This Exclusive Financial Advisor Agreement  ("Agreement") is made as of
September 16, 1996,  between Covol  Technologies,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation
("Covol") and Coalco Corporation, a Massachusetts corporation ("COALCO").

         WHEREAS,  Covol is seeking  financing in connection  with its synthetic
coal producing, facility currently located at Vinyard, Utah (the "Facility").

         WHEREAS,  Covol has generally  discussed its  objectives and activities
with COALCO and desires COALCO to assist with such financing in accordance  with
the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

         NOW, THEREFORE. in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements
set  forth  below,  it  is hereby covenanted and agreed by the parties hereto as

         1.       Term and Duties.

                  (a) Covol  engages  COALCO  as an  independent  contractor  to
advise and consult with it with respect to financing for the Facility,  the sale
of some or all of the Facility or other similar material transactions during the
period  commencing  on the date  hereof  and  terminating  on the Final Date (as
hereafter defined).  COALCO's  responsibilities under this Agreement shall be to
provide to Covol a list of  prospective  investors (the  "Investor  Lists"),  to
introduce  Covol to the person or entities on the Investor List, and to initiate
discussions with those parties.  If Covol and COALCO mutually agree,  COALCO may
initiate  discussions  with other parties which are not on the Investor List but
which are specified by Covol. The persons,  entities and parties on the Investor
List or specified by Covol to COALCO for discussion are collectively referred to
herein as the  "Investors."  COALCO may have such other duties  hereunder as the
parties  may  mutually  agree.  It is  understood  and agreed that COALCO has no
authority to  contractually  obligate  Covol in any way  whatsoever and that any
obligations of Covol must be authorized by the duly authorized representative of

                  (b)      For purposes of this Agreement,

                  "Final Date"  means  the  later  of  August  20,  1997  or the
six-month anniversary of the "Operations Date";

                  "Operations  Date" means the first date on which the  Facility
has  produced  and sold  5,000   tons  of   synthetic  coal  product  during any
consecutive 30-day period, provided (i) such Facility has been placed in service
within the meaning of Section 29(f) and (g) of the Code, and (ii)  substantially
all of the energy content (expressed in MMBtus) of the synthetic coal comprising
such  production and sale qualifies for the credit under Section 29 of the Code;

                  "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended and
any successor statute thereto.

                  (c) If, prior to the Final Date, any discussions  initiated by
COALCO with an Investor on the  Investor  List or with an Investor  specified by
Covol as  described  above  result in (i) Covol  selling a material  portion (or
substantially all) of the Facility, or (ii) C financing or an investment for its
activities with respect to the Facility,  (B) a binding commitment which results
in such  financing,  invent  or sale,  or (C) a  guarantee  which  enables  such
financing,  investment or sale (including from a third party), (collectively the
"Financing"),  Covol agrees to pay COALCO the  compensation in the amount and at
the times  provided  in  Section  5  hereof.  COALCO  shall be  entitled  to the
compensation provided for herein even if some, most or all of the actual funding
of the Financing occurs after the Final Date.

         2.       Related Transactions.    Covol agrees to pay COALCO additional
compensation in the amount and at the times provided  in Section 5  hereof, with
particular regard to the provisions of Section 5(e) if:

                  (a) (i) Covol  receives any Financing from any Investor at any
time  prior to the  Final  Date,  and (ii)  such  Investor  provides  any  other
Financing  to Covol or any  affiliate  thereof  (with  respect  to any  facility
producing  synthetic coal or  substantially  similar product) at any time during
the five (5) year period  commencing on the date of the closing of the Financing
to Covol; or

         (b) Covol or any affiliate  thereof receives any Financing with respect
to any facility producing  synthetic coal or substantially  similar product from
any Investor on the  Investor  List at any time prior to December 31, 1998 and a
significant  portion of the benefits intended to be received by such Investor as
a result of making such  Financing is in the form of credits under Section 29 of
the Code.

         3.       No Requirements for Investment.

         (a) Nothing  combined in this  Agreement  requires  Covol to accept any
Financing on the terns or  conditions  thereof.  COALCO shall be entitled to the
compensation provided in Section 5 hereof only if Covol or any affiliate thereof
accepts  any  portion  of the  Financing  and  actually  receives,  directly  or
indirectly, the gross proceeds of any portion thereof.

         (b) This  Agreement  does not constitute a commitment or undertaking by
COALCO to provide any portion of the  Financing,  and not ensure the  successful
arrangement or completion of any such Financing or any portion thereof.


*** Missing informaiton mya be available upon request to the Company

         4. Investor List. The term  "Investor" as used in this Agreement  shall
include any subsidiary or affiliate of such  Investor.  COALCO may add Investors
to the Investor  List at arty time during the term  hereof,  with the consent of
Covol which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Investors may be removed
from  the  Investor  List  only  by  mutual  agreement.  Any  investor  directly
introduced  to Covol by an Investor on the Investor List shall also be deemed to
be an  Investor on the  Investor  List  "introduced"  by COALCO to Covol for all
purposes of this  Agreement.  However,  the  foregoing  principle  or  secondary
introductions  shall apply beyond the second step (i.e.,  COALCO  introduces  A,
which introduces B) only when such further  introductions (i.e., B introduces C,
C introduces D, etc.) involve the material and active participation of COALCO in
the introduction which result in a Financing.

         5.       Compensation.

         (a) Covol  agrees to pay  COALCO a fee in the  amount set forth in this
Section 5 in the event that at any time prior to the "Final Date" Covol receives
any Financing from an Investor on the Investor List or an Investor  specified by
Covol as described in Section 1 hereof.

         (b) In the event the  aggregate  amount of the  Financing is receive by
Covol in one lump sum at or soon after the closing of the Financing,  the fee in
dollars payable to COALCO hereunder shall equal:

                  (i)      ***

                  (ii)     ***

         (c) In the event the  aggregate  amount of the Financing is received by
Covol in quarterly  installments  based  primarily on the Production  Amount (as
defined below) during the calendar  quarter  immediately  preceding the calendar
quarter in which Covol receives such installment,  the fee in dollars payable to
COALCO hereunder shall be paid quarterly and shall equal each calendar quarter:

                  (i)      ***

                  (ii)     ***

         (d)      For purposes of this Section 5,

         "Production  Amount" shall mean the energy content (expressed in MMBtus
of the  synthetic  coal  projected to be produced (by the Facility ) and sold to
any  purchaser  (which is  unrelated  to Covol  within  the  meaning  of Section
29(a)(2)(A) of the Code) during a specified period;  provided,  however that (A)
prior to the summation of the energy  content for each calendar  quarter  during


the specified period,  such energy content shall be increased on an annual basis
commencing  on  January  1,  1996,  by an amount  equal to the change in the GNP
implicit  price  deflator  ("GND") for the prior  calendar year with 1995 as the
base year;  (B) if the manner in which the GND is  determined  is  substantially
revised or the GND shall become unavailable,  the parties hereto shall cooperate
in good faith to determine an acceptable  alternative  comparable index; and (C)
in computing  such energy  content,  there shall be excluded the energy  content
resulting from such production and sale which does not or will not qualify,  for
the credit under Section 29 of the Code.

         "F" shall mean the aggregate gross proceeds of the Financing  received,
directly or indirectly, by Covol at or soon after the closing of such Financing.

         "T" shall mean the  Production  Amount (as  defined  above)  during the
period  commencing  on the date of  closing  of such  Financing  and  ending  on
December 31, 2007, as accepted by the Investor in connection  with its providing
the Financing.

         "Q" shall mean the aggregate gross proceeds of the  installments of the
Financing received,  directly or indirectly, by Covol during a specific calendar

         "P" shall mean the  Production  Amount (as  defined  above)  during the
calendar quarter immediately preceding the calendar quarter during which "Q" (as
defined above) is received by Covol.

         (e) In the event the  aggregate  amount of the Financing is received by
Covol in a manner  other than as  specified  in Section  5(b) or (c) above,  the
parties  shall use their best  efforts to determine  an  acceptable  alternative
comparable  method to calculate the fee payable to COALCO  hereunder so that the
amount of such fee and the manner of its payment shall be substantially the same
as described in Sections 5(b), (c) and (d) above and Section 5(f) below.

         (f) The sums due  pursuant  to this  Section  5 shall be paid to COALCO
contemporaneously  with the receipt of the actual cash  proceeds of the lump sum
payment or each  installment  of the Financing by Covol from the  Investor.  All
fees (or portions  thereof) which are not paid within 30 toys of Covol's receipt
of the related cash  proceeds  from the Investor  shall bear interest at 12% per
annum commencing on the date of such receipt by Covol.

         6.       Representations, Warranties Covenants and Agreements of Covol.
Covol hereby represents, warrants, covenants and agrees that:

         (a) No Untrue  Statement;  Compliance with Securities Laws. No Document
(as defined in Section  9(a)  hereof)  will  include any untrue  statement  of a
material fact or omit to state any material  fact required to be stated  therein
or necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under
which they were made, not misleading. Furthermore, Covol represents and warrants
that any projections provided by Covol to


COALCO or any Investor in connection  with any aspect of the Financing will have
been prepared in good faith and will be based upon  assumptions  which, in light
of the circumstances under which they were made, are reasonable.

         (b)  Notification of Subsequent  Material  Events.  If Covol incurs any
material  liability  or  obligation,  direct or  contingent,  or enters into any
material  transaction not in the ordinary course of business,  or there has been
any material adverse change in the financial position or results of operation of
Covol, then Covol shall promptly notify COALCO of any such event.

         (c)   Authorization   of  Agreement.   This  Agreement  has  been  duly
authorized,  executed and delivered by Covol and constitutes a valid and binding
agreement of Covol  enforceable in accordance  with its terms,  except as may be
limited  by   bankruptcy,   insolvency  or  other  similar  laws  affecting  the
enforcement of creditors' rights in general and subject to general principles of
equity (regardless of whether such  enforceability is considered in a proceeding
in  equity  or at law);  the  performance  of this  Agreement  by Covol  and the
consummation by Covol of the transactions  contemplated  herein, will not result
in a material  breach of any of the terms and  provisions  of, or  constitute  a
default under, any law, regulation,  indenture,  mortgage,  deed of trust, note,
agreement,  lease or other  agreement or instrument to which Covol is a party or
by which it or any of its property is bound,  or under any rule or regulation or
order of any court or other  governmental  agency or body  applicable  to Covol;
and, no consent,  approval,  authorization or order of any court or governmental
agency or body has been or is required for the  performance of this Agreement by
Covol, or for the consummation by Covol of the transactions contemplated hereby.

         7.  Exclusivity;  Non-solicitation.  By the  terms  of this  Agreement,
COALCO has been appointed by Covol as its sole and exclusive  financial  advisor
with respect to matters pertaining to any Financing.  Accordingly,  Covol agrees
that it will not solicit,  entertain  proposals from, or hold discussions  with,
any other  person or entity  regarding a Financing  to Covol with respect to the
Facility,  during the period  commencing the date hereof and ending on the Final
Date,  except for  discussions  with Investors on the Investor List or Investors
specified by Covol as set forth in Section 1 hereof which are  initiated  by, or
immediately referred to, COALCO.

         8.       Indemnification.

         (a)  Indemnification of COALCO.  Covol agrees to indemnify,  defend and
hold harmless  COALCO,  its  shareholders,  directors,  officers,  employees and
agents  (individually,  the "Indemnitee" and collectively,  the  "Indemnitees"),
from and against any losses, claims,  damages or liabilities,  joint or several,
including costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in the investigation and
defense of such claims, to which any Indenmitee becomes subject, insofar as such
losses,  claims,  damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof),  arise
out of or are based,  directly or indirectly,  upon (i) any untrue  statement or
alleged  untrue  statement of any material  fact  contained in any  documents or
written material


furnished by Covol to COALCO or any Investor in connection with the transactions
contemplated  herein  (collectively,  the  "Documents"),  (ii) the  omission  or
alleged  omission to state therein a material fact required to be stated therein
or necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under
which they were made,  not  misleading,  (iii) any breach by Covol of any of its
representations,  warranties, covenants or agreements in this Agreement, or (iv)
any Financing.  In addition,  Covol agrees to reimburse each  Indemnitee for any
legal or other  expenses  reasonably  incurred by such  Indemnitee in connection
with  investigating  or defending  any such loss,  claim,  damage,  liability or

         (b)  Indemnification of Covol.  COALCO agrees to indemnify,  defend and
hold harmless Covol, its shareholders, directors, officers, employees and agents
(individually the "Covol Indemnitee" and collectively, the "Covol Indemnitees"),
for any  willful  violation  by  COALCO  in  connection  with  the  transactions
contemplated  herein,  of (i) any applicable state or federal law or any rule or
regulation  thereunder,  provided  that such  violation  is not  based  upon any
violation by any Covol  Indemnitee of such law, rule or regulation,  or (ii) any
breach  by  COALCO  of any  of its  representations,  warranties,  covenants  or
agreements in this Agreement.

         (c)  Notice of  Claim.  Within  30  allays  of the  receipt  by a party
entitled to indemnification or legal defense under Section 8(a) or (b) hereof of
notice of the  commencement of any action referred to therein,  such indemnified
party  shall,  if any  claim  in  respect  thereof  is to be  made  against  the
indemnifying  party under Section 8(a) or (b), notify the indemnifying  party in
writing  of  the  commencement  thereof,  but  the  omission  so to  notify  the
indemnifying  party shall not relieve it from any liability which it may have to
the indemnified  party otherwise than under Section 8(a) or (b) hereof.  In case
any action shall be brought against any indemnified  party,  and it shall notify
the indemnifying party of the commencement thereof, the indemnifying patty shall
be entitled to  participate  in, and, to the extent that it shall wish,  jointly
with any indemnifying  party similarly  notified,  to assume the defense thereof
with  counsel  satisfactory  to  the  indemnified  party.  After  notice  to the
indemnified  party  of its  election  to so  assume  the  defense  thereof,  the
indemnifying  party shall not be liable to such indemnified  party under Section
8(a) or (b) for any expenses  subsequently incurred by such indemnified party in
connection  with  the  defense  thereof  other  than  the  reasonable  costs  of
investigation;  provided, however, that the indemnifying party shall continue to
be liable for all other losses sustained by the indemnified  party to the extent
provided in Section 8(a) or 8(b) hereof.  No  indemnification  shall be required
hereunder  for any payment made in  settlement  of any suit or claim unless such
payment  is  approved  by the  indemnifying  party  or by a court  of  competent

         (d) Contribution. If the indemnification provided in Section 8(a) above
is for any reason held to be  unavailable,  then Covol shall  contribute  to any
damages paid by any Indemnitee.  If the indemnification provided in Section 8(b)
above is for any reason held to be unavailable,  then COALCO shall contribute to
any damages paid by the Covol Indemnitee.  Any contribution in either case shall
be based on relative fault and on the relative benefits received.


         9.  Confidentiality.  Neither  party hereto  stall  disclose any of the
terms,  conditions or other  aspects of the  transactions  contemplated  herein,
except to their  advisors,  shareholders  and Investors and the advisors of such
Investors.  Any  information  (a)  provided  by  COALCO  to Covol or by Covol to
COALCO, and (b) which is not otherwise  customarily  excluded for the definition
of   confidential   information,   shall  be  treated  in  accordance  with  the
confidentiality  agreement  dated on or about July 2, 1996,  signed by Covol and
LKD Energy  Corporation as if such agreement were reciprocal with respect to the
treatment of such  information and as if the agreement had been signed by Covol,
on the one hand, and by COALCO, on the other hand.

         10.  Termination.  This  Agreement  shall  terminate on the Final Date,
unless sooner  terminated  by any party hereto in accordance  with this Section.
The term of this  Agreement  may be extended by mutual  agreement  of all of the
parties  hereto.  Covol shall have the right to terminate  this Agreement in the
event of a material  default by COALCO under this Agreement or a material breach
of any  representation  or warranty by COALCO under this  Agreement;  and COALCO
shall have the right to terminate  this Agreement in the event of the occurrence
of one of the events with respect to Covol set forth In Section  6(b) hereof,  a
material  default by Covol  under  this  Agreement  or a material  breach of any
representation  or warranty by Covol under this Agreement;  provided in the case
where a non-defaulting  party asserts that a material  default has occurred,  it
shall  notify the  defaulting  party in writing and allow the party in default a
period of 30 days from the date of receipt of such  notice to cure the  default.
In the event of a default or breach under this Agreement by my party hereto, the
the other  parties  shalt have all rights and remedies as are provided at law or
in equity in addition to the rights expressly provided herein.

         Notwithstanding  anything  contained herein, the provisions of Sections
2, 5, 8 and 9 hereof shall remain  operative  and in full force and effect,  and
shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement.

         11. Notices. All notices, demands and other communications provided for
or permitted  herein shall be in writing and shall be deemed properly served (i)
by hand delivery,  telecopy or other facsimile transmission,  on the day sued at
the  time on  which  delivered  to the  intended  recipient  at the  address  or
telecopier  number  set forth in this  Agreement,  (ii) if sent by mail,  on the
third  business  day  after  the day on which  deposited  in the  United  States
certified  or  registered  mail,  postage  prepaid,  return  receipt  requested,
addressed to the intended  recipient at its address set forth in this Agreement;
or (iii) if by Federal  Express or other  reputable  express  mail  service  for
overnight delivery, on the next business day after delivery to such express mail
service,  addressed to the  intended  recipient at its address set forth in this
Agreement.  All notices  required or  permitted  to be served upon either  party
hereunder will be directed to:


if to CovoL, to:                                     Covol Technologies, Inc.
                                            3820 North Frontage Road
                                            Lehi, Utah 84043
                                            Attn: Michael Midgley, President
                                            (801) 768-4483 (fax)

if to COALCO, to:                                    COALCO
                                            c/o Palmer Management Corp.
                                            13 Elm Street, Suite 200
                                            Cohasset, MA 02025
                                            Attn: Gordon L. Deane
                                            (617) 383-3205 (fax)

         Any party may  specify a  different  address  or  telecopier  number by
sending  the other  parties a notice  thereof  in the manner  specified  in this
Section 11.

          12.  Construction.  All questions with respect to the  construction of
this Agreement and the rights and liabilities of the parties  hereunder shall be
determined  in  accordance  with the laws of the  State  of  Massachusetts.  The
parties agree that, to the extent  possible,  the federal and/or state courts of
the State of Massachusetts  shall have jurisdiction over any litigation  entered
into  hereunder.  If the  parties  hereto  so agree in  writing  at the time any
dispute arises, any dispute between any of the parties hereto arising under this
Agreement  which cannot be settled may be submitted to arbitration  conducted in
accordance with the Rules of the American Arbitration Association.  The award or
decision  rendered by any arbitrator shall be final, and judgment may be entered
in any court having jurisdiction  concept that any party may petition a court of
competent jurisdiction for review of errors of law.

         13.      Counterparts.  This  Agreement may be executed in counterparts
each of which shall  be  deemed an  original and all of which shall constitute a
single agreement

         14.      Headings.  The  headings  appearing  in  this  Agreement   are
intended for  convenience  and  reference only, and are not  to be considered in
construing this Agreement or any part hereof.

         15.  Severability.  If any term or provision  of this  Agreement or the
application  thereof to any party or circumstance be invalid or unenforceable to
any extent,  the remainder of this Agreement or the application of such terms or
provisions  to  persons or  circumstances  other than those to which it has been
held invalid or  unenforceable  shall not be affected  thereby and each term and
provision of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent
permitted by law.


         16.  Successors and Assigns.  Subject to the restrictions on assignment
herein  contained,  the terms and provisions of this Agreement  shall be binding
upon,  and shall inure to the benefit of, the  successors,  assigns and personal
representatives  of the respective  parties  hereto.  This  Agreement  shall not
(directly,  indirectly.  contingently  or  otherwise)  confer or be construed as
conferring  any rights or  benefits on any person or entity not named as a party
hereto, except as otherwise  specifically provided in Section 9 hereof. No party
hereto may assign this Agreement or any of its obligations hereunder without the
prior consent of the other parties.  except that COALCO may  subcontract  out or
delegate any or all of its obligations  hereunder  without obtaining the consent
of  Covol,  provided  in  such  case,  COALCO  is  not  relieved  of  any of its
obligations or liabilities hereunder.

     17. Entire  Agreement.  This  Agreement  constitutes  the entire  agreement
between  the  parties  hereto  with  respect to the  subject  matter  hereof and
supersedes all prior oral or written agreements end  understandings  between the
parties relating to the subject matter hereof.

     18. Amendments. This Agreement may only be amended or modified by a written
instrument signed by both parties hereto.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, COVOL and COALCO have executed this Agreement as of the
date set forth above.

                                      COVOL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
                                      a Delaware corporation
                                      By: Michael Midgley 

                                      COALCO CORPORATION,
                                      a Massachusetts corporation
                                      By: Douglas M. Kinney 
