This EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made effective as of June 1,
1996 between COVOL Technologies, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Company) and
Brent M. Cook (the "Executive").

WHEREAS,  the Executive is leaving employment with PacifiCorp to become employed
by the Company as its  Executive  Vice  President  and Chief  Financial  Officer
effective June 1, 1996; and

WHEREAS,  the Company and the  Executive  wish to record  their  agreement  with
respect to the  employment  of Executive by Company,  including  the  incentives
which the Company  will  provide to the  Executive  to induce him to accept such

NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  premises  and the mutual  covenants
contained  herein,  and with  knowledge  that each party hereto  intends to rely
hereon, the Company and the Executive agree as follows:

         1.Base Salary.  During the first twelve months of this  Agreement,  the
Executive's regular salary,  before all customary and proper payroll deductions,
shall be $6,667.00 per month payable bi-weekly.  During the second twelve months
of this  Agreement,  the Executive's  regular  salary,  before all customary and
proper  payroll  deductions,  shall be $8,334.00  per month  payable  bi-weekly.
During the last twelve months of this Agreement, the Executive's regular salary,
before all customary and proper payroll deductions, shall be $9,167.00 per month
payable bi-weekly.

         2. General Bonuses  and  Benefits. The Executive  shall be  entitled to
participate  in and receive the  benefits  bonus plans and other  benefit  plans
generally available to other Company employees.

         3. Expense Reimbursement.  The  Executive shall  be entitled  to prompt
reimbursement  for reasonable  expenses  incurred by the Executive in performing
services for the Company.

         4. Grant of Options.  The  Company  shall  grant to the  Executive,  in
accordance  with the  terms of the Stock  Option  Agreement  attached  hereto as
Exhibit A, the right and option to purchase all or any part of 100,000 shares of
the Company's  Common Stock at a purchase  price of $1.50.  Alternatively,  upon
mutual agreement of the Company and the Executive,  the Company shall pay to the
Executive,  in lieu of the grant of stock  options,  a sum  equal to the  market
price of 100,000  shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock on June 1, 1996,  less

         5. Medical  Insurance.  The  Company  shall  pay  the  premium  for and
provide  medical  insurance  benefits for the Executive and his family which are
comparable to the medical insurance benefits Executive received from PacifiCorp.
Said medical  insurance shall be provided with no lapse in coverage  between the
time Executive's  medical insurance  benefits from PacifiCorp  terminate and the
time Executive's medical insurance benefits from the Company begin.

         6. Personal Time Off.  The Executive  shall be entitled to at least six
(6) weeks paid  personal  time off each year.  Personal  time off may be carried
over from year to year. At the end of the term of this Agreement,  the Executive
shall be entitled  to be paid for the  prorated  portion of the  accrued  salary
attributable to unused personal time off.

          7. Leave of Absence.  The Executive shall be  provided a paid leave of
absence for the purpose of serving as an organ donor for his brother.

          8. Automobile Expense.  The Company will  provide the Executive with a
monthly auto  allowance.  This  allowance is to compensate the Executive for the
use of his  personal  automobile  for  travel  related  to the  business  of the

          9.  Death.  If the Executive  dies during the term  of this Agreement,
his personal  representative or designated survivor shall be entitled to receive
all of the salary and benefits provided hereunder for the remaining term of this

         10.  Dental Expense.  The  Company will  provide the  Executive with an
annual  dental  allowance  in the  amount of  $4,500.00  or  provide  comparable

         11.  Term.  This  Agreement  shall commence  on June  1, 1996 and shall
terminate on May 31, 1999.

         12.  Severance   Pay.  If  the  Executive  does  not  continue  in  the
employ of the Company after the  termination of this  Agreement,  whether or not
the Executive is offered continued employment by the Company,  Company shall pay
to the Executive, no later than July 1, 1999, the sum of one years annual wages.
The  Executive  shall not be  required  to  mitigate  the amount of the  payment
provided for in this section by seeking other employment or otherwise; nor shall
the amount of the payment be reduced by any compensation earned by the Executive
as the result of employment by another employer after termination or otherwise.

         13. Indemnification.  The  Company  shall  release,  indemnify and hold
harmless the  Executive  against and from any and all loss,  claims,  actions or
Suits,  including  costs  and  attorney's  fees,  both at trial  and on  appeal,
resulting  from, or arising out of or in any way connected with the  Executive's
acts as an employee of the Company.

         14.  Miscellaneous.

         (a) This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of
the state of Utah,  exclusive  of  choice  of law  rules.  If any  provision  or
provisions  of this  Agreement  are  found to be  unenforceable,  the  remaining
provisions  shall  nevertheless  be enforceable and shall be construed as if the
unenforceable provisions were deleted.

         (b)      This Agreement may  be amended  or modified  only  by  written
consent of the Company and the Executive.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this Agreement in duplicate as of
the date written above.

Company:                                       COVOL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
                                               a Delaware Corporation

                                               By: /s/ Mike Midgley
                                               Its: Chairman

Executive:                                        /s/ Brent M. Cook