Filed Pursuant to Rule 424(b)(3)
                                                     Registration No. 333-143039


                            NINE MILE SOFTWARE, INC.
                         714,290 Shares of Common Stock

     This is our initial public  offering.  We are offering a minimum of 214,290
shares of common stock and a maximum of 714,290  shares at the purchase price of
$0.70 per share on a self underwritten, best efforts basis.

     Until the  minimum of  $150,003 is realized by selling a minimum of 214,290
shares offered hereby,  all payments for shares will be deposited into an escrow
account with Escrow Specialists,  an unaffiliated escrow company in Ogden, Utah,
which will be our escrow  agent.  If the minimum of $150,003 is not raised,  all
payments  deposited  in the escrow  account  will be promptly  refunded in full,
without  interest  and without any  deduction  for  expenses.  Once  $150,003 is
realized,  all funds held in the escrow  account  will be  released to us and we
will  continue to sell shares up to the  maximum  amount of 714,290  shares at a
total sales price to the public of $500,003.

     Prior to this  offering,  there has been no public  market  for our  common
stock.  If we sell at least the minimum  number of shares,  of which there is no
assurance,  we intend to  contact an  authorized  market  maker to  sponsor  our
securities on the OTC Bulletin Board, a quotation  service for subscribing  NASD
members.  There is, however, no assurance that our shares will ever be quoted on
the Bulletin Board or by any other marketplace.

     We will  sell  the  shares  in  this  offering  through  our  officers  and
directors. Officers and directors engaged in the sale of our shares will receive
no  commission  from  sales  nor will any  officer  or  director  register  as a
broker-dealer.  We have no intention of inviting broker-dealer  participation in
this offering.  We may advertise and hold investment  meetings in various states
where the offering will be registered.  We will also  distribute this prospectus
to potential  investors at the meetings and to our friends and relatives who are
interested in Nine Mile Software and a possible investment in the offering.

     The securities offered in this prospectus involve a high degree of risk and
substantial  dilution.  An investment in our common stock should be made only by
investors who can afford a loss of their entire investment. You should carefully
consider  the "Risk  Factors"  beginning  on page 5 of this  prospectus  and the
matters discussed under "Dilution" on page 9.

     Neither  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  ("SEC")  nor any state
securities  commission  has  approved  or  disapproved  of these  securities  or
determined if this prospectus is truthful or complete. Any representation to the
contrary is a criminal offense.

================================ ========================= =========================== ============================
                                    Price to the Public        Underwriting Discounts              Proceeds
                                                                 and Commissions(1)             to Issuer (2)
- -------------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------
Per Share                               $    0.70                $  0.00                        $    0.70
- -------------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------
Minimum Offering                        $ 150,003                $  0.00                        $ 150,003
- -------------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------- ----------------------------
Maximum Offering                        $ 500,003                $  0.00                        $ 500,003
================================ ========================= =========================== ============================

     (1) Our officers and  directors  will sell the shares,  but will receive no commission from sales nor will they
         register as a broker-dealer.
     (2) Before deducting offering expenses estimated at $35,000 payable by us.

                                The date of this Prospectus is November 29, 2007


                                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS

PROSPECTUS SUMMARY.............................................................................       3
RISK FACTORS...................................................................................       5
DILUTION.......................................................................................       9
THE OFFERING...................................................................................      11
DETERMINATION OF OFFERING PRICE................................................................      11
USE OF PROCEEDS................................................................................      11
CAPITALIZATION.................................................................................      12
PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION...........................................................................      12
LEGAL PROCEEDINGS..............................................................................      14
DESCRIPTION OF OUR BUSINESS....................................................................      14
MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OR PLAN OF OPERATIONS.....................................      20
MANAGEMENT.....................................................................................      22
DESCRIPTION OF SECURITIES......................................................................      25
CERTAIN MARKET INFORMATION AND MARKET RISKS....................................................      26
LEGAL MATTERS..................................................................................      27
EXPERTS........................................................................................      28
INTERESTS OF NAMED EXPERTS AND COUNSEL.........................................................      28
WHERE YOU CAN FIND MORE INFORMATION............................................................      28
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS...........................................................................F-1 TO F-19

     As used in this prospectus,  unless otherwise indicate, "we",. "us", "our",
"Nine Mile Software" and the company refer to Nine Mile Software, Inc.


                               PROSPECTUS SUMMARY

     This summary highlights  information  contained throughout this prospectus.
Before  making an  investment  decision,  you should read  carefully  the entire
prospectus,  including the information  under the "Risk Factors" section and our
financial statements and related notes.


     We  incorporated  on  November  30,  2006 in the  State of  Nevada.  We are
developing  and intend to  produce  and  distribute  to the  financial  services
industry,  the TradeWarrior  portfolio rebalancing and trade generation program.
We anticipate  launching  this product in the third or first quarter of 2008. We
intend to market  TradeWarrior  to independent  Registered  Investment  Advisors

     Our principal  executive  offices are located at 1245 East Brickyard  Road,
Suite  590,  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah  84106  and our  telephone  number is (801)

     We are not a blank check company and do not have any intention to engage in
a reverse merger with any entity in an unrelated industry.


     We are offering a minimum of 214,290 and a maximum of 714,290 shares of our
common  stock on a self  underwritten,  best  efforts  basis.  Our  officers and
directors  will offer and sell the shares,  but will  receive no  commission  in
connection  with sales.  Proceeds  from sales will be  deposited  into an escrow
account at Escrow  Specialists  in Ogden,  Utah.  If the  minimum  amount is not
raised,  all payments  deposited in the escrow account will be refunded in full,
without interest and without any deduction for expenses. If at least the minimum
amount is realized,  all funds held in escrow will be released to us and we will
continue to sell shares up to the maximum amount.


     We have 1,882,000 shares of our common stock outstanding as of November 15,
2007 and at the date of this prospectus.  If we sell the minimum amount, we will
have a total of 2,096,290 shares  outstanding and if the maximum amount is sold,
we will have a total of 2,596,290 shares outstanding.


     We intend to use the proceeds from the sale of shares to finish programming
the TradeWarrior product, develop and implement marketing strategies and to hire
service personnel.


     The following  summary financial  information  summarizes the more complete
historical financial information included in our financial statements at the end
of this prospectus.


                          SUMMARY FINANCIAL INFORMATION

     The following financial information summarizes the more complete historical
financial information at the end of this prospectus.

Statements of Operations Data

                                                                                             For The Period
                                                                                            November 30, 2006
                                            For The Nine              For The                 (Inception)
                                            Months Ended             Year Ended                     to
                                            Sept. 30, 2007        December 31, 2006          Sept. 30, 2007
                                            --------------        -----------------          --------------
                                             (Unaudited)                                       (Unaudited)
Revenues:                                    $      --               $      --                 $      --
   General & administrative                       19,250                   1,002                    20,252
                                             -----------             -----------               -----------

      Total Expenses                              19,250                   1,002                    20,252
                                             -----------             -----------               -----------

      Income (Loss) from operations

Net (loss)                                   $   (19,250)            $    (1,002)              $   (20,252)
                                             ===========             ===========               ===========

Basic (loss) per share                       $     (0.01)            $     (0.00)

Weighted average number of
  shares outstanding                           1,822,000               1,822,000                 1,822,000
                                             ===========             ===========               ===========

Balance Sheet Data
                                                   Sept. 30, 2007          December 31, 2006,
                                                   --------------          ------------------

Current assets
   Cash                                             $    56,108               $    44,548
                                                    -----------               -----------

       Total current assets

       Other assets - Copyright                     $     1,190               $      --
                                                    -----------               -----------

       Total assets                                 $    57,298               $    44,548
                                                    ===========               ===========

     Liabilities and stockholders' equity

Current Liabilities
   Accounts payable                                 $     2,000               $      --
                                                    -----------               -----------

       Total liabilities                            $     2,000               $      --
                                                    -----------               -----------

Stockholders' equity
   Common stock                                           1,882                     1,822
   Additional paid-in capital                            73,668                    43,728
   Accumulated deficit                                  (20,252)                   (1,002)
                                                    -----------               -----------

       Total stockholders' equity                        55,298                    44,548
                                                    -----------               -----------

       Total liabilities and stockholders' equity   $    57,298               $    44,548
                                                    ===========               ===========


                                  RISK FACTORS

     An  investment  in our common  stock  involves a high  degree of risk,  and
should  not be made by  anyone  who  cannot  afford  to lose  his or her  entire
investment.  You should consider  carefully the risks set forth in this section,
together  with  the  other  information  contained  in this  prospectus,  before
deciding to invest in our common stock. If any of the following  events or risks
actually occurs, our business,  operating results and financial  condition would
likely suffer materially and you could lose your entire investment.

Going Concern

     We may not be able to continue as a going concern.

     Our independent  registered public  accountants have reviewed our financial
data and information and rendered a statement that they have  substantial  doubt
about our ability to continue as a going concern for the following reasons:

     o   we have limited financial  resources and have incurred a net loss since
         inception through September 30, 2007;

     o   we have limited working capital and stockholders` equity; and

     o   our ability to establish an ongoing  source of revenues  sufficient  to
         cover operating costs and operate successfully is uncertain.

     If we fail to produce  revenues,  our business  could fail,  we could cease
operations and you would lose your entire investment.

Risks Relating to Our Business

     We  have a  limited  operating  history,  have  not  recorded  revenues  or
     operating  profits  since  inception  and,  if we are  unable  to  generate
     sufficient  revenues to pay expenses in the near  future,  our business may
     fail resulting in the loss of any money invested in our common stock.

     We have a limited  operating  history and have not realized any revenues or
operating  profits since our  inception in November  2006. We face all the risks
and problems  associated  with businesses in their early stages in a competitive
environment.  Prospective  investors  have only limited  information on which to
make an evaluation of our prospects.  Our principal  product,  the  TradeWarrior
portfolio  rebalancing  program, has not been fully developed and has never been
commercially  marketed. If we are unable to successfully market the TradeWarrior
within a reasonable  time, we may not be able to generate  sufficient cash flows
to meet operating  expenses.  Our prospects should be considered in light of the
risks, expenses and difficulties  frequently encountered in the establishment of
any new business in a competitive environment.

     As a public  company our cost of doing  business will  increase  because of
     necessary expenses, including compliance with SEC reporting requirements.

     Because we are becoming a public company,  we will incur significant legal,
accounting  and other expenses to comply with certain SEC  requirements  and, in
particular,  the  Sarbanes-Oxley  Act of 2002.  Sarbanes-Oxley  and other  rules
implemented by the SEC, requires management to assess its internal controls over
financial reporting and requires auditors to attest to that assessment.  Current
regulations  require us to include this assessment and attestation in our annual
report on Form  10-KSB  commencing  with the annual  report for our fiscal  year
ending December 31, 2007.

     Management will need to invest  significant time and energy to stay current
with the public company responsibilities of our business, which will limit their
time they can apply to other tasks associated with operating our business. It is
possible that the additional burden and expense of operating as a public company
will cause us to fail to achieve  profitability,  which would cause our business
to fail and our investors to lose all their money invested in our stock.


     We  estimate  that  remaining  a public  company  will cost us in excess of
$25,000  annually.  This  is in  addition  to all of the  other  cost  of  doing
business.  It is  important  that we  maintain  adequate  cash  flow not only to
operate our business,  but also to pay the cost of remaining  public. If we fail
to pay  public  company  costs  as such  costs  are  incurred,  we  will  become
delinquent  in our  reporting  obligations  and our shares may no longer  remain
qualified  for quotation on a public  market,  if one should  develop.  Further,
investors may lose  confidence in the  reliability  of our financial  statements
causing our stock price to decline.

     We may need additional  capital to fulfill our business  strategies,  which
     may not be available at attractive terms, or at all.

     If we realize the maximum amount from this offering,  we expect that we can
complete  development of and commence marketing the TradeWarrior  program during
the next twelve months. If, however, we realize more than the minimum amount but
less than the maximum amount, we may need to secure additional funds in order to
expand marketing efforts, continue with research and development, add additional
research and marketing  staff and acquire  additional  equipment.  If cash flows
from operations are  insufficient  to fund expected  capital needs, or our needs
are greater than  anticipated,  we will need to raise  additional funds possibly
through private or public sales of equity  securities or the incurrence of debt.
Additional  funding may not be available on  favorable  terms,  or at all. If we
borrow funds,  we would likely be obligated to make  periodic  interest or other
debt service payments and be subject to additional restrictive covenants.  If we
raise  additional  funds through  public or private sales of equity  securities,
sales may be at prices below the market price of our stock and our  stockholders
would suffer  significant  dilution.  Failure to secure additional  capital,  if
needed,  could force us to curtail our growth strategy,  reduce or delay capital
expenditures  and  downsize  operations,  which  would have a material  negative
effect on our financial condition.

     If we cannot complete  development of and commence marketing  TradeWarrior,
     we may not be able to realize sufficient revenues to continue operations.

     We will use the proceeds from this offering to complete  development of and
commence  marketing  TradeWarrior.  Because  we  have  not  commenced  marketing
TradeWarrior,  actual  results,  if any, from our marketing  efforts and planned
operations are difficult to predict and could vary  significantly due to factors
we cannot presently control or predict.  These factors could affect the size and
viability of the potential market for  TradeWarrior,  marketing and sales costs,
and the actual  demand for the product.  Our  inability to  successfully  market
TradeWarrior  would likely cause our business to fail and cause investors in our
common stock to lose their entire investment.

     There is an uncertain market for TradeWarrior.

     We are a new business and have no marketing  history to accurately  predict
whether  TradeWarrior  will be  accepted  by the  financial  services  industry,
specifically RIAs, state registered advisors and financial planners. Further, we
cannot predict whether there will be sufficient  demand for  TradeWarrior for us
to achieve and sustain  profitability.  If ultimately we are unable to achieve a
viable and profitable  market for  TradeWarrior,  our business would most likely
fail and investors in our shares would lose their entire investment.

     We expect to encounter several competitive software programs on the market.

     After  TradeWarrior  is fully developed and we begin marketing the software
to  financial  service  firms  and  investment   advisors,   we  will  encounter
competition from other similar programs  presently on the market. We believe our
primary competitors are iRebal, Tamarac Advisor and eAllocator.  These competing
software  programs  and  others on the  market  may offer  similar  or  superior
features to TradeWarrior at a competitive price. Competitors may also be able to
develop new or enhanced  software that may be more  efficient and less expensive
than TradeWarrior.  Further,  competitors may develop proprietary positions that
prevent us from successfully  commercializing  new software that we may develop.
As a  result,  our  software  may not be able to  compete  successfully  and new
developments by others


may  render  our  software  obsolete  or  uneconomical.  If we fail  to  address
competitive  developments  quickly and effectively,  we will not be able to grow
our business or remain a viable entity.

