WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

                                  FORM 8-K/A

                                CURRENT REPORT
                      PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(D) OF
                      THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

        Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported):  June 19, 1996

                            ACCUSTAFF INCORPORATED
                           (Exact name of registrant
                         as specified in its charter)
            Florida                  0-24484              59-3116655
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          (State or other          (Commission         (I.R.S. Employer
          jurisdiction of          File Number)        Identification No.)

           6440 Atlantic Boulevard, Jacksonville, FL          32211
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            (Address of principal executive offices)        (Zip Code)

      Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (904) 725-5574

         (Former name or former address, if changed since last report.)


             Report of Independent Accountants......................................................................   5
             Combined Balance Sheets as of September 30, 1995 and 1994..............................................   6
             Combined Statements of Operations for the Years Ended September 30, 1995 and 1994......................   7
             Combined Statement of Changes in Stockholders' Equity for the Years Ended September 30, 1995 and 1994..   8
             Combined Statements of Cash Flows for the Years Ended September 30, 1995 and 1994......................   9
             Notes to Financial Statements..........................................................................  10
             Combined Balance Sheet as of June 30, 1996 (unaudited).................................................  15
             Combined Statements of Operations for the Six Months Ended June 30, 1995 and 1996 (unaudited)..........  16
             Combined Statements of Cash Flows for the Six Months Ended June 30, 1995 and 1996 (unaudited)..........  17
             Notes to Interim Financial Statements..................................................................  18


             Introduction to Pro Forma Unaudited Combined Financial Information.....................................  19
             Pro Forma Combined Statement of Operations for the year ended December 31, 1995 (unaudited)............  22
             Pro Forma Combined Statement of Operations for the Six Months ended June 30, 1996 (unaudited)..........  23
             Notes to Unaudited Pro Forma Combined Statements of Operations.........................................  24


       (C)  EXHIBITS.

       2.1. Agreement and Plan of Merger by and among AccuStaff Incorporated,
            AccuStaff Merger Corp., AccuStaff Merger Subsidiary, Inc., The
            McKinley Group, Inc., MGI Services, Inc. and the shareholders of The
            McKinley Group, Inc. and MGI Services, Inc. dated as of June 19,
            1996 (without schedules)/1/ incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2.1
            to the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated June 19, 1996
            filed July 2, 1996.

       23.1 Consent of Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P.

       99.1 Press Release dated June 18, 1996 incorporated by reference to
            Exhibit 99.1 to the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated June
            19, 1996 filed July 2, 1996.

       99.2 Press Release dated June 20, 1996 incorporated by reference to
            Exhibit 99.2 to the Company's Current Report on Form 8-K dated June
            19, 1996 filed July 2, 1996.

- ---------------
/1/    AccuStaff shall supplementally furnish a copy of any omitted schedule to
       the Securities and Exchange Commission upon request.



            Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
  the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
  undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                      ACCUSTAFF INCORPORATED

                                      By:  /s/ Derek E. Dewan
                                           Derek E. Dewan
                                           President and Chief Executive Officer

  Dated: September 3, 1996



                       Report of Independent Accountants

  To the Stockholders
  The McKinley Group

       We have audited the accompanying combined balance sheets of The McKinley
  Group (the Companies) as of September 30, 1995 and 1994, and the related
  combined statements of operations, changes in stockholders' equity, and cash
  flows for the years then ended.  These financial statements are the
  responsibility of the Companies' management.  Our responsibility is to express
  an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

       We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
  standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to
  obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of
  material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
  supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit
  also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant
  estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
  statement presentation.  We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis
  for our opinion.

       In our opinion, the combined financial statements referred to above
  present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of The
  McKinley Group as of September 30, 1995 and 1994, and the results of their
  operations and their cash flows for the years then ended in conformity with
  generally accepted accounting principles.

                                      /s/ Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P.

  Washington, D.C.
  December 7, 1995


                               THE McKINLEY GROUP
                            COMBINED BALANCE SHEETS
                       as of September 30, 1995 and 1994



                                             1995        1994
                                          ----------  ----------
  Current assets:
       Cash and cash equivalents          $2,692,734  $  861,971
       Accounts receivable                 3,277,425   1,415,179
       Canadian tax deposit receivable        48,886           -
       Other current assets                   21,147      15,761
                                          ----------  ----------
       Total current assets                6,040,192   2,292,911
  Property and equipment, net                185,000     122,925
  Deposits                                    77,257       8,654
                                          ----------  ----------
       Total assets                       $6,302,449  $2,424,490
                                          ==========  ==========


Current liabilities:
 Accounts payable                         $  563,685  $  205,340
 Accrued salaries                            532,358     244,952
 Accrued expenses                             69,857      28,511
 Current portion of mortgage payable           2,836       2,836
 Capital lease obligation                      2,443       3,115
                                          ----------  ----------
 Total current liabilities                $1,171,179  $  484,754
                                          ==========  ==========
Mortgage payable, net of current portion      16,475      19,996
Capital lease obligation, net of 
  current portion                                  -       2,337
                                          ----------  ----------
 Total liabilities                        $1,187,654  $  507,087
                                          ----------  ----------
Commitments and contingencies (Note 4)
Stockholders' equity:
 Common stock, $1.00 par value, 5,000 shares
  authorized, 3,000 shares issued and 
  outstanding                                  3,000       3,000
 Retained earnings                         5,111,795   1,914,403
                                          ----------  ----------
                                           5,114,795   1,917,403
                                          ----------  ----------
   Total liabilities and stockholders' 
     equity                               $6,302,449  $2,424,490
                                          ==========  ==========

                    The accompanying notes are an integral
                      part of these financial statements.


                               THE McKINLEY GROUP
                for the years ended September 30, 1995 and 1994


                                                        1995         1994
                                                     -----------  ----------
       Contract consulting revenue                   $16,512,368  $6,743,633
       Operating expenses:
            Direct costs of consulting services       10,363,314   4,121,222
            Indirect costs of consulting services        627,296     282,688
                                                     -----------  ----------
                  Gross profit                         5,521,758   2,339,723
            Selling, general and administrative        1,225,217     799,665
                                                     -----------  ----------
                  Operating income                     4,296,541   1,540,058
       Interest income                                    55,055       5,394
       Interest expense                                   13,610       3,604
       Rental income, net                                  3,767       2,361
                                                     -----------  ----------
                  Net income                         $ 4,341,753  $1,544,209
                                                     ===========  ==========

                     The accompanying notes are an integral
                      part of these financial statements.


                               THE McKINLEY GROUP
                for the years ended September 30, 1995 and 1994



                                COMMON  COMMON    RETAINED    STOCKHOLDERS'
                                SHARES  STOCK     EARNINGS       EQUITY
                                ------  ------  ------------  --------------
Balance, October 1, 1993         3,000  $3,000  $   426,594     $   429,594
Net income                                        1,544,209       1,544,209
Distribution to stockholders                        (56,400)        (56,400)
                                 -----  ------  -----------     -----------
Balance, September 30, 1994      3,000   3,000    1,914,403       1,917,403
Net income                                        4,341,753       4,341,753
Distribution to stockholders                     (1,144,361)     (1,144,361)
                                 -----  ------  -----------     -----------
Balance, September 30, 1995      3,000  $3,000  $ 5,111,795     $ 5,114,795
                                 =====  ======  ===========     ===========

                     The accompanying notes are an integral
                      part of these financial statements.


                               THE McKINLEY GROUP
                for the years ended September 30, 1995 and 1994


                                                            1995         1994
                                                        ------------  -----------
  Cash flows from operating activities:
     Net income                                         $ 4,341,753   $1,544,209
     Adjustments to reconcile net income to
          net cash provided by operating activities:
       Depreciation and amortization                         60,904       29,810
       Increase (decrease in cash resulting from
            changes in assets and liabilities):
          Accounts receivable                            (1,862,246)    (951,044)
          Canadian tax deposit receivable                   (48,886)           -
          Other current assets                               (5,386)      (1,444)
          Deposits                                          (68,603)      (6,073)
          Accounts payable                                  358,345      190,386
          Accrued salaries                                  287,406      250,707
          Accrued expenses                                   41,346      (39,609)
                                                        -----------   ----------
          Net cash provided by operating activities       3,104,633    1,016,942
                                                        -----------   ----------
  Cash flows from investing activities
     Purchase of property and equipment                    (122,979)     (84,756)
                                                        -----------   ----------
                                                           (122,979)     (84,756)
                                                        -----------   ----------
  Cash flows from financing activities:
     Proceeds from notes payable to stockholders                  -       75,000
     Repayments of notes payable                                  -      (80,000)
     Repayments of capital lease obligations                 (3,009)      (1,265)
     Repayments of mortgage payable                          (3,521)      (3,741)
     Repayments of stockholders payable                           -       (8,764)
     Distributions to stockholders                       (1,144,361)     (90,000)
                                                        -----------   ----------
          Net cash used in financing activities          (1,150,891)    (108,770)
                                                        -----------   ----------
  Net increase in cash and cash equivalents               1,830,763      823,416
  Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year              861,971       38,555
                                                        -----------   ----------
  Cash and cash equivalents, end of year                $ 2,692,734   $  861,971
                                                        ===========   ==========
  Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:
     Interest paid                                      $    13,610   $    3,604
                                                        ===========   ==========
  Supplement disclosure of noncash activity:
     Increase to capital lease obligations                        -   $    6,717
                                                        ===========   ==========

