Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]      Preliminary Proxy Statement

[X]      Definitive Proxy Statement

[ ]      Definitive Additional Materials

[ ]      Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-11 or ss.240.14a-12

                         Titan Motorcycle Co. of America
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]      No fee required.

[ ]      Fee  computed on table below per  Exchange  Act Rules  14a-6(i)(4)  and

         1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

         2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


         3) Per unit price or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:


         4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


         5) Total fee paid:


[ ]      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]      Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act
         Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee
         was paid  previously.  Identify  the  previous  filing by  registration
         statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

         1) Amount Previously Paid:


         2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:


         3) Filing Party:


         4) Date Filed:


                         TITAN MOTORCYCLE CO. OF AMERICA
                             2222 West Peoria Avenue
                             Phoenix, Arizona 85029
                            Telephone (602) 861-6977

                           TO BE HELD ON MAY 12, 1999

To the Stockholders of Titan Motorcycle Co. of America:

         The  annual  meeting  of the  holders  of the  common  stock  of  Titan
Motorcycle  Co. of America will be held at 10:00 a.m.  local time on  Wednesday,
May 12, 1999, at the DoubleTree Resort; 5401 North Scottsdale Road;  Scottsdale,
Arizona, for the following purposes:

        o          To elect a Board of  Directors of five members to serve until
                   the year 2000 Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  or until their
                   successors are duly elected and qualified;

        o          To  ratify  the  appointment  by the  Board of  Directors  of
                   PricewaterhouseCoopers   LLP,  independent  certified  public
                   accounts,  as the  independent  auditors  for the year ending
                   January 1, 2000; and

        o          To transact  such other  business as may properly come before
                   the meeting, or any adjournment thereof.

         The Board of Directors  has fixed March 31, 1999 as the record date for
the Annual  Meeting  with respect to this  solicitation.  Only  stockholders  of
record at the close of  business  on that date will be entitled to notice of and
to vote at the Annual Meeting, or any adjournment thereof.

         The  Company's  Annual  Report to  stockholders  is enclosed  with this
Notice and Proxy Statement.

                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                                                     /s/Francis S. Kerry
                                                     Francis S. Keery, CEO
Phoenix, Arizona
March 31, 1999


                         TITAN MOTORCYCLE CO. OF AMERICA
                             2222 West Peoria Avenue
                             Phoenix, Arizona 85029
                            Telephone (602) 861-6977

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                  This Proxy Statement is furnished to the stockholders of TITAN
MOTORCYCLE CO. OF AMERICA, a Nevada  corporation (the "Company"),  in connection
with the solicitation of proxies by the Board of Directors for use at the Annual
Meeting of  Stockholders  of the Company to be held at 10:00 a.m.  local time on
Wednesday,   May  12,  1999,  and  any  adjournment   thereof.  The  Meeting  of
Stockholders  will take place at the  DoubleTree  Resort,  located at 5401 North
Scottsdale  Road,  Scottsdale,   Arizona.  A  copy  of  the  Notice  of  meeting
accompanies  this Proxy  Statement.  It is anticipated  that the mailing of this
Proxy  Statement  will  commence  on April 5,  1999.  In all  events,  the proxy
materials will be mailed at least 25 days prior to the meeting of stockholders.

                  Only  stockholders of record at the close of business on March
31, 1999, the record date for the meeting,  will be entitled to notice of and to
vote at the meeting. On the record date, the Company had 17,147,333  outstanding
shares of Common Stock, which are the only securities of the Company entitled to
vote at the stockholders' meeting, each share being entitled to one vote.

                  Directors of the Company  will be elected by a plurality  vote
of the  outstanding  shares of Common Stock  present and entitled to vote at the
meeting.  The affirmative vote of the stockholders of at least a majority of the
outstanding  shares of Common Stock  present and entitled to vote at the meeting
is required for the  confirmation of the appointment of auditors for the current
fiscal year.

