AND COVOL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
                                         FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF COAL

                                                 TABLE OF CONTENTS


         1.01 MUTUAL OBLIGATIONS.........................................  1

         2.01 DEFINITIONS................................................  1

         3.01 TERM OF AGREEMENT..........................................  2

         4.01 BASE PRICE PER TON OF CCP (BASE TONNAGE)...................  2

         4.02 BASE PRICE PER TON OF CCP (OPTION TONNAGE).................  2

         4.03 ADJUSTMENTS - GENERAL......................................  2

         4.04 GOVERNMENTAL IMPOSITIONS...................................  2

         4.05 CALORIFIC VALUE ADJUSTMENT.................................  2

         4.06 EXCESS ASH ADJUSTMENT......................................  3

         4.07 EXCESS MOISTURE ADJUSTMENT.................................  4

         5.01 BILLING AND PAYMENT........................................  4

         6.01 SHIPMENT: TRUCK............................................  5

         6.02 SHIPMENT: BARGE............................................  6



         7.01 QUANTITY REQUIREMENTS (BASE TONNAGE).......................  7

         7.02 QUANTITY REQUIREMENTS (OPTION TONNAGE).....................  7

         8.01 WEIGHING...................................................  8


         9.01 GUARANTEED SPECIFICATIONS..................................  8

         PROBLEMS........................................................  9

         10.01 SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS..................................... 10


         11.02 SUSPENSION OF SHIPMENTS FOR DEFICIENCIES.................. 11

         11.03 TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT FOR DEFICIENCIES................. 13

         11.04 CANCELLATION.............................................. 13

         12.01 BUYOUT OPTION............................................. 14

         13.01 CANCELLATION FOR UNREMEDIED BREACH........................ 14

         13.02 START UP REQUIREMENTS..................................... 14

         14.01 FORCE MAJEURE............................................. 15


         16.01 WARRANTIES................................................ 20

         17.01 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR.................................... 20

         18.01 BINDING EFFECT............................................ 21

         19.01 ASSIGNMENTS............................................... 20

         20.01 ACCOUNTING AND AUDIT...................................... 21

         21.01 SITE VISITS; COAL PROPERTY................................ 21

         22.01 WAIVER.................................................... 22

         23.01 REMEDIES FOR BREACH....................................... 22

         24.01 REMEDIES CUMULATIVE....................................... 22

         25.01 NOTICES................................................... 22


         26.01 AGENT FOR PURCHASER....................................... 23

         27.01 CAPTIONS.................................................. 23

         28.01 APPLICABLE LAW............................................ 24

         29.01 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS...................... 24

         30.01 ENTIRE AGREEMENT.......................................... 24

         31.01 CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION.................. 24

         AND SUB-CONTRACTORS............................................. 25


                                      AGREEMENT BETWEEN ALABAMA POWER COMPANY
                                           AND COVOL TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
                                         FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE OF COAL

         This  Agreement  is made  and  entered  into  this _ day of ___________
1996 by and between ALABAMA POWER COMPANY, a corporation  organized and existing
under the laws of the State of Alabama,  and having its principal  office in the
City of  Birmingham,  Alabama  ("PURCHASER")  and COVOL  TECHNOLOGIES,  INC.,  a
corporation  organized  and  existing  under the laws of the State of  Delaware,
         WHEREAS, PURCHASER, an electric public utility, owns and operates power
generating stations which require large quantities of coal; and
         WHEREAS,  SELLER  owns or  otherwise  controls  the COVOL  Process  (as
hereinafter  defined)  from which  SELLER  desires  to process  and sell coal to
         NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises and covenants herein.
PURCHASER and SELLER agree as follows:
         1.01 MUTUAL  OBLIGATIONS.  SELLER agrees to process coal into the Covol
Coal Product  (CCP) and sell such Covol Coal Product to PURCHASER  and PURCHASER
agrees to buy Covol Coal Product from SELLER on the terms and  conditions and in
the quantities and quality set forth herein.
         2.01     DEFINITIONS. The following  definitions  shall  apply  in this
         a.       "Contract Year" shall mean each  calendar year during the term
                  of this Agreement.
         b.       "Ton" or "ton" shall  mean  two  thousand  pounds  avoirdupois
         c.       "Base Price" is the price  calculated as  provided in  Section
                  4.01 and 4.02 herein.
         d.       "Billing Price" is the  Base Price as  adjusted  pursuant   to
                  Section 4.03 and 4.05.
         e.       "COVOL Coal Product" (CCP) is a  coal briquette  produced from
                  coal fines utilizing the Covol Process.


         f.       "COVOL Coal Process "is a  proprietary  process  developed and
                  patented by Covol  whereby coal  fines  are  converted  into a
                  synthetic fuel in the form of a high quality briquette.
         g.       A  "Shipment"  shall  occur  when  SELLER   delivers   CCP  in
                  sufficient quantities into a barge or truck.
         3.01  TERM OF  AGREEMENT.  The  term of this  Agreement  shall be for a
period of five contract  years  commencing on January 1, 1997 and shall continue
in full force and effect  during the five years  unless  earlier  terminated  or
extended according to the provisions of this Agreement. PURCHASER shall have the
unilateral  right to extend  this  Agreement  for two  additional  five (5) year
consecutive  periods by giving  Seller l80  days notice  prior to the end of the
then current term.  Purchaser  must exercise the first five year option in order
to have the right to the second five year term.
         4.01     BASE PRICE PER TON OF CCP (BASE TONNAGE).  The Base  Price per
Ton of CCP,  effective  January  l, 1997 is 1) $22.00  per ton plus the  freight
charges (to be mutually  agreed upon by November 30, 1996) f.o.b.  Plant for CCP
delivered by truck to any of PURCHASER's Plants or Transloading  Facilities,  or
2) $23.00 per ton f.o.b.  barge for CCP loaded in the Port Birmingham  area. The
Base Price is subject to  adjustment  as provided for herein.  It is  understood
that the Base Price  includes  all costs for mining,  processing,  marketing  or
quality  control work  necessary to meet the quantity or quality  specifications
         4.02     BASE PRICE PER TON OF CCP (OPTION TONNAGE).  The  Base   Price
per Ton of CCP for option tonnage as described in Section 7.02 shall be mutually
agreed upon.
         4.03 ADJUSTMENTS - GENERAL. The Billing Price shall be adjusted January
1 of each  calendar  year  using a fixed  escalation  rate of one  percent  (1%)
annually for the first five (5) year period,  with the initial  adjustment to be
effective  January 1, 1998.  Such  adjustment  shall be calculated by applying a
multiplier of 1.01 to the prior year's Billing Price. The annual escalation rate


