Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM N-CSR

                          CERTIFIED SHAREHOLDER REPORT

Investment Company Act file number: 33-2908


Address of Registrant: P.O. BOX 2600, VALLEY FORGE, PA 19482

Name and address of agent for service: R. GREGORY BARTON
                                       P.O. BOX 876
                                       VALLEY FORGE, PA 19482

Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (610) 669-1000

Date of fiscal year end:  November 30

Date of reporting period:  December 1, 2002 - November 30, 2003

ITEM 1: Reports to Shareholders

NOVEMBER 30, 2003





This report contains information that can help you evaluate your investment.  It
includes  details  about your fund's  return and presents data and analysis that
provide insight into the fund's performance and investment approach.

By reading the letter from Vanguard's chairman,  John J. Brennan,  together with
the letter from the managers who select  securities for your fund, you'll get an
understanding  of how the fund invests and how the market  environment  affected
its  performance.   The  statistical  information  that  follows  can  help  you
understand how the fund's performance and characteristics stack up against those
of similar funds and market benchmarks.

It's  important  to keep in mind  that  the  opinions  expressed  by  Vanguard's
investment  managers  are just  that:  informed  opinions.  They  should  not be
considered  promises or advice.  The opinions,  like the  statistics,  cover the
period  through the date on the cover of this report.  As things  change--and in
the financial markets you can be certain only of change--an investment manager's
job is to evaluate  new  information  and make  adjustments,  if  necessary.  Of
course, the risks of investing in the fund are spelled out in the prospectus.

Frequent  updates on the fund's  performance and  information  about some of its
holdings are available on Vanguard.com(R).
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1 letter from the chairman
 6 report from the advisor
 9 fund profiles
11 glossary of investment terms
12 performance summaries
14 about your fund's expenses
15 financial statements
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*    The  Vanguard  New York  Tax-Exempt  Funds  outperformed  their  peer group
     averages in fiscal 2003.
*    Interest rates in the taxable and municipal bond markets moved in different
     directions during the period.
*    The Vanguard funds achieved peer- beating results with the same emphasis on
     prudence,  quality,  and low costs that has  contributed to their long-term

Want less clutter in your mailbox?  Just register with  Vanguard.com  and opt to
get fund reports online.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Dear Shareholder,

During the 12 months ended November 30, 2003,  the Vanguard New York  Tax-Exempt
Funds met their investment  objectives while  negotiating the volatile  interest
rate environment more successfully than their average peer mutual funds.

Vanguard New York Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund*

- ----------------------------------------------------
                                         NOVEMBER 30
- ----------------------------------------------------
  (SEC 7-Day Annualized Yield: 0.88%)           0.9%
Average New York Tax-Exempt
  Money Market Fund**                           0.5
- ----------------------------------------------------
  Investor Shares                               7.2%
  Admiral Shares                                7.3
Lehman 10 Year Municipal Bond Index             6.9
Average New York Municipal Debt Fund**          6.3
Lehman Municipal Bond Index                     6.7
- ----------------------------------------------------
*An  investment  in a money  market  fund is not  insured or  guaranteed  by the
Federal Deposit Insurance  Corporation or any other government agency.  Although
the fund seeks to preserve the value of your  investment at $1 per share,  it is
possible to lose money by investing in the fund.
**Derived from data provided by Lipper Inc.

The New York  Tax-Exempt  Money Market Fund maintained its $1 share price (as is
expected but not guaranteed) while generating a significantly higher return than
the  peer-group  average,  as  illustrated  in the  table at left.

The New York  Long-Term  Tax-Exempt  Fund  generated a relatively  high level of
income  exempt from  federal  and New York State  income  taxes.  For the fund's
Investor Shares, the total return (reinvested distributions plus capital change)
was 0.9 percentage  point more than the average  return for the peer group.  The
Admiral  Shares  returned  a full  percentage  point  more  than the  peer-group
average.  The fund also outperformed two unmanaged indexes of the municipal bond
market.  These benchmarks are imperfect  analogs of your fund's  portfolio,  but
they illustrate that the fund's returns were strong by any measure.

At the end of November 2003, the Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund's yield was 0.88%,
down from 1.12% one year earlier.  For New York


residents in the highest  federal  income tax bracket,  the fund's current yield
was  equivalent  to a fully  taxable  yield of 1.47%  (accounting  for state and
federal taxes,  but not for local taxes or exposure to the  alternative  minimum
tax). The yield of the Long-Term  Tax-Exempt Fund's Investor Shares finished the
year at  3.16%,  down  from  3.69% at the end of  November  2002,  for a taxable
equivalent yield of 5.27%.  For the fund's Admiral Shares,  the ending yield was
3.21%  (down  from 3.80% a year  earlier),  with a taxable  equivalent  yield of


Details of the per-share components of the funds' total returns--their  starting
and ending net asset values, plus distributions--appear on page 5.


During the past fiscal year, the yields of most U.S.  Treasury  securities rose,
even as the yields of their tax-exempt municipal counterparts  declined.  (Money
market  securities  were an exception to this interest  rate  pattern,  however,
since they are  subject  more to the  Federal  Reserve  Board's  monetary-policy
actions than to market  forces.  The yields of the  shortest-term  municipal and
U.S.  Treasury  securities  declined  during  the 12  months.)  These  disparate
12-month  performances  reflected a sea change in investors' risk tolerance,  as
well as market recognition of municipal bonds' exceptional value.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               PERIODS ENDED NOVEMBER 30, 2003
                                               ONE         THREE          FIVE
                                              YEAR         YEARS         YEARS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
LEHMAN AGGREGATE BOND INDEX                   5.2%          7.9%          6.5%
LEHMAN MUNICIPAL BOND INDEX                   6.7           7.2           5.7
CITIGROUP 3-MONTH TREASURY BILL INDEX         1.1           2.4           3.6
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RUSSELL 1000 INDEX (LARGE-CAPS)              16.9%         -4.9%          0.2%
RUSSELL 2000 INDEX (SMALL-CAPS)              36.3           8.5           8.0
WILSHIRE 5000 INDEX (ENTIRE MARKET)          19.0          -3.3           0.8
 EX USA (International)                      27.1          -2.3           0.7
Consumer Price Index                          1.8%          2.0%          2.4%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In November  2002, as the broad stock market rattled near  bear-market  lows and
fear was the dominant mood, investors embarked on a "flight to quality," bidding
up the  prices  of  Treasuries.  Over  the next few  months,  successful  combat
operations in Iraq,  as well as upbeat  economic and  corporate-profit  reports,
ignited a stock market rally, whetting an appetite for risk. In the bond market,
corporate issues


outperformed  risk-free  Treasuries  for the full fiscal year,  and in the stock
market, volatile  small-capitalization  shares outperformed the broad U.S. stock
market:  The small-cap Russell 2000 Index climbed 36.3%, while the Wilshire 5000
Total Market Index returned 19.0%.

Although municipal  securities are generally  high-quality bonds, they benefited
from the broader bond market's dynamics. When the fiscal year started, municipal
securities were largely ignored,  leaving them with tax-exempt  yields that were
very high relative to the yields of  Treasuries.  At the end of November 2002, a
10-year  general-obligation  municipal  bond  yielded  92% of what its  Treasury
counterpart offered, despite the muni's significant tax advantages. As investors
were   attracted   to  this   disparity--bidding   up  munis  and  bidding  down
Treasuries--the  ratio declined to 82% at the end of November  2003--still high,
but more typical of its historical level.


