THIS DOCUMENT IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. If you are in any doubt about what action to take, you should immediately consult your stockbroker, bank manager, lawyer, accountant or other professional or investment advisor. If you have sold all your shares in Laboratorio Chile S.A. (the "Company"), please send this Form together with the accompanying documents as soon as possible to the purchaser or to the stockbroker, bank or other agent through whom the sale was effected for transmission to the purchaser. This document should be read in conjunction with the U.S. Offer to Purchase dated July 31, 2001 (the "U.S. Offer To Purchase"). The definitions used in the U.S. Offer to Purchase apply in this Form of Acceptance (the "Form"). All terms and conditions contained in the U.S. Offer to Purchase applicable to the U.S. Offer (as defined in the U.S. Offer to Purchase) for Shares are deemed to be incorporated in and form part of this Form. FORM OF ACCEPTANCE To Tender Shares of Common Stock of LABORATORIO CHILE S.A. Pursuant to the U.S. Offer To Purchase dated July 31, 2001 by IVAX HOLDINGS C.I. a wholly-owned subsidiary of IVAX CORPORATION THE U.S. OFFER AND WITHDRAWAL RIGHTS WILL EXPIRE AT 5:30 P.M., NEW YORK CITY TIME, ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 2001, UNLESS THE U.S. OFFER IS EXTENDED. The Receiving Agent for the U.S. Offer is: THE BANK OF NEW YORK By Mail: Facsimile Transmission: By Hand or Overnight Courier: (For Eligible Institutions Only) The Bank of New York (212) 815-6339 101 Barclay Street, 7E The Bank of New York New York, NY 10286 Fax Confirmation Telephone: 101 Barclay Street Attention: (212) 815-3687 (collect) Corporate Trust Services Window New York, NY 10286 Attention: DELIVERY OF THIS FORM OF ACCEPTANCE TO AN ADDRESS OTHER THAN AS SET FORTH ABOVE WILL NOT CONSTITUTE A VALID DELIVERY. DELIVERY OF THIS FORM OF ACCEPTANCE TO A BOOK-ENTRY TRANSFER FACILITY WILL NOT CONSTITUTE VALID DELIVERY TO THE RECEIVING AGENT. The instructions accompanying this Form of Acceptance should be read carefully before this Form of Acceptance is completed. THIS FORM OF ACCEPTANCE IS TO BE USED ONLY FOR TENDERING SHARES (AS DEFINED BELOW). DO NOT USE THIS FORM OF ACCEPTANCE FOR TENDERING ADSs OR FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. Action to be taken to accept the U.S. Offer Please read the detailed instructions on how to complete this Form. This Form should only be used to accept the U.S. Offer if you are a registered U.S. holder of Shares of the Company (the "Shares"). Shares beneficially owned or held of record by persons who are not U.S. holders cannot be tendered pursuant to the U.S. Offer and can only be tendered pursuant to the concurrent Chilean Offer (as defined in the U.S. Offer to Purchase). If you are a holder of American Depositary Shares ("ADSs"), you will receive and should complete an ADS Letter of Transmittal and related documents in accordance with the instructions set out therein. If you wish to accept the U.S. Offer, send the completed and signed Form, together with the documents identified below to The Bank of New York (the "Receiving Agent"), at the address set forth on the back cover of the U.S. Offer to Purchase as soon as possible and in any event so as to arrive not later than 5:30 p.m., New York City time, on Wednesday, August 29, 2001, unless the U.S. Offer is extended. If your Titulo(s) and other documentation are not readily available or are lost, this Form should nevertheless be completed, signed and returned as stated above so as to arrive not later than 5:30 p.m., New York City time, on Wednesday, August 29, 2001, unless the U.S. Offer is extended. Your acceptance of the U.S. Offer is on the terms and subject to the conditions contained in the U.S. Offer to Purchase and in this Form. In the event of an inconsistency between the terms and procedures in the Form and the U.S. Offer to Purchase, the terms and procedures in the U.S. Offer to Purchase shall govern. Please contact the Information Agent at (800) 758-5880 to discuss any inconsistency. Do not detach any part of this Form If you have any questions as to how to complete this Form, please contact the Information Agent at (800) 758-5880 or (212) 269-5550. Instructions If you wish to accept the U.S. Offer you should: (i) complete and sign this Form in accordance with the instructions set out below; (ii) forward this Form, together with the following documents to the Receiving Agent at the address set forth on the back cover of the U.S. Offer to Purchase: (a) Titulo(s) evidencing ownership of Shares, if Shares are held in certificated form, (b) a certificate from the Company registry or the DCV evidencing the number of Shares, if any, held on deposit at the DCV, the number of shares held by the holder, and indicating the liens or encumbrances that affect the Shares, (c) duly signed Traspaso(s) (Exhibit 1) indicating the number of Shares and the number of original issue Shares, if any, to be tendered with the date of such Traspaso(s) in blank, (d) in the case of Shares held on deposit at the DCV, a letter to the DCV instructing the DCV to perform a book-entry transfer in favor of the Purchaser; and (e) in the case the U.S. holder is an individual, a copy of the U.S. holder's passport or photo identification card, (f) in