
                          Kinship Communications, Inc.

                                    ARTICLE I


         The corporation may maintain such offices,  within or without the State
of Utah, as the Board of Directors may from time to time designate.  The address
of the  principal  office  of the  corporation  may be  changed  by the Board of

                                   ARTICLE II


         Section 2.01 - Annual Meeting.

         The annual meeting of the shareholders  shall be on the 1st day of June
of each year at 10:00 a.m., unless such day is a Sunday or Holiday,  then on the
next  business day beginning the first year after the year in which the Articles
of  Incorporation  are filed.  The annual  meeting  shall be for the  purpose of
electing  directors and for the  transaction  of such other business as may come
before the meeting. The first Annual Meeting shall be in the year 2001.

         Section 2.02 - Special Meetings.

         Special  meetings of the  shareholders may be called at any time by any
Director,   the  President,   or  in  their  absence  or   disability,   by  any
Vice-President, or by 15% or more of the shareholders.

         Section 2.03 - Quorum.

         A majority of the  outstanding  shares of the  corporation  entitled to
vote,  represented in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum at a meeting
of  shareholders.  If  less  than a  majority  of  the  outstanding  shares  are
represented  they may  adjourn  the meeting  from time to time  without  further
notice.  At such  adjourned  meeting  at which a  quorum  shall  be  present  or
represented,  any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at
the meeting as originally notified.


         Section 2.04 - Proxies.

         At each meeting of the shareholders,  each shareholder entitled to vote
shall be entitled  to vote in person or by proxy;  provided,  however,  that the
right to vote by proxy shall exist only in case the instrument  authorizing such
proxy to act shall be executed in writing by the  stockholder  himself or by his
attorney in fact,  personal  representative,  or  guardian  duly  authorized  in
writing.  In the case of a  business  entity,  the proxy  shall be signed by its
Chief  Executive  Officer.  The Company  may,  but is not required to, have such
officer produce a Resolution of the  Shareholders'  Governing Board  authorizing
the actions of the officer. Such instrument  authorizing a proxy to act shall be
delivered to the President of the corporation or to such other officer or person
who shall cast such vote at any  shareholder  meeting  to which the proxy  shall
apply.  Proxies shall only be for the next scheduled meeting,  unless the person
granting  the proxy is  thereafter  disabled or declared  incompetent,  in which
event the  proxy  shall be  effective  during  his  period  of  incompetence  or

                                   ARTICLE III

                               BOARD OF DIRECTORS

         Section 3.01 - General Powers.

         The  property,  affairs,  and  business  of the  corporation  shall  be
determined  and managed by the Board of  Directors.  The Board of Directors  may
exercise  all the  powers of the  corporation  whether  derived  from law or the
Articles of Incorporation, except such powers as are by statute, by the Articles
of Incorporation  or by these By-Laws,  vested solely in the stockholders of the

         Section 3.02 - Number, Tenure and Qualifications.

         The Corporation  shall  initially have three (3) directors  pursuant to
the  provisions  of the Utah  Business  Corporation  Act,  and the  Articles  of
Incorporation. The number of directors of the corporation may be expanded to any
odd number of directors upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) or more of
the shareholders of the  corporation.  Each director shall hold office until the
next annual meeting of the  shareholders and until his successor shall have been
elected and  qualify.  Directors  need not be  residents of the State of Utah or
shareholders  of the  corporation.  A  decrease  in the  number  of the Board of
Directors  may  be  had  only  upon  a  two-  third  (2/3)  vote  of  all of the
shareholders  and the number of the Directors to be so decreased  shall be fixed
as an odd number only upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all of the shareholders of
the  corporation.  In all events,  the minimum number of directors  shall not be
decreased to less than three.


         Section 3.03 - Action Without Notice.

         The director or directors may hold meetings from time to time by waiver
of notice or by written action taken by unanimous consent without notice.

         Section 3.04 - Special Meetings.

