WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                  SCHEDULE 14A
                                 (RULE 14a-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934


Filed by the Registrant |X|

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant |_|

Check the appropriate box:

|_|   Preliminary Proxy Statement

|_|   Confidential, for the use of the Commission only (as permitted by Rule

|X|   Definitive Proxy Statement

|_|   Definitive Additional Materials

|_|   Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-12


                                  ZHONGPIN INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

      (Name(s) of Person Filing Proxy Statement, if Other than Registrant)


Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

|X|   No fee required

|_|   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

      (1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

      (2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

      (3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
            pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which
            the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

      (4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

      (5)   Total fee paid:

|_|   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:

|_|   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
      Rule 0-1l(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
      paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
      number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

      (1)   Amount Previously Paid:

      (2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

      (3)   Filing Party:

      (4)   Date Filed:

                                  ZHONGPIN INC.
                                21 CHANGSHE ROAD
                          CHANGGE CITY, HENAN PROVINCE
                           PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA


                       TO BE HELD ON FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 2007

                                                                     May 7, 2007

To the stockholders of Zhongpin Inc.:

      Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of stockholders of Zhongpin
Inc., a Delaware corporation, will be held at our representative offices located
at Room 605A, Tower A, Raycom Info Tech Park, No. 2 Kexueyuan South Road,
Haidian District, Beijing, PRC 100080 on Friday, June 15, 2007 at 10:00 A.M.,
local time, for the following purposes:

         1. To elect four directors to our board of directors for the next year
            and until their successors are elected;

         2. To consider and vote upon a proposal to approve and adopt our
            Amended and Restated 2006 Equity Incentive Plan;

         3. To consider and vote upon a proposal to ratify the appointment of
            Child, Van Wagoner & Bradshaw, PLLC, independent registered public
            accountants, as our independent auditors for the fiscal year ending
            December 31, 2007; and

         4. To consider and act upon such other business as may properly come
            before the meeting.

      The foregoing items of business are more fully described in the proxy
statement accompanying this notice. Our board of directors has fixed the close
of business on Tuesday, May 1, 2007 as the record date for the determination of
stockholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the annual meeting and at any
adjournment or postponement thereof.

      Whether or not you plan to attend the annual meeting, you should complete,
sign, date and promptly return the enclosed proxy card to ensure that your
shares will be represented at the meeting. If you attend the annual meeting and
wish to vote in person, you may withdraw your proxy and vote in person. You
should not send any certificates representing stock with your proxy card.


                                          XIANFU ZHU
                                          CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD

                                  ZHONGPIN INC.
                                21 CHANGSHE ROAD
                          CHANGGE CITY, HENAN PROVINCE
                           PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

                                 PROXY STATEMENT


      This proxy statement is furnished to the stockholders of Zhongpin Inc. in
connection with the solicitation, by order of our board of directors, of proxies
to be voted at the annual meeting of stockholders to be held on Friday, June 15,
2007 at 10:00 A.M., local time, at our representative offices located at Room
605A, Tower A, Raycom Info Tech Park, No. 2 Kexueyuan South Road, Haidian
District, Beijing, PRC 100080, and at any adjournment or adjournments thereof.
The accompanying proxy is being solicited on behalf of our board of directors.
We intend to release this proxy statement and the enclosed proxy card to our
stockholders on or about Monday, May 7, 2007.


      At the annual meeting, you will be asked to consider and vote upon the
following matters:

         1. To elect four directors to our board of directors for the next year
            and until their successors are elected;

         2. To consider and vote upon a proposal to approve and adopt our 2006
            Equity Incentive Plan;

         3. To consider and vote upon a proposal to ratify the appointment of
            Child, Van Wagoner & Bradshaw, PLLC, independent registered public
            accountants, as our independent auditors for the fiscal year ending
            December 31, 2007; and

         4. To consider and act upon such other business as may properly come
            before the meeting.


      All of our voting securities represented by valid proxies, unless the
stockholder otherwise specifies therein or unless revoked, will be voted FOR
each of the director nominees set forth herein, FOR the approval of the adoption
of our Amended and Restated 2006 Equity Incentive Plan, FOR the ratification of
Child, Van Wagoner & Bradshaw, PLLC as our independent auditors and at the
discretion of the proxy holders on any other matters that may properly come
before the annual meeting. Except as set forth above, our board of directors
does not know of any matters to be considered at the annual meeting.

      If a stockholder has appropriately specified how a proxy is to be voted,
it will be voted accordingly. Any stockholder has the power to revoke such
stockholder's proxy at any time before it is voted. A stockholder may revoke a
proxy by delivering a written statement to our corporate secretary stating that
the proxy is revoked, by submitting a subsequent proxy signed by the same person
who signed the prior proxy, or by voting in person at the annual meeting.

      As of April 16, 2007, we had a total of 13,671,087 shares of common stock
outstanding and 5,361,224 shares of Series A convertible preferred stock
outstanding. Each outstanding share of our Series A convertible preferred stock
entitles the holder to one vote on all matters presented to the stockholders for
a vote. A plurality of the votes cast at the annual meeting by the stockholders
entitled to vote in the election is required to elect the director nominees and
a majority of the votes cast by the stockholders entitled to vote at the annual
meeting is required to approve the proposed adoption of our Amended and Restated
2006 Equity Incentive Plan and to take any other action, including the approval
of our independent auditors. For purposes of determining whether a proposal has
received the required vote, abstentions will be included in the vote totals,
with the result being that an abstention will have the same effect as a negative
vote. In instances where brokers are prohibited from exercising discretionary
authority for beneficial holders who have not returned a proxy (so-called
"broker non-votes"), those shares will not be included in the vote totals and,
therefore, will also have the same effect as a negative vote. Shares that
abstain or for which the authority to vote is withheld on certain matters will,
however, be treated as present for quorum purposes on all matters.

      In the event that sufficient votes in favor of any of the matters to come
before the meeting are not received by the date of the annual meeting, the
persons named as proxies may propose one or more adjournments of the annual
meeting to permit further solicitation of proxies. Any such adjournment will
require the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of
common stock present in person or by proxy at the annual meeting. The persons
named as proxies will vote in favor of any such proposed adjournment or
adjournments. Under Delaware law, stockholders will not have appraisal or
similar rights in connection with any proposal set forth in this proxy


      The solicitation of proxies pursuant to this proxy statement will be
primarily by mail. In addition, certain of our directors, officers or other
employees may solicit proxies by telephone, telegraph, mail or personal
interviews, and arrangements may be made with banks, brokerage firms and others
to forward solicitation material to the beneficial owners of shares held by them
of record. No additional compensation will be paid to our directors, officers or
other employees for such services. We will bear the cost of the solicitation of
proxies related to the annual meeting.


      Our board of directors has fixed Tuesday, May 1, 2007, as the record date
for the determination of stockholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the
annual meeting. Holders of record of shares of our common stock and Series A
convertible preferred stock at the close of business on the record date will be
entitled to one vote for each share held. The presence, in person or by proxy,
of the holders of a majority of the outstanding voting securities entitled to
vote at the annual meeting is necessary to constitute a quorum at the annual


      The following table sets forth, as of April 16, 2007, the names, addresses
and number of shares of our common stock beneficially owned by all persons known
to us to be beneficial owners of more than 5% of the outstanding shares of our
common stock, and the names and number of shares beneficially owned by all of
our directors and all of our executive officers and directors as a group (except
as indicated, each beneficial owner listed exercises sole voting power and sole
dispositive power over the shares beneficially owned). As of April 16, 2007, we
had a total of 13,671,087 shares of common stock outstanding.


                                                 NUMBER OF SHARES   PERCENT OF
                                                     AND NATURE       COMMON
                                                   OF BENEFICIAL       STOCK
- ------------------------                         ---------------- --------------
Xianfu Zhu......................................   6,367,506           46.6%
c/o Zhongpin Inc.
21 Changshe Road
Changge City, Henan Province
The People's Republic of China

Pinnacle China Fund, L.P. ......................   1,366,972(3)         9.9%
4965 Preston Park Blvd
Suite 240
Plano, TX  75093

Entities Affiliated with RENN
  Capital Group, Inc. ..........................   1,299,414(4)         9.5%
8080 Central Expressway, Suite 210, LB-59
Dallas, TX  75206

Jayhawk China Fund (Cayman), Ltd................   1,366,972(5)         9.9%
c/o Genesis Fund Service Limited
8201 Mission Road, Suite 110
Prairie Village, KS  66208

Entities Affiliated with Special Situations
  Private Equity Fund, L.P. ....................   1,200,563(6)         8.8%
527 Madison Avenue, Suite 2600
New York, NY 10022

Entities Affiliated with Atlas Capital L.P. ....     800,376(7)         5.9%
100 Crescent Court, Sutie 880
Dallas, TX 75201

Vision Opportunity Master Fund, Ltd.............     720,338(8)         5.3%
317 Madison Avenue, Suite 200
New York, NY 10017

Southwell Partners, L.P.........................     736,446(9)         5.4%
1901 North Akard Street
Dallas, Texas  75201

Yunchun Wang....................................     562,500            4.1%

Xinyu Li........................................          --             --

All directors and executive officers as a group
  (six persons).................................   7,768,134           56.8%

- ---------------
(1)    A person is considered to beneficially own any shares: (i) over which
       such person, directly or indirectly, exercises sole or shared voting or
       investment power, or (ii) of which such person has the right to acquire
       beneficial ownership at any time within 60 days (such as through exercise
       of stock options or warrants). Unless otherwise indicated, voting and
       investment power relating to the shares shown in the table for our
       directors and executive officers is exercised solely by the beneficial
       owner or shared by the owner and the owner's spouse or children.


(2)    For purposes of this table, a person or group of persons is deemed to
       have "beneficial ownership" of any shares of common stock that such
       person has the right to acquire within 60 days after April 16, 2007. For
       purposes of computing the percentage of outstanding shares of our common
       stock held by each person or group of persons named above, any shares
       that such person or persons has the right to acquire within 60 days after
       April 16, 2007 is deemed to be outstanding, but is not deemed to be
       outstanding for the purpose of computing the percentage ownership of any
       other person. The inclusion herein of any shares listed as beneficially
       owned does not constitute an admission of beneficial ownership.

(3)    Pinnacle China Fund, L.P. ("Pinnacle") owns 144,866 outstanding shares of
       common stock, shares of Series A convertible preferred stock that are
       convertible into an aggregate of 1,750,000 shares of common stock, and
       warrants to purchase an aggregate of 1,137,500 shares of common stock.
       The shares of Series A convertible preferred stock and warrants contain
       provisions known as "exercise caps," which prohibit the holder of the
       shares of Series A convertible preferred stock and warrants (and its
       affiliates) from converting such shares or exercising such warrants to
       the extent that giving effect to such conversion or exercise, such holder
       would beneficially own in excess of 9.999% of our outstanding common
       stock. The figures set forth above reflect the operation of such exercise
       caps in that we have not included 1,664,994 shares of common stock
       issuable pursuant to such convertible shares and warrants as Pinnacle has
       advised us that it does not beneficially own such shares due to the fact
       that it cannot exercise its right to receive such shares at this time. In
       the absence of such caps, Pinnacle would have the right to receive all
       shares issuable upon conversion of the shares of Series A convertible
       preferred stock and exercise of the warrants (an aggregate of 2,887,500
       shares) and would have a beneficial ownership percentage of 22.1%.

       Pinnacle China Advisers, L.P. ("Pinnacle Advisers") is the general
       partner of Pinnacle. Pinnacle China Management, LLC ("Pinnacle
       Management") is the general partner of Pinnacle Advisers. Kitt China
       Management, LLC ("Pinnacle Manager") is the manager of Pinnacle
       Management. Barry M. Kitt is the sole member of Pinnacle Manager. As a
       result, Mr. Kitt may be deemed to be the beneficial owner of the shares
       of common stock beneficially owned by Pinnacle. Mr. Kitt expressly
       disclaims beneficial ownership of all shares of common stock beneficially
       owned by Pinnacle.

(4)    (i) BFS US Special Opportunities Trust PLC ("BFS") owns 30,957
       outstanding shares of common stock, shares of Series A convertible
       preferred stock that are convertible into an aggregate of 375,000 shares
       of common stock and warrants to purchase an aggregate of 243,750 shares
       of common stock, and (ii) Renaissance US Growth Investment Trust PLC
       ("Renaissance") owns 30,957 outstanding shares of common stock, shares of
       Series A convertible preferred stock that are convertible into an
       aggregate of 375,000 shares of common stock and warrants to purchase an
       aggregate of 243,750 shares of common stock. RENN Capital Group, Inc.
       ("RENN Advisor") is the investment manager of each of BFS and

       Russell Cleveland, the President of RENN Advisor, has voting and/or
       investment control over the shares owned by each of BFS and Renaissance.

(5)    Jayhawk China Fund (Cayman), Ltd. ("Jayhawk") owns 964,297 outstanding
       shares of common stock and warrants to purchase an aggregate of 585,000
       shares of common stock. The shares of Series A convertible preferred
       stock and warrants contain provisions known as "exercise caps," which
       prohibit the holder of the shares of Series A convertible preferred stock
       and warrants (and its affiliates) from converting such shares or
       exercising such warrants to the extent that giving effect to such
       conversion or exercise, such holder would beneficially own in excess of
       9.999% of our outstanding common stock. The figures set forth above as
       the ownership prior to the offering and the ownership after the offering
       reflect the operation of such exercise caps in that we have not included
       182,325 shares of common stock issuable pursuant to such convertible
       shares and warrants as Jayhawk has advised us that it does not
       beneficially own such shares due to the fact that it cannot exercise its
       right to receive such shares at this time. In the absence of such caps,
       Jayhawk would have the right to receive all shares issuable upon exercise
       of the warrants (an aggregate of 585,000 shares) and would have a
       beneficial ownership percentage of 11.3%.


       Jayhawk Capital Management, LLC is the investment manager of Jayhawk.
       Kent C. McCarthy has voting and/or investment control over the shares
       owned by Jayhawk.

(6)    Consists of (i) 214,500 shares of common stock issuable upon the
       conversion of Series A convertible preferred stock beneficially owned by
       Special Situations Private Equity Fund L.P. ("Private Equity Fund") and
       128,860 shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of warrants
       beneficially owned by the Private Equity Fund, (ii) 492,750 shares of
       common stock issuable upon the conversion of Series A convertible
       preferred stock beneficially owned by Special Situation Fund III QP, L.P.
       ("Fund III QP") and 296,020 shares of common stock issuable upon the
       exercise of warrants beneficially owned by Fund III QP and (iii) 42,750
       shares of common stock issuable upon the conversion of Series A
       convertible preferred stock beneficially owned by Special Situations Fund
       III, L.P. ("Fund III") and 25,683 shares of common stock issuable upon
       the exercise of warrants beneficially owned by Fund III.

       MG Advisors, L.L.C. ("MG") is the general partner of and investment
       adviser to the Private Equity Fund. Austin W. Marxe and David M.
       Greenhouse are the principal owners of MG and are principally responsible
       for the selection, acquisition and disposition of the portfolio
       securities by MG on behalf of Private Equity Fund. MGP Advisers Limited
       Partnership ("MGP") is the general partner of Fund III and Fund III QP.
       Austin W. Marxe and David M. Greenhouse are the general partners of MGP
       and are principally responsible for the selection, acquisition and
       disposition of the portfolio securities by MGP on behalf of Fund III and
       Fund III QP.

(7)    Consists of (i) 283,750 shares of common stock issuable upon the
       conversion of Series A convertible preferred stock, and 170,462 shares of
       common stock issuable upon the exercise of warrants, beneficially owned
       by Atlas Capital Master Fund, L.P., (ii) 172,000 shares of common stock
       issuable upon the conversion of Series A convertible preferred stock, and
       103,330 shares of common stock issuable upon the exercise of warrants,
       beneficially owned by Atlas Capital (Q.P.), L.P. and (iii) 44,250 shares
       of common stock issuable upon the conversion of Series A convertible
       preferred stock, and 26,584 shares of common stock issuable upon the
       exercise of warrants, beneficially owned by Atlas Advantage Master Fund,
       L.P. Atlas Capital L.P. and Atlas Advantage Master Fund, L.P.. ("Atlas
       Advantage") are the general partners of Atlas Capital Master Fund Ltd.
       Atlas Capital Management L.P. ("Atlas Management") is the general partner
       of Atlas Capital L.P. Atlas Management is also the general partner of
       Atlas Capital (QP), L.P. and Atlas Advantage. RHA is the general partner
       of Atlas Management. Robert H. Alpert ("Alpert") is President of RHA and
       is a director of Atlas Advantage. Alpert has voting and/or investment
       control over the shares owned by Atlas Capital Master Fund, L.P., Atlas
       Capital (QP), L.P. and Atlas Advantage.

(8)    Consists of 267,503 outstanding shares of common stock, 182,470 shares of
       common stock issuable upon the conversion of Series A Convertible
       Preferred Stock, and 270,338 shares of common stock issuable upon the
       exercise of Warrants, beneficially owned by Vision Opportunity Master
       Fund, Ltd. ("Vision"). Adam Benowitz, managing partner of Vision, has
       voting and/or investment control over the shares owned by Vision.

(9)    Consists of 179,761 outstanding shares of common stock, 293,856 shares of
       common stock issuable upon the conversion of Series A convertible
       preferred stock, and 262,829 shares of common stock issuable upon the
       exercise of warrants, beneficially owned by Southwell Partners, L.P.
       ("Southwell Partners"). Southwell Management, L.P. is the general partner
       of Southwell Partners. Wilson Jaeggli is the managing director of
       Southwell Partners and has voting and/or investment control over the
       shares owned by Southwell Partners.

       From time to time, the number of our shares held in the "street name"
accounts of various securities dealers for the benefit of their clients or in
centralized securities depositories may exceed 5% of the total shares of our
common stock outstanding.

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
                                 (PROXY ITEM 1)

      Our amended and restated by-laws provide that the number of our directors
shall be not more than seven nor less than two, as fixed from time to time in
our by-laws or by our board of directors. The board currently consists of three
members, of whom two are standing for re-election. Mr. Raymond Leal has been
nominated for election to the board in lieu of Professor Xinyu Li. The term of


office of the directors is one year, expiring on the date of the next annual
meeting, or when their respective successors shall have been elected and shall
qualify, or upon their prior death, resignation or removal.

      So long as the number of shares of our common stock issuable upon
conversion of the outstanding shares of our Series A convertible preferred stock
is greater than 10% of the number of our outstanding shares of common stock on a
fully diluted basis, the holders of shares of our Series A convertible preferred
stock, as a separate class, are entitled to elect one member of our board of
directors. Any director elected by the holders of Series A convertible preferred
stock may be removed without cause only by the affirmative vote of the holders
of our Series A convertible preferred stock. The holders of our common stock and
the holders of our Series A convertible preferred stock, voting together as a
single class, are entitled to elect the balance of the total number of directors
of our company. The holders of our Series A convertible preferred stock have not
yet nominated or elected any person to serve on our board of directors.

      Except where the authority to do so has been withheld, it is intended that
the persons named in the enclosed proxy will vote for the election of the
nominees to our board of directors listed below to serve until the date of the
next annual meeting and until their successors are duly elected and qualified.
Although our directors have no reason to believe that the nominees will be
unable or decline to serve, in the event that such a contingency should arise,
the accompanying proxy will be voted for a substitute (or substitutes)
designated by our board of directors.


      The following table sets forth certain information regarding our director
nominees, as furnished by the nominees as of April 1, 2007. All of the following
individuals other than Raymond Leal currently serve as directors of our company.

                        Principal Occupation for Past Five Years and
Name            Age     Current Public Directorships or Trusteeships
- ----            ---     --------------------------------------------

Xianfu Zhu       43     Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer since
                        January 2006; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of
                        our wholly-owned subsidiary, Henan Zhongpin Food Share
                        Co., Ltd., since its inception in 1993.

Yunchun Wang     32     Director since January 2006; Chief Representative
                        (China) of Greenstone Investments & Consultants, Ltd., a
                        China-based financial consulting firm, since October
                        2004; Chief Representative (China) of Frontier Financial
                        Service Inc., a U.S.-based financial consulting firm,
                        from May 2001 to October 2004, and Vice President of
                        Highland Management Consulting Co. Ltd., Frontier's
                        Chinese partnership firm, from March 2002 to October

Raymond Leal     66     Adjunct Professor at Coastal Carolina University and
                        Webster University since 1997; Financial Advisor to
                        several regional investment banks based in Atlanta,
                        Georgia from 1990 to 2002.



      Assuming a quorum is present, a plurality of the votes cast at the annual
meeting of stockholders by the stockholders entitled to vote in the election,
either in person or by proxy, is required to elect the director nominees.

      Our board of directors recommends a vote FOR election of each of the
nominees listed above.

                             DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS

      Biographical information concerning our directors is set forth above under
the caption "Election of Directors - Director Nominees."

      Our current executive officers are listed below.

 NAME            AGE     TITLE
 ----            ---     -----
 Xianfu Zhu       43     Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
 Baoke Ben        43     Executive Vice President and Secretary
 Yuanmei Ma       35     Chief Financial Officer
 Rui Chen         38     Vice President

      All officers serve at the pleasure of our board of directors. There are no
family relationships among any of our officers and directors.

      Information concerning our executive officers is set forth below.

      XIANFU ZHU.  Mr. Zhu became our Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer in January 2006.  Mr. Zhu was a founder of our subsidiary,
Henan Zhongpin Food Share Co., Ltd., in 1993 and has served as the Chairman
and Chief Executive Officer of Henan Zhongpin since its inception.  Mr. Zhu
graduated from Beijing Technology and Business University and received an
EMBA from Tsinghua University.

      BAOKE BEN.  Mr. Ben became our Executive Vice President in January
2006.  Mr. Ben has been an Executive Vice President of Henan Zhongpin since
July 2002 and was Director of Technology of Henan Zhongpin from October 1999
to July 2002.  Prior to joining Henan Zhongpin in October 1999, Mr. Ben was a
researcher at the Agriculture Research Center.  Mr. Ben graduated from Henan
Finance & Economy University and received his EMBA from Tsinghua University.

      YUANMEI MA.  Ms. Ma became our Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer in January 2006 and has been a Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer of Henan Zhongpin since September 2005.  From October 2004 to
September 2005, Ms. Ma was Senior Operations Manager, Investment Banking for
Daton Securities Co., Ltd., an investment banking firm based in the People's
Republic of China.  From March 2002 to September 2004, Ms. Ma was an
Accounting Manager with Neotek International Corporation (USA), an automobile
parts import and export company.  From December 1998 to January 2002, Ms. Ma
was an Operations Manager in the Asian Project Department for Trans-Pacific
Venture Investment, Inc., a financial consulting firm based in the United
States.  Ms. Ma received her Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Arkansas
State University and an MBA from Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma.  Ms. Ma
is a licensed certified public accountant in the United States.

      RUI CHEN.  Mr. Chen became our Vice President - Corporate Planning in
March 2007.  From May 2005 to January 2006, Mr. Chen served as Chief
Executive Officer of Supply Chain Management Co.,


Ltd., an IT services company based in the People's Republic of China. From
January 2003 to May 2005, Mr. Chen served as that company's Chief Operating
Officer. From July 2001 to January 2003, Mr. Chen served as Chief Executive
Officer for Stateline Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., an SAP ERP consulting
firm based in the People's Republic of China. Mr. Chen received his Ph.D. from
Wuhan University in 2000.


      Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the
"Exchange Act"), requires our directors and executive officers, and persons who
own more than ten percent of a registered class of our equity securities ("10%
Stockholders"), to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the
"Commission") initial reports of ownership and reports of changes in ownership
of our common stock and other equity securities. Officers, directors and 10%
Stockholders are required by Commission regulation to furnish us with copies of
all Section 16(a) forms they file.

      Based solely on our review of the copies of such reports received by us,
we believe that for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2006, all Section 16(a)
filing requirements applicable to our officers, directors and 10% stockholders
were complied with.


      Our board of directors held three meetings during the year ended December
31, 2006. Each director attended at least 75% of the board of directors and
committee meetings of which he was a member during such time as he served as a
director. From time to time, the members of our board of directors act by
unanimous written consent in accordance with Delaware law. During the year ended
December 31, 2006, our board of directors took action by unanimous consent on
four occasions. We do not have a formal policy regarding attendance by members
of our board of directors at the annual meetings of stockholders, but we
strongly encourage all members of our board of directors to attend the annual
meeting of stockholders, and expect such attendance except in the event of
exigent circumstances.

      Our board of directors does not have a standing audit committee,
nominating committee or compensation committee or any committee performing
similar functions. Our entire board of directors is responsible for these


      Our board of directors does not have a nominating committee. Our entire
board of directors is responsible for this function. Due to the relatively small
size of our company and the resulting efficiency of a board of directors that is
also limited in size, our board of directors has determined that it is not
necessary or appropriate at this time to establish a separate nominating
committee. Our board of directors intends to review periodically whether such a
nominating committee should be established.

      Our board of directors uses a variety of methods for identifying and
evaluating nominees for director. It regularly assesses the appropriate size of
the board of directors, and whether any vacancies exist or are expected due to
retirement or otherwise. If vacancies exist, are anticipated or otherwise arise,
our board of directors considers various potential candidates for director.
Candidates may come to their attention through current members of our board of
directors, stockholders or other persons. These candidates are evaluated at
regular or special meetings of our board of directors, and may be considered at
any point during the year. Our board of directors will consider candidates for
director that are nominated by stockholders in accordance with the procedures
regarding the inclusion of stockholder proposals in proxy materials set forth in
the section entitled "Stockholder Proposals" in this proxy statement. In


evaluating such recommendations, our board of directors uses the qualifications
and standards discussed below and seeks to achieve a balance of knowledge,
experience and capability on our board of directors.

