SCHEDULE II


         This Note will mature on the Initial Stated  Maturity Date,  unless the
maturity of all or any portion of the principal  amount of this Note is extended
in accordance with the procedures described below. In no event will the maturity
of this Note be extended beyond the Final Stated Maturity Date.

         During a notice period  relating to an Election Date (as defined below)
the  Holder  may elect to  extend  the  maturity  of all or any  portion  of the
principal  amount of this Note (in any  multiple of $1,000) so that the maturity
of this Note will be extended  to the  Corresponding  Maturity  Date (as defined
below) for the immediately  following Election Date, provided,  however, if such
maturity  date is not a  Business  Day,  the  maturity  of this Note will be the
immediately  preceding  Business Day. The  "Election  Dates" are the 15th day of
each March, June,  September,  and December,  if such day is not a Business Day,
the next day that is a Business Day,  commencing on June 15, 2007, and ending on
March 15, 2010. The respective  "Corresponding  Maturity Date" for each Election
Date is the 15th day of the 24th calendar month  following the Election Date for
which an election to extend is made.  If no election is made,  the maturity date
of this Note is the  Corresponding  Maturity Date for the immediately  preceding
Election Date.

         To make an  effective  election,  the Holder  must  deliver a notice of
election during the notice period for an Election Date substantially in the form
attached  hereto as Exhibit A (an "Election  Notice") duly completed and, in the
event of an election to extend the  maturity of only a portion of the  principal
of this Note,  this Note.  The notice  period for an Election Date begins on the
6th  Business  Day  prior to the  Election  Date and  ends on the  Business  Day
immediately  preceding the Election Date. The Holder's  Election  Notice must be
delivered to the Paying Agent through the normal  clearing system  channels,  no
later than the close of  business in New York City on the last  Business  Day in
the notice period, at which time such notice becomes irrevocable.

         If,  with  respect to any  Election  Date,  the Holder does not make an
election to extend the maturity of all or a portion of the  principal  amount of
this Note, the principal  amount of this Note for which the Holder has failed to
make such an election  will become due and payable on the earlier of the Initial
Stated  Maturity Date or such later  Corresponding  Maturity Date related to the
relevant  Election  Date on which  the  maturity  of this  Note  was  previously
extended  or if  such  day is not a  Business  Day,  the  immediately  preceding
Business Day. The  principal  amount of this Note for which such election is not
exercised will be represented by a new note  substantially  in the form attached
hereto as Exhibit B (each a "Short Term Note")  issued as of such  Election Date
and Schedule A hereto shall be annotated as of such Election Date to reflect the
corresponding  decrease in the principal amount hereof.  Each Short Term Note so
issued  will  have  the  same  terms as this  Note,  except  that it will not be
extendible, will have the relevant

                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
                                     SII - 1

CUSIP number  specified  below and its maturity  date will be the earlier of the
Initial Stated Maturity Date or such later  Corresponding  Maturity Date related
to the  relevant  Election  Date on  which  the  maturity  of this  Note was not
extended,  or, if such day is not a  Business  Day,  the  immediately  preceding
Business  Day. The failure to elect to extend the maturity of all or any portion
of the principal of this Note will be  irrevocable  and will be binding upon any
subsequent holder of this Note.

         The Trust and the Indenture Trustee shall deem this Note canceled as to
any  portion  hereof  for  which  a  duly  completed  Election  Notice  and,  if
applicable,  this Note are not  delivered  to the Paying Agent during the notice
period for any Election Date.

         If, with respect to any Election Date under this Note,  the Holder does
not extend the maturity of all of the principal  amount of this Note, the Paying
Agent, on behalf of the Trust, shall immediately (but in no event later than the
third (3rd) Business Day following the relevant  Election Date) notify  Hartford
Life of the amount  not  extended  which  shall be the  principal  amount of the
Funding Agreement redeemed on the applicable maturity date.


         The spread for the Notes for the indicated periods is as follows:

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
                                                  PERIOD                                     SPREAD
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
From and including the Issuance Date to but not including March 15, 2009                 + 0.02%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
From and including March 15, 2009 to but not including March 15, 2010                    + 0.03%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
From and including March 15, 2010 to but not including the Final Stated Maturity Date    + 0.04%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------


         The CUSIP numbers for each possible Short Term Note shall be as follows
with regard to each possible maturity date for such Short Term Note:

- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
             CUSIP NUMBER                           MATURITY DATE
- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
              41659EFN2                            March 15, 2009
- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
              41659EFP7                             June 15, 2009
- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
              41659EFQ5                          September 15, 2009
- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
              41659EFR3                           December 15, 2009
- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
              41659EFS1                            March 15, 2010
- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
              41659EFT9                             June 15, 2010
- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
              41659EFU6                          September 15, 2010
- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
              41659EFV4                           December 15, 2010
- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
              41659EFW2                            March 15, 2011
- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
              41659EFX0                             June 15, 2011
- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
              41659EFY8                          September 15, 2011
- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
              41659EFZ5                           December 15, 2011
- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------

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                                   SCHEDULE A

         The initial  aggregate  principal  amount of the Note  evidenced by the
Certificate to which this Schedule is attached is $300,000,000. The notations on
the following table evidence decreases in the aggregate  principal amount of the
Note evidenced by such Certificate:

- -------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------- --------------------------
Election Date              Decreases in  Principal        Principal Amount of this Note     Notation by Security
                           Amount of this Note            Remaining After Such Decrease     Registrar
- -------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------- --------------------------
- -------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------- --------------------------

- -------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------- --------------------------

- -------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------- --------------------------

- -------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------- --------------------------

- -------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------- --------------------------

- -------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------- --------------------------

- -------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------- --------------------------

- -------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------- --------------------------

- -------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------- --------------------------

- -------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------- --------------------------

- -------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------- --------------------------

- -------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------- --------------------------

                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
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                                    EXHIBIT A
                             FORM OF ELECTION NOTICE

The undersigned hereby elects to extend the maturity of the Hartford Life Global
Funding Trust 2007-003 Secured  Medium-Term Note (CUSIP  41659EFM4) (the "Note")
(or the portion thereof  specified  below) with the effect provided in said Note
by delivering  this Election  Notice duly  completed by the Holder of said Note,
and in the event of an election to extend the  maturity of only a portion of the
principal amount of said Note, by surrendering  said Note to the Paying Agent at
the following address:

                  The Bank of New York Trust Company, N.A.
                  4 New York Plaza, 15th Floor
                  New York, NY 10004

or such other  address of which the Paying  Agent shall from time to time notify
the Holders of the Notes.

If the option to extend the maturity of less than the entire principal amount of
said Note is elected, specify the portion of said Note (which shall be $1,000 or
an integral  multiple of $1,000 in excess thereof) as to which the Holder elects
to  extend  the  maturity:   $_________;   and  specify  the   denomination   or
denominations (which shall be $1,000 or an integral multiple of $1,000 in excess
thereof)  of the  Notes in the form  attached  to said  Note as  Exhibit B to be
issued to the Holder for the  portion of said Note to which the option to extend
the maturity is not being elected (in absence of any such specification one such
Note in the form of said  Exhibit B will be issued  for the  portion as to which
the option to extend maturity is not being made): $__________.


                                        NOTICE:  The  signature on this Election
                                        Notice must  correspond with the name as
                                        written  upon  the  face of the  Note in
                                        every particular,  without alteration or
                                        enlargement or any change whatever.

                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
                                      A - 1

                                    EXHIBIT B
                             FORM OF SHORT-TERM NOTE



               REGISTERED NO.:                CUSIP NO.:                                            PRINCIPAL AMOUNT: U.S. $
Issuance Date:                                                                   Floating Rate Note: [X] Yes [ ] No.
Settlement Date:                                                                 If yes, Regular Floating Rate Notes [X] / Inverse
Issue Price: 100%                                                                Floating Rate Notes [ ]
Stated Maturity Date:  ___________, or if such day is not a                           Fixed Interest Rate:
    Business Day, the immediately preceding Business Day.                        Floating Rate/ Fixed Rate Notes: [ ]
Securities Exchange Listing: [ ] Yes [X] No. If yes, indicate name(s) of              Fixed Interest Rate:
    Securities Exchange(s):______________________________.                            Fixed Rate Commencement Date:
Depositary: The Depository Trust Company.                                        Interest Rate Basis(es):
Authorized Denominations: $1,000 integral amounts.                               CD Rate [ ]
Collateral held in the Trust:  Hartford Life Insurance Company Funding           CMT Rate [ ]
    Agreement No. FA-407003, all proceeds of the Funding Agreement and all       Designated CMT Telerate Page:
    rights and books and records pertaining to the foregoing.                             If Telerate Page 7052: [ ] Weekly Average
Additional Amounts to be Paid: [ ] Yes [X] No                                                                    [ ] Monthly Average
Interest Rate or Formula:                                                             Designated CMT Maturity Index:
Fixed Rate Note: [  ] Yes [X] No. If yes,                                             Commercial Paper Rate [ ]
    Interest Rate:                                                                    Federal Funds Rate [ ]
    Interest Payment Dates:                                                               LIBOR [X]
    Additional/Other Terms:                                                              [X] LIBOR Reuters Page:  LIBOR 01
Amortizing Note: [ ] Yes [X] No. If yes, Amortization schedule or formula:               [ ] LIBOR Moneyline Telerate Page:
    Additional/Other Terms:                                                               LIBOR Currency: U.S. Dollars
Discount Note: [ ] Yes [X] No. If yes, Total Amount of Discount:                       Prime Rate [ ]
    Initial Accrual Period of Discount:                                                Treasury Rate [ ]
    Interest Payment Dates:                                                      Index Maturity: Three month.
    Additional/Other Terms:                                                      Spread:  See attached Schedule II.
                                                                                 Spread Multiplier: Not applicable.
                                                                                 Initial Interest Rate, if any:

                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
                                      B - 1

