920 North Nash Street
                          El Segundo, California 90245
                             Telephone (310)414-1128
                                (310)414-1129 Fax

                                March 5, 2001


Mr. V. Michael McGuire
ACAP Financial
Suite 101, American Plaza III
47 West 200 South
Salt Lake City, Utah  84101


Dear Mr. McGuire:

         Thank  you for the copy of the  November  21,  2000  letter  from  NASD
Regulation  regarding  EnterTech Media Group,  Inc. The company has attempted to
collect the  information  requested  and  provides  the  following  supplemental
information in response to the numbered items in the NASD's letter:

         1.  Attached you will find a signed copy of Alexander H. Walker,  Jr.'s
letter dated October 11, 2000.

         2. Copies of the company's  Form 10-QSB for each of the filing  periods
in the year 2000 are attached.  Also  attached is a copy of the  company's  Form
10-KSB filed on June 16, 2000.

         3. The company last filed an Amended Form 10-SB with the Securities and
Exchange  Commission  on June 19,  2000.  As of this date,  the  company has not
received additional comments from the staff regarding the company's Amended Form
10-SB.  Given the  significant  period of time which has elapsed  since the last
filing,  the company  assumes that the staff has completed its review and has no
additional comments.  In this regard, the company understands that the following
staff members were reviewing the company's filing: Ed Evangelidi (202) 942-1771,
Ed Loftus (202) 942-2950,  Jonathan Ingram (202) 942-1843 and William  Underhill
(202) 942-2950 who supervised the review of the company's filing.


         4. A copy of the final Amended Form 10-SB is attached.

         5. The company has filed its Form 10-QSB for the third quarter of 2000.
         A copy  of  that  filing  is  attached.  With  this  filing,  it is the
         company's understanding that it is current on its reporting obligation.

         6.  The  company  has  prepared  and  filed a Form  8-K  regarding  its
         relationship with Talk Visual Corporation and its separate relationship
         with  World  Net   Resources   Group,   Inc.,   two  of  the  company's
         shareholders.  A copy  of  that  Form  8-K is  attached.  As  explained
         therein, the company has entered into business relationships with these
         shareholders.  Under the  terms of those  business  relationships,  the
         company issued shares of its common stock to these entities.

         The  company  also has a business  relationship  with  Whyteburg,  Ltd,
another  shareholder.  This  relationship  involves a loan from Whyteburg to the
company  and is  detailed in the  company's  Form 10-SB and  Amended  Form 10-SB
filings.  Amounts  received  from the  company  pursuant  to this loan have been
capitalized  and are not carried on the company's  books as loans.  Accordingly,
Whyteburg has been issued shares of the company's common stock. The certificates
representing such shares bear appropriate  restrictive  legends. A discussion of
this  transaction can be found at page 17 of the company's June 19, 2000 Amended
Form 10- SB.

         John Daly,  an officer and director of the company,  has the  following
relationships with the following shareholders:

                  Shareholder                 Relationship

                  Eileen Ball                 Sister
                  William Ball                Brother-in-law
                  Daniel Ball                 Nephew
                  Peter C. Branscombe         Brother-in-law
                  Kathleen Branscombe         Sister
                  John Branscombe             Nephew
                  Stephen Branscombe          Nephew
                  Karen Branscombe            Nephew's wife
                  Peter T. Branscombe         Nephew
                  Francis Branscombe          Niece
                  Mark Coster                 Niece's husband


                  Theresa Coster              Niece
                  Brigitte Daly               Ex-wife (mother of Jennifer and
                                              Michael Daly)
                  Jennifer Daly               Daughter
                  Julian Daly                 Son
                  Michael Daly                Son
                  Timothy Laurence Daly       Son
                  Mark Delaiche               Niece's husband
                  Susan Delaiche              Niece
                  David Foster                Niece's husband
                  Jacqueline Foster           Niece
                  Greg Hicks                  Nephew
                  Terry Hicks                 Brother-in-law
                  John Smallcombe             Cousin
                  Joanne Taylor               Niece
                  Stephen Taylor              Niece's husband
                  Patricia Voltier            Sister
                  Mark Voltier                Nephew
                  Lorna Voltier               Nephew's wife
                  Kelly Winn                  Mother of Julian and Timothy
                                              (John Daly's sons)

         Mark Tolner, an officer and director of the company,  has the following
relationships with the following shareholders:

                  Shareholder                 Relationship

                  Cynthia Klein               Mr. Tolner's wife
                  Adam Tolner                 Mr. Tolner's brother
                  Joanne Tolner               Mr. Tolner's daughter
                  Pamela Tolner               Mr. Tolner's mother
                  Ross Tolner                 Mr. Tolner's son


