As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on October 27, 2000

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                             Washington, D.C. 20549


                              Amendment No. 1


                                    FORM 10

                     PURSUANT TO SECTION 12(b) OR 12(g) OF
                      THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934


                              Global Payments Inc.
             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

                   Georgia                                       58-2567903
        (State or other jurisdiction                          (I.R.S. Employer
      of incorporation or organization)                     Identification No.)

                 Four Corporate Square, Atlanta, Georgia 30329
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

                                 (404) 728-2363
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

         Copies of notices and other communications should be sent to:

               Paul R. Garcia                                 William H. Avery
           Chief Executive Officer                           Mark F. McElreath
            Global Payments Inc.                             Alston & Bird LLP
            Four Corporate Square                           One Atlantic Center
           Atlanta, Georgia 30329                        1201 West Peachtree Street
                                                        Atlanta, Georgia 30309-3424


       Securities to be registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

                                                       Name of Each Exchange on Which
   Title of Each Class to be so Registered:           Each Class is to be Registered:
   ----------------------------------------           -------------------------------
  Common Stock, no par value                              New York Stock Exchange

  Series A Junior Participating Preferred                 New York Stock Exchange
   Purchase Rights

       Securities to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:


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                                CROSS REFERENCE

                              Global Payments Inc.


   The information required to be included in this registration statement in
response to all of the Items of a registration statement on Form 10 is
incorporated by reference from the Information Statement filed as Exhibit 99.1.
The following cross-reference sheet indicates the location in the Information
Statement of the disclosure that is responsive to each Item.

 No.  Item Caption               Location in Information Statement
 ---- ------------               ---------------------------------

  1.  Business                   "Summary;" "Management's Discussion and
                                 Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
                                 Operations;" and "Global Payments' Business."

  2.  Financial Information      "Summary--Historical and Pro Forma Summary
                                 Historical Consolidated Financial Data;"
                                 "Capitalization;" "Selected Financial Data;"
                                 "Management's Discussion and Analysis of
                                 Financial Condition and Results of
                                 Operations;" "NDC eCommerce Business Segment
                                 (to be reorganized as Global Payments Inc.)
                                 Combined Financial Statements;" "Global
                                 Payments' Business--Properties;" "Security
                                 Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners;"
                                 "Management;" and "NDC eCommerce Business
                                 Segment (to be reorganized as Global Payments
                                 Inc.) Pro Forma Combined Financial

  3.  Properties                 "Global Payments' Business--Properties."

  4.  Security Ownership of      "Security Ownership Of Certain Beneficial
      Certain Beneficial Owners  Owners" and "Security Ownership of
      and Management             Management."

  5.  Directors and Executive    "Management."

  6.  Executive Compensation     "Management."

  7.  Certain Relationships and  "Summary" and "The Distribution--Relationship
      Related Transactions       Between National Data Corporation and Global
                                 Payments Following The Distribution."

  8.  Legal Proceedings          "Global Payments' Business--Legal

  9.  Market Price of and        "Summary;" "The Distribution--Listing and
      Dividends on the           Trading of the Global Payments Shares;"
      Registrant's Common Equity "Dividend Policy" and "Description of Global
      and Related Shareholder    Payments' Capital Stock."

 10.  Recent Sales of            "Description of Global Payments' Capital
      Unregistered Securities    Stock."

 11. Description of Registrant's  "Description of Global Payments Capital
     Securities to be Registered  Stock" and "Anti-Takeover Effects of our
                                  Articles of Incorporation, By-laws, Rights
                                  Agreement and Georgia Law--Rights Agreement."

 12. Indemnification of Directors "Liability and Indemnification of Directors
     and Officers                 and Officers."

 13. Financial Statements and     "Summary;" "Selected Financial Data;" "NDC
     Supplementary Data           eCommerce Business Segment (to be reorganized
                                  as Global Payments Inc.) Combined Financial
                                  Statements;" and "NDC eCommerce Business
                                  Segment (to be reorganized as Global Payments
                                  Inc.) Pro Forma Combined Financial

 14. Changes in and               None.
     Disagreements with
     Accountants on Accounting
     and Financial Disclosure

Item 15. Financial Statements and Exhibits.

  (a) List of Financial Statements. The following financial statements are
      included in the Information Statement:

      NDC eCommerce Business Segment (To be reorganized as Global Payments
        Report of Independent Public Accountants...........................
        Combined Statements of Income for the Three Months ended August 31,
         2000 and 1999 (unaudited) and for the Years ended May 31, 2000,
         1999, and 1998 ...................................................
        Combined Balance Sheets as of August 31, 2000 (unaudited) and May
         31, 2000
         and 1999 .........................................................
        Combined Statements of Cash Flows for the Three Months ended August
         31, 2000 and 1999 (unaudited) and for the Years ended May 31,
         2000, 1999, and 1998 .............................................
        Combined Statements of Changes in Shareholder's Equity for the
         Years ended May 31, 2000, 1999, and 1998 and the Three Months
         ended August 31, 2000 (unaudited).................................
        Notes to Combined Financial Statements.............................
        Report of Independent Public Accountants as to Schedule............
        Combined Schedule II--Valuation and Qualifying Accounts............
       Pro Forma (Unaudited)
        Introduction to the Pro Forma Combined Financial Statements........
        Pro Forma Combined Balance Sheet as of August 31, 2000.............
        Pro Forma Combined Statements of Income for the Year ended May 31,
        Pro Forma Combined Statements of Income for the Three Months ended
         August 31, 2000...................................................
        Notes to Pro Forma Combined Financial Statements...................


  (b) Exhibits. The following documents are filed as exhibits hereto:


           2.1   Form of Distribution Agreement, Plan of Reorganization and

           3.1   Articles of Incorporation of Global Payments Inc.

           3.2   By-laws of Global Payments Inc.

           4.1   Articles of Incorporation of Global Payments Inc. (filed as
                 Exhibit 3.1).

           4.2   By-laws of Global Payments Inc. (filed as Exhibit 3.2).

           4.3   Form of Shareholder Protection Rights Agreement.

           4.4   Form of certificate representing Global Payments Inc. common

          10.1   Form of Distribution Agreement, Plan of Reorganization and
                 Distribution (filed as
                 Exhibit 2.1).

          10.2   Form of Tax Sharing and Indemnification Agreement.

          10.3   Form of Employee Benefits Agreement.

          10.4   Form of Lease Agreement for Office Headquarters.

          10.5   Form of Three Sublease Agreements.

          10.6   Form of Intercompany Systems/Network Services Agreement.

          10.7   Form of Batch Processing Agreement.

          10.8   Form of Transition Support Agreement.

          10.9   Form of 2000 Long-Term Incentive Plan.

          10.10  Form of 2000 Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

          10.11  Form of 2000 Non-Employee Directors Stock Option Plan.

                 Form of Global Payments Inc. Supplemental Executive Retirement
          10.12  Plan.

          10.13  Employment Agreement for Paul R. Garcia.

          10.14  Employment Agreement for Thomas M. Dunn.

          10.15  Employment Agreement for James G. Kelly.

          10.16  Employment Agreement for Barry W. Lawson.

          10.17  Operating Agreement of Global Payment Systems LLC, dated March
                 31, 1996.

          10.18  Registration Rights Agreement between Global Payment Systems
                 LLC and MasterCard International Incorporated, dated April 1,

          21.1   List of Subsidiaries.

          27.1   Financial Data Schedule.

          99.1   Information Statement.



   Pursuant to the requirements of Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, the registrant has duly caused this amendment one to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                  GLOBAL PAYMENTS INC.

                                  By: /s/ Paul R. Garcia

                                    Name: Paul R. Garcia
                                    Title: Chief Executive Officer

Dated: October 27, 2000


                                EXHIBIT INDEX


           2.1   Form of Distribution Agreement, Plan of Reorganization and

           3.1   Articles of Incorporation of Global Payments Inc.

           3.2   By-laws of Global Payments Inc.

           4.1   Articles of Incorporation of Global Payments Inc. (filed as
                 Exhibit 3.1).

           4.2   By-laws of Global Payments Inc. (filed as Exhibit 3.2).

           4.3   Form of Shareholder Protection Rights Agreement.

           4.4   Form of certificate representing Global Payments Inc. common

          10.1   Form of Distribution Agreement, Plan of Reorganization and
                 Distribution (filed as
                 Exhibit 2.1).

          10.2   Form of Tax Sharing and Indemnification Agreement.

          10.3   Form of Employee Benefits Agreement.

          10.4   Form of Lease Agreement for Office Headquarters.

          10.5   Form of Three Sublease Agreements.

          10.6   Form of Intercompany Systems/Network Services Agreement.

          10.7   Form of Batch Processing Agreement.

          10.8   Form of Transition Support Agreement.

          10.9   Form of 2000 Long-Term Incentive Plan.

          10.10  Form of 2000 Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

          10.11  Form of 2000 Non-Employee Directors Stock Option Plan.

                 Form of Global Payments Inc. Supplemental Executive Retirement
          10.12  Plan.

          10.13  Employment Agreement for Paul R. Garcia.

          10.14  Employment Agreement for Thomas M. Dunn.

          10.15  Employment Agreement for James G. Kelly.

          10.16  Employment Agreement for Barry W. Lawson.

                 Operating Agreement of Global Payment Systems LLC, dated March
          10.17  31, 1996.

          10.18  Registration Rights Agreement between Global Payment Systems
                 LLC and MasterCard International Incorporated, dated April 1,

          21.1   List of Subsidiaries.

          27.1   Financial Data Schedule.

          99.1   Information Statement.