Redemption Provisions: [X] Yes [ ]  No.   If yes,                          Initial Interest Reset Date:  __________; provided
    Initial Redemption Date:  Any day on or after the                        that if such day is not a Business Day, such
    Issuance Date.                                                           Interest Reset Date will be the next succeeding
    Redemption Dates: Any day on or after the Issuance Date.                 day that is a Business Day, unless that succeeding
    Initial Redemption Percentage: 100%                                      Business Day would fall in the next calendar
    Annual Redemption Percentage Reduction, if any:  N/A                     month, in which case such Interest Reset Date will
    Additional/Other Terms:  Notwithstanding anything on the                 be the immediately preceding Business Day.
    reverse hereof to the contrary, the Trust may redeem this Note         Interest Reset Dates: The 15th day of each June,
    on any day, provided that the Trust has provided written notice to       September, December and March; provided that if
    the Holder hereof not more than twenty (20) nor less than fifteen        such day is not a Business Day, such Interest
    15) calendar days prior to the proposed redemption date.                 Reset Date will be the next succeeding day that
Repayment Provisions: [ ] Yes [X] No. If yes,                                is  a Business Day, unless that succeeding Business
    Repayment Date(s):                                                       Day would fall in the next calendar month, in
    Repayment Price:                                                         which case such Interest Reset Date will be the
    Additional/Other Terms:                                                  immediately preceding Business Day.
Regular Record Date(s): 15 days prior to each Interest                     Interest Determination Date(s):  As provided herein.
Payment Date.                                                              Interest Payment Dates: The 15th day of each June,
Sinking Fund: None.                                                          September, December and March; provided that (1)
Day Count Convention: Actual/360.                                            if such Interest Payment Date (other than the
Specified Currency:  U.S. Dollars.                                           maturity date) is not a Business Day, such
Exchange Rate Agent: Not Applicable                                          Interest Payment Date will be the next succeeding
                                                                             day that is a Business Day, unless that succeeding
                                                                             Business Day would fall in the next calendar
                                                                             month, in which case such Interest Payment Date
                                                                             will be the immediately preceding Business Day and
                                                                             (2) the final Interest Payment Date of this Note
                                                                             will be the maturity date of this Note.
                                                                           Maximum Interest Rate, if any: Not applicable.
                                                                           Minimum Interest Rate, if any: Not applicable.
                                                                           Additional/Other Terms:  See attached Schedule II.
                                                                           Calculation Agent:  The Bank of New York Trust
                                                                           Company, N.A.

         The Hartford Life Global Funding Trust  designated above (the "Trust"),
for value  received,  hereby  promises to pay to Cede & Co.,  or its  registered
assigns,  the  Principal  Amount  specified  above on the Stated  Maturity  Date
specified  above and, if so specified  above,  to pay interest  thereon from the
Issuance  Date  specified  above or from the most recent  Interest  Payment Date
specified above to which interest has been paid or duly provided for at the rate
per annum determined in accordance with the provisions on the reverse hereof and
as specified  above,  until the principal  hereof is paid or made  available for
payment.  Unless otherwise specified above,  payments of principal,  premium, if
any,  and  interest  hereon  will be made in the lawful  currency  of the United
States of America ("U.S. Dollars" or "United States dollars").  If the Specified
Currency  specified above is other than U.S. Dollars,  the Holder (as defined in
the  Indenture)  shall  receive  such  payments  in such  Foreign  Currency  (as
hereinafter defined).  The "Principal Amount" of this Note at any time means (1)
if this Note is a Discount Note (as  hereinafter  defined),  the Amortized  Face
Amount (as hereinafter  defined) at such time (as defined in SECTION 3(C) on the
reverse  hereof)  and (2) in all  other  cases,  the  Principal  Amount  hereof.
Capitalized  terms not otherwise  defined  herein shall have their  meanings set
forth in the Indenture, dated as of the Issuance Date (the "Indenture"), between
The  Bank of New  York  Trust  Company,  N.A.,  as the  indenture  trustee  (the
"Indenture Trustee"), and the Trust, or on the face hereof.

This Note will mature on the Stated Maturity Date,  unless its principal (or any
installment  of its  principal)  becomes  due and  payable  prior to the  Stated
Maturity Date,  whether,  as applicable,  by the  declaration of acceleration of
maturity,  notice of redemption by the Trust or otherwise  (the Stated  Maturity
Date or any date prior to the Stated  Maturity  Date on which this Note  becomes
due and payable, as the case may be, is referred to as the "MATURITY DATE").

A "DISCOUNT  NOTE" is any Note that has an Issue Price that is less than 100% of
the Principal  Amount thereof by more than a percentage  equal to the product of
0.25% and the number of full years to the Stated Maturity Date.

                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
                                      B - 2

Unless otherwise  specified above, the interest payable on each Interest Payment
Date or the  Maturity  Date will be the  amount  of  interest  accrued  from and
including the Issuance Date or from and including the last Interest Payment Date
to which  interest has been paid or duly  provided  for, as the case may be, to,
but excluding,  such Interest Payment Date or the Maturity Date, as the case may

Unless  otherwise  specified above, the interest payable on any Interest Payment
Date will be paid to the Holder on the  Regular  Record  Date for such  Interest
Payment Date,  which Regular Record Date shall be the fifteenth  (15th) calendar
day, whether or not a Business Day,  immediately  preceding the related Interest
Payment Date;  PROVIDED that,  notwithstanding any provision of the Indenture to
the  contrary,  interest  payable on any  Maturity  Date shall be payable to the
Person to whom principal shall be payable;  and PROVIDED,  FURTHER,  that unless
otherwise  specified  above,  in the case of a Note  initially  issued between a
Regular  Record Date and the  Interest  Payment  Date  relating to such  Regular
Record Date,  interest for the period  beginning on the Issuance Date and ending
on such  Interest  Payment  Date  shall  be paid on the  Interest  Payment  Date
following  the next  succeeding  Regular  Record Date to the Holder on such next
succeeding Regular Record Date.

Payments of principal  of, and premium,  if any, and interest and other  amounts
due and owing, if any, will be made through the Indenture Trustee to the account
of  DTC  or  its  nominee  and  will  be  made  in  accordance  with  depositary
arrangements with DTC.

Unless  otherwise  specified on the face hereof,  the Holder  hereof will not be
obligated to pay any administrative costs imposed by banks in making payments in
immediately available funds by the Trust. Unless otherwise specified on the face
hereof,  any  tax  assessment  or  governmental  charge  imposed  upon  payments
hereunder,  including, without limitation, any withholding tax, will be borne by
the Holder hereof.


Unless the certificate of authentication  hereon shall have been executed by the
Indenture Trustee pursuant to the Indenture,  this Note shall not be entitled to
any benefit under the Indenture or be valid or obligatory for any purpose.

                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
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         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Trust has caused this  instrument  to be duly
executed, by manual or facsimile signature.

                            HARTFORD LIFE GLOBAL FUNDING TRUST 2007-003

Dated: [o]                  By:  Wilmington Trust Company, not in its individual
                            capacity  but solely as Delaware Trustee.

                            By: __________________________________
                                Authorized Officer

                          CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICATION

         This is one of the Notes of the  Hartford  Life  Global  Funding  Trust
specified  on the face of this  Note  and  referred  to in the  within-mentioned

                            THE BANK OF NEW YORK TRUST COMPANY, N.A.
                            As Indenture Trustee

Dated:  [o]

                            By: _____________________________
                                authorized officer

                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
                                      B - 4

                                [REVERSE OF NOTE]

SECTION 1. GENERAL. This Note is one of a duly authorized issue of Notes of the
Trust. The Notes are issued pursuant to the Indenture.


         (a)  Unless  specified  otherwise  on the  face  hereof,  this  Note is
denominated in, and payments of principal,  premium, if any, and/or interest, if
any, will be made in U.S. Dollars. If specified as the Specified Currency,  this
Note may be denominated in, and payments of principal,  premium,  if any, and/or
interest,  if any, may be made in a single  currency other than U.S.  Dollars (a
"Foreign  Currency").  If this Note is  denominated in a Foreign  Currency,  the
Holder of this Note is required to pay for this Note in the Specified Currency.

         (b) Unless  specified  otherwise  on the face  hereof,  if this Note is
denominated  in a Foreign  Currency,  the Trust is obligated to make payments of
principal of, and premium,  if any, and  interest,  if any, on, this Note in the
Specified  Currency.  Any  amounts  so  payable  by the  Trust in the  Specified
Currency  will be  converted by the  Exchange  Rate Agent into U.S.  Dollars for
payment to the Holder hereof unless otherwise specified on the face of this Note
or the Holder elects, in the manner described below, to receive these amounts in
the Specified Currency.  If this Note is denominated in a Foreign Currency,  any
U.S.  Dollar amount to be received by the Holder hereof will be based on the bid
quotation  in The  City of New  York  received  by the  Exchange  Rate  Agent at
approximately  11:00  A.M.,  New York City  time,  on the  second  Business  Day
preceding the applicable  payment date from a recognized foreign exchange dealer
(which may be the Exchange  Rate Agent)  selected by the Exchange Rate Agent and
approved by the Trust for the  purchase by the quoting  dealer of the  Specified
Currency for U.S.  Dollars for  settlement on that payment date in the aggregate
amount of the Specified  Currency  payable to all Holders of the Notes scheduled
to receive U.S.  Dollar  payments and at which the applicable  dealer commits to
execute a contract.  All currency exchange costs will be borne by the Holders of
the Notes by deductions from any payments.  If a bid quotation is not available,
payments will be made in the Specified Currency.  If this Note is denominated in
a Foreign  Currency,  the  Holder of this  Note may  elect to  receive  all or a
specified portion of any payment of principal, premium, if any, and/or interest,
if any,  in the  Specified  Currency  by  submitting  a written  request  to the
Indenture  Trustee at its  Corporate  Trust Office in The City of New York on or
prior to

                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
                                      B - 5

the  applicable  Regular  Record Date or at least 15 calendar  days prior to the
Maturity  Date,  as the case may be. This written  request may be mailed or hand
delivered or sent by cable, telex or other form of facsimile transmission.  This
election will remain in effect until revoked by written notice  delivered to the
Indenture  Trustee on or prior to a Regular  Record Date or at least 15 calendar
days  prior to the  Maturity  Date,  as the case may be.  The  Holder  of a Note
denominated in a Foreign  Currency to be held in the name of a broker or nominee
should contact their broker or nominee to determine  whether and how an election
to receive  payments in the  Specified  Currency may be made.  Unless  specified
otherwise  on the face  hereof,  if the  Specified  Currency  is other than U.S.
Dollars,  a beneficial owner of a Note represented by a Global Note which elects
to receive payments of principal,  premium, if any, and/or interest,  if any, in
the  Specified  Currency must notify the  participant  through which it owns its
interest  on or  prior  to the  applicable  Regular  Record  Date or at least 15
calendar  days prior to the Maturity  Date, as the case may be, of its election.
The  applicable  participant  must notify DTC of its election on or prior to the
third  Business  Day after the  applicable  Regular  Record  Date or at least 12
calendar  days  prior to the  Maturity  Date,  as the case may be,  and DTC will
notify the Indenture  Trustee of that election on or prior to the fifth Business
Day after the applicable Regular Record Date or at least ten calendar days prior
to the Maturity Date, as the case may be. If complete  instructions are received
by the  participant  from the applicable  beneficial  owner and forwarded by the
participant  to DTC, and by DTC to the  Indenture  Trustee,  on or prior to such
dates,  then the  applicable  beneficial  owner  will  receive  payments  in the
Specified Currency.

         (c) The  Trust  will  indemnify  the  Holder  hereof  against  any loss
incurred as a result of any judgment or order being given or made for any amount
due under this Note and that judgment or order  requiring  payment in a currency
(the "Judgment Currency") other than the Specified Currency,  and as a result of
any variation between:  (i) the rate of exchange at which the Specified Currency
amount is converted into the Judgment  Currency for the purpose of that judgment
or order;  and (ii) the rate of  exchange  at which the  Holder,  on the date of
payment of that judgment or order,  is able to purchase the  Specified  Currency
with the amount of the Judgment Currency actually received.

         (d) Unless otherwise specified on the face hereof, if payment hereon is
required to be made in a Foreign  Currency and such currency is unavailable  due
to the imposition of exchange controls or other circumstances beyond the Trust's
control, then the Trust will be entitled to make payments with respect hereto in
U.S. Dollars on the basis of the Market Exchange Rate (as hereinafter  defined),
computed by the  Exchange  Rate Agent,  on the second  Business Day prior to the
particular payment or, if the Market Exchange Rate is not then available, on the
basis of the most recently available Market Exchange Rate.

         (e) The "Market  Exchange Rate" for the Foreign Currency shall mean the
noon  dollar  buying  rate in The City of New York for cable  transfers  for the
Foreign Currency as certified for customs purposes (or, if not so certified,  as
otherwise determined) by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

         (f) All determinations  made by the Exchange Rate Agent shall be at its
sole  discretion and shall,  in the absence of manifest error, be conclusive for
all purposes and binding on the Holder hereof.

         (g) All costs of exchange in respect of this Note, if  denominated in a
Foreign Currency, will be borne by the Holder hereof.


         (a) FIXED RATE NOTES. If this Note is specified on the face hereof as a
"Fixed Rate Note":

           (i) This Note will bear  interest at the rate per annum  specified on
           the face hereof.  Interest on this Note will be computed on the basis
           of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months.

                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
                                      B - 6

           (ii) Unless  otherwise  specified  on the face  hereof,  the Interest
           Payment Dates for this Note will be as follows:

                 -----------------------------     -----------------------------
                 Monthly                           Fifteenth    day   of    each
                                                   calendar month,  beginning in
                                                   the  first   calendar   month
                                                   following the month this Note
                                                   was issued.

                 Quarterly                         Fifteenth  day of every third
                                                   calendar month,  beginning in
                                                   the  third   calendar   month
                                                   following the month this Note
                                                   was issued.

                 Semi-annual                       Fifteenth  day of every sixth
                                                   calendar month,  beginning in
                                                   the  sixth   calendar   month
                                                   following the month this Note
                                                   was issued.

                 Annual                            Fifteenth    day   of   every
                                                   twelfth    calendar    month,
                                                   beginning   in  the   twelfth
                                                   calendar month  following the
                                                   month this Note was issued.

           (iii) If any Interest  Payment Date or the Maturity Date of this Note
           falls on a day that is not a  Business  Day,  the Trust will make the
           required  payment of principal,  premium,  if any, and/or interest or
           other amounts on the next succeeding  Business Day, and no additional
           interest  will  accrue in  respect of the  payment  made on that next
           succeeding Business Day.

       (b) FLOATING  RATE NOTES. If this Note is specified on the face hereof as
           a "Floating Rate Note":

           (i) INTEREST RATE BASIS.  Interest on this Note will be determined by
           reference  to the  applicable  Interest  Rate Basis or Interest  Rate
           Bases,  which may, as described  below,  include the CD Rate, the CMT
           Rate, the Commercial  Paper Rate, the Federal Funds Rate,  LIBOR, the
           Prime Rate or the Treasury Rate (each as defined below) in accordance
           with a schedule attached hereto.

           (ii) EFFECTIVE  RATE.  The rate derived from the applicable  Interest
           Rate  Basis  will  be  determined  in  accordance  with  the  related
           provisions  below.  The  interest  rate in effect on each day will be
           based  on:  (1) if that  day is an  Interest  Reset  Date,  the  rate
           determined  as  of  the  Interest   Determination   Date  immediately
           preceding  that  Interest  Reset  Date;  or (2) if that day is not an
           Interest  Reset  Date,  the  rate   determined  as  of  the  Interest
           Determination  Date  immediately  preceding the most recent  Interest
           Reset Date.

           (iii) SPREAD; SPREAD MULTIPLIER;  INDEX MATURITY. The "Spread" is the
           number of basis  points (one  one-hundredth  of a  percentage  point)
           specified  on the face hereof to be added to or  subtracted  from the
           related Interest Rate Basis or Interest Rate Bases applicable to this
           Note. The "Spread Multiplier" is the percentage specified on the

                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
                                      B - 7

           face hereof of the related Interest Rate Basis or Interest Rate Bases
           applicable  to this Note by which the Interest Rate Basis or Interest
           Rate Bases will be multiplied to determine  the  applicable  interest
           rate.  The  "Index  Maturity"  is  the  period  to  maturity  of  the
           instrument or obligation  with respect to which the related  Interest
           Rate Basis or Interest Rate Bases will be calculated.

           (iv) REGULAR FLOATING RATE NOTE. Unless this Note is specified on the
           face hereof as a Floating Rate/Fixed Rate Note or an Inverse Floating
           Rate Note,  this Note (a  "Regular  Floating  Rate  Note")  will bear
           interest  at the  rate  determined  by  reference  to the  applicable
           Interest  Rate Basis or Interest  Rate Bases:  (1)  multiplied by the
           applicable  Spread  Multiplier,  if any; and/or (2) plus or minus the
           applicable  Spread,  if any.  Commencing on the first  Interest Reset
           Date, the rate at which  interest on this Regular  Floating Rate Note
           is payable will be reset as of each  Interest  Reset Date;  provided,
           HOWEVER,  that the  interest  rate in effect for the period,  if any,
           from the Issuance  Dateto the first  Interest  Reset Date will be the
           Initial Interest Rate.

           (v) FLOATING  RATE/FIXED RATE NOTES. If this Note is specified on the
           face hereof as a "Floating Rate/Fixed Rate Note", this Note will bear
           interest  at the  rate  determined  by  reference  to the  applicable
           Interest  Rate Basis or Interest  Rate Bases:  (1)  multiplied by the
           applicable  Spread  Multiplier,  if any; and/or (2) plus or minus the
           applicable  Spread,  if any.  Commencing on the first  Interest Reset
           Date, the rate at which this Floating Rate/Fixed Rate Note is payable
           will be reset as of each  Interest  Reset  Date;  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,
           that:  (A) the interest  rate in effect for the period,  if any, from
           the  Issuance  Date to the  first  Interest  Reset  Date  will be the
           Initial  Interest  Rate  specified  on the face  hereof;  and (B) the
           interest  rate in effect  commencing  on the Fixed Rate  Commencement
           Date  will be the  Fixed  Interest  Rate,  if  specified  on the face
           hereof,  or, if not so specified,  the interest rate in effect on the
           day immediately preceding the Fixed Rate Commencement Date.

           (vi) INVERSE  FLOATING  RATE NOTES.  If this Note is specified on the
           face hereof as an "Inverse  Floating Rate Note",  this Note will bear
           interest  at the Fixed  Interest  Rate minus the rate  determined  by
           reference  to the  applicable  Interest  Rate Basis or Interest  Rate
           Bases: (1) multiplied by the applicable  Spread  Multiplier,  if any;
           and/or (2) plus or minus the  applicable  Spread,  if any;  PROVIDED,
           HOWEVER, that interest on this Inverse Floating Rate Note will not be
           less than zero. Commencing on the first Interest Reset Date, the rate
           at which interest on this Inverse  Floating Rate Note is payable will
           be reset as of each Interest Reset Date; PROVIDED,  HOWEVER, that the
           interest  rate in effect for the period,  if any,  from the  Issuance
           Date to the first  Interest  Reset Date will be the Initial  Interest

           (vii) INTEREST RESET DATES.  The period between  Interest Reset Dates
           will be the "Interest  Reset Period." Unless  otherwise  specified on
           the face  hereof,  the  Interest  Reset Dates will be, in the case of
           this  Floating Rate Note if by its terms it resets:  (1)  daily--each
           Business  Day;  (2)  weekly--the  Wednesday  of each  week,  with the
           exception  of any  weekly  reset  Floating  Rate Note as to which the
           Treasury Rate is an applicable  Interest Rate Basis, which will reset
           the  Tuesday of each week;  (3)  monthly--the  fifteenth  day of each
           calendar month; (4) quarterly--the fifteenth day

                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
                                      B - 8

           of every third calendar month,  beginning in the third calendar month
           following  the  month  in  which  the  Issuance  Date  occurred;  (5)
           semi-annually--the  fifteenth  day of  every  sixth  calendar  month,
           beginning in the sixth  calendar  month  following the month in which
           the Issuance Date occurred;  and (6)  annually--the  fifteenth day of
           every twelfth calendar month, beginning in the twelfth calendar month
           following  the month in which the Issuance Date  occurred;  PROVIDED,
           HOWEVER,  that, with respect to a Floating  Rate/Fixed Rate Note, the
           rate of interest  thereon will not reset after the  particular  Fixed
           Rate Commencement  Date. If any Interest Reset Date for this Floating
           Rate Note would  otherwise  be a day that is not a Business  Day, the
           particular  Interest  Reset  Date  will  be  postponed  to  the  next
           succeeding  Business Day,  except that in the case of a Floating Rate
           Note as to which LIBOR is an applicable  Interest Rate Basis and that
           Business  Day  falls  in the  next  succeeding  calendar  month,  the
           particular  Interest  Reset  Date will be the  immediately  preceding
           Business Day.

           (viii) INTEREST  DETERMINATION DATES. The interest rate applicable to
           a Floating Rate Note for an Interest  Reset Period  commencing on the
           related  Interest  Reset Date will be  determined by reference to the
           applicable  Interest  Rate  Basis  as  of  the  particular  "Interest
           Determination   Date",  which  will  be:  (1)  with  respect  to  the
           Commercial  Paper Rate,  Federal  Funds Rate and the Prime  Rate--the
           Business Day immediately  preceding the related  Interest Reset Date;
           (2) with respect to the CD Rate and the CMT Rate--the second Business
           Day preceding the related  Interest  Reset Date;  (3) with respect to
           LIBOR--the  second London Banking Day preceding the related  Interest
           Reset  Date,  unless  the  applicable  LIBOR  Currency  is (A) pounds
           sterling, in which case the Interest Determination Date - will be the
           related  Interest Reset Date, or (B) euro, in which case the Interest
           Determination  Date  will be the  second  TARGET  Settlement  Day (as
           defined below) preceding the applicable  Interest Reset Date; and (4)
           with respect to the Treasury  Rate--the  day of the week in which the
           related  Interest  Reset Date falls on which day  Treasury  Bills (as
           defined  below) are  normally  auctioned  (i.e.,  Treasury  Bills are
           normally sold at auction on Monday of each week, unless that day is a
           legal  holiday,  in which case the  auction is  normally  held on the
           following  Tuesday,  except  that  the  auction  may be  held  on the
           preceding Friday);  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER, that if an auction is held on
           the Friday of the week preceding the related Interest Reset Date, the
           Interest  Determination  Date  will  be  the  preceding  Friday.  The
           Interest  Determination  Date pertaining to a Floating Rate Note, the
           interest  rate of which is determined  with  reference to two or more
           Interest  Rate  Bases,  will be the latest  Business  Day which is at
           least two Business  Days before the related  Interest  Reset Date for
           the applicable  Floating Rate Note on which each Interest Reset Basis
           is  determinable.  "TARGET  SETTLEMENT  DAY" means a day on which the
           TARGET System is open.

           (ix) CALCULATION DATES. The interest rate applicable to each Interest
           Reset Period will be determined by the Calculation  Agent on or prior
           to the Calculation  Date (as defined  below),  except with respect to
           LIBOR,   which  will  be  determined  on  the   particular   Interest
           Determination  Date.  Upon  request of the Holder of a Floating  Rate
           Note, the  Calculation  Agent will disclose the interest rate then in
           effect  and,  if  determined,  the  interest  rate that  will  become
           effective as a result of a determination made for the next succeeding
           Interest Reset Date with respect to such Floating Rate

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           Note.  The  "CALCULATION  DATE",  if  applicable,  pertaining  to any
           Interest  Determination  Date will be the  earlier  of: (1) the tenth
           calendar day after the particular Interest  Determination Date or, if
           such day is not a Business Day, the next succeeding  Business Day; or
           (2) the Business Day  immediately  preceding the applicable  Interest
           Payment Date or the Maturity Date, as the case may be.

           (x)  MAXIMUM OR  MINIMUM  INTEREST  RATE.  If  specified  on the face
           hereof,  this Note may have either or both of a Maximum Interest Rate
           or a  Minimum  Interest  Rate.  If a  Maximum  Interest  Rate  is  so
           designated,  the interest  rate for a Floating  Rate Note cannot ever
           exceed such Maximum  Interest Rate and in the event that the interest
           rate on any Interest  Reset Date would  exceed such Maximum  Interest
           Rate  (as if no  Maximum  Interest  Rate  were in  effect)  then  the
           interest  rate on such  Interest  Reset  Date  shall  be the  Maximum
           Interest  Rate.  If a Minimum  Interest  Rate is so  designated,  the
           interest  rate for a Floating Rate Note cannot ever be less than such
           Minimum  Interest Rate and in the event that the interest rate on any
           Interest Reset Date would be less than such Minimum Interest Rate (as
           if no Minimum Interest Rate were in effect) then the interest rate on
           such  Interest  Reset  Date  shall  be  the  Minimum  Interest  Rate.
           Notwithstanding  anything  to  the  contrary  contained  herein,  the
           interest  rate on a Floating  Rate Note shall not exceed the  maximum
           interest rate permitted by applicable law.

           (xi)  INTEREST  PAYMENTS.  Unless  otherwise  specified  on the  face
           hereof, the Interest Payment Dates will be, in the case of a Floating
           Rate Note which resets: (1) daily,  weekly or monthly--the  fifteenth
           day of each  calendar  month or on the  fifteenth  day of every third
           calendar  month,  beginning in the third calendar month following the
           month in which the Issuance Date  occurred,  as specified on the face
           hereof;  (2)  quarterly--the  fifteenth  day of every third  calendar
           month,  beginning in the third calendar month  following the month in
           which the Issuance Date occurred;  (3)  semi-annually--the  fifteenth
           day of every sixth  calendar  month,  beginning in the sixth calendar
           month  following the month in which the Issuance Date  occurred;  and
           (4)  annually--the  fifteenth  day of every twelfth  calendar  month,
           beginning in the twelfth  calendar month following the month in which
           the Issuance Date occurred. In addition,  the Maturity Date will also
           be an Interest  Payment Date. If any Interest Payment Date other than
           the Maturity Date for this  Floating  Rate Note would  otherwise be a
           day that is not a Business Day,  such  Interest  Payment Date will be
           postponed to the next  succeeding  Business  Day,  except that in the
           case of a  Floating  Rate  Note as to which  LIBOR  is an  applicable
           Interest  Rate  Basis  and  that  Business  Day  falls  in  the  next
           succeeding  calendar month, the particular Interest Payment Date will
           be the immediately  preceding Business Day. If the Maturity Date of a
           Floating  Rate Note  falls on a day that is not a Business  Day,  the
           Trust will make the required payment of principal,  premium,  if any,
           and interest or other  amounts on the next  succeeding  Business Day,
           and no additional interest will accrue in respect of the payment made
           on that next succeeding Business Day.

           (xii) ROUNDING.  Unless otherwise  specified on the face hereof,  all
           percentages resulting from any calculation on this Floating Rate Note
           will be rounded to the nearest one hundred-thousandth of a percentage
           point, with five one-millionths of a

                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
                                     B - 10

           percentage  point  rounded  upwards.  All dollar  amounts  used in or
           resulting  from any  calculation  on this  Floating Rate Note will be
           rounded,  in the case of U.S. Dollars, to the nearest cent or, in the
           case of a Foreign  Currency,  to the nearest unit (with one-half cent
           or unit being rounded upwards).

           (xiii) INTEREST FACTOR. With respect to a Floating Rate Note, accrued
           interest is calculated by  multiplying  the principal  amount of such
           Note by an accrued  interest  factor.  The accrued interest factor is
           computed by adding the interest factor calculated for each day in the
           particular  Interest Reset Period.  The interest  factor for each day
           will be computed by dividing the interest rate applicable to such day
           by 360, in the case of a Floating  Rate Note as to which the CD Rate,
           the Commercial Paper Rate, the Federal Funds Rate, LIBOR or the Prime
           Rate is an applicable Interest Rate Basis, or by the actual number of
           days in the year, in the case of a Floating Rate Note as to which the
           CMT Rate or the Treasury Rate is an  applicable  Interest Rate Basis.
           The interest factor for a Floating Rate Note as to which the interest
           rate is calculated  with reference to two or more Interest Rate Bases
           will be  calculated  in each period in the same manner as if only the
           Interest Rate Basis specified under "Additional/Other Terms" applied.

           (xiv)  DETERMINATION  OF INTEREST RATE BASIS.  The Calculation  Agent
           shall  determine  the rate derived from each  Interest  Rate Basis in
           accordance with the following provisions.

               (1) CD RATE NOTES. If the Interest Rate Basis is the CD Rate,
               this Note shall be deemed a "CD Rate Note." Unless otherwise
               specified on the face hereof, "CD Rate" means, from the Issuance
               Date to the first Interest Reset Date, the Initial Interest Rate,
               if any, and thereafter:

                   (A) the rate on the particular Interest Determination Date
                   for negotiable United States dollar certificates of deposit
                   having the Index Maturity specified on the face hereof as
                   published in H.15(519) (as defined below) under the caption
                   "CDs (secondary market)"; or

                   (B) if the rate referred to in clause (A) is not so published
                   by 3:00 P.M., New York City time, on the related Calculation
                   Date, the rate on the particular Interest Determination Date
                   for negotiable United States dollar certificates of deposit
                   of the particular Index Maturity as published in H.15 Daily
                   Update (as defined below), or other recognized electronic
                   source used for the purpose of displaying the applicable
                   rate, under the caption "CDs (secondary market)"; or

                   (C) if the rate referred to in clause (B) is not so published
                   by 3:00 P.M., New York City time, on the related Calculation
                   Date, the rate on the particular Interest Determination Date
                   calculated by the Calculation Agent as the arithmetic mean of
                   the secondary market offered rates as of 10:00 A.M., New York
                   City time, on that Interest Determination Date, of three
                   leading non-bank dealers in negotiable United States dollar
                   certificates of deposit in The City of New York (which may
                   include the purchasing agent or its affiliates) selected by
                   the Calculation Agent for negotiable United States dollar
                   certificates of deposit of major United States money market
                   banks for negotiable United States certificates of

                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
                                     B - 11

                   deposit with a remaining maturity closest to the particular
                   Index Maturity in an amount that is representative for a
                   single transaction in that market at that time; or

                   (D) if the dealers so selected by the Calculation Agent are
                   not quoting as mentioned in clause (C), the CD Rate in effect
                   on the particular Interest Determination Date; provided that
                   if no CD Rate is then in effect, the interest rate for the
                   next Interest Reset Period will be the Initial Interest Rate.

               "H.15(519)" means the weekly statistical release designated as
               H.15(519), or any successor publication, published by the Board
               of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

               "H.15 Daily Update" means the daily update of H.15(519),
               available through the world-wide-web site of the Board of
               Governors of the Federal Reserve System at
               http//www.federalreserve.gov/releases/H15/update, or any
               successor site or publication.

               (2) CMT RATE NOTES. If the Interest Rate Basis is the CMT Rate,
               this Note shall be deemed a "CMT Rate Note." Unless otherwise
               specified on the face hereof, "CMT Rate" means, from the Issuance
               Date to the first Interest Reset Date, the Initial Interest Rate,
               if any, and thereafter:

                   (A) if CMT Moneyline Telerate Page 7051 is specified on the
                   face hereof:

                        ix.  the percentage equal to the yield for United States
                             Treasury  securities at "constant  maturity" having
                             the Index Maturity  specified on the face hereof as
                             published in H.15(519) under the caption  "Treasury
                             Constant Maturities",  as the yield is displayed on
                             Moneyline  Telerate (or any  successor  service) on
                             page 7051 (or any  other  page as may  replace  the
                             specified   page  on  that   service)   ("Moneyline
                             Telerate Page 7051"),  for the particular  Interest
                             Determination Date; or

                        x.   if the rate  referred  to in clause (i) does not so
                             appear  on  Moneyline   Telerate  Page  7051,   the
                             percentage  equal to the  yield for  United  States
                             Treasury  securities at "constant  maturity" having
                             the   particular   Index   Maturity   and  for  the
                             particular Interest Determination Date as published
                             in H.15(519) under the caption  "Treasury  Constant
                             Maturities"; or

                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
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                        xi.  if the rate  referred to in clause (ii) does not so
                             appear  in  H.15(519),  the rate on the  particular
                             Interest  Determination  Date for the period of the
                             particular  Index Maturity as may then be published
                             by  either  the  Federal  Reserve  System  Board of
                             Governors or the United  States  Department  of the
                             Treasury that the Calculation  Agent  determines to
                             be  comparable  to the rate which  would  otherwise
                             have been published in H.15(519); or

                        xii. if the rate  referred to in clause  (iii) is not so
                             published,  the  rate  on the  particular  Interest
                             Determination  Date  calculated by the  Calculation
                             Agent  as  a  yield  to   maturity   based  on  the
                             arithmetic mean of the secondary  market bid prices
                             at approximately  3:30 P.M., New York City time, on
                             that Interest  Determination  Date of three leading
                             primary United States government securities dealers
                             in The  City of New York  (which  may  include  the
                             purchasing  agent  or  its  affiliates)   (each,  a
                             "Reference  Dealer")  selected  by the  Calculation
                             Agent from five Reference  Dealers  selected by the
                             Calculation   Agent  and  eliminating  the  highest
                             quotation, or, in the event of equality, one of the
                             highest,  and the lowest quotation or, in the event
                             of equality,  one of the lowest,  for United States
                             Treasury securities with an original maturity equal
                             to the particular Index Maturity,  a remaining term
                             to maturity no more than one year shorter than that
                             Index  Maturity  and in a principal  amount that is
                             representative  for a  single  transaction  in  the
                             securities in that market at that time; or

                       xiii. if fewer  than five but more than two of the prices
                             referred  to  in  clause   (iv)  are   provided  as
                             requested,  the  rate  on the  particular  Interest
                             Determination  Date  calculated by the  Calculation
                             Agent  based  on the  arithmetic  mean  of the  bid
                             prices  obtained  and  neither  the highest nor the
                             lowest of the quotations shall be eliminated; or

                        xiv. if fewer than three  prices  referred  to in clause
                             (iv) are  provided  as  requested,  the rate on the
                             particular  Interest  Determination Date calculated
                             by the  Calculation  Agent as a yield  to  maturity
                             based  on the  arithmetic  mean  of  the  secondary
                             market  bid prices as of  approximately  3:30 P.M.,
                             New York City time, on that Interest  Determination
                             Date of three  Reference  Dealers  selected  by the
                             Calculation   Agent  from  five  Reference  Dealers
                             selected by the  Calculation  Agent and eliminating
                             the highest quotation or, in the event of equality,
                             one of the highest and the lowest  quotation or, in
                             the  event  of  equality,  one of the  lowest,  for
                             United States Treasury  securities with an original
                             maturity   greater   than  the   particular   Index
                             Maturity, a remaining term to

                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
                                     B - 13

                             maturity  closest to that Index  Maturity  and in a
                             principal  amount  that  is  representative  for  a
                             single transaction in the securities in that market
                             at that time; or

                        xv.  if  fewer  than  five  but  more  than  two  prices
                             referred  to  in  clause   (vi)  are   provided  as
                             requested,  the  rate  on the  particular  Interest
                             Determination  Date  calculated by the  Calculation
                             Agent  based  on the  arithmetic  mean  of the  bid
                             prices  obtained  and  neither  the highest nor the
                             lowest of the quotations will be eliminated; or

                       xvi.  if  fewer than three  prices  referred to in clause
                             (vi) are  provided  as  requested,  the CMT Rate in
                             effect  on the  particular  Interest  Determination
                             Date;  provided  that  if no CMT  Rate  is  then in
                             effect,  the  interest  rate for the next  Interest
                             Reset Period will be the Initial Interest Rate; or

               (B) if CMT Moneyline  Telerate Page 7052 is specified on the face

                         ix. the percentage  equal to the one-week or one-month,
                             as specified on the face hereof,  average yield for
                             United  States  Treasury  securities  at  "constant
                             maturity"  having the Index  Maturity  specified on
                             the face hereof as published in H.15(519)  opposite
                             the caption "Treasury Constant Maturities",  as the
                             yield is displayed  on  Moneyline  Telerate (or any
                             successor  service) (on page 7052 or any other page
                             as may replace the specified  page on that service)
                             ("Moneyline  Telerate Page 7052"),  for the week or
                             month, as applicable,  ended immediately  preceding
                             the week or  month,  as  applicable,  in which  the
                             particular Interest Determination Date falls; or

                         x.  if the rate  referred  to in clause (i) does not so
                             appear  on  Moneyline   Telerate  Page  7052,   the
                             percentage  equal to the one-week or one-month,  as
                             specified  on the face  hereof,  average  yield for
                             United  States  Treasury  securities  at  "constant
                             maturity"  having the particular Index Maturity and
                             for the week or month, as applicable, preceding the
                             particular Interest Determination Date as published
                             in  H.15(519)   opposite   the  caption   "Treasury
                             Constant Maturities"; or

                        xi.  if the rate referred to in clause (ii) does not  so
                             appear in H.15(519),  the one-week or one-month, as
                             specified  on the face  hereof,  average  yield for
                             United  States  Treasury  securities  at  "constant
                             maturity"  having the particular  Index Maturity as
                             otherwise  announced by the Federal Reserve Bank of
                             New  York  for the week or  month,  as  applicable,
                             ended  immediately

                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
                                     B - 14

                             preceding  the week or  month,  as  applicable,  in
                             which the particular  Interest  Determination  Date
                             falls; or

                        xii. if the rate  referred to in clause  (iii) is not so
                             published,  the  rate  on the  particular  Interest
                             Determination  Date  calculated by the  Calculation
                             Agent  as  a  yield  to   maturity   based  on  the
                             arithmetic mean of the secondary  market bid prices
                             at approximately  3:30 P.M., New York City time, on
                             that Interest Determination Date of three Reference
                             Dealers selected by the Calculation Agent from five
                             Reference Dealers selected by the Calculation Agent
                             and eliminating the highest  quotation,  or, in the
                             event  of  equality,  one of the  highest,  and the
                             lowest quotation or, in the event of equality,  one
                             of  the   lowest,   for  United   States   Treasury
                             securities  with an original  maturity equal to the
                             particular  Index  Maturity,  a  remaining  term to
                             maturity  no more than one year  shorter  than that
                             Index  Maturity  and in a principal  amount that is
                             representative  for a  single  transaction  in  the
                             securities in that market at that time; or

                       xiii. if fewer  than five but more than two of the prices
                             referred  to  in  clause   (iv)  are   provided  as
                             requested,  the  rate  on the  particular  Interest
                             Determination  Date  calculated by the  Calculation
                             Agent  based  on the  arithmetic  mean  of the  bid
                             prices  obtained  and  neither  the highest nor the
                             lowest of the quotations shall be eliminated; or

                        xiv. if fewer than three  prices  referred  to in clause
                             (iv) are  provided  as  requested,  the rate on the
                             particular  Interest  Determination Date calculated
                             by the  Calculation  Agent as a yield  to  maturity
                             based  on the  arithmetic  mean  of  the  secondary
                             market  bid prices as of  approximately  3:30 P.M.,
                             New York City time, on that Interest  Determination
                             Date of three  Reference  Dealers  selected  by the
                             Calculation   Agent  from  five  Reference  Dealers
                             selected by the  Calculation  Agent and eliminating
                             the highest quotation or, in the event of equality,
                             one of the highest and the lowest  quotation or, in
                             the  event  of  equality,  one of the  lowest,  for
                             United States Treasury  securities with an original
                             maturity   greater   than  the   particular   Index
                             Maturity,  a remaining term to maturity  closest to
                             that Index Maturity and in a principal  amount that
                             is representative  for a single  transaction in the
                             securities in that market at the time; or

                        xv.  if  fewer  than  five  but  more  than  two  prices
                             referred  to  in  clause   (vi)  are   provided  as
                             requested,  the  rate  on the  particular  Interest
                             Determination  Date  calculated by the  Calculation
                             Agent  based  on the  arithmetic  mean  of the  bid
                             prices obtained and neither

                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
                                     B - 16

                             the highest nor the lowest of the  quotations  will
                             be eliminated; or

                        xvi. if fewer than three prices  referred to in clause
                             (vi) are  provided  as  requested,  the CMT Rate in
                             effect  on  that   Interest   Determination   Date;
                             provided that if no CMT Rate is then in effect, the
                             interest  rate for the next  Interest  Reset Period
                             will be the Initial Interest Rate.

               If  two  United  States  Treasury  securities  with  an  original
               maturity  greater than the Index  Maturity  specified on the face
               hereof  have  remaining  terms to maturity  equally  close to the
               particular  Index  Maturity,  the quotes  for the  United  States
               Treasury  security with the shorter  original  remaining  term to
               maturity will be used.

           (3) COMMERCIAL  PAPER RATE NOTES.  If the Interest Rate Basis  is the
           Commercial Paper Rate, this Note shall be deemed a "Commercial  Paper
           Rate  Note."   Unless   otherwise   specified  on  the  face  hereof,
           "Commercial  Paper Rate" means,  from the Issuance  Date to the first
           Interest  Reset  Date,  the  Initial   Interest  Rate,  if  any,  and

               (A) the Money Market Yield (as defined below) on the particular
               Interest Determination Date of the rate for commercial paper
               having the Index Maturity specified on the face hereof as
               published in H.15(519) under the caption "Commercial
               Paper--Nonfinancial"; or

               (B) if the rate referred to in clause (A) is not so published by
               3:00 P.M., New York City time, on the related Calculation Date,
               the Money Market Yield of the rate on the particular Interest
               Determination Date for commercial paper having the particular
               Index Maturity as published in H.15 Daily Update, or such other
               recognized electronic source used for the purpose of displaying
               the applicable rate, under the caption "Commercial
               Paper--Nonfinancial"; or

               (C) if the rate referred to in clause (B) is not so published by
               3:00 P.M., New York City time, on the related Calculation Date,
               the rate on the particular Interest Determination Date calculated
               by the Calculation Agent as the Money Market Yield of the
               arithmetic mean of the offered rates at approximately 11:00 A.M.,
               New York City time, on that Interest Determination Date of three
               leading dealers of United States dollar commercial paper in The
               City of New York (which may include the purchasing agent or its
               affiliates) selected by the Calculation Agent for commercial
               paper having the particular Index Maturity placed for industrial
               issuers whose bond rating is "Aa", or the equivalent, from a
               nationally recognized statistical rating organization; or

                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
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               (D) if the dealers so selected by the Calculation Agent are not
               quoting as mentioned in clause (C), the Commercial Paper Rate in
               effect on the particular Interest Determination Date; provided
               that if no Commercial Paper Rate is then in effect, the interest
               rate for the next Interest Reset Period will be the Initial
               Interest Rate.