     Qualifications for consideration as a director nominee may vary according
to the particular areas of expertise that may be desired in order to complement
the qualifications that already exist among our board of directors. Among the
factors that our directors consider when evaluating proposed nominees are their
independence, financial literacy, business experience, character, judgment and
strategic vision. Other considerations would be their knowledge of issues
affecting our business, their leadership experience and their time available for
meetings and consultation on company matters. Our directors seek a diverse group
of candidates who possess the background skills and expertise to make a
significant contribution to our board of directors, our company and our


      Our board of directors has implemented a process for our stockholders to
send communications to our board of directors. Any stockholder desiring to
communicate with our board of directors, or with specific individual directors,
may do so by writing to Mr. Baoke Ben, Corporate Secretary, at Zhongpin Inc., 21
Changshe Road, Changge City, Henan Province, People's Republic of China. Our
Corporate Secretary has the authority to disregard any inappropriate
communications or take other appropriate actions with respect to any such
inappropriate communications. If deemed an appropriate communication, our
Corporate Secretary will submit a stockholder's correspondence to our Chairman
of the Board or to any specific director to whom the correspondence is directed.


      We have adopted a code of business conduct and ethics for our directors,
officers and employees, including our chief executive officer and chief
financial officer. In addition, we have adopted a supplemental code of ethics
for our financial executives and all employees in our accounting department. The
text of our codes are posted on our Internet website at www.zpfood.com. We
intend to disclose any changes in or waivers from our codes of ethics that are
required to be publicly disclosed by posting such information our website or by
filing with the Commission a Current Report on Form 8-K.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION


      The following table sets forth, for the fiscal years indicated, all
compensation awarded to, earned by or paid to Mr. Xianfu Zhu, our Chairman of
the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Yuanmei Ma, our Chief Financial
Officer, and Mr. Kevin Halter, Jr., our former Chairman of the Board, Chief
Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer.  No other executive officer
received more than $100,000 in compensation during fiscal 2006.


                                EXECUTIVE OFFICER
                               COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                     In Pension
                                                                                      Value Of
                                                                       Non-Equity   Nonqualified
                                                                       Incentive      Deferred
                                                    Stock    Option       Plan      Compensation    All other
       Name and                 Salary     Bonus    Awards   Awards   Compensation    Earnings    Compensation    Total
  Principal Position    Year      ($)       ($)       ($)      ($)         ($)           ($)           ($)          ($)
  ------------------    ----   --------  --------  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Xianfu Zhu(1)           2006   $113,333      --        --       --          --            --            --       $113,333
  Chairman and Chief    2005     40,000      --        --       --          --            --            --         40,000
   Executive Officer    2004     30,000      --        --       --          --            --            --         30,000

Kevin Halter Jr.(2)     2006       --        --        --       --          --            --            --           --
  Chairman and Chief    2005       --        --        --       --          --            --            --           --
   Executive Officer    2004       --        --        --       --          --            --            --           --

Yuanmei Ma(3)           2006   $ 73,335   $20,000      --       --          --            --            --       $ 93,335
  Chief Financial       2005       --        --        --       --          --            --            --           --
   Officer              2004       --        --        --       --          --            --            --           --

- -------------
(1)  Mr. Zhu was elected our Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
     on January 30, 2006. All compensation reflected in the table for fiscal
     2004 and 2005 was for services rendered by Mr. Zhu as Chairman of the Board
     and Chief Executive Officer of Henan Zhongpin during such fiscal years.

(2)  Mr. Halter resigned as our Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
     Officer on January 30, 2006.

(3)  Ms. Ma was elected our Chief Financial Officer on January 30, 2006.


      None of our officers, directors or other employees have been granted stock
options or stock appreciation rights, or paid any other stock-based
compensation, by our company or any of our subsidiaries.


       On January 30, 2006, our Board of Directors and stockholders adopted and
approved our 2006 Equity Incentive Plan (the "2006 Plan"). The 2006 Plan allows
for awards of stock options, restricted stock grants and share appreciation
rights for up to 1,800,000 shares of common stock.

       As of December 31, 2006, no awards had been granted under the 2006 Plan.
Options granted in the future under the 2006 Plan are within the discretion of
our board of directors. The following table summarizes the number of shares of
our common stock authorized for issuance under our equity compensation plans.


                                                                 NUMBER OF
                                 (a)                             FOR FUTURE
                              NUMBER OF           (b)          ISSUANCE UNDER
                          SECURITIES TO BE     WEIGHTED-           EQUITY
                             ISSUED UPON        AVERAGE         COMPENSATION
                             EXERCISE OF    EXERCISE PRICE    PLANS (EXCLUDING
        PLAN CATEGORY          OPTIONS          OPTIONS        IN COLUMN (a))
        -------------      ---------------  --------------  --------------------

Equity compensation plans
  approved by security holders    0               N/A            1,800,000

Equity compensation plans not
  approved by security holders    0               N/A                    0
                                 ---                             ---------

                         Total    0               N/A            1,800,000
                                 ===                             =========


      Directors who are employees of our company or of any of our subsidiaries
receive no additional compensation for serving on our board of directors or any
of its committees. All directors who are not employees of our company or of any
of our subsidiaries are compensated at the rate of $30,000 per year and are
reimbursed for their expenses incurred in attending board and committee

      The following table provides compensation information for all of our
non-employee directors during 2006.

                               COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                    Change in
                     Fees                          Non-Equity       Value and
                    Earned                          Incentive     Nonqualified        All
                    or Paid    Stock    Option        Plan          Deferred         Other
                    in Cash   Awards    Awards    Compensation    Compensation    Compensation     Total
       Name           ($)       ($)       ($)          ($)          Earnings           ($)          ($)
       ----         -------   ------    ------    ------------    ------------    ------------     -----
Xinyu Li            $30,000     --        --           --              --              --         $30,000
Yunchun Wang        $30,000     --        --           --              --              --         $30,000



      On January 30, 2006, we acquired all of the issued and outstanding capital
stock of Falcon Link Investment Limited ("Falcon Link") pursuant to a share
exchange agreement dated as of January 30, 2006 among our company and the
shareholders of Falcon Link. Included among the shareholders of Falcon Link were
Mr. Xianfu Zhu, our Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Baoke
Ben, our Executive Vice President and Secretary, and Mr. Yunchun Wang, a
director of our company. In connection with such transaction, Messrs. Zhu, Ben
and Wang were issued 6,367,506 shares of common stock, 838,125 shares of common
stock and 562,500 shares of common stock, respectively.

      Yunchun Wang, a director of our company and the registered owner of
562,500 shares, or approximately 4.1% of the outstanding shares, of our common
stock, is the Chief Representative (China) and the beneficial owner of
approximately 33.33% of the capital stock of Greenstone Investment &
Consultants, Ltd., a financial consulting firm based in the PRC ("Greenstone").
Each of Yousu Lin and Qian Wang also is the registered owner of 562,500 shares
of our common stock and is the beneficial owner of approximately 33.33% of the
capital stock of Greenstone. In April 2005, we entered into advisory and
consulting agreements with Greenstone pursuant to which Greenstone provides us
financial advisory services, including financial consulting, merger and
acquisition consulting and financial restructuring consulting services,
management advisory services, including consultation regarding corporate
governance and human resources, and business advisory services, including
strategic planning and business development consulting services. Pursuant to our
retainer agreement with Greenstone, in each of 2005 and 2006, we paid Greenstone
consulting fees in the amount of $100,000 for such consulting services rendered
during such year. In addition, pursuant to such agreement, in February 2006, we
paid Greenstone a fee in the amount of $414,000 in connection with the
consummation of our private placement of Series A convertible preferred stock
and warrants and our acquisition of Falcon Link.

                          ADOPTION OF THE ZHONGPIN INC.
                                 (PROXY ITEM 2)


      On April 30, 2007, our board of directors adopted the Zhongpin Inc.
Amended and Restated 2006 Equity Incentive Plan (the "Incentive Plan"), a copy
of which is attached to this proxy statement as Annex A. The Incentive Plan
gives us the ability to grant stock options, SARs and restricted stock
(collectively, "Awards") to employees or consultants of our company or of any
subsidiary of our company and to non-employee members of our advisory board or
our board of directors or the board of directors of any of our subsidiaries. Our
board of directors believes that adoption of the Incentive Plan is in the best
interests of our company and our stockholders because the ability to grant stock
options and make other stock-based awards under the Incentive Plan is an
important factor in attracting, stimulating and retaining qualified and
distinguished personnel with proven ability and vision to serve as employees,
officers, consultants or members of the board of directors or advisory board of
our company and our subsidiaries, and to chart our course towards continued
growth and financial success. Therefore, our board of directors believes the
Incentive Plan will be a key component of our compensation program.

      As of April 16, 2007, 1,800,000 shares of our common stock remained
available for future grants under the Incentive Plan and no Awards had been
granted under the Incentive Plan.



      The following summary briefly describes the material features of the
Incentive Plan and is qualified, in its entirety, by the specific language of
the Incentive Plan, a copy of which is attached to this proxy statement as Annex


      Our board of directors has authorized, subject to stockholder approval,
1,800,000 shares of our common stock for issuance under the Incentive Plan. In
the event of any stock dividend, stock split, reverse stock split, share
combination, recapitalization, merger, consolidation, spin-off, split-up,
reorganization, rights offering, liquidation, or any similar change event of or
by our company, appropriate adjustments will be made to the shares subject to
the Incentive Plan and to any outstanding Awards. Shares available for Awards
under the Incentive Plan may be either newly-issued shares or treasury shares.

      In certain circumstances, shares subject to an outstanding Award may again
become available for issuance pursuant to other Awards available under the
Incentive Plan. For example, shares subject to forfeited, terminated, canceled
or expired Awards will again become available for future grants under the
Incentive Plan. In addition, shares subject to an Award that are withheld by us
to satisfy tax withholding obligations shall also be made available for future
grants under the Incentive Plan.


      The Incentive Plan will be administered by a committee of our board of
directors appointed by our board of directors to administer the Incentive Plan
or if such a committee is not appointed or unable to act, then our entire board
of directors (the "Committee"). The Committee will consist of at least two
members who are non-employee directors within the meaning of Rule 16b-3 under
the Exchange Act. With respect to the participation of individuals who are
subject to Section 16 of the Exchange Act, the Incentive Plan is administered in
compliance with the requirements of Rule 16b-3 under the Exchange Act. Subject
to the provisions of the Incentive Plan, the Committee determines the persons to
whom grants of options, SARs and shares of restricted stock are to be made, the
number of shares of common stock to be covered by each grant and all other terms
and conditions of the grant. If an option is granted, the Committee determines
whether the option is an incentive stock option or a nonstatutory stock option,
the option's term, vesting and exercisability, the amount and type of
consideration to be paid to our company upon the option's exercise and the other
terms and conditions of the grant. The terms and conditions of restricted stock
and SAR Awards are also determined by the Committee. The Committee has the
responsibility to interpret the Incentive Plan and to make determinations with
respect to all Awards granted under the Incentive Plan. All determinations of
the Committee are final and binding on all persons having an interest in the
Incentive Plan or in any Award made under the Incentive Plan. The costs and
expenses of administering the Incentive Plan are borne by our company.


      Eligible individuals include our and our subsidiaries' employees
(including our and our subsidiaries' officers and directors who are also
employees) or consultants whose efforts, in the judgment of the Committee, are
deemed worthy of encouragement to promote our growth and success. Non-employee
directors of our board of directors are also eligible to participate in the
Incentive Plan. All eligible individuals may receive one or more Awards under
the Plan, upon the terms and conditions set forth in the Incentive Plan. At
December 31, 2006, approximately 2,872 individuals were eligible to receive
Awards under the Incentive Plan. Of this total, approximately 2,870 individuals
were employees and two


individuals were non-employee directors. There is no assurance that an otherwise
eligible individual will be selected by the Committee to receive an Award under
the Incentive Plan. Because future Awards under the Incentive Plan will be
granted in the discretion of the Committee, the type, number, recipients and
other terms of such Awards cannot be determined at this time.


      Under the Incentive Plan, the Committee is authorized to grant both stock
options and SARs. Stock options may be either designated as non-qualified stock
options or incentive stock options. Incentive stock options, which are intended
to meet the requirements of Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code such that a
participant can receive potentially favorable tax treatment, may only be granted
to employees. Therefore, any stock option granted to consultants and
non-employee directors are non-qualified stock options. The tax treatment of
incentive and non-qualified stock options is generally described later in this
summary. SARs may be granted either alone or in tandem with a stock option. A
SAR entitles the participant to receive the excess, if any, of the fair market
value of a share on the exercise date over the strike price of the SAR. This
amount is payable in cash, except that the Committee may provide in an Award
agreement that benefits may be paid in shares of our common stock. In general,
if a SAR is granted in tandem with an option, the exercise of the option will
cancel the SAR, and the exercise of the SAR will cancel the option. Any shares
that are canceled will be made available for future Awards. The Committee, in
its sole discretion, determines the terms and conditions of each stock option
and SAR granted under the Incentive Plan, including the grant date, option or
strike price (which, in no event, will be less than the par value of a share),
whether a SAR is paid in cash or shares, the term of each option or SAR,
exercise conditions and restrictions, conditions of forfeitures, and any other
terms, conditions and restrictions consistent with the terms of the Incentive
Plan, all of which will be evidenced in an individual Award agreement between us
and the participant.

