MAY 16, 2006

OPERATOR: Good morning ladies and gentlemen, my name is Denise and I will be
your conference facilitator today. At this time I would like to welcome everyone
to the Incentra Solutions First Quarter 2006 Results Conference Call. All lines
have been placed on mute to prevent any background noise and after the speakers'
remarks there'll be a question and answer period. If you would like to ask a
question during this time please press star then the number one on your
telephone keypad. If you would like to withdraw your question press the pound
key. Thank you.

     It is now my pleasure to turn the floor over to your host Mr. Rene Caron of
Allen & Caron. Sir, the floor is yours.

RENE  CARON:  Thank you Denise and I too would like to thank you for  joining us
for Incentra Solutions First Quarter 2006 Results Conference Call.

     Before we start  today's  call  there are a few items  that I would like to
cover with you. First, in addition to disseminating through PR Newswire the news
release  announcing the company's  financial results for the first quarter ended
March 31,  2006  after the close of the market  yesterday,  an email copy of the
release was also sent to a large number of conference call participants.  If any
of you did not receive a copy of the news  release  please  call our  California
office  at  949-474-4300  after  the  call and we will  email  you a copy of the
release.  Additionally a replay of the conference  call will be available on the
internet  via a link  provided on the  investor  section of  Incentra  Solutions
website at  www.incentrasolutions.com.  Finally I've also been asked to make the
following statements.

     Certain information  discussed on this call may constitute  forward-looking
statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of
1995 and the Federal  Securities  Laws.  Although the company  believes that the
expectations  reflected  in such  forward  looking  statements  are  based  upon
reasonable  assumptions  at the  time  made it can  give no  assurance  that its
expectations  will be  achieved.  Listeners  are  cautioned  not to place  undue
reliance on these forward  looking  statements.  Forward-looking  statements are
inherently  subject  to  unpredictable  and  unanticipated   risks,  trends  and
uncertainties  such  as the  company's  inability  to  accurately  forecast  its
operating results, the company's potential inability to achieve profitability or
generate  positive  cash flow,  the  availability  of financing  and other risks
associated with the company's business. For further information on factors which
could impact the company and the statements contained herein reference should be
made to the  company's  filings  with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission
including  annual reports on Form 10-KSB,  quarterly  reports on Form 10-QSB and
current  reports on Forms 8-K. The company  assumes no  obligation  to update or
supplement  forward-looking  statements that become untrue because of subsequent

     On the call today from Incentra Solutions we have Tom Sweeney, Chairman and
CEO, Shawn O'Grady,  President and COO, Paul McKnight,  Chief Financial Officer,
and Mike Knaisch  President of the company's  Front Porch Digital  broadcast and
media services  division.  Management will provide a review of the results after
which there will be a question and answer period. For those participating on the
call over the  internet and who wish to submit a question to

be  considered  for the question and answer  period you can do so by clicking on
the Ask a  Question  button  provided  on the left side of your  screen.  Please
submit your  questions as early in the call as possible.  If questions  sent via
email or over the internet have not been  previously  answered in response to an
earlier  question during this morning's call they will be asked of management as
time permits.

     I would now like to turn the call over to Tom. Good morning Tom.

TOM SWEENEY:  Good morning Rene, thank you and to those of you joining us on the
call, thank you.

     For  those of you who did not see the  first  quarter  press  release  I'll
provide a few brief highlights.  Revenues were up significantly compared to last
years first quarter.  Much of this is  attributable to our  acquisitions  but we
also saw significant growth in our broadcast  business.  More importantly we saw
significant  improvements  in the gross margin of the companies we have acquired
for both third party products and services. Likewise we saw increased volumes of
services  over the prior year  period  due to  increased  sales of  professional
services and recurring revenues for First Call and Managed Services.

     Costs as a percentage  of revenue  improved  significantly  over last years
first quarter.  We did experience  some onetime charges which Paul McKnight will
cover in his  review,  and we have  adopted the new method for  expensing  stock
options.  Overall we are pleased with the company's performance especially as it
relates to the realization and the synergies we expected from our acquisitions.

