Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                      Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant [x]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
Check the appropriate box:

 [  ] Preliminary Proxy Statement  [  ]  Confidential, for Use of the
                                         Commission Only (as permitted by Rule

 [X] Definitive Proxy Statement

 [  ] Definitive Additional Materials

  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section 240.14a-12.

                            HERLEY INDUSTRIES, INC.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

     [ X]  No fee required.
     [  ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1)
           and 0-11.

(1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant
     to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
     calculated and state how it was determined):

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

(5)  Total fee paid:

     [ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
          Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
          Act Rule 0-11(a)(2)  and  identify  the  filing for which the
          offsetting  fee was paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by
          registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date
          of its filing.

     (1)  Amount Previously Paid: ____________________________________________

     (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: ______________________

     (3)  Filing Party:  _____________________________________________________

     (4)  Date Filed: ________________________________________________________



                                February 1, 2000

To the Stockholders of HERLEY INDUSTRIES, INC.:

     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  of Herley
Industries,  Inc.  will  be held  at the  Comfort  Inn,  500  Centerville  Road,
Lancaster,  Pennsylvania 17601 on Tuesday, February 1, 2000 at 10:00 a.m., or at
any adjournment thereof, for the following purposes:

     1.   To elect two directors.

     2    To consider and act upon a proposal to ratify the adoption of a 1997
          Stock Option Plan, set forth as "Exhibit A".

     3.   To consider  and act upon a proposal to ratify the adoption of a
          1998 Stock Option Plan, set forth as "Exhibit B".

     4.   To consider  and act upon such other  business  as may  properly
          come before this meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     The above  matters  are set forth in the Proxy  Statement  attached to this
Notice to which your attention is directed.

     Only  stockholders  of record on the books of the  Company  at the close of
business on December 28, 1999 will be entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting of
Stockholders or at any adjournment  thereof. You are requested to sign, date and
return the enclosed Proxy at your earliest convenience in order that your shares
may be voted for you as specified.

                                By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                         LEE N. BLATT
                                     Chairman of the Board

Dated:    December 29, 1999
          Lancaster, Pennsylvania

                             HERLEY INDUSTRIES, INC.
                                10 Industry Drive
                          Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603
                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                            Tuesday, February 1, 2000

     The  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  of  Herley  Industries,  Inc.  (the
"Company")  will be held on Tuesday,  February 1, 2000 at The Comfort  Inn,  500
Centerville Road, Lancaster,  Pennsylvania 17601 at 10:00 a.m., for the purposes
set forth in the  accompanying  Notice of Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders.  The
enclosed  proxy is  solicited  by and on behalf of the Board of Directors of the
Company for use at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders.  This proxy statement and
the  enclosed  proxy  has been  mailed  on or  about  December  29,  1999 to all
stockholders as of the record date.

     If a proxy in the  accompanying  form is duly  executed and  returned,  the
shares  represented  by such  proxy  will be  voted  as  specified.  Any  person
executing  the  proxy  may  revoke  it prior to its  exercise  either  by letter
directed to the Company or in person at the Annual Meeting.

Voting Rights

     Only  stockholders  of record on December 28, 1999 (the "Record Date") will
be  entitled  to vote at the Annual  Meeting  or any  adjournment  thereof.  The
Company has  outstanding  one class of voting  capital stock,  namely  4,577,728
shares of Common Stock,  $.10 par value.  Stockholders  are entitled to one vote
for each share  registered in their names at the close of business on the Record
Date.  The  affirmative  vote of a majority  of the votes cast at the meeting is
required  for  approval  of  each  matter  to be  submitted  to a  vote  of  the
stockholders. For purposes of determining whether proposals requiring a majority
of the votes cast at the meeting have received a majority vote, abstentions will
not  be  included  in the  vote  totals,  and in  instances  where  brokers  are
prohibited from  exercising  discretionary  authority for beneficial  owners who
have not returned a proxy (so called "broker  non-votes"),  those votes will not
be included in the vote totals. Therefore, abstentions and broker non-votes will
have no effect on such  vote,  but will be  counted  in the  determination  of a

     To the  knowledge  of the  Board  of  Directors,  upon  whose  behalf  this
solicitation  is made,  the only persons owning of record or  beneficially  more
than 5% of the Company's  outstanding Common Stock as of the Record Date are Lee
N. Blatt,  Chairman of the Board,  residing  in Vero  Beach,  Florida,  who owns
604,263  (12.0%)  shares,   Myron  Levy,   President,   residing  in  Lancaster,
Pennsylvania,  who owns 628,941 (12.6%) shares, Kennedy Capital Management, Inc.
which owns 388,379 (8.5%)  shares,  Fidelity  Management & Research,  Inc. which
owns 450,566  (9.8%)  shares,  and Emerald  Asset  Management,  Inc.  which owns
336,170 (7.3%) shares.

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     The  Company's  Certificate  of  Incorporation  provides  for  a  Board  of
Directors  consisting  of not less than  three nor more than  twelve  directors,
classified into three classes as nearly equal in number as possible, whose terms
of office  expire in  successive  years.  The  Company's  Board of Directors now
consists of seven directors as set forth below.

       Class I                    Class II                   Class III
 (To serve until the         (To Serve until the        (To Serve until the
  Annual Meeting of           Annual Meeting of          Annual Meeting of
 Stockholders in 2000)       Stockholders in 2001)      Stockholders in 2002)
 --------------------        --------------------       --------------------

Lee N. Blatt                 Dr. Alvin M. Silver (1)   Adm. Thomas J. Allshouse
Adm. Edward K. Walker,       John A. Thonet               (Ret.)(1)
  Jr. (Ret.) (1)             Myron Levy                David H. Lieberman

(1) Member of Compensation and Audit Committees

     Adm.  Thomas J. Allshouse  (Ret.) and David  Lieberman,  directors in Class
III,  are to be elected at this 1999  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  to hold
office  until the Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  as set forth  above or until
their  successors  are chosen and  qualified.  Shares  represented  by  executed
proxies  in the  form  enclosed  will be  voted,  if  authority  to do so is not
withheld,  for the election as directors of the aforesaid nominees (each of whom
is now a director)  unless any such nominee shall be unavailable,  in which case
such shares will be voted for a substitute  nominee  designated  by the Board of
Directors.  The Board of  Directors  has no reason  to  believe  that any of the
nominees will be unavailable or, if elected, will decline to serve.

     Directors who are not employees of the Company  receive a fee of $7,500 for
each annual  meeting of the Board of Directors and $1,500 for each interim Board
of Directors  or committee  meeting  attended.  There were five  meetings of the
Board of Directors  during the fiscal year ended August 1, 1999,  including  the
annual meeting.  Each Director  attended or participated in at least 75% of such
meetings of the Board of Directors. During the fiscal year ended August 1, 1999,
there was one meeting each of the Audit and Compensation  Committees.  The Audit
Committee is involved in discussions  with the Company's  independent  certified
public  accountants with respect to the year end audited  financial  statements.
The Compensation Committee recommends executive compensation and the granting of
stock options and warrants to key employees.  See "Compensation Committee Report
on Executive Compensation." The Company does not have a nominating committee.

Security Ownership

     The following table sets forth the indicated  information as of November 1,
1999 with respect to the  beneficial  ownership of the Company's  securities by:
(i) all persons known to the Company to be beneficial  owners of more than 5% of
the outstanding  shares of Common Stock,  (ii) each director and named executive
officer of the Company,  and (iii) by all executive  officers and directors as a

                                                         Shares of Common
                                                         Stock Beneficially
                                          Director         Owned (1)(5)
        Name                   Age         Since         Shares    Percent
        ----                   ---        ---------      ------    -------
Lee N. Blatt (2)(4)(5)         71           1965         604,263    12.0%
Myron Levy (4)(5)              59           1992         628,941    12.6%
Anello C. Garefino (4)(5)      52           -             44,031     1.0%
Allan L. Coon (4)              63           -             51,332     1.1%
George Hopp (4)                61           -             21,334
Adam J. Bottenfield (4)        39           -             25,834
Ray Umbarger (4)               52           -             20,287
Mark A. Krumm (4)              53           -              5,000
Howard M. Eckstein (4)         48           -              7,500
Mitchell Tuckman (4)           48           -              4,000
Richard Poirier (4)            34           -              5,150
Adm. Thomas J. Allshouse (4)   74           1983          34,666
David H. Lieberman (4)         54           1985          13,933
John A. Thonet (3)(4)          49           1991          39,693
Alvin M. Silver (4)            68           1997          24,000
Adm. Edward K. Walker, Jr.
   (Ret.) (4)                  66           1997          16,000
Kennedy Capital Management,
   Inc. (6)                     -           -            388,379     8.5%
Fidelity Management &
   Research, Inc. (7)           -           -            450,566     9.8%
Emerald Asset Management,
   Inc. (8)                     -           -            336,170     7.3%
Directors and executive
  officers  as a group
  (16 persons)                                         1,545,964    27.2%
- ---------

(1)  No  executive  officer  or  director  owns  more  than one  percent  of the
     outstanding  shares of Common Stock unless otherwise  indicated.  Ownership
     represents sole voting and investment power.

(2)  Does not include an  aggregate of 285,102  shares owned by family  members,
     including Hannah Thonet, Rebecca Thonet, Kathi Thonet, Randi Rossignol, Max
     Rossignol, Henry Rossignol,  Patrick Rossignol and Allyson Gerber, of which
     Mr. Blatt disclaims beneficial ownership.

(3)  Does not include 109,332 shares, owned by Mr. Thonet's children, Hannah and
     Rebecca  Thonet,  and 24,278 shares owned by his wife,  Kathi  Thonet.  Mr.
     Thonet disclaims beneficial ownership of these shares.

(4)  Includes  shares  subject to options  exercisable  within the 60 days after
     November 1, 1999 at prices ranging from $2.535 to $16.46 per share pursuant
     to the Company's Stock Plans: Lee N. Blatt - 333,333, Myron Levy - 333,333,
     Anello C. Garefino - 6,000,  Allan L. Coon - 51,332,  George Hopp - 16,890,
     Adam J. Bottenfield - 23,999, Ray Umbarger - 19,334, Mark A. Krumm - 5,000,
     Howard Eckstein - 7,500, Mitchell Tuckman - 4,000, Richard Poirier - 4,933,
     Adm.  Thomas J. Allshouse - 23,333,  David H.  Lieberman - 13,333,  John A.
     Thonet - 23,333, Alvin M. Silver - 15,000, Edward K. Walker - 15,000.

(5)  Includes shares subject to outstanding  warrants exercisable within 60 days
     after November 1, 1999 at a price of $4.6406: Lee N. Blatt - 133,333, Myron
     Levy - 66,667,  Anello C.  Garefino - 13,333.

(6)  Address is 10829 Olive Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri 63141.

(7)  Address is 82 Devonshire Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109.

(8)  Address is 1857 William Penn Way, Suite 203, Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17605.

Principal Occupations of Directors

     The  following is a brief account of the business  experience  for the past
five years of the Company's directors:

     Mr. Lee N. Blatt is a  co-founder  of the Company and has been  Chairman of
the Board of the  Company  since its  organization  in 1965.  Mr.  Blatt holds a
Bachelors  Degree in  Electrical  Engineering  from  Syracuse  University  and a
Masters Degree in Business Administration from City College of New York.

