ALLOY SERVICES AGREEMENT

This Alloy Services Agreement is made as of September 30, 1998 by and between
Advanced Glassfiber Yarns LLC (hereinafter "Buyer") and OWENS CORNING, a company
incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware and having its principal
office at Owens Corning World Headquarters, One Owens Corning Parkway, Toledo,
Ohio 43659 (hereinafter "OC").


WHEREAS, OC and Buyer have entered into an Amended and Restated Asset
Contribution Agreement, dated July 31, 1998 (the "ACA"), whereby OC has
contributed to Buyer a quantity of platinum and rhodium;

WHEREAS, Buyer requires alloying, fabrication and repair services for bushings,
thermocouples and glass melter parts constructed from metal alloys (collectively
referred to as the "Parts"); and

WHEREAS, OC has the expertise to provide these services to Buyer;

NOW, THEREFORE, OC and Buyer agree as follows:


     A.   On the date hereof, OC has established one or more alloy accounts
          (the "Accounts") in favor of Buyer evidencing the amounts of platinum
          and rhodium in alloy form purchased by Buyer pursuant to the ACA and
          to be serviced hereunder.  As of an inventory taken on June 19, 1998,
          the Accounts show a balance of 838,571 grams of H alloy, 2,573,173
          grams of J alloy and 40,743 grams of thermocouple wire alloy.

     B.   OC will be responsible for maintaining and providing a monthly
          transaction summary for the Accounts.  OC recognizes that the metals
          and alloy represented by the Accounts (other than the leased alloy as
          provided in paragraph 4 below) is Buyer property and will not assign
          it as collateral for any financing and it remains the sole property of
          Buyer even in case of termination of this Agreement.


     A.   OC agrees to combine for Buyer platinum and rhodium into H alloy, J
          alloy, thermocouple wire and other alloys as may be required from time
          to time in amounts as agreed upon by OC and Buyer in accordance with
          the requirements of Paragraph 2B herein.  To direct OC to undertake
          alloying services, Buyer shall issue a purchase order to OC's Alloy
          Manufacturing Operations in Anderson, 

          South Carolina. If Buyer issues an oral purchase order, the oral
          purchase order shall be confirmed by Buyer in writing within five (5)
          business days of the issue date. OC shall acknowledge receipt of each
          purchase order and provide the estimated date of shipment for the
          items covered by each purchase order.

     B.   Any platinum and rhodium to be deposited by Buyer into the Accounts
          prior to alloying shall have a purity of 99.95% and 99.90,

          Alloy metal in combined ingot form manufactured by OC hereunder shall
          have an alloyed purity of at least 99.7%. The attached Exhibit 1
          provides for an allowance for other elements which shall be acceptable
          in the purity levels. OC represents that the platinum, rhodium and
          alloy purchased under the ACA and deposited in the Accounts satisfy
          the foregoing purity requirements.

     C.   The fee schedule for alloying services shall be determined for each
          calendar year by OC and shall be announced to Buyer as soon before the
          beginning of each calendar year as is practicable.  The 1998 fee
          schedule for alloying is attached to this Alloy Services Agreement as
          Exhibit 2.  The fees listed on Exhibit 2, paragraph A do not include
          inherent metal losses of the alloying process, which OC agrees will be
          no more than to be 0.2%.  Such inherent metal losses will be charged
          against and deducted from the Accounts.

     D.   All billings for alloying services shall be rendered by OC on a
          monthly basis shall be on prevailing OC credit terms, currently net
          thirty (30) days. Remittances to OC shall be made in U.S. Dollars by
          wire transfer to a bank to be determined by OC. Payment of fees for
          alloying services will be subject to an interest charge equal to the
          "base rate" of Citibank N.A. as announced from time to time (the "U.S.
          Prime Rate") plus 2.0% per annum beginning on the 31st day after the
          invoice date if not then paid in full.

