(AMENDMENT NO.  )
Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [_]
Check the appropriate box:                  
[_] Preliminary Proxy Statement            [_] Confidential, for Use of the
                                               Commission Only (as permitted by
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement                 Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[_] Definitive Additional Materials
[_] Soliciting Material Pursuant to (S)240.14a-11(c) or (S)240.14a-12
                             COLONY BANKCORP, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
                             COLONY BANKCORP, INC.
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X] $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1), 14a-6(i)(2) or
    Item 22(a)(2) of Schedule 14A.
[_] $500 per each party to the controversy pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 14a-
[_] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.
    (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

    (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

    (3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
        pursuant to Exchange ActRule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
        filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

    (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

    (5) Total fee paid:

[_] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
[_] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
    0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid
    previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
    or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
    (1) Amount Previously Paid:

    (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

    (3) Filing Party:

    (4) Date Filed:


                             COLONY BANKCORP,INC.
                              POST OFFICE BOX 989
                             302 SOUTH MAIN STREET
                           FITZGERALD, GEORGIA 31750


                                April 23, 1996

To the Shareholders of Colony Bankcorp, Inc.:

     Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of shareholders (the "annual
meeting") of Colony Bankcorp, Inc. (the "Company") will be held at Ben Hill-
Irwin Technical Institute Conference Center on Perry House Road, Fitzgerald,
Georgia on Tuesday, April 23, 1996 at 7:00 p.m., local time, for the following

     (1)  To elect 13 directors for a term of one (1) year; and
     (2)  To transact any other business that may properly come before the 
          annual meeting or any other adjournment or postponement thereof.

     The close of business on April 3, 1996, has been fixed as the record date
for the determination of shareholders entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the
annual meeting or any adjournement or postponement thereof. Only shareholders of
record at the close of business on the record date are entitled to notice of,
and to vote at, the annual meeting.

     Shareholders may receive more than one proxy because of shares registered 
in different names or addresses. Each such proxy should be marked, dated, signed
and returned. Please check to be certain of the manner in which your share are 
registered -- whether individually, as joint tenants, or in a representative 
capacity -- and sign the related proxy accordingly.

     A complete list of shareholders entitled to vote at the annual meeting will
be available for examination by any shareholder, for any purpose germane to the 
annual meeting, during normal business hours, for a period of at least 10 days 
prior to the annual meeting at the Company's corporate offices located at the 
above address set forth above.

     You are cordially invited to attend the annual meeting. Whether or not you
plan to do so, please mark, date and sign the enclosed proxy and mail it
promptly in the enclosed postage-paid envelope. Returning your proxy does not
deprive you of your right to attend the annual meeting and to vote your shares
in person.

     More detailed information regarding the matters to be acted upon at the 
special meeting is contained in the proxy statement accompanying this notice.

                                      By order of the Board of Directors

                                      /s/ James D. Minix
                                      James D. Minix, President
                                      and Chief Executive Officer

Fitzgerald, Georgia
April 3, 1996

                             COLONY BANKCORP, INC.
                              Post Office Box 989
                             302 South Main Street
                           Fitzgerald, Georgia 31750

                                PROXY STATEMENT
                           TO BE HELD APRIL 23, 1996

                              GENERAL INFORMATION

     This proxy statement and the accompanying form of proxy, which are first 
sent or given to shareholders on or about April 3, 1996, are furnished to the 
holders of shares of common stock of Colony Bankcorp, Inc. (the "Company") in 
connection with the solicitation by management of the Company of proxies for use
at the annual meeting of shareholders of the Company to be held April 23, 1996, 
at 7:00 p.m., local time, at Ben Hill-Irwin Technical Institute Conference 
Center on Perry House Road, Fitzgerald, Georgia, 31750 and any adjournment or 
postponement thereof.

     Any proxy given pursuant to this solicitation may be revoked at any time 
before it is voted by so notifying the secretary of the Company, Ben B. Mills, 
Jr., Post Office Box 989, 302 South Main Street, Fitzgerald, Georgia 31750, in 
writing prior to the special meeting, or by appearing at the meeting and 
requesting the right to vote in person at the meeting, or by delivering to the 
secretary of the Company a duly executed proxy bearing a later date, without 
compliance with any other formalities. If the proxy is properly signed and 
returned by the shareholder and is not revoked, it will be voted at the special 
meeting in the manner specified therein. If a shareholder signs and returns the 
proxy but does not specify how the proxy is to be voted,the proxy will be voted 
for the election as a director of each of the nominees named herein.

     On April 3, 1996 the Company had issued and outstanding 1,291,110 shares of
its $10.00 par value common stock, which constitutes its only class of voting 
securities, with each share entitled to one vote. Only shareholders of record at
the close of business on April 3, 1996 are entitled to notice of and to vote at 
the special meeting of shareholders or any adjournments thereof.

     All expenses of this solicitation, including the cost of preparing and 
mailing this proxy statement, will be paid by the Company. In addition to the 
solicitation by mail, directors, officers and regular employees of the Company 
may solicit proxies by telephone, telegram or personal interview for which they 
will receive no compensation in addition to their regular salaries.


Principal Shareholders
- ----------------------

     The following table shows all persons known to the Board of Directors of 
the Company to be the beneficial owners on March 15, 1996 of more than 5% of the
outstanding common stock of the Company, the only class of the Company's voting 

Name and Address               Amount and Nature     Percent of Class
of Beneficial Owner         of Beneficial Ownership    Outstanding
- -------------------         -----------------------   ----------------

Robert Sidney Ross                   151,736/1/           11.75%
Post Office Box 666
Ocilla, Georgia 31774

/1/  Includes 84,433 shares owned by Robert Sidney Ross, 66,803 shares owned by 
     Ross of Georgia, Inc. and 500 shares owned by minor child.

Security Ownership of Directors and Executive Officers
- ------------------------------------------------------

     The following table shows the number of shares of common stock beneficially
owned by each director, director nominees and by all directors, director 
nominees and officers as a group on March 15, 1996.

    Name of                      Amount and Nature of     Percentage 
Beneficial Owner                Beneficial Ownership/1/    of Class  
- ----------------------          ----------------------    ---------- 

Paul Branch, Jr.                         22,368               1.73%   
Terry Coleman                            26,226               2.03%  
L. Morris Downing, Jr.                   41,694               3.23%  
Terry L. Hester                          24,808/2/            1.92%  
Milton N. Hopkins, Jr.                   19,662               1.52%  
Edwin W. Hortman, Jr.                     4,251/2/            0.33%  
Harold E. Kimball                        26,552               2.06%  
Marion H. Massee, III                    46,736               3.62%  
Ben B. Mills, Jr.                        43,618               3.38%  
James D. Minix                           22,314/2/            1.73%  
Ralph E. Roberts, M.D.                   25,339               1.96%  
W. B. Roberts, Jr.                        5,000               0.39%  
R. Sidney Ross                          151,736              11.75%  
Joe K. Shiver                            15,310               1.19%  
Executive Officer and Directors                               
as a Group (14 persons)                 475,614              36.84%  

/1/  Includes shares owned by spouses and minor children of officers and
directors, as well as shares owned by trust or businesses in which officers and
directors have a significant interest. The information contained herein shall
not be construed as an admission that any such person is, for purposes of
Section 13(d) or Section 13(g) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
beneficial owner of any securities not held of record by that person or entity.

/2/ Includes shares held by Trustees of Colony Bankcorp, Inc. Profit Sharing and
Stock Bonus Plan, of which, Messrs. Hester, Minix and Hortman participate and
own 11,877; 4,410; and 1,013 allocated shares respectfully on December 31, 1995.
Although shares are held by the Trustees, all plan participants direct the
Trustees in the manner in which they wish their allocated shares to be voted.
Unallocated shares, if any, will not be voted pursuant to the plan.



     The Company's bylaws provide that the Board of Directors shall consist of 
not less than three nor more than 25 persons, with the exact number to be fixed 
and determined from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors, or by 
resolution of the shareholders at any annual or special meeting of shareholders.
There are presently 13 members of the Board of Directors, and the Board of 
Directors has voted that the Board consist of 13 members for the Company's 
ensuing fiscal year.

     Management has nominated and the Board of Directors recommends the election
of each of the nominees set forth in the following table as a director of the 
Company until the next annual meeting of shareholders or until his successor is 
duly elected and qualified. All of the nominees are currently directors of the 
Company. If any nominee is unable to serve as director, the proxy will be voted 
for a nominee named by the Board of Directors in his stead by those persons 
named to vote the proxies. The Board of Directors has no reason to believe that 
any of its present nominees will be unable to serve. Provided a quorum is
present at the annual meeting, directors shall be elected by a plurality of the
votes cast by the shares of common stock represented in person or by proxy at
the annual meeting.

     The following table sets forth for each director and executive officer of 
the Company (a) the person's name and address, (b) his age at December 31, 1995,
(c) the year he was first elected as a director or executive officer of the 
Company, and (d) his principal occupation for the last five years, his positions
with the Company and with any subsidiary of the Company. All directors serve for
a term of one year; all officers serve at the direction of the board.

                               DIRECTOR NOMINEES

                                Ages, Term, Principal Occupation for
Name and Address                Last Five Years and Other Directorships
- ----------------                ---------------------------------------
Paul Branch, Jr.                Age 70; Director since November 11, 1982;
493 Benjamin H. Hill Drive West Farmer and Businessman; Vice Chairman of the
Fitzgerald, Georgia 31750       Board, The Bank of Fitzgerald

Terry Coleman                   Age 52; Director since May, 1990; Owner of
P.O. Box 157                    Eastman Travel Services & Huddle House in
Eastman, Georgia 31023          Eastman; State Representative; Director, The
                                Bank of Dodge County

L. Morris Downing               Age 53; Director since July, 1994;
127 Shady Lane                  President of Lowell Packing Company
Fitzgerald, Georgia 31750

Terry L. Hester*                Age 41; Director since March, 1990; Executive
128 Carter's Road               Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Fitzgerald, Georgia 31750       of the Company since June, 1994; Acting
                                President and CEO from June 1993 to June 1994;
                                Treasurer since 1982; Vice President, The
                                Bank of Fitzgerald

Milton N. Hopkins, Jr.          Age 69; Director since November 11, 1982;
Route 5 Osierfield              Farmer and Businessman; Director, The Bank
Fitzgerald, Georgia 31750       of Fitzgerald

Harold E. Kimball               Age 62, Director since November 11, 1982; Vice
155 Pine Needle Road            President of Dixie Electron, Inc.; Chairman
Fitzgerald, Georgia 31750       of the Board, The Bank of Fitzgerald

Marion H. Massee, III           Age 66; Director since November 11, 1982;
226 Jeff Davis Highway          Chairman of Board since February 1990;
Fitzgerald, Georgia 31750       Chairman, Massee Builders, Inc.; Director,
                                The Bank of Fitzgerald


                         DIRECTOR NOMINEES (Continued)

                               Ages, Term, Principal Occupation for
Name and Address               Last Five Years and Other Directorships
- ----------------               ---------------------------------------
Ben B. Mills, Jr.           Age 63; Director since November 11, 1982; Attorney,
Post Office Box 985         Mills & Chasteen; Secretary of Bankcorp since June 
Fitzgerald, Georgia 31750   8, 1993; Director, The Bank of Fitzgerald; Director,
                            Ashburn Bank

James D. Minix*             Age 53; Director since March, 1994; President and
150 Lakeview Drive          Chief Executive Officer of the Company since June,
Fitzgerald, Georgia 31750   1994; President and CEO of The Bank of Fitzgerald
                            January, 1993 to June, 1994; President and CEO of
                            Ashburn Bank February, 1990 to December, 1992;
                            Director, The Bank of Fitzgerald

Ralph D. Roberts, M.D.      Age 71; Director since November 11, 1982;
948 West Roanoke Drive      Physician; Director Emeritus, The Bank of Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald, Georgia 31750

W. B. Roberts, Jr.          Age 53; Director since March, 1990; Farmer and 
Route 1 Box 166             Businessman; Chairman of the Board, Ashburn Bank
Ashburn, Georgia 31714

R. Sidney Ross              Age 53; Director since November 11, 1982;
Post Office Box 666         President, Ross of Georgia, Inc.; Director, The Bank
Ocilla, Georgia 31774       of Fitzgerald

Joe K. Shiver               Age 70; Director since June, 1994; President of 
407 East Wallace Street     shiver Tractor Company; Director, The Bank of Worth
Sylvester, Georgia 31791


                              EXECUTIVE OFFICERS

Edwin W. Hortman, Jr.*       Age 42; Senior Vice President of the Company since
111 Stratford Street         February, 1996; Vice President of the Company
Fitzgerald, Georgia 31750    November, 1992 to February, 1996; Executive Vice
                             President of United Bank of Griffin, 1985-1992

* Messrs. Minix, Hester and Hortman are the only executive officers of the 

                             CERTAIN TRANSACTIONS

     Each of the subsidiary banks of the Company has made loans in the ordinary 
course of its business to officers and directors of the Company, and also to 
their relatives, spouses, and entities in which they may have an interest. Each 
of these loans has been made in strict compliance with state and federal 
statutes and rules and regulations of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 
and the Georgia Department of Banking and Finance. As of December 31, 1995, 
certain executive officers and directors and companies in which they are an 
executive officer or partner or in which they have a 10% or more beneficial 
interest, were indebted to the banks in the aggregate amount of $8,987,256.00
Each of the loans was made in the ordinary course of business, on substantially 
the same terms, including interest rate and collateral, as those prevailing at 
the time for comparable transactions with other persons, and did not involve
more than the normal risk of collectibility or present other unfavorable


     The law firm of Mills & Chasteen, of which director Ben B. Mills, Jr. is a 
partner, was paid $83,015.04 in 1995 by Colony Bankcorp, Inc. and its 
subsidiaries for services rendered by that firm to those entities in the normal 
course of business.

                              CERTAIN LITIGATION

     There are presently three lawsuits involving subsidiary banks of Colony 
Bankcorp, Inc. as follows:

1. Civil Action Number 95V-3607, Dodge Superior Court, Pettice Lee Moore, II and
Edna Lee W. Moore vs. The Bank of Dodge County.  This action was split off from 
- ----------------------------------------------
an earlier lawsuit filed in Ben Hill County against several member banks and 
involves a claim by the Moores that they were overcharged when payment was made 
of their loans in 1989. The lawsuit alleges fraud, conversion, breach of 
contract, and seeks actual damages, punitive damages, and attorneys' fees in 
excess of one million dollars. The case was tried in November, 1995, which 
resulted in a jury verdict for the Moores in the amount of $26,000.00. A motion 
to vacate the judgment has been filed by the bank and hearing will beheld 
shortly. It is believed that at the very most the exposure of The Bank of Dodge 
County would be $26,000.00

2. Civil Action No. C16-123 - Ben Hill County Superior Court - Pettice Lee 
Moore, II and Edna Lee W. Moore vs. Colony Bankcorp. Inc., The Bank of 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Fitzgerald and The Bank of Dodge County. The action was filed in September, 
- ----------------------------------------
1993, and subsequently Colony Bankcorp, Inc. has been dismissed on motion for 
summary judgment, leaving as the named defendant The Bank of Fitzgerald. This 
suit seeks to recover damages for alleged fraud, conversion, and wrongful 
foreclosure concerning loans made to the plaintiffs in 1989. All the 
transactions with the plaintiffs have been well documented and it is believed 
that the action is a frivolous one. Discovery in the case is complete and 
motions for summary judgment have been filed on behalf of the defendant banks.

3. Civil Action No. 94-CV-240 - Ben Hill County Superior Court - Sharon Moore 
vs. The Bank of Fitzgerald. In this case, Sharon Moore, who is the wife of 
- ---------------------------
Pettice Lee Moore, II, filed suit against The Bank of Fitzgerald in August, 
1994, seeking damages based on various allegations of wrongful disclosure, 
breach of contract, etc. In many respects, the complaint is very similar to the 
complaint filed by Pettice Lee Moore, II and his mother in  1993. A review of 
the facts and the law would strongly support the conclusion that the lawsuit has
no foundation and is basically frivolous. A motion for summary judgment has been
filed by the bank.


     Directors of the Company receive $400.00 for each meeting of the Board of 
Directors of Colony Bankcorp attended, and $300.00 for each meeting of the Board
of Directors at which they are not in attendance. In addition, each director of 
the Company, except Terry L. Hester, W.B. Roberts, Jr., Terry Coleman, L. Morris
Downing, Jr. and Joe K. Shiver, is also a director of The Bank of Fitzgerald, 
and in that capacity the directors are compensated for participation on the 
Board of Directors of The Bank of Fitzgerald in the same manner as they are 
compensated for their services as directors of Bankcorp.

