Accountants and
Management Consultants                                         GRANT THORNTON
Grant Thornton LLP
The U.S. Member Firm of
Grant Thornton International

April 4, 2003

Board of Directors
Innovative Software Technologies, Inc.
5072 North 300 West
Provo, UT  84604


We  have  audited  the  consolidated   balance  sheets  of  Innovative  Software
Technologies,  Inc.  (the  Company)  as of December  31, 2001 and 2000,  and the
related consolidated  statements of operations,  changes in stockholders' equity
(deficiency),  cash flows,  and  comprehensive  income (loss) for the years then
ended.  We  issued  our  report  dated  January  30,  2002,  on those  financial

In a separate  letter,  we have  informed  you of several  concerns we have with
respect to the Company's financial  statements.  First, as you know, the company
has  repeatedly  directed  us to  communicate  with its  consultant,  William E.
Chipman,  Sr., with respect to a variety of substantive  financial  matters.  We
have  therefore  worked with and  received  representation  from Mr.  Chipman in
auditing  the  Company's  2001 and 2000  year-end  financial  statements  and in
reviewing the Company's certain quarterly financial statements for 2001 and 2002
filed with the SEC. We have recently  learned that Mr.  Chipman has a history of
criminal  convictions  involving,  among other things,  the  fraudulent  sale of
securities  and the  falsification  of records.  Because of these  facts,  Grant
Thornton must question the reliability of the  information Mr. Chipman  provided
in connection with the preparation of the Company's financial statements and our
related audit and review  procedures.  We also question the Company's good faith
in failing to disclose to us Mr.  Chipman's  criminal  convictions for tax fraud
and larceny when we agreed to serve as the Company's independent accountants.

Second,  in 2001 and 2002,  the Company  reported  revenues from the sale of its
software to several entities in exchange for securities.  In its  representation
letters,  the Company has assured us that no  relationship  exists  between the
Company and its  officers  on the one hand,  and these  buyers on the other.  It
appears,  however, that Mr. Chipman, who clearly plays a significant role in the
Company's  management  and  operations,  may  have  some  relationship  to these
entities. More particularly, the Company's software sale in the third quarter of
2002 in exchange for securities is  potentially  problematic in that the Company
reported revenues from the sale based upon the fair value of the preferred stock
it received.  Earlier, however, the Company had determined that the common stock

Suite 350
5252 N Edgewood Drive
Provo, UT  84604
Tel 801 802-9200
Fax 801 802-7721

of the same issuer had virtually no value. After reporting  significant revenues
from the sale, the Company subsequently determined that the preferred stock also
had little value.

Taken together,  these  circumstances cause us to doubt whether the transactions
reported by the Company in its public filings, including, without limitation the
software sales described in the above paragraphs,  have any economic  substance.
Recording transactions that do not have economic substance may be deemed illegal
acts within the meaning of Section 10A of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934.
We urge you to consult securities counsel to advise you of your responsibilities
in these circumstances.  That consultation should also include  consideration of
the steps that may be  required  to remedy  any  illegal  conduct  that may have

In view of the foregoing, we cannot continue to be associated with the Company's
December 2001 and 2000 financial  statements,  and  accordingly,  Grant Thornton
hereby advises you that we are withdrawing our report on those  statements,  and
that our report can no longer be relied upon.

We request that you advise those  persons who have received a copy of our report
and who you  believe  are relying on, or who are likely to rely on, the 2001 and
2000 financial  statements or the quarterly reports during 2001 and 2002, of our
notification to you. Further, we request that you determine,  together with your
legal  counsel,  the  necessary  disclosure  to be  made to the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission and any other regulatory body having  jurisdiction over the
Company.  Finally,  please provide us with copies of any notifications  that you
make pursuant to the requests set forth in this paragraph.

Yours truly,

/s/ Grant Thornton LLP
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