     Mr. Myron Levy has been President of the Company since June 1993 and served
as Executive Vice  President and Treasurer  since May 1991, and prior thereto as
Vice  President for Business  Operations  and Treasurer  since October 1988. For
more than ten years prior to joining the Company,  Mr. Levy, a certified  public
accountant,   was   employed   in  various   executive   capacities,   including
Vice-President,    by   Griffon   Corporation   (formerly   Instrument   Systems

     Mr. David H.  Lieberman  has been a director of the Company  since 1985 and
Secretary  of the  Company  since  1994.  Mr.  Lieberman  has been a  practicing
attorney  in the  State of New York for more  than the past ten  years  and is a
member of the firm of Blau, Kramer,  Wactlar & Lieberman,  P.C., general counsel
to the Company.

     Admiral Thomas J. Allshouse (Ret.) has been a director of the Company since
September  1983.  Prior to 1981,  when he retired  from the United  States Navy,
Admiral  Allshouse  served  for 34 years in  various  naval  officer  positions,
including  acting as  commanding  officer of the United States Naval Ships Parts
Control Center.  Admiral  Allshouse holds a Bachelors Degree in Engineering from
the United States Naval Academy and a Masters Degree in Business  Administration
from Harvard University.

     Dr. Alvin M. Silver has been a director of the Company  since October 1997.
Since 1977, Dr. Silver has been Executive Vice President of the Ademco  Division
of Pittway  Corporation.  Dr.  Silver  holds a  Bachelors  Degree in  Industrial
Engineering from Columbia University, a Masters Degree in Industrial Engineering
from Stevens Institute of Technology and a Doctor of Engineering  Science Degree
in Industrial  Engineering/Operations  Research from  Columbia  University.  Dr.
Silver is a  Professor  at the  Frank G. Zarb  School  of  Business  of  Hofstra

     Mr.  John A.  Thonet  has been a  director  of the  Company  since 1991 and
President of Thonet Associates, an environmental consulting firm specializing in
land planning and zoning matters for more than the past ten years. Mr. Thonet is
the son-in-law of Mr. Blatt.

     Admiral  Edward K.  Walker,  Jr.  (Ret.) has been a director of the Company
since October 1997.  Since his  retirement  from the United States Navy in 1988,
Admiral Walker has been Vice President, Administration for Resource Consultants,
Inc., a member of Gilbert  Associates,  Inc.  which is a  professional  services
company providing services to the Department of Defense,  particularly the Navy,
in a wide range of technical,  engineering and management disciplines.  Prior to
his retirement  from the United States Navy,  Admiral Walker served for 34 years
in various  naval  officer  positions,  including  Commander of the Naval Supply
Systems  Command,  and Chief of Supply Corps.  Admiral  Walker holds a Bachelors
Degree from the United  States  Naval  Academy  and  Masters  Degree in Business
Administration from The George Washington University.


Officers of the Company

     The executive officers of the Company are as follows:

Name                               Position(s) with the Company
- ----                               ----------------------------

Lee N. Blatt                       Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
Myron Levy                         President and Director
David H. Lieberman                 Secretary and Director
Allan L. Coon                      Senior Vice President
Anello C. Garefino                 Vice President-Finance, Treasurer and Chief
                                     Financial Officer
Adam J. Bottenfield                Vice President
Howard M. Eckstein                 Vice President
Dr. Chandra Gupta                  Vice President
George Hopp                        Vice President
Mark A. Krumm                      Vice President
Richard Poirier                    Vice President
Mitchell Tuckman                   Vice President
Ray Umbarger                       Vice President

     Mr. Allan L. Coon joined the Company in 1992 and was appointed  Senior Vice
President,  General  Manager  Microwave  Products  Group,  in December 1998, and
served as a Vice President  since  December 1995.  Prior to joining the Company,
Mr.  Coon was  Senior  Vice  President  and  Chief  Financial  Officer  of Alpha
Industries,  Inc., a publicly  traded company engaged in military and commercial
electronic programs.

     Mr.  Anello  C.  Garefino  has been  employed  by the  Company  in  various
executive  capacities  for more  than the  past  five  years.  Mr.  Garefino,  a
certified public accountant, was appointed Vice President-Finance, Treasurer and
Chief  Financial  Officer in June 1993.  From 1987 to January 1990, Mr. Garefino
was Corporate Controller of Exide Corporation.

     Mr. Adam J.  Bottenfield was appointed Vice President - Engineering in July
1997, and served as Systems Engineering Manager since the Company's  acquisition
of Vega in 1993.  From 1984 to 1993, Mr.  Bottenfield was Manager of Digital and
Software Engineering of Vega.

     Mr.  Howard M.  Eckstein was appointed  Vice  President - General  Manager,
Space  and  Communications  Group in  December  1998 and was Vice  President-New
Product  Development upon joining the Company in April 1998. Mr. Eckstein has 25
years experience in the design and development of aerospace  telemetry equipment
and systems.  Mr. Eckstein served from 1992 to 1998 as Vice President - Advanced
Products for L3 Communications, and as Vice President - Engineering from 1986 to
1992. Mr. Eckstein earned his Bachelors  Degree in Electrical  Engineering  from
the Pennsylvania State University and holds a Masters Degree in Engineering from
the University of Pennsylvania.

     Dr.  Chandra Gupta was appointed  Vice  President,  Manager of Operations -
Microwave  Products Group in September 1999.  Prior to joining the Company,  Dr.
Gupta was the  Integrated  Product Team Manager for Marconi North  America,  CNI
Division.  Dr.  Gupta  received  his Ph.D  and  undergraduate  degrees  from the
University of Wales, UK.

     Mr. George Hopp was appointed Vice President -  International  Marketing in
July 1997.  Mr. Hopp has been  employed by the Company in a sales and  marketing
position since 1995.  For more than ten years prior to joining the Company,  Mr.
Hopp was  Director of  International  Programs for  Northrop  Grumman,  Military
Aircraft Division.

     Mr. Mark A. Krumm was appointed  Vice  President  for Business  Development
upon  joining  the  Company in  November  1997.  For more than 10 years prior to
joining  the  Company,  Mr.  Krumm was program  manager  for various  electronic
defense  systems with Harris  Corporation.  Mr. Krumm has a Bachelors  Degree in
Aerospace  engineering  from St. Louis  University and holds a Masters Degree in
Business Administration from Southern Illinois University.

     Mr.  Richard  Poirier  joined  Micro-Dynamics,  Inc.  ("MDI")  in 1987 as a
Microwave  Engineer.  Following the  acquisition  of MDI by Herley in 1992,  Mr.
Poirier was appointed  Sales  Manager.  On September 30, 1999,  Mr.  Poirier was
appointed  Vice  President.  Mr.  Poirier  received  his  Bachelor of Science in
Electrical Engineering from Marquette University.

     Mr. Mitchell Tuckman became a Vice President of Herley upon the acquisition
of General  Microwave  Corporation  ("GMC") in January  1999. At the time of the
acquisition,  Mr. Tuckman was President - Chief  Executive  Officer of GMC since
March,  1995. He was Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of GMC
from August,  1994 until March,  1995. From June,  1993 until August,  1994, Mr.
Tuckman was Vice  President-Microwave  Engineering of GMC. Prior to that, he was
Chief Microwave Engineer of GMC.

     Mr. Ray Umbarger was appointed Vice President - Domestic  Marketing in July
1997,  having been  employed by the Company  since June 1995.  For more than ten
years  prior to that,  Mr.  Umbarger  served  in the  U.S.  Navy  where he was a
Captain.  His  responsibilities  in the Navy  included  the design,  development
production,  deployment  and life cycle support of all Navy,  and in some cases,
all  Department of Defense target  systems.  Mr.  Umbarger  received a Bachelors
Degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the U.S. Naval Academy, a Masters Degree
in Aeronautical  Engineering  from Princeton  University and a Masters Degree in
Business Administration from Monmouth College.

Executive Compensation

     The following table sets forth the annual and long-term  compensation  with
respect to the  Chairman/Chief  Executive  Officer,  and the Company's four most
highly  compensated  executive  officers other than the Chief Executive  Officer
(the "named  executive  officers")  for  services  rendered for the fiscal years
ended August 1, 1999, August 2, 1998, and August 3, 1997.

                                 Summary Compensation Table

                          Annual Compensation (1)              Long-Term Compensation
Name and                                                   Securities
Principal            Fiscal                                Underlying        All Other
Position             Year      Salary(2)    Bonus(3)       Options/SARs(4)   Compensation
- ---------            ------    ---------    --------       ---------------   ------------

Lee N. Blatt         1999      $ 475,908   $ 538,126          500,000 (7)     $ 4,800 (6)
Chairman of          1998        485,549     303,191             -              4,800
the Board            1997        531,629     302,432          599,999 (5)       4,500

Myron Levy           1999      $ 329,166   $ 430,501          500,000 (7)     $ 9,525 (6)
President            1998        333,912     242,553             -              9,300
                     1997        307,764     181,460          400,000 (5)       9,000

Allan L. Coon        1999      $ 137,157   $  35,000           20,000 (7)     $ 6,622 (6)
Senior               1998        110,011      30,000             -              6,153
Vice President       1997        110,011        -              73,332 (5)       5,751

Anello C. Garefino   1999      $ 105,019   $  15,000           15,000 (7)     $ 4,068 (6)
Vice President       1998        100,760      20,000             -              3,845
Finance-Treasurer    1997        101,914        -              59,999 (5)       3,579

George Hopp          1999      $ 108,011   $   7,500           10,000 (7)     $ 1,494 (6)
Vice  President      1998        107,615       7,500              -             1,488
                     1997        107,615        -              18,666 (5)       1,422

- --------------

(1)  Does not  include  Other  Annual  Compensation  because  amounts of certain
     perquisites  and other  non-cash  benefits  provided  by the Company do not
     exceed the lesser of $50,000  or 10% of the total  annual  base  salary and
     bonus disclosed in this table for the respective officer.

(2)  Amounts  set  forth  herein  include  cost  of  living   adjustments  under
     employment contracts.

(3)  Represents  for  Messrs.  Blatt  and  Levy  incentive   compensation  under
     employment agreements.

(4)  Adjusted to give effect to a  four-for-three  stock split on September  30,

(5)  Consisting of the following options issued in October 1996 for the right to
     purchase Common Stock of the Company at a price of $6.9375:  Lee N. Blatt -
     133,333; Myron Levy - 100,000, Allan L. Coon - 26,666, Anello C. Garefino -
     13,333; options granted in February 1997 at a price of $8.3438 and repriced
     to $6.0938 in April 1997: Lee N. Blatt 133,333, Myron Levy - 100,000, Allan
     L. Coon - 20,000, Anello C. Garefino - 20,000, and George Hopp - 5,333; and
     options granted in May 1997 at a price of $6.4688:  Lee N. Blatt - 333,333,
     Myron Levy - 200,000,  Allan L. Coon - 26,666, Anello C. Garefino - 26,666,
     and George Hopp - 13,333.

(6)  All Other Compensation  includes: (a) group term life insurance as follows:
     $4,725 for Mr. Levy, $2,387 for Mr. Coon, $902 for Mr. Garefino, and $1,494
     for Mr.  Hopp,  and (b)  contributions  to the  Company's  401(k) Plan as a
     pre-tax salary  deferral as follows:  $4,800 for each of Messrs.  Blatt and
     Levy, $4,235 for Mr. Coon, and $3,166 for Mr. Garefino.

(7)  Consisting of the following  options issued in August 1998 for the right to
     purchase  Common  Stock of the Company at a price of $9.25:  Lee N. Blatt -
     250,000, Myron Levy - 250,000;  options granted in December 1998 at a price
     of $11.44:  Allan L. Coon - 10,000,  Anello C. Garefino - 7,500, and George
     Hopp - 5,000; and at a price of $13.15 (at 115% of the market price on date
     of issue):  Allan L. Coon - 10,000,  Anello C. Garefino - 7,500, and George
     Hopp - 5,000; and options granted in June 1999 at a price of $12.13: Lee N.
     Blatt - 125,000,  and Myron  Levy -  125,000,  and at a price of $13.94 (at
     115% of the  market  price on date of issue):  Lee N. Blatt - 125,000,  and
     Myron Levy - 125,000.