Among intermediate- to long-term bonds--the focus of Vanguard New York Long-Term
Tax-Exempt  Fund--yields  declined steadily through the first half of the fiscal
year,  touching  12-month  lows in late spring.  During the second half,  yields
spiked in the summer, then drifted back below their year-end 2002 levels.

The approach of the funds'  advisor,  Vanguard  Fixed Income Group,  to the past
year's market tumult was typically measured. The advisor made few changes to the
composition of the Long-Term  Tax-Exempt Fund's  high-quality  portfolio.  As of
November 30, 2003,  80% of the  portfolio  was invested in  securities  with the
highest  credit  rating,  essentially  the  same  weighting  as a year  earlier.
Anticipating  higher interest rates in coming months, the advisor elected not to
stretch for yield in longer  maturities,  keeping the fund's duration (its price
sensitivity to rate changes) roughly constant.  This positioning produced a 7.2%
total return for the fund's Investor Shares--2.8  percentage points from capital
growth  and 4.4 from  income.  The  Fixed  Income  Group's  skilled  management,
combined with the fund's low operating  costs,  put the fund's result well ahead
of the peer group's  average  return of 6.3%.  (For a comparison  of the expense
ratios of Vanguard's  funds with the averages for their peer groups,  please see
the table on page 14.)

As the yields of the  shortest-term  securities  declined from their already low
levels during the period, the advisor nudged the average weighted


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Returns                                 Ten Years Ended November 30, 2003
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  Average        Final   Value  of  a  $10,000
                              Annual   Return         Initial   Investment
                          --------------------  --------------------------------
                                       Average              Average
New York                  Vanguard   Competing  Vanguard  Competing   Vanguard
Tax-Exempt Fund               Fund       Fund*      Fund      Fund*  Advantage
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Money Market**                2.6%        2.2%   $11,708    $11,436      $ 272
Long-Term Investor Shares     6.1         5.1     18,091     16,450      1,641
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*For the Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund: Average New York Insured Municipal Debt Fund
through March 31, 2002, and Average New York Municipal Debt Fund thereafter.
**Annualized returns since inception on September 3, 1997.

maturity of the Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund higher--from 38 days to 55 days--to
limit the fund's decline in income.  For the full fiscal year, the fund returned
0.9%--0.4  percentage point more than the peer-group  average--again  reflecting
the powerful combination of skilled management and low operating costs.


The same characteristics that explained our funds' strong relative  performances
in fiscal 2003 have contributed to their excellent long-term returns.  The table
above shows the average annual return of the Long-Term  Tax-Exempt Fund over the
past ten years, the average return of the Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund since its
1997 inception,  and the returns of their peer-group  averages.  We also display
the growth of hypothetical initial investments of $10,000 in the funds and their
average peers.

As you can see, both funds outperformed their average peers, creating additional
wealth  for  shareholders.   For  example,   the  Long-Term   Tax-Exempt  Fund's
1-percentage-point  margin in  average  total  return  translated  into an extra
$1,641 in shareholder wealth on a $10,000 investment--a  significant  difference
on a relatively modest initial outlay.


Today, municipal bond yields are lower than they were a year
ago, which makes continued declines in interest rates--and increases in bond
prices--less likely. A strengthening economy also suggests that rates are more
likely to rise than to fall.


In a sense, though, none of this matters. The primary reasons to invest in bonds
are the same in any interest rate environment:  diversification and income. Bond
funds are an essential  component of a well-balanced  portfolio,  helping you to
meet your financial goals while keeping risk in check by  counterbalancing  your
stock investments. A related, but different,  reason to hold bond funds is that,
over the long term,  they  generate  virtually all of their returns from income,
which is generally a less volatile source of return than capital growth. Changes
in the share price of a bond fund--up or down--have  relatively little impact on
the fund's  total return over a period of many years.  Income,  and the interest
earned on the  reinvestment  of that income,  are the  long-term  drivers of the
fund's return.

I want to close this letter with an  assurance  that the reports of late trading
and  market-timing  at  some  competing  investment   management  firms  are  as
shocking--and  upsetting--to  us as  they no  doubt  are to  you.  Vanguard  has
policies  and  procedures  in place to identify  and deter such  behavior.  More
important,  Vanguard  shareholders can be confident both in the integrity of our
excellent  crew and in the virtues of our  client-owned  corporate  structure--a
structure  that aligns our  day-to-day  efforts  with your  long-term  financial

Thank you for entrusting us with your assets.


John J. Brennan

DECEMBER 18, 2003

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                       Distributions Per Share

New York                Starting              Ending      Income       Capital
Tax-Exempt Fund      Share Price         Share Price   Dividends         Gains
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Money Market              $ 1.00              $ 1.00      $0.009        $0.000
  Investor Shares          11.38               11.57       0.486         0.125
  Admiral Shares           11.38               11.57       0.493         0.125
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



During  fiscal 2003,  Vanguard New York  Tax-Exempt  Money Market Fund  returned
0.9%, and Vanguard New York Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund's Investor Shares returned
7.2% (7.3% for the Admiral Shares),  outperforming  their  peer-group  averages.
Generally  declining interest rates in the municipal bond market translated into
lower yields for the funds at fiscal year-end.


Although growth was subdued in the first half of the period,  the economy ground
into gear as the fiscal year progressed.  In the third quarter of calendar 2003,
the nation's gross domestic  product  expanded at an annualized  rate of 8.2%, a
20-year  high.  The job market,  which was notably  weak for much of the period,
also began to improve. From September to November, the unemployment rate dropped
0.2 percentage point to 5.9%. Despite signs of economic acceleration,  inflation
remained  remarkably  tame.  The  Consumer  Price Index rose just 1.8% in the 12
months  ended  November 30. The "core" CPI,  which  excludes  volatile  food and
energy prices, was up just 1.1%.



Amid the murky economic  picture for much of the year, the Federal Reserve Board
stood pat,  at least until  June,  when it cut its target for the federal  funds
rate--the rate banks charge one another for overnight  loans--by 25 basis points
(0.25 percentage point) to 1.00%. As the year came to a close with the abundance
of rosy reports,  the Fed kept its target  unchanged,  though it did acknowledge
that growth was accelerating.  The Fed's cautious stance reflects its assessment
that the economy's "upside" and "downside" prospects are roughly equal. Our view
is that the economy  will  continue to expand,  potentially  pushing up interest



Interest  rates were volatile in both the municipal and U.S.  Treasury  markets,
though the yields in each group  generally  moved in  opposite  directions.  The
yield of the 10-year Treasury note began the fiscal year at 4.21%, fell to a low
of 3.11% on June 13, then rebounded to finish the period at 4.33%.

By contrast, the yield of the 10-year AAA general-obligation municipal bond fell
during the year,  declining 32 basis points to end the period at 3.55%. (On June
13, it was 2.85%.) The adjacent  tables  display  12-month  changes in the yield
curves of the municipal and Treasury  markets.  Both curves  steepened,  meaning
that the difference  between the yields of shorter- and  longer-term  securities

As the interest rate movements suggest, municipal bonds outperformed Treasuries;
the declining  yields meant higher prices for  municipals.  The low level of new
municipal  issuance and unusually good municipal bond values at the start of the
fiscal year help explain the strong performance.

