement for
services performed by the Company's independent auditor in fiscal 2004. Prior to
pre-approving  any such non-audit  engagement or service,  it is the Committee's
practice to first gather  information  regarding  the  requested  engagement  or
service in order to enable the Committee to assess the impact of the  engagement
or service on the auditor's independence.

     The Audit  Committee  has  considered  whether the  provision of tax return
preparation and other professional  services to the Company by Moore Stephens is
compatible with such firm  maintaining its  independence  and has concluded that
such  firm  is  independent  with  respect  to the  Company  in its  role as the
Company's principal accountant and auditor.


     Under current rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission, stockholders
wishing to submit proposals for inclusion in the Proxy Statement of the Board of
Directors for the 2005 Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  (expected to be held in
June or July  2006),  must  submit  such  proposals  so as to be received by the
Company at 481 Edward H. Ross Drive, Elmwood Park, New Jersey 07407 on or before
May 21, 2006.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     Management  does not know of any  other  matters  which  are  likely  to be
brought  before  the  Meeting.  However,  in the event  that any  other  matters
properly come before the Meeting,  the persons named in the enclosed  proxy will
vote said proxy in accordance with their judgment in said matters.

     According to SEC rules,  the information  presented in this Proxy Statement
under the  captions  "Compensation  Committee  Report on  Compensation,"  "Audit
Committee  Report"  and  "Stock  Price  Performance"  will not be  deemed  to be
"soliciting  material" or deemed filed with the SEC under the  Securities Act of
1933 or the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  and  nothing  contained  in any
previous  filings made by the Company  under such Acts shall be  interpreted  as
incorporating  by  reference  the  information  presented  under said  specified

                                     By Order of the Board of Directors

                                               Marc D. Grodman

Elmwood Park, New Jersey
June 4, 2004



                        BIO-REFERENCE LABORATORIES, INC.

                                 JULY 21, 2005

                           Please date, sign and mail
                             your proxy card in the
                           envelope provided as soon
                                  as possible.

   o Please detach along perforated line and mail in the envelope provided. o

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          "FOR" PROPOSAL 2.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.   To elect two Class II  directors,  each to serve for a term of three  years
     and until his  successor  is elected and  qualified  (Proposal  One).

|_|    FOR ALL NOMINEES               / /  Sam Singer
                                      / /  Harry Elias

       (See instructions below)

INSTRUCTION:  To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee(s),  mark
"FOR  ALL  EXCEPT"  and  fill in the  circle  next to each  nominee  you wish to
withhold, as shown here: o
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                       FOR    AGAINST    ABSTAIN
2.   In their discretion, on all other matters as
     shall properly come before the meeting            |_|      |_|        |_|

The  Board  of  Directors  recommends  a vote FOR all of the  foregoing.  UNLESS
SPECIFICALLY WITHHELD.  Stockholders who are present at the meeting may withdraw
their Proxy and vote in person if they so desire.

returned in the enclosed  envelope and mailed in the United  States.  Receipt of
the Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders,  the accompanying  Proxy Statement
of the Board of Directors  and the  Company's  Annual  Report for the year ended
October 31, 2004 is acknowledged.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To change the address on your  account,  please check the box at right
and indicate your new address in the address space above.  Please note    |_|
that  changes  to the  registered  name(s) on the  account  may not be
submitted via this method.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Signature of Stockholder _____________________________________ Date: ___________

Signature of Stockholder _____________________________________ Date: ___________

NOTE: Please  sign  exactly  as your name or names  appear on this  Proxy.  When
      shares  are held  jointly,  each  holder  should  sign.  When  signing  as
      executor,  administrator,  attorney, trustee or guardian, please give full
      title as such. If the signer is a corporation,  please sign full corporate
      name by duly authorized officer, giving full title as such. If signer is a
      partnership, please sign in partnership name by authorized person.

                        BIO-REFERENCE LABORATORIES, INC.

                 ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS - JULY 21, 2005


     The  undersigned,  a Stockholder of BIO-REFERENCE  LABORATORIES,  INC. (the
"Company")  hereby appoints Marc D. Grodman and Sam Singer or either of them, as
proxy or proxies of the undersigned,  with full power of substitution,  to vote,
in the name,  place and stead of the  undersigned,  with all of the powers which
the  undersigned  would  possess  if  personally   present,  on  behalf  of  the
undersigned,  all the shares  which the  undersigned  is entitled to vote at the
Annual Meeting of the  Stockholders of  BIO-REFERENCE  LABORATORIES,  INC. to be
held at 9:00  A.M.  (local  time) on  Thursday,  July 21,  2005 at the  Sheraton
Crossroads Hotel,  Crossroads  Corporate  Center,  Route 17 North,  Mahwah,  New
Jersey  07495-0001  and at any and all  adjournments  thereof.  The  undersigned
directs that this proxy be voted as follows: