Agreement  made and entered in  multiple  parts on this 5th day of May,
2000 by and between  Kinship  Systems,  Inc., a Utah  Corporation of 22 East 100
South, 4th Floor, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111, (Kinship) with ProSource Software,
a  Proprietorship,  of 2620  South  1100  East,  Salt Lake  City,  Utah,  84106,
(ProSource)  in Salt Lake  County,  State of Utah.  Whenever  both  Kinship  and
ProSource are collectively referred to in this Agreement, they may be designated
as the "Parties."


         WHEREAS,  Kinship  is a  newly  organized  corporation  engaged  in the
business of marketing various technology products and concepts;

         WHEREAS,  ProSource is the  developer of certain  proprietary  software
with  primary   applications  to  accident   avoidance   analysis  and  accident
reconstruction applications.  The two specific software products subject to this
Agreement being the Accident  Avoidance  Analysis software program "AAA" and the
LARM 2 accident reconstruction software programs and materials;

         WHEREAS,  ProSource  is desirous of  extending  to Kinship an exclusive
distribution  agreement to the two subject  software product  packages,  or such
other products that may subsequently be negotiated  between the Parties,  within
the states of Utah, Idaho, Nevada,  Arizona and California for a two year period
upon the terms and consideration set-out in this Agreement;

         WHEREAS,  Kinship is willing to pay for such  products on a  discounted
basis for the exclusive  marketing  rights and to use its best efforts to market
the products in the subject geographic areas under the terms of this Agreement;

         NOW THEREFORE, the Parties mutually agree and covenant as follows:


1.0  Consideration.  This  Agreement  is fully and  adequately  supported by the
consideration of the exclusive marketing rights granted by ProSource to Kinship,
for the  fees  anticipated  to be  earned  by  ProSource  from  Kinship  for the
marketing  of its  products;  and  independently  by the  mutual  covenants  and
promises contained herein.

2.0 Geographic Area.  ProSource herewith assigns,  conveys and grants to Kinship
the  exclusive  marketing  rights to the LARM 2 and the AAA  software  packages,
consisting of software, manuals,  promotional material,  packaging and technical
support, in the geographic areas of Utah, Idaho, Nevada,  Arizona and California
for two years from the date of this Agreement. ProSource agrees that it will not
market or  distribute  these  products,  or any  similar  products,  within  the
foregoing  geographic  area during this base term either directly or indirectly,
or through  anyone  acting under its  direction,  authority  or control.  Should
ProSource operate a Web site or other national  marketing program or other site,
it will refer to Kinship any product orders inquires or solicitations  regarding
the sale of the product within the foregoing  geographical areas during the term
of this Agreement.

3.0 Terms and Term. Both parties agree that this Distribution Agreement shall be
for a base period of two years,  unless earlier terminated for a material breech
of this Agreement. During the term of this Agreement,  Kinship shall be entitled
to purchase  the product at a 20%  discount  from the  prevailing  market  price
charged by ProSource for identical  product.  ProSource will advice Kinship on a
monthly,  or more frequent basis as it shall be determined  appropriate,  of the
prevailing  market price  charged by  ProSource  for the LARM 2 and AAA software
systems.  Upon  receiving  notice of any  change in pricing  structure,  Kinship
agrees to pay the  modified  price  based upon the 20%  discount  for all orders
placed after the date of notice.

4.0 Renewal  Option.  It is agreed and understood  between Kinship and ProSource
that after the base term of two years the parties  shall  mutually  cooperate in
good faith to attempt to renegotiate a continuation of this marketing  agreement
upon terms to be negotiated.  However, neither parties shall have any obligation
to continue  such  agreement if such  arrangements  cannot be  negotiated.  Both
parties agree to commence  negotiations  for continuation not later than 60 days
prior to the completion of the initial term of this Agreement.

5.0 Best  Efforts  Basis.  Kinship  agrees to use its best  efforts to  promote,
distribute  and market  the  ProSource  software  through  various  distribution
channels  during the term of this  Agreement;  to include:  direct mail,  e-mail
campaigns,  trade  print  advertising  and Web site sales as such Web site shall
subsequently  be  established.   Provided,  however,  this  is  a  best  efforts
performance  only  contract on the part of Kinship and Kinship makes no warranty
or  representation  as to its ability to market such products in a  commercially
successful manner, nor are there any minimum performance sales obligations under
the terms of this Agreement.

6.0  Technology  Updates.  ProSource  agrees  that it will  supply  all  updated
software  technology for the two software products,  the LARM 2 and AAA systems,
as such  innovations,  improvements or updates to the existing software packages
are available to ProSource  including upgraded software,  manuals,  advertising,
packaging and promotional materials and any successor products and promotions.

7.0  Advertising  and  Payment.  ProSource  may, at its  election,  determine to
directly advertise in the exclusive marketing area where the product may be sold
under the terms of this  Agreement  by Kinship,  but in no event will Kinship be
responsible  for  paying  any  portion  or  pro  rata  portion  of  any  general
advertising,  marketing or other  distribution  costs of ProSource.  All product
will be paid for and made available  F.O.B. at the ProSource  principal place of
business at 2620 South 1100 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84106,  unless  otherwise
agreed to by the Parties in writing.

8.0 Production  Commitments and Contingencies.  ProSource agrees that it has the
basis and ability to produce sufficient software packages for the products to be
marketed by Kinship in the  relevant  geographical  areas.  Beyond this  general
representation,  ProSource  agrees  that it will use its best effort to complete
and fill orders on a 10 day basis after such order is placed by Kinship.  Unless
otherwise  agreed between the parties,  all orders will be paid by wire transfer
or other  agreed  upon  funds,  F.O.B.  at the time of  delivery  or shipment to
Kinship.  In the event that any order placed by Kinship is not filled  within 21


days of such  order  being  placed  and  upon  tender  or proof  of  tender  for
consideration  to pay for such order by Kinship,  then  Kinship may contract for
the production of the software package for the LARM 2 and AAA including software
production,  manual,  and  advertising  materials  from a third party  vendor or
vendors.  The third party  vendor may be  designated  by ProSource if capable of
completing  the order,  otherwise  Kinship  shall select a suitable  third party
production company and ProSource agrees to provide the base software technology,
manuals,  advertising  materials packaging and other components for the software
package as necessary for  replication and duplication by the third party vendor.
ProSource  may require the  pre-commitment  in writing of a standard and typical
non-disclosure,  non-competition  agreement from any third party source selected
by  Kinship.  Kinship  shall pay all third party  costs of  production  and may,
thereafter,  sell the product  subject to this  Agreement  for the  standard and
customary  commercial  market price as  previously  marketed by ProSource at the
time  of  the  production  default  by  ProSource,  or any  subsequently  posted
prevailing  market  prices of the products by ProSource as actually  employed by
ProSource. Any third party marketing rights will continue through the completion
of any order placed by Kinship and any renewal of such orders until such time as
ProSource  gives 30 days prior written  notice of its ability to resume  meeting
the sales orders placed by Kinship.  No resumption by ProSource shall,  however,
require  Kinship to cancel any third party order which it may have placed  under
the provisions of this paragraph and which cannot be canceled without penalty.

 9.0  Warranties.  ProSource  will  continue to provide  ongoing  service on all
software sold by Kinship and will extend and honor its standard ninety day money
back guarantee on all sales effected by Kinship.

10.0  Subagents.  Kinship  shall be  entitled to employ any  subagents  or other
distribution  parties in completing  the sale and  distribution  of the products
within the geographic area. It shall be the responsibility,  duty and obligation
of  Kinship  to insure  that any  subagent  employed  conforms  to all terms and
provisions of this Agreement,  including any implied covenants and warranties to
market in a responsible and professional  manner,  and strictly within the terms
and provisions of this Agreement, including any provisions on non-disclosure and

11.0 Non-Disclosure and  Non-Competition.  Both parties agree and stipulate that
during the course of this  Agreement  they may have  occasion  to learn about or
employ proprietary  software,  trade secrets, or other proprietary  technical or
business  information  belonging to the other  party.  In this regard each party
covenants  and  agrees  with  the  other  party  not to  competitively  use  any
information,  products, technology or proprietary information of the other party
in any competitive  manner.  Each party agrees to act with the utmost good faith
not to disclose directly or indirectly,  or employ any person acting under their
direction,  authority  or  control  to  disclose  or employ  the  technology  or
proprietary  information  as obtained  from the other party in any manner  which
would be competitive or would result in potential  economic loss or detriment to
the  other  party  and not as  otherwise  provided  for  under  this  Agreement.
Specifically,  and not in limitation of the foregoing  general  representations,
each party agrees not to maintain beyond the term of this Agreement any software
that belongs or was licensed under this  Agreement from the other party,  but to
return all such  information  without copy at the conclusion of this  Agreement.
The  covenants  of  this  paragraph  shall  continue  beyond  the  term  of this


12.0     Representations and Warranties of ProSource.

         12.1     ProSource represents that it is a Utah Proprietorship.

         12.2     ProSource  represents that it is not a party to any agreement,
arrangement  or course of dealing  which would prevent it from entering into and
fully discharging this Agreement.

         12.3     ProSource  represents that its undersigned  principal is fully
and duly authorized to execute this Agreement.

         12.4     ProSource  represents  that it is not a party to any criminal,
civil or administrative action which would in anyway interfere with its right to
fully preform under this Agreement,  or cause any impairment in the availability
of its services or products subject to this Agreement.

13.0     Representations of Kinship.

         13.1     Kinship  represents  that  it is a Utah  corporation  in  good

         13.2     Kinship  represents  that it is not a party to any  agreement,
arrangement  or cause of dealing  which would  prevent it from entering into and
fully discharging this Agreement.

         13.3     Kinship  represents  that  it is not a party  to an  criminal,
civil or administrative  action which would in anyway interfere with its ability
to fully perform under this Agreement.

         13.4     The  undersigned  officer of  Kinship  has been duly and fully
authorized  to execute this  Agreement  pursuant to  resolution  of its Board of

14.0 Termination.  Both parties agree that this Agreement may only be terminated
for material cause. Material cause may include a material default of performance
by either party,  bankruptcy,  insolvency or a determination of illegally of any
action arising under this Agreement. Any party asserting a material breach under
this  paragraph  shall give to the other  party not less than  twenty  (20) days
prior written  notice of such default and allow the other party a right to fully
cure such default within such time as may be possible.

15.0     Miscellaneous.

         15.1     This  Agreement  shall be binding upon or inure to the benefit
of any assign or successor in interest of either party hereto.

         15.2     The nature and rights of this Agreement being  personal,  this
Agreement shall not be assignable without the prior written consent of the other
party,  which  consent  shall not be  unreasonably  withheld as to any successor
party of equal  competence  to perform  and  financial  status who is willing to
assume this Agreement in writing.

         15.3     This  Agreement  shall be applied and  construed in accordance
with Utah law.


         15.4     Should any term or position of this Agreement be found void or
voidable,  the balance shall be given reasonable  application and applied so far
as possible.

         15.5     This Agreement shall be given reasonable application as to any
ambiguity  over any term,  or mistake of grammar,  syntax,  spelling,  gender or
usage and shall be applied and  construed to implement the intent of the parties
so far as possible.

         15.6     Should any action at law or equity be necessary to enforce any
term or provision of this Agreement,  the prevailing  party shall be entitled to
reasonable  attorney fees and costs of Court and any damages incurred shall bear
interest at the rate of 12% per annum from the date of loss.

         15.7     Time is of the essence of this Agreement.

         15.8     The  Recitals  shall be  interpreted  as a necessary  term and
provision of this Agreement.

         15.9     Any  notice  or  process  which may or must be given or served
under this Agreement may be given at the address first  appearing  above for the
parties;  provided that, should either party change its service address it shall
provide  the other  party a written  notice of change of address and attach onto
this Agreement a certification of such change.

Dated the day and date first upon written.

Kinship Systems, Inc.                    ProSource Software

   /s/Terry Deru                            By:  /s/Johanna Salter
   ----------------                              -----------------
     Terry Deru                                  Johanna Salter
     Its President                               Its Owner
