Exhibit 10.4

                        NETWORK SYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

                                 by and between

       NETWORK  SYSTEM  TECHNOLOGIES,  INC.,  located  at  2050-80  Finley  Road
       ("Consultant"), located at                                  .

              This  Agreement  sets forth the terms and  conditions  under which
              Consultant  shall provide services (the "Services") to NST as more
              fully  described in the  Consultant  Task List attached  hereto as
              Schedule  One and  executed  by  both  parties.  Employees  of the
              Consultant  assigned to perform the Services are identified on the
              attached Consultant Task List.


       1.1    The  Consultant  is an  independent  contractor  and  shall not be
              considered  an  employee  of  NST  for  any  purpose,   nor  shall
              Consultant  be eligible  for any  benefits  provided by NST to its
              employees.  Neither this  Agreement nor any  Consultant  Task List
              shall  create  in any  way  any  other  relationship  between  the
              parties, including those of joint venturers, partners, associates,
              or principal and agent.

       1.2    Consultant  agrees to pay all taxes of  whatever  nature for which
              Consultant is legally liable as a result of the Services performed
              or the fees paid hereunder,  including,  without  limitation,  all
              employment taxes and Workers' Compensation Insurance.

       1.3    NST reserves the right to inspect and  generally to supervise  the
              work to ensure its conformity with the description of the Services
              contracted for herein.


       2.1    NST shall pay the Monthly Rate as defined in the  Consultant  Task
              List on the 15th day of each  month  beginning  May 1,  2006,  and
              continuing through April 15, 2008.

       2.2    NST shall  reimburse  Consultant  for  reasonable  travel or other
              expenses  incurred  by  Consultant  in the  course  of  performing
              Services for NST provided that, in providing  Services,  travel by
              Consultant  or any  individuals  rendering  Services  on behalf of
              Consultant  hereunder shall not require an overnight stay for more
              than forty  percent  (40%) per month.  Appropriate  receipts and a
              detailed  written  description must support all expenses for which
              reimbursement is sought.


       3.1    Consultant  acknowledges  that during the term of this  Agreement,
              certain   information   considered  by  NST  to  be   Confidential
              Information or Trade Secrets as defined below  (collectively  "NST
              Proprietary  Information")  may be disclosed by NST to Consultant.
              For   purposes   of  this   Consulting   Agreement,   Confidential
              Information  shall mean the proprietary and  confidential  data or
              information of NST, other than Trade Secrets, which is of tangible
              or  intangible  value  and is  not  public  information  or is not
              generally  known or  available to NST's  competitors  but is known
              only to NST and those of its employees,  independent  contractors,
              consultants  or  agents  to whom it


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                             SUBCONTRACTOR AGREEMENT
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              must be  confided  in order  to  apply  it to the  uses  intended,
              including, without limitation,  information regarding customers or
              prospective customers,  existing or proposed agreements with third
              parties, marketing or forecasting methods, business plans, pricing
              and network  configurations.  Trade Secrets shall have the meaning
              ascribed to that term by applicable law and shall include, without
              limitation,  confidential  computer  programs,  software  designs,
              processes,  procedures,  formulas,  improvements,  online terminal
              designs, and software applications,  whether copyrightable or not.
              If it is  judicially or otherwise  determined  that any such items
              listed  above are not trade  secrets,  such items  shall be deemed
              Confidential Information pursuant to this SECTION 3.1.

       3.2    Consultant  agrees:  (a) to hold NST  Proprietary  Information  in
              strictest  confidence,  disclosing  it only to those  employees of
              Consultant  who  have a need to  know;  (b) not to make use of NST
              Proprietary   Information  other  than  to  perform   Consultant's
              obligations  hereunder;  (c)  not  to  reproduce  NST  Proprietary
              Information  in any media;  and (d) not to  disclose,  cause to be
              disclosed, or otherwise release NST Proprietary Information to any
              other party; provided that Consultant shall be permitted to engage
              in any of the  foregoing  to the extent they may be  necessary  to
              perform Consultant's  obligations hereunder.  Consultant agrees to
              protect  the NST  Proprietary  Information  with at least the same
              degree of care used to protect  its own  Proprietary  Information,
              but in no event with less than reasonable care.