      Certain limitations apply to incentive stock options and SARs granted in
tandem with incentive stock options. The per share exercise price of an
incentive stock option may not be less than 100% of the fair market value of a
share of our common stock on the date of the option's grant and the term of any
such option shall expire not later than the tenth anniversary of the date of the
option's grant. In addition, the per share exercise price of any option granted
to a person who, at the time of the grant, owns stock possessing more than 10%
of the total combined voting power or value of all classes of our stock must be
at least 110% of the fair market value of a share of our common stock on the
date of grant and such option shall expire not later than the fifth anniversary
of the date of the option's grant.

      Options and SARs granted under the Incentive Plan become exercisable at
such times as may be specified by the Committee. In general, options and SARs
granted to participants become exercisable in three equal annual installments,
subject to the optionee's continued employment or service with us. However, the
aggregate value (determined as of the grant date) of the shares subject to
incentive stock options that may become exercisable by a participant in any year
may not exceed $100,000. If a SAR is granted in tandem with an option, the SAR
will become exercisable at the same time or times as the option becomes

      The maximum term of options and SARs granted under the Incentive Plan is
ten years. If any participant terminates employment due to death or disability
or retirement, the portion of his or her option or SAR Awards that were
exercisable at the time of such termination may be exercised for one year from
the date of termination. In the case of any other termination, the portion of
his or her option or SAR Awards that were exercisable at the time of such
termination may be exercised for three months from the date of termination.
However, if the remainder of the option or SAR term is shorter than the
applicable post-termination exercise period, the participant's rights to
exercise the option or SAR will expire at the end of the term. In addition, if a
participant's service terminates due to cause, all rights under an option


or SAR will immediately expire, including rights to the exercisable portion of
the option or SAR. Shares attributable to an option or SAR that expire without
being exercised will be forfeited by the participant and will again be available
for Award under the Incentive Plan.

      Unless limited by the Committee in an Award agreement, payment for shares
purchased pursuant to an option exercise may be made (i) in cash, check or wire
transfer, (ii) subject to the Committee's approval, in shares already owned by
the participant (including restricted shares held by the participant at least
six months prior to the exercise of the option) valued at their fair market
value on the date of exercise, or (iii) through broker-assisted cashless
exercise procedures.


      Under the Incentive Plan, the Committee is also authorized to make Awards
of restricted stock. A restricted stock Award entitles the participant to all of
the rights of a stockholder of our company, including the right to vote the
shares and the right to receive any dividends. However, the Committee may
require the payment of cash dividends to be deferred and if the Committee so
determines, re-invested in additional shares of restricted stock. Before the end
of a restricted period and/or lapse of other restrictions established by the
Committee, shares received as restricted stock shall contain a legend
restricting their transfer, and may be forfeited (i) in the event of termination
of employment, (ii) if our company or the participant does not achieve specified
performance goals after the grant date and before the participant's termination
of employment or (iii) upon the failure to achieve other conditions set forth in
the Award agreement.

      An Award of restricted stock will be evidenced by a written agreement
between us and the participant. The Award agreement will specify the number of
shares of our common stock subject to the Award, the nature and/or length of the
restrictions, the conditions that will result in the automatic and complete
forfeiture of the shares and the time and manner in which the restrictions will
lapse, subject to the Award holder's continued employment by us, and any other
terms and conditions the Committee shall impose consistent with the provisions
of the Incentive Plan. The Committee also determines the amount, if any, that
the participant shall pay for the shares of restricted stock. However, the
participant must be required to pay at least the par value for each share of
restricted stock. Upon the lapse of the restrictions, any legends on the shares
of our common stock subject to the Award will be re-issued to the participant
without such legend.

      Unless the Committee determines otherwise in the Award or other agreement,
if a participant terminates employment for any reason, all rights to restricted
stock that are then forfeitable will be forfeited. Restricted stock that is
forfeited by the participant will again be available for Award under the
Incentive Plan.


      Under the Incentive Plan, fair market value means the fair market value of
the shares based upon (i) the closing selling price of a share of our common
stock as quoted on the principal national securities exchange on which the stock
is traded, if the stock is then traded on a national securities exchange, or
(ii) the closing bid price per share last quoted on that date by an established
quotation service for over-the-counter securities, if the common stock is not
then traded on a national securities exchange.


      Generally and unless otherwise provided in an Award agreement, shares or
rights subject to an Award cannot be assigned or transferred other than by will
or by the laws of descent and distribution and


Awards may be exercised during the participant's lifetime only by the
participant or his or her guardian or legal representative. However, a
participant may, if permitted by the Committee, in its sole discretion, transfer
an Award, or any portion thereof, to one or more of the participant's spouse,
children or grandchildren, or may designate in writing a beneficiary to exercise
an Award after his or her death.


      Unless sooner terminated, no Awards may be granted under the Incentive
Plan after January 30, 2016. Our board of directors may amend or terminate the
Incentive Plan at any time, but our board of directors may not, without
stockholder approval, amend the Incentive Plan to increase the total number of
shares of our common stock reserved for issuance of Awards. In addition, any
amendment or modification of the Incentive Plan shall be subject to stockholder
approval as required by any securities exchange on which our common stock is
listed. No amendment or termination may deprive any participant of any rights
under Awards previously made under the Incentive Plan.


      The following summary is intended only as a general guide as to the
federal income tax consequences under current United States law with respect to
participation in the Incentive Plan and does not attempt to describe all
possible federal or other tax consequences of such participation. Furthermore,
the tax consequences of awards made under the Incentive Plan are complex and
subject to change, and a taxpayer's particular situation may be such that some
variation of the described rules is applicable.


      There are three points in time when a participant and our company could
potentially incur federal income tax consequences: date of grant, upon exercise
and upon disposition. First, when an option or a SAR is granted to a
participant, the participant does not recognize any income for federal income
tax purposes on the date of grant. We similarly do not have any federal income
tax consequences at the date of grant. Second, depending upon the type of
option, the exercise of an option may or may not result in the recognition of
income for federal income tax purposes. With respect to an incentive stock
option, a participant will not recognize any ordinary income upon the option's
exercise (except that the alternative minimum tax may apply). However, a
participant will generally recognize ordinary income upon the exercise of a
non-qualified stock option. In this case, the participant will recognize income
equal to the difference between the option price and the fair market value of
shares purchased pursuant to the option on the date of exercise. With respect to
the exercise of a SAR, the participant must generally recognize ordinary income
equal to the cash received (or, if applicable, value of the shares received).

      Incentive stock options are subject to certain holding requirements before
a participant can dispose of the shares purchased pursuant to the exercise of
the option and receive capital gains treatment on any income realized from the
exercise of the option. Satisfaction of the holding periods determines the tax
treatment of any income realized upon exercise. If a participant disposes of
shares acquired upon exercise of an incentive stock option before the end of the
applicable holding periods (called a "disqualifying disposition"), the
participant must generally recognize ordinary income equal to the lesser of (i)
the fair market value of the shares at the date of exercise of the incentive
stock option minus the exercise price or (ii) the amount realized upon the
disposition of the shares minus the exercise price. Any excess of the fair
market value on the date of such disposition over the fair market value on the
date of exercise must be recognized as capital gains by the participant. If a
participant disposes of shares acquired upon the exercise of an incentive stock
option after the applicable holding periods have expired, such disposition
generally will result in long-term capital gain or loss measured by the
difference between


the sale price and the participant's tax "basis" in such shares (generally, in
such case, the tax "basis" is the exercise price).

      Generally, we will be entitled to a tax deduction in an amount equal to
the amount recognized as ordinary income by the participant in connection with
the exercise of options and SARs. However, we are generally not entitled to a
tax deduction relating to amounts that represent capital gains to a participant.
Accordingly, if the participant satisfies the requisite holding period with
respect to an incentive stock option before disposition to receive the favorable
tax treatment accorded incentive stock options, we will not be entitled to any
tax deduction with respect to an incentive stock option. In the event the
participant has a disqualifying disposition with respect to an incentive stock
option, we will be entitled to a tax deduction in an amount equal to the amount
that the participant recognized as ordinary income.


      A participant will not be required to recognize any income for federal
income tax purposes upon the grant of shares of restricted stock. With respect
to Awards involving shares or other property, such as restricted stock Awards,
that contain restrictions as to their transferability and are subject to a
substantial risk of forfeiture, the participant must generally recognize
ordinary income equal to the fair market value of the shares or other property
received at the time the shares or other property become transferable or are no
longer subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture, whichever occurs first. We
generally will be entitled to a deduction in an amount equal to the ordinary
income recognized by the participant. A participant may elect to be taxed at the
time he or she receives shares (e.g., restricted stock) or other property rather
than upon the lapse of transferability restrictions or the substantial risk of
forfeiture. However, if the participant subsequently forfeits such shares he or
she would not be entitled to any tax deduction or, to recognize a loss, for the
value of the shares or property on which he or she previously paid tax.
Alternatively, if an Award that results in a transfer to the participant of
cash, shares or other property does not contain any restrictions as to their
transferability and is not subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture, the
participant must generally recognize ordinary income equal to the cash or the
fair market value of shares or other property actually received. We generally
will be entitled to a deduction for the same amount.


      Assuming a quorum is present, the affirmative vote of a majority of the
votes cast at the annual meeting of stockholders, either in person or by proxy,
is required for approval of this proposal.

      Our board of directors recommends a vote FOR approval of the proposed
adoption of our Amended and Restated 2006 Equity Incentive Plan.

                                 (PROXY ITEM 3)

      Child, Van Wagoner & Bradshaw, PLLC ("CVW&B"), is serving as our
independent public accountants for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2006 and
has been appointed by our board of directors to continue as our independent
auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2007. In the event that
ratification of this appointment of independent auditors is not approved by the
affirmative vote of a majority of votes cast on the matter, the appointment of
independent auditors will be reconsidered by our board of


directors. Unless marked to the contrary, proxies received will be voted for
ratification of the appointment of CVW&B as our independent auditors for the
fiscal year ending December 31, 2007.

      A representative of CVW&B is expected to attend the annual meeting, and
such representative will have the opportunity to make a statement if he so
desires and will be available to respond to appropriate questions from

      Your ratification of the appointment of CVW&B as our independent auditors
for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2007 does not preclude our board of
directors from terminating its engagement of CVW&B and retaining a new
independent auditor, if it determines that such an action would be in our best



      The aggregate fees billed by CVW&B for professional services rendered
for the audit of our annual financial statements for the last two fiscal
years and for the reviews of the financial statements included in our
Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q during the last two fiscal years was $92,500 and
$40,000, respectively.


      We did not engage our principal accountants to provide assurance or
related services during the last two fiscal years.


      The aggregate fees billed by our principal accountants for tax
compliance, tax advice and tax planning services rendered to us during the
last two fiscal years was $0 and $1,000, respectively.


      We did not engage our principal accountants to render services to us
during the last two fiscal years, other than as reported above.


        Our board of directors has the sole authority to appoint or replace our
independent auditor. Our board is directly responsible for the compensation and
oversight of the work of our independent auditor (including resolution of
disagreements between management and the independent auditor regarding financial
reporting) for the purpose of preparing or issuing an audit report or related
work. Our independent auditor is engaged by, and reports directly to, our board
of directors.

      Our board of directors pre-approves all auditing services and permitted
non-audit services (including the fees and terms thereof) to be performed for us
by our independent auditor, subject to the DE MINIMIS exceptions for non-audit
services described in Section 10A(i)(1)(B) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, all of which are approved by our board prior to the completion of the
audit. In the event pre-approval for such auditing services and permitted
non-audit services cannot be obtained as a result of inherent time constraints
in the matter for which such services are required, our Chairman of the Board
may pre-approve such services, and will report for ratification such
pre-approval to our board of directors


at its next scheduled meeting. Our board has complied with the procedures set
forth above and all services reported above were approved in accordance with
such procedures.


      Assuming a quorum is present, the affirmative vote of a majority of the
votes cast at the annual meeting of stockholders, by the stockholders entitled
to vote at the annual meeting of stockholders, either in person or by proxy, is
required for approval of this proposal.

      Our board of directors recommends a vote FOR ratification of the
appointment of CVW&B as our independent auditors for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 2007.

                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

      Proposals of stockholders intended for presentation at our 2008 annual
meeting of stockholders and intended to be included in our proxy statement and
form of proxy relating to that meeting must be received at our executive offices
by January 7, 2008 and comply with the requirements of Rule 14a-8(e) promulgated
under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

                                 OTHER BUSINESS

      Other than as described above, our board of directors knows of no matters
to be presented at the annual meeting, but it is intended that the persons named
in the proxy will vote your shares according to their best judgment if any
matters not included in this proxy statement do properly come before the meeting
or any adjournment thereof.

                                  ANNUAL REPORT

      Our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2006,
including financial statements, is being mailed with this proxy statement. If,
for any reason, you do not receive your copy of the Annual Report, please
contact Mr. Baoke Ben, Secretary, Zhongpin Inc., 21 Changshe Road, Changge City,
Henan Province, People's Republic of China, and another will be sent to you.

                                          By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                          XIANFU ZHU
                                          CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD
Dated: May 7, 2007
       Changge City, People's
         Republic of China


                                                                         ANNEX A

                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                           2006 EQUITY INCENTIVE PLAN
                                OF ZHONGPIN INC.


      1.1   PURPOSE.  The  purpose  of the  Amended  and  Restated  2006  Equity
Incentive  Plan (the "Plan") is to advance and promote the interests of Zhongpin
Inc.  (the   "Corporation")   and  its  Subsidiaries  by  providing   employees,
consultants  and  advisors  of the  Corporation  or  its  Subsidiaries  with  an
incentive  to achieve  corporate  objectives,  to attract and retain  employees,
consultants  and  advisors  of  outstanding   competence  and  to  provide  such
individuals  with an equity interest in the Corporation  through the acquisition
of Common Stock and by providing for payments to such  individuals  based on the
appreciation in value or value of such Common Stock.  The Plan is intended to be
construed  as an employee  benefit  plan that  satisfies  the  requirements  for
exemption from the restrictions of Section 16(b) of the Securities  Exchange Act
of 1934, as amended, pursuant to the applicable rules promulgated thereunder.

      1.2   DEFINITIONS. The following definitions are applicable to the Plan:

            (a)   "APPLICABLE LAWS" means the legal requirements relating to the
Plan and the Awards under  applicable  provisions of the Code, the laws,  rules,
regulations and government orders of the United States and the PRC, the rules of
any applicable  share exchange or national  market system,  and the laws and the
rules of any jurisdiction applicable to Awards granted to residents therein.

            (b)   "AWARD" means Options,  Restricted Stock,  Stock  Appreciation
Rights (SARs) or any combination thereof, granted under the Plan.


            (c)   "AWARD  AGREEMENT"  means the  written  agreement  by which an
Award shall be evidenced.

            (d)   "BENEFICIARY"   means   the   beneficiary   or   beneficiaries
designated in accordance with Section 5.8 hereof to receive the amount,  if any,
payable under the Plan upon the death of a Participant.

            (e)   "BOARD" means the Board of Directors of the  Corporation.

            (f)   "CHANGE  IN  CONTROL"  means  the  occurrence  of  any  of the
following (i) the sale, lease, transfer, conveyance or other disposition, in one
or a series of related  transactions,  of all or substantially all of the assets
of the  Corporation  to any person or group;  or (ii) a transaction or series of
transactions  pursuant to which any person or group (other than the  Corporation
or an  affiliate  thereof)  is or becomes  the  beneficial  owner,  directly  or
indirectly, of more than 50% of the voting shares of the Corporation,  including
by way of merger, consolidation or otherwise.

            (g)   "CODE"  means the Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended
from time to time.

            (h)   "COMMITTEE" means the committee  appointed pursuant to Section
1.3 hereof or if no such Committee is appointed, the Board.

            (i)   "COMMON  STOCK"  means the common  stock,  $.001 par value per
share, of the Corporation.

            (j)   "CORPORATION"  means Zhongpin Inc. (l) "EFFECTIVE  DATE" means
January 30, 2006.

            (k)   "EFFECTIVE DATE" means January 30, 2006.

            (l)   "ELIGIBLE  INDIVIDUAL"  means any Key Employee,  consultant or
advisor of the Corporation or any Subsidiary.

            (m)   "EXCHANGE ACT" means the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as


References to a particular  section of, or rule under, the Exchange Act includes
references to successor provisions.

            (n)   "FAIR  MARKET  VALUE"  shall  be  determined  as of  the  last
business  day for which the  prices or quotes  discussed  in this  sentence  are
available  prior to the Grant Date and shall mean (i) the closing  selling price
per share on that date of the Common Stock on the principal national  securities
exchange on which the Common Stock is traded, if the Common Stock is then traded
on a national securities exchange;  or (ii) the closing bid price per share last
quoted on that date by an  established  quotation  service for  over-the-counter
securities,  if the Common  Stock is not then  traded on a  national  securities

            (o)   "INCENTIVE  STOCK OPTION"  means an Option to purchase  Common
Stock that qualifies as an incentive  stock option within the meaning of Section
422 of the Code.

            (p)   "IMMEDIATE   FAMILY"  means,  with  respect  to  a  particular
Participant, the Participant's spouse, children and grandchildren.

            (q)   "KEY EMPLOYEE" means any employee of the Corporation or any of
its  Subsidiaries,  including  any officer or director  who is also an employee,
who, in the judgment of the Committee,  is considered important to the future of
the  Corporation.  Nothing  shall  limit  the  Board  from  designating  all  or
substantially all employees as eligible for grants.

            (r)   "MATURE  SHARES" means Shares for which the holder thereof has
good title, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances,  and which such holder
either (i) has held for at least six (6) months or (ii) has  purchased  from the
open market.

            (s)   "NON-EMPLOYEE  DIRECTOR"  means  a  member  of the  Board  who
qualifies as a  "Non-employee  Director" as defined in Rule  16b-3(b)(3)  of the
Exchange Act, or any successor definition adopted by the Board.


            (t)   "NON-QUALIFIED  STOCK  OPTION"  means an  Option  to  purchase
Common Stock that does not qualify as an Incentive Stock Option.

            (u)   "OPTION"  means an Incentive  Stock Option or a  Non-qualified
Stock Option.

            (v)   "OPTION  PRICE"  means  the  purchase  price  per  Share of an

            (w)   "OPTION TERM" means the period  beginning on the Grant Date of
an Option and ending on the expiration date of such Option,  as specified in the
Award  Agreement for such Option and as may, in the discretion of the Committee,
and consistent with the provisions of the Plan, be extended from time to time.

            (x)   "PARTICIPANT"  means  an  Eligible  Individual  who  has  been
granted an Award or a Permitted Transferee.

            (y)   "PERMITTED  TRANSFEREE" means a person to whom an Award may be
transferred or assigned in accordance with Section 5.8 hereof.

            (z)   "PLAN" means this Amended and Restated  2006 Equity  Incentive
Plan of Zhongpin Inc., as the same may be amended from time to time.

            (aa)  "PRC" means the People's Republic of China.

            (bb)  "RESTRICTED   STOCK"   means   Shares  which  are  subject  to
forfeiture if the Participant does not satisfy the Restrictions specified in the
Award Agreement applicable to such Restricted Stock.

            (cc)  "RESTRICTED  PERIOD"  means  the  period  of  time  shares  of
Restricted  Stock  are  subject  to the  Restrictions  specified  in  the  Award
Agreement applicable to such Restricted Stock.

            (dd)  "RESTRICTIONS"  means those restrictions and conditions placed


Restricted  Stock as  determined  by the Board in  accordance  with  Section 4.2

            (ee)  "RULE  16B-3"  means Rule 16b-3 of the SEC under the  Exchange
Act, as amended from time to time, together with any successor rule.

            (ff)  "SEC"  means the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.

            (gg)  "SECTION 16 PARTICIPANT" means a Participant who is subject to
potential  liability  under  Section  16(b) of the  Exchange Act with respect to
transactions involving equity securities of the Corporation.

            (hh)  "SHARE" means a share of Common Stock.

            (ii)  "STOCK  APPRECIATION  RIGHT"  or "SAR"  means a right  granted
under the Plan in  connection  with an Option,  or  separately,  to receive  the
appreciation in value of Shares.

            (jj)  "SUBSIDIARY"  means, for purposes of grants of Incentive Stock
Options,  a  corporation  as  defined  in  Section  424(f) of the Code (with the
Corporation treated as the employer corporation for purposes of this definition)
and, for all other purposes, a corporation or other entity with respect to which
the Corporation (i) in the case of a corporation,  owns, directly or indirectly,
fifty percent (50%) or more of the then outstanding  common stock or (ii) in the
case of any other entity, has a fifty percent (50%) or more ownership interest.

            (kk)  "10% OWNER" means a person who owns capital  stock  (including
stock treated as owned under Section  424(d) of the Code)  possessing  more than
ten percent  (10%) of the combined  voting power of all classes of capital stock
of the  Corporation  or any  Subsidiary  where "voting power" means the combined
voting power of the then  outstanding  securities of a  corporation  entitled to
vote generally in the election of directors.

      1.3   ADMINISTRATION.  The Plan shall be  administered  by the  Committee,
which,  unless otherwise  determined by the Board,  shall consist of two or more
directors of the Corporation, all


of whom  qualify  as Non  Employee  Directors.  The  number  of  members  of the
Committee  shall  from  time to time be  increased  or  decreased,  and shall be
subject  to such  conditions,  in each case as the Board  deems  appropriate  to
permit transactions in Shares pursuant to the Plan to satisfy such conditions of
Rule 16b-3 as then in effect.  In the event that the  Compensation  Committee of
the Board (the "Compensation Committee) meets the requirements set forth in this
Section 1.3 hereof, such Compensation Committee shall be the Committee hereunder
unless otherwise determined by the Board.

      A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.  The
Committee may act at a meeting,  including a telephonic  meeting, by action of a
majority  of the  members  present,  or without a meeting by  unanimous  written

      Subject to the express  provisions of the Plan,  the Committee  shall have
full and final authority and discretion as follows:

            (i)     to select the Participants from Eligible Individuals;

            (ii)    to grant Options and/or  Restricted Stock to Participants in
      such  combination  and  in  such  amounts  as it  shall  determine  and to
      determine  the  terms  and  conditions  applicable  to  each  such  Award,
      including  the benefit  payable under any SAR, and whether or not specific
      Awards shall be identifiable with other specific Awards, and if so whether
      they shall be exercisable  cumulatively  with, or  alternatively  to, such
      other specific Award;

            (iii)   to determine the amount,  if any,  that a Participant  shall
      pay for Restricted Stock, the nature of the Restrictions applicable to the
      Restricted  Stock, and the duration of the Restricted Period applicable to
      the Restricted Stock;

            (iv)    to determine the actual  amount  earned by each  Participant
      with  respect  to such  Awards,  the  terms  and  conditions  of all Award
      Agreements  (which  need not be  identical)  and with the  consent  of the
      Participant,  to amend any such Award  Agreement at any time,  among other
      things,  to permit transfers of such Awards to the extent permitted by the
      Plan, except that consent of the Participant shall not be required for any
      amendment  which  (A)  does  not  adversely   affect  the  rights  of  the
      Participant  or  (B) is  necessary  or  advisable  (as  determined  by the
      Committee) to carry out the purpose of the Award as a result of any change
      in applicable law;


            (v)     to determine consistent with the Code whether an Option that
      is  granted  to a  Participant  is a  Non-qualified  Stock  Option  or  an
      Incentive  Stock  Option,  the number of Shares to be covered by each such
      Option  and the time or times  when and the  manner in which  each  Option
      shall be exercisable;

            (vi)    to amend any Incentive  Stock Option with the consent of the
      Participant so as to make it a Non-qualified Stock Option;

            (vii)   to  cancel,  with  the  consent  of  the  Participant,   any
      outstanding Award(s) and to grant new Award(s) in substitution therefor;

            (viii)  to grant a SAR in connection  with the grant of an Option or

            (ix)    to accelerate the exercisability  (including  exercisability
      within a period of less than one year  after  the Grant  Date) of,  and to
      accelerate or waive any or all of the terms and conditions  applicable to,
      any Award or any group of Awards for any reason and at any time, including
      in connection with a termination of employment or consultancy;

            (x)     subject to the  provisions  of the Plan,  to extend the time
      during which any Award or group of Awards may be exercised;

            (xi)    to treat all or any  portion  of any period  during  which a
      Participant  is on military  leave or on an approved leave of absence from
      the  Corporation  or a Subsidiary  as a period of employment or service of
      such  Participant  by the  Corporation  or any  Subsidiary for purposes of
      accrual of his or her rights under his or her Awards;

            (xii)   to interpret the Plan and make all determinations  necessary
      or  advisable   for  the   administration   of  the  Plan   including  the
      establishment,  amendment or revocation from time to time of guidelines or
      regulations  for the  administration  of the  Plan,  to cause  appropriate
      records  to be  established,  and to take  all  other  actions  considered
      necessary or advisable for the administration of the Plan; and

            (xiii)  to  take  any  other  action  with  respect  to any  matters
      relating to the Plan for which it is responsible.

      All decisions,  actions or interpretations of the Committee on all matters
relating  to the  Plan or any  Award  Agreement  shall  be  final,  binding  and
conclusive upon all parties.  No member of the Committee shall be liable for any
action or  determination  made in good  faith  with  respect  to the Plan or any

      1.4   PARTICIPATION. The Committee may, in its discretion, grant Awards to


Eligible Individual,  whether or not he or she has previously received an Award.
Participation  in the Plan shall be limited to those Key Employees,  consultants
and advisors who have received written notification from the Committee,  or from
a  person  designated  by  the  Committee,  that  they  have  been  selected  to
participate in the Plan. No such Eligible Individuals shall at any time have the
right to be a Participant unless selected by the Committee pursuant to the Plan.
No  Participant,  having  been  granted  an  Award,  shall  have the right to an
additional Award in the future unless such Award is granted by the Committee.