Option/SAR Grants in Last Fiscal Year

     The following  table sets forth certain  information  concerning  the stock
options  granted to the named executive  officers during fiscal 1999.  Since the
end of fiscal 1999, the Company has not granted any stock options or warrants to
any of these individuals.

                                     Individual Grants
                   Number of                                              Potential Realized Value at
                  Securities       % of Total                               Assumed Annual Rates of
                  Underlying     Options Issued    Exercise                 Stock Price Appreciation
                  Options        to Employees in     Price   Expiration          Option Term (3)
Name              Granted(1)      Fiscal Year(2)    ($/Sh)     Date         0%        5%        10%
- ----              ----------     ---------------    ------  -----------    ---       ---        ---

Lee N. Blatt        125,000            10          $ 13.94    6/17/09    $ 0.00  $  725,831  $ 2,188,178
                    125,000            10            12.13    6/17/09      0.00     953,168    2,415,516
                    250,000            21             9.25    8/14/08      0.00   1,454,319    3,685,529

Myron Levy          125,000            10          $ 13.94    6/17/09    $ 0.00  $  725,831  $ 2,188,178
                    125,000            10            12.13    6/17/09      0.00     953,168    2,415,516
                    250,000            21             9.25    8/14/08      0.00   1,454,319    3,685,529

Allan L. Coon        10,000             1          $ 13.15   12/10/08    $ 0.00  $   54,776  $   165,135
                     10,000             1            11.44   12/10/08      0.00      71,933      182,292

Anello C. Garefino    7,500             1          $ 13.15   12/10/08    $ 0.00  $   41,082  $   123,851
                      7,500             1            11.44   12/10/08      0.00      53,950      136,719

George Hopp           5,000            -           $ 13.15   12/10/08    $ 0.00  $   27,388  $    82,568
                      5,000            -             11.44   12/10/08      0.00      35,966       91,146
- --------

(1)  Options were issued in fiscal 1999 at 100% and at 115% of the closing price
     of the Company's Common Stock on dates of issue and vest as follows: Lee N.
     Blatt and Myron  Levy - 250,000  options  each which vest at date of grant,
     and  250,000  options  each - one  third  of which  vest at date of  grant,
     one-third  vest one year from date of grant and the balance  vest two years
     from date of grant;  Allan L. Coon,  Anello C. Garefino,  and George Hopp -
     one  fifth of the  options  vest one year  from date of grant and one fifth
     each year thereafter.

(2)  Total  options  issued to employees  and  directors in fiscal 1999 were for
     1,250,500 shares of Common Stock.

(3)  The amounts  under the columns  labeled  "5%" and "10%" are included by the
     Company pursuant to certain rules promulgated by the Commission and are not
     intended  to  forecast  future  appreciation,  if any,  in the price of the
     Common  Stock.  Such  amounts  are based on the  assumption  that the named
     persons hold the options for the full term of the options. The actual value
     of the options will vary in accordance  with the market price of the Common
     Stock.  The column headed "0%" is included to demonstrate  that the options
     were  issued with an exercise  price  greater  than or equal to the trading
     price of the  Common  Stock so that the  holders  of the  options  will not
     recognize any gain without an increase in the stock price,  which  increase
     benefits all stockholders commensurately.

Aggregate Option/SAR Exercises in Last Fiscal Year and Fiscal Year-End
Option/SAR Values

     The following table sets forth stock options  exercised  during fiscal 1999
and all  unexercised  stock  options and  warrants  held by the named  executive
officers as of August 1, 1999.

                                                                                                 Value of
                                                          Number of Unexercised           Unexercised In the-Money
                      Shares                              Options and Warrants               Options and Warrants
                     Acquired on         Value            at Fiscal Year-End(2)             at Fiscal Year-End (3)
Name                 Exercise(#)     Realized($)(1)     Exercisable      Unexercisable    Exercisable   Unexercisable
- ----                 ------------    --------------     -----------      -------------    -----------   -------------

Lee N. Blatt           261,113      $ 2,066,512            383,333          166,666        $ 1,450,000    $ 770,830
Myron Levy             338,892        2,615,042            316,667          166,666            834,380      770,830
Allan L. Coon            5,000           37,967             57,332           16,000            388,806       25,266
Anello C. Garefino      38,890          354,472             16,333           12,000            127,860       18,950
George Hopp               -                -                14,890           15,999            109,369       71,875

- --------

(1)  Values are  calculated by  subtracting  the exercise price from the trading
     price of the Common Stock as of the exercise date.
(2)  Adjusted to give effect to a  four-for-three  stock split on September  30,
(3)  Based upon the  trading  price of the Common  Stock of $13.875 on August 1,

Employment Agreements

     Lee N. Blatt has entered  into an  employment  agreement  with the Company,
dated as of October 1, 1998,  (as modified  January 26, 1999 and June 17, 1999),
which provides for a four year and three month term, terminating on December 31,
2002. Pursuant to the agreement, Mr. Blatt receives compensation consisting of a
base salary of $587,972, with an annual cost of living increase and an incentive
bonus. Mr. Blatt's  incentive bonus is 5% of the pretax income of the Company in
excess of $2,000,000.

     Myron Levy has entered into an employment agreement with the Company, dated
as of October 1, 1998, (as modified  January 26, 1999 and June 17, 1999),  which
provides for a four year and three month term, terminating on December 31, 2002,
and a five year consulting period commencing at the end of the active employment
period. Pursuant to the agreement,  Mr. Levy receives compensation consisting of
a base  salary of  $433,876,  with an  annual  cost of  living  increase  and an
incentive  bonus.  Mr. Levy's  incentive bonus is 4% of the pretax income of the
Company in excess of $2,000,000.  Mr. Levy's  compensation during the consulting
period is at the annual rate of $100,000.

     The employment  agreements with Messrs.  Blatt and Levy provide for certain
payments following death or disability.  The employment agreements also provide,
in the event of a change in control of the  Company,  as  defined  therein,  the
right,  at their  election,  to terminate  the  agreement and receive a lump sum
payment of approximately three times their annual salary.

     Allan L. Coon has entered  into a  severance  agreement  with the  Company,
dated June 11, 1997,  which  provides  that in the event Mr. Coon is  terminated
other than for cause prior to June 12,  1999,  he is entitled to two years' base
salary and in the event he is so terminated  after June 11, 1999 and before June
12, 2002, he is entitled to one year's base salary. Mr. Coon's base salary as of
November 1, 1999 is $175,000.

     Anello C. Garefino has entered into a severance agreement with the Company,
dated  February  18,  1998,  which  provides  that in the event Mr.  Garefino is
terminated  other than for cause prior to February 19,  2000,  he is entitled to
two years' base salary and in the event he is so terminated  after  February 18,
2000 and before February 19, 2003, he is entitled to one year's base salary. Mr.
Garefino's base salary as of November 1, 1999 is $105,000.

Indemnification Agreements

     Herley  has  entered  into  separate  indemnification  agreements  with the
officers and directors of Herley.  Herley has agreed to provide  indemnification
with regard to certain legal  proceedings so long as the indemnified  officer or
director has acted in good faith and in a manner he or she  reasonably  believed
to be in, or not opposed to, the best  interests  of Herley and with  respect to
any criminal  proceeding,  had no reasonable cause to believe his or her conduct
was unlawful.  Herley only  provided  indemnification  for expenses,  judgments,
fines and amounts paid in settlement  actually  incurred by the relevant officer
or director, or on his or her behalf, arising out of proceedings brought against
such officer or director by reason of his or her corporate status.

Certain Transactions

     On September 23, 1999,  the Company closed on the sale of GMC's property in
Amityville,   New  York  and  relocated  the  plant  to  a  leased  facility  in
Farmingdale, New York. The Company entered into a 10 year lease agreement with a
partnership owned by the children of certain officers of the Company.  The lease
provides for initial  minimum annual rent of $312,390,  subject to escalation of
approximately 4% annually throughout the 10 year term. The Company believes that
these rents are at the fair market value.  The outside  directors of the Company
unanimously approved this transaction.

Stock Plans

     Certain  officers and  directors of the Company hold options or warrants to
purchase Common Stock under the Company's 1992 Non-Qualified  Stock Option Plan,
1996 Stock  Option  Plan,  1997 Stock  Option  Plan,  and 1998 Stock Option Plan
(collectively, the "Stock Plans"), and under certain warrant agreements.

     1992 Non-Qualified  Stock Option Plan. The 1992 Non-Qualified  Stock Option
Plan covers 1,333,333  shares of Common Stock.  Under the terms of the plan, the
purchase  price of the shares,  subject to each option  granted,  is 100% of the
fair market value at the date of grant.  The date of exercise is  determined  at
the time of grant by the  Compensation  Committee or the Board of Directors.  If
not  specified,  50% of the shares can be exercised each year beginning one year
after the date of grant. The options expire ten years from the date of grant. In
December  1995,  this  plan  was  terminated  except  for  outstanding   options
thereunder.  At August 1, 1999,  non-qualified options to purchase 12,668 shares
of Common Stock were outstanding under this plan.

     1996 Stock Option Plan. The 1996 Stock Option Plan covers 666,666 shares of
Common  Stock.  Options  granted  under the plan may be incentive  stock options
qualified under Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or
non-qualified stock options.  Under the terms of the plan, the exercise price of
options  granted  under  the plan will be the fair  market  value at the date of
grant.  The nature and terms of the options to be granted are  determined at the
time of grant by the  Compensation  Committee or the Board of Directors.  If not
specified, 100% of the shares can be exercised one year after the date of grant.
The  options  expire  ten  years  from the date of grant.  At  August  1,  1999,
non-qualified options to purchase 79,663 shares of Common Stock were outstanding
under this plan.

     1997 Stock Option Plan. The 1997 Stock Option Plan covers  1,666,666 shares
of Common Stock.  Options  granted under the plan may be incentive stock options
qualified under Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or
non-qualified stock options.  Under the terms of the plan, the exercise price of
options  granted  under  the plan will be the fair  market  value at the date of
grant.  The nature and terms of the options to be granted are  determined at the
time of grant by the  Compensation  Committee or the Board of Directors.  If not
specified, 100% of the shares can be exercised one year after the date of grant.
The options expire ten years from the date of grant.  Options for 875,500 shares
of Common  Stock were granted  during the fiscal year ended  August 1, 1999.  At
August 1,  1999,  options  to  purchase  927,282  shares of  Common  Stock  were
outstanding under this plan.

     1998 Stock Option Plan. The 1998 Stock Option Plan covers  1,500,000 shares
of Common Stock.  Options  granted under the plan may be incentive stock options
qualified under Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or
non-qualified stock options.  Under the terms of the plan, the exercise price of
options  granted  under  the plan will be the fair  market  value at the date of
grant.  The nature and terms of the options to be granted are  determined at the
time of grant by the  Compensation  Committee or the Board of Directors.  If not
specified, 100% of the shares can be exercised one year after the date of grant.
The options expire ten years from the date of grant.  Options for 375,000 shares
of Common  Stock were granted  during the fiscal year ended  August 1, 1999.  At
August 1,  1999,  options  to  purchase  375,000  shares of  Common  Stock  were
outstanding under this plan.