           "Money Market Yield" means a yield (expressed as a percentage)
           calculated in accordance with the following formula:

               Money Market Yield =                D x 360      x 100
                                                    360 - (D x M)

           where "D" refers to the applicable per annum rate for commercial
           paper quoted on a bank discount basis and expressed as a decimal, and
           "M" refers to the actual number of days in the applicable Interest
           Reset Period.

           (4) FEDERAL FUNDS RATE NOTES. If the Interest Rate Basis is the
           Federal Funds Rate, this Note shall be deemed a "Federal Funds Rate
           Note." Unless otherwise specified on the face hereof, "Federal Funds
           Rate" means, from the Issuance Date to the first Interest Reset Date,
           the Initial Interest Rate, if any, and thereafter:

               (A) the rate on the particular Interest Determination Date for
               United States dollar federal funds as published in H.15(519)
               under the caption "Federal Funds (Effective)" and displayed on
               Moneyline Telerate (or any successor service) on page 120 (or any
               other page as may replace the specified page on that service)
               ("Moneyline Telerate Page 120"); or

               (B) if the rate referred to in clause (A) does not so appear on
               Moneyline Telerate Page 120 or is not so published by 3:00 P.M.,
               New York City time, on the related Calculation Date, the rate on
               the particular Interest Determination Date for United States
               dollar federal funds as published in H.15 Daily Update, or such
               other recognized electronic source used for the purpose of
               displaying the applicable rate, under the caption "Federal Funds
               (Effective)"; or

               (C) if the rate referred to in clause (B) is not so published by
               3:00 P.M., New York City time, on the related Calculation Date,
               the rate on the particular Interest Determination Date calculated
               by the Calculation Agent as the arithmetic mean of the rates for
               the last transaction in overnight United States dollar federal
               funds arranged by three leading brokers of United States dollar
               federal funds transactions in The City of New York (which may
               include the purchasing agent or its affiliates) selected by the
               Calculation Agent prior to 9:00 A.M., New York City time, on that
               Interest Determination Date; or

               (D) if the brokers so selected by the Calculation Agent are not
               quoting as mentioned in clause (C), the Federal Funds Rate in
               effect on the particular Interest Determination Date; provided
               that if no Federal Funds

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               Rate is then in effect, the interest rate for the next Interest
               Reset Period will be the Initial Interest Rate.

           (5) LIBOR NOTES. If the Interest Rate Basis is LIBOR, this Note shall
           be deemed a "LIBOR Note." Unless otherwise specified on the face
           hereof, "LIBOR" means, from the Issuance Date to the first Interest
           Reset Date, the Initial Interest Rate, if any, and thereafter:

               (A) if "LIBOR Moneyline Telerate" is specified on the face hereof
               or if neither "LIBOR Reuters" nor "LIBOR Moneyline Telerate" is
               specified on the face hereof as the method for calculating LIBOR,
               the rate for deposits in the LIBOR Currency (as defined below)
               having the Index Maturity specified on the face hereof,
               commencing on the related Interest Reset Date, that appears on
               the LIBOR Page (as defined below) as of 11:00 A.M., London time,
               on the particular Interest Determination Date; or

               (B) if "LIBOR Reuters" is specified on the face hereof, the
               arithmetic mean of the offered rates, calculated by the
               Calculation Agent, or the offered rate, if the LIBOR Page by its
               terms provides only for a single rate, for deposits in the LIBOR
               Currency having the particular Index Maturity, commencing on the
               related Interest Reset Date, that appear or appears, as the case
               may be, on the LIBOR Page as of 11:00 A.M., London time, on the
               particular Interest Determination Date; or

               (C) if fewer than two offered rates appear, or no rate appears,
               as the case may be, on the particular Interest Determination Date
               on the LIBOR Page as specified in clause (A) or (B), as
               applicable, the rate calculated by the Calculation Agent as the
               arithmetic mean of at least two offered quotations obtained by
               the Calculation Agent after requesting the principal London
               offices of each of four major reference banks (which may include
               affiliates of the purchasing agent) in the London interbank
               market to provide the Calculation Agent with its offered
               quotation for deposits in the LIBOR Currency for the period of
               the particular Index Maturity, commencing on the related Interest
               Reset Date, to prime banks in the London interbank market at
               approximately 11:00 A.M., London time, on that Interest
               Determination Date and in a principal amount that is
               representative for a single transaction in the LIBOR Currency in
               that market at that time; or

               (D) if fewer than two offered quotations referred to in clause
               (C) are provided as requested, the rate calculated by the
               Calculation Agent as the arithmetic mean of the rates quoted at
               approximately 11:00 A.M., in the applicable Principal Financial
               Center, on the particular Interest Determination Date by three
               major banks (which may include affiliates of the purchasing
               agent) in that Principal Financial Center selected by the
               Calculation Agent for loans in the LIBOR Currency to leading

                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
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               banks, having the particular Index Maturity and in a principal
               amount that is representative for a single transaction in the
               LIBOR Currency in that market at that time; or

               (E) if the banks so selected by the Calculation Agent are not
               quoting as mentioned in clause (D), LIBOR in effect on the
               particular Interest Determination Date; provided that if no LIBOR
               is then in effect, the interest rate for the next Interest Reset
               Period will be the Initial Interest Rate.

           "LIBOR Currency" means the currency specified on the face hereof as
           to which LIBOR shall be calculated or, if no currency is specified on
           the face hereof, United States dollars.

           "LIBOR Page" means either: (1) if "LIBOR Reuters" is specified on the
           face hereof, the display on the Reuter Monitor Money Rates Service
           (or any successor service) on the page specified on the face hereof
           (or any other page as may replace that page on that service) for the
           purpose of displaying the London interbank rates of major banks for
           the LIBOR Currency; or (2) if "LIBOR Moneyline Telerate" is specified
           on the face hereof or neither "LIBOR Reuters" nor "LIBOR Moneyline
           Telerate" is specified on the face hereof as the method for
           calculating LIBOR, the display on Moneyline Telerate (or any
           successor service) on the page specified on the face hereof (or any
           other page as may replace such page on such service), or if no such
           page is specified, on the Moneyline Telerate (or any successor
           service) page generally used for the purpose of displaying the London
           interbank rates of major banks for the LIBOR Currency.

           (6) PRIME RATE NOTES. If the Interest Rate Basis is the Prime Rate,
           this Note shall be deemed a "Prime Rate Note." Unless otherwise
           specified on the face hereof, "Prime Rate" means, from the Issuance
           Date to the first Interest Reset Date, the Initial Interest Rate, if
           any, and thereafter:

               (A) the rate on the particular Interest Determination Date as
               published in H.15(519) under the caption "Bank Prime Loan"; or

               (B) if the rate referred to in clause (A) is not so published by
               3:00 P.M., New York City time, on the related Calculation Date,
               the rate on the particular Interest Determination Date as
               published in H.15 Daily Update, or such other recognized
               electronic source used for the purpose of displaying the
               applicable rate, under the caption "Bank Prime Loan", or

               (C) if the rate referred to in clause (B) is not so published by
               3:00 P.M., New York City time, on the related Calculation Date,
               the rate on the particular Interest Determination Date calculated
               by the Calculation Agent as the arithmetic mean of the rates of
               interest publicly announced by each bank that appears on the
               Reuters Screen US PRIME 1 Page (as defined

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               below) as the applicable bank's prime rate or base lending rate
               as of 11:00 A.M., New York City time, on that Interest
               Determination Date; or

               (D) if fewer than four rates referred to in clause (C) are so
               published by 3:00 p.m., New York City time, on the related
               Calculation Date, the rate calculated by the Calculation Agent on
               the particular Interest Determination Date as the arithmetic mean
               of the prime rates or base lending rates quoted on the basis of
               the actual number of days in the year divided by a 360-day year
               as of the close of business on that Interest Determination Date
               by three major banks (which may include affiliates of the
               purchasing agent) in The City of New York selected by the
               Calculation Agent; or

               (E) if the banks so selected by the Calculation Agent are not
               quoting as mentioned in clause (D), the Prime Rate in effect on
               the particular Interest Determination Date; provided that if no
               Prime Rate is then in effect, the interest rate for the next
               Interest Reset Period will be the Initial Interest Rate.

           "Reuters Screen US PRIME 1 Page" means the display on the Reuter
           Monitor Money Rates Service (or any successor service) on the "US
           PRIME 1" page (or any other page as may replace that page on that
           service) for the purpose of displaying prime rates or base lending
           rates of major United States banks.

