



                               SPECTRADYNE, INC.




                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                   ARTICLE I.
                        AGREEMENT, TERM AND DEFINITIONS

1.1  Agreement....................................................   1
1.2  Term.........................................................   1
1.3  Definitions..................................................   3
1.4  Phase II Information Technology Services Agreement...........  11

                                  ARTICLE II.
                        EMPLOYEES OF SPECTRADYNE AND EDS

2.1  Account Manager..............................................  14
2.2  Designated Representative....................................  14
2.3  Transition of Spectradyne Personnel..........................  15

                                  ARTICLE III.
                         OBLIGATIONS RELATED TO CERTAIN
                          SOFTWARE AND LEASED HARDWARE

3.1  Assumption of Leases.........................................  15
3.2  Inventory and Inspection.....................................  16
3.3  Obligations Related to Vendor Software.......................  16
3.4  Purchase of Vendor Hardware and Software from EDS............  17

                                  ARTICLE IV.

4.1  General......................................................  17
4.2  Management of Spectradyne's Existing Operations..............  18
4.3  Documentation................................................  18
4.4  Training and Support.........................................  19
4.5  Hardware Maintenance.........................................  19
4.6  Software Maintenance.........................................  19
4.7  Local and Wide Area Network Administration and Availability..  19
4.8  Safeguarding and Retention of Spectradyne Data...............  19
4.9  Development of Certain Software..............................  19
4.10 Facilities Management Services Performance Criteria..........  20


                                  ARTICLE V.
                               NETWORK SERVICES

5.1  General......................................................  20
5.2  Uplink and Tape Playback Services............................  21
5.3  Transponder Services.........................................  21
5.4  Transmission Monitoring Services.............................  22
5.5  Support Services.............................................  22
5.6  Changes to Network Services..................................  22
5.7  Network Service Performance Criteria.........................  22

                                  ARTICLE VI.
                                FIELD SERVICES

6.1  General......................................................  22
6.2  Field Service Orders.........................................  23
6.3  Changes to and Cancellations of Field Service Orders.........  25
6.4  Provision of Certain Hardware and Software...................  25
6.5  Installation.................................................  26
6.6  Customer Assistance Center and Maintenance Services..........  26
6.7  Geographic Area Covered by Field Services....................  26
6.8  Field Service Performance Criteria...........................  27
6.9  Disaster Recovery............................................  27

                                  ARTICLE VII.
                              ADDITIONAL SERVICES

7.1  Additional Products and Services.............................  29
7.2  Right of First Refusal Regarding Additional Products and
     Additional Services..........................................  29

                                 ARTICLE VIII.

8.1  Warranties from Vendors......................................  31
8.3  Remedies.....................................................  32
8.4  Quality Review...............................................  33

                                  ARTICLE IX.

9.1  Charges......................................................  33
9.2  Terms of Payment.............................................  34
9.3  Bonus........................................................  34
9.4  Taxes........................................................  34
9.5  Distribution of Revenue Related to New Business..............  35


                                 ARTICLE X.
                            SPECTRADYNE OBLIGATIONS

10.1 Obligation to Purchase from EDS..............................  35
10.2 Spectradyne's Performance Obligations........................  35

                                  ARTICLE XI.
                               PROPRIETARY RIGHTS

11.1  EDS Hardware................................................  36
11.2  Vendor Software.............................................  37
11.3  Spectradyne Software........................................  37
11.4  EDS Software................................................  38
11.5  Software Development........................................  39
11.6  EDS Development Tools.......................................  40
11.7  Software Modifications......................................  40
11.8  Confidentiality.............................................  40
11.9  Exclusivity.................................................  42

                                  ARTICLE XII.

12.1 Performance Review...........................................  43
12.2 Dispute Resolution...........................................  44

                                 ARTICLE XIII.

13.1  Termination for Cause.......................................  45
13.2  Termination for Spectradyne's Convenience...................  46
13.3  Termination for Reaching Limitation of Liability............  47
13.4  Termination for Nonpayment..................................  47
13.5  Termination for Insolvency..................................  47
13.6  Transition Upon Termination.................................  48
13.7  Rights Upon Termination.....................................  49
13.8  Termination Fee.............................................  49

                                  ARTICLE XIV.
                          INDEMNITIES AND LIABILITIES

14.1  Indemnification.............................................  49
14.2  Indemnification Procedures..................................  51
14.3  Risk of Loss................................................  52
14.4  Liquidated Damages and Limitation of Liability..............  52
14.5  Contractual Limitation on Actions...........................  56


                                 ARTICLE XV.

15.1  Relationship of the Parties.................................  56
15.2  Excusable Delays............................................  57
15.3  No Third Party Beneficiary..................................  57
15.4  Public Disclosures..........................................  57
15.5  Notices.....................................................  58
15.6  Approvals and Similar Actions...............................  59
15.7  Subcontracting..............................................  59
15.8  Binding Nature and Assignment...............................  60
15.9  Counterparts................................................  61
15.10 Certain Construction Rules..................................  61
15.11 Waiver......................................................  61
15.12 Governing Law...............................................  61
15.13 Survival of Certain Provisions..............................  61
15.14 Entire Agreement............................................  61





     This Phase 1 Information Technology Services Agreement (the "Agreement"),
dated as of July 28, 1993 (the "Execution Date"), is between Spectradyne, Inc.,
a Texas corporation ("Spectradyne"), and Electronic Data Systems Corporation, a
Texas corporation ("EDS").


     This Agreement, when taken together with the Phase II Information Services
Agreement, the Financial Agreement and the PCFM, forms the basis of a strategic
alliance between Spectradyne and EDS.  Each of these agreements creates
distinct, unique rights and obligations in the parties to the agreements, except
to the extent that individual obligations under one agreement are specifically
tied to individual obligations in another agreement as expressly set forth in
the agreements.  The agreements do not form one agreement, but rather several
pieces to the strategic alliance.

     This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which EDS will (a)
install, operate and manage a compressed digital video network in North America
for the purpose of distributing in-room video entertainment programming and
Spectradyne-developed interactive services, (b) provide Facilities Management
Services, Network Services and Field Services and (c) if requested by
Spectradyne, provide Additional Services, all of which are described below.

     In consideration of these premises and the mutual covenants set forth in
this Agreement, and for other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency
and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Spectradyne and EDS hereby agree to
undertake all rights and obligations under the terms and conditions of this

                                   ARTICLE I.
                        AGREEMENT, TERM AND DEFINITIONS

1.1  Agreement.  Subject to and under the terms and conditions of this
     Agreement, EDS will provide to Spectradyne, and Spectradyne will purchase
     from EDS, the information technology products and Information Technology
     Services described in this agreement under the terms and conditions of this

1.2  Term.  This Agreement will be executed by Spectradyne and EDS on the
     Execution Date, but, with the exception of Spectradyne's obligations under
     this Section 1.2, will not become effective until such time as it is
     unconditionally approved by the board of directors of Spectradyne and those
     banks, lending institutions or other lenders which are parties to the Loan
     Documents described in Section 1. 3 (bn) , or in the case of such banks,

     institutions or other lenders unconditional waivers of any required
     approval, which approvals (except that the board of directors referred to
     above in this case is the board of directors of SPI) are also required for
     the PCFM and the Financial Agreement.  Spectradyne represents that
     Spectradyne and SPI both began such approval process prior to the Execution
     Date, and that it will use all commercially reasonable efforts to obtain
     such approvals or waivers, as the case may be, on or before October 1,
     1993.  EDS will have no obligation, solely by virtue of this Agreement, to
     perform any service, provide any product or to undertake any obligation
     under this Agreement or the Financial Agreement until such time as
     Spectradyne obtains all such unconditional approvals or waivers, as the
     case may be.  Further, EDS will have no obligation to accept any condition
     or enter into any negotiations with Spectradyne, the board of directors of
     Spectradyne (or any individual director of Spectradyne) or any bank,
     lending institution or other lender described above of or related to this
     Agreement, the Financial Agreement (including for the purposes of this
     Section 1.2 all documents ancillary to the Financial Agreement, including
     without limitation the warrant agreement, the registration agreement, the
     series 1 promissory notes, the series 2 promissory notes, the guaranty
     agreement, the security agreement and any other such ancillary agreement)
     or the PCFM in an effort to obtain any unconditional approval or waiver, as
     the case may be, and EDS will have no obligation, solely by virtue of this
     Agreement, to perform any service, provide any product or to undertake any
     obligation under this Agreement before, on or after October 1, 1993 if
     Spectradyne fails to obtain such unconditional approvals on or before
     October 1, 1993.

     Spectradyne will notify EDS in writing within one Business Day after
     receiving notice from the board of directors of Spectradyne and SPI and
     from each such bank, lending institution or other lender of any
     unconditional approval or disapproval of this Agreement, and upon receiving
     the last unconditional approval or waiver, as the case may be, if such
     unconditional approval or waiver is obtained, an officer of Spectradyne
     will deliver to EDS copies of all such unconditional approvals or waivers,
     as the case may be, and a certificate executed by an officer of Spectradyne
     in a form substantially as set forth in Schedule 1.2 and without material
     change, exception or qualification, which certificate will include without
     limitation a representation that all unconditional approvals or waivers, as
     the case may be, have been obtained and are in full force and effect, have
     not been amended or rescinded and that the execution, delivery,
     consummation and performance of this Agreement by Spectradyne (and of SPI,
     in the case of the PCFM and Financial Agreement) does not and will not
     conflict with, constitute a breach of or default under or give rise to any
     right of termination or acceleration under any material agreement between
     Spectradyne, or SPI, as the case may be, and any third party, including
     without limitation those banks, lending institutions and other lenders
     described above the breach of or default under such material agreement
     would cause a material adverse effect on the business or affairs of
     Spectradyne or SPI, as the case may be, with regard to each of Spectradyne


     and SPI, taken as a whole.  In the alternative, if the agreements between
     the banks, lending institutions or other lenders described above and
     Spectradyne or SPI, as the case may be, do not require such approval or
     waiver, Spectradyne or SPI, as the case may be, will provide to EDS
     documentation that establishes to EDS' reasonable satisfaction that no such
     approvals or waivers are required.

     The date on which such officer's certificate and such copies of all
     unconditional approvals, or such alternative documentation described above,
     are received by EDS will be the effective date of this Agreement and the
     Financial Agreement, and with the exception of Spectradyne's obligations
     under this Section 1.2, the date on which all obligations under this
     Agreement will commence (the "Effective Date").

     The term of this Agreement will begin on the Effective Date and will
     continue for a period of 10 years unless earlier terminated in accordance
     with the provisions of Article XIII.  On or about the ninth anniversary of
     the Effective Date, Spectradyne and EDS will meet and discuss whether or
     not to extend the term of this Agreement.  If either Spectradyne or EDS
     desires or intends not to extend this Agreement beyond the tenth
     anniversary of the Effective Date, such party will notify the other within
     60 days after such meeting, and Spectradyne and EDS will develop a schedule
     for the Termination Transition described in Section 13.6, which schedule
     will call for the completion of the Termination Transition no later than
     the tenth anniversary of the Effective Date.  If Spectradyne and EDS both
     desire to extend the term of this Agreement, then Spectradyne and EDS will
     negotiate in good faith to reach and enter into a new agreement under which
     EDS will provide Information Technology Services in accordance with
     Spectradyne Is needs at that time. (The effective date of any expiration or
     termination of this Agreement is referred to as the "End Date.")

1.3  Definitions.  As used in this Agreement, the following terms will have the
     respective meaning set forth below:

     (a)  "Access" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.3(a)(i).

     (b)  "Accessed Software" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.3 (a) (i).

     (c)  "Account Manager" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.1.

     (d)  "Additional Products' has the meaning set forth in Section 7.1.

     (e)  "Additional Services" has the meaning set forth in Section 7.1.

     (f)  "Affiliate" means a corporation related to either Spectradyne or EDS
          because it is directly or indirectly controlling or controlled by or
          under direct or indirect common control with either Spectradyne or
          EDS.  For


          the purposes of this definition, "control," when used with respect to
          any such corporation, means the power to direct the management and
          policies of such corporation, directly or indirectly, through the
          ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise; and the
          terms "controlling" and "controlled" have meanings correlative to the

     (g)  "Agreement" has the meaning set forth in the Preamble.

     (h)  "All North American Sites" has the meaning set forth in Section 6.7.

     (i)  "Annual Plan" has the meaning set forth in Schedule 4.9.

     (j)  "Authorized Field Service Order" has the meaning set forth in Section

     (k)  "Base Service Charge" has the meaning set forth in Schedule 9.1.

     (l)  "Business Day" means a day other than (i) Saturday, Sunday and (ii)
          any day on which the principal commercial banks located in Texas are
          authorized or obligated to close under the laws of Texas.

     (m)  "CCRM" has the meaning set forth in Schedule 6.5.

     (n)  "CDVRO System" means a compressed digital video receive only earth
          system which receives KU-band satellite signals using CLI
          SpectrumSaver(TM) technology, as more specifically described in
          Schedule 1.3(n).

     (o)  "CIG" has the meaning set forth in Section 11.9.

     (p)  "Confidential Information" has the meaning set forth in Section

     (q)  "CRM" has the meaning set forth in Schedule 9.1.

     (r)  "Customer Assistance Center has the meaning set forth in Schedule 6.6.

     (s)  "Data General Hardware," has the meaning set forth in Section 14.4

     (t)  "Debt" has the meaning set forth in Section 1.3(bn).

     (u)  "Delivery Date" has the meaning set forth in Section 1.4(b).

     (v)  "Designated Representative" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.2.

     (w)  "Developed Software" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.9.


     (x)  "Digitally Based Video On Demand System" means a system of Hardware
          and Software to be developed by EDS under the definitive agreement for
          Phase II information technology services described in Section 1.4 that
          (i) will store [ ] full length video programs, [ ] data sets, [ ] data
          sets and [ ] data sets, (ii) will provide simultaneous viewing for [ ]
          viewers while sustaining a data transmission rate of [ ] kilobytes per
          second or greater and (iii) will contain such other functionality as
          Spectradyne and EDS may mutually agree.

     (y)  "EDS" has the meaning set forth in the Preamble.

     (z)  "EDS Hardware" means any Hardware provided by EDS under this Agreement
          where title to such Hardware remains in EDS or a third party.

     (aa) "EDS Software" means Developed Software and any Software which is
          owned by EDS and provided to Spectradyne under this Agreement.

     (ab) "EDS Support Services" has the meaning set forth in the Schedule 6.6.

     (ac) "Effective Date" has the meaning set forth in Section 1.2.

     (ad) "End Date" has the meaning set forth in Section 1.2.

     (ae) "Execution Date" has the meaning set forth in the Preamble.

     (af) "Existing Functionality" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.2.

     (ag) "Existing Software" means that Software which is set forth in Schedule
          1.3 (acr), which Schedule 1.3 (ag) will be developed in accordance
          with Section 3.2 which was used by or on behalf of Spectradyne
          immediately prior to the Effective Date.

     (ah) "Facilities Management Services" has the meaning set forth in Section

     (ai) "Field Services", has the meaning set forth in Section 6.1.

     (ai) "Field Service Charges" has the meaning set forth in Schedule 9.1.

     (ak) "Field Service Order" has the meaning set forth in Section 6.2.

     (al) "Financial Agreement" means that certain Agreement to Make Secured
          Loans by and between SPI Holding, Inc. and EDS dated July 28, 1993
          setting forth the terms and conditions under which, among other
          things, (i) EDS will loan SPI Holding, Inc. money, from time to time,
          to be



          reloaned by SPI Holding, Inc. to Spectradyne, from time to time, for
          the purchase of IRDs and CDVRO Systems and (ii) as partial
          consideration for such loans, SPI Holding, Inc. will repay such loans
          and grant to EDS certain warrants under which EDS will have the right
          to purchase shares of Class B Common Stock in SPI Holding, Inc.

     (am) "Hardware" means transmitting, receiving and decoding equipment;
          computers and related equipment (but not including any satellite or
          transponder), including but not limited to, central processing units
          and other processors; peripheral devices such as storage devices,
          printers, terminals and other input and output devices; IRDS; CDVRO
          Systems and mounts; and/or other tangible mechanical and electronic
          equipment, such as controllers, modems, communications and
          telecommunications equipment (voice, data and video) and networks
          intended for the input, storage, manipulation, communication,
          transmission and retrieval of information and data.

     (an) "Headend Hardware" means that Hardware which resides at the
          Spectradyne customer site and which is necessary to distribute and
          receive audio and video signals via MATV system at such customer site.

     (ao) "Information Technology Services" means the Facilities Management
          Services, Network Services, Field Services and Additional Services
          provided by EDS to Spectradyne as set forth in this Agreement.

     (ap) "Installation Date" has the meaning set forth in Schedule 6.5.

     (aq) "Installation Services" means the specifications set forth in Schedule

     (ar) "IRD" means a compressed digital video integrated receiver decoder.

     (as) "IRD System" means the Hardware described in Schedule 1.3 (as), as
          amended from time to time upon mutual agreement of Spectradyne and

     (at) "Leases" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.

     (au) "Maintained Hardware" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.5.

     (av) "Maintained Software" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.6.

     (aw) "Network Services" has the meaning set forth in Section 5.1.

     (ax) "New Base Sites" means all sites set forth in Schedule 1.3 (ax), as
          amended from time to time by Spectradyne upon written notice from
          Spectradyne to EDS.


     (ay) "New Non-Satellite Base Sites" means those sites set forth in Section
          B of Schedule 1. 3 (ax), as amended from time to time by Spectradyne
          upon written notice from Spectradyne to EDS.

     (az) "New Satellite Base Sites" means those sites set forth in Section A of
          Schedule 1.3 (ax), as amended from time to time by Spectradyne upon
          written notice from Spectradyne to EDS.

     (ba) "Non-Standard Products" has the meaning set forth in Section

     (bb) "Old Base Sites" means all sites set forth in Schedule 1.3 (bb).

     (bc) "Old Non-Satellite Base Sites" means those sites set forth in Section
          B of Schedule 1.3 (bb).

     (bd) "Old Satellite Base Sites" means those sites set forth in Section A of
          Schedule 1.3 (bb).

     (be) "On-Site System" means the EDS Hardware, EDS Software, Spectradyne
          Hardware, Spectradyne Software and Vendor Software located at a
          Spectradyne customer site and utilized by EDS to perform the Network

     (bf) "PCFM" means that certain agreement dated on or about July 28,1993 by
          and between SPI Holding, Inc. and EDS Technical Products Corporation
          under which EDS Technical Products Corporation will provide personal
          computer functionality and certain integration, installation, on-site
          warranty, on-site maintenance and other services to SPI Holding, Inc.

     (bg) "Personal Computer" has the meaning set forth in Section 6.4.

     (bh) "Personal Computer Functionality" has the meaning set forth in Section

     (bi) "Phase II Default" has the meaning set forth in Section 13.1 (b).

     (bj) "Project Plan" has the meaning set forth in Schedule 4.9.

     (bk) "Purchase Order" has the meaning set forth in Schedule 3.4.

     (bl) "Reset Note indenture" has the meaning set forth in Section 1.3(bn).

     (bm) "Review Period" has the meaning set forth in Schedule 4.9.

     (bn) "Senior Debt" means all principal, interest, penalties, fees and other
          liabilities (current or future), including without limitation


          fees, costs and expenses and obligations with respect to (i) letters
          of credit, (ii) foreign exchange contracts, currency swap agreements
          or other similar agreements or arrangements designed to protect
          against fluctuations in currency values and (iii) obligations with
          regard to any interest rate swaps, caps, collars and similar
          agreements and arrangements providing protection against fluctuations
          in interest rates, in each case arising under or in respect of (x) the
          Third Amended and Restated Loan Agreement dated as of November 23,
          1992, among SPI Holding, Inc. and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. ("Wells
          Fargo"), as a lender and as agent for other lenders, and the other
          financial institutions signatory thereto, together with all related
          Loan Documents (as defined therein), (y) the Amended and Restated Loan
          Agreement dated as of November 23, 1992, between SPI Holding, Inc. and
          Wells Fargo, together with all related Loan Documents (as defined
          therein), as (x) and (y) above or either of them may be restated,
          amended, supplemented, refinanced or otherwise modified from time to
          time, and (z) all other indebtedness, contingent or otherwise, present
          or future, in respect of borrowed money or representing the balance
          deferred and unpaid of the purchase price of any property (excluding
          any trade payables or accrued liabilities arising in the ordinary
          course of business and not overdue more than 120 days or being
          contested in good faith), if and to the extent that such indebtedness
          would appear as a liability upon a balance sheet of the debtor in
          accordance with generally accepted accounting principles ("Debt"),
          created, assumed, incurred or guaranteed by SPI Holding, Inc. (and all
          renewals, extensions o:t refundings thereof), unless the instrument
          under which such Debt is created, incurred, assumed or guaranteed
          expressly provides that such Debt is not senior or superior in right
          of payment to the securities issued pursuant to that certain Indenture
          dated as of November 23, 1992, by and among SPI Holding, Inc.,
          Spectradyne, SPI Newco, Inc. and U.S. Trust Company of Texas, N.A. as
          Trustee, (the Reset Note Indenture"), provided, however, that in no
          event may the Senior Debt of SPI Holding, Inc., together with all
          other Debt of SPI Holding, Inc. and its subsidiaries, exceed the
          amounts set forth in Section 4.07 of the Reset Note Indenture as in
          effect on the Effective Date.

     (bo) "Site Survey Report" means a report substantially in the form set
          forth in Schedule 1.3(bo).
     (bp) "Software" means computer programs in object code (except when source
          code is expressly called for as set forth herein, in which case the
          term "Software" includes source code and object code) together with
          input and output formats, program listings, narrative descriptions,
          operating instructions and supporting documentation and will include
          the tangible media upon which such programs and documentation are
          recorded.  The term "software,, does not include Spectradyne


     (bq) "Software Enhancement" means:

          (i)  any changes or modifications to a function or functions of the
               Software that, with respect to Existing Software, existed as of
               the Effective Date or that, with respect to Vendor Software,
               existed as of the date the Vendor Software was implemented and

         (ii)  all of those tasks performed throughout the development cycle
               starting with the analysis and requirements definition and
               continuing until acceptance by Spectradyne, including without
               limitation analysis, design, programming and testing, which are
               associated with the development of new Software, new Software
               modules or new functions for the Software (which new Software,
               Software modules and functions did not exist as of the Effective
               Date with respect to Existing Software or did not exist as of the
               date implemented with respect to Vendor Software).

     (br) "Software Maintenance" means:

          (i)  with respect to Software which is proprietary to either
               Spectradyne or EDS, with the exception of Software developed by
               EDS under this Agreement, changes or corrections to the Software
               required to keep the Software operational in the same manner as
               it operated as of the Effective Date;

         (ii)  with respect To new Software which is developed by EDS under this
               Agreement, changes or corrections to such developed Software
               required to keep the Software operational in the same manner as
               it operated on the date it was implemented;

        (iii)  with respect to Vendor Software for which the Vendor provides
               maintenance, (a) any tasks required to apply maintenance supplied
               by a Vendor, (b) reporting to and assisting Vendors in resolving
               Vendor Software errors or deficiencies and (c) determining
               whether and in what time frame new releases from the Vendor will
               be installed and with respect to Vendor Software for which the
               Vendor no longer provides maintenance or for which the Vendor has
               provided EDS all source code and documentation sufficient for a
               reasonably skilled programmer to customize, maintain and enhance
               the Software, changes or corrections to the Software required to
               keep the Software operational in the same manner as it operated
               as of the Effective Date with respect to Existing Software.

     (bs) "Spares" has the meaning set forth in Schedule 6.6.

     (bt) "Special Effort" has the meaning set forth in Schedule 6.5.


     (bu) "Special Effort Quote" has the meaning set forth in Schedule 6.5.

     (bv) "Spectradyne" has the meaning set forth in the Preamble.

     (bw) "Spectradyne Facility" has the meaning set forth in Section 4.1.

     (bx) "Spectradyne Hardware" means Headend Hardware, IRDs and any other
          Hardware, to which title or all other rights necessary to use are
          vested in Spectradyne or any Spectradyne Affiliate.

     (by) "Spectradyne Installation Site" means each location designated in an
          Authorized Field Service Order where a CDVRO System, IRD Systems and
          other Hardware described in such Authorized Field Service Order will
          be installed.

     (bz) "Spectradyne Installation Site Questionnaire" has the meaning set
          forth in Section 6.2.

     (ca) "Spectradyne Programming", means the video entertainment and
          interactive services offered to hotels and other facilities by

     (cb) "Spectradyne Software", means the Software owned by Spectradyne
          identified in Schedule 1.3 (ag) , as amended from time to time by
          Spectradyne with EDS' consent, which consent will not be unreasonably
          withheld, delayed or conditioned.

     (cc) "Termination Fee" has the meaning set forth in Section 13.8 (b).

     (cd) "Termination Transition" has the meaning set forth in Section 13.6.

     (ce) "Transfer" has the meaning set forth in Section 3.3(a)(ii)

     (cf) "Transferred Software" has the meaning set forth in Section

     (cg) "Transition Period" has the meaning set forth in Section 3(a) of
          Schedule 9.1.

     (ch) "Transition Plan" has the meaning set forth in Section 6.1.

     (ci) "Transitioned Employees" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.3.

     (ci) "Uplink Facility" has the meaning set forth in Schedule 5.2.

     (ck) "Vendor" means (i) any person or entity that manufactures, publishes,
          distributes or licenses, ac the case may be, Hardware or Software and
          (ii) 'any person or entity (other than EDS) that provides services to
          Spectradyne and any person or entity that provides services to EDS.


     (cl) "Vendor Hardware" means any Hardware provided to EDS or Spectradyne by
          a Vendor.

     (cm) "Vendor Software" means that Software the rights to which are licensed
          or owned by a Vendor.

     (cn) "Wells Fargo 11 has the meaning set forth in Section 1.3(bn).

1.4  Phase II Information Technology Services Agreement.  Spectradyne and EDS
     have entered into good faith negotiations intending to (i) enter into a
     definitive written agreement setting forth each party's specific
     obligations related to Phase II information technology services and (ii)
     include in such definitive agreement terms and conditions under which
     Spectradyne would have the right, which right will be subject to such terms
     and conditions mutually agreeable to Spectradyne and EDS, to (x) enforce,
     in those markets described in Section 11.9, EDS' intellectual property
     rights arising out of intellectual property developed by EDS under such
     definitive agreement against third party infringers of such rights in the
     event that EDS elects not to so enforce its rights and (y) commercially
     exploit EDS' intellectual property rights arising out of intellectual
     property developed under such definitive agreement, which negotiations will
     continue for a reasonable period after the Effective Date.  Notwithstanding
     the foregoing, except with regard to EDS' obligation set forth in this
     Section 1.4 to include in the definitive agreement for Phase II information
     technology services the specifications, delivery schedule and price (which
     delivery schedule and price are based upon EDS' assumptions set forth
     below) described in this Section 1.4 and in Schedule 1.4, EDS will have no
     obligation to perform any services described in this Section 1.4 until such
     time as such definitive written agreement is executed by both parties.

     Phase II information technology services will include the integration of
     Hardware and the development of Software interfaces to SPICE (a Spectradyne
     Software product)necessary to support Spectradyne's functional requirements
     and SPICE interface specifications, which functional requirements are set
     forth in Section 1.4(a) below and which SPICE interface specifications are
     set forth in Schedule 1.4, for Digitally Based Video On Demand System
     accessible by a number of simultaneous users.  Any adjustment to the price
     for the Hardware for any such Digitally Based Video On Demand System and
     the related EDS support services, as currently set forth in Section 1.4(c),
     will be provided to Spectradyne by EDS after Spectradyne's approval of a
     prototype Digitally Based Video On Demand System.  Each Digitally Based
     Video On Demand System will have and be subject to the following:

     (a)  Digitally Based Video On Demand System Functionality.  The Digitally
          Based Video On Demand System will store [ ] full length video
          programs, [ ] data sets, [ ] data sets and [ ] data sets. The
          Digitally Based Video On Demand System will



          provide simultaneous viewing for [ ] viewers while sustaining a data
          transmission rate of [ ] kilobytes per second or greater.

          If Spectradyne requests that EDS change the functionality requirements
          for the Digitally Based Video On Demand System, EDS will report to
          Spectradyne within 10 days after such request EDS' good faith estimate
          of (i) the impact on the development schedule described in Section
          1.4(b) and (ii) the impact on maximum prices described in Section
          1.4(c). if Spectradyne requests that EDS make such changes, EDS will
          do so in accordance with such modified schedule and subject to such
          modified price.

     (b)  Digitally Based Video On Demand System Development Schedule.  EDS will
          provide a Digitally Based Video On Demand System for beta testing
          (meaning limited use and testing in one hotel) within eight months
          after the date on which Spectradyne and EDS mutually approve all
          functional requirements, system requirements, system specifications,
          Hardware specifications, Software specifications and user interface
          specifications applicable to such systems.  EDS will approve or
          disapprove such specifications within 20 Business Days after EDS
          receives such specifications from Spectradyne.

          EDS will provide a Digitally Based Video On Demand System, which
          Digitally Based Video On Demand System will pass an acceptance test
          mutually agreed to by Spectradyne and EDS and be available for wide-
          scale use within four months after the commencement of the beta test
          (the "Delivery Date").

     (c)  Price.  Except as changed as a result of (i) a change by Spectradyne
          of the functionality requirements or (ii) a change by virtue of
          Spectradyne's failure to purchase [ ] Digitally Based Video On
          Demand Systems within [ ] months after the Delivery Date (as discussed
          below in this Section 1.4(c)), the prices set forth in this Section
          1.4(c) are maximum prices.

          The price for the Hardware (including the operating system Software
          for such Hardware) for the Digitally Based Video On Demand System will
          not exceed [ ] (excluding any and all taxes for which Spectradyne
          is liable under Section 9.4) and the price for the maintenance of such
          Hardware (including the maintenance of the operating system Software
          for such Hardware) for a period of [ ] years (subject to Spectradyne
          and EDS mutually agreeing on response times and repair times for the
          maintenance services notwithstanding the first sentence of this
          Section 1.4(c)) will not exceed [ ].

          In addition to the prices set forth above in this Section 1.4(c), the
          price for the Software will not exceed [ ] per year for each
          Digitally Based



          Video On Demand System and such price will include Software
          Maintenance.  If Spectradyne or EDS desires to obtain Hardware for the
          Digitally Based Video On Demand System from a third party, Spectradyne
          and EDS will mutually agree on each party's respective rights and
          obligations related to such Hardware prior to Spectradyne obtaining
          such Hardware from such third party and the effects of such
          acquisition on each party's respective rights and obligations with
          respect to each Digitally Based Video On Demand System so affected.

          EDS' delivery schedule (as described above in Section 1.4(b)) and
          price (as described above in this Section 1.4(c)) are based on the
          assumption that Spectradyne will be obligated in the definitive Phase
          II information technology services agreement to purchase from EDS all
          Hardware and Software for [ ] Digitally Based Video On Demand
          Systems and execute Field Service Orders for the installation of all
          1,000 Digitally Based Video On Demand Systems within [ ] months after
          the Delivery Date.  If Spectradyne does not so obligate itself in such
          definitive agreement, EDS may revise any of the prices set forth in
          this Section 1.4(c).

          EDS will use commercially reasonable efforts to identify cost-
          effective, reliable products from reliable Vendors and to provide each
          Digitally Based Video On Demand System at or below the price set forth
          above in this Section 1.4(c).

          From and after the date that Digitally Based Video On Demand Systems
          are available for wide-scale use, EDS will review its costs and prices
          for supplying and maintaining the Digitally Based Video On Demand
          System twice a year. If EDS receives cost reductions from Vendors (on
          Vendor Hardware, Vendor Software, or services) and if EDS determines
          that, after subtracting such savings from the then current price of a
          Digitally Based Video On Demand System, the cumulative effect of such
          reductions will result in a price reduction equal to or greater than
          [ ] of the then current price for a Digitally Based Video On
          Demand System, then EDS will reduce its price for each Digitally Based
          Video On Demand System to Spectradyne from and after the date on which
          EDS makes such determination by an amount equal to [ ] of such
          savings. (For example, suppose that EDS determines as a result of its
          review that the cost of a widget required in the Digitally Based Video
          On Demand System is reduced from [ ] to [ ] and all other costs
          remain the same.  EDS will then subtract [ ] from the price of the
          Digitally Based Video On Demand System. If the result is equal to or
          greater than [ ], less than the then current price for a Digitally
          Based Video On Demand System, then EDS will reduce the then current
          price for the Digitally Based Video On Demand System to an amount
          equal to [ ] (an amount equal to [ ] of the savings].)



                                 ARTICLE II.
                        EMPLOYEES OF SPECTRADYNE AND EDS

2.1  Account Manager.  EDS will provide an account manager (the "Account
     Manager") who will have overall responsibility for the management and
     coordination of the delivery by EDS of all Information Technology Services
     and will coordinate with and consult with the Designated Representative to
     assist Spectradyne in its establishment of appropriate Spectradyne
     information technology priorities and its effective use of the Information
     Technology Services.  The Account Manager will coordinate with the
     Designated Representative in establishing priorities for providing
     Information Technology Services and conducting performance reviews set
     forth in Section 12.1. As reasonably requested by Spectradyne, the Account
     Manager will, with regard to EDS' performance of Information Technology
     Services under this Agreement, make management decisions, personnel,
     information, approvals and acceptances available to Spectradyne in order
     that the Information Technology Services may be accomplished in a timely
     manner. EDS may replace the Account Manager by providing written notice to
     Spectradyne.  In addition, the Account Manager may identify in a writing
     provided to Spectradyne a substitute account manager who, in the event of
     sickness or absence of the Account Manager, will have all rights and
     obligations of the Account Manager under this Section 2.1 during such
     sickness or absence.  If the Account Manager and the substitute account
     manager are both sick, absent or otherwise unavailable, the President of
     the Visual Services Division of EDS will serve as the account manager
     during such sickness, absence or unavailability.

2.2  Designated Representative.  Spectradyne will maintain a designated
     representative (the "Designated Representative") for the term of this
     Agreement who is (i) a senior officer of Spectradyne, (ii) authorized to
     act as the primary point of contact for EDS in dealing with Spectradyne
     with respect to the Information Technology Services and (iii) authorized to
     make management decisions and, within the reasonable limits, if any, set
     forth in writing and delivered by Spectradyne to EDS from time to time, to
     financially obligate Spectradyne with regard to the Information Technology
     Services.  The Designated Representative will interface with the Account
     Manager on all matters related to the performance of the Information
     Technology Services. As reasonably requested by EDS, the Designated
     Representative will make management decisions, personnel, information,
     approvals and acceptances available to EDS in order that the Information
     Technology, Services may be accomplished in a timely manner.  Spectradyne
     may replace the Designated Representative by providing written notice to
     EDS.  In addition, the Designated Representative may identify in a writing
     provided to EDS a substitute designated representative who, in the event of
     sickness or absence of the Designated Representative or with regard to
     specific duties (in which case such writing will specify such duties), will
     have all rights and obligations of the Designated Representative under this
     Section 2.2 during such sickness


     or absence or with regard to such duties.  If such designee with
     responsibility for specific duties is sick absent or otherwise unavailable,
     the Designated Representative will have all rights and obligations of the
     designee.  If the Designated Representative and the substitute designated
     representative are sick, absent or otherwise unavailable, or in the case of
     the designee (with regard to specific duties), the Designated
     Representative, the substitute designated representative and the designee
     are all sick, absent or otherwise unavailable, the President of the
     Spectradyne will serve as the designated representative during such
     sickness, absence or unavailability.

2.3  Transition of Spectradyne Personnel.  Commencing on the Effective Date, EDS
     will offer employment to those employees of Spectradyne identified on
     Schedule 2.3 (the "Transitioned Employees") in accordance with EDS' normal
     employment policies, including an extension of an offer to accept EDS'
     standard employment agreement in effect as of the Effective Date.  To the
     extent that a Transitioned Employee accepts such offer, such employment
     will commence as of the Effective Date.  A copy of the form of such
     employment agreement is set forth in Schedule 2.3.

     Spectradyne will cooperate with EDS in EDS' performance of its obligations
     under this Section 2.3. Should EDS request that Spectradyne continue to
     make payments and/or provide benefits to the Transitioned Employees after
     they are hired by EDS until the Transitioned Employees can be integrated
     into the EDS payroll system, Spectradyne will do so as an administrative
     convenience until the Transitioned Employees can be integrated into the EDS
     payroll system but in no event for more than 45 days after the effective
     date of each such employee's employment by EDS.  In such event, (a) such
     employee will be an EDS employee for the purposes of Section 14. 1 (b)
     (ii), (b) Spectradyne will be acting solely as an accommodation to EDS and
     (c) EDS will reimburse Spectradyne for all wages, benefits and reasonable,
     documented (in accordance with Spectradyne's then existing practices),
     reimbursable employee expenses paid by Spectradyne in connection therewith.

     EDS will use commercially reasonable efforts to assign to the Oracle
     implementation, and keep assigned to the Oracle implementation until such
     implementation is complete, those Transitioned Employees that were,
     immediately prior to the Effective Date, working on the Oracle

                                  ARTICLE III.
                         OBLIGATIONS RELATED TO CERTAIN
                          SOFTWARE AND LEASED HARDWARE

3.1  Assumption of Leases.  Commencing as of the Effective Date, Spectradyne
     will assign to EDS, and EDS will assume all rights and obligations of
     Spectradyne in the leases between Spectradyne and the applicable Vendors
     set forth in Schedule 3.1 (the "Leases").  Without limiting EDS'
     obligations under this


     Agreement, EDS may, in its sole discretion and in accordance with the terms
     and conditions of the Leases or as otherwise agreed by EDS and the
     applicable lessor, terminate or extend each Lease.

3.2  Inventory and Inspection.  Spectradyne will prepare and submit to EDS the
     following within 60 days after the Effective Date:

     (a)  a list of Existing Software, which list will be incorporated by
          reference into this Agreement as a revised Schedule 1.3(ag) on such
          list of Existing Software, Spectradyne will specify that Software
          which is Spectradyne Software, Vendor Software, Transferred Software
          and Accessed Software.

     (b)  a list of Existing Functionality, which list will be incorporated by
          reference into this Agreement as Schedule 4.2. In addition,
          Spectradyne will provide EDS with copies of all Spectradyne
          procedures which relate to the provision of Existing Functionality.

     (c)  a list of all Maintained Hardware, which list will be incorporated by
          reference into this Agreement as Schedule 4.5. In addition,
          Spectradyne will provide EDS with copies of all maintenance agreements
          with any third parties which relate to the maintenance of the
          Maintained Hardware.

     (d)  a list of all Maintained Software, which list will be incorporated by
          reference into this Agreement as Schedule 4.6. In addition,
          Spectradyne will provide EDS with copies of all maintenance agreements
          with any third parties which relate to the maintenance of the
          Maintained Software.

     (e)  a list of site diagrams, specifications, electrical and wiring
          information, installation procedures, inventory lists and other
          information identifying and describing the equipment installed at each
          Old Base Site.

3.3  Obligations Related to Vendor Software.  In addition to the rights and
     obligations set forth in Article XI, Spectradyne will have the following
     obligations with respect to Vendor Software licensed or obtained by
     Spectradyne from a Vendor:

          (a)  For all Vendor Software listed in Schedule 1.3 (ag), Spectradyne
               will either provide Access to such Vendor Software to EDS as
               provided in Section 3.3 (a) (i) below or Transfer such Software
               to EDS as provided in Section 3.3(a)(ii) below.

               (i)  With regard to Spectradyne's obligations to provide EDS with
                    Access to Vendor Software, Spectradyne will secure and
                    maintain for EDS the right to access, display, operate,


                    execute, modify and otherwise use (collectively, "Access")
                    such Vendor Software in connection with the performance of
                    the Information Technology Services. (All Vendor Software to
                    which Spectradyne provides EDS Access under this Section
                    3.3(a)(i) will be referred to as "Accessed Software.") EDS
                    will, except as provided for in Item 3 of Schedule 4.6, have
                    no obligation to perform or provide any Software Enhancement
                    or Software Maintenance of such Accessed Software.

               (ii) With regard to Spectradyne's obligations to Transfer Vendor
                    Software to EDS, Spectradyne will transfer all rights and
                    obligations it has under any and all licenses related to
                    each copy of such Vendor Software ("Transfer") -(All Vendor
                    Software to which Spectradyne Transfers to EDS under this
                    Section B. 3 (a) (ii) will be referred to as "Transferred
                    Software.") Commencing with the effective date of any such
                    Transfer, EDS will pay all fees and costs related to the
                    license of such Transferred Software and will pay for all
                    Software Enhancements and Software Maintenance available
                    from the applicable Vendor.

          (b)  Spectradyne will be responsible for obtaining any consents from
               third parties necessary for Accessed and Transferred Software,
               including without limitation the payment of any cost or expense
               associated with the applicable Vendor's consent to such Transfer
               or Access, such as access fees, transfer fees and upgrade fees.
               Spectradyne will either Transfer or provide Access to all Vendor
               Software listed in Schedule 1.3 (acr), and all such Vendor
               Software will be made available to EDS in such form and on such
               media as EDS may reasonably request.  If Spectradyne determines
               that it is commercially unreasonable to Transfer or provide
               Access to any item of Vendor Software, Spectradyne may provide
               alternative Vendor Software to EDS in such item's stead with
               EDS' prior written consent, which consent will not be
               unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned.

3.4  Purchase of Vendor Hardware and Software from EDS.  Subject to the
     provisions of Section 7.2, Vendor Hardware and Vendor Software that
     Spectradyne procures from EDS will be procured in accordance with the terms
     and conditions set forth in Schedule 3.4.

                                  ARTICLE IV.

4.1  General.  The services provided by EDS under this Article IV (the
     "Facilities Management Services") will support the management and
     information service


     operations conducted at the Spectradyne facilities located in Richardson,
     Texas or in any replacement or successor facilities located within 10 miles
     of Spectradyne's facility located at 1501 North Plano Road, Richardson,
     Texas 75081 (collectively, the "Spectradyne Facility").  Generally, EDS
     will operate and manage Spectradyne's IS&S operations in existence
     immediately prior to the Effective Date, provide Existing Functionality,
     transition certain Spectradyne employees, maintain documentation, provide
     training and support, provide certain Hardware maintenance, provide certain
     Software maintenance, perform local and wide area network administration,
     safeguard and retain Spectradyne's data and (to the extent requested by
     Spectradyne) perform certain Software development (including implementation
     of Vendor Software), all including such increase in services as may arise
     from normal internal growth over the term of this Agreement and can be
     performed using the compute environment existing as of the Execution Date
     (as benchmarked under Section 4.2). In addition to their obligations in
     this Article IV and elsewhere in this Agreement, EDS and Spectradyne will
     each perform the facilities management obligations set forth in Schedule

4.2  Management of Spectradyne's Existing Operations.  EDS will (a) manage the
     existing (as of the Execution Date) communication link between local area
     networks located in Richardson, Texas and Brampton, Ontario, Canada, (b)
     manage the local area networks, Hardware and Software and related
     information technology operations of Spectradyne conducted at the
     Spectradyne Facility, (c) provide the functionality set forth in Schedule
     4.2 (the "Existing Functionality") and (d) provide the compute environment
     existing as of the Execution Date (as measured by a benchmark test to be
     completed within 10 Business Days after the Effective Date), as modified
     from time to time by mutual agreement of the Designated Representative and
     the Account Manager.  EDS will have no responsibility for any information
     technology operations of Spectradyne conducted at any location other than
     the Spectradyne Facility, unless requested by Spectradyne under Section

4.3  Documentation.  Spectradyne will provide to the Account Manager all
     documentation for (a) all Hardware subject to Leases, (b) all Maintained
     Hardware and (c) all Existing Software.  EDS will maintain such
     documentation as well as documentation for any Software that is utilized
     from time to time by EDS to provide the Facilities Management Services,
     Network Services or Field Services.  EDS will provide Spectradyne access to
     such documentation as reasonably requested by Spectradyne for purposes of
     establishing and maintaining procedures for the preparation of input,
     operation and utilization of output of such Software, subject, however, to
     any applicable confidentiality restrictions respecting any such Software.
     All documentation developed by EDS under this Agreement is and will be
     owned by EDS, but EDS will provide one copy of such documentation to
     Spectradyne for Spectradyne's internal use.  In addition, Spectradyne may,
     at Spectradyne's cost and expense, reproduce the documentation for, and
     distribute such documentation to, each workstation operated by a
     Spectradyne employee that


     is located at a facility other than the Spectradyne Facility.
     Spectradyne's use of any and all documentation after the Effective Date is
     and will be subject to the limitations set forth in the applicable Software

4.4  Training and Support.  Spectradyne will identify to EDS those Spectradyne
     employees who will require training from EDS and who will, in turn, train
     all other Spectradyne employees.  EDS will provide Software training
     sessions and a training manual for such trainers, including training in the
     preparation of input for and the appropriate use of output from the
     Software, at the Spectradyne Facility.  EDS will use commercially
     reasonable efforts to assist Spectradyne employees in their operation of
     the Existing Software and that Software listed on Schedule 4.4.

4.5  Hardware Maintenance.  EDS will perform, or obtain from a third party and
     assume financial responsibility for, the maintenance of the Hardware
     identified on Schedule 4.5 (the "Maintained Hardware").  Any additions to
     or substitutions for Maintained Hardware after the Effective Date may be
     subject to additional charges, but no additions or substitutions will take
     place unless and until the parties mutually agree on any such additional

4.6  Software Maintenance.  EDS will perform, or obtain from a third party, and
     assume financial responsibility for the maintenance of, the Software
     identified on Schedule 4.6 (the "Maintained Software").  Any additions to
     or substitutions for Maintained Software after the Effective Date may be
     subject to additional charges,  but  no   additions  or substitutions will
     take place unless and until the parties mutually agree on any such
     additional charges.

4.7  Local and Wide Area Network Administration and Availability.  EDS will
     perform shared resource utilization analysis, disk utilization analysis,
     environment management, domain management, interdomain management,
     communication assistance, standardization, preventative maintenance and
     such other similar local area network administration tasks at the
     Spectradyne Facility as are requested from time to time by the Designated
     Representative.  In addition to the obligations above in this Section 4.7,
     EDS will, working in conjunction with Spectravision of Canada personnel,
     provide support for the local area network in Brampton, Ontario, Canada.

4.8  Safeguarding and Retention of Spectradyne Data.  EDS will implement
     procedures for the backup and protection of Spectradyne's data and will
     store all media containing such data in accordance with the safeguards
     described on Schedule 4.8.

4.9  Development of Certain Software.  EDS will, subject to the provisions of
     Section 11.4 and Section 11.5 and in accordance with the provisions of
     Schedule 4.9, develop the following:


     (a)  at no additional charge beyond the Base Service Charge, (i) field
          service inventory management Software and maintenance tracking system
          Software and (ii) an enterprise-wide data model in accordance with
          Section I(f) of Schedule 4.1 which will set forth functionality for
          certain Software to be developed by EDS under Section 4.9(b) and

     (b)  to the extent so requested by Spectradyne in accordance with Section
          7.2, the Software to be set forth in Schedule 4.9 (b) based on the
          results of the enterprisewide data model and containing such
          functionality as is mutually agreed by Spectradyne and EDS.  EDS will
          begin such Software development at such time as is mutually agreed by
          Spectradyne and EDS.  The charges to be paid by Spectradyne, if any,
          for such Software will be set forth in a development budget to be
          mutually agreed upon by Spectradyne and EDS.  Such charges will be in
          addition to all other charges described in this Agreement.
          (Spectradyne and EDS will mutually agree as to the specific
          applications for which such Software will be developed and implemented
          within such budget.) At or about such time as EDS provides the budget
          described above to Spectradyne, EDS will also provide any additional
          terms and conditions that relate to such development, and Spectradyne
          and EDS will mutually agree on such terms and conditions before EDS
          commences any such development.

          To the extent Spectradyne desires that any other Software be developed
          during the term of this Agreement, such Software development will be
          an Additional Service under Section 7.1, and EDS will have a right of
          first refusal to perform such Software development subject to the
          provisions of Section 7.2.

          (All Software developed by EDS under this Section 4.9 is referred to
          as "Developed Software".)

4.10 Facilities Management Services Performance Criteria. EDS' performance of
     the Facilities Management Services described above will be subject to the
     performance criteria set forth in Schedule 4.10. If EDS fails to perform
     the Facilities Management Services to the extent described in Section
     14.4(a), EDS will pay to Spectradyne liquidated damages as described in
     Section 14.4(a).

                                   ARTICLE V.
                                NETWORK SERVICES

5.1  General.  EDS will provide the services described in this Article V (the
     "Network Services") on an "as scheduled" basis.  Generally, Network
     Services include uplink services, tape playback services, transponder
     services, transmission monitoring services and support services.


5.2  Uplink and Tape Playback Services.  EDS will provide the uplink and tape
     playback services set forth in Schedule 5.2. Spectradyne may obtain
     transportable uplink services and special event broadcast, monitoring and
     downlink services for special events that Spectradyne desires to broadcast
     in accordance with EDS' standard terms and conditions as Additional
     Services under Section 7.1, and EDS will have a right of first refusal to
     perform such transportable uplink services and other services described in
     this Section 5.2 subject to the provisions of Section 7.2.

5.3  Transponder Services.  EDS will contract with a Vendor to obtain the
     transponder capacity necessary to support (i) the broadcast of [ ]
     compressed digital video channels operating at [ ] megabits per second
     commencing on October 1, 1993 and continuing for a period of 4 months
     thereafter, (ii) the broadcast of [ ] compressed digital video channels
     operating at [ ] megabits per second for a period commencing on or about
     February 1, 1994 and continuing for a period of approximately 24 months
     thereafter and (iii) the broadcast of [ ] compressed digital video channels
     operating at [ ] megabits per second or greater for a period commencing on
     or about February 1, 1996 and continuing thereafter until such time as
     Spectradyne and EDS may otherwise mutually agree. EDS will provide all of
     such transponder capacity to Spectradyne under this Agreement.

     If Spectradyne and EDS mutually agree that Spectradyne has excess
     transponder capacity and Spectradyne requests that EDS sell such capacity
     to one or more third parties, EDS will use all commercially reasonable
     efforts to sell such capacity to one or more third parties.  In such event,
     EDS will be reimbursed its actual expenses incurred in effecting such
     sale(s) from the proceeds derived from such sale as received.  All
     remaining proceeds will be shared between Spectradyne and EDS, with
     Spectradyne receiving [ ] percent of such proceeds and EDS receiving [ ]
     percent of such proceeds.

     Nothing in this Agreement will prohibit Spectradyne from selling such
     excess capacity itself or through a third party agent; provided, however,
     that Spectradyne notifies EDS of such intent to sell and coordinates such
     sale with EDS.  In such event, EDS will receive no portion of the proceeds
     of such sale unless such sale requires EDS to incur any cost or otherwise
     expend any resources (other than coordination of the sale), in which event
     EDS will be reimbursed its actual expenses from the proceeds of such sale
     as received.

     If Spectradyne sells such excess capacity itself or through a party other
     than EDS and the use, operation or management of such transponder capacity
     by the purchaser, the broker or any agent of either party interferes with
     EDS' performance of Information Technology Services under this Agreement or
     any third party's programming being transmitted off of such satellites, EDS
     will have no liability to Spectradyne or any third party for any diminution
     in such Information Technology Services, including without limitation any
     diminution in the performance of any Hardware, Software, On-Site System,
     signal or the



     network.  (For the purpose of Section 14.1(c), any such programming using
     such excess capacity will be construed as Spectradyne Programming.)  EDS
     will not be excused from any such liability under this Agreement if EDS is
     the seller, or arranged, through a broker or agent of EDS, for the sale, of
     such excess capacity.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Spectradyne sells
     such excess capacity itself or through a party other than EDS and the use,
     operation or management of such transponder capacity by the purchaser, the
     broker or any agent of either party interferes with EDS' performance of
     Information Technology Services under this Agreement, EDS will use
     commercially reasonable efforts to notify Spectradyne of any such
     interference promptly upon EDS becoming aware of such interference and, to
     the extent that EDS is not required to undertake any financial obligation
     for which it will not be paid by Spectradyne, cooperate with Spectradyne in
     taking any remedial actions.

5.4  Transmission Monitoring Services.  EDS will verify the uplink transmission
     quality and satellite transmission (or other signal source) quality.  EDS
     will sample video and audio test signals and check such signals using
     waveform monitoring, spectrum analysis, vector analysis and audio analysis
     for compliance with the specifications for such signal to which Spectradyne
     and EDS have mutually agreed.  Abbreviated tests will be performed during
     each broadcast, and complete tests will be performed once each calendar
     month.  EDS will perform all such services at the EDS Information
     Management Center located in Plano, Texas.

5.5  Support Services.  EDS will provide the engineering and management of
     microwave, cable and other telecommunications-based distribution of
     Spectradyne Programming.

5.6  Changes to Network Services.  From time to time, the parties may agree in
     an Authorized Field Service Order to alter the Network Services to be
     provided for a particular Spectradyne Installation Site.  The description
     of the changes to the Network Services and any changes to the charges
     therefor will be documented in the Authorized Field Service Order as an
     amendment to the Network Services and Network Services charges for that
     Spectradyne Installation Site.

5.7  Network Service Performance Criteria.  EDS' performance of the Network
     Services described above will be subject to the performance criteria set
     forth in Schedule 5.7. If EDS fails to perform the Network Services to the
     extent described in Section 5, of Schedule 5.7, EDS will pay to Spectradyne
     liquidated damages as described in Section 14.4 (b).

                                  ARTICLE VI.
                                 FIELD SERVICES

6.1  General.  EDS will perform the field services described in this Article VI
     (the "Field Services") from the Effective Date and for the term of this


     for all sites in which EDS installs, or through the use of a subcontractor
     causes to be installed, Hardware. EDS' obligations as to any site under
     this Section 6.1 will commence on the date that the installation commences
     and will end on the End Date.  For Field Services related to all other
     sites, EDS will perform Field Services at such sites commencing with the
     date(s) set forth in the transition plan set forth in Schedule 6.1 (the
     "Transition Plan") or as otherwise agreed by EDS and Spectradyne.

     Generally, the Field Services include the performance of all Installation
     Services, on-site warranty service and on-site maintenance of all video
     delivery equipment, including without limitation videocassette players,
     racks, frequency agile modulators, CDVRO Systems, IRDs and equipment used
     to deliver "free-to-guest" and "interactive" services (including
     maintaining delivery of signals at quality levels specified in Schedule 5.7
     for "free-to-guest" and compressed digital programming to sites),
     supervision of any work subcontracted by EDS to a third party, provision
     of the Customer Assistance Center, facilitation of the return of in-room
     units to Spectradyne for repair and such other field service obligations as
     EDS and Spectradyne may mutually agree.

6.2  Field Service Orders.  From time to time, Spectradyne will complete and
     issue to EDS service orders (each a "Field Service Order") with respect to
     Old Base Sites and New Base Sites in substantially the form set forth in
     Schedule 6.2. Each Field Service Order will request EDS to provide
     specified Field Services.  In those instances where the Field Service Order
     requests that EDS perform an installation, Spectradyne will complete and
     attach to such Field Service Order a questionnaire (the form of which is
     set forth in Appendix      to the Transition Plan, the "Spectradyne
     Installation Site Questionnaire") for each new Spectradyne Installation
     Site (meaning each such site where an installation has not been previously
     performed by EDS) set forth in such Field Service Order.  A Spectradyne
     Installation Site Questionnaire may, but is not required to, accompany each
     Field Service Order involving a Spectradyne Installation Site at which
     Spectradyne Hardware and/or EDS Hardware has previously been installed.

     (a)  EDS will accept or reject each Field Service order within five
          Business Days of EDS' receipt of such Field Service Order.  Any Field
          Service Order not rejected by EDS in writing in accordance with
          Section 6.2(b) and Section 6.2(c) within five Business Days after EDS
          receives such Field Service Order will be deemed accepted.

     (b)  EDS will accept Field Service Orders by signing and returning the
          Field Service Order to Spectradyne (an "Authorized Field Service
          Order"). Only Authorized Field Service Orders will be binding on the
          parties, and neither party will have any liability or obligation under
          this Agreement for any Field Service Order other than Authorized Field
          Service Orders.


     (c)  EDS will accept all Field Service Orders that comply with the terms
          and conditions of this Agreement.  ALL Field Service Orders will:

          (i)   require only the installation or maintenance of Hardware or
                Software set forth in Schedule 1.3(n) or Schedule 6.2(c)(i) or
                require maintenance of any videocassette players or other video
                delivery equipment, which Schedules may be amended at any time
                by mutual agreement of Spectradyne and EDS (such Hardware and
                Software not set forth Schedule 1.3(n) and Schedule 1.3(ag) is
                referred to as "Non-Standard Products"),

          (ii)  together with all Authorized Field Service Orders, cause EDS to
                perform no more than 400 installations (unless otherwise
                mutually agreed by Spectradyne and EDS) in any given calendar

          (iii) request Network Services and Field Services in accordance with
                an installation plan to be developed and mutually agreed to by
                Spectradyne and EDS as part of the Transition Plan and

          (iv)  not require the maintenance by EDS of Non-Standard Products,
                unless otherwise agreed by EDS.

          If EDS rejects a Field Service Order, EDS will give Spectradyne a
          written statement of the reasons for such rejection.  If the parties
          are unable to mutually agree on a revision of the Field Service Order,
          Spectradyne will, by written notice to EDS, withdraw the Field Service
          Order and then may issue a revised Field Service Order that complies
          with the terms and conditions of this Agreement for the same
          Spectradyne Installation Site.  Spectradyne will issue any revised
          Field Service Order within five Business Days from the date the
          previous Field Service Order is rejected.  If Spectradyne revises and
          resubmits a Field Services order under this Section 6.2, and such
          revised and resubmitted Field Service Order is rejected by EDS for
          reasons that Spectradyne, in good faith, believes are arbitrary,
          Spectradyne may submit the issue of such rejection to review and, if
          unresolved to Spectradyne's satisfaction, arbitration under the
          provisions of Article XII.

          Spectradyne may, subject to the provisions of Section 7.2, make
          arrangements with another Vendor for the installation and maintenance
          of Non-Standard Products and the performance of the miscellaneous
          services described in Section 2 of Schedule 6.6.

     (d)  If Field Services remain to be performed under a Field Service Order
          after any termination or expiration of this Agreement, EDS will have


          obligation to perform and no other liability for any such Field
          Services after the End Date.

6.3  Changes to and Cancellations of Field Service Orders.  Spectradyne may

     (a)  change or cancel a Field Service Order at any time without charge,
          penalty or other liability.

     (b)  change or cancel an Authorized Field Service Order at any time before
          EDS has commenced work under the Authorized Field Service Order
          without charge, penalty or other liability.

     (c)  change or cancel an Authorized Field Service Order at any time after
          EDS has commenced work under the Authorized Field Service Order,
          provided, however, in such event, Spectradyne will pay to EDS an
          amount equal to EDS' incremental cost, if any, resulting from such
          change or cancellation, for such effort plus ten percent (the latter
          being an allocation for general administrative costs).  EDS will use
          commercially reasonable efforts to mitigate such incremental casts
          incurred by EDS.

Changes, to (but not cancellations of) an Authorized Field Service Order will be
processed as a new Field Service Order and are subject to the approval of EDS as
provided in Section 6.2.

6.4  Provision of Certain Hardware and Software.  EDS will provide to
     Spectradyne CDVRO Systems and IRD Systems identified in and ordered
     pursuant to Authorized Field Service Orders, subject, however, to the
     provisions of, Section 3.4. In addition, after SPI Holding, Inc. has
     entered into 2,200 Leases for Personal Computer Functionality under the
     PCFM (as such capitalized term is, for the purposes of this Section 6.4,
     defined therein), EDS will, if requested by Spectradyne or by SPI Holding,
     Inc. if Spectradyne has assigned its rights and obligations under this
     Section 6.4 to SPI Holding, Inc. in accordance with Section 15.8, provide
     to Spectradyne (or SPI Holding, Inc., as the case may be) Personal Computer
     Functionality in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 6.4 in
     conjunction with CDVRO Systems and IRD Systems at New satellite Base Sites.
     EDS will, in addition to its Field Service obligations related to other
     Hardware under this Article VI, maintain each such Personal Computer that
     EDS provides under this Agreement in accordance with Schedule 6.4.

     Title in all CDVRO Systems, IRD Systems and Personal Computers for New
     Satellite Base Sites provided by EDS under this Agreement will remain in
     EDS, provided, that (i) title to CDVRO Systems will transfer to
     Spectradyne on the fifth anniversary of the date on which each such CDVRO
     System is installed or as provided in the Termination Transition if this
     Agreement is terminated prior to such fifth anniversary and (ii) title to
     the Personal



     Computers (meaning Personal Computers provided under this Agreement) will
     transfer to Spectradyne in accordance with Schedule 6.4 or as provided in
     the Termination Transition if this Agreement is terminated prior to the
     fifth anniversary of the date on which such Personal Computer is installed.

     If Spectradyne adds [ ] New Satellite Base Sites, Spectradyne and EDS
     will, within 10 Business Days after the date on which such [ ]
     New Satellite Base Site is added, meet and review EDS' costs related to the
     CDVRO Systems, IRD Systems and Personal Computers.  If the costs for such
     CDVRO Systems, IRD Systems and Personal Computers materially increase or
     decrease compared to EDS' costs on the effective date of the PCFM, then
     Spectradyne and EDS will enter into good faith negotiations for the
     purposes of revising the prices for CDVRO Systems, IRD Systems and
     Personal Computer Functionality.  Upon the completion of such negotiations,
     Schedule 9.1 will be amended to reflect such prices (which prices will in
     no event increase or decrease by more than [ ] percent), and such pricing
     will become effective 30 days after the effective date of such amendment.

6.5  Installation.  EDS will provide the installation services (the
     "Installation Services") for CDVRO Systems, IRD Systems, Personal Computers
     (provided under Section 6.4) and such other Hardware and Software as the
     parties may mutually agree at Spectradyne Installation Sites, as each
     Spectradyne Installation Site is identified in the applicable authorized
     Field Service Order.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, Spectradyne may submit
     Field Service Orders for more installations than are contemplated in the
     installation plan created as part of the Transition Plan, and EDS will, in
     accordance with Section 6.2, authorize such Field Service Orders and
     perform such Installation Services as an Additional Service under Section
     7.1. Schedule 6.5 more particularly sets forth the Installation Services,
     including without limitation Special Efforts for Installation Services.

6.6  Customer Assistance Center and Maintenance Services.  EDS will provide the
     Customer Assistance Center and maintenance support services set forth in
     Schedule 6.6.

6.7  Geographic Area Covered by Field Services.  Field Services, including, in
     addition to the Field Services themselves, all financial obligations
     related to vehicle leases, equipment leases and real property leases for
     each district, will be transitioned from Spectradyne to EDS in accordance
     with the Transition Plan or as otherwise mutually agreed by Spectradyne and
     EDS over the term of this Agreement.  Spectradyne intends to transfer to
     EDS the responsibility for all Field Services for all sites located in
     North America, including the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii,
     Canada, Mexico, the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico and including those
     locations commonly referred to by Spectradyne and EDS as "studio sites"
     or "studio locations", which number is currently estimated to be 2,500
     ("All North American Sites").


     Spectradyne represents that Spectradyne is reviewing a proposal from a
     third party real estate consultant for the purposes of identifying and
     engaging the services of such consultant (at Spectradyne's expense) to
     negotiate the termination of real property leases for which EDS would
     assume financial responsibility after the applicable district is
     transitioned to EDS under the Transition Plan.  To the extent that such
     consultant is able to terminate any such leases and savings result (meaning
     the difference between (i) what Spectradyne and EDS, collectively, would
     have paid if such lease had continued through the end of the term of such
     lease and (ii) the amount actually paid, if anything (other than the
     consultant's fees), Spectradyne and EDS will share in the savings.  In
     such event, Spectradyne will be reimbursed its actual expenses incurred in
     effecting such terminations, including without limitation such consultant's
     fee, and all remaining savings will be shared between Spectradyne and EDS,
     with EDS receiving [ ] percent of such savings and Spectradyne receiving
     [ ] percent of such savings.

6.8  Field Service Performance Criteria.  EDS' performance of the Field Services
     described above will be subject to the performance criteria set forth in
     Schedule 6.8. If EDS fails to perform the Network Services to the extent
     described in Section 1 of Schedule 6.8, EDS will pay to Spectradyne
     liquidated damages as described in Section 14.4 (c) .

     EDS' compliance with the performance criteria described in this Section 6.8
     will be measured through reports generated by the Customer Assistance
     Center and will be monitored, and corrected to the extent required, as a
     part of the quality review process described in Section 8.4. Such reports
     will be provided to Spectradyne on a monthly basis, as performance levels
     may otherwise require or as Spectradyne and EDS may otherwise mutually
     agree.  The Customer Assistance Center will be the EDS point of contact for
     all trouble reporting and resolution related to Field Services.  The
     Customer Assistance Center will accumulate data based on the number of
     calls, the type of calls, the trouble reported, the response time, the
     resolution or repair time and such other information as Spectradyne and EDS
     may mutually agree.  Spectradyne and EDS will consult with each other on
     the format of all reports.

6.9  Disaster Recovery.  Generally, if a natural or man made disaster occurs at
     or with the EDS uplink facility, the leased transponder, the leased
     satellite or one or more of Spectradyne's customer's facilities, EDS will
     promptly assess what services have been impacted, the degree of damage to
     Hardware located inside and outside of such site and the physical ability
     to restore permanent or temporary service based on the condition of the
     site and the Hardware.  Based on such assessment, EDS will determine what
     Hardware and human resources are required to restore service, where the
     resources are located, how quickly the resources can be deployed and what
     the costs will be as a function of the response time.  EDS will notify
     Spectradyne immediately of any such disaster and will consult with
     Spectradyne at each stage of the implementation of any disaster recovery



     More specifically, if a natural or man made disaster affects one or more of
     the following pieces of hardware, the following specific procedures will be

     (a)  Transponder Failure.  If a transponder provided by a Vendor to EDS to
          transmit a signal for Spectradyne is unable to transmit such signal,
          then EDS will contact such Vendor and will, at no addition to the
          Field Service Charges set forth in Schedule 9.1 (except as set forth
          in Section 6. 9 (b) (i)) , use good faith efforts to cause such Vendor
          to attempt to restore, and complete such restoration,of, transmission
          capability using on-board spares, if available, within 24 hours of
          such failure.  If the use of on-board spares fails to restore
          transmission capability, at no addition to the Field Service Charges
          set forth in Schedule 9.1 (except as set forth in Section 6.9 (b)
          (i)), EDS will use good faith efforts to cause the applicable Vendor
          to make an alternate transponder on the same satellite available for
          transmission of the signal within 48 hours of such failure.

     (b)  Satellite Failure.  If the satellite being used by EDS to provide
          transmission services for Spectradyne fails, a team including
          management personnel of Spectradyne, EDS and the applicable Vendor
          will promptly assess the following options and implement the solution
          Spectradyne and EDS mutually agree is the most appropriate as soon as
          practicable: (i) locate an alternative space segment and repoint each
          CDVRO System such that the CDVRO Systems are capable of receiving the
          signal from such other satellite within 60 days of such failure, which
          solution will involve an addition to the Field Service Charge set
          forth in Schedule 9.1 (determined on a time and materials basis, with
          no profit factor) or (ii) such other solutions as Spectradyne, EDS and
          the applicable Vendor may mutually agree.

     (c)  Uplink Failure - Outdoor Hardware.  If the outdoor earth station
          transmission Hardware being used by EDS to transmit a signal for
          Spectradyne fails, EDS will, without increasing the Field Service
          Charge set forth in Schedule 9.1, use commercially reasonable efforts
          to implement one or more of the following: (i) restore all or part of
          the service within 8 hours of such failure by rerouting traffic via
          terrestrial links to alternate uplink locations, (ii) restore all or
          part of the service within 8 hours of such failure using undamaged EDS
          Hardware located at such site, (iii) restore all or part of the
          service within 48 hours of such failure using transportable earth
          stations until such time as the failed hardware is repaired or (iv)
          restore all or part of the service within 48 hours of such failure by
          moving program replay Hardware to an alternate transmission facility.

     (d)  Uplink Failure - Indoor Hardware.  If the indoor earth station
          transmission Hardware being used by EDS to transmit a signal for


          Spectradyne fails, EDS will, without increasing the Field Service
          Charge set forth in Schedule 9.1, use commercially reasonable efforts
          to promptly implement one or more of the following:  (i) restore all
          or part of the service within 8 hours of such failure by rerouting
          traffic via terrestrial links to alternate playback/uplink locations,
          (ii) restore all or part of the service within 8 hours of such failure
          using undamaged EDS Hardware located at such site, (iii) restore all
          or part of the service within 48 hours of such failure using
          transportable playback facilities until such time as the failed
          hardware is repaired or (iv) restore all or part of the service within
          24 hours of such failure by moving program replay and/or encoding
          hardware to an alternate transmission facility.  EDS will provide a
          disaster recovery plan for each such eventuality mutually acceptable
          to Spectradyne and EDS and incorporate such plan into this Agreement
          by adding such plan to this Agreement as Schedule 6.9, which plan will
          include the obligations set forth in this Section 6.9 above and the
          more specific obligations of EDS, Spectradyne and the applicable
          Vendors.  Spectradyne will use good faith efforts to promptly review,
          modify, if necessary, and approve such disaster recovery plan within
          60 days after the Effective Date.

                                  ARTICLE VII.
                              ADDITIONAL SERVICES

7.1  Additional Products and Services.  During the term of this Agreement,
     Spectradyne may request and EDS may offer products and services that are
     beyond the scope of this Agreement.  Additional products are any Non-
     Standard Products and any other products that Spectradyne may desire beyond
     those contemplated in this Agreement (the "Additional Products") .
     Additional services are any services other than the Facilities Management
     Services described in Article IV, the Network Services described in Article
     V, the Field Services described in Article VI, and those services described
     in Sections 7.2(b)-(d) and that relate to Spectradyne's information
     technology needs (the "Additional Services"). No Additional Products or
     Additional Services will be provided by EDS or charged to Spectradyne
     unless the description of the products and/or services to be provided, the
     price to be paid and any additional or modified terms and conditions
     (meaning additional to or modifications of the terms and conditions of this
     Agreement) are mutually agreed to in a writing signed by the Account
     Manager and the Designated Representative and then added as an addendum to
     this Agreement.

7.2  Right of First Refusal Regarding Additional Products and Additional
     Services.  During the term of this Agreement, if Spectradyne desires (a)
     Additional Products, (b) software development services in addition to those
     set forth in Section 4.9(a) and Section 4.9(b), (c) transportable uplink
     services described in Schedule 5.2 or (d) miscellaneous on-site support
     described in Section 2 of Schedule 6.6, EDS will have a right of first
     refusal to provide such products and perform such services. Spectradyne
     will notify EDS of such Additional


     Products and such services in writing on or before the date on which it
     notifies any Vendor that Spectradyne may consider for the provision of such
     Additional Products or performance of such services.  EDS will provide
     Spectradyne with written notice of EDS' decision as to whether or not EDS
     would like to provide the Additional Products or perform the services
     described by Spectradyne within 10 Business Days of EDS, receipt of a
     complete, written description of the Additional Products and/or services
     Spectradyne desires and the date on which EDS will provide Spectradyne with
     a proposal for such Additional Products and/or services.

     Spectradyne may obtain bids from Vendors, and to the extent that
     Spectradyne obtains such bids, Spectradyne will compare the charges of such
     Vendors providing similar quality products and/or performing similar
     quality services (in each case meaning similar quality to that of EDS)
     against the charges set forth in EDS' written quote. If it is determined
     that EDS' charges are more than [ ] percent greater than those of the third
     party that Spectradyne would otherwise choose to provide such Additional
     Products and/or perform such services, then EDS will have a right of first
     refusal to provide such Additional Products and/or to perform such services
     and, if EDS so elects by providing written notice to Spectradyne of such
     election within 5 Business Days after Spectradyne's notice to EDS of the
     amount of such Vendor's quote, Spectradyne will engage EDS to provide such
     Additional Products or services for an amount equal to the amount set forth
     in such Vendor's quote plus [ ] percent.  If EDS elects not to provide such
     Additional Products and services, Spectradyne will be free to have such
     lower priced Vendor provide such Additional Products or perform such
     services.  If EDS' charges are less than [ ] percent greater than those of
     such Vendor, Spectradyne will engage EDS to provide such Additional
     Products and/or perform such services.

     To the extent that Spectradyne desires Additional Services that Spectradyne
     elects not to use Spectradyne employees to perform, Spectradyne will
     provide EDS with notice of such Additional Services and an opportunity to
     bid on such Additional Services.  Spectradyne may purchase Additional
     Services in its sole discretion.

     Spectradyne agrees that if it uses a Vendor to provide Additional Products
     or perform services related to its information technology needs, EDS will
     have no responsibility for any such Additional Products or services
     performed or the effects of such Additional Products or services on any
     Hardware or Software or related performance criteria.  Spectradyne will
     use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent such Additional Products and
     services from adversely affecting the ability of EDS to perform its
     obligations under this Agreement or increase the expense to EDS to perform
     its obligations under this Agreement.  To the extent that such Additional
     Products or services adversely affect EDS' ability to meet a performance
     standard set forth under this Agreement or to otherwise perform its
     obligations under this Agreement, EDS will be relieved



     of such obligations, and Spectradyne will, nonetheless, pay EDS for any
     such Information Technology Services performed.

                                 ARTICLE VIII.

8.1  Warranties from Vendors.  EDS has obtained or will obtain from each
     applicable Vendor an agreement that all warranties made by such Vendor
     related to Vendor Hardware and Vendor Software procured by Spectradyne from
     or through EDS under this Agreement (express or implied, if any) will pass
     through or be assigned to Spectradyne.  Execution of this Agreement by
     Spectradyne or acceptance of this Agreement by EDS will in no manner be
     construed to relieve any Vendor of the requirements to fulfill all
     obligations of such Vendor to Spectradyne as if Spectradyne were a direct
     purchaser from such Vendor.  Spectradyne agrees to look solely to the
     applicable Vendor for any and all warranty claims with respect to any such
     Vendor Hardware and Vendor Software except for the warranties from EDS set
     forth in Section 8.2.

     (a)  EDS Software.  EDS warrants that, for a period of one year from the
          date on which any particular EDS Software is installed, such EDS
          Software will operate in accordance with the applicable

     (b)  Vendor Hardware and Vendor Software.  In addition to those warranties
          provided by the Vendors, EDS warrants, as to any Vendor Hardware or
          Vendor Software acquired by Spectradyne by or through EDS pursuant to
          this Agreement, that

          (i)  EDS has all necessary authority, right and power to convey good,
               marketable and unencumbered title to all such Vendor Hardware to
               which title will pass to Spectradyne under this Agreement, and
               that EDS is authorized by the applicable Vendor to market and
               provide such Vendor Software, subject to the applicable license
               agreements, to Spectradyne and

          (ii) any such conveyance is or will be in accordance with EDS'
               agreements with the applicable Vendor of such Vendor Hardware or
               Vendor Software and is not in violation of or in conflict with
               any law, rule or regulation which, if violated by EDS, the
               liability for such violation would flow in part or in whole to
               Spectradyne or any other EDS obligation to any third party.

          (For the purposes of this Section 8.2 (b), the Vendor may or may not
          be the owner of the applicable intellectual property rights but
          represented and warranted to EDS that it has, directly or indirectly,
          obtained all rights necessary to provide such Vendor Hardware or
          Vendor Software, as the case may be, to EDS and EDS is relying, in
          good faith and without actual knowledge to the contrary, on such


          representations and warranties in providing such Vendor Hardware and
          Vendor Software to Spectradyne.  Because Spectradyne is looking to the
          Vendor for all warranties under Section 8.1, nothing in this Agreement
          will be construed as EDS making and Spectradyne receiving from EDS any
          warranty regarding any Vendor's claim to any intellectual property

     (c)  Integration.  If EDS performs any integration of Vendor Hardware
          and/or Vendor Software, Spectradyne Software or EDS Software, EDS
          warrants that such integration will be performed in a good and
          workmanlike manner in accordance with EDS' own internal standards for
          such integration and in accordance with any written specifications
          mutually agreed to by Spectradyne and EDS.  In particular, with regard
          to CDVRO Systems and, to the extent applicable, Personal Computers,
          EDS warrants that each CDVRO System and Personal Computer will be
          integrated in accordance with the integration specifications therefor
          (such specifications for the integration of the CDVRO System are set
          forth in Schedule 8.2(c)). EDS will have no liability for any impact
          on any Vendor's warranty from integration by EDS in accordance

     (d)  Disclaimer of Warranties.  The warranties contained in Section 8.2 (a)
          and Section 8.2 (c) are contingent upon proper use of Vendor Hardware
          and Vendor Software and do not cover Vendor Hardware or Vendor
          Software on which the original identification marks have been removed
          or altered or which have been modified without EDS' approval,
          improperly tested by Spectradyne or which have been subjected to
          unusual physical or electrical stress (including without limitation
          any such stress which would give rise to an excusable delay under
          AGREEMENT.  No representation or warranty made by any person,
          including any representative of EDS, which is inconsistent or in
          conflict with, or in addition to the terms of, the warranties set
          forth in this Section 8.2 will be binding upon EDS unless expressed in
          a writing signed by a duly authorized representative of EDS.

 8.3 Remedies.  EDS will, at no additional cost to Spectradyne, assist
     Spectradyne in exercising (or, if necessary will exercise on Spectradyne's
     behalf) Vendor


     warranties applicable to any Vendor Hardware and Vendor Software provided
     by or through EDS pursuant to this Agreement.  Spectradyne's sole and
     exclusive remedy and EDS' sole and exclusive liability for any breach of
     EDS' warranty provided under Section 8.2, will be:

     (a)  Warranties under Section 8.2(a). With regard to any breach of EDS'
          warranty set forth in Section 8.2(a) regarding EDS Software, EDS will
          modify the EDS Software to the extent necessary such that it performs
          in accordance with the applicable specifications.  If EDS is required
          to modify EDS Software under this Section 8.3(a), EDS will have a
          reasonable time to complete such modification.

     (b)  Warranties under Section 8.2 (b) and Section 8.2 (c).  Spectradyne's
          sole and exclusive remedy and EDS' sole and exclusive liability for
          any breach of any EDS warranty set forth in Section 8.2 (b) and
          Section 8.2 (c) will be (at EDS' option) to repair, replace or, solely
          with regard to EDS' obligations under Section 8.2(b), credit
          Spectradyne's account for (i) any Vendor Hardware or Vendor Software
          as to which EDS does not have such rights as are warranted and (ii)
          any improperly integrated Vendor Hardware or Vendor Software procured
          by Spectradyne from or through EDS under this Agreement.  If EDS
          elects to make a repair or to effect a replacement, EDS will have a
          reasonable time to make such repair or replacement.  EDS will pay all
          reasonable costs for any transportation, rigging, drayage, taxes,
          insurance and any other documented reasonable costs related to any
          such repair or replacement.

     (c)  If the sole and exclusive remedy provided in Section 8.3 (a) or
          Section 8.3(b) fails of its essential purpose, then, as an alternative
          sole and exclusive remedy, Spectradyne may recover from EDS, subject
          to the provisions of Section 14.4, direct damages incurred by

8.4  Quality Review.  Each year during the term of this Agreement, or more
     frequently if requested in writing by either party, EDS and Spectradyne
     will meet and jointly participate in EDS, quality review program to review
     the performance by each party of its obligations under this Agreement.  The
     performance of each party will be measured against the applicable
     performance criteria, as set forth in this Agreement, or as otherwise
     mutually agreed by the Designated Representative and the Account Manager.

                                  ARTICLE IX.

9.1  Charges.  Spectradyne will pay EDS the charges set forth in Schedule 9.1.
     The charges for any Additional Products procured by Spectradyne from EDS
     under Section 3.4 will be as provided under Schedule 3.4. Any charges for
     Additional Services will be those to which the parties mutually agree
     before the commencement of any such Additional Services.


9.2  Terms of Payment. EDS will provide Spectradyne with invoices on a monthly
     basis (on or about the 15th day of each month) for all Information
     Technology Services performed and all other charges incurred by Spectradyne
     under this Agreement during the immediately prior month. Transponder
     charges will be paid as provided in the agreement between the Vendor
     providing the transponder and EDS, but in no event will EDS agree (without
     Spectradyne's prior written consent) to payment terms less favorable than
     payment of charges monthly in advance. Except for transponder charges and
     unless otherwise agreed by EDS and Spectradyne, all other sums due EDS
     hereunder for which a time for payment is not otherwise specified will be
     due and payable 30 days after receipt by Spectradyne of an invoice from
     EDS. Any sum due EDS hereunder that is not paid when due will thereafter
     bear interest until paid at a rate of interest equal to the lesser of (i)
     two percent per annum more than the "prime" rate announced as such from
     time to time by Citibank N.A., New York, or successor and (ii) the maximum
     rate of interest allowed by applicable law.

9.3  Bonus.  Spectradyne will pay EDS a bonus, meaning an amount in addition to
     any and all other charges under this Agreement, if EDS delivers the
     Digitally Based Video On Demand System to Spectradyne prior to the Delivery
     Date.  The amount of the bonus will equal:

     (a)  [ ] if EDS delivers the Digitally Based Video On Demand System at
          least 1 but less than 31 days prior to the Delivery Date,

     (b)  the amount set forth in (a) above plus an additional [ ] if EDS
          delivers the Digitally Based Video on Demand System between 31 and 60
          days prior to the Delivery Date or

     (c)  the amount set forth in (b) above plus an additional [ ] if EDS
          delivers the Digitally Based Video On Demand System more than 60 days
          prior to the Delivery Date.

9.4  Taxes.  Spectradyne will pay to EDS amounts equal to any sales, use,
     privilege, excise or other taxes based on gross receipts, however
     designated or levied, imposed on Spectradyne as the acquiring entity but
     paid or payable by EDS on the (i) charges imposed under this Agreement,
     (ii) this Agreement or (iii) any Information Technology Services, Software,
     Hardware (except for property taxes on EDS Hardware), other service or
     materials provided under this Agreement or upon their use.  However,
     Spectradyne is not responsible for (i) any franchise taxes, taxes based on
     the net income or payroll of EDS or (ii) property taxes on EDS Hardware
     unless and until such EDS Hardware becomes the property of Spectradyne.  To
     the extent that any taxes are imposed on charges relating to any financed
     hardware, such taxes will be included in the amounts financed.



9.5  Distribution of Revenue Related to New Business.  Spectradyne and EDS
     anticipate that certain new business opportunities will arise out of the
     infrastructure (meaning the network, Hardware, Software and Information
     Technology Services provided by EDS) put in place under this Agreement and
     arising out of intellectual property developed by either Spectradyne or EDS
     under this Agreement.  Spectradyne and EDS agree that any revenues arising
     out of or related to new business (other than revenue from the distribution
     of video programs (meaning the amount charged for the video program itself)
     provided to a hotel, prison, hospital, nursing home or supervised
     retirement facility, military installation or time share property on a pay-
     for-view basis) (i) that is not conducted solely within the confines of
     individual sites and (ii) in which Spectradyne and EDS have participated in
     the sale or will participate in the operation will be distributed between
     Spectradyne and EDS based upon the allocation of risk, the party selling
     the business, the capitalization of the business and such other matters as
     Spectradyne and EDS may mutually agree.  The distribution of revenue will
     be determined by Spectradyne and EDS on a case-by-case basis.

                                   ARTICLE X.
                            SPECTRADYNE OBLIGATIONS

10.1 Obligation to Purchase from EDS.  From the Effective Date until the tenth
     anniversary of the Effective Date or such earlier date that this Agreement
     is terminated as provided for in Article XIII, Spectradyne will, in
     addition to its obligations under Article VII, use EDS exclusively as its
     provider of the Facilities Management Services (other than Software
     development), Network Services, Field Services (other than miscellaneous
     Field Services described in Section 2 of Schedule 6.6), CDVRO Systems and
     IRD Systems.

10.2 Spectradyne's Performance Obligations.  In addition to its obligations set
     forth in Schedule 4.1 and elsewhere in this Agreement, Spectradyne will,
     during the term of this Agreement and in order for EDS to meet its
     obligations, provide the following on a timely basis:

     (a)  Support of EDS's Performance.  The Information Technology Services to
          be provided by EDS require the support and cooperation of Spectradyne.
          Spectradyne agrees to cooperate with EDS by, among other things,
          setting priorities with respect to EDS' work, providing management
          review and approval as reasonably requested by EDS, and making
          available information and other resources reasonably requested by EDS.

     (b)  Compliance with Laws.  Spectradyne, in its use and operation of the
          On-Site Systems (in whole or in part) and the Spectradyne
          communications networks will comply with all applicable statutes,
          ordinances, decrees, requirements, orders, judgments, rules or
          regulations of, including the terms of any license or permit issued by
          any governmental entity or authority, whether federal, state or local.
          Spectradyne waives the


          application of the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices-Consumer Protection
          Act to this Agreement and the transactions contemplated herein.

     (c)  Additional Performance Obligations In addition to its obligations in
          this Article X and elsewhere under this Agreement, Spectradyne will
          perform the additional performance obligations forth in Schedule 10.2

                                  ARTICLE XI.
                               PROPRIETARY RIGHTS

11.1 EDS Hardware.  Title to EDS Hardware will remain in EDS or any appropriate
     third party, and the EDS Hardware will be and remain the property of EDS or
     such third party, regardless of any attachment to real estate, even if it
     is deemed to be a fixture. Title and risk of loss or damage to Hardware
     purchased by Spectradyne from or through EDS will transfer to Spectradyne
     as provided in Schedule 3.4. Spectradyne agrees (a) to keep the EDS
     Hardware and all Hardware purchased by Spectradyne from or through EDS free
     from all liens, claims and encumbrances (excluding only such liens created
     by EDS and such claims created by agreements between Spectradyne and
     Spectradyne's creditors executed prior to the Effective Date, all
     extensions, renewals or refinancings of such prior obligations and all
     other debt denominated as Senior Debt, all of which claims created by
     agreements between Spectradyne and Spectradyne's creditors will be junior
     to any claim that EDS may have in the Hardware purchased by Spectradyne
     from or through EDS) and (b) except for such junior liens, to do nothing to
     impair or encumber EDS' title or lien rights to or in (i) the EDS Hardware
     or (ii) the Hardware purchased by Spectradyne from or through EDS, in the
     case of the Hardware referred to in (ii) for so long as Spectradyne or any
     Spectradyne Affiliate owes any purchase money to EDS as to such Hardware.
     Spectradyne agrees to execute and deliver UCC financing statements,
     estoppel certificates and such other documents as EDS may reasonably
     request to document (i) EDS' or any third party's ownership of the EDS
     Hardware, (ii) EDS' lien rights in Hardware purchased from or through EDS
     by Spectradyne and financed by EDS directly or indirectly through a
     Spectradyne Affiliate and (iii) EDS' right to install and use EDS Hardware
     at the Spectradyne Installation Sites to perform its obligations under this
     Agreement.  EDS agrees to execute and deliver to Spectradyne such bills of
     sale or other appropriate instruments of conveyance of title to any
     Hardware procured by Spectradyne from or through EDS as Spectradyne or its
     lenders may reasonably request.  Further, within a reasonable time after
     Spectradyne has made payment in full for all Hardware purchased by
     Spectradyne from or through EDS and upon Spectradyne's request, EDS will
     execute and deliver to Spectradyne such documents as Spectradyne may
     reasonably request to document the satisfaction or elimination, as the case
     may be, of EDS' lien rights in such Hardware purchased by Spectradyne.


     As an accommodation to Spectradyne and without waiving any of its rights to
     EDS Hardware as between EDS and Spectradyne or EDS and Spectradyne's
     customers, EDS will not require Spectradyne's customers to execute any such
     documents.  EDS will pay all fees associated with the delivery and filing
     of such documents so executed by Spectradyne, and Spectradyne will pay all
     fees associated with the delivery and filing of such documents so executed
     by EDS.

11.2 Vendor Software.  Vendor Software will remain the property of the
     applicable Vendor.  All Vendor Software provided and used by EDS under this
     Agreement, other than Vendor Software provided through EDS under Section
     3.4 and licensed by the Vendor directly to Spectradyne, will be licensed by
     the Vendor directly to EDS.  All Vendor Software provided under Section 3.4
     will be licensed by the Vendor to Spectradyne.

     Neither Spectradyne nor EDS will have any obligation to control or audit
     the Software resident on any Hardware operated by any employee of the
     other, and Spectradyne and EDS are each and will each remain liable to any
     Vendor for any unauthorized copies made by any of its employees of any
     Vendor Software.

11.3 Spectradyne Software.  Spectradyne Software will remain the property of
     Spectradyne.  Spectradyne hereby grants to EDS a license to access,
     install, display, operate, execute, modify, copy and otherwise use the
     object code and source code versions of all Spectradyne Software at All
     North American Sites and elsewhere in North America, but such license
     applies only as reasonably required by EDS in connection with the
     performance by EDS of its obligations under this Agreement.  The term of
     the license set forth in this Section 11.3 will commence with the Effective
     Date and end on the End Date.  EDS will have no right to transfer or assign
     its rights in any Spectradyne Software without the prior written consent of
     Spectradyne.  In addition, EDS and Spectradyne will have the following
     rights and obligations related to the Spectradyne Software:

     (a)  Operators.  Except with the prior written consent of Spectradyne,
          which consent will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, or to the
          extent required by natural disaster or similar emergency, the
          Spectradyne Software will not be operated, directly or indirectly, by
          persons other than bona fide employees, agents or subcontractors of
          EDS or Spectradyne.

     (b)  Spectradyne Work.  Except with the prior written consent of
          Spectradyne, only Spectradyne work or EDS work directly and
          exclusively related to Spectradyne work may be processed using the
          Spectradyne Software.

     (c)  Confidentiality of Spectradyne Software.  EDS will keep the
          Spectradyne Software confidential, will not at any time allow the
          Spectradyne Software or any of the various components thereof or


          modifications thereto to be used (other than as provided for in this
          Agreement), disclosed, sold, copied, reproduced, licensed, assigned,
          leased or commercially exploited or marketed to any third party in any
          way, with or without charge, by EDS, its employees, agents or

     (d)  Irreparable Harm.  EDS acknowledges that the Spectradyne Software is
          the valuable property of Spectradyne, that violation in any material
          respect of any provision of this Section 11.3 would cause Spectradyne
          irreparable injury for which it would have no adequate remedy at law,
          and that Spectradyne will be entitled to preliminary and other
          injunctive relief against any such violation.  Such injunctive relief
          is in addition to, and in no way in limitation of, any and all other
          remedies or rights which Spectradyne has at law or in equity.

11.4 EDS Software.  All EDS Software will remain the property of EDS.  EDS
     hereby grants to Spectradyne a royalty-free license for the term described
     in this Section 11.4 and, to the extent applicable, Section 11.5, to
     access, install, use, operate, execute and display the object code copy
     (only) of EDS Software at All North American Sites and elsewhere in North
     America, but such license applies only as reasonably required by
     Spectradyne in connection with Spectradyne' IS&S operations providing
     services for Spectradyne's internal business operations (which operations
     may not use the EDS Software to perform services for a third party only),
     the operation of the compressed digital video network and CDVRO Systems,
     other Spectradyne-owned video programming delivery equipment and other
     field services described in this Agreement.  Except with regard to
     Developed Software to which the license in this Section 11.4 is extended,
     the term of the license set forth in this Section 11.4 will commence with
     the date on which the EDS Software is installed and will end on the End

     Spectradyne will have no right to transfer or assign its rights in any
     such EDS Software without the prior written consent of EDS.  In addition,
     Spectradyne and EDS will have the following rights and obligations related
     to the EDS Software:

     (a)  Operators.  Except with the prior written consent of EDS, which
          consent will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, or to the extent
          required by natural disaster or similar emergency, the EDS Software
          will not be operated, directly or indirectly, (i) by persons other
          than bona fide employees of SPI Holding, Inc., provided such employees
          are subject to obligations of confidentiality substantially similar to
          those set forth in this Agreement, and bona fide employees of
          Spectradyne at a Spectradyne facility or one of Spectradyne Is
          customers' facilities or (ii) on hardware that is not under the
          control of Spectradyne or EDS.


     (b)  Spectradyne Work.  Except with the prior written consent of EDS, only
          Spectradyne work may be processed using the EDS Software.

     (c)  Confidentiality of EDS Software.  Spectradyne will keep the EDS
          Software confidential, will not at any time allow the EDS Software, or
          any of the various components thereof or any modifications thereto, to
          be used (other than as provided for in this Agreement), disclosed to
          any party, sold, licensed, assigned, leased or commercially exploited
          or marketed to any third party in any way, with or without charge, by
          Spectradyne or its employees or agents and, except to the extent
          required for normal operation of the EDS Software as permitted herein
          in the day-to-day business operations of Spectradyne, will not permit
          the EDS Software to be copied or reproduced, in whole or in part, by
          any party under its control (and will use commercially reasonable
          efforts to prohibit any party from copying or reproducing the EDS
          Software where Spectradyne knows such party is attempting to copy or
          reproduce the EDS Software but where such party is not under
          Spectradyne's control) at any time.

     (d)  Irreparable Harm.  Spectradyne acknowledges that the EDS Software is
          the valuable property of EDS, that violation in any material respect
          of any provision of the agreement provided in this Section 11.4 would
          cause EDS irreparable injury for which it would have no adequate
          remedy at law, and that EDS will be entitled to preliminary and other
          injunctive relief against any such violation.  Such injunctive relief
          is in addition to, and in no way in limitation of, any and all other
          remedies or rights which EDS has at law or in equity.

11.5 Software Development.  Prior to commencing any requirements definition
     phase of a Software development project, Spectradyne and EDS will negotiate
     in good faith toward a mutually acceptable definitive written agreement
     setting forth the respective rights and obligations of each of the parties
     related to such Developed Software.  Spectradyne and EDS agree that any
     Software developed will be owned by EDS as set forth above, and that such
     negotiations will address each party's rights and obligations in the use,
     disclosure, commercial exploitation of such developed Software (including
     the distribution of any revenue resulting from such commercial exploitation
     of the developed Software) and such other matters as Spectradyne and EDS
     may mutually agree.

     To the extent that (i) EDS develops Software under this Agreement, (ii)
     such Developed Software is subject to the license set forth in Section 11.4
     above, (iii) such license has not been terminated under Section 11.4 as a
     result of Spectradyne's breach of any provision of Section 11.4 and (iv)
     EDS has not terminated this Agreement under Article XIII, the royalty-free
     license granted to Spectradyne under Section 11.4 will be extended by EDS
     past the End Date, without need for any further act by Spectradyne, and
     continue indefinitely in full force and effect without regard to any
     termination of this Agreement;


     provided, that such license will terminate automatically and without any
     further act by EDS if Spectradyne breaches any provision of Section 11.4
     after the End Date.

     Spectradyne will have no obligation to pay any fee to EDS after the End
     Date and will have no right to any Software Maintenance or Software
     Enhancements of EDS Software.  For so long as the license under Section
     11.4 remains in full force and effect, if Spectradyne requests Software
     Maintenance or Software Enhancements of Developed Software after the End
     Date, EDS will provide such Software Maintenance or Software Enhancements
     subject to EDS' then current commercial rates for such Software Maintenance
     or Software Enhancements. If EDS ceases or has ceased supporting such
     Developed Software, EDS will provide to Spectradyne a copy of the source
     code to such Developed Software (but not to any EDS development tools
     embedded in Developed Software) and permit Spectradyne to use and modify
     such source code solely to maintain such Developed Software.  Spectradyne
     will have no right to sell, license (other than to an Affiliate under terms
     substantially similar to those set forth in Section 11.4) or in any way
     commercially exploit any Developed Software, in whole or in part, or any
     maintenance or enhancement of or modification to Developed Software,
     including such enhancements or modifications as may be developed by

11.6 EDS Development Tools.  Except to the extent that any intellectual property
     described in this Section 11.6 is embedded in, required in the operation of
     or otherwise included in EDS Software, in which case the provisions of this
     Section 11.6 will be (with regard to such EDS Software) subject to Section
     11.4 and Section 11.5, EDS will retain all right, title and interest in and
     to any and all Software, Software development tools, know how,
     methodologies, processes, technologies or algorithms used in EDS' provision
     of services which are based upon trade secrets or proprietary information
     of EDS or otherwise owned or licensed by EDS.  In addition, all output
     (other than data contained in reports generated by EDS at the request of
     Spectradyne) from and computer programs generated by EDS' Software
     development tools will be deemed proprietary to EDS.  Notwithstanding the
     provisions of Section 11.4, with the exception of development tools
     licensed by Spectradyne from a third party and provided to EDS for use by
     EDS in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement, Spectradyne
     will have no rights in such EDS development tools.

11.7 Software Modifications.  Except under as an Additional Service under
     Section 7.1 or as expressly provided in Section 3.3(a)(ii) or Schedule 4.6,
     EDS has no obligation to modify, enhance or maintain any Software.

11.8 Confidentiality.  Spectradyne and EDS will have the following obligations
     with regard to Confidential Information:

     (a)  "Confidential Information" means the terms and conditions of this
          Agreement and that certain Letter of Intent to Al Jerome from J. Keane


          Taylor dated May 19, 1993 and that information which is: (i) written
          information received from the other party which is clearly and
          prominently marked or identified as confidential and (ii) oral or
          visual information which is identified as confidential in writing to
          the receiving party within 30 days after disclosure to the receiving
          party and which adequately and clearly identifies such visual or oral
          information claimed as confidential ("Confidential Information").

     (b)  Each party will protect Confidential Information received from the
          other party, before or after the Effective Date, using the same degree
          of care such party uses to protect its own confidential information,
          but in no event less than reasonable care.

     (c)  Each party will use Confidential Information received from the other
          party only for the purpose of performing their obligations under this

     (d)  It will not be a breach of the obligations of this Section 11.8 to
          disclose to any arbitrators Confidential Information required to be
          disclosed in connection with the conduct of any binding arbitration
          proceeding, provided that such disclosure is made pursuant to and in
          accordance with the approval and at the direction of a majority of the
          arbitrators conducting such arbitration.

     (e)  Confidential Information will not include information which is (i)
          already known by the recipient party without an obligation of
          confidentiality, (ii) publicly known through no unauthorized act of
          the recipient party, (iii) rightfully received from a third party,
          (iv) independently developed by the recipient party without use of the
          other party's Confidential Information, (v) disclosed without similar
          restrictions to a third party by the party owning the information or
          (vi) approved by the other party for disclosure.

     (f)  Each party agrees to return any and all of Confidential Information to
          its owner upon such owner's request.

     (g)  If either party is required to disclose any Confidential Information
          pursuant to securities laws or any other laws or governmental
          regulations, or pursuant to subpoena or other compulsory process, then
          the disclosing party will use its best efforts and exercise all rights
          available to it (short of risking damages, injunction or contempt
          findings) to (i) maintain the confidentiality of the existence, terms
          and conditions of this Agreement, (ii) to the extent it may lawfully
          do so, inform the other party of any requests for disclosure made
          pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act or any other law or
          government regulation or of any subpoena or other compulsory process
          prior to making such disclosure and (iii) allow the non-disclosing
          party to contest


          such request and, if applicable, participate in any resulting
          proceedings through counsel of the non-disclosing party's choosing and
          at the non-disclosing party's expense.

11.9 Exclusivity.  Spectradyne will have the following rights and obligations
     with regard to exclusivity:

     (a)  North American Markets.  EDS, and any subsidiary controlled by EDS or
          a subsidiary of EDS, will not, after the Effective Date, contract
          with a third party, or itself act, to install, operate or manage a
          compressed digital video network in the continental United States,
          Alaska, Hawaii, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and Mexico using the
          technology to be implemented by EDS under this Agreement or the
          Digitally Based Video On Demand System for the purpose of distributing
          in-room video entertainment programming or Spectradyne-developed
          interactive services to (i) hotels, (ii) prisons, (iii) hospitals,
          (iv) nursing homes or supervised retirement facilities or (v) military
          installations without Spectradyne's prior written consent in its sole

     (b)  Competitors of Spectradyne.  In addition to EDS' obligations under
          Section 11.9(a), EDS, and any subsidiary controlled by EDS or a
          subsidiary of EDS, will not contract with Lodgenet Entertainment
          Corporation, Comsat Video Enterprises Inc., Cable HealthCare
          Corporation or On-Command Video Corporation or any entity that EDS
          knows is an affiliate of any such company without Spectradyne's prior
          written consent in its sole discretion.

     (c)  Time Share Properties and International Markets.  The parties intend
          that the relationship described in this Agreement will be expanded to
          international markets (in addition to Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and
          the Virgin Islands mentioned above). Spectradyne understands that the
          Communications Industry Group (a division of EDS, "CIG") may not know
          of, prevent or effect transactions entered into by other business
          units of EDS outside of North America.  However, CIG will not

          (i)  contract with a third party, or itself act, to install, operate
               or manage a compressed digital video network outside of North
               America using the technology to be implemented by EDS under this
               Agreement or the Digitally Based Video On Demand System for the
               purpose of distributing in-room video entertainment programming
               or Spectradyne developed interactive services to (i) hotels, (ii)
               prisons, (iii) hospitals, (iv) nursing homes or supervised
               retirement facilities, (v) military installations or (vi) time-
               share properties (inside or outside of North America) without
               Spectradyne's prior written consent in its sole discretion or


          (ii) provide the technology to be implemented by EDS under this
               Agreement or the Digitally Based Video On Demand System to any
               third party or to another business unit within EDS so that such
               business unit may use such technology or may provide such
               technology to a third party, in either case for the purpose of
               distributing in-room video entertainment programming or
               Spectradyne-developed interactive services to (i) hotels, (ii)
               prisons, (iii) hospitals, (iv) nursing homes or supervised
               retirement facilities, (v) military installations or (vi) time-
               share properties (inside or outside of North America) without
               Spectradyne's prior written consent in its sole discretion.

     (d)  Obligation to Notify Spectradyne.  EDS will use commercially
          reasonable efforts to notify Spectradyne of any agreement that any
          division of EDS other than CIG enters with a third party to provide
          such technology or services within five days after the President of
          CIG learns of such agreement.

          EDS will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide Spectradyne
          with written notice 90 days prior to entering into a binding agreement
          with any third party for the installation, management or operation of
          a compressed digital video network used to distribute video
          entertainment programming or Spectradyne-developed interactive
          services, other than those described in (i) through (v) immediately
          above.  In addition to the notice requirement mentioned immediately
          above in this paragraph, CIG will use commercially reasonable efforts
          to explore opportunities with such third party which would allow
          Spectradyne to commercially exploit Spectradyne's products and
          services with or through such relationship between EDS and such third
          party, including seeking a waiver under any applicable confidentiality
          agreement to permit such notice to Spectradyne.

          Notwithstanding anything set forth in the immediately preceding two
          paragraphs of this Section 11.9, EDS will have no obligation to breach
          any obligation of confidentiality or any other contractual obligation
          that EDS may have with a third party and EDS will remain free to
          market, sell and provide any information technology services to any
          other audio-visual service provider, except as listed above, including
          without limitation cable companies, phone companies, healthcare
          companies, education providers, high density residential areas or any
          other provider or market.

                                  ARTICLE XII.

12.1 Performance Review.  In the event of any dispute or controversy between the
     parties of any kind or nature, upon the written request of either party,


     of the parties will appoint a designated officer whose task it will be to
     meet for the purpose of resolving such dispute or controversy or to
     negotiate for an adjustment to any provision of this Agreement needed to
     resolve such dispute or controversy.  Such officers will discuss the
     dispute or controversy and negotiate in good faith in an effort to resolve
     the dispute or controversy or renegotiate the applicable section or
     provision of this Agreement without the necessity of any formal proceeding
     relating thereto.  No formal proceedings for the judicial or arbitrational
     resolution of such dispute or controversy may be commenced until either or
     both of the designated officers conclude in good faith that amicable
     resolution through continued negotiation of the matter in issue is not
     likely to occur.

12.2 Dispute Resolution.  Except for those disputes where injunctive relief is
     the desired remedy and except for patent, trademark, trade secret or
     copyright claims brought by third parties, any dispute, controversy or
     claim arising out of or related to this Agreement, or the creation,
     validity, interpretation, breach or termination of this Agreement, and not
     resolved to the satisfaction of the parties under Section 12.1 will be
     settled by binding arbitration governed by the Commercial Arbitration Rules
     of the American Arbitration Association.  Any arbitration will be commenced
     and conducted using the following procedure:

     (a)  Either party may demand arbitration in writing, stating the nature of
          the controversy and naming the arbitrator selected by it.

     (b)  Within 15 days after such demand, the other party will name its
          arbitrator, and the two named arbitrators will, within 15 days
          thereafter, select the third arbitrator to serve on the arbitration
          panel.  The two arbitrators named by the parties may have prior
          relationships with the naming party, which in a judicial setting would
          be considered a conflict of interest.  The third arbitrator, selected
          by the first two, should be a neutral participant with no prior
          working relationship with either party.  If the first 2 arbitrators
          are unable to reach agreement as to the third arbitrator within such
          15-Day period for any reason, then either of the first 2 arbitrators
          will request the American Arbitration Association to select a third
          arbitrator meeting the criteria for such arbitrator set forth above in
          this Section 12. 2 (b).

     (c)  The arbitration proceeding will be held in Dallas, Texas.

     (d)  Each party will bear its own arbitration costs and expenses; provided,
          however, that the arbitrators may modify the allocation of fees, costs
          and expenses in the award in those cases where fairness dictates other
          than an equal allocation between the parties.

     (e)  The arbitrators will allow such discovery as is appropriate to the
          purposes of arbitration in accomplishing fair, speedy and cost


          resolution of disputes.  The arbitrators will reference the rules of
          evidence of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure then in effect in
          setting the direction of such discovery.

     (f)  The award will be final and binding on the parties, and judgment on
          the award may be entered in and enforced by any court of competent

     (g)  EDS will continue to provide the Information Technology Services
          (including without limitation any services related to the development
          of the Digitally Based Video On Demand System) during the arbitration
          proceedings and, except for disputed payments that are the subject of
          the proceeding (which will be paid into escrow as set forth below),
          Spectradyne will continue to make payments to EDS (including without
          limitation the payment of any applicable charges for any services
          related to the development of the Digitally Based Video On Demand
          System) under the terms and conditions of this Agreement during such
          period from the date the notice of arbitration is served on one party
          until the date of any final award.  Any disputed payments from either
          party will be paid into an escrow account, structured by agreement of
          the parties, or as ordered by the arbitrators if agreement cannot be
          reached, for distribution in accordance with the arbitrators' award.

                                 ARTICLE XIII.

13.1 Termination for Cause.   Spectradyne and EDS will have the following rights
     in the event of a termination for cause:

     (a)  Termination by EDS.  If (i) Spectradyne materially defaults in any of
          its duties or obligations under this Agreement (other than a default
          in payment to EDS) , and such default is not cured within 30 days
          after written notice specifying the default is delivered to
          Spectradyne (or, if such default cannot reasonably be cured within
          such 30 days, Spectradyne either fails to commence curing such default
          within such 30 days or thereafter fails to proceed diligently to
          complete such cure, but in any event if such default is not cured
          within 60 days after delivery of such notice) or (ii) SPI Holding,
          Inc. materially defaults in any of its duties or obligations under the
          Financial Agreement, then, in addition to any claim for damages or
          other relief, EDS may terminate this Agreement without penalty to EDS
          by delivering to Spectradyne a second written notice specifying the
          date of such termination.

     (b)  Termination by Spectradyne.  If EDS materially defaults in any of its
          duties or obligations under this Agreement, including without
          limitation (i) EDS' failure to deliver and install in substantial
          compliance with the Transition Plan compressed digital video network
          Hardware and


          Software in accordance with the functional specifications for such
          Hardware and Software, (ii) EDS' failure to deliver to Spectradyne the
          Digitally Based Video on Demand System within 90 days of the due date
          specified therefor in Section 1.4(b) at a cost to Spectradyne not
          exceeding the prices set forth in Section 1.4(c). (a "Phase II
          Default") or (iii) any other material breach by EDS of this Agreement
          or of the performance criteria set forth therein, and such default is
          not cured within 30 days after written notice specifying the default
          is delivered to EDS (or, if such default cannot reasonably be cured
          within such 30 days, EDS fails to commence curing such default during
          such 30 days or thereafter fails to proceed diligently to complete
          such cure, but in any event if such default is not cured within 60
          days (90 days in the case of a Phase II Default) after delivery of
          such notice), then, in addition to any claim for damages or other
          relief, Spectradyne may terminate this Agreement without penalty by
          delivering to EDS a second written notice specifying the date of such
          termination.  In such event there will be no cross-acceleration of any
          obligation of Spectradyne or any Spectradyne Affiliate under the
          Financial Agreement, and the obligations of EDS under the first three
          paragraphs of Section 11.9 will survive for a period of two years from
          the effective date of such termination.

13.2 Termination for Spectradyne's Convenience.  Spectradyne and EDS agree that
     Spectradyne will have the right to terminate this Agreement for
     Spectradyne's convenience by providing written notice to EDS on the third,
     sixth and eighth anniversary of the Effective Date.  Any such termination
     will be effective at least six months after such anniversary on which EDS
     receives such written notice.  Within 30 days of receipt of such written
     notice of such termination, EDS will present to Spectradyne a detailed,
     auditable list of the expenses described in Section 13.8 (a) to which EDS
     reasonably believes it will be subject as a result of such termination and
     such expenses will be paid by Spectradyne. In addition to such expenses,
     any such termination will be subject to the payment of the Termination Fee
     under Section 13.8 (b).  Within 30 days after Spectradyne's delivery to EDS
     of notice of termination under this Section 13.2, Spectradyne will present
     to EDS a detailed, auditable list of credits that Spectradyne reasonably
     believes have accrued during the term of this Agreement but which have not
     yet been applied against any EDS charges.  Such credits will be applied
     against any sums due to EDS.  Any net credit will be offset against the
     next sums due, if any, under the Financial Agreement or the PCFM, or if
     there are no such sums due, will be paid in cash to Spectradyne.  Upon the
     termination of this Agreement under this Section 13.2 or Section 13.1  
     (a), EDS may, in its sole discretion, accelerate the obligations of
     Spectradyne and/or any Spectradyne Affiliate under the Financial Agreement
     and, without limiting the foregoing, all sums owed by Spectradyne and/or
     any Spectradyne Affiliate under such Financial Agreement will be due and
     payable on the effective date of any such termination.


13.3 Termination for Reaching Limitation of Liability.  If either party is
     required to pay damages to the other that in the aggregate would equal or
     exceed the limitation set forth in Section 14.4(d) or Section 14.4(e), the
     injured party may, in its sole discretion and at such time as the
     limitation is reached or at any time thereafter, terminate this Agreement
     without penalty to the injured party.  Any such termination will be subject
     to the provisions of Section 13.6, except that, to the extent that
     Spectradyne's reaching the limitation of liability constitutes a breach of
     this Agreement, EDS will not be excused under Section 13.6 from performing
     the Termination Transition; provided, however, that EDS will have no
     obligation to perform the Termination Transition if Spectradyne does not
     fulfill its payment obligations under Section 13.6, in which case EDS will
     give written notice to Spectradyne no less than 30 days prior to the
     effective date of such termination, and this Agreement will terminate as of
     the date set forth in such notice.

13.4 Termination for Nonpayment.  If Spectradyne defaults in the payment when
     due of any undisputed amount or, if such amount is disputed, escrowed
     amount due to EDS hereunder (including any obligation to place such
     disputed amount into escrow) and does not cure such default within 10
     Business Days after being given written notice of such default, then EDS
     may, by giving written notice thereof to Spectradyne and the lender listed
     in Section 15.5 terminate this Agreement as of the date specified in such
     notice of termination.

     In addition to the rights to cure set forth above in this Section 13.4, any
     bank, lending institution or other lender described in Section 1.3 (bn),
     or any successor to such bank, lending institution or other lender, may
     cure any default under this Section 13.4. If Spectradyne notifies EDS
     within three Business Days after the date of EDS' notice of default that
     Spectradyne is in active discussions with such a bank, lending institution
     or other lender, EDS will extend the cure period set forth above in this
     Section 13.4 to 15-Business Days.  If such bank, lending institution or
     other lender cures such default within such 15-Business Day period, EDS
     will, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 13.1(a) with regard to such
     default, continue to perform its obligations under this Agreement without
     interruption, which continuation will not be construed as a waiver by EDS
     of any other right under this Agreement.

13.5 Termination for Insolvency.  If at any time either party hereto is declared
     insolvent or bankrupt, is the subject of any proceedings relating to its
     liquidation, insolvency or for the appointment of a receiver, conservator
     or similar officer for it, makes an assignment for the benefit of all or
     substantially all of its creditors or enters into an agreement for the
     composition, extension or readjustment of all or substantially all of its
     obligations, then the liquidator, trustee, receiver, conservator, new
     owner, manager or other agent or representative of such party will have 30
     days to notify the other party that it is terminating this Agreement
     effective as of 30 days after the other party's receipt of the notice of


13.6 Transition Upon Termination.  In connection with any termination of this
     Agreement where Spectradyne is not in breach of this Agreement, EDS will
     comply with Spectradyne's reasonable directions, if any, to effect the
     orderly transition and migration to Spectradyne or its designee from EDS of
     the Information Technology Services then being performed or which EDS is
     then responsible for performing under this Agreement, including without
     limitation the transition actions described on Schedule 13.6.  (All such
     efforts described in the first two sentences of this Section 13.6 are
     referred to as the "Termination Transition".) In addition, EDS will comply
     with Spectradyne's reasonable directions to effect the transfer of

     (a)  title to all Hardware to Spectradyne for which Spectradyne has paid in
          full, including and limited to

          (i)   Hardware which has been purchased by Spectradyne under this

          (ii)  Personal Computer Functionality provided by EDS under this

          (iii) Personal Computer Functionality provided by EDS under the PCFM

          (iv)  CDVRO Systems provided by EDS under this Agreement, upon EDS'
                receipt of payment in full;

     (b)  all lease agreements (including without limitation any transponder
          lease) desired by Spectradyne in order to continue all Information
          Technology Services and

     (c)  license rights to Vendor Software and EDS Software desired by
          Spectradyne for such purposes.

     EDS will continue to provide Information Technology Services, with no
     increase to the Base Service Charge, in connection with the Termination
     Transition for a period designated by Spectradyne, which period will be not
     less than six months.  The transition period will commence with the notice
     of termination.  EDS will not be obligated to perform the Termination
     Transition services unless EDS receives, in addition to the Termination
     Fee, Base Service Charges each month for the Termination Transition.

     Specifically, EDS will, within 30 days after receipt of Spectradyne's
     written request, develop and submit to Spectradyne a transition plan
     setting forth the respective tasks to be accomplished by each party in
     connection with the orderly transition and a schedule pursuant to which the
     tasks are to be completed.


     If EDS is required to perform transition obligations under this Section
     13.6, Spectradyne and EDS agree that the effective date of the termination
     of this Agreement is the date set forth in the termination transition plan.

     If this Agreement is terminated by Spectradyne under Section 13.1(b), then
     EDS' continued participation in the Termination Transition will be at
     Spectradyne's option.

13.7 Rights Upon Termination.  The termination or expiration of this Agreement
     will not relieve Spectradyne from paying for any Information Technology
     Services performed, or information technology products provided, prior to
     the End Date or for any additional amounts which may be due under this

13.8 Termination Fee.  In addition to the charges for the Termination
     Transition, if Spectradyne terminates this Agreement under Section 13.2
     prior to the expiration date, Spectradyne will pay EDS:

     (a)  All costs and expenses arising out of or related to the termination,
          including without limitation all capital costs not yet recovered by
          EDS, all transponder costs, all employee relocation and other employee
          related costs and

     (b)  The product of [ ] multiplied times the Base Service Charge for all
          remaining months in the term (meaning all months between the effective
          date of such termination and the tenth anniversary of the Effective
          Date) of this Agreement (the "Termination Fee").

     EDS will be required to use commercially reasonable efforts to mitigate
     those costs and expenses described in Section 13.8(a).

                                  ARTICLE XIV.
                          INDEMNITIES AND LIABILITIES

14.1 Indemnification.  The indemnities set forth in this Section 14.1 will not
     apply unless the party claiming indemnification complies with the
     provisions of Section 14.2, and then will apply to the extent set forth in
     Section 14-2.

     (a)  Intellectual Property Indemnity.  EDS and Spectradyne each will
          indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other and each Affiliate of
          the other from any and all claims, actions, damages, liabilities,
          costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys, fees and expenses,
          arising out of, under, or in connection with any claims of
          misappropriation of a trade secret, or any claims of infringement of
          any United States letters patent, or any copyright, trademark, service
          mark, trade name or similar proprietary rights conferred by contract
          or by common law or by any law of the United States or any state
          alleged to have occurred



          because of the Hardware or Software provided by or through the

     (b)  Cross Indemnification.  EDS and Spectradyne each agree to indemnify,
          defend and hold harmless the other from any and all damages,
          liabilities, costs and expenses, including without limitation
          reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, arising out of, under or in
          connection with any claim, demand, charge, action, cause of action, or
          other proceeding (i) for rent, other payments required under leases or
          utilities at any location where the indemnitor is financially
          responsible under this Agreement for such rent, such other payments or
          utilities, (ii) resulting from an act or omission of the indemnitor in
          its capacity as an employer of a person and arising out of or relating
          to (1) federal, state or other laws or regulations for the protection
          of persons who are members of a protected class or category of
          persons, (2) sexual discrimination or harassment, (3) work related
          injury or death, (4) accrued employee benefits not expressly assumed
          by the indemnitee and (5) any other aspect of the employment
          relationship or its termination (including without limitation claims
          for breach of an express or implied contract of employment and claims
          relating to or arising out of any relationship between Spectradyne and
          a collective bargaining unit or representative) and which, in all such
          cases, arose when the person asserting the claim, demand, charge,
          action, cause of action or other proceeding was or purported to be an
          employee of the indemnitor or (iii) for license fees payable to a
          Vendor with respect to Software licensed by a Vendor to the

     (c)  Programming Indemnity.  Spectradyne will indemnify, defend and hold
          harmless EDS and each Affiliate of EDS from any and all claims,
          actions, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses, including
          reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, arising out of, under, or in
          connection with the Spectradyne communications networks, Spectradyne
          Programming or other services of Spectradyne, including but not
          limited to, libel, slander, invasion of privacy, invasion or
          alteration of private records or data, or other claims arising from,
          relating to or based upon the Spectradyne communications networks,
          Spectradyne Programming or other services of Spectradyne.

     (d)  Indemnifications Related to Hardware, Software and Data.  In addition
          to their obligations under Section 14.1(a), Section 14.1(b) and
          Section 14.1(c), Spectradyne and EDS agree to indemnify each other as
          follows with regard to the Hardware, Software and data provided,
          assigned or transferred to EDS by Spectradyne under this Agreement:

          (ii) Spectradyne agrees to indemnify, defend and hold EDS harmless
               from any and all claims, actions, litigation, damages,
               liabilities, costs and expenses, including without limitation


               attorneys' fees and expenses, arising out of or related to any
               Hardware, Software or data provided, assigned or transferred by
               Spectradyne to EDS under this Agreement that relates to or arises
               out of rights, facts, circumstances, events or obligations
               existing on or before the date on which such Hardware, Software
               or data was provided to EDS.  This indemnification includes
               without limitation any costs related to the replacement of
               Hardware or Software that can no longer be used by EDS as a
               result of litigation between Spectradyne and a third party as
               EDS, in its sole discretion, determines.

          (ii) EDS agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Spectradyne harmless 
               from any and all claims, actions, litigation, damages,
               liabilities, costs and expenses, including without limitation
               reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, arising out of any
               litigation related to any Hardware, Software or data provided,
               assigned or transferred by Spectradyne to EDS under this
               Agreement, which relates to or arises out of rights, facts,
               circumstances, events or obligations existing after the date on
               which such Hardware, Software or data was provided to EDS.

14.2 Indemnification Procedures.

     (a)  Notice and Control.  The indemnification obligations set forth in
          Section 14.1 will not apply unless the party claiming indemnification:

          (i)  notifies the other promptly of any matters in respect of which
               the indemnity may apply and of which the notifying party has
               knowledge, in order to allow the indemnitor the opportunity to
               investigate and defend the matter, provided, however, that
               failure to so notify will only relieve the indemnitor of its
               obligations under this Article XIV if and to the extent that the
               indemnitor is prejudiced thereby; and

          (ii) gives the other full opportunity to control the response thereto
               and the defense thereof, including without limitation, any
               agreement relating to the settlement thereof, provided however,
               that each indemnitee (A) may have the right to participate in any
               legal proceeding to contest and defend in its own name a claim
               for indemnification involving a third party and to be represented
               by legal counsel of its choosing, all at indemnitee's cost and
               expense, and (B) will approve in its sole discretion any
               settlement of a claim that either contemplates an admission of
               error on behalf of the indemnitee or obligates the indemnitee to
               do or not do any act other than the payment of money to be paid
               by the indemnitor.


     (b)  Settlement.  The indemnitor will not be responsible for any settlement
          or compromise made without its prior written consent.  Subject to the
          last sentence of Section 14(a), the indemnitor agrees to cooperate in
          good faith with the indemnitor at the request and expense of the

14.3 Risk of Loss.  If any CDVRO System is lost or damaged as a result of any
     one of the reasons set forth in Section 3 of Schedule 6.6, then Spectradyne
     will be responsible for the repair or replacement of such CDVRO System as
     set forth in Section 3 of Schedule 6.6. Spectradyne will bear all risk of
     any and all damages, destruction, theft or other loss to the On-Site
     System, except to the extent such damages or destruction results from
     negligent or wilful damage or destruction by EDS, its employees, agents or

14.4 Liquidated Damages and Limitation of Liability.  If either party is held
     liable to the other for any matter arising out of, under or in connection
     with this Agreement, or any provision of this Agreement, whether based on
     an action or claim in contract, equity, negligence, intended conduct, tort
     or otherwise, the amount of damages recoverable against each party will be
     limited and liquidated as set forth below:

     (a)  Liquidated Damages Related to Facilities Management Services.  If, as
          a result of any act or omission of EDS, no end user can access or use
          any of the applications that run on the Data General computer used by
          Spectradyne on the Execution Date or such successor Hardware as
          Spectradyne and EDS may mutually agree (the "Data General Hardware")
          for seven consecutive days, then EDS will pay liquidated damages in an
          amount equal to $50,000 per day beginning with the eighth day and for
          each day thereafter during which no end user can access or use any of
          the applications that run on the Data General Hardware.  Spectradyne
          and EDS further agree that, except for Spectradyne's right to
          terminate this Agreement under Section 13.1(b) or Section 13.3, the
          payment of such damages constitutes Spectradyne's sole and exclusive
          remedy for any and all claims arising out of the failure described in
          this Section 14.4(a).

     (b)  Liquidated Damages Related to Network Services.  If EDS is required to
          pay liquidated damages under Section 5 (a) of Schedule 5.7, then EDS
          will pay liquidated damages in an amount equal to $16,500 divided by 8
          for each hour that any channel is below the number of hours of uptime
          required under Section 5 (a) of Schedule 5.7. If EDS is required to
          pay liquidated damages under Section 5 (b) of Schedule 5.7, then EDS
          will pay liquidated damages in an amount equal to $16,500 divided by
          700,000 times the number of rooms affected by the Spectradyne
          Installation Site divided by 8 for each hour that any channel is below
          the number of hours of uptime required under Section 5 (b) of Schedule
          5.7. Spectradyne and EDS further agree that, except for Spectradyne's
          right to terminate this Agreement under Section 13.1(b) or Section


          the payment of such damages constitutes Spectradyne's sole and
          exclusive remedy for any and all claims arising out of the failure
          described in this Section 14.4(b).

     (c)  Liquidated Damages Related to Field Services.  If EDS is required to
          pay liquidated damages under Section 1 of Schedule 6.8, then EDS will
          pay liquidated damages in an amount equal to $1,500 per affected
          hotel site for each such site below the number of sites required under
          Section 1 of Section 6.8. Spectradyne and EDS further agree that,
          except for Spectradyne's right to terminate this Agreement under
          Section 13.1(b) or Section 13.3, the payment of such damages
          constitutes Spectradyne's sole and exclusive remedy for any and all
          claims arising out of the failure described in this Section 14.4(c).

     (d)  Liquidated Damages Related to Network Failure and EDS Failure to
          Perform EDS' Obligations Under the Disaster Recovery Plan.
          Spectradyne and EDS agree that if

          (i)  the network (meaning for the purposes of, this Section 14.4
               the uplink facility, the leased satellite or the leased
               transponder) is unavailable for eight or more consecutive hours

          (ii) EDS fails to perform EDS' obligations under the disaster recovery
               plan mutually approved by EDS and Spectradyne,

          then EDS will pay Spectradyne an amount equal to $16,500 per hour for
          each hour (and any remaining part of an hour) that the network is
          unavailable commencing with the time of the failure of the uplink
          (meaning for the purposes of this Section 14.4(d) the indoor equipment
          and the outdoor equipment), leased transponder or leased satellite, as
          the case may be, and until such failure is repaired.  Spectradyne and
          EDS agree that the actual damages incurred by Spectradyne would be
          difficult to determine and that such amount constitutes a liquidated
          damage and not a penalty.

          If any such network failure continues for a period of more than 30
          days, Spectradyne will notify EDS in writing of those activities which
          Spectradyne desires that EDS stop performing and will designate in
          such notice the date on which Spectradyne desires that EDS stop
          performing such activities.  Spectradyne will have no obligation to
          pay EDS for any such suspended activities.  If Spectradyne notifies
          EDS in writing of Spectradyne's desire that EDS resume such
          activities, Spectradyne's obligation to pay for such activities will
          contemporaneously resume.  Spectradyne and EDS further agree that,
          except for Spectradyne's right to terminate this Agreement under
          Section 13.1(b) or Section 13.3, the payment of such damages


          Spectradyne's sole and exclusive remedy for any and all claims arising
          out of the failure described in this Section 14.4(d).

     (e)  Liquidated Damage Related to Delay in Development of the Digitally
          Based Video On Demand System. Spectradyne and EDS agree that if

          (i)   Spectradyne has provided all functional requirements,
                system requirements, system specifications, hardware
                specifications, software specifications and user interface
                specifications for Digitally Based Video on Demand System,

          (ii)  Spectradyne and EDS mutually agree on such specifications
                described in (i) above,

          (iii) Spectradyne provides to EDS all approvals within all mutually
                agreed time frames,

          (iv)  Spectradyne does not change the functionality or specifications
                described in (i) above after such functionality or
                specifications have been mutually agreed to by Spectradyne and
                EDS and

          (v)   EDS fails to deliver an operational Digitally Based Video On
                Demand System on the Delivery Date or if Spectradyne fails in
                the performance of one or more of its obligations under (i)
                through (iv) above and Spectradyne and EDS mutually agree on a
                revised delivery date, such other date as Spectradyne and EDS
                may mutually agree,

          then EDS will pay to Spectradyne liquidated damages as set forth

          Spectradyne and EDS agree that EDS will only be liable for any failure
          to deliver an operational Digitally Based Video On Demand System if
          all conditions set forth in Section 14.4 (e) (i) - (v) above are met
          and that such liability will be as set forth below in Section 14.4(e)
          (w) - (z).  The amount of such liquidated damage will equal

          (w)  $100,000 if EDS delivers the Digitally Based Video On Demand
               System between 1 and 30 days after the Delivery Date,

          (x)  the amount set forth in (w) above plus $250,000 if EDS delivers
               the Digitally Based Video On Demand System between 31 and 60 days
               after the Delivery Date,


          (y)  the amount set forth in (x) above plus $600,000 if EDS delivers
               the Digitally Based Video On Demand System between 61 and 90 days
               after the Delivery Date or

          (z)  the amount set forth in (y) above and EDS will pay all amounts
               related to the completion of development of the Digitally Based
               Video On Demand System, including any third party charges which
               EDS in its sole discretion incurs, if EDS delivers the Digitally
               Based Video On Demand System more than 90 days after the Delivery

          Spectradyne and EDS agree that the actual damages incurred by
          Spectradyne would be difficult to determine and that such amount
          constitutes a liquidated damage and not a penalty.  Spectradyne and
          EDS further agree that, except for Spectradyne's right to terminate
          this Agreement under Section 13.1(b) or Section 13.3, the payment of
          such damages constitutes Spectradyne's sole and exclusive remedy for
          any and all claims arising out of the failure described in this
          Section 14.4(e).

     (f)  Limitation of Liability for Failure to Provide Digitally Based Video
          On Demand System at or Less Than the Amount Set Forth in Section 1.4
          (c). If EDS fails to deliver the hardware (including the operating
          system software for such hardware) for the Digitally Based Video On
          Demand System at or less than the price set forth in Section 1.4 (c),
          and if Spectradyne does not elect to terminate this Agreement under
          Section 13.1 (b) as a result of such failure, then EDS will in
          addition to the amounts set forth in Section 14.4(e) above, pay or
          assume responsibility for paying all such amounts between the price
          set forth in Section 1.4(c) and the price at which the Digitally Based
          Video On Demand System is provided to Spectradyne.  Spectradyne and
          EDS further agree that, except for Spectradyne's right to terminate
          this Agreement under Section 13.1(b) or Section 13.3, the payment of
          such damages constitutes Spectradyne's sole and exclusive remedy for
          any and all claims arising out of the failure described in this
          Section 14.4(f).

     (g)  Limitation of Liability for Certain Claims.  Except for

          (i)  claims under Section 14.4 (d), Section 14.4 (e), and Section
               14.4(f) and

          (ii) for claims where EDS commits any act, or fails to commit an act,
               and such act or failure to act is deemed to be wilful tortious
               misconduct or reckless tortious misconduct, if EDS is held liable
               to Spectradyne for any matter arising out of, under or in
               connection with this Agreement, or any provision of this
               Agreement, whether based on an action or claim in contract,


               equity, negligence, intended conduct, tort or otherwise, the
               amount of damages recoverable against EDS for all events, acts or
               omissions will not exceed in the aggregate $8,000,000.  Except as
               set forth in Section 14.4(a), Section 14.4(b), Section 14.4(c),
               Section 14.4(d), Section 14.4(e), and Section 14.4(f) above, in
               no event will the measure of damages (other than liquidated
               damages) payable by EDS include, nor will EDS be liable for, any
               amounts for loss of income, data, prof it or savings or indirect,
               incidental, consequential or punitive damages of any party,
               including third parties.

     (h)  Limitations.  The total amount of all damages for all events, acts or
          omissions recoverable against either party, including without
          limitation all claims against EDS under Section 14.4 (a), Section 14.4
          (b), Section 14.4 (c), Section 14.4 (d), Section 14.4 (e), Section
          14.4 (f), Section 14.4 (cr), and Section 14.4 (h) and wilful tortious
          misconduct or reckless tortious misconduct and excluding any payment
          obligation for which Spectradyne may be liable, will not exceed in the
          aggregate $30,000,000.  Except as set forth in Section 14.4 (a),
          Section 14.4 (b), Section 14.4 (c), Section 14.4 (d), and Section
          14.4(e) above, in no event will the measure of damages (other than
          liquidated damages) payable by either party include, nor will either
          party be liable for, any amounts for loss of income, data, profit or
          savings or indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages of
          any party, including third parties, without limiting the survivability
          of any of the provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of this
          Section 14.4 will survive the expiration or termination of this
          Agreement for any reason.

14.5 Contractual Limitation on Actions.  No claim or demand for arbitration
     or cause of action which arose out of an event or events which occurred
     more than three years prior to the filing of a demand for arbitration or
     suit alleging a claim or cause of action may be asserted by either party
     against the other party.

                                  ARTICLE XV.

15.1 Relationship of the Parties.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in
     this Agreement, EDS will act only as an independent contractor and under no
     circumstances will EDS be deemed to be in any relationship with Spectradyne
     carrying with it fiduciary or trust responsibilities, whether through
     partnership or otherwise.  EDS has the sole right and obligation to
     supervise, manage, contract, direct, procure, perform or cause to be
     performed the day-to-day work to be performed by EDS under this Agreement
     unless otherwise provided in this Agreement or agreed by the parties in


15.2 Excusable Delays.  Each party is excused from performing its obligations
     (other than obligations to make payments and the obligations under the
     Disaster Recovery Plan) for the time and to the extent it is prevented from
     performance by delays in performance by the other or third parties (other
     than subcontractors to EDS performing Field Services for whose acts EDS
     will remain liable to Spectradyne as if such acts, omissions or delays were
     those of EDS itself), or by a cause beyond its reasonable control, such as
     but not limited to, acts of God, war, civil disturbance, court order or a
     labor dispute.  While delays caused by Vendors are excused under this
     Section 15.2, EDS will use commercially reasonable efforts to have
     alternative sources from which to procure Hardware and Vendor Software,
     except that any such source for Vendor Hardware and Vendor Software
     provided to EDS by Compression Labs, Inc. will require a migration path and
     additional delay, and EDS will pass on or assign to Spectradyne any right
     that EDS has against such Vendor for such delay that EDS is contractually
     permitted to pass on or assign.

     Delays in performance caused by failures or fluctuations in electrical
     power or equipment or services necessary for performance that are not under
     the control of the performing party, such as but not limited to,
     telecommunications equipment or services, are considered excusable delays.
     Excusable delays are not defaults in performance and are not grounds for
     termination for cause.

     In addition, EDS will be excused from all responsibility or liability,
     other than with respect to EDS' obligations under the Disaster Recovery
     Plan, for any failure to comply with performance criteria if, and to the
     extent that, such failure is as a result of:

     (a)  transmission difficulties caused by adverse weather or atmospheric
          conditions, including but not limited to, sun outages, rain fade, ice
          freeze and snow accumulation; provided, however, the Customer
          Assistance Center will advise the customers of Spectradyne reporting
          trouble, where appropriate, that may be related to such transmission

     (b)  operation or performance of Hardware or services not provided by or
          through EDS (except for maintained Spectradyne Hardware) including but
          not limited to,

     (c)  Hardware or Software that has been improperly tested by Spectradyne or
          that has been subjected to unusual physical or electrical stress or

     (d)  any one of the reasons set forth in Section 3 of Schedule 6.6.

15.3 No Third Party Beneficiary.  Nothing in this Agreement may be relied upon
     or will benefit any party other than Spectradyne and EDS.

15.4 Public Disclosures.  Except as provided in Section 11.8(g), all media
     releases, public announcements and public disclosures by either party or
     its employees,


     agents or representatives relating to this Agreement, the Financial
     Agreement, the PCFM or the subject matter of any of such agreements,
     excluding any announcement beyond the control of the disclosing party, will
     be approved by the non-disclosing party in writing prior to release.

15.5 Notices.  Notices required or permitted under this Agreement will be in
     writing and deemed delivered (a) on the date of actual receipt if delivered
     by mail, first class, postage prepaid, (b) when received if delivered by
     hand or courier service or (c) when confirmed if transmitted by telegraph,
     telex, telecopier or facsimile.  The addresses of the parties, which may be
     changed with written notice, are:

     If to EDS, to:

          Electronic Data Systems Corporation
          5400 Legacy Drive
          Plano, Texas 75024
          Attention:  President, Visual Communications Division
          Telecopy:   (214) 605-8341

     With a copy (not constituting notice) to:

          Electronic Data Systems Corporation
          5400 Legacy Drive, H3-3A-05
          Plano, Texas 75024
          Attention: General Counsel
          Telecopy: (214) 605-5617
     If to Spectradyne, to:
          Spectradyne, Inc.
          1501 North Plano Road
          Richardson, Texas 75081
          Attention: Chief Executive Officer
          Telecopy: (214) 301-9234
     With a copy (not constituting notice) to:
          Spectradyne, Inc.
          1501 North Plano Road
          Richardson, Texas 75081
          Attention: General Counsel
          Telecopy: (214) 301-9234

     with a copy to (not constituting notice):

          Williams & Connolly
          725 12th Street, N.W.


          Washington, D.C. 20005
          Attention:  Jerry L. Shulman
          Telecopy:  (202) 434-5029

     And, with regard to events of default for which EDS issues notice of
     termination under Section 13.4 to Spectradyne, to:

          Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
          111 Sutter Street
          17th Floor
          San Francisco, CA 94104
          Attention:  Christine C. Rotter Vice President

15.6 Approvals and Similar Actions.  Except where such action is to be taken in
     the sole discrete on of a party, where approval, acceptance, consent or
     similar action is required or requested of a party, such action will not be
     unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned.

15.7 Subcontracting.  EDS may subcontract Information Technology Services
     subject to the following:

     (a)  Transponder Services.  EDS will use commercially reasonable efforts to
          obtain provisions in any agreement between EDS and the applicable
          Vendor of transponder services that will (i) permit an unconditional
          assignment of all of EDS' rights and obligations under such agreement
          from EDS to Spectradyne and (ii) allow EDS to unconditionally
          terminate such agreement for any reason upon EDS' receipt of a written
          request from Spectradyne directing EDS to terminate such agreement
          (which notice will include a statement of the mutually agreed rights
          and obligations of Spectradyne and EDS related to the ongoing
          relationship between Spectradyne and EDS).  If EDS is unable to obtain
          the right to assign mentioned immediately above in this paragraph, EDS
          will continue providing transponder services to Spectradyne under the
          same terms, conditions and for the same charges as are set forth in
          this Agreement for the remainder of the transponder lease.

     (b)  Subcontracting of Field Services.  EDS may subcontract any of the
          Field Services provided to Spectradyne under this Agreement, but such
          subcontract will not relieve EDS from any of its obligations to
          Spectradyne under this Agreement.  Without limiting EDS' right to
          subcontract set forth above, EDS will not assign all or substantially
          all of those Field Services which it has assumed from Spectradyne, nor
          will EDS assign any of such Field Services for profit, in each case
          without the prior written consent of Spectradyne.

          In addition to its obligations under Section 11.2, EDS will notify
          Spectradyne, and will provide Spectradyne a copy, of any written


          of a subcontractor's intent to terminate a subcontract between EDS and
          the subcontractor within five Business Days after EDS receives such
          notice from the applicable subcontractor.  EDS will use commercially
          reasonable efforts to obtain from all subcontractors providing
          services to EDS for use in its obligations to Spectradyne a right of
          Spectradyne to cure any EDS default giving rise to such termination
          and a right of EDS to assign all rights and obligations under such
          subcontract (or if the services are rendered under a master agreement
          between EDS and such subcontractor, all rights or obligations related
          to such services under such master agreement related to Spectradyne)
          to Spectradyne.  If (i) EDS obtains such right to assign, (ii) either
          (A) such subcontractor provides EDS with written notice of its intent
          to terminate such subcontract and EDS does not cure the default giving
          rise to such termination or (B) this Agreement is terminated other
          than as a result of a Spectradyne default and (iii) Spectradyne
          provides EDS with written notice of its desire to assume such
          obligations, then EDS will comply with the terms and conditions of the
          subcontract to effect such assignment of rights and obligations from
          EDS to Spectradyne.

     (c)  Vendor Software.  EDS will notify Spectradyne, and will provide
          Spectradyne a copy, of any written notice of an intent to terminate a
          license between EDS and the Vendor within five Business Days after EDS
          receives such notice from the applicable Vendor.  EDS will use
          commercially reasonable efforts to obtain from all Software Vendors
          providing Software to EDS for use in its obligations to Spectradyne a
          right of Spectradyne to cure any EDS default giving rise to such
          termination and a right of EDS to assign all rights and obligations
          under such license (or if the license is under a master license
          agreement between EDS and the applicable Vendor, all rights or
          obligations under the particular license related to Spectradyne) to
          Spectradyne.  If (i) EDS obtains such right to assign, (ii) either (A)
          such Vendor provides EDS with written notice of its intent to
          terminate such license and EDS does not cure the default giving rise
          to such termination or (B) this Agreement is terminated other than as
          a result of a Spectradyne default and (iii) Spectradyne provides EDS
          with written notice of its desire to assume such obligations, then EDS
          will comply with the terms and conditions of the license to effect
          such assignment of rights and obligations from EDS to Spectradyne.

15.8 Binding Nature and Assignment.  This Agreement will be binding on the
     parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns, but neither
     party may, nor will have the power to, assign this Agreement without the
     prior written consent of the other, which consent will not be unreasonably
     withheld, conditioned or delayed.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, EDS will
     have the right to subcontract as set forth in Section 15.7.


15.9  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts,
      each of which will be deemed an original and all of which taken together
      will constitute one instrument.

15.10 Certain Construction Rules. The article, section and schedule headings and
      the table of contents used in this Agreement are for convenience of
      reference only and in no way define, limit, extend or describe the scope
      or intent OF any provisions hereof. In addition, as used in this
      Agreement, unless otherwise expressly stated to the contrary, (a) other
      than references to Business Days, all references to days, months or years
      are references to calendar days, months or years, (b) all references,
      "Sections" and "Articles" are references to Sections of Articles of this
      Agreement, (c) all references to "Schedules" are references to Schedules
      attached to this Agreement and (d) all uses of "or" include "and/or". To
      the extent that there is any conflict between the text of this Agreement
      and any Schedule, the text will control, and to the extent that there is
      any conflict between the Transition Plan and any of the text of this
      Agreement or any other Schedule, such text or Schedule will control.

15.11 Waiver.  No delay or omission by either party hereto to exercise any
      right or power under this Agreement will impair such right or power or be
      construed to be a waiver thereof. A waiver by either party of any covenant
      or breach thereof will not be construed to be a waiver of any succeeding
      breach thereof or of any other covenant herein contained.

15.12 Governing Law.  This Agreement will be construed in accordance with, and
      the rights of the parties will be governed by, the internal laws of the
      State of Texas applicable to agreements entered into and intended to be
      performed within the state, without regard to any otherwise applicable
      principles of conflicts of laws.

15.13 Survival of Certain Provisions.  The following provisions will survive
      any expiration or termination of this Agreement for any reason:  Section
      1.3, Article VIII, Article IX, Section 11.1, Section 11.2, Section 11.5,
      Section 11. 8, Article XII, Section 13.1, Section 13.3, Section 13.4,
      Section 13.5, Article XIV and Article XV.

15.14 Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including any Schedules referred to
      herein and attached hereto, and all Authorized Field Service Orders,
      supersedes all other agreements including without limitation that certain
      Phase 0 Services Agreement dated September 9, 1992, that certain
      Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement dated June 12, 1992, and the
      Letter of Intent to Al Jerome from J. Keane Taylor dated May 19, 1993 and
      constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the
      subject matter of this Agreement. There are no representations,
      understandings or agreements relating to this Agreement which are not
      fully expressed herein. No other representations, understandings or
      arrangements have been made with respect to this Agreement or the
      Information Technology


     Services and no future representations, understandings or arrangements will
     bind either party until such time as they are reduced to writing and signed
     as an amendment to this Agreement.  All changes to this Agreement must be
     in writing and signed by the party against whom such change would be
     enforced.  The parties agree that any other terms or conditions included in
     any Purchase Orders, quotes, acknowledgements, bills of lading or other
     forms utilized or exchanged by the parties will not be incorporated herein
     or be binding unless expressly agreed upon in writing by authorized
     representatives of the parties.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Spectradyne and EDS have caused their duly authorized
officers to execute and deliver this Agreement as of the day and date first set
forth above.

By:__________________________                  By:_________________________
Name: J. Keane Taylor                          Name: Al Jerome
Title:  President, Visual                      Title:  President and
        Communications Division                        Chief Executive Officer