       3.3    The obligations of Consultant contained in SECTION 3.1 and SECTION
              3.2 shall extend to any confidential or proprietary information of
              third  parties  in NST  possession  to which  Consultant  may have
              access during  performance of this Agreement,  including,  but not
              limited  to,  that of  Incentra  Solutions,  Inc.  and each of its
              subsidiaries and information of NST customers.  Consultant and its
              employees  shall  adhere  to  all  security  regulations,   rules,
              policies and procedures identified by NST orally or in writing, as
              applicable to performance of the Services.

       3.4    The Consultant's restrictions under this SECTION 3 shall not apply
              to  information  that (a) is or becomes  publicly known through no
              act or omission of  Consultant;  (b) becomes  rightfully  known to
              Consultant without  confidential  restrictions from a source other
              than NST (c) is approved by NST for disclosure without restriction
              in a written document that is signed by a duly authorized  officer
              of NST; (d) Consultant can show by written  records was rightfully
              in  Consultant's  possession  prior  to  disclosure  by NST or was
              developed  independently  by Consultant  without  reference to NST
              Proprietary Information.

       3.5    Consultant  shall,  at NST's sole  option,  either (a) certify the
              destruction  of  all  NST  Proprietary   Information  received  by
              Consultant within ten (10) days from receipt of written request by
              NST or (b) return all NST Proprietary Information by hand, courier
              service, or registered mail to the NST Contact.

       3.6    Consultant  shall  make no  public  statement,  including  without
              limitation   any   news   release,    public   announcement,    or
              advertisement,   related  to  the  performance  by  Consultant  of
              Services  hereunder  without the prior written approval of the NST


       4.1    Consultant  agrees that (a) the  Services  will,  in all  material
              respects,  conform  to the  requirements  established  by the  NST
              Contact in the Consultant  Task List, and (b) the

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              Services will be performed in a professional manner.  Consultant's
              agrees  to  make  all  necessary  corrections,   alterations,   or
              additions to satisfy its obligations hereunder.

       4.2    Consultant  agrees  that  Consultant  shall  make no  unauthorized
              disclosure or unauthorized  use of proprietary  information of any
              third party in Consultant's performance of the Services under this

       4.3    Consultant shall defend and hold NST harmless from any and all tax
              or withholding  obligations arising out of Consultant's failure to
              pay taxes or withholdings as required under this Agreement.

       4.4    Consultant  shall  defend  and hold NST,  its  agents,  employees,
              directors  and  officers,  harmless  from  any  and  all  damages,
              liabilities,  costs and expenses,  including reasonable attorneys'
              fees and  expenses  resulting  from death or bodily  injury to any
              person  or  damage  to,  or loss or  destruction  of any  tangible
              property,  to the extent  caused by the acts or  omissions  of the
              Consultant or  Consultant's  employees.  NST shall defend and hold
              Consultant,   its  agents,  employees,   directors  and  officers,
              harmless  from  any  and  all  damages,  liabilities,   costs  and
              expenses,   including  reasonable  attorneys'  fees  and  expenses
              resulting  from death or bodily injury to any person or damage to,
              or loss or  destruction  of any tangible  property,  to the extent
              caused by the acts or omissions  of NST or its agents,  employees,
              directors or officers.


       5.1    Consultant is responsible for:

              5.1.1. Any damages  associated with the  infringement or violation
                     of NST's  intellectual  property  rights by  Consultant  or
                     Consultant's personnel;

              5.1.2. all loss or damage to personal  property of  Consultant  or
                     Consultant's employees, to the extent caused by the acts or
                     omissions of the Consultant or Consultant's employees.

       5.2    NST is responsible for:

              5.2.1. any damages  associated  with NST's failure to perform this

              5.2.2. all  loss or  damage  to  personal  property  of NST or its
                     agents,  employees,  directors and officers,  to the extent
                     caused  by the  acts  or  omissions  of NST or its  agents,
                     employees, directors and officers.


       6.1    This agreement  shall be effective as of the date of execution and
              shall  remain in effect  for a period of two (2) years or until it
              is terminated  in writing by either party in  accordance  with its
              terms. In any event, the confidentiality  obligations contained in
              Section 3 shall survive termination of this Agreement for a period
              of one year following the termination of this Agreement.

