For Release Immediately
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                       AND US$10,100,000 PRIVATE PLACEMENT
                       FOR KAZAKHSTAN OIL & GAS OPERATIONS

Palm  Beach,   Fl.   December   1,  2003:   InterUnion   Financial   Corporation
("InterUnion")  (OTCBB:  IUFN),  announced  today that it has  acquired  all the
shares of BMB Holding Inc. ("BMB").  The merger with BMB announced on August 18,
2003, was closed on November 25, 2003 and the  US$10,100,000  Private  Placement
closed  November  26,  2003.  Upon  receiving  certification  from the  State of
Delaware,  InterUnion  will change its name to BMB Munai Inc.  ("BMB Munai") and
consolidate  its  common  shares on the  basis of 1 new share for 10 old  shares
resulting into 19,829,292 common shares outstanding.

BMB indirectly  holds a 70% interest in the Aksaz,  Dolinnoe and Emir Oil fields
("ADE fields") in Kazakhstan (the "Acquisition").

"After having been a business bank for close to ten years and having  profitably
sold our two main assets: the investment management subsidiary, InterUnion Asset
Management to a United Kingdom based group,  and the private  equity  subsidiary
Credifinance Capital Corp. of Palm Beach, Fl., to our major shareholder, we were
presented with a new business opportunity by Credifinance  Securities Limited of
Toronto, Canada. Credifinance expertise in the Caspian Sea has been instrumental
for a number of success stories in the sector, hence our decision to partner and
finance an oil and gas company which is located in one of the most coveted areas
in the world," said  Georges  Benarroch,  former  President  of  InterUnion  and
President of  Credifinance,  who  continued,  "it is the first time that such an
outstanding  Kazakh group:  acknowledged  expertise,  right  pedigree,  valuable
connections  and proper  credentials  has  decided to use the  `western  way' in
obtaining  financing for a venture through a merger with a North American public
vehicle.  The success of the financing  speaks for itself:  whereas most, if not
all new  ventures  in  Kazakhstan  had a slow  start,  it took  only 4 months to
complete the merger and obtain funds from the most  sophisticated  international
institutions following the CIS market."

Alex  Agaian,  the new  President  and CEO of BMB  Munai  (formerly  InterUnion)
declared:  "Together with the other  directors of BMB Munai, I look forward to a
successful  venture.  The next months will be extremely  busy for us as we shall
take  advantage of the  evaluation  reports we have  received from PGS Reservoir
Consultants  of Oslo,  Norway and  McDaniel & Associates  of Calgary,  Canada to
develop our reserves further.  Our immediate plan is to conclude negotiation for
the  purchase of the 30%  interest  in the ADE field that we do not own;  finish
some time in January  2004 the 3D  seismic  work we have  undertaken  in October
2003,  and be able to announce  test  production on the Dolinnoe # 1 and Emir #1
wells by the end of January 2004." Mr. Agaian  continued:  "Kazakhstan is a land
of  opportunity  not  only  for oil  and gas  companies  but in all  sectors  as
investors and entrepreneurs can enjoy an environment beneficial for business".

BMB Munai Inc., (formerly InterUnion) is a Delaware corporation, with offices in
New York City and  Almaty,  Kazakhstan,  which is  engaged  in the  exploration,
development,  exploitation  and  production  of crude oil and natural  gas.  The
Company's  operations  are primarily  focused  onshore in the  hydrocarbon  rich
Caspian region in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Emir Oil LLC., a 70% subsidiary of
BMB, is a limited liability  corporation organized under the laws of Kazakhstan.
Emir Oil principal asset is its license for the ADE Fields - Aksaz, Dolinnoe and
Emir - located 45 kilometers northeast of the Caspian Sea port city of Aktau, in
the Mangistau Oblast of western Kazakhstan.

