
     This Agreement dated as of November 1, 1999 is by and between UnumProvident
Corporation, a Delaware corporation and its predecessors (the "Company"), and
James F. Orr III (the "Executive").

     WHEREAS, the Company (as successor-in-interest to Unum Corporation and
Provident Companies, Inc.) and the Executive have previously executed an amended
and restated Employment Agreement dated as of May 25, 1999 (the "Employment
Agreement") providing for the compensation, benefits and terms and conditions of
the Executive's employment with the Company; and

     WHEREAS, it has been mutually agreed that Executive's employment with the
Company will cease on November 1, 1999, and the Executive and the Company agree
that such termination shall be treated as a termination pursuant to Section 5(a)
of the Employment Agreement.


     1  The terms of the Employment Agreement shall be followed in all respects,
        except as such terms are modified herein. Capitalized terms not defined
        herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Employment

     2  Subject to the Company's satisfaction of its obligations under this
        Agreement, the Executive agrees to release the Company from all
        compensation and benefit related claims arising during his employment
        with the Company that are not provided for in the Employment Agreement,
        as modified by this Agreement.

     3  The Executive and the Company each agrees that Executive's last day of
        employment with the Company will be November 1, 1999 (which shall be the
        "Date of Termination" for purposes of Section 4(e) of the Employment
        Agreement without the need to provide "Notice of Termination" under
        Section 4(d) of the Employment Agreement), and Executive and Company
        each agrees that

        a.  Executive will continue to receive his current Annual Base Salary
            through November 1, 1999, and payment therefor will be paid on
            normal payroll dates as a part of customary Company practice;

        b.  In full settlement of the provisions of Section 5(a)(i)A of the
            Employment Agreement concerning payment of a lump sum within thirty
            days after the


            Date of Termination, the Company shall pay Executive nine million
            dollars ($9,000,000) in cash according to the following schedule:
            (1) $6,000,000 to be paid on March 31, 2000; (2) the remaining
            $3,000,000 to be paid in four equal installments of $750,000 on each
            of July 3, 2000, October 2, 2000, January 2, 2001 and April 2, 2001;

        c.  Executive will not receive any payment of a partial bonus for 1999
            as provided for in Section 5(a) (i)B(y) of the Employment Agreement;

        d.  In full satisfaction of (1) the Retirement Benefit specified in
            Section 3(b)(v) of the Employment Agreement, (2) all benefits
            accrued under all nonqualified defined benefit retirement plans
            maintained by the Company and (3) the provisions of Section 5(a)(i)C
            of the Employment Agreement (concerning payment in a lump sum thirty
            days after the Date of Termination of the actuarial present value of
            the Retirement Benefit), the Company shall pay Executive on March
            31, 2000 an amount in cash equal to eleven million four hundred and
            forty-four thousand seven hundred and eighty-six dollars
            ($11,444,786). The Executive's accrued benefit under the Company's
            tax-qualified defined benefit plan will be paid in accordance with
            the elections available under such tax-qualified defined benefit
            plan; and

        e.  Executive and his spouse shall receive the medical and dental
            benefits provided in Section 5(a) (ii) of the Employment Agreement,
            including the limitation that premium payments for such coverage
            shall not exceed in the aggregate one million dollars ($1,000,000).

     4  As to the incentive awards provided for in Section 3(b)(iii) of the
        Employment Agreement, the Company and Executive agree as follows:

        a.  The issuance to Executive of 250,000 shares of the Company's common
            stock as Restricted Stock immediately after the Effective Date of
            the Merger is forfeited; and

        b.  The terms of the grant to Executive of options to purchase 500,000
            shares of the Company's common stock at $55.1799 per share (the
            market price specified under the Stock Option Plan on June 30,1999)
            for a term of ten years from the date of grant are as set forth in
            the Non-Qualified Stock Option Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit
            A; provided, that such options shall be fully vested and immediately
            exercisable as of November 1, 1999, and shall remain exercisable for
            the remainder of the term of the grant; provided, further, that this
                                                    --------  -------
            Agreement shall be considered incorporated into and form a part of
            the Employment Agreement for purposes of such Non-Qualified Stock
            Option Agreement.


     5  Company and Executive agree that as of November 1, 1999 there are no
        other amounts or benefits due Executive through such date or thereafter
        from or under any other plan, program, policy or agreement of the
        Company as contemplated in Section 5(a)(iv) of the Employment Agreement
        that have not been paid, except as set forth on Exhibit B hereto.

     6  For the avoidance of doubt, the Company acknowledges its obligations to
        pay any gross-up amount required by Section 8 of the Employment

     7  Executive agrees to resign as a member of the Company's Board of
        Directors, as Chairman of the Board of Directors and as Chairman of the
        Executive Committee of the Board of Directors effective November 1, 1999
        pursuant to the letter attached hereto as Exhibit C and such letter of
        resignation is hereby accepted effective on such date.

     8  Company shall continue to provide Executive with staff support through
        December 31, 1999 and with membership privileges and usage consistent
        with past practice in the Cumberland Club in Portland, Maine through
        December 31, 1999.

     9  Company shall pay Executive's reasonable attorneys fees and expenses
        incurred in connection with the negotiation and execution of this

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Executive has hereunto set the Executive's hand and the
Company has caused this Agreement to be executed in its name and on its behalf,
all as of the date first written above.


                                        James F. Orr III

                                        UnumProvident Corporation




                                   EXHIBIT A

                             STOCK OPTION AGREEMENT


                                   EXHIBIT B


1.  $3,491,000 payable to Executive under deferred compensation arrangements
    with the Company as of October 31, 1999 and including credited interest
    through December 31, 1999 will be paid on January 3, 2000.

2.  On March 31, 2000, (a) the amount of $348,000, representing the scheduled
    payment due from Executive pursuant to the terms of the Collateral
    Assignment Split-Dollar Agreement and Release, dated December 20, 1995, by
    and among the Company, the Executive and the Executive's spouse and the
    Collateral Assignment, dated December 20, 1995, by and between the same
    parties (collectively, the "Insurance Agreements") will be waived in
    accordance with Section 3(b)(v) of the Employment Agreement and the Company
    acknowledges its obligation under such section to gross up the amount
    forgiven for applicable federal, state and local taxes which are estimated
    to total approximately $341,791 and (b) the Company shall release any claims
    under the Insurance Agreements and the Policy (as defined in the Insurance

3.  Amounts due under any tax-qualified retirement plan in which Executive has
    accrued but unpaid benefits.

4.  $10,000 retiree life insurance policy (provided by the Company at no cost to
    the Executive).

5.  Ability to convert Executive's group life insurance coverage obtained by the
    Company to an individual policy with all future premiums to be paid by


                                   EXHIBIT C

                            [LETTER OF RESIGNATION]

                                        November 1, 1999

To:  Board of Directors
     UnumProvident Corporation

      By this letter I am resigning as a member of the Board of Directors of
UnumProvident  Corporation and all positions I currently hold on the Board of
Directors or with committees thereof effective November 1, 1999.


                                        James F. Orr III
