THE UCAR INTERNATIONAL INC.
                          MANAGEMENT STOCK OPTION PLAN

                  This  Management  Stock Option Plan was originally  adopted by
the Board of Directors of UCAR International  Inc., a Delaware  corporation (the
"Company"),  as of the Effective Date (as defined  below).  It was  subsequently
amended.  This  document (the "Plan")  restates in one document this  Management
Stock Option Plan as amended through March 30, 1998.

                                    ARTICLE I

                                 PURPOSE OF PLAN

                  The Plan has been  adopted  by the  Board to  provide  for the
grant of certain stock options under certain circumstances to certain management
employees and  non-employee  directors of the Company and its  Subsidiaries as a
part of the  compensation  and  incentive  arrangements  for such  employees and
directors.  The Plan is intended to advance the best interests of the Company by
allowing such persons to acquire an ownership  interest in the Company,  thereby
motivating them to contribute to the success of the Company and to remain in the
employ or service of the Company and its  Subsidiaries.  It is anticipated  that
the availability of stock options under the Plan will also enhance the Company's
and its Subsidiaries'  ability to attract and retain  individuals of exceptional
talent to contribute to the sustained progress,  growth and profitability of the

                                   ARTICLE II


                  For  purposes of the Plan,  except  where the context  clearly
indicates  otherwise,  the  following  terms shall have the  meanings  set forth

                  "ACCELERATION EVENT" shall mean an event with respect to which
the Plan provides for the  acceleration  of the  exercisability  of Options,  as
provided in Section 5.3.

                  "AFFILIATE"  shall mean,  with respect to any Person,  (i) any
other Person that directly or indirectly Controls,  is Controlled by or is under
common  Control  with such Person,  or (ii) any  director,  officer,  partner or
employee of such Person or any Person specified in clause (i) above.

                  "BOARD" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company.

                  "CAUSE" , if relevant to a particular Participant,  shall have
the meaning of "Cause" set forth in such Participant's Option Agreement.

                  "CEO" shall mean the Chief Executive Officer of the Company.

                  "CHANGE OF CONTROL" shall mean:

                           (i) the date that any  "person" (as such term is used
                  in Section  13(d) and 14(d) of the Exchange Act) is or becomes
                  the  beneficial  owner (as  defined  below,  except  that such
                  person shall be deemed to have  "beneficial  ownership" of all
                  shares that any such person has the right to acquire,  whether
                  such  right  is  exercisable  immediately  or only  after  the
                  passage of time), directly or indirectly,  of more than 35% of
                  the total voting power of the Company; or

                           (ii) the date, following the expiration of any period
                  of  two  consecutive  years,  that  individuals,  who  at  the
                  beginning of such period constituted the Board of Directors of
                  the Company (together with any new directors whose election by
                  such Board of Directors  whose  nomination for election by the
                  shareholders  of the Company was approved by a vote of 66-2/3%
                  of the  directors of the Company then still in office who were
                  either  directors  at the  beginning  of such  period or whose
                  election  or  nomination   for  election  was   previously  so
                  approved) cease for any reason to constitute a majority of the
                  Board of Directors of the Company then in office.

For purposes of clause (i),  "beneficial  owner" has the same meaning as defined
in Rules  13d-3  and 13d-5  under the  Exchange  Act,  which  shall in any event
include  having  the  power  to vote (or  cause  to be  voted  at such  person's
direction)  pursuant to contract,  irrevocable  proxy or otherwise,  directly or
indirectly, voting power of the Company.

                  "CODE"  shall  mean the  Internal  Revenue  Code of  1986,  as
amended, and any successor statute.

                  "COMMITTEE"  shall  mean  the  Organization  and  Compensation
Committee of the Board.

                  "COMMON STOCK" shall mean the common stock of the Company, par
value $.01.

                  "COMPANY"  shall  mean UCAR  International  Inc.,  a  Delaware

                  "CONTROL"   (including,    with   correlative   meaning,   all
conjugations  thereof)  shall mean with  respect to any  Person,  the ability of
another  Person to  control  or direct the  actions  or  policies  of such first
Person, whether by ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise.