         Special  meeting of the Board of  Directors  may be called by or at the
request  of the  President,  Vice-President  or by any  director.  The  Board of
Directors may fix any place,  either within or without the State of Utah, as the
place for holding any special meeting of the Board of Directors called by them.

         Section 3.05 - Notice.

         Notice of any  Directors  Meeting shall be given at least five (5) days
previously  thereto by written  notice  delivered  personally  or mailed to each
director at his business address,  or by telegram or fax. If mailed, such notice
shall be deemed to be  delivered  three (3) days after  deposited  in the United
States Mail so addressed,  with postage thereon  prepaid.  If notice be given by
telegram or fax,  such notice shall be deemed to be delivered  when the telegram
is  delivered  to the  telegraph  company  or at the  time of any  recorded  fax
transmission. Any director may waive notice of any meeting.

         Section 3.06 - Quorum.

         A majority shall  constitute a quorum;  but if less than a majority are
present at a meeting,  a majority  of the  directors  present  may  adjourn  the
meeting from time to time without further notice.

         Section 3.07 - Manner of Acting.

         The act of a majority of the directors  present at a meeting at which a
quorum is  present  shall be the act of the Board of  Directors,  an  individual
director shall have no power as such, unless there be a single director in which
event his  signature as director  shall be the act of the Board of Directors and
the Corporation without formal resolution or further authorization.

         Section 3.08 - Vacancies and Newly Created Directorships.

         If there be more than one director and any vacancies shall occur in the
Board of  Directors  by reason of death,  resignation  or  otherwise,  or if the
authorized number of directors shall be increased,  the directors then in office
shall continue to act and such vacancies or newly created directorships shall be
filled by a vote of the directors then in office, though less than a quorum. Any
director so appointed shall stand for election at the next annual  meeting.  Any
directorship  to be filled by reason of the removal of one or more  directors by
the shareholders may be filled by election of the shareholders at the meeting at
which the director or directors  are removed.  If there be a sole  director,  he
shall appoint another director.


Thereafter,  the two directors  shall appoint  additional  directors to fill any
directorship  where  there is not a  serving  director  until  the  next  annual

         Section 3.09 - Sole Director.

         If there is a sole director and he be rendered  unable to act by death,
disability, or otherwise, and there be no appointment of an alternative director
by proxy, power of attorney, or testamentary instrument to act in his name, then
the administrator or guardian for such director may appoint a qualified attorney
at law to act as director for the corporation.  Upon the failure of the guardian
or administrator to name a qualified  attorney at law as a substitute  director,
then the corporation shall be terminated in accordance with Utah Corporate law.

         Section 3.10 - Compensation.

         By  resolution  of the Board of  Directors,  the  directors may be paid
their expenses, if any, of attendance at each meeting of the Board of Directors,
and may be paid a fixed  sum for  attendance  at each  meeting  of the  Board of
Directors or a stated  salary as director.  No such payment  shall  preclude any
director  from  serving the  corporation  in any other  capacity  and  receiving
compensation therefrom.

         Section 3.11 - Presumption of Assent.

         A director of the  corporation who is present at a meeting of the Board
of Directors at which action on any corporate  matter is taken shall be presumed
to have  assented to the action taken unless his dissent shall be entered in the
minutes  of the  meeting,  or unless he shall file his  written  dissent to such
action  with the  person  acting as the  Secretary  of the  meeting  before  the
adjournment  thereof,  or shall  forward such dissent by registered or certified
mail to the Secretary of the  corporation  immediately  after the adjournment of
the  meeting.  Such right to dissent  shall not apply to a director who voted in
favor of such action.

         Section 3.12 - Resignations.

         A director may resign at any time by  delivering a written  resignation
to either the President,  a  Vice-President,  or the Secretary.  The resignation
shall become effective on its acceptance by the Board of Directors provided that
if the Board has not acted therein within ten (10) days from the date presented,
resignation shall be deemed accepted on the date tendered.

         Section 3.13 - Emergency Power.

