Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                         PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d)
                                     of the
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                         Date of Report: March 13, 2003

                              CYBEREXCELLENCE, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

         (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)

        0-29383                                        88-0356200
- ------------------------                  ------------------------------------
(Commission File Number)                  (IRS Employer Identification Number)

                        c/o F. Briton McConkie, President
                10266 North Oak Creek Lane, Highland, Utah 84003
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

                                 (801) 243-4498
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)


ITEM 1.  Change in Control

On February 5, 2003,  Cyberexcellence,  Inc.  ("the  Company")  entered  into an
agreement  with Monty  LeBlanc,  the sole  shareholder  of Funnel Cloud,  Inc. A
Nevada  corporation  ("Funnel"),  to  purchase  100% of the  shares of Funnel in
exchange for 11,571,340  shares of the common stock of the Company.  When by the
Company,  these  shares  will  represent  approximately  85% of the  issued  and
outstanding shares of the Company.  Funnel will become a wholly owned subsidiary
of the Company upon the closing of the transaction.

It is expected that the Board of Directors  will be  reorganized by the majority
shareholder and new officers and directors will be elected to run the day-to-day
operations of the company.  A copy of the Stock Purchase  Agreement  between Mr.
LeBlanc and the Company is attached as exhibit 1.

ITEM 2.  Acquisition or Disposition of Assets

Pursuant  to the terms of the Stock  Acquisition  dated  February  5, 2003,  the
Company acquired Funnel Cloud, Inc. As a wholly owned subsidiary.

The  Company  intends  to operate  Funnel as a wholly  owned  subsidiary  of the
Company.  Funnel is a start up company which is involved in software development
and research.  Funnel has been involved in  developing  software  which can deal
with IT data protection as well as intrusion  detection and reaction.  Funnel is
attempting to develop a workable  software  program which will provide viable IT
data protection and intrusion detection and reaction.

Funnel hopes to be able to address the shortcommings of existing security models
and services,  and to provide expanded  capabilities to existing  businesses and
thereby become a leader in the IT security and critical infrastructure arena.

Funnel hopes to be involved in the next  generation  of security  infrastructure
systems which will greatly  enhance the abilities of current IT  infrastructures
to detect and respond to  intrusion  alerts,  hacking  attacks and  unauthorized
ingress into critical websites.  eCommerce environments,  business data systems,
and any other vital system that requires a multi-tiered security platform.

Funnel will  utilize a  subscription  model of service  offering,  coupled  with
one-time costs per customer for initial  roll-out  hardware,  configuration  and
installation.  Recurring  revenue is  estimated  to provide up to 79% of company

Funnel  has no  history  of  operations  and is in the  development  stage  as a
business.  The  product(s)  and  services  which  Funnel  proposes  to  offer to
prospective customers are in the developmental stage.

Prior to the  acquisition  of  Funnel  by the  Company,  there  was no  material
relationship between Monty LeBlanc and the Company.

ITEM 7.  Financial Statements and Exhibits

Financial  Statement required to be filed as a part of this report will be filed
by amendment as allowed by Paragraph (a)(4) of Item 7.


The following exhibit is included as part of this report:


10                      Stock Purchase Agreement dated February 5, 2003.

Pursuant to the  requirement  of the  Securities Act of 1934, the Registrant has
duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the  undersigned  hereunto
duly authorized.

Cyberexcellence, Inc.

Signature                                                     Date
- ---------                                                     ----

By:   /s/ F. Briton McConkie                                  March 13, 2003
Name:     F. Briton McConkie
Title:    President