     Now I'd like to turn the call over to Paul McKnight to review the financial
performance of the company. Paul.

PAUL MCKNIGHT: Thank you Tom, good morning. I would now like to walk you through
the company's performance for the first quarter ending March 31st, 2006.

     Our revenues for the quarter were 12.9 million. This is an increase of 115%
over the previous  year and as Tom said this  increase is  primarily  due to the
impact of the two new  acquisitions and also an increase in broadcast sales. Our
gross  margin as a percent of  revenue  was 39.6% for the  quarter.  Now this is
slightly  lower  than last year due to the fact that we're now  including  third
party products in our sales mix.

     Our operating expenses were 6.7 million for the quarter and as a percent of
revenue it was 52%.  Now this is a decrease  significantly  from last year which
was 81% of revenue.  We are now beginning to see the synergies that we expected.
This trend is expected to continue as we add additional  revenues.  Now I'd like
to point out that in the operating  expenses for the quarter we did have onetime
charges  related  to the  Star  acquisition  and we also  saw  increases  in the
non-cash stock compensation expense due to our adoption of FFAS-123R.

     Our operating loss for the quarter improved  300,000.  It's now 1.6 million
versus 1.9 in the previous  year.  Our net loss was $3.6 million and I'd like to
point out that  included  in this net loss for the  quarter  is $2.7  million of
non-cash related charges among which are depreciation and amortization,  the non
stock - the  non-cash  stock  compensation  expense and  portions of our loss on
extinguishment of debt.

     I'm pleased to say that our adjusted EBITDA for the quarter was $7,000. Now
I'll turn it back over to Tom.

TOM  SWEENEY:  Thanks Paul.  I'd like Shawn  O'Grady to provide an update on the
Enterprise Groups progress in the first quarter. Shawn.

SHAWN O'GRADY: Yeah thanks Tom. As you already know from our financial statement
revenue from third party  product  sales grew by 275% and services  group by 21%
over the same period last year, this due primarily to the acquisitions.  What we
did  demonstrate in the latest quarter was that we have been able to produce the
synergies that we've hoped for from the acquisitions.  Our stated objectives for
these  businesses was to increase  their overall margin by number one,  shifting
their focus to higher end complex store Incentra Solutions.  Number two, growing
their professional  services; and number three introducing managed services into
the revenue  mix.  I'm pleased to report  that we have  produced  results in all
facets of this plan so let me just spend a few seconds on the details.

     Third  party  product  margin  grew from 14.1% to 19.3% as we  changed  our
product mix away from low end commodity like offerings and into complex systems,
particularly  in the  storage  and  data  protection  segments  and  this  is an
important  focus area for us because we are able to  leverage  the  considerable
operation and technical  experience we have as a company to deliver higher value
to our customers as well as distinguish ourselves from our competitors.  Both of
these get reflected in the higher margin.  Storage related solutions represented
over 40% of our total product  volume this quarter so we're making good progress
in this area.  Service  margins in the acquired  businesses grew from 24% to 29%
reflecting the delivery of higher value integration and consulting  services and
lower volumes of staff augmentation business.

     First Call and Enhanced First Call services  which were only  introduced in
the second  quarter of last year are beginning to contribute  materially to both
the revenue and the profit mix of these  businesses.  From the fourth quarter of
2005 to the  first  quarter  of 2006  these  offerings  grew by 31% and  that is
quarter-over-quarter growth and we do expect to see this rate of growth continue
as we go forward.