applicable  to each five (5) year  option shall  be mutually  agreed upon by the
         4.04     GOVERNMENTAL IMPOSITIONS.  The parties  agree that the cost of
any and all Government Impositions will be the sole responsibility of SELLER.
         4.05     CALORIFIC  VALUE  ADJUSTMENT.   The   amount  to  be  paid  by
PURCHASER for the CCP delivered  under this  Agreement  shall be adjusted on the
basis of the actual "as received"  Calorific value of the CCP as determined from
the samples  taken and analyzed in  accordance  with  Section  10.01 and Annex D
hereof.  The  Calorific  Value  Adjusted  Price for CCP shipped  from SELLER and
accepted by PURCHASER  during any calendar month shall be determined as follows:
The monthly weighted  average "as received"  Calorific value of all CCP received
by PURCHASER hereunder during the calendar month shall be divided by the Minimum
Calorific Value  Specification  of 12,000 Btu/lb,  as set forth in Section 9.01.
The resulting  quotient  shall be multiplied by the  then-current  Billing Price
determined  by  PURCHASER.  The  resulting  product  shall  then be  added to or
subtracted from the then-current Billing Price.
         PURCHASER   shall  submit  to  SELLER  analyses  of  CCP  received  and
computations   of  the  Calorific  value   adjustments  to   substantiate   such
adjustments.  The Calorific value  adjustment  mechanism is further detailed and
illustrated in Annex A, and such  adjustments  shall be made in accordance  with
Annex A.
         4.06 EXCESS ASH ADJUSTMENT. In addition to other adjustments, the price
per Ton to be paid by PURCHASER for CCP delivered  under this Agreement shall be
adjusted  downward  in  proportion  to the ash  content  in excess of 14%.  This
adjustment  shall be subtracted  from the Calorific Value Adjusted Price of such
CCP and shall be based upon the "as  received"  ash content of CCP shipped  each
month.  The amount per Ton of this  excess ash  adjustment  shall be  calculated
according to the following formula:


         The  adjustment  shall be $0.25 per Ton  multiplied by the portion of a
percent by which the "as received" ash content of CCP supplied hereunder exceeds
14% by an amount up to 0.99%.  The adjustment  shall be $0.45 per Ton multiplied
by the  number of  percentage  points  (or  portions  thereof)  by which the "as
received"  ash  content of CCP  supplied  hereunder  exceeds 14% by an amount of
1.00% or more. No  adjustment  shall be made if the "as received" ash content is
less than 14%. The excess ash adjustment is further  detailed and illustrated in
Annex B and such  adjustments  shall be made in  accordance  with  Annex B. This
adjustment  in price is in addition to any other  remedies  provided  under this
Agreement or at law.
         4.07 EXCESS MOISTURE ADJUSTMENT. In addition to other adjustments,  the
price per Ton to be paid by PURCHASER  for CCP  delivered  under this  Agreement
shall be adjusted  downward in proportion  to the moisture  content as described
below.  This  adjustment  shall be subtracted  from the Calorific Value Adjusted
Price of such CCP and shall be based upon the "as received" moisture content for
the CCP each month. The amount per Ton of this excess moisture  adjustment shall
be calculated according to the following formula:
         The  adjustment  shall be $0.25  per Ton  multiplied  by the  number of
percentage  points  (or  portions  thereof by which the "as  received"  moisture
content of CCP supplied hereunder exceeds 8%. No adjustment shall be made if the
"as received"  moisture content is less than 8%. The excess moisture  adjustment
is further  detailed and  illustrated in Annex C and such  adjustments  shall be
made in accordance  with Annex C. This adjustment in price is in addition to any
other remedies provided under this Agreement or at law.
         5.01 BILLING AND PAYMENT.  For all CCP delivered by barge, SELLER shall
provide  PURCHASER  with a multiple  copy shipping  notice form that  accurately
describes  each  Shipment.  Such form shall be prepared by SELLER to incorporate
SELLER's  name,   shipment  date,   destination   point,   origin,   PURCHASER's
transportation contract identification, barges by number, purchase


order  number,  weight and any other  applicable  data  which may be  reasonably
required.  One copy of such form shall be retained by SELLER,  and the remaining
copies  shall be  transmitted  to the  carrier at the time the barges are moved.
Upon delivery,  the carrier shall forward such form to  PURCHASER's  destination
plant. In addition, promptly after loading each barge Shipment, SELLER shall fax
PURCHASER a notice of shipment which shall include SELLER'S name, barge numbers,
tonnage shipped,  date of shipment,  and other such information as pertinent and
required by PURCHASER from time to time.
         For CCP  delivered  by truck,  SELLER will provide  properly  completed
shipping notices with each truck delivery on forms furnished by PURCHASER.
         Payment at the then current Billing Price for CCP delivered  during the
periods  consisting of the first  fourteen ( 14) days of each month and from the
fifteenth  day  through  the end of the month will be made  within ten (10) days
after the close of the period.
         Within  fifteen  (15) days after the close of each  calendar  month,  a
report shall be submitted by  PURCHASER  to SELLER  showing the  computation  of
adjustments  required to determine the Billing Price to be paid for CCP received
during the preceding month, and in the event of any underpayment or overpayment,
the difference shall be applied to SELLER's account.
         6.01 SHIPMENT:  TRUCK.  Where delivery of CCP is by truck,  Seller will
arrange for the proper dump trucks or dump  trailers to transport the CCP to the
delivery  point  specified  in the  Purchase  Order.  Such dump  trucks and dump
trailers  shall not have  cross  beams  installed  in the cargo  area that could
damage  the  sampling  auger and all  trucks  will be  required  to have  in-cab
tailgate  releases.  Additionally,  all  trailers  will be required to have a RF
(Radio  Frequency) tag attached.  All trucks and trailers operated on properties
of  Purchaser  shall  comply  with  all  applicable  federal  and  state  safety
standards. If required by Purchaser, each vehicle shall be furnished an identity
number,  which  must  be  affixed  to the  vehicle,  to gain  admittance  to the


designated  delivery  point.  Seller  will  employ  or  utilize  only  competent
commercially  licensed truck drivers and will be  responsible  for compliance by
such drivers with PURCHASER's rules and requirements, including speed limits and
weight limits on roads within PURCHASER's properties.  Such drivers shall comply
with  the  requirements  for  loading,  transporting,   weighing,  sampling  and
unloading  of CCP  delivered  hereunder,  in the  manner  and  at  locations  on
PURCHASER's  properties as given by the manager of the designated delivery point
or  his  representative,  and  such  drivers  will  cooperate  with  PURCHASER's
CCP-receiving  employees and other  suppliers in a manner so as not to interfere
with any of  PURCHASER's  operations.  CCP may be  delivered  to the  designated
delivery point according to the then current operating schedule for CCP receipts
in  effect  at the  delivery  point.  It shall  be  SELLER's  responsibility  to
determine the schedule in effect and comply therewith in all respects.
         The operation of vehicles which are excessively  heavy in weight has an
adverse effect on roads within PURCHASER's properties. CCP shall be delivered on
PURCHASER's  properties  in dump trucks or dump  trailers  having gross  vehicle
weights including cargo not exceeding 44,000 pounds for two axles, 66,000 pounds
for three axles,  82,500 pounds for four axles, 88,000 pounds for five axles and
92,400 pounds for six axles.  Any truck shipment  exceeding the applicable gross
vehicle  weight may be rejected.  PURCHASER at its option may accept  overweight
trucks but in such case  PURCHASER  will only be  obligated to pay for the cargo
amount which  combined  with the vehicle  weight  equals the gross load limit as
outlined herein.
         6.02  SHIPMENT:  BARGE.  At any time during the term of this  agreement
PURCHASER may require SELLER,  upon thirty (30) days notice, to deliver all or a
portion of the CCP sold  hereunder by barge from the barge  loading  facility in
the Port Birmingham area to PURCHASER'S  other facilities or other  destinations
within the Southern electric system as specified by PURCHASER.
         Shipment  and  receipt  of CCP under  this  Agreement  shall be made in
accordance with the PURCHASER barge contracts.  If any applicable barge contract
is amended supplemented or replaced,


