WASHINGTON, DC 20549

                                   FORM 10-QSB

                QUARTERLY REPORT UNDER SECTION 13 OR 15(d) of the
                             SECURITIES ACT OF 1934

                  For the Quarterly period ended June 30, 2001
                         Commission File Number 0-27599

                           ENTERTECH MEDIA GROUP, INC.
             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

           Nevada                                                88-0222729
           ------                                                ----------
(State or Other Jurisdiction of                                (IRS Employer
 Incorporation or Organization)                              Identification No.)

                50 West Liberty Street, Suite 880, Reno, NV 89501
               (Address of Principal Executive Offices) (Zip Code)

        Registrant's Telephone Number, Including Area Code (775) 324-6655

                    Common Stock, Par Value $0.001 Per Share
                                (Title of Class)

Check whether the issuer:  (1) filed all reports required to be filed by Section
13 or 15(d) of the  Exchange  Act during the past 12 months (or for such shorter
period that the registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been
subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

[X] Yes [ ] No

State the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of common
equity, as of the latest practicable date.

                                On July 24, 2001

Traditional Small Business Disclosure Format (Check One):

[X] Yes [ ] No

ITEM 1.  Financial Statements

                           ENTERTECH MEDIA GROUP, INC.
                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                         A DEVELOPMENT STAGE ENTERPRISE
                                 BALANCE SHEETS


                                                   June 30,    December 31,
                                                     2001         2000
                                                  (Unaudited)  (Audited)
                                                  ----------   ----------
Current Assets:
     Cash and cash equivalents                    $   29,765   $   40,292
      Advances                                         2,195       11,064
      Other Receivables                                8,000        7,570
                                                  ----------   ----------

          Total Current Assets                        39,960       58,926
                                                  ----------   ----------

Property, Plant, & Equipment:

      Vehicle                                           --         57,000
      Equipment                                       29,050       21,930
      Film Library                                   336,090         --
      Website  Development                            63,440        5,600
                                                  ----------   ----------

                                                     428,580       84,530
     Less: Accumulated Depreciation                   25,728        7,419
                                                  ----------   ----------

              Total Property, Plant & Equipment      402,852       77,111
                                                  ----------   ----------

Other Assets

     Deposits                                          5,250       10,000
     Advances on Film Rights                         385,372      348,134
     Investments-Subsidiaries                        336,727         --
     Investments in Securities                         9,606          440
                                                  ----------   ----------

               Total  Other  Assets                  736,955      358,574
                                                  ----------   ----------

          TOTAL OTHER  ASSETS                     $1,179,767   $  494,611
                                                  ==========   ==========

    The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these financial statements


                           ENTERTECH MEDIA GROUP, INC.
                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                         A DEVELOPMENT STAGE ENTERPRISE

                                                                    Jun 30      December 31,
                                                                     2001          2000
                                                                 (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                                                 -----------    -----------
Current Liabilities:
     Accounts  Payable                                           $    84,075    $     6,175
     Charge Accounts                                                   3,040          1,759
     Other Current Liabilities                                           223           --
                                                                 -----------    -----------
            Total Current Liabilities                                 87,338          7,934
Long Term Liabilities:
       Loan from Whyteburg                                            55,883        464,380
       Deferred  Income                                              250,000        100,000
       Deposit-Pink Motel                                              2,500         52,500
       Plaza/Parkinson Loan                                          225,000            874
       Don King                                                      150,000           --
       Other Long-term Liabilities                                    21,647           --
                                                                 -----------    -----------

              Total Long Term Liabilities                            705,030        617,754
                                                                 -----------    -----------
              Total Liabilities                                  $   792,368    $   625,688
                                                                 -----------    -----------

Stockholders' Equity:
         Common  Stock ($0.001 par  value) 100,000,000
          Shares  authorized; 22,010,000  issued and outstand-
          ing on December 31, 2000, and 22,400,000 issued and         22,400         11,030
          outstanding on June 30, 2001
          Additional Paid In Capital                               2,247,467        537,723
          Retained Earnings (deficit) Accumulated Before the
              Development Stage                                      (57,391)       (57,391)
          Deficit Accumulated During the Development Stage        (1,824,802)      (622,439)
                                                                 -----------    -----------

        Total Stockholders' Equity                               $   387,399    $  (131,077)
                                                                 -----------    -----------

        TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY               $ 1,179,767    $   494,611
                                                                 ===========    ===========

    The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these financial statements


                           ENTERTECH MEDIA GROUP, INC.
                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                         A DEVELOPMENT STAGE ENTERPRISE
                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

                                               Three Months Ended            Six Months Ended
                                           --------------------------    --------------------------    Inception
                                              Jun 30,       Jun 30,        Jun 30,       Jun 30,           to
                                               2001           2000           2001          2000         06/30/01
                                           (Unaudited)     (Audited)     (Unaudited)     (Audited)     (Unaudited)
                                           -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------
Net Sales                                  $    73,100    $    32,645    $    99,911    $    32,645    $   154,724

Cost of Sales

     Gross Profit

Operating Expenses:

  General and administrative expenses          103,890        337,982        259,216        632,602      1,953,369
  Research and development                        --             --             --             --             --
  Depreciation and amortization                   --             --             --             --           76,220

      Total Operating Expenses                 103,890        337,982        259,216        632,602      2,029,589

       Loss from Operations                    (30,790)      (305,337)      (159,305)      (599,957)    (1,874,865)
                                           -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------    -----------
Other Income (Expense):

  Other Income                                    --              338           --              338            338
  Forgiveness of debt                             --             --             --             --             --
  Organizational Costs                            --             --             --             --             --
  Interest Income                                 --             --             --             --             --
  Dividend Income                                 --             --             --             --             --
  Interest Expense                                --             --             --             --             --
  Loss on disposition of Fixed Assets or
  Securities                                      --             --             --             --             --

      Total Other Income and Expense              --              338           --              338            338

Net Loss                                   $   (30,790)   $  (304,999)   $  (159,305)   $  (599,619)   $(1,874,527}
                                           ===========    ===========    ===========    ===========    ===========

Loss per Common Share                      $       .01    $     (0.03)   $      (.01)   $      (.03)   $      --

   The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                                          ENTERTECH MEDIA GROUP, INC.
                                                               AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                        A DEVELOPMENT STAGE ENTERPRISE
                                                      STATEMENTS OF STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY
                            FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 & SIX MONTHS ENDED
                                                         JUNE 30, 2001 (UNAUDITED)

                                                                                        Additional                       Deficit
                                                           COMMON STOCK                  Paid-in        Retained       Development
                                                             Shares        Amount        Capital        Earnings          Stage
                                                            ---------   ----------    ----------    ------------       -----------
Balance January 1, 1995,                                    2,063,749   $   10,319    $   45,822    $  (56,141)           --
Retroactive restatement of par value in
common stock                                                     --         (8,255)        8,255          --              --
Retroactive restatement of 6 for 1 reverse
stock split                                                      --         (1,720)        1,720          --              --

Restated Balance, January 1, 1995,                            343,958          344        55,797       (56,141)           --
Issue of shares of common stock for services
on May 22, 1995 recorded at no value                           39,375           39           (39)         --              --

Balance, December 31, 1995                                    383,333          383        55,758       (56,141)           --
Net profit for the years ending
   December 31, 1996 and 1997                                    --           --            --            --              --

Issue of  shares of common stock for services
on July 31, 1998                                              116,667          117         1,133          --              --
Net Income (Loss) for year ending December
31, 1998                                                         --           --            --          (1,250)           --

Balance December 31, 1998                                     500,000          500        56,891       (57,291)           --
Issue of shares of common stock for services
on April 21, 1999, recorded at invoice amount                 400,000          400           600          --              --
Sale of  shares of common stock for cash on
April 22, 1999                                             10,000,000       10,000       271,966          --              --
Issue of shares of common stock for services
valued at $13,000, Oct & Dec,'99                              130,000          130        12,870          --              --

   The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                                                               AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                        A DEVELOPMENT STAGE ENTERPRISE
                                                       STATEMENTS OF STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY
                              FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, & 2000 & SIX MONTHS ENDED
                                                        JUNE 30, 2001 (UNAUDITED)

                                                                                Additional                     Deficit
                                                        COMMON STOCK             Paid-in        Retained     Development
                                                    Shares         Amount        Capital        Earnings        Stage
                                                  ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------    -----------
Capital contributed from shareholder                    --             --          195,396          --             --

Net income (loss) for year ending
  December 31, 1999                                     --             --             --            --         (327,819)

Balance December 31, 1999                         11,030,000         11,030        537,723       (57,391)      (327,819)

Stock issued for cash                             10,970,000         10,970        493,332          --             --

Stock issued for services                             10,000             10          9,990          --             --

Settlement of Debt                                      --             --        1,637,263          --             --

Net Loss for year ending
    December 31, 2000                                   --             --             --            --       (1,387,741)

Balance December 31, 2000                         22,010,000         22,010      2,678,308       (57,391)    (1,715,000)

Shares issued for services                           115,000            115         11,385          --             --

Shares issued to Katsnelson                          500,000            500           --            --             --

Net Loss for quarter ended
  March 31, 2001                                        --             --             --            --         (128,515)

Balance, March 31, 2001                           22,625,000         22,625      2,689,693       (57,391)    (1,843,515)

Katsnelson shares returned to treasury,
   Returned to treasury 5/16/2001                   (500,000)          (500)          --            --             --

Issued to Volkermyr 10/16/2000                     1,000,000          1,000           --            --             --

Volkermyr shares returned to treasury,
   Returned to treasury 5/16/2001                 (1,000,000)        (1,000)          --            --             --

   Shares issued for services                        275,000            275           --            --             --

Net Loss for quarter ended
   June 30, 2001                                        --             --             --            --          (30,790)

Balance, June 30, 2001                            22,400,000         22,400      2,689,693       (57,391)    (1,874,305)
                                                  ----------     ----------     ----------     ----------    -----------

   The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                         A DEVELOPMENT STAGE ENTERPRISE

                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                               Six Months Ended        (Inception) to
                                              June           June           June
                                            30, 2001       30, 2000       30,2001
                                          (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)
                                          -----------    -----------    -----------
Reconciliation of Net Loss to Net Cash
 Operating Activities:
Net Loss                                  $  (159,306)      (599,619)   $(1,874,866)

Adjustments to Reconcile Net Loss to
  Net Cash Provided by (Used in)
  Operating Activities:
    Depreciation                                 --             --           76,220
    Stock for services                           --             --           24,000
    (Increase) Decrease in:                      --             --
        Advances and Receivables                 --          (69,420)      (261,691)
        Increase in Other Assets                 --             --         (933,404)
        Organizational Costs                     --           (6,414)
         Accounts Payable                        --            9,162        102,053
         Other Current Liabilities               --             --             --
  Net Cash Provided (Used) by
     Operating Activities                    (159,306)      (659,877)    (2,874,102)
                                          -----------    -----------    -----------
  Investment Activities:
     Investment in securities                    --             --           (9,606)
     Investment in plant and equipment         17,190        (30,967)       (92,490)
     Investment in Film Library               (17,190)      (208,011)      (336,090)
     Investment in Subsidiaries               388,768           --          388,768
  Net Cash Provided by (Used in)
    Investment Activities                     388,768       (238,978)       (49,418)
                                          -----------    -----------    -----------
Financing Activities:
  Common Stock                               (380,663)          --        2,248,254
  Deferred Income                                --           52,500        250,000
  Increase in long term debt                   55,883        796,792        455,030
                                          -----------    -----------    -----------
   Net Cash Provided (Used) in
        Financing Activities                 (324,780)       849,292      2,953,284
                                          -----------    -----------    -----------
   Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash
       Equivalents                            (95,318)       (49,565)        29,764

   Cash at Beginning of Period                125,082         12,946           --
                                          -----------    -----------    -----------
   Cash at End of Period                  $    29,764    $   (36,619)   $    29,764
                                          ===========    ===========    ===========

   The accompanying Notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                           ENTERTECH MEDIA GROUP, INC.
                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                         A DEVELOPMENT STAGE ENTERPRISE
                      (FORMERLY ARMAS INTL. MFG. CO., INC.)
              JUNE 30, 2001, & DECEMBER 31, 2000, 1999, 1998 AND 1997



EnterTech  Media Group,  Inc. and  Subsidiaries  (formerly Armas Intl. Mfg. Co.,
Inc. d.b.a. Inter-Link Communications Group, Inc.), hereafter referred to as the
Company,  is a Nevada  Corporation and a Development Stage Enterprise as defined
by FASB's  Statements of Financial  Accounting  Standards  ("SFAS") 7. Since the
beginning of 1999, the Company  devoted all of its efforts to establishing a new
business.  Planned  principal  operations to produce and  distribute  films have
commenced, production rights have been secured and services contracted out.

The Company was  incorporated  November 17, 1986,  under the name Stones Stores,
Inc.  The Company  changed its name in 1987 to Stone  International,  Inc.,  and
again in 1990 to Armas Intl.  Mfg. Co., Inc. The Company became inactive in 1989
and remained  inactive  until 1999. On April 22, 1999,  the Company  changed its
name to EnterTech Media Group, Inc., and authorized capital stock of 100,000,000
shares with a par value of $.001 per share  (following a 6 to 1 reverse split in
October  1998).  These  financial  statements  reflect the  changes  made in the
Company's name and the par value of common stocks  retroactively.  See also Note

Prior to 1995,  all  books  and  records  were  destroyed.  Federal  income  tax
returnshave  been prepared for the years ending December 31, 1998 and 1997 based
on these financial statements.



