FIRST AMENDMENT

                                     TO THE

                        PHYSICIAN SALES & SERVICE, INC.


     This First Amendment to the Physician Sales & Service, Inc. Employee Stock
Ownership and Savings Plan is adopted this 8th day of July, 1997, by Physician
Sales & Service, Inc. (the "Company"), and is effective as of January 1, 1997,
except as otherwise set forth below.

                              W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS, the Company has previously adopted the Amendment and Restatement
of the Physician Sales & Service, Inc. Employee Stock Ownership and Savings Plan
(the "Plan"), effective as of January 1, 1997; and

     WHEREAS, the Company is authorized and empowered to further amend the Plan;

     WHEREAS, the Company deems it advisable and in the best interests of the
Participants to amend the Plan to provide for the merger of the Y-Laboratories &
Supplies, Inc. 401(k) Retirement Plan into this Plan effective as of October 1,
1997 (or as soon as practicable thereafter), to modify the timing of changes to
certain contributions and investment elections under the Plan, to clarify the
earnings allocation and antidiscrimination provisions of the Plan, and to
include other changes required in order to comply with applicable federal laws.

     NOW, THEREFORE, the Plan is hereby amended as follows:


     Paragraph (b) of Article I is hereby deleted, in its entirety, and the
following is substituted in lieu thereof:

     (b) "ACTUAL CONTRIBUTION PERCENTAGE" shall mean, with respect to any Plan
Year beginning on or after January 1, 1997 and with respect to a group of
Participants for the Plan Year, the average of the Actual Contribution Ratios
(calculated separately for each member of the group) of each Participant who is
a member of such group.


     Paragraph (d) of Article I is hereby deleted, in its entirety, and the
following is substituted in lieu thereof:

     (d) "ACTUAL DEFERRAL PERCENTAGE" shall mean, with respect to any Plan Year
beginning on or after January 1, 1997 and with respect to a group of
Participants for the Plan Year, the average of the Actual Deferral Ratios
(calculated separately for each member of the group) of each Participant who is
a member of such group.


     Subparagraphs (m)(2) and (m)(3) of Article I are hereby deleted, in their
entireties, and the following is substituted in lieu thereof:

          (2) For purposes of determining a Participant's Actual Deferral Ratio
     with respect to any Plan Year beginning on or after January 1, 1997, an
     Employer may limit the period for which Compensation is taken into account
     to that portion of the Plan Year in which the Employee was a Participant so
     long as this limit is applied uniformly to all eligible Employees under the
     Plan for the Plan Year.  For all other purposes of the Plan, no
     Compensation paid or accrued by an Employer with respect to an Employee
     prior to the Employee's first day of participation shall be taken into

          (3) Effective for Plan Years beginning on or after January 1, 1997, no
     Compensation in excess of $160,000 (adjusted by the Commissioner of the
     Internal Revenue Service in accordance with Section 401(a)(17)(B) of the
     Code) shall be taken into account for any Employee.  For Plan Years
     beginning before January 1, 1997, the provisions of subparagraph (m)(3) of
     Article I of this Plan prior to its most recent amendment and restatement
     shall be in effect.


     Paragraph (s) of Article I is hereby deleted, in its entirety, and the
following is substituted in lieu thereof:

     (s) "ELIGIBILITY DATE" shall mean the first day of each Plan Year and the
first day of each calendar month within the Plan Year.


     Subparagraph (w)(3) of Article I is hereby deleted, in its entirety, and
the following is substituted in lieu thereof:


          (3) For Plan Years beginning on or after January 1, 1997, the term
     "leased employee," as used in this paragraph (w), means any person (other
     than an employee of the Employer) who, pursuant to an agreement between the
     Employer and any other person ("leasing organization"), has performed
     services for the Employer (or for the Employer and one or more Affiliates)
     on a substantially full time basis for a period of at least one year and
     the individual's services are performed under the primary direction or
     control of such Employer.


     Paragraph (pp) of Article I is hereby modified by renumbering subparagraph
(3) as subparagraph (4) and adding a new subparagraph (3), immediately before
renumbered subparagraph (4), as follows:

          (3) The provisions of subparagraphs (1) and (2) shall be effective for
     Plan Years beginning on or after January 1, 1997.  For Plan Years beginning
     before January 1, 1997, the provisions of paragraph (pp) of Article I of
     this Plan prior to its most recent amendment and restatement shall be in


     Effective October 1, 1997, paragraph (uu) of Article I is hereby deleted,
in its entirety, and the following is substituted in lieu thereof:

     (uu) "MERGER ACCOUNTS" shall mean the account or accounts established
pursuant to paragraph (b) of Article VII with respect to contributions to the
Brown's Medical Supply Co. Retirement Savings Plan and the Y-Laboratories &
Supplies, Inc. 401(k) Retirement Plan on behalf of a Participant prior to the
merger of the Brown's Medical Supply Co. Retirement Savings Plan and the Y-
Laboratories & Supplies, Inc. 401(k) Retirement Plan with this Plan effective as
of January 1, 1997 and October 1, 1997, respectively, or as soon thereafter as
administratively feasible, together with accounts established with respect to
contributions to other tax-qualified retirement plans merged with this Plan from
time to time.


     Paragraph (nnn) of Article I is hereby deleted, in its entirety, and the
following is substituted in lieu thereof:

     (nnn)  "VALUATION DATE" shall mean the last day of each Plan Year and each
business day, or such other dates as may be selected by the Plan Administrator.
For purposes of this paragraph, the term "business day" shall mean a day on
which the New York Stock Exchange and the home office of any third-party
administrator that contracts with the Plan Administrator to provide services to
the Plan are open for business.



     Article I is hereby modified by adding new paragraphs (qqq), (rrr) and
(sss), immediately following existing paragraph (ppp), as follows:

     (qqq)  "EARNINGS" attributable to any Pooled Investment Fund (other than
any pooled Employer Securities Accounts, Other Investments Accounts, or the
Company Stock Fund) shall mean, with respect to a Valuation Period, the
aggregate of the unrealized appreciation or depreciation accruing to the Pooled
Investment Fund during such a period; and the income earned or the loss
sustained by the Pooled Investment Fund during such period, whether from
investments or from the sale or exchange of assets.  The Earnings attributable
to a separate portion of a Segregated Investment Fund (other than any segregated
Employer Securities Accounts, Other Investments Accounts, or Company Stock Fund)
credited to a Participant's Account for any Valuation Period shall be determined
by multiplying the number of shares of the Segregated Investment Fund credited
to the Participant's Account by the difference between the value of each share
for the current Valuation Date and the value of each share as of the most recent
preceding Valuation Date.  The Earnings attributable to any portion of the
Company Stock Fund invested in assets other than Employer Securities shall mean,
with respect to a Valuation Period, (i) cash dividends received on shares of
Employer Securities allocated to Participants' investments in the Company Stock
Fund and (ii) the aggregate of the unrealized appreciation or depreciation
occurring in the value of, and that portion of the income earned or the loss
sustained by, such portion of the Company Stock Fund during such period. The
Earnings attributable to any Other Investments Account shall mean, with respect
to a Valuation Period, (i) cash dividends received on shares of Employer
Securities allocated to Participants' Employer Securities Accounts (to the
extent such cash dividends are not used, pursuant to paragraph (f), to repay a
loan), (ii) cash dividends received on Employer Securities not allocated to any
Participant's Employer Securities Account or any Fund described in Article XI
(to the extent such cash dividends are not used, pursuant to paragraph (f), to
repay a loan), and (iii) the aggregate of the unrealized appreciation or
depreciation occurring in the value of, and that portion of the income earned or
the loss sustained by, the Other Investments Account during such period.

     (rrr)  "POOLED INVESTMENT FUND" shall mean a Fund established under Article
XI, the combined assets of which shall consist of the common investments of all
Participants selecting the Fund.

     (sss)  "SEGREGATED INVESTMENT FUND" shall mean a Fund established under
Article XI, in which the assets of each Participant selecting the Fund shall be
separately invested, and for which the earnings attributable to such assets
shall be separately accounted.



     Effective April 1, 1997, subparagraph (a)(4) of Article VI is hereby
deleted, in its entirety, and the following is substituted in lieu thereof:

          (4) Any salary reduction agreement with respect to 401(k) Elective
     Contributions shall be executed and in effect prior to the date selected by
     the Administrator for the first pay period to which it applies.  Any such
     agreement may be revised by the Participant monthly  with the approval of,
     and as of such date as determined by, the Administrator (or as of any
     additional dates selected by the Administrator), for pay periods beginning
     after the date such revision is executed and made effective.


     Effective April 1, 1997, subparagraphs (a)(6) and (a)(7) of Article VI are
hereby deleted, in their entireties, and the following is substituted in lieu

          (6) A Participant may suspend further 401(k) Elective Contributions to
     the Plan at any time, provided the request for such suspension is received
     by the Plan Administrator prior to the date selected by the Administrator
     for the first pay period to which such suspension applies.  Any Participant
     who suspends further contributions relating to periodic pay may reinstate
     such contributions by providing written notice to the Plan Administrator
     for any month thereafter (and as of the date within such month as
     determined by the Administrator).  Any such notice shall be delivered
     within the time period designated by the Plan Administrator.

          (7) In the event that a Participant receives a withdrawal of his
     401(k) Elective Contributions pursuant to paragraph (a) of Article X, such
     Participant shall not be permitted to make any further 401(k) Elective
     Contributions pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of this Article VI for a period
     of 12 months following the date of such withdrawal.  After the completion
     of the 12-month period, the Participant may reinstate 401(k) Elective
     Contributions in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (a)(6).


     Sections (a)(8)(A), (a)(8)(B) and (a)(8)(C) of Article VI are hereby
deleted, in their entireties, and the following is substituted in lieu thereof:

          (8)  (A)  In the event that the 401(k) Elective Contributions of
          Highly Compensated Employees exceed the limitations set forth in
          paragraph (g), the aggregate excess 401(k) Elective Contributions
          (plus the earnings thereon for the Plan Year to which the excess


          contributions relate), determined as set forth in paragraph (a)(8)(B)
          below, shall be distributed to the Highly Compensated Employees as
          provided in paragraph (a)(8)(C) below on or before the 15th day of the
          third month after the close of the Plan Year to which the excess
          contributions relate.  Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the
          Plan Administrator may delay the distribution of any excess 401(k)
          Elective Contributions (plus the earnings thereon for the Plan Year to
          which the excess contributions relate) attributable to an Employer
          beyond the 15th day of the third month of such Plan Year, if the
          Employer consents to such delay and the Administrator refunds all such
          excess amounts not later than 12 months after the close of the Plan
          Year to which the excess contributions relate.

               (B) For purposes of paragraph (a)(8)(A), the amount of the
          aggregate excess 401(k) Elective Contributions for the Plan Year shall
          be equal to the sum of the amounts of such excess contributions
          attributable to each Highly Compensated Employee for the Plan Year.

                    (i) In order to determine the amount of the excess 401(k)
               Elective Contributions attributable to each Highly Compensated
               Employee, the Plan Administrator shall first reduce the Actual
               Deferral Ratio of the Highly Compensated Employee with the
               highest Actual Deferral Ratio for the Plan Year to the extent
               required to:

                         a.  enable the arrangement to satisfy the limitations
                    set forth in paragraph (g), or

                         b.  cause such Highly Compensated Employee's Actual
                    Deferral Ratio to equal the Actual Deferral Ratio of the
                    Highly Compensated Employee with the next highest Actual
                    Deferral Ratio.

               Then, if necessary, the Plan Administrator shall reduce the
               Actual Deferral Ratios of the Highly Compensated Employees with
               the next highest Actual Deferral Ratio for the Plan Year
               (including the Actual Deferral Ratio(s) of the Highly Compensated
               Employee(s) whose Actual Deferral Ratio the Plan Administrator
               already has reduced) to the extent required to comply with
               paragraph (a)(8)(B)(i)a. or (a)(8)(B)(i)b.  This process shall
               then be repeated until the Actual Deferral Percentage for the
               Highly Compensated Employees satisfies the limitations set forth
               in paragraph (g).

                    (ii) The amount of the excess 401(k) Elective Contributions
               attributable to each Highly Compensated Employee shall equal the
               remainder of


                         a.  the total 401(k) Elective Contributions (and any
                    Non-Elective Contributions treated as 401(k) Elective
                    Contributions) on behalf of the Participant (determined
                    prior to the application of this paragraph (a)(8)(B)), minus

                         b.  the amount determined by multiplying the
                    Participant's Actual Deferral Ratio (determined after
                    application of paragraph (a)(8)(B)(i)) by his Compensation
                    used in determining such ratio.

               (C) In order to determine the dollar amount of the excess 401(k)
          Elective Contributions distributable to each Highly Compensated
          Employee pursuant to paragraph (a)(8)(A), the Plan Administrator shall
          first reduce the 401(k) Elective Contributions of the Highly
          Compensated Employee(s) with the highest dollar amount of 401(k)
          Elective Contributions for the Plan Year by a dollar amount equal to
          the lesser of

                    (i) the aggregate excess 401(k) Elective Contributions
               determined under paragraph (a)(8)(B), or

                    (ii) the dollar amount necessary to reduce such Highly
               Compensated Employee's 401(k) Elective Contributions to a dollar
               amount that is equal to the dollar amount of 401(k) Elective
               Contributions of the Highly Compensated Employee with the next
               highest dollar amount of 401(k) Elective Contributions.

          Then, if necessary, the Plan Administrator shall reduce the 401(k)
          Elective Contributions of the Highly Compensated Employees with the
          next highest dollar amount of 401(k) Elective Contributions for the
          Plan Year (including the Highly Compensated Employee(s) whose 401(k)
          Elective Contributions the Plan Administrator already has reduced) to
          the extent required to comply with paragraph (a)(8)(C)(i) or
          (a)(8)(C)(ii).  This process shall then be repeated until the
          aggregate excess 401(k) Elective Contributions determined under
          paragraph (a)(8)(B) have been eliminated.  The reduced amounts shall
          be distributed in accordance with paragraph (a)(8)(A) to the Highly
          Compensated Employees to whom the reductions are attributable under
          this paragraph (a)(8)(C).  For purposes of this paragraph (a)(8)(C),
          401(k) Elective Contributions shall include amounts treated as
          elective contributions.


     Subparagraph (a)(8) of Article VI is hereby modified by adding a new
section (F), immediately following existing section (E), as follows:


               (F) The provisions of this paragraph (a)(8) shall be effective
          for Plan Years beginning on or after January 1, 1997.  For Plan Years
          beginning before January 1, 1997, the provisions of subparagraph
          (a)(8) of Article VI of this Plan, prior to its most recent amendment
          and restatement, shall be in effect.


     Sections (b)(4)(A) through (b)(4)(F) of Article VI are hereby deleted, in
their entireties, and the following sections (b)(4)(A) through (b)(4)(D) are
substituted in lieu thereof:

               (A) The nonvested portion of such aggregate excess ESOP Matching
          Contributions (including earnings thereon for the Plan Year to which
          the excess contributions relate), if any, determined as set forth in
          paragraph (b)(4)(C) below, shall be forfeited.  Unless otherwise
          required by paragraph (c)(4)(C) of Article VIII, such forfeiture shall
          be allocated as additional ESOP Employer Contributions in accordance
          with paragraph (c) of this Article VI; provided, however, that such
          forfeiture shall be allocated solely to the accounts of Non-Highly
          Compensated Employees.

               (B) The vested portion of such aggregate excess ESOP Matching
          Contributions (including earnings thereon for the Plan Year to which
          the excess contributions relate), if any, determined as set forth in
          paragraph (b)(4)(C) below, shall be distributed to the Highly
          Compensated Employees as provided in paragraph (b)(4)(D) below on or
          before the 15th day of the third month after the close of the Plan
          Year to which the ESOP Matching Contributions relate.  Notwithstanding
          the preceding sentence, the Plan Administrator may delay the
          distribution of any excess ESOP Matching Contributions (plus the
          earnings thereon for the Plan Year to which the excess contributions
          relate) attributable to an Employer beyond the 15th day of the third
          month of such Plan Year, if the Employer consents to such delay and
          the Administrator refunds all such excess amounts not later than 12
          months after the close of the Plan Year to which the excess
          contributions relate.

               (C) For purposes of paragraphs (b)(4)(A) and (b)(4)(B), the
          amount of the aggregate excess ESOP Matching Contributions for the
          Plan Year shall be equal to the sum of the amounts of such excess
          contributions attributable to each Highly Compensated Employee for the
          Plan Year.

                    (i) In order to determine the amount of the excess ESOP
               Matching Contributions attributable to each Highly Compensated
               Employee, the Plan Administrator shall first reduce the Actual


               Contribution Ratio of the Highly Compensated Employee with the
               highest Actual Contribution Ratio for the Plan Year to the extent
               required to:

                         a.  enable the arrangement to satisfy the limitations
                    set forth in paragraph (g), or

                         b.  cause such Highly Compensated Employee's Actual
                    Contribution Ratio to equal the Actual Contribution Ratio of
                    the Highly Compensated Employee with the next highest Actual
                    Contribution Ratio.

               Then, if necessary, the Plan Administrator shall reduce the
               Actual Contribution Ratios of the Highly Compensated Employees
               with the next highest Actual Contribution Ratio for the Plan Year
               (including the Actual Contribution Ratio(s) of the Highly
               Compensated Employee(s) whose Actual Contribution Ratio the Plan
               Administrator already has reduced) to the extent required to
               comply with paragraph (b)(4)(C)(i)a. or (b)(4)(C)(i)b.  This
               process shall then be repeated until the Actual Contribution
               Percentage for the Highly Compensated Employees satisfies the
               limitations set forth in paragraph (g).

                    (ii) The amount of the excess ESOP Matching Contributions
               attributable to each Highly Compensated Employee shall equal the
               remainder of

                         a.  the total ESOP Matching Contributions (and Non-
                    Elective Contributions treated as ESOP Matching
                    Contributions) on behalf of the Participant (determined
                    prior to the application of this paragraph (b)(4)(C)), minus

                         b.  the amount determined by multiplying the
                    Participant's Actual Contribution Ratio (determined after
                    application of paragraph (b)(4)(C)(i)) by his Compensation
                    used in determining such ratio.

                    (iii)  In determining the amount of the excess ESOP Matching
               Contributions, Actual Contribution Ratios shall be rounded to the
               nearest one-hundredth of one percent of the Employee's
               Compensation.  In no case shall the amount of such excess with
               respect to any Highly Compensated Employee exceed the amount of
               ESOP Matching Contributions on behalf of such Highly Compensated
               Employee for such Plan Year.

               (D) In order to determine the dollar amount of the excess ESOP
          Matching Contributions forfeitable with respect to, and distributable


          to, each Highly Compensated Employee pursuant to paragraphs (b)(4)(A)
          and (b)(4)(B), the Plan Administrator shall first reduce the ESOP
          Matching Contributions of the Highly Compensated Employee(s) with the
          highest dollar amount of ESOP Matching Contributions for the Plan Year
          by a dollar amount equal to the lesser of

                    (i) the aggregate excess ESOP Matching Contributions
               determined under paragraph (b)(4)(C), or

                    (ii) the dollar amount necessary to reduce such Highly
               Compensated Employee's ESOP Matching Contributions to a dollar
               amount that is equal to the dollar amount of ESOP Matching
               Contributions of the Highly Compensated Employee with the next
               highest dollar amount of ESOP Matching Contributions.

          Then, if necessary, the Plan Administrator shall reduce the ESOP
          Matching Contributions of the Highly Compensated Employees with the
          next highest dollar amount of ESOP Matching Contributions for the Plan
          Year (including the Highly Compensated Employee(s) whose ESOP Matching
          Contributions the Plan Administrator already has reduced) to the
          extent required to comply with paragraph (b)(4)(D)(i) or
          (b)(4)(D)(ii).  This process shall then be repeated until the
          aggregate excess ESOP Matching Contributions determined under
          paragraph (b)(4)(C) have been eliminated.  The reduced amounts shall
          be forfeited and/or distributed in accordance with paragraphs
          (b)(4)(A) and (b)(4)(B) to the Highly Compensated Employees to whom
          the reductions are attributable under this paragraph (b)(4)(D).  For
          purposes of this subparagraph, ESOP Matching Contributions shall
          include amounts treated as ESOP Matching Contributions.


     Subparagraph (b)(4) Article VI is hereby modified by redesignating section
(G) as section (E) and by adding a new section (F), immediately following
existing (redesignated) section (E), as follows:

               (E) The provisions of this subparagraph (b)(4) shall be effective
          for Plan Years beginning on or after January 1, 1997.  For Plan Years
          beginning before January 1, 1997, the prior provisions of subparagraph
          (b)(4) of Article VI of this Plan, prior to its most recent amendment
          and restatement, shall be in effect.



     Section (g)(1)(B) of Article VI is hereby deleted, in its entirety, and the
following is substituted in lieu thereof:

               (B) The excess of the Actual Deferral Percentage for the group of
          eligible Highly Compensated Employees for a Plan Year over the Actual
          Deferral Percentage for the group of all other eligible Employees
          shall not exceed two (2) percentage points (or such lesser amount as
          may be required by the Secretary of the Treasury, through regulations
          or otherwise); and the Actual Deferral Percentage for the group of
          eligible Highly Compensated Employees shall not exceed the Actual
          Deferral Percentage for the group of all other eligible Employees,
          multiplied by 2.0 (or such lesser amount as may be required by the
          Secretary of the Treasury, through regulations or otherwise).


     Paragraph (g) of Article VI is hereby amended by adding a new subparagraph
(6), immediately following existing subparagraph (5), as follows:

          (6) The provisions of this paragraph (g) shall be effective for Plan
     Years beginning on or after January 1, 1997.  For Plan Years beginning
     before January 1, 1997, the prior provisions of paragraph (g) of Article VI
     of this Plan, prior to its most recent amendment and restatement, shall be
     in effect.


     Effective October 1, 1997, subparagraph (b)(4) of Article VII is hereby
deleted, in its entirety, and the following is substituted in lieu thereof:

          (4) Effective January 1, 1997, or as soon thereafter as is
     administratively feasible, the Plan Administrator shall establish and
     maintain, with respect to each Participant who was also a participant in
     the Brown's Medical Supply Co. Retirement Savings Plan, one or more Merger
     Accounts to provide for amounts credited to the Participant and transferred
     from the Brown's Medical Supply Co. Retirement Savings Plan upon its merger
     with this Plan.  Effective October 1, 1997, or as soon thereafter as is
     administratively feasible, the Plan Administrator shall establish and
     maintain, with respect to each Participant who was also a participant in
     the Y-Laboratories & Supplies, Inc. 401(k) Retirement Plan, one or more
     Merger Accounts to provide for amounts credited to the Participant and
     transferred from the Y-Laboratories & Supplies, Inc. 401(k) Retirement Plan


     upon its merger with this Plan.  The Plan Administrator may establish and
     maintain additional Merger Accounts from time to time to provide for
     amounts credited to Participants and transferred from other tax-qualified
     retirement plans merged with this Plan upon the authorization and direction
     of the Board of Directors.


     Paragraph (e)(1) of Article VII is hereby deleted, in its entirety, and the
following is substituted in lieu thereof:

          (1) Each Participant's Accounts shall be credited with appreciation or
     depreciation, and earnings or losses, as follows:

               (A) As of each Valuation Date, the portions of each Participant's
          ESOP Employer Contributions Account, ESOP Matching Contributions
          Account and ESOP Elective Contributions Account credited to Employer
          Securities Accounts shall be credited with any stock dividends (as
          well as the aggregate unrealized appreciation or depreciation, if
          Employer Securities Accounts are not accounted for in shares) for the
          Valuation Period ending with such current Valuation Date that are
          received on (or attributable to) shares of Employer Securities
          allocated to the Participant's Employer Securities Accounts (and that
          are not used, pursuant to paragraph (f) to repay a loan).

               (B) As of each Valuation Date, the Administrator shall credit any
          stock dividends (as well as the aggregate unrealized appreciation or
          depreciation, if Employer Securities Accounts are not accounted for in
          shares) for the Valuation Period ending with such date, that are
          received on (or attributable to) shares of Employer Securities
          allocated to suspense accounts maintained as of such date (and that
          are not used, pursuant to paragraph (f) to repay a loan), to such
          suspense accounts.

               (C) As of each Valuation Date, the portions of the Participant's
          ESOP Employer Contributions Account, ESOP Matching Contributions
          Account, and ESOP Elective Contributions Account credited to Other
          Investments Accounts shall be credited or charged, as the case may be,
          with the share of the Earnings for the Valuation Period ending with
          such current Valuation Date.  Each Participant's share of the Earnings
          of his Other Investments Accounts for any Valuation Period shall be
          determined by the Plan Administrator on a weighted average basis, so
          that each Participant with a balance in such Other Investments
          Accounts shall receive a pro rata share of the Earnings of such Other
          Investments Accounts, taking into account the period of time that each


          dollar invested in such Other Investments Accounts has been so

               (D) To the extent not otherwise provided for in the preceding
          provisions of this paragraph (d), the portions of the Participant's
          ESOP Employer Contributions Account, ESOP Matching Contributions
          Account, and ESOP Elective Contributions Account credited to Employer
          Securities Accounts and Other Investments Accounts shall be further
          credited and charged with (i) the proceeds of any short-term interim
          investments that may be made by the Trustee during periods prior to
          purchase dates for the acquisition of Employer Securities by the
          Trustee, and (ii) direct or indirect purchases of the Employer
          Securities with assets other than Employer Securities, and purchases
          of assets other than the Employer Securities in connection with the
          sale of Employer Securities.

               (E)  (i)  As of each Valuation Date, any portion of the
               Participant's 401(k) Elective Contributions Account, Participant
               Investments - ESOP Elective Contributions Account, Rollover
               Contributions Account, and Merger Accounts that is invested in a
               Pooled Investment Fund established under paragraph (a) of Article
               XI (other than a Company Stock Fund) shall be credited or
               charged, as the case may be, with a share of the Earnings of such
               Pooled Investment Fund for the Valuation Period ending with such
               current Valuation Date.  Each Participant's share of the Earnings
               of a Pooled Investment Fund for any Valuation Period shall be
               determined by the Plan Administrator on a weighted average basis,
               so that each Participant with a balance in such Pooled Investment
               Fund shall receive a pro rata share of the Earnings of such
               Pooled Investment Fund, taking into account the period of time
               that each dollar invested in such Pooled Investment Fund has been
               so invested.

                    (ii) As of each Valuation Date, the portion of the
               Participant's 401(k) Elective Contributions Account, Participant
               Investments - ESOP Elective Contributions Account, Rollover
               Contributions Account, and Merger Accounts that is invested in
               each Segregated Investment Fund established under paragraph (a)
               of Article XI (other than a Company Stock Fund) shall be credited
               or charged, as the case may be, with the Earnings attributable to
               the Participant's investment in such Segregated Investment Fund
               for the Valuation Period ending with such current Valuation Date.

                    (iii)  As of each Valuation Date, any portion of the
               Participant's 401(k) Elective Contributions Account, Participant
               Investments - ESOP Elective Contributions Account, Rollover
               Contributions Account, and Merger Accounts that is invested in


               the Company Stock Fund pursuant to paragraph (a) of Article XI
               shall be credited or charged, as the case may be, with the share
               of the appreciation or depreciation, and earnings or losses,
               attributable to the Participant's investment in the Company Stock
               Fund for the Valuation Period ending with such current Valuation
               Date as follows:

                         a.  The portions of the Participant's Accounts invested
                    in Employer Securities shall be credited with the value of
                    any stock dividends (as well as the aggregate unrealized
                    appreciation or depreciation, if such investments are not
                    accounted for in shares) for the Valuation Period ending
                    with such current Valuation Date that are received on (or
                    attributable to) shares of Employer Securities allocated to
                    the Participant's investment.

                         b.  The portions of the Participant's Accounts invested
                    in other investments shall be credited or charged, as the
                    case may be, with a share of the Earnings of such other
                    investments for the Valuation Period ending with such
                    current Valuation Date.  Each Participant's share of the
                    Earnings of such other investments for any Valuation Period
                    shall be determined by the Plan Administrator on a weighted
                    average basis, so that each Participant with a balance in
                    such other investments shall receive a pro rata share of the
                    Earnings of such other investments, taking into account the
                    period of time that each dollar invested has been so

                         c.  To the extent not otherwise provided for in the
                    preceding provisions of this paragraph (d)(1)(E)(iii), the
                    Participant's investments in a Company Stock Fund shall be
                    further credited and charged with the proceeds of any short-
                    term interim investments that may be made by the Trustee
                    during periods prior to purchase dates for the acquisition
                    of Employer Securities by the Trustee, and with direct or
                    indirect purchases of the Employer Securities with assets
                    other than Employer Securities and purchases of assets other
                    than the Employer Securities in connection with the sale of
                    Employer Securities.


     Subparagraph (e)(5) of Article VII is hereby deleted, in its entirety, and
the following is substituted in lieu thereof:


          (5) The Plan Administrator may adopt such additional accounting
     procedures as are necessary to accurately reflect each Participant's
     interests in the Trust Fund or in any Fund.  Such accounting procedures
     shall include any procedures necessary to appropriately reflect any
     earnings and losses that may result from delays that may occur in
     completing scheduled transactions.  All such procedures shall be applied in
     a consistent, nondiscriminatory manner.


     Effective October 1, 1997, subparagraph (b)(2) of Article IX is hereby
modified by adding a new final sentence thereto, immediately following the
existing final sentence, as follows:

     Notwithstanding the foregoing provision of this paragraph (b)(2), any
     Participant who is entitled to a distribution of benefits attributable to
     one or more Merger Accounts on or after October 1, 1997 and who elects a
     manner of payment described in paragraph (c)(2)(A) of this Article IX shall
     be paid his Merger Account balances in cash or in the form of a
     nontransferable annuity contract (purchased by the Plan Administrator from
     a commercial provider), as elected by the Participant (or his beneficiary
     or beneficiaries).


     Paragraph (d) of Article IX is hereby deleted, in its entirety, and the
following is substituted in lieu thereof:


          (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Plan, whenever a
     Participant is entitled to a distribution or withdrawal from the Plan
     pursuant to Article IX or X, the Plan Administrator and the Trustee shall
     be entitled to liquidate all, or any portion, of the investments
     attributable to the Participant's Accounts at any time during the five
     business days preceding the date upon which the distribution or withdrawal
     is scheduled to occur in order to facilitate the payment of benefits.  In
     the event that the Plan Administrator and the Trustee elect to liquidate
     investments in order to facilitate a distribution or withdrawal, the
     liquidated funds may be placed in a money market fund or similar investment
     fund (or, when reasonable, may be held in cash, without liability for
     interest thereon).  The Plan Administrator may adopt such accounting
     procedures as are necessary to accurately reflect the Participant's
     interest in such liquidated funds.


          (2) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (d)(1), to the extent
     the balance of a Participant's Accounts has not been distributed and
     remains in the Plan, the value of such remaining balance shall be subject
     to adjustment from time to time pursuant to the provisions of Article VII.


     Effective April 1, 1997, subparagraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of Article XI are
hereby deleted, in their entireties, and the following is substituted in lieu

          (1) A Participant shall designate the percentage of his 401(k)
     Elective Contributions, Participant Investments - ESOP Elective
     Contributions Account, and Rollover Contributions to be allocated to any
     Fund.  The Administrator shall establish the minimum percentage that each
     Participant may select to be allocated to any Fund selected by the

          (2) A Participant may revise his election monthly, effective as of
     such dates as may be selected by the Plan Administrator from time to time.
     The Participant's revised election shall be effective for contributions
     made to the Plan after the effective date of such revision, and may be
     effective for the investment of balances previously allocated and remaining
     credited to a Participant's 401(k) Elective Contributions Account,
     Participant Investments - ESOP Elective Contributions Account, and Rollover
     Contributions Account and Merger Accounts.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this First Amendment has been executed this 8th day of
July, 1997, and is effective as of the dates set forth herein.

ATTEST:                                        PHYSICIAN SALES & SERVICE, INC.
      (Corporate Seal)
/s/ Fred Elefant                               By:   /s/ David A. Smith
- -------------------------------------             ------------------------------
Secretary                                         Executive Vice President and
                                                  Chief Financial Officer 