                  "CUMULATIVE EBITDA" shall mean with respect to any Performance
Option,  the sum of the EBITDA for the period  commencing  on the Grant Date and
ending on the last day of the Plan Year preceding the Determination Date.

                  "CUMULATIVE  EBITDA  TARGETS"  shall mean with  respect to any
Performance  Option,  the sum of the EBITDA Targets for the period commencing on
the  Grant  Date and  ending  on the last day of the  Plan  Year  preceding  the
Determination Date.

                  "DETERMINATION DATE" shall mean the last day of the Plan Year.

                  "DIRECTOR"  shall mean any  individual  who is a member of the
Board and who is not an employee of the Company or a Subsidiary.

                  "DISABILITY"  shall mean the  inability  of a  Participant  to
perform in all material respects his duties and responsibilities to the Company,
or any Subsidiary of the Company,  by reason of a physical or mental  disability
or infirmity  which  inability is  reasonably  expected to be permanent  and has
continued  (i) for a period of six  consecutive  months,  or (ii)  such  shorter
period as the Company may determine. A Participant (or his representative) shall
furnish  the  Company  with  satisfactory   medical  evidence   documenting  the
Participant's disability or infirmity.

                  "EBITDA"  shall  mean,  with  respect to the  Company  and its
Subsidiaries on a consolidated basis for any period, the consolidated net income
of the Company and its Subsidiaries for such period, as determined in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied, PLUS, to the
extent deducted in computing such consolidated net income,  without duplication,
the sum of (a) income tax expenses  and  withholding  tax  expenses  incurred in
connection with cross-border  transactions involving non-domestic  Subsidiaries,
(b) interest expense, (c) depreciation expense and amortization expense, (d) any
special charges and any  extraordinary or non-recurring  losses,  (e) monitoring
and  management  fees paid to  Blackstone,  (f)  other  noncash  items  reducing
consolidated net income,  and (h) noncash  exchange,  translation on performance
losses  relating  to any  foreign  currency  hedging  transactions  or  currency
fluctuations,  MINUS,  to the extent added in computing  such  consolidated  net
income,  without  duplication,   (i)  interest  income,  (ii)  extraordinary  or
non-recurring  gains,  (iii) other noncash  items  increasing  consolidated  net
income, (iv) noncash exchange,  translation or performance gains relating to any
foreign  currency  hedging  transactions or currency  fluctuations,  and (v) all
non-cash pension  accruals related to FAS `87;  PROVIDED that all effects of the
Recapitalization shall be eliminated in computing EBITDA.

                  "EBITDA TARGET" shall mean with respect to each Plan Year, the
amount set forth in the following table opposite such Plan Year:

                  Plan Year Ending                   EBITDA Target
                  ----------------                   -------------

                  December 31, 1995                  $ 216,900,000
                  December 31, 1996                  $ 223,400,000
                  December 31, 1997                  $ 256,600,000*
                  December 31, 1998                  $ 271,700,000*
                  December 31, 1999                  $ 287,800,000*

and such other targets as are  established by the Committee  after  consultation
with the CEO with respect to subsequent  Plan Years.  Asterisked  EBITDA Targets
shall not be more than the stated  amount but may be  adjusted  downward  by the
Committee,  in its  sole  discretion  and  shall  otherwise  be  subject  to the
provisions of Section 10.3.

                  "EFFECTIVE DATE" shall mean the Recapitalization Closing Date.

                  "EMPLOYEE"  shall mean any  employee  of the Company or any of
its Subsidiaries and, unless otherwise indicated, any Director.

                  "EMPLOYEE  LOAN" shall mean any loan made to a Participant  on
the  Recapitalization  Closing Date to assist the  Participant in paying certain
income tax liability.

                  "EXCHANGE ACT" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
as amended.

                  "EXERCISABLE  PERCENTAGE"  shall  mean,  with  respect  to any
Option, the cumulative  percentage of the total number of Shares subject to such
Option  (measured  as of the Grant  Date) which a  Participant  has the right to
receive upon exercising the Option.

                  "EXERCISE PRICE" shall mean the amount that a Participant must
pay to exercise an Option with respect to one share of Common  Stock  subject to
such Option, as determined in Section 4.2.