The  accompanying  consolidated  financial  statements  include the  accounts of
EnterTech Media Group, Inc., and its wholly owned subsidiary,  EnterTech Limited
(along with EnterTech Limited's subsidiaries,  EnterTech Picture Corporation and
EnterTech  Releasing  Corporation).  See  also  Notes 2 and 3.  All  significant
intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated.


The preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with generally  accepted
accounting principals requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect certain reported  accounts and disclosures.  Accordingly,  actual results
could differ from these estimates.


Revenues on motion  pictures are recognized on show dates under both  percentage
of receipts and flat fee arrangements. Nonrefundable guarantees are deferred and
recognized as revenue as show dates occur. Outright sales of motion pictures are
recognized as revenue as of date of sale.


Production  costs of motion  pictures are capitalized as inventory and amortized
using the individual-film-forecast method.


Property and  Equipment are recorded at cost and  depreciated  over their useful
lives using the straight-line method.


The earnings per share  calculation  is based on the weighted  average number of
shares outstanding during the period: 6,670,000 shares in 2000 and 1999; 431,944
shares in 1998; and 383,333 shares in 1997.


                           ENTERTECH MEDIA GROUP, INC.
                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                         A DEVELOPMENT STAGE ENTERPRISE
                      (FORMERLY ARMAS INTL. MFG. CO., INC.)
              JUNE 30, 2001,& DECEMBER 31, 2000, 1999, 1998 AND 1997



Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market. Film costs are segregated
between  current and  non-current  assets.  Unamortized  cost of films released,
completed films not released and television  films in production  under contract
of sale are current assets.  All other  capitalized film costs are classified as
non-current assets.

ORGANIZATIONAL  COSTS:The  Company has adopted Statement of Position ("SOP) 98-5
"Reporting  on the Costs of  Start-up  Activities"  issued in April  1998 by the
Accounting  Standards Executive Committee of the American Institute of Certified
Public Accountants.  Pursuant to SOP 98-5,  organizational costs are expensed as
incurred instead of being capitalized and amortized.


The Company has not paid  dividends  and any  dividends  that may be paid in the
future  will  depend upon the  financial  requirements  of the Company and other
relevant factors.


The Company  adopted  Financial  Accounting  Statement No. 109,  "Accounting for
Income Taxes," which requires recognition of deferred tax liabilities and assets
for the expected  future tax  consequences  of events that have been included in
the  financial  statements  or  tax  returns.  The  Company  made  the  required
calculation based upon the difference between financial statements and tax bases
of assets  and  liabilities  using tax rates in effect for the year in which the
differences were expected to reverse.


The Company records as cash equivalents all highly liquid short-term investments
with original maturities of three months or less.


A deficit of $57,391  reflected on the  financial  statements  from prior losses
will not be available as a net operating loss carry forward because of change in
ownership  and business  purpose.  The current  period loss of $132,185  will be
available to offset future taxable income for 15 years.


On April 22, 1999, the Company acquired EnterTech Limited, a Nevada Corporation,
in a business  combination  accounted  for as a  combination  of entities  under
common control.  EnterTech  Limited had previously been known as EnterTech Media
Group,  but exchanged  names with the Company in  conjunction  with the business
combination.  EnterTech  Limited,  which plans to engage in film  production and
distribution,  became a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of the  Company  through  the
exchange  of  10,000,000  shares of the  Company's  common  stock for all of the
outstanding stock of EnterTech  Limited.  The acquisition has been accounted for
as a combination of entities under common control, which is similar to a pooling
of interests.  Accordingly,  the accompanying  financial statements are restated
for all  periods  presented  to  give  effect  to the  combination.  Assets  and
liabilities  are  reflected  at their  original  cost bases using the pooling of
interests method.


                           ENTERTECH MEDIA GROUP, INC.
                                AND SUBSIDIARIES
                         A DEVELOPMENT STAGE ENTERPRISE
                      (FORMERLY ARMAS INTL. MFG. CO., INC.)
               JUNE 30, 2001, & DECEMBER 31, 2000, 1999, 1998 AND 1997


On March 31, 1999,  EnterTech  Limited  (then known as EnterTech  Media Group as
discussed  in Note 2)  offered a minimum  of  1,500,000  shares and a maximum of
5,000,000  shares  of its  common  stock in units of  25,000 at a price of $1.00
pershare pursuant to a Private Placement Memorandum.  Subsequently, this private
placement was cancelled.