         Alexander H. Walker, Jr., a director of the company,  has the following
relationships with the following shareholders:

              Shareholder                     Relationship

              Talk Visual Corporation         Mr. Walker is a director of
                                              Talk Visual

              Alexander H. Walker III         Mr. Walker's son
              Amanda Cardinalli               Mr. Walker's daughter
              Timotha Kent                    Mr. Walker's daughter

              Nevada Agency & Trust Company   Mr. Walker is an owner, officer
                                              and director.  NATCO also is the
                                              company's transfer agent

              Hidden Splendor Resources       Mr. Walker's wife owns and
                                              controls Hidden Splendor

         7. Except as previously disclosed, no officer or director of the issuer
is also an officer,  director or principal shareholder of any corporation on the
issuer's shareholder list.

         With  regard  to the  identity  of the  individuals  who are  officers,
directors and principal  shareholders of the  corporations  on the  shareholders
list, the company  assumes that the staff of NASD  Regulation has requested such
information  out of concern that there may be hidden  relationships  between the
corporate   shareholders  and  the  company's  management  which  somehow  allow
management to control the "float" of the freely tradable shares of the company's
common  stock.  In order to assuage  such  concerns  the  company  provides  the
following  information  regarding  these  "corporate  shareholders,"  which  the
company has placed into three groups:

         First, certain corporate  shareholders likely do not raise much concern
with  the  staff.  For  example,  some of the  corporate  shareholders  are NASD
members,  the nominee  names of such members or  securities  depositories.  Such
shareholders  include  Cede & Co.,  Hutchins  Securities  and  Wilco.  None  the
officers or directors of the company  hold or otherwise  control  shares held in
these names. The company assumes that NASD Regulation is aware of the identities
of the officers,  directors and control  shareholders of these entities and that
these entities are not the focus of the staff's concerns.


         The second group includes corporate entities with which the company has
done  business  or with which the company has  continuing  relationships.  These
relationships are summarized as follows and, where such information is available
to the company,  the requested  officer,  director and  controlling  shareholder
information is listed:

         Cullen  Trading  Ltd.  CTL is one of the  company's  shareholders.  The
principals of Cullen Trading are Jason Tabone and Stephen Hirst.

         Hidden Splendor Resources,  Ltd. HSRL is solely owned and controlled by
Cecil Ann Walker.  Mrs.  Walker is the wife of Alexander H. Walker,  Jr., one of
the company's directors.  Mr. Walker's  relationship to HSRL is disclosed in the
company's filings with the SEC.

         Morgounova  Corporation.  Morgounova provided  translation services for
the company as part of the company's business  activities in Russia.  Morgounova
was issued shares of the company's common stock in exchange for such services.

         Nevada Agency & Trust Company.  NATCO is the company's  transfer agent.
Alexander H. Walker,  Jr., a director of the  company,  owns and controls  NATCO
with his wife, Cecil Ann Walker. Mr. Walker's relationship to NATCO is disclosed
in the company's filings with the SEC. Mr. Walker's daughter, Amanda Cardinalli,
also is an officer of NATCO.

         Talk Visual Corporation The company's relationship to TVCP is described
in the attached  Form 8-K.  Talk Visual is a reporting  company.  Its  officers,
directors and control  shareholders  are listed in its filings with the SEC. For
ease of  reference,  a copy of Items 9 and 11 of  TVCP's  last  Form  10-KSB  is
attached hereto.

         Whyteburg Limited. As indicated above, Whyteburg has provided operating
capital to the company.  The  principals  of Whyteburg  Limited are  Christopher
Langenauer and Margrith Burer.

         Worldnet  Resources Group,  Inc. The company's  relationship to WRGI is
described in the attached Form 8-K.


         Lastly, the company does not have the requested  information  regarding
certain  corporate  shareholders.  These are  corporations  in which there is no
relationship  or  affiliation  between  either the company or any of its current
officers or directors. These include:

             Shareholder                      Shares Owned

             Bencivenga Enterprises                 883
             Cardav Finance                         417
             HL Green Enterprises                    42
             Hanifen Imhoff Inc.                  4,000
             Lippy's, Inc.                           84
             Natseco                                583
             Pacific National Venture, Inc.       9,166
             Pacific-Southeast Corp.                 63
             Quick and Easy Software, Inc.        3,750
             Sigler & Co.                            42

         8. After inquiry of the  company's  officers and  directors,  it is the
company's  understanding  that none of the company's officers and directors hold
shares of the  company  in the name of Cede & Co or any  nominee  name of a NASD

         9. The company's issuances of shares is detailed in paragraph 11 below.
The  company's  currently  freely  tradeable  shares  were issued in a number of
transactions  which date back to 1987.  The  exemptions  from  registration  for
theses  transactions  also is  noted  below.  In the case of  securities  issued
pursuant to the exemption from registration under the provisions of Section 4(2)
of the Securities  Act of 1933, as amended,  the holding period for such shares,
with the  exception  of those  issued in the last year,  has long since run. The
vast  majority  of the  company's  free  trading  shareshave  been  held  by the
underlying shareholders for a long period of time.

         10.  Attached is a schematic  diagram which depicts how the issuer came
into its current state.


         11. The following  information is complete as to each issuance of stock
and the exemption from registration claimed from inception March 19, 1987 to the
date hereof:

         a. The company issued 100,000 shares to its insiders being the officers
and directors  named in the 504 material on March 19, 1987.  The exemption  from
registration  is claimed  under Section 4(2) of the  Securities  Act of 1933, as

         b. The company issued 600,000  shares to  seventy-nine  (79) persons in
reliance upon the  provisions of Rule 504. A copy of the  Prospectus is attached
hereto as Exhibit "A". It was reviewed and cleared by the Securities Division of
the Secretary of State's office on February 11, 1987.

         c.  On  March  30,  1987,  the  company   changed  its  name  to  Stone
International  and authorized a forward split of the stock on a five (5) for one
(1) basis.  Thus,  there were issued and outstanding  3,000,000 shares of stock.
Since a split is neither a sale or purchase,  such a transaction  is not subject
to the provisions of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

         d. On July 10, 1987,  3,000,000 shares were issued to four (4) persons.
There was a change in management.  The exemption from  registration  was claimed
under Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

         e. On May 26, 1988,  1,800,000  shares were  returned to the  treasury.
This  transaction  was not subject to the  provisions of the  Securities  Act of
1933, as amended.

         f. As of December 31, 1988 and 1989, there were 4,200,000 shares issued
and outstanding.

         g. On May 1, 1990, the company  changed its name to Armas Int. Mfg. Co.
Inc.  There were three  separate  issuances of stock.  On May 27, 1990,  two (2)
persons received 15,000 shares;  on September 4, 1990 eighteen (18) persons were
issued  stock;  on November  20, 1990 eleven (11)  persons  were issued  369,749
shares and on that same date sixteen (16) persons were issued 230,000 shares. On
May 1, 1990,  there was a twenty (20) for one (1) reverse split.  As of the year
ended December 31, 1990,  there were 760,749 shares issued and  outstanding.  On
the three securities transactions, the exemption from registration under Section
4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, was claimed.


         h.  During the year 1991,  there were ten (10)  separate  issuances  of
securities.  On February 4, 1991 21,080  shares were issued to ten (10) persons;
on March 7, 1991 15,000  shares were issued to two (2)  persons;  on May 3, 1991
10,000 shares were issued to one (1) person; on June 14, 1991 25,000 shares were
issued to four (4) persons;  on August 19, 1991 12,500 shares were issued to one
(1) person;  on  September 5, 1991 one (1) person  received  25,000  shares;  on
October 2, 1991 one (1) person  received  7,000 shares;  on October 22, 1991 two
(2) persons received 5,000 shares; on December 10, 1991 two (2) persons received
42,000 shares; and on December 30, 1991 there were 304,000 shares issued to four
(4) persons. On all of the transactions in 1991, the exemption from registration
was  claimed  pursuant  to the  provisions  of the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as
amended.  As of  December  31,  1991  there  were  1,227,329  shares  issued and

         i. In 1992, there were six (6) securities transactions. On February 10,
1992 three (3) persons  received  128,000  shares;  on February 26, 1992 one (1)
person  received  72,000  shares;  on June 6, 1992  three (3)  persons  received
174,420  shares;  on September 8, 1992 there were 160,000 shares issued to three
(3) persons;  and on December 17, 1992 there were 258,000 shares issued to three
(3) persons.  As of December 31, 1992,  there were  2,028,749  shares issued and
outstanding. The exemption from registration was claimed under the provisions of
Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

         j. The company was inactive and no shares were issued in 1994 or 1995.

         k. There was an issuance  of 236,251  shares to one (1) person in 1996.
The  exemption  under the  provisions of Section 4(2) of the  Securities  Act of
1933, as amended, is claimed.

         l. There were no transactions in 1997.