     We've continued our geographic expansion of the business,  both organically
as well as through acquisitions.  As you know the acquisitions that we made last
year established  operations in Seattle,  Portland,  the San Francisco Bay area,
Los Angeles,  Orange County and San Diego.  Organically  we've added Boise,  Las
Vegas and  Dallas  and all of these  operations  have  begun to  generate  sales

     And finally,  as I'm sure you read, we closed on the  acquisition of NST in
early April which brings us presence in Chicago and the Midwest region,  through
a very high  quality  company  which is focused in the  storage  and  networking
market.  NST  generated  approximately  $25 million in revenue last year and the
acquisition  is  accretive.   NST  brings  us  over  30  sales  and  engineering
professionals who are experienced in storage and high end network technology and
they do business with over 300 customers, all of whom are now candidates for our
managed service  offerings.  We do expect to move down the path with NST similar
to the previous  acquisitions in terms of creating  financial  synergy and we're
going to be particularly  focused on the  introduction of our  professional  and
managed services portfolio in addition to our First Call and Enhanced First Call
offerings  and we have launched the  integration  process in order to get all of
this started within NST.

     Finally we have also continued our international expansion and possibly the
most  significant  accomplishment  we  made  last  quarter  was  the  signing  a
multi-year  managed  services  contract  with  COLT  who is  one of the  largest
providers  of  business  communication  and  services  in Europe.  COLT owns and
operates 31 Metro Ethernet  networks across the continent and the UK with direct
connectivity  to over 10,000  buildings  in all of the major  cities.  They also
operate  13 data  centers  on the  network  and  support  over  50,000  business
customers. Here's a quick recap of what the deal means for us.

     Under the  agreement  we are the  exclusive  provider  of storage  and data
protection  services  for COLT and we'll be  providing  these  services to their
customers,  both those in their data centers as well as those on their networks.
Our contract calls for us to install our  infrastructure and enable our services
in each of their data centers.  As we do this we're guaranteed a minimum monthly
recurring  fee at margins  that are  consistent  with what we'd  expect from the
delivery of high value storage managed services. As COLT is successful in moving
more of their customer base onto our platform our revenues will increase. During
the first  quarter we  installed  our service  infrastructure  in Milan,  Paris,
Frankfurt  and Berlin and began to migrate  customers  onto the  platform.  As a
result we will begin to see revenue from this  contractor  in the first,  during
the second quarter.

     We're also adding  sales and  engineering  personnel  throughout  Europe in
order to support the opportunity presented by the new COLT relationship. We have
also worked extensively with COLT to develop the marketing plan in order to grow
mutual  business.  So far to date we  have  defined  the  service,  created  the
necessary  language  translation of our GridWorks  platform,  created  marketing
collateral and begun to roll out the program to their sales force. We're already
seeing a developing  sales  pipeline and do expect  growth and revenue from this
new contract.

     So in conclusion  we're  executing the growth plan that we've laid out. The
enterprise  business now has geographic coverage throughout most of the western,
central  and  midwestern  markets in the US as well as an  expanded  presence in
Europe.  We are  successfully  driving our business into the areas where we have
significant  intellectual property and capital and therefore are able to support
much higher profit margins and recurring  revenue and as we move forward we look
to continue down the same path.

     Okay Tom, let me turn it back to you.

TOM SWEENEY:  Thank you Shawn. I'd now like Mike Knaisch to provide to an update
on the broadcast business, Mike.

MIKE KNAISCH:  Thanks Tom.

     Well  during  the first  quarter  of 2006  Front  Porch  Digital  took many
dramatic  steps to  solidify  our  position  as the  global  leader  in  digital
broadcast  archive  management.  The division achieved record results across all
critical financial metrics including new order sign for future delivery, revenue
growth during the first quarter, EBITDA and gross margins.

     As an indication of the global coverage of our business Front Porch Digital
closed 52 transactions across 26 countries worldwide and today there are now 140
DIVArchive installations in over 140, I'm sorry, 100, in 40 countries around the
world. That's more than any other broadcast archive management solution.

     European  and  Asian  sales  were very  strong  during  the first  quarter.
DIVArchive  remains the dominant  market share leader in those  regions where we
tend to win  eight  of  every  ten  deals we  compete  for and we see  continued
opportunities  for  growth in those  regions.  For  instance,  during  the first
quarter new  installations  of DIVArchive were sold in emerging  markets such as
Poland,  Hungary,  Belarus,  Thailand and India. India in particular  represents
great  potential  for growth and we'll be  opening a new field  sales  office in
Mumbai next month.

