MAY 6, 2003 - SEPTEMBER 15, 2003

                                BMB HOLDING, INC.
                        MAY 6, 2003 - SEPTEMBER 15, 2003

GROSS INCOME                                                             0
COST OF GOODS SOLD                                                       0
TOTAL INCOME                                                             0

MARKETING EXPENSES                                                       0
OPERATING EXPENSES                                                       0
TOTAL EXPENSES                                                           0

LESS: EXPENSES                                                           0

NET INCOME BEFORE TAXES (LOSS)                                           0

INCOME TAXES                                                             0

NET INCOME                                                               0

RETAINED EARNINGS - BEGINNING BALANCE                                    0
RETAINED EARNINGS - ENDING  BALANCE                                      0



                                BMB HOLDING, INC.
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET
                            AS OF SEPTEMBER 15, 2003

                                                          BMB Holding, Inc.                      Consolidating    BMB Holding, Inc.
                                                          Unconsolidated        EmiroOil, LLC     Adjustments    Total Consolidated
                                                          -----------------    --------------    --------------  ------------------
          CASH                                                250,404                --                  --            250,404
          CASH IN C.I.S                                          --               280,341                --            280,341
          NOTES RECEIVABLE                                    200,000                --              (140,000)          60,000
                                                            ---------           ---------           ---------        ---------
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                          450,404             280,341            (140,000)         590,745
                                                            ---------           ---------           ---------        ---------
          INVESTMENTS                                       1,366,203                --                  --          1,366,203
          START UP COSTS                                       80,096                --                  --             80,096
          INVESTMENTS BY EMIR                                    --             1,127,663                --          1,127,663
          ACQUSITION DEBT                                     700,000                --              (490,000)         210,000
                                                            ---------           ---------           ---------        ---------
TOTAL LONG TERM ASSETS                                      2,146,299           1,127,663            (490,000)       2,783,962
                                                            ---------           ---------           ---------        ---------

TOTAL ASSETS                                                2,596,703           1,408,004            (630,000)       3,374,707
                                                            =========           =========           =========        =========

          ACCOUNTS PAYABLE                                     50,000                --                  --             50,000
          ACCOUNTS PAYABLE EMIR                                  --               350,000                --            350,000
          OTHER S/T LIABILITIES                                  --               357,622            (140,000)         217,622
          LOANS/NOTES PAYABLE TO SHAREHOLDERS               2,546,203                --                  --          2,546,203
                                                            ---------           ---------           ---------        ---------
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                                   2,596,203             707,622            (140,000)       3,163,825
                                                            ---------           ---------           ---------        ---------

          EMIR ACQUISITION DEBT                                  --               700,000            (490,000)         210,000
                                                            ---------           ---------           ---------        ---------

TOTAL LIABILITIES                                           2,596,203           1,407,622            (630,000)       3,373,825

                                 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY
1000 shares authorized,issued and outstanding                     500                 382                --                882
                                                            ---------           ---------           ---------        ---------

TOTAL LIABILITIES & SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                    2,596,703           1,408,004            (630,000)       3,374,707
                                                            =========           =========           =========        =========



                                BMB HOLDING, INC.
                        MAY 6, 2003 - SEPTEMBER 15, 2003

                                                      BMB Holding, Inc.                      Consolidating    BMB Holding, Inc.
                                                      Unconsolidated        EmiroOil, LLC     Adjustments    Total Consolidated
                                                      -----------------    --------------    --------------  ------------------
      Net income for the year                                  --                 --                 --               --
Cash derived from operations                                   --                 --                 --               --

      Decrease (increase) in working capital items             --                 --                 --               --

                                                         ----------         ----------         ----------       ----------
Cash flows provided by operating activities                    --                 --                 --               --


        Investments                                      (1,320,000)              --                 --         (1,320,000)
        Start-up cost                                       (30,096)              --                 --            (30,096)
        Investments by Emir                                    --             (350,041)              --           (350,041)

                                                         ----------         ----------         ----------       ----------
Cash flows used in investing activities                  (1,350,096)          (350,041)              --         (1,700,137)

       Cash  inflows:
          Shareholder Investment                                500                382               --                882
          Advances from (repayment to) Shareholders       2,000,000               --                 --          2,000,000
          Advances from (repayment of) Short Term debt      500,000               --                 --            500,000
          Acqusition Debt From BMB to Emir                     --              490,000           (490,000)            --
          Short Term Note from BMB to Emir                     --              140,000           (140,000)            --
                                                         ----------         ----------         ----------       ----------
CASH INFLOWS                                              2,500,500            630,382           (630,000)       2,500,882

