SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT

         This  Settlement  Agreement  is entered into as of May 10, 2001 between
iStreamTV,  Inc., a New York corporation with its principal place of business at
135 West 20th Street, New York 10011 ("ISTV"),  Videolocity, Inc. formerly known
as Moviesonline, Inc., a Nevada corporation with its principal place of business
at 358 S. 700 East,  Salt Lake City,  UT 84102  (collectively  with its  parent,
subsidiary and affiliate  companies,  "MOL"),  5th Digit,  LLC, a/k/a 5th Digit
Technologies,  a New York LLC with its  principal  place of business at 34 Watts
Street,  #5, New York, NY 10013 ("5th Digit"),  Daniel  Osorio,  residing at 900
West Bitner,  I-11, Park City, UT 84098 ("Osorio") and Alpay Kasal,  residing at
6975 N. 2200 West #9D, Park City, UT 84098 ("Kasal").

         WHEREAS,  MOL  brought an action  against  ISTV in the Utah State Court
entitled  Moviesonline,  Inc. v. iStreamTV  (Third  Judicial Court for Salt Lake
County, Utah, Civil No. 000907601) (the "Utah Action"); and

         WHEREAS, ISTV commenced an action against MOL, 5th Digit, Osorio, Kasal
and others in the New York State Court entitled iStreamTV, Inc. v. Moviesonline,
Inc., et al, (New York State Supreme Court, New York County Index No. 605628/00)
(the "New York Action"); and WHEREAS, Osorio and Kasal were formerly employed by
ISTV,  up to and including  September 19, 2000,  and from on or about January 5,
2001 until February 28, 2001 they were both employed by 5th Digit,  which is now
controlled by Videolocity  International,  Inc., the parent  corporation of MOL;

         WHEREAS,  during the time that  Osorio and Kasal were  employed by ISTV
three  provisional patent  applications were filed with the United States Patent
and  Trademark  Office  ("USPTO")  in the names of one or the other of them with
respect to certain  inventions,  namely,  applications given U.S. serial numbers
60/218,528  (Kasal,  "Enhanced Video Compression  Method"),  60/226,575  (Kasal,
"Open-Architectures  Set Top  Box  Providing  Full  and  Upgradable  Multi-Media
Functionality")  and  60/233,447  (Osorio,   "Webcaster")   (collectively,   the
"Provisional Patent Applications"); and

         WHEREAS,  on October  19, 2000  Osorio and Kasal  executed  Assignments
whereby they  assigned the  Provisional  Patent  Applications  to 5th Digit (the
"Kasal and Osorio  Assignments"),  and  copies of such  assignments,  along with
Patent  Recordation  Form Cover Sheets  submitted to the USPTO on Forms PTO-1595
dated October 26, 2000 and USPTO Notices of Recordation of Assignment  Documents
dated  January  16,  2001,  indicating  the  filing  of  the  Kasal  and  Osorio
Assignments on November 2, 2000, are attached hereto as Exhibit A; and

         WHEREAS,  the parties  hereto seek to resolve the  disputes in the Utah
Action and the New York  Action and all other  disputes  among  them,  including
without  limitation,   all  disputes  with  respect  to  (a)  ownership  of  the
Provisional  Patent  Applications,  (b) the Kasal and Osorio Assignments and (c)
the  enforceability  of a so-called  "Binding Letter of Intent" dated as of July
25, 2000 signed by representatives of MOL and ISTV; NOW, THEREFORE,

         IT IS HEREBY AGREED by and among the  undersigned,  as follows:

         1.  5th  Digit  shall  execute  and  deliver  to  ISTV,  simultaneously
herewith,  the  instruments of  assignment  attached as Exhibit B, assigning to
ISTV all of 5th Digit's  right,  title and  interest in the  Provisional  Patent
Applications,  and  agreeing  to  execute  any  additional  document  reasonably
required  by ISTV or the USPTO to effect  such  assignments,  provided  that 5th
Digit  shall not be  required  to incur any  out-of-pocket  cost or  expense  in
connection with execution of any such additional  document  (including,  without
limitation,  any reasonable  attorney's fees that might be incurred in reviewing
such document.