     Our American  sales funnel  continues to build and we see a number of signs
that our  position  here is  strengthening.  During the first  quarter we signed
three  new  deals in Canada  where  DIVArchive  is now used by eight of the nine
Canadian  broadcasters  that deploy  digital  archive  solutions.  In the United
States our sales team has uncovered many new archive projects that are now being
budgeted,  planned,  intended  for bid by  broadcasters  in this  country and we
believe  we're very well  positioned to compete for those deals thanks to strong
references with customers such as PBS, Discovery, Comcast and BOOM, the first HD
dedicated broadcast archive in North America.

     We also broke into the Latin American  broadcast  market in Q1 with two new
installations of DIVArchive,  one in Argentina and one in Venezuela.  We see the
Latin  American  market as a rich  greenfield  opportunity  for us with  limited
competition so we are moving quickly to solidify our positions  there. We signed
distribution agreements with system integrators in Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela,
Chile, and Peru to help build our momentum.

     Worldwide we continue to strengthen our global distribution channels. We're
working closing with Sun  Microsystems  now after their  acquisition of Stewarts
Tech and that gives us a much broader sales  channel to partner with  worldwide.
Our tight  integration  with Grass  Valley news and video  server  products  has
positioned  Front Porch as a preferred  partner of the Grass  Valley sales force
and they're  bringing us into new deals  throughout  the  Americans,  Europe and

     Our  growth  as a  company  has  been  very  well  covered  in  the  global
broadcasting  trade  press.  During  the  first  quarter  the  company  received
expansive  coverage in trade  publications  such as  Broadcast  Engineering,  TV
Technology,  Television Broadcasting and other global trade publications.  Cover
stories and other  articles have  featured  DIVArichive  installations  or white
papers  written by members of our  management  team,  including  our CTO,  Brian
Campanotti.  This coverage  generated by our media  relations firms is virtually
unmatched by our  competitors.  Most  importantly,  the coverage has  positioned
Front Porch as the opinion  leader in the  industry  when  matters of  broadcast
archive management are being discussed in the broadcast trade press. And this is
a key competitive point of differentiation.

     So as we look to the  quarter and the year ahead,  a few last  points.  Our
rolling six months sales  funnel,  the tool we use to track all of the potential
opportunities  we're competing for, is worth approximately 40 percent more today
than it was at this time last year.  The recent NAD show was huge for us. We had
more than 400 visitors through our booth from all over the world. Many new sales
opportunities  emerged  from the show,  and our sales  teams are  working  those
opportunities, which will be added to our sales funnel in the future.

     And lastly,  we were  informed just last month that Front Porch Digital was
awarded a new patent by the US Patent  Office.  We believe  that we are the only
Archive Management  provider in the broadcast realm that has patented technology
that  allows us to protect  our,  to protect our  intellectual  property  and we
believe that that is a key competitive differentiator for us.

     So in summary we're very pleased with the progress  we've made in the first
quarter.  The  global  market  for  digital  broadcast  archiving  solutions  is
increasing   and  our   position  as  the  global   leader  in  this  market  is
strengthening.  So for all these reasons we look forward to the  challenges  and
opportunities ahead. Tom.

TOM SWEENEY:  Thank you Mike.  Well as you've heard,  the  company's  performing
well. It's made great strides in integrating companies we acquired last year. We
just closed our latest  acquisition NST Incorporated in Chicago and we expect it
to be immediately accretive. The broadcast business continues to grow and we see
continued  acceleration in the market adoption of digital archives.  Incentra is
now in the desirable position of having incremental sales add disproportionately
to the cash flow of the business.

     Our  expectations  for the second quarter are for revenues to be between 19
and 21 million on increases in managed services and  professional  services with
increased third-party product sales from our most recent acquisitions. We expect
to see increasing cash flow on an adjusted EBITDA basis for the quarter as well.