     On August 14, 1998, the Company issued 10 year options to purchase  250,000
shares of Common  Stock at a price of $9.25 per share,  the fair market value at
the date of grant,  under  these  plans to each of Lee N. Blatt and Myron  Levy,
which  options  vest one  third on each of the  grant  date and on the first and
second anniversary dates of the grant date. On June 17, 1999, the Company issued
10 year options under these plans,  which options vest  immediately,  to each of
Lee N.  Blatt and Myron Levy to  purchase  125,000  shares of Common  Stock at a
price of $12.13  per  share,  the fair  market  value at the date of grant;  and
options  to  purchase  125,000  shares of Common  Stock at a price of $13.94 per
share, which was 115% of the fair market value at the date of grant.

     Warrant  Agreements.  In April 1993,  common stock  warrants were issued to
certain officers and directors for the right to acquire 573,333 shares of Common
Stock at an exercise price of $5.3475 per share,  which was the closing price of
the Common Stock on the date of issue.  In December 1995,  warrants with respect
to 533,333 of these shares were canceled, and the remaining 40,000 warrants were
exercised  in March 1998.  In  December  1995,  warrants  were issued to certain
officers for the right to acquire  293,333 shares of Common Stock at an exercise
price of $4.6425 per share at date of issue.  These warrants expire December 13,
2005.  During  fiscal 1998,  warrants to purchase  66,667 shares of Common Stock
were  exercised at a price of $4.6425.  At August 1, 1999,  warrants to purchase
213,333 shares of Common Stock at $4.6425 per share were outstanding.

Employee Savings Plan

     The Company  maintains an Employee  Savings Plan that qualifies as a thrift
plan  under  Section  401(k) of the  Internal  Revenue  Code.  This plan  allows
employees to contribute  between 2% and 15% of their  salaries to the plan.  The
Company,  at  its  discretion,  can  contribute  100%  of  the  first  2% of the
employees'  salary so contributed  and 25% of the next 4% of salary.  Additional
Company  contributions can be made,  depending on profits. The aggregate benefit
payable to an employee  depends upon the employee's  rate of  contribution,  the
earnings  of the  fund,  and the  length of time such  employee  continues  as a
participant.  The Company recognized expenses of approximately  $266,000 for the
52 weeks ended August 1, 1999, and  approximately  $197,000 and $181,000 for the
52  weeks  ended  August  2,  1998  and  the 53  weeks  ended  August  3,  1997,
respectively.  For the year ended August 1, 1999,  $4,800,  $4,800,  $4,235, and
$3,166 was contributed by the Company to this plan for Messrs. Blatt, Levy, Coon
and Garefino,  respectively,  and $32,146 was  contributed  for all officers and
directors as a group.

Board of Directors Interlocks and Insider Participation

     The  Company's   Compensation  Committee  consists  of  Messrs.  Thomas  J.
Allshouse, Edward K. Walker, Jr. and Alvin M. Silver. None of these persons were
officers or employees of the Company during fiscal 1999 nor had any relationship
requiring disclosures in this Proxy Statement.

     In  accordance  with  rules  promulgated  by the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission,  the information included under the captions "Compensation Committee
Report on Executive  Compensation" and "Performance Graph" will not be deemed to
be filed or to be proxy soliciting  material or incorporated by reference in any
prior or future  filings by the Company under the  Securities Act of 1933 or the
Securities Exchange Act.

Compensation Committee Report on Executive Compensation

     The primary function of the  Compensation  Committee is to oversee policies
relating to executive compensation including salary,  incentive bonuses,  fringe
benefits  and stock  option  awards.  Its  objective  is to  attract  and retain
qualified individuals by providing competitive compensation,  while, at the same
time, linking such compensation to corporate objectives.  The Committee believes
that providing a direct  relationship  between  corporate  results and executive
compensation will best serve shareholder  interest.  This link between executive
compensation and corporate  performance is facilitated through incentive bonuses
based on earnings and also through  stock option  awards.  Salary ranges for the
chief executive officer and other executive officers are based on the underlying
accountability  of each  executive's  position,  which is  reviewed on a regular
basis, subject to the terms and conditions of employment agreements.

     Stock options are granted to employees,  including the Company's  executive
officers, by the Compensation  Committee under the Company's stock option plans.
The Committee  believes that stock options provide an incentive that focuses the
executive's  attention on managing the Company from the  perspective of an owner
with an equity stake in the business.  Among the Company's  executive  officers,
the number of shares  subject to options  granted to each  individual  generally
depends upon the level of the officer's  responsibility.  The largest grants are
awarded  to the  most  senior  officers  who,  in the  view of the  Compensation
Committee, have the greatest potential impact on the Company's profitability and
growth. Previous grants of stock options are reviewed but are not considered the
most important  factor in determining the size of any  executive's  stock option
award in a particular year.

     From time to time,  the  Compensation  Committee  utilizes  the services of
independent  consultants to perform analysis and to make  recommendations to the
Committee relative to executive compensation matters. No compensation consultant
is paid on a retainer basis.

Relationship of Compensation to Performance for Officers and Chief Executive

     The Compensation Committee annually establishes,  subject to any applicable
employment  agreements,  the  salaries  which  will  be  paid  to the  Company's
executive  officers during the coming year. In setting  salaries,  the Committee
takes into account several factors, including competitive compensation data, the
extent  to which  an  individual  may  participate  in the  stock  option  plans
maintained by the Company and its affiliates, and qualitative factors bearing on
an  individual's   experience,   responsibilities,   management  and  leadership
abilities and job performance.

    The Compensation Committee:     Thomas J. Allshouse
                                    Edward K. Walker
                                    Alvin M. Silver

Compliance with Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act

     Section  16(a)  of  the  Exchange  Act  requires  the  Company's  executive
officers,  directors  and persons who own more than ten percent of a  registered
class of the Company's equity securities (Reporting Persons") to file reports of
ownership and changes in ownership on Forms 3, 4 and 5 with the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC") and the  National  Association  of  Securities
Dealers,  Inc.  (the  "NASD").  These  Reporting  Persons  are  required  by SEC
regulations to furnish the Company with copies of all Forms 3, 4 and 5 they file
with the SEC and NASD.

     Based  solely upon the  Company's  review of the copies of the forms it has
received,  the Company believes that all Reporting  Persons complied on a timely
basis  with  all  filing  requirements   applicable  to  them  with  respect  to
transactions during fiscal year 1999.

                                PERFORMANCE GRAPH

     The following graph sets forth the cumulative total  stockholder  return to
the Company's  stockholders  during the five year period ended August 1, 1999 as
well as an overall stock market index (NASDAQ Stock Market-US) and the Company's
peer group index (S&P Aerospace/Defense):

                        THE S & P AEROSPACE/DEFENSE INDEX

                                                        Cumulative Total Return
                                       7/94       7/95       7/96       7/97       7/98       7/99

HERLEY INDUSTRIES, INC.               100.00     136.51     222.22     352.38     336.52     469.84
NASDAQ STOCK MARKET (U.S.)            100.00     140.40     152.98     225.75     265.75     379.01
S & P AEROSPACE/DEFENSE               100.00     148.90     193.21     273.78     208.03     217.78




     At the Annual Meeting there will be presented to stockholders two proposals
to approve the adoption of the Herley  Industries,  Inc. 1997 Stock Option Plan,
and the 1998 Stock Option Plan (the"Option  Plans"),  which were approved by the
Board of  Directors  on May 1, 1997 and June 17,  1998,  respectively.  Eligible
participants   are  officers  and  employees  of  the  Company  or  any  of  its
subsidiaries  or  affiliates.  Options  granted  under the  Option  Plans may be
incentive stock options qualified under Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986, as amended, (the "Code") or non-qualified stock options.

     Management  believes that the Company's long-term success is dependent upon
the  ability of the  Company  to  attract  and  retain  qualified  officers  and
employees  and to  motivate  their  best  efforts  on  behalf  of the  Company's
interests.  The  Company  believes  that the  Option  Plans will  constitute  an
important  part  of  the  Company's  compensation  of  its  officers  and  other

     The full text of the Option  Plans appear as "Exhibit A" and "Exhibit B" to
this Proxy Statement.  The principal features of the Option Plans are summarized
below,  but such  summary is  qualified  in its entirety by the full text of the
Option Plans.

Stock Subject to the Plan

     The stock to be offered under the Option Plans  consist of shares,  whether
authorized  but unissued or  reacquired  by the Company,  of Common Stock of the
Company.  The total number of shares of Common Stock  issuable upon the exercise
of all stock  options  under the Option Plans may not exceed  3,166,666  shares,
subject to adjustments  upon the occurrence of certain  events,  including stock
dividends,    stock   splits,    mergers,    consolidations,    reorganizations,
recapitalizations, or other capital adjustments.

Administration of the Plans

     The Option  Plans are to be  administered  by the Board of Directors of the
Company;  provided,  however,  that  the  Board  may,  in  the  exercise  of its
discretion, designate from among its members a Compensation Committee or a Stock
Option  Committee (the  "Committee")  consisting of no fewer than two directors.
The Board intends that its  Compensation  Committee  will  administer the Option

     Subject to the terms of the Option  Plans,  the Board of  Directors  or the
Committee may determine and designate those officers and employees who are to be
granted  stock  options  under the  Option  Plans and the number of shares to be
subject to such options and, as hereinafter  described,  the nature and terms of
the options to be granted.  The Board of Directors or the Committee  shall also,
subject  to the  express  provisions  of the Option  Plans,  have  authority  to
interpret  the Option  Plans and to  prescribe,  amend and rescind the rules and
regulations relating to the Option Plans.

Grant of Options

     Officers  and  employees  of the  Company  or any  of its  subsidiaries  or
affiliates are eligible to participate in the Option Plans.

     The exercise  price for incentive  stock  options  granted under the Option
Plans will be the fair market value of the Company's Common Stock on the date of
grant of the stock option (or in the case of incentive  stock options granted to
any  individual  who owns stock  possessing  more than 10% of the total combined
voting  power of all voting  stock of the Company [a  "Principal  Stockholder"],
110% of such fair market  value).  The exercise  price for  Non-Qualified  Stock
Options  granted  under the Option  Plans will be not less than such fair market
value. The option price, as well as the number of shares subject to such option,
shall be  appropriately  adjusted by the Committee in the event of stock splits,
stock dividends, recapitalizations,  and certain other events involving a change
in the Company's capital.

Exercise of Stock Options

     Stock  options  granted  under the Option Plans shall expire not later than
ten years from the date of grant,  or in the case of any incentive  stock option
granted to a  Principal  Stockholder,  five years from the date of grant or such
shorter period as the Committee may determine.

     Stock options granted under the Option Plans may become  exercisable in one
or more  installments  in the manner and at the time or times  specified  by the
Committee.  Subject  to this  power of the  Committee,  and except in the manner
described below upon the death of the Optionee,  a stock option may be exercised
for all of the  subject  shares on and after the first such  anniversary  of the
date of the grant of such Option,  but in no event later than the  expiration of
the term of the Option.

     Upon the exercise of a stock option,  Optionees may pay the exercise  price
in cash, by certified or bank  cashiers  check or, at the option of the Company,
in shares of Common Stock of the Company  valued at its fair market value on the
date of exercise,  or a combination  thereof.  Withholding and other  employment
taxes  applicable  to the exercise of an option shall be paid by the optionee at
such  time as the  Board  of  Directors  or the  Committee  determines  that the
optionee  has  recognized  gross  income  under  the Code  resulting  from  such
exercise.  These taxes may, at the option of the  Company,  be paid in shares of
Common Stock.