         If there be more than one director and when, due to a national disaster
or death, a majority of the Directors are  incapacitated  or otherwise unable to
attend the meetings  and function as  directors,  the  remaining  members of the
Board of Directors shall have all the powers necessary to function as a complete
Board;  and,  for the purpose of doing  business  and filling  vacancies,  shall
constitute a quorum until such time as all Directors can attend or vacancies can
be filled pursuant to these By-Laws.


         Section 3.14 - Chairman.

         The Board of  Directors  may  elect,  but need not do so,  from its own
number a Chairman of the Board who shall  preside at all meeting of the Board of
Directors and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed  from time to
time by the Board of Directors.

                                   ARTICLE IV


         Section 4.01 - Number.

         The  officers  of the  corporation  shall be a  President,  one or more
Vice-Presidents, as shall be determined by resolution of the Board of Directors,
a Secretary and a Treasurer  and such other  officers as may be appointed by the
Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors may elect, but shall not be required
to elect,  a Chairman of the Board and the Board may appoint a General  Manager.
More than one position may be held by one person.

         Section 4.02 - Election, Term of Office and Qualifications.

         The officers shall be chosen by the Board of Directors  annually at its
annual meeting.  In the event of failure to choose officers at an annual meeting
of the Board of  Directors,  officers  may be chosen at any  regular  of special
meeting  of the Board of  Directors.  Each such  officer  (whether  chosen at an
annual  meeting of the Board of Directors to fill a vacancy or otherwise)  shall
hold his office until the next ensuing  annual meeting of the Board of Directors
and until his  successor  shall  have been  chosen and  qualified,  or until his
death, removal, or resignation in the manner provided in these By-Laws.

         Section 4.03 - Resignations.

         Any officer may resign at any time by delivering a written  resignation
to the Board of Directors,  the  President or the  Secretary.  Unless  otherwise
specified therein, such resignation shall take effect upon delivery.

         Section 4.04 - Removal.

         Any  officer may be removed  from  office at an special  meeting of the
Board of Directors called for that purpose,  or at a regular meeting by the vote
of two-thirds (2/3) of the total authorized number of directors whenever, in its
judgment, the best interests of the corporation will be served thereby.


         Section 4.05 - Death or Disability of Single Officer.

         When there is only a single  officer for the  Corporation  and he shall
become deceased, disabled, or rendered incompetent in the judgment of a majority
of the Board of  Directors,  then the  successor  officer  shall be the Director
appointed in accordance with Section 3.09, Supra.

         Section 4.06 - Vacancies and Newly Created Offices.

         If there be more than one officer and if any vacancy shall occur in any
office by reason of death, resignation,  removal,  disqualification or any other
cause, or if a new office shall be created, then such vacancies or newly created
offices  may be filled by the  Board of  Directors  at any  regular  or  special
meeting.  The references to officers in these By-Laws in the masculine gender is
for  convenience  only and shall  include  and mean  "she"  whenever a female is
appointed  to such  office.  No office or position in the  corporation  is to be
limited by gender.

         Section 4.07 - The President.

         The President shall have the following powers and duties:

         a.       He shall be the chief  executive  officer of the  corporation;
                  and, subject to the direction of the Board of Directors, shall
                  have general  charge of the business,  affairs and property of
                  the  corporation  and general  supervision  over the officers,
                  employees and agents.

         b.       If no  Chairman  of the  Board  has  been  chosen,  or if such
                  officer  is  absent  or  disabled,  he/she  shall  preside  at
                  meetings of the stockholders and Board of Directors.

         c.       He shall be a member of any Executive Committee.

         d.       He shall be empowered to sign certificates  representing stock
                  of the  corporation,  the  issuance  of which  shall have been
                  authorized by the Board of Directors.

         e.       He shall have all powers and  perform  all duties  incident to
                  the office of a President of a corporation  and shall exercise
                  such other  powers and perform  such other duties as from time
                  to time may be assigned to him by the Board of Directors.

         Section 4.08 - The Vice-President.

         The Board of Directors may, from time to time,  designate and elect one
or more Vice-  Presidents,  one of whom may be  designated to serve as Executive
Vice-President.  Each Vice  President  shall have such powers and  perform  such
duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the Board of  Directors or


the  President.  At the  request  of, or in the  absence  or  disability  of the
President, the Executive Vice-President, or, in the absence or disability of the
Executive  Vice-President,  the  Vice  President  designated  by  the  Board  of
Directors or (in the absence of such  designation  by the Board of Directors) by
the  President,  the senior Vice-  President,  may perform all the duties of the
President,  and when so  acting,  shall have all the powers of and be subject to
all the restrictions upon the President.  Each Vice-President shall be empowered
to sign  certificates  representing  stock of the  corporation,  the issuance of
which shall have been authorized by the Board of Directors.

         Section 4.09 - The Secretary.

         The Secretary shall have the following powers and duties:

         a.       He  shall  keep or  cause  to be kept a  record  of all of the
                  proceedings  of the  meetings of the  stockholders  and of the
                  Board of Directors in books provided for that purpose.

         b.       He shall cause all notices to be duly given in accordance with
                  the provisions of these By-Laws and as required by statute.

         c.       He shall be the  custodian  of the  records and of seal of the
                  corporation,  and cause such seal (or a facsimile  thereof) to
                  be  affixed  to all  certificates  representing  stock  of the
                  corporation   prior  to  the  issuance   thereof  and  to  all
                  instruments,   the   execution  of  which  on  behalf  of  the
                  corporation  under its seal shall have been duly authorized in
                  accordance  with  these  By-Laws,  and when so  affixed he may
                  attest the same.

         d.       He   shall   see   that  the   books,   reports,   statements,
                  certificates,  and other  documents  and  records  required by
                  statute be properly kept and filed.

         e.       He shall have charge of the stock books of the corporation and
                  cause the stock and  transfer  books to be kept in such manner
                  as to  show  at  any  time  the  amount  of the  stock  of the
                  corporation of each class issued and outstanding.

         f.       He may be empowered to sign certificates representing stock of
                  the  corporation,  the  issuance  of  which  shall  have  been
                  authorized by the Board of Directors.

         g.       He shall perform in general all duties  incident to the office
                  of  Secretary  and such  other  duties  as are given to him by
                  these  By-Laws or as from time to time may be  assigned to him
                  by the Board of Directors or the President.


         Section 4.10 - Assistant Secretary.

         It is  intended  that  there  may be  appointed  one or more  Assistant
Secretaries  who may discharge all functions of the office of Secretary and sign
as the  Secretary  upon  express  direction  of the  Secretary  or the  Board of

         Section 4.11 - The Treasurer.

         The Treasurer shall have the following powers and duties:

         a.       He shall have charge and  supervision  over and be responsible
                  for the monies, securities,  receipts and disbursements of the

         b.       He shall  cause the monies and other  valuable  effects of the
                  corporation  to be  deposited in the name and to the credit of
                  the  corporation in such banks or trust companies or with such
                  bankers  or  other   depositories  as  shall  be  selected  in
                  accordance with Section 5.03 hereof.

         c.       He shall cause the monies of the  corporation  to be disbursed
                  by  checks or drafts  (signed  as  provided  in  Section  5.04
                  hereof) and the authorized  depositories  of the  corporation,
                  and cause to be taken and  preserved  proper  vouchers for all
                  monies disbursed.

         d.       He shall  render to the Board of  Directors  or the  President
                  whenever  requested a statement of the financial  condition of
                  the  corporation  and of all his  transaction as Treasurer and
                  render a full  financial  report at the annual  meeting of the
                  stockholders, if called upon to do so.

         e.       He shall cause to be kept correct  books of account of all the
                  business and  transactions of the corporation and exhibit such
                  books to any director upon request during business hours.

         f.       He shall be  empowered  from time to time to require  from all
                  officers or agents of the  corporation  reports or  statements
                  giving such  information  as he may desire with respect to any
                  and all financial transactions of the corporation.

         g.       He shall be empowered to sign certificates  representing stock
                  of the  corporation,  the  issuance  of which  shall have been
                  authorized by the Board of Directors or the President.