The Company has accepted a deposit of $100,000 that is to be used for production
costs of a film.  The deposit is to be repaid from the final budget and no later
than the first day of principal photography.


The Company's financial  statements have been prepared assuming that the Company
will continue as a going concern.  The Company's  ability to continue as a going
concern is dependent on attaining future profitable operations. If operations do
not become profitable, then substantial doubt exists about the Company's ability
to continue as a going  concern.  The  financial  statements  do not include any
adjustment that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.


ITEM 2:  Management's Discussion and Analysis or Plan of Operation

Plan of Operation

         Statements   contained   herein  that  are  not  historical  facts  are
forward-looking  statements  as that term is defined by the  Private  Securities
Litigation  Reform  Act  of  1995.   Although  the  Company  believes  that  the
expectations  reflected in such forward-looking  statements are reasonable,  the
forward-looking  statements  are subject to risks and  uncertainties  that could
cause  actual  results to differ  from those  projected.  The  Company  cautions
investors  that  any  forward-looking  statements  made by the  Company  are not
guarantees of future  performance and that actual results may differ  materially
from  those in the  forward-looking  statements.  Such  risks and  uncertainties
include, without limitation: well established competitors who have substantially
greater financial resources and longer operating histories, regulatory delays or
denials,  the  Company's  ability to  compete as a start-up  company in a highly
competitive market, and access to sources of capital.

         The Company  continued with its efforts to build a Feature Film library
during the second  quarter of 2001. In April it executed an agreement to acquire
the  rights  to a  library  of some 900 hours of  feature  films and  television
programming masters that are now considered to be Public Domain.

         The Company had been developing a relationship  with WorldNet  Resource
Group  during  the  first  quarter  of 2001  quarter  and in  March  of 2001 the
controlling  shareholders  executed a letter of intent whereby WorldNet Resource
Group would acquire a controlling  stake in EnterTech Media Group.  This did not
lead to a definitive acquisition agreement and was terminated in May of 2001.

         As previously reported the Company formed EnterTech Home Entertainment,
inc., a wholly owned subsidiary in order to develop a Video and Television sales
business.  EnterTech  Home  Entertainment  was  active in the  market  place and
achieved  its goal of starting to  contribute  revenues to the Company  from the
fourth  quarter  of 2000.  Early in 2001  general  management  decided  that the
funding  requirements  for  EnterTech  Home  Entertainment   identified  by  the
management  would be more  likely to be raised if this  division  was a separate
corporate   entity  and  therefore  the   management   team  of  EnterTech  Home
Entertainment  formed a stand alone  company in February  2001 called Blue Steel
Releasing.  Although their have been discussions between the two companies these
have not yet led to any definitive  agreement Blue Steel's  proposed terms of an
agreement  relating to the Video release of two of EnterTech's titles are likely
to be accepted in the very near future.

         Management  continued  to  arrange  funding  for the  Company by way of
shareholders loans.

         Management  continues  to expect  that its efforts  and  strategy  will
deliver revenues and profitability to the company within the next year and looks
forward  to  having  its  shares  listed on the OTC  Bulletin  Board in the near

                                     PART II
                                Other Information

ITEM 1:  Legal Proceedings

         The  Company is not party to,  and none of the  Company's  property  is
subject to, any pending or threatened  legal,  governmental,  administrative  or
judicial proceedings.

ITEM 2:  Changes in Securities and Use of Proceeds


ITEM 3:  Defaults Upon Senior Securities


ITEM 4:  Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders


         No matters have been submitted to a vote of the security holders during
the  period  covered  by this  report  through  the  solicitation  of proxies or

ITEM 5:  Other Information


ITEM 6:  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

A.       Exhibits

         (2)  Plan of acquisition, reorganization, liquidation or succession:

         (3)  (i)  Articles of Incorporation *
              (ii) By-laws *

         (27) Financial Data Schedule.

* Incorporated by reference from the Registrant's Form 10-SB.

B.       Reports on Form 8-K.

         The  Registrant  did not file  reports on Form 8-K  during the  quarter
covered by this report.


         In  accordance  with  Section  13 or 15(d)  of the  Exchange  Act,  the
Registrant  caused  this  report to be signed on its behalf by the  undersigned,
thereunto duly authorized.

Dated: August 13, 2001.

                           ENTERTECH MEDIA GROUP, INC.

                               By /s/ Mark Tolner
                                      Mark Tolner