The new  directors  of BMB  Munai  (formerly  InterUnion)  are (by  alphabetical

         -    Dr.  Alexandre  Agaian:  since founding the very first  commercial
              bank in the USSR in 1988: the Innovation Bank of St Petersburg, Dr

              Agaian,  a  resident  of the  U.S.,  has  served  as  Chairman  or
              President  of a number of banks and  companies  in Russia  and the

         -    Mr. Bakhytbek  Baiseitov:  after a successful  career at the State
              Bank of Kazakhstan  and being the youngest Head of the  Industrial
              Department  of the Kazakh  Republican  Office of the State Bank of
              the USSR,  Mr.  Baiseitov  founded  Bank  CenterCredit,  the first
              private  (cooperative)  bank  in  the  USSR  of  which  he is  the
              Chairman.  Amongst a number of other positions held in the private
              and public  sectors,  Mr.  Baiseitov is also the  President of the
              Banking Association of Kazakhstan.

         -    Mr.  Georges  Benarroch:  with 25 years  experience  in investment
              banking,  Mr. Benarroch has managed or controlled  through holding
              companies a number of private and public  entities in Canada,  the
              US and  Switzerland.  Mr.  Benarroch  is the former  President  of
              InterUnion  Financial  Corporation  (now BMB Munai  Inc.),  former
              Chairman of  InterUnion  Asset  Management,  a $1.5 billion  asset
              management   corporation  he  has  founded,   former  Chairman  of
              Credifinance  Gestion  S.A.,  a $4  billion  advisory  firm he has
              founded. He is currently President of Credifinance  Capital Corp.,
              a  private  equity  firm  based  in  Florida  and of  Credifinance
              Securities  Limited,  of  Toronto,  a  specialized   institutional
              investment  bank.  Mr.  Benarroch sits on the board of a number of
              international corporations and charitable organizations.

         -    Mr.  Boris  Cherdabayev:  with  over 30  years  experience  in the
              international  petroleum industry, Mr. Cherdabayev has been on the
              board of directors  or been an  executive  officer for a number of
              companies  active in the  Caspian  Sea area:  TCO  TengizChevroil,
              Kazakhoil (the national  company),  Uzenmunaygas,  Kazakhoil-Emba,
              KazakhstanCaspiShelf,   Mangistau   Munai   Gas,   Mangyshlakneft,
              Karakadukmunai and a number of other corporations.

         -    Dr.  Mirgali  Kunayev:  with  over  20  years  experience  in  the
              petroleum industry,  Dr. Kunayev serves as Chairman of AralParker,
              a joint venture between Parker Drilling,  a U.S. drilling services
              company   and   AralNedra.    Dr.   Kunayev   was   President   of
              KazakhstanCaspiShelf, a state oil company. Dr Kunayev currently is
              on the board of directors of Bank CenterCredit,  several companies
              operating on and off-shore the  pre-Caspian  basin and a number of
              other public or private corporations in Kazakhstan and the U.S.A.

Contacts:         Georges Benarroch,
                  (416) 955-0159

                  Alexandre Agaian
                  (212) 534-4898

The information  contained in this release includes  forward-looking  statements
that are subject to risks and  uncertainties  that could cause actual results to
differ materially.

Certain statements contained herein constitute forward-looking statements within
the  meaning of the  Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform  Act of 1995.  Such
forward-looking  statements  involve known and unknown risks,  uncertainties and
other factors,  which may cause the actual results,  performance or achievements
of the  Company to be  materially  different  from those  expressed  or implied.
Forward-looking  statements involve risks and  uncertainties,  including but not
limited to, such risks as are described in the Company's annual report.



For Release Immediately
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Palm Beach, Fl. August 18, 2003: InterUnion Financial Corporation ("InterUnion")
(OTCBB: IUFN),  announced today that it has entered into a non-binding Letter of
Intent (the "LOI") with BMB Holding,  Inc. ("BMB"), a Delaware  corporation with
offices in New York and Almaty,  Kazakhstan,  for the  proposed  acquisition  by
InterUnion of all of the outstanding shares of BMB, which indirectly holds a 70%
interest  in the  Aksaz,  Dolinnoe  and  Emir  oil  fields  in  Kazakhstan  (the

The  proposed  Acquisition  is  subject  to certain  conditions,  including  due
diligence,  the  execution  of  a  definitive  agreement  and  approval  of  the
Acquisition  by the  board  of  directors  and  shareholders  of the  respective
companies as well as all regulatory and other approvals.

The  terms  of  the  Acquisition  provide  that  InterUnion  will  issue  to the
shareholders  of BMB 142,857,143  Common Shares,  nominate 4 directors of BMB to
the InterUnion board of directors,  will obtain InterUnion shareholders approval
for a share  consolidation  on the  basis of one  InterUnion  share  for ten old
InterUnion shares and will raise up to $10 million ("the Financing"). InterUnion
and BMB expect that the Closing of the  Acquisition  and of the  Financing  will
occur on or before October 27, 2003.

BMB has secured the services of  Credifinance  Securities  Limited,  of Toronto,
Canada ("Credifinance") as advisor for the Acquisition and to raise a maximum of
$10,000,000.  Since  interest for  investments in the CIS has developed in 1994,
Credifinance  has provided  expert advice on all aspects of investment  banking,
including  Toronto  Stock  Exchange  sponsorship,  and arranged  financing for a
number of US and Canadian oil & gas companies in and around the Caspian Sea.


BMB  Holding,  Inc.  is an  independent  company  engaged  in  the  exploration,
development,  exploitation  and  production  of crude oil and natural  gas.  The
Company's  operations  are primarily  focused  onshore in the  hydrocarbon  rich
Caspian Sea region of the Republic of Kazakhstan. BMB conducts its operations in
Kazakhstan through a 70%-owned subsidiary,  Emir Oil, LLC ("Emir Oil"). Emir Oil
is a limited liability corporation organized under the laws of Kazakhstan.

Emir Oil's principal  asset is its licence for the ADE Fields - Aksaz,  Dolinnoe
and Emir - located onshore, 45 kilometres northeast of the Caspian Sea port city
of Aktau,  in the Mangistau  oblast of western  Kazakhstan.  The ADE hydrocarbon
reserves have been evaluated by PGS Reservoir  Consultants of Oslo,  Norway. PGS
estimates recoverable reserves in the three fields at 145 million barrels of oil
and 400 billion cubic feet of natural gas  (expected  case).  Of this,  reserves
currently in the proved  category are estimated at 33 million barrels of oil and
100 billion cubic feet of natural gas.

The directors of BMB who will join the InterUnion board of directors are:

         -    Mr. Boris Cherdabayev: a prominent figure in the Kazakhstan energy
              sector,  with 30 years experience in the Petroleum  industry.  Mr.
              Cherdabayev  has  been on the  board of  directors  or has been an
              executive of companies  such as TCO  TengizChevroil;  national oil
              and   gas   company   Kazakhoil;   Uzenmunaygas;   Kazakhoil-Emba;
              Kazakhstancaspiyshelf;      MangistauMunaiGas,     Mangyshlakneft;
              Karakadukmunai and many other entities;

         -    Mr. Bakhytbek Baiseitov,  a prominent figure in banking,  business
              and political  circles of  Kazakhstan:  after starting a brilliant
              career at the State Bank of Kazakhstan and being the youngest Head
              of the Industrial  Department of the Kazakh  Republican  Office of
              the  State  Bank  of  the  USSR,   Mr.   Baiseitov   founded  Bank
              CenterCredit,  the first private (cooperative) bank in the USSR of
              which he was and  still is  Chairman.  Amongst  a number  of other
              positions held in the private and public sectors, Mr. Baiseitov is
              also  Chairman of Kazakhstan  International  Bank and President of
              The Banking Association of Kazakhstan;

         -    Dr. Mirgali Kunayev, a prominent figure in the business circles of
              Kazakhstan:  Chairman of the Board of AralParket,  a joint venture
              between Parker Drilling, a U.S. drilling company and AralNedra,  a
              Kazakh    company.    Dr.    Kunayev    was   a    president    of
              KazakhstanCaspiShelf,  a state oil company. He is now on the board
              of  directors  of Bank  CenterCredit,  several oil & gas  services
              companies  operating on and offshore in the pre-Caspian  basin and
              serves  as  Chairman  and  CEO  of a  U.S.  public  company,  EMPS

         -    Dr.  Alexandre  Agaian:  since creating the very first  commercial
              bank in the USSR in 1988, the Innovation  Bank of St.  Petersburg,
              Dr. Agaian has served as Chairman or director of a number of banks
              or financial institutions in Russia and the U.S.


InterUnion  Financial  Corporation  is a business bank  specialized in providing
financial services.

Contacts:         Georges Benarroch
                  (561) 845-2849

                  Brad Peech
                  (416) 955-0159

The information  contained in this release includes  forward-looking  statements
that are subject to risks and  uncertainties  that could cause actual results to
differ materially.

Certain statements contained herein constitute forward-looking statements within
the  meaning of the  Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform  Act of 1995.  Such
forward-looking  statements  involve known and unknown risks,  uncertainties and
other factors,  which may cause the actual results,  performance or achievements
of the  Company to be  materially  different  from those  expressed  or implied.
Forward-looking  statements involve risks and  uncertainties,  including but not
limited to, such risks as are described in the Company's annual report.


For Release Immediately
- -----------------------


Palm  Beach,   Fl.   November  18,  2003:   InterUnion   Financial   Corporation
("InterUnion")  (OTCBB: IUFN),  announced today that it has met all the terms of
the Letter of Intent (the "LOI") signed with BMB Holding, Inc. ("BMB") announced
on August 18, 2003,  for the  acquisition  by InterUnion of all the  outstanding
shares of BMB, which indirectly holds a 70% interest in the Aksaz,  Dolinnoe and
Emir Oil fields in Kazakhstan (the "Acquisition").

InterUnion has now received,  in trust, $5.9 million,  which are the proceeds of
the Private  Placement to  accredited  investors of 2,745,494  common  shares of
InterUnion  (post-consolidation)  at $2.15 per  share.  Closing  of the  Private
Placement is expected to occur on or about November 20, 2003.

InterUnion,  which will be renamed BMB Munai after the Closing,  also  confirmed
the launching of a new Private  Placement to accredited  investors for a maximum
of US$5.1 million (2,040,000 Common Shares, including the "green shoe" priced at
$2.50 per share (post  consolidation)  to close on or before  December 11, 2003.
"This  transaction has been well received by institutions with a solid knowledge
of oil & gas exploration  and production in the Caspian region.  One of the most
interesting  features  of  the  deal  is the  management  team  which  comprises
prominent  Kazakh with second to none  expertise and  connections in the oil and
gas as well as the  banking  sectors.  It is the first time we see a local group
using a public vehicle for acquisitions and financing,  which bodes well for the
future  of  this  company"  declared  Georges  Benarroch,  President  &  CEO  of
InterUnion who is also the President & CEO of Credifinance Securities Limited of
Toronto,  Canada,  an  investment  bank which has  established  an  acknowledged
expertise in research and fund raising for CIS projects.


BMB  Holding,  Inc.  is a  Delaware  corporation,  with  offices in New York and
Almaty,  Kazakhstan,   which  is  engaged  in  the  development,   exploitation,
production  and  exploration  of  crude  oil  and  natural  gas.  The  Company's
operations are primarily  focused  onshore in the  hydrocarbon  rich Caspian Sea
region  of  the  Republic  of  Kazakhstan.  Emir  Oil  is  a  limited  liability
corporation  organized under the laws of Kazakhstan.  Emir Oil's principal asset
is its licence for the ADE Fields - Aksaz,  Dolinnoe and Emir - located onshore,
45 kilometres  northeast of the Caspian Sea port city of Aktau, in the Mangistau
oblast of western Kazakhstan.  The ADE hydrocarbon  reserves have been evaluated
by PGS Reservoir Consultants of Oslo, Norway. PGS estimates recoverable reserves
in the three fields at 145 million  barrels of oil and 400 billion cubic feet of
natural gas (expected case). Of this,  reserves currently in the proved category
are estimated at 33 million barrels of oil and 100 billion cubic feet of natural

