Letterhead of Pryor Cashman and Flynn, LLP

                                                       ERIC M. HELLIGE

                                                       DIRECT TEL: 212-326-0846
                                                       DIRECT FAX: 212-798-6380

                                 August 23, 2005


Securities and Exchange Commission
Judiciary Plaza
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20549

Attention:     Filing Desk
               Steven Jacobs, Accounting Branch Chief

                  Re:      INCENTRA SOLUTIONS, INC.
                           FORM 10-KSB FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2004
                           FORM 10-QSB FOR THE QUARTER ENDED MARCH 31, 2005
                           FILE NO. 0-32913

Ladies and Gentlemen:

         On behalf of Incentra  Solutions,  Inc., a corporation  organized under
the laws of the State of Nevada  (the  "Company"),  and in  connection  with the
Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-KSB for the fiscal year ended  December 31,
2004 (the "Annual Report") and the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-QSB for
the quarter  ended March 31, 2005 (the  "Quarterly  Report"),  we hereby file by
EDGAR  transmission  this letter  containing  our  responses to the Staff letter
dated  August 9, 2005  furnishing  the comments of the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission (the "Commission") on the Annual Report and the Quarterly Report.

         The numbered  responses below correspond to the numbered  paragraphs of
such comment letter. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined in this letter have
the meanings  ascribed to them in the Annual Report or Quarterly  Report, as the
case may be.


     1.   As  disclosed  in  Note  2  to  the  interim  consolidated   financial
          statements  included in the Quarterly  Report,  the  convertible  note
          issued in February 2005 in connection with the STAR  acquisition  (the
          "STAR Note") is  convertible  at the greater of $0.40 per share or 70%
          of the average closing price of the Company's common stock for the ten
          consecutive  trading days ending on and  including the last day of the
          calendar quarter immediately preceding each scheduled payment date.

Securities and Exchange Commission
August 23, 2005
Page 2

          The STAR Note was issued on February 18, 2005, which was determined to
          be the  commitment  date.  The  average  closing  market  price of the
          Company's common stock for the ten consecutive  trading days preceding
          the  commitment   date  (as  calculated  on  February  18,  2005)  was
          approximately  $0.27 per share.  Because the  conversion  price of the
          STAR Note on the commitment  date was determined to be $0.40 per share
          (the  greater  of  $0.40  or 70%  of the  average  closing  price,  as
          defined), the Company determined that the STAR Note conversion feature
          was not in-the-money at the commitment date. As a result, a beneficial
          conversion feature did not exist pursuant to EITF 98-5.

     2.   The  Company  considered  paragraphs  39 and  A14 of SFAS  No.  141 in
          connection with the STAR and PWI business  combinations as they relate
          to the recognition of intangible assets apart from goodwill. To assist
          the Company in evaluating the STAR and PWI purchase price allocations,
          the Company  engaged an independent  valuation  advisor to provide its
          valuation  analyses of certain  acquired assets of STAR and PWI. Based
          on these valuation  analyses (which have not yet been finalized),  the
          Company  preliminarily  allocated the cost of STAR and PWI pursuant to
          SFAS No. 141,  of which  approximately  $530,000 of the STAR  purchase
          price  and  approximately  $280,000  of the  PWI  purchase  price were
          allocated  to  identifiable  intangible  assets as of March 31,  2005.
          Based on the preliminary  allocation,  no intangible  assets have been
          identified that are included in goodwill that do not meet the criteria
          for recognition apart from goodwill.

     3.   As  disclosed  in  Note  8  to  the  interim  consolidated   financial
          statements  included in the Quarterly Report,  the Company  determined
          that a beneficial  conversion feature existed in connection with a May
          2005 amendment to the Laurus Note. Although not specifically set forth
          in the  subsequent  events  disclosure,  the Company did calculate and
          record the amount of the beneficial  conversion feature in the quarter
          ended  June 30,  2005,  pursuant  to EITF  Nos.'  98-5 and  00-27.  In
          addition,  as  disclosed  in  Note  7(A) to the  interim  consolidated
          financial  statements  included in the Company's  Quarterly  Report on
          Form 10-QSB for the quarter ended June 30, 2005,  the Company  entered
          into a  second  amendment  to the  Laurus  Note  in June  2005,  which
          resulted in an additional  beneficial  conversion  feature.  The total
          amount  of these  beneficial  conversion  features  was  approximately
          $110,000,  which was  recognized  as expense  during the quarter ended
          June 30, 2005.  The Company has  clarified  the  disclosure  regarding
          these  beneficial  conversion  features  in Note  7(A) to its  interim
          consolidated  financial statements included in the Company's Quarterly
          Report on Form 10-QSB for the quarter  ended June 30,  2005,  as filed
          with the Commission on August 15, 2005.

         The Company  acknowledges  that (i) it is responsible  for the adequacy
and accuracy of the disclosure in its filings; (ii) Staff comments or changes to
disclosure in response to Staff  comments do not foreclose the  Commission  from
taking any action with respect to the

Securities and Exchange Commission
August 25, 2005
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Company's filings;  and (iii) the Company may not assert any Staff comments as a
defense in any  proceeding  initiated by the  Commission or any person under the
federal securities laws of the United States.

         The Company  believes  it has fully  responded  to the  comments of the
Commission. If the Commission has any questions or further comments with respect
to the Annual Report or the Quarterly Report, the Company respectfully  requests
that such comments be directed to the  undersigned as soon as  practicable.  The
undersigned  would welcome the opportunity to discuss such questions or comments
(or discuss  further any of the  Company's  responses) in advance of any written
response of the Commission.

                                     Very truly yours,

                                     /s/ ERIC M. HELLIGE
                                     Eric M. Hellige

cc:   Mr. Paul McKnight, Chief Financial Officer
      GHP Horwath, P.C.