subsequent  shipments and receipts shall be made in accordance with the terms of
the applicable barge contract, as amended, supplemented or replaced.
         Shipping  schedules  shall be coordinated  by PURCHASER'S  and SELLER'S
Transportation  Coordinators in accordance with monthly  quantities of CCP to be
delivered under this Agreement.  SELLER shall load the equipment in a timely and
appropriate  manner that  coincides  with the  loading  times  specified  in the
applicable barge contract.
PURCHASER shall pay all freight and  other charges  imposed by the Barge Carrier
applicable to the destination of the shipment.  Title to and risk of loss of the
CCP shall pass to  PURCHASER  at the time the CCP is loaded  into  barges in the
Port Birmingham area.
shall  pay all  freight  and  other  charges  imposed  by the  trucking  company
delivering the CCP to PURCHASER'S  designated plant.  SELLER shall bear the risk
of loss of each  shipment  until each  shipment  has been  properly  unloaded at
PURCHASER'S  designated  plant and title shall  remain  with  SELLER  until each
shipment is properly unloaded at PURCHASER'S designated plant.
         7.01 QUANTITY  REQUIREMENTS  (BASE TONNAGE).  For the period January 1,
1997 through  December 31, 1999,  PURCHASER will purchase  250,000 tons per year
(20,833 tons per month). In addition, PURCHASER shall have the right to purchase
monthly  nominations up to an additional  20,833 tons per month for each six (6)
month  period  beginning  in January and July  during  this period by  notifying
SELLER sixty (60) days in advance of each six (6) month  period.  For the period
January 1, 2000 through  December 31,  2001,  PURCHASER  shall have the right to
purchase up to 41,667 tons per month for each six (6) month  period  during this
period by  notifying  SELLER  sixty  (60) days in  advance of each six (6) month


         In the event  that  PURCHASER desires  to buy  spot  coal,  at any time
during the term of this Agreement,  SELLER shall have the right of first refusal
on the amount of tons between the monthly nomination and 41,667 tons per month.
         7.02  QUANTITY   REQUIREMENTS  (OPTION  TONNAGE).   SELLER  shall  give
PURCHASER  right of first refusal on option  tonnage  between  41,667 and 83,333
tons per  month.  Otherwise,  option  tonnage  may be  supplied  by  SELLER  and
purchased by  PURCHASER  by mutual  agreement.  Option  tonnage  pricing will be
described in Section 4.02.
         8.01 WEIGHING. For CCP loaded in the Port Birmingham area weighing will
be done in the Port Birmingham area by Combustion Testing & Engineering, Inc.
         For CCP  delivered to PURCHASER by truck,  the weight of CCP  delivered
and sold hereunder  shall be determined by PURCHASER at the destination on truck
scales,  certified in accordance  with the  procedures and  requirements  of the
State of Alabama Division of Weights and Measures.  Said trucks shall be weighed
loaded  and  empty  and  the  difference  shall  be the  net  weight  of the CCP
         9.01 GUARANTEED SPECIFICATIONS.  The CCP sold by SELLER hereunder shall
be three inches and under in size (3 " x 0") as defined in the then-current ASTM
Designation  D-43 1 Standard  for  Designating  Size of CCP;  shall not  contain
greater than twenty percent (20%)  particles less than one quarter (1/4) inch in
size  (if,  in  PURCHASER'S  sole  judgment,  handling  problems  occur  at  the
destination  because  of size  consistency,  SELLER  agrees  to take  reasonable
corrective action acceptable to PURCHASER); shall be substantially free of bone,
slate,  shale,  rock,  dirt,  and clay,  and  substantially  free of  extraneous
material,  including,  but not limited to, plastic, rubber, iron, wood and other
waste materials; and shall conform to the following on an "as received" basis:


                                            As Received Guaranteed
                                            Specifications Per Shipment

         Max. % Moisture (total)                     8.0

         Max. % Ash                                  14.0

         Max. Sulfur lbs/MMBtu                       0.60

         Min. % Volatile Matter                       30

         Min. Ash Fusion Temp.                       2400(degrees)F
         Softening (H=W Reduc. Atmos.)

         Min. Grindability                            50

         Min. Calorific Value (Btu/lb)               12,000

PURCHASER and SELLER acknowledge that as of the date of this Agreement, CCP is a
new  product  which  has  not  been  commercially  used as a fuel  for  electric
generating plants and that certain operational  problems may arise in the future
with respect to the handling or use of CCP at one or more of the Plants.  If, in
PURCHASER's  sole judgment  exercised in good faith,  the handling or use of CCP
causes or creates any problem in the operation of any Plant,  then PURCHASER may
terminate this Agreement by notifying  SELLER,  as provided in Section 23.01, at
least  thirty  days  prior  to the  effective  date of  termination.  Upon  such
termination,  PURCHASER  shall have no further  obligation  to SELLER under this
Agreement,  except with  respect to payments  for  Shipments  made prior to such
termination.  Notwithstanding  any other provision of this Agreement,  PURCHASER
shall not be  required  to  operate  or  maintain  any Plant  outside  of normal
operating  procedures  in order to  handle or use CCP at such  Plant,  nor shall
PURCHASER  be required to make any capital  modifications  or  additions to such
Plant in order to accommodate  the handling or use of CCP at such Plant.  If, in
PURCHASER's   sole   judgment   exercised   in  good   faith.   the  quality  or
characteristics of


CCP are  incompatible  with other  coal  purchased  for use at any  Plant,  then
PURCHASER may terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Section 9.02.
         10.01  SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS.  PURCHASER  shall collect  representative
samples at the  unloading  site of each  shipment  of CCP  shipped by truck;  in
addition,  SELLER shall collect  representative samples for CCP loaded in barges
at  the  Port  Birmingham  loading  facility.  Samples  shall  be  collected  in
accordance  with  procedures  and methods which are based on ASTM  standards and
mutually acceptable to PURCHASER and SELLER. PURCHASER shall analyze all samples
of CCP collected by PURCHASER and SELLER in accordance with procedures set forth
in the attached Annex D. PURCHASER shall have the right at its option,  however,
to contract with an independent,  qualified,  commercial  testing  laboratory to
perform the  analyses of the samples  referred to above.  SELLER may observe any
sampling,  sample  preparation,  and/or  analysis  performed by PURCHASER or its
designated  commercial  laboratory.  PURCHASER  may observe any sampling  and/or
sample preparation  performed by SELLER for samples taken in the Port Birmingham
area.  If in  PURCHASER's  sole opinion  operational  problems  occur,  with the
sampling,  sample preparation,  and/or procedure. the parties will discuss steps
to resolve the operational  problem  including  modifications  to the COVOL Coal
         All samples  collected  shall be divided by PURCHASER into at least two
(2) parts and put in suitable airtight  containers,  the first container in each
case  to be  used  for  analysis  by  PURCHASER,  or its  designated  commercial
laboratory,  and the  second  container  in each  case to be held  available  by
PURCHASER for a period of thirty (30) days from actual date of receipt of CCP by
PURCHASER,  properly  sealed and  labeled,  to be analyzed  if a dispute  arises
         11.01    REJECTION OF CCP FOR CCP QUALITY DEFICIENCIES. In  addition to
and not as a  limitation  upon other rights of  PURCHASER  hereunder,  PURCHASER
shall have the right to refuse and reject any  Shipment  of CCP under any one or


