Exhibit 10.44

BETWEEN "American TeleSource International, Inc." and BESTEL USA, Inc.

Master Agreement for the provision of Telecommunication Services executed
between BESTEL USA, Inc., represented by Ing. Manuel Vazquez Arroyo Aldrete,
("BESTEL") and "American TeleSource International, Inc." represented by Charles
R. Poole, (the "Customer") in accordance with the following Recitals and


The telecommunication Services that BESTEL shall provide to the Customer will be
those shown in the following table and the parties agree that the provision of
said services are governed by the terms and conditions of this Master Agreement
for the Provision of Telecommunication Services and by that established in the
Addenda corresponding to those Services and/or Promotional Programs selected:


LONG DISTANCE                               xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

OPERATOR SERVICES                           xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

800 SERVICES                                October 15, 1998                 (Signature)

PRIVATE LINE SERVICES                       xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

DATA SERVICES                               xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

LIT FIBER                                   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

DARK FIBER                                  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

COLLOCATION                                 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

INTERNET SERVICES                           xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

OTHER SERVICES (SPECIFY)                    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


THE CUSTOMER accepts and acknowledges that once the Addenda corresponding to the
Services and/or Promotional Programs selected are executed, these shall form an
integral part of this Master Agreement for the Provision of Telecommunication

The Addenda corresponding to the Services and/or Promotional Programs selected
at a later date than the date of execution of this Master Agreement, shall have
an effective date as of the date of execution and acceptance and shall become an
integral part of this Agreement.


I.               BESTEL states through its legal representative:

That it represents a Corporation duly incorporated under the laws of the State
of Nevada under the name of "Bestel USA, Inc.".

That the personality and capacity of its legal representative as of this date
has not been modified nor limited in any way.

That it has executed with Bestel, S.A. de C.V. an interconnection agreement
since said company has a concession dated January 8, 1996 granted by the Federal
Government through the Ministry of Communications and

Transportation ("Ministry") to install, operate and exploit a Public
Telecommunications Network and therefore has the ability to provide the Services
under this Agreement.

That it desires to provide the Services under this Agreement to the Customer.

That its address is 1890 N. Shoreline Drive, Mountain View, CA 94643

That it has the personnel and technical capacity, as well as its own
infrastructure or that of a third party necessary to provide the Services under
this Agreement.

II.    THE CUSTOMER states through its legal representative:

That it represents a Corporation duly incorporated under the laws of the State
of Texas under the name of "American TeleSource International, Inc.".

That the personality and capacity of its legal representative as of this date
has not been modified nor limited in any way.

That its address is 12500 Network Boulevard, Suite 407, San Antonio, TX 78249.

That its telecommunications terminal equipment to be utilized by the CUSTOMER is
duly homologated before the competent authorities and can be interconnected to a
public telecommunications network without causing interferences or any damages
to said network and complies with the authorized signaling.

That its objective, among others, is to provide long distance services, provided
in the United States and has authorization granted by the government through the
Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

That it desires to contract with BESTEL the Services shown on the First Page of
this Agreement which after its execution forms an integral part.

That it desires to commit to the traffic corresponding to the Services under
this Agreement in the percentages shown hereunder or in its Addenda.

Based on the above, the parties agree to the following:



 .1   BESTEL shall provide to the CUSTOMER the Services shown on the First page
     of this Agreement (the "Services") and THE CUSTOMER agrees to pay the
     consideration for such Services as established in the corresponding

 .1   In the event THE CUSTOMER receives the Services or opts for any of the
     Promotional Programs (modified from time to time) it is understood that THE
     CUSTOMER has accepted the applicable terms and conditions for those
     Services and/or Promotional Programs registered with the competent


2.1  THE CUSTOMER agrees to pay BESTEL for the Services provided by BESTEL the
     total value of the consideration specified in the corresponding Addenda for
     the Contracted Services (the "Price") by no later than the date agreed

2.2  The Price for the Services agreed to by the parties shall be subject to
     modifications in accordance with the changes that could arise under the
     terms and conditions of the Promotional Program under which the Customer
     has subscribed.  Such Promotional Program as established under this
     Agreement, shall form part of this Agreement.  In the event of conflict
     between the terms and conditions of this Agreement and those of the
     Promotional Program selected by the CUSTOMER, those contained in the
     Promotional Program shall prevail.

2.3  The rates can be modified at any time by BESTEL with a thirty (30) day
     advance notice to the CUSTOMER and the CUSTOMER's acceptance.  Such
     adjustments or discounts shall be given in BESTEL's invoices

     presented to the CUSTOMER on the effective date of such rates. BESTEL shall
     be able to apply any adjustments or discounts against any outstanding
     amounts that the CUSTOMER has.


3.1  BESTEL shall send on a monthly basis an invoice to the CUSTOMER  for the
     Services provided to the address shown in this Agreement.

3.2  Payment for the invoice(s) for the Services provided can be made in cash at
     the locations provided by BESTEL on such invoices or by check payable to
     BESTEL USA, Inc., by wire transfer or any other payment form specified by

3.3  Any differences that the CUSTOMER should have with the charges billed on
     the invoice should be directed to the Customer Service Center established
     by BESTEL .In the event the CUSTOMER wishes to dispute, CUSTOMER shall do
     so in writing by no later than the payment date shown on the invoice.

3.4  The invoices should be received by the CUSTOMER within the corresponding
     delivery time set for such CUSTOMER and can be modified by BESTEL from time
     to time.  If the CUSTOMER does not receive the invoice, the CUSTOMER shall
     notify BESTEL so that a copy can be sent.  Notwithstanding the above, the
     CUSTOMER shall pay immediately any outstanding amounts.

3.5  The CUSTOMER shall pay to BESTEL the amounts specified on the corresponding
     invoice by no later than the date established on the invoice which shall
     always be ten (10) days after the close of the billing period.

3.6  THE CUSTOMER agrees that BESTEL may apply the payment for one of more of
     the Services under this Agreement to any outstanding amount generated by
     the provision of any of the Services for an amount or in any invoice order
     established by BESTEL.

3.7  BESTEL shall be able to partially or totally suspend the provision of the
     Services under this Agreement upon previous notice to the CUSTOMER, in the
     event the CUSTOMER pays late or does not completely pay its outstanding
     amounts.  In the event of suspension and in order to reestablish the
     Services, the CUSTOMER shall pay any outstanding amounts as well as pay any
     reconnection charges.  As well, in the event BESTEL so determines, the
     CUSTOMER shall provide BESTEL any security requested.

3.8  The amounts owed by the CUSTOMER after the payment date of the invoice
     shall generate late payment fees calculated by multiplying the 30 day Libor
     Rate (or substituted rate) in use on the date of payment times 2.0.

3.9  BESTEL shall be able to request total payment of any amount owed by the
     CUSTOMER before continuing to provide the Services under this Agreement.
     In the event that BESTEL should omit in any invoice amounts referred to in
     this Paragraph, such charges can be invoiced in any subsequent invoice in
     order for the CUSTOMER to cover its outstanding amounts.  Such omission
     does not constitute a waiver by BESTEL to collect any amounts nor shall it
     be interpreted as the CUSTOMER'S right to not pay such amounts.

4.0  TERM.

4.1  Except for the Promotional Program contracted by the CUSTOMER, or that
     established in the Addenda of the Services, this Agreement shall be
     indefinite for both parties and any party may terminate with ninety (90)
     days advance noticeto the other party its desire to terminate.  However,
     BESTEL may terminate this Agreement at any time due to a justified cause at
     BESTEL's discretion.

4.2  In the event the CUSTOMER stops receiving BESTEL's services for any cause
     and receives them from another vendor or has terminated this Agreement, the
     parties agree that in the event the CUSTOMER desires to receive the
     SERVICES again and receive the Promotional Programs, it shall be understood
     that the CUSTOMER has accepted the terms and conditions established


5.1  In the event the CUSTOMER does not fulfill any of its obligations under
     this Agreement, BESTEL shall terminate this Agreement without any
     liability.  If this occurs, all amounts owed by the CUSTOMER to BESTEL at
     that time shall be due immediately.

5.2  BESTEL shall notify the CUSTOMER the termination of this Agreement
     indicating the amount owed and the due date in which such amount is to be
     paid.  Those amounts owed by the CUSTOMER as of the termination date shall
     cause late fees as mentioned in 3.8 above.

5.3  In the event of default by BESTEL, the CUSTOMER shall notify BESTEL the
     cause(s) of such default so that BESTEL may correct to the CUSTOMER's
     satisfaction.  After thirty (30) days and if such default persists, the
     CUSTOMER shall be able to terminate this Agreement, after paying any
     amounts owed to BESTEL without any liability.


6.1  BESTEL shall not be responsible for the suspension or interruption of the
     Services because of force majeure or fortuitous cause or because of
     unforeseen circumstances including transmission failures as well as the
     suspension or interruption of communication by other networks through which
     the signals or traffic runs through.

6.2  BESTEL shall be able to interrupt for any necessary time the provision of
     the Services under this Agreement when an inspection or maintenance is
     needed for their facilities and/or equipment.  BESTEL shall try to program
     such inspection or maintenance at hours that do not result inconvenient for
     the CUSTOMER.

6.3  Except for the stipulated in this Agreement, the CUSTOMER acknowledges that
     the equipment and the lines through which the switched or dedicated local
     service is to be provided are not owned by BESTEL; therefore BESTEL shall
     not be responsible for any failures attributable to such equipment or
     lines.  BESTEL shall only be responsible for the Services provided through
     circuits, equipment and fiber optic network owned by BESTEL or affiliates.

6.4  Except for the stipulated in this Agreement, neither party shall be
     responsible for any damages, including indirect and/or consequential or for
     the loss of income derived or related with the provision of the Services
     under this Agreement.


7.1  BESTEL shall not be responsible for any wrong use, negligence, fraudulent
     use, use contrary to specifications and/or unauthorized use that the
     CUSTOMER makes of its facilities, line(s) and/or telecommunications
     equipment by any of its executives, or employees or any third party that
     could have direct or indirect access; as well, BESTEL shall not be
     responsible for calls and/or transmission or reception of information
     unrecognized by the CUSTOMER from such circumstances.  The CUSTOMER shall
     adopt the necessary means to prevent such acts and shall be responsible for
     any claims against BESTEL.

7.2  BESTEL shall not be responsible for the contents of the information that
     the CUSTOMER transmits through its telecommunications network.


8.1  The nature of this Agreement is essentially commercial since BESTEL and THE
     CUSTOMER are companies of everyday business activities and in addition have
     the necessary elements to fulfill each and every obligation with their
     employees.  As well, between the CUSTOMER' s employees and BESTEL's
     employees there does not exist any relationship whatsoever; therefore there
     is no labor relationship.  THE CUSTOMER shall be the only party responsible
     of the obligations that the law establishes as an employer with regards to
     the personnel utilized and shall be responsible for each and every
     individual and collective claim that the CUSTOMER's employees could present
     against BESTEL assuming the liability of any claim presented and reimburse
     immediately any legal expense or of any other nature that BESTEL could
     incur for such concept.  In the same fashion, BESTEL shall be the only
     responsible party of the obligations that the law establishes as an
     employer with regards to the personnel utilized and shall be responsible
     for each and every individual and collective claim that BESTEL's employees
     could present against the CUSTOMER assuming the liability of any claim


9.1  The CUSTOMER shall notify its trouble reports to BESTEL and BESTEL shall
     make available to the CUSTOMER a Customer Service Center that will be
     available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year where trouble tickets will be
     reported.  BESTEL shall assign a confirmation number.


10.1 The guarantees offered by BESTEL are described and detailed in the
     Promotional Programs selected by the Customer and shall be attached to this
     Agreement forming an integral part of this Agreement.


11.1 THE CUSTOMER states that the information provided regarding its solvency
     and payment capacity is correct and based on that information BESTEL has
     made the decision to provide the Services under this Agreement.  THE
     CUSTOMER hereby authorizes BESTEL to verify such information.  As well, the
     CUSTOMER agrees that this authorization shall continue in force during the
     term of this Agreement for BESTEL's benefit.


12.1 The parties agree that all notices, communications and notifications
     regarding this Agreement shall be directed to the addresses mentioned in
     the recitals of this Agreement.  Such notices shall be made in writing
     through certified mail or courier with a return receipt, facsimile or any
     other method that the other party has received such notification.  In the
     event of address change, the parties agree to notify the other party with
     at least fifteen (15) days advance notice; otherwise the latest address
     shall prevail.

     In addition, the CUSTOMER agrees to send a copy of each notification to the
     following address: Av. Lopez Cotilla, 1976-A, Col. Obrera Centro,
     Guadalajara,, Mexico.


13.1 THE CUSTOMER agrees that the rights and obligations derived under this
     Agreement shall not be assigned, transferred, negotiated nor modified in
     any way without the previous consent in writing from BESTEL.  As well,
     BESTEL may assign its rights and obligations derived under this Agreement
     to any of its subsidiaries or affiliates or guarantee any obligation
     through notification to the CUSTOMER.

13.3 THE CUSTOMER shall notify BESTEL with sixty (60) days advance notice any
     modification to its corporate name, otherwise all documentation shall be
     generated using the previous name.


14.1 The parties express their firm conviction that in good faith in the event
     there are differences or disputes because of the interpretation,
     fulfillment and execution of this Agreement and in unlimited form for any
     technical aspect, service provision, application and collection of
     consideration and any other that require specific technical capacity, they
     shall reasonably try to resolve in a friendly fashion through mediation
     and/or conciliation, voluntarily and previous to any other procedure that
     the parties could have and take place during a term of thirty (30) days in
     which the parties promote a mutual consulting process in order to resolve
     or avoid any controversy or dispute without waiving their rights.

14.2 It shall be considered that the attempts to reach a friendly solution have
     failed when one of the parties notifies the other party at the termination
     of such term that the negotiations have not been satisfactory; therefore
     the parties may execute their rights or effect any action as specified in
     this Agreement.


15.1 The parties agree that this Agreement and its Addenda constitute the only
     agreement and agree that this Agreement supersedes any agreement,
     communication, or proposal previously related with the objective of this

The parties hereby agree and acknowledge this Agreement is subject to the terms
and conditions of any applicable regulations.  In the event such regulations are
not followed, the responsible party shall cure such failure without terminating
this Agreement unless such cure is not done in a reasonable time.

The parties execute this Agreement in duplicate in San Antonio, Texas on
September 28, 1998.

`THE CUSTOMER'                                 "BESTEL"
"American TeleSource International, Inc."      BESTEL USA, Inc.

/s/ Charles R. Poole                           /s/ Manuel Vazquez Arroyo
By: Charles R. Poole                           By: Manuel Vazquez Arroyo
Title: President                               Title: President