     That's all for our comments. Thank you for joining the call. We'll now open
it for questions.

OPERATOR:  Thank you. At this time I would like to remind  everyone if you would
like to ask a question please press star, one, now on your telephone keypad. And
once again that's star, one, to ask a question.

     We have our first  question  coming from Kevin McKenna of Mainline  Capital
Management. Please go ahead sir.

KEVIN  MCKENNA:  Good  afternoon.  Thank you for  taking my call.  I guess,  the
presentation  that you put out is maybe the best I've  heard the  company,  as a
result oriented,  the quarter,  but it, it seems that no one knows the story. It
seems  that it's  difficult  to get in contact  with what the story is,  because
there's no one really out there.  I got Chris  Moore at Wall  Street  Advisor to
return a phone  call then I got Rene to  return a phone  call to me. If you guys
are going to fund this business  going forward you're going to have to raise the
awareness  of this  stock.  What is being  done to get the  company  as a public
entity?  I'm glad that you're peers in the  industry  think that you're the lead
dog in this race, but if no one in Wall Street knows your name, that's not going
to matter.

MICHAEL KNAISCH:  So, Kevin what specifically is the question?

KEVIN  MCKENNA:  I think  that  there  is a lack of  understanding  or a lack of
marketability of the shares of this company. I don't think any one knows who you

MICHAEL  KNAISCH:  Okay,  well we certainly  appreciate  the  feed-back  but the
company has done a number of things over the past year and a half,  attempted to
go ahead and build awareness in the institutional  community.  The biggest issue
that a company like  Incentra  faces  though is, one,  that it's on the bulletin
board and two, that the company's  market CAP of course,  is below the limits of
investment for many funds, so we have focused on the thing that we have the most
control over,  which is  continuing to operate the business from an  operational
perspective  and perform  there and as we move into the fall,  after the summer,
we'll begin a more  aggressive  campaign to reach out to  perspective  investors
with funds.

OPERATOR:  Thank you.  Once again ladies and gentlemen if you do have a question
please press star, one. And as a final reminder it is star, one.

     Thank you. Seeing there are no further questions,  I'd now like to turn the
floor back to Mr. Rene Caron who will be taking questions via e-mail.

RENE CARON:  Thank  Denise.  We have  received a number of questions  via e-mail
today Tom, so I'd like to go through  those with you. The first  question  comes
from a private  investor.  It says:  is  acquisition  still a  principal  growth
strategy at Incentra, and if so, when do you expect to complete the next one?

TOM SWEENEY:  Thanks Rene. The easiest way to answer the question is that we are
going  to  continue  to  evaluate  potential  acquisitions  and if we  can  find
companies that fit the profile that we are looking for, and if we are capable of
arranging both  financing as well as creating a transaction  that we think works
for the company, then we'll continue to execute on those. But you know, we do as
a  regular  basis,  look at many  different  types of  companies  that  could be
potential  acquisition targets. It's really a question of can we really find the
right one and at the  right  price.  So today we have no  formal  plans to close
another acquisition in the near term, but that could change as we continue to do
our work.

RENE CARON:  Thank you. And  somewhat  related  question,  having to do with the
geography that you'd be looking at for the next  acquisition in that the company
now has a pretty much solid coverage in the Mid-West and the West,  where do you
expect the company would be looking next for it's next acquisition,  if and when
it does one?

ROM  SWEENEY:  Generally  we want to  complete  the  construction  of a national
footprint  as a complete  solutions  provider.  So that means that we do need to
build a presence along the East Coast, the South East as well as in some various
cities in the Mid-West.  So we'll continue to look for  acquisitions  to help us
fill out  that  foot  print  throughout  North  America,  but like I said,  it's
difficult  to know when the right  company  will  come  along and where  exactly
they're located.