more  of the  following  circumstances:  (a)  the  Shipment  fails  by  analysis
(including  in-transit analysis as provided for in Section 11.01) to comply with
any one or more of the Guaranteed  Specifications set forth in Section 9.01; (b)
the  Shipment  fails in any  manner to  comply  with the CCP size  specified  in
Section 9.01; (c) the Shipment is delivered in equipment other than as specified
herein; (d) the Shipment contains extraneous material; or (e) the Shipment fails
to comply with the  loading  requirements  set forth in Sections  6.01 and 6.02.
PURCHASER shall give prompt notice to SELLER of any such rejection of Shipments.
After receipt of such notification,  SELLER shall not resume Shipments until CCP
quality or other condition  causing  rejection has been corrected to PURCHASER'S
satisfaction.  In the event that  PURCHASER  rejects any Shipment,  SELLER shall
immediately  remove,  at  SELLER's  expense,   such  Shipment  from  PURCHASER'S
facilities or from  transportation  equipment and shall reimburse  PURCHASER for
all costs and expenses,  including  (but not limited to)  transportation  costs,
incurred by PURCHASER in connection with such Shipment. PURCHASER may deduct all
such costs and expenses from any sum owed by PURCHASER to SELLER.
         The foregoing notwithstanding, it shall be the responsibility of SELLER
to  ensure  that  the  sulfur  content  of CCP  delivered  does not  exceed  the
Guaranteed  Specification  for sulfur provided in Section 9.01 and failure to do
so shall  constitute a material  breach of SELLER's  obligation  and  guarantee.
SELLER  acknowledges  that the delivery of CCP exceeding the  guaranteed  sulfur
content  may cause  PURCHASER  to incur  substantial  damages  and have fines or
penalties  assessed  against  it by  regulatory  agencies,  and  SELLER  further
acknowledges that in the event of such breach,  PURCHASER may pursue any and all
remedies available at law and under this Agreement.
         In  addition to the  provisions  set forth in Section  10.01  regarding
sampling, PURCHASER shall have the right to take samples of Shipments while they
are in transit  and to analyze  such  samples,  for the  purpose of  determining
whether to accept or to reject any such Shipments for failure to comply with the
Guaranteed  Specifications  set  forth  in  Section  9.01  or  other  terms  and


of this Agreement.  If any of such Shipments are accepted,  the samples taken in
transit and results of such  analyses  shall not be used for other  purposes and
shall not affect PURCHASER's right to collect samples of such shipment(s) at the
unloading facility.
         11.02 SUSPENSION OF SHIPMENTS FOR DEFICIENCIES.  In addition to and not
in limitation of the rights set forth above in Section  11.01,  PURCHASER  shall
have the right to suspend  Shipments  immediately,  by giving  verbal or written
notice to SELLER, under any one or more of the following circumstances:  (a) any
Shipment fails to comply with any one or more of the  Guaranteed  Specifications
set forth in Section 9.01 (b) any Shipment contains extraneous material; (c) any
Shipment  fails to comply with the CCP size  requirements  specified  in Section
9.01,  or (d) any  Shipment  fails to comply with the loading  requirements  set
forth  in  Sections  6.01  and  6.02.  Shipments  in  transit  at  the  time  of
notification of suspension may be accepted,  at PURCHASER's  sole option.  After
notice of any such  suspension,  PURCHASER may terminate this  Agreement  unless
SELLER gives reasonable assurance within fifteen (15) days after receipt of said
notice that it will and can comply with the Guaranteed  Specifications stated in
Section  9.01 and the other  requirements  of this  Agreement.  Four (4) or more
suspensions  in any  90-day  period  shall be deemed a  material  breach of this
Agreement, for which PURCHASER shall have the unilateral right, exercised in its
sole discretion, to immediately terminate this Agreement by giving notice of the
termination to SELLER as provided in Section 25.01.  Assurance by SELLER that it
can comply may, at PURCHASER's  option, be provided by means of a complying test
Shipment  scheduled  and  sampled  by such  method  as  shall be  acceptable  to
PURCHASER or by other means acceptable to PURCHASER. All special handling costs,
including  (but not limited to) stockpile  segregation,  transportation  routing
etc., associated with the test Shipment shall be borne by SELLER. If analysis by
PURCHASER  shows  the  test  Shipment  to be in  compliance  with  each  of  the
requirements  set  forth  herein,  deliveries  shall  be  permitted  to  resume.
PURCHASER  shall have the sole right to  determine if SELLER shall be allowed to


make up any tonnage not delivered  during the period  Shipments were  suspended.
The price to be paid for any such  make-up  tonnage is the price that would have
been in  effect at the time the CCP was  originally  scheduled  to be  delivered
under the terms of this  Agreement.  For  purposes of this  Section  11.02,  the
make-up of tonnage not  delivered  during any  suspension  shall be made up on a
pro-rata, monthly basis as specified by PURCHASER in writing to SELLER.
         If PURCHASER does not receive,  within fifteen (15) days of the date of
the notice of suspension  provided in this Section 11.02,  adequate assurance of
SELLER's  ability to deliver CCP which complies with the  requirements set forth
herein or if the test Shipment fails to comply with such requirements, PURCHASER
shall so notify SELLER of such failure and may, at PURCHASER's option, terminate
this  Agreement  immediately  by giving notice of the  termination  to SELLER as
provided in Section 25.01. In the event of rejection of any Shipment followed by
termination of this Agreement,  SELLER shall reimburse PURCHASER for any and all
transportation costs associated with rejected Shipments and/or termination which
may be  incurred  by  PURCHASER  and shall  promptly  remove  all such  rejected
Shipments at SELLER's expense.  PURCHASER's rights of rejection,  suspension and
termination  set forth in this  Agreement are in addition to any other  remedies
provided  by this  Agreement  or at law for  SELLER's  failure to deliver CCP in
compliance with this Agreement.
         11.03 TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT FOR DEFICIENCIES. In addition to and not
as a  limitation  upon other rights of  PURCHASER,  if twenty  percent  (20%) of
Shipments  delivered  during a thirty (30)  consecutive  day  period,  following
notice of deficiency to SELLER given pursuant to Sections 11.01 and 11.02, fails
to comply  with any one or more of the  Guaranteed  Specifications  set forth in
Section  9.01,  then such failure  shall  constitute  a material  breach of this
Agreement;  and  PURCHASER  shall  have the right to  terminate  this  Agreement
immediately by giving notice of the termination to SELLER as provided in Section


         In the event  PURCHASER  terminates  this Agreement  under this Section
11.03 or Section  11.02 or  suspends  Shipments  pursuant to the  provisions  of
Section 11.02,  and in addition to  PURCHASER's  other rights and remedies under
this  Agreement or as provided at law,  SELLER shall be liable to PURCHASER  for
breach of this  Agreement  and shall  reimburse  PURCHASER for any and all costs
incurred  by  PURCHASER   under  this   Agreement  and  other   contracts   with
transportation  contractors  which result from such termination or suspension of
         11.04 CANCELLATION.  In addition to and not in limitation of the rights
set forth above in Sections 11.01,  11.02, and 11.03 and the rights and remedies
available at law and under other  provisions of this Agreement,  PURCHASER shall
have the right to cancel the  remaining  Shipments  to be  delivered  under this
Agreement immediately by giving written notice to SELLER, as provided in Section
25.01, under any one or more of the following circumstances:  (a) thirty percent
(30%) of Shipments of CCP delivered by SELLER fail to comply with any one (1) or
more of the  Guaranteed  Specifications  set forth in Section 9.01 averaged over
two (2) consecutive  calendar months; or (b) SELLER engages in any fraudulent or
illegal conduct in connection with its performance under this Agreement.
         12.01  BUYOUT  OPTION.  At any time during the term of this  Agreement,
PURCHASER may terminate this Agreement by giving SELLER 180 days' notice thereof
as  provided  in  Section  25.01;  and within  180 days of giving  such  notice,
PURCHASER  shall pay SELLER an amount equal to ten percent ( 10%) of the initial
Base Price per ton effective  January 1, 1997  multiplied by the remaining  Tons
scheduled to be delivered  under this Agreement.  Upon SELLER's  receipt of such
payment,  this Agreement shall terminate without any further liability to either
party hereunder, except with respect to CCP delivered prior to such termination.
         13.01    CANCELLATION  FOR  UNREMEDIED  BREACH.  In  the  event  of the
failure  of  either  party  to  comply  in  good  faith  with  any or all of its
respective obligations as set forth in this


Agreement,  the  party  not in  default  shall  have the  right to  cancel  this
Agreement  at any time by giving  notice of its  intention to do so to the other
party as provided in Section 25.01,  which notice shall specify the default.  At
the  expiration  of thirty (30) days after the date of such  notice,  unless the
party in default shall have cured such  default,  the party not in default shall
have the right, at its sole election,  to cancel this Agreement immediately with
no liability therefor.
         In addition to and not as a  limitation  upon other rights of PURCHASER
or SELLER  hereunder,  either party may elect, at its sole option, to forego its
right to terminate  this  Agreement  upon the other  party's  default under this
Agreement,  as provided  in this  Section  13.01,  and may  require,  in lieu of
cancellation,  the other party to perform its obligations according to the terms
and conditions of this Agreement.
         13.02 START UP REQUIREMENTS.  If SELLER fails to meet Section 29 of IRS
code  requirements  by January 1, 1997 or to meet either the quantity or quality
requirements  by April 1, 1997,  PURCHASER may terminate  this  agreement in its
entirety from written notice to SELLER pursuant to Section 25.01.
         14.01 FORCE MAJEURE. "SELLER's Force Majeure" as used herein shall mean
a cause reasonably beyond the control of SELLER which,  wholly or in substantial
part, prevents the mining, processing,  loading or delivery of CCP. "PURCHASER's
Force Majeure" as used herein shall mean a cause  reasonably  beyond the control
of  PURCHASER  which,  wholly or in  substantial  part,  directly or  indirectly
prevents or restricts the  unloading,  storing or burning of CCP by PURCHASER at
PURCHASER's  facilities.  Examples (without limitation) of force majeure are the
following: acts of God; acts of the public enemy; insurrections; riots; strikes;
labor  disputes;  work  stoppages;  fires;  explosions;  floods;  electric power
failures;   breakdowns  of  or  damage  to  generating  or  preparation  plants;
interruptions to or contingencies of transportation,  including (but not limited
to) force majeure as defined in the applicable tariff rail contract;  embargoes;
and orders or acts of civil or military


authority (including,  without limitation, a city or county ordinance, an act of
a  state  legislature,  or an act  of the  United  States  Congress);  provided,
however,  for the purposes of this  Agreement,  force majeure shall not include,
and neither  party  hereto  shall be excused  from  performance  because of, the
development or existence of economic  conditions  which may adversely affect the
anticipated   profitability  of  such  party's  activities  hereunder,  acts  or
omissions of such party which  constitute  mismanagement or fraud on the part of
such  party,  or reduced  productivity  of labor  employed  by such party in its
activity hereunder.
         If, because of PURCHASER's Force Majeure,  PURCHASER is unable to carry
out its obligations  under this Agreement,  and if PURCHASER gives SELLER notice
of such force  majeure  as  provided  in  Section  25.01,  the  obligations  and
liabilities  of PURCHASER and the  corresponding  obligations of SELLER shall be
suspended  to the extent made  necessary by and during the  continuance  of such
force  majeure;  provided,  however,  that the  disabling  effects of such force
majeure shall be eliminated as soon as and to the extent  possible  (except that
either party may settle any of its own labor disputes, strikes, or terminate any
of its own lockouts in its sole discretion).
         If, because of SELLER's  Force  Majeure,  SELLER is unable to carry out
its obligations  under this Agreement,  and if SELLER gives PURCHASER  notice of
such force majeure as provided in Section 25.01, the obligations and liabilities
of SELLER and the  corresponding  obligations of PURCHASER shall be suspended to
the extent made  necessary by and during the  continuance of such force majeure;
provided,  however,  that the  disabling  effects of such force majeure shall be
eliminated as soon as and to the extent  possible  (except that either party may
settle  any of its own labor  disputes,  strikes,  or  terminate  any of its own
lockouts in its own sole discretion).
         Any  deficiencies in the production,  sale or purchase of CCP hereunder
caused  by  force  majeure  shall  be made up at  PURCHASER's  sole  option.  If
PURCHASER  desires,  the term of this  Agreement  may be extended to make up any
such force majeure deficiencies.


         It is agreed that in the event that any valid act, law, ordinance, rule
or regulation of a municipality,  county, state or the United States government,
or final  judicial  decision,  judgment  or order,  is adopted  or passed  after
January 1, 1995, which either (a) directly prohibits the processing contemplated
hereunder  or  (b)  directly  or  indirectly  imposes   significant  burdens  or
restrictions upon the burning or use of such CCP by PURCHASER to the extent that
PURCHASER  is unable or would not be allowed to utilize  such CCP  feasibly  and
economically in PURCHASER's  sole  discretion at any of its electric  generating
plants or would be allowed to utilize  such CCP only after the  installation  or
substantial renovation of plant equipment, then the existence and implementation
of such act, law, ordinance, rule, regulation, decision, judgment or order shall
constitute an event of permanent  force majeure  whereupon this Agreement may be
terminated by the party so affected upon notice to the other party.
         Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of this  Section  14.01,  a party not
claiming  force majeure may terminate  this  Agreement  upon notice to the other
party and without  liability to the other party  whenever  all of the  following
circumstances  exist:  (a) a condition of force majeure  occurs which causes the
mutual  obligations  to be suspended as provided above with respect to the total
quantity of CCP to be supplied;  (b) such condition  (alone or extended by other
conditions of force  majeure)  continues so that the mutual  obligations  remain
suspended for a period of six (6) consecutive months; and (c) at the end of said
six (6)  consecutive  months or at any time  thereafter,  the party not claiming
force majeure, in the exercise of reasonable  judgment,  concludes that there is
little likelihood of ending the condition(s) in the immediate future.  The party
not claiming  force  majeure may exercise  such right of  termination  by giving
ninety (90) days'  notice,  as provided in Section  25.01,  of its  intention to
terminate to the other party.
"environmental  related  requirement,"  as  used  in  this  Agreement, means the


following:  (a) any  prohibition,  restriction,  or  limitation  related  to the
quality  of  CCP  which   PURCHASER   may  burn,   including   any   constituent
specification,  at any or all of its electric  generating plants, or to the type
or amount of emissions from any or all such plants;  (b) any rule or requirement
affecting  the  permissible  means  for  complying  with any  such  prohibition,
restriction  or limitation;  or (c) any imposition of a cost,  fee, tax or other
economic  burden on  PURCHASER  relating to (i) the  production  of  electricity
(generally  or by  means  of  CCP-fired  steam  electric  generation),  (ii) the
quantity of CCP  purchased  and/or burned by  PURCHASER,  (iii) any  constituent
specification  of CCP  purchased  by  PURCHASER,  or (iv) the type or  amount of
emissions from PURCHASER's  electric  generating  plants. The term shall also be
deemed to include PURCHASER's strategy for compliance with environmental related
requirements.  A change in environmental related requirements shall be deemed to
have  occurred in any one or more of the following  circumstances:  (a) there is
any increase or decrease in existing  environmental  related  requirements;  (b)
PURCHASER, in the exercise of its sole judgment.  decides to change its strategy
for compliance with any existing  environmental related  requirements;  or (c) a
new environmental related requirement is imposed on PURCHASER as a result of any
federal or state statute, local ordinance,  administrative regulation or ruling,
court order, or any revision in any interpretation or implementation thereof. It
is recognized that a change in environmental related requirements upon PURCHASER
may occur even though stated as a restriction  or limitation  on, or requirement
of, PURCHASER and its affiliates or some other group of utilities. It is further
recognized  that any change in  environmental  related  requirements  may affect
PURCHASER  in a general way and may not be directed at specific  plants,  fuels,
fuel  supplies  or other  operating  conditions.  In the  event  of a change  in
environmental  related  requirements,  PURCHASER  shall,  in its sole  judgment,
determine how to comply with such change and whether  PURCHASER's use of the CCP
to be supplied  hereunder has been  adversely  impacted.  The provisions of this
Section 15.01 are intended to provide rights in addition to the rights  provided
in Section 14.01.


         The price,  specifications,  quantity and  destination of CCP purchased
hereunder are predicated on environmental  related  requirements in effect as of
the effective  date hereof.  In the event and whenever  after the effective date
hereof, there is a change in environmental related requirements, PURCHASER shall
determine  whether such change has had or may have an adverse  impact on its use
of the CCP purchased  hereunder.  It is agreed that any change in  environmental
related  requirements  which has one or more of the  following  effects shall be
deemed  to  have an  adverse  impact  on  PURCHASER's  use of the CCP  purchased
hereunder,  even though the statute,  regulation,  ruling or ordinance may allow
PURCHASER  a choice of options for  complying  with such  changed  environmental
related  requirements  (which  choice may include the payment of a fee or tax in
lieu of the  installation  of  equipment,  or  utilization  of CCP of  different
constituent specifications, the reduction in the overall use of CCP by PURCHASER
or the acquiring of an emission  allowance or credit):  (a) the change imposes a
fee,  tax, or other  economic  burden on PURCHASER  relating to the  constituent
specifications  of CCP  purchased  or  burned  by it or on the type or amount of
emissions from PURCHASER's  electric  generating plants; (b) the change directly
or indirectly  prevents or restricts  PURCHASER from utilizing the CCP purchased
hereunder  in one or more of its  electric  generating  plants;  (c) the  change
requires  PURCHASER  to  install  equipment  (such as flue  gas  desulfurization
equipment  or  particulate  removal  equipment)  at one or more of its  electric
generating  plants  in order to  comply  with  such  change;  or (d) the  change
requires or permits  PURCHASER to utilize CCP of a quality  (including,  but not
limited to,  sulfur)  different  from that specified in Section 9.01 or requires
the use of a fuel other than CCP.
         If  PURCHASER  determines  that  a  change  in  environmental   related
requirements  has had or may at a future date have an adverse  impact on its use
of the CCP purchased hereunder,  PURCHASER shall so notify SELLER as provided in
Section 25.01. Upon receipt of such notice,  SELLER shall have the right, at its
option, to propose within thirty (30) days after receipt of such


notice,  any steps  available  to SELLER in its  processing  of the CCP,  in the
supply of  substitute  CCP,  in the  change  in the  price of the CCP,  or other
measure  which would  result in as low a delivered  cost of fuel at  PURCHASER's
electric  generating  plant as PURCHASER could achieve by purchasing  reasonably
available  substitute fuel, taking into consideration any fees, taxes, costs, or
other  economic  burdens  imposed on the use of CCP by  PURCHASER.  In the event
PURCHASER,  in its sole  judgment,  determines  that SELLER cannot  achieve this
result,  then  PURCHASER may  terminate  this  Agreement  upon ninety (90) days'
notice thereof as provided in Section 25.01.  PURCHASER  shall have the right to
give such notice of termination  at a time chosen by PURCHASER  either before or
after the effect of a change in environmental related requirements.
         The parties  hereto  acknowledge  that this  Agreement  is based on the
assumption  that the CCP to be  delivered  hereunder  will enable  PURCHASER  to
comply with the provisions of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, judicial and
administrative  interpretations  thereof, and regulations promulgated thereunder
which  exist as of  January  1,  1995.  If, at any time  during the term of this
Agreement,  PURCHASER determines,  in its sole judgment, that any operational or
environmental   compliance   problem   will  result  from  the   components   or
characteristics  of SELLER's CCP or the products of its  combustion  (including,
but not  limited to,  nitrogen  oxide  emissions)  or any other  constituent  or
property of the CCP not otherwise  specified herein,  SELLER and PURCHASER shall
immediately  enter  into  discussions  in a good  faith  effort to  resolve  the
problem.  If such discussions fail to resolve such problem in a manner which, in
PURCHASER's  sole judgment,  is reasonable and would not impose an  unreasonable
additional  expense  to  PURCHASER,  then  PURCHASER  shall  have  the  right to
terminate  this  Agreement  by  giving  SELLER  30 days  notice  of  PURCHASER's
intention to do so as provided in Section 25.01. No expense contemplated by this
Section 15.01 shall be deemed reasonable if it would result in a delivered price
of CCP  hereunder  in  excess of the  delivered  price of  competitive  fuels or
sources then available to PURCHASER.


         16.01  WARRANTIES.  SELLER warrants that it has title or control of CCP
in  sufficient  quantity  and  quality  to  satisfy  the  requirements  of  this
Agreement, including without limitation the Guaranteed Specifications of Section
9.01.  SELLER  warrants  that no  outside  sales to  others  will  diminish  the
production of CCP to be supplied under this Agreement.
         17.01 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. This Agreement is a contract for the sale
and purchase of CCP. The parties recognize and agree that SELLER is not an agent
or employee of  PURCHASER  nor any  affiliate  of  PURCHASER  and that SELLER is
independent  of any managerial or other control or direction by PURCHASER and is
free to perform, by such means and in such manner as SELLER may choose, all work
in pursuance of commitments hereunder.
         18.01    BINDING EFFECT.  This  Agreement  shall bind  and inure to the
benefit of the parties and their  successors  and assigns,  as  permitted  under
Section 19.01.
         19.01  ASSIGNMENTS.  Neither  party may assign  its  rights  under this
Agreement  without the non-assigning  party's prior written  approval.  However,
notwithstanding the above, PURCHASER may assign its rights, duties,  obligations
and  interests  in and to this  Agreement to a  subsidiary,  affiliate or sister
corporation;  provided, however, that PURCHASER shall not be thereby relieved of
its responsibilities or obligations hereunder. Furthermore,  notwithstanding the
above, SELLER may assign its rights, duties, obligations and interests in and to
this  Agreement  to a  parent,  subsidiary,  affiliate  or  sister  corporation,
provided,   however,   that  SELLER  shall  not  be  thereby   relieved  of  its
responsibilities or obligations  hereunder.  This Agreement shall likewise apply
to any successor of either PURCHASER or SELLER.
         IA addition to the above  rights,  PURCHASER  may exercise its right to
divert  Shipments  to other  destinations  under  Section  6.01 or 6.02  without
SELLER's consent or approval.
         20.01    ACCOUNTING  AND  AUDIT.  SELLER shall  keep full and  complete
books and records of its costs and expenses relating to the sale and delivery of
CCP under this Agreement in accordance