                  Stockholders  who  execute  proxies  may revoke them by giving
written  notice to the  secretary of the Company at any time before such proxies
are voted.  Attendance  at the  meeting  shall not have the effect of revoking a
proxy unless the  stockholder  so attending  (1) shall,  in writing,  notify the
secretary  of the  meeting at any time prior to the voting of the proxy,  or (2)
shall vote in person at the meeting.

                  The Board of  Directors  does not know of any  matter  that is
expected  to be  presented  for  consideration  at the  meeting  other  than the
election of directors and the  confirmation  of the  appointment of auditors for

the current  fiscal year.  However,  if other  matters  properly come before the
meeting,  the persons named in the accompanying  proxy intend to vote thereon in
accordance with their judgment.

                                CORPORATE MATTERS

                  The Company  will bear the cost of the meeting and the cost of
soliciting  proxies,  including  the cost of  mailing  the  proxy  material.  In
addition to solicitation by mail,  directors,  officers and regular employees of
the Company (who will not be  specifically  compensated  for such  services) may
solicit  proxies  by  telephone  or  otherwise.  Arrangements  will be made with
brokerage  houses and other  custodians,  nominees,  and  fiduciaries to forward
proxies and proxy material to their  principals,  and the Company will reimburse
them for their expenses.

                  All proxies  received  pursuant to this  solicitation  will be
voted except as to matters where authority to vote is specifically withheld and,
where a choice is specified as to the proposal, they will be voted in accordance
with such specification.  If no instructions are given, the persons named in the
proxy  solicited by the Board of Directors of the Company intend to vote for the
nominees  for  election  as  directors  of the  Company  listed  in  this  Proxy
Statement;  and for the  confirmation of the  appointment of independent  public
accountants for the current fiscal year.

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

                  At the meeting,  five (5) directors are to be elected, each to
hold office until the next annual  meeting and until a respective  successor has
been  elected and  qualified.  If any nominee  listed in the table below  should
become unavailable for any reason, which the management does not anticipate, the
proxy will be voted for any  substitute  nominee or nominees who may be selected
by the management  prior to or at the meeting,  or, if no substitute is selected
by the  management  prior to or at the  meeting,  for a  motion  to  reduce  the
membership  of the Board to the number of nominees  available.  The  information
contained in this Proxy  Statement  concerning  the nominees and their  security
holdings has been furnished by them to the Company.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Name         Age          Positions Held            Period of Service as
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Francis S. Keery     56    Chairman of the Board and CEO     Since December 1994
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Patrick Keery        30    President and Director            Since December 1994
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Barbara S. Keery     56    Vice President, Secretary and     Since December 1994
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Harry H. Birkenruth  67    Director                            Since August 1998
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
H.B. Tony Turner     62    Director                            Since August 1998
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

         Frank (Francis S.) Keery - Chairman and CEO

                  Frank Keery, age 56, currently resides with his wife,  Barbara
Keery, in Phoenix, Arizona.

                  Mr.  Frank  Keery   received  a  B.S.   degree  in  Electrical
Engineering  from the  University  of  Detroit  in 1966 and an MBA  degree  from
Western New England University in 1969.

                  Subsequent to completion  of his formal  education,  Mr. Frank
Keery has held various management and administrative positions. For 17 years Mr.
Keery worked with Rogers Corporation,  an AMEX listed  corporation,  involved in
the manufacture and marketing of specialty materials,  components and systems to
the  automotive and  electronics  markets  internationally.  In this capacity he
served   variously  as  an  executive  in  charge  of  new  division   startups,
manufacturing management,  operation "turnarounds", and international sales from
approximately  1969 to 1986. Most of these  assignments  carried full profit and
loss responsibilities of independent units.

                  From 1986 to 1994,  Mr. Frank Keery was primarily  employed in
multiple  positions as an outside and in-house business  consultant.  In 1989 to
1991 he was the CEO for Swanson Manufacturing, Inc.

                  For the three-year  period ending in August 1994,  Frank Keery
was CEO of the Company  Store,  a privately  held mail order company with annual
sales of approximately Eighty Million Dollars ($80,000,000.00).


                  From August 1994 to the present,  Mr. Keery has been  chairman
of Paragon Custom  Cycles,  which later became Titan  Motorcycle of America.  In
this  capacity  he has used  his  management  and  marketing  experience  as the
chairman of the board and CEO.