         m. In  1988,  there  was a six (6) to one (1)  reverse  split.  At this
point, there were 500,000 shares outstanding as of October 21, 1998. On July 31,
1998,  prior to the  reverse  split,  700,000  shares  were  issued  to four (4)
persons. On October 23, 1998 9,500,000 shares were issued to one (1) person. The
company's name was changed to InterLink  Communications  Group Inc. The year end
balance was 10,000,000  shares.  All issuances of securities  were claimed under
the exemption from  registration set forth in Section 4(2) of the Securities Act
of 1933, as amended.


         n. In 1999,  effective  May 22, 1999,  the company  changed its name to
EnterTech   Media  Group,   Inc.  There  were  eight  (8)  separate   securities
transactions. On February 10, 1999 250,000 shares were issued to one (1) person;
on May 21, 1999 one (1) persons  received  400,000 shares;  on June 14, 1999 one
(1) person received 500,000 shares; on October 22, 1999 one (1) persons received
20,000 shares;  on October 29, 1999 two (2) persons  received 10,000 shares;  on
December 9, 1999  100,000  shares were  issued to one (1)  persons;  and 250,000
shares were returned to the treasury on December 14, 1999. There were 11,030,000
shares issued and outstanding as of the year end of 1999. On all 1999 securities
transactions,  the  exemption  from  registration  under  Section  4(2)  of  the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended, is claimed.

         o. On April 10, 2000,  5,000,000 shares were issued to a corporation in
a stock exchange. On August 2, 2000, 5,000 shares were issued to one (1) person.
On August 14, 2000,  2,000,000  shares were issued to a  corporation  in a stock
exchange.  On August 14, 2000 one (1) individual received 5,000 shares of stock.
The 5,000,000  shares  referred to above issued on April 10, 2000 were cancelled
on August 17, 2000. On September 14, 2000, 5,304,000 shares were issued to forty
(40) persons who are not residents of the United States.  This  transaction  was
made in accordance with Regulation S. All stock  certificates are restricted and
bear a legend.  On September 27, 2000,  3,666,000  shares were issued in a stock
exchange.  On October 16, 2000, 1,000,000 shares were issued to one (1) persons.
On December 20, 2000, one (1) person received  275,000 shares.  Regulation S and
Section 4(2) are the exemptions from registration claimed

         p. There were two (2)  transactions  in January 2001 involving  115,000
shares.  The  exemption  under  Section 4(2) of the  Securities  Act of 1933, as
amended, is claimed.

         q. In general,  there are three exemptions from registration claimed in
all the  transactions  detailed  above.  The 504  exemption  was filed  with and
cleared by the Secretary of State of Nevada.  The  Regulation S  transaction  in
2000 had all foreign  investors who received  stock  certificates  with a legend
imprinted  thereon and are restricted  for one (1) year. All other  transactions
which claimed the Section 4(2) of the Securities  Act of 1933, as amended,  were
with persons familiar with the business of the corporation.


         12. The Rule 504  Prospectus  is attached as Exhibit  "A".  The company
understand that the sales agent is deceased.

         13. The Rule 504 of 1987 business plan was followed until 1990 when the
company had a change in equity and management control.

         14. The prospectus is attached as Exhibit "A".

         15. All  individuals who received stock pursuant to Section 4(2) had an
opportunity  to  investigate  the business of the company  before they  invested
their time, services, property or funds.

         16. Mr. Walker also is a director of Talk Visual Corp. whose shares are
traded under the symbol TVCP on the OTC Bulletin Board market. Talk Visual Corp.
is the video-telephone communication business. Mr. Walker also is an officer and
director of Harvard  Scientific  Corp.  whose shares are traded under the symbol
"VGEN" on the  Over-the-Counter  Bulletin  Board  market.  Harvard is developing
medical treatments for human sexual  dysfunction.  Mr. Walker also is a director
of  FilmWorld,  Inc.  whose  shares  are traded  under the symbol  "FWLD" on the
Over-the-Counter  Bulletin  Board  market.  FilmWorld  is  in  the  business  of
developing  and  marketing a process  for the removal of sulphur  from crude and
refined  oil.  Prior to November  28,  2000,  Mr.  Tolner and Mr. Daly also were
directors and were officers of FilmWorld.  They have resigned all positions they
held with that company.

         17. The company has not entered into any  discussions  or  negotiations
concerning a potential merger or acquisition.

         Please let me know if you need  additional  information  regarding this
matter.  The company  appreciates the time you and NASD Regulation have taken to
review this matter.


                                              ENTERTECH MEDIA GROUP, INC.

                                              By: /s/ Mark Tolner
                                                      Mark Tolner, President