                  "FAIR  MARKET  VALUE"  shall mean,  with respect to any Common
Stock,  the average of the high and low trading  prices of the 20 business  days
immediately preceding the day of the valuation.

                  "GOOD REASON" , if relevant to a particular Participant, shall
have the  meaning  of "Good  Reason"  set  forth  in such  Participant's  Option

                  "GRANT DATE" shall mean with  respect to the initial  grant of
Options hereunder,  the Recapitalization Closing Date, and thereafter shall mean
the date an Option is granted pursuant to this Plan.

                  "OPTION" shall mean, with respect to any Participant,  (a) any
Time  Option or  Performance  Option,  and (b) any  option,  warrant or right to
acquire  shares of the  capital  stock of the  Company  issued in  respect of an
option  referred to in clause (a) above, by way of distribution or in connection
with a merger, consolidation, reorganization or other recapitalization.

                  "OPTION  AGREEMENT" shall mean the Option Agreement  between a
Participant  and the Company,  substantially  in the form of agreement  attached
hereto as Exhibit A.

                  "OPTION SHARES" shall mean,  with respect to any  Participant,
(a) any shares of Common Stock (or other shares of capital stock of the Company)
issuable  or  issued  by the  Company  upon  exercise  of  any  Option  by  such
Participant,  and (b) any shares of the capital stock of the Company issuable or
issued in respect of any of the securities described in clause (a) above, by way
of stock dividend, stock split, merger,  consolidation,  reorganization or other

                  "PARTICIPANT"   shall  mean  any   individual   who  holds  an
outstanding Option granted under this Plan.

                  "PERFORMANCE  OPTIONS"  shall mean the  Options  described  in
Section 5.2 hereof.

                  "PERSON"   shall  mean  an  individual,   a   partnership,   a
corporation, an association, a joint stock company, a trust, a joint venture, an
unincorporated organization and a governmental entity or any department,  agency
or political subdivision thereof.

                  "PLAN"  shall  mean this  Management  Stock  Option  Plan,  as
amended from time to time.

                  "PLAN YEAR" shall mean initially the short plan year beginning
January 26, 1995 and ending on December 31,  1995,  and  thereafter  each of the
calendar years from 1996 through 2007.

                  "PUBLIC  OFFERING"  shall  mean the sale of  shares  of Common
Stock pursuant to an effective  registration statement under the Securities Act,
which results in an active trading  market in Common Stock.  If the Common Stock
is listed on a national  securities exchange or is quoted on the NASDAQ National
Market, it shall be deemed to be actively traded.

                  "RECAPITALIZATION"  shall  mean  the  recapitalization  of the
Company pursuant to the Recapitalization Agreement.

                  "RECAPITALIZATION AGREEMENT" shall mean the agreement dated as
of November 14, 1994 among Union Carbide  Corporation,  a New York  corporation,
Mitsubishi   Corporation,   a  Japanese  corporation,   the  Company,  and  UCAR
International Acquisition Inc., a Delaware corporation.

                  "RECAPITALIZATION CLOSING DATE" shall mean the Closing Date of
the Recapitalization (i.e., January 26, 1995).

                  "RECAPITALIZATION  PRICE"  shall mean the per share price paid
in the Recapitalization (i.e., $7.60).

                  "SECURITIES  ACT" shall mean the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as

                  "SUBSIDIARY"  shall mean any  corporation of which the Company
owns,  directly or through one or more  Subsidiaries,  a fifty  percent (50%) or
more equity  interest  in such  corporation  or has the right to nominate  fifty
percent  (50%)  or more of the  members  of the  board  of  directors  or  other
governing body of the corporation.

                  "TIME OPTIONS" shall mean the Options described in Section 5.1

                  "TRANSFER"  shall mean, with respect to any Option,  the gift,
sale, assignment,  transfer, pledge, hypothecation or other disposition (whether
for or without consideration and whether voluntary,  involuntary or by operation
of law) of such Option or any interest therein.

                                   ARTICLE III


                  3.1 OPTION  SHARES.  The aggregate  number of shares of Common
Stock with  respect  to which  Options  may be granted  under the Plan shall not
exceed 6 million shares; PROVIDED,  HOWEVER, that the aggregate number of shares
of Common Stock with respect to which Options may be granted shall be subject to
adjustment in accordance with the provisions of Section 10.2 below.