         Patrick Keery - President/Director

                  Patrick Keery, age 30, resides in Scottsdale,  Arizona.  He is
the son of Frank and Barbara Keery, who also serve as directors of the Company.

                  Mr.  Keery has been  President of Titan since  inception,  and
owned and operated its predecessor  entity,  Paragon Custom Cycles.  Mr. Patrick
Keery brings  unique skills in the assembly,  design and  engineering  of custom
built motorcycles.

                  Mr.  Patrick  Keery  is  a  1992  graduate  of  Arizona  State
University where he obtained a B.S. degree in finance.

                  Since 1993,  Mr. Keery  operated and was the owner and manager
of Paragon Custom Cycles doing custom  design,  assembly and rebuilding of large
displacement  motorcycles  until he  became  the  President  of the  reorganized
Company in December of 1995.

                  During the period of 1992 to 1993, Mr. Patrick Keery worked as
a financial analyst for the George S. May  International  Co., a consulting firm
specializing in providing services to small to medium capital companies.

                  Mr.  Keery is heavily  involved in  developing  the  Company's
dealer network and overseeing the sales and marketing  efforts.  He continues to
play a lead role in motorcycle styling and product development.

         Barbara Keery - Vice President/Secretary/Director

                  Barbara  Keery,  age 56,  currently  resides with her husband,
Frank Keery, in Phoenix, Arizona.

                  Barbara S.  Keery  received  her  Masters  Degree in  Business
Education from the University of Connecticut in 1970 and her Bachelors Degree in
Business  Education from the State  University of New York at Albany.  From 1964
through  1969 she taught high school  business  administration  courses in South


Windsor,  Connecticut and Oak Park,  Michigan.  As a licensed real estate agent,
she served on the  chairman's  board of Russ Lyon Realty and was a member of the
Scottsdale Million Dollar Club in 1987 and 1988.

                  From its  inception  in 1995,  Mrs.  Keery  has  served as the
corporate  secretary and Vice-President for the Company.  In 1997, a new product
line  was  created  for  exclusive  Titan  clothing  and  accessories  which  is
administered by Mrs. Keery.

         Harry H. Birkenruth - Director

                  Harry H. Birkenruth,  age 67, resides with his wife in Storrs,

                  Mr.  Birkenruth  graduated  with  high  honors  from  the City
College of New York in 1953.  In 1957 he  graduated  with  distinction  from the
Harvard  Graduate  School of  Business  Administration.  In 1960 Mr.  Birkenruth
joined Rogers  Corporation  and became its Chief  Financial  Officer in 1967 and
served as its Senior Vice President Polymer Products in 1986. Rogers Corporation
is  engaged in the sale of  materials  and  components  to the  electronics  and
automotive   industries   with  its  principal  place  of  business  in  Rogers,

                  Beginning in 1990,  Mr.  Birkenruth  served as Executive  Vice
President of Rogers Corporation and in April 1992 became its President and Chief
Executive  Officer until March 31, 1997, when he became Chairman of the Board of
Directors of the company.  On June 30, 1998, Mr. Birkenruth  retired as Chairman
of Rogers Corporation and continues to serve as a director and consultant to the

                  For the past two years, Mr.  Birkenruth has also served as the
Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Instrument  Manufacturing  Company, a
company specializing in electrical cable diagnostic instruments.

                  Mr.  Birkenruth  has  previously  served  as a  member  of the
Executive  Committee  and Board of  Directors  of the  Connecticut  Business and
Industry  Association;  a member of the Board of Overseers of the  University of
Connecticut's  School of Business;  as a Trustee of the  Connecticut  Policy and
Economic  Counsel;  and has  served  several  terms as a member  of the Board of
Trustees and as an incorporator of the Windham Community Memorial Hospital.


         H. B. Tony Turner

                  Tony Turner, age 62, resides in Paradise Valley, Arizona.