RENE  CARON:  Okay.  The  next  question  is  also  acquisition  related.  Since
acquisition  is a part of your growth  strategy,  what  lessons have you learned
from the two that you completed  last year?  Has it changed your approach to due
diligence  at all and  have  you  made any  adjustments  in the  profile  of the
companies that you're targeting going forward.

TOM  SWEENEY:  Okay,  so let me try and answer  this with a couple of  different
points that are  important.  Number one, what we have learned from the companies
we acquired last year is that we can, in fact,  deliver on the synergies that we
expect in terms of improving the gross margins on the products,  on the services
that those companies sell, on being able to introduce  recurring revenue strains
around  first  call or  enhanced  first call or  managed  services.  We think it
validates  the model that we've  been  using.  We would also tell you that it is
important  to be able to match to each  company  we  acquire,  specifically  the
integration  plan for those  professionals  and that  particular  customer base.
That's probably one of the items that's most important that we've learned in the
last year.

     On a broader answer in terms of due diligence,  we feel pretty  comfortable
that we manage a fairly thorough and rigorous due diligence process based on our
own  people's  experience  as well as the  professional  support we get from our
investment  bankers and outside  counsel,  but like  always,  when you're  doing
transactions  and  merging  companies  together,  there's  always  room for some
improvements  in  terms  of how we  manage  that  process  and how we  view  the
contract, the representations and the documentation that's a part of that. So we
think there's still room for us to, to improve the process.

RENE CARON:  Okay, thank you we now have a couple of questions  related to Front
Porch Digital.  You had a high rate of transactions in the first quarter. Do you
expect to see similar  transaction  rates going  forward  over the next  several

MICHAEL KNAISCH: Absolutely, we see a very robust sales funnel in the six months
and beyond time frame.

RENE CARON: The next question deals with the US market.  Are US broadcasters and
cable  companies  beginning  to increase  the rate at which they are  installing
Digital Studios?

MICHAEL  KNAISCH:  Yes, we've seen a pretty dramatic  increase in the number and
value of opportunities  that we're seeing arise out of the US market.  There are
some very large opportunities that have been tendered in RFPs and we're pursuing
those right now.

RENE CARON:  Okay and can you give us any indication of what you might expect in
the US market as far as Front Porch Digital deals over the next 12 to 18 months?

MICHAEL  KNAISCH:  I'm afraid that I cannot tell you the,  the value of those at
this point. The main reason is because the timing of these  transactions is very
hard to pin down.  Generally,  you know,  these deals have a 12 to 18 month time
frame and we cannot predict when those deals will actually be awarded.  So it's,
it's very difficult for me to tell you when they're going to close.

RENE CARON:  Okay, thank you and Tom, the last question that we've received that
hasn't already been answered has to do with the balance sheet.  What plans going
forward  do you  have in place  to  ensure  that  the  company  has  appropriate
resources to reach break-even?

TOM SWEENEY: Well there's,  there's a couple of things that are happening at the
same time.  One, we have done a very good job managing our costs for  operations
in relation to the revenues of the company and the gross  margins it  generates,
so we feel very comfortable that the company is positioned correctly from a cost
standpoint and can start to execute our entire cash flow from operations. But in
addition,  we would like to add some  additional  working capital to the balance
sheet and we hope to be able to accomplish that sometime in the next few weeks.

RENE CARON:  Okay,  that you.  That  concludes the e-mail  questions  that we've
received, as I mentioned,  that have not already been answered. So at this point
Tom I'd like to turn the call back over to you for any closing  remarks that you
might have.

TOM SWEENEY:  Great.  Thanks Rene, well thank you all for joining us.  Obviously
we're happy with the company's  performance in the first quarter. As Mr. McKenna
noted,  it's  worthwhile for us to begin to emphasis the company's  performance,
create a broader  audience in terms of  shareholders or funds that can invest in
the business,  and we'll be able to accomplish that as we roll out of the summer
and into the fall. So thank you for joining us, we appreciate your time.

OPERATOR: Thank you ladies and gentlemen.  That does conclude today's conference
call. You may now disconnect your lines at this time and have a wonderful day.