                     The accompanying notes are an integral
                      part of these financial statements.


                               THE McKINLEY GROUP
                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

  1.   Organization

            The McKinley Group (the Companies), consists of The McKinley Group,
  Inc. and MGI Services, Inc.  The McKinley Group, Inc. provides contract labor
  to perform computer systems consulting services for a variety of clients in
  manufacturing environments.

            The McKinley Group, Inc. was incorporated on February 26, 1988 and
  has elected to be treated as a Sub-Chapter S corporation under the Internal
  Revenue Code.  All income of The McKinley Group, Inc. accrues directly to the
  stockholders and all income taxes are paid by the stockholders at the
  individual level of taxation; therefore, The McKinley Group, Inc. pays no
  federal or state income taxes.

            Additionally, The McKinley Group, Inc. has elected to use a year end
  other than a calendar year end, pursuant to Internal Revenue Code sections 444
  and 7519.  The McKinley Group, Inc. has paid a deposit to the Internal Revenue
  Service pursuant to such election and may have to pay additional deposits
  annually.  All deposits paid are ultimately refundable.

            Included in these combined financial statements is the financial
  activity of MGI Services, Inc. (MGI).  MGI was incorporated December 27, 1993
  (date of inception) with the purpose to provide administrative and accounting
  services to The McKinley Group, Inc. which pays a monthly management fee to
  MGI in exchange for these services.  MGI has elected to be treated as a Sub-
  Chapter S corporation under the Internal Revenue Code and is owned by the same
  stockholders as The McKinley Group, Inc.  MGI uses a calendar year end,
  however, these combined financial statements include the financial activity of
  MGI as of September 30, 1995 and for the twelve months then ended and as of
  September 30, 1994 and for the period of December 27, 1993 (date of inception)
  to September 30, 1994.  All intercompany accounts and transactions have been


                               THE McKINLEY GROUP
                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

  2.   Summary of significant accounting policies

            Revenue recognition

               The Companies provide personnel, billed on an hourly basis, to
            perform computer consulting services for other companies.  Revenue
            is recognized and billed as labor hours are worked at agreed upon

            Property and equipment

               Property and equipment are stated at cost.  Depreciation is
            computed using the straight-line method over estimated useful lives
            ranging from 3 to 15 years.  Leasehold improvements are amortized on
            a straight-line basis over the lesser of the lease term or the
            estimated useful life of the improvement.

               Maintenance and repairs of property and equipment are charged to
            operations and major improvements that extend the useful life are
            capitalized.  Upon retirement, sale or other disposition of property
            and equipment, the cost and accumulated depreciation are eliminated
            from the accounts and any gain or loss is included in operations.

            Cash and cash equivalents

               Cash and cash equivalents consist of all demand deposits and
            short-term investments with original maturities of three months or

            Concentration of credit risk

               The Companies maintain the majority of its cash in an overnight
            sweep account which invests primarily in low risk securities.  No
            losses have been experienced on such investments.  Since the
            maturities of such investments are overnight they are considered to
            be cash equivalents.


                               THE McKINLEY GROUP
                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

               Other financial instruments which potentially subject the
            Companies to concentrations of credit risk consist principally of
            accounts receivable.  Concentration of credit risk with respect to
            accounts receivable are limited to two customers (see Note 5) with
            large balances.  The Companies' remaining customer base includes
            many smaller balances dispersed across different businesses and
            geographic regions.
  3.    Property and equipment

            Property and equipment as of September 30, 1995 and September 30,
  1994 were as follows:

                                          1995       1994
                                        ---------  ---------
       Computer equipment                $221,077   $110,462
       Furniture and fixtures              34,088     21,724
       Condominium                         27,206     29,927
       Leasehold improvements               3,776      3,776
       Capitalized leases                   6,717      6,717
                                         --------   --------
                                          292,864    172,606
       Less accumulated depreciation
      and amortization                    107,864     49,681
                                         --------   --------
       Property and equipment, net       $185,000   $122,925
                                         ========   ========

            Depreciation and amortization expense was $60,904 and $29,810 for
  the years ended September 30, 1995 and 1994, respectively.

            The Companies own a condominium, which is used for rental purposes.
  Depreciation of the rental property is computed using the straight-line method
  over an estimated useful life of 15 years.  Depreciation expense for the years
  ended September 30, 1995 and 1994 is $2,721.  The condominium is subject to a
  30 year mortgage requiring monthly payments of $386 that bears interest at a
  rate of 9.5% per annum.


                               THE McKINLEY GROUP
                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

     Future scheduled repayments of the mortgage payable is as follows:

     1996           $ 2,836
     1997             3,166
     1998             3,481
     1999             3,826
     2000             4,206
     Thereafter       1,796

4. Commitments and contingencies

     Operating leases

          The Companies lease certain facilities in Front Royal, Virginia and
     Atlanta, Georgia under operating agreements expiring in 1997 and 1998. For
     the years ended September 30, 1995 and 1994, rent expense was $40,451 and
     $21,900, respectively. The operating lease for the Atlanta office contains
     an escalation clause of 4% annually.

          Future minimum annual lease payments at September 30, 1995 are as

     1996                $ 51,742
     1997                  53,193
     1998                  18,520

     Capitalized leases

          The Companies lease certain equipment under noncancelable capital
     lease arrangements. Included in the September 30, 1995 and 1994 balance
     sheets is $6,717 of equipment, net of accumulated depreciation of $3,359
     and $1,120, respectively.


                               THE McKINLEY GROUP
                         NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

            Future minimum lease payments required under the capitalized lease
          at September 30, 1995 is $2,443 payable during 1996.

5.   Revenue from major customers

          During 1995, revenue from two customers accounted for 34% and 16% of
contract revenues.  Those customers also accounted for 32% and 16%,
respectively, of the total accounts receivable at September 30, 1995.

          During 1994, revenue from two different customers accounted for 24%
and 12% of contract revenues.  Those customers also accounted for 7% and 10%,
respectively, of the total accounts receivable at September 30, 1994.

6.   Pension plan

          The Companies have a voluntary defined-contribution 401(k) plan (the
Plan) which covers employees who are over 21 years of age.  The Companies make
contributions to the Plan on a discretionary basis.  There were no employer
contributions in 1995 or 1994.



                             COMBINED BALANCE SHEET
                                     AS OF
                                 JUNE 30, 1996

                                            June 30,
Current assets:
  Cash and cash equivalents                  $2,897,587
  Accounts receivable, net                    5,025,189
  Prepaid expenses                               83,704
    Total current assets                      8,006,480
  Furniture and equipment, net                  208,899
  Other assets                                  292,359
    Total assets                             $8,507,738
Liabilities & Stockholders' Equity
Current liabilities:
  Notes payable, current portion             $1,500,000
  Accrued payroll and related taxes             719,034
  Accounts payable and accrued expenses         242,089
    Total current liabilities                 2,461,123
Notes payable, long term portion                 15,999
    Total liabilities                         2,477,122
Stockholders' equity:
  Common stock                                   18,572
  Retained earnings                           6,012,044
    Total stockholders' equity                6,030,616
Total liabilities and stockholders'        
  equity                                     $8,507,738



                            FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED
                             JUNE 30, 1995 AND 1996

                                            June 30,   June 30,
                                              1995       1996    
                                          ----------  ----------
Revenue                                     $8,249,149  $12,269,458
Cost of revenue                              5,418,442    8,249,083
                                            ----------   ----------
  Gross profit                               2,830,707    4,020,375
                                            ----------   ----------
Operating expenses:
  General and administrative                   486,273    1,387,620
  Depreciation and amortization                 30,452       42,534
                                            ----------   ----------
    Total operating expenses                   516,725    1,430,154
                                            ----------   ----------
  Income from operations                     2,313,982    2,590,221
                                            ----------   ----------
Other income (expense):
  Interest income                               29,997       42,486
  Interest expense                              (7,000)        (913)
                                            ----------   ----------
    Total other income                         (22,997)      41,573
                                            ----------   ----------
    Net income                              $2,336,979   $2,631,794
                                            ==========   ==========
Pro forma data:
  Income before provision for income taxes  $2,336,979   $2,631,794
  Provision for income taxes                   920,551    1,052,718
                                            ----------   ----------
    Pro forma net income                    $1,416,428   $1,579,076
                                            ==========   ==========



                            FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED
                             JUNE 30, 1995 AND 1996


                                                  June 30,
                                              1995          1996
                                          -----------   -----------
Cash flows provided by (used in)
 operating activities:
Net income                                $ 2,336,979   $ 2,631,794
Adjustments to reconcile net income to
 net cash provided by operations:
Depreciation                                   30,452        42,534
Changes in assets and liabilities:
Accounts receivable                        (1,816,140)   (1,710,098)
Advances to officers and employees                 --            --
Prepaid expenses                                   --        68,219
Other assets                                   29,669      (166,216)
Accounts payable and accrued expenses         236,845       369,255
Accrued payroll and related taxes               8,920      (382,135)
                                          -----------   -----------
Net cash provided by operating                826,725       853,353
 activities                               -----------   -----------
Cash flows used in investing activities:
Purchase of furniture and equipment           (99,284)      (60,901)
                                          -----------   -----------
Net cash used in investing activities         (99,284)      (60,901)
                                          -----------   -----------
Cash flows provided by (used in)
 financing activities:
Borrowings on notes payable                        --     1,500,211
Payments on notes payable                      (1,528)           --
Distributions to shareholders                (714,490)   (1,921,109)
                                          -----------   -----------
Net cash used in financing activities        (716,018)     (420,898)
                                          -----------   -----------
Net increase in cash and cash             
 equivalents                                   11,423       371,554 
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of   
 period                                     1,224,880     2,526,213
                                          -----------   ----------- 
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period  $ 1,236,303   $ 2,897,767
                                          ===========   ===========




1)   Basis of Presentation

     Interim Financial Information - The unaudited financial statements reflect
all adjustments which, in the opinion of management, are necessary to present
fairly the financial position and results of operations for the periods
presented.  The results of operations for the interim periods are not
necessarily indicative of the results for a full year.  Certain information and
footnote disclosures as of June 30, 1996 and for the six months ended June 30,
1995 and 1996 normally included in financial statements prepared in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles have been omitted pursuant to the
rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, although the
Company believes that the disclosures are adequate to make the information not


                             ACCUSTAFF INCORPORATED

     Management believes that the assumptions used in preparing the unaudited
pro forma financial statements contained herein provide a reasonable basis on
which to present the pro forma financial data.  The unaudited pro forma
financial statements are provided for informational purposes only and should not
be construed to be indicative of the results of operations or financial position
of AccuStaff Incorporated and its subsidiaries (the "Company") had the
transactions described below been consummated on or as of the dates assumed, and
are not intended to project the Company's results of operations or its financial
position for any future period or as of any future date.

     A pro forma combined balance sheet has not been included with the financial
information attached hereto, as The McKinley Group and subsidiary ("McKinley")
has been included in the Company's historical balance sheet which was filed in
the Company's Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1996, filed on August 15,

     The pro forma Statements of Operations data for the year ended January 1,
1995, consisting of the Company's audited historical income statement, for the
year ended January 1, 1995 and the McKinley audited historical income statement
for the year ended September 30, 1994, are described herein in lieu of a
columnar presentation.  The Company issued 1,857,150 shares of stock in
accordance with the transaction therefore increasing the weighted average number
of shares outstanding to 28,200,510 from 26,343,360.  The combined pro forma
operations resulted in revenues of $143.8 million, income from operations of
$6.6 million, and net income of $4.0 million.  These combined results resulted
in pro forma earnings per share of $0.14 versus the actual $0.12 reported by the
Company.  The acquisition expenses of $2.8 million were not included in the
above pro forma results of operations.

     The following unaudited pro forma combined statements of income for the
year ended December 31, 1995 and the six months ended June 30, 1996 have been
prepared to reflect the operations of the Company as if the following had
occurred on January 2, 1995:

     (i)   the acquisition of McKinley, effective June 19, 1996;

     (ii)  the acquisitions of Matthews Professional Employment Specialists
           Incorporated, effective July 2, 1995; Special Counsel International,
           Inc., and its affiliate, effective July 30, 1995; Bogard Temps, Inc.,
           effective July 30, 1995; Computer Professionals, Inc., effective
           October 29, 1995; Advance/Possis Technical Services, Inc., effective
           November 30, 1995; Contemporary Personnel Services, Inc., effective
           January 2, 1995, Dupay Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a ASOSA Personnel,
           effective January 2, 1995, LawStaf, Inc., effective May 1, 1995 and
           Attorneys Per Diem, effective May 1, 1995, HR Management Services,
           Inc., effective November 6, 1995  (collectively the "1995 Other
           Acquisitions"); and

     (iii) the acquisitions of PTA International, d/b/a Perma Temp Agency,
           effective January 2, 1996; Goldfarb-Wasson Associates, Inc. d/b/a GW
           Consulting and GW Temporaries, Inc., effective January 3, 1996; Excel
           Temporary Services, Inc. and affiliated companies, effective January
           31, 1996; Additional Technical Support, Inc. and affiliated
           companies, effective February 22, 1996; Accounting Pros, Inc. and
           Accounting Pros Philadelphia, Inc., effective January 2, 1996, Tekna,
           Inc., effective January 1, 1996, Career Enhancement International,
           Inc., effective January 5, 1996, Advantage Personnel Services, Inc.
           and Advantage Temporaries of Pleasanton, Inc., effective January 28,
           1996, and HNS

          Software, Inc., effective March 11, 1996; Alternative Temps, Inc.,
          effective April 27, 1996; TempsAmerica, Inc. and affiliated companies,
          effective May 19, 1996; Project Professionals, Inc., effective May 19,
          1996; Logue and Rice, Inc. and affiliated companies, effective May 26,
          1996; Contact Recruiters, Inc. and Ovation Technologies, Inc.,
          effective May 31, 1996; Openware Technologies, Inc., effective June
          16, 1996; Alta Technical Services, Inc., effective July 14, 1996; CAD
          Design, Inc., effective June 30, 1996; In-House Counsel, Inc.,
          effective July 7, 1996; TRAK Services, Inc., effective July 28, 1996;
          Perspective Technology, Inc., effective August 11, 1996, Datacorp
          Business Systems, Inc., effective August 18, 1996; and Staffware,
          Inc., effective August 31, 1996 (collectively "1996 Other

     On October 26, 1995, the Company's Board of Directors authorized a two-for-
one stock split.  The stock split was effected as a 100% stock dividend and was
paid on November 27, 1995 to shareholders of record on November 9, 1995.
Additionally, on March 6, 1996, the Company's Board of Directors authorized a
three-for-one stock split.  The stock split was effected as a 200% stock
dividend and paid on March 27, 1996 to shareholders of record on March 20, 1996.
The pro forma financial statements and earnings per share data for the periods
presented herein are computed after giving effect to the both the two-for-one
and three-for-one stock splits.

                         MCKINLEY BUSINESS COMBINATION

     The McKinley acquisition was treated as a pooling of interests for
financial accounting purposes.  The Company acquired all of the issued and
outstanding common stock of McKinley in exchange for 1,857,150 shares of the
Company's Common Stock.

                            1996 OTHER ACQUISITIONS

     The 1996 Other Acquisitions were treated as purchases for financial
reporting purposes, except for the acquisitions of Perma Temps and Staffware
which were both accounted for under the pooling of interests method of
accounting.  To date the Company has paid in the aggregate $160.9 million in
cash, issued 4.1 million shares of Common Stock,  and issued, in the aggregate,
notes payable of $14.8 million (payable from April 1996 to March 1999) as
consideration for the 1996 Other Acquisition.  Certain of the 1996 Other
Acquisition agreements provide for additional purchase price consideration upon
attainment of certain earnings targets at the end of periods ranging from one to
three years.  Any additional consideration paid will be recorded as additional
purchase price.

                            1995 OTHER ACQUISITIONS

     The 1995 Other Acquisitions were treated as purchases for financial
reporting purposes.  The Company paid in the aggregate $53.9 million in cash and
issued, in the aggregate, notes payable of $14.8 million (payable from April
1995 to April 1998) as consideration for the 1995 Other Acquisitions.  Certain
of the 1995 Other Acquisition agreements provide for additional purchase price
consideration upon attainment of certain earnings targets at the end of periods
ranging from one to six years.  To date an aggregate of $8.3 million of
additional consideration has been paid on the 1995 Other Acquisitions, which has
been recorded as additional purchase price.  Any additional consideration paid
will be recorded as additional purchase price.