           (7) TREASURY RATE NOTES. If the Interest Rate Basis is the Treasury
           Rate, this Note shall be deemed a "Treasury Rate Note." Unless
           otherwise specified on the face hereof, "Treasury Rate" means, from
           the Issuance Date to the first Interest Reset Date, the Initial
           Interest Rate, if any, and thereafter:

               (A) the rate from the auction held on the Interest Determination
               Date (the "Auction") of direct obligations of the United States
               ("Treasury Bills") having the Index Maturity specified on the
               face hereof under the caption "Investment Rate" on the display on
               Moneyline Telerate (or any successor service) on page 56 (or any
               other page as may replace that page on that service) ("Moneyline
               Telerate Page 56") or page 57 (or any other page as may replace
               that page on that service) ("Moneyline Telerate Page 57"); or

               (B) if the rate referred to in clause (A) is not so published by
               3:00 P.M., New York City time, on the related Calculation Date,
               the Bond Equivalent Yield (as defined below) of the rate for the
               applicable Treasury Bills as published in H.15 Daily Update, or
               another recognized electronic source used for the purpose of
               displaying the applicable rate, under the caption "U.S.
               Government Securities/Treasury Bills/Auction High"; or

               (C) if the rate referred to in clause (B) is not so published by
               3:00 P.M., New York City time, on the related Calculation Date,
               the Bond

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               Equivalent Yield of the auction rate of the applicable Treasury
               Bills as announced by the United States Department of the
               Treasury; or

               (D) if the rate referred to in clause (C) is not so announced by
               the United States Department of the Treasury, or if the Auction
               is not held, the Bond Equivalent Yield of the rate on the
               particular Interest Determination Date of the applicable Treasury
               Bills as published in H.15(519) under the caption "U.S.
               Government Securities/Treasury Bills/Secondary Market"; or

               (E) if the rate referred to in clause (D) is not so published by
               3:00 P.M., New York City time, on the related Calculation Date,
               the rate on the particular Interest Determination Date of the
               applicable Treasury Bills as published in H.15 Daily Update, or
               another recognized electronic source used for the purpose of
               displaying the applicable rate, under the caption "U.S.
               Government Securities/Treasury Bills/Secondary Market"; or

               (F) if the rate referred to in clause (E) is not so published by
               3:00 P.M., New York City time, on the related Calculation Date,
               the rate on the particular Interest Determination Date calculated
               by the Calculation Agent as the Bond Equivalent Yield of the
               arithmetic mean of the secondary market bid rates, as of
               approximately 3:30 P.M., New York City time, on that Interest
               Determination Date, of three primary United States government
               securities dealers (which may include the purchasing agent or its
               affiliates) selected by the Calculation Agent, for the issue of
               Treasury Bills with a remaining maturity closest to the Index
               Maturity specified on the face hereof; or

               (G) if the dealers so selected by the Calculation Agent are not
               quoting as mentioned in clause (F), the Treasury Rate in effect
               on the particular Interest Determination Date; provided that if
               no Treasury Rate is then in effect, the interest rate for the
               next Interest Reset Period will be the Initial Interest Rate.

           "Bond Equivalent Yield" means a yield (expressed as a percentage)
           calculated in accordance with the following formula:

               Bond Equivalent Yield =              D x N       x 100
                                                360 - (D x M)

           where "D" refers to the  applicable per annum rate for Treasury Bills
           quoted on a bank  discount  basis and  expressed  as a  decimal,  "N"
           refers  to 365 or 366,  as the case  may be,  and "M"  refers  to the
           actual number of days in the applicable Interest Reset Period.

      (c)  DISCOUNT NOTES.  If  this  Note  is specified on the face hereof as a
           "Discount Note":

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               (i) PRINCIPAL  AND INTEREST.  This Note will bear interest in the
               same manner as set forth in Section  3(a) above,  and payments of
               principal  and  interest  shall be made as set  forth on the face
               hereof. Discount Notes may not bear any interest currently or may
               bear interest at a rate that is below market rates at the time of
               issuance.  The  difference  between the Issue Price of a Discount
               Note and par is referred to as the "Discount".

               (ii) REDEMPTION; REPAYMENT; ACCELERATION. In the event a Discount
               Note is redeemed,  repaid or  accelerated,  the amount payable to
               the Holder of such Discount Note will be equal to the sum of: (A)
               the Issue Price  (increased by any accruals of Discount)  and, in
               the event of any redemption of such Discount Note, if applicable,
               multiplied by the Initial  Redemption  Percentage (as adjusted by
               the Annual Redemption Percentage Reduction,  if applicable);  and
               (B) any  unpaid  interest  accrued on such  Discount  Note to the
               Maturity  Date  ("Amortized   Face  Amount").   Unless  otherwise
               specified on the face hereof,  for  purposes of  determining  the
               amount of  Discount  that has  accrued  as of any date on which a
               redemption,  repayment or  acceleration  of maturity occurs for a
               Discount  Note, a Discount will be accrued using a constant yield
               method.  The  constant  yield will be  calculated  using a 30-day
               month, 360-day year convention, a compounding period that, except
               for the Initial  Period (as defined  below),  corresponds  to the
               shortest period between Interest Payment Dates for the applicable
               Discount  Note  (with  ratable   accruals  within  a  compounding
               period),   a  coupon  rate  equal  to  the  initial  coupon  rate
               applicable to the applicable Discount Note and an assumption that
               the maturity of such  Discount Note will not be  accelerated.  If
               the period from the date of issue to the first  Interest  Payment
               Date for a Discount Note (the  "Initial  Period") is shorter than
               the  compounding  period for such Discount Note, a  proportionate
               amount  of the yield for an  entire  compounding  period  will be
               accrued.  If the Initial  Period is longer  than the  compounding
               period,   then  the  period  will  be  divided   into  a  regular
               compounding period and a short period with the short period being
               treated as provided above.

SECTION 4.  REDEMPTION.  If no redemption right is set forth on the face hereof,
this Note may not be redeemed prior to the Stated  Maturity Date,  except as set
forth in the Indenture.  If a redemption  right is set forth on the face of this
Note, the Trust shall redeem this Note on the Interest  Payment Date on or after
the  Initial  Redemption  Date set forth on the face hereof on which the Funding
Agreement  is to be  redeemed  in whole or in part by  Hartford  Life  Insurance
Company  ("HARTFORD LIFE") (each, a "REDEMPTION  DATE"), in which case this Note
must be redeemed on such  Redemption  Date in whole or in part,  as  applicable,
prior to the  Stated  Maturity  Date,  in  increments  equal  to the  Authorized
Denominations  (provided that any remaining  Principal Amount hereof shall be at
least equal to the Authorized  Denomination) at the applicable  Redemption Price
(as defined below),  together with unpaid interest,  if any, accrued thereon to,
but excluding,  the applicable Redemption Date. "REDEMPTION PRICE" shall mean an
amount  equal to the Initial  Redemption  Percentage  (as adjusted by the Annual
Redemption  Percentage  Reduction,  if  applicable)  multiplied  by  the  unpaid
Principal  Amount of this Note to be redeemed (or in the case of Discount Notes,
multiplied as set forth in Section 3(c)(ii) above).  The unpaid Principal Amount
of  this  Note  to be  redeemed  shall  be  determined  by  multiplying  (1) the
Outstanding  Principal  Amount  of  this  Note by (2) the  quotient  derived  by
dividing (A) the  outstanding  principal  amount of the Funding  Agreement to be
redeemed by Hartford Life by (B) the outstanding principal amount of the Funding

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The Initial Redemption Percentage, if any, applicable to this Note shall decline
at each  anniversary  of the Initial  Redemption  Date by an amount equal to the
applicable Annual Redemption Percentage Reduction,  if any, until the Redemption
Price is equal to 100% of the unpaid amount thereof to be redeemed.  Notice must
be given not more than seventy-five (75) nor less than thirty (30) calendar days
prior to the proposed  Redemption  Date. In the event of redemption of this Note
in part only, a new Note for the  unredeemed  portion  hereof shall be issued in
the name of the Holder hereof upon the surrender hereof.

SECTION 5. SINKING  FUNDS AND  AMORTIZING  NOTES.  Unless  specified on the face
hereof,  this Note will not be subject  to, or  entitled  to the benefit of, any
sinking  fund.  If this Note is specified  on the face hereof as an  "Amortizing
Note",  this Note will bear  interest in the same manner as set forth in Section
3(a) above,  and payments of  principal,  premium,  if any, and interest will be
made as set  forth on the face  hereof  and/or in  accordance  with  Schedule  I
attached hereto. The Trust will make payments combining  principal,  premium (if
any) and interest,  if applicable,  on the dates and in the amounts set forth in
the table  appearing in SCHEDULE I, attached to this Note or in accordance  with
the formula  specified on the face hereof.  Payments made hereon will be applied
first to interest due and payable hereon and then to the reduction of the unpaid
principal amount hereof.

SECTION 6.  REPAYMENT.  If no  repayment  right is set forth on the face hereof,
this Note may not be repaid at the  option  of the  Holder  hereof  prior to the
Stated  Maturity Date. If a repayment right is granted on the face of this Note,
this  Note may be  subject  to  repayment  at the  option  of the  Holder on any
Interest  Payment  Date on and  after the date,  if any,  indicated  on the face
hereof (each,  a "Repayment  Date").  On any Repayment  Date,  unless  otherwise
specified on the face  hereof,  this Note shall be repayable in whole or in part
in increments equal to the Authorized Denominations (provided that any remaining
Principal Amount hereof shall be at least equal to the Authorized  Denomination)
at  the  option  of the  Holder  hereof  at the  Repayment  Price  equal  to the
percentage  of the Principal  Amount to be repaid  specified on the face hereof,
together with interest  thereon  payable to the Repayment Date. For this Note to
be repaid in whole or in part at the option of the Holder hereof,  the Indenture
Trustee (or the Paying Agent on behalf of the  Indenture  Trustee) must receive,
at its  Corporate  Trust  Office,  or at such other place or places of which the
Trust  shall from time to time  notify  the  Holder of this Note,  not more than
seventy-five  (75) nor less than  thirty  (30) days prior to a  Repayment  Date,
shown on the face of this Note, (I) this Note with the form entitled  "Option to
Elect  Repayment",  attached  hereto,  duly  completed  by the  Holder or (II) a
telegram,  telex, facsimile transmission or a letter from a member of a national
securities exchange or the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. or a
commercial  bank or a trust company in the United States  setting forth the name
of the holder of this Note, the principal amount hereof,  the certificate number
of this Note or a  description  of this Note's  tenor and terms,  the  principal
amount hereof to be repaid,  a statement  that the option to elect  repayment is
being exercised  thereby and a guarantee that this Note,  together with the form
entitled  "Option to Elect  Repayment" duly  completed,  will be received by the
Indenture  Trustee (or the Paying Agent on behalf of the Indenture  Trustee) not
later than the fifth (5th) Business Day after the date of such telegram,  telex,
facsimile transmission or letter; PROVIDED, that such telegram, telex, facsimile
transmission  or  letter  shall  only be  effective  if this  Note and form duly
completed are received by the  Indenture  Trustee (or the Paying Agent on behalf
of the Indenture  Trustee) by such fifth (5th)  Business  Day.  Exercise of such
repayment  option by the Holder  hereof  shall be  irrevocable.  In the event of
repayment of this Note in part only, a new

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Note or Notes for the amount of the unpaid portion hereof shall be issued in the
name of the Holder hereof upon the cancellation hereof.

