EXHIBIT 21.1 SUBSIDIARIES OF THE COMPANY (Unless noted as a Texas corporation, all subsidiaries are formed under local law.) DASYTEC USA, Incorporated DATALOG Systeme zur MeBwerterfassung GmbH & Co. KG, Germany GfS Systemtechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Germany N.I. Export (Barbados) Ltd., Barbados National Instruments Australia Corporation, a Texas corporation National Instruments Belgium N.V., Belgium National Instruments Beteiligungs GmbH, Germany National Instruments Brazil, Brazil National Instruments Canada Corporation, a Texas corporation National Instruments China Corporation, a Texas corporation National Instruments (Czech Republic) s.r.o., Czech Republic National Instruments Corporation (UK) Limited, United Kingdom National Instruments de Mexico, S.A. de C.V., Mexico National Instruments Europe Corporation, a Texas corporation National Instruments Europe Software and Hardware Manufacturing Limited Liability Company, Hungary National Instruments Finland Oy, Finland National Instruments France Corporation, a Texas corporation National Instruments Germany GmbH, Germany National Instruments Gesellschaft m.b.H., Salzburg, Austria National Instruments Hellas Measurement and Automation Systems, E.P.E., Greece National Instruments Hong Kong Limited, Hong Kong National Instruments (Ireland) Limited, Ireland NI Systems (India) Private Limited, India National Instruments Instrumentacija, avtomatizacija in upravljanje procesov d.o.o., Slovenija National Instruments Israel Ltd., Israel National Instruments Italy s.r.l., Italy National Instruments Japan Kabushiki Kaisha, Japan National Instruments (Korea) Corporation, Korea National Instruments Netherlands B.V., Netherlands National Instruments Netherlands Investments B.V., Netherlands National Instruments New Zealand Limited, New Zealand National Instruments Poland Sp.Zo.o, Poland National Instruments Portugal Unipessoal Lda, Portugal National Instruments Russia Corporation, a Texas corporation National Instruments Scandinavia Corporation, a Texas corporation National Instruments Services B.V., Netherlands National Instruments Singapore (PTE) Ltd., Singapore National Instruments Spain, S.L., Spain National Instruments Sweden A.B., Sweden National Instruments Switzerland Corporation, a Texas corporation National Instruments Taiwan Corporation, a Texas corporation Shanghai NI Instruments LTD, China Virtual Instruments SDN BHD, Malaysia WorldSoft, Ltd., United Kingdom