      1.5   MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SHARES AVAILABLE FOR AWARDS. Subject to adjustment
in accordance  with Section 5.2 hereof,  the maximum  number of Shares for which
grants  under  the Plan  shall be  available  is  1,800,000.  In  addition,  the
Committee shall have the authority, in its sole discretion,  to grant additional
Non-qualified  Stock Options to a  Participant  who exercises an Option and pays
the exercise price in Common Stock,  in a quantity equal to the number of shares
of Common Stock  delivered to the Corporation  upon such exercise.  In the event
any Awards granted under the Plan shall be forfeited,  terminate or expire,  the
number of Shares  subject to such Award,  to the extent of any such  forfeiture,
termination or expiration,  shall  thereafter again be available for grant under
the Plan.  The Common Stock  distributed  under the Plan may be  authorized  and
unissued  shares,  shares  held in the  treasury of the  Corporation,  or shares
purchased  on the open market by the  Corporation  (at such time or times and in
such manner as it may determine).  The Corporation  shall be under no obligation
to acquire  Common Stock for  distribution  to  Participants  before such Common
Stock is due and distributable.

      1.6   OPTIONAL  AWARDS.  In  the  discretion  of the  Committee,  American
Depository  Shares in an amount  equal to the  number of Shares  that  otherwise
would be distributed  pursuant to an Award may  distributed in lieu of Shares in
settlement  of any Award.  If the number of


Shares represented by an American Depository Share is other than on a one-to-one
basis,  the  limitations  of  Section  1.5  shall be  adjusted  to  reflect  the
distribution of American Depository shares in lieu of Shares. All allotments and
issues of Shares will be subject to any necessary  consents under Applicable Law
and it  shall  be the  responsibility  of the  Participant  to  comply  with any
requirements to be fulfilled in order to obtain or obviate the necessity for any
such consent.

      1.7   JURISDICTIONAL  CONSIDERATIONS.  In order to assure the viability of
Awards granted to Participants employed in various jurisdictions,  the Committee
may provide for such special terms as it may consider  necessary or  appropriate
to accommodate  differences in local law, tax policy or custom applicable in the
jurisdiction  in which the  Participant  resides or is employed.  Moreover,  the
Committee  may approve  such  supplements  to, or  amendments,  restatements  or
alternative  versions of, the Plan as it may consider  necessary or  appropriate
for such purposes  without thereby  affecting the terms of the Plan as in effect
for any other purpose; provided, however, that no such supplements,  amendments,
restatements  or  alternative  versions  shall  increase  the Share  limitations
contained  in  Section  1.5 of the  Plan.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the
Committee  may not take any actions  hereunder,  and no Awards shall be granted,
that would violate any Applicable Laws.

      1.8   GENERAL  CONDITIONS  TO GRANTS.  The Grant Date of an Award shall be
the date on which the Committee grants the Award or such later date as specified
in advance by the Committee. All Awards shall be evidenced by an Award Agreement
and any terms and  conditions of an Award not set forth in the Plan shall be set
forth in the  Award  Agreement  related  to that  Award or in the  Participant's
employment or other agreement with the Corporation or any Subsidiary.



      2.1   AWARDS OF  OPTIONS.  Subject  to the  provisions  of the  Plan,  the
Committee  shall  determine  and  designate  from  time to time  those  Eligible
Individuals to whom Incentive Stock Options or Non-qualified  Stock Options,  or
both,  shall be  granted  and the  number of Shares to be  granted  to each such
Eligible  Individual;  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  that only Key  Employees may receive
Incentive  Stock Options and the aggregate fair market value  (determined at the
time the Option is granted) of the shares  with  respect to which any  incentive
stock options are  exercisable for the first time by any Key Employee during any
calendar year under all incentive  stock option plans of the Corporation and any
Subsidiary  shall not exceed one hundred  thousand  dollars  ($100,000)  or such
other  limit  set forth in  Section  422 of the Code  (the  "Limitations  of the
Code").  If  the  aggregate  fair  market  value  of  such  shares  exceeds  the
Limitations  of the Code,  the excess  Shares  will be treated as  Non-qualified
Options  under this Plan.  In reducing the number of Incentive  Stock Options to
meet the  Limitations of the Code,  the most recently  granted  Incentive  Stock
Options shall be reduced first. If a reduction of simultaneously granted Options
is necessary to meet the  Limitations  of the Code,  the Committee may designate
which Shares are to be treated as Shares acquired pursuant to an Incentive Stock
Option.  In the event that any Incentive  Stock  Options  granted under the Plan
fail to meet the  requirements  for Incentive  Stock Options as set forth in the
Code,  such  Incentive  Stock  Options  will be treated as  Non-qualified  Stock
Options  under the Plan. In  determining  the Eligible  Individuals  who will be
granted  Options under the Plan,  the  Committee may consider such  individuals'
responsibilities,  service,  present and future value to the  Corporation or any
Subsidiary and other factors it considers relevant.

      2.2   TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF OPTIONS.  Except as otherwise  provided in a


Participant's  employment  or  other  agreement  with  the  Corporation  or  any
Subsidiary  or in an  Award  Agreement,  each  Option  shall be  subject  to the
following express terms and conditions and to such other terms and conditions as
the Committee may deem  appropriate  as set forth in the Award  Agreement or the
Participant's  employment  or  other  agreement  with  the  Corporation  or  any

            (a)   OPTION  TERM.  Each Option  shall  expire on the tenth  (10th)
anniversary  of the  Grant  Date (or in the case of an  Incentive  Stock  Option
granted to a 10% Owner, on the fifth (5th)  anniversary of the Grant Date) or on
such earlier date as may be specified in the  Participant's  Award  Agreement or
employment  or other  agreement  with the  Corporation  or any  Subsidiary.  The
Committee  may  extend  such  Option  Term;  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  that  (i) such
extension  shall not in any way  disqualify  the  Option as an  Incentive  Stock
Option and (ii) the Option Term, including any such extensions, shall not exceed
ten (10) years.

            (b)   OPTION  PRICE.  The Option Price per Share shall be determined
by the Committee no later than the Grant Date of any Option; PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,
(i) the Option  Price shall not be less than the Fair Market Value of a Share on
the Grant Date,  and (ii) in the case of an Incentive  Stock Option granted to a
10% Owner,  the Option  Price  shall not be less than one  hundred  ten  percent
(110%) of the Fair  Market  Value of a Share on the Grant  Date (but in no event
less than the par value of a Share). The Option Price may be denominated in U.S.
Dollars,  Chinese  Renminbi  or  other  local  currency  as  determined  by  the

            (c)   EXERCISE OF OPTION.  The  exercisability of an Option shall be
determined by the  Committee.  Subject to  acceleration  or early  expiration as
provided  elsewhere  in the  Plan  or in a  Participant's  employment  or  other
agreement  with the  Corporation  or any  Subsidiary,  the vesting of any Option
granted  under the Plan  shall be subject to the  Participant  remaining  in the


employ  of or  maintaining  a  consultancy  with the  Corporation  or any of its
Subsidiaries and shall vest (i) in five (5) equal installments of twenty percent
(20%) of the amount granted,  with the first installment vesting on the December
31st next following the Grant Date and each other installment vesting on each of
the next four December 31st dates  thereafter or (ii) in such other amounts over
such period of time after the Grant Date as the Committee may designate.

            (d)   DISQUALIFYING  DISPOSITION.  The Award Agreement shall require
any  Participant  who is  granted  an  Incentive  Stock  Option  to  notify  the
Corporation  of any  disposition of such Shares issued upon the exercise of such
Incentive  Stock Option under the  circumstances  described in Section 421(b) of
the Code  (relating to certain  disqualifying  dispositions)  (a  "Disqualifying
Disposition")   within  ten  (10)   business   days  after  such   Disqualifying

            (e)   PAYMENT OF PURCHASE PRICE UPON EXERCISE. The purchase price as
to which an Option shall be exercised  shall be paid to the  Corporation  at the
time  of  exercise  either  (i)  in  cash,  certified  check  or  wire  transfer
denominated in U.S. Dollars,  Chinese Renminbi or other local currency,  (ii) in
such other consideration as the Committee deems appropriate,  including, but not
limited to, loans from the  Corporation  or a third party,  (iii) subject to the
approval of the  Committee,  in Mature Shares  already owned by the  Participant
having a total fair market value,  as determined by the Committee,  equal to the
purchase price, or a combination of cash (denominated in U.S.  Dollars,  Chinese
Renminbi or other local  currency)  and Mature Shares having a total fair market
value,  as so  determined,  equal to the  purchase  price,  (iv)  subject to the
approval of the  Committee,  in its sole  discretion,  by  delivering a properly
executed  exercise notice in a form approved by the Committee,  together with an
irrevocable  notice of  exercise  and  irrevocable  instructions  to a broker to
promptly  deliver  to the  Corporation  the  amount of  applicable  sale or loan
proceeds sufficient to pay the purchase price for such Shares, together


with the  amount of  federal,  state  and local  withholding  taxes  payable  by
Participant by reason of such exercise, or (v) a combination of the foregoing.

            (f)   EXERCISE  IN  THE  EVENT  OF  TERMINATION.   Unless  otherwise
provided in a  Participant's  employment or other agreement with the Corporation
or any Subsidiary or Award Agreement,  the following provisions shall apply upon
termination of a Participant's employment or consultancy with the Corporation or
any Subsidiary:

      If a Participant's  employment or consultancy  with the Corporation or any
      Subsidiary  shall  terminate for any reason other than by reason of his or
      her death, such Participant may exercise his or her Options, to the extent
      that such  Participant  shall have been  entitled  to do so on the date of
      such  termination,  at any time, or from time to time,  but not later than
      (x) the expiration date specified in Subsection 2.2(a) hereof or (y) three
      (3) months after the date of such  termination,  whichever date is earlier
      and any  portion of any Option  granted  hereunder  that is not vested and
      exercisable as of the date of the Participant's  termination of employment
      shall   automatically   expire  and  be  forfeited  as  of  such  date  of

                  (ii)  UPON   TERMINATION   DUE  TO  DEATH.   In  the  event  a
      Participant's  employment or consultancy  shall terminate by reason of his
      or her death, such Participant's Beneficiary, heirs or estate may exercise
      his  or  her  Options,  to the  extent  that  such  Participant,  if  such
      Participant  had not died,  would have been  entitled  to do so within the
      calendar year following  such  Participant's  death,  at any time, or from
      time to time,  but not later than (x) the  expiration  date  specified  in
      Subsection  2.2(a)  hereof  or (y) one  year  after  the  date  of  death,
      whichever is earlier and any portion of any Option granted  hereunder that
      would not have  vested  and been  exercisable  within  the  calendar  year
      following such Participant's  death if such Participant had not died shall
      automatically expire and be forfeited as of the date of such Participant's

            (g)   TRANSFERABILITY OF STOCK OPTIONS.  No Option granted under the
Plan shall be  transferable  other  than by will or by the laws of  descent  and
distribution  of the  jurisdiction  wherein the  Participant is domiciled at the
time of his or her death, and during the lifetime of the  Participant,  shall be
exercisable   only  by  the   Participant  or  his  or  her  guardian  or  legal

            (h)   INVESTMENT REPRESENTATION.  Each Award Agreement for an Option


provide (or be deemed to provide) that,  upon demand by the Committee for such a
representation,  the Participant (or any person acting under  Subsection  2.2(e)
hereof) shall deliver to the Committee, at the time of any exercise of an Option
or portion thereof, a written representation that the Shares to be acquired upon
such  exercise  are to be acquired for  investment  and not for resale or with a
view  to  the  distribution  thereof.   Upon  such  demand,   delivery  of  such
representation prior to the delivery of any Common Stock issued upon exercise of
an Option and prior to the  expiration  of the Option  Term shall be a condition
precedent to the right of the  Participant  or such other person to purchase any
Common Stock. In the event certificates for Common Stock are delivered under the
Plan with respect to which such an investment  representation has been obtained,
the Committee may cause a legend or legends to be placed on such certificates to
make appropriate  reference to such  representations and to restrict transfer in
the absence of compliance with applicable  federal,  state or other governmental
securities laws.

shall have any rights as a shareholder  with respect to any Common Stock subject
to his or her Option  prior to the date of issuance to him or her of such Common

            (j)   OTHER  OPTION   PROVISIONS.   The   Committee  may  require  a
Participant to agree, as a condition to receiving an Option under the Plan, that
part or all of any Options previously granted to such Participant under the Plan
or any prior plan of the Corporation be terminated.

      2.3   EXERCISE OF OPTIONS. An Option shall be exercised by the delivery to
the  Corporation  during  the  Option  Term of (x)  written  notice of intent to
purchase a specific  number of Shares  subject to the Option and (y)  payment in
full of the Option Price of such specific number of Shares.