the case the U.S. holder is an entity, (1) a Secretary's certificate certifying the name, title and specimen signature of an officer authorized to execute the transfer documents and a copy of the entity's organizational documents, and (2) a copy of the passport or photo identification card of the authorized officer, and (g) any other documents requested by the Receiving Agent to evidence the authority of the U.S. holder to tender and sell its Shares; and (iii) ensure that they are sent so that they arrive or are delivered at the address of the Receiving Agent not later than 5:30 p.m., New York City time, on Wednesday, August 29, 2001, unless the U.S. Offer is extended. If the U.S. holder is acting through a power of attorney, a copy of such power granted before a Notary Public in Chile or before the competent Chilean General Consul must be provided to the Receiving Agent. Power of Attorney By accepting the U.S. Offer and signing this Form you hereby grant a special irrevocable power of attorney to the Receiving Agent authorizing such Receiving Agent to fill in the date in the Traspaso(s). By signing this Form you hereby grant this irrevocable commercial power of attorney in the understanding that it is being granted in the interest of both the principal and the attorney-in-fact and that the attorney-in-fact shall not be liable for rendering of accounts or any other obligations to you as principal. This commercial power of attorney will be irrevocable unless this Form is revoked. If this Form is revoked, this power of attorney shall be understood as immediately revoked. This power of attorney revokes any and all sell orders of the Shares and powers of attorney granted in connection thereto given previously to this date. Negative Covenant By signing this Form, you agree that until the Expiration Date or until your Shares are withdrawn from the Offer you will not sell, transfer, assign, pledge or in any other way dispose of or encumber the Shares tendered hereby. Representation By signing this Form, you declare that your Shares tendered are fully paid and free from liens and encumbrances. How to complete this Form Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The U.S. Offer To accept the U.S. Offer, write in Box 1 the total number of Shares for which you wish to accept the U.S. Offer. If no number, or a number greater than your entire holding of Shares, is written in Box 1 and you have signed Box 2, you will be deemed to have written the number of Shares comprised in, and to have accepted the U.S. Offer in respect of, your entire registered holding of Shares. To accept the U.S. Offer, complete Boxes 1 and 3 and, if applicable, Box 4, and sign Box 2 below. BOX 1 ----------------------------- --------------------------- Shares 2. Signatures You must execute Box 2 and, in the case of a joint holding, arrange for the designated common representative or, otherwise, all other joint holders to do likewise. In the case of joint holders, all must sign. All signatures must be witnessed. A witness should be a Chilean licensed stockbroker, a Notary Public in Chile, competent Chilean General Consul or two individuals over 18 who are not members of the tendering joint holders. If you sign in a capacity other than that of a registered holder (e.g., under a Power of Attorney), please state the capacity in which you sign and send together with this Form an authorized copy of the Power of Attorney duly granted before a Notary Public in Chile or before the competent Chilean General Consul. Sign here to accept the U.S. Offer BOX 2 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Execution by Individuals Execution by a company Signed and delivered as a deed by Executed and delivered as a deed of In the presence ------------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------------------------- (Name of record holder) ------------------------------- (Name of Company) ----------------------------- (Signature of record holder) ------------------------------- ------------------------------- (The space above should be used to ------------------------------- witness as appropriate) (General Manager) (Signature) ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- (Name of Secretary/Director) (Signature) 3.Name(s) and address Complete Box 3 with the full name and address of the sole or first named registered holder together with the names of all other joint holders (if any) in BLOCK CAPITALS. Full name(s) and address BOX 3 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First registered Joint registered Joint registered Joint registered holder Joint registered holder(s) holder(s) holder(s) holder(s) 1. First Name(s) 5. ________________ 2. First Name(s)_____ 3. First Name(s) ____ 4. First Name(s) ____ Corporation(s)__ Name of (Mr./Mrs./Miss/Title) (Mr./Mrs./Miss/Title) (Mr./Mrs./Miss/Title) (Mr./Mrs./Miss/Title) Corporation ________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ ________________ Last Name_______ Last Name ___________ Last Name ___________ Last Name____________ ________________ ________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ ________________ ________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ ________________ Address_________ Address______________ Address______________ Address______________ Address_________ ________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ ________________ Zip Code________ Zip Code_____________ Zip Code_____________ Zip Code_____________ Zip Code________ In case of questions please state daytime telephone number. 