     The unaudited pro forma combined financial statements are derived, in part,
from historical financial statements  and should be read in conjunction with
those financial statements and the notes thereto.  The unaudited pro forma
combined financial statements are not necessarily indicative of the results that
would have occurred if the assumed transactions had occurred on the dates
indicated or the expected financial position or results of operations in the
future.  The unaudited pro forma combined financial statements should be read in
conjunction with the separate historical financial statements of AccuStaff
Incorporated and in conjunction with the related assumptions and notes to these
unaudited pro forma combined financial statements.



                      for the year ended December 31, 1995

                                                                             1995 and 1996                       Combined  
                                           AccuStaff                              Other            Pro Forma     AccuStaff  
                                          Incorporated    McKinley/(1)/       Acquisitions       Adjustments    Incorporated 
                                          ------------   --------------        ------------      -----------    ------------
Revenue                                   $267,616,204    $16,512,368        $457,242,848      $        --      $741,371,420
Cost of revenue                            218,242,244     10,990,610         357,391,510               --       586,624,364
                                          ------------    -----------        ------------      -----------      ------------
                 Gross profit               49,373,960      5,521,758          99,851,338               --       154,747,056
                                          ------------    -----------        ------------      -----------      ------------
Operating expenses:
General and administrative                  32,981,394      1,164,313          80,690,297      (11,483,269)(a)   103,352,735
Depreciation and amortization                2,210,000         60,904           1,903,585        6,778,591 (b)    10,953,080
                                          ------------    -----------        ------------      -----------      ------------
Total operating expenses                    35,191,294      1,225,217          82,593,882       (4,704,678)      114,305,815
                                          ------------    -----------        ------------      -----------      ------------
Income (loss) from operations               14,182,568      4,296,541          17,257,456        4,704,678        40,441,241
                                          ------------    -----------        ------------      -----------      ------------
Other income (expense)
Other                                               --          3,767          (9,326,431)      10,710,836 (c)     1,388,172
 Management fee                                     --             --          (1,387,657)              --        (1,387,657)
Interest income                                733,248         55,055             501,015       (1,284,684)(d)         4,634
Interest expense                              (849,700)       (13,610)         (2,394,739)     (12,677,629)(e)   (15,935,678)
                                          ------------    -----------        ------------      -----------      ------------
Total other income (expenses)                 (116,452)        45,212         (12,607,812)      (3,251,477)      (15,930,529)
                                          ------------    -----------        ------------      -----------      ------------
Income (loss) before provision for
 income taxes                               14,066,114      4,341,753           4,649,644        1,453,201        24,510,712
Provision (benefit) for income taxes         5,366,700      1,736,701/(2)/      1,870,239          581,280 (f)     9,554,920
                                          ------------   ------------        ------------      -----------      ------------
 Net income (loss)                        $  8,699,414   $  2,605,052        $  2,779,405      $   871,821      $ 14,955,792
                                          ============   ============        ============      ===========      ============
Earnings per share of common and common
 stock equivalents                               $0.22                                                                 $0.34
                                          ============                                                          ============  
 Weighted average number of shares                                                                                            
  outstanding                               39,761,550                                                            43,818,285  
                                          ============                                                          ============   

- ---------------
/(1)/ Derived from the audited financial statements of McKinley for the year
      ended September 30, 1995.
/(2)/ The pro forma provision for income taxes was computed using the Company's
      effective tax rate of approximately 40%.



                     for the six months ended June 30, 1996


                                           AccuStaff        Other        Pro Forma 
                                          Incorporated   Acquisitions   Adjustments       Pro Forma
                                          ------------   ------------   -----------      ------------
Revenue                                   $334,461,000    $75,599,000   $        --      $410,060,000
Cost of Revenue                            284,521,000     56,761,000            --       321,282,000
                                          ------------                  -----------      ------------
Gross profit                                69,940,000     18,838,000            --        88,778,000
Operating expenses:
General and administrative                  43,519,000     19,940,000    (8,453,000)(a)    55,006,000
Depreciation and amortization                4,178,000        170,000     1,356,000 (b)     5,704,000
                                          ------------   ------------   -----------      ------------
Total operating expenses                    47,897,000     20,110,000    (7,097,000)       60,710,000
                                          ------------   ------------   -----------      ------------
Income (loss) from operations               22,243,000     (1,272,000)    7,097,000        28,068,000
                                          ------------   ------------   -----------      ------------
Other income (expense)
Other                                               --        128,000            --           128,000
Interest income                              1,417,000             --            --         1,417,000
Interest expense                            (1,910,000)        10,000     (2,776,000)(e)   (4,676,000)
Acquisition expense                         (2,800,000)      (277,000)           --        (3,077,000)
                                          ------------   ------------   -----------      ------------
Total other income (expense)                (3,293,000)      (139,000)   (2,776,000)        6,208,000
                                          ------------   ------------   -----------      ------------
Income (loss) before provision for
 income taxes                               18,950,000    (1,411,000 )    4,321,000        21,860,000
Provision (benefit) for income taxes         8,178,000       (564,000)    1,728,000 (f)     9,342,000
                                          ------------   ------------   -----------      ------------
Net income (loss)                         $ 10,772,000   $   (847,000)  $ 2,593,000      $ 12,518,000
                                          ============   ============   ===========      ============
Earnings per share of common and common
 stock equivalents                               $0.17                                          $0.20
                                          ============                                   ============
Weighted average number of shares                                                                    
 outstanding                                62,175,000                                     62,607,741
                                          ============                                   ============ 



                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

       BASIS OF RECORDING THE TRANSACTIONS - The accompanying pro forma combined
  income statements for the year ended December 31, 1995 and the six months
  ended June 30, 1996 have been prepared to reflect the operations of the
  Company as if the following had occurred on January 2, 1995, (the beginning of
  the period); (i) the acquisition of McKinley; (ii) the acquisition of the 1996
  Other Acquisitions; and (iii) the acquisition of the 1995 Other Acquisitions.

       The Acquisition Expenses of $2.8 million, which are not deductible for
  income tax purposes, related to the acquisition of McKinley have been
  included in the actual results of operations of the Company for the six months
  ended June 30, 1996.  These expenses have not been included in the statement
  of operations for the year ended December 31, 1995.

       STATEMENT OF INCOME ADJUSTMENTS - The following pro forma adjustments
  were made to the historical statements of the Company:

            (a)   This adjustment primarily reflects the contractual reduction
       in officer compensation relating to the 1996 and 1995 Other Acquisitions
       as the result of negotiated employment agreements, which provides for
       substantially the same management duties or responsibilities, offset by
       increases in officers incentive compensation per employment agreements of
       AccuStaff Incorporated.

            (b)   This adjustment reflects the increase in amortization expense
       related to the goodwill recorded under the purchase method of accounting
       for the 1996 and 1995 Other Acquisitions in the amount of $6,778,591 for
       the year ended December 31, 1995 and $1,356,000 for the six months ended
       June 30, 1996.

            (c)     This adjustment relates to contract termination fees which
       were paid to the managers and officers of Computer Professionals, Inc.
       required by the purchase of the company by AccuStaff Incorporated.

            (d)   This adjustment reflects the elimination of interest income
       for the cash available to be used and the subsequent interest income
       foregone, in connection with the purchase of the 1995 Other Acquisitions.

            (e)   This adjustment reflects the increase in interest expense for
       cash required to be borrowed at an interest rate of 6.5% and for the
       additional bank debt and notes payable at interest rates ranging from
       6.5% to 8% related to the purchase of  the 1995 and 1996 Other

            (f)   This adjustment reflects the decrease to income tax expense
       based on the pro forma adjustments to income before provision for income
       taxes based on the Company's effective tax rate of approximately 40%.



                                 EXHIBIT INDEX
  2.1  Agreement and Plan of Merger among AccuStaff Incorporated, AccuStaff
       Merger Corp., AccuStaff Merger Subsidiary, Inc., The McKinley Group,
       Inc., MGI Services, Inc. and the shareholders of The McKinley Group, Inc.
       and MGI Services, Inc. dated as of June 19, 1996 (without schedules)
       incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2.1 to AccuStaff's Current Report on
       Form 8-K dated June 19, 1996 and filed July 2, 1996............................  N/A

 23.1  Consent of Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P.............................................  26

 99.1  Press Release dated June 18, 1996 incorporated by reference to Exhibit 99.1
       to AccuStaff's Current Report on Form 8-K dated June 19, 1996 and
       filed July 2, 1996.............................................................  N/A

 99.2  Press Release dated June 20, 1996 incorporated by reference to Exhibit 99.2
       to AccuStaff's Current Report on Form 8-K dated June 19, 1996 and
       filed July 2, 1996.............................................................  N/A