     An  Incentive  Stock  Option  shall be  exercisable  during the  Optionee's
lifetime  only by the  Optionee  and shall not be  exercisable  by the  Optionee
unless,  at all times since the date of grant and at the time of exercise,  such
Optionee is an employee of the Company,  or any subsidiary or affiliate,  except
that,  upon  termination  of all  employment  (other  than by  death or by Total
Disability  followed  by death in the  circumstances  provided  below)  with the
Company, any subsidiary or any affiliate, the Optionee may exercise an Incentive
Stock Option at any time within three months  thereafter  but only to the extent
such Option is exercisable on the date of such termination.

     In the  event of the death of an  Optionee  (i)  while an  employee  of the
Company, any parent corporation of the Company or any subsidiary, or (ii) within
three months after  termination of all employment  with the Company,  any parent
corporation of the Company and any subsidiary  (other than for Total Disability)
or (iii) within three months after termination on account of Total Disability of
all employment with the Company,  any parent  corporation of the Company and any
Subsidiary,  such  optionee's  estate or any  person who  acquires  the right to
exercise such option by bequest or  inheritance or by reason of the death of the
optionee may exercise  such  Optionee's  Option at any time within the period of
one year from the date of death.  In the case of  clauses  (i) and (iii)  above,
such Option shall be  exercisable  in full for all the remaining  shares covered
thereby, but in the case of clause (ii) such Option shall be exercisable only to
the extent it is exercisable on the date of such termination.

     To the extent the aggregate market value of the Common Stock (determined as
of the date of grant) with respect to which any options  granted are intended to
be  designated  as Incentive  Stock Options under the Option Plans (or any other
incentive  stock  option  plan of the  Company or any  subsidiary)  which may be
exercisable  for the first time by the  optionee in any  calendar  year  exceeds
$100,000, such options shall not be considered Incentive Stock Options.

     Stock options  granted under the Option Plans may not be transferred by the
holder  other than by will or the laws of descent  and  distribution  and may be
exercised during the holder's lifetime only by the holder.

Change in Control

     In the  event  of a  Change  in  Control  (as  defined),  (a)  all  options
outstanding on the date of such Change in Control  shall,  for a period of sixty
(60)  days  following  such  Change in  Control,  become  immediately  and fully
exercisable, and (b) an optionee will be permitted to surrender for cancellation
within  sixty (60) days after such Change in Control any option or portion of an
option  which was  granted  more than six (6)  months  prior to the date of such
surrender, to the extent not yet exercised,  and to receive a cash payment in an
amount  equal to the excess,  if any,  of the Fair Market  Value (on the date of
surrender)  of the  shares of Common  Stock  subject  to the  option or  portion
thereof surrendered, over the aggregate purchase price for such Shares under the

Federal Income Tax Consequences

     Incentive  Stock Options  granted under the Option Plans are intended to be
qualified  incentive  stock options in accordance with the provisions of Section
422  of the  Code.  All  other  options  granted  under  the  Option  Plans  are

non-qualified options not entitled to special tax treatment under Section 422 of
the Code.  Generally,  the grant of an incentive stock option will not result in
taxable  income to the recipient at the time of the grant,  and the Company will
not be  entitled  to an  income  tax  deduction  at  such  time.  The  grant  of
non-qualified  options will not result in taxable income to the recipient at the
time of the grant to the extent  that it is  granted at 100% of the fair  market
value of the  Company's  Common Stock at such time.  So long as such option does
not  result in taxable  income to the  recipient  at the time of the grant,  the
Company will not be entitled to an income tax deduction.

     Upon the exercise of an Incentive  Stock  Option  granted  under the Option
Plans,  the recipient will not be treated as receiving any taxable  income,  and
the Company will not be entitled to an income tax  deduction.  Upon the exercise
of a non-qualified  option,  an employee who is not a director or officer of the
Company will be treated as receiving  compensation,  taxable as ordinary income,
in an amount  equal to the  excess of the fair  market  value of the  underlying
shares of the Company's Common Stock at the time of exercise,  over the exercise
price. The date of recognition and  determination  of the ordinary  compensation
income  attributable to shares received upon exercise of an option by an officer
of the Company,  while he or she is subject to Section  16(b) of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, is generally delayed until six months after such exercise,
unless that person  elects to be taxed as of the date of  exercise.  The Company
will  receive an income tax  deduction  for the amount  treated as  compensation
income  to the  recipient  at the time  and in the  amount  that  the  recipient
recognizes such income.

     Upon  subsequent  disposition  of the  shares  subject to the  option,  any
differences  between the tax basis of the shares and the amount  realized on the
disposition  is generally  treated as long-term  or  short-term  capital gain or
loss,  depending on the holding period of the shares of Common Stock;  provided,
that if the shares subject to an incentive stock option are disposed of prior to
the expiration of two years from the date of grant and one year from the date of
exercise,  the gain  realized  on the  disposition  will be treated as  ordinary
compensation income to the Optionee.

Board Position and Required Vote

     The affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares voting on this
proposal is required  for  approval of the  adoption of the Option  Plans by the

     The Board of  Directors  recommends  a vote FOR approval of the adoption of
the Option Plans by the shareholders.

                            MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION

     A representative of Arthur Andersen LLP, the Company's  independent  public
accountants for the fiscal year ended August 1, 1999, plans to be present at the
Annual Meeting with the  opportunity to make a statement if he desires to do so,
and will be available to respond to appropriate questions.

     As of the date of this Proxy  Statement,  the Board of  Directors  does not
know of any business other than specified above to come before the meeting, but,
if any other business does lawfully come before the meeting, it is the intention
of the  persons  named in the  enclosed  Proxy  to vote in  regard  thereto,  in
accordance with their judgment.

     The Company  will pay the cost of  soliciting  proxies in the  accompanying
form.  In addition to  solicitation  by use of the mails,  certain  officers and
regular employees of the Company may solicit proxies by telephone,  telegraph or
personal  interview.  The Company may also  request  brokerage  houses and other
custodians, and, nominees and fiduciaries, to forward soliciting material to the
beneficial  owners  of  stock  held by  record  by such  persons,  and may  make
reimbursement  for  payments  made for their  expense in  forwarding  soliciting
material to the beneficial owners of the stock held of record by such persons.

     Stockholder  proposals with respect to the Company's next Annual Meeting of
Stockholders must be received by the Company no later than October 1, 2000 to be
considered for inclusion in the Company's next Proxy Statement.

     A copy of the  Company's  Annual Report for the fiscal year ended August 1,
1999 has been  provided to all  stockholders  as of the Record Date.  The Annual
Report is not to be considered as proxy soliciting material.

                                         By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                                   LEE N. BLATT
                                               Chairman of the Board

Dated: December 29, 1999
       Lancaster, Pennsylvania

                                                           Exhibit A
                             HERLEY INDUSTRIES, INC.
                             1997 Stock Option Plan


1.1.  Name and General Purpose

     The name of this plan is the Herley Industries, Inc. 1997 Stock Option Plan
(hereinafter  called the  "Plan").  The purpose of the Plan is to enable  Herley
Industries,  Inc. (the "Company") and its  subsidiaries and affiliates to foster
and promote the  interests of the Company by attracting  and retaining  officers
and employees of the Company who  contribute  to the Company's  success by their
ability,  ingenuity and  industry,  to enable such officers and employees of the
Company to  participate  in the  long-term  success and growth of the Company by
giving them a  proprietary  interest  in the  Company  and to provide  incentive
compensation opportunities competitive with those of competing corporations.

1.2  Definitions

     a.   "Affiliate"  means any person or entity  controlled by or under common
          control  with the  Company,  by  virtue  of the  ownership  of  voting
          securities, by contract or otherwise.

     b.   "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

     c.   "Change in Control"  means a change of control of the  Company,  or in
          any person directly or indirectly controlling the Company, which shall

          (a)  a  change  in  control  as such  term  is  presently  defined  in
               Regulation 240.12b-(f) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
               as amended (the "Exchange Act"); or

          (b)  if any "person" (as such term is used in Section  13(d) and 14(d)
               of the  Exchange  Act) other than the Company or any "person" who
               on the date of this  Agreement  is a  director  or officer of the
               Company,  becomes  the  "beneficial  owner"  (as  defined in Rule
               13(d)-3  under the  Exchange  Act)  directly  or  indirectly,  of
               securities of the Company  representing  twenty  percent (20%) or
               more  of the  voting  power  of the  Company's  then  outstanding
               securities; or

          (c)  if during any period of two (2) consecutive years during the term
               of this Plan,  individuals  who at the  beginning  of such period
               constitute  the  Board of  Directors,  cease  for any  reason  to
               constitute at least a majority thereof.

     d.   "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     e.   "Committee"  means the  Committee  referred  to in Section  1.3 of the

     f.   "Common  Stock" means shares of the Common  Stock,  par value $.10 per
          share, of the Company.

     g.   "Company" means Herley Industries, Inc., a corporation organized under
          the laws of the State of Delaware (or any successor corporation).

     h.   "Fair Market  Value" means the market price of the Common Stock on the
          National   Association  of  Securities  Dealers  Automated   Quotation
          ("NASDAQ")  system on the date of the  grant or on any  other  date on
          which the  Common  Stock is to be valued  hereunder.  If no sale shall
          have been reported on NASDAQ on such date,  Fair Market Value shall be
          determined  by  the   Committee  in   accordance   with  the  Treasury
          Regulations applicable to incentive stock options under Section 422 of
          the Code.

     i    "Incentive  Stock Option" means an Incentive Stock Option as described
          in Section 2.1 of the Plan.

     j.   "Non-Employee Director" shall have the meaning set forth in Rule 16(b)
          promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission").

     k.   "Non-Qualified  Stock  Option" means a  Non-Qualified  Stock Option as
          described in Section 2.1 of the Plan.

     l.   "Option" means any option to purchase  Common Stock under Section 2 of
          the Plan.

     m.   "Participant"  means  any  officer  or  employee  of  the  Company,  a
          Subsidiary  or an  Affiliate  who  is  selected  by the  Committee  to
          participate in the Plan.

     n.   "Subsidiary"  means any  corporation  in which the  Company  possesses
          directly or indirectly 50% or more of the combined voting power of all
          classes of stock of such corporation.

     o.   "Total  Disability"  means accidental  bodily injury or sickness which
          wholly and  continuously  disabled an optionee.  The Committee,  whose
          decisions  shall  be  final,  shall  make  a  determination  of  Total

1.3  Administration of the Plan

     The Plan shall be  administered  by the  Committee  appointed  by the Board
consisting of two or more members of the Board all of who shall be  Non-Employee
Directors. The Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the Board and shall have
such powers as the Board may, from time to time, confer upon it.

     Subject to this  Section 1.3,  the  Committee  shall have sole and complete
authority to adopt, alter, amend or revoke such administrative rules, guidelines
and  practices  governing  the  operation of the Plan as it shall,  from time to
time, deem advisable, and to interpret the terms and provisions of the Plan.

     The Committee  shall keep minutes of its meetings and of action taken by it
without a meeting.  A majority of the Committee shall  constitute a quorum,  and
the acts of a majority of the  members  present at any meeting at which a quorum
is present,  or acts  approved in writing by all of the members of the Committee
without a meeting, shall constitute the acts of the Committee.

1.4  Eligibility

     Stock  options may be granted  only to officers or employees of the Company
or a Subsidiary  or  Affiliate.  Subject to Section 2.3, any person who has been
granted any Option may, if he is otherwise  eligible,  be granted an  additional
Option or Options.


     The aggregate  number of shares reserved for issuance  pursuant to the Plan
shall be 1,666,666  shares of Common Stock,  or the number and kind of shares of
stock or other securities which shall be substituted for such shares or to which
such shares shall be adjusted as provided in Section 1.6.

     Such number of shares may be set aside out of the  authorized  but unissued
shares of Common Stock or out of issued shares of Common Stock  acquired for and
held in the Treasury of the Company, not reserved for any other purpose.  Shares
subject to, but not sold or issued under, any Option terminating or expiring for
any reason  prior to its  exercise in full will again be  available  for Options
thereafter granted during the balance of the term of the Plan.

1.6  Adjustments Due to Stock Splits, Mergers, Consolidation, Etc.

     If, at any time,  the  Company  shall  take any  action,  whether  by stock
dividend,  stock split,  combination of shares or otherwise,  which results in a
proportionate  increase  or  decrease  in the  number of shares of Common  Stock
theretofore issued and outstanding,  the number of shares which are reserved for
issuance  under the Plan and the  number  of shares  which,  at such  time,  are
subject to Options shall, to the extent deemed appropriate by the Committee,  be
increased or  decreased  in the same  proportion,  provided,  however,  that the
Company shall not be obligated to issue fractional shares.

     Likewise,  in the event of any change in the  outstanding  shares of Common
Stock by reason of any recapitalization, merger, consolidation,  reorganization,
combination or exchange of shares or other corporate change, the Committee shall
make such substitution or adjustments, if any, as it deems to be appropriate, as
to the number or kind of shares of Common  Stock or other  securities  which are
reserved  for  issuance  under  the  Plan  and the  number  of  shares  or other
securities which, at such time are subject to Options.

     In the  event  of a  Change  in  Control,  at the  option  of the  Board or
Committee,  (a) all  options  outstanding  on the date of such Change in Control
shall, for a period of sixty (60) days following such Change in Control,  become
immediately  and fully  exercisable,  and (b) an optionee  will be  permitted to
surrender for  cancellation  within sixty (60) days after such Change in Control
any option or portion of an option  which was  granted  more than six (6) months
prior to the date of such  surrender,  to the extent not yet  exercised,  and to
receive a cash  payment in an amount  equal to the  excess,  if any, of the Fair
Market Value (on the date of surrender) of the shares of Common Stock subject to
the option or portion thereof surrendered, over the aggregate purchase price for
such Shares under the option.

1.7  Non-Alienation of Benefits

     Except as herein  specifically  provided,  no right or unpaid benefit under
the Plan shall be subject to  alienation,  assignment,  pledge or charge and any
attempt to  alienate,  assign,  pledge or charge the same shall be void.  If any
Participant  or other person  entitled to benefits  hereunder  should attempt to
alienate,  assign,  pledge or charge any benefit  hereunder,  then such  benefit
shall, in the discretion of the Committee, cease.

1.8  Withholding or Deduction for Taxes

     If, at any time,  the Company or any  Subsidiary  or Affiliate is required,
under applicable laws and regulations, to withhold, or to make any deduction for
any taxes, or take any other action in connection with any Option exercise,  the
Participant  shall be  required  to pay to the  Company  or such  Subsidiary  or
Affiliate, the amount of any taxes required to be withheld, or, in lieu thereof,
at the option of the Company,  the Company or such  Subsidiary  or Affiliate may
accept a  sufficient  number  of shares  of  Common  Stock to cover  the  amount
required to be withheld.

1.9  Administrative Expenses

     The entire expense of administering the Plan shall be borne by the Company.

1.10 General Conditions

     a.   The Board or the Committee may, from time to time,  amend,  suspend or
          terminate  any or all of the  provisions of the Plan,  provided  that,
          without the Participant's  approval, no change may be made which would
          prevent  an  Incentive  Stock  Option  granted  under  the  Plan  from
          qualifying as an Incentive  Stock Option under Section 422 of the Code
          or result in a  "modification"  of the  Incentive  Stock  Option under
          Section  424(h) of the Code or  otherwise  alter or  impair  any right
          theretofore  granted to any  Participant ; and further  provided that,
          without the  consent and  approval of the holders of a majority of the
          outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Company present at a meeting
          at which a quorum exists, neither the Board nor the Committee may make
          any  amendment  which (i)  changes the class of persons  eligible  for
          options;  (ii) increases  (except as provided under Section 1.6 above)
          the total number of shares or other  securities  reserved for issuance
          under the Plan;  (iii)  decreases the minimum  option prices stated in
          Section  2.2 hereof  (other  than to change the manner of  determining
          Fair Market Value to conform to any then  applicable  provision of the
          Code or any regulation  thereunder);  (iv) extends the expiration date
          of the  Plan,  or the limit on the  maximum  term of  Options;  or (v)
          withdraws the  administration of the Plan from a committee  consisting
          of two or more members, each of whom is a non-employee director.

     b.   With the consent of the Participant  affected  thereby,  the Committee
          may  amend  or  modify  any  outstanding  Option  in  any  manner  not
          inconsistent   with  the  terms  of  the  Plan,   including,   without
          limitation,  and irrespective of the provisions of Sections 2.3(c) and
          2.4(b)  below,  to  accelerate  the  date  or  dates  as of  which  an
          installment of an Option becomes exercisable.

     c.   Nothing  contained  in the Plan  shall  prohibit  the  Company  or any
          Subsidiary or Affiliate from establishing  other additional  incentive
          compensation  arrangements  for  employees  of  the  Company  or  such
          Subsidiary or Affiliate.

     d.   Nothing in the Plan shall be deemed to limit, in any way, the right of
          the  Company  or  any   Subsidiary   or   Affiliate   to  terminate  a
          Participant's  employment  with the  Company  (or such  Subsidiary  or
          Affiliate) at any time.

     e.   Any decision or action taken by the Board or the Committee arising out
          of  or  in   connection   with   the   construction,   administration,
          interpretation  and effect of the Plan shall be conclusive and binding
          upon all  Participants  and any person  claiming  under or through any

     f.   No member of the Board or of the Committee shall be liable for any act
          or action,  whether of  commission  or  omission,  (i) by such  member
          except in  circumstances  involving  actual bad faith, nor (ii) by any
          other member or by any officer, agent or employee.

1.11  Compliance with Applicable Law

        Notwithstanding  any other  provision of the Plan, the Company shall not
be  obligated  to issue any shares of Common  Stock,  or grant any  Option  with
respect thereto, unless it is advised by counsel of its selection that it may do
so without violation of the applicable  Federal and State laws pertaining to the
issuance of  securities  and the Company  may require any stock  certificate  so
issued to bear a legend, may give its transfer agent  instructions  limiting the
transfer  thereof,  and may  take  such  other  steps,  as in its  judgment  are
reasonably required to prevent any such violation.

1.12  Effective Dates

        The  Plan  was  adopted  by the  Board on May 1,  1997.  The Plan  shall
terminate on April 30, 2007.


2.1  Authority of Committee

        Subject to the provisions of the Plan, the Committee shall have the sole
and complete  authority to determine (i) the  Participants to whom Options shall
be granted;  (ii) the number of shares to be covered by each  Option;  and (iii)
the  conditions  and  limitations,  if any,  in  addition  to those set forth in
Sections 2 and 3 hereof,  applicable  to the  exercise  of an Option,  including
without limitation,  the nature and duration of the restrictions,  if any, to be
imposed upon the sale or other  disposition of shares  acquired upon exercise of
an Option.

        Stock options  granted under the Plan may be of two types:  an incentive
stock  option  ("Incentive  Stock  Option");  and a  non-qualified  stock option
("Non-Qualified Stock Option").

        It is intended that the Incentive Stock Options granted  hereunder shall
constitute incentive stock options within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code
and shall be subject to the tax treatment described in Section 422 of the Code.

        Anything in the Plan to the  contrary  notwithstanding,  no provision of
the Plan relating to Incentive  Stock Options shall be  interpreted,  amended or
altered,  nor shall any  discretion  or authority  granted  under the Plan be so
exercised,  so as to disqualify  either the Plan or,  without the consent of the
optionee, any Incentive Stock Option under Section 422 of the Code.

        The Committee shall have the authority to grant Incentive Stock Options,
or to grant  Non-Qualified  Stock Options, or to grant both types of Options. To
the extent that any Option does not qualify as an  Incentive  Stock  Option,  in
whole or in part, it shall constitute a separate  Non-Qualified  Stock Option to
the extent of such disqualification.

2.2  Option Exercise Price

        The  price of stock  purchased  upon the  exercise  of  Options  granted
pursuant to the Plan shall be the Fair Market Value thereof at the time that the
Option is granted.

        If an  employee  owns or is deemed to own (by reason of the  attribution
rules applicable under Section 424(d) of the Code) more than 10% of the combined
voting  power  of  all  classes  of  the  stock  of the  Company  or any  parent
corporation  of the Company or Subsidiary and an Option granted to such employee
is  intended  to qualify as an  Incentive  Stock  Option  within the  meaning of
Section 422 of the Code,  the  exercise  price shall be no less than 110% of the
Fair Market  Value of the Common  Stock on the date the Option is  granted.  The
purchase price is to be paid in full in cash,  certified or bank cashier's check
or, at the option of the  Company,  Common Stock valued at its Fair Market Value
on the date of exercise,  or a combination thereof, when the Option is exercised
and stock certificates will be delivered only against such payment.

2.3  Incentive Stock Option Grants

        Each Incentive Stock Option will be subject to the following provisions:

        a.  Term of Option

          An  Incentive  Stock  Option  will be for a term of not more  than ten
          years  from  the date of  grant,  except  in the  case of an  employee
          described  in the second  paragraph of Section 2.2 above in which case
          an  Incentive  Stock  Option  will be for a term of not more than five
          years from the date of the grant.

        b.  Annual Limit

          To the extent the  aggregate  Fair  Market  Value of the Common  Stock
          (determined as of the date of grant) with respect to which any options
          granted  hereunder are intended to be  designated  as Incentive  Stock
          Options  under the Plan (or any other  incentive  stock option plan of
          the Company or any Subsidiary)  which may be exercisable for the first
          time by the  optionee in any  calendar  year  exceeds  $100,000,  such
          options shall not be considered incentive stock options.

        c.  Exercise

          Subject to the power of the Committee  under Section 1.10(b) above and
          except in the manner  described  below upon the death of the optionee,
          an Incentive  Stock Option may be exercised  only in  installments  as
          follows:  up to one-half of the subject  shares on and after the first
          anniversary  of the date of grant,  up to all of the subject shares on
          and after the second such anniversary of the date of the grant of such
          Option but in no event  later than the  expiration  of the term of the

          An Incentive  Stock Option shall be exercisable  during the optionee's
          lifetime  only by the  optionee  and shall not be  exercisable  by the
          optionee unless,  at all times since the date of grant and at the time
          of exercise,  such optionee is an employee of the Company,  any parent
          corporation  of the  Company  or any  Subsidiary,  except  that,  upon
          termination of all employment (other than by death,  Total Disability,
          or by Total Disability followed by death in the circumstances provided
          below) with the Company, any parent corporation of the Company and any
          Subsidiary or Affiliate,  the optionee may exercise an Incentive Stock
          Option at any time  within  three  months  thereafter  but only to the
          extent such Option is exercisable on the date of such termination.