4.Alternative address Insert in Box 4 the name and address of the person or agent (for example, your bank) to whom you wish the consideration or returned documents to be sent if not the same as in Box 3. Complete this Box if you wish the consideration and/or other documents to be sent to someone other than the first-named registered holder at the address set out in Box 3. BOX 4 --------- Name ________________________________________ Address ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Daytime telephone number ________________________________________ Additional notes regarding the completion and submission of this Form In order to be effective, this Form must, except as mentioned below, be executed personally by the registered holder or, in the case of a joint holding, by the representative of ALL the joint holders as provided for in Article 23 of Law 18.046 of the Chilean Companies Law and all signatures must be independently witnessed as provided for in Article 15 of the Regulations of the Chilean Companies Law (the "Rules"). A corporation must execute this Form by means of an authorized officer. 1.If your Titulos(s) is/are held by your stockbroker, bank or some other agent You should either obtain from your stockbroker, bank or other agent the Titulos(s) in your name and submit it to the Receiving Agent together with the Traspaso(s) with the date in blank and the Form duly signed with all the documents indicated above or, alternatively, you should instruct your stockbroker, bank or other agent to tender your Shares in the manner specified above. 2. If you have lost any of your share certificates The completed Form, together with any Titulo(s) which you have available, should be sent to or delivered by hand to the Receiving Agent at its address accompanied by a letter stating that you have lost one or more of your Titulo(s). You should then follow the procedures provided for in Article 21 of the Rules and, when completed, ask the Company for a new Titulo. 3. If a holder is away from home (e.g., abroad or on holiday) or if this Form is being signed under a Power of Attorney Send this form by the quickest means (e.g., air mail) to the holder for execution or, if the holder has executed a Power of Attorney, have this Form signed by the Attorney. The completed Form together with the required documents should be deposited with the Receiving Agent, at its address accompanied by the Power of Attorney (or a duly certified copy thereof). Any power of attorney must have been granted before a Notary Public in Chile or before the competent Chilean General Consul. The Power of Attorney (or a duly certified copy thereof) will be submitted for registration by the Receiving Agent and returned as directed. No other signatures are acceptable. 4. If you have sold off all your holding You should send this Form at once to the stockbroker, bank or other agent through whom the sale was effected for transmission to the purchaser. 5.If you have any questions You should immediately contact your stockbroker, bank or other agent or the Receiving Agent. The consideration due to you under the U.S. Offer cannot be sent to you until all relevant documents have been properly completed and sent to or deposited with the Receiving Agent. Notwithstanding that no Titulo(s) and/or other document(s) of title is/are delivered with it, this Form, if otherwise valid, accompanied by the appropriate endorsement or certificate signed on behalf of the transfer agent of the Company will be treated as a valid acceptance of the U.S. Offer. EXHIBIT 1 TRASPASO DE ACCIONES PRIMERA EMISION Senor Gerente de: LABORATORIO CHILE S.A. Sirvase Ud. hacer traspasar ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ acciones de LABORATORIO CHILE S.A. de mi propiedad, segun titulos No ___________ las que he enajenado a _________________________________________________________ al precio de US$ 1,25 .- pagadero en pesos Chilenos, conforme al tipo de cambio de Ch$629.00 por US$1.00. TESTIGOS En , a de de 2001 Mayores de Edad __________________________________________ NOMBRE _________________________ NOMBRE DEL VENDEDOR R.U.T. _________________________ __________________________________________ DOMICILIO _________________________ FIRMA DEL VENDEDOR O REPRESENTANTE _________________________ R.U.T. No ______________________________ FIRMA _________________________ DOMICILIO ______________________________ COMUNA ______________________________ NOMBRE _________________________ _________________________ CIUDAD _________________ FONO_______ R.U.T. _________________________ CASILLA _________________ E.CIVIL _____ DOMICILIO _________________________ NACIONALIDAD_________________ _________________________ CONYUGE ______________________________ FIRMA _________________________ - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por el presente instrumento, acepto el traspaso precedente y asimismo los estatutos de LABORATORIO CHILE S.A. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TESTIGOS En , a de de 2001 Mayores de Edad NOMBRE _________________________ FIRMA COMPRADOR O REPRESENTANTE R.U.T. _________________________ DOMICILIO _________________________ R.U.T. No ______________________________ _________________________ DOMICILIO ______________________________ COMUNA ______________________________ FIRMA _________________________ CIUDAD _________________ FONO_______ CASILLA _________________ E.CIVIL _____ NOMBRE _________________________ _________________________ NACIONALIDAD_________________ R.U.T. _________________________ CONYUGE ______________________________ DOMICILIO _________________________ _________________________ FIRMA _________________________ ADQUIRENTE O COMPRADOR SOLICITA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- Que la sociedad tenga a su disposicion el titulo correspondiente a las acciones adquiridas o compradas, dentro del plazo de 6 dias habiles desde la fecha de recepcion del traspaso. [_] 2- Que la sociedad no emita el titulo en el plazo establecido en el No 1 precedente, sin perjucio de la inscripcion del traspaso correspondiente, y del derecho a solicitar el titulo cuando lo considere oportuno. [_] Esta nota se transcribe en virtud de lo estipulado en la circular No 1.494 de la S.V.S. de fecha 17 de Agosto de 2000. PARA USO INTERNO DE LA COMPANIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SE CANCELO--SE SALDO SE EMITIO Titulo No por Titulo No por acciones acciones - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fecha de recepcion: Santiago, de de 2001 --------------------- FIRMA AUTORIZADA NOTA : Por instrucciones impartidas en circular No 585 de fecha 29 de Enero de 1986 de la S.V.S., el presente traspaso debera ser presentado a la Sociedad para su inscripcion en el menor plazo posible. Importante: FIRMA: ______________________________ R.U.T.: ______________________________ Todo comprador debera firmar este recorte Se encarece el cumplimiento de esta exigencia Domicilio: ______________________________ por ser indespensable para el registro de firmas. Comuna: _________________ Ciudad: ______ TRASPASO DE ACCIONES Senor Gerente de: LABORATORIO CHILE S.A. Sirvase Ud. hacer traspasar ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ acciones de LABORATORIO CHILE S.A. de mi propiedad, segun titulos No ___________ las que he enajenado a _________________________________________________________ al precio de US$ 1,25 .- pagadero en pesos Chilenos, conforme al tipo de cambio de Ch$629.00 por US$1.00. TESTIGOS En , a de de 2001 Mayores de Edad __________________________________________ NOMBRE _________________________ NOMBRE DEL VENDEDOR R.U.T. _________________________ __________________________________________ DOMICILIO _________________________ FIRMA DEL VENDEDOR O REPRESENTANTE _________________________ R.U.T. No ______________________________ FIRMA _________________________ DOMICILIO ______________________________ COMUNA ______________________________ NOMBRE _________________________ _________________________ CIUDAD _________________ FONO_______ R.U.T. _________________________ CASILLA _________________ E.CIVIL ______ DOMICILIO _________________________ NACIONALIDAD_________________ _________________________ CONYUGE ______________________________ FIRMA _________________________ - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por el presente instrumento, acepto el traspaso precedente y asimismo los estatutos de LABORATORIO CHILE S.A. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TESTIGOS En , a de de 2001 Mayores de Edad NOMBRE _________________________ FIRMA COMPRADOR O REPRESENTANTE R.U.T. _________________________ DOMICILIO _________________________ R.U.T. No ______________________________ _________________________ DOMICILIO ______________________________ COMUNA ______________________________ FIRMA _________________________ CIUDAD _________________ FONO_______ CASILLA _________________ E.CIVIL ______ NOMBRE _________________________ _________________________ NACIONALIDAD_________________ R.U.T. _________________________ CONYUGE ______________________________ DOMICILIO _________________________ _________________________ FIRMA _________________________ ADQUIRENTE O COMPRADOR SOLICITA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- Que la sociedad tenga a su disposicion el titulo correspondiente a las acciones adquiridas o compradas, dentro del plazo de 6 dias habiles desde la fecha de recepcion del traspaso. [_] 2- Que la sociedad no emita el titulo en el plazo establecido en el No 1 precedente, sin perjucio de la inscripcion del traspaso correspondiente, y del derecho a solicitar el titulo cuando lo considere oportuno. [_] Esta nota se transcribe en virtud de lo estipulado en la circular No 1.494 de la S.V.S. de fecha 17 de Agosto de 2000. PARA USO INTERNO DE LA COMPANIA - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SE CANCELO--SE SALDO SE EMITIO Titulo No por Titulo No por acciones acciones - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fecha de recepcion: Santiago, de de 2001 --------------------- FIRMA AUTORIZADA NOTA : Por instrucciones impartidas en circular No 585 de fecha 29 de Enero de 1986 de la S.V.S., el presente traspaso debera ser presentado a la Sociedad para su inscripcion en el menor plazo posible. Importante: FIRMA: ______________________________ R.U.T.: ______________________________ Todo comprador debera firmar este recorte Se encarece el cumplimiento de esta exigencia Domicilio: ______________________________ por ser indespensable para el registro de firmas. Comuna: _________________ Ciudad: ______ EXHIBIT 1 PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS ENGLISH LANGUAGE TRANSLATION OF "TRASPASO DE ACCIONES" IS PROVIDED FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. TO BE EFFECTIVE, THE ORIGINAL SPANISH LANGUAGE TRASPASO MUST BE COMPLETED AND SIGNED. TRANSFER OF SHARES (for information purposes only) I hereby advise the manager of: LABORATORIO CHILE S.A. to transfer ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ shares of LABORATORIO CHILE S.A. of my own, as recorded in certificate No. __ and which I have conveyed to _______________________________________________ at a price of US$ 1.25 .