From January to November,  the supply of new municipal  bonds rose 4.6% from the
same period a year earlier.  If taxable  municipal bonds are excluded,  however,
supply increased just 1.2%. (During the year, the majority of taxable muni bonds
were issued to help state and local governments fund shortfalls in their pension
plans. The Vanguard New York funds own no taxable  municipal debt.) In New York,
the rate of new issuance,  including taxable debt, declined a significant 22.3%,
which  provided  relatively  strong  support for the price of existing  New York
debt. (Lower issuance reduces pressure on existing bonds' prices.)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(AAA-Rated General-Obligation Issues)
Maturity          Nov. 30, 2002        Nov. 30, 2003             (basis points)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 years                   1.70%                1.40%                        -30
5 years                   2.75                 2.39                         -36
10 years                  3.87                 3.55                         -32
30 years                  5.01                 4.72                         -29
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yields of U.S. Treasury Securities
Maturity          Nov. 30, 2002        Nov. 30, 2003             (basis points)
2 years                   2.06%                2.04%                         -2
5 years                   3.27                 3.35                          +8
10 years                  4.21                 4.33                         +12
30 years                  5.04                 5.13                          +9
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

During  the past  year,  investors  were also  attracted  by munis'  "cheapness"
relative to  Treasuries.  At the  beginning  of the fiscal  year,  a 10-year AAA
general-obligation municipal bond yielded 92% of what


a 10-year Treasury note paid--high by historical levels. By year-end,  with muni
prices rising and Treasury prices  declining,  this ratio had declined to a more
normal 82%.


Despite  the  decline  in  longer-term  interest  rates,  we kept the  Long-Term
Tax-Exempt  Fund's  duration (a measure of interest  rate  sensitivity)  roughly
constant.  We don't consider the slightly higher yields available on longer-term
bonds sufficient  compensation for the risk that interest rates will rise in the
coming year.

We made few changes to the Long-Term  Tax-Exempt Fund's credit profile,  keeping
it at its  customary  high level of quality.  The  Tax-Exempt  Money Market Fund
maintained its exceptionally high-quality portfolio as well: Our dollar-weighted
credit  rating  on  November  30 was  MIG-1,  the  highest  rating  in a pool of
high-quality  securities.  In both funds, our ability to maintain a high-quality
portfolio while  delivering  higher returns than competing funds is a reflection
of Vanguard's  low expense  ratios.  There's no need to compromise  quality in a
quest for yield.

As municipal bond yields have declined,  the always  significant  benefit of low
expenses has become even more apparent.  An expense ratio of 1.2% (typical among
long-term  tax-exempt  funds) consumes almost one-fourth of the income generated
by a bond  portfolio  yielding 5%. When market yields fall to 3.5%,  the typical
expense ratio looms much larger, consuming one-third of the available income.

Robert F. Auwaerter, PRINCIPAL
Christopher M. Ryon, PRINCIPAL
Pamela Wisehaupt Tynan, PRINCIPAL
Kathryn Allen, PRINCIPAL


DECEMBER 17, 2003


AS OF 11/30/2003


These Profiles provide snapshots of each fund's characteristics,  compared where
indicated  with both an appropriate  market index and a broad market index.  Key
terms are defined on page 11.

- ----------------------------------    ------------------------------------------
FINANCIAL ATTRIBUTES                  Distribution by Credit Quality
                                        (% of portfolio)

Yield                         0.9%    MIG-1/SP-1+                           55%
Average Weighted Maturity  55 days    A-1/P-1                               44
Average Quality              MIG-1    AAA/AA                                 0
Expense Ratio                0.17%    A                                      1
- ----------------------------------    ------------------------------------------
                                      Total                                100%

Visit our website at Vanguard.com for regularly updated fund information.


FUND PROFILES (continued)

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              Comparative         Broad
                                     Fund          Index*       Index**
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Number of Issues                     248            9,054        47,482
  Investor Shares                   3.2%               --            --
  Admiral Shares                    3.2%               --            --
Yield to Maturity                  3.3%Y               --            --
Average Coupon                      4.8%             5.2%          5.2%
Average Effective Maturity     7.5 years        9.9 years    13.8 years
Average Quality                      AAA              AA+           AA+
Average Duration               5.8 years        7.0 years     8.1 years
Expense Ratio                                          --            --
  Investor Shares                  0.17%
  Admiral Shares                   0.11%
Short-Term Reserves                   8%               --            --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------

AAA                                  80%
AA                                   18
A                                     1
BBB                                   1
- ----------------------------------------
Total                               100%
- ----------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------
Investment Focus

Low  Medium  High

Short  Medium  Long
- ----------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Volatility Measures

                               Comparative                        Broad
                    Fund            Index*           Fund       Index**
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
R-Squared           0.97              1.00           0.98          1.00
Beta                1.04              1.00           1.20          1.00
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Under 1 Year                      10%
1-5 Years                         19
5-10 Years                        57
10-20 Years                       11
20-30 Years                        2
Over 30 Years                      1
- -------------------------------------
Total                            100%

*Lehman 10 Year Municipal Bond Index.
**Lehman Municipal Bond Index.
+Before expenses.



AVERAGE COUPON.  The average  interest rate paid on the fixed income  securities
held  by  a  fund.   It  is   expressed   as  a   percentage   of  face   value.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AVERAGE DURATION.  An estimate of how much the value of the bonds held by a fund
will fluctuate in response to a change in interest  rates.  To see how the value
could change,  multiply the average duration by the change in rates. If interest
rates  rise by 1  percentage  point,  the  value of the  bonds in a fund with an
average duration of five years would decline by about 5%. If rates decrease by a
percentage      point,      the      value      would      rise      by      5%.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AVERAGE  EFFECTIVE  MATURITY.  The  average  length of time until  fixed  income
securities  held  by  a  fund  reach  maturity  and  are  repaid,   taking  into
consideration  the  possibility  that the  issuer  may call the bond  before its
maturity date. The figure reflects the proportion of fund assets  represented by
each  security;  it also reflects any futures  contracts  held. In general,  the
longer  the  average  effective  maturity,  the more a fund's  share  price will
fluctuate    in    response    to    changes   in   market    interest    rates.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AVERAGE QUALITY.  An indicator of credit risk, this figure is the average of the
ratings  assigned to a fund's holdings by credit-rating  agencies.  The agencies
make  their  judgment  after   appraising  an  issuer's   ability  to  meet  its
obligations.  Quality is graded on a scale,  with Aaa or AAA indicating the most
creditworthy  bond  issuers and A-1 or MIG-1  indicating  the most  creditworthy
issuers            of            money            market             securities.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AVERAGE  WEIGHTED  MATURITY.  The  average  length of time  until  fixed  income
securities held by a fund reach maturity and are repaid. The figure reflects the
proportion     of    fund    assets     represented     by    each     security.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BETA. A measure of the magnitude of a fund's past  share-price  fluctuations  in
relation to the ups and downs of a given market  index.  The index is assigned a
beta of 1.00.  Compared with a given index, a fund with a beta of 1.20 typically
would have seen its share  price rise or fall by 12% when the index rose or fell
by 10%. A fund's beta should be reviewed in conjunction  with its R-squared (see
definition  below).  The  lower the  R-squared,  the less  correlation  there is
between the fund and the index, and the less reliable beta is as an indicator of
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPENSE  RATIO.  The  percentage of a fund's  average net assets used to pay its
annual  administrative  and advisory  expenses.  These expenses  directly reduce
returns                              to                               investors.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
R-SQUARED.  A measure of how much of a fund's past  returns can be  explained by
the returns  from the market in general,  as  measured  by a given  index.  If a
fund's total returns were precisely  synchronized  with an index's returns,  its
R-squared  would be 1.00.  If the fund's  returns  bore no  relationship  to the
index's        returns,        its       R-squared       would       be       0.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SHORT-TERM  RESERVES.  The  percentage  of a fund  invested  in  highly  liquid,
short-term    securities    that   can   be   readily    converted    to   cash.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
YIELD.  A  snapshot  of a fund's  interest  income.  The yield,  expressed  as a
percentage  of the fund's net asset  value,  is based on income  earned over the
past 30 days (7 days for money  market  funds) and is  annualized,  or projected
forward              for              the              coming              year.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
YIELD TO  MATURITY.  The rate of return an investor  would  receive if the fixed
income securities held by a fund were held to their maturity dates.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


