WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 11-K

                               REPORT PURSUANT TO
                        SECTION 15 (D) OF THE SECURITIES
                              EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                       For the Period Ended March 31, 2001

                                   TANDY FUND

                             (full title of Program)

                             RADIOSHACK CORPORATION
                             100 Throckmorton Street
                                   Suite 1800
                             Fort Worth, Texas 76102

           (Name of issuer and address of principal executive offices)


March 31, 2001


Report of Independent Accountants.............................................................          1

Financial Statements:

     Statement of Net Assets Available for Benefits at March 31, 2001 and 2000................          2

     Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits
        for the Year Ended March 31, 2001.....................................................          3

     Notes to Financial Statements ...........................................................       4-12

Supplemental Schedules:

     Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) at March 31, 2001............................... Schedule I

Schedules required by ERISA not included herein have been omitted, as there were
no transactions for the type required to be disclosed in such schedules.

                        Report of Independent Accountants

To the Participants and Administrative Committee of
the Tandy Fund

In our opinion, the accompanying statements of net assets available for benefits
and the related statement of changes in net assets available for benefits
present fairly, in all material respects, the net assets available for benefits
of the Tandy Fund (the "Plan") at March 31, 2001 and 2000, and the changes in
net assets available for benefits for the year ended March 31, 2001, in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of
America. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Plan's
management; our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial
statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits of these statements in
accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of
America, which require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable
assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and
evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Our audits were conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic
financial statements taken as a whole. The supplemental Schedule of Assets (Held
at End of Year) is presented for the purpose of additional analysis and is not a
required part of the basic financial statements but is supplementary information
required by the Department of Labor's Rules and Regulations for Reporting and
Disclosure under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. The
supplemental schedule is the responsibility of the Plan's management. The
supplemental schedule has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in
the audits of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly
stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements
taken as a whole.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
September 20, 2001

March 31, 2001 and 2000

                                                                                            March 31,
                                                                                    2001                2000
                                                                              ------------------  ------------------
Investments (See Note 3)
      Participant-directed                                                     $   254,188,748     $    332,195,555
        RadioShack preferred stock
           Allocated                                                                192,040,542         248,820,959
           Unallocated                                                               28,249,582          72,693,008
        RadioShack common stock                                                      48,487,758          70,698,072
        Common stocks                                                                    19,962              27,541
                                                                                 --------------      --------------
              Total investments                                                     522,986,592         724,435,135

Contributions receivable
      Employee                                                                          465,002             441,533
      Employer                                                                        2,150,333           2,740,908
                                                                                 --------------      --------------
              Total assets                                                          525,601,927         727,617,576
                                                                                 --------------      --------------


Interest payable                                                                        193,833             409,260
Payable to participants  (See Note 4)                                                   147,083             174,921
Notes payable (See Note 2)                                                           11,630,000          21,173,000
                                                                                 --------------      --------------
              Total liabilities                                                      11,970,916          21,757,181
                                                                                 --------------      --------------
              Net assets available for benefits                                $    513,631,011    $    705,860,395
                                                                                 ==============      ==============

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

For the Year Ended March 31, 2001

                                                           Participant               Company
                                                             Directed                Directed
                                                           Investments              Investments               Total
Investment income
     Dividends - participating employer                  $      826,961             $   5,414,753       $    6,241,714
     Dividends - other                                       12,676,815                         -           12,676,815
     Interest                                                 1,563,269                         -            1,563,269
                                                         --------------             -------------       --------------

                                                             15,067,045                 5,414,753           20,481,798
                                                         --------------             -------------       --------------

Net depreciation in fair value of securities
     Employer securities                                    (49,327,493)             (100,735,097)        (150,062,590)
     Other securities (see Note 3)                          (46,515,241)                   (7,579)         (46,522,820)
                                                         --------------             -------------       --------------

                                                            (95,842,734)             (100,742,676)        (196,585,410)
                                                         --------------             -------------       --------------

     Employee                                                23,403,407                         -           23,403,407
     Employer                                                         -                 5,265,677            5,265,677
                                                         --------------             -------------       --------------

                                                             23,403,407                 5,265,677           28,669,084
                                                         --------------             -------------       --------------

Other additions (deductions)
     Loans and repayments, net                                  (59,755)                   59,755                    -
     Other                                                      (65,293)                     (337)             (65,630)
                                                         --------------             -------------       --------------

                                                               (125,048)                   59,418              (65,630)
                                                         --------------             -------------       --------------

Total                                                       (57,497,330)              (90,002,828)        (147,500,158)

     Withdrawals and termination payments                    20,458,169                23,058,539           43,516,708
     Interest expense                                                 -                 1,212,518            1,212,518
                                                         --------------             -------------       --------------

Net decrease in plan assets                                 (77,955,499)             (114,273,885)        (192,229,384)

Net assets available for benefits - beginning of year       332,462,167               373,398,228          705,860,395
                                                         --------------             -------------       --------------

Net assets available for benefits - end of year          $  254,506,668             $ 259,124,343       $  513,631,011
                                                         ==============             =============       ==============

    The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.


1.     Description of Plan:

       The following description of the Tandy Fund (the "Plan") provides only
       general information. Participants should refer to the Summary Plan
       Description, which also constitutes the Plan's prospectus, or the Plan
       document for a more complete description of the Plan's provisions.


       The Plan is a defined contribution plan covering employees of RadioShack
       Corporation, its divisions and subsidiaries ("the Company" or
       "RadioShack") who will have completed at least one year of service, of
       not less than 1,000 hours in the following calendar quarter. The Tandy
       Fund is an individual account plan with multiple, participant-directed
       investment options which is intended to comply with the Employee
       Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA") Section 404(c).

       The Plan is subject to Titles I and II of ERISA relating to the
       protection of employee benefit rights and amendments to the Internal
       Revenue Code, respectively, but is not subject to Title IV, relating to
       plan termination insurance coverage.

       As of March 31, 2001 and 2000, there were 11,749 and 11,804 employees of
       the Company participating in the Plan and 20,205 and 19,640 employees
       eligible to participate, respectively.

       Plan Trustee

       The Company's Board of Directors has appointed Putnam Fiduciary Trust
       Company ("Putnam") as the Plan's trustee.

       Methods of Operation

       The Tandy Fund is a defined-contribution plan consisting of a
       Company-directed portion (which includes an ESOP) and a
       participant-directed portion.

       The ESOP portion of the Plan is comprised of three accounts: the
       "Suspense" account, the "ESOP Preferred Stock" account and the "Profit
       Sharing" account.

       The "Suspense" account had an original unallocated share account, which
       consisted of 100,000 shares of RadioShack Corporation Series B TESOP
       Convertible Preferred Stock (the "Preferred Stock"). The Preferred Stock
       was purchased in July 1990 with funds obtained through a $100 million
       borrowing. Each share of Preferred Stock is convertible into 87.072
       shares of RadioShack common stock and its minimum resale value is
       guaranteed by the Company to be $1,000 per share. This series of
       Preferred Stock has certain liquidation preferences and may be redeemed
       by the Company at specified premiums. The borrowing is discussed in
       Note 2.

       The unallocated shares of Preferred Stock and their related debt are held
       in the "Suspense" account. Funds are derived from Company contributions
       and dividends paid on the Preferred Stock. These funds are used to pay
       the debt which releases a pro rata portion of the Preferred Stock and the
       Preferred Stock released is allocated to the individual "ESOP Preferred
       Stock" accounts of the participants. The allocation to participants'
       accounts occurs as of the last day of each plan year.



1.     Description of Plan, continued:

       The "ESOP Preferred Stock" account represents the participants' interests
       in Preferred Stock that have been allocated to the participants'
       individual accounts from the "Suspense" account.

       The "Profit Sharing" account represents discretionary matching
       contributions made to the Plan by RadioShack Corporation and allocated to
       the participants' individual accounts.