       Cash outflow:
          Acusition Debt to Emir                           (700,000)              --              490,000         (210,000)
          Short-term note to Emir                          (200,000)              --              140,000          (60,000)

                                                         ----------         ----------         ----------       ----------
CASH OUTFLOWS                                              (900,000)              --              630,000         (270,000)

Cash flows provided by financing activities               1,600,500            630,382               --          2,230,882

                                                         ----------         ----------         ----------       ----------
NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH                             250,404            280,341               --            530,745

Cash at Beginning of Year                                      --                 --                 --               --

                                                         ----------         ----------         ----------       ----------
Cash at End of Year                                         250,404            280,341               --            530,745
                                                         ==========         ==========         ==========       ==========



                               BMB HOLDING, INC.
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                               SEPTEMBER 15, 2003

Note A - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
- ---------------------------------------------------

1.  Introduction

This summary of significant  accounting policies of BMB Holding,  Inc. ("BMB" or
the  Company)  is  presented  to assist in the  understanding  of the  Company's
financial  statements.  The financial statements and notes are representation of
the Company's management who is responsible for their integrity and objectivity.
BMB Holding,  Inc. was  incorporated  under the laws of the State of Delaware on
May 6, 2003 for the sole purpose of the acquisition of oil and gas properties in
Kazakhstan.  Since its  formation,  BMB has  acquired  a seventy  percent  (70%)
interest  in Emir Oil LLC.  Emir Oil LLC  ("Emir  Oil" or  "Emir")  is a Limited
Liability  Company  formed under the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan on March
13, 2002 for the sole purpose of acquiring the oil and gas  exploration  license
AI No. 1552 (the "License") and Contract No. 482 for Exploration of Hydrocarbons
in  Aksaz-Dolinnoe-Emir  oil  fields,  located in blocks  XXXVI-10-C(Partially),
F(Partially)  XXXVI-11-A(Partially),  D n(Partially)  (the  "Contract"),  in the
Republic of Kazakhstan.

The primary assets of Emir Oil are the License and the Contract.  To date, BMB's
primary business  function has been to hold its interest in Emir Oil and raising
capital for  development  of Emir Oil. On August 7, 2003, BMB signed a Letter of
Intent  ("LOI")  with  InterUnion  Financial  Corporation  ("InterUnion")  to be
acquired  through  a  reverse  merger  between  the  two  companies  ("Merger").
Credifinance  Securities  Limited  ("Credifinance")  has been  engaged by BMB to
raise  up to  $10,000,000  in a  private  placement  to fund  BMB's  oil and gas
development, drilling, production and exploration efforts to be closed after the
Merger  ("Private  Placement").  The Merger is  contingent  upon having  minimum
subscriptions for the Private Placement of $3,000,000. In the Merger, all shares
of BMB shall be  exchanged  for shares of  InterUnion.  InterUnion  shall be the
surviving  entity.  The Merger is scheduled for  completion on or about November
25, 2003 The Company plans to proceed with  exploration  and  development of the
Aksaz-Dolinnoe-Emir  oil  fields  upon  completion  of the  Merger  and  private

The accounting  policies  followed herein have been prepared in U.S. dollars and
conform  to  U.S.  Generally  Accepted  Accounting   Principles  and  have  been
consistently  applied with the  preparation  of the financial  statements of the
Company. The accounting policies of Emir Oil were not verified.

2. Principals of Consolidation

The consolidated financial statements of BMB include the accounts of BMB and its
70%  interest  in Emir Oil,  which is reported by  consolidating  the  financial
statements of the Company with Emir Oil on a percentage of ownership  basis. All
material inter-company balances and transactions have been eliminated.


3. Licenses and Contracts

Emir Oil is the  operator of the Aksaz,  Dolinnoe and Emir oil and gas fields in
Western   Kazakhstan.   The  Government  of  the  Republic  of  Kazakhstan  (the
"Government")  initially  issued the license to Zhanaozen  Repair and Mechanical
Plant on April 30, 1999. On September 23, 2003, the license was assigned to Emir
Oil. On June 9, 2000, the contract for  exploration  of the Aksaz,  Dolinnoe and
Emir oil and gas fields was entered  into  between the Agency of the Republic of
Kazakhstan on  Investments  and the Zhanaozen  Repair and Mechanical  Plant.  On
September 22, 2003, the contract was assigned to Emir Oil. The Company must also
obtain a commercial  production contract with the Government of Kazakhstan.  The
Company is legally entitled to receive this commercial  production  contract and
has an  exclusive  right  to  negotiate  this  contract  and the  Government  of
Kazakhstan is obligated to conduct these negotiations under the law of petroleum
in Kazakhstan. If no terms can be negotiated, the Company has a right to produce
and sell oil,  including  export oil, under the law of petroleum for the term of
its existing contract through the end of 2006.

4. Cash and Cash Equivalent

The  Company  considers  cash and  money  market  funds  to be cash  equivalent.
Furthermore,  the  Company  considers  all highly  liquid  instruments  that are
purchased with maturity dates of three months or less to be cash equivalent.

5. Use of Estimates

The preparation of financial  statements in conformity  with generally  accepted
accounting  principles,  generally  accepted  in the United  States of  America,
requires  management  to make  estimates  and  assumptions  that affect  certain
reported  amounts of assets and  liabilities  and the  disclosures of contingent
assets and liabilities at the date of the financial  statements and revenues and
expenses during the reporting period.  Accordingly,  actual results could differ
from those estimates.

6. Capitalization of Expenses

Assets and Expenses are related to current  operations  and costs related to the
Merger and Private Placement. All Expenses of BMB to date, and until the date of
the closing of the Private  Placement,  are considered to be start up costs.  In
turn,  all  start  up  costs  are  being  capitalized  as  well  as the  cost of
acquisition of BMB's interest in Emir Oil. The start up costs shall be amortized
over the prescribed  period of time commencing on the day of the above mentioned

7. Property and Equipment

While the Company has no present production  history,  in the future it plans to
follow the successful efforts method of accounting for its costs of acquisition,
exploration and development of oil and gas properties.


Intangible  drilling and  development  costs related to development of wells and
successful exploratory wells, when incurred, shall be capitalized,  whereas, the
costs of exploratory wells which do not find proved reserves shall be expensed.

All  geological and  geophysical  studies that were performed for the purpose of
the  Merger  and the  Private  Placement  shall  be  capitalized  as part of the

Costs of acquiring  unproved leases shall be evaluated for impairment until such
time as the leases are proved or abandoned. In addition, if the sums of expected
undiscounted  cash flows are less than net book value,  unamortized costs at the
field level will be reduced to a fair value.

Depreciation  and  amortization of producing  properties shall be computed using
the  unit-of-production  method based on estimated proved recoverable  reserves.
Depreciation  of other  properties and equipment  shall be calculated  using the
straight  line method based upon  estimated  useful life ranging from two to ten
years.  Maintenance  and  repairs  shall be charged  to  expenses  as  incurred.
Renewals and betterments  shall be capitalized.  When assets are sold or retired
or otherwise  disposed of the applicable costs and accumulated  depreciation and
amortization shall be removed from the accounts,  and the resulting gain or loss
shall be recognized at that time.

8. Risks and Uncertainties

The  ability  of the  Company  to realize  the  carrying  value of its assets is
dependent on being able to develop,  transport and market oil and gas. Currently
exports from the Republic of  Kazakhstan  are  primarily  dependent on transport
routes either via rail, barge or pipe line, through Russian territory.  Domestic
markets in the Republic of Kazakhstan might not permit world market priced to be
obtained.  However,  management  believes  that  over the  life of the  project,
transportation  options will be improved by further increases in the capacity of
the transportation options.

9. Revenue Recognition

Revenue from the sale of oil and gas shall be recorded  using the accrual method
of accounting based on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.  As of the date
hereof the Company has had no production sales, including test production sales.

10. Foreign Exchange Transactions

The  Company's  functional  currency  is the U.S.  Dollar,  thus  the  financial
statements  of the  Company's  foreign  subsidiary  are measured  using the U.S.
Dollar. Accordingly, transaction gains and losses for foreign subsidiaries shall
be  recognized  in  U.S.  dollars  in  consolidated  operations  in the  year of
occurrence.  There are no current  regulatory issues in Kazakhstan  dealing with
currency  conversions  between  the local  currency in  Kazakhstan  and the U.S.


Dollar that are expected to negatively impact the Company's  business,  however,
the risk of actual  currency  fluctuations  as it relates to the U.S.  dollar is

Note B - Going Concern
- ----------------------

The Company's financial statements have been presented on the basis that it is a
going concern,  which contemplates the realization of assets and satisfaction of
liabilities in the normal course of business. The Company has settled all of the
amounts due for the Share  Purchase  Agreement,  for purchase of its interest in
Emir,  with  cash of  $1,300,000,  and a long term  interest  free note from the
Company  to Emir for  $700,000.  The due  date on the note is in the year  2043.
Additionally,  to fully  develop the area  covered by the  license,  the Company
needs substantial  additional funding.  Such funding is being raised through the
merger with  InterUnion  and  retainer of  Credifinance,  as  described  herein.
Finally, the Company must also obtain a commercial  production contract with the
Government  of  Kazakhstan.  The  Company is legally  entitled  to receive  this
commercial  production  contract  and has an exclusive  right to negotiate  this
contract  and the  Government  of  Kazakhstan  is  obligated  to  conduct  these
negotiations  under  the law of  petroleum  in  Kazakhstan.  If no terms  can be
negotiated,  the Company has a right to produce and sell oil,  including  export
oil,  under the law of petroleum for the term of its existing  contract  through
the end of 2006. These factors,  among others, raise substantial doubt about the
Company's ability to continue as a going concern.

The Company's oil and gas properties  primarily include the value of the license
and other capitalized costs under this method of accounting.

Note C - Investment
- -------------------

         The  Company  has  total  assets  of  $3,374,707.  The  assets  include
investment of $1,300,000 for  acquisition of the Company's  interest in Emir Oil
and $700,000 ($210,000 on consolidated basis) long-term acquisition related loan
to Emir Oil. The Company,  based on its acquisition  agreement with Emir Oil, is
required to fund exploration  efforts of Emir Oil. The Company expects that such
efforts shall require  approximately  $21,000,000  to  $22,000,000.  The Company
plans to raise the required  capital as follows:  (i)  $3,000,000  to $5,000,000
bank revolving credit facility,  (ii) issuing up to $20,000,000 of common stock,
commencing  with a minimum of $3,000,000  and maximum of $10,000,000 in the year
2003;  (iii) through sales of oil that is yielded from the testing wells. If the
production  of oil from any of its  wells is  substantial,  the  management  may
revisit the amount of common stock the Company would issue.

Note D - Foreign Assets and Economic Concentration
- --------------------------------------------------

         Cash  includes US $280,341  that is  deposited  in foreign  banks.  The
Company's primary asset is holding of 70% Emir Oil.


Note E - Liabilities
- --------------------

Short Term Liabilities include:

         1. $2,000,000 shareholder loan carries an annual interest of 6% with no
terms of  repayment.  Under the LOI, it is expected  that  5,714,286  InterUnion
common  shares will be issued to settle  this  outstanding  indebtedness  on the
closing of the Merger.

         2. $500,000 of short-term note with interest of 16.5%.  The note is due
and payable,  both  interest and  principal,  in full on or before  February 25,
2004.  The funds  under the note  were  received  from  Caspian  Services  Group
Limited, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of EMPS Corporation.  As part of the
compensation to Caspian Services Group Limited for extending the above described
credit to the  Company,  the  Company  has issued ten shares of stock to Caspian
Services  Group Limited.  Caspian  Services Group Limited is a related entity to
the Company.  A major  shareholder and an officer of EMPS  Corporation is also a
shareholder and an officer of the Company.

         3. $427,622 in short term accounts payable (on consolidated  basis Emir
Oil balance sheet item).  This amount  represents  payments that are due for the
balance of original purchase price paid for the exploration license and contract
by Emir Oil and  miscellaneous  expenses.  The geological  study is currently in

         4. $350,000 in short term notes payable (on consolidated basis Emir Oil
balance sheet item)  represents the amount payable to PGS Reservoir  Consultants
AS for geological studies that have commenced, but are not yet completed.

Note F - Contingencies upon Acquisition of Commercial Production License
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

         When and if Emir Oil obtains a  commercial  production  license for the
oil fields that it  currently  holds  exploration  license to, as a condition to
receipt of the commercial  production  license and contract for  hydrocarbons by
Emir,  Emir Oil  would be  forced  to  assume  a debt to the  Government  of the
Republic of Kazakhstan of $5,994,745  ($4,195,940 on  consolidated  basis) which
represents the investment by the Government into exploration of the said fields.
At the same time, Emir would assume the benefit of the Government's  efforts. In
the  event  Emir Oil  chooses  not  proceed  to  acquisition  of the  commercial
production license this debt would not be assumed by the Company.
