(RULE 14a-101)


                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                                (AMENDMENT NO. 2)

Filed by the Registrant |X|
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant |_|
Check the appropriate box:
|X|      Preliminary Proxy Statement
|_|      Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
|_|      Definitive Proxy Statement
|_|      Definitive Additional Materials
|_|      Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                                   MEDJET INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
|_|      No fee required.
|_|      Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and

(1)      Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

(2)      Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

(3)      Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
         pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
         filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

(4)      Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

(5)      Total fee paid:

|X|      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

|_|      Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number,
or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)      Amount previously paid:

(2)      Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

(3)      Filing Party:

(4)      Date Filed:

                                   MEDJET INC.
                           1090 KING GEORGES POST ROAD
                                    SUITE 301
                            EDISON, NEW JERSEY 08837

                                                                  May 10, 2002

Dear Stockholder,

         You are cordially invited to attend the annual meeting of stockholders
of Medjet Inc. to be held on Wednesday, June 5, 2002, at 10:00 a.m., local time,
at 1090 King Georges Post Road, Suite 307, Edison, New Jersey 08837.

         At the annual meeting, among other things, you will be asked to
consider and vote upon a proposal to approve and adopt an Agreement and Plan of
Merger and Reorganization, dated as of August 17, 2001, among Medjet, VISX,
Incorporated and Orion Acquisition Corp., a wholly-owned subsidiary of VISX. If
the proposed merger is consummated, under the merger agreement:

          o  Orion Acquisition Corp. will merge with and into Medjet;

          o  Medjet will continue as the corporation surviving the proposed
             merger and will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of VISX; and

          o  each outstanding share of our common stock (other than shares held
             by stockholders who perfect appraisal rights under Delaware law)
             will be converted into the right to receive $2.00 in cash,
             without interest.



         The accompanying notice of annual meeting and proxy statement explain
the proposed merger and contain specific information concerning the annual
meeting. Please read these materials carefully, and please do not send any stock
certificates at this time.

         Your vote is important, regardless of the number of shares you own.
Whether or not you plan to attend the annual meeting, please submit your proxy
in accordance with the instructions provided to

ensure that your shares will be voted at the annual meeting. If you decide to
attend the annual meeting, you may withdraw your proxy at that time and vote
your shares in person, if you wish.

                                                       Sincerely yours,

                                                       Eugene I. Gordon, Ph.D.
                                                       Chairman of the Board and
                                                       Chief Executive Officer


                                   MEDJET INC.
                           1090 KING GEORGES POST ROAD
                                    SUITE 301
                            EDISON, NEW JERSEY 08837

                           TO BE HELD ON JUNE 5, 2002


To the stockholders of Medjet Inc.:

         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual meeting of the stockholders of
Medjet Inc. will be held on Wednesday, June 5, 2002, at 1090 King Georges Post
Road, Suite 307, Edison, New Jersey 08837, at 10:00 a.m., local time, for the
following purposes:

          1.   To elect six directors to hold office until the 2003 annual
               meeting of stockholders;

          2.   To consider and vote upon a proposal to approve and adopt an
               Agreement and Plan of Merger and Reorganization, dated as of
               August 17, 2001, among Medjet, VISX, Incorporated and Orion
               Acquisition Corp., a wholly-owned subsidiary of VISX, pursuant to
               which, among other things, Orion Acquisition Corp. would be
               merged with and into Medjet, and each outstanding share of our
               common stock would be converted into the right to receive $2.00
               in cash, without interest; and

          3.   To transact such other business as may properly be presented at
               the annual meeting and at any adjournments or postponements

         Our board of directors has fixed the close of business on May 3, 2002
as the record date for the purpose of determining stockholders who are entitled
to notice of and to vote at the annual meeting and any adjournments or
postponements thereof. A list of these stockholders will be available during
regular business hours at our corporate offices, during the ten days prior to
the annual meeting, for inspection by any stockholder for any purpose germane to
the annual meeting.

         Stockholders who do not vote in favor of the merger agreement will have
the right to seek appraisal of the fair value of their shares if the merger is
completed, but only if they comply with Delaware law as explained in the
accompanying proxy statement and the attached annexes.

                                    By order of the Medjet Board of Directors,

                                    Cheryl A. Blake
                                    Corporate Secretary

Edison, New Jersey
May 10, 2002


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


SUMMARY TERM SHEET...........................................................iii
         Record Date; Stock Entitled to Vote; Quorum...........................1
         Votes Required........................................................1
         Voting by Our Directors and Officers and by VISX......................2
         Voting of Proxies.....................................................2
         How to Vote by Proxy..................................................2
         Revocability of Proxies...............................................2
         Deadline for Voting by Proxy..........................................3
         Solicitation of Proxies...............................................3
         The Companies.........................................................4
         The Merger............................................................5
         Recommendation of Our Board of Directors..............................5
         Interests of Our Directors and Officers in the Merger.................5
         Conditions to the Completion of the Merger............................5
         Termination of the Merger Agreement...................................6
         Effects of Termination................................................7
         Material U.S. Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Merger...........9
         Appraisal Rights......................................................9
         Price Range of Our Common Stock.......................................9
ELECTION OF DIRECTORS (Proposal 1)............................................10
         Board of Directors Committees and Meetings...........................11
         Finance and Audit Committee Report...................................11
         Compensation of Directors............................................12
EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION........................................................13
         Summary Compensation Table...........................................13
         Option Grants........................................................13
         Option Exercises and Year-End Option Values..........................13
         Employment Agreement.................................................13
         Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance..............15
THE MERGER (Proposal 2).......................................................16
         Background of the Merger.............................................16
         Our Reasons for the Merger; Recommendation of Our Board of
         Material U.S. Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Merger..........20
         Appraisal Rights.....................................................21
         Interests of Our Directors and Officers in the Merger................23
THE MERGER AGREEMENT..........................................................25
         The Merger...........................................................25
         Merger Consideration.................................................25
         Treatment of Options and Warrants....................................25
         Exchange Agent; Procedure for the Surrender of Stock
         Representations and Warranties of Medjet.............................26
         Representations and Warranties of VISX and Orion Acquisition Corp....27
         Certain Covenants....................................................27


         Additional Agreements................................................28
         Conditions to the Completion of the Merger...........................31
         Termination of the Merger Agreement..................................32
         Other Expenses.......................................................35
         Research, Development and Experimental Cost Sharing Agreement........35
         Share Transfer Agreement.............................................36
         Omnibus Waiver and Amendment Agreement...............................36
         First Amendment to the Registration Rights Agreement.................37
         Second Amendment to the Registration Rights Agreement................37
         Voting and Stock Option Agreement....................................37
         Non-Competition, Non-Solicitation and Non-Hire Agreement.............38
PRICE RANGE OF OUR COMMON STOCK...............................................41
OTHER MATTERS.................................................................42
INDEPENDENT AUDITORS..........................................................42
         Independent Auditors' Fees...........................................42
STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS FOR 2003................................................42
WHERE YOU CAN FIND MORE INFORMATION...........................................42
         Annex A      Agreement and Plan of Merger and Reorganization........A-1
         Annex B      Section 262 of the Delaware General Corporation Law....B-1
         Annex C      Finance and Audit Committee Charter....................C-1


                               SUMMARY TERM SHEET

         This summary term sheet highlights selected information contained in
this proxy statement and may not contain all of the information that is
important to you. In addition to this summary term sheet, we urge you to read
this entire proxy statement carefully, including the attached annexes.

              PARTIES--The parties to the merger agreement are Medjet Inc.,
              VISX, Incorporated and Orion Acquisition Corp. Orion Acquisition
              Corp. is a newly-formed Delaware corporation that is wholly-owned
              by VISX. Orion Acquisition Corp. was incorporated by VISX in
              order to acquire Medjet in the proposed merger. See "SUMMARY--The

              STOCKHOLDER VOTE--You are being asked to approve and adopt an
              Agreement and Plan of Merger and Reorganization, dated as of
              August 17, 2001, among Medjet, VISX and Orion Acquisition Corp.,
              by which Orion Acquisition Corp. will be merged with and into
              Medjet. Medjet would survive the proposed merger as a wholly-owned
              subsidiary of VISX. The merger agreement must be approved by the
              holders of a majority of the votes represented by the outstanding
              shares of our common stock and the outstanding shares of our
              series B convertible preferred stock, voting together as a single
              class. Each share of our common stock is entitled to one vote and
              each share of our series B convertible preferred stock is entitled
              to 100 votes. Together, our directors and officers and VISX are
              entitled to an aggregate of 2,685,787 votes, or approximately 54%
              of the voting power of our capital stock. As a result, our
              directors and officers and VISX, acting together, have the ability
              to control the outcome of the vote to approve and adopt the merger
              agreement at the annual meeting. See "GENERAL - Votes Required."

              RECOMMENDATION--Our board of directors has unanimously determined
              that the merger agreement, including the price and other terms,
              and the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement, taken
              as a whole, are fair and reasonable, and in the best interests of
              Medjet and our stockholders. Our board unanimously recommends that
              our stockholders vote FOR the approval and adoption of the merger
              agreement. When you consider the recommendation of our board of
              directors that you vote in favor of the approval and adoption of
              the merger agreement, you should be aware that a number of our
              directors and officers have interests in the proposed merger that
              are in addition to the interests of stockholders generally. In
              particular, certain of our directors and officers will benefit
              from the accelerated vesting of their stock options as a result of
              the merger. See "THE MERGER - Our Reasons for the Merger;
              Recommendation of Our Board of Directors" and "- Interests of our
              Directors and Officers in the Merger."

              PAYMENT--In the proposed merger, each outstanding share of our
              common stock automatically will be canceled and converted into the
              right to receive $2.00 in cash, without interest and less any
              applicable withholding tax, except for shares held by stockholders
              who properly perfect appraisal rights under Delaware law. You will
              not own any of our common stock after completion of the merger,
              even if you demand and perfect appraisal rights under Delaware
              law. See "THE MERGER AGREEMENT - Merger Consideration."

              TREATMENT OF OPTIONS AND WARRANTS--The merger agreement provides
              that outstanding options and warrants to purchase shares of our
              common stock not exercised prior to the effective time of the
              merger will be canceled and extinguished. VISX will pay to the
              holder of an option or warrant the difference between $2.00 and
              the exercise price per share (if less than $2.00) of our common
              stock underlying the option or warrant multiplied by the total
              number of shares of our common stock underlying the option or
              warrant. VISX will not pay


              any amounts with respect to any options or warrants that have an
              exercise price equal to or greater than $2.00. See "THE MERGER
              AGREEMENT - Treatment of Options and Warrants."

              TAX CONSEQUENCES--The receipt of cash for shares of our common
              stock in the merger will be a taxable transaction for U.S. federal
              income tax purposes, and may also be a taxable transaction under
              applicable state, local, foreign or other tax laws. Generally, you
              will recognize capital gain or loss for these purposes equal to
              the difference between $2.00 per share and your adjusted tax basis
              for the shares of our common stock you own immediately prior to
              the merger. For U.S. federal income tax purposes, any capital gain
              or loss generally will be long-term capital gain or loss if you
              held the shares of our common stock for more than one year. See
              "THE MERGER - Material U.S. Federal Income Tax Consequences of the

              CONDITIONS TO THE MERGER--The obligations of the parties to
              complete the merger are subject to the satisfaction or waiver of
              certain conditions, including, among others, the approval of the
              merger agreement by our stockholders, the absence of any legal
              prohibition on the completion of the merger, the receipt of all
              third party consents, waivers and approvals specified in the
              merger agreement, the accuracy of the representations and
              warranties in the merger agreement, our compliance with covenants
              and the absence of any materially adverse event or condition
              arising after the date of the merger agreement. IN ANY EVENT, EVEN
              WITH THE MERGER. See "THE MERGER AGREEMENT - Conditions to the
              Completion of the Merger."

              APPRAISAL RIGHTS--Stockholders who do not vote in favor of the
              approval and adoption of the merger agreement will be entitled to
              seek an appraisal of the "fair value" of their shares under
              Delaware law, exclusive of any element of value arising from the
              expectation or completion of the merger. In order to perfect the
              right to an appraisal, a stockholder must comply with the
              applicable requirements of Delaware law. See "THE MERGER -
              Appraisal Rights."



         At the annual meeting, one of the matters you will be asked to consider
and vote upon is a proposed merger with VISX. The following questions and
answers are for your convenience only, and briefly address some commonly asked
questions about the proposed merger and the annual meeting. You should still
carefully read this entire proxy statement, including each of the attached


A:        Among other things, you are being asked to approve and adopt
          a merger agreement that provides for the merger of Orion Acquisition
          Corp. with and into Medjet. Orion is a newly-formed Delaware
          corporation that VISX formed to acquire Medjet through the merger.
          If the merger is completed, Medjet would become a wholly-owned
          subsidiary of VISX.


A:        The merger agreement must be approved by the holders of a
          majority of the votes represented by the outstanding shares of our
          common stock and the outstanding shares of our series B convertible
          preferred stock, voting together as a single class. Each share of our
          common stock is entitled to one vote and each share of our series B
          convertible preferred stock is entitled to 100 votes. Together, our
          directors and officers and VISX are entitled to an aggregate of
          2,685,787 votes, or approximately 54% of the voting power of our
          capital stock. As a result, our directors and officers and VISX,
          acting together, have the ability to control the outcome of the vote
          to approve and adopt the merger agreement at the annual meeting.


A:        If the merger is completed, each issued and outstanding share
          of our common stock automatically will be canceled and converted into
          the right to receive $2.00 in cash, without interest and less any
          applicable withholding tax, except for shares of our common stock held
          by stockholders who properly perfect their appraisal rights under
          Delaware law, which shares will be subject to appraisal to determine
          their "fair value" in accordance with Delaware law, exclusive of any
          element of value arising from the expectation or completion of the


A:        Our board of directors has unanimously determined that the merger
          agreement, including the price and other terms, and the transactions
          contemplated by the merger agreement, taken as a whole, are fair and
          reasonable, and in the best interest of Medjet and our stockholders.
          Our board unanimously recommends that all Medjet stockholders vote FOR
          the approval and adoption of the merger agreement. When you
          consider the recommendation of our board of directors that you vote in
          favor of the approval and adoption of the merger agreement, you should
          be aware that a number of our directors and officers have interests in
          the proposed merger that are in addition to the interests of
          stockholders generally. In particular, certain of our directors and
          officers will benefit from the accelerated vesting of their stock
          options as a result of the merger.


A:        Yes.  The obligation of VISX to complete the merger is subject to the
          satisfaction or waiver of certain conditions, including, among others,
          the approval of the merger agreement by our stockholders, the absence
          of any legal prohibition on the completion of the merger, the receipt


          all third party consents, waivers and approvals specified in the
          merger agreement, the accuracy of our representations and warranties,
          our compliance with covenants and the absence of any materially
          adverse event or condition arising after the date of the merger
          agreement. Our obligation to complete the merger is subject to the
          satisfaction or waiver of certain conditions, including, among others,
          the approval of the merger agreement by our stockholders and the
          absence of any legal prohibition on the completion of the merger.

          In any event, even if all of the conditions to the completion of the
          merger are satisfied, VISX may decide, in its sole discretion, not to
          proceed with the merger.


A:        We and VISX are working to complete the merger prior to
          August 17, 2002. However, because VISX may elect not to proceed with
          the merger for any or no reason, we cannot predict the exact timing of
          the completion of the merger or whether the merger will occur at all.


A:        Soon after the merger is completed, an exchange agent to be selected
          by VISX will send a letter to each of our stockholders. The letter
          will contain instructions describing how to surrender your stock
          certificates in exchange for the amounts payable pursuant to the
          merger agreement. The exchange agent will send to you the amount
          payable pursuant to the merger agreement promptly after its receipt of
          your stock certificates delivered in accordance with the exchange
          agent's instructions.


A:        The receipt of cash for shares of our common stock in the merger will
          be a taxable transaction for U.S. federal income tax purposes, and may
          also be a taxable transaction under applicable state, local, foreign
          or other tax laws. Generally, you will recognize capital gain or loss
          for these purposes equal to the difference between $2.00 per share and
          your adjusted tax basis for the shares of our common stock you own
          immediately prior to the merger. For U.S. federal income tax purposes,
          any capital gain or loss generally will be long-term capital gain or
          loss if you held the shares of our common stock for more than one

          Tax matters are very complicated and the tax consequences of the
          merger to you will depend on the facts of your particular situation.
          You should consult your tax and other advisors for a full
          understanding of the consequences of the proposed merger to you.


A:        Yes, under Delaware law, holders of our common stock are
          entitled to dissenters' or appraisal rights in connection with the
          proposed merger. For more information about appraisal rights and your
          ability to exercise these rights, please see page 21.


A:        No.  If the merger is completed, you will receive separate written
          instructions for exchanging stock certificates for the cash
          consideration payable in the merger.



A:        We urge you to read this proxy statement carefully and to
          consider how the proposed merger affects you. Then, vote your shares
          using one of the three methods described below as soon as possible so
          that your shares can be voted at the annual meeting.


A:        No.  You can vote using one of the three methods described below.
          We anticipate that most of our stockholders will not attend the annual
          meeting in person.


A.        You may vote your shares by the Internet, by telephone or by mail,
          each as described in more detail on your proxy card.


A:        If you submit a proxy but do not indicate how you vote, your
          proxy will be counted as a vote "FOR" the proposed merger. If you do
          not submit a proxy and you do not otherwise submit a proxy from your
          broker (for any shares held in "street name") or vote your shares in
          person at the annual meeting, your shares will not be voted. If your
          shares are not voted, it will have the same effect as a vote "AGAINST"
          the proposed merger.


A:        Yes.  You may attend the annual meeting and vote your shares in
          person, rather than vote your shares using one of the three methods


A:        Yes. You may change your vote at any time before your proxy
          is voted at the annual meeting. You can do so in one of three ways.
          First, you can send a written notice to our Corporate Secretary
          stating that you would like to revoke your proxy. Second, you can
          submit a new, timely proxy by the Internet, telephone or mail. Third,
          you can attend the annual meeting and vote in person. Your attendance
          alone will not revoke your proxy. If you have instructed a broker to
          vote your shares, you must follow directions received from your broker
          to change those instructions.


A:        Your broker will vote your shares only if you provide instructions on
          how to vote by following the information provided to you by your


A:        If you have more questions about the merger agreement or the
          transactions contemplated by the merger agreement, you should contact
          Eugene I. Gordon, Ph.D., Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive
          Officer, Medjet Inc., 1090 King Georges Post Road, Suite 301, Edison,
          New Jersey 08837, telephone: (732) 738-3990, ext. 17.


                                   MEDJET INC.
                           1090 KING GEORGES POST ROAD
                                    SUITE 301
                            EDISON, NEW JERSEY 08837

                                 PROXY STATEMENT



     This proxy statement is being furnished to our stockholders in connection
with the solicitation of proxies by our board of directors for use at our annual
meeting of stockholders. This proxy statement and the other enclosed documents
are first being mailed on or about May 10, 2002 to all stockholders entitled to
vote at the annual meeting. In addition to solicitation by mail, our officers
and directors may solicit proxies by telephone or personal interview.


     Only holders of record of our common stock and our series B convertible
preferred stock as of the close of business on May 3, 2002, the record date, are
entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the annual meeting. On the record date,
3,901,431 shares of our common stock were issued and outstanding and held by
approximately 54 stockholders of record and 10,400 shares of our series B
convertible preferred stock were issued and outstanding and held by one
stockholder of record.

     Holders of our common stock are entitled to one vote on each matter to be
considered and voted upon at the annual meeting for each share held. Holders of
our series B convertible preferred stock are entitled to cast the number of
votes equal to the number of shares of common stock into which their shares of
series B convertible preferred stock can be converted. Each share of our series
B convertible preferred stock is currently convertible into 100 shares of common
stock. Stockholders may not cumulate their votes for the election of directors.

     A majority of the shares of our capital stock issued and outstanding and
entitled to vote on the record date must be represented in person or by proxy at
the annual meeting in order for a quorum to be present. Abstentions and broker
"non-votes" count as present for establishing a quorum.


     The election of our board of directors will require the affirmative vote of
a plurality of the votes represented by the outstanding shares of our common
stock and the outstanding shares of our series B convertible preferred stock
present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote and voting as a
single class.

     Approval and adoption of the merger agreement will require the affirmative
vote of a majority of the votes represented by the outstanding shares of our
common stock and the outstanding shares of our series B convertible preferred
stock voting as a single class. As a result, abstentions and broker non-votes
will have the effect of votes against the merger agreement.


     At the close of business on the record date, our directors and officers
owned and were entitled to vote 1,645,787 shares of our common stock, which
represented approximately 42% of the shares of our common stock outstanding on
that date. Eugene I. Gordon, Ph.D., our Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer, has entered into a voting agreement with VISX to vote his
shares in favor of the merger agreement. On the record date, Dr. Gordon owned
1,596,787 shares of our common stock and held immediately exercisable options
and warrants to acquire an additional 242,500 shares of our common stock. Each
of our directors and officers has indicated his or her present intention to
vote, or cause to be voted, their shares in favor of the merger agreement.

     In addition, VISX currently owns all 10,400 shares of our series B
convertible preferred stock, which are entitled to an aggregate of 1,040,000
votes, or approximately 21% of the voting power of our capital stock. Together,
our directors and officers and VISX are entitled to an aggregate of 2,685,787
votes, or approximately 54% of the voting power of our capital stock. AS A


     All shares of our common stock represented by properly executed proxies
received in time for the annual meeting will be voted at the annual meeting in
the manner specified in the proxies. If no instructions are indicated, shares
represented by proxy will be voted "FOR" the election of the six nominees named
in this proxy statement to serve on our board of directors until the 2003 annual
meeting, "FOR" the approval and adoption of the merger agreement and, in the
discretion of the proxyholders, as to any other matters which may properly be
presented at the annual meeting.

     We do not expect that any matters other than the proposals to elect six
directors and approve and adopt the merger agreement will be brought before the
annual meeting. If, however, other matters are properly presented at the annual
meeting, the persons named as proxies will vote in accordance with their


     You may vote using one of the following methods:

     o    INTERNET. You may vote by the Internet by going to the website for
          Internet voting listed on your proxy card. If you vote by the
          Internet, you should not return your proxy card.

     o    TELEPHONE. You may vote by telephone by calling the toll-free
          telephone number on your proxy card. If you vote by telephone, you
          should not return your proxy card.

     o    MAIL. You may vote by mail by marking your proxy card, dating and
          signing it, and returning it in the postage-paid envelope provided.


     The grant of a proxy does not preclude you from voting in person at the
annual meeting. You may revoke a proxy at any time prior to the annual meeting
by sending a written notice to our Corporate Secretary stating that you would
like to revoke your proxy, submitting a new, timely proxy by the Internet,
telephone or mail or attending the annual meeting and voting in person.
Attendance at the


annual meeting will not, in and of itself, revoke a proxy. A stockholder whose
shares are held in the name of its broker, bank or other nominee must bring a
legal proxy from its broker, bank or other nominee to the annual meeting in
order to vote in person.


     Votes cast must be received prior to the annual meeting in order to be
counted. Revocations must be received by us prior to the annual meeting to be


     Pursuant to the merger agreement, VISX will bear all costs of the
solicitation of proxies. Brokerage firms will be reimbursed for their expenses
in forwarding proxy materials to beneficial owners of our common stock.



     This summary highlights selected information from this proxy statement
relating to the proposed merger and may not contain all of the information that
is important to you. To understand the proposed merger fully and for a more
complete description of the legal terms of the proposed merger, you should read
this document carefully as well as the documents to which we refer you. See
"Where You Can Find More Information" on page 42.


1090 King Georges Post Road
Suite 301
Edison, New Jersey  08837
Telephone:  (732) 738-3990

     Medjet Inc., a Delaware corporation, is a medical device company engaged in
the research and development of microjet technology, primarily for use in
ophthalmic surgery. We have developed a proprietary technology platform for
vision-correction surgery of the cornea. Our technology is based on
small-diameter, liquid microjets moving at supersonic speeds. We currently have
eight issued U.S. patents (and four corresponding foreign patents) with
additional U.S. and foreign patents pending.

     Our website is located at We refer you to our website
for informational purposes only, and the contents of our website shall not be
deemed to be included in this proxy statement.

3400 Central Expressway
Santa Clara, California  95051
Telephone:  (408) 733-2020

     VISX, a publicly traded company whose common stock is listed on the New
York Stock Exchange under the symbol "EYE," is the worldwide leader in the
development of technology for laser vision correction. VISX systems are
commercially available in the U.S. and markets throughout the world.

     VISX's website is located at We refer you to VISX's website
for informational purposes only, and the contents of VISX's website shall not be
deemed to be included in this proxy statement.

3400 Central Expressway
Santa Clara, California  95051
Telephone:  (408) 733-2020

     Orion Acquisition Corp. is a newly-formed Delaware corporation that is
wholly-owned by VISX. Orion Acquisition Corp. was incorporated on August 14,
2001 in preparation for the proposed merger and has not conducted any business
activities to date.



     The merger agreement provides that Orion Acquisition Corp., a wholly-owned
subsidiary of VISX, will merge with and into us, and as a result, we will become
a wholly-owned subsidiary of VISX. As a result of the merger, each outstanding
share of our common stock automatically will be canceled and converted into the
right to receive $2.00 in cash, without interest and less any applicable
withholding tax, except for shares of our common stock held by stockholders who
properly perfect their appraisal rights under Delaware law, which shares will be
subject to appraisal to determine their "fair value" in accordance with Delaware
law, exclusive of any element of value arising from the expectation or
completion of the merger.

     In addition, all outstanding options and warrants to purchase shares of our
common stock will become fully exercisable and will be automatically converted
into the right to receive an amount in cash equal to the difference between
$2.00 and the exercise price per share (if less than $2.00) of our common stock
underlying the option or warrant multiplied by the total number of shares of our
common stock underlying the option or warrant (other than warrants held by
VISX). VISX will not pay any amounts with respect to any options or warrants
that have an exercise price equal to or greater than $2.00. Options and warrants
not exercised before the effective time of the merger will be canceled and

     The full text of the merger agreement is attached as Annex A to this proxy
statement. We encourage you to read the merger agreement as it is the legal
document that governs the proposed merger.


     Our board of directors has unanimously determined that the merger
agreement, including the price and other terms, and the transactions
contemplated by the merger agreement, taken as a whole, are fair and reasonable,
and in the best interests of Medjet and our stockholders. Our board unanimously
recommends that all Medjet stockholders vote FOR the approval and adoption of
the merger agreement.


     When you consider the recommendation of our board of directors that you
vote in favor of the approval and adoption of the merger agreement, you should
be aware that a number of our directors and officers have interests in the
merger that are in addition to the interests of stockholders generally. In
particular, certain of our directors and officers will benefit from the
accelerated vesting of their stock options as a result of the merger.


     We and VISX will not complete the merger unless a number of conditions are
satisfied or waived. These include:

     o    the absence of any legal prohibition on the completion of the merger;

     o    the approval of the merger agreement by our stockholders;

     o    the material accuracy, as of the closing date of the merger, of all
          representations and warranties contained in the merger agreement;

     o    the material performance by each of us, VISX and Orion Acquisition
          Corp. of the agreements and covenants required to be performed by each
          of us, VISX and Orion Acquisition Corp. at or prior to the closing of
          the merger;


     o    the receipt of all requisite third party approvals, consents and

     o    the resignation of each of our directors;

     o    the absence of any event or condition that has had or is
          reasonably likely to have a material adverse effect on us since the
          date of the merger agreement;

     o    the cancellation of all our outstanding stock options and warrants;

     o    the absence of all material liens on our property.

     In any event, even if all of the conditions to the completion of the merger
are satisfied, VISX may decide, in its sole discretion, not to proceed with the


     We and VISX may agree by mutual written consent to terminate the merger
agreement. In addition, we or VISX may terminate the merger agreement if:

     o    the merger has not been completed by August 17, 2002, except that
          neither party may terminate the merger agreement under this provision
          if the failure to complete the merger by that date was due to any
          action or failure to act on the part of the party seeking to terminate
          the merger agreement;

     o    a governmental authority takes a final action that prohibits the
          merger from being completed; or

     o    our stockholders do not approve the merger agreement.

     We may terminate the merger agreement if:

     o    our board of directors withdraws its recommendation of the merger
          agreement in response to a superior proposal after determining in good
          faith that the failure to withdraw the recommendation would violate
          our board's fiduciary duty to our stockholders and after complying
          with procedures set forth in the merger agreement; or

     o    either VISX or Orion Acquisition Corp. breaches any of its
          representations, warranties, covenants or agreements contained in the
          merger agreement, or if any of their representations or warranties
          become inaccurate, to the extent that the breach or inaccuracy would
          result in our suffering a material adverse effect, except that if VISX
          is capable of curing the inaccuracy, we may not terminate the merger
          agreement if VISX cures the breach within 30 days.

     VISX may terminate the merger agreement if:

     o    VISX decides not to complete the merger for any or no reason;

     o    our board of directors withdraws or changes its recommendation of the
          approval of the merger agreement whether or not it is permitted to do
          so by the merger agreement;

     o    we fail to comply with the provisions in the merger agreement
          prohibiting us from soliciting takeover proposals from third parties;

     o    a takeover proposal is announced or becomes publicly known and, within
          10 days thereafter, our board of directors fails to recommend against
          acceptance of the proposal, fails to


          reconfirm its approval and recommendation of the merger agreement, or
          resolves to take any of these actions; or

     o    if we breach any of our representations, warranties, covenants or
          agreements contained in the merger agreement, or if any of our
          representations or warranties becomes inaccurate, to the extent that
          the breach or inaccuracy would result in VISX suffering a material
          adverse effect, except that if we are capable of curing the
          inaccuracy, VISX may not terminate the merger agreement if we cure the
          breach within 30 days.

     Although our board of directors may withdraw its recommendation of the
merger agreement in response to a superior proposal if our board determines in
good faith that the failure to withdraw the recommendation would violate our
board's fiduciary duty to our stockholders, we are still obligated to call, give
notice of, convene and hold the annual meeting. Through its ownership of our
series B convertible preferred stock and the written agreement of Dr. Gordon to
vote his shares in favor of the merger agreement, VISX will control
approximately 54% of the voting power of our capital stock at the annual
meeting. As a result, VISX will effectively control the outcome of the vote on
the approval and adoption of the merger agreement, even if our board of
directors determines in good faith that a superior proposal from a third party


     We have agreed to pay VISX a termination fee of $500,000 if:

     o    any person makes a takeover proposal to us or to our stockholders, or
          publicly announces a takeover proposal concerning us, the takeover
          proposal is not withdrawn, the merger agreement is terminated for our
          failure to obtain stockholder approval, and within one year after the
          merger agreement is terminated, any acquisition transaction is
          completed or we enter into any acquisition agreement with a third

     o    VISX terminates the merger agreement because our board of directors
          withdraws or changes its recommendation of the approval of the merger

     o    VISX terminates the merger agreement because we fail to comply with
          the provisions in the merger agreement prohibiting us from soliciting
          takeover proposals from third parties;

     o    VISX terminates the merger agreement after a takeover proposal is
          announced or becomes publicly known and, within 10 business days
          thereafter, our board of directors fails to recommend against
          acceptance of the proposal, fails to reconfirm its approval and
          recommendation of the merger agreement, or resolves to take any of
          these actions; or

     o    we terminate the merger agreement pursuant to the provision allowing
          our board of directors to withdraw its recommendation of the merger
          agreement in response to a superior proposal after determining in good
          faith that the failure to withdraw the recommendation would violate
          our board's fiduciary duty to our stockholders.


     Pursuant to a voting and stock option agreement, Dr. Gordon has granted to
VISX an option to purchase all shares of our common stock owned by Dr. Gordon at
a purchase price of $2.00 per share and all options to purchase shares of our
common stock held by Dr. Gordon at a purchase price equal to the difference
between $2.00 and the exercise price per share (if less than $2.00) of each
option. VISX may exercise this option if:

     o    the merger agreement is terminated pursuant to any of the provisions
          listed in the five bullet points above on page 7, any of which will
          trigger our obligation to pay VISX a termination fee; or

     o    prior to the termination of the merger agreement, VISX makes, or
          indicates in writing its willingness to make, sufficient funds
          available to complete the merger and attempts to complete the merger
          pursuant to the merger agreement, but is unable to do so for any

     This option will terminate upon the earliest of:

     o    the effective time of the merger;

     o    the termination of the merger agreement for reasons other than those
          described in the five bullet points on page 7, any of which will
          trigger our obligation to pay VISX a termination fee; or

     o    20 days following the termination of the merger agreement pursuant to
          any of the provisions listed in the five bullet points on page 7, any
          of which will trigger our obligation to pay VISX a termination fee.

     Notwithstanding any of the foregoing termination provisions, if the option
cannot be exercised because of any legal prohibition, it will remain exercisable
until the earlier of (1) the date on which the prohibition becomes final, and
(2) 5:00 p.m. Pacific time, on the tenth business day after the prohibition has
been removed.

     VISX has agreed to pay us a termination fee if:

     o    VISX terminates the merger agreement pursuant to the provision
          allowing it to do so for any or no reason; or

     o    VISX terminates the merger agreement pursuant to the provision
          allowing it to do so if the merger has not been completed by August
          17, 2002 and the failure to complete the merger by that date was not
          due to any action or failure to act on the part of VISX; or

     o    we terminate the merger agreement pursuant to the provision allowing
          us to do so if the merger has not been completed by August 17, 2002
          and the failure to complete the merger by that date was not due to any
          action or failure to act on our part, except that VISX has no
          obligation to pay us a termination fee under this provision if VISX
          has given us written notice of termination as a result of our breach
          of any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement, prior to our
          termination of the merger agreement pursuant to this provision, and
          any applicable cure period has not yet expired.

     The termination fee payable by VISX will be:

     o    $200,000, if the termination occurs anytime before May 17, 2002;

     o    $300,000, if the termination occurs anytime after May 17, 2002 and
          before June 17, 2002;


     o    $400,000, if the termination occurs anytime after June 17, 2002 and
          before July 17, 2002; and

     o    $500,000, if the termination occurs after July 17, 2002.


     Our stockholders generally will recognize gain or loss, for U.S. federal
income tax purposes, in an amount equal to the difference between $2.00 per
share and a stockholder's adjusted tax basis for the shares of our common stock.
Generally, any capital gain or loss will be long-term if our common stock has
been held by a stockholder for more than one year. Our stockholders are urged to
consult their own tax and other advisors as to the tax consequences of the
proposed merger to them under federal, state, local or any other applicable law.


     Under Delaware law, holders of our common stock who do not vote in favor of
the merger and who fully comply with the requirements of Delaware law will have
the right to an appraisal of their common stock and to receive a cash payment
for their shares.


     Our common stock is quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board under the symbol
"MDJT.OB". On August 17, 2001, the last trading day before the public
announcement of the execution of the merger agreement, the high and low bid
quotations for our common stock, as reported on the OTC Bulletin Board, were
$1.23 and $1.01, respectively, and the closing sale price was $1.05. On May 3,
2002, the closing price for shares of our common stock, as reported on the OTC
Bulletin Board, was $             .


                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
                                  (PROPOSAL 1)

     Our board of directors has nominated each of the persons listed below as a
director to serve until our next annual meeting of stockholders and until his
successor is elected and qualified or until his earlier resignation or removal.
Each nominee is currently a member of our board of directors. All of the
nominees have indicated a willingness to serve as directors, but if for any
reason any nominee should be unavailable to serve as a director at the time of
the annual meeting, a contingency which we do not expect, the proxies will be
voted for a nominee who shall be designated by our board in his place.


     The following sets forth biographical and other information about the

     EUGENE I. GORDON, PH.D., age 71, is our founder and has served as our
Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and a director since our
inception in December 1993. Dr. Gordon is an inventor of our hydro-epithelial
keratoplasty, hydro-therapeutic keratoplasty and hydro-refractive keratoplasty
keratome technology. Dr. Gordon has served as an adjunct professor in the
Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New
Jersey since 1994, and served as an adjunct professor in the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology
from 1990 to 1994. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering.

     EDWARD E. DAVID, JR., SC.D., age 77, has served as a director since 1998.
Dr. David has been a business consultant specializing in research, technology
and innovation management and development since 1986 and is President of Edward
E. David, Inc. and Principal and Vice President of The Washington Advisory
Group, LLC, a consulting and advisory service for industry, academia and
governments. Dr. David currently serves on the board of directors of Protein
Polymer Technologies Inc. and Spacehab, Inc. He is a member of the National
Academy of Engineering.

     WILLIAM C. HITTINGER, age 79, has served as a director since 1999. Mr.
Hittinger has been a business consultant since his retirement in 1986 as an
Executive Vice President of RCA Corporation. Mr. Hittinger is a Fellow of the
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, a Fellow of the Royal Society
of Arts and a member of the National Academy of Engineering.

     RONALD B. ODRICH, D.D.S., age 70, has served as a director since 1999.
Since 1963, Dr. Odrich has been engaged in the private practice of dentistry,
with a specialization in periodontology. Since 1997, Dr. Odrich has been a
director of Park Avenue Periodontal Associates, P.C., located in New York, New
York. Dr. Odrich has held several teaching appointments and has, since 1992,
served as a guest lecturer and associate professor in the Division of
Periodontics, School of Dental and Oral Surgery, Columbia University. Dr. Odrich
is a Diplomate of the American Academy of Periodontology and a member of the
Academy of Osseointegration, the American Academy of Implantology and the
American Dental Association.

     ELIAS SNITZER, PH.D., age 76, has served as a director since 1999. Since
1989, Dr. Snitzer has served as a Professor and Professor Emeritus of Ceramic
Science and Engineering at Rutgers University. Since 1995, Dr. Snitzer has been
President of Photo Refractive Enterprises, Inc., an optical fiber waveguide
equipment developer and marketer. Dr. Snitzer is a member of the National
Academy of Engineering.


     TIMOTHY R. MAIER, age 53, has served as a director since August 2001. Mr.
Maier has been Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
of VISX since December 1999, prior to which he had been Vice President, Chief
Financial Officer and Treasurer since June 1995. From 1991 to June 1995, he
served as Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of GenPharm International,
Inc., a privately held international biotechnology company.

     There are no family relationships among any of our directors or officers.
However, Dr. Ronald B. Odrich, one of our directors, is the father of Dr. Marc
Odrich, the Medical Director of VISX. Mr. Timothy Maier was appointed to our
board of directors pursuant to an agreement entered into between us and VISX in
connection with the execution of the merger agreement. There are no other
arrangements between any director and any other person pursuant to which the
director was selected.


     Our board of directors has two standing committees: the finance and audit
committee and the compensation committee. Our board does not have a standing
nominating committee. Neither the finance and audit committee nor the
compensation committee held any meetings during 2001.

     The finance and audit committee currently consists of Dr. Edward E. David,
Jr. and William C. Hittinger. The finance and audit committee's purpose is to
oversee our internal and independent auditors and to assist our board of
directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities on matters relating to
accounting, financial reporting, internal controls and auditing.

     The compensation committee currently consists of Dr. Ronald B. Odrich and
Dr. Elias Snitzer. The compensation committee's purpose is to advise and consult
with management and our board of directors in the review of the compensation of
our directors and officers and in the administration of our stock option plan.

     Our board of directors held eleven meetings in 2001. Each member of our
board of directors attended at least 75% of the aggregate number of meetings of
our board during 2001.


     Our board of directors has appointed a finance and audit committee
consisting of two directors. Each of the members of the finance and audit
committee is "independent" as defined under the National Association of
Securities Dealers' listing standards. Our board of directors has adopted a
written charter with respect to the finance and audit committee's roles and
responsibilities. A copy of the charter is attached as Annex C to this proxy

     All members of our board of directors, including the members of the finance
and audit committee, receive various financial statements and reports from us on
a monthly basis. This financial information is reviewed and discussed at
regularly scheduled meetings of our board of directors. In addition, in
fulfilling its oversight responsibilities, the finance and audit committee
reviewed and discussed our audited financial statements for the fiscal year
ended December 31, 2001 with our management and Rosenberg Rich Baker Berman and
Company, our independent auditors. The finance and audit committee also
discussed with Rosenberg Rich Baker Berman and Company the matters required to
be discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61, COMMUNICATIONS WITH
AUDIT COMMITTEES. This included a discussion of our independent auditors'
judgments as to the quality, not just the acceptability, of our accounting
principles and the other matters that generally accepted auditing standards
require to be discussed with the finance and audit committee. The finance and
audit committee also received the written disclosures and the letter from
Rosenberg Rich Baker Berman and Company


required by Independent Standards Board Standard No. 1, INDEPENDENCE DISCUSSION
WITH AUDIT COMMITTEES, and discussed the independence of Rosenberg Rich Baker
Berman and Company with that firm.

     Based on the finance and audit committee's review and the discussions noted
above, the finance and audit committee recommended to our board of directors and
our board approved, the inclusion of our audited financial statements in our
Annual Report on Form 10-KSB for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2001 for
filing with the SEC.

                                          FINANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE OF THE
                                          BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                          Edward E. David, Jr.
                                          William C. Hittinger


     Directors who are also our officers or employees receive no additional
compensation for service as members of our board of directors or any committee
of our board. Each director who is not an employee of us or VISX generally
receives an annual grant of non-qualified stock options to purchase 10,000
shares of our common stock. Each option is granted at an exercise price equal to
the fair market value per share of our common stock on the date of grant,
expires ten years from the date of grant, and vests upon the earlier of one year
from the date of grant or the day immediately preceding the subsequent annual
meeting of stockholders, provided that the director has served on our board
through that date. Non-employee directors are also reimbursed for out-of-pocket
expenses incurred in connection with attendance of meetings of our board. In
2000, Drs. David, Odrich and Snitzer and Mr. Hittinger each received options to
purchase 10,000 shares of our common stock at an exercise price of $0.74 per
share. In 2001, Drs. David, Odrich and Snitzer and Mr. Hittinger each received
options to purchase 10,000 shares of our common stock at an exercise price of
$0.25 per share.


                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION


     The following table sets forth information regarding the compensation paid
by us for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999 to our Chairman of
the Board and Chief Executive Officer. No other executive officer's salary and
bonus compensation exceeded $100,000 during the last fiscal year.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                    LONG TERM
                                                                                     SECURITIES       ALL OTHER
                                                         ANNUAL COMPENSATION         UNDERLYING      COMPENSATION
NAME AND PRINCIPAL POSITION               YEAR          SALARY($)     BONUS($)       OPTIONS/(#)        ($)(1)
- ---------------------------               ----        ---------      ---------    --------------     ----------

Eugene I. Gordon, Ph.D.                   2001         171,963           -               -              1,174
  Chairman of the Board and               2000         170,000       20,000              -              1,174
  Chief Executive Officer                 1999         141,667       20,000            150,000          1,524
- -------------
(1)   Represents premiums paid for life insurance polices.


     No options to purchase shares of our common stock were granted to Dr.
Gordon during 2001.


     The following table sets forth certain information concerning option
holdings as of December 31, 2001 by Dr. Gordon.

                        AND FISCAL YEAR-END OPTION VALUES

                                                                 NUMBER OF SECURITIES           VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                   SHARES                       UNDERLYING UNEXERCISED          IN-THE-MONEY OPTIONS
                                 ACQUIRED                        OPTIONS AT FY-END(#)               AT FY-END($)
                                    ON            VALUE       ----------------------------   --------------------------
            ----                -----------     -----------   -----------    -------------   -----------   -------------


Eugene I. Gordon, Ph.D.              -               -          175,844        16,656             -              -


     In March 1999, we entered into a three-year employment agreement with Dr.
Gordon, our Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, which was
subsequently amended in March 2002 to extend the term of the agreement through
March 15, 2003. The agreement provides for base compensation of $170,000 per
year, bonuses aggregating a maximum of $60,000 per year based upon the
attainment of certain goals, and other additional compensation as may be
determined by our board of directors (without the participation of Dr. Gordon)
in its sole discretion. Our board of directors (without the participation of Dr.
Gordon) may increase such base compensation in its sole discretion. Under the
original agreement, we also issued to Dr. Gordon options to purchase 150,000
shares of our common stock at an exercise price of $0.89 per share, which was
the fair market value per share of our common


stock on the date of grant. These options vested ratably over the initial
three-year term of the employment agreement. In addition, in consideration for
extending the term of the agreement, Dr. Gordon will be paid an inducement bonus
of $60,000 payable no later than ten days after the proposed merger with VISX is
either completed or terminated. VISX has agreed to pay this inducement bonus to
Dr. Gordon. The agreement also provides for payment of up to one year's total
compensation if Dr. Gordon's employment with us is terminated for any reason
other than for cause, death or disability.

     The employment agreement can be terminated for cause and contains
proprietary information, invention and non-competition provisions which prohibit
disclosure of any of our proprietary information and preclude Dr. Gordon from
competing with us for a period of two years after the termination of his


     The following table sets forth certain information regarding the beneficial
ownership of our common stock as of the record date for the annual meeting by
(i) each person known by us to own beneficially more than 5% of our common
stock, (ii) each of our directors, (iii) our Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer, and (iv) all of our directors and executive officers as a
group. Except as indicated in the footnotes to this table, each beneficial owner
named in the table has sole voting and investment power with respect to the
shares set forth opposite the beneficial owner's name.

                                                                        SHARES BENEFICIALLY         PERCENT OF
NAME AND ADDRESS OF BENEFICIAL OWNER                                           OWNED                  CLASS
- ------------------------------------                                    -------------------         ----------

VISX, Incorporated............................................             3,725,000 (1)              48.8%
   3400 Central Expressway
   Santa Clara, CA 95051
Eugene I. Gordon..............................................             1,839,287 (2)              44.0%
   1090 King Georges Post Road
   Suite 301
   Edison, NJ 08837
Edward E. David, Jr...........................................               50,000 (3)                 *
William C. Hittinger..........................................               30,000 (4)                 *
Ronald B. Odrich..............................................               58,000 (5)                 *
Elias Snitzer.................................................               41,000 (5)                 *
Timothy R. Maier..............................................                   -                      -
All directors and executive officers as a group (7 persons)...             2,047,594 (6)              47.6%

- ---------------

*    Less than 1% of our common stock.

(1)  Consists of 1,040,000 shares of our common stock issuable upon conversion
     of 10,400 shares of our series B convertible preferred stock and 2,685,000
     shares issuable upon exercise of currently exercisable warrants. Does not
     include an aggregate of 1,839,287 shares beneficially owned by Dr. Gordon
     that are subject to a voting and stock option agreement between VISX and
     Dr. Gordon.

(2)  Includes 242,500 shares issuable upon exercise of currently exercisable
     options and warrants. Dr. Gordon has entered into a voting and stock option
     agreement with VISX pursuant to which, among other things, Dr.


     Gordon has agreed to vote his shares of common stock in favor of the
     approval and adoption of the merger agreement and has granted VISX a proxy
     to vote his shares in this manner.

(3)  Includes 40,000 shares issuable upon exercise of currently exercisable

(4)  Consists of shares issuable upon exercise of currently exercisable options.

(5)  Includes 30,000 shares issuable upon exercise of currently exercisable

(6)  Includes 401,807 shares issuable upon exercise of options and warrants
     exercisable within 60 days of the record date.


     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires our
directors, executive officers and persons who beneficially own more than 10% of
our common stock to file reports of ownership and changes in ownership with the
SEC and to furnish us with copies of all such reports they file. Based on our
review of the copies of such forms received by us, or written representations
from certain reporting persons, we believe that during 2001 all such reports
were timely filed, except that a Form 3 for Cheryl Blake was filed late, the
grant of an option in each of 1999 and 2000, as well as the repricing of an
option in 2000, to Edward David were reported late, the grant of an option in
each of 1999 and 2000 to William Hittinger were reported late, the grant of an
option in 2000 to Ronald Odrich was reported late and the grant of an option in
2000 to Elias Snitzer was reported late.


                                   THE MERGER
                                  (PROPOSAL 2)


     In late 1994, Dr. Marc Odrich, VISX's Medical Director, and Terry Clapham,
VISX's Vice President of Engineering, met with Dr. Eugene Gordon, our Chairman
and Chief Executive Officer, at an American Academy of Ophthalmology meeting.
Dr. Odrich had known Dr. Gordon as a former patient. Dr. Odrich is also the son
of Ronald Odrich, one of our directors. The three discussed our waterjet
technology and its application to vision correction surgery, particularly the
use of our technology in the first surgical step, which is the removal of a thin
circular layer of tissue from the front surface of the cornea. The informal
technical relationship between Dr. Odrich and Dr. Gordon continued with random
meetings, usually at major ophthalmology conferences.

     In the fall of 1996, shortly after our initial public offering, Dr. Gordon
began having discussions with James McCollum, VISX's Vice President of
Marketing. Mr. McCollum visited us on December 1, 1996 and shortly thereafter
submitted a proposal to us for a licensing agreement and an investment by VISX
in Medjet. This proposal led to a series of cross visits between staff members
at VISX and Medjet. Discussions relating to a potential business relationship
among Mr. McCollum and Timothy R. Maier, VISX's Executive Vice President, Chief
Financial Officer and Treasurer, on the one hand and Dr. Gordon on the other
hand lasted into early 1998. Jane E. Jablons of Kelley Drye & Warren LLP, our
corporate counsel, also participated. Robert Donovan, a member of our board of
directors at the time, who had been interviewed by VISX earlier as a candidate
for a position as President of Pillar Point (the VISX - Summit Technology joint
venture) also interacted with VISX. However, we and VISX were unable to reach
mutually satisfactory terms.

     In July 1998, we concluded a licensing agreement with Alcon Universal Ltd.
(successor by assignment from Nestle S.A.). This effectively ended our
discussions with VISX.

     Alcon terminated this licensing agreement in December 1999, and discussions
with VISX started again. Dr. Steve Trokel, a VISX consultant, and Dr. Odrich
made a visit to us on January 21, 2000. At that point, VISX indicated that our
technology was exciting and promising but that VISX would not commence serious
business discussions with us until we could demonstrate a complete
microkeratome, which is a medical device used to produce thin layers of tissue
in the cornea, that VISX could study in detail.

     During this timeframe, we received private financing from Adam Smith &
Company, Inc. and, as a result, we were able to undertake a serious development
effort. We achieved a credible working device by the summer of 2000. However,
the funding received, $1.3 million, was limited and the terms were dilutive. At
that point, our board of directors began to think positively about strategic
alternatives available to our company.

     Dr. Odrich visited us on September 7, 2000 and the successful demonstration
was sufficient to continue VISX's interest in us. Thereafter, Dr. Odrich visited
us regularly, measuring progress, inputting human factors needs and sharing his
thinking on the requirements for the next generation device. He asked that the
device be modified so that no water left the device during a procedure, which
was achieved.

     On November 27, 2000, Mark Logan, VISX's Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer, Liz Davila, VISX's President, and Dr. Odrich visited our facility and
discussed the various business possibilities open to VISX and to us. On February
5, 2001, Mr. Logan, Dr. Odrich and Dr. Gordon met in New York City. Mr. Logan
proposed that VISX would fund our research and development for six months, with
an option


to acquire us after the six-month trial period ended. Mr. Logan expressed that
VISX's preference for an option rather than an outright purchase was concern
about the compatibility of our microkeratome device with laser photoablation.
Although Dr. Gordon was skeptical of the possibility for such a problem, he
could not dismiss it. Dr. Gordon agreed to the option concept as a working
template and then serious negotiations began.

     On February 27, 2001, a VISX group consisting of Joaquin Wolfe, Vice
President of Marketing, Derek Bertocci, Vice President/Controller, Mr. Clapham,
now a VISX consultant (the former Vice President of Engineering), and Dr.
Trokel, visited us for a demonstration of our microkeratome device.

     On March 14, 2001, Mr. Bertocci and Mr. Maier visited us and proposed a
transaction between VISX and us pursuant to which VISX would have a two-year
option to acquire Medjet through a merger involving the payment by VISX of an
aggregate consideration of $10 million in cash in exchange for all of our
outstanding securities. After deducting the portion of the purchase price
allocable to our shares of series B convertible preferred stock and our
outstanding options and warrants, this proposal effectively provided for the
payment of $1.88 per share of our common stock. On March 14, 2001, the market
price of our common stock was $0.95 per share. VISX also proposed entering into
a research and development agreement with us whereby they would fund the
development of our microkeratome in the interim two-year period. Under this
proposed agreement, VISX would provide periodic funding of up to approximately
$4 million over the two-year period subject to Medjet's achievement of specific
product development milestones. Our board of directors rejected this proposal on
the basis of the effective offered price per share of our common stock, the
extended term of the option to complete the transaction and VISX's ability to
opt out of the transaction, leaving us with no working capital and the potential
of not being able to obtain further financing. However, with that proposal as a
beginning, Mr. Bertocci and Dr. Gordon entered a period of intense negotiation.

     During this period, we were operating with a loan provided by Dr. Gordon,
reduced salaries for our staff and incurred considerable debt. However, no
employees left us or were let go, and we were able to preserve our experience
and knowledge base. Moreover, we pursued alternative financing and explored
possible strategic alternatives through numerous discussions with a variety of
other companies in the medical technology industry and with representatives of
private investment groups. We contacted most of these potential parties on our
own initiative. While our board of directors was informed of material
developments in these discussions, most of these discussions did not progress
beyond informal meetings with members of management of these various companies
and did not result in formal proposals. We received an informal proposal from
management of one publicly traded company in the medical device industry. This
proposal, however, was contingent upon the other company's stock price attaining
a certain level, which was never achieved. We also received an informal
financing proposal on June 15, 2001 made on behalf of a private investor group,
but the proposed price per share was based on our market price, which ranged
from $0.63 to $0.90 during June 2001. Our board of directors did discuss this
informal proposal but rejected it shortly after it was received, primarily
because the proposed price per share was substantially less than the $2.00 per
share proposal we received from VISX. With no additional equity or debt
financing available to us, the potential of bankruptcy became a real concern.

     We and VISX agreed on a term sheet on June 15, 2001. Shortly thereafter,
during the negotiation of the definitive merger agreement, in June 2001, VISX
provided us with $200,000 of research and development funding in order to enable
us to maintain our existing level of operations as we continued to negotiate the
terms of the merger. During this time, VISX also negotiated the purchase of our
series B convertible preferred stock and related warrants from the original

     On June 20, 2001, we entered into a standstill agreement with VISX whereby
we agreed not to solicit or participate in any negotiations with any third party
regarding any acquisition, merger or similar


extraordinary transaction involving us through July 31, 2001. On August 3, 2001,
we entered into a similar standstill agreement with VISX which effectively
extended the term of the earlier agreement through September 15, 2001.

         As contemplated by the term sheet, we agreed in principle to continue
our research and development activities regarding our waterjet technology at the
direction of VISX for the one-year period following the execution of the merger
agreement, during which time VISX would have the sole option to decide whether
or not to complete the merger. This agreement would be set forth in a separate
research, development and experimental cost sharing agreement to be entered into
by VISX and us. This work would provide VISX with the opportunity to evaluate
our waterjet technology in detail, while providing us with funding to maintain
our existing level of operations during the one-year period. VISX agreed that
they would provide us with this funding regardless of whether the merger was
completed. In return, we agreed to add a provision to the merger agreement
providing for our grant to VISX of warrants to purchase 1,320,000 shares of our
common stock at an exercise price of $0.75 per share.

     VISX also agreed in principle to pay us an initial payment of $500,000 upon
execution of the merger agreement in consideration for VISX's right to terminate
the merger agreement for any or no reason during the one-year period following
the date of its execution. We believed that receipt of this payment would allow
us to pay various outstanding debts and, together with the research and
development funding to be received from VISX, to continue our business

     On July 3, 2001, VISX's attorneys distributed first drafts of the merger
agreement and related agreements to us and our attorneys. From that point until
the signing of the agreements on August 17, 2001, we, VISX and Dr. Gordon
intensely negotiated the terms and conditions of the agreements between us and
VISX and between Dr. Gordon and VISX through a series of telephone conferences
and emails.

     Throughout this period of negotiations, Dr. Gordon kept our board of
directors current with weekly written updates and one-on-one telephone
discussions with board members. Our board of directors met monthly and the
progress with VISX was described, discussed and evaluated, particularly in light
of our continuing financial problems. During this period, the material business
terms of the merger agreement remained unchanged and were not the subject of
further negotiation. Instead, the negotiations focused on the ability of our
board of directors to consider proposals from third parties during the one-year
period after the execution of the merger agreement.

     On July 19, 2001, VISX management made a presentation to VISX's board of
directors regarding the proposed transaction and the proposed agreements with
Medjet. VISX's directors questioned VISX's management and discussed the proposed
transaction and agreements. The VISX board concluded that it would be advisable
and in the best interests of VISX to enter into the agreements. Accordingly, the
VISX board authorized VISX's officers to take all actions necessary to enter
into and consummate the agreements, including such changes and modifications as
the officers deem appropriate.

     On August 13, 2001, our board of directors met by telephone and reviewed
with John Capetta of Kelley Drye & Warren LLP, our corporate counsel, various
aspects and details of the agreements, including the provisions of the merger
agreement setting forth the ability of our board to consider proposals from
third parties during the one-year period after the execution of the merger. The
board was advised in detail of the issues concerning the board's fiduciary
duties with respect to granting VISX the one-year option to purchase us. Dr.
Gordon also gave a detailed review of the attempts to find financing, and the
interactions with other companies in attempts to find a strategic partner or a

     On August 16, 2001, our full board of directors met by telephonic
conference to review the various documents associated with the proposed merger.
Mr. Capetta gave a detailed discussion of each


document. By unanimous vote, our board of directors approved the merger and the
related agreements to which we would be a party.

     On August 17, 2001, VISX entered into a share purchase agreement with
certain of our securityholders pursuant to which VISX purchased the outstanding
shares of our series B convertible preferred stock and related warrants to
purchase an aggregate of 1,325,000 shares of our common stock at an exercise
price of $3.50 per share for the same consideration paid by those
securityholders. Simultaneously with the foregoing, we and VISX executed the
merger agreement, the research, development and experimental cost sharing
agreement and the various other agreements associated with the merger.


     In reaching its decision to approve the merger agreement and to recommend
that our stockholders vote in favor of the approval and adoption of the merger
agreement, our board consulted with our management team and advisors and
independently considered a number of factors including the following:

     o    the opportunity for our stockholders to receive $2.00 per share in
          cash, representing an approximately 90% premium over the market price
          for our common stock on the day prior to the public announcement of
          the potential merger;

     o    the minimum $1.5 million of funding to be provided to us by VISX
          pursuant to the research, development and experimental cost sharing
          agreement and the $500,000 initial payment to be made upon execution
          of the merger agreement, at a time when other sources of financing
          were not available to us;

     o    our inability to obtain equity financing on terms acceptable to us as
          a result of the low price (less the $1.00 per share) of and minimal
          daily trading volume (substantially less than 1% of our outstanding
          common stock) for our common stock on the OTC Bulletin Board;

     o    the lack of acceptable financing alternatives to the potential merger
          with VISX available to us and our stockholders; and

     o    our inability to generate significant revenue and to continue as a
          going concern without obtaining financing to further our product
          development efforts, thus causing bankruptcy to become an imminent

     Although our board considered obtaining an independent fairness opinion,
given the significant expense of obtaining a fairness opinion, the size of the
premium offered for our common stock and the absence of other viable financing
alternatives, the board decided not to obtain a fairness opinion.

     Furthermore, although our board recognized that certain officers and
directors would have interests in the merger that would be in addition to or
different from the interests of our stockholders generally and considered these
interests, these interests were not a factor on which our board's decision to
recommend that our stockholders vote in favor of the approval and adoption of
the merger agreement was based.

     Our board also identified and considered the following potentially negative
factors in its deliberations concerning the merger:

     o    the potential that the proposed merger with VISX might not occur
          because VISX determines not to proceed with the merger, as VISX is
          permitted to do for any reason or no reason, or


          because a condition to the merger cannot be satisfied, and the impact
          that might have on us, particularly if it comes at a time near or at
          the end of the one-year term of the research, development and cost
          sharing agreement, when VISX will not be obligated to provide
          additional funding to us and we have not been able to negotiate with
          any third parties because of the restrictions imposed by the merger

     o    the fact that VISX, through its ownership of our series B convertible
          preferred stock, would continue to own approximately 21% of the voting
          power of our capital stock, and through its ownership of such stock as
          well as warrants to purchase an aggregate of 2,685,000 shares of our
          common stock, would continue to beneficially own approximately 49% of
          our common stock and would continue to hold a seat on our board even
          in the event that the proposed merger did not occur and the negative
          impact that might have on our ability to obtain financing from a third
          party or find a third party willing to enter into a business
          combination with us; and

     o    the access to our confidential information that would be afforded to
          VISX in connection with the transaction, even though such information
          is subject to the terms of a confidentiality agreement between VISX
          and us.

     The foregoing discussion of the information and factors considered by our
board is not intended to be exhaustive but includes all material factors
considered by our board. In view of the variety of factors considered in
connection with its evaluation of the merger agreement and the merger, our board
did not find it practicable to and did not quantify or otherwise assign relative
weight to the specific factors considered in reaching its determination. In
addition, individual members of our board may have given different weight to
different factors. None of the factors that our board considered in approving
the merger agreement have been altered since the execution of the merger

     After careful consideration, our board of directors has unanimously
determined that the merger agreement, including the price and other terms, and
the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement, taken as a whole, are
fair and reasonable, and in the best interest of Medjet and our stockholders.



     The following discussion summarizes the material U.S. federal income tax
consequences of the merger. This discussion is based on the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, applicable U.S. Treasury Regulations, administrative
interpretations and court decisions as in effect as of the date of this proxy
statement, all of which may change, possibly with retroactive effect.

     This discussion does not address all aspects of U.S. federal income
taxation that may be important to a stockholder in light of that stockholder's
particular circumstances or to a stockholder subject to special rules, such as:

     o    a stockholder who is a foreign person;

     o    a financial institution or insurance company;

     o    a tax-exempt organization;

     o    a dealer or broker in securities;


     o    a stockholder that holds its common stock as part of a hedge,
          appreciated financial position, straddle or conversion transaction;

     o    a stockholder who acquired its common stock pursuant to the exercise
          of employee stock options or otherwise as compensation; or

     o    a stockholder that exercises its appraisal rights in connection with
          the merger.

     In addition, no information is provided in this proxy statement with
respect to the tax consequences of the merger under any applicable foreign,
state or local laws.

     This discussion of material federal income tax consequences is intended to
provide only a general summary, and is not a complete analysis or description of
all potential U.S. federal income tax consequences of the merger. This
discussion does not address tax consequences that may vary with, or are
contingent on, individual circumstances. Accordingly, we strongly urge each
stockholder to consult the stockholder's own tax advisors to determine the
particular U.S. federal, state or local or foreign income or other tax
consequences to the stockholder of the merger.

     The following will be the material U.S. federal income tax consequences of
the merger:

     The receipt of cash by holders of our common stock in the merger or the
exercise of appraisal rights will be a taxable transaction for U.S. federal
income tax purposes. Assuming that shares of our common stock held by a
stockholder constitute capital assets, a holder of our common stock receiving
cash in the merger generally will recognize capital gain or loss in an amount
equal to the difference between $2.00 and the holder's adjusted tax basis in our
common stock. Any capital gain or loss generally will be long-term capital gain
or loss if our common stock has been held by the holder for more than one year.
If our common stock has been held by the holder for not more than one year, any
gain or loss will generally be taxed as short-term capital gain or loss.
Currently, long-term capital gain for non-corporate taxpayers is taxable at a
maximum federal rate of 20%. The deductibility of capital losses is subject to

     A non-corporate stockholder may be subject to backup withholding at a rate
of 30.5%, for payments made on or before December 31, 2001 and at a rate of 30%
for payments made after December 31, 2001. However, backup withholding will not
apply to a stockholder who either furnishes a correct taxpayer identification
number and certifies that he or she is not subject to backup withholding by
completing the substitute Form W-9 that will be included as part of the
materials sent to our stockholders if the merger is completed or otherwise
proves to VISX and its payment agent that the stockholder is exempt from backup
withholding in accordance with applicable regulations.


     Under Section 262 of the Delaware General Corporation Law, record holders
of our common stock who follow the procedures set forth in Section 262 and who
have not voted in favor of approval and adoption of the merger agreement will be
entitled to a judicial appraisal of their shares of our common stock and to
receive payment of the fair value of their shares, exclusive of any element of
value arising from the expectation or completion of the merger, together with a
judicially determined fair rate of interest. The following discussion is not a
complete statement of the law regarding appraisal rights under Delaware law, and
is qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of Section 262, a
copy of which is attached to this proxy statement as Annex B.

     Pursuant to Section 262, at least 20 days before the annual meeting, we
must notify each record holder of our common stock that appraisal rights are
available under Section 262 and include a copy of


Section 262 in the notice. This proxy statement constitutes the required notice.
Any stockholder who wishes to exercise appraisal rights should read the
following discussion and Annex B carefully because the failure to comply timely
and properly with the procedures set forth in Section 262 will result in the
complete loss of appraisal rights.

     In order to exercise appraisal rights, a stockholder must deliver to us a
written demand for appraisal of his or her shares of common stock before the
vote on the merger agreement. The demand will be sufficient if it reasonably
informs us of the identity of the stockholder and that the stockholder intends
to demand the appraisal of his or her shares. In addition, to be eligible for
appraisal rights, a stockholder must not vote in favor of approval and adoption
of the merger agreement. A vote against approval and adoption of the merger
agreement will not constitute a written demand for the purposes of meeting the
requirements of Section 262. All written demands for appraisal of our common
stock should be sent to the attention of our corporate offices located at 1090
King Georges Post Road, Suite 301, Edison, New Jersey 08837, so as to be
received before the vote on the approval of the merger agreement at the annual

     If the merger is completed, within 10 days after the effective date of the
merger, we must, as the surviving corporation in the merger, send a notice as to
the completion of the merger to each person who has satisfied the requirements
of Section 262 and who has not voted in favor of the merger.

     Within 120 days after the completion of the merger, we or any stockholder
who is entitled to appraisal rights under Section 262 and who has complied with
the requirements of Section 262, may file a petition in the Delaware Court of
Chancery demanding a determination of the fair value of the stockholder's shares
of our common stock. We are under no obligation, and have no present intention,
to file such a petition. Accordingly, it is the obligation of the holders of our
common stock to initiate all necessary action to perfect their appraisal rights
within the time period prescribed in Section 262.

     Within 120 days after the effective date of the merger, any stockholder of
record who has complied with the requirements for the exercise of appraisal
rights under Section 262 will be entitled, upon written request, to receive from
us, as the surviving corporation of the merger, a statement setting forth the
aggregate number of shares not voted in favor of approval and adoption of the
merger agreement and with respect to which demands for appraisal have been
received and the aggregate number of holders of the shares. We must mail this
statement within 10 days after we receive a written request for the statement or
within 10 days after the expiration of the period for delivery of demands for
appraisal, whichever is later.

     If a holder of our common stock timely files a petition for appraisal and
serves a copy of the petition upon us, we will be obligated, within 20 days, to
file in the office of the Register in Chancery a duly verified list containing
the names and addresses of all record holders of our common stock who have
demanded payment for their shares and with whom agreements as to the value of
their shares have not been reached. After notice to these stockholders is given
as required by the Court, the Delaware Court of Chancery is empowered to hold a
hearing on the petition for the purpose of determining those stockholders who
have complied with the requirements of Section 262 and who have become entitled
to appraisal rights. The Court may require the holders of our common stock who
have demanded an appraisal for their shares of our common stock represented by
certificates to submit their certificates to the Register in Chancery for
notation thereon of the pendency of the appraisal proceeding. If any holder of
our common stock fails to comply with the direction, the Delaware Court of
Chancery may dismiss the proceeding as to that holder.

     After determining the holders of our common stock entitled to an appraisal,
the Delaware Court of Chancery will appraise the fair value of the shares,
exclusive of any element of value arising from the


expectation or completion of the merger, together with a fair rate of interest,
if any, to be paid upon the amount determined to be fair value. Holders of our
common stock seeking appraisal should be aware that the fair value of their
shares as determined by the Court could be more than, the same as or less than
the $2.00 per share that they would otherwise receive if they did not seek
appraisal of their shares of our common stock. The Delaware Supreme Court has
stated that "proof of value by any techniques or methods which are generally
considered acceptable in the financial community and otherwise admissible in
court" should be considered in the appraisal proceedings. In addition, Delaware
courts have decided that the statutory appraisal remedy, depending on factual
circumstances, may be a dissenter's exclusive remedy. The Delaware Court of
Chancery will also determine the amount of interest, if any, to be paid upon the
amounts to be received by persons whose shares of our common stock have been
appraised. The costs of the proceeding may be determined by the Court and taxed
upon the parties as the Court deems equitable. The Court may also order that all
or a portion of the expenses incurred by any stockholder in connection with an
appraisal, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and the
fees and expenses of experts utilized in the appraisal proceeding, be charged
pro rata against the value of all of the shares of our common stock entitled to

     Any stockholder who has duly demanded an appraisal of his or her shares in
compliance with Section 262 will not, after the effective time of the merger, be
entitled to vote the shares of our common stock subject to the demand for any
purpose or be entitled to the payment of dividends or other distributions on
those shares of our common stock (except dividends or other distributions
payable to holders of record of shares of our common stock as of a record date
which is prior to the effective time of the merger).

     If any stockholder who demands appraisal of shares under Section 262 fails
to perfect, or effectively withdraws or loses, the right to appraisal, the
shares of our common stock of the holder will be deemed to have been converted,
at the effective time of the merger, into the right to receive $2.00 per share
in accordance with the merger agreement, without interest. A stockholder will
fail to perfect, or effectively withdraw or lose, the right to appraisal if no
petition for appraisal is filed within 120 calendar days after the effective
time of the merger. A stockholder may withdraw a demand for appraisal by
delivering to us a written withdrawal of the demand for appraisal and an
acceptance of the merger, except that any attempt to withdraw made more than 60
days after the effective time of the merger will require our written approval.
Once a petition for appraisal has been filed, the appraisal proceeding may not
be dismissed as to any stockholder without the approval of the Delaware Court of


     In considering the recommendation of our board of directors that our
stockholders vote in favor of the approval and adoption of the merger agreement,
our stockholders should be aware that certain members of our management and
board of directors have certain interests in the merger that are in addition to
or different from the interests of our stockholders generally. The board of
directors was aware of these interests and considered them, among other matters,
in approving and adopting the merger agreement.


     All of our directors and officers (other than Mr. Maier) hold options under
our 1994 stock option plan. Pursuant to the merger agreement, all outstanding
options will automatically be converted into the right to receive an amount in
cash equal to the difference between $2.00 and the exercise price per share (if
less than $2.00) of our common stock underlying the option multiplied by the
total number of shares of our common stock underlying the option, payable
without interest at the effective time of the merger, and each option will be
canceled. As a result, we expect that each of our directors and executive
officers will receive the following amounts in consideration for their
outstanding options:

                Eugene I. Gordon, Ph.D.                 $209,000
                Edward E. David, Jr., Sc.D.               41,100
                William C. Hittinger                      36,400
                Ronald B. Odrich, D.D.S.                  36,400
                Elias Snitzer, Ph.D.                      36,400
                Timothy R. Maier                               -
                Cheryl A. Blake                           53,938
                        Total                           $413,238

     In addition, pursuant to the merger agreement, all outstanding warrants
will automatically be converted into the right to receive an amount in cash
equal to the difference between $2.00 and the exercise price per share (if less
than $2.00) of our common stock underlying the warrant multiplied by the total
number of shares of our common stock underlying the warrant. Dr. Gordon
currently holds warrants to purchase 50,000 shares of common stock at an
exercise price of $1.00 per share. Dr. Gordon, therefore will receive an
aggregate of $50,000 in consideration for his warrants. We also expect that at
or prior to the closing of the merger agreement, we will repay our outstanding
indebtedness to Dr. Gordon, which as of the date of this proxy statement
consists of $160,000 in principal and $675 in accrued and unpaid interest.
Finally, we currently expect that Dr. Gordon's employment with us will terminate
upon completion of the merger. In that event, Dr. Gordon would be entitled to
receive a severance payment equal to the amount of base salary that otherwise
would have been payable to him from the date of such termination through March
15, 2003, pursuant to the terms of Dr. Gordon's employment agreement with us.

     In addition, Mr. Maier is the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial
Officer of VISX, and he was appointed to our board of directors in connection
with, and concurrently with the signing of, the merger agreement. Mr. Maier did
not participate in our decision to recommend that you vote for the merger
agreement and the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement.

     Pursuant to the merger agreement, we will honor and fulfill those
indemnification provisions now existing in our certificate of incorporation,
bylaws or indemnification and employment agreements, for a period equal to six
years from the effective time of the merger, with respect to any individual who
served as our director or officer at any time prior to the effective time of the
merger (except as may be required by applicable law). The merger agreement also
provides that VISX will pay us approximately $244,800 in respect of premiums for
a six-year run-out of our $5 million directors' and officers' liability policy.


                              THE MERGER AGREEMENT



     If all of the conditions to the merger are satisfied or waived in
accordance with the merger agreement, and if VISX chooses to go forward with the
merger, Orion Acquisition Corp., a wholly-owned subsidiary of VISX, will be
merged with and into us and we will be the surviving corporation. Upon
completion of the merger, we will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of VISX. The
merger will become effective when a certificate of merger is filed with the
Delaware Secretary of State. The certificate of incorporation and bylaws of
Orion Acquisition Corp. will become our certificate of incorporation and bylaws.
The directors and officers of Orion Acquisition Corp. will become our directors
and officers until their respective successors have been duly elected or
appointed and qualified.


     Under the terms of the merger agreement, if VISX elects to proceed with the
merger, each outstanding share of our common stock automatically will be
canceled and converted into the right to receive $2.00 in cash, without interest
and less any applicable withholding tax, at the effective time of the merger,
except for shares of our common stock held by stockholders who properly perfect
their appraisal rights under Delaware law, which shares will be subject to
appraisal to determine their "fair value" in accordance with Delaware law,
exclusive of any element of value arising from the expectation or completion of
the merger. VISX intends to fund the proposed merger with available cash
reserves and general working capital.


     The merger agreement provides that each outstanding option to purchase
shares of our common stock under our 1994 stock option plan and each outstanding
warrant to purchase shares of our common stock not exercised prior to the
effective time of the merger will be canceled and extinguished. VISX will pay to
the holder of an option or warrant the difference between $2.00 and the exercise
price per share (if less than $2.00) of our common stock underlying the option
or warrant multiplied by the total number of shares of our common stock
underlying the option or warrant (other than warrants held by VISX). VISX will
not pay any amounts with respect to any options or warrants that have an
exercise price equal to or greater than $2.00.


     VISX will select a bank or trust company to act as the exchange agent in
the merger. Soon after the effective time of the merger, VISX will deposit with
the exchange agent the aggregate consideration payable pursuant to the merger
agreement in exchange for outstanding shares of our common stock. The exchange
agent will then send a letter to each stockholder whose shares were converted
into the right to receive the amounts payable under the merger agreement. The
letter will contain instructions describing how to surrender your stock
certificates in exchange for the amounts payable pursuant to the merger
agreement. As of the effective date of the merger and until you surrender your
stock certificates, the certificates will represent only the right to receive
the amounts payable pursuant to the merger agreement.



     Under the merger agreement, we made representations and warranties to VISX
with respect to the following:

     o    our organization and qualification to do business;

     o    the absence of subsidiaries;

     o    the absence of violations under our certificate of incorporation and

     o    our capitalization;

     o    our power and authority to enter into the merger agreement and to
          consummate the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement;

     o    the absence of conflicts between our certificate of incorporation,
          bylaws, laws and agreements and the transactions contemplated by the
          merger agreement;

     o    required consents and approvals;

     o    our compliance with applicable laws;

     o    our SEC filings;

     o    the preparation of our financial statements;

     o    the absence of undisclosed material liabilities required to be
          disclosed under generally accepted accounting principles;

     o    the absence of certain changes in our business since March 31, 2001;

     o    the absence of litigation;

     o    certain matters relating to our employee benefit plans;

     o    certain labor matters;

     o    the accuracy of information supplied by us for inclusion in this proxy

     o    the absence of any restrictions on our business activities;

     o    our title to property;

     o    our compliance with tax laws;

     o    our compliance with environmental laws;

     o    the absence of brokers' or finders' fees in connection with the

     o    the right to use, and absence of infringement of, our intellectual

     o    the nature of our agreements, contracts and commitments;

     o    our insurance policies;

     o    the approval of our board of directors of the merger agreement and the

     o    the vote required to approve the merger agreement and the transactions
          contemplated by the merger agreement; and

     o    the inapplicability of state takeover statutes to the merger agreement
          and the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement.



     Under the merger agreement, VISX and Orion Acquisition Corp. made
representations and warranties to us with respect to the following:

     o    their organization, qualification to do business and subsidiaries;

     o    their power and authority to enter into the merger agreement and to
          consummate the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement;

     o    the absence of conflicts between their certificate of incorporation,
          bylaws, laws and agreements and the transactions contemplated by the
          merger agreement;

     o    required consents and approvals; and

     o    the ownership of Orion Acquisition Corp. and the nature of its prior


     We are subject to restrictions on our conduct and operations until the
merger is completed. Pursuant to the merger agreement, we have agreed that,
during the period from the date of the merger agreement until the effective time
of the merger, with limited exceptions, we will operate our business only in the
ordinary course consistent with past practices, and use our commercially
reasonable efforts to maintain our present business organization, retain our
present officers and employees and preserve our relationships with customers,
suppliers, distributors and others having business dealings with us.

     We have also agreed, with limited exceptions, that we will not do any of
the following, except as permitted by the merger agreement or if VISX agrees in

     o    accelerate or amend the period of exercisability of options, or
          reprice options granted under our stock option plan or authorize cash
          payments in exchange for any options granted under our plan;

     o    grant any severance or termination pay to any officer or employee or
          adopt any new severance plan;

     o    transfer or license any rights to our intellectual property;

     o    declare or pay any dividends or make any other distributions in
          respect of our capital stock;

     o    split, combine, reclassify or repurchase any shares of our capital

     o    issue any shares of our capital stock or any securities exercisable
          for or convertible into any shares of our capital stock;

     o    amend our certificate of incorporation or bylaws;

     o    acquire any business or assets other than in the ordinary course of

     o    enter into any joint ventures, strategic partnerships or alliances;

     o    sell or encumber any of our properties or assets which individually or
          in the aggregate are material to us, other than sales of inventory and
          the grant of end-user licenses in the ordinary course of business
          consistent with past practice;


     o    incur any indebtedness other than in connection with the financing of
          trade payables in the ordinary course of business consistent with past
          practice or in a principal amount not to exceed $150,000 in the

     o    enter into or amend any employee benefit plan or any employment
          contract or collective bargaining agreement, pay any special bonus to
          any director or employee, or increase the compensation or fringe
          benefits of our directors, officers, employees or consultants, other
          than increases in the ordinary course of business for non-officer

     o    (1) pay or settle any claims, liabilities, obligations or litigation,
          except payment or settlement, in the ordinary course of business
          consistent with past practice or in accordance with their terms, of
          liabilities recognized or disclosed in our most recent consolidated
          financial statements included in our SEC reports or incurred since the
          date of these financial statements, or (2) waive the benefits of or
          agree to modify, terminate or release any person from or fail to
          enforce any confidentiality or similar agreement to which we are a

     o    except in the ordinary course of business, make any individual or
          series of related payments in excess of $100,000 per month (except
          that the limit is $500,000 for the first month following the execution
          of the merger agreement and the $100,000 does not apply to amounts
          owed to Dr. Gordon or for legal services performed through August 17,

     o    except in the ordinary course of business consistent with past
          practice, materially modify or terminate any material agreement to
          which we are a party, or waive or assign any material rights or claims
          under any such agreements;

     o    enter into or amend any agreement relating to the sale, license or
          marketing of our products by third parties;

     o    revalue any of our assets or change our methods of accounting, except
          as required or permitted by generally accepted accounting principles;

     o    except in the ordinary course of business, incur or enter into any
          agreement, contract or commitment requiring us to make individual
          payments in excess of $100,000;

     o    make any tax election that, individually or in the aggregate, is
          reasonably likely to adversely affect in any material respect our tax
          liability or tax attributes or settle or compromise any material
          income tax liability, except that we may sell state tax losses as may
          be permitted by applicable taxing authorities; or

     o    amend or terminate any or all of the agreements contemplated by the
          merger agreement.


     INITIAL PAYMENT. Pursuant to the merger agreement, and in order to induce
us to enter the merger agreement, VISX paid us $500,000 upon execution of the
merger agreement on August 17, 2001. We used these proceeds to pay current
liabilities owed to our vendors and back salary owed to our employees.

     ISSUANCE OF WARRANT. Pursuant to the merger agreement and in order to
induce VISX to enter the merger agreement, on August 17, 2001, we issued a
three-year warrant to VISX to purchase a total of 1,320,000 shares of our common
stock at an exercise price of $0.75 per share. On August 17, 2001, the closing
sale price of our common stock, as reported on the OTC Bulletin Board, was $1.05
per share.

     NO SOLICITATION BY US OF ANY TAKEOVER PROPOSAL. We have agreed that, except
as described below, until the effective time of the merger or the termination of
the merger agreement pursuant to its terms, neither we nor any of our
representatives will:


     o    solicit or encourage the making of any takeover proposal (as defined

     o    participate in any discussions, furnish any information with respect
          to any takeover proposal or take any action to facilitate the making
          of any takeover proposal;

     o    approve or recommend any takeover proposal; or

     o    enter into any letter of intent or any agreement relating to any
          takeover proposal.

     The foregoing provisions will not prevent us from:

     o    furnishing information to, or participating in discussions with, a
          third party who makes an unsolicited bona fide takeover proposal, so
          long as our board of directors determines in good faith that the
          proposal is a superior proposal (as defined below); or

     o    complying with Rule 14e-2 and with Item 1012(a) of Regulation M-A
          under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (which require a company to
          disclose to its stockholders its position in response to a tender
          offer by a third party), so long as our board of directors concludes,
          in good faith, that the failure to disclose would constitute a
          violation of applicable law or regulation.

     In addition, except as set forth below, we have agreed that our board of
directors will not take any of the following actions that constitute an "adverse
recommendation change" under the merger agreement:

     o    recommend, adopt or approve, or publicly propose to recommend, adopt
          or approve, any takeover proposal or superior proposal; or

     o    approve or recommend, or propose to approve or recommend, or allow us
          to enter into any letter of intent, merger agreement or other similar
          agreement that constitutes a takeover proposal.

     Our board of directors, however, may make an adverse recommendation change,
but only if:

     o    our board of directors determines in good faith that it is required to
          do so by its fiduciary duties to our stockholders under applicable
          law; and

     o    we send to VISX a written notice advising it that our board intends to
          make an adverse recommendation change, the notice specifies the terms
          and conditions of the applicable superior proposal, and we delay
          making any adverse recommendation change until five business days
          after VISX has received the notice.

     If we do send a notice to VISX, VISX will then have the opportunity to
present revised terms to our board of directors, including any proposed
amendments or modifications to the merger agreement, which our board of
directors must then consider in good faith.

     In addition, under the merger agreement, we have agreed that, in
determining whether to make an adverse recommendation change in response to a
superior proposal, our board of directors will take into account any revised
terms and proposed changes to the merger agreement proposed by VISX in response
to our notice. Moreover, before our board of directors makes any adverse
recommendation change, we have agreed that our board will consider whether
VISX's revised terms are reasonably equivalent or superior (based on the
definition of superior proposal set forth below) to the terms of the superior
proposal from a financial point of view to our stockholders. If our board of
directors determines that the terms of VISX's revised proposal are reasonably
equivalent or superior to the superior proposal, our board will duly adopt
resolutions approving the terms of VISX's revised proposal and recommending that


our stockholders approve and adopt the terms of VISX's revised proposal and any
definitive agreement proposed in connection with it.

     If our board of directors elects to make an adverse recommendation change
after receiving a superior proposal, and complies with the provisions of the
merger agreement allowing it to make an adverse recommendation change, and after
the board has determined that the terms of VISX's revised proposal are not
reasonably equivalent or superior to the superior proposal, we must notify VISX
of our termination of the merger agreement pursuant to the provision of the
merger agreement allowing our board of directors to make an adverse
recommendation change.

     A "takeover proposal" means any offer or proposal with respect to any
transaction or series of related transactions involving:

     o    any acquisition or purchase from us by a person or group of more than
          a 15% interest in our total outstanding securities or any tender offer
          or exchange offer that would result in any person or group
          beneficially owning 15% or more of our total outstanding voting
          securities or any merger, consolidation, business combination or
          similar transaction involving us pursuant to which our stockholders
          immediately before the transaction hold less than 85% of the equity
          interests in the surviving or resulting entity of such transaction;

     o    any sale, lease (other than in the ordinary course of business),
          exchange, transfer, license (other than in the ordinary course of
          business), acquisition or disposition of more than 15% of our assets;

     o    any liquidation, dissolution, recapitalization or other significant
          reorganization of us.

     A "superior proposal" means any bona fide, written takeover proposal from a
third party that our board of directors has determined in good faith:

     o    to be superior to the merger from a financial point of view to our
          stockholders (taking into account all of the terms and conditions of
          the proposal and the merger agreement including any changes to the
          financial terms of the merger agreement proposed by VISX in response
          to the third party's offer);

     o    that financing for the proposal, to the extent any is required, is
          committed or is reasonably capable of being obtained (in the good
          faith judgment of our board of directors); and

     o    is reasonably capable of being completed.

     VISX STANDSTILL. VISX has agreed that, until August 17, 2002, neither it
nor any of its affiliates will purchase, sell, hedge or otherwise transfer or
dispose of any of our shares or securities, other than in accordance with the
terms of the merger agreement or any of the transactions contemplated by the
merger agreement or with the prior consent of our board of directors. This
prohibition will not prevent VISX from exercising the warrant it received under
the merger agreement or any of the other warrants issued to VISX in connection
with the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement. In addition, the
standstill provision will not prevent VISX from converting its 10,400 shares of
our series B convertible preferred stock into our common stock in accordance
with the terms of the certificate of designations for the series B convertible
preferred stock. This standstill provision will not apply, however, if:

     o    VISX terminates the merger agreement because our board of directors
          withdraws or changes its recommendation of the approval of the merger

     o    VISX terminates the merger agreement because we fail to comply with
          the provisions in the merger agreement prohibiting us from soliciting
          takeover proposals from third parties;


     o    VISX terminates the merger agreement after a takeover proposal is
          announced or becomes publicly known and, within 10 business days
          thereafter, our board of directors fails to recommend against
          acceptance of the proposal, fails to reconfirm its approval and
          recommendation of the merger agreement, or resolves to take any of
          these actions; or

     o    we terminate the merger agreement pursuant to the provision allowing
          us to do so if our board of directors withdraws its recommendation of
          the merger agreement in response to a superior proposal after
          determining in good faith that the failure to withdraw the
          recommendation would violate our board's fiduciary duty to our

     BENEFIT PLAN MATTERS. We have agreed to terminate our 401(k) plan
immediately prior to the closing of the merger, unless VISX agrees to sponsor
and maintain the plan.

us approximately $244,800 in respect of premiums for a six-year run-out of our
$5 million directors' and officers' liability insurance policy.

     VISX has agreed, after the effective time of the merger, not to take any
action that would alter any exculpatory or indemnification provisions currently
existing in our certificate of incorporation, bylaws or indemnification and
employment agreements for the benefit of any individual who served as our
director or officer at any time before the effective time of the merger (except
as may be required by law), and for six years after the time the merger becomes
effective, to cause us, as the surviving corporation in the merger, to honor and
fulfill such provisions (except as may be required by law).


     Our obligations to complete the merger are subject to the satisfaction or
waiver of the following conditions:

     o    the absence of any legal prohibition on the completion of the merger;

     o    the approval of the merger agreement by our stockholders;

     o    the material accuracy, as of the closing date of the merger, of the
          representations and warranties made by VISX and Orion Acquisition
          Corp. in the merger agreement;

     o    the material performance by VISX and Orion Acquisition Corp. of the
          agreements and covenants required to be performed by them at or prior
          to the closing of the merger;

     o    the receipt by us of secretary certificates certifying as to the valid
          adoption of resolutions of the board of directors of VISX and Orion
          Acquisition Corp. approving the merger agreement and the applicable
          related agreements and the consummation of the transactions
          contemplated by the merger agreement; and

     o    the receipt by us of certificates of good standing of VISX and Orion
          Acquisition Corp. from the Secretary of State of the State of

     The obligations of VISX and Orion Acquisition Corp. to complete the merger
are subject to the satisfaction or waiver of the following conditions:

     o    the absence of any legal prohibition on the completion of the merger;

     o    the approval of the merger agreement by our stockholders;


     o    the material accuracy, as of the closing date of the merger, of the
          representations and warranties made by us in the merger agreement;

     o    the material performance by us of the agreements and covenants
          required to be performed by us at or prior to the closing of the

     o    the continuation of certain of our agreements;

     o    the receipt by us of all required approvals, consents and waivers;

     o    the resignation of each of our directors;

     o    the absence of any event or condition that has had or is reasonably
          likely to have a material adverse effect on us since the date of the
          merger agreement;

     o    the termination of our 401(k) plan, unless VISX agrees to maintain and
          sponsor the plan;

     o    the cancellation of all of our outstanding stock options and warrants;

     o    the receipt by VISX of a secretary's certificate from us, certifying
          as to the terms and effectiveness of our certificate of incorporation
          and bylaws and the valid adoption of resolutions of our board of
          directors and stockholders approving the merger agreement and the
          transactions contemplated by the merger agreement;

     o    the receipt by VISX of certificates of good standing of Medjet from
          the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware, the Secretary of
          State of the State of New Jersey and the Franchise Tax Board of the
          State of New Jersey; and

     o    the absence of all material liens on our property.

     As of the date of this proxy statement, we believe that we will satisfy all
of the foregoing conditions and that no further third party approvals are
required. However, notwithstanding any of the foregoing conditions, VISX may
decide, in its sole discretion, not to proceed with the merger, even if we
satisfy all of the conditions to closing.

     We currently intend to resolicit the vote of our stockholders in the event
that, after the vote on the merger agreement at the annual meeting, we waive any
material condition to the completion of the merger or we amend any material term
of the merger agreement, such as a material reduction of the $2.00 per share
receivable upon completion of the merger.


     RIGHT TO TERMINATE. We and VISX may agree by mutual written consent to
terminate the merger agreement at any time prior to the effective time of the
merger, whether before or after we have obtained the approval of our
stockholders of the merger and the merger agreement. The merger may also be
terminated by us or VISX if:

     o    the merger has not been completed by August 17, 2002, except that
          neither party may terminate the merger agreement under this provision
          if the failure to complete the merger by that date was due to any
          action or failure to act on the part of the party seeking to terminate
          the merger agreement;

     o    a governmental authority takes a final action that prohibits the
          merger from being completed; or

     o    our stockholders do not approve the merger agreement.


     We may terminate the merger agreement if:

     o    our board of directors withdraws its recommendation of the merger
          agreement in response to a superior proposal after determining in good
          faith that the failure to withdraw the recommendation would violate
          our board's fiduciary duty to our stockholders and after complying
          with procedures set forth in the merger agreement; or

     o    either VISX or Orion Acquisition Corp. breaches any of its
          representations, warranties, covenants or agreements contained in the
          merger agreement, or if any of their representations or warranties
          become inaccurate, to the extent that the breach or inaccuracy would
          result in our suffering a material adverse effect, except that if VISX
          is capable of curing the breach or inaccuracy, we may not terminate
          the merger agreement if VISX cures the breach or inaccuracy within 30

     VISX may terminate the merger agreement if:

     o    VISX decides not to complete the merger for any or no reason;

     o    our board of directors withdraws or changes its recommendation of the
          approval of the merger agreement whether or not the board is permitted
          to do so by the merger agreement;

     o    we fail to comply with the provisions in the merger agreement
          prohibiting us from soliciting takeover proposals from third parties;

     o    a takeover proposal is announced or becomes publicly known and, within
          10 business days thereafter, our board of directors fails to recommend
          against acceptance of the proposal, fails to reconfirm its approval
          and recommendation of the merger agreement, or resolves to take any of
          these actions; or

     o    if we breach any of our representations, warranties, covenants or
          agreements contained in the merger agreement, or if any of our
          representations or warranties becomes inaccurate, to the extent that
          the breach or inaccuracy would result in VISX suffering a material
          adverse effect, except that if we are capable of curing the breach or
          inaccuracy, VISX may not terminate the merger agreement if we cure the
          breach or inaccuracy within 30 days.

     Although our board of directors may withdraw its recommendation of the
merger agreement in response to a superior proposal if our board determines in
good faith that the failure to withdraw the recommendation would violate our
board's fiduciary duty to our stockholders, we are still obligated to call, give
notice of, convene and hold the annual meeting. Through its ownership of our
series B convertible preferred stock and the written agreement of Dr. Gordon to
vote his shares in favor of the merger agreement, VISX will control
approximately 54% of the voting power of our capital stock at the annual
meeting. As a result, VISX will effectively control the outcome of the vote on
the approval and adoption of the merger agreement, even if our board of
directors determines in good faith that a superior proposal from a third party

     If the merger agreement is validly terminated, the agreement will become
void without any liability on the part of either VISX or us. However, the
provisions of the merger agreement relating to termination fees, the initial
$500,000 payment by VISX to us, the warrants issued to VISX by us, the
confidentiality agreement entered into between us and VISX and fees and expenses
will continue in full force and effect notwithstanding termination of the merger


     TERMINATION FEES PAYABLE BY US. We have agreed to pay VISX a termination
fee of $500,000 if:

     o    any person makes a takeover proposal to us or to our stockholders, or
          publicly announces a takeover proposal concerning us, the takeover
          proposal is not withdrawn, the merger agreement is terminated for our
          failure to obtain stockholder approval, and within one year after the
          merger agreement is terminated, any acquisition transaction is
          completed or we enter into any acquisition agreement with a third

     o    VISX terminates the merger agreement because our board of directors
          withdraws or changes its recommendation of the approval of the merger

     o    VISX terminates the merger agreement because we fail to comply with
          the provisions in the merger agreement prohibiting us from soliciting
          takeover proposals from third parties;

     o    VISX terminates the merger agreement after a takeover proposal is
          announced or becomes publicly known and, within 10 business days
          thereafter, our board of directors fails to recommend against
          acceptance of the proposal, fails to reconfirm its approval and
          recommendation of the merger agreement, or resolves to take any of
          these actions; or

     o    we terminate the merger agreement pursuant to the provision allowing
          our board of directors to withdraw its recommendation of the merger
          agreement in response to a superior proposal after determining in good
          faith that the failure to withdraw the recommendation would violate
          our board's fiduciary duty to our stockholders.

     Pursuant to a voting and stock option agreement, Dr. Gordon granted to VISX
an option to purchase all shares of our common stock owned by Dr. Gordon at a
purchase price of $2.00 per share and all options to purchase shares of our
common stock held by Dr. Gordon at a purchase price equal to the difference
between $2.00 and the exercise price per share (if less than $2.00) of each
option. VISX may exercise this option if:

     o    the merger agreement is terminated pursuant to any of the provisions
          listed in the five bullet points above on this page, any of which will
          trigger our obligation to pay VISX a termination fee; or

     o    prior to the termination of the merger agreement, VISX makes, or
          indicates in writing its willingness to make, sufficient funds
          available to complete the merger, and attempts to complete the merger
          pursuant to the merger agreement and Delaware law, but is unable to do
          so for any reason.

     This option will terminate upon the earliest of:

     o    the effective time of the merger;

     o    the termination of the merger agreement for reasons other than those
          described in the five bullet points above on this page, any of which
          will trigger our obligation to pay VISX a termination fee; or

     o    20 days following the termination of the merger agreement pursuant to
          any of the provisions listed in the five bullet points above on this
          page, any of which will trigger our obligation to pay VISX a
          termination fee.

     Notwithstanding any of the foregoing termination provisions, if the option
cannot be exercised because of any legal prohibition, it will remain exercisable
until the earlier of (1) the date on which the


prohibition becomes final, and (2) 5:00 p.m. Pacific time, on the tenth business
day after the prohibition has been removed.

     TERMINATION FEES PAYABLE BY VISX. VISX has agreed to pay us a termination
fee if:

     o    VISX terminates the merger agreement pursuant to the provision
          allowing it to do so for any or no reason;

     o    VISX terminates the merger agreement pursuant to the provision
          allowing it to do so if the merger has not been completed by August
          17, 2002 and the failure to complete the merger by that date was not
          due to any action or failure to act on the part of VISX; or

     o    we terminate the merger agreement pursuant to the provision allowing
          us to do so if the merger has not been completed by August 17, 2002
          and the failure to complete the merger by that date was not due to any
          action or failure to act on our part, except that VISX has no
          obligation to pay us a termination fee under this provision if VISX
          has given us written notice of termination as a result of our breach
          of any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement, prior to our
          termination of the merger agreement pursuant to this provision, and
          any applicable cure period has not yet expired.

     The termination fee payable by VISX will be:

     o    $200,000, if the termination occurs any time before May 17, 2002;

     o    $300,000, if the termination occurs any time after May 17, 2002 and
          before June 17, 2002;

     o    $400,000, if the termination occurs any time after June 17, 2002 and
          before July 17, 2002; and

     o    $500,000, if the termination occurs after July 17, 2002.


     All expenses incurred by us and VISX in connection with the merger
agreement and the transactions contemplated by the merger agreement will be paid
by the party incurring the expenses, whether or not the merger is completed,
except that VISX has agreed to pay all fees and expenses (including reasonable
attorneys' and accountants' fees) incurred in relation to the printing and
filing of this proxy statement.


     Subject to compliance with applicable law, the merger agreement may be
amended in writing by the parties at any time.


     Concurrently with the execution of the merger agreement, we also entered
into a one-year research, development and experimental cost sharing agreement
under which VISX has agreed to provide funding to us to pursue waterjet related
technologies and products, including our waterjet microkeratome. Under the terms
of this agreement, VISX has agreed to pay us a minimum monthly payment of no
less than $150,000 for the first six months of the agreement, and a minimum
monthly payment of no less than $100,000 for the second six months.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, VISX has agreed that it may, in its sole
discretion, provide additional funding to us. In return for the funding from
VISX, we have agreed to continue our research and development activities
regarding our waterjet technology at the direction of


VISX and to endeavor to design and develop waterjet related products to VISX's
specifications. VISX has committed to provide us with the minimum monthly
payments for the term of the agreement regardless of whether the merger is
completed. Through March 28, 2002, we have received approximately $1,725,000 in
funding from VISX under this agreement. Using this funding from VISX, we have
further developed our waterjet microkeratome device for producing the thin
circular layer of tissue for the front surface of the cornea required in the
LASIK procedure, including the development of a "doctor friendly," safe, high
precision device as well as a sophisticated, ergonomic console for operating the
device. We have begun animal eye testing and expect to begin human blind eye
testing of the device in the second or third quarter of 2002.


     Concurrently with the execution of the merger agreement, VISX entered into
a share transfer agreement with the original holders of our series B convertible
preferred stock. Under the terms of this agreement, VISX acquired all 10,400
outstanding shares of our series B convertible preferred stock, each of which is
currently convertible into one hundred shares of our common stock (or an
aggregate of 1,040,000 shares of common stock), and warrants to purchase a total
of 1,365,000 shares of our common stock, at an exercise price of $3.50 per
share. The total purchase price for the series B convertible preferred stock and
the warrants was $1,300,001. If the proposed merger is not completed, VISX,
through its ownership of our series B convertible preferred stock, would
continue to own approximately 21% of the voting power of our capital stock. In
addition, through its ownership of such stock and warrants acquired pursuant to
the share transfer agreement as well as the warrants to purchase 1,320,000
shares of our common stock acquired pursuant to the merger agreement, VISX will
continue to beneficially own approximately 49% of our common stock.


     We also entered into an omnibus waiver and amendment agreement with VISX,
under which VISX agreed to waive and amend certain rights and benefits of the
shares of our series B convertible preferred stock and warrants it purchased
pursuant to the share transfer agreement. The omnibus waiver and amendment
agreement will take effect only if the merger agreement is terminated pursuant
to any of the termination provisions contained in the merger agreement, other
than if VISX terminates the merger agreement pursuant to any of the termination
events set forth in the five bullet points on pages 32-33, any of which will
trigger our obligation to pay VISX a termination fee.

     Pursuant to the terms of the omnibus waiver and amendment agreement, VISX
has agreed to waive:

     o    at any time, the provision of the certificate of designations of our
          series B convertible preferred stock that prohibits us from issuing
          any class or series of equity securities which (1) are convertible
          into our common stock at a rate related to the market price of our
          common stock, or (2) in any transaction or series of transactions over
          a 12 month period, constitute 15% or more of our outstanding common
          stock (assuming conversion or exercise in full of any convertible
          securities included in the securities), to the extent that such
          provision would hinder us from raising equity financing on terms
          reasonably acceptable to us;

     o    for a period of one year following the commencement date of the
          omnibus waiver and amendment agreement, the provision governing demand
          registration rights under a registration rights agreement, dated as of
          December 3, 1999, by and among us, Adam Smith & Co., Inc. and certain
          stockholders, as amended (as described below); and


     o    the provision regarding the increase in the number of shares of our
          common stock that are purchasable by VISX due to the application of
          the "anti-dilution" rights under warrants held by VISX to purchase a
          total of 1,365,000 shares of our common stock.


     Under the terms of the first amendment to the registration rights
agreement, VISX agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions of a registration
rights agreement, dated as of December 3, 1999, by and among us and the original
holders of the securities VISX acquired pursuant to the share transfer
agreement. In addition, we and VISX agreed that VISX may, at any time, transfer
any of the registrable securities it owns to any of its affiliates, and that on
completion of any transfer, the registration rights agreement will be binding on
such transferee.


     Pursuant to the second amendment to the registration rights agreement, VISX
agreed to waive any demand registration rights for a period beginning on August
17, 2001 and ending one year after the termination of the merger agreement, if
the merger agreement is terminated. In addition, we agreed to increase our board
of directors from five members to six, and to fill any vacancy on our board of
directors by a nominee selected by VISX. Until the merger agreement is
terminated, if at all, we agreed to nominate and recommend for stockholder
approval, at each stockholder meeting in which the stockholders will elect
directors, a designee selected by VISX to serve on our board of directors. We
and VISX also agreed that any of the shares issued upon the exercise or
conversion of the three-year warrant that we granted to VISX to purchase up to
1,320,000 shares of our common stock will be deemed to be registrable securities
under the registration rights agreement and will be subject to all of the rights
set forth in the registration rights agreement, as amended.


     In order to induce VISX to enter into the merger agreement, VISX and Dr.
Gordon entered into a voting and stock option agreement, dated as of August 17,
2001, under which Dr. Gordon has agreed:

     o    to appear at all of our stockholder meetings or otherwise cause his
          shares of our common stock to be counted for purposes of establishing
          a quorum;

     o    to vote, or cause his shares of our common stock to be voted, in favor
          of the approval and adoption of the merger agreement; and

     o    to vote, or cause his shares of our common stock to be voted against
          any takeover proposal or any amendment to our certificate of
          incorporation or bylaws or any other proposal, action or transaction
          that could reasonably be expected to materially impede the completion
          of the merger or any of the transactions contemplated by the merger
          agreement, or any change to the voting rights of our common stock,
          presented to our stockholders.

     Dr. Gordon also agreed to grant to VISX an irrevocable proxy to vote his
shares in the foregoing manner.


     Dr. Gordon has also granted to VISX an option to purchase all shares of our
common stock owned by Dr. Gordon at a purchase price of $2.00 per share and all
options to purchase shares of our common stock held by Dr. Gordon at a purchase
price equal to the difference between $2.00 and the exercise price per share (if
less than $2.00) of each option. VISX may exercise this option if:

     o    the merger agreement is terminated pursuant to any of the provisions
          listed in the five bullet points on page 34, any of which will trigger
          our obligation to pay VISX a termination fee; or

     o    prior to the termination of the merger agreement, VISX makes or
          indicates its willingness to make, sufficient funds available to
          complete the merger, and attempts to complete the merger pursuant to
          the merger agreement and Delaware law, but is unable to do so for any

     This option will terminate upon the earliest of:

     o    the effective time of the merger;

     o    the termination of the merger agreement for reasons other than those
          described in the five bullet points on page 34, any of which will
          trigger our obligation to pay VISX a termination fee; or

     o    20 days following the termination of the merger agreement pursuant to
          any of the provisions listed in the five bullet points on page 34, any
          of which will trigger our obligation to pay VISX a termination fee.

     Notwithstanding any of the foregoing termination provisions, if the option
cannot be exercised because of any legal prohibition, it will remain exercisable
until the earlier of (1) the date on which the prohibition becomes final, and
(2) 5:00 p.m. Pacific time, on the tenth business day after the prohibition has
been removed.


     As an inducement to VISX to enter into the merger agreement, Dr. Gordon and
VISX have agreed to enter into a non-competition, non-solicitation and non-hire
agreement, to be effective as of the closing date of the merger agreement. Under
the terms of this agreement, Dr. Gordon agreed that, for the period beginning as
of the closing date of the merger and ending on the later of the second
anniversary of the closing date of the merger or eighteen months following Dr.
Gordon's termination of employment with either us or VISX, he will not:

     o    engage in, manage or direct persons who engage in or participate in
          any business activity related to the design, development, manufacture,
          marketing, service, support or sale of any product, service or
          application that uses or employs waterjet technology in the
          health-care industry anywhere in the world, without VISX's prior
          written consent;

     o    solicit, encourage or induce any of our employees to terminate his or
          her employment with us or VISX (or any of its subsidiaries); or

     o    hire any of our employees (other than employment with us, VISX or any
          of its subsidiaries).



     We are a medical device company engaged in the research and development of
microjet technology, primarily for use in ophthalmic surgery. We have developed
a proprietary technology platform for vision-correction surgery of the cornea.
Our technology is based on small-diameter, liquid microjets moving at supersonic
speeds. We currently have eight issued U.S. patents (and four corresponding
foreign patents) with additional U.S. and foreign patents pending.

     We have been in the development stage and have not sold any products. To
date, our research and development activities have been limited to constructing
and testing experimental versions of microkeratomes for eye surgery and
conducting a limited number of feasibility studies, using enucleated porcine,
rabbit and human cadaver eyes, and live rabbit eyes to prove that a beam of
water can smoothly incise and shape the anterior surface of the cornea and that
the cornea will heal properly after the surgery.

     We believe that our microjet technology used for tissue separation or
shaping in ophthalmic surgery produces less trauma and is potentially more
accurate than the blades or lasers currently used to perform these procedures.
We intend to further develop these applications as well as additional product
applications, including applications in the areas of ophthalmology and
dentistry. Although we have conducted only limited experiments to date, the use
of our microjet in the treatment of dental caries may have significant cost and
time saving advantages over traditional treatments.



     VISX develops proprietary technologies and systems for laser vision
correction, and currently owns over 180 U.S. and foreign patents and has more
than 100 patent applications pending. Laser vision correction relies on a
computerized laser to treat nearsightedness, astigmatism and farsightedness with
the goal of eliminating or reducing reliance on eyeglasses and contact lenses.
The VISX STAR Excimer Laser SystemTM ablates, or removes, submicron layers of
tissue from the cornea to reshape the eye, thereby improving vision, which
reduces or eliminates the need for corrective eyewear.

     The vision correction market in the U.S. represents over 157 million people
who experience some form of nearsightedness, astigmatism or farsightedness. VISX
estimates that in 2000, approximately 1.4 million eyes had laser vision
correction in the U.S. using FDA-approved laser systems. Typically, the
individual receiving laser vision correction pays for the treatment, and so the
industry is not reliant on reimbursement from governmental or private health
care payors. A secondary market for VISX's product is the treatment of corneal

     VISX intends to continue developing and refining a substantial proprietary
position in technology for vision correction. VISX's strategy is to
commercialize this intellectual property and provide products and services for
customers around the world.

     VISX is a publicly traded company whose common stock is listed on the New
York Stock Exchange under the symbol "EYE."

     VISX intends to fund the proposed merger with a available cash reserves and
general working capital.


                         PRICE RANGE OF OUR COMMON STOCK

     Our common stock is currently quoted on the OTC Bulletin Board under the
symbol "MDJT.OB". The following table sets forth the range of high and low bid
quotations for shares of our common stock, as reported by the OTC Bulletin
Board, for the period listed. These quotations reflect interdealer prices,
without retail mark-up, markdown or commission, and may not represent actual

                                                  HIGH          LOW
                                                  ----          ---
         First Quarter                            $2.25         $0.75
         Second Quarter                            1.31          0.75
         Third Quarter                             0.83          0.64
         Fourth Quarter                            0.78          0.39

         First Quarter                             1.00          0.44
         Second Quarter                            1.00          0.20
         Third Quarter                             1.07          0.51
         Fourth Quarter                            0.64          0.51

         First Quarter                             1.45          0.52
         Second Quarter (through May 3, 2002)      1.08          0.91

     On August 17, 2001, the last trading day before the public announcement of
the execution of the merger agreement, the high and low bid quotations for our
common stock, as reported on the OTC Bulletin Board, were $1.23 and $1.01,
respectively, and the closing sale price was $1.05. On May 3, 2002, the closing
price for shares of our common stock, as reported on the OTC Bulletin Board, was
$      . You are urged to obtain current market quotes for our common stock
before making any decision regarding the merger.

     We have never paid dividends on our common stock and do not intend to pay
any such dividends in the foreseeable future.


                                  OTHER MATTERS

     Our board of directors knows of no other matters to be brought before the
annual meeting. In the event that any other matters should properly come before
the annual meeting, the persons named in the enclosed proxy will have authority
to vote such proxy in their discretion, unless they are directed by the proxy to
do otherwise.

                              INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

     The firm of Rosenberg Rich Baker Berman and Company served as our
independent auditors for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2001 and have been
selected by our board of directors to audit our financial statements for the
fiscal year ending December 31, 2002. Representatives of Rosenberg Rich Baker
Berman and Company are expected to be present at the annual meeting, will have
an opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do so and will be available
to respond to appropriate questions.


     During 2001, Rosenberg Rich Baker Berman and Company billed us for the
following professional services:

     o    AUDIT FEES rendered for the audit of our 2001 financial statements and
          quarterly reviews of our financial statements included in our Form
          10-QSB filings with the SEC: $21,220.


     o    ALL OTHER FEES: $5,155.

     The finance and audit committee has considered whether the provisions of
non-audit services is compatible with maintaining the independence of Rosenberg
Rich Baker Berman and Company and has determined that, in its opinion, they are

                         STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS FOR 2003

     Stockholder proposals submitted for inclusion in our proxy materials
relating to our 2003 annual meeting of stockholders must be received by us no
later than January 10, 2003, if the date of the 2003 annual meeting is within 30
days of the first anniversary date of this annual meeting. Stockholder proposals
submitted to be considered at our 2003 annual meeting without inclusion in next
year's proxy materials must be received by us no later than March 26, 2003, if
the date of the 2003 annual meeting is within 30 days of the first anniversary
date of this annual meeting. If we are not notified of a stockholder proposal by
this time, then proxies held by our management may provide the discretion to
vote against the stockholder proposal, even though the proposal is not discussed
in the proxy statement. If the date of the 2003 annual meeting is changed by
more than 30 days from the date of this annual meeting, we will notify
stockholders of new deadlines for the submission of stockholder proposals by
including a notice in our earliest possible Form 10-QSB. Stockholder proposals
should be mailed to our Corporate Secretary, Medjet Inc., 1090 King Georges Post
Road, Suite 301, Edison, New Jersey 08837.


     We file annual, quarterly and current reports, proxy statements and other
information with the SEC. You may read and copy any reports, statements or other
information filed by us at the SEC's public reference rooms which are located at
Room 1024, Judiciary Plaza, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington D.C. 20549, and
at the SEC's regional offices. Copies of such materials are also available from


Public Reference Section of the SEC at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.
20549 at prescribed rates. Please call the SEC at 1-800-732-0330 for further
information on the operation of the public reference room. Our filings with the
SEC are also available to the public from commercial document retrieval services
and at the website maintained by the SEC located at

     We will provide, without charge, a copy of our Annual Report on Form
10-KSB, including financial statements, filed with the SEC for the fiscal year
ended December 31, 2001 to any beneficial owner of our common stock as of the
record date, upon written request to: Medjet Inc., 1090 King Georges Post Road,
Suite 301, Edison, New Jersey 08837, Attention: Corporate Secretary. You may
also call us at (732) 738-3990. We will furnish a beneficial owner with any
exhibit not contained in the Form 10-KSB upon payment of a reasonable fee.

     You should rely only on the information contained in or attached as an
annex to this proxy statement to vote your shares of our common stock at the
annual meeting. We have not authorized anyone to provide you with information
that is different from what is contained in or attached as an annex to this
proxy statement.

     This proxy statement is dated May 10, 2002. You should not assume that the
information contained in this proxy statement or any attached annex is accurate
as of any date other than such date, and the mailing of this proxy statement
will not create any implication to the contrary.

                                        By Order of the Board of Directors

                                        Cheryl A. Blake
                                        CORPORATE SECRETARY

Edison, New Jersey
May 10, 2002


                                                                         ANNEX A



                                  BY AND AMONG

                               VISX, INCORPORATED,

                             ORION ACQUISITION CORP.


                                   MEDJET INC.

                           DATED AS OF AUGUST 17, 2001



                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Article I THE MERGER...........................................................................................A-6

1.1      The Merger............................................................................................A-6

1.2      Effective Time; Closing...............................................................................A-6

1.3      Effects of the Merger.................................................................................A-6

1.4      Certificate of Incorporation; Bylaws..................................................................A-6

1.5      Directors and Officers................................................................................A-7

1.6      Effect on Capital Stock...............................................................................A-7

1.7      Dissenting Shares.....................................................................................A-8

1.8      Surrender of Certificates.............................................................................A-8

1.9      No Further Ownership Rights in Company Common Stock...................................................A-9

1.10     Lost, Stolen or Destroyed Certificates................................................................A-9

1.11     Taking of Necessary Action; Further Action............................................................A-9

Article II REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF COMPANY...........................................................A-9

2.1      Organization and Qualification; Subsidiaries.........................................................A-10

2.2      Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws..............................................................A-10

2.3      Capitalization.......................................................................................A-10

2.4      Authority Relative to this Agreement.................................................................A-12

2.5      No Conflict; Required Filings and Consents...........................................................A-12

2.6      Compliance; Permits..................................................................................A-13

2.7      SEC Filings; Financial Statements....................................................................A-13

2.8      No Undisclosed Liabilities...........................................................................A-14

2.9      Absence of Certain Changes or Events.................................................................A-14

2.10     Absence of Litigation................................................................................A-14

2.11     Employee Benefit Plans...............................................................................A-14

2.12     Labor Matters........................................................................................A-16

2.13     Proxy Statement......................................................................................A-16

2.14     Restrictions on Business Activities..................................................................A-17

2.15     Title to Property....................................................................................A-17

2.16     Taxes................................................................................................A-17

2.17     Environmental Matters................................................................................A-19

2.18     Brokers..............................................................................................A-19

2.19     Intellectual Property................................................................................A-19

2.20     Agreements, Contracts and Commitments................................................................A-22

2.21     Insurance............................................................................................A-23

2.22     Board Approval.......................................................................................A-23

2.23     Vote Required........................................................................................A-23


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

2.24     State Takeover Statutes..............................................................................A-23

Article III REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF PARENT AND MERGER SUB...........................................A-24

3.1      Organization and Qualification; Subsidiaries.........................................................A-24

3.2      Authority Relative to this Agreement.................................................................A-24

3.3      No Conflict; Required Filings and Consents...........................................................A-24

3.4      Ownership of Merger Sub; No Prior Activities.........................................................A-25

Article IV CONDUCT PRIOR TO THE EFFECTIVE TIME................................................................A-25

4.1      Conduct of Business by the Company...................................................................A-25

Article V ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS...............................................................................A-28

5.1      Initial Payment......................................................................................A-28

5.2      Related Agreements...................................................................................A-28

5.3      Parent Warrant.......................................................................................A-28

5.4      Proxy Statement......................................................................................A-28

5.5      Stockholder Meeting..................................................................................A-29

5.6      Confidentiality; Access to Information...............................................................A-29

5.7      No Solicitation......................................................................................A-29

5.8      Parent Standstill....................................................................................A-32

5.9      Public Disclosure....................................................................................A-32

5.10     Reasonable Efforts; Notification.....................................................................A-32

5.11     Third Party Consents.................................................................................A-33

5.12     401(k) Plan..........................................................................................A-33

5.13     Disclosure Supplements...............................................................................A-33

5.14     Insurance; Indemnification...........................................................................A-34

Article VI CONDITIONS TO THE MERGER...........................................................................A-34

6.1      Conditions to Obligations of Each Party to Effect the Merger.........................................A-34

6.2      Additional Conditions to Obligations of the Company..................................................A-34

6.3      Additional Conditions to the Obligations of Parent and Merger Sub....................................A-35

Article VII TERMINATION, AMENDMENT AND WAIVER.................................................................A-36

7.1      Termination..........................................................................................A-36

7.2      Notice of Termination................................................................................A-38

7.3      Effect of Termination................................................................................A-38

7.4      Fees and Expenses....................................................................................A-40

7.5      Amendment............................................................................................A-40

7.6      Extension; Waiver....................................................................................A-40


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

Article VIII GENERAL PROVISIONS...............................................................................A-40

8.1      Survival of Representations and Warranties...........................................................A-40

8.2      Notices..............................................................................................A-40

8.3      Interpretation; Definitions..........................................................................A-41

8.4      Counterparts.........................................................................................A-42

8.5      Entire Agreement; Third Party Beneficiaries..........................................................A-42

8.6      Severability.........................................................................................A-42

8.7      Other Remedies; Specific Performance.................................................................A-42

8.8      Governing Law........................................................................................A-42

8.9      Rules of Construction................................................................................A-43

8.10     Assignment...........................................................................................A-43

                                INDEX OF EXHIBITS

Exhibit A       Form of Voting Agreement
Exhibit B       Form ofNon-Competition Agreement
Exhibit C       Form of License Agreement
Exhibit D       Form of Omnibus Waiver and Amendment Agreement
Exhibit E       Form of Parent Warrant
Exhibit F       Form of Certificate of Merger
Exhibit G       Form of Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the



into as of August 17, 2001, by and among VISX, Incorporated, a Delaware
corporation ("PARENT"), Orion Acquisition Corp., a Delaware corporation and a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Parent ("MERGER SUB"), and Medjet Inc., a Delaware
corporation (the "COMPANY").


     A. Upon the terms and subject to the conditions of this Agreement (as
defined in SECTION 1.2 below) and in accordance with the Delaware General
Corporation Law ("DELAWARE LAW"), Parent and the Company intend to enter into a
business combination transaction.

     B. The Board of Directors of the Company (i) has determined that the Merger
(as defined in SECTION 1.1) is advisable and in the best interests of the
Company and its stockholders, (ii) has approved and declared advisable this
Agreement, and has approved the Merger and the other transactions contemplated
by this Agreement and (iii) has determined to recommend that the stockholders of
the Company adopt and approve this Agreement and approve the Merger.

     C. The Boards of Directors of each of Parent and Merger Sub (i) have
determined that the Merger is advisable and in the best interests of Parent,
Merger Sub and their respective stockholders, and (ii) have approved this
Agreement, the Merger and the other transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     D. Each of the respective Boards of Directors of the Company, Parent and
Merger Sub recognizes that it is a condition of this Agreement, as set forth in
SECTION 7.1(A) below, that Parent may terminate this Agreement at any time, and
for any reason or no reason. In consideration for such termination right, and as
a material inducement to the Company to enter into this Agreement, Parent shall
pay to the Company an amount equal to Five Hundred Thousand Dollars
($500,000.00), as described in SECTION 5.1 below, concurrently with the
execution and delivery of this Agreement.

     E. Concurrent with the execution and delivery of this Agreement, as a
material inducement to Parent and Merger Sub to enter into this Agreement, (i)
Eugene I. Gordon (the "PRINCIPAL SHAREHOLDER") is entering into a Voting
Agreement, in substantially the form attached as EXHIBIT A (the "VOTING
AGREEMENT"); (ii) the Principal Shareholder is entering into a Non-Competition
Agreement, in substantially the form attached as EXHIBIT B (the "NON-COMPETITION
AGREEMENT"); (iii) Parent and the Company are entering into a License Agreement,
in substantially the form attached as EXHIBIT C (the "LICENSE AGREEMENT"); and
(iv) Parent and the Company are entering into an Omnibus Waiver and Amendment
Agreement, in substantially the form attached as EXHIBIT D (the "OMNIBUS WAIVER
AND AMENDMENT AGREEMENT"). The Voting Agreement, Non-Competition Agreement,
License Agreement and Omnibus Waiver and Amendment Agreement are collectively
referred to as the "RELATED AGREEMENTS."

     F. Concurrent with the execution and delivery of this Agreement, Parent is
purchasing from entities affiliated with Adam Smith & Co. ("ASC"): (i) 10,400
shares of the Company's Series B Convertible Preferred Stock (the "SERIES B
PREFERRED"), which represent all of the Company's outstanding shares of
Preferred Stock, (ii) warrants to purchase a total of 1,040,000 shares of the
Company's Common Stock (the "COMMON STOCK WARRANTS"), and (iii) a warrant to
purchase a total of 325,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock (the "ASC
WARRANT"). At the Effective Time (as defined in SECTION 1.2 below), the 10,400
shares of Series B Preferred, the Common Stock Warrants and the ASC Warrant will
be canceled and extinguished without any conversion or exercise thereof. If this
Agreement is terminated


pursuant to ARTICLE VII hereof, then certain of Parent's rights as the owner of
the Series B Preferred, the Common Stock Warrants and ASC Warrant will be
subject to certain limitations, as set forth more fully in SECTION 7.3 below.

     G. Concurrent with the execution and delivery of this Agreement, as a
material inducement to Parent and Merger Sub to enter into this Agreement, the
Company is issuing and delivering to Parent a three-year warrant, in the form
attached as EXHIBIT E (the "PARENT WARRANT") to purchase 1,320,000 shares of
Company Common Stock at a per share exercise price of seventy-five cents
($0.75), as described more fully in SECTION 5.3 below. At the Effective Time (as
defined in SECTION 1.2 below), the Parent Warrant will be canceled and
extinguished without any conversion or exercise thereof.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants, promises and
representations set forth in this Agreement, and for other good and valuable
consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the
parties agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I
                                   THE MERGER

     1.1        THE MERGER. At the Effective Time (as defined in SECTION 1.2)
and subject to and upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the
applicable provisions of Delaware Law, Merger Sub shall be merged with and into
the Company (the "MERGER"), the separate corporate existence of Merger Sub shall
cease and the Company shall continue as the surviving corporation. The Company
as the surviving corporation after the Merger is sometimes referred to as the

     1.2        EFFECTIVE TIME; CLOSING. Subject to the provisions of this
Agreement, the parties shall cause the Merger to be consummated by filing a
Certificate of Merger, in the form attached as EXHIBIT F with the Secretary of
State of the State of Delaware in accordance with the relevant provisions of
Delaware Law (the "CERTIFICATE OF MERGER") (the time of such filing (or such
later time, as may be agreed in writing by the Company and Parent and specified
in the Certificate of Merger) being the "EFFECTIVE TIME") as soon as practicable
on the Closing Date (as defined below). Unless the context otherwise requires,
the term "AGREEMENT" refers collectively to this Agreement and Plan of Merger
and Reorganization and the Certificate of Merger. The closing of the Merger (the
"CLOSING") shall take place at either (in Parent's option) the offices of Kelley
Drye & Warren LLP, 101 Park Avenue, New York, New York or Wilson Sonsini
Goodrich & Rosati, Professional Corporation, 245 Park Avenue, New York, New
York, after satisfaction or waiver of all conditions to Closing set forth in
ARTICLE VI, including without limitation satisfaction in Parent's sole
discretion of the closing condition set forth in SECTION 6.3(M); PROVIDED,
HOWEVER, that the Closing shall occur no sooner than five business days after
delivery of the written certificate referred to in such section (the "CLOSING

     1.3        EFFECTS OF THE MERGER. At the Effective Time, the effects of the
Merger shall be as provided in this Agreement and the applicable provisions of
Delaware Law. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, and subject
thereto, at the Effective Time all the property, rights, privileges, powers and
franchises of the Company and Merger Sub shall vest in the Surviving
Corporation, and all debts, liabilities and duties of the Company and Merger Sub
shall become the debts, liabilities and duties of the Surviving Corporation.


               (a)      At the Effective Time, the Certificate of Incorporation
of the Merger Sub, as in effect immediately prior to the Effective Time, shall
be the Certificate of Incorporation of the Surviving Corporation until
thereafter amended as provided by law and such Certificate of Incorporation
of the


Surviving Corporation; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that at the Effective Time the
Certificate of Incorporation of the Surviving Corporation shall be amended and
restated in the form attached as EXHIBIT G.

               (b)      The Bylaws of Merger Sub, as in effect immediately prior
to the Effective Time, shall be, at the Effective Time, the Bylaws of the
Surviving Corporation until thereafter amended.

     1.5        DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS. The initial directors of the Surviving
Corporation shall be the directors of Merger Sub immediately prior to the
Effective Time, until their respective successors are duly elected or appointed
and qualified. The initial officers of the Surviving Corporation shall be the
officers of Merger Sub immediately prior to the Effective Time, until their
respective successors are duly appointed.

     1.6        EFFECT ON CAPITAL STOCK. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this Agreement, at the Effective Time, by virtue of the Merger and without any
action on the part of Merger Sub, the Company or the holders of any of the
following securities, the following shall occur:

               (a)      CONVERSION OF COMPANY COMMON STOCK. At the Effective
Time, each outstanding share of common stock of the Company ("COMPANY COMMON
STOCK"), upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth below and
throughout this Agreement, will be canceled and extinguished and be converted
automatically into the right to receive Two Dollars ($2.00) (the "PER SHARE
PURCHASE PRICE"), upon the terms and subject to conditions set forth in this
SECTION 1.6 and throughout this Agreement. The Per Share Purchase Price shall be
appropriately adjusted to reflect fully the effect of any stock split, reverse
stock split, stock dividend, reorganization, recapitalization or like change
with respect to Company Common Stock occurring after the date hereof and prior
to the Effective Time (a "RECAPITALIZATION").

share of Company capital stock and all warrants to purchase Company capital
stock held by the Company or owned by Merger Sub, Parent or any direct or
indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company or of Parent immediately prior
to the Effective Time shall be canceled and extinguished without any conversion

               (c)      STOCK OPTIONS AND WARRANTS. At the Effective Time, each
outstanding option to purchase shares of Company Common Stock (each, a "COMPANY
STOCK OPTION") under the Company's 1994 Stock Option Plan (the "COMPANY OPTION
PLAN") or otherwise and each outstanding warrant to purchase shares of Company
Common Stock (each, a "COMPANY WARRANT") not exercised prior to the Effective
Time shall be canceled and extinguished. Parent will pay to each holder of a
Company Stock Option or a Company Warrant the difference between $2.00 and the
exercise price per share (if less than $2.00) of Company Common Stock underlying
such Company Stock Option or Company Warrant multiplied by the total number of
shares of Company Common Stock underlying such Company Stock Option or Company
Warrant (other than any Company Warrant held by Parent). Parent will not pay any
amounts with respect to Company Stock Options or Company Warrants that have an
exercise price of equal to or greater than $2.00.

               (d)      CAPITAL STOCK OF MERGER SUB. Each share of common stock
of Merger Sub (the "MERGER SUB COMMON STOCK") issued and outstanding immediately
prior to the Effective Time shall be converted into one validly issued, fully
paid and nonassessable share of common stock of the Surviving Corporation. Each
certificate evidencing ownership of shares of Merger Sub Common Stock shall
evidence ownership of such shares of capital stock of the Surviving Corporation.
Accordingly, as a result of the Merger, Parent (as the owner of all outstanding
shares of Merger Sub Common Stock immediately


prior to the Effective Time) shall be the owner of all of the capital stock of
the Surviving Corporation immediately after the Effective Time.

               (e)      SHAREHOLDER LOANS. In the event that any holder of
Company Common Stock has outstanding loans owed to the Company as of the
Effective Time, the consideration payable to such holder of Company Common Stock
pursuant to this SECTION 1.6 shall be reduced by an amount equal to the
outstanding principal plus accrued interest of such holder's loans as of the
Effective Time. The reduction in the consideration contemplated in the preceding
sentence is intended to effect a payment mechanism for the satisfaction and not
the forgiveness of any such outstanding loan.

     1.7        DISSENTING SHARES.

               (a)      Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement
to the contrary, any shares of Company Common Stock held by a holder who has
exercised and perfected appraisal rights for such shares in accordance with
Section 262 of Delaware Law and who has not effectively withdrawn or lost such
appraisal rights ("DISSENTING SHARES"), shall not be converted into or represent
a right to receive the consideration for Company Common Stock set forth in
SECTION 1.6 hereof, but the holder thereof shall only be entitled to such rights
as are provided by Delaware Law.

               (b)      Notwithstanding the provisions of SECTION 1.7(A) hereof,
if any holder of Dissenting Shares shall effectively withdraw or lose (through
failure to perfect or otherwise) such holder's appraisal rights under Delaware
Law, then, as of the later of the Effective Time and the occurrence of such
event, such holder's shares shall automatically be converted into and represent
only the right to receive the consideration for Company Common Stock set forth
in SECTION 1.6 hereof, without interest thereon, upon surrender of the
certificate representing such shares.

               (c)      The Company shall give Parent (i) prompt notice of any
written demand for appraisal received by the Company pursuant to the applicable
provisions of Delaware Law, and (ii) the opportunity to participate in all
negotiations and proceedings with respect to such demands. The Company shall
not, except with the prior written consent of Parent, make any payment with
respect to any such demands or offer to settle or settle any such demands.


               (a)      EXCHANGE AGENT. Parent shall select a bank or trust
company reasonably acceptable to the Company to act as the exchange agent (the
"EXCHANGE AGENT") in the Merger.

after the Effective Time, Parent shall make available to the Exchange Agent for
exchange in accordance with this ARTICLE I, the Aggregate Consideration payable
pursuant to SECTION 1.6 in exchange for outstanding shares of Company Common
Stock. "AGGREGATE CONSIDERATION" shall mean the sum total of the amounts payable
in exchange for outstanding shares of Company Common Stock pursuant to SECTION

               (c)      EXCHANGE PROCEDURES. As soon as practicable after the
Effective Time, Parent shall cause the Exchange Agent to mail to each holder of
record (as of the Effective Time) of a certificate or certificates (the
"CERTIFICATES"), which immediately prior to the Effective Time represented
outstanding shares of Company Common Stock whose shares were converted into the
right to receive the amounts payable pursuant to SECTION 1.6, (i) a letter of
transmittal in customary form (which shall specify that delivery shall be
effected, and risk of loss and title to the Certificates shall pass, only upon
delivery of the Certificates to the Exchange Agent and shall contain such other
provisions as Parent may reasonably specify) and (ii) instructions for use in
effecting the surrender of the Certificates in exchange for the


amounts payable pursuant to SECTION 1.6. Upon surrender of Certificates for
cancellation to the Exchange Agent or to such other agent or agents as may be
appointed by Parent, together with such letter of transmittal, duly completed
and validly executed in accordance with the instructions thereto, the holders of
such Certificates shall be entitled to receive the amounts payable pursuant to
SECTION 1.6, and the Certificates so surrendered shall forthwith be canceled.
Until so surrendered, the outstanding Certificates will be deemed from and after
the Effective Time, for all corporate purposes to evidence only the right to
receive the amounts payable pursuant to SECTION 1.6.

               (d)      REQUIRED WITHHOLDING. Any of the Exchange Agent, Parent
or the Surviving Corporation, as the case may be, shall be entitled to deduct
and withhold from any consideration payable or otherwise deliverable pursuant to
this Agreement to any holder or former holder of Company Common Stock such
amounts as may be required to be deducted or withheld therefrom under the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "CODE") or under any provision of
state, local or foreign tax law or under any other applicable legal requirement.
To the extent such amounts are so deducted or withheld, such amounts shall be
treated for all purposes under this Agreement as having been paid to the person
to whom such amounts would otherwise have been paid.

               (e)      NO LIABILITY. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary
in this SECTION 1.8, neither the Exchange Agent, Parent, the Surviving
Corporation nor any party shall be liable to a holder of shares of Company
Common Stock for any amount properly paid to a public official pursuant to any
applicable abandoned property, escheat or similar law.

Aggregate Consideration shall be deemed to have been paid in full satisfaction
of all rights pertaining to shares of Company Common Stock, and there shall be
no further registration of transfers on the records of the Surviving Corporation
of shares of Company Common Stock that were outstanding immediately prior to the
Effective Time. If, after the Effective Time, Certificates are presented to the
Surviving Corporation for any reason, they shall be canceled and exchanged as
provided in this ARTICLE I.

               1.10     LOST, STOLEN OR DESTROYED CERTIFICATES. In the event
that any Certificates shall have been lost, stolen or destroyed, the Exchange
Agent shall pay the amounts payable pursuant to SECTION 1.6 in exchange for such
lost, stolen or destroyed Certificates, upon the making of an affidavit of that
fact by the holder thereof; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that Parent may, in its
reasonable discretion and as a condition precedent to the payment of the amounts
payable pursuant to SECTION 1.6, require the owner of such lost, stolen or
destroyed Certificates to deliver a bond in such sum as it may reasonably direct
as indemnity against any claim that may be made against Parent, the Surviving
Corporation or the Exchange Agent with respect to the Certificates alleged to
have been lost, stolen or destroyed.

               1.11     TAKING OF NECESSARY ACTION; FURTHER ACTION. If, at any
time after the Effective Time, any further action is necessary or desirable to
carry out the purposes of this Agreement and to vest the Surviving Corporation
with full right, title and possession to all assets, property, rights,
privileges, powers and franchises of the Company and Merger Sub, the current
officers and directors of the Company and Merger Sub will, to the extent
reasonable and at the sole expense of the Surviving Corporation, take all such
lawful and necessary action.

                                   ARTICLE II

     The Company represents and warrants to Parent and Merger Sub as follows,
subject to such exceptions as are specifically disclosed in writing in the
disclosure schedule supplied by the Company to Parent dated as of the date
hereof (the "COMPANY Schedule"). The Company Schedule shall be arranged


in sections corresponding to the numbered and lettered paragraphs contained in
this ARTICLE II, and the disclosure of any section of the Company Schedule shall
qualify other paragraphs in this ARTICLE II only to the extent that it is
reasonably apparent from a reading of such disclosure that it also qualifies or
applies to such other paragraph.


               (a)      The Company is a corporation duly organized, validly
existing and in good standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its
incorporation and has the requisite corporate power and authority to own, lease
and operate its assets and properties and to carry on its business as it is now
being conducted. The Company is in possession of all franchises, grants,
authorizations, licenses, permits, easements, consents, certificates, approvals
and orders ("APPROVALS") necessary to own, lease and operate the properties it
purports to own, operate or lease and to carry on its business as it is now
being conducted, except where the failure to have such Approvals would not,
individually or in the aggregate, be material to the Company. The Company is
duly qualified or licensed as a foreign corporation to do business, and is in
good standing, in each jurisdiction where the character of the properties owned,
leased or operated by it or the nature of its activities makes such
qualification or licensing necessary, except for such failures to be so duly
qualified or licensed and in good standing that would not, either individually
or in the aggregate, have a Material Adverse Effect on the Company.

               (b)      The Company has no subsidiaries. The Company has not
agreed nor is obligated to make nor be bound by any written, oral or other
agreement, contract, subcontract, lease, binding understanding, instrument,
note, option, warranty, purchase order, license, sublicense, insurance policy,
benefit plan, commitment or undertaking of any nature, as of the date hereof or
as may hereafter be in effect (a "CONTRACT") under which it may become obligated
to make, any future investment in or capital contribution to any other entity.
The Company does not directly or indirectly own any equity or similar interest
in or any interest convertible, exchangeable or exercisable for, any equity or
similar interest in, any corporation, partnership, joint venture or other
business, association or entity.

previously furnished to Parent a complete and correct copy of its certificate of
incorporation and bylaws as amended to date (together, the "COMPANY CHARTER
DOCUMENTS"). Such Company Charter Documents are in full force and effect. The
Company is not in violation of any of the provisions of the Company Charter

     2.3        CAPITALIZATION.

               (a)      The authorized capital stock of the Company consists of:
30,000,000 shares of Company Common Stock, and 1,000,000 shares of Preferred
Stock ("COMPANY PREFERRED STOCK"), which may be designated as Series A Preferred
Stock, Series B Preferred Stock, Series C Preferred Stock, and Series B
Convertible Preferred Stock. The Series A Preferred Stock, Series B Preferred
Stock and Series C Preferred Stock consist of an aggregate of not more than
400,000 shares, of which 110,000 are designated as Series A Preferred Stock. ___
In addition, 16,000 shares of Company Preferred Stock are designated as Series B
Convertible Preferred Stock, each having par value $0.01 per share. At the close
of business on August 14, 2001:

                        (i)     3,901,431 shares of Company Common Stock were
issued and outstanding, all of which are validly issued, fully paid and

                        (ii)    no shares of Series A Preferred Stock were
issued or outstanding;

                        (iii)   no shares of Series B Preferred Stock were
issued or outstanding;


                        (iv)    no shares of Series C Preferred Stock were
issued or outstanding;

                        (v)     10,400 shares of Series B Convertible Preferred
Stock were issued and outstanding, all of which are validly issued, fully paid
and nonassessable;

                        (vi)    33,789 shares of Company Common Stock were held
in treasury by the Company;

                        (vii)   513,046 shares of Company Common Stock were
reserved for issuance upon the exercise of outstanding options to purchase
Company Common Stock under the Company Option Plan;

                        (viii)  no shares of Company Common Stock were reserved
for issuance upon the exercise of other outstanding options to purchase Company
Common Stock;

                        (ix)    133,531 shares of Company Common Stock were
available for future grant under the Company Option Plan;

                        (x)     1,440,772 shares of Company Common Stock were
reserved for future issuance upon conversion of warrants of the Company.

               (b)      SECTION 2.3(B) of the Company Schedule sets forth the
following information with respect to each Company Stock Option outstanding as
of August 14, 2001: (i) the name of the optionee; (ii) the particular plan
pursuant to which such Company Stock Option was granted; (iii) the number of
shares of Company Common Stock subject to such Company Stock Option; (iv) the
exercise price of such Company Stock Option; (v) the date on which such Company
Stock Option was granted; (vi) the applicable vesting schedule; and (vii) the
date on which such Company Stock Option expires. The Company has made available
to Parent accurate and complete copies of all stock option plans pursuant to
which the Company has granted such Company Stock Options that are currently
outstanding and the form of all stock option agreements evidencing such Company
Stock Options. SECTION 2.3(B) of the Company Schedule also sets forth the
following information with respect to each Company Warrant outstanding as of
August 14, 2001: (i) the name of the warrant holder; (ii) the number of shares
of Company Common Stock subject to such Company Warrant; (iii) the exercise
price of such Company Warrant; (iv) the date on which such Company Warrant was
granted; (v) any applicable performance based provisions of such Company
Warrant; (vi) the date on which such Company Warrant expires. All shares of
Company Common Stock subject to issuance as aforesaid, upon issuance on the
terms and conditions specified in the instrument pursuant to which they are
issuable, would be duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid and
nonassessable. Except as set forth in SECTION 2.3(B) of the Company Schedule,
there are no commitments or agreements of any character to which the Company is
bound obligating the Company to accelerate the vesting of any Company Stock
Option or Company Warrants as a result of the Merger. All outstanding shares of
Company Common Stock and all outstanding Company Stock Options have been issued
and granted in compliance with (i) all applicable securities laws and other
applicable Legal Requirements (as defined below) and (ii) all requirements set
forth in applicable Contracts. For the purposes of this Agreement, "LEGAL
REQUIREMENTS" means any federal, state, local, municipal, foreign or other law,
statute, constitution, principle of common law, resolution, ordinance, code,
edict, decree, rule, regulation, ruling or requirement issued, enacted, adopted,
promulgated, implemented or otherwise put into effect by or under the authority
of any Governmental Entity (as defined below).

               (c)      Except as set forth in SECTION 2.3(B) of the Company
Schedule, there are no subscriptions, options, warrants, equity securities,
partnership interests or similar ownership interests,


calls, rights (including preemptive rights), commitments or agreements of any
character to which the Company is a party or by which it is bound obligating the
Company to issue, deliver or sell, or cause to be issued, delivered or sold, or
repurchase, redeem or otherwise acquire, or cause the repurchase, redemption or
acquisition of, any shares of capital stock, partnership interests or similar
ownership interests of the Company or obligating the Company to grant, extend,
accelerate the vesting of or enter into any such subscription, option, warrant,
equity security, call, right, commitment or agreement. As of the date of this
Agreement, there are no registration rights and there is, except for the Voting
Agreement, no voting trust, proxy, rights plan, antitakeover plan or other
agreement or understanding to which the Company is a party or by which it is
bound with respect to any equity security of any class of the Company.

     2.4        AUTHORITY RELATIVE TO THIS AGREEMENT. The Company has all
necessary corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement
and the Related Agreements and to perform its obligations hereunder and
thereunder, subject to obtaining the approval of the stockholders of the Company
of the Merger and this Agreement, to consummate the transactions contemplated
hereby and thereby. The execution and delivery of this Agreement by the Company
and the consummation by the Company of the transactions contemplated hereby and
the execution and delivery of the Related Agreements by the Company and the
consummation by the Company of the transactions contemplated thereby have been
duly and validly authorized by all necessary corporate action on the part of the
Company, and no other corporate proceedings on the part of the Company are
necessary to authorize this Agreement and the Related Agreements, or to
consummate the transactions so contemplated (other than, with respect to the
Merger, the approval and adoption of the Merger and this Agreement by a majority
of the votes entitled to be cast by the holders of the Company Common Stock and
Series B Convertible Preferred Stock (voting on an as-converted to Company
Common Stock basis), voting together as a single class, in accordance with
Delaware Law and the Company Charter Documents). This Agreement and the Related
Agreements have been duly and validly executed and delivered by the Company and,
assuming the due authorization, execution and delivery by Parent and Merger Sub,
and subject to obtaining the approval of the Company's stockholders of the
Merger and this Agreement, constitute legal and binding obligations of the
Company, enforceable against the Company in accordance with their terms except
as enforceability may be limited by applicable bankruptcy, insolvency,
reorganization, moratorium or similar laws affecting creditors' and contracting
parties' rights generally and except as enforceability may be subject to general
principles of equity (regardless of whether such enforceability is considered in
a proceeding in equity or at law).


               (a)      The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the
Related Agreements by the Company do not, and the performance of this Agreement
and the Related Agreements by the Company shall not, (i) conflict with or
violate the Company Charter Documents, (ii) subject to obtaining the approval of
the Company's stockholders of the Merger and this Agreement and compliance with
the requirements set forth in SECTION 2.5(B) below, conflict with or violate any
law, rule, regulation, order, judgment or decree applicable to the Company by
which its properties is bound or affected, or (iii) result in any breach of or
constitute a default (or an event that with notice or lapse of time or both
would become a default) under, or impair the Company's rights or alter the
rights or obligations of any third party under, or give to others any rights of
termination, amendment, acceleration or cancellation of, or result in the
creation of a lien or encumbrance on any of the properties or assets of the
Company pursuant to, any material note, bond, mortgage, indenture, contract,
agreement, lease, license, permit, franchise or other instrument or obligation
to which the Company is a party or by which the Company or its respective
properties are bound or affected, except to the extent such conflict, violation,
breach, default, impairment or other effect could not in the case of clauses
(ii) or (iii), individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to have
a Material Adverse Effect on the Company.


               (b)      The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the
Related Agreements by the Company do not, and the performance of this Agreement
and the Related Agreements by the Company shall not, require any consent,
approval, authorization or permit of, or filing with or notification to, any
court, administrative agency, commission, governmental or regulatory authority,
domestic or foreign (a "GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY"), except (A) for applicable
requirements, if any, of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "SECURITIES
ACT"), the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "EXCHANGE ACT"),
state securities laws ("BLUE SKY LAWS"), the pre-merger notification
requirements (the "HSR APPROVAL") of the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust
Improvements Act of 1976, as amended (the "HSR ACT"), the rules and regulations
of Nasdaq, and the filing and recordation of the Certificate of Merger as
required by Delaware Law and (B) where the failure to obtain such consents,
approvals, authorizations or permits, or to make such filings or notifications,
would not have a material adverse effect on the Company's ability to consummate
the Merger or perform its obligations under this Agreement or the Related

     2.6       COMPLIANCE; PERMITS.

               (a)      The Company is not in default or violation of, (i) any
law, rule, regulation, order, judgment or decree (each, a "LAW") applicable to
the Company or by which its properties is bound or affected, or (ii) any
material note, bond, mortgage, indenture, contract, agreement, lease, license,
permit, franchise or other instrument or obligation to which the Company is a
party or by which the Company or its properties is bound or affected, except for
any defaults or violations that (individually or in the aggregate) would not
have a Material Adverse Effect on the Company. To the Company's knowledge no
investigation or review by any governmental or regulatory body or authority is
pending or threatened against the Company, nor has any governmental or
regulatory body or authority indicated an intention to conduct the same, other
than, in each such case, those the outcome of which could not, individually or
in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to have the effect of prohibiting or
materially impairing any business practice of the Company, any acquisition of
material property by the Company or the conduct of business by the Company in
any material way.

               (b)      The Company holds all permits, licenses, variances,
exemptions, orders and approvals from governmental authorities ("PERMITS") that
are material to operation of the business of the Company as currently conducted
(collectively, the "COMPANY PERMITS"); PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that Permits that may
be required for the future operation of the business have not been granted by
the Food and Drug Administration or any comparable foreign governmental entity.
The Company is in compliance in all material respects with the terms of the
Company Permits.


               (a)      The Company has made available to Parent a correct and
complete copy of each report, schedule, registration statement and definitive
proxy statement filed by the Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission
("SEC") after January 1, 1999 (the "COMPANY SEC REPORTS"), which are all the
forms, reports and documents required to be filed by the Company with the SEC
after January 1, 1999. The Company SEC Reports (A) were prepared in accordance
with the requirements of the Securities Act or the Exchange Act, as the case may
be, and filed on a timely basis and (B) did not at the time they were filed (and
if amended or superseded by a filing prior to the date of this Agreement then on
the date of such filing) contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit
to state a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary in order to
make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were
made, not misleading.

               (b)      Each set of consolidated financial statements
(including, in each case, any related notes thereto) contained in the Company
SEC Reports was prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles ("GAAP") applied on a consistent basis throughout the periods


(except as may be indicated in the notes thereto or, in the case of unaudited
statements, for the absence of footnotes) and each fairly presents in all
material respects the financial position of the Company at the respective dates
thereof and the results of its operations and cash flows for the periods
indicated, except that the unaudited interim financial statements were or are
subject to normal adjustments and lack footnotes.

     2.8        NO UNDISCLOSED LIABILITIES. The Company has no liabilities
(absolute, accrued, contingent or otherwise) which are, individually or in the
aggregate, material to the business, results of operations or financial
condition of the Company taken as a whole, except (i) liabilities provided for
in the Company's balance sheet as of December 31, 2000 (or described in the
footnotes thereto), (ii) liabilities incurred since December 31, 2000 in the
ordinary course of business, (iii) contractual and other liabilities incurred in
the ordinary course of business which are not required by GAAP to be reflected
on a balance sheet, and (iv) liabilities permitted under this Agreement and the
transactions related to the Merger, and liabilities incurred pursuant to or in
connection with any other agreement between the parties.

     2.9        ABSENCE OF CERTAIN CHANGES OR EVENTS. Since March 31, 2001,
there has not been: (i) any declaration, setting aside or payment of any
dividend on, or other distribution (whether in cash, stock or property) in
respect of, any of the Company's capital stock, (ii) any purchase, redemption or
other acquisition by the Company of (a) the Company's capital stock, (b) any
other securities of the Company or (c) any options, warrants, calls or rights to
acquire any such shares or other securities, except for repurchases from
employees following their termination pursuant to the terms of their
pre-existing stock option or purchase agreements, (iii) any split, combination
or reclassification of any of the Company's capital stock, (iv) any granting by
the Company of any increase in compensation or fringe benefits, except for
normal increases of cash compensation to non-officer employees in the ordinary
course of business consistent with past practice, or any payment by the Company
of any bonus, except for bonuses made to non-officer employees in the ordinary
course of business consistent with past practice, or any granting by the Company
of any increase in severance or termination pay or any entry by the Company into
any currently effective employment, severance, termination or indemnification
agreement or any agreement the benefits of which are contingent or the terms of
which are materially altered upon the occurrence of a transaction involving the
Company of the nature contemplated hereby, (v) except for any agreements between
Parent and the Company, entry by the Company into any licensing or other
agreement with regard to the acquisition or disposition of any Company
Intellectual Property (as defined in SECTION 2.19) other than any amendment or
consent with respect to any licensing agreement filed or required to be filed by
the Company with the SEC, (vi) any material change by the Company in its
accounting methods, principles or practices, except as required by concurrent
changes in GAAP, or (vii) any revaluation by the Company of any of its assets,
including, without limitation, writing down the value of capitalized inventory
or writing off notes or accounts receivable or any sale of assets of the Company
other than in the ordinary course of business.

     2.10       ABSENCE OF LITIGATION. There are no claims, actions, suits or
proceedings ("CLAIMS") pending or, to the knowledge of the Company, threatened
against the Company or any properties or rights of the Company, before any
court, arbitrator or administrative, governmental or regulatory authority or
body, domestic or foreign, except for Claims that, individually or in the
aggregate, would not have a Material Adverse Effect on the Company.


               (a)      All employee compensation, incentive, fringe or benefit
plans, programs, policies, commitments or other arrangements (whether or not set
forth in a written document and including, without limitation, all "employee
benefit plans" within the meaning of Section 3(3) of the


Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA")) covering
any active or former employee, director or consultant of the Company or any
trade or business (whether or not incorporated) which is a member of a
controlled group or which is under common control with the Company within the
meaning of Section 414 of the Code (an "AFFILIATE"), or with respect to which
the Company has or may in the future have liability, are listed in SECTION
2.11(A) of the Company Schedule (the "PLANS"). The Company has provided to
Parent: (i) correct and complete copies of all documents embodying each Plan,
and management, employment, severance, consulting, relocation, repatriation,
expatriation, visa, work permit or other agreement, contract or understanding
between the Company and any Employee ("EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT"), including
(without limitation) all amendments thereto, all related trust documents, and
all material written agreements and contracts relating to each such Plan; (ii)
the three (3) most recent annual reports (Form Series 5500 and all schedules and
financial statements, if any, required to be attached thereto), if any, required
under ERISA or the Code in connection with each Plan; (iii) the most recent
summary plan description together with the summary(ies) of material
modifications thereto, if any, required under ERISA with respect to each Plan;
(iv) all IRS or DOL determination, opinion, notification and advisory letters;
(v) all material correspondence to or from any governmental agency relating to
any Plan; (vi) all COBRA forms and related notices; (vii) all discrimination
tests for each Plan for the most recent three (3) plan years; (viii) the most
recent annual actuarial valuations, if any required, prepared for each Plan;
(ix) if the Plan is funded, the most recent annual and periodic accounting of
Plan assets; (x) all material written agreements and contracts relating to each
Plan, including, but not limited to, administrative service agreements, group
annuity contracts and group insurance contracts; (xi) all material
communications to employees or former employees regarding in each case, relating
to any amendments, terminations, establishments, increases or decreases in
benefits, acceleration of payments or vesting schedules or other events which
would result in any material liability under any Plan or proposed Plan; (xii)
all policies pertaining to fiduciary liability insurance covering the
fiduciaries for each Plan; and (xiii) all registration statements, annual
reports (Form 11-K and all attachments thereto) and prospectuses prepared in
connection with any Plan.

               (b)      The Company has performed in all material respects all
obligations required to be performed by it under, is not in default or violation
of, and has no knowledge of any default or violation by any other party to, each
Plan, and each Plan has been maintained and administered in all material
respects in compliance with its terms and with the requirements prescribed by
any and all statutes, orders, rules and regulations (foreign or domestic),
including but not limited to ERISA and the Code, which are applicable to such
Plans. No suit, action or other litigation (excluding claims for benefits
incurred in the ordinary course of Plan activities) has been brought, or to the
knowledge of the Company is threatened, against or with respect to any such
Plan. There are no audits, inquiries or proceedings pending or, to the knowledge
of the Company, threatened by the Internal Revenue Service (the "IRS") or
Department of Labor (the "DOL") with respect to any Plans. All contributions,
reserves or premium payments required to be made or accrued as of the date
hereof to the Plans have been timely made or accrued. Any Plan intended to be
qualified under Section 401(a) of the Code and each trust intended to qualify
under Section 501(a) of the Code (i) has either obtained a favorable
determination, notification, advisory and/or opinion letter, as applicable, as
to its qualified status from the IRS or still has a remaining period of time
under applicable Treasury Regulations or IRS pronouncements in which to apply
for such letter and to make any amendments necessary to obtain a favorable
determination, and (ii) incorporates or has been amended to incorporate all
provisions required to comply with the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and subsequent
legislation. The Company does not have any plan or commitment to establish any
new Plan, to modify any Plan (except to the extent required by law or to conform
any such Plan to the requirements of any applicable law, in each case as
previously disclosed to Parent in writing, or as required by this Agreement), or
to enter into any new Plan. Each Plan can be amended, terminated or otherwise
discontinued after the Effective Time in accordance with its terms, without
liability to Parent, the Company or any of its Affiliates (other than ordinary
administration expenses and expenses for benefits accrued but not yet paid).


               (c)      Neither the Company nor any of its Affiliates has at any
time ever maintained, established, sponsored, participated in, or contributed to
any plan subject to Title IV of ERISA or Section 412 of the Code, and at no time
has the Company contributed to or been requested to contribute to any
"multiemployer plan," as such term is defined in ERISA or to any plan described
in Section 413(c) of the Code. Neither the Company nor any officer or director
of the Company is subject to any liability or penalty under Section 4975 through
4980B of the Code or Title I of ERISA. No "prohibited transaction," within the
meaning of Section 4975 of the Code or Sections 406 and 407 of ERISA, and not
otherwise exempt under Section 408 of ERISA, has occurred with respect to any

               (d)      Neither the Company nor any of its Affiliates has, prior
to the Effective Time and in any material respect, violated any of the health
continuation requirements of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
of 1985, as amended ("COBRA"), the requirements of the Family Medical Leave Act
of 1993, as amended, the requirements of the Women's Health and Cancer Rights
Act, as amended, the requirements of the Newborns' and Mothers' Health
Protection Act of 1996, as amended, or any similar provisions of state law
applicable to employees of the Company. None of the Plans promises or provides
retiree medical or other retiree welfare benefits to any person except as
required by applicable law, and the Company has not represented, promised or
contracted (whether in oral or written form) to provide such retiree benefits to
any employee, former employee, director, consultant or other person, except to
the extent required by statute.

               (e)      Except as disclosed in SECTION 2.11(E) of the Company
Schedule, neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement, nor the
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will (either alone or upon
the occurrence of any additional or subsequent events) (i) constitute an event
under any Plan, Employment Agreement, trust or loan that will or may result in
any payment (whether of severance pay or otherwise), acceleration, forgiveness
of indebtedness, vesting, distribution, increase in benefits or obligation to
fund benefits with respect to any Employee; or (ii) result in any payment or
benefit which will or may be made by the Company or its Affiliates with respect
to any Employee will be characterized as a "parachute payment," within the
meaning of Section 280G(b)(2) of the Code.

               (f)      The Company has no employees outside the United States.

     2.12       LABOR MATTERS. (i) There are no material controversies pending
or, to the knowledge of the Company, threatened, between the Company and any of
its employees; (ii) the Company is not a party to any collective bargaining
agreement or other labor union contract or arrangement with any labor union
applicable to persons employed by the Company nor does the Company know of any
activities or proceedings of any labor union to organize any such employees; and
(iii) the Company has no knowledge of any labor disputes, strikes, slowdowns,
work stoppages or lockouts, or threats thereof, by or with respect to any
employees of the Company, and the Company has not experienced any labor
interruptions over the past three (3) years. The Company is in compliance in all
material respects with all applicable material foreign, federal, state and local
laws, rules and regulations respecting employment, employment practices, terms
and conditions of employment and wages and hours.

     2.13       PROXY STATEMENT. None of the information supplied or to be
supplied by the Company for inclusion or incorporation by reference in the proxy
statement to be filed with the SEC by the Company pursuant to SECTION 5.4
hereof, as the same may be amended from time to time (the "PROXY STATEMENT")
will, at the dates mailed to the stockholders of the Company and at the time of
the stockholders meeting of the Company (the "COMPANY STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING") in
connection with the transactions contemplated hereby, contain any untrue
statement of a material fact or omit to state any material fact required to be
stated therein or necessary in order to make the statements therein, in light of
the circumstances under which they are made, not misleading. The Proxy Statement
will comply as to form in all material respects with the provisions of the
Exchange Act and the rules and regulations promulgated


by the SEC thereunder. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company makes no
representation or warranty with respect to any information supplied by Parent or
Merger Sub that is contained in any of the foregoing documents.

     2.14       RESTRICTIONS ON BUSINESS ACTIVITIES. There is no agreement,
commitment, judgment, injunction, order or decree binding upon the Company or to
which the Company is a party which has or could reasonably be expected to have
the effect of prohibiting or materially impairing any business practice of the
Company (including but not limited to research and development, sales,
manufacturing, marketing and employment) or the conduct of business by the
Company as such practice or business is currently conducted or presently
anticipated by the Company to be conducted or pursued under any agreement
between Parent and the Company.

     2.15       TITLE TO PROPERTY. The Company does not own any material real
property. The Company has good and defensible title to all of its material
properties and assets it purports to own, free and clear of all liens, charges
and encumbrances except liens for taxes not yet due and payable, and such liens
or other imperfections of title, if any, as do not materially detract from the
value of or interfere with the present use of the property affected thereby. All
leases pursuant to which the Company lease from others material real or personal
property are in good standing, valid and effective in accordance with their
respective terms, and there is not, under any of such leases, any existing
material default or event of default (or any event which with notice or lapse of
time, or both, would constitute a material default and in respect of which the
Company has not taken adequate steps to prevent such default from occurring).
All the plants, structures and equipment of the Company, except such as may be
under construction, are in good operating condition and repair, in all material
respects, subject to normal wear and tear.

     2.16       TAXES.

               (a)      For the purposes of this Agreement, "TAX" or "TAXES"
"means (i) any and all federal, state, local and foreign taxes, including taxes
based upon or measured by gross receipts, income, profits, sales, use and
occupation, and value added, ad valorem, transfer, franchise, withholding,
payroll, recapture, employment, excise and property taxes, together with all
interest, penalties and additions imposed with respect to such amounts, (ii) any
liability for the payment of any amounts of the type described in clause (i) as
a result of being or ceasing to be a member of an affiliated, consolidated,
combined or unitary group for any period (including, without limitation, any
liability under Treasury Regulation Section 1.1502-6 or any comparable provision
of foreign, state or local law), and (iii) any liability for the payment of any
amounts of the type described in clause (i) or (ii) as a result of any express
or implied obligation to indemnify any other person or as a result of any
obligations under any agreements or arrangements with any other person with
respect to such amounts and including any liability for taxes of a predecessor


                        (i)     The Company has timely filed (taking into
account extensions) all federal, state, local and foreign returns, estimates,
information statements and reports ("RETURNS") relating to Taxes required to be
filed by the Company with any Tax authority, except such Returns which are not
material to the Company. All such Returns were correct and complete in all
material respects. The Company has paid all Taxes shown to be due on such

                        (ii)    The Company as of the Effective Time will have
withheld with respect to its employees all federal and state income Taxes, Taxes
pursuant to the Federal Insurance Contribution Act and other Taxes, if any,
required to be withheld as of the Effective Time, except such Taxes which are
not material to the Company, and have timely paid over to the proper
governmental authorities all


amounts required to be withheld and paid over under all applicable laws and will
have paid all then due Taxes required to be paid pursuant to the Federal
Unemployment Tax Act with respect to compensation paid to its employees.

                        (iii)   Except as disclosed in SECTION 2.16(B)(III) of
the Company Schedule, the Company has not been delinquent in the payment of any
material Tax nor is there any material Tax deficiency outstanding, proposed or
assessed against the Company, nor has the Company executed any unexpired waiver
of any statute of limitations on or extending the period for the assessment or
collection of any Tax.

                        (iv)    No audit or other examination of any Return of
the Company by any Tax authority is presently in progress, nor has the Company
been notified in writing of any request for such an audit or other examination.

                        (v)     No adjustment relating to any Returns filed by
the Company has been proposed in writing by any Tax authority to the Company or
any representative thereof.

                        (vi)    The Company has no liability for any material
unpaid Taxes which has not been accrued for or reserved on the Company balance
sheet dated December 31, 2000 in accordance with GAAP, whether asserted or
unasserted, contingent or otherwise, which is material to the Company, other
than any liability for unpaid Taxes that may have accrued since December 31,
2000 in connection with the operation of the business of the Company in the
ordinary course.

                        (vii)   There is no contract, agreement, plan or
arrangement to which the Company is a party as of the date of this Agreement,
including but not limited to the provisions of this Agreement, covering any
employee or former employee of the Company that, individually or collectively,
would reasonably be expected to give rise to the payment of any amount that
would not be deductible pursuant to Sections 280G, 404 or 162(m) of the Code.
There is no contract, agreement, plan or arrangement to which the Company is a
party or by which it is bound to compensate any individual for excise taxes paid
pursuant to Section 4999 of the Code.

                        (viii)  The Company has not filed any consent agreement
under Section 341(f) of the Code or agreed to have Section 341(f)(2) of the Code
apply to any disposition of a subsection (f) asset (as defined in Section
341(f)(4) of the Code) owned by the Company.

                        (ix)    The Company is not party to and does not have
any obligation under any tax-sharing, tax indemnity or tax allocation agreement
or arrangement.

                        (x)     None of the Company's assets are tax exempt use
property within the meaning of Section 168(h) of the Code.

                        (xi)    The Company has not constituted either a
"distributing corporation" or a "controlled corporation" in a distribution of
stock qualifying for tax-free treatment under Section 355 of the Code (i) in the
two years prior to the date of this Agreement or (ii) in a distribution which
could otherwise constitute part of a "plan" or "series of related transactions"
(within the meaning of Section 355(e) of the Code) in conjunction with the

                        (xii)   Except as disclosed in SECTION 2.16(B)(X99) of
the Company Schedule, the Company has not granted any power of attorney with
respect to Taxes.


                        (xiii)  The Company is not, and has not been at any
time, a "United States real property holding corporation" within the meaning of
section 897(c) of the Code.

