                     Schedule 14A Information
            Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
              of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
  Filed by the Registrant  [  X  ]
  Filed by a Party other than the Registrant   [    ]
  Check the appropriate box:
  [    ]    Preliminary Proxy Statement
  [  X ]    Definitive Proxy Statement
  [    ]    Definitive Additional Materials
  [    ]    Soliciting Material Pursuant to Sec. 240.-14a-11(c) or
  Sec 240.14a-12
                 HUDSON'S GRILL OF AMERICA, INC.
         (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)
                 HUDSON'S GRILL OF AMERICA, INC.
            (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)
  Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
    X  ]    $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii),
                 14a-6(i)(1), or 14a-6(j)(2).
  [    ]    $500 per each party to the controversy pursuant to
            Exchange Act Rule 14a-6(i)(3).
  [    ]    Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules
  14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.
  (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction
  applies:        N/A                 
  (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction
       (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction
       computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:            
  (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:        
       Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
  calculated and state how it was determined.
            [    ]    Check box if any part of the fee is offset as
            provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and
            identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
            was paid previously.  Identify the previous filing
            by registration statement number, or the Form or
            Schedule and the date of its filing.
  (1)  Amount Previously Paid:                               
  (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.            
  (3)  Filing Party:                                  
  (4)  Date Filed:                                    

                 HUDSON'S GRILL OF AMERICA, INC.
                       16970 Dallas Parkway
                            Suite 402
                       Dallas, Texas  75248
       The Annual Meeting of Shareholders of HUDSON'S GRILL OF
  AMERICA, INC. (the "Company"), will be held at the Hudson's
  Grill restaurant located at the Keystone Shopping Center,
  Spring Valley and Central Expressway, Dallas, Texas, on June
  10, 1999, at 10:00 a.m. to act upon the following proposals:
  1.   To elect three (3) directors;
  2.   To ratify the selection of independent auditors;
       3.   To consider such other business as may properly come
       before the meeting and any adjournments or postponements
       Details relating to the above matters are set forth in
  the attached Proxy Statement. Your management is not aware of
  any other matters to come before the meeting. The Board of
  Directors has fixed the close of business on April 29, 1999,
  as the record date for shareholders entitled to notice of and
  to vote at the Annual Meeting.
       You are urged to fill in, date, sign and promptly return
  the Proxy in the enclosed addressed envelope to which no
  postage need be affixed if mailed in the United States.  If
  you do not attend the Annual Meeting, you may supersede your
  executed Proxy prior to voting by filing a Proxy bearing a
  later date, by filing a written revocation of the Proxy or by
  attending the meeting and voting in person. In order to be
  valid, the enclosed Proxy (or any new proxy or proxy
  revocation) must be received by the Secretary not later than
  10:00 a.m., June 10, 1999.
                                          Mitzy Ferguson
  Dallas, Texas
  May 12, 1999

                         PROXY STATEMENT
                 HUDSON'S GRILL OF AMERICA, INC.
                       16970 Dallas Parkway
                            Suite 402
                       Dallas, Texas  75248
                       GENERAL INFORMATION
       The enclosed Proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors
  (the "Board") of HUDSON'S GRILL OF AMERICA, INC. (the
       This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the
  solicitation of the Proxies by the Company to be voted at its
  Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held June 10, 1999, and
  at any adjournment and postponement thereof.  The Annual
  Meeting is to be held at 10:00 a.m. at the Hudson's Grill
  restaurant at the Keystone Shopping Center at Spring Valley
  and Central Expressway, Dallas, Texas.
       A person giving the Proxy may revoke it at any time prior
  to the exercise thereof by giving written notice to the
  Secretary of the Company, attending the meeting and voting in
  person, or filing a duly executed Proxy bearing a later date
  with the Secretary. The mailing to shareholders of this Proxy
  Statement and the enclosed form of Proxy will commence on or
  about May 17, 1999.
       All of the expenses involved in preparing, assembling and
  mailing this Proxy Statement and the material enclosed
  herewith, will be paid by the Company. Officers and employees
  of the Company may communicate with shareholders personally or
  by mail, telegraph, telephone or otherwise, for the purpose of
  soliciting such Proxies, but in such event no additional
  compensation will be paid to any such persons for such
  solicitation. Brokerage houses, nominees, fiduciaries and
  other custodians will be requested to forward soliciting
  materials to the beneficial owners of shares, in which case
  they will be reimbursed for their expenses.
       Shares represented by valid Proxies will be voted in
  accordance with the instructions indicated thereon. Unless
  otherwise directed, votes will be cast for the election of
  directors herewith named,  for the ratification of the
  Company's selection of Hein + Associates, LLP, as independent
  auditors for the Company, and for the ratification of the
  creation and spinning off of a subsidiary to the shareholders
  of the Company.
                          VOTING SHARES
       Shareholders of record as of the close of business on
  April 29, 1999, will be entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting
  and at any adjournments thereof.  At such date there were Six
  Million, Fifty-Six Thousand, Nine Hundred Eighty Six
  (6,056,986) shares of Common Stock.  Each shareholder of
  record is entitled to one (1) vote for each share of stock
  owned, except that shareholders may have cumulative voting
  rights with respect to the election of directors.  See
  "Cumulative Voting."
                        CUMULATIVE VOTING
       Pursuant to California law, no shareholder may cumulate
  votes unless the candidate's or candidates' name(s) for which
  such votes are to be cast have been placed in nomination prior
  to the voting and a shareholder who is present in person at
  the Annual Meeting has given notice at the Annual Meeting and
  prior to voting of the shareholder's intention to cumulate the
  shareholder's votes.  If any shareholder has given such
  notice, all shareholders may cumulate their votes for
  candidates in nomination.  Management does not, at this time,
  intend to give such notice nor to cumulate the votes it may
  hold pursuant to the proxies solicited hereby, unless the
  required notice by a shareholder is given in proper form at
  the Annual Meeting, in which instance management intends to
  cumulatively vote all the proxies held by it in favor of the
  nominees for office as set forth herein in such a way as to
  maximize the possibility that the nominees will be elected.
       In the event cumulative voting shall be utilized, each
  shareholder may give one candidate a number of votes equal to
  the number of directors to be elected (three) multiplied by
  the number of votes to which the shareholder's shares are
  entitled, or distribute the shareholder's votes on the same
  principle among as many candidates as the shareholder desires. 
  The three (3) candidates receiving the highest number of votes
  are elected.
                     COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD
       The Board held five meetings during fiscal 1998.  Each
  incumbent director during the fiscal year ended January 3,
  1999, attended more than seventy-five percent (75%) of all
  meetings of the Board during the time he was a member and of
  the Committees of which he was a member.
       The Board does not have an Audit Committee.  The whole
  board acts as an audit committee and whenever necessary
  supervises and reviews the fiscal and accounting procedures
  and practices of the Company, and  reviews the audit and
  financial statements with the Company's independent
       The Board does not have a Nominating Committee, and it
  does not have a Compensation Committee.  Nominees may be
  recommended to the Board in writing by any shareholder. 
  Compensation matters are considered by the whole Board of
       Each of the nominees has consented to be named herein and
  to serve if elected. However, if any nominee at the time of
  election is unable or unwilling to serve as a director, or is
  otherwise unavailable for election, the shares represented by
  proxies will be voted for the election of such other person as
  the Board may designate or, in the absence of such
  designation, for a nominee selected by the persons named in
  the enclosed form of Proxy, or, if there is no qualified
  nominee willing to serve, the position will be left vacant.
       Certain information concerning the director nominees is
  set forth below:
  Name                     Age       Position
  DAVID L. OSBORN          50        Chairman of the Board,
                                     President & Chief Executive     
  ROBERT W. FISCHER        47        Director
  ANTHONY B. DUNCAN        42        Director
       David L. Osborn was elected as a Director in May 1990 and
  has served continuously since then.  He was elected Chairman
  of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer in August
  1993.  Since 1988, Mr. Osborn has been the Chief Executive
  Officer of Southpoint Management Corporation, which owns and
  operates restaurants, and is Chief Executive Officer of Famous
  Bars, Grills & Cafes of America, Inc., which has been a
  franchisee of Hudson's Grill.  He is also a partner in D.A.C.
  Associates, which has been a franchisee of Hudson's Grill
  since 1986, and he is a partner in Wood, Osborn and Osborn,
  which is the landlord of the premises that the Company leases
  as its headquarters.
       Robert W. Fischer was elected a director in 1997.  He is
  a partner in Fischer & Sanger, attorneys, in Dallas, Texas. 
  He has practiced law for the last twenty years in the State of
  Texas and has been an outside counsel for the Company for the
  last five years.
       Anthony B. Duncan has been in the restaurant business for
  more than 28 years, and progressed from trainee, to assistant
  manager, to manager of his own Pelican's Restaurant in El
  Paso, Texas, at the age of 21.  He formed his own operating
  company, and proceeded to purchase interests in two additional
  Pelican's. At one time, he was the president and minority
  owner of Southpoint Management Corporation, the parent company
  of multiple dinner houses and casual dining restaurants and
  bars.  He is the current owner of the two franchised Hudson's
  Grills in El Paso, and is the owner and sole shareholder of
  Borderland Grills, Inc.  Mr. Duncan previously was president
  of the Texas Restaurant Association, and currently serves on
  its Board of Directors.
       No director currently receives any direct compensation as
  a director, except for reimbursement of expenses.
       All directors are elected for a term of one (1) year and
  serve until their successors have been duly elected and
                      OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT
       The following table sets forth certain information with
  respect to the shares of Common Stock beneficially owned,
  directly or indirectly, by (i) persons owning, to the
  Company's knowledge, five percent (5%) or more of the
  outstanding shares of Common Stock, (ii) each director of the
  Company, and (iii) all directors and executive officers of the
  Company as a group, in each case as of January 3, 1999.
                                Number of
                                Shares                   Percentage
                                Beneficially             of Total Shares
  Name and Address              Owned                    Outstanding
  DAVID L. OSBORN               1,956,368 (1)            32.3%
  16970 Dallas Parkway, Suite 402
  Dallas, Texas 75248
  ROBERT W. FISCHER             47,615    (1)            0.7%
  5956 Sherry Lane, Suite 1204
  Dallas, Texas 75225
  ANTHONY B. DUNCAN             616,750   (1)            10.2%
  10732 Alta Lomo
  El Paso, TX 79935
  MITZY FERGUSON                220       (1)            0.0%
  16970 Dallas Parkway, Suite 402
  Dallas, Texas  75248
  JANE TAYLOR                   0                        0.0%
  16970 Dallas Parkway, Suite 402
  Dallas, Texas 75248
  All directors and executive
       officers as a group
       (5 persons)              2,620,953                43.3%
  Others Owning 5% or More
  Of the Company's Common Stock:
  CLIFFORD J. OSBORN            745,618   (1)            12.3%
  5581 East Finisterra Drive
  Tucson, Arizona  85715
  D. MARION WOOD                513,895   (1)            8.5%
  16970 Dallas Parkway, Suite 500
  Dallas, TX 75248
  ROY J. MILLENDER, JR.         500,000   (1)            8.3%
  129 Calle Bello
  Santa Barbara, CA 93108
  CHARLES L. BOPPELL            495,556   (1)            8.1%
  1010 Hot Springs Road
  Santa Barbara, CA 93108
  TRAVIS B.  BRYANT             4,000,000 (2)            37.5%
  Big Sur, California
  (1)  Shared voting and investment power is held for these
  (2)  In 1994 Mr.  Bryant received warrants for the
  purchase of 4,000,000 shares of the Company's stock in
  exchange for the restructuring and cancellation of obligations
  owed by the Company to Mr.  Bryant.  These warrants terminate
  in 2004 and have an exercise price of $0.0625 per share. 
  Currently none of these warrants have been exercised.
       In August 1993, David L. Osborn purchased control of the
  Company from Roy J. Millender, Jr.  Mr. Osborn bought
  2,679,000 shares of common stock from Mr. Millender for $1
  (paid by Mr. Osborn without any financing) and Mr. Osborn's
  efforts to revitalize and reorganize the Company.  Prior to
  this purchase, Mr. Osborn beneficially owned, either directly,
  indirectly or through a voting trust, 1,398,652 shares of
  stock, of which 913,235 shares were in a voting trust that
  terminated May 4, 1994.  On August 28, 1995, Mr. Osborn
  distributed 1,297,000 shares to certain parties to whom he had
  promised shares without receiving any monetary consideration
  for the transfer.  D. Marion Wood received 505,000 shares from
  Mr. Osborn; Clifford J. Osborn received 200,000 shares; and
  Anthony B. Duncan received 592,000 shares.  As of January 3,
  1999, Mr. Osborn was the beneficial owner of 1,956,368 shares
  of stock, which is 32.3% of the Company's outstanding shares. 
  Mr. Osborn directly owns 1,439,856 shares of stock, which is
  23.8% of the Company's outstanding shares.
       Effective January 27, 1994, the Company, as part of an
  agreement to reduce its secured debt, agreed with Travis
  Bryant, its largest creditor, to grant Mr. Bryant a stock
  warrant for four (4) million shares exercisable at a price of
  one-sixteenth (1/16th) of a dollar for a period of ten (10)
  years.  In exchange, Mr. Bryant forgave most of the Company's
  secured debt owed to him.  If Mr. Bryant exercises a
  substantial portion of his stock warrant, he could become the
  Company's largest shareholder; in addition, Mr. Osborn's
  control of the Company would be greatly reduced.
       The following table sets forth for the year ended January
  3, 1999, certain information as to each of the Company's five
  (5) most highly compensated executive officers and as to all
  executive officers as a group:
                       SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
                          Annual Compensation


  Name and                                        Other
  Principal                                       Annual
  Position     Year     Salary ($)    Bonus ($)   Compensation ($)
  (a)          (b)      (c)           (d)         (e)

  David L.     1998               0(1)           0           0
  Osborn       1997               0(1)           0           0
  President    1996               0(1)           0           0

  Mitzy        1998          14,400(1)           0           0
  Ferguson     1997          18,900(1)           0           0
  Secretary    1996          36,000(1)           0           0

  Jane Taylor  1998          21,600(1)           0           0
  Treasurer    1997          20,535(1)           0           0
               1996          12,895(1)           0           0
  All                        36,000(1)           0           0
  as a                                            
  group (3 persons)

                   SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE, Continued

                                Long Term Compensation                  
                            Restricted     Securities    LTIP       Other
                            Stock          Underlying    Payouts    Annual
                            Awards($)      Options/SARs  ($)        Compensa
                                             (#)                    tion ($)
Name and                                                        
Principal        Year                                           
(a)               (b)               (f)           (g)        (h)        (i)   
David L. Osborn  1998              0(1)             0          0          0
President        1997              0(1)             0          0          0
CEO              1996              0(1)             0          0          0

Mitzy Ferguson   1998              0(1)             0          0          0
Secretary        1997              0(1)             0          0          0
                 1996                 0             0          0          0

Jane Taylor      1998              0(1)             0          0          0
Treasurer        1997                 0             0          0          0
                 1996                 0             0          0          0

All executive                                                   
officers as a                                                              
group (3                              0             0          0          0

                 Option/SAR Grants in the Last Fiscal Year
                            (Individual Grants)

                 Number of     Percent of                  
                 Securities        total                           
                 underlying    options/SARs    Exercise or         
                options/SARs    granted to     base price          
     Name        granted (#)   employees in      ($/Sh)       Expiration
      (a)            (b)        fiscal year        (d)           date
                                    (c)                           (e)
David L.                                                    


Jane Taylor,                                                

All executive          0                           
officers as a                                               
group (3                                                    

              Aggregated Option/SAR Exercises in Last Fiscal
                     Year and FY-End Option/SAR Values

                                                                                                     Number of   
                                               securities      Value of
                                               underlying     unexercised
                                               unexercised   in-the-money
                                              options/SARs   options/SARs
                   Shares                     at FY-end (#)  at FY-end ($)
                 acquired on       Value      exercisable/u  exercisable/u
Name            exercise (#)   realized ($)   n-exercisable  n-exercisable
(a)                  (b)            (c)            (d)            (e)

David L.                                                    

Jane Taylor,                                                

All executive                                              0
officers as a                                              0
group (3                                                    