       6.2    Each  Consultant  Task List shall set forth the time period during
              which all Services  shall be performed and delivered by Consultant
              ("Term"). NST may terminate this Agreement and any Consultant Task
              List immediately for "Cause",  effective  immediately upon written
              notice to the  Consultant.  Only the  following  shall  constitute
              "Cause" for such termination:

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              (i)    dishonest  or   fraudulent   statements   or  acts  of  the
              Consultant  or  its  representatives  with  respect  to NST or any
              affiliate of NST;

              (ii)   the  conviction  of,  or entry of a plea of  guilty or nolo
              contendere by Consultant or any of its representatives  for, (A) a
              felony or (B) any misdemeanor (excluding minor traffic violations)
              involving moral turpitude, deceit, dishonesty or fraud;

              (iii)  gross negligence,  willful misconduct or insubordination of
              the Consultant or its  representatives  with respect to NST or any
              affiliate of NST; or

              (iv)   material   breach   by  the   Consultant   of  any  of  the
              Consultant's obligations under this Agreement.

       6.3    This  Agreement  may be terminated  unilaterally  by Consultant by
              written  notice to NST at least  thirty  (30)  days  prior to such

       6.4    Subject to the payment of Termination Benefits pursuant to Section
              6.5,  this  Agreement  may be terminated by NST without Cause upon
              written notice to Consultant (a termination "Without Cause").

       6.5    Unless  otherwise  specifically  provided  in  this  Agreement  or
              otherwise  required by law, all amounts  payable to the Consultant
              under this Agreement shall terminate on the date of termination of
              this Agreement, if and only if such termination is consistent with
              termination  for Cause  under  Section  6.2 above,  or  unilateral
              termination   by  the   Consultant   under   Section   6.3  above.
              Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of termination of this
              Agreement  by NST other than for Cause  pursuant  to  Section  6.2
              above,   NST  shall  provide  to  the   Consultant  the  following
              termination benefits ("Termination Benefits"):

                            (i)    payment to the Consultant at the rate then in
                     effect pursuant to the Consultant Task List then in effect,
                     for the period from the date of termination  until the term
                     of this Agreement  would  otherwise  expire as indicated in
                     Section 2 hereof; and

                            (ii)   payment  to  Consultant  of any and all other
                     payments called for under the terms of this Agreement,  and
                     (i)  and  (ii)  hereof  being  computed  as  if  Consultant
                     continued  to  provide  services  to NST under the terms of
                     this Agreement through its original term, including but not
                     limited to,  payment of the Bonus  Payments as indicated in
                     the Consultant Task List.

       6.6    Consultant's  engagement hereunder is predicated on providing said
              consulting services at NST's Lombard,  Illinois offices except for
              occasional travel s prescribed  herein.  Additionally,  NST agrees
              that if NST moves its Lombard  Illinois  offices,  that Consultant
              will  not be  required  to  perform  services  hereunder,  and may
              unilaterally  cancel  this  Agreement  unless the new  location of
              NST's  offices  is less  than ten  (10)  miles  from  the  Lombard
              Illinois location. In the event of such a unilateral  cancellation
              of this Agreement by Consultant due to the change in location, all
              other payments due Consultant  shall continue to be paid as and if
              Consultant were continuing to perform services hereunder.

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       6.7    If the  Consultant  is unable to provide the services of Joseph J.
              Graziano  ("Graziano")  due to the  fact  that  Graziano  shall be
              disabled so as to be unable to perform the  Services as  indicated
              on the Consultant Task List with reasonable accommodation, NST may
              remove or reassign  Graziano to another  position  with NST during
              the period of such disability. Notwithstanding any such removal or
              reassignment,  in  the  event  of  reassignment  Consultant  shall
              continue to receive all payments and benefits  contemplated  under
              this  Agreement the same as if  Consultant  fully  performed  this
              Agreement  by   performing   the  Services  as  indicated  on  the
              Consultant  Task  List,  or in the  case of  removal  of  Graziano
              pursuant to this Section 6.7, NST shall continue to pay Consultant
              under this  Agreement  the same as if  Consultant  was  terminated
              Without Cause, in which case Consultant  would continue to receive
              all Termination Benefits payable under this Agreement.