          Upon termination of all employment by Total  Disability,  the Optionee
          may exercise such options at any time within one year thereafter,  but
          only to the  extent  such  option is  exercisable  on the date of such

          In the event of the death of an optionee  (i) while an employee of the
          Company,  any parent  corporation  of the Company or any Subsidiary or
          Affiliate,  or (ii)  within  three  months  after  termination  of all
          employment with the Company, any parent corporation of the Company and
          any Subsidiary or Affiliate (other than for Total Disability) or (iii)
          within one year after  termination  on account of Total  Disability of
          all employment with the Company, any parent corporation of the Company
          and any Subsidiary or Affiliate,  such optionee's estate or any person
          who  acquires  the  right  to  exercise  such  option  by  bequest  or
          inheritance  or by reason of the death of the  optionee  may  exercise
          such  optionee's  Option at any time  within the period of three years
          from the date of death.  In the case of clauses  (i) and (iii)  above,
          such Option shall be exercisable in full for all the remaining  shares
          covered  thereby,  but in the case of clause (ii) such Option shall be
          exercisable  only to the extent it was exercisable on the date of such

          Notwithstanding the foregoing  provisions regarding the exercise of an
          Option in the event of death, Total Disability or other termination of
          employment,  in no event shall an Option be exercisable in whole or in
          part after the termination date provided in the Option.

        d.  Transferability

          An  Incentive  Stock  Option  granted  under  the  Plan  shall  not be
          transferable  otherwise  than by will or by the  laws of  descent  and

2.4  Non-Qualified Stock Option Grants

        Each  Non-Qualified  Stock  Option  will  be  subject  to the  following

        a.  Term of Option

               A Non-Qualified  Stock Option will be for a term of not more than
          ten years from the date of grant.

        b.  Exercise

               The exercise of a Non-Qualified  Stock Option shall be subject to
          the same terms and  conditions as provided  under Section 2.3(c) above
          except  that  (i)  upon   termination   of  all  employment  by  Total
          Disability,  the Optionee may exercise such options at any time within
          three  years  thereafter  and  (ii) in the  event  of the  death of an
          Optionee  within  three  years after  termination  on account of Total
          Disability of all  employment  with the Company,  or any subsidiary or
          affiliate, such Optionee's estate or any person who acquires the right
          to exercise such option by bequest or  inheritance or by reason of the
          death of the Optionee may exercise such Optionee's  option at any time
          within a period of three years from the date of death.

        c.  Transferability

               A Non-Qualified  Stock Option granted under the Plan shall not be
          transferable  otherwise  than by will or by the  laws of  descent  and
          distribution,  except  as  may  be  permitted  by  the  Board  or  the

2.5  Agreements

     In  consideration  of any Options granted to a Participant  under the Plan,
each such  Participant  shall  enter into an Option  Agreement  with the Company
providing,  consistent  with the  Plan,  such  terms as the  Committee  may deem

                                                          Exhibit B
                             HERLEY INDUSTRIES, INC.
                             1998 Stock Option Plan


1.1.  Name and General Purpose

     The name of this plan is the Herley Industries, Inc. 1998 Stock Option Plan
(hereinafter  called the  "Plan").  The purpose of the Plan is to enable  Herley
Industries,  Inc. (the "Company") and its  subsidiaries and affiliates to foster
and promote the  interests of the Company by attracting  and retaining  officers
and employees of the Company who  contribute  to the Company's  success by their
ability,  ingenuity and  industry,  to enable such officers and employees of the
Company to  participate  in the  long-term  success and growth of the Company by
giving them a  proprietary  interest  in the  Company  and to provide  incentive
compensation opportunities competitive with those of competing corporations.

1.2  Definitions

     a.   "Affiliate"  means any person or entity  controlled by or under common
          control  with the  Company,  by  virtue  of the  ownership  of  voting
          securities, by contract or otherwise.

     b.   "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

     c.   "Change in Control"  means a change of control of the  Company,  or in
          any person directly or indirectly controlling the Company, which shall

          (a)  a  change  in  control  as such  term  is  presently  defined  in
               Regulation 240.12b-(f) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
               as amended (the "Exchange Act"); or

          (b)  if any "person" (as such term is used in Section  13(d) and 14(d)
               of the  Exchange  Act) other than the Company or any "person" who
               on the date of this  Agreement  is a  director  or officer of the
               Company,  becomes  the  "beneficial  owner"  (as  defined in Rule
               13(d)-3  under the  Exchange  Act)  directly  or  indirectly,  of
               securities of the Company  representing  twenty  percent (20%) or
               more  of the  voting  power  of the  Company's  then  outstanding
               securities; or

          (c)  if during any period of two (2) consecutive years during the term
               of this Plan,  individuals  who at the  beginning  of such period
               constitute  the  Board of  Directors,  cease  for any  reason  to
               constitute at least a majority thereof.

     d.   "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

     e.   "Committee"  means the  Committee  referred  to in Section  1.3 of the

     f.   "Common  Stock" means shares of the Common  Stock,  par value $.10 per
          share, of the Company.

     g.   "Company" means Herley Industries, Inc., a corporation organized under
          the laws of the State of Delaware (or any successor corporation).

     h.   "Fair Market  Value" means the market price of the Common Stock on the
          National   Association  of  Securities  Dealers  Automated   Quotation
          ("NASDAQ")  system on the date of the  grant or on any  other  date on
          which the  Common  Stock is to be valued  hereunder.  If no sale shall
          have been reported on NASDAQ on such date,  Fair Market Value shall be
          determined  by  the   Committee  in   accordance   with  the  Treasury
          Regulations applicable to incentive stock options under Section 422 of
          the Code.

     i.   "Incentive  Stock Option" means an Incentive Stock Option as described
          in Section 2.1 of the Plan.

     j.   "Non-Employee Director" shall have the meaning set forth in Rule 16(b)
          promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission").

     k.   "Non-Qualified  Stock  Option" means a  Non-Qualified  Stock Option as
          described in Section 2.1 of the Plan.

     l.   "Option" means any option to purchase  Common Stock under Section 2 of
          the Plan.

     m.   "Participant"  means  any  officer  or  employee  of  the  Company,  a
          Subsidiary  or an  Affiliate  who  is  selected  by the  Committee  to
          participate in the Plan.

     n.   "Subsidiary"  means any  corporation  in which the  Company  possesses
          directly or indirectly 50% or more of the combined voting power of all
          classes of stock of such corporation.

     o.   "Total  Disability"  means accidental  bodily injury or sickness which
          wholly and  continuously  disabled an optionee.  The Committee,  whose
          decisions  shall  be  final,  shall  make  a  determination  of  Total

1.3  Administration of the Plan

     The Plan shall be  administered  by the  Committee  appointed  by the Board
consisting of two or more members of the Board all of who shall be  Non-Employee
Directors. The Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the Board and shall have
such powers as the Board may, from time to time, confer upon it.

     Subject to this  Section 1.3,  the  Committee  shall have sole and complete
authority to adopt, alter, amend or revoke such administrative rules, guidelines
and  practices  governing  the  operation of the Plan as it shall,  from time to
time, deem advisable, and to interpret the terms and provisions of the Plan.

     The Committee  shall keep minutes of its meetings and of action taken by it
without a meeting.  A majority of the Committee shall  constitute a quorum,  and
the acts of a majority of the  members  present at any meeting at which a quorum
is present,  or acts  approved in writing by all of the members of the Committee
without a meeting, shall constitute the acts of the Committee.

1.4  Eligibility

     Stock  options may be granted  only to officers or employees of the Company
or a Subsidiary  or  Affiliate.  Subject to Section 2.3, any person who has been
granted any Option may, if he is otherwise  eligible,  be granted an  additional
Option or Options.


     The aggregate  number of shares reserved for issuance  pursuant to the Plan
shall be 1,500,000  shares of Common Stock,  or the number and kind of shares of
stock or other securities which shall be substituted for such shares or to which
such shares shall be adjusted as provided in Section 1.6.

     Such number of shares may be set aside out of the  authorized  but unissued
shares of Common Stock or out of issued shares of Common Stock  acquired for and
held in the Treasury of the Company, not reserved for any other purpose.  Shares
subject to, but not sold or issued under, any Option terminating or expiring for
any reason  prior to its  exercise in full will again be  available  for Options
thereafter granted during the balance of the term of the Plan.

1.6  Adjustments Due to Stock Splits, Mergers, Consolidation, Etc.

     If, at any time,  the  Company  shall  take any  action,  whether  by stock
dividend,  stock split,  combination of shares or otherwise,  which results in a
proportionate  increase  or  decrease  in the  number of shares of Common  Stock
theretofore issued and outstanding,  the number of shares which are reserved for
issuance  under the Plan and the  number  of shares  which,  at such  time,  are
subject to Options shall, to the extent deemed appropriate by the Committee,  be
increased or  decreased  in the same  proportion,  provided,  however,  that the
Company shall not be obligated to issue fractional shares.

     Likewise,  in the event of any change in the  outstanding  shares of Common
Stock by reason of any recapitalization, merger, consolidation,  reorganization,
combination or exchange of shares or other corporate change, the Committee shall
make such substitution or adjustments, if any, as it deems to be appropriate, as
to the number or kind of shares of Common  Stock or other  securities  which are
reserved  for  issuance  under  the  Plan  and the  number  of  shares  or other
securities which, at such time are subject to Options.

     In the  event  of a  Change  in  Control,  at the  option  of the  Board or
Committee,  (a) all  options  outstanding  on the date of such Change in Control
shall, for a period of sixty (60) days following such Change in Control,  become
immediately  and fully  exercisable,  and (b) an optionee  will be  permitted to
surrender for  cancellation  within sixty (60) days after such Change in Control
any option or portion of an option  which was  granted  more than six (6) months
prior to the date of such  surrender,  to the extent not yet  exercised,  and to
receive a cash  payment in an amount  equal to the  excess,  if any, of the Fair
Market Value (on the date of surrender) of the shares of Common Stock subject to
the option or portion thereof surrendered, over the aggregate purchase price for
such Shares under the option.

1.7  Non-Alienation of Benefits

     Except as herein  specifically  provided,  no right or unpaid benefit under
the Plan shall be subject to  alienation,  assignment,  pledge or charge and any
attempt to  alienate,  assign,  pledge or charge the same shall be void.  If any
Participant  or other person  entitled to benefits  hereunder  should attempt to
alienate,  assign,  pledge or charge any benefit  hereunder,  then such  benefit
shall, in the discretion of the Committee, cease.

1.8  Withholding or Deduction for Taxes

     If, at any time,  the Company or any  Subsidiary  or Affiliate is required,
under applicable laws and regulations, to withhold, or to make any deduction for
any taxes, or take any other action in connection with any Option exercise,  the
Participant  shall be  required  to pay to the  Company  or such  Subsidiary  or
Affiliate, the amount of any taxes required to be withheld, or, in lieu thereof,
at the option of the Company,  the Company or such  Subsidiary  or Affiliate may
accept a  sufficient  number  of shares  of  Common  Stock to cover  the  amount
required to be withheld.

1.9  Administrative Expenses

     The entire expense of administering the Plan shall be borne by the Company.