                  3.2 STATUS OF OPTION  SHARES.  The shares of Common  Stock for
which  Options  may be  granted  under  the Plan may be  either  authorized  and
unissued shares,  treasury shares or a combination  thereof, as the Committee or
the Board shall  determine  and shall be reserved by the  Committee or the Board
for  issuance  under this Plan;  provided,  however,  that any of such shares of
Common Stock issued upon exercise of options granted to officers or directors of
the Company on or after March 31, 1998 shall  consist of treasury  shares  which
shall have been previously listed on the New York Stock Exchange.  To the extent
any Options are  forfeited,  expire or are  terminated  prior to  exercise,  the
Option  Shares in  respect  of which  such  Options  were  issued  shall  become
available  for  reissuance  to  Employees  of the Company  and its  Subsidiaries
pursuant to this Plan or any other plan or agreement approved by the Committee.

                                   ARTICLE IV

                                GRANT OF OPTIONS

                  4.1 OPTIONS.  Options shall  initially be granted by the Board
of Directors.  Thereafter, the Committee shall grant Options to Employees (after
consultation with the Chief Executive Officer) and the Board shall grant Options
to Directors.  Except as otherwise  provided herein,  the Committee or the Board
shall establish the terms and conditions  applicable to Options granted by it at
the time of grant, which terms and conditions shall be set forth in the relevant
Option Agreement.

                  4.2  EXERCISE  PRICE.  The Exercise  Price of Options  granted
hereunder  shall be the Fair Market  Value of the Shares  subject to the Option,
determined  as of the Grant Date.  For purposes of the initial  grant of Options
hereunder, the Exercise Price of Options shall be the Recapitalization Price.

                  4.3 FORM OF OPTION.  Options  granted under this Plan shall be
non-qualified stock options and are not intended to be "incentive stock options"
within  the  meaning  of Section  422 of the Code or any  successor  provisions.
Options shall be exercisable with respect to the number of Shares covered by the
Option to the extent they become exercisable (as determined  pursuant to Article
VI) and shall thereafter be exercisable  until they expire or are terminated (as
determined pursuant to Article VIII).


                                    ARTICLE V

                            EXERCISABILITY OF OPTIONS

                  5.1 TIME OPTIONS. Except as otherwise provided in the relevant
Option  Agreement or Section 5.3(b),  all Time Options granted  pursuant to this
Plan shall become exercisable in accordance with the following schedule:

                                                   Exercisable Percentages

        Prior to December 31, 1995                            0%
      On or after December 31, 1995                          20%
      On or after December 31, 1996                          40%
      On or after December 31, 1997                          60%
      On or after December 31, 1998                          80%
      On or after December 31, 1999                         100%

                  5.2 PERFORMANCE  OPTIONS.  Except as otherwise provided in the
relevant Option Agreement or Section 5.3(b):

                      (a)  Performance  Options  shall become  exercisable  with
respect to 20% of the Shares subject to such Option, on each  Determination Date
that the  Company's  EBITDA for a Plan Year equals or exceeds the EBITDA  Target
for that Plan Year (and with  respect  to the first  Plan  Year,  EBITDA for the
entire calendar year).

                      (b) If, after the Grant Date of a Performance  Option, the
Company's EBITDA for a Plan Year is less than 100% of the EBITDA Target for such
Plan  Year  (  a  "Missed  Year"),  no  such  Performance  Option  shall  become
exercisable  with respect to any additional  Shares (the "Missed Shares") on the
Determination  Date for such Plan  Year.  If, in any Plan Year  subsequent  to a
Missed Year EBITDA  exceeds the EBITDA Target for such Plan Year AND  Cumulative
EBITDA exceeds the Cumulative  EBITDA Targets,  then  Performance  Options shall
become exercisable with respect to the Missed Shares attributable to such Missed
Year (but only to the extent such Option has not otherwise terminated).