     2.17       ENVIRONMENTAL MATTERS. The Company (i) has obtained all
applicable permits, licenses and other authorizations that are required under
Environmental Laws the absence of which would have a Material Adverse Effect on
the Company; (ii) is in compliance in all material respects with all material
terms and conditions of such required permits, licenses and authorizations, and
also is in compliance in all material respects with all other material
limitations, restrictions, conditions, standards, prohibitions, requirements,
obligations, schedules and timetables contained in such laws or contained in any
regulation, code, plan, order, decree, judgment, notice or demand letter issued,
entered, promulgated or approved thereunder; and (iii) has no knowledge of and
has not received any written notice of any event, condition, circumstance,
activity, practice, incident, action or plan that is reasonably foreseeably
likely to interfere with or prevent continued compliance with any Environmental
Law or that would give rise to any common law or statutory liability pursuant to
any Environmental Law, except to the extent such non-compliance, liability or
Environmental Claim could not reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse
Effect on the Company. To the Company's knowledge, no Hazardous Materials are
present in, on or under any real properties owned, leased or used at any time
(including both land and improvements thereon) by the Company, in such manner as
would give rise to any liability or corrective or remedial obligation under any
Environmental Laws. "ENVIRONMENTAL CLAIM" means any written notice, claim, act,
cause of action or investigation by any person alleging potential liability
(including potential liability for investigatory costs, cleanup costs,
governmental response costs, natural resources damages, property damages,
personal injuries or penalties) arising out of, based on or resulting from (i)
the presence, or release into the environment, of any Hazardous Materials or
(ii) any violation, or alleged violation, of any Environmental Laws.
"ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS" means all Federal, state, local and foreign laws and
regulations in effect on the date hereof relating to pollution of the
environment (including ambient air, surface water, ground water, land surface or
subsurface strata) or the protection of human health and worker safety,
including, without limitation, laws and regulations relating to emissions,
discharges, releases or threatened releases of Hazardous Materials, or otherwise
relating to the manufacture, processing, distribution, use, treatment, storage,
disposal, transport or handling of Hazardous Materials. "HAZARDOUS MATERIALS"
means chemicals, pollutants, contaminants, wastes, toxic substances, radioactive
and biological materials, asbestos-containing materials, hazardous substances,
petroleum and petroleum products or any fraction thereof, excluding, however,
Hazardous Materials contained in products typically used for office, janitorial
and/or landscaping purposes properly and safely maintained in accordance with
Environmental Laws.

     2.18       BROKERS. The Company has not incurred, nor will it incur,
directly or indirectly, any liability for brokerage or finders' fees or agents'
commissions or any similar charges in connection with this Agreement or any
transaction contemplated hereby based upon arrangements made by or on behalf of
the Company.

     2.19       INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. For the purposes of this Agreement, the
following terms have the following definitions:

     "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY" shall mean: (i) all United States and foreign
     patents and applications therefor and all reissues, divisions, renewals,
     extensions, provisionals, continuations and continuations-in-part thereof
     ("PATENTS"); (ii) all inventions (whether patentable or not), invention
     disclosures, improvements, trade secrets, proprietary information, know
     how, technology, technical data and customer lists, and all documentation
     (or in the case of know how, proprietary documentation) relating to any of
     the foregoing; (iii) all copyrights, copyright registrations and
     applications therefor and all other rights corresponding thereto throughout
     the world; (iv) all industrial designs and any registrations and
     applications therefor throughout the world; (v) all


     trade names, logos, common law trademarks and service marks; trademark and
     service mark registrations and applications therefor and all goodwill
     associated therewith throughout the world; (vi) all databases and data
     collections and all rights therein throughout the world related to
     research, design and development of the Company's Products; (vii) all
     computer software including all source code, object code, firmware,
     development tools, files, records and data, all media on which any of the
     foregoing is recorded, all Web addresses, sites and domain names; and
     (viii) any similar, corresponding or equivalent rights to any of the

     "COMPANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY" shall mean any Intellectual Property that
     is owned by or exclusively licensed to the Company. Without in any way
     limiting the generality of the foregoing, Company Intellectual Property
     includes all Intellectual Property owned by or exclusively licensed to the
     Company related to or necessary to develop, market or otherwise exploit the
     Company's products.

     "REGISTERED INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY" shall mean all United States,
     international and foreign: (i) patents and patent applications (including
     provisional applications); (ii) registered trademarks, applications to
     register trademarks, intent-to-use applications, or other registrations or
     applications related to trademarks; (iii) registered copyrights and
     applications for copyright registration; (iv) domain name registrations;
     and (v) any other application, certificate, filing, registration or other
     document issued by, filed with, or recorded by, any state, government or
     other public legal authority.

     Intellectual Property owned by, or filed in the name of, the Company.

               (a)      SECTION 2.19(A) of the Company Schedule is a complete
and accurate list of all Company Registered Intellectual Property and specifies,
where applicable, the jurisdictions in which each such item of Company
Registered Intellectual Property has been issued or registered and lists any
proceedings or actions before any court, tribunal (including the United States
Patent and Trademark Office (the "PTO") or equivalent authority anywhere in the
world) related to any of the Company Registered Intellectual Property, and any
actions with respect thereto that should be taken within one hundred twenty
(120) days after the date of this Agreement.

               (b)      SECTION 2.19(B) of the Company Schedule is a complete
and accurate list (by name and version number, if applicable) of all products or
service offerings of the Company ("COMPANY PRODUCTS") that have been distributed
or provided in the five (5) year period preceding the date hereof or which the
Company presently intends to distribute or provide in the next three (3) years,
including any products or service offerings under development.

               (c)      No Company Intellectual Property owned by the Company,
no Company Product, and to the Company's knowledge, no Company Intellectual
Property exclusively licensed by the Company, is subject to any proceeding or
outstanding decree, order, judgment, contract, license, agreement, or
stipulation restricting in any manner the use (in accordance with the Company's
current practices), transfer, or licensing thereof by the Company, or which may
adversely affect the use (in accordance with the Company's current practices) or
enforceability of such Company Intellectual Property or Company Product.

               (d)      To the Company's knowledge, each item of Company
Registered Intellectual Property is valid and subsisting, all necessary
registration, maintenance and renewal fees currently due in connection with such
Company Registered Intellectual Property have been made and all necessary
documents, recordations and certificates in connection with such Company
Registered Intellectual


Property have been filed with the relevant patent, copyright, trademark or other
authorities in the United States or foreign jurisdictions, as the case may be,
for the purposes of maintaining such Company Registered Intellectual Property.

               (e)      The Company owns and has good and exclusive title to, or
exclusively licenses, each item of Company Intellectual Property free and clear
of any lien or encumbrance on such owned Company Intellectual Property or on any
license to such licensed Company Intellectual Property. Without limiting the
foregoing: (i) the Company is the exclusive owner of all trademarks and trade
names used in connection with the operation or conduct of the business of the
Company, including the sale, distribution or provision of any Company Products
by the Company; (ii) the Company owns exclusively, and has good title to, all
copyrighted works that are Company Products or which the Company otherwise
purports to own; and (iii) to the extent that any Patents would be infringed by
any Company Products currently under development or currently proposed, to the
Company's knowledge the Company is the exclusive owner of such Patents.

               (f)      To the extent that any technology, hardware, software or
Intellectual Property has been developed or created in whole or in part by a
third party specifically for the Company or to the extent any Intellectual
Property is incorporated into or necessary to make, use or sell any of the
Company Products, the Company owns or has the unrestricted perpetual,
non-terminable (except for breach) license to use such third party's
Intellectual Property in such work, material or invention to the extent required
for or incident to the development, manufacture, operation or sale of the
Company Products.

               (g)      Except as contemplated by any agreement between the
Company and Parent, the Company has not transferred ownership of, or granted any
exclusive license with respect to, any Intellectual Property that is Company
Intellectual Property, to any third party, or permitted the Company's rights in
such Company Intellectual Property to lapse or enter the public domain.

               (h)      SECTION 2.19(H) of the Company Schedule lists all
contracts, licenses and agreements to which the Company is a party: (i) with
respect to Company Intellectual Property currently licensed or transferred to
any third party; or (ii) pursuant to which a third party licenses or has
transferred any Intellectual Property to the Company.

               (i)      All contracts, licenses and agreements relating to
either (i) Company Intellectual Property (other than end-user licenses in the
ordinary course) or (ii) Intellectual Property of a third party licensed to the
Company or used in the business of the Company in the manner currently
contemplated, are in full force and effect. The consummation of the transactions
contemplated by this Agreement will neither violate nor result in the breach,
modification, cancellation, termination or suspension of such contracts,
licenses and agreements. The Company is in material compliance with, and has not
materially breached any term of any such contracts, licenses and agreements and,
to the knowledge of the Company, all other parties to such contracts, licenses
and agreements are in compliance with, and have not materially breached any term
of, such contracts, licenses and agreements. Following the Closing Date, the
Surviving Corporation will be permitted to exercise all of the Company's rights
under such contracts, licenses and agreements to the same extent the Company
would have been able to had the transactions contemplated by this Agreement not
occurred and without the payment of any additional amounts or consideration
other than ongoing fees, royalties or payments which the Company would otherwise
be required to pay. Neither this Agreement nor the transactions contemplated by
this Agreement will (as a result of agreements or commitments to which the
Company is a party) result in (i) either Parent's or the Merger Sub's granting
to any third party any right to or with respect to any Intellectual Property
right owned by, or licensed to, either of them, (ii) either the Parent's or the
Merger Sub's being bound by, or subject to, any non-compete or other restriction
on the operation or scope of their respective businesses,


or (iii) either the Parent's or the Merger Sub's being obligated to pay any
royalties or other amounts to any third party in excess of those payable by
Parent or Merger Sub, respectively, prior to the Closing.

               (j)      To the Company's knowledge, the operation of the
business of the Company as such business currently is conducted, including (i)
the Company's design, development, manufacture, distribution, reproduction,
marketing or sale of the products or services of the Company (including Company
Products) and (ii) the Company's use of any product, device or process, has not
and does not infringe or misappropriate the Intellectual Property of any third
party or constitute unfair competition or trade practices under the laws of any

               (k)      The Company has not received notice from any third party
that the operation of the business of the Company or any act, product or service
of the Company, infringes or misappropriates the Intellectual Property of any
third party or constitutes unfair competition or trade practices under the laws
of any jurisdiction.

               (l)      To the knowledge of the Company, no person has infringed
or misappropriated or is infringing or misappropriating any Company Intellectual

               (m)      The Company has taken reasonable steps to protect the
Company's rights in the Company's confidential information and trade secrets
that it wishes to protect or any trade secrets or confidential information of
third parties provided to the Company, and, without limiting the foregoing, the
Company has and enforces a policy requiring each employee and consultant to
execute a proprietary information/confidentiality agreement substantially in the
form provided to Parent and all current and former employees and consultants of
the Company have executed such an agreement.

     2.20       AGREEMENTS, CONTRACTS AND COMMITMENTS. As of the date hereof,
except as set forth in SECTION 2.20 of the Company Schedule, the Company is not
a party to or is bound by:

               (a)      any employment or consulting agreement, contract or
commitment with any officer or director of the Company, other than those that
are terminable by the Company on no more than thirty (30) days' notice without
liability or financial obligation to the Company;

               (b)      any agreement of indemnification or any guaranty other
than any agreement of indemnification entered into in connection with the
purchase or license for use by the Company of software products or services in
the ordinary course of business;

               (c)      any agreement, contract or commitment containing any
covenant limiting in any respect the right of the Company to engage in any line
of business or to compete with any person or granting any exclusive distribution

               (d)      any agreement, contract or commitment currently in force
relating to the disposition or acquisition by the Company after the date of this
Agreement of a material amount of assets not in the ordinary course of business
or pursuant to which the Company has any material ownership interest in any
corporation, partnership, joint venture or other business enterprise;

               (e)      any dealer, distributor, joint marketing or development
agreement currently in force under which the Company has continuing material
obligations to jointly market any product, technology or service and which may
not be canceled without penalty upon notice of ninety (90) days or less, or any
material agreement pursuant to which the Company has continuing material
obligations to jointly develop any intellectual property that will not be owned,
in whole or in part, by the Company and which may not be canceled without
penalty upon notice of ninety (90) days or less;


               (f)      any agreement, contract or commitment currently in force
to provide source code to any third party for any product or technology that is
material to the Company taken as a whole;

               (g)      any agreement, contract or commitment currently in force
to license any third party to manufacture or reproduce any Company product,
service or technology or any agreement, contract or commitment currently in
force to sell or distribute any Company products, service or technology except
agreements with distributors or sales representatives in the normal course of
business cancelable without penalty upon notice of ninety (90) days or less and
substantially in the form previously provided to Parent;

               (h)      any mortgages, indentures, guarantees, loans or credit
agreements, security agreements or other agreements or instruments relating to
the borrowing of money or extension of credit;

               (i)      any material settlement agreement entered into within
five (5) years prior to the date of this Agreement; or

               (j)      any other agreement, contract or commitment under which
the Company is contractually obligated to make or entitled to receive payments
of $100,000 or more individually.

     The Company, nor to the Company's knowledge any other party to a Company
Contract (as defined below), is not in breach, violation or default under, and
the Company has not received written notice that it has breached, violated or
defaulted under, any of the material terms or conditions of any of the
agreements, contracts or commitments to which the Company is a party or by which
it is bound that are required to be disclosed in the Company Schedule (any such
agreement, contract or commitment, a "COMPANY CONTRACT") in such a manner as
would permit any other party to cancel or terminate any such Company Contract,
or would permit any other party to seek material damages or other remedies (for
any or all of such breaches, violations or defaults, in the aggregate).

     2.21       INSURANCE. The Company maintains insurance policies and fidelity
bonds covering the assets, business, equipment, properties, operations,
employees, officers and directors of the Company (collectively, the "INSURANCE
POLICIES") which are of the type and in amounts customarily carried by persons
conducting businesses similar to those of the Company. There is no material
claim by the Company pending under any of the material Insurance Policies as to
which coverage has been questioned, denied or disputed by the underwriters of
such policies or bonds.

     2.22       BOARD APPROVAL. The Board of Directors of the Company has, as of
the date of this Agreement, unanimously (i) approved and declared advisable this
Agreement and the Related Agreements and has approved the Merger and the other
transactions contemplated hereby and thereby, (ii) determined that the Merger is
fair to, and in the best interests of, the Company and its stockholders and
(iii) determined to recommend that the stockholders of the Company adopt and
approve this Agreement and approve the Merger.

     2.23       VOTE REQUIRED. The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority
of the votes entitled to be cast with respect to the Merger by the holders of
the Company Common Stock and Series B Convertible Preferred Stock (voting on an
as-converted to Company Common Stock basis), voting together as a single class,
is the only vote of the holders of any class or series of the Company's capital
stock necessary to approve this Agreement and the transactions contemplated

     2.24       STATE TAKEOVER STATUTES. Neither Section 203 of the Delaware Law
nor, to the Company's knowledge, any other state takeover statute or similar
statute or regulation applies to the Merger, this Agreement, the Related
Agreements or the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby.


                                   ARTICLE III

     Parent and Merger Sub represent and warrant to the Company, subject to such
exceptions as are specifically disclosed in writing in the disclosure schedule
supplied by Parent to the Company dated as of the date hereof (the "PARENT
SCHEDULE") as follows. The Parent Schedule shall be arranged in sections
corresponding to the numbered and lettered paragraphs contained in this ARTICLE
III and the disclosure in any section of the Parent Schedule shall qualify other
paragraphs in this ARTICLE III only to the extent that it is reasonably apparent
from a reading of such disclosure that it also qualifies or applies to such
other paragraph.

its subsidiaries is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good
standing under the laws of the jurisdiction of its incorporation and has the
requisite corporate power and authority to own, lease and operate its assets and
properties and to carry on its business as it is now being conducted, except
where the failure to do so would not, individually or in the aggregate, have a
Material Adverse Effect on Parent or Merger Sub. Each of Parent and its
subsidiaries is in possession of all Approvals necessary to own, lease and
operate the properties it purports to own, operate or lease and to carry on its
business as it is now being conducted, except where the failure to have such
Approvals would not, individually or in the aggregate, be material to Parent or
Merger Sub. Each of Parent and its subsidiaries is duly qualified or licensed as
a foreign corporation to do business, and is in good standing, in each
jurisdiction where the character of the properties owned, leased or operated by
it or the nature of its activities makes such qualification or licensing
necessary, except for such failures to be so duly qualified or licensed and in
good standing that would not, either individually or in the aggregate, have a
Material Adverse Effect on Parent or Merger Sub.

     3.2        AUTHORITY RELATIVE TO THIS AGREEMENT. Each of Parent and Merger
Sub has all necessary corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this
Agreement and the applicable Related Agreements and to perform its obligations
hereunder and thereunder, and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby
and thereby. The execution and delivery of this Agreement by Parent and Merger
Sub and the consummation by Parent and Merger Sub of the transactions
contemplated hereby and the execution and delivery of the applicable Related
Agreements by Parent and the consummation by Parent of the transactions
contemplated thereby have been duly and validly authorized by all necessary
corporate action on the part of Parent and Merger Sub, and no other corporate
proceedings on the part of Parent or Merger Sub are necessary to authorize this
Agreement and the applicable Related Agreements, or to consummate the
transactions so contemplated. This Agreement and the Related Agreements have
been duly and validly executed and delivered by Parent and Merger Sub and,
assuming the due authorization, execution and delivery by the Company,
constitute legal and binding obligations of Parent and Merger Sub, enforceable
against Parent and Merger Sub in accordance with their terms.


               (a)      The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the
applicable Related Agreements by Parent and Merger Sub do not, and the
performance of this Agreement and the applicable Related Agreements by Parent
and Merger Sub shall not, (i) conflict with or violate the Certificate of
Incorporation, Bylaws or equivalent organizational documents of Parent or any of
its subsidiaries, (ii) subject to compliance with the requirements set forth in
SECTION 3.3(B) below, conflict with or violate any Law applicable to Parent or
any of its subsidiaries or by which its or any of their respective properties
are bound or affected, or (iii) result in any breach of or constitute a default
(or an event that with notice or lapse of time or both would become a default)
under, or impair Parent's or any of its subsidiaries' rights or alter the rights
or obligations of any third party under, or give to others any rights of


amendment, acceleration or cancellation of, or result in the creation of a lien
or encumbrance on any of the properties or assets of Parent or any of its
subsidiaries pursuant to, any material note, bond, mortgage, indenture,
contract, agreement, lease, license, permit, franchise or other instrument or
obligation to which Parent or any of its subsidiaries is a party or by which
Parent or any of its subsidiaries or its or any of their respective properties
are bound or affected, except to the extent such conflict, violation, breach,
default, impairment or other effect would not in the case of clauses (ii) or
(iii), individually or in the aggregate, reasonably be expected to have a
Material Adverse Effect on Parent or Merger Sub.

               (b)      The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the
applicable Related Agreements by Parent and Merger Sub do not, and the
performance of this Agreement and the applicable Related Agreements by Parent
and Merger Sub shall not, require any consent, approval, authorization or permit
of, or filing with or notification to, any Governmental Entity except (i) for
applicable requirements, if any, of the Securities Act, the Exchange Act, Blue
Sky Laws, the pre-merger notification requirements of the HSR Act, the rules and
regulations of Nasdaq, and the filing and recordation of the Certificate of
Merger as required by Delaware Law and (ii) where the failure to obtain such
consents, approvals, authorizations or permits, or to make such filings or
notifications, would not have a Material Adverse Effect on the Parent's or
Merger Sub's ability to consummate the Merger or perform their obligations under
this Agreement and the Related Agreements.

a direct, wholly-owned subsidiary of Parent and was formed solely for the
purpose of engaging in the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Except
for obligations or liabilities incurred in connection with its incorporation or
organization and the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and except for
this Agreement and any other agreements or arrangements contemplated by this
Agreement, the Merger Sub has not and will not have incurred, directly or
indirectly, through any subsidiary or affiliate, any obligations or liabilities
or engaged in any business activities of any type or kind whatsoever or entered
into any agreements or arrangements with any person or entity which could
adversely affect the ability of Merger Sub or Parent to consummate the
transactions contemplated hereby.

                                   ARTICLE IV

     4.1       CONDUCT OF BUSINESS BY THE COMPANY. Except as expressly permitted
by this SECTION 4.1 or required by the terms of this Agreement, and except as
provided in SECTION 4.1 of the Company Schedule, without the prior written
consent of Parent, during the period from the date of this Agreement and
continuing until the earlier of the termination of this Agreement pursuant to
its terms or the Effective Time, the Company shall carry on its business, in the
ordinary course, in substantially the same manner as previously conducted and in
material compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, pay its material
debts and taxes when due subject to good faith disputes over such debts or
taxes, pay or perform other material obligations when due, and use its
commercially reasonable efforts consistent with past practices and policies to
(i) preserve intact its present business organization, (ii) keep available the
services of its present officers and employees and (iii) preserve its
relationships with customers, suppliers, distributors, licensors, licensees, and
others with which it has business dealings. In addition, except as expressly
permitted or contemplated by the terms of this Agreement, and except as provided
in SECTION 4.1 of the Company Schedule, without the prior written consent of
Parent, during the period from the date of this Agreement and continuing until
the earlier of the termination of this Agreement pursuant to its terms or the
Effective Time, the Company shall not do any of the following:

               (a)      Waive any stock repurchase rights, accelerate (except in
connection with the termination of the Company Option Plan), amend or change the
period of exercisability of options or


restricted stock, or reprice options granted under any employee, consultant,
director or other stock plans or authorize cash payments in exchange for any
options granted under any of such plans;

               (b)      Grant any severance or termination pay to any officer or
employee except pursuant to written agreements outstanding, or policies
existing, on the date hereof and as previously disclosed in writing or made
available to Parent, or adopt any new severance plan;

               (c)      Transfer or license to any person or entity or otherwise
extend, amend or modify any rights to the Company Intellectual Property, or
enter into grants to transfer or license to any person future patent rights;

               (d)      Declare, set aside or pay any dividends on or make any
other distributions (whether in cash, stock, equity securities or property) in
respect of any capital stock or split, combine or reclassify any capital stock
or issue or authorize the issuance of any other securities in respect of, in
lieu of or in substitution for any capital stock;

               (e)      Purchase, redeem or otherwise acquire, directly or
indirectly, any shares of capital stock of the Company, except repurchases of
unvested shares at cost in connection with the termination of the employment
relationship with any employee pursuant to stock option or purchase agreements
in effect on the date hereof or granted hereafter;

               (f)      Issue, deliver, sell, authorize, pledge or otherwise
encumber any shares of capital stock or any securities convertible into shares
of capital stock, or subscriptions, rights, warrants or options to acquire any
shares of capital stock or any securities convertible into shares of capital
stock, or enter into other agreements or commitments of any character obligating
it to issue any such shares or convertible securities, other than: (x) the
issuance, delivery and/or sale of shares of Company Common Stock pursuant to the
exercise of Company Stock Options or Company Warrants outstanding as of the date
of this Agreement or granted pursuant to clause (y) hereof; and (y) the granting
of stock options to purchase up to seventy-five thousand (75,000) shares in the
aggregate (and the issuance of Company Common Stock upon exercise thereof), in
the ordinary course of business and consistent with past practices;

               (g)      Cause, permit or propose any amendments to the Company
Charter Documents;

               (h)      Acquire or agree to acquire by merging or consolidating
with, or by purchasing any equity interest in or a portion of the assets of, or
by any other manner, any business or any corporation, partnership, association
or other business organization or division thereof, or otherwise acquire or
agree to acquire any assets (other than in the ordinary course of business) or
enter into any joint ventures, strategic partnerships or alliances;

               (i)      Sell, lease, license, encumber or otherwise dispose of
any properties or assets except sales of inventory and the grant of end-user
licenses in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice,
except for the sale, lease or disposition (other than through licensing) of
property or assets which are not material, individually or in the aggregate, to
the business of the Company;

               (j)      Incur any indebtedness for borrowed money or guarantee
any such indebtedness of another person, issue or sell any debt securities or
options, warrants, calls or other rights to acquire any debt securities of the
Company, enter into any "keep well" or other agreement to maintain any financial
statement condition or enter into any arrangement having the economic effect of
any of the foregoing other than (i) in connection with the financing of ordinary
course trade payables consistent with past practice or (ii) in a principal
amount not to exceed $150,000 in the aggregate;


               (k)      Adopt or amend any employee benefit plan, policy or
arrangement, any employee stock purchase or employee stock option plan, or enter
into any employment contract or collective bargaining agreement (other than
offer letters and letter agreements entered into in the ordinary course of
business consistent with past practice with employees who are terminable "at
will"), pay any special bonus or special remuneration to any director or
employee, or increase the salaries or wage rates (except for increases in the
ordinary course of business for non-officer employees) or fringe benefits
(including rights to severance or indemnification) of its directors, officers,
employees or consultants;

               (l)      (i) pay, discharge, settle or satisfy any claims,
liabilities or obligations (absolute, accrued, asserted or unasserted,
contingent or otherwise) or litigation (whether or not commenced prior to the
date of this Agreement), other than the payment, discharge, settlement or
satisfaction, in the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice
or in accordance with their terms, of liabilities recognized or disclosed in the
most recent consolidated financial statements (or the notes thereto) of the
Company included in the Company SEC Reports or incurred since the date of such
financial statements, or (ii) waive the benefits of, agree to modify in any
manner, terminate, release any person from or fail to enforce (without resorting
to litigation) any confidentiality or similar agreement to which the Company is
a party or of which the Company is a beneficiary;

               (m)      Make any individual or series of related payments
outside of the ordinary course of business (including payments to financial,
legal, accounting or other professional service advisors) in excess of $100,000
per month (except that such limit shall be $500,000 for the first month
following the execution of this Agreement and except that the $100,000 limit
shall not apply to amounts owed to the Principal Shareholder or for legal
services performed through the date of this Agreement);

               (n)      Except in the ordinary course of business consistent
with past practice, materially modify, amend or terminate any material contract
or agreement to which the Company is a party or waive, delay the exercise of,
release or assign any material rights or claims thereunder;

               (o)      Enter into or materially modify any contracts,
agreements, or obligations relating to the distribution, sale, license or
marketing by third parties of the Company's products or products licensed by the

               (p)      Revalue any of its assets or, except as required or
permitted by GAAP, make any change in accounting methods, principles or

               (q)      Incur or enter into any agreement, contract or
commitment outside of the ordinary course of business requiring payments by the
Company in excess of $100,000 individually;

               (r)      Make any tax election that, individually or in the
aggregate, is reasonably likely to adversely affect in any material respect the
tax liability or tax attributes of the Company or settle or compromise any
material income tax liability; provided, however, that nothing in this SECTION
4.1(R) or elsewhere in this Agreement shall prohibit the Company from selling
state tax losses to the extent permitted by applicable taxing authorities.

               (s)      Amend or terminate any or all of the Related Agreements;

               (t)      Agree in writing or otherwise to take any of the actions
described in SECTION 4.1(A) through SECTION 4.1(S) above.

     In the event the Company shall request Parent to consent in writing to an
action pursuant to this SECTION 4.1, Parent shall not unreasonably delay its
determination as to whether to withhold such consent.


                                    ARTICLE V
                              ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS

     5.1        INITIAL PAYMENT. Concurrently with the execution and delivery of
this Agreement, and as a material inducement to the Company to enter into this
Agreement, Parent shall pay to the Company, by wire transfer, an amount equal to
Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) (the "INITIAL PAYMENT"). Without
limiting the Company's obligations pursuant to SECTION 7.3, in no event shall
the Company be required to repay the Initial Payment to Parent, including
without limitation regardless of whether the Agreement is terminated and the
Merger is abandoned.

     5.2        RELATED AGREEMENTS. Concurrently with the execution and delivery
of this Agreement, and as a material inducement to Parent and Merger Sub to
enter into this Agreement, (i) the Principal Shareholder is entering into a
Voting Agreement, in substantially the form attached as EXHIBIT A; (ii) the
Principal Shareholder is entering into a Non-Competition Agreement, in
substantially the form attached as EXHIBIT B; (iii) Parent and the Company are
entering into a License Agreement, in substantially the form attached as EXHIBIT
C; and (iv) Parent and the Company are entering into an Omnibus Waiver and
Amendment Agreement, in substantially the form attached as EXHIBIT D.

     5.3        PARENT WARRANT. Concurrently with the execution of this
Agreement, and as a material inducement to Parent and Merger Sub to enter into
this Agreement, the Company shall issue and deliver to Parent the Parent
Warrant, in the form attached as EXHIBIT E. In connection with the issuance of
the Parent Warrant, Parent hereby waives on behalf of itself and all future
holders of the Series B Convertible Preferred Stock, the ASC Warrant and the
Common Stock Warrants and the shares issued or issuable thereunder any and all
"anti-dilution" provisions set forth in Section 5.D of the Certificate of
Designations of Series B Convertible Preferred Stock of Medjet Inc. (the
"CERTIFICATE OF DESIGNATIONS"), Sections 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 of the Common Stock
Warrants and Sections 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 of the ASC Warrant that might be
triggered by the issuance of the Parent Warrant and the shares issued or
issuable thereunder.

     5.4        PROXY STATEMENT.

               (a)      As promptly as practicable after the execution of this
Agreement, the Company shall prepare and file with the SEC the Proxy Statement.
Parent shall have the right to review and comment thereon, but in all cases
subject to the control of the Company except with respect to information
relating to the Parent or Merger Sub. Parent shall furnish all information
concerning Parent as the Company may reasonably request in connection with such
actions and the preparation of the Proxy Statement. As promptly as practicable
after the filing of the definitive Proxy Statement, the Proxy Statement shall be
mailed to the stockholders of the Company. The Company shall cause the Proxy
Statement to comply as to form and substance in all material respects with the
applicable requirements of (i) the Exchange Act, (ii) the Securities Act, and
(iii) the rules and regulations of the Nasdaq (applicable to the
Over-The-Counter market).

               (b)      The Proxy Statement shall solicit the approval of this
Agreement and the Merger, and subject to the right of the Board of Directors to
change its recommendation if it determines in good faith (after consultation
with outside counsel) it is required to do so by its fiduciary duties to the
stockholders of the Company under applicable law, shall include the
recommendation of the Board of Directors of the Company to the Company's
stockholders that they vote in favor of approval of this Agreement and the
Merger. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Company's
obligations pursuant to the first sentence of this SECTION 5.4(B) shall not be
affected by the commencement, public proposal, public disclosure or
communication to the Company of any Takeover Proposal (as defined in SECTION


               (c)      Whenever any event occurs that is required to be set
forth in an amendment or supplement to the Proxy Statement, Parent or the
Company, as the case may be, will promptly inform the other party of such
occurrence and cooperate in filing with the SEC or its staff or any other
government officials, and/or mailing to stockholders of the Company, such
amendment or supplement, at the expense of Parent. The Company shall promptly
amend or supplement, at the expense of Parent, the Proxy Statement to the extent
required by law to do so, and Parent shall cooperate with respect to any
amendment or supplement. Parent shall have the right to review and comment on
any amendment or supplement, but in all cases subject to the control of the
Company except with respect to information relating to the Parent or Merger Sub.
Each of the parties shall advise the other parties, promptly after it receives
notice thereof, of any request by the SEC for amendment of the Proxy Statement
or comments thereon and responses thereto or requests by the SEC for additional

     5.5        STOCKHOLDER MEETING. The Company shall call and hold the Company
Stockholders' Meeting as promptly as practicable after the date hereof for the
purpose of voting upon the approval of this Agreement and the Merger pursuant to
the Proxy Statement. Subject to SECTION 5.7(B), the Company shall use all
commercially reasonable efforts to solicit from its stockholders proxies in
favor of the approval of this Agreement and the Merger pursuant to the Proxy
Statement and shall take all other action necessary or advisable to secure the
vote or consent of stockholders required by Delaware Law or applicable stock
exchange requirements to obtain such approval. The Company shall take all other
action, at the expense of Parent, necessary or advisable to promptly and
expeditiously secure any vote or consent of stockholders required by applicable
Law and the Company's Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws to effect the
Merger. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the obligation of the Company to call,
give notice of, convene and hold the Company Stockholders' Meeting in accordance
with this SECTION 5.5 shall not be limited or otherwise affected by the
disclosure, announcement or submission to the Company of any Takeover Proposal
or by the withdrawal, amendment or modification of the recommendation of the
Board of the Directors of the Company with respect to the Merger. The
obligations set forth in this SECTION 5.5 shall in no event require the
Company's Board of Directors to recommend the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement to the Company's stockholders under circumstances in which the Board
of Directors has changed its recommendation in accordance with SECTION 5.4(B).


               (a)      The parties acknowledge that the Company and Parent
have previously executed a Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement, dated as of May 25,
2001 (the "NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT"), which Nondisclosure Agreement will
continue in full force and effect in accordance with its terms.

               (b)      The Company will afford Parent and Parent's
accountants, counsel and employees reasonable access to its properties, books,
records and personnel during the period prior to the Effective Time to obtain
all information concerning its business as Parent may reasonably request.

     5.7        NO SOLICITATION.

               (a)      From and after the date of this Agreement until the
Effective Time or termination of this Agreement pursuant to ARTICLE VII, the
Company will not, nor will it authorize or permit any of its officers,
directors, affiliates or employees or any investment banker, attorney or other
advisor or representative retained by it to, directly or indirectly, (i)
solicit, initiate, encourage or induce the making, submission or announcement of
any Takeover Proposal (as defined below), (ii) participate in any discussions or
negotiations regarding, or furnish to any person any information with respect
to, or take any other action to facilitate any inquiries or the making of any
proposal that constitutes or may reasonably be expected to lead to, any Takeover
Proposal, (iii) engage in discussions with any person with respect to any
Takeover Proposal, (iv) approve, endorse or recommend any Takeover Proposal or


enter into any letter of intent or similar document or any contract, agreement
or commitment contemplating or otherwise relating to any Acquisition Transaction
(as defined below). The Company will immediately cease any and all existing
activities, discussions or negotiations with any parties conducted heretofore
with respect to any Takeover Proposal. Without limiting the foregoing, it is
understood that any violation of the restrictions set forth in this SECTION 5.7
by any officer, director or employee of the Company or any investment banker
acting on behalf of the Company, attorney or other advisor or representative of
the Company shall be deemed to be a breach of this SECTION 5.7 by the Company.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in response to a Takeover Proposal that the Board
of Directors of the Company determines in good faith (after consultation with
outside counsel) constitutes a Superior Proposal (as defined below) and which
Takeover Proposal was unsolicited and made after the date hereof and did not
otherwise occur as a result of a breach of this SECTION 5.7, the Company may,
subject to compliance with SECTION 5.7(C) and only to the extent in any such
case the Board of Directors of the Company determines in good faith (after
consultation with outside counsel) that the failure to take such actions are
reasonably likely to constitute a breach of the Board's fiduciary duties to the
stockholders of the Company under applicable law, (x) furnish information with
respect to the Company to the person making such Takeover Proposal (and its
representatives) pursuant to a customary confidentiality agreement containing
provisions not less restrictive of such person than the Nondisclosure Agreement,
provided that all such information has previously been provided to Parent or is
provided to Parent prior to or at the time it is provided to such person and (y)
participate in discussions or negotiations with the person making such Takeover
Proposal (and its representatives) regarding such Takeover Proposal.

               (b)      Neither the Board of Directors of the Company nor any
committee thereof shall (i) recommend, adopt or approve, or propose publicly to
recommend, adopt or approve, any Takeover Proposal or Superior Proposal or (ii)
approve or recommend, or propose to approve or recommend, or allow the Company
to execute or enter into, any letter of intent, memorandum of understanding,
agreement in principle, merger agreement, acquisition agreement, option
agreement, joint venture agreement, partnership agreement or other similar
agreement (each, an "ACQUISITION AGREEMENT") constituting or related to any
Takeover Proposal (any action described in the foregoing clauses (i) or (ii) of
this SECTION 5.7(B) being referred to as a "COMPANY ADVERSE RECOMMENDATION
CHANGE"). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board of Directors of the Company
may make a Company Adverse Recommendation Change, if such Board of Directors
determines in good faith (after consultation with outside counsel) it is
required to do so by its fiduciary duties to the stockholders of the Company
under applicable law; provided, however, that no Company Adverse Recommendation
Change may be made until after five business days following Parent's receipt of
written notice (a "NOTICE OF ADVERSE RECOMMENDATION") from the Company advising
Parent that the Board of Directors of the Company intends to make such a Company
Adverse Recommendation Change and specifying the terms and conditions of the
applicable Superior Proposal (it being understood and agreed that any amendment
to the financial terms or any other material term of such Superior Proposal
shall require a new Notice of Adverse Recommendation and a new five-day period).
Following receipt of a Notice of Adverse Recommendation, Parent shall have the
opportunity to present to the Board of Directors of the Company revised terms
for the consummation of the Merger, including any proposed amendments or
modifications to this Agreement in respect of such revised terms. The Board of
Directors of the Company shall consider in good faith any such revised terms and
amendments or modifications submitted to it by Parent. In determining whether to
make a Company Adverse Recommendation Change in response to a Superior Proposal,
the Board of Directors of the Company shall take into account Parent's revised
terms and any proposed changes to the terms of this Agreement proposed by Parent
in response to a Notice of Adverse Recommendation or otherwise. Before making
any Company Adverse Recommendation Change, the Board of Directors of the Company
shall consider whether the revised terms offered by Parent are reasonably
equivalent or superior (based upon the factors set forth in the definition of
Superior Proposal below) from the financial point of view of the Company's
stockholders to the terms of the Superior Proposal and, if such terms are
determined by a vote of the Board of Directors to be reasonably equivalent


or superior from the financial point of view of the Company's stockholders to
the terms of the Superior Proposal, the Board of Directors of the Company shall
accept at a meeting duly called and held, duly adopted resolutions (x) approving
and declaring advisable the terms of any such revised proposal by Parent and any
definitive agreement proposed in connection therewith, (y) directing that the
adoption of the terms of any such revised proposal by Parent and any definitive
agreement proposed in connection therewith be submitted to a vote at a meeting
of the stockholders of the Company and (z) recommending that the stockholders of
the Company approve and adopt the terms of any such revised proposal by Parent
and any definitive agreement proposed in connection therewith. If the Company
has elected to make a Company Adverse Recommendation Change following receipt of
a Superior Proposal and complying with the procedures set forth in this SECTION
5.7(B) and after determining by a vote of the Board of Directors that any
revised terms and proposed changes of Parent are not reasonably equivalent or
superior from the financial point of view of the Company's stockholders to the
terms of the Superior Proposal, the Company shall deliver to Parent (i) a
written notice of termination of this Agreement pursuant to this SECTION 5.7(B),
(ii) a wire transfer of immediately available funds in the amount of the
Termination Fee (as defined in SECTION 7.3(A)), (iii) the License Agreement (if
required pursuant to SECTION 7.3(A)) and (iv) a written acknowledgment that the
Company and the Board of Directors have complied with all of their covenants and
obligations pursuant to this SECTION 5.7(B) and that the Company is obligated to
pay the Termination Fee and effect the License Grant (if required).

               (c)      In addition to the obligations of the Company set
forth in SECTION 5.7(A) and SECTION 5.7(B), the Company as promptly as
practicable, and in any event within 24 hours, shall advise Parent in writing
of: any request for information which the Company reasonably believes would lead
to a Takeover Proposal; any request for information with respect to any Takeover
Proposal; any inquiry with respect to or which the Company reasonably should
believe would lead to any Takeover Proposal; the material terms and conditions
of such request, Takeover Proposal or inquiry; and the identity of the person or
group making any such request, Takeover Proposal or inquiry. The Company will
keep Parent informed in all material respects of the status and details
(including material amendments or proposed amendments) of any such request,
Takeover Proposal or inquiry.

               (d)      Nothing contained in this SECTION 5.7 shall prohibit
the Company from (i) taking and disclosing to its stockholders a position
contemplated by Rule 14e-2(a) or Item 1012(a) of Regulation M-A promulgated
under the Exchange Act if, in the good faith judgment of the Board of Directors
of the Company (after consultation with outside counsel) failure to so disclose
would constitute a violation of applicable law or regulation; PROVIDED, HOWEVER,
that in no event as a result of this SECTION 5.7(D) shall the Company or its
Board of Directors or any committee thereof take, or agree or resolve to take,
any action prohibited by SECTION 5.7(B).

     For purposes of this Agreement, "TAKEOVER PROPOSAL" shall mean any offer or
proposal (other than an offer or proposal by Parent) relating to any Acquisition
Transaction. For the purposes of this Agreement, "ACQUISITION TRANSACTION" shall
mean any transaction or series of related transactions other than the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement involving: (A) any acquisition or
purchase from the Company by any person or "group" (as defined under Section
13(d) of the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations thereunder) of more than
a 15% interest in the total outstanding voting securities of the Company or any
tender offer or exchange offer that if consummated would result in any person or
"group" (as defined under Section 13(d) of the Exchange Act and the rules and
regulations thereunder) beneficially owning 15% or more of the total outstanding
voting securities of the Company or any merger, consolidation, business
combination or similar transaction involving the Company pursuant to which the
stockholders of the Company immediately preceding such transaction hold less
than 85% of the equity interests in the surviving or resulting entity of such
transaction; (B) any sale, lease (other than in the ordinary course of
business), exchange, transfer, license (other than in the ordinary course of


business), acquisition or disposition of more than 15% of the assets of the
Company; or (C) any liquidation, dissolution, recapitalization or other
significant corporate reorganization of the Company.

     For purposes of this Agreement, a "SUPERIOR PROPOSAL" means any bona fide,
written Takeover Proposal made by a third party if the proposal is on terms
which the Board of Directors of the Company, determines in its good faith
judgment to be (x) superior to the Company's stockholders from a financial point
of view to the Merger (taking into account all the terms and conditions of such
proposal and this Agreement (including any changes to the financial terms of
this Agreement proposed by Parent in response to such offer or otherwise)), (y)
for which financing, to the extent required, is then committed or which, in the
good faith judgment of the Board of Directors of the Company, is reasonably
capable of being obtained by such third party and (z) reasonably capable of
being completed, taking into account all financial, legal, regulatory and other
aspects (other than the need to perform customary due diligence) of such

     5.8        PARENT STANDSTILL. From the date of execution of this Agreement
until one year after the termination of this Agreement under SECTION 7.1,
neither Parent nor any of its affiliates will directly or indirectly purchase,
contract to purchase, purchase any option or contract to purchase, sell, offer
to purchase, contract to sell, make any short sale, sell any contract to
purchase, purchase any contract to sell, grant any option, right or warrant to
purchase, hedge or otherwise transfer or dispose of any share or securities of
the Company, other than on the terms set forth in and pursuant to the Agreement
and the Related Agreements or with the prior consent of the Board of Directors
of the Company; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that Parent may exercise the Parent Warrant,
the Common Stock Warrants and the ASC Warrant in accordance with their
respective terms; and PROVIDED FURTHER, HOWEVER, that Parent may convert the
10,400 shares of Series B Convertible Preferred Stock into Company Common Stock
accordance with the terms of the Certificate of Designations. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, the SECTION 5.8 shall not apply if the Merger is terminated
pursuant to SECTION 7.1(E) or SECTION 7.1(G).

     5.9        PUBLIC DISCLOSURE. Parent and the Company will consult with each
other and agree before issuing any press release or otherwise making any public
statement with respect to the Merger, this Agreement or a Takeover Proposal and
will not issue any such press release or make any such public statement prior to
such agreement, except as may be required by law or any listing agreement with a
national securities exchange or with Nasdaq, in which case reasonable efforts to
consult with the other party will be made prior to any such release or public
statement. The parties have agreed to the text of the joint press release
announcing the signing of this Agreement.


               (a)      Upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth
in this Agreement, each of the parties agrees to use all commercially reasonable
efforts to take, or cause to be taken, all actions, and to do, or cause to be
done, and to assist and cooperate with the other parties in doing, all things
necessary, proper or advisable to consummate and make effective, in the most
expeditious manner practicable, the Merger and the other transactions
contemplated by this Agreement, including using commercially reasonable efforts
to accomplish the following: (i) the taking of all reasonable acts necessary to
cause the conditions precedent set forth in ARTICLE VI to be satisfied, (ii) the
obtaining of all necessary actions or nonactions, waivers, consents, approvals,
orders and authorizations from Governmental Entities and the making of all
necessary registrations, declarations and filings (including registrations,
declarations and filings with Governmental Entities, if any) and the taking of
all commercially reasonable steps as may be necessary to avoid any suit, claim,
action, investigation or proceeding by any Governmental Entity, (iii) the
obtaining of all necessary consents, approvals or waivers from third parties,
(iv) the defending, at Parent's expense, of any suits, claims, actions,
investigations or proceedings, whether judicial or administrative, challenging
this Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby,


including seeking to have any stay or temporary restraining order entered by any
court or other Governmental Entity vacated or reversed and (v) the execution or
delivery of any additional instruments necessary to consummate the transactions
contemplated by, and to fully carry out the purposes of, this Agreement. In
connection with and without limiting the foregoing, the Company and its Board of
Directors shall, if any state takeover statute or similar statute or regulation
is or becomes applicable to the Merger, this Agreement or any of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement, use all commercially reasonable
efforts to ensure that the Merger and the other transactions contemplated by
this Agreement may be consummated as promptly as practicable on the terms
contemplated by this Agreement and otherwise to minimize the effect of such
statute or regulation on the Merger, this Agreement and the transactions
contemplated hereby. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement,
nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to require Parent or the Company or
any subsidiary or affiliate thereof to agree to any divestiture by itself or any
of its affiliates of shares of capital stock or of any business, assets or
property, or the imposition of any material limitation on the ability of any of
them to conduct their business or to own or exercise control of such assets,
properties and stock.

               (b)      The Company shall give prompt written notice to Parent
of any representation or warranty made by it contained in this Agreement
becoming untrue or inaccurate in any material respect, or any failure of the
Company to comply with or satisfy in any respect any covenant, condition or
agreement to be complied with or satisfied by it under this Agreement; PROVIDED,
HOWEVER, that no such notification shall affect the representations, warranties,
covenants or agreements of the parties or the conditions to the obligations of
the parties under this Agreement.

               (c)      Parent shall give prompt written notice to the Company
of any representation or warranty made by it or Merger Sub contained in this
Agreement becoming untrue or inaccurate in any material respect, or any failure
of Parent or Merger Sub to comply with or satisfy in any respect any covenant,
condition or agreement to be complied with or satisfied by it under this
Agreement; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that no such notification shall affect the
representations, warranties, covenants or agreements of the parties or the
conditions to the obligations of the parties under this Agreement.

     5.11       THIRD PARTY CONSENTS. As soon as practicable following the date
hereof, Parent and the Company will each use its commercially reasonable efforts
to obtain any consents, waivers and approvals under any of its or its
subsidiaries' respective material agreements, contracts, licenses or leases
required to be obtained in connection with the consummation of the transactions
contemplated hereby.

     5.12       401(K) PLAN. The Company agrees to terminate its 401(k) plan
immediately prior to Closing, unless the Parent, in its sole and absolute
discretion, agrees to sponsor and maintain such plan by providing the Company
with written notice of such election at least three (3) business days before the
Effective Time. Unless the Parent provides such notice to the Company, the
Parent shall receive from the Company evidence that the Company's 401(k) plan
has been terminated pursuant to resolution of the Company's Board of Directors
(the form and substance of which resolutions shall be subject to review and
approval of the Parent), effective as of the day immediately preceding the
Closing Date.

     5.13       DISCLOSURE SUPPLEMENTS. From time to time prior to the Closing,
the Company may supplement or amend the Company Schedule with respect to any
matter arising or discovered after the date of this Agreement which, if existing
or occurring or discovered at or prior to the date of this Agreement, would have
been required to be set forth or described in the Company Schedule or which is
necessary to complete or correct any information in the Company Schedule or in
any representation or warranty of the Company which has been rendered inaccurate
thereby. Any such supplements or amendments of which Parent receives written
notice at or prior to the Closing shall not affect Parent's termination rights,
but if the Closing shall occur notwithstanding any such supplement or amendment,


each such supplement or amendment shall be deemed to modify the Company Schedule
for all purposes of this Agreement and the Merger.


               (a)      Parent will pay to the Company approximately $244,800
in respect of premiums for a six-year run out of the Company's $5 million
directors' and officers' liability insurance policy.

               (b)      After the Effective Time, Parent (i) will not take or
permit to be taken any action to alter or impair any exculpatory or
indemnification provisions now existing in the certificate of incorporation,
by-laws or indemnification and employment agreements of the Company or any of
its subsidiaries for the benefit of any individual who served as a director or
officer of the Company or any of its subsidiaries at any time prior to the
Effective Time (except as may be required by applicable law), and (ii) shall
cause the Surviving Corporation to honor and fulfill such provisions until the
date which is six years from the Effective Time (except as may be required by
applicable law); PROVIDED, HOWEVER, in the event any claim or claims are
asserted within such period, all rights to indemnification in respect of such
claim or claims shall continue until the final disposition thereof.

                                   ARTICLE VI
                            CONDITIONS TO THE MERGER

The respective obligations of each party to this Agreement to effect the Merger
shall be subject to the satisfaction (or waiver) at or prior to the Closing Date
of the following conditions:

               (a)      NO ORDER. No Governmental Entity shall have enacted,
issued, promulgated, enforced or entered any statute, rule, regulation,
executive order, decree, injunction or other order (whether temporary,
preliminary or permanent) which is in effect and which has the effect of making
the Merger illegal or otherwise prohibiting consummation of the Merger.

               (b)      STOCKHOLDER APPROVAL. This Agreement shall have been
approved and adopted, and the Merger shall have been duly approved, by the
requisite vote under applicable law and the Company Charter Documents, by the
stockholders of the Company.

obligation of the Company to consummate and effect the Merger shall be subject
to the satisfaction at or prior to the Closing Date of each of the following
conditions, any of which may be waived, in writing, exclusively by the Company:

               (a)      REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. The representations
and warranties of Parent and Merger Sub contained in this Agreement (i) shall
have been true and correct as of the date of this Agreement and (ii) shall be
true and correct on and as of the Closing Date with the same force and effect as
if made on the Closing Date, except for those representations and warranties
which address matters only as of a particular date (which representations shall
have been true and correct as of such particular date) and except, in all such
cases, where the failure to be so true and correct (without regard to any
materiality standards contained therein), individually or in the aggregate, have
not had, and are not reasonably likely to have, a Material Adverse Effect on
Parent (it being understood that for purposes of determining the accuracy of
such representations and warranties, any update of or modification to the Parent
Schedule made or purported to have been made after the date of this Agreement
shall be disregarded). The Company shall have received a certificate with
respect to the foregoing signed on behalf of Parent by a duly authorized officer
of Parent.


               (b)      AGREEMENTS AND COVENANTS. Parent and Merger Sub shall
have performed or complied in all material respects with all agreements and
covenants required by this Agreement to be performed or complied with by them on
or prior to the Closing Date, and the Company shall have received a certificate
to such effect signed on behalf of Parent by a duly authorized officer of

Company shall have received certificates, validly executed by the Secretary of
Parent and Merger Sub, certifying as to the valid adoption of resolutions of the
Board of Directors of Parent and Merger Sub approving this Agreement and the
applicable Related Agreements and the consummation of the transactions
contemplated hereby.

               (d)      CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING. The Company shall have
received certificates of good standing of Parent and Merger Sub from the
Secretary of State of the State of Delaware, dated within a reasonable period
prior to the Closing.

               (e)      OMNIBUS WAIVER AND AMENDMENT AGREEMENT. Parent shall
have executed and delivered to the Company the Omnibus Waiver and Amendment
Agreement, in substantially the form attached as EXHIBIT D. The Omnibus Waiver
and Amendment Agreement shall be in full force and effect.

SUB. The obligations of Parent and Merger Sub to consummate and effect the
Merger shall be subject to the satisfaction at or prior to the Closing Date of
each of the following conditions, any of which may be waived, in writing,
exclusively by Parent:

                  (a)   REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. The representations
and warranties of the Company contained in this Agreement (i) shall have been
true and correct as of the date of this Agreement and (ii) shall, as updated
pursuant to SECTION 5.13, be true and correct on and as of the Closing Date with
the same force and effect as if made on and as of the Closing Date, except for
those representations and warranties which address matters only as of a
particular date (which representations shall have been true and correct as of
such particular date) and except, in all such cases, where the failure to be so
true and correct (without regard to any materiality standards contained
therein), individually or in the aggregate, have not had, and are not reasonably
likely to have, a Material Adverse Effect on the Company. Parent shall have
received a certificate with respect to the foregoing signed on behalf of the
Company by the Chief Executive Officer of the Company.

                  (b)   AGREEMENTS AND COVENANTS. The Company shall have
performed or complied in all material respects with all agreements and covenants
required by this Agreement to be performed or complied with by it at or prior to
the Closing Date, and Parent shall have received a certificate to such effect
signed on behalf of the Company by the Chief Executive Officer of the Company.

                  (c)   CONTINUATION OF AGREEMENTS. Those agreements listed
on SCHEDULE 6.3(C) to this Agreement shall be unmodified in any manner from the
date of this Agreement and be in full force and effect.

                  (d)   CONSENTS. The Company shall have obtained all
consents, waivers and approvals required in connection with the consummation of
the transactions contemplated hereby in connection with the agreements,
contracts, licenses or leases set forth on SCHEDULE 6.3(D).

               (e)      RESIGNATION OF DIRECTORS. Parent shall have received a
written resignation from each of the directors of the Company effective as of
the Effective Time.


               (f)      NO MATERIAL ADVERSE CHANGE. There shall not have
occurred any event or condition of any character that has had or is reasonably
likely to have a Material Adverse Effect on the Company since the date of this

               (g)      RELATED AGREEMENTS. The Principal Shareholder shall
have executed and delivered to Parent the Voting Agreement, in substantially the
form attached as EXHIBIT A, and the Non-Competition Agreement, in substantially
the form attached as EXHIBIT B. The Voting Agreement and the Non-Competition
Agreement shall be in full force and effect.

               (h)      TERMINATION OF 401(K) PLAN. To the extent required by
SECTION 5.12, Parent shall have received from the Company evidence that the
Company's 401(k) plan has been terminated pursuant to resolution of the
Company's Board of Directors (the form and substance of which shall have been
subject to review and approval of Parent), effective as of the day immediately
preceding the Closing Date.

WARRANTS. Parent shall have received from the Company evidence that the Company
canceled all outstanding Company Stock Options and Company Warrants in
accordance with the terms of SECTION 1.6(C).

               (j)      CERTIFICATE OF SECRETARY OF THE COMPANY. Parent shall
have received a certificate, validly executed by the Secretary of the Company,
certifying as to (i) the terms and effectiveness the articles of incorporation
and the bylaws of the Company, and (ii) the valid adoption of resolutions of the
Board of Directors of the Company and the holders of the Company's stockholders
approving this Agreement and the License Agreement and the consummation of the
transactions contemplated hereby.

               (k)      CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING. Parent shall have
received certificates of good standing of the Company from (i) the Secretary of
State of the State of Delaware; (ii) the Secretary of State of the State of New
Jersey; and (iii) the Franchise Tax Board of the State of New Jersey, each dated
within a reasonable period prior to the Closing.

               (l) REMOVAL OF LIENS. The Company shall have removed all material
Liens pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code on the property of the Company.

               (m)      SOLE DISCRETION. Parent shall have elected, in its
sole discretion, to consummate the Merger and shall have delivered a certificate
signed by a duly authorized officer of the Parent that Parent elects to proceed
with the Merger. Notwithstanding the foregoing SECTION 6.3(A) through SECTION
6.3(L), Parent need not consummate and effect this Agreement and the
transactions contemplated hereby even if the conditions set forth in the
foregoing SECTION 6.3(A) through SECTION 6.3(L) are satisfied by the Company.

                                   ARTICLE VII

     7.1        TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated and the Merger may
be abandoned at any time prior to the Effective Time, whether before or after
the requisite approval of the stockholders of the Company:

               (a)      by Parent, for any reason or no reason;

               (b)      by mutual written agreement of Parent and the Company;


               (c)      by Parent or the Company, if the Merger shall not have
been consummated by August 17, 2002 (the "OUTSIDE DATE") for any reason, unless
the parties agree to extend such date; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the right to
terminate this Agreement under this SECTION 7.1(C) shall not be available to any
party if any action or failure to act by that party has been a principal cause
of or resulted in the failure of the Merger to occur on or before such date and
such action or failure to act constitutes a material breach of any agreement or
covenant of such party pursuant to this Agreement (a "PREVENTING ACT"); and
PROVIDED FURTHER, HOWEVER, Parent will not be able to prevent the Company from
terminating this Agreement pursuant to this SECTION 7.1(C) based on a Preventing
Act by the Company without waiving the condition to closing set forth in SECTION
6.3(M) and waiving its right to terminate this Agreement based upon SECTION

               (d)      by Parent or the Company, if a Governmental Entity
shall have issued an order, decree or ruling or taken any other action, in any
case having the effect of permanently restraining, enjoining or otherwise
prohibiting the Merger, which order, decree, ruling or other action is final and

               (e)      by Parent, if (i) the Board of Directors of Company,
whether or not permitted pursuant to the terms hereof, withdraws, modifies or
changes its recommendation of this Agreement or the Merger in a manner adverse
to Parent, (ii) the Board of Directors of Company, whether or not permitted
pursuant to the terms hereof, shall have made a Company Adverse Recommendation
Change, (iii) the Company fails to comply with SECTION 5.7 in all material
respects, (iv) a Takeover Proposal shall have been announced or otherwise become
publicly known and the Board of Directors of Company shall have, within ten
business days thereafter (A) failed to recommend against acceptance of such by
its stockholders (including by taking no position, or indicating its inability
to take a position, with respect to the acceptance by its stockholders of a
Takeover Proposal involving a tender offer or exchange offer) or (B) failed to
reconfirm its approval and recommendation of this Agreement and the transactions
contemplated hereby, or (v) the Board of Directors of Company resolves to take
any of the actions described above;

               (f)      by Parent or the Company at any time after the Company
Stockholders' Meeting in the event that the Company's stockholders do not
approve this Agreement and the Merger contemplated herein by the requisite vote
under applicable law and the Company Charter Documents; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that
the right to terminate this Agreement pursuant to this SECTION 7.1(F) shall not
be available to the Company if Parent submits a notice in writing to the
Company, within ten (10) days after the Company Stockholders' Meeting (or within
ten (10) days of any other meeting of the Company's stockholders thereafter
convened to vote on this Agreement and the Merger), stating that it intends to
re-solicit a stockholder vote on this Agreement and the Merger; and PROVIDED
FURTHER, HOWEVER, that Parent's right to re-solicit such a stockholder vote
shall not be available to Parent after the Company's stockholders twice vote not
to approve this Agreement and the Merger;

               (g)      by the Company, in accordance with SECTION 5.7(B);
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, in order for the termination of this Agreement pursuant to
this SECTION 7.1(G) to be deemed effective, the Company shall have complied in
all material respects with all provisions contained in SECTION 5.7, including
the notice provisions therein, and with applicable requirements of SECTION 7.3,
including the payment of the Termination Fee and the effectiveness of the
License Grant (if applicable);

               (h)      by the Company, upon a breach of any representation,
warranty, covenant or agreement on the part of Parent or Merger Sub set forth in
this Agreement, or if any representation or warranty of Parent or Merger Sub
shall have become untrue, in either case such that the conditions set forth in
SECTION 6.2(A) or SECTION 6.2(B) would not be satisfied as of the time of such
breach or as of the time such representation or warranty shall have become
untrue, PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that if such


inaccuracy in Parent's representations and warranties or breach by Parent is
curable by Parent, then the Company may not terminate this Agreement under this
SECTION 7.1(H) for thirty (30) days after delivery of written notice from the
Company to Parent of such breach, provided Parent continues to exercise best
efforts to cure such breach (it being understood that the Company may not
terminate this Agreement pursuant to this SECTION 7.1(H) if such breach by
Parent is cured during such thirty (30)-day period); or

               (i)      by Parent, upon a breach of any representation,
warranty, covenant or agreement on the part of the Company set forth in this
Agreement, or if any representation or warranty of the Company shall have become
untrue, in either case such that the conditions set forth in SECTION 6.3(A) or
SECTION 6.3(B) would not be satisfied as of the time of such breach or as of the
time such representation or warranty shall have become untrue, PROVIDED,
HOWEVER, that if such inaccuracy in the Company's representations and warranties
or breach by the Company is curable by the Company, then Parent may not
terminate this Agreement under this SECTION 7.1(I) for thirty (30) days after
delivery of written notice from Parent to the Company of such breach, provided
the Company continues to exercise best efforts to cure such breach (it being
understood that Parent may not terminate this Agreement pursuant to this SECTION
7.1(I) if such breach by the Company is cured during such thirty (30)-day

     7.2        NOTICE OF TERMINATION. Any termination of this Agreement under
SECTION 7.1 above will be effective immediately upon the delivery of written
notice of the terminating party to the other parties (or such later time as may
be required by SECTION 7.1).

     7.3        EFFECT OF TERMINATION.

               (a)      The Company shall (x) pay Parent a fee of $500,000
(the "TERMINATION FEE"), which amount shall be payable by wire transfer of same
day funds to a bank account designated by Parent, and (y) subject to the proviso
set forth below, grant to Parent a non-exclusive license pursuant to the License
Agreement, in substantially the form attached hereto as EXHIBIT C (the "LICENSE
GRANT") (PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the License Grant shall not come into force and
effect if, prior to the termination of the Merger Agreement, the restrictions on
transferability of, or the restrictive legends on, the shares of Company Common
Stock owned by the Principal Shareholder (the "SHARES"), are lifted or removed,
as the case may be, by the California Department of Corporations sufficient to
allow the transfer of interests in the Shares to Parent pursuant to the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement and pursuant to the Voting
Agreement), in the event that:

                        (i)     (A) any Person shall have made a Takeover
Proposal to the Company or to its stockholders or publicly announces any
Takeover Proposal relating to the Company after the date hereof and such
Takeover Proposal shall not have been withdrawn and thereafter this Agreement is
terminated by either party pursuant to SECTION 7.1(F), and (B) within one year
after the termination of this Agreement any Acquisition Transaction involving
the Company shall have been consummated or any Acquisition Agreement with
respect to an Acquisition Transaction involving the Company shall have been
entered into,

                        (ii)    this Agreement is terminated by Parent pursuant
to SECTION 7.1(E) or

                        (iii)   this Agreement is terminated by the Company
pursuant to SECTION 7.1(G).

               (b)      The Termination Fee shall be paid and the License
Grant (if applicable) shall be effected no later than (A) the date an
Acquisition Agreement is entered into with respect to an Acquisition Transaction
involving the Company, or if no such agreement is entered into, upon the date of
consummation of an Acquisition Transaction involving the Company, in the case of
a termination described in SECTION 7.3(A)(I), or (B) two days after such
termination, in the case of a termination


described in SECTION 7.3(A)(II) or (C) concurrently with such termination, in
the case of a termination described in SECTION 7.3(A)(III).

               (c)      Parent shall pay to Company a fee of: (A) $200,000, if
such termination occurs within nine months after the date of this Agreement; (B)
$300,000, if such termination occurs between nine and ten months after the date
of this Agreement; (C) $400,000, if such termination occurs between ten and
eleven months after the date of this Agreement; and (D) $500,000, if such
termination occurs after the end of the eleventh month after the date of this
Agreement (which fee shall be payable immediately by wire transfer of same day
funds to a bank account designated by the Company), in the event that:

                        (i)     Parent terminates this Agreement pursuant to

                        (ii)    Parent terminates this Agreement pursuant to
SECTION 7.1(C); or

                        (iii)   the Company terminates this Agreement pursuant
to SECTION 7.1(C); PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that Parent shall not be obligated to make
payment of such fee pursuant to this clause (iii) if Parent shall have given
notice of termination pursuant to SECTION 7.1(I) prior to the Company's
termination pursuant to SECTION 7.1(C) and the cure period in SECTION 7.1(I), if
a cure period is applicable, shall not have expired, unless the breach or
inaccuracy in respect of which such notice was given has been cured.

               (d)      Each of the parties acknowledges that the agreements
contained in this SECTION 7.3 are an integral part of the transactions
contemplated in this Agreement and that, without these agreements, the parties
would not enter into this Agreement; accordingly, if (i) the Company fails to
promptly pay the Termination Fee or effect the License Grant (if applicable),
and in order to obtain such Termination Fee or License Grant, the Parent
commences a suit which results in a judgment for the Termination Fee and/or the
License Grant set forth in this SECTION 7.3, the Company shall pay to Parent its
costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) in connection with
such suit or (ii) Parent fails to promptly pay the amount provided for in
SECTION 7.3(C), and in order to obtain such amount, the Company commences a suit
which results in a judgment for such amount, Parent shall pay to the Company its
costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) in connection with
such suit.

               (e)      In the event of the termination of this Agreement as
provided in SECTION 7.1, this Agreement shall be of no further force or effect,
and the parties shall have no further liability or obligation hereunder, except
(i) as set forth in this SECTION 7.3, SECTION 5.1, SECTION 5.3, SECTION 5.6(A),
SECTION 7.4 and ARTICLE VIII, each of which shall survive the termination of
this Agreement, and (ii) nothing in this Agreement shall relieve any party from
liability for fraud in connection with, or any willful breach of, this

               (f)      Effective upon the termination of this Agreement as
provided in any subsection of SECTION 7.1 except SECTION 7.1(E) and SECTION
7.1(G), Parent hereby:

                        (i)     waives Section 3.B(iv) of the Certificate of
Designations to the extent that such provision would hinder the Company from
raising equity financing;

                        (ii)    waives any "demand" registration rights as set
forth in Section 2.1 of the Registration Rights Agreement, dated as of December
3, 1999, by and among the Company, ASC and the Stockholders listed therein, as
amended by the First Amendment to the Registration Rights Agreement, dated as of
August 17, 2001, by and among the Company, ASC, the Stockholders and Parent and
the Second Amendment to the Registration Rights Agreement, dated as of August
17, 2001, by and between


the Company and Parent (collectively, the "RIGHTS AGREEMENT"), for a period of
one year after such termination; and

                        (iii)   amends Section 7 of the Common Stock Warrant and
Section 7 of the ASC Warrant to provide that upon an equity financing in which
the price per share (as determined in accordance with the applicable provisions
of the Common Stock Warrants and the ASC Warrant) is less than the "Purchase
Price per share" (as defined in the Common Stock Warrants and the ASC Warrant),
the "anti-dilution" rights contained in the Common Stock Warrants and the ASC
Warrant will be limited to decreasing the "Purchase Price per share" of the
Common Stock Warrants and the ASC Warrant to equal the lowest price per share at
which the additional equity financing is raised, but will not result in an
increase in the number of shares of Company Common Stock that can be purchased
pursuant to the Common Stock Warrants and the ASC Warrant;

     such waiver and amendment to be effected pursuant to the Omnibus Waiver and
Amendment Agreement, in substantially the form attached as EXHIBIT D.

     7.4        FEES AND EXPENSES. Except as set forth in this SECTION 7.4, all
fees and expenses incurred in connection with this Agreement and the
transactions contemplated hereby shall be paid by the party incurring such
expenses whether or not the Merger is consummated; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that
Parent shall bear all fees and expenses (including without limitation the
Company's reasonable attorneys' and accountants' fees and expenses) incurred in
relation to the printing and filing of the Proxy Statement (including any
preliminary materials related thereto) and any amendments or supplements

     7.5        AMENDMENT. Subject to applicable law, this Agreement may be
amended by the parties at any time by execution of an instrument in writing
signed on behalf of each of Parent, Merger Sub and the Company.

     7.6        EXTENSION; WAIVER. At any time prior to the Effective Time, any
party may, to the extent legally allowed, (i) extend the time for the
performance of any of the obligations or other acts of the other parties, (ii)
waive any inaccuracies in the representations and warranties made to such party
contained in this Agreement or in any document delivered pursuant hereto and
(iii) waive compliance with any of the agreements or conditions for the benefit
of such party contained herein. Any agreement on the part of a party to any such
extension or waiver shall be valid only if set forth in an instrument in writing
signed on behalf of such party. Delay in exercising any right under this
Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right.

                                  ARTICLE VIII
                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

     8.1        SURVIVAL OF REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. The representations
and warranties of the Company, Parent and Merger Sub contained in this Agreement
shall terminate at the earlier of (a) the date of termination pursuant to
SECTION 7.1 or (b) the Effective Time, and only the covenants that by their
terms survive such date shall survive.

     8.2        NOTICES. All notices and other communications hereunder shall be
in writing and shall be deemed given if delivered personally or by commercial
delivery service, or sent via telecopy (receipt confirmed) to the parties at the
following addresses or telecopy numbers (or at such other address or telecopy
numbers for a party as shall be specified by like notice):

                (a)      if to Parent or Merger Sub, to:
                                VISX, Incorporated


                                3400 Central Expressway
                                Santa Clara, California 95051-0703
                                Attention: Chief Financial Officer
                                Telephone No.:  (408) 773-7003
                                Facsimile No.:  (408) 773-7201

                                with a copy to:

                                Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
                                Professional Corporation
                                650 Page Mill Road
                                Palo Alto, California 94304
                                Attention:  John V. Roos, Esq.
                                Telephone No.: (650) 493-9300
                                Facsimile No.: (650) 493-6811

                  (b)    if to the Company, to:

                                Medjet Inc.
                                1090 King George Post Road, Suite 301
                                Edison, NJ 08837
                                Attention:  Eugene I. Gordon
                                Telephone No.: (732) 738-3990
                                Facsimile No.:  (732) 738-3984

                                with a copy to:

                                Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
                                101 Park Avenue
                                New York, NY 10178-0002
                                Attention:  Jane E. Jablons, Esq.
                                Telephone No.:  (212) 808-7800
                                Facsimile No.:  (212) 808-7897


               (a)      When a reference is made in this Agreement to
Exhibits, such reference shall be to an Exhibit to this Agreement unless
otherwise indicated. When a reference is made in this Agreement to Sections,
such reference shall be to a Section of this Agreement. Unless otherwise
indicated the words "include," "includes" and "including" when used in this
Agreement shall be deemed in each case to be followed by the words "without
limitation." The table of contents and headings contained in this Agreement are
for reference purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or
interpretation of this Agreement. When reference is made in this Agreement to
"the business of" an entity, such reference shall be deemed to include the
business of all direct and indirect subsidiaries of such entity. Reference to
the subsidiaries of an entity shall be deemed to include all direct and indirect
subsidiaries of such entity.

               (b)      For purposes of this Agreement:


                        (i)     the term "KNOWLEDGE" means with respect to a
party hereto, with respect to any matter in question, the actual knowledge of
the executive officers of such party after reasonable inquiry;

                        (ii)    the term "MATERIAL ADVERSE EFFECT" when used in
connection with an entity means any change, event, violation, inaccuracy,
circumstance or effect that is, or could reasonably be expected to be,
materially adverse to the business, assets, liabilities, financial or other
condition, or results of operations of such entity and its subsidiaries taken as
a whole;

                        (iii)   the term "PERSON" shall mean any individual,
corporation (including any non-profit corporation), general partnership, limited
partnership, limited liability partnership, joint venture, estate, trust,
company (including any limited liability company or joint stock company), firm
or other enterprise, association, organization, entity or Governmental Entity.

     8.4        COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in one or more
counterparts, all of which shall be considered one and the same agreement and
shall become effective when one or more counterparts have been signed by each of
the parties and delivered to the other party, it being understood that all
parties need not sign the same counterpart.

the documents and instruments and other agreements among the parties as
contemplated by or referred to in this Agreement, including the Related
Agreements, the Parent Warrant, the Company Schedule and the Parent Schedule:
(a) constitute the entire agreement among the parties with respect to the
subject matter hereof and supersede all prior agreements and understandings,
both written and oral, among the parties with respect to the subject matter
hereof, it being understood that the Nondisclosure Agreement shall continue in
full force and effect until the Closing and shall survive any termination of
this Agreement; and (b) are not intended to confer upon any other person any
rights or remedies hereunder (except as provided in SECTION 5.14 with respect to
the directors and officers of the Company).

     8.6        SEVERABILITY. In the event that any provision of this Agreement,
or the application thereof, becomes or is declared by a court of competent
jurisdiction to be illegal, void or unenforceable, the remainder of this
Agreement will continue in full force and effect and the application of such
provision to other persons or circumstances will be interpreted so as reasonably
to effect the intent of the parties. The parties further agree to replace such
void or unenforceable provision of this Agreement with a valid and enforceable
provision that will achieve, to the extent possible, the economic, business and
other purposes of such void or unenforceable provision.

     8.7        OTHER REMEDIES; SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE. Except as otherwise
provided in this Agreement, any and all remedies expressly conferred upon a
party will be deemed cumulative with and not exclusive of any other remedy
conferred hereby, or by law or equity upon such party, and the exercise by a
party of any one remedy will not preclude the exercise of any other remedy. The
parties agree that irreparable damage would occur in the event that any of the
provisions of this Agreement were not performed in accordance with their
specific terms or were otherwise breached. It is accordingly agreed that the
parties shall be entitled to seek an injunction or injunctions to prevent
breaches of this Agreement and to enforce specifically the terms and provisions
hereof in any court of the United States or any state having jurisdiction, this
being in addition to any other remedy to which they are entitled at law or in

     8.8        GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed
in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware, regardless of the laws
that might otherwise govern under applicable principles of conflicts of law


     8.9        RULES OF CONSTRUCTION. The parties agree that they have been
represented by counsel during the negotiation and execution of this Agreement
and, therefore, waive the application of any law, regulation, holding or rule of
construction providing that ambiguities in an agreement or other document will
be construed against the party drafting such agreement or document.

     8.10       ASSIGNMENT. No party may assign either this Agreement or any of
its rights, interests, or obligations hereunder without the prior written
approval of the other parties. Any purported assignment without the consent
required pursuant to the preceding sentence shall be null and void. Subject to
the second preceding sentence, this Agreement shall be binding upon and shall
inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and
permitted assigns.



     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Parent, Merger Sub and the Company have caused this
Agreement to be signed, all as of the date first written above.

                              VISX, INCORPORATED

                              By:    /s/ Derek A. Bertocci
                                 Name:  Derek A. Bertocci
                                 Title: Vice President, Controller

                              ORION ACQUISITION CORPORATION

                               By:   /s/ Derek A. Bertocci
                                  Name: Derek A. Bertocci
                                  Title:Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

                               MEDJET INC.

                               By:  /s/ Eugene I. Gordon
                                  Name:  Eugene I. Gordon
                                  Title: Chief Executive Officer


                                                                       Exhibit A


into as of August 17, 2001 by and between VISX, Incorporated, a Delaware
corporation ("PARENT"), and Eugene I. Gordon, the undersigned stockholder
("STOCKHOLDER") of Medjet Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "COMPANY").


         A.     Concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, Parent,
Orion Acquisition Corp., a Delaware corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of
Parent ("MERGER SUB") and the Company have entered into an Agreement and Plan of
Merger and Reorganization, dated as of August 17, 2001 (as the same may be
amended from time to time, the "MERGER AGREEMENT"), which provides, subject to
the satisfaction or waiver of the conditions set forth in the Merger Agreement,
for the merger (the "MERGER") of Merger Sub with and into the Company.
Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein have the meanings given to such
terms in the Merger Agreement.

         B.     Pursuant to the Merger, all of the issued and outstanding
shares of capital stock of the Company, except those shares owned by Parent,
will be converted into the right to receive the consideration set forth therein,
all upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the Merger

         C.     Stockholder is the beneficial owner (as defined in Rule
13d-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "EXCHANGE
ACT")) of the number of shares of outstanding common stock of the Company
("COMPANY COMMON STOCK") and the number of vested options and/or warrants to
purchase Company Common Stock (the "STOCK OPTIONS"), as set forth on the
SCHEDULE A. The Company Common Stock owned by the Stockholder as of the date
hereof, together with any common or preferred stock of the Company acquired by
the Stockholder after the date of this Agreement whether upon the exercise of
Stock Options or otherwise, are referred to herein as the Stockholder's
"SHARES." The Stock Options owned by the Stockholder as of the date hereof,
together with any Stock Options acquired by the Stockholder after the date of
this Agreement (including the vesting of Stock Options unvested as of the date
of this Agreement), are referred to herein as the Stockholder's "TOTAL OPTIONS."
The Shares and the Total Options are referred to herein as the Stockholder's

         D.     As an inducement and a condition to Parent's execution of the
Merger Agreement, the Company and the Stockholder are entering into this

         NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the execution and delivery by
Parent of the Merger Agreement and the mutual covenants, conditions and
agreements herein contained, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

         1.     VOTING AGREEMENT.  The Stockholder agrees that, during the time
this Agreement is in effect, at any meeting of the stockholders of the Company
(a "COMPANY STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING"), however called, and at every adjournment or
postponement thereof, he, she or it shall:

                (a)     appear at the meeting or otherwise cause his, her or
its Shares to be counted as present thereat for purposes of establishing a

                (b)     vote, or execute consents in respect of, his, her
or its Shares, or cause his, her or its Shares to be voted, or consents to be
executed in respect thereof, in favor of the approval and adoption


of the Merger Agreement (including any revised or amended Merger Agreement), and
any action required in furtherance thereof;

                (c)     vote, or execute consents in respect of, his, her
or its Shares, or cause his, her or its Shares to be voted, or consents to be
executed in respect thereof, against (i) any agreement or transaction relating
to any Takeover Proposal or transaction or occurrence that if proposed and
offered to the Company or its stockholders (or any of them) would constitute a
Takeover Proposal (collectively, "ALTERNATIVE TRANSACTIONS") or (ii) any
amendment of the Company's Certificate of Incorporation or By-laws or other
proposal, action or transaction involving the Company or any of its Subsidiaries
or any of its stockholders, which amendment or other proposal, action or
transaction could reasonably be expected to prevent or materially impede or
delay the consummation of the Merger or the other transactions contemplated by
the Merger Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated by
this Agreement, or change in any manner the voting rights of the Company Common
Stock (collectively, "FRUSTRATING TRANSACTIONS") presented to the Stockholders
of the Company (regardless of any recommendation of the Board of Directors of
the Company) or in respect of which vote or consent of the Stockholder is
requested or sought.

         2.     IRREVOCABLE PROXY. As security for the Stockholder's
obligations under SECTION 1, effective immediately upon the removal of legends
from, or the lifting of transfer restrictions on, the Stockholder's Shares by
the California Department of Corporations, sufficient to allow the transfer of
interests in the Shares to Parent pursuant to the Merger and this Agreement (the
"PROXY EFFECTIVE TIME"), the Stockholder hereby irrevocably constitutes and
appoints Parent as his, her or its attorney and proxy in accordance with
Delaware General Corporation Law, with full power of substitution and
resubstitution, to cause the Stockholder's Shares to be counted as present at
any Company Stockholders Meetings to vote his, her or its Shares at any Company
Stockholders' Meeting, however called, and execute consents in respect of his,
her or its shares as and to the extent provided in SECTION 1. THIS PROXY AND
INTEREST. The Stockholder hereby revokes all other proxies and powers of
attorney with respect to his, her or its Shares that he, she or it may have
heretofore appointed or granted, and no subsequent proxy or power of attorney
shall be granted, in each case to the extent such prior or subsequent proxies or
powers of attorney would prevent the Stockholder from complying with such
Stockholder's obligations under this Agreement.

         3.     Option.

                (a)     Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in
this Agreement, effective immediately upon the Proxy Effective Time, the
Stockholder hereby grants to Parent an irrevocable option (the "OPTION") to
purchase (i) the number of shares of Company Common Stock set forth next to the
Stockholder's name on SCHEDULE A hereto (as adjusted as set forth herein) and
any other shares of Company Common Stock or Company Preferred Stock owned by the
Stockholder beneficially or acquired after the date of this Agreement, at a per
share purchase price equal to $2.00 (as adjusted as set forth herein), and (ii)
the number of Stock Options set forth next to the Stockholder's name on SCHEDULE
A hereto (as adjusted as set forth herein) and any other Stock Options owned by
the Stockholder beneficially or acquired after the date of this Agreement, at a
per share purchase price equal to the difference between $2.00 and the exercise
price per share (if less than $2.00) of each Stock Option (as adjusted as set
forth herein), provided that such Stock Options can be transferred to Parent
pursuant to the terms of the governing agreements or instruments thereof. The
total price to be paid by Parent to the Stockholder for all such Shares and
Total Options is herein referred to as the "PURCHASE PRICE."

                (b)     The Option may be exercised by Parent, in whole (but not
in part):


                        (i)     if after the date hereof the Merger Agreement
shall be terminated pursuant to Section 7.1(e) or Section 7.1(g) of the Merger
Agreement; or

                        (ii)    if after the date hereof, and prior to the
termination of the Merger Agreement, Parent (A) makes, or indicates in writing
its willingness to make, sufficient funds available to effect the Merger, and
(B) attempts to effect the Merger pursuant to the Merger Agreement and the
Delaware General Corporation Law, but is unable to do so for any reason
(including but not limited to the failure of the Company to call or hold a
Company Stockholders' Meeting).

                (c)     In the event that Parent wishes to exercise the
Option, it shall send to the Stockholder a written notice (the date of each such
notice being herein referred to as a "NOTICE DATE") setting forth its
irrevocable election to that effect, which notice also specifies a date not
earlier than three business days nor later than 30 business days from the Notice
Date for the closing of such purchase (an "OPTION CLOSING DATE"); PROVIDED,
HOWEVER, that (i) if the closing of a purchase and sale pursuant to the Option
(an "OPTION CLOSING") cannot be consummated by reason of any applicable
judgment, decree, order, law or regulation, the period of time that otherwise
would run pursuant to this sentence shall run instead from the date on which the
restriction on consummation has expired or been terminated and (ii) without
limiting the foregoing, if prior notification to or approval of any regulatory
authority is required in connection with the purchase, Parent and the
Stockholder shall promptly file the required notice or application for approval
and shall cooperate in the expeditious filing of such notice or application, and
the period of time that otherwise would run pursuant to this sentence shall run
instead from the date on which, as the case may be, (A) any required
notification period has expired or been terminated or (B) any required approval
has been obtained, and in either event, any requisite waiting period has expired
or been terminated. Each of Parent and the Stockholder agrees to use
commercially reasonable efforts to cooperate with and provide information to the
other, for the purpose of any required notice or application for approval. Any
exercise of the Option shall be deemed to occur on the Notice Date relating
thereto. The place of any Option Closing shall be at the offices of Parent,
which address is set forth in the Merger Agreement, and the time of the Option
Closing shall be 10:00 a.m. (Pacific Time) on the Option Closing Date.

                (d)     At the Option Closing, Parent shall pay to the
Stockholder in immediately available funds by wire transfer to a bank account
designated in writing by the Stockholder an amount equal to the Purchase Price;
provided, that failure or refusal of the Stockholder to designate a bank account
shall not preclude Parent from exercising the Option.

                (e)     At the Option Closing, simultaneously with the
delivery of immediately available funds as provided above, the Stockholder shall
deliver to Parent a certificate or certificates representing its Securities to
be purchased at such Option Closing, which Securities shall be free and clear of
all liens, claims, charges and encumbrances of any kind whatsoever, except as
set forth on SCHEDULE B hereto.

                (f)     In the event of any change in the Company Common
Stock by reason of a stock dividend, split-up, merger, recapitalization,
combination, exchange of shares or similar transaction, the type and number of
Securities subject to the Option, and the per share purchase price therefor,
shall be adjusted appropriately, so that Parent shall receive upon exercise of
the Option the number and class of shares or other securities or property that
Parent would have received if the Option had been exercised immediately prior to
such event or the record date therefor, as applicable.

                (g)     After Parent attempts to exercise the Option, in
the event the Stockholder is unable to comply with the provisions of this
SECTION 3 due to any restrictions on transferability placed on the Securities by
any governmental authority, the Stockholder will use best efforts to promptly


such restrictions, and at Parent's request, will place the Securities in escrow
and will not attempt to transfer the Securities to any other party pursuant to
any agreement to sell, merger or otherwise.

         4.     TERMINATION.  This Agreement shall terminate upon the earliest

                (a)     the Effective Time of the Merger;

                (b)     the termination of the Merger Agreement for reasons
other than those described in SECTION 4(C) below; and

                (c)     20 days following the termination of the Merger
Agreement pursuant to Section 7.1(e) or Section 7.1(g) thereof (except that
SECTION 1 and SECTION 2 hereof shall terminate upon termination of the Merger
Agreement pursuant to Section 7.1(e) or Section 7.1(g) thereof).

Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Option cannot be exercised by reason of
any applicable judgment, decree, order, law or regulation, the Option shall
remain exercisable and shall not terminate until the earlier of (x) the date on
which such impediment shall become final and not subject to appeal, and (y) 5:00
p.m. Pacific Time, on the tenth (10th) business day after such impediment shall
have been removed. Notwithstanding the termination of the Option or this
Agreement, Parent shall be entitled to purchase the Securities if it has
exercised the Option in accordance with the terms hereof prior to such
termination and such termination shall not affect any rights hereunder which by
their terms do not terminate or expire prior to or as of such termination.

         5.     REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF PARENT.  Parent represents and
warrants to the Stockholder as follows:

is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the
laws of the State of Delaware.

                (b)     AUTHORITY RELATIVE TO THIS AGREEMENT. Parent has
full corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement. The
execution and delivery of this Agreement and the consummation of the
transactions contemplated hereby have been duly and validly authorized by the
Board of Directors of Parent, and no other corporate proceedings on the part of
Parent are necessary to authorize this Agreement or to consummate the
transactions contemplated hereby. This Agreement has been duly and validly
executed and delivered by Parent and constitutes a valid and binding agreement
of Parent, enforceable against Parent in accordance with its terms, subject to
applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium or other similar laws relating to
creditors' rights and to general principles of equity.

Stockholder hereby represents and warrants to Parent as follows:

The Stockholder has full power and authority to execute and deliver this
Agreement. The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the consummation of
the transactions contemplated hereby have been duly and validly authorized by
all necessary action on the part of the Stockholder, and no other proceedings on
the part of the Stockholder are necessary to authorize this Agreement or to
consummate the transactions contemplated hereby. This Agreement has been duly
and validly executed and delivered by the Stockholder and constitutes a valid
and binding agreement of the Stockholder, enforceable against such Stockholder
in accordance with its terms, subject to applicable bankruptcy, insolvency,
moratorium or other similar laws relating to creditors' rights and to general
principles of equity.


Stockholder owns, of record and beneficially, the shares of Company Common Stock
and Stock Options set forth opposite the Stockholder's name on SCHEDULE A. The
Stockholder has sole voting power with respect to his or her shares of Company
Common Stock. Except pursuant to this Agreement or as set forth on SCHEDULE B,
the Stockholder's shares of Company Common Stock are not subject to any voting
trust agreement or other contract, agreement, arrangement, commitment or
understanding to which the Stockholder is a party restricting or otherwise
relating to the voting, dividend rights or disposition of such shares of Company
Common Stock. The Company Common Stock are the only equity securities of the
Company owned by the Stockholder. The Stockholder does not have any option or
other right to acquire any equity securities of the Company other than the Stock

                (c)     NO ENCUMBRANCES. Except as set forth on SCHEDULE B,
upon the exercise of the Option and the delivery to Parent by Stockholder of a
certificate or certificates, or other similar document, evidencing the Shares
and Total Options, Parent will receive good, valid and marketable title to the
Shares and Total Options, free and clear of all security interests, liens,
claims, pledges, options, rights of first refusal, agreements, limitations on
Parent's voting rights, charges and other encumbrances of any nature whatsoever
(except any security interest created by Parent).

                (d)     NO CONFLICTS. Except as set forth on SCHEDULE B, no
authorization, consent or approval of, or filing with, any court or any public
body or authority is necessary for the consummation by the Stockholder of the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement. The execution, delivery and
performance of this Agreement by the Stockholder will not constitute a breach,
violation or default (or any event which, with notice or lapse of time or both,
would constitute a default) under, or result in the termination of, or
accelerate the performance required by, or result in a right of termination or
acceleration under, or result in the creation of any lien or encumbrance upon
any of the properties or assets of such Stockholder under, any note, bond,
mortgage, indenture, deed of trust, license, lease, agreement or other
instrument to which such Stockholder is a party or by which his, her or its
properties or assets are bound, other than breaches, violations, defaults,
terminations, accelerations or creation of liens and encumbrances which, in the
aggregate, would not materially impair the ability of such Stockholder to
perform his, her or its obligations hereunder.

                (e)     BROKERS. No broker, finder or investment banker is
entitled to any brokerage, finder's or other fee or commission in connection
with the transactions contemplated hereby based upon arrangements made by or on
behalf of the Stockholder.

         7.     STOCKHOLDER COVENANTS.  The Stockholder hereby covenants and
agrees as follows:

                (a)     The Stockholder hereby agrees, while this Agreement
is in effect, and except as contemplated hereby, not to sell, transfer, pledge,
encumber, assign or otherwise dispose of, or enter into any contract, option or
other arrangement or understanding with respect to the sale, transfer, pledge,
encumbrance, assignment or other disposition of (all of the foregoing, "SELL,"
"SOLD" or "SALE," as the case may be), any of the Securities; PROVIDED, HOWEVER,
that Stockholder may transfer any of the Shares to a trust of which there are no
beneficiaries other than the parents, spouse or children of Stockholder, or
otherwise make transfers for estate planning purposes, so long as the trust and
the trustees, or other transferee, thereof, deliver a signed copy of this
Agreement to Parent, agreeing to be bound by the restrictions set forth herein.

                (b)     The Stockholder hereby agrees, while this Agreement
is in effect, to promptly notify Parent of the number of new shares of capital
stock or Stock Options of the Company acquired by such Stockholder, if any,
after the date of this Agreement.


                (c)     The Stockholder shall immediately cease any
discussions or negotiations with any parties other than Parent that may be
ongoing with respect to a Takeover Proposal. While this Agreement is in effect,
the Stockholder shall not, directly or indirectly, (i) solicit, initiate or
encourage, or take any other action to facilitate, any inquiries or the making
of any Acquisition Transaction or Frustrating Transaction, (ii) execute or enter
into any Acquisition Agreement with respect to any Alternative Transaction or
Frustrating Transaction, or (iii) enter into, engage in, continue or otherwise
participate in any discussions or negotiations regarding, or provide any
information or data to any person or otherwise cooperate in any way with, any
Acquisition Transaction or Frustrating Transaction, except to the extent such
discussions or negotiations are participated in by the Stockholder in his or her
capacity as a director or officer of the Company in accordance with the terms of
the Merger Agreement.

                (d)     The Stockholder agrees not to engage in any action
or omit to take any action which would have the effect of preventing or
disabling Stockholder from delivering its Securities to Parent or otherwise
performing its obligations under this Agreement.

         8.     Miscellaneous.

                (a)     FEES AND EXPENSES. Except as otherwise provided in
the Merger Agreement, all costs and expenses incurred in connection with this
Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby shall be borne by the party
incurring such expenses.

                (b)     AMENDMENT.  This Agreement may not be amended except by
an instrument in writing signed on behalf of each of the parties.


                (d)     NOTICES. All notices or other communications under
this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be given (and shall be deemed to
have been duly given upon receipt) by delivery in person, by cable, telegram,
telex or other standard form of telecommunications, or by registered or
certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed as follows:

         If to Parent, to:    VISX, Incorporated
                              3400 Central Expressway
                              Santa Clara, California 95051-0703
                              Attention: Chief Financial Officer
                              Telephone No.: (408) 773-7003
                              Facsimile No.: (408) 773-7201

         with a copy to:      Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, P.C.
                              650 Page Mill Road
                              Palo Alto, California 94304
                              Attention:  John V. Roos, Esq.
                              Telephone No.:  (650)  493-9300
                              Facsimile No.:  (650) 493-6811

         If to Stockholder:   To the address for notice set forth on SCHEDULE A.

         with a copy to:      Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
                              101 Park Avenue


                              New York, NY 10178-0002
                              Attention:  Jane E. Jablons, Esq.
                              Telephone No.:  (212) 808-7800
                              Facsimile No.:  (212) 808-7897

or to such other address as any party may have furnished to the other parties in
writing in accordance with this Section.

BENEFICIARIES. Neither this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests or
obligations hereunder shall be assigned by any of the parties hereto (whether by
operation of law or otherwise) without the prior written consent of the other
parties. Any purported assignment without the consent required pursuant to the
preceding sentence shall be null and void. Subject to the second preceding
sentence, this Agreement (including, without limitation, the obligations of the
Stockholder under SECTION 1 and SECTION 2 hereof) shall be binding upon and
shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors
and assigns. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the
contrary, nothing in this Agreement, expressed or implied, is intended to confer
on any person other than the parties hereto or their respective successors and
assigns any rights, remedies, obligations or liabilities under or by reason of
this Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Parent may assign this agreement
to one or more of its affiliates.


                (g)     SEVERABILITY.  In the event that any provision of
this Agreement, or the application thereof, becomes or is declared by a court of
competent jurisdiction to be illegal, void or unenforceable, the remainder of
this Agreement will continue in full force and effect and the application of
such provision to other persons or circumstances will be interpreted so as
reasonably to effect the intent of the parties. The parties further agree to
replace such void or unenforceable provision of this Agreement with a valid and
enforceable provision that will achieve, to the extent possible, the economic,
business and other purposes of such void or unenforceable provision.

                (h)     COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed by the
parties hereto in separate counterparts, each of which when so executed and
delivered shall be an original, but all such counterparts shall together
constitute one and the same instrument. Each counterpart may consist of a number
of copies hereof each signed by less than all, but together signed by all of the
parties hereto.


                (i)     FURTHER ASSURANCES.  Each party hereto shall perform
such further acts and execute such further documents as may reasonably be
required to carry out the provisions of this Agreement.



         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Agreement on the
date first above written.

                                 VISX, INCORPORATED

                                          Name:    Derek A. Bertocci
                                          Title:   Vice President, Controller


                                               Dr. Eugene I. Gordon


                                   SCHEDULE A

                                                                                    STOCK OPTIONS

           STOCKHOLDER                       COMPANY COMMON STOCK                (INCLUDING WARRANTS)
- ------------------------------------------   ---------------------               ---------------------

Eugene I. Gordon                                   1,596,787                           205,009

c/o Medjet Inc.

1090 King Georges Post Rd., Suite 301

Edison, NJ 08837


                                   SCHEDULE B

     Item 1 of Section 2.5 of the Company Schedule to the Merger Agreement,
which is incorporated herein by reference, specifies certain encumbrances placed
by the California Department of Corporations upon the Company Common Stock owned
by Eugene I. Gordon and certain other stockholders of the Company.


                                                                  EXHIBIT B

                             AND NON-HIRE AGREEMENT

"AGREEMENT") is made as of the Effective Date (as defined below) by and among
VISX, Incorporated, a Delaware corporation ("PARENT"), and Eugene I. Gordon, the
undersigned stockholder ("STOCKHOLDER") of Medjet Inc., a Delaware corporation
(the "COMPANY").


     A.        Concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, Parent, Orion
Acquisition Corp., a Delaware corporation and a wholly-owned subsidiary of
Parent ("MERGER SUB"), and the Company have entered into an Agreement and Plan
of Merger and Reorganization dated as of August 17, 2001 (as the same may be
amended from time to time, the "MERGER AGREEMENT"), which provides, subject to
the satisfaction or waiver of the conditions set forth in the Merger Agreement,
for the merger (the "MERGER") of Merger Sub with and into the Company.

     B.        Pursuant to the Merger, all of the issued and outstanding shares
of capital stock of the Company, except those shares owned by Parent, will be
converted into the right to receive the consideration set forth therein, all
upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the Merger Agreement.
The Closing Date (as defined in the Merger Agreement) shall be the "EFFECTIVE
DATE" of this Agreement.

     C.        Stockholder is a significant stockholder, officer and key
employee of the Company, and as a result of the Merger, Stockholder shall
receive from Parent significant consideration in the form of a cash payment in
exchange for all shares of capital stock of the Company held by Stockholder
pursuant to the terms of the Merger Agreement.

     D.        As a condition to the Merger, and to preserve the value of the
business being acquired by Parent after the Merger, the Merger Agreement
contemplates, among other things, that Stockholder shall enter into this
Agreement and that this Agreement shall become effective on the Effective Date.

     E.        Stockholder's primary place of employment with the Company is in
New Jersey.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants made
herein, Parent and the Stockholder hereby agree as follows:


               (a)      Beginning on the Effective Date and ending on the
later of the (i) second (2d) anniversary of the Effective Date or (ii) eighteen
(18) months following termination of Stockholder's employment with Parent or the
Company as the case may be (the "NON-COMPETITION PERIOD"), Stockholder shall not
directly or indirectly (other than on behalf of Parent or the Company), without
the prior written consent of Parent, engage in a Competitive Business Activity
(as defined below) anywhere in the Restricted Territory (as defined below). For
all purposes hereof, the term "COMPETITIVE BUSINESS ACTIVITY" shall mean: (i)
engaging in or managing or directing persons engaged in the Business; (ii)
acquiring or having an ownership interest in any entity which engages or
participates in the Business (except for ownership of three percent (3%) or less
of any entity whose securities have been registered under the Securities Act of
1933, as amended, or Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended); or (iii) participating in the financing, operation, management or
control of any firm, partnership, corporation, entity or business described in
clause (ii) of this sentence. For all purposes hereof, the term "RESTRICTED
TERRITORY" shall mean each and every country, province, state, city or other


political subdivision of the world. For all purposes hereof, the term "BUSINESS"
shall mean any business activity related to the design, development,
manufacture, marketing, service, support, sale, or other manner of distribution
of any product, service or application that uses or employs waterjet technology
in the health-care industry (including but not limited to the medical, dental or
surgical (including elective surgery) fields).

               (b)      During the Non-Competition Period, Stockholder shall
not directly or indirectly (i) solicit, encourage or take any other action which
is intended to induce or encourage, or has the effect of inducing or
encouraging, any employee of the Company to terminate his or her employment with
Parent or the Company or any of their respective subsidiaries or (ii) hire any
employee of the Company other than employment with the Parent or the Company or
any of their respective subsidiaries.

               (c)      The covenants contained in SECTION 1(A) and SECTION
1(B) hereof shall be construed as a series of separate covenants, one for each
country, province, state, city or other political subdivision of the Restricted
Territory. Except for geographic coverage, each such separate covenant shall be
deemed identical in terms to the covenant contained in SECTION 1(A) and SECTION
1(B) hereof. If, in any judicial proceeding, a court refuses to enforce any of
such separate covenants (or any part thereof), then such unenforceable covenant
(or such part) shall be eliminated from this Agreement to the extent necessary
to permit the remaining separate covenants (or portions thereof) to be enforced.
In the event that the provisions of this SECTION 1 are deemed to exceed the
time, geographic or scope limitations permitted by applicable law, then such
provisions shall be reformed to the maximum time, geographic or scope
limitations, as the case may be, permitted by applicable laws.

               (d)      Stockholder acknowledges that (i) the goodwill
associated with the existing business, customers and assets of the Company prior
to the Merger are an integral component of the value of the Company to Parent
and is reflected in the portion of the total consideration in the Merger payable
to Stockholder in cash, (ii) Stockholder is a significant stockholder, officer
and key employee of the Company, and Stockholder will remain a key employee of
Parent as of the Effective Time, and (iii) Stockholder's agreement as set forth
herein is necessary to preserve the value of the Company for Parent following
the Merger. Stockholder also acknowledges that the limitations of time,
geography and scope of activity agreed to in this Agreement are reasonable
because, among other things, (A) the Company and Parent are engaged in a highly
competitive industry, (B) Stockholder has unique access to, and will continue to
have access to, the trade secrets and know-how of the Company, including,
without limitation, the plans and strategy (and, in particular, the competitive
strategy) of the Company, (C) Stockholder is receiving significant consideration
in connection with the Merger, and (D) in the event Stockholder's employment
with Parent or the Company ended, Stockholder would be able to obtain suitable
and satisfactory employment without violation of this Agreement.

               (e)      Stockholder's obligations under this Agreement shall
remain in effect if Stockholder's employment with Parent or the Company is
terminated for any reason.

     2.        ARBITRATION.

               (a)      The parties agree that any dispute or controversy
arising out of, relating to, or in connection with this Agreement, or the
interpretation, validity, construction, performance, breach, or termination
thereof, shall be settled by binding arbitration to be held in Santa Clara
County, California in accordance with the American Arbitration Association
Commercial Arbitration Rules, and Supplemental Procedures for Large Complex
Disputes (together the "RULES"). Such dispute or controversy shall be settled by
arbitration conducted by one arbitrator mutually agreeable to Parent and
Stockholder. In the event that within forty-five (45) days after submission of
any dispute to arbitration, Parent and Stockholder cannot mutually agree on one
arbitrator, Parent and Stockholder shall each select one arbitrator, and the two
arbitrators so selected shall select a third arbitrator. The decision of the


or a majority of the three arbitrators, as the case may be, shall be final,
binding and conclusive upon the parties to the arbitration. Judgment may be
entered on the arbitrator(s)' decision in any court having jurisdiction.

               (b)      At the request of either party, the arbitrator(s) will
enter an appropriate protective order to maintain the confidentiality of
information produced or exchanged in the course of the arbitration proceedings.

               (c)      The arbitrator(s) shall apply California law to the
merits of any dispute or claim, without reference to rules of conflicts of law.

               (d)      The parties agree that it would be impossible or
inadequate to measure and calculate the other party's damages from any breach of
the covenants set forth in this Agreement. Accordingly, each party agrees that
if it breaches any provision of this Agreement, the other party will have
available, in addition to any other right or remedy otherwise available, the
right to injunctive relief restraining such breach or threatened breach and to
specific performance of any such provision of this Agreement.

               (e)      Either party may apply to any court of competent
jurisdiction for a temporary restraining order, preliminary injunction or other
interim or conservatory relief, as necessary, without breach of this arbitration
agreement and without any abridgment of the powers of the arbitrator(s).
Stockholder expressly consents to the personal jurisdiction of the state and
federal courts located in California for any action filed there against
Stockholder pursuant to this SECTION 2(E).


     3.         MISCELLANEOUS.

               (a)      GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by the
laws of the State of California without reference to rules of conflicts of law.

               (b)      SEVERABILITY. If any portion of this Agreement is held
by an arbitrator or a court of competent jurisdiction to conflict with any
federal, state or local law, or to be otherwise invalid or unenforceable, such
portion of this Agreement shall be of no force or effect and this Agreement
shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and be construed as if such
portion had not been included in this Agreement.

               (c)      NO ASSIGNMENT. Because the nature of the Agreement is
specific to the actions of Stockholder, Stockholder may not assign this
Agreement. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of Parent and its
successors and assigns.

               (d)      NOTICES. All notices and other communications
hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given if delivered personally
or by commercial messenger or courier service, or mailed by registered or
certified mail (Return receipt requested) or sent via facsimile (with
acknowledgment of


complete transmission) to the parties at the following addresses (or at such
other address for a party as shall be specified by like notice); PROVIDED,
HOWEVER, that notices sent by mail will not be deemed given until received:

       If to Parent
       or the Company, to:       VISX, Incorporated
                                 3400 Central Expressway
                                 Santa Clara, California 95051-0703
                                 Attention: Chief Financial Officer
                                 Telephone No.: (408) (408) 773-7003
                                 Facsimile No.:  (408) (408) 773-7201

       With a copy to:           Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, P.C.
                                 650 Page Mill Road
                                 Palo Alto, California 94304
                                 Attention:  John V. Roos, Esq.
                                 Telephone No.:  (650)  493-9300
                                 Facsimile No.:  (650) 493-6811

       If to Stockholder:        To the address for notice set forth on the
                                 signature page hereof.

       with a copy to:           Kelley Drye & Warren
                                 101 Park Avenue
                                 New York, NY 10178-0002
                                 Attention:  Jane E. Jablons, Esq.
                                 Telephone No.:  (212) 808-7800
                                 Facsimile No.:  (212) 808-7897

               (e)      ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire
agreement and understanding of the parties and supersedes all prior discussions,
agreements and understandings relating to the subject matter hereof. This
Agreement may not be changed or modified, except by an agreement in writing
executed by Parent and Stockholder.

               (f)      WAIVER OF BREACH. The waiver of a breach of any term
or provision of this Agreement, which must be in writing, shall not operate as
or be construed to be a waiver of any other previous or subsequent breach of
this Agreement.

               (g)      HEADINGS. All captions and section headings used in this
Agreement are for convenience only and do not form a part of this Agreement.

               (h)      COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in
counterparts, and each counterpart shall have the same force and effect as an
original and shall constitute an effective, binding agreement on the part of
each of the undersigned.

               (i)      TERM. This Agreement shall become effective on the
Effective Date and continue until the later of (i) two (2) years from the
Effective Date or (ii) eighteen (18) months following termination of
Stockholder's employment with Parent or the Company as the case may be.



     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the
Effective Date.

                                  VISX, INCORPORATED

                                      Name:  Derek A. Bertocci
                                      Title:   Vice President, Controller


                                                Dr. Eugene I. Gordon

                                  c/o Medjet Inc.
                                  1090 King Georges Post Road, Suite 301
                                  Edison, NJ 08837


                                                                   EXHIBIT C

                         NON-EXCLUSIVE LICENSE AGREEMENT

of August 17, 2001, by and between VISX, Incorporated ("VISX"), a Delaware
corporation, and Medjet Inc. ("MEDJET"), a Delaware corporation.


     Concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, VISX, Orion Acquisition
Corp., a Delaware corporation and wholly owned subsidiary of VISX ("MERGER SUB")
and Medjet have entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger and Reorganization,
dated as of August 17, 2001 (as the same may be amended from time to time, the
"MERGER AGREEMENT"), which provides, subject to the satisfaction or waiver of
the conditions set forth in the Merger Agreement, for the merger (the "Merger")
of Merger Sub with and into Medjet.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the execution and delivery by VISX of
the Merger Agreement and the mutual covenants, conditions and agreements herein
contained, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows, effective as of the
Commencement Date (as defined below):

     1.       DEFINITIONS.

              1.1       "AFFILIATE" means any corporation or other entity that
is directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by or under the common control
with a party hereto for so long as such control exists. For the purpose of this
Agreement, "control" shall mean the direct or indirect ownership of fifty
percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares or other voting rights of the
subject entity to elect directors, or if not meeting the preceding, any entity
owned or controlled by or owning or controlling at the maximum control or
ownership right permitted in the country where such entity exists.

              1.2       "LICENSEE" means a third party to whom VISX has
granted a license or sublicense under the Medjet Patents, to make, have made,
import, use, sell, offer for sale or otherwise exploit a Product. "Licensee"
includes a third party to whom VISX has granted the right to distribute a

              1.3       "MEDJET PATENTS" means (i) all patents owned by Medjet
or licensed to Medjet (to the extent Medjet may grant a license or sublicense to
such patent) as of the date hereof with the right to grant sublicenses; and (ii)
all patents issued to Medjet claiming an invention first reduced to practice
prior to the expiration of the R&D Period.

              1.4       "MEDJET TECHNOLOGY" means technological models,
algorithms, manufacturing processes, design drawings (whether manual or
electronic), design processes, prototypes, behavioral models, schematics, test
vectors, know-how, computer and electronic data processing and other apparatus
programs and software, databases and documentation thereof, trade secrets,
technical information, specifications, drawings, records, documentation, works
of authorship or other creative works, ideas, knowledge, data or the like that
is owned by or licensed to Medjet (to the extent Medjet may grant a license or
sublicense to such intellectual property) as of the date hereof, including
without limitation information useful to the practice of the inventions claimed
in the Medjet Patents.

              1.5       "NET SALES" means the amounts received by VISX or its
Affiliates or Licensees for the use or sale of Products to bona fide independent
third parties, less (i) normal and customary rebates, and cash, trade and
quantity discounts; (ii) sales, use and/or other excise taxes or duties; (iii)


actual cost of any packaging and shipping, including insurance; and (iv) amounts
actually allowed or credited due to defects, returns, rejections, wholesale
chargebacks or retroactive price reductions.

              1.6       "PRODUCTS" means any equipment, products, processes or
methods covered by or that exploit or make use of one or more Valid Claims or
that exploit or make use of the Medjet Technology.

              1.7       "R&D PERIOD" means the period beginning on the date
hereof and continuing for one year hereafter.

              1.8       "VALID CLAIM" means a claim of any Medjet patent that
has not expired, lapsed, or been held invalid, unpatentable or unenforceable.

     2.       LICENSE GRANTS.

              2.1       MEDJET TECHNOLOGY. Subject to the provisions of
SECTION 6, Medjet hereby grants VISX a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual,
irrevocable license, with the right to grant non-exclusive sublicenses, to use,
reproduce, translate, distribute (by any means known or hereafter developed,
including electronic distribution), market, make derivative works of and
otherwise exploit the Medjet Technology.

              2.2       MEDJET PATENTS. Subject to the provisions of SECTION
6, Medjet hereby grants VISX a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable
license, with the right to grant non-exclusive sublicenses, under the Medjet
Patents, to make, sell, offer for sale, import and use products, and to perform
processes and methods, that embody the inventions described in the Medjet

     3.       CONSIDERATION.

              3.1       ROYALTY ON NET SALES. VISX shall pay to Medjet a royalty
of five (5%) of Net Sales of Products.

               3.2      COMPUTATION OF ROYALTIES. All sales of Products
between VISX and any of its Affiliates (other than for end use with patients or
customers) will be disregarded for purposes of computing Net Sales and royalties
due Medjet under this Section 3, and in such instances royalties will be payable
only upon sales or licenses to, or other use by, independent third parties.
Nothing herein shall obligate VISX to pay Medjet royalties more than once on any
unit of a Product.


              4.1       TIMING OF PAYMENTS. All amounts due Medjet pursuant to
SECTION 3 shall be paid every 3 months ("QUARTERLY PERIOD") within 30 days after
the last day of each Quarterly Period.

              4.2       ROYALTY REPORTS. VISX shall deliver to Medjet with
each royalty payment a report setting forth the total Net Sales of the Products
for the Quarterly Period and the computation of the royalty amount. Such reports
shall be confidential information of VISX.

              4.3       INSPECTION OF BOOKS AND RECORDS. Not more than once in
any 12 month period, Medjet may have VISX's and its Affiliates' relevant books
and records for the prior 12-month period audited, by an independent certified
public accounting firm of Medjet's choosing and reasonably acceptable to VISX,
to verify the accuracy of VISX's royalty payments. The independent certified


accounting firm must enter into a confidentiality agreement reasonably
acceptable to VISX and may not disclose any information learned in the course of
such audit other than the existence and amount of underpayment, if any. Such
audit must be conducted during VISX's normal business hours in a manner that
does not unduly interfere with VISX's normal business activities. If any audit
discloses underpayment of royalties, VISX shall promptly pay Medjet the
royalties due plus interest at an annual rate of 6%. Medjet is responsible for
all expenses it incurs in connection with any audit unless the audit discloses
an underpayment of royalties in excess of 15%, in which case, VISX shall
promptly reimburse Medjet for all of such audit expenses.

              4.4      TAXES. All royalty amounts required to be paid to
Medjet pursuant to this Agreement may be paid with deduction for withholding for
or on account of any taxes (other than taxes imposed on or measured by net
income) or similar governmental charge ("WITHHOLDING TAXES"). At Medjet's
request, VISX shall provide Medjet a certificate evidencing payment of any
Withholding Taxes hereunder and shall reasonably assist Medjet to obtain the
benefit of any applicable tax treaty.

     5.       TERM. This Agreement shall commence (the date of such
commencement being herein referred to as the "COMMENCEMENT DATE") upon
termination of the Merger Agreement in accordance with the applicable provisions
and circumstances described in Section 7.3(a) of the Merger Agreement, and will
continue in full force and effect until the expiration of the last to expire of
the Medjet Patents; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that VISX's license to the Medjet
Technology will survive the expiration (but not the earlier termination) of this
Agreement if this Agreement were otherwise in effect on the date of the last of
the Medjet patents to expire.

     6.        BREACH. If VISX shall breach any of its material obligations
hereunder, which breach shall continue uncured for more than 30 days after
written notice thereof, the licenses granted under SECTION 2 shall immediately
terminate. Termination shall not affect VISX's obligations to pay any amounts
due or payable to Medjet for Net Sales made prior to the date of termination.


               7.1      GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement, and any dispute arising
from the performance or breach hereof, will be governed by and construed and
enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of California, without
reference to conflicts of laws principles. The prevailing party in any legal
action to enforce or interpret this Agreement shall be entitled to reasonable
costs and attorneys' fees and expenses in connection therewith.

               7.2      INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS. The relationship of the parties
hereto is that of independent contractors. The parties hereto are not deemed to
be agents, partners or joint venturers of the others for any purpose as a result
of this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby.

               7.3      ASSIGNMENT. Neither party may assign this Agreement
without the prior written consent of the other party, except that either party
may assign this Agreement without such consent to an entity that acquires all or
substantially all of the business or assets of such party pertaining to the
subject matter hereof, whether by merger, reorganization, acquisition, sale or
otherwise. Any other attempted assignment of this Agreement will be void.
Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the
benefit of the parties and their successors, heirs and assigns.

               7.4      NOTICES. All notices, requests and other
communications hereunder will be in writing and will be personally delivered or
sent by telecopy or other electronic facsimile transmission or


by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, or
overnight courier, in each case to the respective address appearing below each
party's signature, or such other address as may be specified in writing to the
other party hereto.

               7.5      PARTIAL INVALIDITY. If any provision of this Agreement
is held to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, then the remaining
provisions will remain, nevertheless, in full force and effect. The parties
agree to renegotiate in good faith any provision held invalid and to be bound by
the mutually agreed substitute provision in order to give the most approximate
effect originally intended by the parties.

               7.6      SEVERABILITY. In the event that any provisions of this
Agreement are determined to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent
jurisdiction, the remainder of the Agreement will remain in full force and
effect without said provision. In such event, the parties will in good faith
negotiate a substitute clause for any provision declared invalid or
unenforceable, which will most nearly approximate the intent of the parties in
entering this Agreement.

               7.7      WAIVER. It is agreed that no waiver by either party
hereto of any breach or default of any of the covenants or agreements herein set
forth will be deemed a waiver as to any subsequent and/or similar breach or

               7.8      COMPLETE AGREEMENT. This Agreement (together with the
applicable provisions of the Merger Agreement) constitutes the entire agreement,
both written and oral, between the parties with respect to the subject matter
hereof, and that all prior agreements respecting the subject matter hereof,
either written or oral, expressed or implied, are merged and canceled, and are
null and void and of no effect. No amendment or change hereof or addition hereto
will be effective or binding on either of the parties hereto unless reduced to
writing and duly executed on behalf of both parties hereto.

               7.9      HEADINGS. The captions to the Sections hereof are not
a part of this Agreement, but are included merely for convenience of reference
only and will not affect its meaning or interpretation.

               7.10     COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in
counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original and which together will
constitute one instrument.

               7.11     EXPIRATION. This Agreement shall expire and be of no
force and effect in the event the Merger Agreement is terminated and the
provisions set forth in Section 7.3(a) of the Merger Agreement are not



     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Agreement on the
date first above written.


         Name:  Derek A. Bertocci
         Title:   Vice President, Controller

Address for VISX, Incorporated:                 With a copy to:

VISX, Incorporated                              Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
3400 Central Expressway                         650 Page Mill Road
Santa Clara, CA 95051-0703                      Palo Alto, CA 94304-1050
Facsimile:  (408) 773-7051                      Facsimile:  (650) 493-6811
Attention:  Derek A. Bertocci                   Attention:  John V. Roos, Esq.


         Name:  Dr. Eugene I. Gordon
         Title:   Chief Executive Officer

Address for Medjet Inc.:                    With a copy to:

Medjet Inc.                                 Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
1090 King George Post Road, Suite 301       101 Park Avenue
Edison, New Jersey 08837                    New York, New York 10178-0002
Facsimile:  (732) 738-3984                  Facsimile:  (212) 808-7897
Attention:  Dr. Eugene A. Gordon            Attention:  Jane E. Jablons, Esq.


                                                                    EXHIBIT D


entered into as of August 17, 2001, by and between VISX, Incorporated, a
Delaware corporation ("VISX") and Medjet Inc., a Delaware corporation (the


     Concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, VISX, Orion Acquisition
Corporation, a Delaware corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of VISX
("MERGER SUB") and the Company have entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger
and Reorganization, dated as of August 17, 2001 (as the same may be amended from
time to time, the "MERGER AGREEMENT"), which provides, subject to the
satisfaction or waiver of the conditions set forth in the Merger Agreement, for
the merger (the "MERGER") of Merger Sub with and into the Company. In addition,
VISX has purchased shares of the Company's Series B Convertible Preferred Stock
and warrants from third parties, and has agreed to waive and amend certain
rights and benefits of the Series B Convertible Preferred Stock and warrants as
set forth herein.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the execution and delivery by the
Company of the Merger Agreement and the mutual covenants, conditions and
agreements herein contained, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows,
effective as of the Commencement Date (as defined below):

1.      WAIVER.

               (a)      Section 3.B(iv) of the Certificate of Designations of
the Series B Convertible Preferred Stock of the Company is hereby waived by VISX
to the extent that such provision would hinder the Company in raising equity
financing on terms reasonably acceptable to the Company, at any time or from
time to time; and

               (b)      Section 2.1 of the Registration Rights Agreement, dated
as of December 3, 1999, by and among the Company, Adam Smith & Co., Inc. ("ASC")
and the Stockholders listed therein (the "STOCKHOLDERS"), as amended by the
First Amendment to the Registration Rights Agreement, dated as of August 17,
2001, by and among the Company, ASC, the Stockholders and VISX and the Second
Amendment to the Registration Rights Agreement, dated as of August 17, 2001, by
and between the Company and VISX (collectively, the "RIGHTS AGREEMENT"), is
hereby waived by VISX for a period of one year following the Commencement Date.

2.      AMENDMENT.

               (a)      Section 7.1 of the warrant dated as of August 17, 2001
held by VISX to purchase a total of 1,040,000 shares of the Company's Common
Stock (the "COMMON STOCK WARRANT") is hereby amended by deleting the last
sentence thereof.

               (b)      Section 7.1 of the warrant dated as of August 17, 2001
held by VISX to purchase a total of 325,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock
(the "ASC WARRANT") is hereby amended by deleting the last sentence thereof.

3.       TERM.  This Agreement shall commence, if it does so commence, upon
termination of the Merger Agreement in accordance with any subsection of Section
7.1, except Section 7.1(e) and Section 7.1(g), of the Merger Agreement (the


4.      REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF VISX.  VISX represents and warrants
to the Company as follows:

a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the
laws of the State of Delaware.

               (b)      AUTHORITY RELATIVE TO THIS AGREEMENT. VISX has all
necessary corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this Agreement.
The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the consummation of the
transactions contemplated hereby have been duly and validly authorized by the
Board of Directors of VISX, and no other corporate proceedings on the part of
VISX are necessary to authorize this Agreement or to consummate the transactions
contemplated hereby. This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and
delivered by VISX and constitutes a valid and binding agreement of VISX,
enforceable against VISX in accordance with its terms, subject to applicable
bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium or other similar laws relating to creditors'
rights and contracting parties' rights generally and except as may be subject to
general principles of equity (regardless of whether such enforceability is
considered in a proceeding in equity or law).

and warrants to VISX as follows:

Company is a corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing
under the laws of the State of Delaware.

               (b)      AUTHORITY RELATIVE TO THIS AGREEMENT. The Company has
all necessary corporate power and authority to execute and deliver this
Agreement. The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the consummation of
the transactions contemplated hereby have been duly and validly authorized by
the Board of Directors of the Company, and no other corporate proceedings on the
part of the Company are necessary to authorize this Agreement or to consummate
the transactions contemplated hereby. This Agreement has been duly and validly
executed and delivered by the Company and constitutes a valid and binding
agreement of the Company, enforceable against the Company in accordance with its
terms, subject to applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium or other similar
laws relating to creditors' rights and contracting parties' rights generally and
except as may be subject to general principles of equity (regardless of whether
such enforceability is considered in a proceeding in equity or law).

6.       AMENDMENT OF AGREEMENT.  This Agreement may not be amended except by an
instrument in writing signed on behalf of each of the parties.


8.       NOTICES. All notices or other communications under this Agreement
shall be in writing and shall be given (and shall be deemed to have been duly
given upon receipt) by delivery in person, by cable, telegram, telex or other
standard form of telecommunications, or by registered or certified mail, postage
prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed as follows:

                  If to VISX, to:         VISX, Incorporated
                                          3400 Central Expressway


                                          Santa Clara, California 95051-0703
                                          Attention: Chief Financial Officer
                                          Telephone No.: (408) 773-7003
                                          Facsimile No.: (408) 773-7201

                  with a copy to:         Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, P.C.
                                          650 Page Mill Road
                                          Palo Alto, California 94304
                                          Attention:  John V. Roos, Esq.
                                          Telephone No.:  (650) 493-9300
                                          Facsimile No.:  (650) 493-6811

                  If to the Company, to:  Medjet Inc.
                                          1090 King George Post Road, Suite 301
                                          Edison, New Jersey 08837
                                          Telephone No.: (732) 738-3990
                                          Facsimile No.: (732) 738-3984

                  with a copy to:         Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
                                          101 Park Avenue
                                          New York, NY 10178-0002
                                          Attention:  Jane E. Jablons, Esq.
                                          Telephone No.:  (212) 808-7800
                                          Facsimile No.:  (212) 808-7897

or to such other address as any party may have furnished to the other parties in
writing in accordance with this Section.

this Agreement nor any of the rights, interests or obligations hereunder shall
be assigned by any of the parties hereto (whether by operation of law or
otherwise) without the prior written consent of the other party. Notwithstanding
anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary, nothing in this Agreement,
expressed or implied, is intended to confer on any person other than the parties
hereto or their respective successors and assigns any rights, remedies,
obligations or liabilities under or by reason of this Agreement.




11.     SEVERABILITY. In the event that any provision of this Agreement, or
the application thereof, becomes or is declared by a court of competent
jurisdiction to be illegal, void or unenforceable, the remainder of this
Agreement will continue in full force and effect and the application of such
provision to other persons or circumstances will be interpreted so as reasonably
to effect the intent of the parties. The parties further agree to replace such
void or unenforceable provision of this Agreement with a valid and enforceable
provision that will achieve, to the extent possible, the economic, business and
other purposes of such void or unenforceable provision.

12.      COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed by the parties hereto in
separate counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be an
original, but all such counterparts shall together constitute one and the same

13.      FURTHER ASSURANCES.  Each party hereto shall perform such further acts
and execute such further documents as may reasonably be requested by the other
party to carry out the intent of the provisions of this Agreement.



     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have duly executed this Agreement on
the date first above written.

                                  VISX, INCORPORATED

                                         Name:    Derek A. Bertocci
                                         Title:    Vice President, Controller

                                  MEDJET INC.

                                         Name:    Eugene I. Gordon
                                         Title:   Chief Executive Officer


                                                                  EXHIBIT E


                                   MEDJET INC.

                          COMMON STOCK PURCHASE WARRANT

                                 August 17, 2001

terms and conditions set forth herein, VISX, Incorporated (the "HOLDER"), is
entitled to purchase from Medjet Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "COMPANY"),
at any time after the date hereof and on or before the date of termination of
this Warrant provided for in SECTION 13 hereof, up to One Million Three Hundred
Twenty Thousand (1,320,000) shares (which number of shares is subject to
adjustment and certain conditions as described below) of fully paid and
nonassessable Common Stock of the Company (the "SHARES") upon surrender hereof
at the principal office of the Company, and upon payment of the purchase price
at said office in cash or by check. Subject to adjustment as provided below, the
purchase price of one share of Common Stock (or such securities as may be
substituted for one share of Common Stock pursuant to the provisions set forth
below) shall be Seventy-Five Cents ($0.75). The purchase price of one share of
Common Stock (or such securities as may be substituted for one share of Common
Stock pursuant to the provisions set forth below) payable from time to time upon
the exercise of this Warrant (whether such price be the price specified above or
an adjusted price determined as provided below) is referred to herein as the

     2.     MERGER AGREEMENT. This Warrant is issued in connection with the
execution and delivery of that certain Agreement and Plan of Merger and
Reorganization, by and among the Holder, the Company, and a wholly-owned
subsidiary of the Holder (the "MERGER SUB"), dated as of August 17, 2001, (as
the same may be amended from time to time, the "MERGER AGREEMENT"), which
provides, subject to the satisfaction or waiver of the conditions set forth in
the Merger Agreement, for the merger (the "MERGER") of Merger Sub with and into
the Company.

kind of securities issuable upon the exercise of this Warrant shall be subject
to adjustment from time to time, and the Company agrees to provide notice upon
the happening of certain events as follows:

          (a)   ADJUSTMENT FOR DIVIDENDS IN STOCK. In case at any time or
from time to time on or after the date hereof, the holders of the Common Stock
of the Company (or any shares of stock or other securities at the time
receivable upon the exercise of this Warrant) shall have received, or, on or
after the record date fixed for the determination of eligible stockholders,
shall have become entitled to receive, without payment therefor, other or
additional securities or other property of the Company (except for cash from the
proceeds of the Merger) by way of dividend or distribution, then and in each
case, Holder shall, upon the exercise hereof, be entitled to receive, in
addition to the number of shares of Common Stock receivable thereupon, and
without payment of any additional consideration therefor, the amount of such


other or additional securities or other property of the Company which Holder
would hold on the date of such exercise had it been the holder of record of such
Common Stock on the date hereof and had thereafter, during the period from the
date hereof to and including the date of such exercise, retained such shares
and/or all other additional securities or other property receivable by it as
described above during such period, giving effect to all adjustments called for
during such period by this SECTION 3(A) and SECTION 3(B) and SECTION 3(C).

of any reclassification or change of the outstanding Common Stock of the Company
or of any reorganization of the Company on or after the date hereof (other than
the Merger contemplated by the Merger Agreement), then and in each such case the
Company shall give Holder at least ten (10) days notice of the proposed
effective date of such transaction, and Holder, upon the exercise hereof at any
time after the consummation of such reclassification, change or reorganization,
shall be entitled to receive, in lieu of the stock or other securities and
property receivable upon the exercise hereof prior to such consummation, the
stock or other securities or property to which Holder would have been entitled
upon such consummation if Holder had exercised this Warrant immediately prior
thereto, all subject to further adjustment as provided in SECTION 3(A), SECTION
3(B) and SECTION 3(C); in each such case, the terms of this SECTION 3 shall be
applicable to the shares of stock or other securities properly receivable upon
the exercise of this Warrant after such consummation.

          (c)   STOCK SPLITS AND REVERSE STOCK SPLITS. If at any time on or
after the date hereof, the Company shall subdivide its outstanding shares of
Common Stock into a greater number of shares, the Warrant Price in effect
immediately prior to such subdivision shall thereby be proportionately reduced
and the number of shares receivable upon exercise of the Warrant shall thereby
be proportionately increased; and, conversely, if at any time on or after the
date hereof the outstanding number of shares of Common Stock shall be combined
into a smaller number of shares, the Warrant Price in effect immediately prior
to such combination shall thereby be proportionately increased and the number of
shares receivable upon exercise of this Warrant shall thereby be proportionately

     4.    NO FRACTIONAL SHARES. No fractional shares of Common Stock or any
other security will be issued in connection with any exercise or conversion
hereunder. In lieu of any fractional shares that would otherwise be issuable
(after aggregation of all shares being issued upon such exercise or conversion),
the Company shall pay cash equal to the product of such fraction multiplied by
the fair market value of one share of such security on the date of exercise, as
determined in good faith by the Company's Board of Directors.

     5.    NO SHAREHOLDER RIGHTS. This Warrant as such shall not entitle Holder
to any of the rights of a stockholder of the Company.

     6.    RESERVATION OF STOCK. The Company covenants that during the
period this Warrant is exercisable, the Company will reserve from its authorized
and unissued Common Stock a sufficient number of shares to provide for the
issuance of Common Stock upon the exercise of this Warrant. The Company agrees
that its issuance of this Warrant shall constitute full authority to its
officers who are charged with the duty of executing stock certificates to
execute and issue the necessary certificates for shares of Common Stock upon the
exercise of this Warrant.



          (a)   MANNER OF EXERCISE. This Warrant may be exercised, in whole
or in part, by Holder by the surrender of this Warrant (with the notice of
exercise form attached as ATTACHMENT A and the Investment Representation
Statement attached as ATTACHMENT C duly executed) at the principal office of the
Company, accompanied by payment in full of the purchase price of the Shares
purchased thereby, as described above.

          (b)   RIGHT TO CONVERT WARRANT. This Warrant may be converted
into Shares in whole or in part, by Holder by the surrender of this Warrant
(with the notice of conversion form attached as ATTACHMENT B and the Investment
Representation Statement attached as ATTACHMENT C duly executed) at the
principal office of the Company. Upon conversion of this Warrant, Holder shall
be entitled to receive that number of Shares of the Company equal to (x) the
number of shares of Common Stock specified by Holder in its Notice of Conversion
up to the maximum number of shares of Common Stock subject to this Warrant (less
any shares previously issued upon exercise or conversion hereof) (the "SPECIFIED
NUMBER") less (y) the number of shares of Common Stock equal to the quotient
obtained by dividing (A) the product of the Specified Number and the then
existing Warrant Price by (B) the Fair Market Value, as defined below.

          "FAIR MARKET VALUE" of a Share shall mean the fair value as determined
in good faith, subject to the reasonable agreement of the Holder, by the
Company's Board of Directors; provided, however, that where there exists a
public market for the Company's Shares at the time of Holder's exercise of this
conversion right, the Fair Market Value per Share shall be the average of the
closing bid and asked prices of the Shares quoted in the Over-The-Counter Market
Summary or the last reported sale price of the Common Stock or the closing price
quoted on the Nasdaq National Market, Nasdaq SmallCap Market or on any exchange
on which the Shares are listed, whichever is applicable, as published in The
Wall Street Journal for the five (5) trading days prior to the date of

          (c)   ISSUANCE OF SHARES. This Warrant shall be deemed to have
been exercised or converted immediately prior to the close of business on the
date of its surrender for exercise or conversion in accordance with SECTION 7(A)
or SECTION 7(B), and the person entitled to receive the Shares or other
securities issuable upon such exercise shall be treated for all purposes as the
holder of record of such securities as of the close of business on such date. As
promptly as practicable and in any event within fifteen (15) days after such
date, the Company shall issue and deliver to the person or persons entitled to
receive the same a certificate or certificates for the number of full shares of
Common Stock or other security issuable upon such exercise, together with cash
in lieu of any fraction of a share as provided above, and a Warrant in like
tenor as this Warrant to purchase the number of Shares in respect of which this
Warrant shall not have been exercised, converted or waived.

     8.   CERTIFICATE OF ADJUSTMENT. Whenever the Warrant Price or the number or
type of securities issuable upon exercise of this Warrant is adjusted, as herein
provided, the Company shall promptly deliver to Holder a certificate of an
officer of the Company setting forth the nature of such adjustment and a brief
statement of the facts requiring such adjustment.

     9.    REGISTRATION RIGHTS. Any Shares issued upon exercise or conversion of
this Warrant shall be deemed to be "Registrable Securities" as defined in that
certain Registration Rights Agreement, dated as of December 3, 1999, by and
among the Company, Adam Smith & Co. ("ASC") and the Stockholders listed therein,
as amended (the "RIGHTS AGREEMENT"), and shall be subject to all of the
registration rights as set forth in the Rights Agreement.


     10.    TRANSFER OF WARRANT. Any transfer of the Warrant by the Holder will
require an opinion of counsel reasonably acceptable to the Company stating that
such transfer is exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities Act
of 1933; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that no opinion of counsel will be required upon
transfer of the Warrant to any of the Holder's "affiliates," as such term is
defined by Rule 144 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "ACT");
PROVIDED FURTHER, HOWEVER, that in the event of a transfer to the Holder's
affiliates, (i) such transfer shall be limited to no more than ten such
affiliates, each of whom must be an "accredited investor" as defined by Rule 215
of the Act, (ii) such affiliates must agree to be bound by the provisions of
this Warrant, including but not limited to SECTION 11, and (iii) such affiliates
must agree to sign the Investment Representation Statement attached as
ATTACHMENT C upon exercise or conversion of the Warrant. No such transfer shall
be effective as against the Company until this Warrant shall have been
surrendered to the Company along with transfer instructions duly executed by
Holder. Within 15 days of the fulfillment of the foregoing requirements of this
SECTION 10, the Company will issue to the transferee of this Warrant a new
Warrant in like tenor for such number of Shares or other securities as this
Warrant is then exercisable.

     11.    MARKET STANDOFF AGREEMENT. Except when Holder is exercising its
registration rights as described in SECTION 9 of this Warrant (provided that
Holder cannot exercise its "demand" registration rights set forth in Section 2.1
of the Rights Agreement from the date hereof until one year after the
termination of the Merger Agreement), Holder agrees in connection with any
registration of the Company's securities (other than a registration of debt
securities, securities in a Rule 145 transaction or with respect to an employee
benefit plan), upon notice by the Company or the underwriters managing any
underwritten public offering of the Company's securities, not to sell, make any
short sale of, loan, pledge (or otherwise encumber or hypothecate), grant any
option for the purchase of, or otherwise directly or indirectly dispose of this
warrant or any Shares without the prior written consent of the Company and such
managing underwriters for such period of time as the Board of Directors
establishes pursuant to its good faith negotiations with such managing
underwriters, which period shall not exceed 90 days. Holder hereby consents to
the placement of stop transfer orders with the Company's transfer agent in order
to enforce the foregoing provision and agrees to enter into a market standoff
agreement with such managing underwriters in customary form consistent with the
provisions of this SECTION 11. This market standoff agreement shall be binding
upon any transferee who receives, in a private transaction, this Warrant or any
securities issued upon exercise hereof.

     12.    RESTRICTIVE LEGENDS. Each certificate representing (i) the Shares,
and (ii) any other securities issued in respect of the Shares upon any stock
split, stock dividend, recapitalization, merger, consolidation or similar event,
shall be stamped or otherwise imprinted with legends in the following form (in
addition to any legend required under applicable state securities laws):




     13.    TERMINATION. This Warrant (and the right to purchase securities upon
exercise hereof) shall terminate on the earlier of (a) the closing of the Merger
or (b) August 17, 2004.

     14.    MISCELLANEOUS. This Warrant shall be governed by the laws of the
State of Delaware. The headings in this Warrant are for purposes of convenience
of reference only, and shall not be deemed to constitute a part hereof. Neither
this Warrant nor any term hereof may be changed, waived, discharged or
terminated orally but only by an instrument in writing signed by the Company and
Holder. All notices and other communications from the Company to Holder shall be
delivered personally, sent by facsimile or mailed by overnight mail, first class
mail, postage prepaid, to the address furnished to the Company in writing by
Holder who shall have furnished an address to the Company in writing. If
delivered personally, such notice shall be deemed given upon the date delivered.
If sent by facsimile or overnight mail, such notice shall be deemed given one
day after the facsimile or overnight mailing. If mailed by first class mail,
postage prepaid, such notice shall be deemed given five days after deposit in
the U.S. Mail.

                                   MEDJET INC.
                                   a Delaware corporation

                                   By:      Eugene I. Gordon
                                   Title:   Chairman of the Board and
                                   Chief Executive Officer


                                  ATTACHMENT A

                               NOTICE OF EXERCISE


         1.     The undersigned hereby elects to purchase ____________ shares of
Common Stock of Medjet Inc. pursuant to the terms of the attached Warrant, and
tenders herewith payment of the purchase price of such shares in full, together
with all applicable transfer taxes, if any.

         2.     Please issue a certificate or certificates representing said
shares of stock in the name of the undersigned or in such other name as is
specified below:




         3.     The undersigned represents that the above shares of stock
are being acquired for the account of the undersigned for investment and not
with a view to, or for resale in connection with, the distribution of such
shares and that the undersigned has no present intention of distributing or
reselling such shares. In support thereof, the undersigned has executed an
Investment Representation Statement included herewith.


                                         VISX, INCORPORATED

                                            Address: 3400 Central Expressway
                                                     Santa Clara, CA 95051-0703


                                  ATTACHMENT B

                              NOTICE OF CONVERSION


         1.     The undersigned hereby elects to convert its right to
purchase __________ shares of Common Stock pursuant to the attached Warrant into
such number of shares of Common Stock of Medjet Inc. as is determined pursuant
to SECTION 7(B) of such Warrant, which conversion shall be effected pursuant to
the terms of the attached Warrant.

         2.     Please issue a certificate or certificates representing said
shares of stock in the name of the undersigned or in such other name as is
specified below:




         3.     The undersigned represents that the above shares of stock
are being acquired for the account of the undersigned for investment and not
with a view to, or for resale in connection with, the distribution of such
shares and that the undersigned has no present intention of distributing or
reselling such shares. In support thereof, the undersigned has executed an
Investment Representation Statement included herewith.


                                        VISX, INCORPORATED

                                           Address:  3400 Central Expressway
                                                     Santa Clara, CA 95051-0703


                                  ATTACHMENT C







     In connection with the purchase of the above-listed securities (the
"SECURITIES"), I, the Purchaser, represent to the Company the following:

          (a)   I am aware of the Company's business affairs and financial
condition, and have acquired sufficient information about the Company to reach
an informed and knowledgeable decision to acquire the Securities. I am
purchasing these Securities for my own account for investment purposes only and
not with a view to, or for the resale in connection with, any "distribution"
thereof for purposes of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended ("SECURITIES

          (b)   I understand that the Securities will be issued with the
restrictive legends described in SECTION 12 of the Warrant and will be subject
to the market standoff agreement described in SECTION 11 of the Warrant.

          (c)   I understand that the Securities have not been registered
under the Securities Act in reliance upon a specific exemption therefrom, which
exemption depends upon, among other things, the bona fide nature of my
investment intent as expressed herein. In this connection, I understand that, in
the view of the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), the statutory basis
for such exemption may be unavailable if my representation was predicated solely
upon a present intention to hold these Securities for the minimum capital gains
period specified under tax statutes, for a deferred sale, for or until an
increase or decrease in the market price of the Securities, or for a period of
one year or any other fixed period in the future.

          (d)   I further understand that the Securities must be held
indefinitely unless subsequently registered under the Securities Act or unless
an exemption from registration is otherwise available. Moreover, I understand
that the Company is under no obligation to register the Securities, except as
set forth in that certain Registration Rights Agreement, dated as of December 3,
1999, by and among the Company, Adam Smith & Co. ("ASC") and the Stockholders
listed therein, as amended by the First Amendment to the Registration Rights
Agreement, dated as of August __, 2001, by and among the Company, ASC, the
Stockholders and the Holder and the Second Amendment to the Registration Rights
Agreement, dated as of August __, 2001, by and between the Company and the
Holder (collectively, the "RIGHTS AGREEMENT"). In addition, I understand that
the certificate evidencing the Securities will be imprinted with a legend which
prohibits the transfer of the Securities unless they are registered or such
registration is not required in the opinion of counsel for the Company.


          (e)   I am aware of the provisions of Rule 144, promulgated under
the Securities Act, which, in substance, permits limited public resale of
"RESTRICTED SECURITIES" acquired, directly or indirectly, from the issuer
thereof (or from an affiliate of such issuer), in a non-public offering subject
to the satisfaction of certain conditions. I understand that there can be no
assurance that the such conditions will ever be satisfied.

          (f)   I further understand that at the time I wish to sell the
Securities there may be no public market upon which to make such a sale.

          (g)   I further understand that in the event all of the
requirements of Rule 144 are not satisfied, registration under the Securities
Act, compliance with Regulation A, or some other registration exemption will be
required; and that, notwithstanding the fact that Rule 144 is not exclusive, the
Staff of the SEC has expressed its opinion that persons proposing to sell
private placement securities other than in a registered offering and otherwise
than pursuant to Rule 144 will have a substantial burden of proof in
establishing that an exemption from registration is available for such offers or
sales, and that such persons and their respective brokers who participate in
such transactions do so at their own risk.


                                        VISX, INCORPORATED

                                            Address: 3400 Central Expressway
                                                     Santa Clara, CA 95051-0703


                                                                   EXHIBIT F

                              CERTIFICATE OF MERGER


                         ORION ACQUISITION CORPORATION,
                             A DELAWARE CORPORATION

                                  WITH AND INTO

                                  MEDJET INC.,
                             A DELAWARE CORPORATION


     Pursuant to Section 251 of the General Corporation Law of the State of
Delaware (the "DCGL")


     Medjet Inc., a Delaware corporation, does hereby certify as follows:

     FIRST: That the name and state of incorporation of each of the constituent
corporations in the merger (the "MERGER") are Medjet Inc., a Delaware
corporation, and Orion Acquisition Corp., a Delaware corporation and a
wholly-owned subsidiary of VISX, Incorporated, a Delaware corporation ("VISX").

     SECOND: That an Agreement and Plan of Merger and Reorganization (the
"REORGANIZATION AGREEMENT"), dated as of August 17, 2001, among the constituent
corporations and VISX has been approved, adopted, certified, executed and
acknowledged by each of the constituent corporations in accordance with the
requirements of Section 251 of the DGCL.

     THIRD: The name of the surviving corporation in the Merger (the "SURVIVING
CORPORATION") shall be Medjet Inc.

     FOURTH: That at the effective time of the Merger, the Certificate of
Incorporation of Medjet Inc. shall be amended to read in its entirety as set
forth in EXHIBIT A hereto, and as so amended, shall be the Amended and Restated
Certificate of Incorporation of the Surviving Corporation.

     FIFTH: An executed copy of the Reorganization Agreement is on file at the
principal place of business of the Surviving Corporation at the following
address: 1090 King Georges Post Road, Suite 301, Edison, NJ 08837, Attention:
Eugene I. Gordon.

     SIXTH: An executed copy of the Reorganization Agreement will be furnished
by the Surviving Corporation, on request and without cost, to any stockholder of
either constituent corporation.

     SEVENTH: The Merger shall become effective upon the filing of this
Certificate of Merger with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware.


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, for the purposes of effectuating the
merger of the constituent corporations, has caused this Certificate of Merger to
be duly executed.


                                   MEDJET INC.

                                      Eugene I. Gordon, Chief Executive Officer


                                                                     EXHIBIT G

                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION


                                   MEDJET INC.

     1.    The name of the corporation is Medjet Inc.

     2.    The address of the corporation's registered office in the State
of Delaware is Corporation Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street, Wilmington, New
Castle County, Delaware 19801. The name of its registered agent at such address
is The Corporation Trust Company.

     3.    The purpose of the corporation is to engage in any lawful act or
activity for which corporations may be organized under the General Corporation
Law of Delaware.

     4.    The corporation is authorized to issue one class of stock to be
designated "Common Stock." The total number of shares of Common Stock the
corporation shall have authority to issue is One thousand (1,000), par value of
$0.001 per share.

     5.    In furtherance and not in limitation of the powers conferred by
statute, the Board of Directors of the corporation is expressly authorized to
adopt, amend or repeal the Bylaws of the corporation.

     6.    The election of directors need not be by written ballot.

     7.    Limitation of Director's Liability and Indemnification of Officers
and Directors.

           A.    LIMITATION OF DIRECTOR'S LIABILITY. To the fullest extent
permitted by the General Corporation Law of Delaware as the same exists or may
hereafter be amended, a director of the corporation shall not be personally
liable to the corporation or its stockholders for monetary damages for breach of
fiduciary duty as a director.

fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the corporation is authorized to
provide indemnification of, and advancement of expenses to, directors, officers,
employees, other agents of the corporation and any other persons to which the
General Corporation Law of Delaware permits the corporation to provide
indemnification. This Section 7.B shall not be exclusive of any right to
indemnification or advancement of expenses any such person may have under the
Bylaws of the corporation, any agreement with the corporation or otherwise.

         C.      REPEAL OR MODIFICATION. Any repeal or modification
of this Section 7, by amendment of such section or by operation of law, shall
not adversely affect any right or protection of a director, officer, employee or
other agent of the corporation existing at the time of, or increase the
liability of any such person with respect to any acts or omissions in their
capacity as a director, officer, employee, or other agent of the corporation
occurring prior to, such repeal or modification.


                                                                       ANNEX B

                                  DELAWARE CODE
                              TITLE 8 CORPORATIONS
                       CHAPTER 1. GENERAL CORPORATION LAW


     (a)    Any stockholder of a corporation of this State who holds shares
of stock on the date of the making of a demand pursuant to subsection (d) of
this section with respect to such shares, who continuously holds such shares
through the effective date of the merger or consolidation, who has otherwise
complied with subsection (d) of this section and who has neither voted in favor
of the merger or consolidation nor consented thereto in writing pursuant to
ss.228 of this title shall be entitled to an appraisal by the Court of Chancery
of the fair value of the stockholder's shares of stock under the circumstances
described in subsections (b) and (c) of this section. As used in this section,
the word "stockholder" means a holder of record of stock in a stock corporation
and also a member of record of a nonstock corporation; the words "stock" and
"share" mean and include what is ordinarily meant by those words and also
membership or membership interest of a member of a nonstock corporation; and the
words "depository receipt" mean a receipt or other instrument issued by a
depository representing an interest in one or more shares, or fractions thereof,
solely of stock of a corporation, which stock is deposited with the depository.

     (b)    Appraisal rights shall be available for the shares of any class
or series of stock of a constituent corporation in a merger or consolidation to
be effected pursuant to ss.251 (other than a merger effected pursuant to
ss.251(g) of this title), ss.252, ss.254, ss.257, ss.258, ss.263 or ss.264 of
this title:

          (1)    Provided, however, that no appraisal rights under this
section shall be available for the shares of any class or series of stock, which
stock, or depository receipts in respect thereof, at the record date fixed to
determine the stockholders entitled to receive notice of and to vote at the
meeting of stockholders to act upon the agreement of merger or consolidation,
were either (i) listed on a national securities exchange or designated as a
national market system security on an interdealer quotation system by the
National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. or (ii) held of record by more
than 2,000 holders; and further provided that no appraisal rights shall be
available for any shares of stock of the constituent corporation surviving a
merger if the merger did not require for its approval the vote of the
stockholders of the surviving corporation as provided in subsection (f) of
ss.251 of this title.

          (2)    Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subsection, appraisal
rights under this section shall be available for the shares of any class or
series of stock of a constituent corporation if the holders thereof are required
by the terms of an agreement of merger or consolidation pursuant to,
252, 254, 257, 258, 263 and 264 of this title to accept for such stock anything

                 a.     Shares of stock of the corporation surviving or
resulting from such merger or consolidation, or depository receipts in respect

                 b.     Shares of stock of any other corporation or depository
receipts in respect thereof, which shares of stock (or depository receipts in
respect thereof) or depository receipts at the effective date of the merger or
consolidation will be either listed on a national securities exchange or
designated as a national market system security on an interdealer quotation
system by the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. or held of record
by more than 2,000 holders;


                 c.     Cash in lieu of fractional shares or fractional
depository receipts described in the foregoing subparagraphs a. and b. of this
paragraph; or

                 d.     Any combination of the shares of stock, depository
receipts and cash in lieu of fractional shares or fractional depository receipts
described in the foregoing subparagraphs a., b. and c. of this paragraph.

          (3)    In the event all of the stock of a subsidiary Delaware
corporation party to a merger effected under ss.253 of this title is not owned
by the parent corporation immediately prior to the merger, appraisal rights
shall be available for the shares of the subsidiary Delaware corporation.

     (c)   Any corporation may provide in its certificate of incorporation
that appraisal rights under this section shall be available for the shares of
any class or series of its stock as a result of an amendment to its certificate
of incorporation, any merger or consolidation in which the corporation is a
constituent corporation or the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of
the corporation. If the certificate of incorporation contains such a provision,
the procedures of this section, including those set forth in subsections (d) and
(e) of this section, shall apply as nearly as is practicable.

     (d)   Appraisal rights shall be perfected as follows:

          (1)    If a proposed merger or consolidation for which appraisal
rights are provided under this section is to be submitted for approval at a
meeting of stockholders, the corporation, not less than 20 days prior to the
meeting, shall notify each of its stockholders who was such on the record date
for such meeting with respect to shares for which appraisal rights are available
pursuant to subsection (b) or (c) hereof that appraisal rights are available for
any or all of the shares of the constituent corporations, and shall include in
such notice a copy of this section. Each stockholder electing to demand the
appraisal of such stockholder's shares shall deliver to the corporation, before
the taking of the vote on the merger or consolidation, a written demand for
appraisal of such stockholder's shares. Such demand will be sufficient if it
reasonably informs the corporation of the identity of the stockholder and that
the stockholder intends thereby to demand the appraisal of such stockholder's
shares. A proxy or vote against the merger or consolidation shall not constitute
such a demand. A stockholder electing to take such action must do so by a
separate written demand as herein provided. Within 10 days after the effective
date of such merger or consolidation, the surviving or resulting corporation
shall notify each stockholder of each constituent corporation who has complied
with this subsection and has not voted in favor of or consented to the merger or
consolidation of the date that the merger or consolidation has become effective;

          (2)    If the merger or consolidation was approved pursuant to
ss.228 or ss.253 of this title, then, either a constituent corporation before
the effective date of the merger or consolidation, or the surviving or resulting
corporation within ten days thereafter, shall notify each of the holders of any
class or series of stock of such constituent corporation who are entitled to
appraisal rights of the approval of the merger or consolidation and that
appraisal rights are available for any or all shares of such class or series of
stock of such constituent corporation, and shall include in such notice a copy
of this section. Such notice may, and, if given on or after the effective date
of the merger or consolidation, shall, also notify such stockholders of the
effective date of the merger or consolidation. Any stockholder entitled to
appraisal rights may, within 20 days after the date of mailing of such notice,
demand in writing from the surviving or resulting corporation the appraisal of
such holder's shares. Such demand will be sufficient if it reasonably informs
the corporation of the identity of the stockholder and that the stockholder
intends thereby to demand the appraisal of such holder's shares. If such notice
did not notify stockholders of the effective date of the merger or
consolidation, either (i) each such constituent corporation shall send a second
notice before the effective date of the merger or consolidation notifying each
of the holders of any


class or series of stock of such constituent corporation that are entitled to
appraisal rights of the effective date of the merger or consolidation or (ii)
the surviving or resulting corporation shall send such a second notice to all
such holders on or within 10 days after such effective date; provided, however,
that if such second notice is sent more than 20 days following the sending of
the first notice, such second notice need only be sent to each stockholder who
is entitled to appraisal rights and who has demanded appraisal of such holder's
shares in accordance with this subsection. An affidavit of the secretary or
assistant secretary or of the transfer agent of the corporation that is required
to give either notice that such notice has been given shall, in the absence of
fraud, be prima facie evidence of the facts stated therein. For purposes of
determining the stockholders entitled to receive either notice, each constituent
corporation may fix, in advance, a record date that shall be not more than 10
days prior to the date the notice is given, provided, that if the notice is
given on or after the effective date of the merger or consolidation, the record
date shall be such effective date. If no record date is fixed and the notice is
given prior to the effective date, the record date shall be the close of
business on the day next preceding the day on which the notice is given.

     (e)  Within 120 days after the effective date of the merger or
consolidation, the surviving or resulting corporation or any stockholder who has
complied with subsections (a) and (d) hereof and who is otherwise entitled to
appraisal rights, may file a petition in the Court of Chancery demanding a
determination of the value of the stock of all such stockholders.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, at any time within 60 days after the effective
date of the merger or consolidation, any stockholder shall have the right to
withdraw such stockholder's demand for appraisal and to accept the terms offered
upon the merger or consolidation. Within 120 days after the effective date of
the merger or consolidation, any stockholder who has complied with the
requirements of subsections (a) and (d) hereof, upon written request, shall be
entitled to receive from the corporation surviving the merger or resulting from
the consolidation a statement setting forth the aggregate number of shares not
voted in favor of the merger or consolidation and with respect to which demands
for appraisal have been received and the aggregate number of holders of such
shares. Such written statement shall be mailed to the stockholder within 10 days
after such stockholder's written request for such a statement is received by the
surviving or resulting corporation or within 10 days after expiration of the
period for delivery of demands for appraisal under subsection (d) hereof,
whichever is later.

     (f)  Upon the filing of any such petition by a stockholder, service
of a copy thereof shall be made upon the surviving or resulting corporation,
which shall within 20 days after such service file in the office of the Register
in Chancery in which the petition was filed a duly verified list containing the
names and addresses of all stockholders who have demanded payment for their
shares and with whom agreements as to the value of their shares have not been
reached by the surviving or resulting corporation. If the petition shall be
filed by the surviving or resulting corporation, the petition shall be
accompanied by such a duly verified list. The Register in Chancery, if so
ordered by the Court, shall give notice of the time and place fixed for the
hearing of such petition by registered or certified mail to the surviving or
resulting corporation and to the stockholders shown on the list at the addresses
therein stated. Such notice shall also be given by 1 or more publications at
least 1 week before the day of the hearing, in a newspaper of general
circulation published in the City of Wilmington, Delaware or such publication as
the Court deems advisable. The forms of the notices by mail and by publication
shall be approved by the Court, and the costs thereof shall be borne by the
surviving or resulting corporation.

     (g)    At the hearing on such petition, the Court shall determine the
stockholders who have complied with this section and who have become entitled to
appraisal rights. The Court may require the stockholders who have demanded an
appraisal for their shares and who hold stock represented by certificates to
submit their certificates of stock to the Register in Chancery for notation
thereon of the pendency of the appraisal proceedings; and if any stockholder
fails to comply with such direction, the Court may dismiss the proceedings as to
such stockholder.


     (h)    After determining the stockholders entitled to an appraisal, the
Court shall appraise the shares, determining their fair value exclusive of any
element of value arising from the accomplishment or expectation of the merger or
consolidation, together with a fair rate of interest, if any, to be paid upon
the amount determined to be the fair value. In determining such fair value, the
Court shall take into account all relevant factors. In determining the fair rate
of interest, the Court may consider all relevant factors, including the rate of
interest which the surviving or resulting corporation would have had to pay to
borrow money during the pendency of the proceeding. Upon application by the
surviving or resulting corporation or by any stockholder entitled to participate
in the appraisal proceeding, the Court may, in its discretion, permit discovery
or other pretrial proceedings and may proceed to trial upon the appraisal prior
to the final determination of the stockholder entitled to an appraisal. Any
stockholder whose name appears on the list filed by the surviving or resulting
corporation pursuant to subsection (f) of this section and who has submitted
such stockholder's certificates of stock to the Register in Chancery, if such is
required, may participate fully in all proceedings until it is finally
determined that such stockholder is not entitled to appraisal rights under this

     (i)    The Court shall direct the payment of the fair value of the
shares, together with interest, if any, by the surviving or resulting
corporation to the stockholders entitled thereto. Interest may be simple or
compound, as the Court may direct. Payment shall be so made to each such
stockholder, in the case of holders of uncertificated stock forthwith, and the
case of holders of shares represented by certificates upon the surrender to the
corporation of the certificates representing such stock. The Court's decree may
be enforced as other decrees in the Court of Chancery may be enforced, whether
such surviving or resulting corporation be a corporation of this State or of any

     (j)    The costs of the proceeding may be determined by the Court and
taxed upon the parties as the Court deems equitable in the circumstances. Upon
application of a stockholder, the Court may order all or a portion of the
expenses incurred by any stockholder in connection with the appraisal
proceeding, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees and the
fees and expenses of experts, to be charged pro rata against the value of all
the shares entitled to an appraisal.

     (k)    From and after the effective date of the merger or
consolidation, no stockholder who has demanded appraisal rights as provided in
subsection (d) of this section shall be entitled to vote such stock for any
purpose or to receive payment of dividends or other distributions on the stock
(except dividends or other distributions payable to stockholders of record at a
date which is prior to the effective date of the merger or consolidation);
provided, however, that if no petition for an appraisal shall be filed within
the time provided in subsection (e) of this section, or if such stockholder
shall deliver to the surviving or resulting corporation a written withdrawal of
such stockholder's demand for an appraisal and an acceptance of the merger or
consolidation, either within 60 days after the effective date of the merger or
consolidation as provided in subsection (e) of this section or thereafter with
the written approval of the corporation, then the right of such stockholder to
an appraisal shall cease. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no appraisal proceeding
in the Court of Chancery shall be dismissed as to any stockholder without the
approval of the Court, and such approval may be conditioned upon such terms as
the Court deems just.

     (l)    The shares of the surviving or resulting corporation to which
the shares of such objecting stockholders would have been converted had they
assented to the merger or consolidation shall have the status of authorized and
unissued shares of the surviving or resulting corporation.


                                                                        ANNEX C

                                   MEDJET INC.



I.       PURPOSE

         The Finance and Audit Committee shall assist the Board of Directors in
fulfilling its oversight responsibility relating to corporate accounting,
reporting practices of the Corporation and the quality and integrity of the
financial reports of the Corporation. The Finance and Audit Committee's primary
duties and responsibilities are to:

          o    Oversee that management has maintained the reliability and
               integrity of the accounting policies and financial reporting and
               disclosure practices of the Corporation.

          o    Oversee that management has established and maintained processes
               to assure that an adequate system of internal control is
               functioning with the Corporation.

          o    Oversee that management has established and maintained processes
               to assure compliance by the Corporation with all applicable laws,
               regulations and corporate policy.

The Finance and Audit Committee will fulfill these responsibilities primarily by
carrying out the activities enumerated in Section IV of this Charter.


         The Finance and Audit Committee shall be appointed by the Board of
Directors and shall be comprised of at least two directors, each of whom shall
be an independent director, and free from any relationship that, in the opinion
of the Board, would interfere with the exercise of his or her independent
judgment as a member of the Finance and Audit Committee. All members of the
Finance and Audit Committee shall be able to read and understand basic financial
statements, or will become able to do so within a reasonable period of time
after his or her appointment to the Finance and Audit Committee.


         The Finance and Audit Committee will establish its meeting schedule. As
part of its job to foster open communication, the Finance and Audit Committee
should meet at least annually with management and the independent accountants
separately to discuss any matters that the Finance and Audit Committee or either
of these groups believe should be discussed privately. In addition, the Finance
and Audit Committee or at least its Chairperson should meet with the independent
accountants and management quarterly to review the Corporation's financials.


         To fulfill its responsibilities and duties, in addition to following
such other procedures as it deems appropriate, the Finance and Audit Committee


1.       Review and reassess, at least annually, the adequacy of this Charter,
         and make recommendations to the Board, as conditions dictate, to
         update this Charter.

2.       Review with management and the independent  accountants the
         Corporation's annual financial statements, including a discussion with
         the independent accountants of the matters required to be discussed by
         Statement of Auditing Standards No. 61 ("SAS No. 61").

3.       Review with management and the independent accountants the Form
         10-QSB prior to its filing or prior to the release of earnings,
         including a discussion with the independent accountants of the matters
         required to be discussed by SAS No. 61. The Chairperson of the Finance
         and Audit Committee may represent the entire Finance and Audit
         Committee for purposes of this review.

4.       Review the performance of the independent accountants and make
         recommendations to the Board regarding the appointment or termination
         of the independent accountants. On an annual basis, the Finance and
         Audit Committee should review and discuss with the accountants all
         significant relationships the accountants have with the Corporation to
         determine the accountants' independence.

5.       Oversee independence of the accountants by:

         o     receiving from the accountants, on a periodic basis, a formal
               written statement delineating all relationships between the
               accountants and the Corporation consistent with Independence
               Standards Board Standard No. 1 ("ISB Standard No. 1");

         o    reviewing, and actively discussing with the Board, if necessary,
               and the accountants, on a periodic basis, any disclosed
               relationships or services between the accountants and the
               Corporation or any other disclosed relationships or services that
               may impact the objectivity and independence of the accountants;

         o    recommending, if necessary, that the Board take certain action to
               satisfy itself of the auditor's independence.

6.       Discuss with the independent accountants and management, the adequacy
         of the Corporation's internal controls.

7.       Review any significant  disagreement  among  management and the
         independent  accountants in connection with the preparation of the
         financial statements.

                                     * * * *
                                            Adopted October 26, 2001

PROXY                           MEDJET INC.



The undersigned stockholder(s) of Medjet Inc., a Delaware corporation, hereby
revoke(s) all prior proxies and appoint(s) Eugene I. Gordon, Ph.D. and Cheryl A.
Blake, or either of them, as proxies, with full individual power of
substitution, to represent the undersigned and to vote all shares of Common
Stock and Series B Convertible Preferred Stock of the Company which the
undersigned is entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of the
Company to be held at 1090 King Georges Post Road, Suite 307, Edison, New Jersey
08837, on Wednesday, June 5, 2002, at 10:00 a.m. and at any and all adjournments
and postponements thereof, on all matters set forth on the reverse side:

                               ENCLOSED ENVELOPE

          (Continued, and to be signed and dated, on the reverse side.)

                                    VOTE BY PHONE: 1-800-690-6903
MEDJET INC.                         Use any touch-tone telephone to transmit
C/O PROXY SERVICES                  your voting instructions.  Have your proxy
P.O. BOX 9141                       card in hand when you call.  You will be
FARMINGDALE, NY 11735               prompted to enter your 12-digit Control
                                    Number which is located below and then
                                    follow the simple instructions the Vote
                                    Voice provides you.

                                    VOTE BY INTERNET: WWW.PROXYVOTE.COM Use
                                    the Internet to transmit your voting
                                    instructions. Have your proxy card in
                                    hand when you access the web site. You
                                    will be prompted to enter your 12-digit
                                    Control Number which is located below to
                                    obtain your records and create an
                                    electronic voting instruction form.

                                    VOTE BY MAIL Mark, sign and date your
                                    proxy card and return it in the
                                    postage-paid envelope we've provided or
                                    return to MEDJET INC. c/o ADP, 51
                                    Mercedes Way, Edgewood, NY 11717.





    NOMINEES: Eugene I. Gordon, Ph.D.           [  ]   FOR all nominees listed
              Edward E. David, Jr., Sc.D.
              William C. Hittinger              [  ]   WITHHOLD AUTHORITY
              Ronald B. Odrich, D.D.S.                 to vote for the following
              Elias Snitzer, Ph.D.                     nominee(s):
              Timothy R. Maier
                                                [  ]   WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to
                                                       vote for all nominees


    FOR [ ]                   AGAINST [ ]                        ABSTAIN [ ]

The shares represented by this proxy when properly executed will be voted in the
manner directed herein by the undersigned stockholder(s). IF NO DIRECTION IS
MADE, THIS PROXY WILL BE VOTED FOR ITEMS 1 AND 2. If any other matters properly
come before the meeting, or if cumulative voting is required, the person named
in this proxy will vote in their discretion.

      -------------------, 2002

- -----------------------------------------     --------------------------------
            Signature                                      Signature

Please sign the Proxy exactly as the name appears hereon. If shares are held by
joint tenants, both should sign. Executors, administrators, trustees or others
signing in a representative capacity should indicate the capacity in which