1.10 General Conditions

     a.   The Board or the Committee may, from time to time,  amend,  suspend or
          terminate  any or all of the  provisions of the Plan,  provided  that,
          without the Participant's  approval, no change may be made which would
          prevent  an  Incentive  Stock  Option  granted  under  the  Plan  from
          qualifying as an Incentive  Stock Option under Section 422 of the Code
          or result in a  "modification"  of the  Incentive  Stock  Option under
          Section  424(h) of the Code or  otherwise  alter or  impair  any right
          theretofore  granted to any  Participant ; and further  provided that,
          without the  consent and  approval of the holders of a majority of the
          outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Company present at a meeting
          at which a quorum exists, neither the Board nor the Committee may make
          any  amendment  which (i)  changes the class of persons  eligible  for
          options;  (ii) increases  (except as provided under Section 1.6 above)
          the total number of shares or other  securities  reserved for issuance
          under the Plan;  (iii)  decreases the minimum  option prices stated in
          Section  2.2 hereof  (other  than to change the manner of  determining
          Fair Market Value to conform to any then  applicable  provision of the
          Code or any regulation  thereunder);  (iv) extends the expiration date
          of the  Plan,  or the limit on the  maximum  term of  Options;  or (v)
          withdraws the  administration of the Plan from a committee  consisting
          of two or more members, each of whom is a non-employee director.

     b.   With the consent of the Participant  affected  thereby,  the Committee
          may  amend  or  modify  any  outstanding  Option  in  any  manner  not
          inconsistent   with  the  terms  of  the  Plan,   including,   without
          limitation,  and irrespective of the provisions of Sections 2.3(c) and
          2.4(b)  below,  to  accelerate  the  date  or  dates  as of  which  an
          installment of an Option becomes exercisable.

     c.   Nothing  contained  in the Plan  shall  prohibit  the  Company  or any
          Subsidiary or Affiliate from establishing  other additional  incentive
          compensation  arrangements  for  employees  of  the  Company  or  such
          Subsidiary or Affiliate.

     d.   Nothing in the Plan shall be deemed to limit, in any way, the right of
          the  Company  or  any   Subsidiary   or   Affiliate   to  terminate  a
          Participant's  employment  with the  Company  (or such  Subsidiary  or
          Affiliate) at any time.

     e.   Any decision or action taken by the Board or the Committee arising out
          of  or  in   connection   with   the   construction,   administration,
          interpretation  and effect of the Plan shall be conclusive and binding
          upon all  Participants  and any person  claiming  under or through any

     f.   No member of the Board or of the Committee shall be liable for any act
          or action,  whether of  commission  or  omission,  (i) by such  member
          except in  circumstances  involving  actual bad faith, nor (ii) by any
          other member or by any officer, agent or employee.

1.11  Compliance with Applicable Law

     Notwithstanding  any other  provision of the Plan, the Company shall not be
obligated to issue any shares of Common Stock,  or grant any Option with respect
thereto,  unless it is advised by  counsel  of its  selection  that it may do so
without  violation of the  applicable  Federal and State laws  pertaining to the
issuance of  securities  and the Company  may require any stock  certificate  so
issued to bear a legend, may give its transfer agent  instructions  limiting the
transfer  thereof,  and may  take  such  other  steps,  as in its  judgment  are
reasonably required to prevent any such violation.

1.12  Effective Dates

     The  Plan  was  adopted  by the  Board on June  17,  1998.  The Plan  shall
terminate on June 30, 2008.


2.1  Authority of Committee

     Subject to the  provisions of the Plan,  the Committee  shall have the sole
and complete  authority to determine (i) the  Participants to whom Options shall
be granted;  (ii) the number of shares to be covered by each  Option;  and (iii)
the  conditions  and  limitations,  if any,  in  addition  to those set forth in
Sections 2 and 3 hereof,  applicable  to the  exercise  of an Option,  including
without limitation,  the nature and duration of the restrictions,  if any, to be
imposed upon the sale or other  disposition of shares  acquired upon exercise of
an Option.

     Stock  options  granted  under the Plan may be of two types:  an  incentive
stock  option  ("Incentive  Stock  Option");  and a  non-qualified  stock option
("Non-Qualified Stock Option").

     It is intended that the Incentive  Stock Options  granted  hereunder  shall
constitute incentive stock options within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code
and shall be subject to the tax treatment described in Section 422 of the Code.

     Anything in the Plan to the contrary  notwithstanding,  no provision of the
Plan  relating to  Incentive  Stock  Options  shall be  interpreted,  amended or
altered,  nor shall any  discretion  or authority  granted  under the Plan be so
exercised,  so as to disqualify  either the Plan or,  without the consent of the
optionee, any Incentive Stock Option under Section 422 of the Code.

     The Committee shall have the authority to grant Incentive Stock Options, or
to grant  Non-Qualified Stock Options, or to grant both types of Options. To the
extent that any Option does not qualify as an Incentive  Stock Option,  in whole
or in part,  it shall  constitute a separate  Non-Qualified  Stock Option to the
extent of such disqualification.

2.2  Option Exercise Price

     The price of stock purchased upon the exercise of Options granted  pursuant
to the Plan shall be the Fair Market  Value  thereof at the time that the Option
is granted.

     If an employee owns or is deemed to own (by reason of the attribution rules
applicable  under  Section  424(d)  of the Code)  more than 10% of the  combined
voting  power  of  all  classes  of  the  stock  of the  Company  or any  parent
corporation  of the Company or Subsidiary and an Option granted to such employee
is  intended  to qualify as an  Incentive  Stock  Option  within the  meaning of
Section 422 of the Code,  the  exercise  price shall be no less than 110% of the
Fair Market  Value of the Common  Stock on the date the Option is  granted.  The
purchase price is to be paid in full in cash,  certified or bank cashier's check
or, at the option of the  Company,  Common Stock valued at its Fair Market Value
on the date of exercise,  or a combination thereof, when the Option is exercised
and stock certificates will be delivered only against such payment.

2.3  Incentive Stock Option Grants

     Each Incentive Stock Option will be subject to the following provisions:

        a.  Term of Option

          An  Incentive  Stock  Option  will be for a term of not more  than ten
          years  from  the date of  grant,  except  in the  case of an  employee
          described  in the second  paragraph of Section 2.2 above in which case
          an  Incentive  Stock  Option  will be for a term of not more than five
          years from the date of the grant.

        b.  Annual Limit

          To the extent the  aggregate  Fair  Market  Value of the Common  Stock
          (determined as of the date of grant) with respect to which any options
          granted  hereunder are intended to be  designated  as Incentive  Stock
          Options  under the Plan (or any other  incentive  stock option plan of
          the Company or any Subsidiary)  which may be exercisable for the first
          time by the  optionee in any  calendar  year  exceeds  $100,000,  such
          options shall not be considered incentive stock options.

        c.  Exercise

          Subject to the power of the Committee  under Section 1.10(b) above and
          except in the manner  described  below upon the death of the optionee,
          an Incentive  Stock Option may be exercised  only in  installments  as
          follows:  up to one-half of the subject  shares on and after the first
          anniversary  of the date of grant,  up to all of the subject shares on
          and after the second such anniversary of the date of the grant of such
          Option but in no event  later than the  expiration  of the term of the

          An Incentive  Stock Option shall be exercisable  during the optionee's
          lifetime  only by the  optionee  and shall not be  exercisable  by the
          optionee unless,  at all times since the date of grant and at the time
          of exercise,  such optionee is an employee of the Company,  any parent
          corporation  of the  Company  or any  Subsidiary,  except  that,  upon
          termination of all employment (other than by death,  Total Disability,
          or by Total Disability followed by death in the circumstances provided
          below) with the Company, any parent corporation of the Company and any
          Subsidiary or Affiliate,  the optionee may exercise an Incentive Stock
          Option at any time  within  three  months  thereafter  but only to the
          extent such Option is exercisable on the date of such termination.

          Upon termination of all employment by Total  Disability,  the Optionee
          may exercise such options at any time within one year thereafter,  but
          only to the  extent  such  option is  exercisable  on the date of such

          In the event of the death of an optionee  (i) while an employee of the
          Company,  any parent  corporation  of the Company or any Subsidiary or
          Affiliate,  or (ii)  within  three  months  after  termination  of all
          employment with the Company, any parent corporation of the Company and
          any Subsidiary or Affiliate (other than for Total Disability) or (iii)
          within one year after  termination  on account of Total  Disability of
          all employment with the Company, any parent corporation of the Company
          and any Subsidiary or Affiliate,  such optionee's estate or any person
          who  acquires  the  right  to  exercise  such  option  by  bequest  or
          inheritance  or by reason of the death of the  optionee  may  exercise
          such  optionee's  Option at any time  within the period of three years
          from the date of death.  In the case of clauses  (i) and (iii)  above,
          such Option shall be exercisable in full for all the remaining  shares
          covered  thereby,  but in the case of clause (ii) such Option shall be
          exercisable  only to the extent it was exercisable on the date of such

          Notwithstanding the foregoing  provisions regarding the exercise of an
          Option in the event of death, Total Disability or other termination of
          employment,  in no event shall an Option be exercisable in whole or in
          part after the termination date provided in the Option.

        d.  Transferability

          An  Incentive  Stock  Option  granted  under  the  Plan  shall  not be
          transferable  otherwise  than by will or by the  laws of  descent  and

2.4  Non-Qualified Stock Option Grants

        Each  Non-Qualified  Stock  Option  will  be  subject  to the  following

     a.   Term of Option

          A  Non-Qualified  Stock Option will be for a term of not more than ten
          years from the date of grant.

        b.  Exercise

          The exercise of a  Non-Qualified  Stock Option shall be subject to the
          same terms and  conditions  as provided  under  Section  2.3(c)  above
          except  that  (i)  upon   termination   of  all  employment  by  Total
          Disability,  the Optionee may exercise such options at any time within
          three  years  thereafter  and  (ii) in the  event  of the  death of an
          Optionee  within  three  years after  termination  on account of Total
          Disability of all  employment  with the Company,  or any subsidiary or
          affiliate, such Optionee's estate or any person who acquires the right
          to exercise such option by bequest or  inheritance or by reason of the
          death of the Optionee may exercise such Optionee's  option at any time
          within a period of three years from the date of death.

        c.  Transferability

          A  Non-Qualified  Stock  Option  granted  under the Plan  shall not be
          transferable  otherwise  than by will or by the  laws of  descent  and
          distribution,  except  as  may  be  permitted  by  the  Board  or  the

2.5  Agreements

     In  consideration  of any Options granted to a Participant  under the Plan,
each such  Participant  shall  enter into an Option  Agreement  with the Company
providing,  consistent  with the  Plan,  such  terms as the  Committee  may deem

                            HERLEY INDUSTRIES, INC.

The undersigned  hereby appoints Lee N. Blatt and Myron Levy, or either of them,
attorneys  and Proxies with full power of  substitution  in each of them, in the
name  and  stead  of the  undersigned  to vote as  Proxy  all the  stock  of the
undersigned in HERLEY INDUSTRIES,  INC., a Delaware  corporation,  at the Annual
Meeting  of  Stockholders  scheduled  to  be  held  February  1,  2000  and  any
adjournments thereof.

The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR the following proposals:

1.   Election of nominees listed at right, as set forth in the proxy statement:

                              Nominees:      Adm. Thomas J. Allshouse
                                             David H. Lieberman

  [   ]  FOR all nominees at right     [   ] WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote
(Instruction:  To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee,
 print the nominee's name on the line provided below)

2.   To consider  and act upon a proposal to ratify the adoption of a 1997 Stock
     Option Plan, as set forth in the proxy statement as "Exhibit A.".

      FOR  [  ]      AGAINST  [  ]           ABSTAIN  [  ]

3.   To consider  and act upon a proposal to ratify the adoption of a 1998 Stock
     Option Plan, as set forth in the proxy statement as "Exhibit B."

      FOR  [  ]      AGAINST  [  ]           ABSTAIN  [  ]

4.   To consider and act upon such other  business as may  properly  come before
     the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

                  (Continued and to be signed on reverse side)
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dated:  _____________, 2000           __________________________________[L.S.]


[Note:   Please  sign   exactly  as  your  name   appears   hereon.   Executors,
administrators,  trustees,  etc.  should so indicate when  signing,  giving full
title as such. If signer is a  corporation,  execute in full  corporate  name by
authorized officer.  If shares are held in the name of two or more persons,  all
should sign.)