       Participant Contributions

       Participants are allowed to defer (in increments of 1%) a minimum of 1%
       of gross salary and wages up to a maximum of 8%. Contributions per
       participant are limited to certain annual maximums as set forth by the
       Internal Revenue Code.

       Participants are provided with the option to direct their contributions
       in various investment options; each of which is described in more detail
       in Note 3. Participants may elect to contribute portions of their total
       contributions to the various investment options in increments of 5%.

       Participants are not subject to current federal income taxation on their
       deferred contributions to the Plan.

       Company Contributions

       Company contributions are made directly to the Tandy Fund through the
       ESOP portion of the Plan. The Company is obligated to make semi-annual
       contributions to the Plan to enable it to pay principal and interest on
       the indebtedness directly associated with the Preferred Stock. Cash
       dividends are paid on shares of Preferred Stock semi-annually on June 30
       and December 31 at the rate of 7.5% per annum. Cash dividends paid on all
       shares of Preferred Stock and additional cash contributed by the Company
       to the Plan are used to make payments of principal and interest on the
       debt that was created to purchase the Preferred Stock. As the debt is
       reduced, a pro rata number of shares of Preferred Stock is released and
       allocated to participants' "Preferred Stock" accounts as of the last day
       of each plan year. The allocation is based on the total number of shares
       to be allocated less shares allocated in lieu of cash dividends,
       multiplied by a fraction equal to the amount of a participants' deferred
       salary contribution to the Plan over the total deferred salary
       contributions of all participants in the Plan for the current Plan year.

       As a result of using dividends to pay down the principal on the debt,
       shares of Preferred Stock equal to the value of the dividend are released
       and allocated to participants' accounts. The amount of dividends
       allocated to a participant is an amount equal to the number of shares
       released multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number
       of a participant's shares owned on the allocation date, and the
       denominator of which is the total shares owned by all participants.

       RadioShack Corporation is eligible to make discretionary matching
       contributions to the participants' "Profit Sharing" account at any time.
       No discretionary "Profit Sharing" contributions were made to the Plan
       during the year ended March 31, 2001.



1.     Description of Plan, continued:

       Participants' Accounts

       Participants' ESOP accounts are valued as of the last day of each month.
       Participants' investments in common stock and in the various other
       investment options are valued daily. Each participant is mailed a
       quarterly statement showing their contributions, Company contributions,
       total contributions and the market value of their account. Each
       participant is also mailed the following:

       .  a copy of the annual report of RadioShack Corporation,
       .  any RadioShack Stock Plan/Plan prospectus incorporated by reference
          into the registration statements on Form S-8 or an appendix to the
       .  any material amendment made to any revised summary plan description
          booklet, which also constitutes the Plan's prospectus, and the summary
          annual report.


       Participants are immediately vested in their deferred and voluntary
       contributions to the Plan plus actual earnings thereon. A participant,
       who was an employee on September 30, 1990, is fully vested at all times
       in all shares allocated to his or her Stock account, along with earnings
       thereon and forfeitures of terminated participants' nonvested accounts. A
       participant who does not meet this requirement will become fully vested
       in the Company's contributions upon the earlier to occur of five years of
       service with the Company or three years of continuous participation in
       the Plan. The Plan is being retroactively amended to adjust the service
       and participation requirements for vesting in Company contributions. See
       additional discussion in Note 4.

       Payment of Benefits

       Participants who withdraw from the Plan may receive the vested portion of
       their accounts under one of four withdrawal methods, which are summarized

       (1)   Single sum payment in cash
       (2)   Purchase of an annuity contract to provide regular monthly income
             over a designated period of time, of not less than two years nor
             more than fifteen years (or the participant's actual life
             expectancy, if shorter)
       (3)   Equal monthly cash installments for a period of up to ten years (or
             the participant's actual life expectancy, if shorter)
       (4)   Part cash and part securities

       Forfeited Accounts

       Forfeited nonvested accounts of terminated participants are allocated
       among the remaining participants' accounts. A total of $3,185,822 was
       allocated to participants' accounts as a result of forfeitures for the
       year ended March 31, 2001.