                  Mr. Turner graduated in 1958 with a Bachelors degree from Duke
University.  In 1962 he graduated from the Harvard  Graduate  School of Business

                  Subsequent to his graduation from graduate school,  Mr. Turner
has  engaged  in a broad  variety of work  experiences  including  as  Chairman,
President and CEO of Ardshield, Inc., a leveraged buy-out and investment banking
firm  (1980-1992);  Executive Vice President and Director of Investment  Banking
for Shearson Haden Stone  (1978-1980);  Vice President in the leveraged  buy-out
department of Oppenheimer & Co.  (1976-1978);  Vice President  Finance and Chief
Administrative  Officer of N-REN Corp.,  a privately  held  fertilizer  company;
Assistant  Secretary  for  Administration  of the U.S.  Department  of  Commerce
(1973-1975);  First Vice President and Director of Mitchum, Jones & Templeton, a
regional  investment  banking  company  (1967-1973);  Treasurer  and Director of
Corporate  Planning  of  Star-Kist  Foods,  Inc.,  a  subsidiary  of H.J.  Heinz
(1964-1967);  and  Controller  of a financial  corporation  of Arizona  where he
served as the Chief Accounting Officer of a financial holding company.


         Robert P. Lobban - Chief Financial Officer 

                  Mr. Robert P. Lobban,  age 44,  currently  resides in Gilbert,
Arizona with his wife Susan.

                  Mr. Lobban holds a Masters of Business  Administration  Degree
(M.B.A.) from Harvard Graduate School of Business which he obtained in 1981. Mr.
Lobban  earlier   obtained  a  B.S.  degree  in  Industrial   Engineering   from
Northeastern University in 1977. He graduated first in his class and was a Magna
Cum Laude graduate.

                  During the period of his formal education, Mr. Lobban obtained
considerable  practical  experience  in working  in  full-time  positions  as an
engineer,  analyst  and  supervisor  with such  companies  as Digital  Equipment
Corporation,  Texas  Instruments,  New England Medical Center  Hospitals and the
Phillips  Manufacturing  Company.  From  1981  through  1982,  he  worked  as  a
Controller with the Fiberloys Division of the Rogers  Corporation.  From 1982 to
1984 he was the Controller for the Flexible  Interconnections Division of Rogers


Corporation in Chandler, Arizona and was promoted to Administrative Manager with
that  division  from 1984  through  1987.  From 1987  through 1988 he worked for
Pacific  Biosystems,  Inc., a start-up company involved in the medical equipment
industry as its Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

                  In 1988, he joined Gemini  Consulting as a Consultant  and was
promoted  through  several  positions  to  the  level  of  Principal.  In  these
positions,  Mr. Lobban was responsible for leading large teams in  multi-million
dollar projects to improve the financial performance of over 30 companies,  most
in  the  Fortune  500.  Gemini  Consulting  of  Morristown,  New  Jersey  is  an
international  business  consulting firm. In 1995, he joined the George Group of
Dallas,  Texas as a Director and then  Vice-President,  where he was responsible
for  managing  multiple  client  engagements  in  turnaround/major   improvement

                  During 1997 he became  associated  full-time  with the Company
and provides valuable service as its Chief Financial Officer supervising general
accounting,   finance,  investor  relations,   information  systems,  and  human
resources as well as its procurement and materials management  functions.  He is
also charged with leading the Company's cost reduction efforts.


                  A proposal  will be  presented  at the  meeting to approve the
appointment of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP as the Company's  independent public
accountants.  A representative of this accounting firm is expected to be present
at the annual  meeting to respond to questions  and to make a  statement,  if he
desires to do so. He will also be available to respond to appropriate  questions
regarding the financial statements of the Company.

                  Effective  December 28, 1998 the registrant  dismissed  Jones,
Jensen  &  Company  (herein  referred  to as the  "former  accountants")  as the
independent  accountants  who are  engaged to audit the  registrant's  financial
statements.  This  decision  to  change  accountants  was  not  based  upon  any
disagreement with the former accountants.

                  The former accountants' report on the financial  statements of
the  registrant  for either of the past two years has not  contained  an adverse
opinion or a  disclaimer  of opinion,  and was not  qualified  or modified as to
uncertainty, audit scope, or accounting principles.