     Our business could be adversely  affected by economic  developments  in the
     financial services industry and/or the economy in general.

     Once we begin  marketing  TradeWarrior,  we will  depend  on the  perceived
demand for the application of this technology.  TradeWarrior focuses on small to
mid-tier  registered  investment  advisory  businesses.  Therefore,  we  may  be
susceptible to downturns in the financial  services  industry and the economy in
general.  Any  significant  downturn  in  the  market  or  in  general  economic
conditions  would likely  negatively  affect our business and your investment in
our common stock.

     If we fail to retain the services of our key personnel  our business  would
     be adversely affected.

     Our  future  success  depends  on  retaining  existing  key  employees  and
executive officers and our ability to hire new key employees, as necessary.  The
loss of existing key employees,  particularly our Chief Executive Officer, Damon
Deru, or the  inability to attract new key employees  could limit our ability to
successfully   market   TradeWarrior.   This  would  be  detrimental  to  future
development of new programs and products and to our overall business.

     We  may  be  unable  to  protect  our  software  or  intellectual  property
     adequately or cost effectively.

     Our future  success  depends in part on our ability to protect and preserve
proprietary  rights related to our software.  We currently are in the process of
seeking  appropriate  proprietary  protection  for our  developing  software and
resulting  products and  trademarks.  We have obtained  copyright  protection on
"TradeWarrior"  and plan to continue to secure  copyright  protection as we make
enhancements   and  changes  to  the  program.   We  also  have  retained  legal
representation to conduct a patent search to help determine the patentability of
TradeWarrior.  We will assess the  possibility of seeking patent  protection for
TradeWarrior  when  that  search is  completed.  Our use of  proceeds  from this
offering  anticipates  seeking patent  protection if we determine it is feasible
and worth the time, effort and cost. However,  there is no guarantee that we can
actually obtain a patent. We will continue to pursue additional  protections for
our  intellectual  property as we develop new software and related  products and
enhance existing products.  Our inability to obtain appropriate  protections for
our intellectual property may allow competitors to enter our markets and produce
or sell the same or similar  software  and  programs.  Further,  if we do obtain
these  protections,  we many not be able to prevent third parties from using our
software  or other  intellectual  property  rights and  technology  without  our
authorization.  Enforcing  intellectual  property  rights  could be  costly  and
time-consuming and could distract management's attention from operating business

     Our intellectual  property may infringe on the rights of others,  resulting
     in costly litigation.

     In recent years, there has been significant litigation in the United States
involving  patents and other  intellectual  property  rights,  particularly  the
filing of suits alleging  infringement of intellectual  property  rights.  Other
companies or individuals  may allege that our software and programs  infringe on
their patents or other intellectual property rights. Litigation, particularly in
the  area  of  intellectual  property  rights,  is  costly  and the  outcome  is
inherently uncertain. If we become engaged in such litigation and lose, we could
be liable for substantial  damages,  and be forced to re-engineer one or more of
our products,  discontinue  the use of the subject matter in question,  obtain a
license to use those rights and/or develop non-infringing  alternatives.  Any of
these  results  would  increase  cash  expenditures  and  adversely  affect  our
financial condition.

Risks Relating to the Offering and Ownership of Our Common Stock

     The book value of your  investment  after the  offering  will be much lower
     than the purchase price, creating immediate dilution to your investment.

     Purchasers  of our shares in this  offering  will  suffer  substantial  and
immediate  dilution  to the book value of the common  stock  below the  offering


price.  The net  tangible  book value of our shares on September  30, 2007,  was
approximately  $0.03 per share.  After sales of the minimum 214,290 shares,  the
net  tangible  book value per share will be  approximately  $0.08,  or a loss to
purchasers of approximately  $0.62 per share. After sales of the maximum 714,290
shares, the net tangible book value per share will be approximately  $0.20, or a
loss to purchasers of  approximately  $0.50 per share.  Also, we presently  have
outstanding  stock purchase options to purchase a total of 610,000 shares of our
common stock at the exercise  price of $0.025 per share.  These  options are not
exercisable  until May 1, 2008 and are subject to certain vesting criteria based
on sales and  profitability.  If all or a portion of these options are exercised
at $0.025,  purchasers in this offering would suffer additional dilution,  based
on the number of options exercised.

     Failure to sell the  minimum  number of shares  offered  will result in the
     failure of this offering and your investment would be returned to you.

     We may not be able to sell the minimum  number of shares  required to close
this  offering.  Until 214,290  shares are subscribed and paid for, all proceeds
received  from this  offering  will be  placed in escrow at Escrow  Specialists.
Proceeds from the offering will be released to us only upon satisfaction of this
minimum  amount.  If the minimum  offering is not reached  within the prescribed
time,  all funds  placed in the escrow  account  will be  promptly  returned  to
investors without accrued interest. Thus, those persons subscribing to our stock
would lose the use of their funds during this period.

     There is no public  trading  market  for our  common  stock and there is no
     assurance that a market will develop or be maintained.

     There is not  currently,  nor has there ever been, a public  trading market
for our securities.  Following completion of this offering, we intend to request
an authorized  market maker to sponsor an  application  to have our common stock
quoted on the OTC  Bulletin  Board.  We cannot give you any  assurance  that our
shares  will  ever be  quoted on the  Bulletin  Board or that an active  trading
market will develop or be sustained.  If an active trading market for our common
stock  does  not  develop,  it  would  be  difficult,  if  not  impossible,  for
stockholders to liquidate  their shares.  Also, any future trading price for our
shares  may be highly  volatile  and  subject  to  significant  fluctuations  in
response to  variations in our quarterly  operating  results and other  factors.
These price  fluctuations may adversely  affect the liquidity of our shares,  as
well as the price that  holders  may  realize  for their  shares upon any future

     The  arbitrary  offering  price of our shares is not an indication of their

     Our board of directors  has  arbitrarily  determined  the initial  offering
price of the shares offered hereby,  which price does not necessarily  relate to
our  asset  value,  earnings,  net  worth,  financial  condition  or  any  other
established criteria of value. Also, the offering price bears no relationship to
any market price for the shares  subsequent to the offering.  The offering price
should not be regarded as an  indication  of the actual  value or future  market
price of the common stock.

     We do not anticipate paying dividends in the foreseeable future.

     We  anticipate  that we will  retain  any  future  earnings  and other cash
resources for future operations and development of our business. Accordingly, we
do not  anticipate  declaring or paying any cash  dividends  in the  foreseeable
future.  Any future  payment of cash  dividends will be at the discretion of our
board of directors after taking into account many factors,  including  operating
results,  financial  condition  and  capital  requirements.  Companies  that pay
dividends may be viewed as a better  investment than  corporations  that do not,
which could make our stock less attractive to potential investors.

     Future sales or the potential for sale of a substantial number of shares of
     our common stock, could cause our market value to decline.

     Immediately after this offering, if the maximum amount is fully subscribed,
we will have 2,596,290  shares of our common stock  outstanding.  Shares sold in
this  offering  will  be  freely   tradable   without   restriction  or  further
registration  under  the  federal  securities  laws,  unless  purchased  by  our
affiliates.  None  of the  1,882,000  shares  of our  common  stock  outstanding
immediately  prior to this  offering  will be subject to a lock-up  agreement or
other arrangement  precluding future sales by current holders.  These shares are
considered restricted securities and may be sold only pursuant to a registration
statement or the  availability  of an appropriate  exemption from  registration.


Sales of a substantial  number of these restricted shares in the public markets,
or the  perception  that these sales may occur,  could cause the market price of
our common stock to decline and  materially  impair our ability to raise capital
through the sale of additional equity securities.

     Trading in our shares will be subject to certain "penny stock" regulation.

     If a market for our  shares  develops,  trading  will be subject to certain
provisions  commonly  referred  to as the "penny  stock  rule." A penny stock is
generally  defined to be any equity  security  that has a market price less than
$5.00 per  share,  subject to certain  exceptions.  Accordingly,  trading in our
stock  will  be  subject  to   additional   sales   practice   requirements   on
broker-dealers that may require a broker dealer to:

     o   make a  special  suitability  determination  for  purchasers  of  penny

     o   receive the purchaser's written consent to the transaction prior to the
         purchase; and

     o   deliver to a prospective purchaser of a penny stock, prior to the first
         transaction,  a risk  disclosure  document  relating to the penny stock

     Consequently,  these  disclosure  requirements  may restrict the ability of
broker-dealers  to trade  and/or  maintain  a market in our stock and reduce the
level of trading activity in the secondary market. Also,  prospective  investors
may not want to get involved with the  additional  administrative  requirements.
For as long as our  securities  are  subject to the rules on penny  stocks,  the
liquidity of our common stock could be significantly limited, which would have a
material adverse effect on the trading of our shares. This lack of liquidity may
also make it more difficult for us to raise capital in the future.

     Effective  voting  control  will be held by our current  directors  and two
     principal stockholders who will have the ability to control future election
     of directors and the affairs of our company.

     Presently,  our  directors  and  two  principal  stockholders  own  in  the
aggregate  approximately  85% of our  outstanding  common stock.  If the maximum
amount of this offering is sold, these persons will own approximately 61% of the
outstanding shares.  Accordingly,  current directors and principal  stockholders
will have the  ability  to elect  all of our  directors,  who in turn  elect all
executive officers, and to control our business and other affairs without regard
to the votes of other stockholders.

Cautionary Statement Concerning Forward-Looking Information

     This  prospectus  contains  forward-looking  statements  relating to future
events or our future  financial  performance.  In some cases,  you can  identify
forward-looking  statements  by  terminology  such as  "may,"  "will"  "should,"
"expect,"  "intend,"  "plan,"  anticipate,"  "believe,"  "estimate,"  "predict,"
"potential,"  "continue,"  or  similar  terms,  variations  of such terms or the
negative of such terms.  These statements are only predictions and involve known
and  unknown  risks,  uncertainties  and other  factors,  including  those risks
discussed  in  the  "Risk  Factors"  section   beginning  on  page  5.  Although
forward-looking  statements,  and any assumptions upon which they are based, are
made in good faith and reflect our current judgment, actual results could differ
materially  from those  anticipated  in such  statements.  Except as required by
applicable law,  including the securities  laws of the United States,  we do not
intend  to  update  any of  the  forward-looking  statements  to  conform  these
statements to actual results.


     Dilution  represents the difference  between the offering price and the net
tangible book value per share immediately after completion of this offering. Net
tangible book value is the amount resulting from subtracting  total  liabilities
and intangible assets from total assets. Dilution is primarily the result of our
arbitrary  determination  of the  offering  price of the shares  being  offered.
Dilution  is also a result of the lower  book  value of the  shares  held by our
existing stockholders.

     At March 31, 2007, our net tangible book value was $34,632 or approximately
$.02 per common share, based on 1,822,000 shares outstanding  consisting.  These
shares were sold to 13  individuals  at a cash price of $.025 per share.  We are
now  offering a minimum of 214,290  shares and a maximum of 714,290  shares at a
price of $0.70 per share.

If 100% of the Shares are Sold

     Upon completion of this offering and if all the offered shares are sold, we
will have  2,596,290  shares  outstanding.  Our post offering pro forma net book
value that gives  effect to the  receipt  of the net  proceeds  from 100% of the
shares being sold, but does not take into consideration any other changes in net
tangible book value, will be $519,111, or approximately $0.20 per share. The net
tangible book value of the shares held by our existing stockholder will increase
by $0.17 per share,  without any  additional  investment on their part. You will
incur an immediate dilution from $0.70 per share to $0.20 per share.

     If the maximum number of shares are sold, the purchasers of the shares will
own approximately 28% of the total number of shares then outstanding,  for which
they will have made a cash  investment  of  $500,003,  or $0.70 per  share.  Our
existing  stockholders  will own approximately 72% of the total number of shares
then  outstanding,  for  which  they have made  contributions  of cash  totaling
$75,550 or $0.04 per share.

If 50% of the Shares are Sold

     Upon completion of this offering and if 50% of the offered shares are sold,
we will have 2,229,145 shares outstanding.  Our post offering pro forma net book
value  that gives  effect to the  receipt  of the net  proceeds  from 50% of the
shares being sold, but does not take into consideration any other changes in net
tangible book value, will be $269,111, or approximately $0.12 per share. The net
tangible book value of the shares held by our existing stockholder will increase
by $0.09 per share,  without any  additional  investment on their part. You will
incur an immediate dilution from $0.70 per share to $0.12 per share.

     If 50% of the offered  shares are sold,  the  purchasers of the shares will
own approximately 16% of the total number of shares then outstanding,  for which
they will have made a cash  investment  of  $250,001,  or $0.70 per  share.  Our
existing  stockholders  will own approximately 84% of the total number of shares
then  outstanding,  for  which  they have made  contributions  of cash  totaling
$75,550 or an average of $0.04 per share.

If Minimum Number of the Shares are Sold

     Upon  completion of this offering and if the minimum  number of the offered
shares are sold, we will have 2,096,290  shares  outstanding.  Our post offering
pro forma net book value that gives  effect to the  receipt of the net  proceeds
from the  minimum  offering,  but does not take  into  consideration  any  other
changes in net tangible book value, will be $169,111, or approximately $0.08 per
share.  The  net  tangible  book  value  of the  shares  held  by  our  existing
stockholder will increase by $0.05 per share, without any additional  investment
on their  part.  You will incur an  immediate  dilution  from $0.70 per share to
$0.63 per share.

     If the minimum number of the offered shares are sold, the purchasers of the
shares  will  own   approximately  11%  of  the  total  number  of  shares  then
outstanding,  for which they will have made a cash  investment  of $150,003,  or
$0.70 per share. Our existing  stockholders  will own  approximately  90% of the
total number of shares then outstanding,  for which they have made contributions
of cash totaling $75,550 or an average of $0.04 per share.


     The following  table  compares the  differences  of your  investment in our
shares with the investment of our existing stockholders.

     Percent of Offering Sold                                 Minimum              50%            100%
         Shares sold                                          214,290            357,145         714,290
                                                              ===========       ===========      ============

         Initial public offering price                        $     0.70        $   0.70        $    0.70
         Price paid by original investors                     $     0.04        $   0.04        $    0.04
         Net tangible book value per share
              prior to offering                               $      .03        $    .03        $     .03

         Net proceeds to Nine Mile Software *                 $  115,003        $ 215,003        $ 465,003

         Total shares outstanding                              2,096,290        2,239,143         2,596,290

         Net tangible book value per share
              after the offering                              $     0.08       $    0.12        $     0.20
         Increase to existing stockholders - per share        $     0.05       $    0.09        $     0.17
         Dilution to new stockholders - per share             $     0.62       $    0.58        $     0.50
         Percentage dilution to new stockholders                     89%             83%                71%

- ---------------------

         *    Net proceeds after deducting estimated offering expenses. If we do
              not sell the minimum  214,290  shares,  all invested funds will be
              returned to the investors and we will realize $0 proceeds.

     In  addition to the above  dilution  calculations,  prospective  purchasers
should be aware that we have  outstanding  stock purchase  options to purchase a
total of 610,000  shares of our common stock at the exercise price of $0.025 per
share.  These options are not  exercisable  until May 1, 2008 and are subject to
certain vesting criteria based on sales and profitability.  We cannot reasonably
predict  whether these options will eventually vest or whether any or all of the
options will ever be  exercised.  However,  if all or a portion of these options
are exercised at $0.025,  purchasers in this  offering  would suffer  additional
dilution.  The 610,000 shares  issuable upon exercise of the options would equal
approximately  19% of the  3,206,290  total  shares  that would be  outstanding,
assuming the maximum number of shares are sold in this  offering.  The amount of
additional dilution would be based on the number of options actually exercised.

                                  THE OFFERING

     This is a  self-underwritten  offering  whereby we are offering for sale to
the public a minimum of  214,290  shares of common  stock and a maximum of up to
714,290  shares of common  stock at $0.70 per  share.  We will  offer the shares
directly to the public through our three directors,  Damon Deru (Chief Executive
Officer),  Andrew  Limpert  (Chairman  of the  Board)  and  Michael  Christensen
(Secretary).  No commissions  will be paid in connection with the offer and sale
of the shares by us under this  prospectus.  Our officers and directors will not
purchase  shares  in this  offering  with the goal of  assisting  us to meet the
minimum offering.

                         DETERMINATION OF OFFERING PRICE

     Prior to this  offering,  there has been no public  market  for our  common
stock.  Consequently,  our board of directors arbitrarily determined the initial
public offering price of $0.70 per share.  Factors considered in determining the
offering  price,  in  addition  to  prevailing  market  conditions,  include  an
assessment of our prospects.  The offering price does not  necessarily  bear any
relationship to our current assets, book value,  future earnings,  net financial
condition or other  established  criteria of value and should not be regarded as
an  indication  of the actual value or future  market price of the shares.  Such
prices are subject to change as a result of market conditions and other factors,
and no  assurance  can be given  that the  shares  can be resold  at the  public
offering price.


                                 USE OF PROCEEDS

     We estimate the net proceeds from the sale of shares  offered  hereby to be
approximately  $465,000 if the maximum number is sold and approximately $115,000
if the minimum  number is sold.  Net proceeds  are  determined  after  deducting
estimated  offering  costs of  approximately  $35,000.  We  anticipate  that the
estimated  net proceeds  will be used  generally  as set forth  below,  with the
highest  priority uses listed first.  The table sets forth the minimum,  maximum
investments  as well as an assumed  sale of 50% of the shares.  The  percentages
have been rounded.

                                              Minimum                     50%                      Maximum
                                        ----------------------     ---------------------    ------------------------
                                        Shares     Percentage      Shares   Percentage       Shares     Percentage
                                        Sold       Of Proceeds     Sold     Of Proceeds      Sold       Of Proceeds
                                       ---------   -----------    --------- ------------    ---------   ------------
Gross proceeds...................      $ 150,003       -          $ 250,002    -            $ 500,003         -
                                       =========                  =========                 =========
Costs of offering(1).............         35,000       23 %          35,000      14 %          35,000        7 %
Commercialization of software             50,000       34 %          50,000      20 %         100,000       20 %
Legal costs (patents)............         15,000       10 %          15,000       6 %          15,000        3 %
Marketing........................         15,000       10 %          50,000      20 %          93,000       18 %
Supplies.........................         10,000        7 %          12,500       5 %          15,000        3 %
Professional fees (Ongoing)......          5,000        3 %          20,000       8 %          50,000       10 %
Salaries.........................         15,000       10 %          40,000      16 %         100,000       20 %
Working capital(2)...............          5,000        3 %          27,500      11 %          87,000       19 %
                                     -----------   ----------    ----------  ----------     ---------   ------------
     Total.......................      $ 150,003      100 %       $ 250,002     100 %       $ 500,003      100 %
                                     ===========   ==========    ==========  ==========     =========   ============

- -----------------------

     (1)  Offering  costs  include  accounting  and legal fees,  filing fees and
     printing  expenses.  (2) Working capital includes office expenses and other
     general corporate purposes.

     Amounts set forth above merely indicate our best estimates for the proposed
use of proceeds. Actual expenditures may vary substantially from these estimates
depending on the total amount of proceeds realized,  economic conditions and the
progress sustained in furthering our business.

     We anticipate that, based on current plans and assumptions  relating to our
business,  the estimated  maximum net proceeds will sustain our operating  needs
for a period of approximately 18 months following completion of the offering. If
only the minimum  amount is realized,  we may only be able to sustain  operating
needs  for 12  months.  There  can  be no  assurance,  however,  that  our  cash
requirements  during  this  period  will not  exceed  our  available  resources,
particularly  if we realize less than the maximum  proceeds.  Upon attaining the
minimum  offering  amount and pending use of the net proceeds,  the funds may be
invested in short-term interest-bearing securities or their equivalent.


     The following table sets forth our actual  capitalization  at September 30,
2007 and as  adjusted  to give  effect to the sale of the common  stock  offered
hereby and  application of the net proceeds of the offering as set forth at "Use
of  Proceeds."  This  table  should be read in  conjunction  with the  financial
statements and the notes thereto included elsewhere in this prospectus.

                                                                                    September 30, 2007
                                                                                  Actual          As Adjusted
                                                                              -----------         -----------
Common stock: 50,000,000 shares authorized,
     par value of $0.001; 1,882,000 shares issued and outstanding...........  $     1,882               2,596
Additional paid-in capital..................................................       73,728             572,957
Accumulated (deficit).......................................................      (20,252)            (20,252)
Total stockholders' equity .................................................  $    55,762         $   555,301
                                                                               ==========         ===========

                              PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION

Self-Underwritten Offering of Shares

     We are offering a minimum of 214,290  shares and a maximum of up to 714,290
shares of common stock as a  self-underwritten  offering.  The offering price is
$0.70 per share.


     Until the  minimum  of 214,290  shares  are sold and a minimum of  $150,003
realized,  all payments for shares will be deposited  into an escrow  account at
Escrow  Specialists,  Ogden,  Utah.  If at least  $150,003 is not raised in this
offering, all payments deposited in the escrow account will be promptly refunded
in full,  without  interest and without any deduction for expenses.  If at least
the minimum $150,003 is raised,  all funds held in escrow will be released to us
and we will continue to sell shares up to the maximum amount of 714,290 shares.

     We cannot  assure  you that all or any of the  shares  offered  under  this
prospectus  will be sold.  No one has  committed  to purchase  any of the shares
offered.  Therefore,  we may sell only a nominal  amount of shares  and  receive
minimal  proceeds from the offering.  We reserve the right to withdraw or cancel
this offering and to accept or reject any  subscription in whole or in part, for
any  reason  or for no  reason.  Subscriptions  will  be  accepted  or  rejected
promptly.  All monies from rejected  subscriptions will be returned by us to the
subscriber, without interest or deductions.

     Once  the  minimum  offering  is  satisfied,  the  escrowed  funds  will be
deposited into an account  maintained by us and be immediately  available to us.
There are no  investor  protections  for the return of  subscription  funds once
accepted. After achieving the minimum offering, all subsequent proceeds from the
purchase  of shares  will be  deposited  into our  company  account  and will be
immediately available to us. After we have sold the minimum amount, certificates
for  shares  purchased  will be issued and  distributed  by our  transfer  agent
promptly after a  subscription  is accepted and "good funds" are received in our

     We will  offer  and sell the  shares in this  offering  solely by our three
directors.  No  commissions  will be paid for sales of the  shares  nor will any
individual  director  register as a broker-dealer  pursuant to Section 15 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 in reliance upon Rule 3(a)4-1. Rule 3(a)4-1 sets
forth  those  conditions  under  which a person  associated  with an issuer  may
participate in the offering of the issuer's securities and not be deemed to be a
broker-dealer.  We believe each of our directors  satisfies the  requirements of
Rule 3(a)4-1 in that:

     o   No director is subject to a statutory disqualification, as that term is
         defined  in  Section   3(a)(39)   of  the  Act,  at  the  time  of  his

     o   No  director  is being paid  commissions  or other  remuneration  based
         either directly or indirectly on transactions in securities;

     o   No director is, at the time of his participation,  an associated person
         of a broker- dealer; and

     o   Each  director  meets the  conditions  of Paragraph  (a)(4)(ii) of Rule
         3(a)4-1 of the Exchange Act, in that he (i) primarily  performs,  or is
         intended  primarily to perform at the end of the offering,  substantial
         duties for or on behalf of the issuer otherwise than in connection with
         transactions  in  securities;  (ii) is not a broker  or  dealer,  or an
         associated  person of a broker  or  dealer,  within  the  preceding  12
         months;  and (iii) does not  participate  in selling  and  offering  of
         securities  for any issuer more than once every 12 months other than in
         reliance on Paragraphs (a)(4)(i) or (a)(4)(iii).

     As long as we satisfy all of these  conditions,  we believe that we will be
able  to  satisfy  the   requirements   of  Rule  3a4-1  of  the  Exchange  Act,
notwithstanding  that a portion of the proceeds  from this offering will be used
to pay the salaries of our officers.

     As our  directors  will sell the  shares  being  offered  pursuant  to this
offering, Regulation M prohibits the company and its officers and directors from
certain  types of  trading  activities  during the time of  distribution  of our
securities. Specifically, Regulation M prohibits our officers and directors from
bidding for or  purchasing  any common stock or  attempting  to induce any other
person to purchase any common stock,  until the  distribution  of our securities
pursuant to this offering has ended.  We intend to advertise and hold investment
meetings in various states where the offering will be  registered.  We will also
distribute  the  prospectus  to  potential  investors at the meetings and to our
friends and relatives who are interested in us and a possible  investment in the

Offering Period and Expiration Date

     This offering will commence on the effective  date of this  prospectus  and
continue  for a period of 90 business  days.  We may extend the  offering for an
additional  90 business  days  unless the  offering is  completed  or  otherwise
terminated  by us. In our sole  discretion,  we have the right to terminate  the
offering at any time, even before we have sold the minimum  214,290  shares.  We
have not  identified  any  specific  events that might  trigger our  decision to
terminate the offering.


Procedures for Subscribing

     If you  decide  to  subscribe  for any  shares in this  offering,  you must
deliver  a check or  certified  funds  together  with a  completed  Subscription
Agreement for acceptance or rejection by us. All checks for  subscriptions  must
be made  payable to  "Escrow  Specialists  - Nine Mile  Software,  Inc.,  Escrow
Account." Upon receipt,  all funds provided as subscriptions will be immediately
deposited  into our escrow account and be available for use by us as soon as the
offing minimum of $150,003 has been achieved.

Right to Reject Subscriptions

     We  maintain  the right to accept  or reject  subscriptions  in whole or in
part,  for any reason or for no reason.  All monies from rejected  subscriptions
will be returned immediately to the subscriber,  without interest or deductions.
Subscriptions  for shares will be  accepted  or rejected  within 48 hours of our
having received them.

Current Market for Our Shares

     Our shares are not currently traded. Upon effectiveness of the registration
statement to which this prospectus relates, we intend to look for a market maker
to file on our behalf a Form 211 for the  purpose of having our shares  approved
for quotation on the OTC Bulletin Board,  maintained by the National Association
of  Securities  Dealers.  Regardless  of whether  our shares  are  approved  for
quotation  on the Bulletin  Board,  a purchaser of our shares may not be able to
resell the shares and our shares  will  remain  subject to certain  penny  stock

     If  our  shares  are  accepted  for   quotation  on  the  Bulletin   Board,
transactions   in  the  shares  will  be  subject  to  the  penny  stock  rules.
Broker-dealers  may be  discouraged  from effecting  transactions  in our shares
because  they will be  considered  penny stocks and will be subject to the penny
stock rules. Rules 15g-1 through 15g-9 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
impose sales practice and disclosure  requirements on NASD  brokers-dealers  who
make a market in a penny stock.

     A penny stock generally  includes any non-Nasdaq equity security that has a
market  price  of  less  than  $5.00  per  share.  Under  these  regulations,  a
broker-dealer selling a penny stock to anyone other than an established customer
or accredited  investor,  must make a special suitability  determination for the
purchaser and receive the purchaser's  written consent to the transaction  prior
to sale. An accredited  investor is generally  defined as an individual with net
worth in excess  of  $1,000,000  or an  annual  income  exceeding  $200,000,  or
$300,000 together with his or her spouse.  In addition,  penny stock regulations
require the broker-dealer to deliver, prior to any transaction involving a penny
stock,  a  disclosure  schedule  prepared by the SEC relating to the penny stock
market,  unless the  broker-dealer  or the  transaction is otherwise  exempt.  A
broker-dealer  is  also  required  to  disclose   commissions   payable  to  the
broker-dealer and the registered  representative  and current quotations for the
securities.  Finally,  a broker-  dealer is required to send monthly  statements
disclosing  recent price  information  with respect to the penny stock held in a
customer's  account and information  with respect to the limited market in penny

     These  additional sales practice and disclosure  requirements  imposed upon
brokers-dealers  will discourage  broker-dealers from effecting  transactions in
our shares,  which will  severely  limit the market  liquidity of the shares and
impede the sale of our shares in the secondary market, assuming one develops.

                                LEGAL PROCEEDINGS

     From time to time,  we may be involved  in various  claims,  lawsuits,  and
disputes with third parties incidental to the normal operations of the business.
As of the date of this  prospectus,  we are not  aware of any  material  claims,
lawsuits,  disputes with third parties or regulatory proceedings that would have
any material affect on our business.