     W.B. Roberts, Jr. and Ben B. Mills, Jr. serves as director of Ashburn Bank 
and receive additional compensation for service in that capacity of $300.00 for 
each board meeting attended and $50.00 or each loan committee meeting. Terry 
Coleman serves as director of The Bank of Dodge County and receives additional 
compensation for service in that capacity of $50.00 for each loan committee 
meeting and $200.00 for each board meeting attended. Joe K. Shiver serves as a 
director of The Bank of Worth and receives additional compensation for those 
services in that capacity of $25.00 for each loan committee meeting and $200.00 
for each board meeting attended.

     Under a plan, as amended, directors of The Bank of Fitzgerald were able to 
defer all or a portion of director's fees in return for a deferred income 
agreement under which a director agrees to serve as a director for either five 
or ten years without the director's fees compensation in exchange for an 
agreement for the Bank to pay the director a deferred amount of income at death,
or upon their attaining the age of 65. With the deferred compensation, the Bank 
has purchased key main insurance on the participating directors to pay to the 
Bank a death benefit equal in value to the projected cost of the deferred 
income. Management believes the program will have no net cost to the Bank. The 
Bank charged $43,865.05 in expenses to the deferred compensation arrangement


in 1995, representing payments made to five directors who had attained the
specified age, together with a difference between premiums paid for the key man
insurance by the Bank and accrual for funding payments under the plan at 
retirement and the increase in the cash value of the policies. All directors are
participating in the plan, except for new directors elected since 1990. Neither 
the Company nor the other subsidiaries of the Company have a similar deferred 
income arrangement. All fees covered by that deferred compensation plan have 
been deferred, and all directors are now receiving directors fees. The Bank of 
Fitzgerald continues to pay premiums on the insurance policy procured, and five 
directors in 1995 receive payments pursuant to that plan.

     In 1995, the Board of Directors of the Company held 12 meetings. All 
directors attended at least 75% of all meetings of the full Board of Directors 
during 1995 with the exception of Terry Coleman who because of conflicts in his 
capacity of serving as State Representative attended 8 of the 12 meetings.

     The Board of Directors of the Company has formed the following committees: 
(a) an Audit Committee, presently consisting of Messrs. Branch, Hopkins and 
Kimball, which is responsible for reviewing and evaluating the Company's 
financial controls, (b) an Executive Committee, presently consisting of Messrs. 
Minix, Massee, Ross, Kimball and Mills, which is responsible for assisting the 
Board on the discharge of its duties and (c) an Incentive and Compensation 
Committee, presently consisting of Messrs. Minix, Massee, Kimball, Downing and 
Shiver, which is responsible for reviewing and setting the salaries and bonses 
of the executive officers of the Company and establishing and reviewing a cash 
incentive and profit sharing compensation plan for the employees of the Company 
and subsidiary banks.

     During the 1995 Fiscal Year, there were four meetings of the Audit 
Committee, three meetings of the Executive Committee and three meetings of the 
Incentive and Compensation Committee. No additional compensation was paid for 
serving on these committees.

                            EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

The following table sets forth the aggregate annual compensation for each of the
Company's chief executive officers and for each of the Company's executive 
officers and subsidiary bank's executive officers whose compensation exceeded 

                           Summary Compensation Table

                                                  Annual Compensation
Name and                                                                Other Annual        Long Term          All Other
Principal Position/a/             Year/b/     Salary/c/    Bonus/d/    Compensation/e/    Compensation/f/    Compensation/g/
- ---------------------             ------    -----------   ----------   ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
James D. Minix, President          1995     $116,000.04   $12,000.00   $20,347.22/1/          $ -0-              $ -0-  
and Chief Executive                1994     $110,000.02   $10,000.00   $24,064.86/1/          $ -0-              $ -0-  
Officer of Bankcorp                1993     $110,000.00   $   -0-      $ 6,458.18/1/          $ -0-              $ -0-

Stephen C. Wood, President         1995     $ 91,000.00   $   -0-      $17,124.91/1/          $ -0-              $ -0-  
and Chief Executive Officer        1994     $ 82,500.00   $ 2,750.00   $18,674.75/1/          $ -0-              $ -0-  
of Ashburn Bank                    1993     $ 71,500.00   $ 2,750.00   $18,060.80/1/          $ -0-              $ -0-