                  During the  registrant's two most recent fiscal years, and any
subsequent  interim  period  preceding the dismissal of the former  accountants,


there have been no  disagreements  with the former  accountants on any matter of
accounting  principles or practices,  or financial statement  disclosure,  which
disagreements,  if not resolved to the  satisfaction of the former  accountants,
would  have  caused  them  to  make  references  to the  subject  matter  of the
disagreements in connection with their report.

                  Further, during the registrant's two most recent fiscal years,
and  any  subsequent  interim  period  preceding  the  dismissal  of the  former
accountants, the former accountants have not advised the registrant (a) that the
internal  controls  necessary for the registrant to develop  reliable  financial
statements  do not  exist;  (b) that  information  has come to the  accountants'
attention  that  has led  them  to no  longer  be  able to rely on  management's
representations,  or that has made  them  unwilling  to be  associated  with the
financial  statements  prepared  by  management;  (c)  or  the  need  to  expand
significantly  the scope of their audit;  (d) that  information  has come to the
former  accountants'  attention  that, if further  investigated,  may materially
impact the fairness or reliability of either a previously issued audit report or
the underlying  financial  statements issued or to be issued covering the fiscal
period subsequent to the date of the most recent financial statements covered by
an audit report  (including  information that may prevent them from rendering an
unqualified  audit report on those  financial  statements),  or cause them to be
unwilling to rely on  management's  representations  or be  associated  with the
registrant's  financial  statements;  or (e)  that  information  has come to the
former  accountants'  attention that they have concluded  materially impacts the
fairness or reliability of either,  (i) a previously  issued audit report or the
underlying financial  statements,  or (ii) the financial statements issued or to
be issued covering the fiscal periods  subsequent to the date of the most recent
financial  statements  covered by an audit report  (including  information that,
unless resolved to the former accountants' satisfaction, would prevent them from
rendering an unqualified audit report on those financial statements).

                  The registrant engaged as its new independent accountants, the
firm of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP. The  effective  date of the  engagement of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP was December 22, 1998.



As of the March 15,  1999,  the Company had  17,147,333  shares of common  stock
outstanding.  The chart below sets forth the ownership, or claimed ownership, of
certain  individuals  and entities.  This chart discloses those persons known by
the Board of Directors  to have,  or to claim to have,  beneficial  ownership of
more than 5% of the outstanding  shares of the common stock of the Company as of
March 15, 1999; of all directors and executive  officers of the Company;  and of
the directors and officers of the Company as a group.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Name and Address of        Number of Shares       Percent of Class
   Beneficial Owner          Beneficially Owned
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Francis S. Keery
   Phoenix, Az                  3,524,722 1                20.29%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Patrick Keery
   Scottsdale, Az               2,748,549 2                15.89%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Barbara S. Keery
   Phoenix, Az                  3,483,106                  20.31%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Harry H. Birkenruth
   Storrs, CT                           0                      0%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   H.B. Tony Turner
   Paradise Valley, AZ                  0                      0%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Robert P. Lobban
   Gilbert, Az                      7,000                      * 3        
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Officers and Directors
   as a group (6 members)       9,763,377                  55.72%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            1  Includes 225,000 shares underlying unexercised employee options.
            2  Includes 150,000 shares underlying unexercised employee options.

            3  Represents less than one percent.


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

                  The table  set  forth  below  contains  information  about the
remuneration  received  and accrued  during the last three fiscal years from the
Company and its subsidiaries by the CEO of the Company. None of the employees of
the Company have received salary and bonuses of $100,000 or more in any calendar

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name and                    Year          Salary ($)        Bonus ($)         Other                  Securities
Principal                                                                     Annual                 Underlying
Position                                                                      Compensation           Options or
                                                                              ($)                    SARs (#)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Frank Keery                 1998          75,577            1,442             7,908 4                 75,000
Chairman/CEO                1997          61,154            1,154             6,942 4                      0
                            1996          60,000                0                 0                  150,000
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                  In  December  1996,  the  Board of  Directors  of the  Company
adopted the Titan Motorcycle Co. of America Stock Option and Incentive Plan (the
"Plan").  Under the Plan, Incentive Stock Options ("ISOs"),  Non-qualified Stock
Options,   Stock  Appreciation  Rights  ("SARs"),   Restricted  Stock,  Dividend
Equivalents  and  Performance  Shares may be awarded to key  employees  of Titan
Motorcycle Co. of America and its subsidiaries.