         Section 4.12 - General Manager.

         A General  Manager may act for and with the consent of the President in
making  day-to- day  decisions  not  requiring  the  rendering  of  professional


services  and  discharging  all  duties   delegated  by  the  President  or  any
Vice-President acting as the Chief Executive Officer, but may not borrow or lend
money or enter into  agreements for the sale or transfer of assets other than in
the ordinary course of business.

         Section 4.13 - Salaries.

         The salaries or other  compensation  of the officers of the corporation
shall be fixed from time to time by the Board of Directors.  No officer shall be
prevented from receiving any such salary or  compensation  by reason of the fact
that he is also a director of the corporation.

         Section 4.14 - Officers as Employees.

         Any officer of this  Corporation  may also serve the  Corporation as an
employee,  provided  that he is approved to hold both  positions by the Board of
Directors;  and,  provided  further,  that his  compensation  for  acting  as an
employee shall be separate and distinct from his  compensation  for acting as an
officer of the corporation.

         Section 4.15 - Surety Bonds.

         In case the Board of Directors  shall so require,  any officer or agent
of the corporation  shall execute to the corporation a bond in such sum and with
such surety or sureties as the Board of Directors may direct,  conditioned  upon
the  faithful   performance  of  his  duties  to  the   corporation,   including
responsibility, monies, or securities of the corporation which may come into his


                                    ARTICLE V

                           DEPOSIT OF CORPORATE FUNDS

         Section 5.01 - General Execution.

         The President shall execute all documents and  instruments  pursuant to
the powers of his office set-out above in accordance with Board Resolutions. The
Board may  prescribe a signature by an  additional  officer by resolution to any

         Section 5.02 - Execution of Instruments.

         Subject to any limitation contained in the Articles of Incorporation or
in these By-Laws,  the President or any Vice-President,  may, in the name and on
behalf of the corporation,  execute and deliver any contract or other instrument
authorized  in writing by the Board of  Directors.  The Board of Directors  may,
subject to any limitation contained in the Articles of Incorporation or in these
By-Laws,  authorize  in writing  any officer or agent to execute and deliver any
contract or other instrument in the name and on behalf of the  corporation;  any
such authorization may be general or confined to specific instances.

         Section 5.03 - Loans.

         No loan or advance shall be contracted on behalf of the corporation; no
negotiable  paper or other evidence of its obligation  under any loan or advance
shall be  issued  in its  name;  and no  property  of the  corporation  shall be
mortgaged,  pledged,  hypothecated or transferred as security for the payment of
any loan,  advance,  indebtedness  or liability of the  corporation,  unless and
except as authorized by the Board of Directors.  Any such  authorization  may be
general or confined to specific instances.

         Section 5.04 - Deposits.

         All monies of the corporation not otherwise employed shall be deposited
from time to time to its  credit in such banks or trust  companies  or with such
bankers or other  depositories as the Board of Directors may select,  or as from
time to time may be selected by any officer or agent  authorized to do so by the
Board of Directors.


         Section 5.05 - Checks, Drafts, Etc.

         All notes, drafts, acceptance, checks, endorsements and, subject to the
provision of these By-Laws,  evidences of indebtedness of the corporation  shall
be signed by such officer or officers or such agent or agents of the corporation
and in such manner as the Board of  Directors  from time to time may  determine.
Endorsements  for  deposit to the credit of the  corporation  in any of its duly
authorized  depositories  shall be in such manner as the Board of Directors from
time to time may determine.

         Section 5.06 - Bond and Debentures.

         Every bond or debenture issued by the corporation shall be evidenced by
an  appropriate  instrument  which  shall  be  signed  by  the  President  or  a
Vice-President  together with the  Treasurer or  Secretary,  and sealed with the
seal of the corporation.