AS OF 11/30/2003


All of the returns in this report  represent past  performance,  which cannot be
used to predict future returns that may be achieved by the funds.  An investment
in a money  market fund is not  insured or  guaranteed  by the  Federal  Deposit
Insurance  Corporation or any other government  agency.  Although the Tax-Exempt
Money  Market  Fund seeks to  preserve  the value of your  investment  at $1 per
share,  it is possible to lose money by investing  in the fund.  For bond funds,
both share price and return can fluctuate  widely.  An investor's  shares,  when
redeemed,  could be worth more or less than their  original  cost.  The  returns
shown do not reflect taxes that a shareholder would pay on fund distributions or
on the  redemption  of fund  shares.  The  annualized  yield shown for the money
market fund reflects the current earnings of the fund more closely than does the
total return.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                               AVERAGE ANNUAL TOTAL RETURNS
                                             PERIODS ENDED NOVEMBER 30, 2003            FINAL VALUE
                                           -----------------------------------    (SINCE INCEPTION)
                                             ONE           FIVE           TEN          OF A $10,000
                                            YEAR          YEARS         YEARS            INVESTMENT

New York Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund      0.89%          2.37%         2.56%               $11,708
Average New York  Tax-Exempt
  Money Market Fund*                       0.53           1.96          2.17                 11,436
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            New York Tax-Exempt      Average
            Money Market Fund          Fund*

Fiscal          Total                  Total
  Year         Return                 Return
- ----------------------------------------------
1997             0.8%                  0.8%
1998             3.3                   2.9
1999             3.0                   2.6
2000             3.9                   3.4
- ----------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------
            New York Tax-Exempt      Average
            Money Market Fund          Fund*

Fiscal          Total                  Total
  Year         Return                 Return
- ----------------------------------------------
2001             2.8%                  2.4%
2002             1.3                   0.9
2003             0.9                   0.5
- ----------------------------------------------
SEC 7-Day Annualized Yield (11/30/2003): 0.88%
- ----------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Average Annual Total Returns for periods ended September 30, 2003

This table  presents  average annual total returns  through the latest  calendar
quarter--rather  than  through  the end of the  fiscal  period.  Securities  and
Exchange Commission rules require that we provide this information.

                                                                                   Since Inception
                                                            One       Five    --------------------------
                                         Inception Date    Year      Years    Capital    Income    Total
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NEW YORK TAX-EXEMPT MONEY MARKET FUND          9/3/1997   0.97%      2.45%      0.00%     2.61%    2.61%

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Returns for Average New York Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund are derived from data
provided by Lipper Inc.
Note: See Financial  Highlights table on page 30 for dividend  information.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                           Average Annual Total Returns
                                                         Periods Ended November 30, 2003
                                                        ---------------------------------    Final Value
                                                            One         Five       Ten      of a $10,000
                                                           Year        Years     Years        Investment
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New York Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund Investor Shares        7.20%         5.86%     6.11%          $18,091
Lehman Municipal Bond Index                               6.65          5.71      6.16            18,179
Lehman 10 Year Municipal Bond Index                       6.88          5.75      6.24            18,320
Average New York Municipal Debt Fund*                     6.33          4.70      5.10            16,450
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                             Final Value
                                                                  One           Since      of a $250,000
                                                                 Year     Inception**         Investment
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New York Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund Admiral Shares               7.26%           7.13%           $297,947
Lehman Municipal Bond Index                                     6.65            6.80             295,627
Lehman 10 Year Municipal Bond Index                             6.88            6.87             296,134
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                    New York Long-Term
              Tax-Exempt Fund Investor Shares            Lehman+

Fiscal              Capital          Income     Total     Total
  Year               Return          Return    Return    Return
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
1994                 -11.5%            5.1%     -6.4%     -4.5%
1995                  13.5             6.4      19.9      18.6
1996                   0.4             5.4       5.8       5.7
1997                   0.9             5.5       6.4       7.1
1998                   2.4             5.3       7.7       8.1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 New York Long-Term
              Tax-Exempt Fund Investor Shares            Lehman+

Fiscal              Capital          Income     Total     Total
  Year               Return          Return    Return    Return
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
1999                  -7.0%            4.7%     -2.3%     -0.4%
2000                   3.9             5.7       9.6       7.7
2001                   3.4             5.0       8.4       8.2
2002                   2.2             4.6       6.8       6.7
2003                   2.8             4.4       7.2       6.9
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Average Annual Total Returns for periods ended September 30, 2003

This table  presents  average annual total returns  through the latest  calendar
quarter--rather  than  through  the end of the  fiscal  period.  Securities  and
Exchange Commission rules require that we provide this information.


                                                                                    Ten Years
                                                        One    Five       ---------------------------
                                      Inception Date   Year   Years       Capital     Income    Total

New York Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund
  Investor Shares                           4/7/1986  3.58%   5.75%         0.74%      5.21%    5.95%
  Admiral Shares                           5/14/2001  3.65   7.37**            --         --       --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*Derived  from data  provided  by Lipper  Inc.;  based on the  Average  New York
Insured  Municipal  Debt Fund through  March 31, 2002,  and the Average New York
Municipal Debt Fund thereafter.
**Returns since inception on May 14, 2001.
+Lehman 10 Year Municipal Bond Index.
Note: See Financial  Highlights tables on page 31 for dividend and capital gains information.