                  5.3 ACCELERATION EVENTS.

                      (a)  Notwithstanding  anything  in this  Article  V to the
contrary:  Time Options awarded to Employees (other than Directors) shall become
exercisable upon the first to occur of the following  Acceleration Events: (i) a
Participant's  death or Disability,  (ii) a Change of Control,  and (iii) to the
extent provided in a Participant's Option Agreement, a Participant's termination
without  Cause or  resignation  for Good  Reason;  and Time  Options  awarded to
Directors  shall  become  exercisable  upon the first to occur of the  following
Acceleration  Events: (i) a Director ceases to be a Director on account of death
or  Disability  or (ii) a Change of Control.  The Committee or the Board may, in
its discretion, accelerate the exercisability of Options at any time and for any

                      (b) All outstanding  Time Options and Performance  Options
(other than  Performance  Options  for the 1999 Plan Year)  granted on or before
March 17, 1998 have become vested and exercisable.

                                   ARTICLE VI

                               EXERCISE OF OPTIONS

                  6.1 RIGHT TO EXERCISE.  During the lifetime of a  Participant,
Options may be exercised only by such Participant  (except that, in the event of
his  Disability,  Options may be exercised by his or her legal guardian or legal
representative). In the event of the death of a Participant, exercise of Options
shall  be  made  only  by  the  executor  or   administrator   of  the  deceased
Participant's estate or the Person or Persons to whom the deceased Participant's
rights  under  the  Option  shall  pass  by  will or the  laws  of  descent  and

                  6.2 PROCEDURE FOR EXERCISE.  Options may be exercised in whole
or in part with  respect to any  portion  that is  exercisable.  To  exercise an
Option a  Participant  (or such other  Person who shall be permitted to exercise
the Option as set forth in Section 6.1) must  complete,  sign and deliver to the
Company  (to the  attention  of the  Company's  Secretary)  a notice of exercise
substantially  in the form attached  hereto as ANNEX I (or in such other similar
form as the  Committee or the Board may from time to time adopt and provide to a
Participant)  (the  "EXERCISE  NOTICE"),  together  with  payment in full of the
Exercise  Price  multiplied by the number of shares of Common Stock with respect
to which the Option is exercised. Payment of the Exercise Price shall be made in
cash (including  check,  bank draft or money order).  A  Participant's  right to
exercise the Option shall be subject to the  satisfaction  of all conditions set
forth in the Exercise Notice.  In lieu of paying the Exercise Price, on or after
an initial Public Offering,  upon a Participant's  request, with the Committee's
or the Board's  consent,  the  Company  shall give the  Participant  a number of
shares of Common  Stock  equal to (A)  divided by (B) where (A) is the excess of
the (i) the Fair Market Value of a share of Common Stock, over (ii) the Exercise
Price,  multiplied  by (iii) the  number of shares for which the Option is being
exercised, and (B) is the Fair Market Value of a share of Common Stock.

                  6.3 [Omitted]

EVENT.  In   contemplation   of  an   Acceleration   Event,  a  Participant  may
conditionally  exercise at least 15 days prior to such event all or a portion of
his Options which are  exercisable  and which will become  exercisable  upon the
occurrence of the Acceleration  Event.  Such  conditional  exercise shall become
null and void if the  anticipated  Acceleration  Event does not occur within six
(6)  months  following  the date of such  conditional  exercise.  A  conditional
exercise shall become  binding upon a Participant  (and such  Participant  shall
become  obligated to pay the Exercise Price therefor) upon the occurrence of the
Acceleration Event.

                  6.5 WITHHOLDING OF TAXES.  The Company shall withhold from any
Participant  from any amounts due and payable by the Company to such Participant
(or secure payment from such  Participant in lieu of withholding)  the amount of
any  withholding  or other tax due from the 


Company  with  respect to any Option  Shares  issuable  under the Plan,  and the
Company may defer such issuance unless indemnified to its satisfaction.

