
                                BMB HOLDING, INC.
                            (A Delaware Corporation)


                            (A Delaware Corporation)

THIS PLAN AND AGREEMENT OF MERGER  (hereinafter  called the  "Agreement"  or the
"Agreement  of  Merger"),  by and  between  BMB  HOLDING,  INC.,  a  corporation
organized  and  existing  under the laws of the State of  Delaware  (hereinafter
sometimes  referred  to  as  "BMB")  and  INTERUNION  FINANCIAL  CORPORATION,  a
corporation  organized  and  existing  under the laws of the  State of  Delaware
(hereinafter  sometimes  referred  to as  "InterUnion").  These two  parties are
herein  sometimes  referred to  collectively as the "Merging  Corporations"  and
InterUnion is designated as and shall be the surviving corporation.

WHEREAS  a  majority  of the  shareholders  of each of BMB and  InterUnion  have
authorized their respective Boards of Directors to enter into this Agreement;

AND  WHEREAS  the  Board  of  Directors  of each of BMB and  InterUnion,  by the
execution of this Plan and  Agreement  of Merger,  do approve this said Plan and
Agreement of Merger and do hereby declare its advisability; and

WHEREAS the Delaware  General  Corporation Law, Section 251, does authorize this
merger of domestic corporations pursuant to its terms and conditions.

NOW THEREFORE,  the Merging  Corporations have agreed, and do hereby agree, each
with the other in  consideration  of the  premises  and the  mutual  agreements,
provisions,  covenants  and grants herein  contained and in accordance  with the
laws of the State of Delaware that BMB and  InterUnion be merged (the  "Merger")
into a single  corporation  and that  InterUnion  shall  be the  continuing  and
surviving  corporation and do hereby agree upon and prescribe that the terms and
conditions  of the Merger  hereby  agreed upon and the mode of carrying the same
into effect and the manner of converting the presently outstanding shares of BMB
into shares of InterUnion are and shall be hereinafter set forth:

                                    ARTICLE I

1.1      Definitions.  In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires,
the terms set forth in Schedule 1 shall have the meanings set forth therein.

1.2      Entire Agreement. This Agreement together with the agreements and other
documents  to be delivered  pursuant to this  Agreement,  constitute  the entire
agreement between the Parties pertaining to the Merger and supersedes all prior


agreements,  understandings,  negotiations  and  discussions,  whether  oral  or
written,  including the letter of intent dated  August,  7, 2003 (the "Letter of
Intent"),  and  there are no  warranties,  representations  or other  agreements
between  the Parties in  connection  with the subject  matter  hereof  except as
specifically  set forth in this Agreement or any other  agreement or document to
be delivered pursuant to this Agreement.

1.3      Extended  Meaning.  In this  Agreement,  words  importing  the singular
number include the plural and vice versa;  words importing the masculine  gender
include the feminine and neuter genders.

1.4      Headings.  The  division of this  Agreement  into  articles,  sections,
subsections  and paragraphs and the insertion of headings are for convenience of
reference only and shall not affect the construction or  interpretation  of this

1.5      References.  References to an article, section, subsection,  paragraph,
schedule or exhibit  shall be construed as  references  to an article,  section,
subsection, paragraph, schedule or exhibit to this Agreement, unless the context
otherwise requires.

1.6      Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  shall be governed  and  construed  in
accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware.

1.7      Currency.  Unless otherwise specified, the word "dollar", or the symbol
"$" refers to the lawful currency of the United States of America.

1.8      Schedules.  The  following  is a  list  of  schedules  attached  to and
incorporated  into  this  Agreement  by  reference  and  deemed  as part of this

         SCHEDULE                  DESCRIPTION
         --------                  -----------
              1                    Definitions
              2                    BMB Holding, Inc. Financial Statements
              3                    InterUnion Financial Statements
              4                    InterUnion Management Information Circular
              5                    BMB Shareholdings
              6                    Agency Agreement

1.9      Recitals.  The parties agree that the  foregoing  recitals are true and
correct and incorporated by this reference.

                                   ARTICLE II

2.1      Conversion and Exchange of Shares. On the date of the Merger,  each and
every holder of  certificates  for common stock of BMB (the "BMB  Shareholders")
shall  surrender  them to InterUnion or its duly  appointed  agent in the manner
that InterUnion  shall  reasonably  require,  it being mutually agreed upon that
such  certificates  of BMB shall  total One  Thousand  (1,000)  shares (the "BMB
Securities"). On receipt of the BMB Securities, InterUnion shall issue, an


aggregate of One Hundred Forty Eight  Million Five Hundred  Seventy One Thousand
Four Hundred Twenty Nine shares  (148,571,429)  shares (the "InterUnion Shares")
of its common stock to the BMB  Shareholders  in  accordance  with  Schedule "5"
hereof.  Such aggregate  number of InterUnion  Shares are inclusive of 5,714,216
shares (at $0.35 per share) to be issued on Closing in respect of the conversion
of an  aggregate  of Two  Million  ($2,000,000)  of  debt  held  by two  (2) BMB
Shareholders as more particularly described in Schedule "5" attached hereto. BMB
represents herein that the shares being  surrendered  pursuant to this Paragraph
2.1 represent all of the issued and outstanding stock of BMB.

2.2      Amendment to  Certificate  of  Incorporation.  The Parties hereby agree
that,  after  the  completion  of  the  Merger,  InterUnion,  as  the  surviving
corporation shall adopt the name "BMB Munai, Inc." or such other similar name as
may be agreed and approved by Governmental  Authorities having jurisdiction,  by
amendment to its Certificate of Incorporation.

2.3      Directors.  The Parties  hereby agree that,  upon the completion of the
Merger,  the  shareholders  of  InterUnion by approval of this Merger do further
agree,  approve of and elect the  following  named  individuals  to serve as the
board of directors as of the Closing of the Merger: Boris Cherdabayev, Chairman,
Georges Benarroch,  Alexandre Agaian,  Bakhytbek Basiseitov and Mirgali Kunayev.
All  directors of  InterUnion,  with the exception of Georges  Benarroch,  shall
immediately resign upon completion of the Merger.

2.4      Nature of Issued Shares. BMB and the BMB Shareholders  acknowledge that
the common  shares  issued by  InterUnion  pursuant to this  Agreement are being
issued  pursuant  to a claim of one or more  exemptions  from  registration  and
prospectus  requirements,  as contained within U.S. federal securities laws. All
shares as issued by InterUnion shall bear the following restrictive legend:


It is further  understood  that  InterUnion,  as issuer,  shall  issue such stop
transfer instructions to its transfer agent as it may deem necessary.

                                   ARTICLE III

3.1      Representations  and  Warranties  of  the  BMB  Shareholders.  The  BMB
Shareholders represent and warrant to InterUnion as follows and acknowledge that
InterUnion is relying on these representations and warranties in connection with
the completion of the Merger:


(a)      Capacity  to  own  BMB  Securities  - The  BMB  Shareholders  have  all
         necessary power, authority and capacity to own the BMB Securities.

(b)      Capacity  to Enter  Agreement - The BMB  Shareholders  have full power,
         right and  authority to enter into this  Agreement and to perform their
         obligations  under it and to authorize BMB to enter into this Agreement
         and to perform its obligations under it.

(c)      Binding  Obligation - This  Agreement  constitutes  a valid and binding
         obligation  of  the  BMB  Shareholders,  which  BMB  Shareholders  have
         approved and authorized the entering into of this Agreement.

(d)      Absence of Conflict - The BMB Shareholders are not a party to, bound or
         affected  by  any  agreement  which  would  be  violated,  breached  or
         terminated  by, or which would result in creation or  imposition of any
         Encumbrance  upon any of the BMB  Securities,  as a consequence  of the
         execution  and delivery of this  Agreement or the  consummation  of the
         transactions contemplated in this Agreement.

(e)      Title to BMB Securities - The BMB  Shareholders are the legal owners of
         the BMB Securities  with good and marketable  title,  free and clear of
         any Encumbrances.

(f)      No Bankruptcy - No proceedings have been taken or authorized by any BMB
         Shareholders  or by any other  person  in  respect  of the  bankruptcy,
         insolvency,  liquidation,  dissolution or winding up as applicable,  of
         any BMB Shareholders.

(g)      Disclosure - The representations and warranties of the BMB Shareholders
         in this  Agreement  are true,  correct and do not contain any untrue or
         misleading  statement  of a  material  fact or omit to state a material
         fact  necessary  to  make  such   representations  and  warranties  not
         misleading to InterUnion.

(h)      Non-Violation   -  The  entering   into  of  this   Agreement  and  the
         consummation  of transactions  contemplated  herein do not and will not
         conflict  with, or result in a breach of, or constitute a default under
         the terms or conditions of any constating document of BMB, any by-laws,
         any  court  or  administrative  order  or  process,  any  agreement  or
         instrument to which BMB or the BMB  Shareholders  are party or by which
         it is bound.

                                   ARTICLE IV

4.1      Representations  and  Warranties of BMB. BMB represents and warrants to
InterUnion  as follows  and  acknowledges  that  InterUnion  is relying on these
representations and warranties in connection with the Merger:

(a)      Due  Incorporation - BMB is a corporation duly incorporated and validly
         existing under the laws of the State of Delaware.


(b)      Capacity  to  Enter  Agreement  - BMB  has  full  corporate  power  and
         authority to enter into this  Agreement and to perform its  obligations
         under it.

(c)      Due  Authorization  - The executing and delivery of this  Agreement and
         the  consummation of the transactions  contemplated  under it have been
         duly authorized by all necessary corporate action on the part of BMB.

(d)      Binding  Obligation  -  This  Agreement  has  been  duly  executed  and
         delivered by BMB and constitutes a valid and binding obligation of it.

(e)      Absence  of  Conflict - Other than  those  disclosed  in the  financial
         statements  of BMB,  BMB is not a party to,  bound or  affected  by any
         agreement which would be violated,  breached or terminated by, or which
         would result in the creation or imposition of any Encumbrance  upon any
         of the BMB Securities as a consequence of the execution and delivery of
         this Agreement or the consummation of the transactions  contemplated in
         this Agreement.

(f)      Regulatory  Approvals - Except for Shareholder  Approval and Regulatory
         Approval, no governmental or regulatory authorization, approval, order,
         consent or filing is required on the part of BMB,  in  connection  with
         the  execution,  delivery and  performance  of this  Agreement  and the
         performance of BMB's obligations under this Agreement.

(g)      No  Bankruptcy  - No  proceedings  have  been  taken,  are  pending  or
         authorized by BMB or by any other person in respect of the  bankruptcy,
         insolvency, liquidation, dissolution or winding up of BMB.

(h)      Authorized  and Issued  Capital - The  authorized  capital stock of BMB
         consists of One Thousand  (1,000) common shares,  of which One Thousand
         (1,000) of such  shares are  issued and  outstanding  as fully paid and
         non-assessable  shares of BMB. There are no warrants,  options or other
         rights of any kind in  existence,  authorized or agreed to, which could
         result in any further shares or other  securities of BMB being allotted
         or issued or becoming outstanding.

(i)      Minute  Books - The minute  books of BMB contain  accurate and complete
         minutes  of all  meetings  and  resolutions  of the  directors  and the
         shareholders   of  BMB  held  or  passed  by   signature   in  writing,
         respectively,  since the date of its  incorporation.  All such meetings
         have been duly called and held. The share and warrant certificate books
         and share registers of BMB are complete and accurate.

(j)      BMB's  Capacity  and Power - BMB has full  corporate  right,  power and
         authority  to own or lease its  assets  as now  owned or leased  and to
         carry on the BMB Business.

(k)      BMB Financial  Statements - BMB Financial Statements attached hereto as
         Schedule 2 have been prepared in accordance with US generally  accepted
         accounting  principles  applied on a consistent  basis  throughout  the
         periods  indicated,  and  fairly  and  accurately  present,  subject to
         immaterial  variation,  the financial position,  assets and liabilities
         (whether  absolute,  contingent,  accrued or  otherwise)  of BMB on the
         dates thereof and the financial results of BMB for the periods referred
         to in the BMB Financial Statements.


(l)      Subsidiary -- Emir  Oil,  LLC,  a  company  existing  under the laws of
         Kazakhstan, is a 70%-owned subsidiary of BMB.

(m)      No  Guarantees  etc.  --  Other  than  as  disclosed  in the  financial
         statements  of BMB, BMB is not a party to or bound by any  agreement of
         guarantee,  indemnification,  assumption  or  endorsement  or any  like
         commitment of the obligations, liabilities (contingent or otherwise) or
         indebtedness of any Person.

(n)      Records

         (i)   The BMB  Records  are true and  correct  and  present  fairly and
               disclose in all material  respects the actual  results of the BMB

         (ii)  To the best of the  knowledge  of the Board of  Directors of BMB,
               all material  financial  transactions of BMB have been accurately
               recorded  in the BMB  Records.  The BMB  Records  (of a financial
               nature)  have  been  prepared  in  accordance  with US  generally
               accepted accounting principles consistently applied.

         (iii) The files,  documentation  and information in writing provided by
               BMB  to  InterUnion  in  connection   with  the  negotiation  and
               completion of the transactions contemplated in this Agreement are
               true and correct in all material respects.

(o)      Litigation - There are no judgments,  decrees,  injunctions,  ruling or
         orders of any court,  Governmental  Authority or arbitration  panel, or
         any actions,  suits, or proceedings,  (whether or not on behalf of BMB)
         and, to the best of the knowledge of the Board of Directors of BMB, are
         pending or threatened or involving  BMB, or the BMB Business  which may
         materially adversely affect the BMB Business or BMB's assets.

(p)      Securities  Documents - The InterUnion  Information  Circular  appended
         hereto  as  Schedule  4 (to the  extent  that it sets  forth  facts  or
         information  about BMB,  which  facts or  information  was  provided or
         reviewed by BMB) does not  contain,  to the best of the  knowledge  and
         belief of the Board of  Directors  of BMB,  any untrue  statement  of a
         material  fact or omit to state a material  fact that is required to be
         stated or omit to state a material  fact that is necessary to be stated
         in  order  to  make  a  statement  contained  in  those  documents  not
         misleading in light of the circumstances in which it was made.

(q)      Disclosure - To the best of the  knowledge of the Board of Directors of
         BMB, the  representation and warranties of the BMB Shareholders in this
         Agreement are true,  complete and correct and do not contain any untrue
         or misleading statement of a material fact.

(r)      Non-Violation   -  The  entering   into  of  this   Agreement  and  the
         consummation  of transactions  contemplated  herein do not and will not
         conflict  with, or result in a breach of, or constitute a default under
         the terms or conditions of any constating document of BMB, any by-laws,
         any  court  or  administrative  order  or  process,  any  agreement  or
         instrument to which BMB is party or by which it is bound.


(s)      Conversion  of Debt - It is  acknowledged  that the issuance to the BMB
         shareholders  of an  aggregate  of  148,571,429  shares as specified in
         ARTICLE II, Paragraph 2.1, represents,  in part, the consideration paid
         to certain  shareholders  of BMB who, prior to this Closing,  were owed
         Two  Million  ($2,000,000)  Dollars as a result of loans to BMB and who
         have  agreed to accept  shares in  InterUnion  as full  payment  of the

                                   ARTICLE V
                                EFFECT OF MERGER

5.1      Operating  Effect of Merger.  When this Merger is completed the Merging
Corporations  shall be a single  corporation to be known as BMB Munai, Inc. or a
similar  name if that name  shall  not be  available  under  Delaware  law.  The
separate existence of BMB HOLDING, INC. shall cease.

5.2      Rights  and  Privileges.  InterUnion  shall  thereupon  and  thereafter
possess all rights, privileges, immunities and franchises of a public as well as
a private  nature of each of the Merging  Corporations  and all property,  real,
personal, tangible and intangible and all debt due, if any, on whatever account,
and all and  every  other  interest  of and  belonging  to or due to each of the
merging  corporations  shall be taken and deemed to be transferred to and vested
in InterUnion without further act or deed.

5.3      Liabilities   and   Obligations.   InterUnion   shall   thenceforth  be
responsible and liable for all of the liabilities and obligations of each of the
Merging  Corporations and any claim existing or action or proceeding  pending by
or against either of the Merging  Corporations  may be prosecuted to judgment as
if such Merger had not taken place,  or  InterUnion  may be  substituted  in its
place. Neither the rights of creditors nor any liens upon the property of either
of the merging corporations shall be impaired by reason of the Merger.

                                   ARTICLE VI

6.1      Representations   and  Warranties  of  InterUnion.   InterUnion  hereby
represents  and  warrants  to BMB and to the BMB  Shareholders  as  follows  and
acknowledges   that  BMB,  and  the  BMB   Shareholders  are  relying  on  those
representations and warranties in connection with the Merger:

(a)      Due  Incorporation - InterUnion is a corporation duly  incorporated and
         validly existing under the federal laws of the State of Delaware

(b)      Capacity to Enter  Agreement  -  InterUnion  has full power,  right and
         authority to enter into this  Agreement and to perform the  obligations
         under it.

(c)      Due  Corporate  Authorization  - The  execution  and  delivery  of this
         Agreement and the consummation of the transactions  contemplated  under
         it have been duly authorized by all necessary  corporate  action on the
         part of InterUnion.


(d)      Binding  Obligation  -  This  Agreement  has  been  duly  executed  and
         delivered by InterUnion and constitutes a valid and binding  obligation
         of InterUnion.

(e)      Absence of Conflict -  InterUnion  is not a party to, bound or affected
         by or subject to any  agreement  which would be  violated,  breached or
         terminated  by, or which would result in the creation or  imposition of
         any Encumbrance upon any of the InterUnion  Shares as a consequence of,
         the execution and delivery of this Agreement or the consummation of the
         transactions contemplated in this Agreement.

(f)      Approval  -  Except  for   Shareholders   Approval,   no   governmental
         authorization  approval,  order,  consent or filing is  required on the
         part of  InterUnion,  in connection  with the  execution,  delivery and
         performance  of this  Agreement  and the  performance  of  InterUnion's
         obligations under this Agreement.

(g)      No  Bankruptcy  - No  proceedings  have  been  taken,  are  pending  or
         authorized  by  InterUnion  or by any other  person in  respect  of the
         bankruptcy,  insolvency,  liquidation,  dissolution  or  winding  up of

(h)      Authorized  and  Issued  Capital  - On the  date of  execution  of this
         Agreement, the authorized capital of InterUnion consists of 500,000,000
         common voting shares,  of which 4,916,549  common shares are issued and
         outstanding.  In addition,  InterUnion is authorized to issue 1,500,000
         shares of Class A preferred  stock,  1,000  shares of Class B preferred
         stock  and  1,000  shares  of  Class C  preferred  stock,  of  which no
         preferred shares of any class are issued or outstanding.  After issuing
         an  aggregate  of  148,571,429  common  shares to BMB  Shareholders  as
         provided  herein,  and after issuing a further 500,000 common shares to
         the  shareholders  of InterUnion as a stock  dividend,  the  InterUnion
         shares issued and outstanding at Closing shall total 153,987,987 common
         shares,   all  of  which   such   shares   shall  be  fully   paid  and
         non-assessable.  There  shall  also  be  3,428,571  InterUnion  options
         outstanding.  There shall also be an InterUnion  stock purchase warrant
         issued in favor of Credifinance  Securities Limited which is to receive
         a further ten per cent (10%) of the number of InterUnion shares sold in
         the financing  undertaken by it and on behalf of and for the benefit of
         InterUnion,  at the issue  price of the shares  sold,  such  warrant to
         exist for an eighteen  (18) month  period from the date of November 25,
         2003. There are no other rights of any kind in existence, authorized or
         agreed to which could result in any further shares or the securities of
         InterUnion being allotted or issued or becoming outstanding.

(i)      Minute Books - Minute books of InterUnion contain accurate and complete
         minutes  of all  meetings  and  resolutions  of the  directors  and the
         shareholders  of  InterUnion  held or passed by  signature  in writing,
         respectively,  since the date of its  incorporation.  All such meetings
         have been duly called and held.

(j)      Subsidiary -  InterUnion  owns 100% of  InterUnion  Merchant  Group,  a
         company  incorporated in the British Virgin Islands.  InterUnion has no
         other business affiliations with other entities of any kind whatsoever.

(k)      Reporting  Issuer -  InterUnion  is a  reporting  issuer in the  United
         States and is not in default of any reporting requirement.


         (i)   InterUnion  has timely filed  (taking into account all  available
               extensions) all reports,  forms and other filings  required to be
               filed by applicable Law with the SEC and other applicable federal
               and State agencies  ("Filing(s)"),  and have paid all amounts due
               in respect of the above  filings,  if any;  all such  filings are
               true,   correct  and  complete  in  all  material   respects  and
               accurately  set  forth  all items to the  extent  required  to be
               reflected or included in such Filings by applicable Law.

         (ii)  as  of  the  date  hereof,   InterUnion   has  not  executed  any
               outstanding   waivers  or  comparable   consents   regarding  the
               application  of the statute of  limitations  with  respect to any

         (iii) no  examination  or  audit  of any  Filing  filed  by  InterUnion
               pursuant  to the Laws of any  jurisdiction  has been  made by any
               appropriate  Governmental  Authority  during the preceding  three
               years or is in  progress,  and  InterUnion  has not  received any
               notice (official or unofficial) of any such  examination,  audit,
               investigation or other proceeding.

         (iv)  InterUnion has  maintained  the books and records  required to be
               maintained pursuant to the Laws of the applicable jurisdiction in
               reference to all Filings.

(1)      Compliance  with Laws - InterUnion is in compliance with all applicable
         laws, rules,  regulations,  notices,  approvals and orders. For greater
         certainty,  InterUnion  confirms  that  it has at  present,  no  active
         business undertakings.

(m)      Absence of  Material  Changes - Since March 31, 2003 and to the date of
         execution of this Agreement, and except as set out herein:

         (i)   no changes have been made in the accounting  methods,  practices,
               or policies followed by InterUnion;

         (ii)  InterUnion  has not  increased,  incurred or guaranteed any debt,
               obligation,  or liability  (whether  absolute or  contingent  and
               whether or not currently due and payable);

         (iii) there has been no damage,  destruction or loss, labor trouble, or
               other event,  development or condition of any character  (whether
               or not covered by insurance)  which  adversely  affects,  or, may
               adversely affect, the properties or prospects of InterUnion; and

         (iv)  InterUnion has not paid any amount or dividend, or otherwise made
               any distribution or the payment of any kind or nature  whatsoever
               to any non-arm's length Person.

         (v)   InterUnion Liabilities - As of the Closing, InterUnion shall have
               no  outstanding  liabilities,  other than those  incurred  in the
               normal course of business and except as set out herein and in the
               financial statements of InterUnion.


(n)      InterUnion  Financial Statement - The InterUnion  Financial  Statements
         attached hereto as Schedule 3:

         (i)   have been prepared in  accordance  with U.S.  generally  accepted
               accounting principles; and

         (ii)  fairly and accurately present the financial position,  assets and
               liabilities (whether absolute,  contingent, accrued or otherwise)
               of  InterUnion  on the dates  thereof  the  financial  results of
               InterUnion  for  the  periods   referred  to  in  the  InterUnion
               Financial  Statements,   which  financial  position,  assets  and
               liabilities,  shall not have materially  changed other than as so
               contemplated in this agreement.

(o)      No  Guarantees  etc.  -  InterUnion  is not a party  to or bound by any
         agreement of guarantee,  indemnification,  assumption or endorsement or
         any like  commitment of the  obligations,  liabilities  (contingent  or
         otherwise) or indebtedness of any Person.

(p)      Title to and  Condition of Assets - As of the date  hereof,  InterUnion
         has no tangible assets of any kind.

(q)      Employees - As of the Closing, InterUnion does not employ or engage any

(r)      Litigation - There are no judgments,  decrees,  injunctions,  ruling or
         orders of any court,  Governmental  Authority  or  arbitration,  or any
         actions,  suits, grievances or proceedings (whether or not on behalf of
         InterUnion) pending or threatened or involving InterUnion.

(s)      Disclosure - The  representations  and warranties of InterUnion in this
         Agreement are true,  complete and correct and do not contain any untrue
         or misleading  statement of a material fact or omit to state a material
         fact  necessary  to  make  such   representations  and  warranties  not
         misleading  to  the  BMB   Shareholders.   There  are  no  liabilities,
         contingent or otherwise,  or indemnity  responsibilities  of InterUnion
         that are not disclosed herein.

(t)      Environmental  - To the  knowledge and belief of the Board of Directors
         of InterUnion  all premises used by InterUnion to carry on its business
         comply and have at all times  complied  with,  and InterUnion is not in
         violation of and has not violated,  in connection with its ownership of
         such  property  or  conduct  of  its  business,  any  applicable  laws,
         regulations  or  orders of any  governmental  authorities  relating  to
         environmental matters;

(u)      Tax  Liabilities  -  InterUnion  has  no  outstanding  tax  liabilities
         presently  due and  owing or  expected  to come due and  owing,  to any
         taxation authority in the USA or elsewhere.

         (i)   InterUnion  has timely filed  (taking into account all  available
               extensions)  all Tax returns  required to be filed by  applicable
               Law and have paid all amounts due in respect of Taxes (whether or
               not assessed or actually shown on such Tax returns); all such Tax
               returns are true,  correct and complete in all material  respects
               and accurately  set forth all items to the extent  required to be
               reflected or included in such Tax returns by applicable Law;


         (ii)  as  of  the  date  hereof,   InterUnion   has  not  executed  any
               outstanding   waivers  or  comparable   consents   regarding  the
               application  of the statute of  limitations  with  respect to any
               material  Taxes  or  Tax  returns;   no  requests  for  any  such
               agreements   are  pending;   and  the  period  during  which  any
               assessment may be made by any appropriate  Governmental Authority
               has expired  without  waiver or  extension of any such period for
               each such authority;

         (iii) no claim has ever been made by any  authority  in a  jurisdiction
               where  InterUnion  does not file Tax Returns that it is or may be
               subject to taxation by that jurisdiction; and

         (iv)  as of the date  hereof,  there are no Liens  with  respect to any
               material  Taxes  upon any of the  assets  and  properties  of the

         (b)   No  examination or audit of income and other Tax Returns filed by
               InterUnion  pursuant  to the Laws of any Tax  authority  has been
               made  by  any  appropriate   Governmental  Authority  during  the
               preceding  three years or is in progress,  and InterUnion has not
               received  any  notice   (official  or   unofficial)  of  any  Tax
               examination,  audit,  investigation  or other  proceeding for the
               assessment  or proposed  assessment  or  collection of any Taxes.
               Except for Taxes  payable with Tax Returns not yet due and filed,
               there  are no  grounds  for any  further  Tax  Liability,  beyond
               amounts  accrued  with  respect  to the years  that have not been
               examined or audited.

         (c)   InterUnion has  maintained  the books and records  required to be
               maintained  pursuant  to the Laws of the  states  and  localities
               wherein it is  required  to file Tax  Returns  and other  reports
               relating to Taxes.

         (d)   BMB has  been  provided  with  true  and  correct  copies  of the
               original and amended tax returns of the Company for all the years
               of its existence.

(u)      Agency  Agreement - The Agency Agreement in the form attached hereto as
         Schedule "6",  when  executed,  will not result in InterUnion  being in
         breach of any representations and warranties contained thereunder.

                                   ARTICLE VII

7.1      Subject to section 7.2, all representations and warranties contained in
this  Agreement on the part of each of the parties shall survive the Closing for
a period of three (3) years from the Closing Date, after which time, if no claim
shall have been made  against a Party with  respect to any  incorrectness  or in
breach of any  representation  or  warranty,  that  Party  shall have no further
liability under this Agreement with respect to the representation or warranty.

7.2      The  representations,  warranties,  covenants  and  indemnities  of the
Parties relating to the tax liability of InterUnion and BMB shall:


(a)      unless resulting from any misrepresentation  made or fraud committed in
         filing  a return  or  supplying  information  for the  purposes  of the
         federal Internal Revenue Code ("IRC"), applicable state corporation tax
         legislation  or any other  legislation  imposing tax on InterUnion  and
         BMB,  terminate at the expiration of the last of the limitation periods
         contained in the IRC,  applicable state  corporation tax legislation or
         any other legislation imposing tax on InterUnion and BMB, subsequent to
         the expiration of which an assessment,  reassessment,  or other form of
         recognized  document assessing liability for its year ended immediately
         prior to the Closing Date; and

(b)      if based upon  misrepresentation  made or fraud  committed  in filing a
         return  or in  supplying  information  for  the  purpose  of  the  IRC,
         applicable state  corporation tax legislation or any other  legislation
         imposing tax on InterUnion and BMB, survive without limit as to time.

7.3      All statements contained in any certificate or any instrument delivered
by or on behalf of a Party  pursuant to or in connection  with the  transactions
contemplated  by this  Agreement  shall be deemed to be made by such Party under
this Agreement.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

8.1      Conduct of BMB Business  Prior to Closing.  During the Interim  Period,
BMB shall:

(a)      Conduct Business in Ordinary Course - except as otherwise  contemplated
         or permitted by this Agreement, conduct the BMB Business diligently and
         prudently, and in the normal course;

(b)      Continue  Insurance  - continue  in full force all  existing  insurance

(c)      Comply with Laws - comply with all laws applicable to the BMB Business;

(d)      Maintain  Permits - apply for,  maintain in good standing and renew all
         Permits, licenses, and registrations necessary to enable it to carry on
         the BMB Business as now conducted;

(e)      Issue  Securities,  etc. - not issue any  securities,  including  debt,
         except in the ordinary course of business,  as  contemplated  herein or
         with the prior written consent of InterUnion;

(f)      Dividends - not declare or pay any dividends or  distribute  any of its
         properties or assets to  shareholders  or any  non-arm's  length Person
         without the prior written consent of InterUnion;

(g)      Agreements  - not enter  into any  contracts,  except  in the  ordinary
         course of business or with the prior written consent of InterUnion;

(h)      Articles and Bylaws - not alter or amend its articles or bylaws, except
         as contemplated herein or with the prior written consent of InterUnion;

         (i)   Business  Activity - not  engage in any  business  enterprise  or
               other  activity  different  from its current  activities  to date
               except  those  specifically  expressed  herein  or with the prior
               written consent of InterUnion;

8.2      Conduct of  InterUnion  Prior to Closing - During the  Interim  Period,
InterUnion shall:

(a)      Conduct Business in Ordinary Course - except as otherwise  contemplated
         or permitted by this  Agreement,  conduct its business  diligently  and
         prudently, and in the normal course;

(b)      Continue  Insurance  - continue  in full force all  existing  insurance

(c)      Comply with Laws - comply with all laws applicable to its business;

(d)      Maintain  Permits - apply for,  maintain in good standing and renew all
         permits, licenses, and registrations necessary to enable it to carry on
         its business as now conducted;

(e)      Issue  Securities,  etc. - not issue any  securities,  including  debt,
         except in the ordinary course of business,  as  contemplated  herein or
         with the prior written consent of BMB;

(f)      Dividends - not declare or pay any dividends or  distribute  any of its
         properties or assets to  shareholders  or any  non-arm's  length Person
         other than as provided for herein without the prior written  consent of

(g)      Agreements  - not enter  into any  contracts,  except  in the  ordinary
         course of business or with the prior written consent of BMB;

(h)      Articles and Bylaws - not alter or amend its articles or bylaws, except
         as contemplated herein or with the prior written consent of BMB;

(i)      Business  Activity - not  engage in any  business  enterprise  or other
         activity  different  from its current  activities  to date except those
         specifically expressed herein or with the prior written consent of BMB.

(j)      Minimum  Subscriptions  at Closing - Credifinance  Securities  Limited,
         acting on behalf of InterUnion  will have secured in completed  form at
         least  $3,000,000 held in escrow pursuant to  subscriptions  for common
         stock of InterUnion.

8.3      Access for Investigation.

(a)      InterUnion  and BMB shall  permit  the other  Party and its  Authorized
         Representatives,  until the Closing  Date,  to have  reasonable  access
         during normal  business  hours to their  respective  premises and their
         respective  Records  to  enable  confirmation  of the  accuracy  of the
         Records and the matters  represented and warranted in Articles III, IV,
         and VI.


         Until the  Closing  Date and,  in the  event  the  termination  of this
         Agreement  without  the  completion  of the  transactions  contemplated
         hereby,  each of the Parties  shall  thereafter,  subject to subsection
         8.3(b),  use its best efforts to keep  confidential and not use for its
         own  purpose  (other  than  as  contemplated  by  this  Agreement)  any
         information  obtained  from any other  Party with  respect to the other
         Party's  affairs.  If this  Agreement  is  terminated,  all  documents,
         working  papers and other written  material  obtained by the Party from
         the other party in connection  with this  Agreement and not  previously
         made  public  (and all copies  thereof)  shall be returned to the other
         Party promptly after such termination.

(b)      The obligation of each of the Parties under  subsection  8.3(a) to keep
         confidential and not use any information shall not apply to information

         (i)   becomes generally  available to the public other than as a result
               of a disclosure by the Party or its  representatives in violation
               of this Agreement;

         (ii)  was available to the Party on a  non-confidential  basis prior to
               its disclosure by the other party or their representatives;

         (iii) becomes available to the party on a non-confidential basis from a
               source  other  than  the  other  Party  or  its  representatives,
               provided  that  such  source  is not  bound by a  confidentiality
               agreement with the other Party; or

         (iv)  the Party is required by law to disclose.

8.4      Closing  Documents.   The  Ancillary   Agreements  and  the  Conveyance
Documents  shall be executed and delivered by the Parties thereto at the Closing

8.5      Corporate  Proceedings.  On or before  the  Closing  Date,  each of the
Merging  Corporations  shall  provide  to  the  other  certified  copies  of all
necessary  proceedings and  resolutions,  corporate or otherwise,  and all other
necessary  actions,  corporate  or  otherwise,  authorizing  the  execution  and
delivery of this Agreement and the matters contemplated in it.

8.6      Actions to Satisfy Closing  Conditions.  Each Party shall take all such
actions as are within its power to  control,  and shall use its best  efforts to
cause other actions to be taken which are not within its power to control, so as
to ensure  compliance  with any  conditions set forth in this Agreement that are
for the benefit of itself or any other Party.

8.7      InterUnion  Corporate  Proceedings.  InterUnion  shall have obtained or
effected prior to the Closing:

         (i)   Shareholder Approval; and

         (ii)  Amendment of the  Certificate of  Incorporation  of InterUnion to
               increase its authorized  capital to common shares to 500,000,000,
               subsequent to Closing.


                                   ARTICLE IX
                              CONDITIONS OF CLOSING

9.1      Conditions for InterUnion's Benefit. InterUnion shall not be obliged to
complete  the  Merger  unless,  on the  Closing  Date,  each  of  the  following
conditions shall have been satisfied:

(a)      Accuracy of  Representations -- The  representations  and warranties of
         the BMB  Shareholders  and of BMB, as set forth in Articles III and IV,
         respectively,  shall be true and correct at the Closing Date, except as
         those  representations and warranties may be affected by the occurrence
         of events or transactions  expressly contemplated and permitted by this
         Agreement,  including, without limitation, those in the ordinary course
         of business,  and InterUnion shall have received a certificate from the
         BMB Shareholders, and BMB confirming the foregoing.

(b)      Performance  of Obligations - BMB and the BMB  Shareholders  shall have
         performed all of the  obligations  hereunder to be performed by them at
         or prior to the Closing.  BMB and the BMB Shareholders  shall not be in
         breach of any agreement on their part contained herein;

(c)      Deliveries  - BMB and the BMB  Shareholders  shall  have  delivered  or
         caused  to be  delivered  to BMB the  Conveyance  Documents,  and shall
         deliver up to  InterUnion  possession of the BMB  Securities,  free and
         clear of any Encumbrances:

(d)      Shareholder  Approval and  Regulatory  Approval - On or before  Closing
         Time, all items listed in the  sub-articles of section 8.7 herein shall
         have been approved by the shareholders of InterUnion;

(e)      Completion  of  Investigations  - The  investigations  and  assessments
         contemplated  in section 8.3 shall have been  completed and  InterUnion
         shall  be  satisfied  with  the  result  of  such   investigations  and
         assessments  including,  without  limitation,  the  accuracy of the BMB
         Records and Subsidiary Records and matters represented and warranted in
         Articles III and IV;

(f)      Consents,  Authorizations and Registrations - All consents,  approvals,
         orders and  authorizations  of, from or notifications to any persons or
         Governmental  Authorities required in connection with the completion of
         any of the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  the execution
         of this  Agreement,  the Closing or the performance of any of the terms
         and conditions of this Agreement  shall have been obtained on or before
         the Closing Date.

         There shall be no injunction or order issued preventing, and no pending
         or threatened  claim,  action,  litigation or  proceeding,  judicial or
         administrative,  or investigation against any Party by any Governmental
         Authority  or Person for the purpose of  enjoining  or  preventing  the
         consummation  of  this  Agreement,  or  otherwise  claiming  that  this
         Agreement or the consummation thereof is improper or would give rise to
         proceedings under any statute or rule of law;


(g)      No Loss - During the Interim Period,  there shall have been no material
         damage to the assets of BMB or the BMB Business by fire or other peril,
         whether or not such damage is covered by insurance; and

(h)      No Material Changes - There shall have been no material adverse changes
         in the BMB  Business,  assets or financial  condition of BMB during the
         Interim Period. For the purposes of this subsection, the term "material
         adverse  change"  shall mean any change in the assets,  liabilities  or
         financial  condition  of BMB or  the  BMB  Business  that  may  involve
         material  reduction,  damage,  risk to or  destruction  of the  assets,
         whether or not the change is covered by insurance.

(i)      Acknowledgment  re Conversion of Certain Debt - Each of BMB Munai,  LLC
         and Alexander  Agaian,  both of whom are BMB  Shareholders,  shall have
         agreed  to  convert   $1,800,000   and   $200,000,   respectively,   in
         indebtedness owed to them by BMB for InterUnion Shares, as provided for
         in this  Agreement.  In  addition,  such  parties  shall be required to
         deliver,  on or before Closing,  a Release,  satisfactory to InterUnion
         confirming such debt has been released.

If any one or more of the foregoing  conditions shall not have been fulfilled on
or before the Closing Date, InterUnion may terminate this Agreement by notice in
writing to the other  Parties in which event  InterUnion  shall be released from
all obligations under this Agreement and (InterUnion can show that the condition
relied upon could reasonably have been performed by the other parties) the other
Parties  shall  also be  released  from  all  obligations  hereunder;  provided,
however,  that InterUnion  shall be entitled to waive compliance with any one or
more of such  conditions  in  whole  or in  part if it  shall  see fit to do so,
without   prejudice  to  its  rights  of   termination   in  the  event  of  the
non-fulfillment of any other condition in whole or in part.

9.2      Conditions for the Benefit of BMB and the BMB Shareholders. BMB and the
BMB  Shareholders  shall not be obliged to complete  the Merger  unless,  on the
Closing Date, each of the following conditions shall have been satisfied:

(a)      Accuracy of  Representations  - The  representations  and warranties of
         InterUnion  set forth in  Article  VI shall be true and  correct at the
         Closing Date,  except as those  representations  and  warranties may be
         affected  by  the  occurrence  of  events  or  transactions   expressly
         contemplated and permitted by this Agreement,  and the BMB Shareholders
         shall have  received  a  certificate  from  InterUnion  confirming  the

(b)      Performance of Obligations - InterUnion shall have performed all of the
         obligations  hereunder to be performed by it at or prior to the Closing
         and  InterUnion  shall not be in breach  of any  agreement  on its part
         contained herein.

(c)      Deliveries - InterUnion  shall have delivered or caused to be delivered
         to the BMB Shareholders,  or as they may direct in writing,  possession
         of an aggregate  148,571,429  InterUnion Shares,  free and clear of any

(d)      Shareholders Approval - The Shareholders Approval, the approval of this
         Agreement  and  the  transactions   contemplated   herein  by  the  BMB
         Shareholders  and the  matters  contemplated  in section 8.7 shall have
         been obtained, completed or given, as the case may be, on or before the
         Closing Time.


(e)      Completion  of  Investigations  - Based in the  documents  provided  by
         InterUnion,  the investigations and assessments contemplated in section
         8.3 shall have been completed and BMB and the BMB Shareholders shall be
         satisfied  with the  results  of such  investigations  and  assessments
         including,  without limitation,  the accuracy of the InterUnion Records
         and matters represented and warranted in Article VI.

(f)      Consents,  Authorizations and Registrations - All consents,  approvals,
         orders and  authorizations  of, from or notifications to any Persons or
         Governmental  Authorities required in connection with the completion of
         any of the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  the execution
         of this  Agreement,  the Closing or the performance of any of the terms
         and conditions of this Agreement  shall have been obtained on or before
         the Closing Date.

         There shall be no injunction or order issued preventing, and no pending
         or threatened  claim,  action,  litigation or  proceeding,  judicial or
         administrative,  or investigation against any Party by any Governmental
         Authority  or Person for the purpose of  enjoining  or  preventing  the
         consummation  of  this  agreement,  or  otherwise  claiming  that  this
         Agreement or the consummation thereof is improper or would give rise to
         proceedings under any statute or rule of law.

(g)      No Material  Changes - Based in the documents  provided by  InterUnion,
         there  shall have been,  in the  reasonable  opinion of BMB and the BMB
         Shareholders,  no material  adverse  changes in the assets or financial
         condition of InterUnion during the Interim Period.  For the purposes of
         this  subsection,  the term  "material  adverse  change" shall mean any
         change in the assets,  liabilities or financial condition of InterUnion
         that may,  in the  reasonable  opinion of BMB and the BMB  Shareholders
         involve  material  reduction,  damage,  risk to or  destruction  of the
         assets whether or not the change is covered by insurance.

(h)      InterUnion  Debt  -  As  of  the  Closing,  InterUnion  shall  have  no
         outstanding debt.

If any one or more of the foregoing  conditions shall not have been fulfilled on
or before the Closing Date,  BMB and the BMB  Shareholders  may  terminate  this
Agreement  by notice in writing  to  InterUnion  in which  event BMB and the BMB
Shareholders  shall be released from all  obligations  under this  Agreement and
(unless BMB and the BMB  Shareholders  can show that the  condition  relied upon
could  reasonably  have been performed by InterUnion)  InterUnion  shall also be
released from all obligations hereunder; provided, however, that BMB and the BMB
Shareholders  shall be entitled to waive compliance with any one or more of such
conditions in whole or in part if they shall see fit to do so, without prejudice
to their rights to termination in the event of the  non-fulfilment  of any other
condition in whole or in part.


                                    ARTICLE X

10.1     Mutual  Indemnification's  for  Breaches of Warranty,  etc.  Subject to
section 10.3, InterUnion hereby covenants and agrees with BMB, and BMB covenants
and agrees  severally with InterUnion  (the parties  covenanting and agreeing to
indemnify  another  party  under  this  Article X are  hereinafter  individually
referred to as "Indemnifying  Party" and the parties that are being  indemnified
by another Party under this Article X are hereinafter  individually  referred to
as the  "Indemnified  Party") to indemnify  and save  harmless  the  Indemnified
Party, effective as and from the Closing Time, from and against any Claims which
may be made or brought against the Indemnified  Party and/or which it may suffer
or incur as a result of, or arising out of any  non-fulfillment  of any covenant
or agreement on the part of the  Indemnifying  Party under this Agreement or any
Ancillary  Agreement or any incorrectness in or breach of any  representation or
warranty of the Indemnifying  Party contained in this Agreement or any Ancillary

10.2     Undisclosed  Liabilities  Indemnity - Notwithstanding  section 10.1 and
without limiting the generality of section 10.1:

(a)      BMB shall indemnify InterUnion from all Claims arising from liabilities
         or  obligations to Persons that arise from the act or failure to act of
         BMB prior to the  Closing  Date that are not  disclosed  to  InterUnion
         pursuant to Article 1V;

(c)      InterUnion  shall  indemnify  BMB,  and the BMB  Shareholders  from all
         Claims  arising from  liabilities  or obligations to Persons that arise
         from the act or failure to act of InterUnion  prior to the Closing Date
         that are not  disclosed  to BMB and the BMB  Shareholders  pursuant  to
         Article VI.

10.3     Limit on Mutual Indemnification. Indemnification obligations of each of
the Parties pursuant to section 10.1 and 10.2 shall be subject to the following:

(a)      the  applicable  limitation  mentioned  in Article VII  respecting  the
         survival of the representations and warranties of the Parties;

(b)      the indemnity obligations under section 10.2 shall survive for a period
         of three (3) years from the Closing Date;

(c)      there  shall be no limit as to amount in  respect  of  breaches  of the
         representations   and   warranties   of  the  Parties   other  than  as
         specifically limited by the provisions of the section; and

(d)      an Indemnifying Party shall not be required to indemnify an Indemnified
         Party until the aggregate  Claims  sustained by the  Indemnified  Party
         exceeds a value of $5,000,  in which case the Indemnifying  Party shall
         be obligated to the  Indemnified  party for all Claims without limit as
         to amount.

10.4     Procedure for Indemnification.  The following provisions shall apply to
any Claims for which an  Indemnifying  Party may be  obligated  to  indemnify an
Indemnified Party pursuant to this Agreement:


         (i)   upon  receipt  from a third  party  by the  Indemnified  Party of
               notice of a Claim or the  Indemnified  party  becoming aware of a
               Claim in  respect  of which the  Indemnified  Party  proposes  to
               demand   indemnification   from  the   Indemnifying   Party,  the
               Indemnified  Party  shall  give  notice  to  that  effect  to the
               Indemnifying  Party with  reasonable  promptness,  provided  that
               failure to give such  notice  shall not  relieve an  Indemnifying
               Party from any  liability  it may have to the  Indemnified  Party
               except to the extent that the  Indemnifying  Party is  prejudiced

         (ii)  in  the  case  of  Claims   arising  from  third   parties,   the
               Indemnifying  Party  shall  have  the  right  by  notice  to  the
               Indemnified  party not later than thirty (30) days after  receipt
               of the  notice  described  in  paragraph  (i) above to assume the
               control of the defense,  compromise  or settlement of the Claims,
               provided that such  assumption  shall,  by its terms,  be without
               costs to the Indemnified  Party and the Indemnifying  Party shall
               at the  Indemnified  Party's  request  furnish it with reasonable
               security  against any costs or other  liabilities to which it may
               be or become  exposed by reason of such  defense,  compromise  or

         (iii) upon the  assumption  of  control  by the  Indemnifying  Party as
               aforesaid,  the Indemnifying  Party shall diligently proceed with
               the defense,  compromise  or settlement of the Claims at its sole
               expense,  including employment of counsel reasonably satisfactory
               to the  Indemnified  Party  and,  in  connection  therewith,  the
               Indemnified  Party shall co-operate  fully, but at the expense of
               the  Indemnifying  Party,  to make available to the  Indemnifying
               Party  all  pertinent   information   and  witnesses   under  the
               Indemnified Party's control,  make such assignments and take such
               other  steps as in the  opinion of counsel  for the  Indemnifying
               Party are necessary to enable the  Indemnifying  Party to conduct
               such defense; provided always that the Indemnified Party shall be
               entitled to reasonable  security from the Indemnifying  Party for
               the expense, costs of other liabilities to which it may be or may
               become exposed by reason of such co-operation;

         (iv)  the final  determination  of any such Claims  arising  from third
               parties,  including  all  related  costs  and  expenses,  will be
               binding and  conclusive  upon the  Parties as to the  validity or
               invalidity,  as  the  case  may be of  such  Claims  against  the
               Indemnifying Party hereunder; and

         (v)   should  the  Indemnifying  Party  fail  to  give  notice  to  the
               Indemnified  Party as  provided  in  paragraph  (ii)  above,  the
               Indemnified  Party shall be entitled to make such  settlement  of
               the Claims as in its sole  discretion may appear  advisable,  and
               such  settlement or any other final  determination  of the Claims
               shall be binding upon the Indemnifying Party.


                                   ARTICLE XI
                              CLOSING ARRANGEMENTS

11.1     Closing.  The Closing  shall take place at the offices of Aird & Berlis
LLP, Barristers and Solicitors,  181 Bay Street, Suite 1800, BCE Place, Toronto,
M5J 2T9,  Ontario,  Canada at the Closing Time on the Closing  Date,  which such
date shall be November 25, 2003 at 4.00 p.m. or on such date and at such time as
the Parties may mutually agree and in no event later than January 30, 2004.

11.2     Closing Procedures.  At the Closing Time:

(a)      InterUnion shall issue and deliver to the BMB  Shareholders  possession
         of an aggregate of 148,571,429 InterUnion Shares;

(b)      the BMB  Shareholders  shall deliver up to  InterUnion  1,000 shares of

(c)      BMB Munai LLC and Alexandre  Agaian have shall have signed a release re
         indebtedness (as specified in section 9.1(i) of this Agreement.

(d)      BMB  shall  provide  to  InterUnion  a  certified  copy of a  unanimous
         resolution of the shareholders of BMB approving the Share Exchange;

(e)      Counsel for BMB shall deliver a legal opinion,  addressed to InterUnion
         and  counsel  for  InterUnion,  in a form  satisfactory  to counsel for
         InterUnion, concerning the status and standing of BMB and other various
         material issues addressed herein concerning BMB and the BMB Shareholder
         including various matters addressed in Articles III and IV herein;

(f)      Counsel for InterUnion shall deliver a legal opinion,  addressed to BMB
         and the BMB Shareholders and counsel for BMB and the BMB  Shareholders,
         in a form  satisfactory  to counsel  for BMB and the BMB  Shareholders,
         concerning  the status and  standing of  InterUnion  and other  various
         material  issues  addressed  herein  concerning   InterUnion  including
         various matters addressed in Article VI herein;

(g)      The current  directors of InterUnion  who have not been invited to join
         the board of directors  of BMB shall resign in seriatim  from the board
         of InterUnion in favor of the nominees of BMB; and

(h)      The  Parties  shall take or shall have  taken,  as the case may be, the
         other actions contemplated to be taken by them at or before the Closing
         contemplated in this Agreement.

11.3     Non-Waiver.  No investigations made by or on behalf of InterUnion,  BMB
and the BMB  Shareholders  at any time  shall  have the  effect  of  waiving  or
diminishing the scope of or otherwise affecting any representation,  warranty or
indemnity made by or imposed upon the Parties pursuant to this Agreement.


11.4     Merger Advisor Fee. At or before Closing, BMB shall pay to Credifinance
Securities Limited a merger advisory fee of $150,000.

                                   ARTICLE XII

12.1     Termination

(a)      This Agreement may be terminated at any time prior to the Closing:

         (i)   by the mutual agreement of the Parties;

         (ii)  by the Parties if:

               (I)  the Merger shall not have been completed by January 30, 2004
                    (or such  other  date,  if any,  as the  Parties  shall have
                    agreed in writing), if the failure to complete such purchase
                    and sale on or before  such date is not caused by any breach
                    of this Agreement by the Party electing to terminate; or

               (II) the Merger  would  violate any  non-appealable  final order,
                    decree or judgment of any court or governmental  body having
                    competent jurisdiction.

(b)      If this  Agreement is terminated by a Party under  subsection  11.1(a),
         such  termination  shall be without  liability  of either  Party to the
         other parties,  or to any of their shareholders,  directors,  officers,
         employees, agents, consultants or representatives provided that if such
         termination  shall  result  from the  willful  failure  of the Party to
         fulfill a  condition  to the  performance  of the other  Parties  or to
         perform a covenant of this  agreement  or from a willful  breach by the
         party to this  Agreement,  the Party shall be fully  liable for any and
         all  damages,  costs  and  expenses  (including,  but not  limited  to,
         reasonable counsel fees and disbursements) sustained or incurred by the
         other Parties.

12.2     Expenses.  All costs and expenses (including the fees and disbursements
of accountants and legal counsel) incurred in connection with this Agreement and
completion of the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement shall be paid by
each Party whether or not the Merger is completed.

12.3     Notices.  Any  notice  or  other  communication  which is  required  or
permitted to be given or made by one Party to the others  hereunder  shall be in
writing and shall be either:

(1)      personally delivered to such Parties; or (2) sent by facsimile.

Any notice shall be sent to the intended recipient at its address as follows:


        (a)     to InterUnion:

                1232 North Ocean Way
                Palm Beach FL 33480
                Attention:        Georges Benarroch
                Facsimile:        (561) 877-0517

        (b)     to BMB and/or the BMB Shareholders at:

                245 East 93rd Street Suite 22E
                 New York NY 10128
                 Attention :       Alexandre Agaian
                 Facsimile :       (212) 534-6712

or at such other address as any Party may from time to time advise the others by
notice in writing.  Any notice given by personal  delivery shall be deemed to be
received on the date of delivery. Any notice sent by facsimile or similar method
of  recorded  communication  shall be deemed to have been  received  on the next
Business Day following the date of its transmission.

12.4     Further Assurances.  The Parties shall with reasonable diligence do all
things and provide all reasonable  assurances as may be required to complete the
transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  and each Party shall provide such
further  documents  or  instruments  required  by  any  other  Party  as  may be
reasonably necessary or desirable to give effect to this Agreement and carry out
its provisions, whether before or after the Closing.

12.5     Public  Notice.  All  public  notices  to third  parties  and all other
publicity  concerning the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement shall be
jointly  planned  and  co-coordinated  by the  Parties  and no Party  shall  act
unilaterally  in this  regard  without the prior  written  approval of the other
Parties, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld.

12.6     Amendment  and  Waiver.   No   supplement,   modification,   waiver  or
termination of this Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing by the
party to be bound.  No waiver of any of the Provisions of this  Agreement  shall
constitute  a waiver of any other  provision  (whether or not similar) nor shall
such waiver constitute a continuing waiver unless otherwise expressly provided.

12.7     Assignment.  This Agreement and the rights or obligations  hereunder or
thereunder are not assignable by any Party without the prior written  consent of
the other  Parties,  which  consent  shall not be  unreasonably  withheld.  This
Agreement  shall  ensure to the  benefit of and be binding  upon the Parties and
their respective successors and permitted assigns.

12.8     Severability.  Any provision of this  Agreement  which is prohibited or
unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall not invalidate the remaining  provisions
hereof. Any such prohibition or  unenforceability  in any jurisdiction shall not
invalidate or render  unenforceable such provision in any other jurisdiction.


12.9     Independent Legal Advice.  The Parties hereby acknowledge that each has
been advised to seek  independent  legal counsel in respect of the Agreement and
the matters  contemplated herein. To the extent that a Party declines to receive
independent  legal  counsel in respect of the  Agreement,  that Party waives the
right,  should a dispute later develop, to rely on its lack of independent legal
counsel to avoid its obligations,  to seek indulgences from the other Parties or
to otherwise  attack the integrity of the Agreement and the provisions  thereof,
in whole or in part.

12.10    Counterparts.  This  agreement may be executed by the Parties in one or
more  counterparts  by original or  facsimile  signature,  each of which when so
executed and delivered shall be an original and such counterparts shall together
constitute one and the same instrument.

                            (Executions on next page)


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF this agreement has been executed by the Parties each
as of the day and year first before written.

THIS AGREEMENT IS HEREBY EXECUTED on the date set forth above.

                                  INTERUNION FINANCIAL CORP.

                                  Per:  /s/ Georges Benarroch
                                            Authorized Signing Officer
                                            I have authority to bind the company

                                  BMB HOLDING, INC.

                                  Per:  /s/ Alexandre Agaian
                                            Authorized Signing Officer
                                            I have authority to bind the company


                                   SCHEDULE 1

"Affiliate and Associate" means an "affiliate" and "associate", respectively, as
those terms  redefined  in the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as amended on the date

"Agreement"  means  this  Plan  and  Agreement  of  Merger  and  any  instrument
supplemental or ancillary to it.

"Ancillary  Agreements"  means  all  documents,  agreements,   certificates  and
instruments  to be  executed or  delivered  by any Person  under this  Agreement
including the Conveyance Documents.

"Authorized  Representatives" means employees,  agents, counsel, accountants and
other representatives.

"BMB's Business" means BMB's business,  and  headquartered in New York City, NY.
BMB is a company engaged in the development and production of oil and gas in the
Republic of Kazakhstan through its 70% interest in Emir Oil, LLC.

"BMB  Records"  means  BMB's  books,  records,  files,  including  business  and
financial  records,  documentation and information (other than the BMB Financial
Statements), whether in writing or stored in any retrieval system or data base.

"BMB Securities"  means all the issued and outstanding  securities of BMB, being
one thousand (1,000) common shares.

"BMB Shareholders" means the registered shareholders of BMB, respectively, as of
the day this Agreement was executed.

"Business Day" means any day other than a Saturday,  Sunday or statutory holiday
in the State of Delaware.

"Claims" means claims,  demands,  actions,  causes of action,  damages,  losses,
costs, fines, penalties,  interest, liabilities and expenses, including, without
limitation, reasonable legal fees.

"Closing"  means the  completion of the Merger of InterUnion and BMB pursuant to
this Agreement.

"Closing  Date"  means  November  25,  2003,  or such other later date as may be
agreed to by the Parties.

"Closing Time" means 4:00 p.m.  (Toronto time) on the Closing Date or such other
time on the Closing Date as may be agreed to by the Parties.


"Consolidation"  means the  consolidation  of the  outstanding  common shares of
InterUnion on a 1 for 10 basis as provided herein.

"Conveyance  Documents"  means all bills of sale,  assignments,  instruments  of
transfer,  assurances,  consents,  and other  documents as shall be necessary to
effectively transfer to InterUnion the BMB Securities

"Encumbrances"  means  any  mortgage,   charge,   pledge,   hypothecate,   lien,
encumbrance,  restriction,  option,  right of others or security interest of any

"Governmental Authorities" means any applicable United States or non-US federal,
state and municipal agency, ministry, department, inspector and official.

"Interim  Period" means the period  commencing on the date of this Agreement and
ending immediately before the opening of business on the Closing Date.

"InterUnion  Financial  Statements" means the financial statements of InterUnion
attached Schedule 3.

InterUnion Information Circular" means the draft management information circular
of  InterUnion  appended  hereto as  Schedule  4, to be used at the  annual  and
special  meeting of the  shareholders  of the  Corporation  relating to, amongst
other things, the Share Exchange.

"InterUnion  Options" means the outstanding options to acquire InterUnion common
shares as of the date of this Agreement.

"InterUnion Records" means InterUnion books,  records,  files including business
and financial records,  documentation and information (other than the InterUnion
Financial  Statements),  whether in writing or stored in any retrieval system or
data base.

"InterUnion  Shares"  means an aggregate of  148,571,429,  the common  shares of
InterUnion to be issued to the BMB  Shareholders,  or as they may direct,  under
the terms of this Agreement of Merger.

"InterUnion Warrants" means the outstanding warrants to acquire common shares of
InterUnion as of the date of this Agreement.

"Law" means any law, rule or regulation of any Governmental Authority.

"Letter  of  Intent"  means the letter of intent  dated  August 7, 2003  between
InterUnion and BMB which is superseded by this Agreement.

"Parties" means the parties to the Agreement and "Party" means any one of them.

"Permits" means authorizations,  registrations,  permits,  approvals or licenses
that can be issued or granted by Governmental Authorities.


"Person" means an  individual,  body  corporate,  partnership,  trustee,  trust,
unincorporated association, executor, administrator or legal representative.

"Records" means the BMB Records, InterUnion Records and Subsidiary Records.

"Regulatory  Approval" means the approvals and consents of applicable regulatory
authorities  in the United  States,  which are  required to  complete  the Share

"SEC" means the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

"Shareholder Approval" means approval by a majority of the holders of the common
shares in InterUnion  Financial  Corporation or BMB Holding, Inc as the case may
be, in respect to the Merger and any action requiring approval of the InterUnion

"Tax"  and  "Taxes"  shall  mean all  taxes and  similar  governmental  charges,
imposts,  levies, duties, fees and assessments,  however denominated,  including
any interest,  penalties,  fines or additions to tax that may become  payable in
respect thereof, imposed by any federal, state or local government or any agency
or political subdivision thereof or therein, whether arising before, on or after
the Closing Date.


                                   SCHEDULE 2


                 [to be provided at a later date via amendment]


                                   SCHEDULE 3


                 [to be provided at a later date via amendment]


                                   SCHEDULE 4


                 [to be provided at a later date via amendment]


                                   SCHEDULE 5

                                BMB SHAREHOLDINGS

- ---------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------
   No.     Name and Address of BMB SHAREHOLDERS            Number  of  BMB        Number of InterUnion Shaes
                                                            Shares Owned                to be Issued to
                                                                                       BMB Shareholders
- ---------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------
1          BMB Munai, LLC,                                        500                   76,571,429 (1)
           59A Kabanbai Batyr St.,
           Almaty, Kazakhstan
- ---------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------
2          Boris T. Cherdabayev,                                  220                     31,428,572
           162 Kunayeva Street, Apt 51
           Almaty, Kazakhstan
- ---------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------
3          Bakhtybek R. Baiseitov                                 120                     17,142,857
           c/o Alexandre Agaian
           245 East 93rd Street, Apt. 22E
           New York, New York 10128
- ---------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------
4          Caspian Services Group Limited                          10                     1,428,571
           c/o Alexandre Agaian
           245 East 93rd Street, Apt. 22E
           New York, New York 10128
- ---------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------
5          Alexandre Agaian                                        30                   4,857,143 (2)
           245 East 93rd Street, Apt. 22E
           New York, New York 10128
- ---------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------
6          Anuar R. Kulmagambetov                                  20                     2,857,143
           c/o Alexandre Agaian
           245 East 93rd Street, Apt. 22E
           New York, New York 10128
- ---------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------
7          Mirgali S. Kunayev                                     100                     14,285,714
           58 Zenkova Street, Apt. 52
           Almaty Kazakhstan 480100
- ---------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------
           TOTAL                                                 1,000                   148,571,429
- ---------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------

(1)      Such number of shares  includes  5,142,857 in respect of  conversion of
         $1,800,000 of indebtedness owed by BMB Holding, Inc.

(2)      Such  number of shares  includes  571,429 in respect of  conversion  of
         $200, 00.00 of indebtedness owed by BMB Holding, Inc.


                                   SCHEDULE 6

                                AGENCY AGREEMENT

                           [Attached as Exhibit 10.1]