SECTION  7.  MODIFICATIONS  AND  WAIVERS.   The  Indenture  contains  provisions
permitting the Trust and the Indenture  Trustee (1) at any time and from time to
time without notice to, or the consent of, the Holders of any Notes issued under
the  Indenture  to enter into one or more  supplemental  indentures  for certain
enumerated  purposes  and (2) with the  consent of the  Holders of a majority in
aggregate  principal amount of the Outstanding Notes affected thereby,  to enter
into  one or  more  supplemental  indentures  for  the  purpose  of  adding  any
provisions  to, or changing in any manner or  eliminating  any of the provisions
of, the  Indenture  or of modifying in any manner the rights of Holders of Notes
under  the  Indenture;  PROVIDED,  that,  with  respect  to  certain  enumerated
provisions,  no such  supplemental  indenture  shall be entered into without the
consent of the Holder of each Note affected thereby.  Any such consent or waiver
by the Holder of this Note shall be conclusive  and binding upon such Holder and
upon  all  future  Holders  of  this  Note  and  of any  Note  issued  upon  the
registration of transfer hereof or in exchange hereof or in lieu hereof, whether
or not  notation of such  consent or waiver is made upon this Note or such other

SECTION 8. OBLIGATIONS  UNCONDITIONAL.  No reference herein to the Indenture and
no provisions  of this Note or of the  Indenture  shall impair the right of each
Holder of any Note, which is absolute and  unconditional,  to receive payment of
the principal of, and any interest on, and premium, if any, on, such Note on the
respective Stated Maturity Date or redemption date thereof and to institute suit
for the  enforcement of any such payment,  and such rights shall not be impaired
without the consent of such Holder.

SECTION 9. EVENTS OF DEFAULT.  If an Event of Default  with respect to the Notes
shall occur and be continuing,  the principal of, and all other amounts  payable
on,  the  Notes  may be  declared  due  and  payable,  or  may be  automatically
accelerated,  as the case may be, in the manner and with the effect  provided in
the  Indenture.  In the event that this Note is a Discount  Note,  the amount of
principal of this Note that becomes due and payable upon such acceleration shall
be equal to the amount calculated as set forth in Section 3(c) hereof.

SECTION 10. WITHHOLDING; TAX EVENT. All amounts due in respect of this Note will
be made free and clear of any  applicable  withholding  or  deduction  for or on
account of any present or future taxes,  duties,  levies,  assessments  or other
governmental charges of whatever nature imposed or levied by or on behalf of any
governmental authority, unless such withholding or deduction is required by law.
Unless  otherwise  specified  on the face  hereof,  the  Trust  will not pay any
additional amounts to the Holder of this Note in respect of any such withholding
or deduction,  any such  withholding or deduction will not give rise to an Event
of Default or any  independent  right or  obligation to redeem this Note and the
Holder will be deemed for all purposes to have  received cash in an amount equal
to the portion of such  withholding  or deduction that is  attributable  to such
Holder's interest in this Note as equitably determined by the Trust.

If  Hartford  Life will be required  to pay  additional  amounts to the Trust to
reflect any required  withholding or deduction  under the Funding  Agreement and
Hartford Life is required,  or based on an opinion of independent  legal counsel
selected by Hartford Life more than an insubstantial

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risk exists that  Hartford  Life will be required to pay  additional  amounts in
respect of such  withholding or deduction,  Hartford Life will have the right to
redeem the  Funding  Agreement  and,  if  Hartford  Life elects to so redeem the
Funding  Agreement,  the Trust will redeem  this Note,  subject to the terms and
conditions of Section 2.04 of the Indenture.

         If (1) a Tax Event (defined below) as to the relevant Funding Agreement
occurs and (2) Hartford Life elects to redeem the Funding  Agreement in whole or
in part, the Trust will redeem this Note, subject to the terms and conditions of
Section 2.04 of the Indenture, at the Tax Event Redemption Price (defined below)
together with unpaid interest accrued thereon to the applicable redemption date.
"TAX  EVENT"  means  that  Hartford  Life  shall  have  received  an  opinion of
independent  legal  counsel  stating  in  effect  that  as a  result  of (A) any
amendment to, or change  (including  any announced  prospective  change) in, the
laws (or any  regulations  thereunder)  of the  United  States or any  political
subdivision or taxing  authority  thereof or therein or (B) any amendment to, or
change in, an  interpretation  or application of any such laws or regulations by
any  governmental  authority in the United States,  which amendment or change is
enacted, promulgated,  issued or announced on or after the effective date of the
relevant Funding  Agreement,  there is more than an insubstantial  risk that (I)
the Trust is, or will be within ninety (90) days of the date thereof, subject to
U.S.  federal  income tax with  respect to  interest  accrued or received on the
relevant  Funding  Agreement or (II) the Trust is, or will be within ninety (90)
days of the date  thereof,  subject to more than a de  minimis  amount of taxes,
duties or other  governmental  charges.  "TAX EVENT  REDEMPTION  PRICE" means an
amount equal to the unpaid principal  amount of this Note to be redeemed,  which
shall be determined by multiplying (1) the Outstanding  Principal Amount of this
Note by (2) the  quotient  derived by  dividing  (A) the  outstanding  principal
amount to be  redeemed  by Hartford  Life of the  Funding  Agreement  by (B) the
outstanding principal amount of the Funding Agreement.

SECTION 11. LISTING.  Unless otherwise  specified on the face hereof,  this Note
will not be listed on any securities exchange.

SECTION  12.  COLLATERAL.  The  Collateral  for this Note  includes  the Funding
Agreement specified on the face \hereof.

SECTION 13. NO RECOURSE  AGAINST CERTAIN  PERSONS.  No recourse shall be had for
the payment of any principal, interest or any other sums at any time owing under
the terms of this Note, or for any claim based  hereon,  or otherwise in respect
hereof, or based on or in respect of the Indenture or any indenture supplemental
thereto, against the Nonrecourse Parties, whether by virtue of any constitution,
statute or rule of law, or by the  enforcement  of any  assessment or penalty or
otherwise,  all such personal  liability being, by the acceptance  hereof and as
part of the consideration for issue hereof, expressly waived and released.


         (a) This Note is issuable only as a registered  Note without coupons in
denominations  of $1,000 and any integral  multiple of $1,000 in excess  thereof
unless otherwise specified on the face of this Note.

                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
                                     B - 25

         (b) Prior to due presentment for registration of transfer of this Note,
the Trust, the Indenture  Trustee,  the Registrar,  the Paying Agent, any Agent,
and any other agent of the Trust or the  Indenture  Trustee may treat the Person
in whose name this Note is  registered  as the owner  hereof for the  purpose of
receiving payment as herein provided and for all other purposes,  whether or not
this Note shall be overdue,  and none of the Trust, the Indenture  Trustee,  the
Registrar,  the Paying Agent,  any Agent, or any other agent of the Trust or the
Indenture Trustee shall be affected by notice to the contrary.

         (c) The  Notes are being  issued by means of a  book-entry-only  system
with no physical  distribution  of certificates to be made except as provided in
the Indenture.  The book-entry system maintained by DTC will evidence  ownership
of the Notes, with transfers of ownership effected on the records of DTC and its
participants  pursuant  to  rules  and  procedures  established  by DTC  and its
participants.  The Trust and the Indenture Trustee will recognize Cede & Co., as
nominee of DTC, as the registered owner of the Notes, as the Holder of the Notes
for all purposes, including payment of principal, premium (if any) and interest,
notices and  voting.  Transfer of  principal,  premium (if any) and  interest to
participants  of  DTC  will  be the  responsibility  of  DTC,  and  transfer  of
principal,  premium (if any) and interest to beneficial  holders of the Notes by
participants of DTC will be the  responsibility  of such  participants and other
nominees of such  beneficial  holders.  So long as the  book-entry  system is in
effect,  the  selection of any Notes to be redeemed or repaid will be determined
by DTC pursuant to rules and procedures established by DTC and its participants.
Neither the Trust nor the Indenture  Trustee will be  responsible  or liable for
such  transfers or payments or for  maintaining,  supervising  or reviewing  the
records  maintained  by DTC, its  participants  or persons  acting  through such

         (d) This Note or portion  hereof may not be  exchanged  for  Definitive
Notes, except in the limited  circumstances  provided for in the Indenture.  The
transfer or exchange  of  Definitive  Notes shall be subject to the terms of the
Indenture.  No service charge will be made for any  registration  of transfer or
exchange, but the Trust may require payment of a sum sufficient to cover any tax
or other governmental charge payable in connection therewith.


                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
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                            OPTION TO ELECT REPAYMENT

The undersigned hereby irrevocably request(s) and instruct(s) the Trust to repay
this Note (or portion hereof  specified  below) pursuant to its terms at a price
equal to the  Principal  Amount  hereof  together with interest to the repayment
date, to the undersigned, at:


print or typewrite name and address of the undersigned).

If less than the entire Principal  Amount of this Note is to be repaid,  specify
the portion  hereof  (which shall be in  increments  of $1,000) which the Holder
elects to have repaid and specify the denomination or denominations (which shall
be $______ or an integral  multiple of $1,000 in excess of $______) of the Notes
to be issued to the Holder for the portion of this Note not being repaid (in the
absence of any such specification,  one such Note will be issued for the portion
not being repaid).

$ ___________________________
                                         NOTICE: The signature on this Option to
Date:  ______________________            Elect Repayment must correspond with
                                         the name as written upon the face of
                                         this Note in every particular, without
                                         alteration or enlargement or any change

Principal Amount to be repaid, if        Fill in for registration of Notes if to
amount to be repaid is less than the     be issued otherwise than to the
(Principal Amount of this Note Principal registered Holder:
Amount remaining must be an authorized
                                         Name:  ________________________________

$___________________________             Address: ______________________________

                                                  (Please print name and address
                                                  including zip code)
SOCIAL SECURITY OR OTHER TAXPAYER ID NUMBER:  _________________________________

                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
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                                   SCHEDULE I

                          AMORTIZATION TABLE OR FORMULA

                                 Not applicable.

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                                   SCHEDULE II


         The spread for the Notes for the indicated periods is as follows:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------
                                                  PERIOD                                        SPREAD
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------
From and including the Issuance Date to but not including March 15, 2009                    + 0.02%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------
From and including March 15, 2009 to but not including March 15, 2010                       + 0.03%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------
From and including March 15, 2010 to but not including the Final Stated Maturity Date       + 0.04%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------

                   Hartford Life Global Funding Trust 2007-003
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