       Loans to Participants

       A participant may borrow up to 50% of his or her vested account value in
       the Plan not to exceed the lesser of: 1) $50,000 or 2) an amount that can
       be fully repaid by payroll deduction payments that do not exceed 25% of
       the participant's regular gross wages. The minimum loan amount is $500;
       to be repaid through authorized payroll deductions. The term of a loan
       may not be less than six months (or multiples of six months) and not more
       than five years. The interest rate of the loan is fixed by



1.     Description of Plan, continued:

       Loans to Participants, continued:

       the Administrative Committee and is based on the interest rate currently
       charged on commercial loans. The weighted average interest rate charged
       on participant loan balances was 9.76% for the year ended March 31, 2001.
       Interest received on participant loans was $1,563,269 for the year ended
       March 31, 2001. A portion, not to exceed 50%, of the participant's dollar
       value interest in the Plan, is pledged as collateral on outstanding
       participant loans.

       Plan Termination

       Although it has not expressed any intent to do so, the Company has the
       right under the Plan to discontinue its contributions at any time and to
       terminate the Plan subject to the provisions of ERISA. In the event of
       Plan termination, participants will become 100% vested in their accounts.

2.     Summary of Significant Accounting Policies:

       Basis of Accounting

       The Plan's financial statements are prepared under the accrual method of

       Use of Estimates

       The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally
       accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and
       assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities
       and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the
       financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses
       during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those

       Investment Valuation and Income Recognition

       The Plan's investments are stated at fair value. Shares of registered
       investment companies are valued at quoted market prices, which represent
       the net asset value of shares held by the Plan at year-end. RadioShack
       common stock is valued at its closing market price. RadioShack preferred
       stock is valued on a monthly basis by an independent, third-party
       appraiser. Participant loans are valued at cost, which approximates fair

       Purchases and sales of securities are recorded on a trade-date basis.
       Dividends are recorded on the ex-dividend date. Net appreciation or
       depreciation of investments as reported in the statement of changes in
       net assets available for plan benefits is calculated based on a revalued
       cost method basis as required by ERISA.


       Contributions from participants are accrued in the period in which they
       are deducted in accordance with salary deferral agreements, and as such,
       become obligations of the Company and assets of the Plan.


       Benefits are recorded when paid.



2.     Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, continued:

       Notes Payable

       The "1990 Notes" were issued under an indenture dated June 30, 1990 in
       denominations of $1,000 limited to $100,000,000 aggregate principal
       amount that matured and was paid in full on June 30, 2000. The 1990 Notes
       bore interest at 9.34% per annum payable semi-annually on each December
       30 and June 30 through June 30, 2000.

       On December 15, 1994, the Plan entered into an agreement with an
       unrelated third party to refinance a portion of the 1990 Notes. Under
       this agreement, the Plan has borrowed, in a series of six notes
       ("Notes"), $16,693,000 at interest rates ranging from 5.84% to 8.76%.
       These Notes are also guaranteed by the Company and mature on dates
       ranging from December 30, 2000 to December 30, 2002. Maturities of the
       Notes are as follows:

       For the Plan's Fiscal Year:
          4/1/01 - 3/31/02                           $  7,826,000
          4/1/02 - 3/31/03                              3,804,000

                                                     $ 11,630,000

       The fair value of the Plan's total debt of $11,630,000 is approximately
       $11,744,000 at March 31, 2001.

       Expenses of the Plan

       At March 31, 2001, the trustee was responsible for both the management
       and record keeping of the Plan's assets. Administrative expenses of the
       Plan are generally paid directly to the trustee by the Company and thus
       are not a component of the changes in net assets available for Plan

       Concentration of Plan Assets

       The Tandy Fund has approximately 78% and 81% of its total investments
       (including unallocated Preferred Stock) invested in securities of its
       sponsor, RadioShack Corporation, at March 31, 2001 and 2000,

3.     Investments:

       The following is a summary description of the various
       participant-directed investment options. Participants should refer to the
       brochures and prospectuses for each of the respective mutual funds and
       Company common stock for more complete information including risks
       associated with investment options.