  (1)  Mr. Osborn and/or companies affiliated with him were
  reimbursed for travel expenses incurred on behalf of the
  Company, but received no remuneration for his work.  In 1998
  he or his affiliated companies were reimbursed $4,022.52 for
  his travel.  Ms. Ferguson was reimbursed $222.00 for her
  travel expenses, and Ms. Taylor had no travel expenses.
       Under the Company's Amended and Restated Incentive Stock
  Option Plan adopted in 1989, and approved by the shareholders
  (the "Plan"), the Company is authorized to grant options to
  selected officers and employees to purchase up to an aggregate
  of Eight Hundred Twenty Five Thousand (825,000) shares of
  Common Stock.  As of January 3, 1999, there were no
  outstanding options to purchase shares of Common Stock under
  the Plan.  Under the terms of the Plan, options are granted at
  not less than the fair market value on the date of grant,
  become exercisable in increments of twenty percent (20%) per
  year for each year of employment after the date of grant
  (except the final twenty percent (20%) increment becomes
  exercisable four (4) years and six (6) months after the date
  of the grant) and remain exercisable for a period of five (5)
  years from the date of grant.  The options terminate once
  employment terminates.
                       CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS
       As of February 1994, the Company's headquarters were
  moved from California to Dallas, Texas.  The Company is now
  leasing space for its headquarters from Wood, Osborn and
  Osborn, a company partially owned by David Osborn, one of the
  Company's directors, for $1,440 per month plus its share of
  utilities expenses.  The Company considers this rental a fair
  market value for the space it is renting.  This space is in
  the same office building that leases space to the Company's
  President and the companies controlled by him; thus the
  management of the Company is more efficient because its
  executives work near the headquarters, and travel costs are
       Mr. David L. Osborn is affiliated with Southpoint
  Management Corporation, DAC Associates and Famous Bars, Grills
  & Cafes of America, Inc. ("FGA").  These companies, in turn,
  are affiliated with owning and operating several restaurants,
  and also owned the franchise rights to develop Hudson' Grills
  in Texas.  During the past year, these companies paid no
  franchise fees to the Company, and did not purchase any
  franchises.  The franchise agreement for Texas was entered
  into before Mr. Osborn became involved in the management of
  the Company, and that agreement provides that Mr. Osborn does
  not have to pay royalties.  In March 1997, FGA agreed to
  assign most of its exclusive franchise rights to Texas to a
  company controlled by Mr. Travis Bryant.  Mr. Bryant's company
  will have the rights to develop Hudson's Grills in Texas,
  excluding areas in or around El Paso, Austin and Dallas/Fort
  Worth.  Mr. Bryant has more capital available to him than FGA
  does, and thus, FGA and Mr. Bryant decided that Mr. Bryant
  would be able to develop these markets more rapidly.  In
  November 1997, Mr. Osborn transferred his interest in two
  Hudson's Grills in El Paso, Texas, to Anthony Duncan, who is
  affiliated with the same companies that Mr. Osborn is, and is
  a nominee for director.
                          PROPOSAL NO. 1
                      ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
       Three (3) directors are to be elected, with each director
  to hold office until the next Annual Meeting or until his
  successor is elected and qualified. The persons named as
  proxies in the enclosed Proxy have been designated by
  management and intend to vote for the election of the three
  persons named as nominees in this proxy statement
  ("Nominees"), except where authority is withheld by the
  shareholder or specifically requested to be voted for someone
  else.  If no one is written in to be voted for as a director
  who is willing to serve and no vote is specifically withheld,
  then the persons holding the proxies will vote for the three
  Nominees.  If one person other than a Nominee is voted for on
  the proxy, then the persons holding the proxy will vote for
  the one requested person, provided he(she) is willing to serve
  as a director, and will decide which of the three Nominees to
  vote for.   If two persons are voted for on the proxy, then
  the person's holding the proxy will vote for the two requested
  persons, provided they are willing to serve as a director, and
  will decide which of the three Nominees to vote for.  If three
  persons other than Nominees are voted for on the proxy, then
  the persons holding the proxy will vote for the three
  requested persons, provided they are willing to serve as a
  director.  If more than three persons are voted for on the
  proxy, then the persons holding the proxies will vote for the
  Nominees regardless of those requested.
                          PROPOSAL NO. 2
                       INDEPENDENT AUDITORS
       Hein + Associates, LLP, has been selected as the
  Company's independent auditors for the fiscal year ending
  December 31, 1999.  This firm served as the Company's
  independent auditors for the period ended January 3, 1999.
       The Company has invited its accountants from Hein +
  Associates, LLP, to be present at the Annual Meeting;
  therefore they may be present.  If a representative of Hein +
  Associates, LLP, is present at the Annual Meeting of
  Shareholders, the representative will be allowed to answer
  appropriate questions, and will be afforded an opportunity to
  make a statement if so desired.
                 SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
       Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
  requires the Company's officers and directors, and persons who
  own more than 10% of a registered class of the Company's
  equity securities, to file reports of ownership and changes of
  ownership with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the
  "SEC").  Officers, directors and ten-percent shareholders are
  required by SEC regulations to furnish the Company with copies
  of all Section 16(a) forms they file.
       Based solely upon a review of the copies of the forms
  furnished to the Company, or written representations from
  certain reporting persons that no Forms 5 were required, the
  Company believes that filing requirements applicable to its
  officers and directors were complied with during the 1998
  fiscal year.
       Stockholder proposals to be presented at the 1999 Annual
  Meeting must be received by the Company on or before February
  1, 2000, for inclusion in the proxy statement and form of
  proxy relating to that meeting.
                          OTHER MATTERS
       Management of the Company does not know of any other
  matters to be presented for action at the Annual Meeting. 
  However, if any other matters should be properly presented at
  the Annual Meeting, it is the intention of the persons named
  in the accompanying Proxy to vote said Proxy in accordance
  with their best judgment.
                        OTHER INFORMATION
       The Annual Report to Shareholders of the Company for the
  year ended January 3, 1999, is mailed herewith to shareholders
  of record at the close of business on April 29, 1999.
                                          Mitzy Ferguson
  Dallas, Texas
  May 12, 1999