Financial Statements and Schedules
As Of December 31, 1999 and 1998

Together With Report of
Independent Public Accountants

Report of Independent Public Accountants

To the Administrative Committee of the
  SOS Staffing Services, Inc. 401(k) Plan:

We have audited the accompanying statements of net assets available for benefits
of the SOS Staffing Services,  Inc. 401(k) Plan as of December 31, 1999 and 1998
and the related  statement of changes in net assets  available  for benefits for
the year ended December 31, 1999.  These financial  statements and the schedules
referred  to  below  are  the  responsibility  of  the  Plan's  management.  Our
responsibility  is to  express  an opinion  on these  financial  statements  and
schedules based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable  assurance about whether the financial  statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial  statements.  An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by  management,  as well as  evaluating  the  overall  financial  statement
presentation.  We believe  that our audits  provide a  reasonable  basis for our

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the net assets available for benefits of the SOS Staffing
Services,  Inc. 401(k) Plan as of December 31, 1999 and 1998, and the changes in
its net assets  available  for benefits for the year ended  December 31, 1999 in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States.

Our audits  were  performed  for the  purpose of forming an opinion on the basic
financial statements taken as a whole. The supplemental schedules of assets held
for investment purposes and nonexempt transactions are presented for the purpose
of  additional  analysis  and are not a  required  part of the  basic  financial
statements  but are  supplementary  information  required by the  Department  of
Labor's Rules and  Regulations  for Reporting and Disclosure  under the Employee
Retirement  Income  Security Act of 1974. The  supplemental  schedules have been
subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial
statements and, in our opinion, are fairly stated, in all material respects,  in
relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole.

By: /s/ Arthur Andersen LLP
- ---------------------------

Salt Lake City, Utah
  June 28, 2000

                    SOS Staffing Services, Inc. 401(k) Plan

                  Index to Financial Statements and Schedules

Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits
as of December 31, 1999 and 1998                                        1

Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for
Benefits for the Year Ended December 31, 1999                           2

Notes to the Financial Statements                                      3-7

Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes
as of December 31, 1999

Schedule of Nonexempt Transactions for the Year Ended
December 31, 1999                                                      10

                    SOS Staffing Services, Inc. 401(k) Plan

                 Statement of Net Assets Available for Benefits
                        As of December 31, 1999 and 1998

                                                    1999          1998
                                                 ----------   ----------
  INVESTMENTS, at fair value:
    Mutual Funds
      Spartan U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund    $  937,901   $  968,776
      Fidelity U.S. Bond Index Fund                 228,188      361,965
      Loomis Sayles Bond Fund                       195,900      143,136
      Fidelity Puritan Fund                         432,724      393,759
      Fidelity Equity Income I Fund                 631,250      488,514
      Spartan U.S. Equity Index Fund              1,086,888      739,737
      Dreyfus Appreciation Fund                     958,129      655,376
      Neuberger Berman Genesis Trust                295,916      326,565
      Managers Special Equity Fund                  575,733      292,061
      Hotchkiss & Wiley International Fund           92,946      103,157
      Templeton Developing Markets Trust             67,063       24,118
      Cohen & Steers Realty Shares Fund              67,198       54,874
      Fidelity Freedom 2030 Fund                     31,859         --
      Fidelity Freedom 2010 Fund                      9,520         --
      Fidelity Freedom 2020 Fund                     13,977         --
      SteinRoe Intermediate Bond Fund                  --         79,060

    Variable Annuity
      Kemper Advantage III                           34,419       83,972

    Other Investments
      SOS Staffing Services, Inc. Common Stock      143,930      148,241
      Participant Loans                              48,032       49,058
                                                 ----------   ----------
                        Total investments         5,851,573    4,912,369
                                                 ----------   ----------

CASH                                                 69,908       18,495

     Participant contributions                       68,224      103,968
     Employer contributions                         278,515      347,511
                                                 ----------   ----------
                        Total receivables           346,739      451,479
                                                 ----------   ----------

    NET ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR BENEFITS             6,268,220   $5,382,343
                                                 ==========   ==========

               The accompanying notes to financial statements are
                     an integral part of these statements.


                    SOS Staffing Services, Inc. 401(k) Plan

           Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits
                      For The Year Ended December 31, 1999

     Participants                                               $ 1,683,161
     Employer                                                       310,812
     Rollovers into the Plan                                        337,637
                Total contributions                               2,331,610
   Investment income:
     Net unrealized appreciation in fair value of investments       183,335
     Realized gains                                                  37,400
     Interest and dividends                                         263,209
                Total investment income                             483,944
                Total additions                                   2,815,554
   Benefits paid to participants                                 (1,929,677)
  NET INCREASE (DECREASE)                                           885,877

     Beginning of year                                            5,382,343
     End of year                                                $ 6,268,220

               The accompanying notes to financial statements are
                     an integral part of these statements.