with sound and generally  accepted  accounting  principles and shall retain such
books  and  records  for at least  three  (3)  years  after  this  Agreement  is
terminated  or expires.  SELLER  shall also  preserve  in an orderly  manner the
records  supporting all charges and  adjustments to the Billing Price  hereunder
and shall make such records available to PURCHASER, its accountants, auditors or
other authorized  representatives,  who shall,  after giving adequate notice, be
afforded  access to and be permitted  to examine such records at all  reasonable
times during normal business  hours. In the event,  upon audit, it is determined
that claims  made by SELLER for  adjustments  in price which were  allowed to go
into effect by PURCHASER were not properly calculated, adjustments shall be made
promptly In billings  hereunder  for current CCP  deliveries  to reflect  proper
amounts of such adjustments; or if no billings are then due, payments reflecting
the difference  between the proper  amounts  determined by audit and the amounts
paid shall be made. It is expressly understood and agreed that the provisions of
this  Section  20.01  shall  survive  the  termination  or  expiration  of  this
         21.01 SITE VISITS;  CCP  PROPERTY.  PURCHASER or its  designated  agent
shall have the right at all times,  at its sole risk and expense,  to enter upon
the SELLER's property and/or other appropriate locations,  whether such entry is
announced or unannounced,  for any of the following purposes: (a) to observe and
examine the method, equipment and manner of mining, producing, storing, washing,
blending,  crushing,  loading,  unloading,  transporting,   sampling,  weighing,
analyzing,  and  other  handling  of CCP to be sold  and  delivered  under  this
Agreement;  (b) to take  samples  of CCP  for  PURCHASER's  analyses;  or (c) in
connection  with any  accounting,  audit,  or examination  of SELLER's  records.
PURCHASER's  representative shall check in with the appropriate personnel at the
entrance to SELLER's  facility  prior to entering  onto  SELLER's  property.  No
observation or  examination  by PURCHASER  shall be deemed as a waiver of any of
PURCHASER's rights or relieve SELLER of any obligation of this Agreement.
         22.01    WAIVER.  The  failure  of  either  party  to  insist on strict
performance of any provision of  this  Agreement,  or to take  advantage  of any
right hereunder,  shall not be construed as a waiver of such provision or right.
Time is of the essence of this Agreement.


         23.01 REMEDIES FOR BREACH. In the event of a breach for which PURCHASER
terminates this Agreement or a breach resulting from SELLER's failure to deliver
the amount of CCP  required  under  this  Agreement,  SELLER  shall be liable to
PURCHASER for the  difference  between the market price of coal available at the
time of such  breach and the price  provided  for  hereunder  with regard to all
conforming  CCP not  delivered  under this  Agreement.  The market price of such
replacement coal shall be determined  conclusively to be the highest incremental
cost to PURCHASER  for coal of similar  quality  purchased  during the three (3)
months following breach by SELLER, whether or not such incremental coal v;as for
the exact  quantities,  quality and  delivery  periods for CCP  remaining  to be
delivered  hereunder.  This remedy  shall be in addition to other  remedies  for
breach available to PURCHASER under this Agreement or at law.
         24.01    REMEDIES CUMULATIVE.  Except  as  otherwise  provided  herein,
remedies provided under this  Agreement shall  be cumulative and  in addition to
other remedies provided at law or in equity.
         25.01  NOTICES.  With the  exception  of SELLER's  invoices or shipping
notices as required by Section  5.01,  any notice,  request,  protest,  consent,
demand,  report or statement given by one party to the other shall be in writing
and deemed duly  received  seventy-two  (72) hours after it is  deposited in the
United States mail, by certified mail,  postage prepaid,  and properly addressed
as follows:
         (1)      If the notice is to PURCHASER, to:
                  Vice President, Fuel Services
                  Southern Company Services, Inc.
                  P. O. Box 2625
                  Birmingham, AL 35202


                  With copy to:

                  Alabama Power Company

                  P. O.Box 2641
                  Birmingham, AL 35291-0480
                  Attention: Manager - Fuel Services

(or to such other  person or addresses as  PURCHASER  shall have  designated  in
writing to SELLER).

NOTE: Escalation notices should not be copied to Alabama Power Company.

         (2) If the notice is to SELLER, to:

(or to such other person or address as SELLER shall have  designated  in writing

         26.01 AGENT FOR PURCHASER.  Southern Company Services, Inc., an Alabama
corporation,  is agent for  PURCHASER and is designated to act for and on behalf
of  PURCHASER  for the  purpose of giving or  receiving  any  notice,  demand or
request required or authorized by this Agreement, for the purpose of designating
the quantity, size, destination and routing of Shipments to be made from time to
time to PURCHASER hereunder, and for such other purposes as may Tom time to time
be designated by PURCHASER.  PURCHASER may change agent by giving notice thereof
to SELLER as provided in Section 25.01.
         27.01    CAPTIONS.  The captions to sections hereof are for convenience
only and shall not be considered in construing the intent of the parties.
         28.01   APPLICABLE   LAW.  All  questions   concerning  the  execution,
construction,  performance,  breach or enforcement  of this  Agreement  shall be
construed  under the  substantive  laws of the State of Alabama and not just the
Alabama laws regarding conflicts of laws.
         29.01    COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS.  In connection with the


performance of this Agreement,  SELLER agrees to comply in all material respects
with governmental laws and regulations, including (but not limited) to those set
forth in Annex E attached  hereto.  SELLER  agrees and  warrants  that it or its
agent will acquire and maintain,  in a timely  manner,  all licenses and permits
required by governmental  authorities to engage in the mining,  processing,  and
selling of CCP and to otherwise perform its obligations under this Agreement.
         30.01 ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This instrument  contains the entire Agreement
between  the  parties;  and  there  are no  representations,  understandings  or
agreements,  oral or written,  which are not  included  herein.  This  Agreement
cannot be changed except by duly authorized  representatives  of both parties in
         31.01   CONFIDENTIAL  AND  PROPRIETARY   INFORMATION.   The  terms  and
conditions  (including,  but not limited to prices) set forth in this  Agreement
are considered by both PURCHASER and SELLER to be  confidential  and proprietary
information.  Neither  party shall  disclose any such  information  to any third
party without  advance  written consent of the other (which consent shall not be
unreasonably  withheld)  except  where such  disclosure  may be required by law,
regulation or regulatory  agencies having  jurisdiction over SELLER or PURCHASER
or is  required  in  connection  with the  assertion  of a claim or  defense  in
judicial or  administrative  proceedings  involving the parties hereto, in which
event the party  intending  to make such  disclosure  shall  advise the other in
advance and cooperate to the extent  practicable  to minimize the  disclosure of
any such information. For purposes of this Section 31.01, the term "third party"
shall not  include a parent,  subsidiary,  affiliate  or sister  corporation  of
either party hereto.
SUB-CONTRACTORS.  Each party shall require each of its employees, suppliers, and
sub-contractors  performing  obligations under the Agreement or having access to
the  Agreement  in the  performance  of duties for such party to be bound by the
terms and conditions of the Agreement, including without


limitation the terms containing obligations and responsibilities  respecting CCP
Property and confidentiality of information.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed by their respective officers duly authorized "hereunto.
ATTEST:                                         PURCHASER

/s/ Shirley A. Thomas                            Ben M. Gutten      
Assistant Secretary                              Its: Executive Vice President

                                                 Date Executed April 15, 1996

ATTEST:                                              SELLER

/s/ Michael S. Bodon                             /s/ Kirby Cochran 
Secretary                                            Its: President

                                                 Date Executed April 16, 1996

                                                            04/11/96 8:30:52AM


                                                      Annex A
                                             Reference to Section 4.05

                                     COMPUTATION OF CALORIFIC VALUE ADJUSTMENT
                                               TO THE BILLING PRICE

This  adjustment is to adjust the amount per ton to be paid by PURCHASER for CCP
delivered in each month as a result of the extent by which the  Calorific  value
of such is greater than or is less than 12,000 Btu's per pound of coal.