         Section 5.07 - Sale, Transfer, Etc., of Securities.

         Sales,  transfers,  endorsements  and  assignments of shares of stocks,
bonds and other  securities  owned by or standing in the name of the corporation
and the  execution  and  delivery  on behalf of the  corporation  of any and all
instruments  in writing  incident  to any such sale,  transfer,  endorsement  or
assignment,  shall be  effected  by the  President,  or by any Vice-  President,
together  with the  Treasurer  or  Secretary,  or by any other  officer or agent
thereunto authorized by the Board of Directors.

         Section 5.08 - Proxies.

         Proxies to vote with  respect to shares of stock of other  corporations
owned by or  standing  in the name of the  corporation  shall  be  executed  and
delivered on behalf of the  corporation  by the President or any  Vice-President
and the Secretary or Assistant  Secretary of the  corporation and by any officer
or agent thereunto authorized by the Board of Directors.

                                   ARTICLE VI

                                  CAPITAL STOCK

         Section  6.01 -  Certificate  of  Stock.  Every  holder of stock in the
corporation  shall be entitled to have a  certificate,  signed by the President,
and sealed  with the seal (which may be  facsimile,  engraved or printed) of the
corporation,  certifying the number and kind, class or series of shares owned by
him in the corporation.


                                   ARTICLE VII


         Section 7.01 - Corporate Seal. The corporation adopted the seal affixed
to the margin hereof as the seal of the corporation.

                                  ARTICLE VIII


         Section 8.01 - Indemnification.

         No officer or Director shall be personally  liable for any  obligations
of the  corporation or for any duties or obligations  arising out of any acts or
conduct  of  said  officer  or  director  performed  for  or on  behalf  of  the
Corporation,  except willful or reckless  misconduct.  The corporation shall and
does  hereby  indemnify  and  hold  harmless  each  person  and  his  heirs  and
administrators who shall serve at any time hereafter as a director or officer of
the corporation from and against any and all claims,  judgments, and liabilities
to which such persons shall become subject by reason of his having heretofore or
hereafter  been a director  or officer of the  corporation,  or by reason of any
action  alleged to have been  heretofore  or hereafter  taken or omitted to have
been taken by him as such  director or officer,  and shall  reimburse  each such
person for all legal and other expenses reasonably incurred by him in connection
with any such claim or liability, including power to defend such person from all
suits or claims;  provided,  however,  that no such person shall be  indemnified
against, or reimbursed for, any expense incurred in connection with any claim or
liability  arising  out of his own willful or  reckless  misconduct.  The rights
accruing to any person under the foregoing  provisions of this section shall not
exclude any other right to which he may lawfully be entitled, nor shall anything
herein contained restrict the right of the corporation to indemnify or reimburse
such person in any proper case,  even though not  specifically  herein  provided
for. The  corporation,  its directors,  officers,  employees and agents shall be
fully protected in taking any action or making any payment, or in refusing so to
do in reliance  upon the advise of counsel.  This section is in extension of and
not  limitation  of the  provision  in the  Articles  on  limited  liability  of

         Section 8.02 - Other Indemnification.

         The  indemnification  herein provided shall not be deemed  exclusive of
any other rights to whom those seeking indemnification may be entitled under any
By-Law,   agreement,   vote  of  stockholders  or  disinterested  directors,  or
otherwise,  both as to  action  in his  official  capacity  and as to  action in
another  capacity  while holding such office,  and shall continue as to a person
who has ceased to be a director,  officer,  or  employee  and shall inure to the
benefit of the heirs, executors, and administrators of such persons.


         Section 8.03 - Insurance.

         The  corporation  may purchase and maintain  insurance on behalf of any
person who is or was a director,  officer or employee of the corporation,  or is
or was  serving  at the  request  of the  corporation  as a  director,  officer,
employee or agent of another corporation,  partnership,  joint venture, trust or
other  enterprise  against any  liability  asserted  against him and incurred by
such,  whether  or not the  corporation  would have the power to  indemnify  him
against liability under the provisions of this section.

         Section 8.04 - Settlement by Corporation.

         The right of any person to be  indemnified  shall be subject  always to
the  right  of the  corporation  by its  Board  of  Directors,  in  lieu of such
indemnity,  to settle any such claim,  action, suit or proceeding at the expense
of the corporation by the payment of the amount of such settlement and the costs
and expenses incurred in connection therewith.

                                   ARTICLE IX


         Section 9.01.

         The  Corporation in addition to its operating  account may maintain one
or more investment  accounts which may, but need not be, pursuant to a qualified
retirement, investment, profit sharing plan, or like plan.

         Section 9.02.

         Unless the Board of Directors shall impose specific restrictions or the
type of investments for a particular account,  the corporation may engage in all
legal  investments  as  determined  by  its  Board  of  Directors.   By  way  of
illustration, and not by limitation, the corporation may invest in:

         a.       Real estate, condominiums shares, time shares;

         b.       Oil, gas or other mineral rights or interest;

         c.       Commodities,  coins, art works,  gems,  other  collectibles or
                  precious  metals;  as well as  commodity  future  contracts or

         d.       Stocks,  bonds,  limited  partnerships,  or other  equities to
                  include writing or purchasing "put" or "call" options;


         e.       Accounts  receivables,   other  factoring  arrangements,   and
                  investment loans and leases.

         f.       Treasury notes or bonds or obligation or foreign governments;

         g.       Any mutual fund or other fund or account providing for pooling
                  of interest in the foregoing or other investments.

                                    ARTICLE X


         Section 10.01.

         In the event a shareholder of the corporation  dies,  becomes disabled,
or is declared incompetent by a court of competent  jurisdiction,  then the duly
appointed  personal guardian or personal  representative for such person, in the
event of death or disability, shall have authority to transfer the shares of the
corporation held by such shareholder by proxy,  Will, Trust,  buy-out agreement,
sale contract, or other instrument under such terms of transfer as may be stated
therein.  Until  transferred,  any such guardian or personal  representative may
vote such shares and exercise other  incidents of ownership  compatible with the
agreements  of transfer or  disposition.  If no  instrument  as described  above
exists,  then the  guardian or personal  representative  may sell such shares in
accordance with the powers of such office.

         Section 10.02.

         A minor may be a shareholder only pursuant to the "Uniform Transfers to
Minors Act" or similar state law. A minor's shares shall be voted or transferred
by the  Grantor  only for the  benefit  of the  minor,  until the minor  reaches
majority  under  applicable  law.  Any dividend or other  distribution  shall be
payable to the Grantor in trust for the minor.

                                   ARTICLE XI

                           RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS

         Section 11.01.

         The corporation  shall not be prevented from entering into contracts or
transactions  with any related  party.  No director or officer  need  disqualify
himself  from  voting on  transactions  in his  corporate  capacity  between the
corporation and any such related party. Such transactions by way of illustration
and not by  limitation  may  include  the  sale or  lease  of  equipment  to the
corporation,  the management of the investment  funds, or providing  independent
service to the corporation by one or more of its officers or directors.


         Section 11.02.

         The standard required by all transactions contemplated by the foregoing
section will be good faith dealings.

                                   ARTICLE XII

                          CONTROL SHARE ACQUISITION ACT

         The original Board hereby elects  exemption from any and all provisions
of the  Utah  Control  Share  Acquisition  Act  as it  presently  exists  or may
subsequently  be  recodified  or amended so long as  "election  out" is provided
under Utah Law, or under the applicable law of any other jurisdiction..

         THESE  BY-LAWS  ACCEPTED by the  Directors on this 2nd day of February,

/s/Terry Deru                           /s/Andrew Limpert
- ---------------                         -------------------------------
Mr. Terry Deru                          Mr. Andrew Limpert
                                        Seal adopted with these By-Laws