SOS Staffing Services, Inc. 401(k) Plan

Notes to the Financial Statements

1.       Plan Description

The following  description of the SOS Staffing  Services,  Inc. 401(k) Plan (the
"Plan") is  provided  for  general  information  purposes  only.  More  complete
information regarding the Plan's provisions may be found in the Plan document.


The Plan is a defined  contribution  plan established by SOS Staffing  Services,
Inc. (the  "Company")  under the  provisions  of Section  401(a) of the Internal
Revenue Code ("IRC"), which includes a qualified cash or deferred arrangement as
described in Section 401(k) of the IRC, for the benefit of eligible employees of
the Company.  The Plan was established to provide  employees with an opportunity
to accumulate  funds for  retirement or disability and to provide death benefits
for  employees'  dependents  and  beneficiaries.  The  Plan  is  subject  to the
provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA"),  as
amended. The trustee of the Plan is Reliance Trust Company.

Employees of SOS  Staffing  Services,  Inc. who complete  1,000 hours of service
during a 12-month  period and who have  reached  the age of 21 are  eligible  to
participate in the Plan.  Inteliant employees who have reached the age of 21 are
eligible to participate in the Plan as of the ninety-first day following the day
on which the employee first performs an hour of service for Inteliant.  The Plan
excludes all  employees  who are highly  compensated  as defined by the Internal
Revenue Service ("IRS").


Eligible  employees  can  elect  to make  contributions  to the  Plan  and  such
contribution  amounts  are  subject to certain  limitations  under the IRC.  The
Company can elect to make discretionary  matching contributions to the Plan. For
the year ended December 31, 1999, the Company  provided a matching  contribution
equal  to  33-1/3  percent  of  each  non-highly   compensated   staff  employee
participant's  contribution up to a maximum matching  contribution of $2,000 per
each such participant.


Participants are fully vested in their  contributions  and the earnings thereon.
Vesting  in  employer  matching  contributions  is based on years of  continuous
service as defined by the Plan. A participant  vests  according to the following

                           Less than three years                         0%
                           Three years                                  50
                           Four years                                   75
                           Five years or more                          100%



At  December  31,  1999,  forfeited  nonvested  accounts  totaled  approximately
$69,517. These amounts will be used to reduce future employer contributions.


Upon  termination  of  service  due  to  death,  disability,  or  retirement,  a
participant  may  elect  to  receive  an  amount  equal  to  the  value  of  the
participant's  vested  interest in his or her account.  The form of payment is a
lump sum distribution or an annuity to be paid in monthly installments.

Participant Accounts

Individual  accounts  are  maintained  for each of the  Plan's  participants  to
reflect  the   participant's   contributions   and  related  employer   matching
contributions,  as well as the participant's  share of the Plan's income and any
related  administrative  expenses.  Allocations are based on the proportion that
each participant's account balance has to the total of all participants' account

Investment Options

As of December  31,  1999,  participants  may direct  their  contributions,  the
employer matching contributions and any related earnings into several investment
options.  Participants may change their investment elections on a daily basis. A
brief description of each investment option is provided below:

         Spartan U.S. Treasury Money Market Fund
         This fund's objective is to seek high current income while  maintaining
         a stable  share price by investing in high  quality,  short-term  money
         market securities, such as US Treasury securities.

         Fidelity U.S. Bond Index Fund
         This fund's objective is to track, rather than beat, the performance of
         the Lehman Brothers  Aggregate Bond Index by investing in various types
         of medium to high-quality debt obligations.

         Loomis Sayles Bond Fund
         This fund's objective is to obtain high total investment return through
         a  combination  of current  income and capital  appreciation.  The fund
         normally invests all of its assets in fixed income securities, although
         up to 20  percent  of its total  assets may be  invested  in  preferred

         Fidelity Puritan Fund
         This fund's objective is to seek income consistent with preservation of
         capital.  The  fund  invests  in a  broadly  diversified  portfolio  of
         high-yielding common stocks, preferred stocks and bonds of any quality.

         Fidelity Equity Income I Fund
         This fund's objective is to seek reasonable  income by investing mainly
         in  income-producing  equity  securities and those that offer potential
         for capital appreciation.

         Dreyfus S&P 500 Index Fund
         This fund's objective is to provide  investment results that correspond
         to the price and yield  performance of publicly traded common stocks in
         the  aggregate as  represented  by the Standard & Poor's 500  Composite
         Stock Price Index.


         Dreyfus Appreciation Fund
         This fund's  primary  objective  is to seek  long-term  capital  growth
         consistent  with the  preservation  of capital with a secondary goal of
         current income.  The fund generally invests at 80 percent of net assets
         in the common stock of U.S. and foreign companies.

         Neuberger Berman Genesis Trust
         This fund's  investment  objective  is capital  appreciation.  The fund
         invests  primarily in common stocks and securities  convertible into or
         exchangeable for common stocks of companies with small-to-medium market

         Manager's Special Equity Fund
         This fund's objective is to seek long-term  capital  appreciation  from
         investments  in companies  with the potential  for long-term  growth as
         well as undervalued investments. The fund invests principally in equity
         securities of small- to medium-sized U.S. companies.

         Hotchkiss & Wiley International Fund
         This  fund's  objective  is to  seek  to  provide  current  income  and
         long-term growth of income,  accompanied by growth of capital. The fund
         invests primarily in international equity securities.

         Templeton Developing Markets Trust
         This fund's objective is to seek long-term  capital growth by investing
         primarily in equity  securities  of  companies  in countries  that have
         developing  markets.  The fund invests at least 65 percent of its total
         assets in equity  securities of developing  market  issuers in at least
         three different developing markets.

         Cohen & Steers Realty Shares Fund
         This fund's  objective  is to seek maximum  total  return  through both
         current income and capital appreciation. This fund invests primarily in
         real estate investment trusts.

         SOS Staffing Services, Inc. Common Stock
         This fund is a  non-diversified  investment in the  outstanding  public
         shares of SOS Staffing Services, Inc.

         Kemper Advantage III
         This fund's  objective is to offer both a  guaranteed  option under its
         fixed accounts and 26 variable  investment options through its separate
         account. Advantage III is a variable annuity offered by Kemper Investor
         Life Insurance  Company.  This fund was an investment option offered by
         the former  trustee.  When the funds were  transferred  from the former
         trustee to the current trustee,  participants were no longer allowed to
         contribute  to this  investment.  However,  funds that were invested in
         this option were  allowed to remain in this  investment  and earn money
         until the participant elects to have the funds withdrawn or transferred
         to another investment option.

         Participant Loans

         The  Participant  Loan  Fund is  invested  solely in  promissory  notes
         executed  by  participants.  The  Plan  document  does  not  allow  for
         participant  loans.  However, a retirement plan of one of the Company's
         subsidiaries  allowed for  participant  loans prior to merging with the
         Plan. All loans  outstanding from the subsidiary's  plan at the time of
         the merger remained outstanding subsequent to the merger.


2.       Summary Of Significant Accounting Policies

Use of Estimates

The  preparation  of the  financial  statements  in  conformity  with  generally
accepted  accounting  principles requires the Plan's management to use estimates
and  assumptions   that  affect  the  accompanying   financial   statements  and
disclosures. Actual results could differ from these estimates.

New Accounting Pronouncement

The Accounting  Standards Executive Committee issued Statement of Position 99-3,
"Accounting For and Reporting of Certain Defined  Contribution  Plan Investments
and Other Disclosure  Matters" ("SOP No. 99-3") which eliminates the requirement
for a defined  contribution  plan to disclose  participant  directed  investment
programs.  SOP No.  99-3 was adopted for the 1999  financial  statements  and as
such,  the  financial   statements  have  been  reclassified  to  eliminate  the
participant directed fund investment program disclosures.

Interest and Dividend Income

Interest  income is recorded as earned on the accrual basis.  Dividend income is
recorded on the ex-dividend date.

Investment Valuation

The fair market values of all investments are determined at the end of each Plan
year.  Unrealized  appreciation  or  depreciation of investment is determined by
comparing the fair market value of each  investment at the beginning of the Plan
year (or at the date of purchase for investment acquired during the current Plan
year) with the fair market value at the end of the Plan year.

Realized  gains or losses are  determined  by comparing  the sales price of each
investment as of disposition date with the fair market value at the beginning of
the Plan year (or at the date of purchase for  investments  acquired  during the
current Plan year.)

Net Appreciation (Depreciation) in Fair Value of Investments

Net  realized  and  unrealized  appreciation  (depreciation)  is recorded in the
accompanying  statement of changes in net assets  available  for benefits as net
appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of investments.


Payments of benefits to participants are recorded when paid.

Administrative Expenses

The Company pays all administrative expenses of the Plan.