       RadioShack Corporation Common Stock

       Funds are invested in common stock of RadioShack Corporation.

       Putnam Income Fund

       Funds are invested in shares of a registered investment company that
       invests primarily in fixed-income securities such as debt securities,
       including both government and corporate obligations, preferred stocks,
       dividend-paying common stocks and may hold a portion of its assets in
       cash or money market instruments. This fund may also invest up to 20% of
       its assets in securities principally traded in foreign markets.



3.     Investments, continued:

       Putnam Voyager Fund

       Funds are invested in shares of a registered investment company that
       invests primarily in common stocks of companies (a significant portion of
       which may be invested in securities of smaller and newer issuers). This
       fund may also purchase convertible bonds, convertible preferred stocks,
       warrants, preferred stocks, debt securities and may hold a portion of its
       assets in cash or money market instruments. This fund may also invest up
       to 20% of its assets in securities principally traded in foreign markets.

       Putnam Asset Allocation Fund: Growth Portfolio

       Funds are invested in shares of a registered investment company that
       invests primarily in equity and fixed income securities with a strategic
       allocation which is more heavily weighted towards the equity class. The
       equity class portion of the fund may invest in equity instruments of
       larger companies as well as smaller and less well-known companies. The
       fixed income portion of the fund will typically include a portfolio of
       debt securities, including both U.S. and foreign government obligations
       and corporate obligations. This portion of the fund may also invest in
       money market instruments and lower-rated fixed income securities. This
       fund may also invest up to 40% of its assets in securities principally
       traded in foreign markets.

       Putnam Asset Allocation Fund: Balanced Portfolio

       Funds are invested in shares of a registered investment company that
       invests primarily in equity and fixed income securities with a strategic
       allocation which is slightly weighted towards the equity class. The
       equity class portion of the fund may invest in equity instruments of
       larger companies as well as smaller and less well-known companies. The
       fixed income portion of the fund will typically include a portfolio of
       debt securities, including both U.S. and foreign government obligations
       and corporate obligations. This portion of the fund may also invest in
       money market instruments and lower-rated fixed income securities. This
       fund may also invest up to 40% of its assets in securities principally
       traded in foreign markets.

       Putnam Asset Allocation Fund:  Conservative Portfolio

       Funds are invested in shares of a registered investment company that
       invests primarily in equity and fixed income securities with a strategic
       allocation which is more heavily weighted towards the fixed income class.
       The equity class portion of the fund may invest in equity instruments of
       larger companies as well as smaller and less well-known companies. The
       fixed income portion of the fund will typically include a portfolio of
       debt securities, including both U.S. and foreign government obligations
       and corporate obligations. This portion of the fund may also invest in
       money market instruments and lower-rated fixed income securities. This
       fund may also invest up to 30% of its assets in securities principally
       traded in foreign markets.

       Putnam International Growth Fund

       Funds are invested in shares of a registered investment company which
       invests mainly in medium and large-sized companies. This fund diversifies
       its investments among a number of different countries by investing at
       least 65% of its total assets in at least three countries other than the
       United States. This fund may also invest in companies located in less
       developed and developing countries and it may use derivatives both for
       hedging and non-hedging purposes. This fund may also purchase preferred
       stocks, convertible securities and fixed income investments.



3.     Investments, continued:

       Putnam Investors Fund

       Funds are invested in shares of a registered investment company that
       invests primarily in equity and fixed income securities of large growth
       companies. This may include the use of derivatives both for hedging and
       non-hedging purposes. This fund may also invest without limit in
       securities of foreign issuers.

       Putnam Money Market Fund

       Funds are invested in shares of a registered investment company that
       invests primarily in short-term, high-quality money market instruments
       such as bank certificates of deposit, bankers' acceptances, prime
       commercial paper, corporate obligations, municipal obligations, U.S.
       Government securities and repurchase agreements. This fund may also
       invest without limit in U.S. dollar denominated commercial paper of
       foreign issuers and in bank certificates of deposit and bankers'
       acceptances payable in U.S. dollars and issued by foreign banks or by
       foreign branches of U.S. banks.

       The following investments represent 5% or more of the Plan's net assets:

                                                           Shares                          Fair Value
                                                -----------------------------   --------------------------------
                                                    2001             2000            2001             2000
                                                -------------   -------------   --------------    --------------
            RadioShack Common Stock
                Participant-Directed                3,792,702       3,822,577   $  139,154,231     $ 193,995,773
                Company-Directed *                  1,321,552       1,393,065       48,487,758        70,698,072

            Series B TESOP Convertible
            Preferred Stock - Allocated *              59,425          55,843      192,040,542       248,820,959

            Series B TESOP Convertible
            Preferred Stock - Unallocated *             8,741          16,314       28,249,582        72,693,008

            Putnam Voyager Fund                     2,292,525       2,006,557       43,237,016        68,523,913

          * Company-directed investments

       During fiscal 2001, the Plan's investments (including gains and losses on
       investment bought and sold, as well as held during the year) depreciated
       in value by $196,585,410 as follows:

              Employer securities:
                        Common stock              $   67,524,323
                        Preferred stock               82,538,267

              Other securities:
                        Mutual funds                  46,515,241
                        Common stocks                      7,579
                                                  $  196,585,410



4.     Tax Status of the Plan:

       The Plan has received a determination letter from the Internal Revenue
       Service dated April 28, 1998. The Plan has subsequently been amended and
       management will request a similar determination letter from the Internal
       Revenue Service for the Plan. Management believes that the Plan remains
       qualified under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code and
       applicable sections of ERISA and, therefore, the trust is exempt from
       taxation under Section 501(a). Accordingly, employee contributions,
       employer contributions, and earnings of the Plan are not taxable to
       participants until distributed.

       During fiscal 2000 the Plan discovered that Putnam failed to administer
       the Plan in accordance with certain of its terms, thereby failing to
       comply with Section 404(a)(1)(D) of ERISA. Most of these were technical
       violations that arose out of the failure to follow voluntary optional
       Plan provisions that are not required by ERISA or the Code. These
       voluntary optional Plan provisions are: (i) aggregate loan repayment
       amounts cannot exceed 25% of a participant's bi-weekly salary; (ii) no
       more than two loans may be originated in a 12 month period; (iii)
       participants may not make salary deferrals to the Plan within a certain
       period following an in-service withdrawal; and (iv) participants become
       fully vested in the Company's contributions upon the earlier to occur of
       five years of service with the Company or three years of continuous
       participation in the Plan. Additionally, certain loans were not repaid
       within five years as required by Code Section 72(p).

       In order to rectify the incorrect loans and vesting issues, the Plan is
       being retroactively amended to eliminate the loan limitation provisions
       described in (i) and (ii) above during the applicable period. The Plan is
       also being amended so that the service and participation requirements for
       vesting in Company contributions reflect the actual administration of the
       Plan. With respect to salary deferrals that were permitted too quickly
       following an in-service withdrawal, the Plan will unwind these
       transactions and the Plan and its participants (who did not make these
       erroneous deferrals) will be restored to where they would have been had
       these erroneous deferrals never taken place. Also, the Plan will
       distribute the erroneous deferrals and earnings to the affected
       participants and issue them Forms 1099-R. With respect to loans
       outstanding greater than 5 years, the Plan will provide participants with
       an opportunity to repay the loan, and upon failure to do so, will default
       the loan. On April 26, 2001 the Plan applied to the Internal Revenue
       Service under their "Walk-In-Closing Agreement Program" ("Walk-In CAP")
       for approval of the recommended amendments and these remedial actions. At
       September 20, 2001, no final agreement has been made with the Internal
       Revenue Service.