                  A  committee  consisting  of at least  two  Board  members  is
authorized  to  administer  the Plan and is  authorized  to  select  from  among
eligible  employees  those  persons  who will  receive  awards,  to  select  the
appropriate  form of awards and to determine  the terms and  conditions  of such
awards. After taking into consideration the March 1997 two-for-one forward split
of the stock of the Company,  the aggregate number of shares of stock subject to
awards under the Plan may not exceed 6,000,000.

                  The  committee  may make awards of ISOs,  Non-qualified  Stock
Options, SARs, Restricted Stock, Dividend Equivalents and Performance Shares, or
any  combination  of the  foregoing,  to officers and other key employees of the
Company and its subsidiaries.  For purposes of the Plan, the "key employees" are
those employees who, in the opinion of the Committee, are mainly responsible for
the continued  growth,  development  and financial  success of the Company.  The
- ---------------------
          4 Of the amounts reflected,  $5,824 and $7,566 represent an automotive
allowance for Frank Keery for 1997 and 1998 respectively.


committee is not required to make awards to every  individual  who is an officer
or key employee,  but it may not make any award to any  individual who is not an
officer or key employee.

                  An ISO is a stock  option  that  satisfies  certain  technical
requirements specified in Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code (the "Code").
Under the Code, ISOs may only be granted to employees. In order for an option to
qualify as an ISO, the price  specified in the option must equal the fair market
value of the stock at the date of the grant,  and the option must lapse no later
than 10 years from the date of the grant.  As a general rule,  the stock subject
to ISOs which are first  exercisable by an employee in any calendar year may not
have a value of more  than  $100,000  as of the  date of  grant.  Certain  other
requirements must also be met.

                  A Non-qualified Stock Option is any stock option other than an
ISO. These options are referred to as  "non-qualified"  because they do not meet
the  requirements  of, and are not  eligible  for the  favorable  tax  treatment
provided by Section  422 of the Code.  Subject to  applicable  federal and state
securities  laws,  non-qualified  options  can be  subject  to  such  terms  and
conditions as the committee  determines in its discretion.  Thus, for example, a
Non-qualified Stock Option could be granted which has an exercise price which is
less than the stock's fair market value on the date of grant.

                  A Stock  Appreciation Right ("SAR") is the right granted to an
employee to receive the  appreciation  in the value of a share of Company  stock
over a certain  period of time.  Under the Plan, the Company may pay that amount
in cash or in Company stock or in a combination  of both.  SARs are often issued
in  conjunction  with a grant of stock  options  to give the  employee  the cash
necessary to exercise the option and/or pay the tax attributable to the exercise
of the option (in the case of a Non-qualified  Stock Option).  Although SARs can
be exercised  independently of an option,  in such cases, the underlying  option
lapses to the extent the SARs are exercised.

                  The Plan also  authorizes  the  committee to award  Restricted
Stock to employees. Under the Restricted Stock feature of the Plan, the employee
is granted a specified  number of shares of the Company's  stock.  However,  his
ownership with respect to such stock is subject to certain restrictions,  and if
the employee violates any of the restrictions during the period specified by the
Committee,  he forfeits his stock. The committee may, in its discretion,  impose
any restrictions on an employee's  Restricted Stock Award. It may not,  however,
require the employee to make any payment for the Restricted Stock.

                  The  Plan   authorizes   the   committee  to  grant   dividend
equivalents  in connection  with  options.  Dividend  equivalents  are rights to


receive additional shares of Company stock at the time of exercise of the option
to which such dividend equivalents apply. Dividend equivalents are always issued
in connection with an option, however, they can be issued at the time the option
is granted or after the option is granted.