       6.8    Upon termination,  NST shall be relieved of all of its obligations
              and   responsibilities   under  this  Agreement   except  for  the
              obligation to pay Consultant any payments as set forth in Sections
              6.5, 6.6 and 6.7. Upon termination,  Consultant shall remit to NST
              all work in  progress  upon NST's  request and  agreement  to make
              payment  therefor.  Consultant  shall be  liable  for all  damages
              suffered  by  NST as a  result  of  Consultant's  breach  of  this
              Agreement,  and  likewise,  NST  shall be liable  for all  damages
              suffered by  Consultant or Graziano as a result of NST's breach of
              this Agreement.


       7.1    Consultant  and NST agree that all materials  produced  under this
              Agreement  are   "works-for-hire,"  and  all  rights,  title,  and
              interest in and to such materials,  including, without limitation,
              all copyrights, are owned solely by NST. Consultant agrees that if
              materials  produced  under  this  Agreement  are  deemed not to be
              "works-for-hire," Consultant hereby irrevocably assigns to NST all
              of its  rights,  title  and  interest  in and to  such  materials,
              including  without  limitation,  all  copyrights.  In  any  event,
              Consultant shall execute, acknowledge, and deliver all instruments
              and  assurances  reasonably  necessary  or  expedient  in order to
              perfect the aforesaid rights in NST, but at no cost to Consultant.

       7.2    Consultant  and NST  acknowledge  that in the  performance of this
              Agreement   certain  designs,   concepts,   methods,   techniques,
              processes,   adaptations,   inventions  and  ideas   (collectively
              "Inventions") may be conceived or developed by Consultant  related
              to the subject  matter of the  Consultant  Task List.  All rights,
              title and  interest in and to the  Inventions  shall remain as NST


       8.1    Both parties agree to comply with all applicable  Federal,  State,
              and Local  laws,  regulations,  building  codes,  ordinances,  and
              standards  (such as those issued by utility  companies  and public


       9.1    Consultant  agrees to maintain  during the term of this Agreement,
              and at Consultant's expense:

              9.1.1  Automobile   liability  for  owned,   non-owned  and  hired
                     vehicles in an amount of not less than $1,000,000;

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              9.1.2  Commercial  General  Liability  insurance  covering  bodily
                     injury (including death),  property damage, personal injury
                     arising  out of the acts or  omissions  of  Consultant  and
                     Consultant's employees.  The per occurrence limit shall not
                     be  less  than  $1,000,000.  (Deductible  coverage  will be
                     acceptable  only upon  review  and  acceptance  by the Risk
                     Management  Department  of Managed  Storage  International,

              9.1.3  Policies   described   shall  be  endorsed  to  the  extent
                     possible, to provide waiver of subrogation against NST, its
                     employees, officers, and directors;

              9.1.4  Certificates  of  insurance,  acceptable  to NST,  shall be
                     filed with NST prior to  commencement  of work or  service.
                     Certificates  shall provide that coverage's  afforded under
                     the  policies  shall be not  canceled or  modified  without
                     thirty (30) days written notice being given to NST.

10.    GENERAL

       10.1   Consultant  agrees that during the  Consultant's  association with
              NST and for two (2) years after termination of status as an active
              Consultant,  Consultant  will  not  compete  with  NST on any  new
              projects with a customer to which the  Consultant  has been either
              (a)  introduced  by NST or (b) as to  which  Consultant  has  been
              subcontracted  to perform  duties as defined in a Consultant  Task
              list.  Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  this does not prohibit the
              Consultant from working on projects for the customer that have not
              been actively  pursued by NST, or from working directly with a NST
              competitor,  but it does prohibit the Consultant  from pursuing an
              independent  competitive  working  relationship  in  relation to a
              proposed  NST project  with  customers  or  prospects to which the
              Consultant has been introduced in the course of Consultant's  work
              under this Agreement;  provided,  however,  the foregoing shall be
              null and void if: (i) NST is in material breach of this Agreement;
              (ii) NST files a petition  seeking  relief  under the  liquidation
              provisions,   and  only  under  the  liquidation  provisions,   of
              applicable  federal  or  state  bankruptcy  law,  or is  otherwise
              adjudicated  bankrupt  under such  liquidation  provisions  of the
              bankruptcy  law, or consents to the appointment of a liquidator of
              NST (For  avoidance  of doubt,  NST's  filing for relief under any
              reorganization   provisions   of   applicable   federal  or  state
              bankruptcy  law shall not render  Section 7 null and  void.);  or,
              (iii) Incentra Solutions,  Inc.  ("Incentra")  breaches any of its
              agreements  with  Joseph J.  Graziano  ("Graziano")  such as would
              precipitate  the   cancellation   of  Graziano's   non-competition
              agreement  contained  in that  certain  Stock  Purchase  Agreement
              entered  into by and  between  Graziano  and  Incentra on or about
              April 13, 2006,  and subsequent to and as a result of such breach,
              Graziano  ceases to, directly or indirectly,  provide  services to
              Employer,   Incentra  or  any  of   Incentra's   subsidiaries   or

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       10.2   This   Agreement,   together  with  each   Consultant   Task  List
              referencing  this Agreement,  constitute the entire  understanding
              between NST and  Consultant  with  respect to  Services  performed
              hereunder, supersede all prior oral and written communications and
              proposals,  and may be amended or modified only in writing  signed
              by both parties.

       10.3   If any term or  provision of this  Agreement  shall be found to be
              illegal or unenforceable,  then notwithstanding such finding, this
              Agreement shall remain in full force and effect,  and such illegal
              or unenforceable term or provision shall be deemed stricken.

       10.4   Wherever in this Agreement  either party's consent or satisfaction
              is   required,   such  consent  or   satisfaction   shall  not  be
              unreasonably or arbitrarily withheld or delayed.

       10.5   Any notices  required or  permitted  to be given  pursuant to this
              Agreement  shall be in writing,  sent via certified  mail,  return
              receipt requested or delivered by hand,  addressed as set forth in
              the  Consultant  Task  List or to  such  other  address  as may be
              specified  from  time to time by notice  in  writing  to the other
              party, and shall be deemed to have been given when received.

       10.6   Neither  NST nor  Consultant  shall  assign  any of its  rights or
              delegate any of its  obligations  with  respect to any  Consultant
              Task List under this Agreement  without the prior written  consent
              of the other party. Any assignment  attempted in violation of this
              provision shall be null and void.

       10.7   Headings  included in this Agreement are for convenience  only and
              are not to be used to interpret the Agreement between parties.

       10.8   No term or  provision  hereof  shall be  deemed  waived  by either
              party,  and no breach excused by either party,  unless such waiver
              or  consent  shall be in  writing  signed by the other  party.  No
              consent  by either  party to, or waiver  of, a breach by the other
              party,  whether express or implied,  shall constitute  consent to,
              waiver of, or excuse for any other different or subsequent  breach
              by the other party.

       10.9   All  provisions  that,  by their nature would be expected to shall
              survive  termination of this  Agreement.  This  includes,  without
              limitation, provisions relating to confidentiality, warranties and
              indemnities,  rights  in  inventions,  and  legal  status  of  the

       10.10  If any litigation or arbitration shall be commenced to enforce, or
              relating to, any provision of this Agreement, the prevailing party
              shall be entitled  to an award of  reasonable  attorneys  fees and
              reimbursement  of such other costs as it incurs in  prosecuting or
              defending   such   litigation.   For  purposes  of  this  section,
              "prevailing party" shall include a party awarded injunctive relief
              or a party prevailing based upon final, unappealable order.

       10.11  This Agreement  shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance
              with the laws of Illinois  without  regard to the  conflict of law
              provisions thereof.

              Each party hereto warrants that it has full power and authority to
              enter into and perform this Agreement, and the person signing this
              Agreement  on such  party's  behalf has been duly  authorized  and
              empowered  to  enter  into  this   Agreement   and  has  read  and
              understands this agreement in full.

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      /s/ Thomas P. Sweeney III                   Joseph J. Graziano
  ----------------------------------      ----------------------------------

        Thomas P. Sweeney III                     Joseph J. Graziano
  ----------------------------------      ----------------------------------
          PLEASE PRINT NAME                        PLEASE PRINT NAME

  ----------------------------------      ----------------------------------
          PLEASE PRINT TITLE                      PLEASE PRINT TITLE

               4/13/06                                  4/13/06
          DATE OF SIGNATURE                        DATE OF SIGNATURE

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                                  SCHEDULE ONE
                              CONSULTANT TASK LIST

Consultant is Transitional Management Consultants, Inc.

Consultant will provide:

       Services of Joseph J. Graziano as President of Network System
Technologies, Inc.

Consultant will report directly to Thomas P. Sweeney III.

Beginning Date: April 13, 2006

End Date:   March 31, 2008

Monthly Rate:   $24,251.00

Bonus:  On or  before  May 15,  2007,  and  May 15,  2008,  and  subject  to the
conditions  set forth below,  NST will pay a Bonus Payment to  Consultant,  said
bonus payment to be computed as follows:

(1)    In the event Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and
Amortization, as defined below, ("EBITDA") of NST for the (i) twelve (12) months
ended March 31, 2007 is equal to or greater than Two Million Dollars
($2,000,000.00); or (ii) twelve (12) months ended March 31, 2008 is equal to or
greater than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00), and provided that in each of
(i) or (ii) above that the Consultant has not been terminated for Cause (as
herein defined) and this Agreement has not been terminated voluntarily by
Consultant, NST shall pay to Consultant a bonus payment in the amount of One
Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) plus twenty-five percent (25%) of
the EBITDA which exceeds the sum of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00), for any
or both years during which the foregoing EBITDA threshold is met; or,

(2)    In the event EBITDA of NST for the (i) twelve (12) months ended March 31,
2007 is greater than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00), but less than Two
Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00); or (ii) twelve (12) months ended March 31, 2008
is greater than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00), but less than Two Million
Dollars ($2,000,000.00), and provided that in each of (i) or (ii) above that the
Consultant has not been terminated for Cause and this Agreement has not been
terminated voluntarily by Consultant, NST shall pay to Consultant a bonus
payment in the amount equal to the EBITDA (for the time period in question) over
One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) divided by One Million Dollars
($1,000,000.00) times One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00), for any
or both years during which the foregoing EBITDA threshold is met. Each of the
timeframes in this bonus provision are separate, and the EBITDA computations are
made for each period in question, are not cumulative, and are independent as to
each discrete time period. If the foregoing EBITDA thresholds as indicated above
are not met, no bonus payments are due Consultant.

(3)    For purposes of this Agreement, EBITDA shall be defined as the net income
of the Company, as determined by generally accepted accounting principles, plus

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taxes, depreciation and amortization and subject to the other restrictions or
limitations on allocation of expenses as provided in this Agreement. The parties
agree that no headquarters or overhead expenses or costs of Purchaser or its
affiliates or subsidiaries or other charges of or from Purchaser will be
allocated or charged to Company for purposes of determining EBITDA under this
Agreement, except that direct costs of Purchaser, its affiliates or subsidiaries
related to the provision of revenue producing services for the Company shall be
allocated to the Company for purposes of determining EBITDA hereunder. The
parties agree that any outside or indirect costs or expenses not directly
associated with the sale of new products or services shall not be permitted to
be included as an expense in arriving at this EBITDA computation and that no new
"line items" reflecting costs or expenses shall be permitted to be included as
an expense in arriving at this EBITDA, unless previously approved by Graziano or
his designated staff at the Company. In the event of a merger, consolidation or
other combination of the Company with another entity, the EBITDA calculation,
for purposes of this Agreement, shall be made in a manner that as nearly as is
reasonably possible reflects the EBITDA of the Company as it would have been but
for such merger, consolidation or combination. Nothing in this Section 1.2(b)(4)
shall, however, be construed to prevent any such merger, consolidation or
combination or the introduction of new goods and/or services to the line of
goods and services provided by the Company. An accountant of Shareholder's
choosing shall be permitted to review and approve the computation of EBITDA
following each of the years in question, which approval will not be unreasonably

Addresses for Notice:

Consultant:                                    NST:

Transitional Management Consultants, Inc.      Thomas P. Sweeney III
Joseph J. Graziano                             Network System Technologies, Inc.
                                               c/o Incentra Solutions, Inc.
                                               1140 Pearl Street
                                               Boulder, CO 80302

Consultant                                     Company

By: /s/ Joseph J. Graziano                 By: /s/ Thomas P. Sweeney III
    ----------------------                      ------------------------
      Joseph J. Graziano                            Thomas P. Sweeney III