- payable in Chilean pesos, calculated at Ch$629.00 per US$1.00. In on , 2001 WITNESSES 18 years old or older __________________________________________ NAME_________________________ NAME OF SELLER PASSPORT __________________________________________ OR ID NO. _________________________ SIGNATURE OF SELLER OR SELLER'S AGENT ADDRESS _________________________ PASSPORT _________________________ OR ID NO. _____________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________ SIGNATURE _________________________ CITY _____________________________ STATE _______________ PHONE_______ NAME_________________________ P.O. BOX ________ MARITAL STATUS _______ PASSPORT NATIONALITY _________________ OR ID NO. _________________________ NAME OF SPOUSE _____________________________ ADDRESS _________________________ _________________________ SIGNATURE _________________________ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hereby accept the above transfer as well as the bylaws of LABORATORIO CHILE S.A. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WITNESSES In on , 2001 18 years old or older __________________________________________ NAME_________________________ SIGNATURE OF BUYER OR BUYER'S AGENT PASSPORT OR ID NO. _________________________ PASSPORT ADDRESS _________________________ OR ID NO. _____________________________ _________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________ CITY _____________________________ SIGNATURE _________________________ STATE _______________ PHONE_______ P.O. BOX ________ MARITAL STATUS _______ NAME_________________________ NATIONALITY _________________ PASSPORT NAME OF SPOUSE _____________________________ OR ID NO. _________________________ ADDRESS _________________________ _________________________ SIGNATURE _________________________ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACQUIRER OR BUYER REQUESTS: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- That the company make the certificate for the purchased or acquired shares available no later than 6 business days following the date of receipt of the notice of transfer. [_] 2- That the Company not issue the certificate within the term specified under No. 1, above, without detriment to registration of the transfer and the right to request the certificate in due course. [_] This notice is made under the provisions stipulated in Memorandum No. 1.494 issued by the Superintendency of Securities and Insurance on August 17, 2000. FOR INTERNAL COMPANY USE SETTLED--PAID IN ISSUED Certificate No. for Certificate No. for shares shares - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date of receipt in , on , 2001 --------------------- AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Note: according to the instructions set forth in memorandum No. 585 issued by the Superintendency of Securities and Insurance on January 29, 1986, this transfer of shares must be presented to the Company for registration without delay. Important: SIGNATURE:_____________________________ All buyers must sign this form PASSPORT OR ID NO.:_____________________________ Compliance with this requirement is strongly recommended, Street Address: as it is required for the Signature Registry _____________________________ City: ________________ State: _______ TRANSFER OF NEWLY ISSUED SHARES (for information purposes only) I hereby advise the manager of: LABORATORIO CHILE S.A. to transfer ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ shares of LABORATORIO CHILE S.A. of my own, as recorded in certificate No: __ and which I have conveyed to _______________________________________________ at a price of US$ 1.25 .- payable in Chilean pesos, calculated at Ch$629.00 per U.S.$1.00. In on , 2001 WITNESSES 18 years old or older __________________________________________ NAME_________________________ NAME OF SELLER PASSPORT __________________________________________ OR ID NO. _________________________ SIGNATURE OF SELLER OR SELLER'S AGENT ADDRESS _________________________ PASSPORT _________________________ OR ID NO. _____________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________ SIGNATURE _________________________ CITY _____________________________ STATE _______________ PHONE_______ NAME_________________________ P.O. BOX ________ MARITAL STATUS _______ PASSPORT NATIONALITY _________________ OR ID NO. _________________________ NAME OF SPOUSE _____________________________ ADDRESS _________________________ _________________________ SIGNATURE _________________________ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hereby accept the above transfer as well as the bylaws of LABORATORIO CHILE S.A. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WITNESSES In on , 2001 18 years old or older __________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF BUYER OR BUYER'S AGENT NAME_________________________ PASSPORT PASSPORT OR ID NO. _________________________ OR ID NO. _____________________________ ADDRESS _________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________ _________________________ CITY _____________________________ STATE _______________ PHONE_______ SIGNATURE _________________________ P.O. BOX ________ MARITAL STATUS _______ NATIONALITY _________________ NAME_________________________ NAME OF SPOUSE _____________________________ PASSPORT OR ID NO. _________________________ ADDRESS _________________________ _________________________ SIGNATURE _________________________ - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACQUIRER OR BUYER REQUESTS: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- That the company make the certificate for the purchased or acquired shares available no later than 6 business days following the date of receipt of the notice of transfer. [_] 2- That the Company not issue the certificate within the term specified under No. 1, above, without detriment to registration of the transfer and the right to request the certificate in due course. [_] This notice is made under the provisions stipulated in Memorandum No. 1.494 issued by the Superintendency of Securities and Insurance on August 17, 2000. FOR INTERNAL COMPANY USE SETTLED--PAID IN ISSUED Certificate No. for Certificate No. for shares shares - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date of receipt in , on , 2001 --------------------- AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Note: according to the instructions set forth in memorandum No. 585 issued by the Superintendency of Securities and Insurance on January 29, 1986, this transfer of shares must be presented to the Company for registration without delay. Important: SIGNATURE:_____________________________ All buyers must sign this form PASSPORT OR ID NO.:_____________________________ Compliance with this requirement is strongly recommended, Street Address: as it is required for the Signature Registry _____________________________ City: ________________ State: _______ PAYER'S NAME: The Bank of New York Part 1--PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR Social security SUBSTITUTE TIN IN THE BOX AT THE RIGHT number or Employer Form W-9 AND CERTIFY BY SIGNING AND identification Department of DATING BELOW. number the Treasury Internal ------------------ Revenue Service ----------------------------------------------------- Part 2--Awaiting TIN [_] Payer's Request for Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 3--CERTIFICATION--Under the penalties of perjury, I certify that: (1) The number shown on this form is my correct Taxpayer Identification Number (or I am waiting for a number to be assigned to me), and (2) I am not subject to backup with holding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (the "IRS") that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interests or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding. Certification Information--You must cross out Item (2) above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are temporarily subject to backup withholding because of under-reporting interest or dividends on your tax returns. However, if after being notified by the IRS that you were subject to backup withholding you received another notification from the IRS that you are no longer subject to backup withholding, do not cross out such Item (2). Name ________________________________________________________________________ (Please Print) Address _____________________________________________________________________ (Including Zip Code) Signature _________________________________ Date ___________________________ YOU MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATE IF YOU CHECKED THE BOX IN PART 2 OF SUBSTITUTE FORM W-9 CERTIFICATE OF AWAITING TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER I certify under penalties of perjury that a taxpayer identification number has not been issued to me, and either (a) I have mailed or delivered an application to receive a taxpayer identification number to the appropriate Internal Revenue Service Center or Social Security Administration Office or (b) I intend to mail or deliver an application in the near future. I understand that, notwithstanding that I have checked the box in Part 2 (and have completed this Certificate of Awaiting Taxpayer Identification Number), all reportable payments made to me prior to the time I provide the Receiving Agent with a properly certified taxpayer identification number will be subject to a 31% back-up withholding tax. Signature _________________________________ Date ___________________________ NOTE: FAILURE TO COMPLETE AND RETURN THIS SUBSTITUTE FORM W-9 MAY RESULT IN BACK-UP WITHHOLDING OF 31% OF ANY CASH PAYMENT MADE TO YOU PURSUANT TO THE U.S. OFFER. PLEASE REVIEW THE ENCLOSED GUIDELINES FOR CERTIFICATION OF TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ON SUBSTITUTE FORM W- 9 FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS.