SIXTH AMENDATORY AGREEMENT

         THIS SIXTH AMENDATORY AGREEMENT (this "Sixth Amendment") dated
    effective as of the 31st day of December, 1996, among ALADDIN MANUFACTURING
    CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation, formerly known as Mohawk Manufacturing
    Corporation ("Mohawk"), MOHAWK INDUSTRIES, INC., a Delaware corporation
    ("Industries"; Mohawk and Industries, collectively, the "Obligors"),
    WACHOVIA BANK OF GEORGIA, N.A., a national banking association ("Wachovia")
    and FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK OF GEORGIA, a national banking association
    ("First Union"; Wachovia and First Union, collectively, the "Banks").

                         W I T N E S S E T H:

    WHEREAS, the Obligors and the Banks have executed and delivered that certain
    Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreement dated as of the 13th day of
    January, 1995 (as amended by the First Amendatory Agreement dated as of June
    23, 1995, the Second Amendatory Agreement dated as of July 19, 1995, the
    Third Amendatory Agreement dated as of September 28, 1995, the Fourth
    Amendatory Agreement dated as of December 22, 1995, and the Fifth Amendatory
    Agreement dated as of December 31, 1995, collectively, the "Credit

    WHEREAS, the Obligors have requested and the Banks have agreed to adopt
    certain amendments to the Credit Agreement, all subject to the terms and
    conditions hereof;

    NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the above premises and other
    good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which hereby
    are acknowledged by the parties hereto, the Obligors and the Banks hereby
    agree as follows:

         1. Use of Terms. Unless otherwise specifically defined herein, each
    term used which is defined in the Credit Agreement shall have the meaning
    assigned to such term in the Credit Agreement. Each reference to "hereof",
    "hereunder", "herein" and "hereby" and each other similar reference and each
    reference to "this Agreement" and each other similar reference contained in
    the Credit Agreement shall from and after the date hereof refer to the
    Credit Agreement as amended hereby.


         2. Extension and Reinstatement of Tranche B Commitment; Ratification of
    Tranche B Notes. Notwithstanding the termination of the Tranche B Commitment
    on December 26, 1996, the Tranche B Commitment shall be reinstated on
    December 31, 1996 through and including December 26, 1997. All references in
    the Credit Agreement and the other Loan Documents to the "Tranche B
    Termination Date" shall mean December 26, 1997. All references in the Credit
    Agreement and the other Loan Documents to the Tranche B Loan Notes shall
    mean the Tranche B Notes issued by Mohawk dated as of December 28, 1995,
    payable to the order of each respective Bank.

         3. Restatement of Representations and Warranties. Each of the Obligors
    hereby restates and renews each and every representation and warranty
    heretofore made by it in the Credit Agreement and the other Loan Documents
    as fully as if made on the date hereof and with specific reference to this
    Sixth Amendment and all other loan documents executed and/or delivered in
    connection herewith.

         4. Effects of Amendment. Except as set forth expressly hereinabove, all
    terms of the Credit Agreement and the other Loan Documents shall be and
    remain in full force and effect, and shall constitute the legal, valid,
    binding and enforceable obligations of the Obligors. The amendments
    contained herein shall be deemed to have prospective application only,
    unless otherwise specifically stated herein.

         5. Financing Statements. Promptly upon receipt thereof from the Banks,
    the Obligors and each Guarantor shall execute and deliver financing
    statements and amendments to existing financing statements as necessary to
    reflect the name change of Mohawk Manufacturing Corporation to Aladdin
    Manufacturing Corporation.

         6.   Conditions.  This Sixth Amendment shall not become effective
    unless all of the following conditions shall have been satisfied:

              (a) The Company, the Parent, and each Guarantor shall have
         executed and delivered to each of the Banks a counterpart of this Sixth

              (b) All proceedings taken in connection with this Sixth Amendment
         shall be satisfactory to the Banks and their special counsel. The Banks
         and their special counsel shall have received copies of any documents
         related to such proceedings, which documents shall be satisfactory to

         7.   Ratification.  Each of the Obligors hereby restates, ratifies and
    reaffirms each and every term, covenant and condition set forth in the
    Credit Agreement and the other Loan Documents effective as of the date

         8. Counterparts. This Sixth Amendment may be executed in any number of
    counterparts and by different parties hereto in separate counterparts, each


    of which when so executed and delivered shall be deemed to be an original
    and all of which counterparts, taken together shall constitute but one and
    the same instrument.

         9.  Section References.  Section titles and references used in this
    Sixth Amendment shall be without substantive meaning or content of any kind
    whatsoever and are not a part of the agreements among the parties hereto
    evidenced hereby.

         10. No Default. To induce the Banks to enter into this Sixth Amendment
    and to continue to make advances pursuant to the Credit Agreement, each of
    the Obligors hereby acknowledges and agrees that, as of the date hereof, and
    after giving effect to the terms hereof, there exists (1) no Default or
    Event of Default and (2) no right of offset, defense, counterclaim, claim or
    objection in favor of the Obligors, or any of them, arising out of or with
    respect to any of the Loans and other obligations arising from the Credit
    Agreement or the other Loan Documents.

         11. Governing Law.  This Sixth Amendment shall be governed by and
    construed and interpreted in accordance with, the laws of the State of

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Obligors and the Banks has caused this Sixth
    Amendment to be duly executed, under seal, by its duly authorized officer as
    of the day and year first above written.

                               ALADDIN MANUFACTURING



                               MOHAWK INDUSTRIES, INC.




                               WACHOVIA BANK OF GEORGIA, N.A.



                               FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK OF