      3.1   AWARD OF STOCK APPRECIATION RIGHTS. Subject to the provisions of the
Plan,  the  Committee  shall  determine  and  designate  from time to time those
Eligible  Individuals  to whom SARs shall be granted and the number of Shares to
be granted to each such Eligible  Individual.  When granted,  SARS may, but need
not, be identified  with a specific  Option  (including any Option granted on or
before the Grant Date of the SARs) in a number  equal to or  different  from the
number of SARs so granted.  If SARs are  identified  with  Shares  subject to an
Option,  then, unless otherwise provided in the applicable Award Agreement,  the
Participant's   associated   SARs  shall  terminate  upon  (x)  the  expiration,
termination,  forfeiture or cancellation of such Option,  or (y) the exercise of
such Option.

      3.2   STRIKE  PRICE.  The strike price  ("Strike  Price") of any SAR shall
equal,  for any SAR that is identified with an Option,  the Option Price of such
Option,  or for any other SAR,  100% of the Fair Market  Value of a Share on the
Grant  Date of such SAR;  except  that the  Committee  may (x)  specify a higher
Strike Price in the Award Agreement or (y) provide that the benefit payable upon
exercise  of any SAR shall not exceed a  percentage  of Fair  Market  Value of a
Share on such Grant Date as the Committee shall specify.

      3.3   VESTING OF SARS. Unless otherwise  specified in the applicable Award
Agreement  or in the  Participant's  employment  or  other  agreement  with  the
Corporation or any Subsidiary,  (x) each SAR not identified with any other Award
shall become  exercisable  with respect to 20% of the Shares subject  thereto on
each of the first five December 31st dates  following the Grant Date of such SAR
or in such other amounts and over such other time period as may be determined by
the Committee  and (y) each SAR which is  identified  with any other Award shall
become  exercisable  as and to the extent that the Option with which such SAR is
identified may be exercised.


      3.4   EXERCISE  OF  SARS.  SARs  shall be  exercised  by  delivery  to the
Corporation of written  notice of intent to exercise a specific  number of SARs.
Unless  otherwise  provided in the applicable Award Agreement or a Participant's
employment  or other  agreement  with the  Corporation  or any  Subsidiary,  the
exercise  of SARs that are  identified  with Shares  subject to an Option  shall
result in the  cancellation or forfeiture of such Option,  to the extent of such
exercise and any such Shares so canceled or forfeited shall not thereafter again
become  available  for grant  under the Plan.  The benefit for each SAR shall be
equal to (x) the Fair  Market  Value of the Share on the date of such  exercise,
minus (y) the Strike Price of such SAR.  Such  benefit  shall be payable in cash
(subject to  applicable  withholding),  except that the Committee may provide in
the  applicable  Award  Agreement  that benefits may be paid wholly or partly in

      3.5   NO RIGHTS AS SHAREHOLDERS. No Participant shall have any rights as a
shareholder with respect to any Common Stock subject to his or her SAR.

      3.6   EXERCISE IN THE EVENT OF TERMINATION. Unless otherwise provided in a
Participant's  employment  or  other  agreement  with  the  Corporation  or  any
Subsidiary  or Award  Agreement,  the  following  provisions  shall  apply  upon
termination of a Participant's employment or consultancy with the Corporation or
any Subsidiary:

      Participant's  employment  or  consultancy  with  the  Corporation  or any
      Subsidiary  shall  terminate for any reason other than by reason of his or
      her death,  such  Participant  may exercise his or her SARs, to the extent
      that such  Participant  shall have been  entitled  to do so on the date of
      such  termination,  at any time, or from time to time,  but not later than
      (x) the expiration date specified in Subsection 2.2(a) hereof or (y) three
      (3) months after the date of such termination,  whichever date is earlier,
      and any SARs granted  hereunder that are not vested and  exercisable as of
      the  date  of  the   Participant's   termination   of   employment   shall
      automatically expire and be forfeited as of such date of termination.

            (ii)  UPON  TERMINATION  DUE TO DEATH.  In the event a Participant's


      or  consultancy  shall  terminate  by  reason  of his or her  death,  such
      Participant's  Beneficiary,  heirs or estate may exercise his or her SARs,
      to the extent that such  Participant,  if such  Participant  had not died,
      would have been entitled to do so within the calendar year  following such
      Participant's death, at any time, or from time to time, but not later than
      (x) the expiration  date specified in Subsection  2.2(a) hereof or (y) one
      year after the date of death,  whichever  is earlier and any SARs  granted
      hereunder  that  would not have  vested  and been  exercisable  within the
      calendar year following such  Participant's  death if such Participant had
      not died shall  automatically  expire and be  forfeited  as of the date of
      such Participant's death.


      4.1   AWARDS OF RESTRICTED STOCK.  Restricted Stock awarded under the Plan
shall be subject to certain  Restrictions  as provided below.  All  Restrictions
imposed  on any  such  Award  of  Restricted  Stock  shall be made by and at the
discretion of the  Committee,  subject to the  provisions  of the Plan,  and are
binding on the Corporation and the Participants,  their  Beneficiaries and legal

      4.2   RESTRICTED PERIOD/RESTRICTIONS. At the time each Award of Restricted
Stock is granted,  the Committee (i) shall establish a Restricted  Period within
which Restricted  Stock awarded to the  Participants may not be sold,  assigned,
transferred,  made subject to gift, or otherwise disposed of, mortgaged, pledged
or otherwise  encumbered,  if any and (ii) may impose such other Restrictions on
any Restricted Stock as it may deem advisable.

      4.3   RIGHTS  AS  STOCKHOLDERS.  Except  for the  conditions  outlined  in
Section 4.2  hereof,  and the  forfeiture  conditions  described  in Section 4.5
hereof,  each  Participant  shall have all  rights of a holder of Common  Stock,
including the right to receive all dividends or other distributions made or paid
in  respect  of such  Shares  and the right to vote such  Shares at  regular  or
special meetings of the stockholders of the Corporation.

      4.4   DELIVERY  OF  SHARES.  The  certificates  for any  Restricted  Stock
awarded to an Eligible  Individual under the Plan shall be held (together with a
stock  power  executed  in blank by


the Eligible Individual) in escrow by the Secretary of the Corporation under the
Participant's name in an account maintained by the Corporation until such Shares
of Restricted Stock become nonforfeitable or are forfeited. At the conclusion of
the Restricted Period or the expiration or attainment of such other Restrictions
imposed on any  Restricted  Stock  granted to a  Participant,  or upon the prior
approval of the Committee as described in Section 4.5 hereof, and subject to the
satisfaction of the Corporation's  withholding  obligations described in Section
5.7 hereof,  certificates  representing such Shares of Restricted Stock shall be
delivered to the Participant,  or the Beneficiary or legal representative of the
Participant,  free of the Restrictions set forth in the Award Agreement pursuant
to Section 4.2 hereof.

otherwise provided in the Award Agreement or in the Participant's  employment or
other agreement with the Corporation or any Subsidiary, the following provisions
shall apply upon  termination of a Participant's  employment or consultancy with
the Corporation or any Subsidiary:

      Participant's  employment  or  consultancy  with  the  Corporation  or any
      Subsidiary is terminated,  except termination due to death, all Restricted
      Stock awarded under the Plan which are then subject to a Restricted Period
      or other  Restrictions  will be  forfeited  and become the property of the
      Corporation on the date of such termination.  However,  the Committee may,
      if it, in its sole discretion,  determines that the circumstances  warrant
      such  action,  approve  the  release of all or any part of the  Restricted
      Stock that would  otherwise be forfeited  pursuant to this  Section,  upon
      such conditions as it shall determine.

            (ii)  UPON  TERMINATION DUE TO DEATH. If a Participant's  employment
      or consultancy  with the  Corporation or a Subsidiary is terminated due to
      death,  all Shares of  Restricted  Stock  awarded under the Plan which are
      then subject to a Restricted Period or other  Restrictions and which would
      have been released,  if the Participant had not died,  within the calendar
      year  following the  Participant's  death shall be released on the date of
      such  termination as if with respect to such Shares the Restricted  Period
      had  ended  and  the  other   Restrictions  had  lapsed  and  certificates
      representing  such Shares of  Restricted  Stock shall be  delivered to the
      Participant's   Beneficiary  or  legal   representative   free  from  such


      Restrictions  as soon as practicable  following such  termination  and all
      other Shares of Restricted Stock that would not have been released, if the
      Participant  had  not  died,   within  the  calendar  year  following  the
      Participant's  death will be  forfeited  and become  the  property  of the
      Corporation on the date of such termination.

      4.6   SECTION  83(B)  ELECTIONS.  A  Participant  who  files  an  election
permitted  under Section 83(b) of the Code with the Internal  Revenue Service to
include the fair market value of any Restricted Stock in gross income while they
are still subject to a Restricted Period or other  Restrictions shall notify the
Corporation  of such  election  within ten (10) days of making such election and
promptly furnish the Corporation with a copy of such election, together with the
amount of any federal,  state,  local or other taxes  required to be withheld to
enable the  Corporation  to claim an income tax  deduction  with respect to such


      5.1   GENERAL CREDITOR STATUS.  Participants shall have no right, title or
interest  whatsoever in or to any investments  which the Corporation may make to
aid it in meeting its obligations under the Plan. Nothing contained in the Plan,
and no action taken pursuant to its provisions,  shall create or be construed to
create a trust of any kind, or a fiduciary  relationship between the Corporation
and any Participant,  Beneficiary,  legal representative or any other person. To
the  extent  that any  person  acquires  a right to  receive  payments  from the
Corporation  under the Plan, such right shall be no greater than the right of an
unsecured general creditor of the Corporation. All payments to be made hereunder
shall be paid  from the  general  funds of the  Corporation  and no  special  or
separate fund shall be established and no segregation of assets shall be made to
assure  payment  of such  amounts  except  as  expressly  set forth in the Plan;
PROVIDED,  HOWEVER, that in its sole discretion, the Committee may authorize the
creation of trusts or other  arrangements to meet the obligations  created under
the Plan to deliver Common Stock or


pay cash;  PROVIDED,  FURTHER,  HOWEVER,  that,  unless the Committee  otherwise
determines with the consent of the affected  Participant,  the existence of such
trusts or other  arrangements  shall be consistent with the "unfunded" status of
the Plan.

      5.2   CERTAIN  ADJUSTMENTS  TO  SHARES.  In the event of any change in the
Common Stock by reason of any stock dividend, recapitalization,  reorganization,
spin-off,  split-off, merger,  consolidation,  stock split, reverse stock split,
combination  or exchange of shares,  or any rights  offering to purchase  Common
Stock at a price substantially below fair market value, or of any similar change
affecting  the  Common  Stock of or by the  Corporation,  the number and kind of
Shares  available  for  Awards  under the Plan and the number and kind of Shares
subject to a Restricted  Period or other  Restrictions  or subject to Options in
outstanding  Awards and the Option  Price or  purchase  price per Share  thereof
shall be  appropriately  adjusted  consistent with such change in such manner as
the Committee may deem equitable to prevent substantial  dilution or enlargement
of the rights  granted to, or available  for, the  Participants  hereunder.  Any
adjustment of an Incentive  Stock Option  pursuant to this Section shall be made
only to the extent  not  constituting  a  "modification"  within the  meaning of
Section  424(h)(3)  of the Code,  unless the holder of such  Option  shall agree
otherwise. The Committee shall give notice to each Participant of any adjustment
made  pursuant to this  Section  and,  upon  notice,  such  adjustment  shall be
effective and binding for all purposes of the Plan.

      5.3   SUCCESSOR CORPORATION.  The obligations of the Corporation under the
Plan shall be binding upon any successor  corporation or organization  resulting
from the merger,  consolidation or other  reorganization of the Corporation,  or
upon any successor  corporation or organization  succeeding to substantially all
of the assets and business of the  Corporation.  The Corporation  agrees that it
will make appropriate  provision for the  preservation of  Participants'


rights under the Plan in any  agreement or plan which it may enter into or adopt
to effect any such merger, consolidation, reorganization or transfer of assets.

      5.4   NO CLAIM OR RIGHT  UNDER THE PLAN.  Neither  the Plan nor any action
taken  thereunder  shall be  construed  as giving any  employee,  consultant  or
advisor any right to be retained in the employ of or by the Corporation.

shall be  considered  as  compensation  under any  employee  benefit plan of the
Corporation,  except as  specifically  provided in any such plan or as otherwise
determined by the Board.