Walter P. Patten, President        1995     $ 93,999.88   $   -0-      $13,023.59/1/          $ -0-              $ -0-  
and Chief Executive Officer        1994     $ 88,810.00   $   600.00   $13,357.00/1/          $ -0-              $ -0-  
of the Bank of Worth               1993     $ 83,007.28   $   500.00   $12,648.00/1/          $ -0-              $ -0-

Thomas T. Dampier,                 1995     $ 88,000.00   $ 8,800.00   $11,008.44/1/          $ -0-              $ -0-  
President and Chief Executive      1994         N/A           N/A           N/A                 N/A                N/A  
Officer of The Bank of             1993         N/A           N/A           N/A                 N/A                N/A   

Joe D. Taylor, President           1995     $ 90,000.04   $   -0-      $14,103.55/1/          $ -0-              $ -0-  
and Chief Executive Officer        1994         N/A           N/A           N/A                 N/A                N/A  
of The Bank of Dodge County        1993         N/A           N/A           N/A                 N/A                N/A   



/1/ Includes dollar value of Group Term Life and company vehicle provided to 
executive officers as follows:

      Name            1995           1994           1993
      ----            ----           ----           ----

James D. Minix      $1,472.22     $ 1,214.84      $ 1,658.18
Stephen C. Wood     $2,024.91     $ 1,299.74      $ 1,773.31
Walter P. Patten    $  748.60     $   228.00      $   228.00
Thomas T. Dampier   $1,368.44         N/A             N/A
Joe D. Taylor       $2,453.55         N/A             N/A

Includes contribution to the profit sharing plan of Colony Bankcorp, Inc. and 
subsidiary banks as follows:

James D. Minix      $9,375.00     $14,400.02      $   -0-   
Stephen C. Wood     $9,100.00     $12,375.01      $11,287.49
Walter P. Patten    $9,399.99     $10,729.00      $10,020.00
Thomas T. Dampier   $4,840.00        N/A             N/A
Joe D. Taylor       $6,750.00        N/A             N/A

Includes director's fees paid by the company and its subsidiaries as follows:

James D. Minix      $9,500.00     $ 8,450.00      $ 4,800.00
Stephen C. Wood     $6,000.00     $ 5,000.00      $ 5,000.00
Walter P. Patten    $2,875.00     $ 2,400.00      $ 2,400.00
Thomas T. Dampier   $4,800.00         N/A             N/A
Joe D. Taylor       $4,900.00         N/A             N/A

     See "Certain Transactions" for additional information concerning fees paid 
to directors.

/f/ There were no longer term compensation awards for restricted stock awards or
    options/SARs or long term compensation payouts for LTIP payouts for any
    executive officers.

/g/ There was no additional compensation for any executive officers to be 
    reported in column /g/.

     Each of the subsidiary banks of the Company has adopted a profit sharing 
and stock bonus plan which provides for the Board of Directors to make a 
discretionary contribution to the plan in an amount out of profits not to exceed
15% of the total annual compensation of the employees eligible to participate in
the plan. Employees are eligible to participate after completion of one year of
service. The contribution by the Bank is allocated among the participants
according to the ratio of the participant's compensation to thee total
compensation of all employees. The employee's interest vests over a period of 7
years; prior to 1989 an employee's interest in its individual account vested
over a period of 11 years. For the year ending December 31, 1995 the Board of
Directors of the Company and subsidiary banks voted to contribute in the
aggregate $209,745.00 of the profits of the Company to the Company's profit
sharing plans.

     James D. Minix, Terry L. Hester and Edwin W. Hortman, Jr. are the only 
executive officers of Colony Bankcorp, Inc. Mr. Minix has served as President 
and Chief Executive Officer of the Company since June 1, 1994. Prior to being 
elected President of the Company, he served as President of The Bank of 
Fitzgerald from January 1, 1993 to June 1, 1994 and as President of Ashburn Bank
from February 26, 1990 to December 31, 1992. Mr. Hester has served as Executive 
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer since June 1, 1994. Prior to being 
elected Executive Vice President, he served as Acting President and Chief 
Executive Officer of the Company from June 8, 1993 to June 1, 1994. Mr. Hester 
has served as Treasurer of the Company since 1982. Mr. Hortman has served as 
Senior Vice President since February 1996 and as Vice President from November, 
1992 to February, 1996 and is responsible for credit review, compliance, 
auditing and data processing.