     E.   The alloying fees described in this paragraph 2 shall be in addition
          to any other charges described in this Alloy Services Agreement.

     F.   De-Alloying services will be quoted on request.


     A.   At the request of Buyer, OC will provide fabrication and/or repair
          services for Parts using Buyer's alloys in accordance with OC design

     B.   To direct OC to fabricate and/or repair one or more Parts, Buyer shall
          issue a purchase order to OC's Alloy Manufacturing Operations in
          Anderson, South Carolina specifying the fabrication or repair services
          to be performed by OC. If


          Buyer issues an oral release, the oral release shall be confirmed by
          Buyer in writing within five (5) business days of the issue date. OC
          shall acknowledge receipt of each release and provide the estimated
          date of shipment for the item(s) in the release. OC shall comply with
          the terms of Buyer's purchase order which are consistent with the
          requirements of Section 3.A of this Agreement.

     C.   The fee schedule for fabrication/repair services shall be determined
          for each calendar year by OC and shall be announced to Buyer as soon
          before the beginning of each calendar year as is practicable. This
          will incorporate the forecasted activity level of the Buyer. The fee
          schedule for such fabrication and/or repair services shall generate a
          forty (40%) margin.

     D.   Buyer and OC agree that fabrication of Parts will cause a loss of
          alloy not exceeding 1% of gross item weight. All such losses shall be
          charged against and deducted from the Accounts on a monthly basis.

     E.   Fees for services to fabricate and/or repair furnace parts, viscometer
          parts, finshields, center supports, precision fin adjustors, tip plugs
          and other special orders will be quoted by OC on request.

     F.   OC and Buyer agree that, as of the date of this Alloy Services
          Agreement, shipment of Parts, other than those required for initial
          plant start-up, will be effected no more than seven (7) weeks from the
          date that an order is acknowledged (the "Cycle Time").
          Notwithstanding the foregoing, once a month Buyer may place an order
          for one Part for shipment within one week.  Buyer's orders will be
          processed at least on a proportionate basis to OC's own processing

     G.   Billings for fabrication and/or repair services shall be rendered by
          OC on a monthly basis shall be on prevailing OC credit terms,
          currently net thirty (30) days from the day of invoice. Remittances
          shall be made in U.S. Dollars by wire transfer or check to a bank to
          be determined by OC. Payment of fees for fabrication and/or repair
          services will be made by Buyer subject to an interest charge of U.S.
          Prime Rate plus 2% per annum beginning on the 31st day after the
          invoice date if not then paid in full.

     H.   Billings for the cost of delivery of Parts to and from the airport for
          shipment to or receipt from Buyer (all of which shall be the
          responsibility of Buyer) shall be rendered by OC on receipt of armored
          car services' billings to OC.

     I.   OC shall prepare and package Parts for shipment to Buyer in OC
          designed and provided reusable containers. Shipments will be made CPT,
          destination, airport basis. OC shall assist Buyer in negotiating and
          obtaining best terms for freight


          and insurance. OC reserves the right to change shipping terms with at
          least thirty (30) days' prior written notice to Buyer.

     J.   As soon as practicable after receipt, but in no case exceeding
          fourteen (14) days after receipt, Buyer shall return the reusable
          containers to OC CIF, OC Manufacturing Facility at Ridgeview, South
          Carolina basis. Buyer may at each manufacturing location retain two
          (2) empty containers for its future use to return Parts for repair.

     K.   The fabrication and/or repair and other fees described in this
          paragraph 3 shall be in addition to any other charges described in
          this Alloy Services Agreement.

     L.   For returns of used Parts, Buyer shall return such Parts CIF, OC
          Manufacturing Facility at Anderson, South Carolina.  Buyer shall
          package the used Parts in an OC reusable container and Buyer shall
          comply with all other instructions provided by OC regarding the return
          of the Part.