                  Under the Plan,  the  committee  may grant  performance  share
units to an employee  which are to be credited to a  performance  share  account
maintained  for the employee.  Each  performance  share unit is deemed to be the
equivalent of one share of Company stock.  An award of  performance  shares does
not entitle an employee to any ownership, dividend, voting, or other rights of a
shareholder  until  distribution  is made in the form of  shares  of  stock.  No
employee  may receive as  performance  shares  units more than 30 percent of the
aggregate number of shares that can be awarded under the Plan.

                  As of  March  15,  1999,  the  Company  has  granted  ISOs and
Non-qualified  Stock  Options for an  aggregate of 980,000  shares of stock.  No
grants have been made of any of the other  categories of awards  available under
the Plan.

                  Stock  options  awarded in fiscal  year 1998 under the Plan of
the Company are as follows:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Name               Number of       Date Awarded      % of Total       Exercise or   Expiration Date
                        Securities                       Options/SARs      Base Price
                        Underlying                        Granted to         ($/Sh)
                       Options/SARs                      Employees in
                        Granted (#)                        Fiscal Year
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Frank Keery              75,000            1/28/98          12.9%              $3.00          1/28/08
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Patrick Keery            50,000            1/28/98           8.6%              $3.00          1/28/08
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Barbara Keery            50,000            1/28/98           8.6%              $3.00          1/28/08
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Robert Lobban            90,000            1/28/98          15.4%              $3.00          1/28/08
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                  The Board of Directors of the Company held eleven  meetings in
calendar year 1998 and one meetings to date in calendar year 1999. All directors
participated in person or by telephone in these meetings.

                  Each of the members of the Board of  Directors  of the Company
serve for a one year term, or until their successors are elected. Mr. Birkenruth
and Mr.  Turner have accepted  appointments  to serve as the only members of the
audit and  compensation  committees of Titan's Board of Directors.  The standing


audit and  compensation  committees  were  established in the latter half of the
fiscal year 1998,  and held no formal  meetings in that year.  These  committees
have met one time thus far in fiscal year 1999. The  compensation  committee has
been charged with the responsibility of evaluating and establishing compensation
for the management of the Company. The audit committee has been charged with the
responsibility of communicating with the auditors of the Company, and evaluating
the  accounting  controls,  functions  and  systems  of the  Company.  The audit
committee  also evaluated the corporate  opportunities  referred to below in the
Related Transactions section of this Proxy Statement.

                  None of the  directors,  officers or 5% owners of the stock of
the Company is  involved in any  significant  legal  proceedings  adverse to the

             Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

                  Each  Director  and the CFO of the Company  have  notified the
Company that they were not required to file a Form 5 report for fiscal year 1998
because they  experienced no change in fiscal year 1998 in their stock ownership
interest  from the time that they were  obligated  to file  their Form 3 reports
after the effective  date of the Company's  Form 10-SB  registration  statement.
Each of such  individuals had a single failure to timely file their initial Form
3 report,  which is  defined  as a known  failure  to file.  All  other  reports
required under Section 16(a) have been timely filed.


                  Prior to the  formation  of Titan  Motorcycle  Co. of America,
Patrick Keery and Frank Keery had been  conducting the business of  after-market
customization  of  Harley  Davidson   motorcycles  in  the  Phoenix  area.  This
dealership  is  owned  by the  President  and  the  CEO of the  Company,  and an
independent  third party. The dealership sells the products of the Company under
the standard  dealership contract of the Company without any special concessions
or contract provisions.

                  In early 1998, the CEO and the President of the Company joined
with  a  third-party  investor  to  purchase  existing  independent  dealerships
representing Titan products in the Los Angeles, California and Las Vegas, Nevada
areas.  The  third-party  investor is a principal of an investment  banking firm
that has  assisted  the  Company  in  capital  raising  functions.  These  three
individuals have formed a limited  liability  company known as BPF, LLC. The Los
Angeles and Las Vegas dealerships have required  significant  capital infusions,
at a time when the Company was unable to invest in any of its dealerships. These
two  dealerships  are continuing to sell the products of the Company (as well as
other non-Titan products), under the standard dealership contract of the Company
without any special concessions or contract provisions.


                  The owner of another  U.S.  dealership  of the products of the
Company in a major market area has notified the Company that his  dealership  is
for sale.  The Company has invited  other  dealerships  to offer to purchase the
offered  dealership,  and has not been  advised of any  material  interest in an
acquisition of the offered  dealership.  The independent and unrelated directors
of Titan have  evaluated the corporate  opportunities  of acquiring the Phoenix,
Los Angeles,  Las Vegas and the newly offered  dealership,  but have  determined
that such  acquisitions  are not in the best  interests  of the  Company at this
time.  The BPF, LLC is  evaluating  the  possibility  of  acquiring  the offered


                  Stockholders  of the Company  wishing to include  proposals in
the proxy  material in relation to the annual  meeting of the Company to be held
in the year 2000 must  submit the same in writing  so as to be  received  at the
executive  office of the Company at 2222 West Peoria  Avenue,  Phoenix,  Arizona
85029, on or before February 1, 2000. Such proposals  should also meet the other
requirements of the rules of the Securities and Exchange  Commission relating to
stockholders' proposals.

                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

                  The Consolidated  Financial  Statements and schedules  thereto
are  incorporated  by reference into this Proxy  Statement.  A copy of the above
mentioned  information is included in the Annual Report enclosed with this Proxy
Statement. Additional copies are available to stockholders upon written request,
or by means of a telephone  call, to the secretary of the Company at the offices
indicated on the first page of this Proxy Statement.


                  DATED this 30th day of March, 1999.

                                                     By Order of the Directors:

                                                     /s/ Frank Kerry
                                                     FRANK KEERY, CEO

                         TITAN MOTORCYCLE CO. OF AMERICA
                             2222 West Peoria Avenue
                             Phoenix, Arizona 85029
                            Telephone (602) 861-6977



                           TO BE HELD ON MAY 12, 1999

                             THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

         The undersigned  stockholder(s)  appoint(s)  Patrick Keery or Robert P.
Lobban,  with power of  substitution,  to represent and to vote on behalf of the
undersigned,  all of the  shares  of  Common  Stock of TITAN  MOTORCYCLE  CO. OF
AMERICA  which  the  undersigned  is  entitled  to  vote at the  Meeting  of the
stockholders,  to be held at 10:00 a.m.  Local Time, at the  DoubleTree  Resort;
5401 North Scottsdale Road; Scottsdale,  Arizona and at any adjournment thereof,
revoking  all proxies  heretofore  given with  respect to such  stock,  upon the
following  proposals more fully described in the  accompanying  Proxy Statement,
receipt of which is hereby acknowledged.



     ( ) For all nominees listed below (except as marked to the contrary below).

     ( ) Withhold authority to vote for all nominees listed below:

                           Francis S. Keery             Barbara S. Keery

                           Patrick Keery                Harry H. Birkenruth

                           H.B. Tony Turner



INSTRUCTION:  (To withhold authority to vote for any individual  nominee,  write
the nominee's name on the space provided below).

2.  PROPOSAL TO APPROVE THE  APPOINTMENT  OF  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP as the
independent public accountants of the corporation.

                   ( ) FOR          ( ) AGAINST               ( ) ABSTAIN

3. In his discretion, the proxy is authorized to vote upon such other matters as
may properly come before the meeting.

This proxy, when properly executed,  will be voted in the manner directed herein
by the undersigned stockholder(s).  Where direction is not made, this proxy will
be voted for proposals 1 and 2.

Please sign this proxy exactly as the name appears on your stock certificate. If
shares are held by joint tenants, both should sign. When signing as attorney, as
executor, administrator,  trustee, guardian or other capacity, please give title
as such.  When signing as a  corporation,  please sign in full corporate name by
President or other  authorized  officer.  If you sign for a partnership,  please
sign the partnership name by an authorized person.

         DATED this      day of                       , 1999.
                   ------      -----------------------                 

Our records indicate the following:



