February 15, 2001

Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street N.W.
Attn:  Document Control - EDGAR
Washington, D.C.  20549-1004

Re:  Chaparral Network Storage, Inc. Request for Withdrawal of Registration
     on Form S-1 -- Registration  No. 333-31990, and all Amendments and
     Exhibits thereto.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Pursuant to Rule 477, Chaparral Network Storage, Inc. (the "Company") hereby
respectfully requests that the filing transmitted on March 8, 2000 on Form S-1
and the exhibits thereto and the filing transmitted on April 27, 2000 as
Amendment No. 1 on Form S-1 and the exhibits thereto be withdrawn. The
Registration Number is 333-31990.

The filing stated that Company may offer, in a firm commitment underwritten
offering, common stock, par value $.001 per share, with a proposed maximum
aggregate offering price of $60,000,000. The Company has elected not to proceed
with the offering due to general market conditions and a determination that it
would be in its best interest not to proceed at this time and therefore desires
to withdraw the Registration Statement and all amendments and exhibits thereto.

No securities have been sold under the Form S-1 Registration Statement and all
activity in pursuit of the public offering has been discontinued.

Accordingly, we request an order granting withdrawal of the Form S-1
Registration Statement issued by the Commission as soon as possible.

Please direct any questions regarding this matter to Ronald R. Levine, II of
Davis Graham & Stubbs LLP at (303) 892-7514.


Chaparral Network Storage, Inc.

/s/Gary Allison
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Gary Allison
Chief Executive Officer