     A.   Buyer agrees it is responsible to maintain at all times a balance in
          the Accounts to cover 110% of the purchase orders rendered hereunder.
          Should Buyer enter an order or orders for Parts which order or orders
          result in one or more Accounts having a negative balance after
          considering the effect of the order(s), OC shall lease to Buyer the
          amount of alloy required to bring such negative Account or Accounts to
          a positive balance. In consideration thereof, Buyer agrees to pay to
          OC a lease fee in an amount calculated per the applicable formula(s)
          set out in subparagraph B below.

     B.   The applicable formula for lease fee determination for each alloy is
          as follows:

          J Alloy Formula monthly charges:

The sum of (i)

     (J alloy leased x 75% Pt ratio) x (Pt mkt. price x lease rate %) x emergency factor) x days in current month
and (ii)
     (J alloy leased x 25% Rh ratio) x (Rh mkt. price x lease rate %) x emergency factor) x days in current month


          H Alloy Formula monthly charges:

The sum of (i)
            (H alloy leased x 90% Pt ratio) x (Pt mkt. price x lease rate %) x
emergency factor) x days in current month
- ----------------                             
and (ii)
            (H alloy leased x 10% Rh ratio) x (Rh mkt. price x lease rate %) x
emergency factor) x days in current month
- ----------------                             

          TC Alloy Formula monthly charges:

The sum of (i)
            (TC alloy leased x 93.5% Pt ratio) x (Pt mkt. price x lease rate %)
x emergency factor) x days in current month
- ------------------                             

and (ii)

            (TC alloy leased x 6.5% Rh ratio) x (Rh mkt. price x lease rate %) x
emergency factor) x days in current month
- ----------------                             


          J Leased = Quantity of J alloy leased in grams.
          H Leased = Quantity of H alloy leased in grams.
          TC Leased = Quantity of TC alloy leased in grams.
          Pt Mkt. Price = Closing Price of platinum in U.S. dollars per gram at
          the close of business in New York on the Metals Inventory Date in the
          month the negative balance occurs as published by Johnson & Matthey
          Rh Mkt. Price = Closing Price of rhodium in U.S. dollars per gram at
          the close of business in New York on the Metals Inventory Date in the
          month the negative balance occurs as published by Johnson & Matthey
          Lease Rate = 15%
          Emergency Factor = 1.16

The Metals Inventory Date Schedule for 1998 is attached hereto as Exhibit 3.
The Metals Inventory Date schedule for each subsequent year shall be
communicated in writing as soon before the beginning of each calendar year as is
practicable.  Buyer shall participate in the OC's metals inventory process
according to the Metals Inventory Date schedule.

     C.   The lease fee shall be billed monthly for all months that Buyer's
          Accounts are in negative status.  All billings for bridge leasing
          shall be paid on prevailing OC credit terms, currently net thirty (30)
          days, unless expressly modified by this Alloy Services Agreement.
          Remittances to OC shall be made in U.S. Dollars by wire transfer to a
          bank to be determined by OC.  Payments of bridge leasing fees will be
          subject to an interest charge equal to the U.S. Prime Rate plus 2.0%
          per annum beginning on the 31st day after invoice date if not then
          paid in full.  The quantity of alloy exceeding 111,000 oz. on the
          Metals Inventory Date shall be charged to Buyer using the bridge lease
          formula provided in Section 4B based on 


          the ratio of J, H and TC Alloy determined in Paragraph 1.A above. The
          quantity below 111,000 oz on the Metals Inventory Date shall be
          charged to Seller using the bridge leasing formula provided in Section
          4B based on the ratio of J, H and TC Alloy determined.

     D.   Fees for bridge leasing described in this paragraph 4 shall be in
          addition to any other charges described in this Alloy Services

     E.   Buyer and OC may agree from time to time to change alloy compositions
          from those shown in the above formulae, and the appropriate
          percentages of platinum and rhodium shall be substituted in the
          affected formula to determine the new alloy's lease fee monthly

     F.   It is agreed that the bridge leasing provided for in this paragraph 4
          is intended only for Buyer's short term unexpected needs.  Buyer
          agrees that any needs exceeding thirty (30) days shall be satisfied by
          Buyer purchasing and depositing in the Accounts additional platinum
          and/or rhodium.


     In addition to the provisions contained herein, the agreements of the
     parties represented hereby shall be further subject to OC Alloy Policies AO
     A251 and A451 (the "Alloy Policies"), Exhibits 4 and 5 respectively.  OC
     reserves the right to amend the Alloy Policies at any time and from time to
     time on thirty (30) days' prior written notice.  To the extent there is a
     conflict between the terms of this Alloy Services Agreement and the Alloy
     Policies, the terms of this Alloy Services Agreement shall control.


     During the normal course of operating an alloyed part, there will be a
     percentage of alloy loss noted after the part is removed.  This loss will
     be charged against and deducted from the Accounts.  The charge for this
     loss will be the difference in part weight when shipped out new less the
     used part weight when returned. OC shall account to Buyer for any alloys
     recovered on Buyer's behalf using the same procedure as OC uses for its
     licensees and affiliates.

7.   TERM

     This Alloy Services Agreement shall be effective as of the date of
     execution and, unless earlier terminated as provided herein, shall continue
     in full force and effect for the period of seven years and three months
     through and including December 31, 2005 (the "Initial Term"). This
     Agreement is renewable at the option of either party for consecutive terms
     of five years unless terminated by either party upon twenty-four (24)
     months, prior 


     written notice. The Initial Term, together with all renewal periods
     thereof, is referred to hereinafter as the "Term."


     OC shall be Buyer's exclusive provider of alloying services and fabrication
     and repair services with regard to Parts which are utilized by Buyer.  OC
     agrees that it will not provide Parts to any third party who utilizes such
     Parts to manufacture Business Products in competition with Buyer.
     Exceptions to this limitation shall be made by mutual agreement of both
     parties acting reasonably and in good faith.


     The treatment of OC's and Buyer's proprietary information embodied in the
     Parts shall be governed by the provisions of the Patent and Know How
     License Agreement dated the date hereof by and between OC and Buyer.


     OC agrees to take reasonable precautions where possible to minimize the
     risk of loss of precious metals in the Accounts while in the custody of OC.
     OC assumes all risk of loss for precious metals, whether in fabricated form
     or in the form of pure alloy or precious metals, while located at OC
     manufacturing facilities.  Buyer assumes all risk of loss at all other
     times and regardless of where located for all precious metals in the
     Accounts, whether in fabricated form or in the form of pure alloy or
     precious metals.  Buyer shall remain responsible to procure all appropriate
     insurance at its own expense for those losses for which it is responsible.

     A.   OC warrants that the Parts when delivered to Buyer shall conform to OC
          specifications and shall be free and clear of all liens and
          encumbrances.  Any services rendered in connection with the alloying
          of metals or the fabrication of Parts shall be performed in a
          workmanlike manner.  OC further warrants that it shall have complied
          with all applicable laws, regulations, ordinances and codes and OC
          shall have obtained those permits, licenses, approvals and
          certificates, reasonably necessary for the manufacture, packaging,
          storage and handling the Parts and the provision of such other
          services hereunder at OC's manufacturing facilities.



          OR WARRANTY.

C.        OC's sole liability with respect to the services provided by OC under
          this Alloy Services Agreement, and whether based upon breach of
          warranty, negligence, strict liability, tort, breach of contract or
          any other theory, shall be limited to and shall in no event in the
          aggregate exceed the fees charged hereunder for the services sold
          hereunder.  OC shall have no liability to any person other than Buyer
          by virtue of the sale of the services hereunder and the other matters
          contemplated by this Alloy Services Agreement.

D.        Buyer's sole and exclusive remedy and the limit of OC's liability for
          breach of the warranty set forth in paragraph 11(A), whether based
          upon breach of warranty, negligence, strict liability, tort, breach of
          contract or any other theory, shall be, at OC's option, (a)
          replacement of the non-conforming Parts, without charge, F.O.B.
          Buyer's manufacturing facility; or (b) refund of the purchase price
          paid in respect of such non-conforming Parts, plus commercially
          reasonably charges in connection with the return or disposition of the
          non-conforming Parts.  If OC elects to replace the non-conforming
          Parts, it shall do so at no cost to Buyer within seven days unless the
          parties agree otherwise.  To effect this sole and exclusive remedy,
          Buyer must make its claim for breach of warranty within 12 months of
          the date of shipment of the Parts, and any such claim not then made
          shall be irrevocably waived.


F.        No statement or recommendation made or assistance given by OC, or its
          representatives, either oral or in any literature or other
          documentation, to Buyer, its customers or any other persons in
          connection with the services provided hereunder, shall constitute a
          waiver by OC of any provision hereof or affect OC's 


          liability as herein defined; and no such statement, recommendation or
          assistance that is not expressly required by the provisions of this
          Alloy Services Agreement shall subject OC to any liability of any
          nature whatsoever.


     This Alloy Services Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding
     on the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted
     assigns.  Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, this Agreement
     shall not be assigned by either party hereto without the express prior
     written consent of the other party, and any attempted assignment, without
     such consents, shall be null and void.  Notwithstanding any nonassignment
     provisions contained in this Section 12, Buyer, or any permitted assignee
     or transferee of Buyer, may assign or otherwise transfer some or all of its
     rights and/or obligations hereunder (i) to any entity or entities, or any
     assignee of such entity or entities, providing financing for the
     transactions contemplated by this Agreement or to any entity or entities
     providing to Buyer, Buyer's Affiliates, or to any such permitted assignee
     of Buyer, financing relating to the Business (collectively, the "Financing
     Sources"), (ii) to any Affiliate of Buyer, provided that (x) such Affiliate
     shall agree with OC and its permitted assignees or transferees, if any, in
     writing to assume the Buyer's obligations hereunder and (y) any such
     assignment to an Affiliate of the Buyer shall not relieve the Buyer from
     its obligations hereunder or (iii) to any entity to which Buyer, or any
     assignee or transferee of Buyer, assigns, sells, transfers or otherwise
     conveys (A) all or substantially all of the assets constituting the
     Business (a "Complete Assignment") or (B) all or substantially all of the
     assets constituting either the Aiken Facility, the Huntingdon Facility or
     the South Hill Facility (a "Partial Assignment"), provided that such
     acquiring entity agrees with and acknowledges in writing to OC and its
     permitted assignees or transferees, if any, that this Agreement shall be
     binding upon and enforceable against such entity as though such acquiring
     entity were Buyer and that such entity shall perform all of Buyer's
     obligations hereunder.  Notwithstanding any nonassignment provisions
     contained in this Section 12, OC, or any permitted assignee or transferee
     of OC, may assign or otherwise transfer some or all of its rights and/or
     obligations hereunder (i) to any Affiliate of OC, provided that (x) such
     Affiliate shall agree with Buyer and its permitted assignees or
     transferees, if any, in writing to assume the OC's obligations hereunder
     and (y) any such assignment to an Affiliate of the OC shall not relieve the
     OC from its obligations hereunder or (ii) to any entity to which OC, or any
     assignee or transferee of Buyer, assigns, sells, transfers or otherwise
     conveys any portion of its business which owns, licenses, or uses Business
     Patents or Business Know How (as each is defined in the Patent and Know How
     License Agreement), provided that such acquiring entity agrees with and
     acknowledges in writing to Buyer and its permitted assignees or
     transferees, if any, that this Agreement shall be binding upon and
     enforceable against such entity as though such acquiring entity were OC and
     that such entity shall perform all of OC's obligations hereunder.  To the
     extent that assignment 


     and/or transfer of any of the rights, privileges, and/or obligations is
     permitted, this Agreement shall be binding on, and except as otherwise
     expressly provided, shall inure to the benefit of, the legal successors,
     assigns, or representatives of the parties.


     This Alloy Services Agreement may be amended, supplemented or otherwise
     modified only by a written instrument executed by the parties hereto.  No
     waiver by either party of any of the provisions hereof shall be effective
     unless explicitly set forth in writing and executed by the party so
     waiving.  Except as provided in the preceding sentence, no action taken
     pursuant to this Alloy Services Agreement, including without limitation,
     any investigation by or on behalf of any party, shall be deemed to
     constitute a waiver by the party taking such action of compliance with any
     representations, warranties, covenants or agreements contained herein.  The
     waiver by any party hereto of a breach of any provision of this Alloy
     Services Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any
     subsequent breach.


     All communications provided for hereunder shall be in writing and shall be
     deemed to be given when delivered in person or by private courier with
     receipt, when telefaxed and received, or three (3) days after being
     deposited in the United States mail, first-class, registered or certified,
     return receipt requested, with postage paid and,
     If to Buyer:        Advanced Glassfiber Yarns LLC
                         2556 Wagener Road
                         Aiken, South Carolina  29801
                         Fax:  803-643-1526
                         Attention:  General Manager

     With a copy to:     AGY Holdings, Inc.
                         c/o Glass Holdings Corp.
                         3802 Robert Porcher Way
                         Greensboro, North Carolina  27410
                         Fax:  336-545-7715
                         Attention:  President

     And to:             Jefferson Holdings, Inc.
                         One Owens Corning Parkway
                         Toledo, Ohio  43659
                         Fax:  419-325-1180
                         Attention:  President


     If to OC:           Owens Corning World Headquarters
                         One Owens Corning Parkway
                         Toledo, Ohio  43659
                         Fax:  419-325-1180
                         Attention:  Larry W. Cullum

     With a copy to:     Owens Corning World Headquarters
                         One Owens Corning Parkway
                         Toledo, Ohio  43659
                         Fax:  419-248-1723
                         Attention:  Law Department

     or to such other address as any such party shall designate by written
     notice to the other parties hereto.

15.  TAXES

     Buyer shall pay to the proper authority, when and as the same become due
     and payable, all taxes, duties, assessments and similar charges which at
     any time during the term of this Alloy Services Agreement may be taxed,
     assessed or imposed upon Buyer or OC with respect to the services provided
     under this Alloy Services Agreement (other than any tax properly imposed by
     the laws of any foreign jurisdiction or the United States upon OC, said tax
     being in the nature of an income tax and measured by the amount of payments
     to be made pursuant to this Agreement).


     Neither party shall be liable to the other for delay or failure to perform
     in whole or in part, by reason of contingencies or events which:  (i) are
     beyond the reasonable control of the party whose performance is affected,
     (ii) are unforeseeable, and (iii) could not have been reasonably prevented,
     whether herein specifically enumerated or not (a "Force Majeure Event").
     These contingencies include, among others, act of God, act of war,
     revolution, riot, acts of public enemies, fire, explosion, breakdown of
     plant, strike, lockout, labor dispute, casualty or accident, earthquake,
     flood, cyclone, tornado, hurricane or other windstorm, or by reason of any
     law, order, proclamation, regulation, ordinance, demand, requisition or
     requirement or any other act of any governmental authority, foreign or
     domestic, local, state or federal (provided that the Force Majeure Event
     does not arise due to or is connected in any way with a violation by party
     hereto of any law, order, proclamation, regulation, ordinance, demand,
     requisition or requirement of any governmental authority) except that
     contingencies shall not include a downturn in Buyer's business or general
     economic downturn.  A party so affected by a Force Majeure Event shall:
     (i) promptly give written notice to the other party whenever such
     contingency or other act becomes reasonably foreseeable (including an
     estimate of the 