     The Board of Directors has appointed McNair, McLemore, Middlebrooks & Co. 
as the Company's independent public accountants for the fiscal year ending
December 31, 1996. Representatives of McNair, McLemore, Middlebrooks & Co. will
be present at the annual meeting and will have the opportunity to make a
statement if they desire to do so and will be available to respond to
appropriate questions by shareholders.

                                 OTHER MATTERS

     The Board of Directors does not contemplate bringing before the meeting any
matter other than those specified in the notice of annual meeting of 
shareholders, nor does it have information that other matters will be presented 
at the meeting. If other matters come before the meeting, signed proxies will be
voted upon such questions in accordance with the best judgment of the person 
acting under the proxies.

                                  FORM 10-KSB


                             SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

     Any shareholder proposal intended to be presented at the 1996 annual 
meeting of shareholders and to be included in the Company's proxy statement and 
proxy for that meeting must be received by the Company, directed to the 
attention of the Secretary, not later than December 5, 1996. Any such proposal 
must comply with all respects with the rules and regulations of the Securities 
and Exchange Commission.

                                   By order of the
                                   Board of Directors

                                   /s/ James D. Minix
                                   JAMES D. MINIX, President
                                   and Chief Executive Officer

Fitzgerald, Georgia
April 3, 1996

                             COLONY BANKCORP, INC.
                              POST OFFICE BOX 989
                             302 SOUTH MAIN STREET
                           FITZGERALD, GEORGIA 31750


     The undersigned hereby appoints Marion H. Massee, III and James D. Minx nd 
each of them, with full power of substitution, to represent and vote as 
designated herein at the annual meeting of shareholders of Colony Bankcorp, Inc.
to be held Tuesday, April 23, 1996 at 7:00 p.m., local time, at Ben Hill-Irwin 
Technical Institute Conference Center on Perry House Road, Fitzgerald, Georgia 
and at any adjournment or postponement thereof, with all the powers (other than 
the power to revoke the proxy or vote in a manner not authorized by the exceeded
form of proxy) which the undersigned would have if personally present at such 
meeting, to act in their discretion upon any other matter or matters which may 
properly be brought before the meeting, and to appear and vote all the shares of
common stock which the undersigned may be entitled to vote.

     PROPOSAL:  To elect the thirteen nominees listed below to serve as 
directors for the following year:

     FOR all nominees listed                  WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to
- ---- below (except as marked             ---- vote for all nominees
     to the contrary below).                  listed below.

     Paul Branch,Jr.                          Ben B. Mills, Jr.
     Terry Coleman                            James D. Minix
     L. Morris Downing, Jr.                   Ralph D. Roberts, M.D.
     Terry L. Hester                          W.B. Roberts, Jr.
     Milton N. Hopkins, Jr.                   R. Sidney Ross
     Harold E. Kimball                        Joe K. Shiver
     Marion H. Massee, III

     INSTRUCTIONS;  To Withhold authority to vote for any individual nominees, 
mark "FOR" above and write the names of such nominees for whom you wish to 
withhold authority in the space provided below:

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


     The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR the election of the above 
nominees to the Board of Directors.

                          (Continued on Reverse Side)

    If other matters properly come before the meeting, the persons named herein 
as proxy shall have the discretionary authority to vote with respect to such 
matters after considering the recommendations of management.

     The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt of the annual report of the 
company for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1995 and the notice of annual 
meeting and proxy statement of the Company for the above-mentioned annual 
meeting of shareholders.

     Please sign below, date and return promptly in the enclosed, self-addressed
stamped envelope. When shares are held by joint tenants, both should sign. When 
signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please give 
full title as such. If a corporation, please sign in full corporate name by 
president or other authorized person.

DATE:                          , 1996

INDIVIDUALS                              ENTITIES:

- -----------------------------------      --------------------------------
Name (Please Print)                      (Please Print)

- -----------------------------------
Signature                                BY:

- -----------------------------------      -------------------------------
Name of Joint Tenant or Tenant-In-       Signature
Common, if any (Please Print)

- -----------------------------------      -------------------------------
Signature of Joint Tenant or             Position
Tenant-In-Common, if any