THIS ADDENDUM TO EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into and
made effective as of the 19th day of February, 2002 between Clarus Corporation,
a Delaware corporation ("Company"), and Steven M. Hornyak, a resident of Georgia
("Employee") (collectively, the "Parties").

         WHEREAS, Employee is employed by the Company and the Parties have
         previously entered into that certain Employment Agreement between
         Employee and the Company dated as of April 1, 2001 (the "Employment
         Agreement"), and the parties desire to modify certain agreements
         concerning such employment as set forth herein.

         NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, the payment set forth
below, the mutual promises contained herein, and other good and valuable
consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the
Parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, agree as follows:

         1.    Payment to Employee.  Subject to the  provisions  below,  the
               Parties  acknowledge  that the  Employee's  employment  with the
               Company will continue until the earlier of (i) March 7, 2003, or
               (ii) such time as Employee commences new employment (as defined
               below). From and after the date hereof and until termination of
               Employee's employment with the Company, Employee's full time
               duties will include such services as may be requested by the
               Chief Executive Officer of the Company from time to time, it
               being understood that it is not required that Employee perform
               such duties at the offices of the Company. The Company agrees
               that in the event that Employee's employment with the Company
               terminates prior to March 7, 2003, the Company will continue to
               pay to Employee his current base salary as severance until July
               7, 2002, and thereafter until the earlier of: (x) March 7, 2003,
               or (y) such date on which Employee commences new employment. For
               purposes of this Agreement, commencement of new employment shall
               mean that Employee has undertaken contract employment or service
               as a consultant or independent contractor of greater than 20
               hours per week and/or full time employment, but shall
               specifically not include volunteer work for no compensation.
               Payments made hereunder shall be payable on a semi-monthly basis
               in accordance with the Company's regular payroll practices and
               subject to any and all withholdings pursuant to applicable law,
               and will be mailed to Employee at his most recent home address as
               reflected by the Company's personnel/payroll files. Employee will
               also be paid a prorata portion of any incentive compensation
               earned by Employee for the first quarter 2002, per Employee's
               2001 Compensation Plan, prorated through March 8, 2002, but will
               not be entitled to any additional incentive compensation after
               such date.

         2.    Stock  Options.  The  parties  acknowledge  that  Employee  will
               have a  period  of  ninety  days  following  the date of the
               termination of his employment to exercise any Company

               stock options that are, or become vested prior to the termination
               of his employment with the Company.

         3.    Employee Benefits. The Parties understand and agree that
               effective with the termination of Employee's employment with the
               Company, all of Employee's benefits with the Company will
               terminate, subject only to any notice and continuation
               requirements established by applicable law. Notwithstanding the
               foregoing, the Parties acknowledge that Employee may elect to
               continue under COBRA the medical, dental, and/or other health
               insurance coverage(s) in which Employee is enrolled as of the
               date hereof, and the Company will continue to pay that portion of
               the premiums therefor which is currently paid by the Company
               until the earlier of (a) March 7, 2003, or (b) the last day of
               the month in which Employee becomes enrolled and insured under
               new insurance coverage.

         4.    Release and Waiver. As of the date hereof and as of the date of
               termination of Employee's employment with the Company (which
               shall be affirmed at such time by Employee's acceptance of any
               severance payment hereunder), Employee hereby irrevocably and
               unconditionally releases and forever discharges the Company and
               each of its employees, agents, directors, officers, shareholders,
               partners, trustees, predecessors or successors in interest,
               assigns, attorneys, representatives, and those companies
               affiliated with or related to the Company or such aforementioned
               individuals of the Company (and all persons acting by, through,
               under, or in concert with any of them) from any and all claims,
               complaints, demands, rights, actions, causes of action of any and
               every kind, damages, losses, liabilities, obligations, and
               costs/expenses of any and every kind, whether known or unknown,
               foreseen or unforeseen, direct or indirect, fixed or contingent,
               suspected or unsuspected, and whether or not liquidated, that may
               have existed or accrued or which is based on any action, fact,
               occurrence or omission at any time on or before the execution of
               this Agreement. Specifically, Employee acknowledges that such
               claims or potential claims include (but are not limited to) those
               that may have arisen from or were related to:

               (a)  his employment with the Company;
               (b)  the cessation of his employment with the Company;
               (c)  salary, pay, compensation, commissions/incentive
                    compensation, bonuses of any kind, severance pay, insurance,
                    stock awards and options, employee benefits and/or plans,
                    relocation and other business expenses;
               (d)  any contract, tort, wrongful or constructive discharge or
                    workers' compensation theory;
               (e)  relating to any alleged violation of or alleged harassment
                    or discrimination on the basis of sex (gender), race, age,
                    color, religion, disability/handicap, national origin, or
                    "protected activity" under the National Labor Relations Act,
                    as amended, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as
                    amended, 42 U.S.C. ss. 2000(e) et seq., the Civil Rights Act
                    of 1991, Section 1981 of the Civil Rights Act of 1866, as
                    amended, the Americans with Disabilities Act,


                    the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in
                    Employment Act, the Equal Pay Act, the Family and Medical
                    Leave Act (FMLA), 29 U.S.C. ss. 2611 et seq., Executive
                    Order 11246, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
                    1974 (ERISA), the Veterans' Reemployment Rights Act, 38
                    U.S.C. ss.ss. 22021-26, the Fair Labor Standards Act, or the
                    Occupational Safety and Health Act, including any amendments
                    and/or revisions to those laws, and any other similar
                    federal, state, or local anti-discrimination laws;

               (f)  any other terms and conditions of employment, any employment
                    practices related thereto, or any contract with or
                    contractual obligation of the Company.

               The Employee hereby covenants not to sue the Company (or any
               other person or entity listed above) on account of any claim
               released hereby, excluding any claim that may arise out of
               compliance with or enforcement of this Agreement.

         5.    Confidentiality. Employee acknowledges and agrees to keep the
               existence and terms of this Agreement strictly confidential.
               Employee further agrees not in any way to reference, use,
               publish, distribute, or disclose any information or document
               regarding this Agreement or any of its contents or terms to any
               entity or person whatsoever (including any current or former
               employees of the Company), unless compelled by a court of
               competent jurisdiction.

         6.    No Admission of Liability. No part of this Agreement or any
               action on the part of either Party in resolving the matters set
               forth herein Party shall be considered or shall constitute an
               admission by said Party of any wrongful conduct or violation of
               any law or that said Party was at any time entitled to relief for
               any action or conduct of the other Party (or any agent or
               employee thereof). The Parties further agree that they continue
               by this Agreement to maintain and affirm that their respective
               conduct (and that of any agent or employee) has not been in any
               way wrongful or in violation of any law. The Parties also agree
               that the actions agreed to be undertaken in this Agreement, as
               well as the fact of resolution itself, shall not have any
               precedential effect whatsoever.

         7.    Non-Disparagement. Employee agrees that he shall not undertake
               any disparaging or harassing conduct directed at the Company
               and/or its directors, managers, supervisors, employees, agents,
               predecessors/successors/assigns, or their respective
               products/services and that he shall refrain from making any
               disparaging or harassing statements concerning such entities,
               individuals, or products/services to any third party. Company
               agrees that it will not undertake any disparaging or harassing
               conduct directed at Employee and that it shall provide positive
               reference information as reasonably requested by Employee.

         8.    Affirmation of Protective Covenants. Employee affirms that he
               remains bound by and agrees that he shall fully comply with all
               post-termination covenants and obligations contained in the
               Employment Agreement including, specifically those covenants


               contained in Paragraphs 5(a), (b), (c) and (d) of said Employment
               Agreement, which Employee acknowledges, by the terms thereof,
               will survive the cessation and termination of Employee's
               employment with the Company. All such obligations and covenants
               contained in said Employment Agreement are hereby incorporated by
               express reference as if fully set forth herein.

               Employee further acknowledges that by virtue of his position with
               the Company, Employee has been given an opportunity to
               participate in strategic planning with respect to competitors of
               the Company and has been made privy to the Company's marketing
               strategy, product development, pricing, timing and other matters
               specifically designed to address market competition. Employee
               further acknowledges that the use and/or disclosure by him of
               such secret information and knowledge would be inevitable in the
               event Employee were to become engaged by such a competitor of the
               Company in a capacity similar to the capacity in which Employee
               is employed by the Company. Employee therefore specifically
               hereby affirms the post-termination restrictive covenants set
               forth in Section 5(a) of the Employment Agreement and agrees to
               fully comply with the terms thereof.

         9.    Return of Company Property. Employee acknowledges that he has
               returned to the Company all Company property that he has received
               in the course of his employment, including but not limited to all
               confidential information and materials, computer or
               computer-related equipment and software, office equipment and
               supplies, files and records, credit cards, keys, and any other
               computer property in his possession; provided that Employee shall
               be entitled to retain his laptop computer.

         10.   Legality and Severability. The Parties covenant and agree that
               the provisions contained herein are reasonable and are not known
               or believed to be in violation of any federal, state, or local
               law, rule or regulation. In the event a court of competent
               jurisdiction finds any provision herein (or subpart thereof) to
               be illegal or unenforceable, the Parties agree that the court
               shall modify said provision(s) (or subpart(s) thereof) to make
               said provision(s) (or subpart(s) thereof) and this Agreement
               valid and enforceable. Any illegal or unenforceable provision (or
               subpart thereof), or any modification by any court, shall not
               affect the remainder of this Agreement, which shall continue at
               all times to be valid and enforceable.

         11.   Entire Agreement; Modification; Governing Law. This Agreement
               (including the continuing and surviving covenants or obligations
               contained in the Employment Agreement that have been incorporated
               by express reference as if fully set forth herein pursuant to
               Paragraph 7 above) constitutes the entire understanding between
               the Parties regarding the subject matters addressed herein and
               supersedes any prior oral or written agreements between the
               Parties. To the extent of any conflict between the provision of
               Sections 2 and 3 of this Agreement and the terms of the
               Employment Agreement, the parties agree that this Agreement shall
               control. This Agreement can only be modified by


               a writing signed by both Parties, and shall be interpreted in
               accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Georgia
               without regard to the choice of law provisions thereof.
               Notwithstanding the foregoing, said continuing and surviving
               covenants and obligations contained in Paragraph 7 hereof and
               contained in Paragraph 5 of the Employment Agreement shall be
               governed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the state in
               which enforcement of such provisions is sought.

         12.   Negotiated Agreement. Employee and the Company agree that this
               Agreement shall be construed as drafted by both of them, as
               parties of equivalent bargaining power, and not for or against
               either of them as drafter.

         13.   Review and Voluntariness of Agreement. Employee acknowledges
               Employee has had an opportunity to read, review, and consider the
               provisions of this Agreement, that Employee has in fact read and
               does understand such provisions, and that Employee has
               voluntarily entered into this Agreement.

         14.   Attorneys' Fees; Repayment. In the event that either Party
               breaches this Agreement and the other Party successfully prevails
               in a claim or action against said Party regarding such breach,
               the non-prevailing Party in any such claim or action shall pay,
               in addition to such sums as may be due or such other relief
               (including any appropriate injunctive relief) to which the
               prevailing Party may be entitled, reasonable attorneys' fees and
               related costs of the prevailing Party as to such claim or action.
               Furthermore, and without limiting any right or remedy available
               to the Company, Employee agrees that should he breach this
               Agreement, the Company shall be relieved of any obligation to
               provide the aforementioned consideration/compensation and shall
               be entitled to recovery thereof to the extent such has already
               been provided.

         15.   Preamble Incorporation. All of the warranties and representations
               in the preamble of this Agreement are hereby incorporated into
               and made a material part of this Agreement.

         16.   Non-Waiver. The failure of the Company or Employee to insist upon
               or enforce strict performance of any provision of this Agreement
               or to exercise any rights or remedies thereunder will not be
               construed as a waiver by the Company or Employee to assert or
               rely upon any such provision, right or remedy in that or any
               other instance.

         17.   Forum; Enforcement. In the event of litigation arising from this
               Agreement, Employee hereby expressly consents to jurisdiction and
               venue in any State or Federal Court sitting in Fulton County,
               State of Georgia, and waives any objections to such jurisdiction
               and venue. Employee further agrees that if Employee were to
               breach the provisions of Paragraph 7 hereof or Paragraphs 5 of
               said Employment Agreement, the Company would be irreparably
               harmed and therefore, in addition to any other remedies available
               at law, the Company shall be entitled to equitable relief,
               including without limitation, specific


               performance and temporary, preliminary, and/or permanent
               injunctive relief, against any breach or threatened breach
               thereof, without having to post bond.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have read, understand, and do
voluntarily execute this Addendum to Employment Agreement.


                                       /s/ Steven M. Hornyak
                                       Steven M. Hornyak

                                       Date:    2/19/02


                                       Clarus Corporation

                                       By: /s/ Stephen P. Jeffery
                                           Stephen P. Jeffery

                                       Date:     2/20/02
