This Supply  Agreement  (the  "Agreement")  effective the 11th day of September,
1996,  is between K-Lee  Processing,  Inc.,  an Alabama  corporation  ("K-Lee"),
Concord  Coal  Recovery  Limited  Partnership,  an Alabama  limited  partnership
("Concord") (K-Lee and Concord collectively  referred to herein as the "Seller")
and Covol Technologies. Inc., a Delaware corporation ("Buyer"). Buyer and Seller
are  sometimes  jointly  referred  to  herein  as the  "Parties."  The  Parties,
intending to be legally bound, mutually agree as follows:

                                                     ARTICLE 1
                                            Scope and Term of Agreement

1.1      SCOPE OF AGREEMENT: Buyer desires to assure a continuous supply of
         appropriate  coal fines  ("Fines")  for its facility  ("Facility ") and
         Seller is willing  and able to provide  such Fines.  The Parties  agree
         that all  purchases  of Fines by Buyer from  Seller  during the term of
         this  Agreement  shall  be  subject  to  and  in  accordance  with  the
         provisions of the Agreement,  which shall supersede and take precedence
         over  any   contrary   or   additional   terms   stated   in   Seller's
         acknowledgment,  invoice or other document unless the Parties expressly
         agree by written  modification  to this  Agreement,  in accordance with
         Section 4.5 hereof,  that the  provisions of this  Agreement  shall not

1.2      TERM OF AGREEMENT: This Agreement shall become effective on December 1,
         1996 and, unless sooner terminated as provided herein,  shall remain in
         full force and effect until December 1, 2001, inclusive,  at which time
         it shall terminate without notice or other action by the Parties.

                                                     ARTICLE 2
                                                   Sale of Fines

2.1      DESCRIPTION OF FINES AND PRICE  SCHEDULE:  In accordance with the terms
         of this  Agreement  Seller agrees to transfer  ownership and deliver to
         Buyer,  and Buyer  agrees to accept and pay  Seller  for  washed  Fines
         produced  or located at Seller's  Plant  located in  Jefferson  County,
         Alabama.  The coal specifications shall be approximately 12,500 Btu per
         ton, not to exceed 14% moisture, not to exceed 10.5% dry ash. The price
         which  Buyer  will pay for the  Fines  during  the  first  year of this
         Agreement  is $29.00 per ton. If moisture  content  varies from the 14%
         level the price per ton shall be weight adjusted to reflect a higher or
         lower  moisture.  A per ton premium or penalty will apply for variances
         in ash content at the rate of $0.75 per  percentage  point (or fraction
         thereof) above or below 10.5%. A price  escalation of 5% may be enacted
         by the Seller after January 1, 1998, and an additional price escalation
         of 5% may be enacted by the Seller after January 1, 1999. After January
         1, 2000,  annual price  escalations shall be the greater of 5% per year
         or the average market price of coal fines of the same  specification as
         outlined in this agreement, sold in the Alabama area.

2.2      QUANTITY:  Buyer  shall be  obligated  as  outlined  in Section  3.1 to
         purchase  from  Seller a minimum of twenty  thousand  tons of Fines per
         month at the prices  contained  herein.  Buyer may purchase  additional
         Fines  from  Seller at a  mutually  agreed  upon  price.  Both  parties
         acknowledge  the  existence of the contract  between K-Lee and Drummond
         Coal Sales Inc.,  dated March 16, 1996,  and will cooperate to see such
         terms are met until  March 31,  1997.  If more than 2,500 tons of Fines
         accumulates  at Seller's  Plant  without Buyer  notifying  Seller as to
         Buyer's intent to purchase, Seller shall have the right to market fines
         to third parties prior to the 20,000 ton limit, the  qantity  of   fine
         specified  herein.  If  Buyer's  facility  is  in  operation  producing
         briquettes  and  Buyer  does  not  purchase  Fines  from Seller for two
         consecutive  months,  Seller may give 30 day notice  and terminate this

2.3      WEIGHING AND SAMPLING:  Weights shall be determined via certified truck
         certificates  at Buyer's  facility.  Buyer's  scales shall be certified
         quarterly  and  subject  to  review  by  Seller.  Quality  of Fines for
         purposes of  determining  premiums or  penalties as outlined in Section
         2.1 shall be determined  using an average of Buyer's and Seller's daily
         sampling utilizing generally accepted standards and sampling techniques
         (using ASTM  certified  laboratories).  Any  discrepancies  or disputes
         shall be settled by third party sampling at Buyer's expense.

2.4      SELLER'S OBLIGATION TO PERFORM: Seller shall immediately notify Buyer
         when  Seller has reason to believe  that it will not be able to operate
         the  Plant or that it will not be able to  supply  sufficient  Fines to
         meet the quantity  requirements of this Agreement.  Notwithstanding the
         foregoing,  Seller shall not take any action or fail to take any action
         during  the term of this  Agreement  with the  intent  of  jeopardizing
         Seller's ability to fulfill the requirements of this Agreement.  Seller
         shall in good faith use its best efforts to keep the Plant in operation
         and  to  operate   the  Plant  such  that  it  can   consistently   and
         substantially   produce  the  purchase   quantities  required  by  this
         Agreement.  Notwithstanding  any clause to the contrary,  Seller cannot
         guarantee its' ability to produce the quality of Fines designed  herein
         given  the  variance  in  feed  stock  which  may  occur  in  the  USSM

                                                     ARTICLE 3
                                           Orders, Shipment and Payment

3.1      ORDER PROCEDURE:  Buyer shall be required to submit all Purchase Orders
         at least 30 days in advance of the first day of the month in which said
         deliveries  are made.  Buyer shall be obligated to take and pay for the
         tonnage  specified  in the  Purchase  Order at the  price  agreed  upon
         herein.  (For example,  Buyer shall issue a Purchase Order for December
         delivery by no later than November 1st). Buyer shall pick up coal fines
         on a  continuous  daily haul basis until such time as they have removed
         20,000  tons each month;  thereafter  orders for Fines shall be made on
         signed Purchase Orders or orally by telephone by an authorized agent of
         Buyer.  Orders shall be sent to Seller at the address listed in Section
         3.2, or such other address as Seller shall direct.

3.2      NOTICES: All notices given pursuant to this  Agreement shall be sent to
         the following addresses or facsimile numbers:

         SELLER                                    BUYER
         K-Lee Processing, Inc.                    Covol Technologies, Inc.
         Attn: Tom Bryan                           Attn: Brent M. Cook
         P.O. Box 19127                            3280 North Frontage Road
         Birmingham, AL 35219                      Lehi, UT 84043
         Fax: (205) 491-7598                       Fax: (801) 768-4483

3.3      F.O.B. POINT AND SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS:  Prices  are  F.O.B.   Seller's
         Plant. Buyer will provide trucks and Seller will load the trucks. Buyer
         will arrange for  transportation  of  the  Fines from Seller's  loadout
         facility to Buyer's plant. Trucks will be tarped and hauling of product
         will be subject to Seller guidelines while on USS Mining property.

3.4      PAYMENT TERMS: Payment in full by Buyer is due on or before the seventh
         day following receipt by Buyer of an invoice that conforms to the terms
         of  this  Agreement.   Invoices  shall  be  submitted  weekly  and  any
         adjustments  to the price as  outlined in Section 2.1 shall be invoiced
         monthly. A premium of two (2) percent will be paid by Buyer for payment
         sent  after  seven  (7)  days  following  such  receipt.  All  invoices
         submitted by Seller to Buyer shall the date and tonnage  weight of each
         shipment covered by the invoice.  Buyer will pay a late fee of 1.5% per
         month for invoices delinquent 30 days or longer. If unpaid in excess of
         90 days  Seller  shall  have the right to  exercise  Buyer's  letter of
         credit  or other  financial  arrangement  and  shall  have the right to
         terminate this Agreement.

         Payment shall be sent to Seller's address listed in Section 3.2 of this

3.5      MUTUAL  OBLIGATION  TO NOTIFY:  Seller shall  promptly  notify Buyer if
         Seller  plans to shut  down its  Plant for any  reason  beyond  routine
         maintenance.  Likewise,  Buyer shall  promptly  notify  Seller if Buyer
         intends to buy less than twenty  thousand tons of Fines in any calendar
         month due to plant shutdown for any reason beyond routine  maintenance.
         Buyer  shall not be  obligated  to  purchase  the  20,000  ton  monthly
         quantity if the construction of the buyers plant is delayed or fails to

3.6      LETTER OF CREDIT:  On or before  December 1, 1996 Buyer shall  obtain a
         letter of credit from an institution acceptable to Seller in the amount
         of $580,000, or other financial backing on terms satisfactory to seller
         to adequately assure Seller of Seller's ability to collect all proceeds
         due Seller  pursuant  to a binding  Purchase  Order  issued  under this
         Agreement as specified in Section 3.1.

                                                     ARTICLE 4

4.1      ADVERTISING  AND PUBLICIZING  AGREEMENT:  Neither Party will advertise,
         circularize or release any information  regarding this Agreement to any
         person,  entity,  organization,  news agency or media  without  written
         permission  from the other Party.  This Section will not prevent either
         Party  from  disclosing  such  information  as said Party in good faith
         believes  is  reasonably  required  in order to comply  with  state and
         federal  governmental  regulations or in compliance with a court order.
         Either Party may also disclose such  information  to business  partners
         and  potential  investors  as said  Party  in good  faith  believes  is
         reasonably required to carry out the purposes of this Agreement.

4.2      APPLICABLE LAW: This Agreement  shall be governed by  the laws  of  the
         State of Alabama.

4.3      CONSENT TO  JURISDICTION: The  Parties hereby irrevocably submit to the
         nonexclusive  jurisdiction  of any court of the State of Alabama or the
         United States of America, in any action or proceeding arising out of or
         relating to this Agreement,  and the Parties hereby  irrevocably  agree
         that all claims in respect of such  action or  proceeding  may be heard
         and determined in any such court. The Parties hereby irrevocably waive,
         to the  fullest  extent they may  effectively  do so, the defense of an
         inconvenient forum to the maintenance of such action or proceeding. The
         Parties  agree that a final  judgment in any such action or  proceeding
         shall be conclusive and may be enforced in other  jurisdictions by suit
         on the judgment or in any other manner provided by law.

4.4      ASSIGNABILITY:  In the event this  Agreement is assigned,  it shall not
         relieve  the  assigning  Party  from  any of the  obligations  of  this
         Agreement.  Any assignee  shall be considered an agent of the assigning
         Party and the assigning Party shall remain liable to the same extent as
         if no such  agreement  had been made.  Subject to the  foregoing,  this
         Agreement  shall be  binding  upon  and  inure  to the  benefit  of the
         respective successors and assignees of the Parties hereto.

         intended by the Parties as a final  expression  of their  agreement and
         supersedes all prior  communications,  representations  and agreements,
         oral or written, between the Parties with respect to the subject matter
         contained  herein.  The  Parties  also intend  this  Agreement  to be a
         complete and exclusive statement of the terms of their Agreement.  This
         Agreement  may not be modified  or  terminated  orally,  and no claimed
         modification,  rescission  or waiver  shall be  binding on Buyer or the
         Seller unless in writing signed by a duly authorized  representative of
         Buyer or Seller.

         In witness whereof, the Parties have signed this Agreement on the dates
shown below:

SELLER                                            BUYER

K-LEE PROCESSING, INC.                            COVOL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.

By: /s/Thomas B. Bryan                            By: /s/Brent M. Cook
Its: President                                    Its: Chief Financial Officer
Date: September 13, 1996                          Date: September 11, 1996


By: /s/Thomas M. Ellbogen                         By: /s/ Ken Young 
Its: Partner CCRLP                                Its: Chief Executive Officer 
Date: September 12, 1996                          Date: September 11, 1996