The directors of BMB who will join the InterUnion board of directors are:

         -    Mr. Boris Cherdabayev: a prominent figure in the Kazakhstan energy
              sector,  with 30 years experience in the Petroleum  industry.  Mr.
              Cherdabayev  has  been on the  board of  directors  or has been an
              executive of companies  such as TCO  TengizChevroil;  national oil
              and   gas   company   Kazakhoil;   Uzenmunaygas;   Kazakhoil-Emba;
              Kazakhstancaspiyshelf;      MangistauMunaiGas,     Mangyshlakneft;
              Karakadukmunai and many other entities;

         -    Mr. Bakhytbek Baiseitov,  a prominent figure in banking,  business
              and political  circles of  Kazakhstan:  after starting a brilliant
              career at the State Bank of Kazakhstan and being the youngest Head
              of the Industrial  Department of the Kazakh  Republican  Office of
              the  State  Bank  of  the  USSR,   Mr.   Baiseitov   founded  Bank
              CenterCredit,  the first private (cooperative) bank in the USSR of
              which he was and  still is  Chairman.  Amongst  a number  of other
              positions held in the private and public sectors, Mr. Baiseitov is
              also  Chairman of Kazakhstan  International  Bank and President of
              The Banking Association of Kazakhstan;

         -    Dr. Mirgali Kunayev, a prominent figure in the business circles of
              Kazakhstan:  Chairman of the Board of AralParket,  a joint venture
              between Parker Drilling, a U.S. drilling company and AralNedra,  a
              Kazakh    company.    Dr.    Kunayev    was   a    president    of
              KazakhstanCaspiShelf,  a state oil company. He is now on the board
              of  directors  of Bank  CenterCredit,  several oil & gas  services
              companies  operating on and offshore in the pre-Caspian  basin and
              serves  as  Chairman  and  CEO  of a  U.S.  public  company,  EMPS

         -    Dr.  Alexandre  Agaian:  since creating the very first  commercial
              bank in the USSR in 1988, the Innovation  Bank of St.  Petersburg,
              Dr. Agaian has served as Chairman or director of a number of banks
              or financial institutions in Russia and the U.S.


InterUnion  Financial  Corporation  is a business bank  specialized in providing
financial services.

Contacts:         Georges Benarroch,
                  President and Chief Executive Officer,
                  InterUnion Financial Corporation
                  (561) 845-2849

                  Alexandre Agaian
                  President and Chief Executive Officer, BMB Holding, Inc.
                  (212) 534-4898

                  Brad Peech
                  Corporate Finance, Credifinance Securities Limited
                  (416) 955-0159

The information  contained in this release includes  forward-looking  statements
that are subject to risks and  uncertainties  that could cause actual results to
differ materially.

Certain statements contained herein constitute forward-looking statements within
the  meaning of the  Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform  Act of 1995.  Such
forward-looking  statements  involve known and unknown risks,  uncertainties and
other factors,  which may cause the actual results,  performance or achievements
of the  Company to be  materially  different  from those  expressed  or implied.
Forward-looking  statements involve risks and  uncertainties,  including but not
limited to, such risks as are described in the Company's annual report.

For Release Immediately
- -----------------------



Palm  Beach,   Fl.   October  20,   2003:   InterUnion   Financial   Corporation
("InterUnion") (OTCBB: IUFN), announced today that BMB Holding, Inc.'s 70%-owned
subsidiary,  Emir Oil,  LLC ("Emir  Oil") has  initiated  the  work-over  of two
existing wells, one located on the Dolinnoe oil field (Dolinnoe-1) and the other
on the Emir oil field (Emir-1), in Kazakhstan.

Preliminary results indicate that some service work has to be done to maintain a
steady  productivity  rate on Dolinnoe-1.  Emir-1 showed extremely high pressure
and good  productivity  in a test that  approximated  30 minutes  in length.  In
accordance with local  regulations,  test production has been interrupted  until
local  government  inspectors  approve a detailed work program with  appropriate
safety measures. More oil trucks will be acquired to provide a steady and smooth
oil  delivery to the oil storage  facilities  owned by BMB's 30% partner in Emir

Given these new field  developments,  representatives  of McDaniel &  Associates
will be visiting  Kazakhstan in early November to view the testing of Dolinnoe-1
and Emir-1  and to inspect  the rest of the ADE block  before  finalizing  their
review of the  reserves of the ADE Fields.  It is  anticipated  that  McDaniel &
Associates  will complete  their review by  mid-November.  McDaniel & Associates
Ltd. is a leading  independent  petroleum  consulting firm that has provided its
services in virtually all  petroleum  producing  regions in the world  including
Kazakhstan,  Russia,  Ukraine,  Onshore  UK,  North Sea,  Indonesia,  Australia,
Africa, Middle East, North America, South America, Cuba and Trinidad.

BMB plans to tie into an  existing,  unused gas  pipeline  located  near the ADE
license in order to commercialize  its natural gas production.  It will give BMB
access to the regional gas pipeline network and to the regional gas market. This
market,  including the City of Aktau,  and local  industries are  experiencing a
shortage of natural gas and BMB believes  that there will be good demand for gas
from BMB's ADE Fields.

On August 18, 2003,  InterUnion  announced  that it entered  into a  non-binding
Letter of Intent (the "LOI") with BMB Holding,  Inc.  ("BMB"),  for the proposed
acquisition  by  InterUnion  of all of the  outstanding  shares  of  BMB,  which
indirectly  holds a 70%  interest in the Aksaz,  Dolinnoe and Emir oil fields in
Kazakhstan  (the  "Acquisition").  The  terms of the  Acquisition  provide  that
InterUnion  will issue to the  shareholders  of BMB  148,571,429  (revised  from
142,857,143  announced  on August 18, 2003) Common  Shares.  InterUnion  and BMB
expect  that  the  Closing  of the  Acquisition  and  the  previously  announced
financing will occur next month. The proposed  Acquisition is subject to certain
conditions, including due diligence, the execution of a definitive agreement and
other necessary approvals.


BMB  Holding,  Inc.  is a  Delaware  corporation,  with  offices in New York and
Almaty,  Kazakhstan,   which  is  engaged  in  the  development,   exploitation,
production  and  exploration  of  crude  oil  and  natural  gas.  The  Company's
operations are primarily  focused  onshore in the  hydrocarbon  rich Caspian Sea
region  of  the  Republic  of  Kazakhstan.  Emir  Oil  is  a  limited  liability
corporation  organized under the laws of Kazakhstan.  Emir Oil's principal asset
is its licence for the ADE Fields - Aksaz,  Dolinnoe and Emir - located onshore,

45 kilometres  northeast of the Caspian Sea port city of Aktau, in the Mangistau
oblast of western Kazakhstan.  The ADE hydrocarbon  reserves have been evaluated
by PGS Reservoir Consultants of Oslo, Norway. PGS estimates recoverable reserves
in the three fields at 145 million  barrels of oil and 400 billion cubic feet of
natural gas (expected case). Of this,  reserves currently in the proved category
are estimated at 33 million barrels of oil and 100 billion cubic feet of natural


InterUnion  Financial  Corporation  is a business bank  specialized in providing
financial services.

Contacts:         Georges Benarroch,
                  President and Chief Executive Officer,
                  InterUnion Financial Corporation
                  (561) 845-2849

                  Alexandre Agaian
                  President and Chief Executive Officer, BMB Holdings, Inc.
                  (212) 534-4898

The information  contained in this release includes  forward-looking  statements
that are subject to risks and  uncertainties  that could cause actual results to
differ materially.

Certain statements contained herein constitute forward-looking statements within
the  meaning of the  Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform  Act of 1995.  Such
forward-looking  statements  involve known and unknown risks,  uncertainties and
other factors,  which may cause the actual results,  performance or achievements
of the  Company to be  materially  different  from those  expressed  or implied.
Forward-looking  statements involve risks and  uncertainties,  including but not
limited to, such risks as are described in the Company's annual report.



For Release Immediately
- -----------------------

                       AND US$10,100,000 PRIVATE PLACEMENT
                       FOR KAZAKHSTAN OIL & GAS OPERATIONS

Palm  Beach,   Fl.   November  26,  2003:   InterUnion   Financial   Corporation
("InterUnion")  (OTCBB:  IUFN),  announced  today that it has  acquired  all the
shares of BMB Holding Inc. ("BMB").  The merger with BMB announced on August 18,
2003, was closed on November 25, 2003 and the  US$10,100,000  Private  Placement
closed  today.  Upon  receiving   certification  from  the  State  of  Delaware,
InterUnion  will change its name to BMB Munai Inc. ("BMB Munai") and consolidate
its common shares on the basis of 1 new share for 10 old shares  resulting  into
19,829,292 common shares outstanding.

BMB indirectly  holds a 70% interest in the Aksaz,  Dolinnoe and Emir Oil fields
("ADE fields") in Kazakhstan (the "Acquisition").

"After having been a business bank for close to ten years and having  profitably
sold our two main assets: the investment management subsidiary, InterUnion Asset
Management to a United Kingdom based group,  and the private  equity  subsidiary
Credifinance Capital Corp. of Palm Beach, Fl., to our major shareholder, we were
presented with a new business opportunity by Credifinance  Securities Limited of
Toronto, Canada. Credifinance expertise in the Caspian Sea has been instrumental
for a number of success stories in the sector, hence our decision to partner and
finance an oil and gas company which is located in one of the most coveted areas
in the world," said  Georges  Benarroch,  former  President  of  InterUnion  and
President of  Credifinance,  who  continued,  "it is the first time that such an
outstanding  Kazakh group:  acknowledged  expertise,  right  pedigree,  valuable
connections  and proper  credentials  has  decided to use the  `western  way' in
obtaining  financing for a venture through a merger with a North American public
vehicle.  The success of the financing  speaks for itself:  whereas most, if not
all new  ventures  in  Kazakhstan  had a slow  start,  it took  only 4 months to
complete the merger and obtain funds from the most  sophisticated  international
institutions following the CIS market."

Alex  Agaian,  the new  President  and CEO of BMB  Munai  (formerly  InterUnion)
declared:  "Together with the other  directors of BMB Munai, I look forward to a
successful  venture.  The next months will be extremely  busy for us as we shall
take  advantage of the  evaluation  reports we have  received from PGS Reservoir
Consultants  of Oslo,  Norway and  McDaniel & Associates  of Calgary,  Canada to
develop our reserves further.  Our immediate plan is to conclude negotiation for
the  purchase of the 30%  interest  in the ADE field that we do not own;  finish
some time in January  2004 the 3D  seismic  work we have  undertaken  in October
2003,  and be able to announce  test  production on the Dolinnoe # 1 and Emir #1
wells by the end of January 2004." Mr. Agaian  continued:  "Kazakhstan is a land
of  opportunity  not  only  for oil  and gas  companies  but in all  sectors  as
investors and entrepreneurs can enjoy an environment beneficial for business".

BMB Munai Inc., (formerly InterUnion) is a Delaware corporation, with offices in
New York City and  Almaty,  Kazakhstan,  which is  engaged  in the  exploration,
development,  exploitation  and  production  of crude oil and natural  gas.  The
Company's  operations  are primarily  focused  onshore in the  hydrocarbon  rich
Caspian region in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Emir Oil LLC., a 70% subsidiary of
BMB, is a limited liability  corporation organized under the laws of Kazakhstan.
Emir Oil principal asset is its license for the ADE Fields - Aksaz, Dolinnoe and
Emir - located 45 kilometers northeast of the Caspian Sea port city of Aktau, in
the Mangistau Oblast of western Kazakhstan.

The new  directors  of BMB  Munai  (formerly  InterUnion)  are (by  alphabetical

         -    Dr.  Alexandre  Agaian:  since founding the very first  commercial
              bank in the USSR in 1988: the Innovation Bank of St Petersburg, Dr
              Agaian,  a  resident  of the  U.S.,  has  served  as  Chairman  or
              President  of a number of banks and  companies  in Russia  and the

         -    Mr. Bakhytbek  Baiseitov:  after a successful  career at the State
              Bank of Kazakhstan  and being the youngest Head of the  Industrial
              Department  of the Kazakh  Republican  Office of the State Bank of
              the USSR,  Mr.  Baiseitov  founded  Bank  CenterCredit,  the first
              private  (cooperative)  bank  in  the  USSR  of  which  he is  the
              Chairman.  Amongst a number of other positions held in the private
              and public  sectors,  Mr.  Baiseitov is also the  President of the
              Banking Association of Kazakhstan.

         -    Mr.  Georges  Benarroch:  with 25 years  experience  in investment
              banking,  Mr. Benarroch has managed or controlled  through holding
              companies a number of private and public  entities in Canada,  the
              US and  Switzerland.  Mr.  Benarroch  is the former  President  of
              InterUnion  Financial  Corporation  (now BMB Munai  Inc.),  former
              Chairman of  InterUnion  Asset  Management,  a $1.5 billion  asset
              management   corporation  he  has  founded,   former  Chairman  of
              Credifinance  Gestion  S.A.,  a $4  billion  advisory  firm he has
              founded. He is currently President of Credifinance  Capital Corp.,
              a  private  equity  firm  based  in  Florida  and of  Credifinance
              Securities  Limited,  of  Toronto,  a  specialized   institutional
              investment  bank.  Mr.  Benarroch sits on the board of a number of
              international corporations and charitable organizations.

         -    Mr.  Boris  Cherdabayev:  with  over 30  years  experience  in the
              international  petroleum industry, Mr. Cherdabayev has been on the
              board of directors  or been an  executive  officer for a number of
              companies  active in the  Caspian  Sea area:  TCO  TengizChevroil,
              Kazakhoil (the national  company),  Uzenmunaygas,  Kazakhoil-Emba,
              KazakhstanCaspiShelf,   Mangistau   Munai   Gas,   Mangyshlakneft,
              Karakadukmunai and a number of other corporations.

         -    Dr.  Mirgali  Kunayev:  with  over  20  years  experience  in  the
              petroleum industry,  Dr. Kunayev serves as Chairman of AralParker,
              a joint venture between Parker Drilling,  a U.S. drilling services
              company   and   AralNedra.    Dr.   Kunayev   was   President   of
              KazakhstanCaspiShelf, a state oil company. Dr Kunayev currently is
              on the board of directors of Bank CenterCredit,  several companies
              operating on and off-shore the  pre-Caspian  basin and a number of
              other public or private corporations in Kazakhstan and the U.S.A.

Contacts:         Georges Benarroch,
                  (416) 955-0159

                  Alexandre Agaian
                  (212) 534-4898

The information  contained in this release includes  forward-looking  statements
that are subject to risks and  uncertainties  that could cause actual results to
differ materially.

Certain statements contained herein constitute forward-looking statements within
the  meaning of the  Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform  Act of 1995.  Such
forward-looking  statements  involve known and unknown risks,  uncertainties and
other factors,  which may cause the actual results,  performance or achievements
of the  Company to be  materially  different  from those  expressed  or implied.
Forward-looking  statements involve risks and  uncertainties,  including but not
limited to, such risks as are described in the Company's annual report.


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