This schedule contains summary information extracted from the financial
statements of Hibbett Sporting Goods, Inc. for the interim period ended 
August 1, 1998 and is qualified in its entirety by reference to such 
financial statements.
<PERIOD-TYPE>                   OTHER
<FISCAL-YEAR-END>                          JAN-30-1999
<PERIOD-START>                             FEB-01-1998
<PERIOD-END>                               AUG-01-1998
<CASH>                                             343
<SECURITIES>                                         0
<RECEIVABLES>                                    2,089
<ALLOWANCES>                                       199
<INVENTORY>                                     46,231
<CURRENT-ASSETS>                                50,835
<PP&E>                                          26,462
<DEPRECIATION>                                  11,835
<TOTAL-ASSETS>                                  66,005
<CURRENT-LIABILITIES>                           23,532
<BONDS>                                              0
<PREFERRED-MANDATORY>                                0
<PREFERRED>                                          0
<COMMON>                                            64
<OTHER-SE>                                      41,363
<TOTAL-LIABILITY-AND-EQUITY>                    66,005
<SALES>                                         65,845
<TOTAL-REVENUES>                                65,845
<CGS>                                           46,065
<TOTAL-COSTS>                                   46,065
<OTHER-EXPENSES>                                14,631
<LOSS-PROVISION>                                    19
<INTEREST-EXPENSE>                                (50)
<INCOME-PRETAX>                                  5,199
<INCOME-TAX>                                     1,989
<INCOME-CONTINUING>                              3,210
<DISCONTINUED>                                       0
<EXTRAORDINARY>                                      0
<CHANGES>                                            0
<NET-INCOME>                                     3,210
<EPS-PRIMARY>                                     0.50<F1>
<EPS-DILUTED>                                     0.49<F1>
<F1>The earnings per share calculations have been prepared in accordance with
SFAS No. 128, and basic and diluted earnings per share have been entered in
place of primary and fully diluted, respectively.