      5.6   LISTING AND  QUALIFICATION OF COMMON STOCK. The Corporation,  in its
discretion,  may  postpone  the  issuance or  delivery of Common  Stock upon any
exercise  of an  Option  or  pursuant  to an Award  of  Restricted  Stock  until
completion of such stock exchange listing or other  qualification of such shares
under any state,  federal or other  governmental  law, rule or regulation as the
Corporation  may  consider   appropriate,   and  may  require  any  Participant,
Beneficiary or legal  representative  to make such  representations  and furnish
such information as it may consider  appropriate in connection with the issuance
or  delivery  of the  shares  in  compliance  with  applicable  laws,  rules and

      5.7   WITHHOLDING TAXES. The Corporation may make such provisions and take
such steps as it may deem  necessary or appropriate  for the  withholding of all
federal,  state and  local  taxes  required  by law to be  withheld,  including,
without limitation,  taxes required to be withheld under the tax laws, rules and
regulations  and  governmental  orders of PRC,  with  respect to Awards  granted
pursuant to the Plan, including,  but not limited to, (i) accepting a remittance
from the Participant in cash, or in the Committee's  discretion in Mature Shares
(ii) deducting the amount  required to be withheld from any other amount then or
thereafter payable by the


Corporation or Subsidiary to a Participant,  Beneficiary or legal representative
or from any Shares due to the  Participant  under the Plan,  (iii)  requiring  a
Participant,  Beneficiary or legal  representative to pay to the Corporation the
amount required to be withheld as a condition of releasing  Common Stock or (iv)
any  combination  of the  foregoing.  In  addition,  subject  to such  rules and
regulations  as the Committee  shall from time to time  establish,  Participants
shall be permitted to satisfy  federal,  state and local taxes, if any,  imposed
upon the  payment of Awards in Common  Stock at a rate up to such  Participant's
maximum  marginal  tax rate with  respect  to each  such tax by (i)  irrevocably
electing  to have the  Corporation  deduct  from the number of Shares  otherwise
deliverable  in payment of an Award such  number of Shares as shall have a value
equal to the amount of tax to be withheld,  (ii)  delivering to the  Corporation
such portion of the Common Stock delivered in payment of the Award as shall have
a value equal to the amount of tax to be withheld,  or (iii)  delivering  to the
Corporation  such number of Mature  Shares or  combination  of Mature Shares and
cash as shall have a value equal to the amount of tax to be withheld.


            (a)   An  Award  granted  hereunder  shall  not be  assignable  or
transferable  other than by will or by the laws of descent and  distribution  of
the jurisdiction  wherein the Participant is domiciled at the time of his or her
death  and  may be  exercised  during  the  Participant's  lifetime  only by the
Participant or his or her guardian or legal representative.

            (b)   Each Participant shall  file  with  the  Committee  a  written
designation of one or more persons as the  Beneficiary  who shall be entitled to
receive  the amount,  if any,  payable  under the Plan upon his or her death.  A
Participant  may,  from time to time,  revoke or change  his or her  Beneficiary
designation  without  the  consent  of any  prior  Beneficiary  by  filing a new


designation  with the  Committee.  The last  such  designation  received  by the
Committee  shall be controlling;  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  that no  designation,  or
change  or  revocation  thereof,  shall  be  effective  unless  received  by the
Committee  prior  to the  Participant's  death,  and  in no  event  shall  it be
effective as of a date prior to such receipt.

      5.9   PAYMENTS TO PERSONS OTHER THAN A PARTICIPANT. If the Committee shall
find that any person to whom any  amount is payable  under the Plan is unable to
care for his or her affairs  because of illness or accident,  or is a minor,  or
has died,  then any payment  due to such  person or his or her estate  (unless a
prior claim  therefor has been made by a duly  appointed  legal  representative)
may, if the Committee so directs the Corporation,  be paid to his or her spouse,
a child,  a  relative,  an  institution  maintaining  or having  custody of such
person,  or any other person deemed by the Committee to be a proper recipient on
behalf of such person otherwise entitled to payment. Any such payment shall be a
complete  discharge  of the  liability  of the  Committee  and  the  Corporation


      (a)   If  the  Committee   determines  in  its  sole  discretion  that  an
appointment is necessary or desirable to comply with the regulatory requirements
in the  PRC,  it  may  appoint  the  Corporation,  a  Subsidiary  or  any  other
institution or organization  registered outside of the PRC (a "Trustee") to hold
the interest and exercise the rights  granted under the Plan of any  Participant
(a "Designated Participant") who either is a national of and ordinarily resident
in  the  PRC  or is  otherwise  designated  by  the  Committee  as a  Designated
Participant. In relation to any such appointment,  the Trustee will undertake to
do the following for and on behalf of the Designated Participant, subject at all
times to the Committee's supervision:

                  (i)   execute   the   relevant   Award   Agreement   with  the


                  (ii)  hold the Award (a "Designated Award") for the benefit of
      the Designated Participant;

                  (iii) take such  actions  as the  Designated  Participant  may
      instruct  from time to time in  connection  with the  Designated  Award or
      otherwise in relation to the Designated  Participant's beneficial interest
      under the Plan or under the Award Agreement, including taking such actions
      as may be necessary to exercise  the  Designated  Award under the terms of
      Section  2.2(c) of the Plan and making  payment under the terms of Section
      2.2(e) of the Plan; and

                  (iv)  after   deducting  its  costs,   fees  and  expenses  as
      contemplated  under  subsection  5.10(d),   hold,  or  at  the  Designated
      Participant's  direction  remit  to the  Designated  Participant,  the net
      proceeds of sales or other transactions involving the Designated Award or,
      as applicable, shares of Common Stock underlying such Award.

            (b)   Without  limiting the scope of its  authorities  under Section
2.1 or any other  provision of the Plan,  the  Committee  may at any time impose
restrictions  on the method of exercise of a  Designated  Award,  such that upon
exercise of the Designated  Award,  the Designated  Participant  (or the Trustee
acting on the  Designated  Participant's  behalf)  does not  receive  Shares and
receives solely cash, in the amount and  denomination  determined  under Section

            (c)   An  appointment  of a  Trustee  pursuant  to the terms of this
Section to hold the  interest  and  exercise  the rights for the  benefit of the
Designated  Participant shall terminate at such time as the Committee determines
in its sole discretion that such appointment is no longer necessary or desirable
in order to comply with regulatory requirements in the PRC.

            (d)   The  Trustee  may deduct  from the  proceeds of sales or other
transactions involving the Designated Award or, as applicable, Shares underlying
such  Award,  any costs,  fees and  expenses  of the  Trustee in relation to its
appointment  under this  Section.  The  Trustee  will,  under


no circumstances,  otherwise require the Designated Participant to compensate it
for any of its costs, fees, expenses or losses.

      5.11  NO LIABILITY OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS.  No member of the Committee shall
be personally  liable by reason of any contract or other instrument  executed by
such  member or on his or her behalf in his or her  capacity  as a member of the
Committee  nor  for  any  mistake  of  judgment  made  in  good  faith,  and the
Corporation shall indemnify and hold harmless each employee, officer or director
of the Corporation to whom any duty or power relating to the  administration  or
interpretation  of the Plan may be allocated or  delegated,  against any cost or
expense  (including  counsel  fees)  or  liability  (including  any sum  paid in
settlement of a claim with the approval of the Board)  arising out of any act or
omission to act in connection  with the Plan unless arising out of such person's
own fraud or bad faith.  The  indemnification  provided for in this Section 5.11
shall be in addition to any rights of indemnification  such Committee member has
as a director or officer pursuant to law, under the Certificate of Incorporation
or By-Laws of the Corporation.

      5.12  AMENDMENT OR  TERMINATION.  Except as to matters that in the opinion
of the Corporation's legal counsel require stockholder  approval,  any provision
of the Plan may be  modified  as to a  Participant  by an  individual  agreement
approved  by the  Committee.  The Board may,  with  prospective  or  retroactive
effect, amend, suspend or terminate the Plan or any portion thereof at any time;
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that (i) no amendment that would materially increase the cost
of the Plan to the  Corporation may be made by the Board without the approval of
the  stockholders  of the  Corporation  and  (ii) no  amendment,  suspension  or
termination  of the Plan shall deprive any  Participant  of any rights to Awards
previously  made under the Plan without his or her written  consent.  Subject to
earlier termination  pursuant to the provisions of this Section,


and unless the stockholders of the Corporation  shall have approved an extension
of the Plan beyond such date,  the Plan shall  terminate  and no further  Awards
shall be made under the Plan after the tenth (10th) anniversary of the Effective
Date of the Plan.

      5.13  UNFUNDED  PLAN.  The Plan is  intended  to  constitute  an  unfunded
deferred compensation arrangement.

      5.14  GOVERNING  LAW.  The Plan  shall be  governed  by and  construed  in
accordance  with the laws of the State of  Delaware,  without  reference  to the
principles of conflicts of law thereof.

      5.15  NON-UNIFORM DETERMINATIONS. The Committee's determinations under the
Plan need not be  uniform  and may be made by the  Committee  selectively  among
persons who  receive,  or are  eligible to receive,  Awards  whether or not such
persons  are  similarly  situated.   Without  limiting  the  generality  of  the
foregoing,  the  Committee  shall be  entitled,  to enter into  non-uniform  and
selective Award  Agreements as to (a) the identity of the  Participant,  (b) the
terms  and  provisions  of  Awards,  and (c) the  treatment  of  termination  of
employment or consultancies.

      5.16  NO ILLEGAL TRANSACTIONS. The Plan and all Awards granted pursuant to
it are  subject to all  applicable  laws and  regulations.  Notwithstanding  any
provision  of the Plan or any  Award,  Participants  shall  not be  entitled  to
exercise or receive benefits under, any Award, and the Corporation  shall not be
obligated  to deliver any Shares or deliver any  benefits to a  Participant,  if
such exercise or delivery would constitute a violation by the Participant or the
Corporation of any applicable law or regulation.

      5.17  SEVERABILITY.  If any part of the Plan is  declared  by any court of
governmental   authority  to  be  unlawful  or  invalid,  such  unlawfulness  or
invalidity  shall not invalidate any other part of the Plan. Any Section or part
of a Section so  declared  to be  unlawful or invalid  shall,  if


possible,  be  construed in a manner which will give effect to the terms of such
Section to the fullest extent possible while remaining lawful and valid.


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ ]

                                                    \/ DETACH PROXY CARD HERE \/
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      THE PROXY CARD PROMPTLY                     [X]
                                      (X) IN BLACK OR BLUE INK.


                                                                                                               FOR  AGAINST  ABSTAIN

1. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS:                                               3. PROPOSAL TO RATIFY THE  APPOINTMENT
                                                                           OF  CHILD,  VAN WAGONER & BRADSHAW, [ ]    [ ]      [ ]
                                                                           AS  INDEPENDENT  REGISTERED  PUBLIC
   Nominees: Xianfu Zhu, Yunchun Wang and Raymond Leal                     ACCOUNTING FIRM FOR THE FISCAL YEAR
                                                                           ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2007.
   (INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for any  individual
   nominee mark the "exceptions" box and write that nominee's name      4. IN THEIR DISCRETION UPON SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS
   in the space provided below.)                                           MAY PROPERLY COME BEFORE THE MEETING.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------          To change your address, please mark this box.  [ ]
                                                FOR  AGAINST  ABSTAIN
                                                                                To include any comments, please mark this box. [ ]

2. APPROVAL  AND  ADOPTION OF THE AMENDED AND   [ ]    [ ]      [ ]     ------------------------------------------------------------
   RESTATED 2006 EQUITY INCENTIVE PLAN.                                 |                                                          |
- ------                                                                     SCAN LINE                                               |
|                                                                       |                                                          |
|                                                                       ------------------------------------------------------------
|                                                                       Please  sign  exactly  as your name  appears  on your  stock
                                                                        certificates.  When joint  tenants hold shares,  both should
                                                                        sign.  When  signing as attorney,  executor,  administrator,
                                                                        trustee,  or guardian,  please give full title as such. If a
                                                                        corporation, please sign in full corporate name by president
                                                                        or other authorized officer.  If a partnership,  please sign
                                                                        in partnership name by authorized person.

                                                            ------   -------------------------------- ------------------------------
                                                                      Stockholder sign here     Date   Co-Owner sign here      Date

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  ZHONGPIN INC.

     This proxy is  solicited  on behalf of the Board of  Directors  of        |
Zhongpin Inc. for the annual meeting of stockholders to be held on June
15, 2007. The  undersigned  appoints Xianfu Zhu and Baoke Ben, and each
of them,  with full power of  substitution  in each, the proxies of the
undersigned,  to  represent  the  undersigned  and vote all  shares  of
Zhongpin  Inc.  common stock and Series A convertible  preferred  stock
that the  undersigned  may be entitled to vote at the annual meeting of
stockholders  to be held on June 15, 2007,  and at any  adjournment  or
postponement thereof as indicated on the reverse side.

     This proxy,  when properly  executed,  will be voted in the manner
directed  herein by the  undersigned  stockholder.  If no  direction is
given,  this  proxy  will  be  voted  ~FOR~  each of the  nominees  for
director,  ~FOR~ approval and adoption of the Amended and Restated 2006
Equity Incentive Plan and ~FOR~ the ratification of Child,Van Wagoner &
Bradshaw,  PLLC,  Certified  Public  Accountants,  as  Zhongpin  Inc.~s
independent  registered  public  accounting  firm for the  year  ending
December 31, 2007.

Address Change

- ----------------------------------
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