3.       Tax Status

The IRS has determined and informed the Company by a letter dated  September 23,
1996 that the Plan and related trust are designed in accordance  with applicable
sections of the IRC. The Plan administrator  believes that the Plan, as amended,
is designed and is currently  being  operated in compliance  with the applicable
requirements of the IRC.

4.       Plan Termination

Although  it has not  expressed  any intent to do so, the  Company has the right
under the Plan to discontinue its contributions at any time and to terminate the
Plan  subject  to  the  provisions  of  ERISA.  In  the  event  of  termination,
participants will become fully vested in their account balances.

5.       Nonexempt Transactions

For the year ended December 31, 1999, the Company's failure to remit participant
employee  contributions  to the Plan no later than the 15th  business day of the
month following the month in which the contribution was withheld by the employer
constituted a lending of such monies  (bearing  interest at  approximately  16.5
percent) to the Company.  As such, this transaction  between the Company and the
Plan  represented  a  nonexempt  transaction  as  described  in the  Schedule of
Nonexempt  Transactions.  The deemed  loans were  repaid to the Plan on June 28,

6.       Subsequent Event

Effective  January 1, 2000, the Company  amended the Plan to treat the employees
of its  Inteliant  subsidiary  as a separate  line of business  for  purposes of
operational  testing.  In addition,  this  amendment  allows highly  compensated
employees  of its  Inteliant  subsidiary  to  participate  in the  Plan.  Highly
compensated  employees of SOS and its other  subsidiaries will remain ineligible
to participate in the Plan.


SOS Staffing Services, Inc. 401(k) Plan

Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes
As Of December 31, 1999

                  (b) Identity of Issuer,
                      Borrower, Lessor                      (c) Description
  (a)                 or Similar Party                       of Investment           (d)Current Value
  ---                 ----------------                       -------------           ----------------
         Fidelity Spartan U.S. Treasury Market Fund           937,901 shares of       $     937,901
                                                              money market fund

         Fidelity U.S. Bond Index Fund                        22,393 shares of              228,188
                                                              mutual fund

         Loomis Sayles Bond Fund                              17,005 shares of              195,900
                                                              mutual fund

         Fidelity Puritan Fund                                22,739 shares of              432,724
                                                              mutual fund

         Fidelity Equity Income I Fund                        11,803 shares of              631,250
                                                              mutual fund

         Dreyfus S&P 500 Index Fund                           20,866 shares of            1,086,888
                                                              mutual fund

         Dreyfus Appreciation Fund                            20,952 shares of              958,129
                                                              mutual fund

         Neuberger & Berman Genesis Trust                     14,064 shares of              295,916
                                                              mutual fund

         Managers Special Equity Fund                         6,297 shares of               575,733
                                                              mutual fund

         Hotchkiss & Wiley International Fund                 3,521 shares of                92,946
                                                              mutual fund


SOS Staffing Services, Inc. 401(k) Plan

Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes (Continued)
As Of December 31, 1999

                  (b) Identity of Issuer,
                      Borrower, Lessor                      (c) Description
  (a)                 or Similar Party                       of Investment           (d)Current Value
  ---                 ----------------                       -------------           ----------------
         Templeton Developing Markets Trust                 4,296 shares of          $      67,063
                                                            mutual fund

         Cohen & Steers Realty Shares Fund                  1,821 shares of                 67,198
                                                            mutual fund

         Fidelity Freedom 2010 Fund                         640 shares of a                  9,520
                                                            mutual fund

         Fidelity Freedom 2020 Fund                         853 shares of a                 13,977
                                                            mutual fund

         Fidelity Freedom 2030 Fund                         1,877 shares of a               31,859
                                                            mutual fund

   *     SOS Staffing Services, Inc.                        32,870 shares of               143,930
                                                            common stock

         Kemper Investors Life                              Advantage III                   34,419
            Insurance Company                               Investment option

         Participant loans                                  Interest rates
                                                            ranging from                    48,032
                                                            8.75% to 9.5%

* Denotes party-in-interest



Schedule of NonExempt Transactions
For the Year Ended December 31, 1999

                                                                 Description of Transactions, Including Maturity

  Identity of Party       Relationship to Plan, Employer or      Date, Rate of Interest, Collateral and Maturity
       Involved                Other Party in Interest
- ----------------------- -------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
                                                               Lending of monies from the Plan to the employer
                                                               (contributions not timely remitted to the Plan) as
SOS Staffing                                                   Deemed loan dated July 1, 1998, maturity June 29,
Services, Inc.          Employer                               2000 with interest at 16.5%

                       Interest Incurred On
    Amount Loaned              Loan
- ---------------------- ----------------------

               $9,627              $3,430(a)

(a) Interest of $3,430 was remitted to the Plan on June 28, 2000