                           DESCRIPTION OF OUR BUSINESS


     We were organized as a Nevada corporation on November 30, 2006 to engage in
the business of developing and eventually  marketing  specialized software to be
used in the financial and brokerage industry.

     Two of our founding  directors,  Damon Deru and Andrew  Limpert,  currently
work for Belsen  Getty,  LLC, a registered  investment  advisory  firm. In 2003,
Belsen Getty was looking for a portfolio rebalancing solution to help with their
trading needs. It typically would take the firm months to rebalance their nearly
1,000 accounts using Excel  spreadsheets and manually  entering  trades.  Belsen
Getty began to look for a more efficient method,  however the available software
products  on the  market  were  too  expensive  or  didn't  have  the  necessary
flexibility to accomplish the firm's goals.

     Mr.  Deru,   together  with  his  father-in-law,   Tom  Evans,  a  database
programmer,  began  working  on a  rebalancing  program.  After  three  years of
research and  experimentation,  they were able to develop an acceptable program.
Belsen Getty initially intended to only use the program  internally,  but as Mr.
Deru discussed  trading  solutions with other advisors it became apparent to him
that a need existed for a trading and rebalancing tool.

     In November 2006, Mr. Deru,  together with our two other initial directors,
Andrew Limpert and Michael  Christensen,  organized Nine Mile Software,  Inc. to
raise necessary  funds to complete  development and market the software that was

TradeWarrior Rebalancing Program

     The TradeWarrior  software is a portfolio  rebalancing and trade generation
program  created for financial and investment  advisory firms. It is designed to
help advisors quickly and efficiently trade a large number of client accounts to
a  "model  portfolio".  Generally  an  investment  advisor  will  create a model
portfolio  of  stocks,  bonds & mutual  funds  depending  on the  client's  risk
tolerance.  Over time, however, the client's portfolio becomes out of balance in
relation to the model  portfolio as the market  fluctuates  and advisors  change
their desired allocations.  For example, if the stock market has a good year and
advances  15% while the bond  market  drops 5%, the  client's  portfolio  may be
over-weighted in stocks and  under-weighted  in bonds. It becomes incumbent upon
the advisor to generate  trades to bring the  accounts  back in balance with the
model portfolio.

     Below is a simple illustration of what is necessary to rebalance a client's
portfolio to the desired model portfolio:

        Client's Portfolio      Model Portfolio        Trades Required
        ------------------      ---------------        ---------------
        25% A Fund              30% A Fund             Buy 5% A Fund
        50% B Fund              40% B Fund             Sell 10% B Fund
        25% C Fund              30% C Fund             Buy 5% C Fund

     Our  TradeWarrior  software helps  facilitate this  rebalancing  process by
downloading all of an advisor's account positions into the program.  The program
then compares what is currently held in the account  against the model portfolio
and  generates  the  necessary  trade file to be uploaded  back to the custodian
where the trades will be  executed.  We estimate  that  manually  rebalancing  a
client's portfolio takes 15 to 20 minutes per client.  However,  we believe that
TradeWarrior  cuts this time down to two or three minutes per client on average.
The program also reduces  human error because it runs all the  calculations  and
generates a trade file,  thereby  reducing  human error from  manually  entering
trades to the custodian.

Program Features & Benefits

     Although the above example gives the  appearance  of a simple  process,  in
reality  there are many  variables  and  complexities.  To address these issues,
TradeWarrior offers certain features that advisors need in such a program.


     Client Level Trading

     The  TradeWarrior  program trades  accounts on a client level.  Typically a
client will have multiple accounts with an advisor.  TradeWarrior will apply the
model  portfolio  across all of a client's  accounts  versus  applying the model
portfolio to each individual account.  Thus, generally a client will only have a
certain  fund in one  account  versus  the same fund in all  accounts.  This can
generate tax  efficiency  and possibly  lower  trading  costs.  The program also
facilitates  tax sensitive  trading.  For instance,  most advisors like to place
income  generating  funds,  or funds  with high  capital  gains in  tax-deferred
accounts  such as IRAs.  This  could  reduce a  client's  tax bill and helps the
advisor add value to the client.  Some competitive  programs on the market trade
only on an account  level.  This means  that an advisor  using an account  based
program holds the same funds in all accounts,  when some funds are better suited
for a taxable or tax-deferred  account. The TradeWarrior program meets the needs
of advisors by trading on a client level.

     Taxable vs. Tax-deferred Accounts

     TradeWarrior's  ability to facilitate  client level trading allows advisors
to place some funds in taxable accounts and some funds in tax-deferred accounts,
which we believe is good financial planning.  TradeWarrior facilitates this need
by allowing the advisor to "rank" the funds being used in their model  portfolio
by order of their perceived tax efficiency.  This flexibility allows the advisor
to use the most  advantageous  ranking  system.  This also allows the advisor to
place their  highest  ranked funds in a client's  tax-deferred  accounts and his
lowest  ranked  funds  in the  taxable  accounts.  This  feature  is  completely
customizable by the advisor.

     Closed Funds

     Some firms have funds in their portfolios that are closed to new investors.
This poses a trading problem because the advisor may want to keep their existing
clients in the closed fund, but need to invest their new clients in an alternate
fund. TradeWarrior facilitates this by allowing the advisor to keep closed funds
for  existing  clients and  automatically  uses an  alternate  open fund for new

     "Do Not Trade" Securities

     Some firms and clients  have  certain  securities  that they do not want to
sell, yet do not fit into an advisors model portfolio.  TradeWarrior solves this
problem by creating "do not trade" restrictions. The restriction can be set on a
firm-wide level that will restrict selling that security for all of an advisor's
accounts. The restriction can also be set on the client level that will restrict
selling that security for that particular  client.  When  rebalancing  accounts,
TradeWarrior will  automatically pull these do not trade securities and allocate
the  remaining  funds in a client's  account.  This allows for seamless  trading
without the need for the advisor to continually make manual adjustments. It also
could help reduce trading errors from an advisor accidentally selling a security
that was not supposed to be sold.

Business Strategy

     Once we begin marketing the TradeWarrior, we plan to expand the software to
incorporate  more  database  functionality.  We believe  that the most  complete
investment  advisory  software  is a single  database  for all common  financial
service client management applications.  Currently, a typical advisory firm will
have a  minimum  of two to three  database  programs.  This can  become  tedious
because each firm has to enter the same client data multiple times.

     CRM Capability

     Most investment advisory firms have a client relationship  management (CRM)
database.  This database is used to store  general  client  information  such as
names, mailing and e-mail addresses and account numbers. It is also used to keep
track of client contacts, such as letters sent, e-mails, and phone calls, client
financial planning information, and prospects and business contacts.

     We do not plan to use offering  proceeds to develop a CRM  product,  but we
expect to develop and market the product when we realize  sufficient  cash flows
from  TradeWarrior  sales. We believe that adding CRM capability to TradeWarrior
is a potential area of expansion for our business because:


     o    Advisors  generally  look to reduce  the  number of  databases.  Under
          current  conditions,   adding  TradeWarrior  to  their  business  will
          increase the number of databases they need to maintain. Elimination of
          this hurdle will be a top  development  priority as we plan to combine
          the two databases into one program.

     o    Adding CRM is the next natural step for the program,  although it will
          take some time to develop correctly.

     o    It will help  insulate  us from  competition.  TradeWarrior's  current
          function  is  rebalancing  and  trade  generation.   We  believe  that
          development  of more robust  product  features  will  distinguish  the
          TradeWarrior  from  competitors.  Adding CRM capability to the program
          will further build tasks the program can accomplish.

     o    Many advisors may be reluctant to switch CRM database  systems because
          of the large time commitment required to do such. However, the benefit
          of combining database functionality should help overcome this hurdle.

     Currently  the CRM  market  is  somewhat  crowded  with  three or four main
competitors.  These  competitors  include,  but are not limited  to,  Junxure-I,
Protracker,  ACT! for Advisors,  Upswing,  and Outlook.  When developing the CRM
portion  TradeWarrior,  our  research on features  will come from both  internal
experience and  recommendations  from external advisory firms. Many CRM programs
are becoming  increasingly  complex to operate,  taking weeks of training to use
the system.  We intend to keep our software as simple and intuitive as possible.
We anticipate marketing our software by emphasizing its trading capability,  the
ease of use and low price.

     Billing Capability

     Currently  there are many  options  for billing  clients in the  investment
advisory market. Most major CRM & Portfolio Reporting programs come bundled with
billing software  incorporated into it. We envision bundling the billing program
with the CRM  program  when it is  released.  This is  necessary  to achieve our
single  database  vision.  The  billing  program  is already  under  development
internally. Though there are many billing options available to advisors, we plan
to add features such as commission payouts,  customizable  advisor payouts,  and
non-sufficient  funds  tracking  on  client  accounts.  To our  knowledge  these
features do not exist in the marketplace.

     Web-Based Capability

     We believe that there is a growing  trend  within the software  industry to
move to a web-based  model. The major advantage to this trend is the flexibility
of having the client database  accessible by the web.  Advisors can access their
data wherever they may be as long as they have an Internet  connection.  This is
useful for advisors that travel,  work from home, or visit clients off location.
The second reason is security of the data. It's generally recognized that client
data is more secure on an outside server than it is on an in-house server.  Most
software  firms have the  financial  means and the  knowledge to secure the data
with  multiple  levels of  security  and  offsite  backups,  whereas  most small
advisory firms do not.  Because of these two reasons,  there is growing interest
in the  industry  to  move to a  web-based  model.  In  order  for us to  remain
competitive,  we will have to add web-based  capability.  However, some advisors
remain  skeptical of letting somebody else house their data and refuse to switch
to a web-based  system.  Accordingly,  we believe  that it is important to offer
both an in-house desktop version and a web-based  version so that we can satisfy
both markets.

     Portfolio Reporting Capability

     Portfolio  reporting for most advisory firms  includes,  but is not limited
to, performance reporting,  tax reporting and transaction history reports. Firms
must account for and report every  transaction  for every client.  Additionally,
many  advisory  firms have data going back ten years or more.  This results in a
very  complex  database  and  requires  considerable  programming  and  industry
knowledge.  Reporting  must  be not  only  accurate,  but it  also  must  be SEC
compliant.  To  achieve  our  single  database  vision we plan to add  portfolio
reporting  to  TradeWarrior  either  through  internal  development  or possibly


another firm in the marketplace.  Current competitors in this space include, but
is not limited to, Advent Axys, FSCI dbCams,  Cornerstone  Poweradvisor,  Schwab
PortfolioCenter, and Black Diamond.


     To date we have not undertaken any marketing  activities,  but we intend to
commence marketing  TradeWarrior as soon as we finalize  development and realize
necessary funds from this offering.

     Our target  market will be the  investment  advisory  market that  includes
RIAs, brokers and other financial consultants.  We intend to generate leads from
known advisory lists and registrars, ads in trade publications,  trade shows and
website presence at  Our initial marketing strategy is
designed  around  scheduling a  demonstration  of our software to the  principal
decision makers in a firm. The emphasis of the marketing will focus on the value
and time savings of  TradeWarrior.  We will also stress the  flexibility  of the
program  and the hands on  service  approach.  Initial  marketing  efforts  will
concentrate  on the  advisory  market  in the  U.S.  because  it is the  largest
advisory market in the world and because of our familiarity of the  marketplace.
After  establishing  a position in the U.S.  market and as  necessary  funds are
available, we will explore the possibility of expanding into Canada, Europe, and

     Direct Mail/Phone Campaign

     Our  initial  marketing  campaign  will begin with a direct  mail and phone
campaign,  which we believe is the most targeted and cost effective approach. We
plan to mail a cover letter and a professionally  prepared marketing brochure to
the key decision  makers in a firm and then follow up with phone calls  whenever
possible.  The goal of this process is to invite qualified buyers to sit through
a  demonstration  of our  software.  We  believe  this  will  give  us the  best
opportunity to contact decision makers.

     Ads in Trade Publications

     We also intend to run ads in industry  specific trade  publications such as
Investment News,  Financial  Planner,  Benefits Selling,  Investment Advisor and
Wealth Manager.  Initially, we will conduct a short initial test campaign of one
to three months.  We plan to initially run smaller and less  expensive  ads, but
will experiment with different  sizes,  colors,  language and layouts during the
initial  run. If the  results  are not  encouraging  from these  tests,  we will
reconsider this approach before investing more marketing resources.

     Trade Shows

     We also plan on attending the various  trade shows that are usually  hosted
by  large,   national  brokerage  firms,  trade  publications  and  professional
associations.  We  believe  that  these  shows  offer an  effective  way to meet
face-to-face with investment advisors.  The typical cost to participate in these
shows ranges from $5,000 to $20,000 per show.  We would also  encounter  various
additional  costs  relating to the shows such as  marketing  materials,  travel,
hotels and meals.  We  anticipate  that  initially,  we will attend  trade shows
sparingly due to the cost, but will evaluate the effectiveness after each show.

     Internal Sales Force

     We do not intend to outsource  sales,  but rather develop an internal sales
force. We believe that an in- house sales force is  advantageous  because of the
familiarity  with the  software,  knowledge of financial  terms and the needs of
investment  advisors.  We intend to begin to build a sales team as soon as funds
become available from this offering. We will compensate salespersons with a base
salary and incentive  compensation  commissions.  Sales  personnel  will also be
required to help with service issues, if needed.

Distribution and Payment

     The program will be hosted on our website only and physical  discs will not
be produced.  This will keep costs down  because  there will be no cost for disc
production  and  delivery.  Everybody  who uses the program  will have  Internet


access since the program is a tool to generate  trade files for online  trading.
When a client  purchases the program,  they will be given a code to download the
program  from the website.  If they ever needed  additional  copies,  they could
easily go to the website and download the program again.  Online  purchases will
also be  facilitated  on the website using a credit card service.  We will use a
credit  card  service  company  such as  Propay,  Inc.  so we will not house any
critical  client data that could become a liability.  We will also accept checks
for firms who wish to use this option.


     We believe that the price of the  TradeWarrior  software will be one of its
main  selling  points.  We  initially  plan to offer the software for $3,000 per
year,  with a one time  conversion  and training  fee between  $1,000 to $3,000,
depending  on the  amount  of data to be  converted  and  number of people to be
trained.  We  anticipate  that the price will  compete  favorably  with our main
competitors  such as "iRebal",  which currently  charges $50,000 per year with a
$10,000 setup fee, and "Tamarac" that charges a minimum  $10,000 per year with a
$2,000 setup fee.

     We expect that the payback time for  customers  using our software  will be
relatively  short.  We project that it currently  takes an advisor 18 minutes to
rebalance  a client  using  existing  means,  and that  TradeWarrior  will  take
approximately three minutes per client. That equals a time savings of 15 minutes
per client.  Assuming  the  average  advisor's  time is worth $100 per hour,  an
advisor would achieve payback after rebalancing only 100 clients. If the advisor
has more clients and rebalances more than once a year,  then additional  savings
would be achieved.  We also feel that reduced  trading errors and the ability to
trade quickly  versus taking weeks and months to complete the trading cycle will
equate to additional savings for users.


     Rebalancing software is a relatively new industry and,  accordingly,  there
is limited competition. We believe that our TradeWarrior software is competitive
with other software on the market because of comparable functionality at a lower
price. The three primary competitors to TradeWarrior are iRebal, Tamarac Advisor
and eAllocator.


     iRebal has a strong software suite, but we believe its price is prohibitive
for most  advisory  firms.  iRebal  targets  advisory  firms that have over $250
million in assets under management. The iRebal software program was purchased by
TD Ameritrade in January 2007. We anticipate  that they plan to stay in the same
price range, but maybe offer a slight discount to TD Ameritrade advisors.  Their
program  rebalances  across accounts at the client level and is designed to help
manage  cash flows into and out of the  portfolio.  iRebal  also  offers tax lot
trading that is not currently  available with TradeWarrior.  iRebal's program is
customized to each firm and involves an extensive  set-up phase which  generally
takes six months.  The principal drawback to the iRebal is that it costs $50,000
with a $10,000 initial setup fee.  Accordingly,  we believe the TradeWarrior can
successfully  compete  with iRebal  because we can market to small and  mid-size
firms that cannot afford iRebal.

     Tamarac Advisor

     Tamarac  Advisor uses  optimization  software to decide the trades versus a
rules-based system used by both TradeWarrior and iRebal.  Optimization  software
picks  securities  to trade  automatically  depending on some preset  parameters
defined by the advisor. Optimization software is not transparent in its decision
making,  meaning  that an  advisor  cannot  go back in and see why the  software
decided on a  particular  trade or easily  change the trades that the program is
recommending.  Rules based software trades on preset rules and securities models
defined by the advisor. Rules based software is completely transparent,  meaning
that an advisor can easily see why a particular  trade was made and can manually
override any  transactions in the software.  Tamarac is not a transparent  based
system,  meaning  advisors  don't  have  total  control  over  what  trades  are
generated.  Tamarac's  product,  a web-based model, is priced at $10,000 minimum
with a $2,000  setup fee and will cover up to 1,000  accounts,  with  additional
fees over that.  We believe  TradeWarrior  will be  competitive  with Tamarac on
price.  We also believe more advisors prefer the  rules-based  trading  approach
versus the optimization approach that Tamarac uses.



     eAllocator is the newest program in the rebalancing  software market.  From
our review of the software, we believe the eAllocator is limited in scope at its
current  stage  primarily  because it trades only on an account  level and not a
client level. It is also a web based program,  which can be viewed as a positive
or  negative.  They  are  also a  rules  based  system  similar  to  iRebal  and
TradeWarrior.  They do have cost basis  information  on the  trades,  which is a
positive. Being a new program,  eAllocator is only compatible with two portfolio
reporting systems (dbCams and Portfolio  Center).  eAllocator charges $5,000 per
year with a $1,000 set-up fee.  eAllocator is our closest competitor it terms of
cost,  but we believe we are  competitive  because of more advanced  features as
well as a cost advantage.

     Free Custodian Software

     Some custodians,  such as TD Ameritrade and Fidelity,  have developed their
own  rebalancing  and trading  software.  Our management has performed  tests on
these  systems and found them to only have  account  level and not client  level
trading.  These systems cannot handle all asset classes such as individual fixed
income.  They  also do not  have  rules-based  logic,  such  as "do  not  trade"
securities,  and do not have cost basis  information.  The  primary  strength of
these systems is that they are free. We do not believe these custodian developed
programs to be competitive  with  TradeWarrior  because they lack the variety of
capabilities and functions of TradeWarrior.

Intellectual Property

     We have retained the law firm Kunzler & Associates in Salt Lake City,  Utah
to help us  protect  our  intellectual  property.  We  have  obtained  copyright
protection  on  TradeWarrior  and  plan to  continue  to  update  our  copyright
protection as we make changes and  enhancements to the program.  We also plan to
trademark  our company and product  names along with any logos  associated  with
those names, if we are able to raise the necessary funds from this offering.

     Kunzler &  Associates  are  currently  conducting  a patent  search to help
determine the  patentability of TradeWarrior.  We will assess the possibility of
seeking patent  protection when their search is completed.  We have budgeted for
the  possibility  of  seeking  patent  protection  if  our  board  of  directors
determines it is feasible and worth the time, effort and cost,  however there is
no guarantee  that we can actually  obtain a patent.  We will continue to pursue
additional  protections for our intellectual property as we develop new software
and related products and enhance existing products.


     We currently do not have any employees  associated with Nine Mile Software,
Inc. other than the directors Damon Deru (CEO),  Andrew Limpert (Chairman of the
Board),  and Michael  Christensen  (Secretary).  If we are able to close on this
offering, Damon Deru will become a full time employee of the company.

     We have also  contracted  with Dan  Agnew of  AppVision  Consulting  in Las
Vegas, Nevada to further develop TradeWarrior to the point of marketability.  He
will convert  TradeWarrior  from  Microsoft  Access  program to a Microsoft .NET
platform  database.  We will also work with him to add  additional  features  to
TradeWarrior such as cost basis information and one-click rebalancing to quickly
rebalance all clients in the database.

     Mr. Agnew has extensive  industry  experience  having worked for Investment
Advisory  Network,  where he  helped  write  in-house  rebalancing  and  trading
software for them. He was also a developer at Techfi,  Inc. which is a portfolio
reporting  company  that was  bought out by  Advent,  Inc in 2002.  He has since
started his own company, AppVision Consulting, doing ad-hoc programming jobs for
investment  advisors.  He also works for an insurance company in Las Vegas where
he develops  software  programs for internal  use.  Mr. Agnew is  proficient  in
Microsoft Visual Basic.Net,  Microsoft ASP,  Microsoft ASP.Net and the Microsoft
SQL Server family of products.

     If this offering is successful, we plan to add a technical support employee
prior  to  the  launch  of  TradeWarrior.   This  employee  would  primarily  be


for  handling  incoming  tech  support  calls  and  setting  up new  clients  on
TradeWarrior.  We also plan to add a salesperson to help market TradeWarrior and
to add  additional  sales and support  staff as business  warrants and funds are

Employee Stock Option Plan

     In March 2007, our board of directors  approved the creation of an employee
stock  option  plan and  authorized  650,000  shares of our  common  stock to be
reserved for issuance  under the plan.  The board of directors will finalize and
oversee drafting of the formal plan and establish, at its discretion,  the terms
and  conditions  of the awards to be made under the plan. We have not issued any
options as of the date of this prospectus.


     Initially  we plan to rent office space from Belsen  Getty,  LLC located at
1245 E. Brickyard Rd #590, Salt Lake City, UT 84106.  This arrangement will save
us expenses because we rent the space at a reasonable rate. Also, we do not have
to buy expensive office equipment such as furniture, printers and copiers as are
able to use Belsen Getty's  equipment,  which is included in the rent. If we are
successful in marketing TradeWarrior and need to expand our facilities,  we will
evaluate at that point other office space.  In this event,  we would most likely
experience  a  greater  cost of  doing  business  due to  higher  rent  cost and
purchasing and/or leasing office equipment.


     The following  discussion of our financial  condition and plan of operation
should be read in  conjunction  with the financial  statements and notes thereto
appearing elsewhere in this prospectus.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Plan of Operation

     Since our  inception in November  2006,  we have  primarily  engaged in the
development of our  TradeWarrior  software in  anticipation of introducing it to
the  investment  advisory  market  during the latter  part of 2007.  Our plan of
operation for the next 12 months is to first complete  commercialization  of the
TradeWarrior software. We have engaged Dan Agnew as an independent contractor to
rewrite the program in a more robust programming language and work directly with
Mr.  Deru to map out and  optimize  the logic flows of the  program.  Management
anticipates  this will take between  three and nine months to  complete.  During
this  development  period,  a beta  group  of 15 to 30 RIA  users  that  we have
previously  identified  will be using the program and  providing  real  industry
feedback.  This is essential to gain  perspective  and insight into the industry
needs in a real time  feedback  loop in order to adjust the program to real life
needs of end users.

     After a successful  beta  iteration  period,  we will prepare to launch the
TradeWarrior product commercially.  The goal of management is to launch no later
than  fourth  quarter of 2007.  We believe  that if the  maximum  amount of this
offering is realized,  we will not need additional  funding for approximately 18
months.  If the minimum amount is raised, we may need to shift some of the funds
into marketing and other  operational  expenses.  We anticipate that if only the
minimum offering amount is realized, we will have adequate funds for a period of
12 months, using a lesser amount for personnel and marketing than if the maximum
is raised.

     Beyond  development  of the  TradeWarrior,  we do not plan to use  offering
proceeds for the potential CRM product. We anticipate developing the CRM product
if and when  sufficient  cash  flows are  realized  from  sales of the  original
TradeWarrior product.

     We  do  not  expect  to  make  major  capital  expenditure  for  completing
development  and  marketing  TradeWarrior.  We  do  anticipate  an  increase  in
employees if and when TradeWarrior is completed and marketed  successfully.  Mr.
Deru will be our lone full time employee upon closing of the offering. Mr. Agnew
will be a part time contract  employee  through the  reprogramming  phase of the
development.  In preparing to commence marketing  TradeWarrior,  management will
assess the potential demand for up to two customer  service  personnel to assist
in responding to new  customers'  questions,  orientation  and  installation  of
programs.  This  decision  will be  partially  based on whether the  offering is


closed at the  maximum  ornearer  to the  minimum  level.  In  either  scenario,
management  believes we could be generating revenue within the first 12 month of
operation from conclusion of the offering.

Results of Operations and Liquidity and Capital Resources

     We have not  realized  any revenues  since  inception.  For the period from
inception through September 30, 2007, we incurred a net loss of $20,252. For the
three months  ended  September  30,  2007,  we incurred a net loss of $4,489 and
19,250,  respectively.  The net loss is attributed to general and administrative
expenses and  professional  fees associated with the preparation and filing with
the SEC of our registration statement.

     At  September  30, 2007,  we had total assets of $57,298 and  stockholders'
equity of $55,298,  compared to total assets of $44,548 and total  stockholders'
equity of $44,548  at  December  31,  2006.  The  increase  in total  assets and
stockholders'  equity at September 30, 2007 is attributed to the additional sale
of common stock during July and August 2007

     At December 31, 2006 we had working capital of $44,548  compared to $54,108
at September 30, 2007. We  anticipate  meeting our working  capital needs during
the 2007  fiscal year with the  proceeds  from this  offering.  We have no other
agreements or arrangements for additional  funding and there can be no assurance
any such funding will be available to us, or if available,  such funding will be
on acceptable or favorable terms to us.

Going Concern Consideration

     Because we are a new company with limited assets and capital and no current
revenues, we are relying on the proceeds of this offering to launch our software
product.  Failure to raise adequate capital and generate adequate sales revenues
could result in having to curtail or cease operations.  Additionally, even if we
do raise  sufficient  capital to support our  operating  expenses  and  generate
adequate  revenues,  there  can  be no  assurances  that  the  revenue  will  be
sufficient  to enable us to develop  business to a level where it will  generate
profits and cash flows from operations. If we are not successful in realizing at
least the minimum  offering  amount  and,  in such  event,  are unable to secure
adequate alternative financing,  there is substantial doubt about our ability to
continue as a going concern

Off-balance Sheet Arrangements

     We have no off-balance sheet arrangements.

     Recent Accounting Pronouncements

     In September 2006, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued
Statement  of  Financial  Accounting  Standards  ("SFAS")  No. 157,  "Fair Value
Measurements."  SFAS  157  defines  fair  value,  establishes  a  framework  for
measuring fair value in accordance with U.S. GAAP, and expands disclosures about
fair value measurements.  The statement clarifies that the exchange price is the
price in an orderly  transaction between market participants to sell an asset or
transfer a liability at the measurement date. The statement emphasizes that fair
value is a market-based measurement and not an entity-specific  measurement.  It
also  establishes a fair value  hierarchy  used in fair value  measurements  and
expands the  required  disclosures  of assets and  liabilities  measured at fair
value.  SFAS 157 is effective for financial  statements  issued for fiscal years
beginning after November 15, 2007. The adoption of this standard is not expected
to have a material  impact on our financial  condition,  results of operation or

     In June  2006,  the FASB  issued  FASB  Interpretation  No. 48 ("FIN  48"),
"Accounting  for  Uncertainty  in  Income  Taxes  -- an  interpretation  of FASB
Statement No. 109," which prescribes  comprehensive  guidelines for recognizing,
measuring,  presenting and disclosing in the financial  statements tax positions
taken or expected to be taken on tax returns. FIN 48, effective for fiscal years
beginning  after  December 15, 2006,  seeks to reduce the  diversity in practice
associated with certain  aspects of the  recognition and measurement  related to
accounting for income taxes. We are currently  assessing the impact of FIN 48 on
our consolidated financial position and results of operations.

     In March 2006, the FASB issued SFAS No. 156,  "Accounting  for Servicing of
Financial  Assets,  an  amendment  of FASB  Statement  No. 140,  Accounting  for
Transfers and Servicing of Financial Assets and Extinguishments of Liabilities."
This statement requires all separately recognized servicing assets and servicing
liabilities to be initially  measured at fair value, if practicable.  It permits
for subsequent  measurement  using either fair value measurement with changes in


fair  value  reflected  in  earnings,   or  the   amortization   and  impairment
requirements  of  Statement  No.  140.  Subsequent   measurement  of  separately
recognized servicing assets and servicing liabilities at fair value,  eliminates
the necessity for entities  that manage risks  inherent in servicing  assets and
servicing  liabilities  with  derivatives,   to  qualify  for  hedge  accounting
treatment  and  eliminates  the  characterization  of  declines in fair value as
impairments  or direct  write-downs.  SFAS No. 156 is effective  for an entity's
first fiscal year  beginning  after  September  15,  2006.  The adoption of this
statement  is not  expected  to have a material  effect on our  future  reported
financial position or results of operations.