     expected duration of the Force Majeure Event and its probable impact on the
     performance of such party's obligations hereunder); (ii) exercise all
     reasonable efforts to continue to perform its obligations hereunder; (iii)
     use its commercially reasonable best efforts to overcome or mitigate the
     effects of the contingency as promptly as possible and (iv) promptly give
     written notice to the other party of the cessation of such contingency.
     Neither party, however, shall be required to resolve a strike, lockout or
     other labor problem in a manner which it alone does not deem proper and
     advisable. In no event shall any Force Majeure Event excuse party's failure
     to pay when due any monetary obligation hereunder. In the case of any Force
     Majeure Event relied on by OC, OC agrees that it shall treat Buyer no less
     favorably than the most favorably treated Affiliate or customer of OC in
     dealing with or adjusting to the consequences of such Force Majeure Event
     and in relation to the allocation of any Products, the production or
     availability of which may have been interrupted or diminished.

     Deliveries of the Parts omitted due to any Force Majeure Event affecting OC
     or Buyer shall, without liability, reduce by an equivalent quantity the
     quantity of Parts to be sold and delivered during the period in which the
     Force Majeure Event occurred.  To determine the quantity of Parts that
     would have been sold, the parties shall assume that Buyer's most recent
     Refined Estimates would have been purchased on a ratable basis.


     This Alloy Services Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in
     accordance with, the laws of the State of New York applicable to a contract
     executed and performed in such State without giving to the conflicts of law
     principles thereof.


     If any provision of this Alloy Services Agreement shall be declared by any
     court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, void or unenforceable, all
     other provisions of this Alloy Services Agreement shall not be affected and
     shall remain in full force and effect.


     Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Alloy Services Agreement,
     if either party fails to perform any of the terms of this Alloy Services
     Agreement, (a) the other party may defer its performance under this Alloy
     Services Agreement until the default is cured by the defaulting party, or
     (b) at its option, the party may treat such default as a breach of the
     entire Alloy Services Agreement and, if such default is not cured within 30
     days after the giving of notice thereof to the defaulting party (or, in the
     case of default in payment of monies, within 10 business days), may
     immediately terminate this Alloy Services Agreement upon notice to the
     defaulting party.  This Alloy Services Agreement shall terminate
     automatically, without necessity of notice, in the event Buyer or OC 


     makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, generally is adjudicated
     bankrupt or in the event of the filing of any voluntary or involuntary
     petition in bankruptcy against Buyer or OC or the appointment of a receiver
     for Buyer or OC or any substantial part of their respective properties.


     The provisions of paragraphs 3G and 11 of this Agreement shall survive any
     termination or expiration hereof.


     The section headings contained in this Alloy Services Agreement are for
     reference purposes only and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation
     of this Agreement.


     This Alloy Services Agreement and Exhibits set forth the entire
     understanding of the parties hereto, and no modifications or amendments to
     this Alloy Services Agreement shall be binding on the parties unless in
     writing and signed by the party or parties to be bound by such modification
     or amendment.


     This Alloy Services Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of
     which shall be deemed to be an original and all of which together shall be
     deemed to be one and the same instrument.


     Each of the Buyer and OC agrees not to use the name or trademarks or logos
     of the other party or its divisions or affiliates in any publicity,
     packaging, marketing materials, or other promotional activities or
     materials without the prior written consent of the other party.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Alloy Services Agreement
to be duly executed as of the date first written above.

                            OWENS CORNING

                            By:  /s/ Charles E. Dana
                               Name: Charles Dana
                               Title:   Vice President

                            ADVANCED GLASSFIBER YARNS LLC

                            By:  /s/ Robert B. Fisher
                               Name: Robert B. Fisher
                               Title:   General Manager