         2.  Osorio  and Kasal  acknowledge  the  assignments  provided  for in
paragraph 1 above;  confirm that they executed the  instruments of assignment to
5th  Digit,  attached  as Exhibit  A;  relinquish  any and all right or claim of
ownership in the  Provisional  Patent  Applications;  acknowledge  the right and
ownership  therein of ISTV by virtue of said assignments by 5th Digit; and agree
to execute any additional  document  reasonably required by ISTV or the USPTO to
effect such assignments, provided that Osorio and Kasal shall not be required to
incur any out-of-pocket  cost or expense in connection  with  execution of any
such  additional  document  (including,   without  limitation,   any  reasonable
attorneys' fees that might be incurred in reviewing such document).

         3. MOL,  on behalf of itself  and any  affiliated  company,  represents
that it has no right, title or interest in the Provisional Patent Applications.

         4. Each of MOL, 5th Digit,  Osorio and Kasal makes no representation or
warranty,  express or implied,  regarding the viability or  patentability of any
inventions  or rights  set forth in the  Provisional  Patent  Application  being
assigned pursuant to this Agreement and the Assignments being executed herewith.

         5. The parties agree to dismissal with prejudice of the Utah Action and
the New York  Action,  without  costs or  expenses  to any  party,  by filing of
stipulations of dismissal in the forms attached as Exhibit C.

         6. ISTV  agrees  that,  except with  respect to the  subject  matter as
described in the Provisional  Patent  Applications  that are the subject of this
agreement and the assignments thereof by 5th Digit, it will not assert any claim
against Kasal,  Osorio, MOL or 5th Digit to the effect that ISTV owns rights to
any other  invention or  intellectual  property for which either Kasal or Osorio


claims inventorship, by virtue of the fact that Kasal or Osorio were employed by
ISTV to develop any such other invention or intellectual  property, or used ISTV
resources to develop any such other invention or intellectual property.

         7. MOL, 5th Digit, Kasal and Osorio agree that they will not assert any
claim  against ISTV that MOL, 5th Digit,  Kasal,  Osorio or any of them owns any
right, title or interest in the Provisional Patent Applications.

         8. Simultaneously with the execution of this agreement the parties will
execute mutual releases in the forms attached as Exhibit D.

         9. Upon  execution of this  Agreement  ISTV shall pay to MOL the sum of

         10.  This  agreement  shall be governed by the laws of the State of New
York  applicable  to contracts  made and to be  performed  in New York,  and any
disputes  arising  hereunder  shall be  determined  by a federal or state  court
sitting in New York  County.

         11.  There  are no oral  understandings  between  the  parties,  and no
amendment  hereto may be made except in a writing signed by all parties affected
by any such amendment.

         12. The parties hereto  acknowledge  that they have been represented by
counsel of their choice in connection with this Agreement.

         13. The  parties  agree to keep  confidential  the  specific  terms and
conditions  of this  Agreement  and not to disclose or describe  the same to any
third party (other than their respective counsel, accounts or other consultants)
or to the public in general,  except to the extent disclosure is (a) required by
applicable law or regulation,  including,  without limitation,  those of the SEC
and the U.S. Patent Office, (b) necessary to enforce the terms of this agreement
or (c) necessary to any pending or future  litigation  that any party hereto may
bring or defend.


         14. This agreement may be executed in  counterpart,  and fax copies may
be treated as originals.

Dated: New York, New York
         May 10, 2001           iStreamTV, Inc.

                                By: /s/ Morrey S. Halfen
                                Name:   Morrey S. Halfen
                                Title:  CFO:

                                Videolocity, Inc., formerly known as
                                Moviesonline, Inc. (for itself and its parent,
                                subsidiary and affiliate companies)

                                By: /s/ Jerry Romney
                                Name:   Jerry Romney
                                Title:  President

                                5th Digit

                                By: /s/ Collette Horrell
                                Name:   Collette Horrell
                                Title:  Manager

                                    /s/ Daniel Osorio
                                            Daniel Osorio

                                    /s/ Alpay Kasal
                                        Alpay Kasal

By: /s/ Donald A. Pitofsky, Esq.                By: /s/  Brian C. Wille, Esq.
      ----------------------------------            --------------------------
        Donald A. Pitofsky, Esq.                         Brian C. Wille, Esq.

Shaw Pittman
Attorneys for Plaintiff
335 Madison Avenue
New York, New York 10017
(telephone number illegible)