Directors and Executive Officers

     The  following  table sets forth the name,  age and position of our present
officers and  directors.  Each director has been a director of the company since

     Name                      Age          Position
     ----                      ---          --------
     Damon Deru                27           Chief Executive Officer and Director
     Andrew Limpert            37           Chairman of the Board and Director
     Michael Christensen       40           Secretary and Director
- --------------------------

     All directors  serve for one-year terms until their  successors are elected
or they are re-elected at the annual stockholders' meeting.  Officers hold their
positions  at the  pleasure  of the board of  directors,  absent any  employment
agreement, of which none currently exists or is contemplated.

      There is no  arrangement,  agreement or  understanding  between any of the
directors  or officers  and any other  person  pursuant to which any director or
officer was or is to be selected  as a director  or officer.  Also,  there is no
arrangement,  agreement or understanding  between  management and non-management
stockholders under which non-management  stockholders may directly or indirectly
participate in or influence the management of our affairs.

     The business experience of each of the persons listed above during the past
five years is as follows:

     Damon Deru is a graduate of the  University  of Utah where he received  his
B.S. Degree in Finance.  He has worked in the financial  services industry since
2001 as an investment  advisor at Belsen Getty,  LLC, a financial  services firm
located  in Salt Lake  City,  Utah.  In his role at Belsen  Getty,  Mr.  Deru is
responsible for investment  research,  trading  responsibilities  for over 1,000
accounts,  and managing and  maintaining  the  databases  and other  information
technology (IT) needs.  Mr. Deru has since 2004 served as the financial  manager
of Axxess  Funding  Group,  LLC, a private Salt Lake City,  Utah firm engaged in
funding  secured real estate loans to  individuals  and  commercial  real estate
developers.  He  holds  a  Series  65  license  which  qualifies  him  as an SEC
Registered Investment Advisor.

     Andrew  Limpert is a graduate from the  University of Utah and  Westminster
College  with degrees of B.S. in Finance and an MBA with an emphasis in Finance.
For  the  past  15  years  he has  founded,  consulted  on and  funded  numerous
businesses  in the  private  and  public  arenas.  Since  1998,  he has  been an
investment advisor with Belsen Getty, LLC, providing wealth management direction
and strategic and financial advice for several investment banks. Mr. Limpert has
also been associated with Axxess Funding Group,  LLC since 2004 as its marketing
manager.  Mr.  Limpert also serves as a director of BBM Holdings Inc, a New York
based provider of ship-to-shore internet connectivity technology.

     Michael  Christensen  is a graduate  of Weber  State  University,  where he
received an MBA and a B.S.  Degree in Accounting.  Mr.  Christensen  has over 15
years of experience in financial and accounting  management and  administration.
He has  experience  in the  distribution  and printing  industries,  performance
reporting and accounting systems support for an investment advisor. From 2002 to
the  present,  Mr.  Christensen  has been on the  staff of the  Commissioner  of
Education for the LDS Church Educational System.  Among his  responsibilities he
provides  financial  and  budget  support  to the  Board  of  Trustees  for such
institutions as Brigham Young University.


     Each  director  will  devote only a portion of their  business  time to the
affairs and  operations of Nine Mile  Software.  The  approximate  percentage of
business time to be devoted to our company by each director is expected to be as

     o   Damon Deru   --   75% *

     o   Andrew Limpert   --   30%

     o   Michael Christensen   --   20%
- --------------------
         *    We  anticipate  that Mr Deru will devote 100% of his business time
              to Nine Mile Software business at the completion of the offering.

     During the past five years, none of our officers,  directors,  promoters or
control persons has had any of the following events occur:

     o any  bankruptcy  petition  filed by or against any business of which such
person was a general  partner or  executive  officer,  either at the time of the
bankruptcy or within two years prior to that time;

     o any  conviction  in a criminal  proceeding  or being subject to a pending
criminal proceeding, excluding traffic violations and other minor offenses;

     o being  subject  to any  order,  judgment  or  decree,  not  substantially
reversed,  suspended  or  vacated,  of  any  court  of  competent  jurisdiction,
permanently enjoining, barring, suspending or otherwise limiting his involvement
in any type of business, securities or banking business; and

     o being found by a court of competent  jurisdiction in a civil action,  the
SEC or the Commodity  Futures  Trading  Commission to have violated a federal or
state  securities or  commodities  law, and the judgment has not been  reversed,
suspended or vacated.

Committees of the Board of Directors

     Currently we do not have any standing committees of the board of directors.
Until such time as formal  committees  are  established,  our board of directors
will perform some of the functions  associated with a nominating committee and a
compensation  committee,  including reviewing all forms of compensation provided
to our executive officers, directors, consultants and employees, including stock
compensation.  The board will also perform the  functions of an audit  committee
until we establish a formal audit committee.

Relationships and Related Party Transactions

     We have not had any material  transactions since our inception in 2006 with
any officer,  director,  nominee for election as  director,  or any  stockholder
owning greater than five percent (5%) of our outstanding  shares, nor any member
of the above referenced individuals' immediate family.

Executive Compensation

     If we are  successful  in closing  this  offering,  our CEO Damon Deru will
receive a monthly  allowance to be determined  by the board of directors.  There
are no plans for the other directors to receive a salary at this time.  However,
we may issue  options  under an  employee  stock  option plan as  incentives  to
achieve certain performance thresholds.


Stock Purchase Options

     On May 1,  2007,  we sold  and  issued a total of  610,000  stock  purchase
options  exercisable  for the  purchase of our common stock at $0.025 per share.
The options  were issued to the  following  persons and for the number of shares
indicted next to each persons name.

         Damon Deru                 --       400,000 shares
         Michael Christensen        --       100,000 shares
         Thomas Henderson           --        10,000 shares
         Tom Evans                  --       100,000 shares

     Messrs. Deru and Christensen are directors and executive officers.  Messrs.
Henderson and Evans are expected to become employees following the completion of
this offering.

     The options are not exercisable for a period of one year and are subject to
a vesting schedule. Fifty percent of the options will vest when we first realize
a  quarterly  profit from  operations  or when we have sold an  aggregate  of 80
TradeWarrior programs. The balance of the options will vest when we first record
$1.0 million in total revenues.  The options will expire if not exercised within
60 months of issuance, on May 1, 2013.


     The  following  table  sets  forth  information  regarding  the  beneficial
ownership of our shares of common stock by

     o   each person known by us to be the  beneficial  owner of more than 5% of
         our outstanding shares of common stock;

     o   each of our directors;

     o   our executive officers; and

     o   by all directors and executive officers as a group.

     Beneficial  ownership  is  determined  in  accordance  with SEC  rules.  In
computing the number of shares beneficially owned by a person and the percentage
ownership of that person,  shares of common stock subject to options or warrants
held by that person that are currently  exercisable  or will become  exercisable
within 60 days after the date of this prospectus,  are deemed  outstanding,  but
those shares are not deemed  outstanding  for  purposes of computing  percentage
ownership of any other person. The number and percentage of shares  beneficially
owned are based on 1,822,000 shares of common stock  outstanding as of March 31,
2007.  Each person named in the table has sole voting and investment  power with
respect to all shares shown as  beneficially  owned by that  person,  subject to
community property laws, where applicable.

                                Amount and Nature of                  Percent of Class
Name and Address(1)             Beneficial Ownership      Before Offering    After Offering(2)
- -------------------             ----------------------    ---------------    -----------------
Damon Deru *                               200,000             10.6 %               7.7 %
Andrew Limpert *                           600,000             31.9 %              23.1 %
Michael Christensen *                       30,000              1.6 %               1.2 %

All directors and officers                 830,000             44.1 %              32.0 %
  a group (3 persons)

Other Beneficial Owners
Scott Deru                                 120,000              6.4 %               4.6 %
Terry Deru                                 600,000             31.9 %              23.1 %

Total directors, officers and            1,550,000             82.4 %              59.7 %
Other beneficial owners
- --------------------------
      *  Director and/or executive officer


     (1) Unless otherwise indicated, the address for each person listed above is
         c/o Nine Mile Software, Inc., 1245 East Brickyard Road, Suite 590, Salt
         Lake City, Utah 84106.

     (2) Based on 2,596,290  shares  outstanding  after the offering and assumes
         the maximum number of offered shares are sold.

                            DESCRIPTION OF SECURITIES

Our Common Stock

     Authorized and Outstanding

     We are  authorized to issue up to 50 million  shares of common  stock,  par
value $0.001 per share, of which 1,882,000 shares are outstanding as of the date
of this prospectus.

     Voting Rights

     Holders of our common  stock have the right to cast one vote for each share
of stock in their  name on the  books of our  company,  whether  represented  in
person or by proxy,  on all  matters  submitted  to a vote of  holders of common
stock,  including election of directors.  There is no right to cumulative voting
in election of  directors.  Except  where a greater  requirement  is provided by
statute, by our articles of incorporation or by-laws, the presence, in person or
by  proxy  duly  authorized,  of  one  or  more  holders  of a  majority  of the
outstanding  shares of our common stock constitutes a quorum for the transaction
of  business.  The vote by the  holders of a majority of  outstanding  shares is
required to effect certain  fundamental  corporate  changes such as liquidation,
merger, or amendment of our articles of incorporation.


     There are no restrictions in our articles of  incorporation or by-laws that
prevent us from declaring  dividends.  We have not declared any dividends and we
do not plan to declare any dividends in the foreseeable future.

     Preemptive Rights

     Holders of our common stock are not entitled to preemptive  rights,  and no
redemption or sinking fund  provisions are  applicable to our common stock.  All
outstanding  shares of our common stock are, and the shares of common stock sold
in the offering will when issued, be fully paid and non-assessable.


     We  presently  have  outstanding  stock  purchase  options  to  acquire  an
aggregate of 610,000  shares of our common  stock.  The options are held by four
individuals  and  have an  exercise  price  of  $0.025  per  share,  but are not
exercisable  until May 1, 2008.  The term of the options is 60 months,  but they
are subject to a vesting schedule based on future sales and revenues.

     Our board of directors has also  authorized  an employee  stock option plan
and reserved  650,000 shares of our common stock to for issuance under the plan.
The  board  will  draft the  definitive  plan and will  establish  the terms and
conditions  of awards to be made under the plan.  No options under the plan have
been issued.

     Transfer Agent

     We have retained as our transfer  agent  Cottonwood  Stock  Transfer,  5899
South State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84107, telephone (801) 266-7151.

Shares Eligible for Future Sale

     If we sell the maximum number of offered shares,  we will have  outstanding
an aggregate  of  2,536,290  shares of common  stock.  The 714,290  shares to be
issued in the offering will be freely transferable without restriction under the
Securities  Act,  excluding  any shares  purchased by a person who is or thereby
becomes an affiliate of Nine Mile  Software.  All 1,822,000  shares  outstanding


immediately  prior to the offering were issued in private  transactions  without
registration under the Securities Act and are deemed "restricted  securities" as
defined by Rule 144 under the Securities Act.

     Under Rule 144, a person or persons  whose shares are  aggregated,  who has
satisfied a one-year holding period may sell within any three-month period, that
number of  restricted  shares that does not exceed the greater of 1% of the then
outstanding  common shares, or the average weekly trading volume during the four
calendar  weeks  prior to such sale.  Sales  under Rule 144 are also  subject to
certain  requirements as to the manner of sale,  notice and the  availability of
current  public   information   about  us.  Rule  144  permits,   under  certain
circumstances, the sale of restricted shares by a person who is not an affiliate
and has satisfied a two-year  holding  period,  without  regard to the volume or
other resale limitations.

     We are unable to predict  the effect  that sales under Rule 144 may have on
the then prevailing market price of the common stock, if a market for our shares
develops, but such sales may have a substantial depressing effect on such market

     All of our officers,  directors and 5% or more stockholders hold restricted
shares. However, commencing November 30, 2007, 1,822,000 of these shares will be
one year old and will be  eligible  for sale under Rule 144,  subject to all the
provisions  of that  Rule and  subject  to the terms of the  escrow  arrangement
described  below.  The remaining 60,000 shares will become eligible for Rule 144
sales  commencing on July 31, 2008.At that time shares become  eligible for sale
under Rule 144 and assuming the maximum  shares  offered by this  prospectus are
sold, each of these  individuals  will be eligible to sell into the market up to
25,362 shares during any three-month period.


     At the  direction  of the  Utah  Division  of  Securities,  certain  of our
stockholders  have agreed to deposit  their shares of our common stock in escrow
for a period of up to four years.  Three directors,  Damon Deru,  Andrew Limpert
and Michael Christensen,  and two principal  stockholders,  Terry Deru and Scott
Deru have placed in escrow an aggregate of $1,550,000 shares. No excrowed shares
may be sold,  transferred,  pledged or otherwise  disposed of during the term of
the escrow unless the recipient of the shares agrees to and accepts the terms of
the escrow.

     Commencing  the third  year of the  escrow  terms,  2 1/2% of the  escrowed
shares, pro rate per quarter, may be released to individual stockholders.  Also,
in the event our shares become "covered securities" pursuant to Section 18(b)(1)
of the  Securities  Act, all  securities  held in escrow will be  released.  For
purposes of Section 18(b)(1), a covered security is listed on the New York Stock
Exchange or American Stock Exchange, or listed or authorized for listing, on The
Nasdaq National Market System.


     Additionally,  Damon deru and Michael Christensen have agreed to deposit in
escrow stock purchase options to purchase an aggregate of 500,000 shares of Nine
Mile common stock.  The escrowed  options and  underlying  common shares will be
subject to the same terms and conditions as the escrowed shares of common stock.

     The Utah Division of Securities  has also directed that, in lieu of posting
a bond in connection with the persons selling the offered shares,  we will place
in escrow  $25,000.  The  funds  will be held by  Escrow  Specialists  until the
closing of the offering and up to a period of four years.


     Our bylaws provide that directors, officers and any person who acted at our
request as an officer or  director,  will be  indemnified  by us to the  fullest
extent authorized by the general corporate laws of Nevada,  against all expenses
and liabilities reasonably incurred in connection with services for us or on our
behalf if:

     o Such person acted in good faith with a view to our best interests; and

     o In the case of a  monetary  penalty  in  connection  with a  criminal  or
     administrative action or proceeding,  such person had reasonable grounds to
     believe that his or her conduct was lawful.