                                   ARTICLE VII

                              EXPIRATION OF OPTIONS

                  7.1 EXPIRATION DATE. Options shall expire at 5:00 p.m. Eastern
Standard Time on the day prior to the twelfth  anniversary  of the Grant Date or
upon such earlier  time as provided in the Option  Agreements  (the  "Expiration

                  7.2 LIMITED STOCK  APPRECIATION  RIGHT.  Upon a  Participant's
request, the Company may, in its sole discretion, cancel any Option (in whole or
in part) granted hereunder and pay the affected  Participant,  the excess of the
(i) the Fair Market  Value of a share of Common  Stock,  over (ii) the  Exercise
Price,  multiplied  by (iii) the  number of shares for which the Option is being
cancelled (the "CANCELLATION AMOUNT");  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER, that coincident with
any transaction  which is reasonably likely to result in a Change of Control the
Company may in its sole discretion,  without a Participant's consent, cancel any
Option (in whole or in part) granted hereunder and pay the affected  Participant
the Cancellation Amount.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                             RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS

                  8.1 DIVIDEND EQUIVALENTS.

                      (a) If the  Board  declares  a  special  or  extraordinary
dividend in connection with a recapitalization, reorganization, restructuring or
other  nonrecurring  corporate  event to the  holders of its Common  Stock,  the
Company shall pay to an escrow  account on behalf of each  Participant an amount
(the "Dividend  Equivalent")  equal to the dividend they would have received had
they  directly  owned each  Option  Share  subject to the Time  Options and each
Option Share with respect to which Performance Options are vested.

                      (b)  Upon  a  Participant's  exercise  of an  Option,  the
Company shall offset the Exercise  Price of each Option Share subject to Options
in respect of which a Dividend  Equivalent  was paid by the Dividend  Equivalent
set aside with respect to such Option Share.  Any Dividend  Equivalent in excess
of the Exercise Price shall be paid in cash at the time the dividend is paid.

                      (c) If the Options of a Participant  with respect to which
a Dividend Equivalent is set aside are terminated or cancelled prior to the date
the  Options  are  exercised,  the  Participant  shall  forfeit the right to the
Dividend  Equivalent  and any  amounts  set  aside in the  Participant's  escrow
account in respect of such Dividend Equivalent shall revert to the Company.

                  8.2 REGISTRATION OF OPTION SHARES.  The Company shall file, at
its own  expense,  a  registration  statement on Form S-8 to register the Option

                  8.3 TRANSFER OF OPTIONS. Options may not be Transferred (other
than by will or  descent),  except  that  Options  may be  pledged,  assigned or
otherwise  Transferred  to the Company to secure  indebtedness  on any  Employee

                                   ARTICLE IX


                  9.1 PLAN ADMINISTRATOR. This Plan shall be administered by the
Committee;  provided,  however,  that  the  Committee  may  delegate  to the CEO
responsibility for the routine administration of the Plan.

                  9.2 COMMITTEE  OPTION  GRANTS.  The  Committee  shall have the
authority to select  Employees to receive  Options and to grant Options  (except
for the  initial  grant of  Options,  which  shall be  granted  by the Board) to
Employees in such amounts as it shall determine,  in its full discretion,  after
consultation with the Chief Executive Officer.

                  9.3  COMMITTEE  AUTHORITY.  The  Committee and the Board shall
have the sole and complete  responsibility  and  authority to (a)  interpret and
construe  the terms of this Plan,  (b) correct any defect,  error or omission or
reconcile any inconsistency in the Plan or in any Option granted hereunder,  and
(c) make all  other  determinations  and take all  other  actions  necessary  or
advisable for the implementation and administration of the Plan. The Committee's
and Board's  determinations  on matters within its authority shall be conclusive
and binding upon the Participants, the Company and all other Persons.

                                    ARTICLE X


                  10.1  AMENDMENT,   SUSPENSION  AND  TERMINATION  OF  PLAN.  No
suspension,  termination  or amendment of or to the Plan shall affect  adversely
the rights of any Participant  with respect to Options issued hereunder prior to
the date of such  suspension,  termination  or amendment  without the consent of
such holder.

                  10.2 ADJUSTMENTS.

                      (a) PERFORMANCE  TARGETS.  The Committee,  in consultation
with the Chief Executive Officer,  shall adjust the performance targets for Plan
Years following the Plan Year in which an initial Public Offering occurs so that
the Performance  Options  continue to represent  equivalent value for equivalent

                      (b)  CHANGES  IN  COMMON  STOCK.  In the  event of a stock
dividend,  stock split,  or share  combination,  the  Committee  shall make such
adjustments in the number and type of shares  authorized by the Plan, the number
and type of shares  covered  by  outstanding  Options


and the Exercise Prices  specified  therein and other  amendments to the Plan as
the Board, in good faith, determines to be appropriate and equitable.

                  10.3 FUTURE  ACQUISITIONS OR DISPOSITIONS.  The EBITDA Targets
are based upon certain revenue and expense assumptions about the future business
of the Company and its  Subsidiaries as of the Effective Date.  Accordingly,  if
the Company or any Subsidiary  acquires,  by purchase or otherwise,  or disposes
of, by sale of stock or assets,  the business,  property,  or fixed  assets,  of
another Person, which acquisition or disposition, either singly or together with
one  or  more  other  such  transactions,   will,  in  the  Board's  good  faith
determination,  affect the Company's EBITDA, the Committee shall, in good faith,
adjust the EBITDA Targets to reflect the projected effect of such transaction or

                  10.4 NO RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE. Except as otherwise agreed to by
the Company,  no Employee shall have a right to be selected as a Participant or,
having been so selected, to be selected again to receive a grant of Options.

                  10.5  NO  EMPLOYMENT  CONTRACT.  Nothing  in this  Plan  shall
interfere  with or  limit  in any way the  right  of the  Company  or any of its
Subsidiaries  to terminate  any  Participant's  employment  at any time (with or
without  Cause),  nor  confer  upon  any  Participant  any  right  to  continued
employment by the Company or any of its  Subsidiaries  for any period of time or
to continue such employee's present (or any other) rate of compensation.

                  10.6  CONSTRUCTION  OF PLAN.  This terms of this Plan shall be
administered in accordance  with the laws (excluding  conflict of interest laws)
of the State of New York.

                                                                         Annex I

                                 EXERCISE NOTICE

                  (Applicable After an Initial Public Offering)

         This  Exercise  Notice  (this  "NOTICE")  is given  by the  undersigned
participant  ("Participant") to UCAR International Inc., a Delaware  corporation
(the  "Company"),  in connection  with the  Participant's  exercise of an Option
granted  pursuant to the Company's  Management Stock Option Plan (the "Plan") to
purchase Option Shares (as defined in the Plan).  Capitalized terms used but not
defined herein shall have the respective meanings ascribed to them in the Plan.


                  Upon  delivery  to the  Company of (i) this  Notice,  (ii) the
aggregate Exercise Price for the Option Shares purchased  hereunder by certified
check, bank draft or money order made payable to "UCAR  International  Inc." and
(iii) the Option to which the Option Shares relates,  the Company shall sell and
issue to  Participant,  the Option  Shares that  Participant  elects to purchase

                  2. EFFECT OF  EXERCISE.  Participant  acknowledges  and agrees

                      a.   neither  the   issuance  of  the  Option   Shares  to
          Participant   nor  any  provision   contained   herein  shall  entitle
          Participant  to  remain  in the  employment  of the  Company  and  its
          Subsidiaries   or  affect  the  right  of  the  Company  to  terminate
          Participant's employment at any time for any reason;

                      b. the Company  shall be  entitled  to  withhold  from any
          amounts  due and  payable  by the  Company to  Participant  (or secure
          payment from  Participant  in lieu of  withholding)  the amount of any
          withholding  or other tax due from the  Company  with  respect to such
          Option Shares and the Company may defer issuance until  indemnified to
          its satisfaction; and

                      c.  The  Option  Shares  issued  in  connection   herewith
          hereunder,  are  issued as a part of the  compensation  and  incentive
          arrangements between the Company and Participant.

                  3. RESTRICTION ON OPTION SHARES. Participant acknowledges that
the Option Shares being  purchased  hereunder  are being issued  pursuant to the
Plan, the terms and conditions of which are incorporated  herein as if set forth
fully herein.

                  4. TAX TREATMENT.




                  IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Participant has executed this Notice
as of the date written below.

Number of Shares of Common Stock Acquired:  _________

Aggregate Exercise Price:                   _________

_______________________________                    _______________
Signature of Participant                           Date

_______________________________                    ________________
Print Participant's Name                           Participant's Social
                                                   Security No.

Participant's Residence Address:                   Mailing Address, if different
                                                   from Residence Address:

_______________________________                    ___________________________
Street                                             Street

_______________________________                    ___________________________
City        State             Zip Code             City      State      Zip Code
