EXHIBIT 21 MURPHY OIL CORPORATION SUBSIDIARIES OF THE REGISTRANT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1999 Percentage of Voting Securities State or Other Owned by Jurisdiction Immediate Name of Company of Incorporation Parent - - - - - ----------------------------------------- --------------------- ---------- Murphy Oil Corporation (REGISTRANT) A. El Dorado Engineering Inc. Delaware 100.0 1. El Dorado Contractors Inc. Delaware 100.0 B. Murphy Eastern Oil Company Delaware 100.0 C. Murphy Exploration & Production Company (formerly Ocean Drilling & Exploration Company) Delaware 100.0 1. Canam Offshore A. G. (Switzerland) Switzerland 100.0 2. Canam Offshore Limited Bahamas 100.0 a. Murphy Ireland Offshore Limited Bahamas 100.0 b. Ocean Drilling Limited Bahamas 100.0 3. El Dorado Exploration, S.A. Delaware 100.0 4. Mentor Holding Corporation Delaware 100.0 a. Mentor Excess and Surplus Lines Insurance Company Delaware 100.0 b. Mentor Insurance and Reinsurance Company Louisiana 100.0 c. Mentor Insurance Limited Bermuda 99.993 (1) Mentor Insurance Company (U.K.) Limited England 100.0 (2) Mentor Underwriting Agents (U.K.) Limited England 100.0 5. Murphy Bangladesh Oil Company Delaware 100.0 6. Murphy Brazil Exploracao e Producao de Petroleo e Gas Ltda. (see company C18a below) Brazil 90.0 7. Murphy Building Corporation Delaware 100.0 8. Murphy Central Asia Oil Co., Ltd. Bahamas 100.0 9. Murphy Denmark Oil Company Delaware 100.0 10. Murphy Ecuador Oil Company Ltd. Bermuda 100.0 11. Murphy Equatorial Guinea Oil Company Delaware 100.0 12. Murphy Exploration (Alaska), Inc. Delaware 100.0 13. Murphy Faroes Oil Co., Ltd. Bahamas 100.0 14. Murphy France Oil Company Delaware 100.0 15. Murphy Ireland Oil Company Delaware 100.0 16. Murphy Italy Oil Company Delaware 100.0 17. Murphy New Zealand Oil Company Delaware 100.0 18. Murphy Overseas Ventures Inc. Delaware 100.0 a. Murphy Brazil Exploracao e Producao de Petroleo e Gas Ltda. (see company C6 above) Brazil 10.0 19. Murphy Pakistan Oil Company Delaware 100.0 20. Murphy Philippines Oil Co., Ltd. Bahamas 100.0 21. Murphy Sabah Oil Co., Ltd. Bahamas 100.0 22. Murphy Sarawak Oil Co., Ltd. Bahamas 100.0 23. Murphy Somali Oil Company Delaware 100.0 24. Murphy South Asia Oil Co., Ltd. Bahamas 100.0 25. Murphy South Atlantic Oil Company Delaware 100.0 26. Murphy-Spain Oil Company Delaware 100.0 27. Murphy Venezuela Oil Company, S.A. Panama 100.0 28. Murphy Western Oil Company Delaware 100.0 Ex. 21-1 EXHIBIT 21 (Contd.) MURPHY OIL CORPORATION SUBSIDIARIES OF THE REGISTRANT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1999 (Contd.) Percentage of Voting Securities State or Other Owned by Jurisdiction Immediate Name of Company of Incorporation Parent - - - - - ----------------------------------------- --------------------- ---------- Murphy Oil Corporation (REGISTRANT) - Contd. C. Murphy Exploration & Production Company - Contd. 29. Murphy Yemen Oil Company Delaware 100.0 30. Norske Murphy Oil Company Delaware 100.0 31. Norske Ocean Exploration Company Delaware 100.0 32. Ocean Exploration Company Delaware 100.0 33. Ocean France Oil Company Delaware 100.0 34. Ocean International Finance Corporation Delaware 100.0 35. Odeco Drilling (UK) Limited England 100.0 36. Odeco International Corporation Panama 100.0 37. Odeco Italy Oil Company Delaware 100.0 38. Sub Sea Offshore (M) Sdn. Bhd. Malaysia 60.0 D. Murphy Oil Company Ltd. Canada 100.0 1. 340236 Alberta Ltd. Canada 100.0 2. Murphy Atlantic Offshore Finance Company Ltd. Canada 100.0 3. Murphy Atlantic Offshore Oil Company Ltd. Canada 100.0 4. Spur Refined Products Ltd. Canada 100.0 E. Murphy Oil USA, Inc. Delaware 100.0 1. 864 Beverage, Inc. Texas 100.0 2. Arkansas Oil Company Delaware 100.0 3. Murphy Gas Gathering Inc. Delaware 100.0 4. Murphy Latin America Refining & Marketing, Inc. Delaware 100.0 5. Murphy LOOP, Inc. Delaware 100.0 6. Murphy Oil Trading Company (Eastern) Delaware 100.0 7. Spur Oil Corporation Delaware 100.0 8. Superior Crude Oil Trading Company Delaware 100.0 F. Murphy Realty Inc. Delaware 100.0 G. Murphy Ventures Corporation Delaware 100.0 H. New Murphy Oil (UK) Corporation Delaware 100.0 1. Murphy Petroleum Limited England 100.0 a. Alnery No. 166 Ltd. England 100.0 b. H. Hartley (Doncaster) Ltd. England 100.0 c. Murco Petroleum Limited England 100.0 (1) European Petroleum Distributors Ltd. England 100.0 (2) Murco Petroleum (Ireland) Ltd. Ireland 100.0 I. Rowel Corporation Delaware 100.0 Ex. 21-2