Determination of the Calorific Value Adjustment is made as follows:

                                    (X)               (Y)             (Z)

                                    Base Factor  Hypothetical Months

                                  At the              At a           At a
                               Specification         Month's        Month's
                                 Calorific          Calorific      Calorific
                                  Value of           Value of       Value of
                                12 000 Btu/lb     12 200 Btu/lb   11.800 Btu/lb


1.       Per ton -
         FOB Price
         (Billing Price)            $ 22.00          $ 22.00           $ 22.00

2.       Calorific Btu Value
         Per Pound                  12,000            12,200           11,800

3.       Calorific Adjustment                         12,200           11,800
         Fraction                                     12,000           12,000

4.       Calorific Adjustment
         Factor                                        1.017             .983



                                                      Annex A
                                             Reference to Section 4.05

                                     COMPUTATION OF CALORIFIC VALUE ADJUSTMENT
                                               TO THE BILLING PRICE

                                   (X)                 (Y)             (Z)
                                Base Factor     Hypothetical Months

                                  At the               At a           At a
                               Specification         Month's         Month's
                                Calorific           Calorific       Calorific
                                 Value of            Value of        Value of
                               12.000 Btu/lb       12.200 Btu/lb   11.800 Btu/lb


5.       Adjusted Basis                                22.37           21.63

Figures  used in  Columns  (x),  (y) and (z) of  Items 1  through  6 are  purely
hypothetical and are used for illustrative purposes only.


                                                      Annex B
                                             Reference to Section 4.06

                                       COMPUTATION OF EXCESS ASH ADJUSTMENT

The  adjustment  to the Billing Price to be paid by PURCHASER on a per ton basis
for coal for which the actual "as received"  ash content that exceeds  14.00% is
calculated as follows:

         Assume that the following Shipments are received:

                                                              Actual Per Train
                                                              "As Received"
                                            Month             Ash Content

                                            No. 1             13.50%
                                            No. 2             15.50%
                                            No. 3             14.50%

Examples of Calculations

(a)      Adjustment for Shipment No. 1

         No adjustment because the "as received" ash content is less than 14.00%

(b)      Adjustment for Shipment No. 2

         $.45 x (15.50 - 14.00) = $.68 per ton

(c)      Adjustment for Shipment No. 3

         $.25 x (14.50 - 14.00) = $.13 per ton


                                                      Annex C
                                             Reference to Section 4.07

                                     COMPUTATION OF EXCESS MOISTURE ADJUSTMENT

The  adjustment  to the Billing Price to be paid by PURCHASER on a per ton basis
for coal for which the actual "as received"  moisture content that exceeds 8.00%
is calculated as follows:

         Assume that the following Shipments are received:

                                                              Actual Per Train
                                                              "As Received"
                                            Month             Moisture Content

                                            No. 1             7.50%
                                            No. 2             9.50%

Examples of Calculations

(a)Adjustment for Shipment No. 1

         No adjustment because the "as received" moisture  content  is less than

(b)      Adjustment for Shipment No. 2

         (9.50 - 8.00) x $.25 = $.375 per ton


                                     Annex D
                        Reference to Section 10.01, 4.05


Procedures  utilized by Alabama  Power Company for coal sample  preparation  and
analysis will be performed manually or by utilization  automated equipment which
conforms with the referenced ASTM Standards:

1.       Total Moisture in Coal - (Air drying will be
         continued for predetermined  time  necessary
         to  achieve a loss in weight or no more than
         0.1 percent per hour).                                      ASTM D-2013

2.       Preparing Coal Samples for Analysis                         ASTM D-2013

3.       Moisture in the Analysis Sample of Coal                     ASTM D-3173

4.       Ash in the Analysis Sample of Coal                          ASTM D-3174

5.       Gross Calorific Value of Coal by the                        ASTM D-2015
         Adiabatic Bomb Calorimeter or
         Gross Calorific Value of Coal by the                        ASTM D-3286
         Isoperibol Bomb Calorimeter

6.       Total Sulfur in the Analysis Sample of Coal                 ASTM D-4239
         Using High Temperature Tube Furnace
         Combustion Method

7.       Volatile Matter in the Analysis Sample of Coal              ASTM D-3175

8.       Fusibility of Coal Ash                                      ASTM D-1857

9.       Grindability of Coal by The Hardgrove                        ASTM D-409
         Grindability Machine Method (No. 8 coal
         samples will be used for this analysis)

10.      Fixed Carbon is a calculated value. Fixed                   ASTM D-5142
         Carbon is the resultant of the summation of              or ASTM D-3172
         percentage moisture, ash and volatile matter
         subtracted from 100. All percentages used in
         the calculation must be on the same moisture basis.



                                     Annex D
                        Reference to Section 10.01, 4.05


11.      Nitrogen in Me Analysis Sample of Coal                      ASTM D-5373
                                                                  or ASTM D-3179

12.      Calculating Coal Analyses from As-Determined                ASTM D-3180
         to Different Basis


                                     Annex E


Alabama Power Company is a government  contractor  under an Area-Wide  Utilities
Service Contract with the General Services  Administration  of the United States
Government. The Seller agrees that the provisions referred to below shall, as if
set forth  herein in full text,  be  incorporated  into and form a part of every
contract or purchase order as may be entered into between the Seller and Alabama
Power  Company after the date set out below if the amount and  circumstances  of
each such  contract or purchase  order meet the  criteria set out in each of the
provisions  referred to below for  incorporation of the provision into contracts
or purchase orders between Alabama Power Company and others.

(1)      52.219-8          Utilization  of  Small  Business  Concerns  and Small
                           Disadvantaged Business Concerns

(2)      52.219-8          Small  Business  and  Small   Disadvantaged  Business
                           Subcontracting Plan

(3)      52.220 3          Utilization of Labor Surplus Area Concerns

(4)      52.220-4          Labor Surplus Area Subcontracting Program

(5)      52.222 4          Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act -
                           Overtime Compensation - General

(6)      52.222-26         Equal Opportunity

(7)      52.222-35         Affirmative  Action for Special  Disabled and Vietnam
                           Era Veterans

(8)      52.222-36         Affirmative Action for Handicapped Workers

(9)      52.223-2          Clean Air and Water

This  Agreement  shall  remain in effect and binding  upon the Seller.  Upon the
Seller's request, Alabama Power Company will provide the full text of any of the
above provisions of clauses incorporated herein by reference.

Name of Contractor:____________________________________(Firm)
By:__________________________________________________(Individual's Name)