       At March 31, 2001 the Plan has accrued $147,083 with respect to the
       correction of deferrals. All costs in connection with the remedial
       actions will be borne by Putnam, not the Plan nor its participants.

5.     Related Party Transactions:

       Certain Plan investments are shares of mutual funds managed by Putnam
       Investments. Putnam Investments is the trustee as defined by the Plan
       and, therefore, these transactions qualify as party-in-interest.

       The Company redeemed $18,685,157 of Preferred Stock from the Plan during



 6.  Reconciliation of Financial Statements to Form 5500:

     The following is a reconciliation of net assets available for Plan benefits
     per the financial statements to the IRS Form 5500:

                                                                                        March 31, 2001
     Net assets available for Plan benefits per the financial statements             $        513,631,011
     Less:  Benefit obligations currently payable                                                (980,469)
     Net assets available for Plan benefits per the Form 5500                        $        512,650,542

     The following is a reconciliation of benefits paid to participants per
     the financial statements to the IRS Form 5500:

                                                                                          Year Ended
                                                                                        March 31, 2001
     Benefits paid to participants per the financial statements                      $         43,516,708
     Add:  Benefit obligations payable at March 31, 2001                                          980,469
     Less: Benefit obligations payable at March 31, 2000                                       (1,235,923)
     Benefits paid to participants per the Form 5500                                 $         43,261,254

     Amounts currently payable to or for participants, dependents, and
     beneficiaries are recorded on the IRS Form 5500 for benefit claims that
     have been processed and approved for payment prior to March 31, 2001, but
     not yet paid as of that date.



                                                                     Schedule  I

Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)
March 31, 2001

                 (b)                                       (c)                                (d)                 (e)
          Identity of issue,          Description of investment including maturity
         borrower, lessor or          date, rate of interest, collateral, par or
 (a)       similar party                             maturity date                               Cost           Cucrrent Value
------ -------------------------    ---------------------------------------------------   ----------------     ------------------

  *    RadioShack Corporation       Common stock
                                        Participant-directed                                           n/a          $ 139,154,231
                                        Company-directed                                      $ 13,292,601             48,487,758

  *    RadioShack Corporation       Preferred Stock
                                        Allocated                                               59,424,552            192,040,542
                                        Unallocated                                              8,741,481             28,249,582

       Tandycrafts, Inc.            Common stock                                                       953                    930

       InterTAN, Inc.               Common stock                                                     7,216                 19,032

  *    Putnam Investments           Income Fund                                                        n/a              7,067,126

  *    Putnam Investments           Voyager Fund                                                       n/a             43,237,016

  *    Putnam Investments           Asset Allocation-Growth Portfolio                                  n/a             13,700,667

  *    Putnam Investments           Asset Allocation-Balanced Portfolio                                n/a             16,430,855

  *    Putnam Investments           Asset Allocation-Conservative Portfolio                            n/a              4,168,054

  *    Putnam Investments           International Growth Fund                                          n/a              2,275,551

  *    Putnam Investments           Investors Fund                                                     n/a              2,098,744

  *    Putnam Investments           Money Market Fund                                                  n/a              8,583,367

  *    Various participants         Participant loans receivable - terms of 6 months -
                                    5 years, interest rates of 7.00% - 10.50%                          n/a             17,473,137

                                                                                                                    $ 522,986,592

       * - Denotes a party-in-interest to the Plan.




Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Administrative Committee has duly caused this annual report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                   TANDY FUND

                                   By:  /s/ J. H. Bradley
                                        J. H. Bradley
                                        Administrative Committee Member

                                   By:  /s/ D. Johnson
                                        D. Johnson
                                        Administrative Committee Member

                                   By:  /s/ F. Spinelli
                                        F. Spinelli
                                        Administrative Committee Member

Date:  September 20, 2001



Index to Exhibits

Exhibit Number                   Description of Exhibit

23                               Consent of Independent Accountants