     Insofar as indemnification for liabilities arising under the Securities Act
might be permitted to  directors,  officers or persons  controlling  our company
under the provisions  described above, we have been informed that in the opinion
of the SEC such  indemnification  is against  public  policy as expressed in the
Securities Act and is therefore unenforceable.


     There is not  presently,  nor has there ever been, a public  trading market
for  our  common  stock.  We  expect  to  request  a  broker-dealer  to  make an
application to the NASD to have our shares quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board. The
application will consist of current corporate information,  financial statements
and other  documents as required by Rule 15c2-11 of the Securities  Exchange Act
of 1934.

     Inclusion on the OTC Bulletin Board permits price quotations for our shares
to be published by that service. Although we intend to apply to the OTC Bulletin
Board  subsequent  to  the  filing  of  our  registration  statement,  we do not
anticipate  our  shares to  immediately  be traded in the public  market.  Also,
secondary  trading  of our  shares  may be  subject  to  certain  state  imposed
restrictions. Except for the application to the OTC Bulletin Board, there are no
plans, proposals,  arrangements or understandings with any person concerning the
development  of a  trading  market  in any of our  securities.  There  can be no
assurance that our shares will be accepted for trading on the OTC Bulletin Board
or any other recognized trading market.

     Without an active public trading  market,  you may not be able to liquidate
the shares you purchase in this  offering.  If a market does develop,  the price
for our securities may be highly  volatile and may bear no  relationship  to our
actual financial  condition or results of operations.  Factors discussed in this
prospectus,  including  the many  risks  associated  with an  investment  in our
securities,  may have a  significant  impact on the  market  price of our common


     The  ability  of  individual  stockholders  to  trade  their  shares  in  a
particular  state may be subject to various rules and regulations of that state.
A number of states  require that an issuer's  securities  be registered in their
state or  appropriately  exempted from  registration  before the  securities are
permitted  to trade in that state.  Presently,  we have no plans to register our
securities in any particular state.

     It is  unlikely  that our  securities  will be  listed on any  national  or
regional  exchange or The Nasdaq Stock Market.  Therefore our shares most likely
will be  subject  to the  provisions  of  Section  15(g)  and Rule  15g-9 of the
Exchange Act, commonly referred to as the "penny stock" rule. Section 15(g) sets
forth certain  requirements for  broker-dealer  transactions in penny stocks and
Rule 15g-9(d)(1) incorporates the definition of penny stock as that used in Rule
3a51-1 of the Exchange Act.

     The SEC generally  defines a penny stock to be any equity security that has
a market price less than $5.00 per share,  subject to certain  exceptions.  Rule
3a51-1  provides  that any equity  security  is  considered  to be a penny stock
unless that security is:

     o registered and traded on a national securities exchange meeting specified
criteria set by the SEC;

     o   authorized for quotation on The Nasdaq Stock Market;

     o   issued by a registered investment company;

     o   excluded from the  definition on the basis of price (at least $5.00 per
         share) or the issuer's net tangible assets; or

     o   exempted from the definition by the SEC.

     Broker-dealers  who sell  penny  stocks to persons  other than  established
customers and  accredited  investors are subject to  additional  sales  practice
requirements.  An  accredited  investor  is  generally  defined as a person with
assets in excess of $1,000,000 or annual income exceeding $200,000,  or $300,000
together with their spouse.

     For transactions covered by these rules, broker-dealers must make a special
suitability  determination  for the purchase of such securities and must receive
the  purchaser's  written  consent  to the  transaction  prior to the  purchase.
Additionally,  for any transaction  involving a penny stock,  unless exempt, the
rules require the delivery, prior to the first transaction, of a risk disclosure
document relating to the penny stock market. A broker-dealer  also must disclose
the  commissions   payable  to  both  the   broker-dealer   and  the  registered
representative  and current  quotations  for the  securities.  Finally,  monthly
statements must be sent to clients  disclosing  recent price information for the
penny stocks held in the account and  information on the limited market in penny
stocks. Consequently,  these rules may restrict the ability of broker-dealers to
trade and/or maintain a market in our common stock and may affect the ability of
stockholders to sell their shares.

     These requirements may be considered cumbersome by broker-dealers and could
impact the  willingness  of a particular  broker-dealer  to make a market in our
shares, or they could affect the value at which our shares trade. Classification
of the shares as penny stocks increases the risk of an investment in our shares.

Dividend Policy

     We have never declared or paid cash dividends or made  distributions in the
past and do not anticipate paying cash dividends or making  distributions in the
foreseeable  future. We currently intend to retain and invest future earnings to
finance operations.

                                  LEGAL MATTERS

     Leonard E. Neilson,  Attorney at Law, 8160 South Highland Drive, Suite 104,
Sandy, Utah 84093, telephone (801) 733-0800, has acted as our legal counsel.


     Our financial  statements for the period  November 30, 2006  (inception) to
December 31, 2006, appearing in this prospectus and the registration  statement,
to which it  relates,  have  been  audited  by  Moore &  Associates,  Chartered,
independent auditors. Moore & Associates have set forth in their report relating


to the  financial  statements,  an  explanatory  paragraph  with  respect to the
uncertainty surrounding our ability to continue as a going concern. Their report
is given upon their  authority as experts in accounting  and  auditing.  We have
prepared the unaudited financial statements for the period ended March 31, 2007.


     No  expert or  counsel  named in this  prospectus  as  having  prepared  or
certified  any  part of this  prospectus,  or  having  given an  opinion  on the
validity  of the  securities  being  registered,  or on other  legal  matters in
connection with the registration or offering of the common shares,  was employed
on a  contingency  basis  or had,  or is to  receive,  in  connection  with  the
offering, a substantial interest, directly or indirectly, in Nine Mile Software.
Nor is any  such  person  connected  with  Nine  Mile  Software  as a  promoter,
director, officer or employee.


     This prospectus is part of a registration  statement that we filed with the
SEC in  accordance  with its rules and  regulations.  This  prospectus  does not
contain  all of the  information  in the  registration  statement.  For  further
information  regarding both our company and the securities in this offering,  we
refer you to the registration  statement,  including all exhibits and schedules.
You may  inspect  our  registration  statement,  without  charge,  at the public
reference  facilities of the SEC's Washington,  D.C. office,  100 F Street,  NE,
Washington, D.C. 20549 and on its Internet site at  You also
may request a copy of the registration statement and these filings by writing or
calling us at 1245 East Brickyard  Road,  Suite 590, Salt Lake City, Utah 84106,
telephone number (801) 433-2000.

     Upon the effectiveness of our registration statement, we will be subject to
the informational  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 and will
be required to file reports and other  information  with the SEC.  These reports
and other  information  may also be  inspected  and  copied at the SEC's  public
reference facilities or its web site.


                            NINE MILE SOFTWARE, INC.

                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                December 31, 2006

                                 C O N T E N T S

Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm........................... F-3

Balance Sheet........................................................... F-4

Statement of Operations................................................. F-5

Statement of Stockholders' Equity....................................... F-6

Statement of Cash Flows................................................. F-8

Notes to the Financial Statements....................................... F-9




To the Board of Directors
Nine Mile Software, Inc.
(A Development Stage Company)
Salt Lake City, Utah

We have audited the accompanying  balance sheets of Nine Mile Software,  Inc. as
of December 31, 2006, and the related  statements of  operations,  stockholders'
equity and cash flows from inception on November 30 , 2006 through  December 31,
2006.  These  financial  statements  are  the  responsibility  of the  Company's
management.  Our  responsibility  is to express  an  opinion on these  financial
statements based on our audits.

We conducted  our audits in  accordance  with  standards  of the Public  Company
Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan
and  perform  the  audits to  obtain  reasonable  assurance  about  whether  the
financial  statements  are free of  material  misstatement.  An  audit  includes
examining,  on a test basis,  evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in
the  financial  statements.  An audit also  includes  assessing  the  accounting
principles  used  and  significant  estimates  made  by  management,  as well as
evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We believe that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material  respects,  the financial  position of Nine Mile Software,  Inc. of
December  31,  2006 and the  results of its  operations  and its cash flows from
inception on November 30, 2006 through  December 31, 2006,  in  conformity  with
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

The accompanying  consolidated  financial statements have been prepared assuming
that the Company will continue as a going concern. As discussed in Note 7 to the
consolidated  financial  statements,  the  Company  has not yet  established  an
ongoing source of revenues  sufficient to cover its operating costs and allow it
to continue as a going  concern.  Management's  plans in regard to these matters
are also  described  in Note 7. The  financial  statements  do not  include  any
adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.

/s/ Moore & Associates Chartered
- -------------------------------------
Moore & Associates Chartered
Las Vegas, Nevada
March 26, 2007

               2675 S. Jones Blvd. Suite 109, Las Vegas, NV 89146
                       (702) 253-7511 Fax (702) 253-7501
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                               NINE MILE SOFTWARE
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                                 BALANCE SHEET

                                                       December 31,


     Cash in bank                                      $    44,548

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                        44,548

     Copyright                                                --

TOTAL ASSETS                                           $    44,548


     Accounts payable                                  $      --

TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                                     --

LONG-TERM DEBT                                                --

TOTAL LIABILITIES                                             --

     Common stock: $0.001 par value;
     50,000,000 shares authorized,
     1,822,000 shares issued and outstanding                 1,822
     Additional paid in capital                             43,728
     Accumulated deficit                                    (1,002)

TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                  44,548


   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                               NINE MILE SOFTWARE
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                             STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS

                                                  From Inception
                                                  On November 30,
                                                   2006 through
                                                   December 31,

REVENUES                                    $              --
COST OF SALES                                              --
GROSS MARGIN                                               --


     General and administrative                           1,002

TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES                                  1,002

NET LOSS                                    $            (1,002)

BASIC LOSS PER SHARE                             $        (0.00)

Weighted Average Shares
  Outstanding                                         1,822,000

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                               NINE MILE SOFTWARE
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)

                                                           Additional                      Total
                                     Common Stock           Paid in     Accumulated    Stockholders'
                                 Shares       Amount        Capital       Deficit         Equity
                              -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------    -----------

Balance November 30, 2006            --     $      --     $      --     $      --      $      --

Shares issued for cash
 at $0.025 per share              360,000           360         8,640          --            9,000

Shares issued for cash
 at $0.025 per share            1,462,000         1,462        35,088          --           36,550

Net loss for the year ended
  December 31, 2006                  --            --            --          (1,002)        (1,002)
                              -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------    -----------

Balance December 31, 2006       1,822,000   $     1,822   $    43,728   $    (1,002)   $    44,548
                              ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========    ===========

  The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                               NINE MILE SOFTWARE
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                             STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS

                                                              From Inception
                                                               On November 30,
                                                               2006 through
                                                               December 31,


     Net loss                                                 $    (1,002)

     Adjustments to reconcile net income to
       net cash provided by operating activities:
         Common stock issued for services                            --
     Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
         Increase (decrease) in accounts payable                     --

NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITES                           (1,002)

        Copyright costs incurred                                     --

NET CASH (USED) BY INVESTING ACTIVITIES                              --

        Proceeds from common stock issued                          45,550

NET CASH PROVIDED BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES                          45,550

NET INCREASE IN CASH                                               44,548

CASH - Beginning of period                                           --

CASH - End of period                                          $    44,548


        Interest                                              $      --
        Income taxes                                          $      --

NON CASH FINANCING ACTIVITIES:                                $      --

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                            NINE MILE SOFTWARE, INC.
                          (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                                DECEMBER 31, 2006

1.        Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

          Nature of Business
          Nine Mile Software,  Inc. (the Company) was  incorporated in the State
          of Nevada on November 30, 2006. The Company is engaged in the business
          of developing and marketing specialized software for brokerage.

          Use of Estimates
          The preparation of financial  statements in conformity with accounting
          principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires
          management to make estimates and assumptions  that affect the reported
          amounts  of  assets  and  liabilities  at the  date  of the  financial
          statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the
          reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

          Basic (Loss) per Common Share
          Basic (loss) per share is  calculated  by dividing the  Company's  net
          loss applicable to common  shareholders by the weighted average number
          of common  shares  during the period.  Diluted  earnings  per share is
          calculated by dividing the  Company's  net income  available to common
          shareholders  by  the  diluted   weighted  average  number  of  shares
          outstanding  during the year. The diluted  weighted  average number of
          shares outstanding is the basic weighted number of shares adjusted for
          any  potentially  dilutive  debt or equity.  There are no such  common
          stock equivalents outstanding as of December 31, 2006.

                                              (Loss)        Shares       Basic (Loss) Per Share
                                           (Numerator)  (Denominator)            Amount

         For the Year Ended                $     (1,002)     1,822,000       $  (0.00)
                                           ============   ============       ========

         The Company has not adopted any policy regarding  payment of dividends.
         No dividends have been paid during any of the periods shown.

         Comprehensive Income
         The  Company  has  no   component   of  other   comprehensive   income.
         Accordingly,  net income  equals  comprehensive  income for the periods
         ended December 31, 2006.

         Advertising Costs
         The Company's  policy regarding  advertising is to expense  advertising
         when incurred.  The Company had not incurred any advertising expense as
         of December 31, 2006.


                            NINE MILE SOFTWARE, INC.
                          (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                                DECEMBER 31, 2006

1.       Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

         Cash and Cash Equivalents
         For purposes of the Statement of Cash Flows, the Company  considers all
         highly liquid instruments  purchased with a maturity of three months or
         less to be cash  equivalents to the extent the funds are not being held
         for investment purposes.

         Income Taxes
         The Company  provides  for income  taxes under  Statement  of Financial
         Accounting Standards No. 109, Accounting for Income Taxes. SFAS No. 109
         Requires the use of an asset and liability  approach in accounting  for
         income taxes. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recorded based on
         the differences between the financial statement and tax bases of assets
         and liabilities and the tax rates in effect when these  differences are
         expected to reverse.

         SFAS No.  109  requires  the  reduction  of  deferred  tax  assets by a
         valuation allowance if, based on the weight of available  evidence,  it
         is more  likely  than not that some or all of the  deferred  tax assets
         will not be realized.

         The  provision for income taxes differs from the amounts which would be
         provided by applying the statutory  federal income tax rate to net loss
         before provision for income taxes for the following reasons:

                                                                 December 31,
                  Income tax expense at statutory rate           $        391

                  Valuation allowance                                    (391)

                  Income tax expense per books                   $        -0-

         Net deferred tax assets consist of the following components as of:

                                                                 December 31,
         NOL Carryover                                           $        391
         Valuation allowance                                             (391)

         Net deferred tax asset                                  $        -0-

         Due to the  change in  ownership  provisions  of the Tax  Reform Act of
         1986,  net  operating  loss  carry  forwards  for  federal  income  tax
         reporting purposes are subject to annual  limitations.  Should a change
         in ownership  occur net operating loss carry forwards may be limited as
         to use in future years.


                            NINE MILE SOFTWARE, INC.
                          (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                                DECEMBER 31, 2006

1.       Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

         Impairment of Long-Lived Assets
         The Company  continually  monitors events and changes in  circumstances
         that could indicate  carrying  amounts of long-lived  assets may not be
         recoverable.  When such events or changes in circumstances are present,
         the  Company  assesses  the  recoverability  of  long-lived  assets  by
         determining whether the carrying value of such assets will be recovered
         through  undiscounted  expected  future cash flows. If the total of the
         future cash flows is less than the carrying amount of those assets, the
         Company  recognizes  an  impairment  loss  based on the  excess  of the
         carrying  amount  over  the  fair  value of the  assets.  Assets  to be
         disposed  of are  reported at the lower of the  carrying  amount or the
         fair value less costs to sell.

         Accounting Basis
         The basis is  accounting  principles  generally  accepted in the United
         States of  America.  The Company has adopted an December 31 fiscal year

         Stock-based compensation.
         As of January 31,  2007,  the  Company  has not issued any  share-based
         payments to its employees.

         The Company adopted SFAS No. 123-R effective  January 1, 2006 using the
         modified  prospective  method.  Under  this  transition  method,  stock
         compensation expense includes  compensation expense for all stock-based
         compensation  awards granted on or after January 1, 2006,  based on the
         grant-date  fair value  estimated in accordance  with the provisions of
         SFAS No. 123-R.

         Copyright costs
         The Company has capitalized the costs of obtaining its copyrights.  The
         Company will amortize the copyright costs over the estimated life of 10
         years upon commencement of sales. The Company expects to begin sales in

         Recent Accounting Pronouncements
         In September  2006,  the Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board issued
         Statement  of  Financial  Accounting  Standards  No.  157,  "Fair Value
         Measurements"  which  defines fair value,  establishes  a framework for
         measuring  fair  value  in  generally  accepted  accounting  principles
         (GAAP), and expands  disclosures about fair value  measurements.  Where
         applicable,  SFAS No. 157  simplifies  and  codifies  related  guidance
         within GAAP and does not require any new fair value measurements.  SFAS
         No. 157 is effective for financial  statements  issued for fiscal years
         beginning  after  November 15, 2007,  and interim  periods within those
         fiscal  years.  Earlier  adoption is  encouraged.  The Company does not
         expect the adoption of SFAS No. 157 to have a significant effect on its
         financial position or results of operation.


                            NINE MILE SOFTWARE, INC.
                          (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                                DECEMBER 31, 2006

1.       Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)
         Recent Accounting Pronouncements (Continue)

         In June 2006,  the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board issued FASB
         Interpretation No. 48, "Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes - an
         interpretation   of  FASB  Statement  No.  109",   which  prescribes  a
         recognition  threshold  and  measurement  attribute  for the  financial
         statement  recognition  and  measurement  of a tax  position  taken  or
         expected to be taken in a tax return.  FIN 48 also provides guidance on
         de-recognition,  classification,  interest and penalties, accounting in
         interim  periods,  disclosure and  transition.  FIN 48 is effective for
         fiscal years  beginning  after  December 15, 2006. The Company does not
         expect  the  adoption  of  FIN  48 to  have a  material  impact  on its
         financial  reporting,  and the  Company  is  currently  evaluating  the
         impact,  if any,  the  adoption  of FIN 48 will have on its  disclosure

         In  March  2006,  the  Financial   Accounting  Standards  Board  issued
         Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 156,  "Accounting for
         Servicing of Financial Assets--an amendment of FASB Statement No. 140."
         This  statement  requires an entity to  recognize a servicing  asset or
         servicing  liability each time it undertakes an obligation to service a
         financial  asset by entering  into a  servicing  contract in any of the
         following  situations:  a transfer of the servicer's  financial  assets
         that meets the  requirements  for sale  accounting;  a transfer  of the
         servicer's financial assets to a qualifying special-purpose entity in a
         guaranteed mortgage  securitization in which the transferor retains all
         of  the   resulting   securities   and   classifies   them  as   either
         available-for-sale  securities or trading securities; or an acquisition
         or assumption  of an obligation to service a financial  asset that does
         not relate to  financial  assets of the  servicer  or its  consolidated
         affiliates.  The  statement  also  requires all  separately  recognized
         servicing assets and servicing  liabilities to be initially measured at
         fair value, if practicable,  and permits an entity to choose either the
         amortization  or fair value method for  subsequent  measurement of each
         class of  servicing  assets  and  liabilities.  The  statement  further
         permits,  at its  initial  adoption,  a  one-time  reclassification  of
         available for sale  securities  to trading  securities by entities with
         recognized   servicing  rights,   without  calling  into  question  the
         treatment of other available for sale  securities  under Statement 115,
         provided that the available for sale  securities are identified in some
         manner as offsetting the entity's  exposure to changes in fair value of
         servicing  assets or servicing  liabilities  that a servicer  elects to
         subsequently  measure at fair value and requires separate  presentation
         of servicing assets and servicing liabilities  subsequently measured at
         fair  value in the  statement  of  financial  position  and  additional
         disclosures  for  all  separately   recognized   servicing  assets  and
         servicing  liabilities.  This  statement is effective  for fiscal years
         beginning after September 15, 2006, with early adoption permitted as of
         the  beginning  of an entity's  fiscal  year.  Management  believes the
         adoption  of this  statement  will  have  no  immediate  impact  on the
         Company's financial condition or results of operations.


                            NINE MILE SOFTWARE, INC.
                          (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                                DECEMBER 31, 2006

1.       Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

         Revenue Recognition
         The Company  will  determine  its  revenue  recognition  policies  upon
         commencement of principle operations.

         On November 30, 2006, the Company received $9,000 from its founders for
         360,000  shares of its common stock.  On December 8, 2008,  the Company
         completed an unregistered  private offering under the Securities Act of
         1933, as amended, relying upon the exemption from registration afforded
         by Rule 504 of Regulation D promulgated  there under.  The Company sold
         1,462,000  shares of its  $0.001 par value  common  stock at a price of
         $0.025 per share for $36,550 in cash.

         The accompanying  financial statements have been prepared in conformity
         with  generally  accepted  accounting   principle,   which  contemplate
         continuation  of the Company as a going concern.  However,  the Company
         has accumulated  deficit of $1,002 as of December 31, 2006. The Company
         currently has limited  liquidity,  and has not completed its efforts to
         establish a stabilized source of revenues sufficient to cover operating
         costs over an extended period of time.

         Management anticipates that the Company will be dependent, for the near
         future, on additional investment capital to fund operating expenses The
         Company  intends  to  position  itself  so that it may be able to raise
         additional funds through the capital markets.  In light of management's
         efforts, there are no assurances that the Company will be successful in
         this or any of its endeavors or become  financially viable and continue
         as a going concern.


                            NINE MILE SOFTWARE, INC.

                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                    September 30, 2007 and December 31, 2006


                                 C O N T E N T S

Balance Sheet........................................................... F-15

Statement of Operations................................................. F-16

Statement of Stockholders' Equity....................................... F-17

Statement of Cash Flows................................................. F-18

Notes to the Financial Statements....................................... F-19


                            NINE MILE SOFTWARE, INC.
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                                 BALANCE SHEETS

                                                             September 30,  December 31,
                                                                 2007          2006
                                                             -----------    -----------

     Cash in bank                                            $    56,108    $    44,548
                                                             -----------    -----------

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                              56,108         44,548
                                                             -----------    -----------

     Copyright                                                     1,190           --
                                                             -----------    -----------

TOTAL ASSETS                                                 $    57,298    $    44,548
                                                             ===========    ===========


     Accounts payable                                        $     2,000    $      --
                                                             -----------    -----------

TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                                          2,000           --

LONG-TERM DEBT                                                      --             --
                                                             -----------    -----------

TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                  2,000           --
                                                             -----------    -----------

     Common stock: $0.001 par value;
     50,000,000 shares authorized, 1,882,000 and
     1,822,000 shares issued and outstanding, respectively         1,882          1,822
     Additional paid in capital                                   73,668         43,728
     Accumulated deficit                                         (20,252)        (1,002)
                                                             -----------    -----------

TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                                        55,298         44,548
                                                             -----------    -----------

TOTAL LIABILITIES & STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                     $    57,298    $    44,548
                                                            ===========    ===========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



                            NINE MILE SOFTWARE, INC.
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                           STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

                                                                          From Inception
                                  For the Three       For the Nine        On November 30,
                                   Months Ended       Months Ended        2006 through
                                  September 30,       September 30,       September 30,
                                      2007                2007                 2007
                                  -----------         -----------         -----------

REVENUES                          $      --           $      --           $      --
COST OF SALES                            --                  --                  --
                                  -----------         -----------         -----------
GROSS MARGIN                             --                  --                  --
                                  -----------         -----------         -----------


     General and administrative         4,489              19,250              20,252
                                  -----------         -----------         -----------

TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES                4,489              19,250              20,252
                                  -----------         -----------         -----------

NET LOSS                          $    (4,489)        $   (19,250)        $   (20,252)
                                  ===========         ===========         ===========

BASIC LOSS PER SHARE              $     (0.00)        $     (0.01)
                                  ===========         ===========

Weighted Average Shares
  Outstanding                       1,852,000           1,842,000
                                  ===========         ===========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                            NINE MILE SOFTWARE, INC.
                          (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)

                                                            Additional                     Total
                                      Common Stock           Paid in      Accumulated   Stockholders'
                                  Shares        Amount       Capital       Deficit         Equity
                               -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------    -----------
Balance November 30, 2006             --     $      --     $      --     $      --      $      --

Shares issued for cash
 at $0.025 per share               360,000           360         8,640          --            9,000

Shares issued for cash
 at $0.025 per share             1,462,000         1,462        35,088          --           36,550

Net loss for the year ended
  December 31, 2006                   --            --            --          (1,002)        (1,002)
                               -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------    -----------

Balance December 31, 2006        1,822,000         1,822        43,728        (1,002)        44,548

Shares issued for cash
 at $0.50 per share                 60,000            60        29,940          --           30,000

Net loss for the nine months
 ended September 30, 2007             --            --            --         (19,250)       (19,250)
                               -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------    -----------

Balance September 30, 2007       1,882,000   $     1,882   $    73,668   $   (20,252)   $    55,298
                               ===========   ===========   ===========   ===========    ===========

   The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                            NINE MILE SOFTWARE, INC.
                         (A DEVELOPMENT STAGE COMPANY)
                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                                                              From Inception
                                                        For the Three       For the Nine      On November 30,
                                                        Months Ended       Months Ended        2006 through
                                                        September 30,      September 30,       September 30,
                                                            2007               2007                2007
                                                        -----------        -----------        ---------------

     Net loss                                           $    (4,489)       $   (19,250)       $   (20,252)

     Adjustments to reconcile net income
       to net cash provided by operating  activities:
         Common stock issued for services                      --                 --                 --
     Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
         Increase (decrease) in accounts payable               --                2,000              2,000
                                                        -----------        -----------        -----------

NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITES                     (4,489)           (17,250)           (18,252)
                                                        -----------        -----------        -----------

        Copyright costs incurred                               --               (1,190)            (1,190)
                                                        -----------        -----------        -----------

NET CASH (USED) BY INVESTING ACTIVITIES                        --               (1,190)            (1,190)
                                                        -----------        -----------        -----------

        Proceeds from common stock issued                    30,000             30,000             75,550
                                                        -----------        -----------        -----------

NET CASH PROVIDED BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES                    30,000             30,000             75,550
                                                        -----------        -----------        -----------

NET INCREASE IN CASH                                         25,511             11,560             56,108

CASH - Beginning of period                                   30,597             44,548               --
                                                        -----------        -----------        -----------

CASH - End of period                                    $    56,108        $    56,108        $    56,108
                                                        ===========        ===========        ===========


        Interest                                        $      --          $      --          $      --
                                                        ===========        ===========        ===========
        Income taxes                                    $      --          $      --          $      --
                                                        ===========        ===========        ===========

NON CASH FINANCING ACTIVITIES:                          $      --          $      --          $      --
                                                        ===========        ===========        ===========

              The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.


                            NINE MILE SOFTWARE, INC.
                          (A Development Stage Company)
                        Notes to the Financial Statements
                               September 30, 2007


       The accompanying  financial  statements have been prepared by the Company
       without  audit.  In the opinion of  management,  all  adjustments  (which
       include only normal  recurring  adjustments)  necessary to present fairly
       the financial position, results of operations and cash flows at September
       30, 2007 and for all periods presented have been made.

       Certain  information  and  footnote   disclosures  normally  included  in
       financial  statements  prepared in accordance with accounting  principles
       generally accepted in the United States of America have been condensed or
       omitted.  It is suggested that these  condensed  financial  statements be
       read in  conjunction  with the  financial  statements  and notes  thereto
       included in the Company's December 31, 2006 audited financial statements.
       The results of operations for the period ended September 30, 2007 are not
       necessarily indicative of the operating results for the full years.


       The Company's financial  statements are prepared using generally accepted
       accounting  principles  applicable to a going concern which  contemplates
       the  realization  of assets and  liquidation of liabilities in the normal
       course of  business.  The Company has had no revenues  and has  generated
       losses from operations.

       In order to continue as a going concern and achieve a profitable level of
       operations, the Company will need, among other things, additional capital
       resources  and to develop a consistent  source of revenues.  Management's
       plans  include of investing  in and  developing  all types of  businesses
       related to the equine industry.

       The ability of the Company to  continue as a going  concern is  dependent
       upon its ability to  successfully  accomplish  the plan  described in the
       preceding  paragraph and eventually  attain  profitable  operations.  The
       accompanying  financial  statements do not include any  adjustments  that
       might be  necessary  if the  Company  is  unable to  continue  as a going