All mutual funds have  operating  expenses.  These  expenses  include  costs for
portfolio  management,  administrative  services,  and shareholder reports (like
this one), among others.  Operating  expenses,  which are deducted from a fund's
gross  income,  directly  reduce  the  investment  return of the fund.  A fund's
expenses are expressed as a percentage  of its net assets.  This figure is known
as the expense ratio. a hypothetical example

We believe it is  important  for you to  understand  the impact of costs on your
investment.  The following  example  illustrates  the costs that you would incur
over a 12-month  period if you invested  $10,000 in your fund,  using the fund's
actual  return and  operating  expenses  for the fiscal year ended  November 30,
2003.  The cost in dollars is  calculated  by applying the expense  ratio to the
average balance in the hypothetical  account. For comparative  purposes, we also
list the average expense ratio for each fund's peer group, which is derived from
data provided by Lipper Inc.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                       Cost of $10,000             Fund        Peer Group*
                                    Investment in Fund    Expense Ratio      Expense Ratio
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New York Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund              $17            0.17%              0.62%
New York Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund
  Investor Shares                                   18            0.17               1.08
  Admiral Shares                                    11            0.11                 --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*Peer groups are: for the New York Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund, the Average New
York Tax-Exempt  Money Market Fund; for the New York Long-Term  Tax-Exempt Fund,
the Average New York Municipal Debt Fund.
Calculations  assume no shares were sold. Your actual costs may have been higher
or lower,  depending on the amount of your  investment and your holding  period.
Peer-group ratios capture data through year-end 2002.

You can find  more  information  about the  funds'  expenses,  including  annual
expense ratios for the past five years, in the Financial  Statements  section of
this  report.  For  additional  information  on  operating  expenses  and  other
shareholder  costs,  please  refer  to the  funds'  prospectus.  The  prospectus
presents  hypothetical  shareholder costs over various time periods based upon a
$10,000 investment and a return of 5% a year. This standardized  example,  which
appears in all mutual fund  prospectuses,  may be useful to you in comparing the
costs of investing in different funds.


AS OF 11/30/2003



This Statement  provides a detailed list of each fund's municipal bond holdings,
including each security's  market value on the last day of the reporting  period
and information on credit enhancements  (insurance or letters of credit).  Other
assets are added to, and  liabilities  are  subtracted  from, the value of Total
Municipal  Bonds to  calculate  the fund's Net Assets.  Finally,  Net Assets are
divided by the  outstanding  shares of the fund to arrive at its share price, or
Net Asset Value (NAV) Per Share.

At the end of the Statement of Net Assets,  you will find a table displaying the
composition of the fund's net assets.  Undistributed  Net  Investment  Income is
usually zero because the fund  distributes  its net income to  shareholders as a
dividend each day. Any realized gains must be distributed  annually, so the bulk
of net assets consists of Paid-in Capital (money invested by shareholders).  The
balance shown for Accumulated Net Realized Gains usually approximates the amount
available to  distribute  to  shareholders  as taxable  capital  gains as of the
statement date, but may differ because certain  investments or transactions  may
be treated differently for financial statement and tax purposes. Any Accumulated
Net  Realized  Losses,  and any  cumulative  excess  of  distributions  over net
realized  gains,  will  appear as  negative  balances.  Unrealized  Appreciation
(Depreciation) is the difference between the value of the fund's investments and
their cost,  and reflects the gains  (losses) that would be realized if the fund
were to sell all of its investments at their statement-date values.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                            FACE        MARKET
NEW YORK TAX-EXEMPT                                                               MATURITY                AMOUNT        VALUE*
MONEY MARKET FUND                                                     COUPON          DATE                  (000)         (000)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Albany County NY BAN                                                   1.75%     12/3/2004 Y           $  50,000    $   50,307
Allegany County NY IDA (Atlantic Richfield Project) VRDO               1.12%     12/1/2003                 4,700         4,700
Arlington NY Central School Dist. BAN                                  1.20%    12/19/2003                20,600        20,603
Battery Park City NY Auth. Rev. TOB VRDO                               1.13%     12/8/2003 *              30,825        30,825
Battery Park City NY Auth. Rev. TOB VRDO                               1.13%     12/8/2003 *               5,345         5,345
Erie County NY RAN                                                     1.50%     6/23/2004                27,000        27,090
Erie County NY Water Auth. Rev. VRDO                                   1.04%     12/8/2003 (2)            11,400        11,400
Garden City NY UFSD TAN                                                1.60%     6/29/2004                 5,000         5,018
Great Neck NY UFSD TAN                                                 1.60%     6/29/2004                 5,000         5,019
Great Neck NY UFSD TAN                                                 2.00%     6/29/2004                15,000        15,091
Half Hollow Hills NY Central School Dist.
  Huntington & Babylon TAN                                             1.75%     6/29/2004                 7,000         7,031
Hempstead NY BAN                                                       1.75%     4/16/2004                 5,075         5,087
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev. VRDO                   1.08%     12/1/2003 LOC             6,600         6,600
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev. VRDO                   1.08%     12/1/2003 LOC             9,600         9,600
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev. VRDO                   1.08%     12/1/2003 LOC             3,400         3,400
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev. VRDO                   1.10%     12/8/2003 (1)            4,000          4,000
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev. VRDO                   1.10%     12/8/2003 (4)            13,625        13,625
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.)
  TOB VRDO                                                             1.13%     12/8/2003 (1) *           3,300         3,300
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. CP                                  0.95%     3/24/2004 LOC            15,000        15,000
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. CP                                  1.00%      4/8/2004 LOC            20,000        20,000
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. TOB VRDO                            1.15%     12/8/2003 (3) *          19,985        19,985
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. VRDO                                1.10%     12/8/2003 (4)            19,200        19,200
Nassau County NY Interim Finance Auth. VRDO                            1.10%     12/8/2003 (4)            27,055        27,055


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                            FACE        MARKET
NEW YORK TAX-EXEMPT                                                               MATURITY                AMOUNT        VALUE*
MONEY MARKET FUND                                                     COUPON          DATE                  (000)         (000)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New York City NY Cultural Resources Rev.
  (American Museum of Natural History) PUT                             0.85%      7/1/2004 (2)         $  35,975    $   35,975
New York City NY Cultural Resources Rev.
  (Asia Society) VRDO                                                  1.10%     12/8/2003 LOC            12,000        12,000
New York City NY Cultural Resources Rev.
  (Carnegie Hall) VRDO                                                 1.10%     12/8/2003 LOC            14,835        14,835
New York City NY Cultural Resources Rev.
  (Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation) VRDO                              1.08%     12/1/2003 LOC            18,607        18,607
New York City NY GO                                                    2.00%      8/1/2004                17,780        17,906
New York City NY GO TOB VRDO                                           1.12%     12/8/2003 (1) *           9,995         9,995
New York City NY GO TOB VRDO                                           1.13%     12/8/2003 (4) *           6,144         6,144
New York City NY GO TOB VRDO                                           1.13%     12/8/2003 (10)*           6,955         6,955
New York City NY GO TOB VRDO                                           1.16%     12/8/2003 (3) *           5,620         5,620
New York City NY GO TOB VRDO                                           1.16%     12/8/2003 (3) *           8,455         8,455
New York City NY GO TOB VRDO                                           1.16%     12/8/2003 (3) *           5,795         5,795
New York City NY GO VRDO                                               1.08%     12/1/2003 (1)             9,950         9,950
New York City NY GO VRDO                                               1.08%     12/1/2003 (1)             2,575         2,575
New York City NY GO VRDO                                               1.10%     12/8/2003 LOC             8,135         8,135
New York City NY GO VRDO                                               1.10%     12/8/2003 LOC             6,050         6,050
New York City NY Housing Dev. Corp.
  (Westmont Apartments) VRDO                                           1.10%     12/8/2003 LOC            24,200        24,200
New York City NY IDA (National Audubon Society) VRDO                   1.08%     12/1/2003 LOC            14,700        14,700
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
  Water & Sewer System CP                                              1.07%      2/4/2004                25,000        25,000
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
  Water & Sewer System Rev. TOB VRDO                                   1.13%     12/8/2003 (1) *          12,075        12,075
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
  Water & Sewer System Rev. TOB VRDO                                   1.15%     12/8/2003 *              20,500        20,500
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
  Water & Sewer System Rev. VRDO                                       1.05%     12/1/2003 (3)             5,600         5,600
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
  Water & Sewer System Rev. VRDO                                       1.10%     12/1/2003                12,400        12,400
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
  Water & Sewer System Rev. VRDO                                        1.10%    12/1/2003                35,050        35,050
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
  Water & Sewer System Rev. VRDO                                        1.10%    12/8/2003                 9,800         9,800
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.
  TOB VRDO                                                             1.13%     12/8/2003 (3) *           6,080         6,080
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.
  TOB VRDO                                                             1.16%     12/8/2003 *               9,850         9,850
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO                  1.08%     12/1/2003                   870           870
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO                  1.08%     12/1/2003                   400           400
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO                  1.08%     12/1/2003                22,200        22,200
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO                  1.10%     12/1/2003                 3,200         3,200
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO                  1.10%     12/1/2003                 1,900         1,900
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO                  1.10%     12/8/2003                 4,700         4,700
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO                  1.12%     12/8/2003                10,000        10,000
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO                  1.12%     12/8/2003                14,500        14,500
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Columbia Univ.) CP                0.88%      1/7/2004                11,635        11,635
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Columbia Univ.) CP                0.88%      1/8/2004                21,005        21,005
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Columbia Univ.) PUT               1.05%      3/5/2004                 9,000         9,000
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Cornell Univ.) VRDO               1.10%     12/1/2003                10,525        10,525


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                            FACE        MARKET
                                                                                  MATURITY                AMOUNT        VALUE*
                                                                      COUPON          DATE                  (000)         (000)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Cornell Univ.) VRDO               1.10%     12/8/2003             $  26,900    $   26,900
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Cornell Univ.) VRDO               1.10%     12/8/2003                24,845        24,845
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Mental Health Services)                                             2.00%     2/15/2004                 9,950         9,972
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Mental Health Services) TOB VRDO                                    1.13%     12/8/2003 (1) *          16,455        16,455
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Mental Health Services) VRDO                                        1.12%     12/8/2003                12,000        12,000
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Mental Health Services) VRDO                                        1.12%     12/8/2003 (1)             9,200         9,200
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (New York Public Library) VRDO                                       1.10%     12/8/2003 (1)            10,800        10,800
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (New York Public Library) VRDO                                       1.10%     12/8/2003 (1)            40,465        40,465
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Rochester Institute of Technology) TOB VRDO                         1.10%     12/8/2003 (2)             9,700         9,700
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Rockefeller Univ.) VRDO                                             1.10%     12/8/2003                34,600        34,600
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Rockefeller Univ.) VRDO                                             1.10%     12/8/2003                39,000        39,000
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (State Univ.) TOB VRDO                                               1.15%     12/8/2003 *               8,995         8,995
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. TOB VRDO                           1.13%     12/8/2003 *               4,725         4,725
New York State Energy Research & Dev. Auth. PCR
  (NY Electric & Gas) PUT                                              1.08%    10/15/2004 LOC            15,775        15,775
New York State Environmental Corp. Rev.
  (General Electric) CP                                                0.98%     12/5/2003                23,400        23,400
New York State Environmental Corp. Rev.
  (General Electric) CP                                                0.98%     12/8/2003                21,000        21,000
New York State Environmental Corp. Rev.
  (General Electric) CP                                                1.04%     2/13/2004                 8,000         8,000
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. PCR TOB VRDO                   1.13%     12/8/2003 (4) *          26,725        26,725
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. Rev.
  (Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Funds) TOB VRDO                    1.13%     12/8/2003 *               5,000         5,000
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. Rev.
  (Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Funds) TOB VRDO                    1.13%     12/8/2003 *              13,925        13,925
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. Rev.
  (Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Funds) TOB VRDO                    1.13%     12/8/2003 *               8,250         8,250
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. Rev.
  (Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Funds) TOB VRDO                    1.13%     12/8/2003 *               6,500         6,500
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. Rev.
  (Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Funds) TOB VRDO                    1.13%     12/8/2003 *               2,715         2,715
New York State GO PUT                                                  1.02%      8/5/2004 LOC            32,000        32,000
New York State GO PUT                                                  1.05%     10/7/2004 LOC            31,600        31,600
New York State Housing Finance Agency Service
  Contract Rev. VRDO                                                   1.10%     12/8/2003 LOC             9,000         9,000
New York State Local Govt. Assistance Corp. VRDO                       1.08%     12/8/2003 LOC             7,300         7,300
New York State Local Govt. Assistance Corp. VRDO                       1.08%     12/8/2003 LOC            11,615        11,615
New York State Local Govt. Assistance Corp. VRDO                       1.10%     12/8/2003 LOC            11,400        11,400
New York State Local Govt. Assistance Corp. VRDO                       1.10%     12/8/2003 LOC            14,920        14,920
New York State Mortgage Agency Rev. PUT                               1.125%      4/2/2004                11,000        11,000
New York State Mortgage Agency Rev. TOB VRDO                           1.03%     12/8/2003 (1) *          11,805        11,805


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                            FACE        MARKET
NEW YORK TAX-EXEMPT                                                               MATURITY                AMOUNT        VALUE*
MONEY MARKET FUND                                                     COUPON          DATE                  (000)         (000)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New York State Mortgage Agency Rev. TOB VRDO                           1.03%     12/8/2003 (1) *       $   2,845    $    2,845
New York State Mortgage Agency Rev. TOB VRDO                           1.03%     12/8/2003 *               2,795         2,795
New York State Mortgage Agency Rev. TOB VRDO                           1.17%     12/8/2003 *               5,960         5,960
New York State Power Auth. Rev. CP                                     1.05%    12/10/2003                13,800        13,800
New York State Power Auth. Rev. CP                                     1.12%    12/11/2003                 6,000         6,000
New York State Power Auth. Rev. CP                                     1.12%     1/14/2004                 9,977         9,977
New York State Power Auth. Rev. CP                                     1.12%     1/22/2004                20,000        20,000
New York State Power Auth. Rev. CP                                     1.12%     1/23/2004                 6,900         6,900
New York State Power Auth. Rev. PUT                                    0.90%      3/1/2004                14,500        14,513
New York State Power Auth. Rev. VRDO                                   1.10%     12/8/2003                16,000        16,000
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
  (Highway & Bridge Trust Fund)                                        1.75%      4/1/2004                25,935        25,993
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
  (Highway & Bridge Trust Fund) TOB VRDO                               1.12%     12/8/2003 (3) *           8,215         8,215
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
 (Highway & Bridge Trust Fund) TOB VRDO                                1.16%     12/8/2003 (1) *           8,580         8,580
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev. CP                                   0.85%     12/5/2003                 9,500         9,500
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev. CP                                   0.90%     12/8/2003                26,000        26,000
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev. CP                                   0.90%    12/10/2003                 5,000         5,000
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev. CP                                   0.89%    12/15/2003                15,000        15,000
Oneida County NY IDA Rev. (Hamilton College) VRDO                      1.07%     12/8/2003 (1)            24,335        24,335
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey CP                                 0.85%    12/11/2003                 7,000         7,000
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey CP                                 0.91%    12/16/2003                 5,120         5,120
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey CP                                 1.05%    12/16/2003                25,000        25,000
St. Lawrence County NY IDA Environmental
  Improvement Rev. (Alcoa Corp.) VRDO                                  1.11%     12/8/2003 LOC            14,100        14,100
Suffolk County NY Water Auth. Rev. VRDO                                1.08%     12/8/2003                39,100        39,100
Syosset NY Central School Dist. BAN                                    2.00%     2/13/2004                 6,000         6,011
Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp. NY Rev. TOB VRDO                    1.15%     12/8/2003 (2) *           6,295         6,295
Tompkins County NY IDA Civic Fac. (Cornell Univ.) VRDO                 1.10%     12/8/2003                12,300        12,300
Tompkins County NY IDA Civic Fac. (Cornell Univ.) VRDO                 1.10%     12/8/2003                 8,390         8,390
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev. TOB VRDO                1.13%     12/8/2003 *              16,230        16,230
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev. TOB VRDO                1.13%     12/8/2003 (1) *           7,200         7,200
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev. TOB VRDO                1.16%     12/8/2003 *               9,260         9,260
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev. TOB VRDO                1.16%     12/8/2003 (2) *          16,675        16,675
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev. VRDO                    1.10%     12/8/2003 (4)            25,200        25,200
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev. VRDO                    1.10%     12/8/2003 (4)            15,400        15,400
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev. VRDO                    1.10%     12/8/2003                 8,800         8,800
Troy County NY IDA Civic Fac. Rev.
  (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) VRDO                              1.12%     12/8/2003                11,250        11,250

Outside New York:
Puerto Rico Highway & Transp. Auth. Rev. VRDO                          1.07%     12/8/2003 (2)            12,800        12,800
Puerto Rico TRAN                                                       2.00%     7/30/2004                10,000        10,068
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  (Cost $1,780,667)                                                                                                  1,780,667
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other Assets--Note B                                                                                                    45,860
Liabilities                                                                                                            (54,221)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Applicable to 1,772,295,283 outstanding $.001
  par value shares of beneficial interest (unlimited authorization)                                                 $1,772,306


*See Note A in Notes to Financial Statements.
*Securities  exempt from  registration  under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of
1933.  These  securities may be sold in transactions  exempt from  registration,
normally to qualified  institutional buyers. At November 30, 2003, the aggregate
value of these securities was $340,074,000, representing 19.2% of net assets.
+Security  purchased on a when-issued  or delayed  delivery  basis for which the
fund has not taken delivery as of November 30, 2003.
For key to abbreviations and other references, see page 27.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        Amount             Per
                                                          (000)          Share
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Paid-in Capital                                     $1,772,315           $1.00
Undistributed Net Investment Income                         --              --
Accumulated Net Realized Losses                             (9)             --
Unrealized Appreciation                                     --              --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSETS                                          $1,772,306           $1.00


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                            FACE        MARKET
                                                                                  MATURITY                AMOUNT        VALUE*
NEW YORK LONG-TERM TAX-EXEMPT FUND                                    COUPON          DATE                  (000)         (000)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Albany County NY GO                                                    5.00%     10/1/2012 (3)              4,400        4,936
Albany NY GO                                                           7.00%     1/15/2005 (1)                20            20
Battery Park City NY Auth. Rev.                                        5.50%     11/1/2006 (2)(Prere.)    11,750        13,272
Broome County NY Public Safety Fac. Project COP                        5.25%      4/1/2015 (1)(ETM)        2,665         2,792
Broome County NY Public Safety Fac. Project COP                        5.25%      4/1/2015 (1)               335           346
Buffalo & Erie Counties NY Toll Bridge Auth. Rev.                      6.00%      1/1/2015 (1)             4,500         4,740
Buffalo NY GO                                                         5.125%      2/1/2012 (2)             1,870         2,048
Buffalo NY GO                                                         5.125%      2/1/2013 (2)             2,945         3,227
Erie County NY Water Auth. Rev.                                        6.00%     12/1/2008 (2)(ETM)        1,600         1,814
Hempstead NY GO                                                        5.50%      8/1/2005 (3)(Prere.)       190           207
Hempstead NY GO                                                        5.50%      8/1/2005 (3)(Prere.)     2,260         2,434
Hempstead NY GO                                                       5.625%      2/1/2006 (3)(Prere.)       270           299
Hempstead NY GO                                                       5.625%      2/1/2006 (3)(Prere.)       210           233
Hempstead NY GO                                                       5.625%      2/1/2012 (3)             1,220         1,332
Hempstead NY GO                                                       5.625%      2/1/2013 (3)               960         1,047
Huntington NY GO                                                       6.70%      2/1/2011 (3)               310           378
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev.                        0.00%      6/1/2011 (4)            16,690        12,920
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev.                        5.25%      6/1/2013                15,690        17,101
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev.                        0.00%      6/1/2014 (4)             5,000         3,311
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev.                        0.00%      6/1/2019 (4)             2,460         1,239
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev.                        0.00%      6/1/2021 (4)            13,355         5,962
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev.                        0.00%      6/1/2023 (4)            35,500        13,939
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev.                        0.00%      6/1/2024 (4)            21,830         8,040
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev.                        0.00%      6/1/2027 (4)            23,905         7,504
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev. VRDO                   1.08%     12/1/2003 LOC            16,700        16,700
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev. VRDO                   1.08%     12/1/2003 LOC            10,000        10,000
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev.
  (Commuter Fac.)                                                     5.125%      7/1/2009(3)(Prere.)      3,000         3,398
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev.
  (Commuter Fac.)                                                      5.30%      7/1/2009 (3)(Prere.)    17,475        19,954
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev.
  (Commuter Fac.)                                                      5.00%      7/1/2013 (2)(Prere.)     5,500         6,155
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev.
  (Commuter Fac.)                                                      5.50%      7/1/2013 (2)(Prere.)    11,585        13,433
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev.
  (Dedicated Petroleum Tax)                                            5.25%     10/1/2010 (1)(Prere.)    34,060        39,028
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev.
  (Dedicated Petroleum Tax)                                            5.25%     10/1/2010 (1)(Prere.)     7,900         9,052
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev.
  (Dedicated Petroleum Tax)                                            6.00%      4/1/2020 (1)(ETM)       32,500        38,853
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.)                      7.00%      7/1/2009 (2)(ETM)        9,050        10,710
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.)                      5.00%      1/1/2012 (2)(Prere.)     5,000         5,584
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.)                      5.50%    11/15/2014 (2)             8,000         9,241
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.)                      5.50%    11/15/2016 (2)            28,075        31,694
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.)                      5.50%    11/15/2016 (1)             4,000         4,516
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.)                      5.50%    11/15/2017 (1)             5,000         5,616
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.)                      5.50%    11/15/2017 (2)            35,000        39,314
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.)                      5.50%    11/15/2019 (1)             6,000         6,668
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.)                      5.50%    11/15/2020 (1)             7,000         7,740
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. VRDO                                1.10%     12/8/2003 (4)               800           800
Nassau County NY Combined Sewer Dist. GO                               6.20%     5/15/2007 (1)               840           859
Nassau County NY Combined Sewer Dist. GO                               6.20%     5/15/2008 (1)               835           854
Nassau County NY Combined Sewer Dist. GO                               6.25%     5/15/2009 (1)               825           844
Nassau County NY Combined Sewer Dist. GO                               5.00%      5/1/2010 (3)             2,875         3,203


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                            FACE        MARKET
                                                                                  MATURITY                AMOUNT        VALUE*
                                                                      COUPON          DATE                  (000)         (000)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nassau County NY Combined Sewer Dist. GO                               6.25%     5/15/2010 (1)         $     820    $      839
Nassau County NY Combined Sewer Dist. GO                               5.00%      5/1/2011 (3)             1,770         1,969
Nassau County NY Combined Sewer Dist. GO                              5.875%      8/1/2012 (3)               825           848
Nassau County NY GO                                                    5.70%      8/1/2004 (3)(Prere.)     2,000         2,121
Nassau County NY GO                                                    5.75%      2/1/2011 (1)             1,100         1,119
Nassau County NY GO                                                    5.25%      6/1/2011 (2)             3,670         4,075
Nassau County NY GO                                                    5.25%      6/1/2012 (2)             4,670         5,173
Nassau County NY GO                                                    5.25%      6/1/2013 (2)             6,905         7,650
Nassau County NY GO                                                    5.25%      6/1/2014 (2)             6,585         7,294
Nassau County NY Interim Finance Auth. VRDO                            1.09%     12/8/2003 (4)            11,200        11,200
Nassau County NY Interim Finance Auth. VRDO                            1.10%     12/8/2003 (4)            11,635        11,635
New York City NY Cultural Resources Rev.
  (American Museum of Natural History)                                 5.70%      4/1/2016 (1)            12,730        14,130
New York City NY Cultural Resources Rev.
  (American Museum of Natural History)                                 5.60%      4/1/2018 (1)             2,635         2,912
New York City NY Cultural Resources Rev.
  (American Museum of Natural  History)                                5.65%      4/1/2022 (1)             5,000         5,538
New York City NY Cultural Resources Rev.
  (Museum of Modern Art)                                               5.40%      1/1/2006 (2)(ETM)           85            92
New York City NY Cultural Resources Rev.
  (Museum of Modern Art)                                               5.50%      1/1/2007 (2)(ETM)           35            39
New York City NY Cultural Resources Rev.
  (Museum of Modern Art)                                               5.50%      1/1/2016 (2)             2,000         2,213
New York City NY GO                                                    5.75%      8/1/2011 (1)            15,750        18,180
New York City NY GO                                                   5.125%      8/1/2013 (4)            19,025        20,821
New York City NY GO                                                   5.375%      8/1/2013 (3)             8,295         9,198
New York City NY GO                                                    5.20%      8/1/2014 (4)             5,000         5,457
New York City NY GO                                                    5.25%     3/15/2016 (2)             5,000         5,473
New York City NY GO                                                    5.75%     3/15/2027 (4)             5,000         5,556
New York City NY GO VRDO                                               1.09%     12/8/2003 LOC             2,800         2,800
New York City NY GO VRDO                                               1.10%     12/8/2003 LOC             1,350         1,350
New York City NY IDA (USTA National Tennis Center)                    6.375%    11/15/2014 (4)             2,000         2,135
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
  Water & Sewer System Rev.                                           5.875%     6/15/2012 (2)            18,500        21,733
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
  Water & Sewer System Rev.                                            5.35%     6/15/2013 (1)             5,300         5,440
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
  Water & Sewer System Rev.                                           5.875%     6/15/2013 (2)            20,000        23,615
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
  Water & Sewer System Rev.                                            0.00%     6/15/2017                10,000         5,634
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
  Water & Sewer System Rev.                                           5.375%     6/15/2017                25,015        27,579
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
  Water & Sewer System Rev.                                            0.00%     6/15/2018                10,000         5,324
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
  Water & Sewer System Rev.                                           5.375%     6/15/2018                25,095        27,515
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
  Water & Sewer System Rev.                                            0.00%     6/15/2021                 4,490         2,001
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
  Water & Sewer System Rev.                                            5.50%     6/15/2027 (1)            23,955        26,020


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                            FACE        MARKET
                                                                                  MATURITY                AMOUNT        VALUE*
NEW YORK LONG-TERM TAX-EXEMPT FUND                                    COUPON          DATE                  (000)         (000)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance
  Auth. Water & Sewer System Rev.                                      5.75%     6/15/2029 (1)         $  15,000    $   16,776
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance
  Auth. Water & Sewer System Rev.                                      5.75%     6/15/2031 (3)            30,650        34,364
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance
  Auth. Water & Sewer System Rev. VRDO                                 1.08%     12/1/2003 (3)               300           300
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
  Water & Sewer System Rev. VRDO                                       1.10%     12/1/2003                 2,100         2,100
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
  Water & Sewer System Rev. VRDO                                       1.10%     12/1/2003                25,200        25,200
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.                       5.50%      5/1/2009 (Prere.)        1,325         1,534
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.                       5.75%     8/15/2009 (Prere.)        5,000         5,882
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.                       5.75%     5/15/2010 (Prere.)          930         1,096
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.                       5.50%      2/1/2011 (Prere.)        3,995         4,644
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.                       5.50%      2/1/2011 (Prere.)        1,150         1,337
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.                       5.50%      2/1/2011 (Prere.)        2,955         3,435
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.                       5.50%      5/1/2011 (Prere.)        2,265         2,633
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.                       5.50%      2/1/2012                 2,805         3,180
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.                       5.25%      5/1/2013                12,270        13,679
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.                       5.50%      2/1/2014                 9,735        10,840
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.                       5.25%      5/1/2014                17,720        19,582
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.                      5.375%      2/1/2015                 7,310         8,073
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.                       5.50%      2/1/2015                 3,850         4,289
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.                      5.375%     2/15/2015                 9,395        10,416
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.                      5.375%      2/1/2016                 8,415         9,260
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.                       5.50%      2/1/2016                11,045        12,261
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.                       5.50%     2/15/2016                 2,735         3,050
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.                       5.75%    11/15/2020                 9,070        10,331
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.                       5.50%      5/1/2025                 1,675         1,824
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO                  1.08%     12/1/2003                 4,400         4,400
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO                  1.10%     12/1/2003                 6,985         6,985
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO                  1.10%     12/1/2003                 4,400         4,400
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO                  1.10%     12/1/2003                 2,700         2,700
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO                  1.12%     12/8/2003                 5,400         5,400
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Barnard College)                  5.25%      7/1/2026 (2)             4,370         4,507
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Catholic Health)                  5.50%      7/1/2022 (1)            10,000        11,010
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (City Univ.)                       5.50%      7/1/2006 (2)(Prere.)    11,360        12,692
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (City Univ.)                       5.75%      7/1/2011 (3)             5,950         6,937
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (City Univ.)                       5.75%      7/1/2015 (3)             2,215         2,509
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (City Univ.)                       5.75%      7/1/2015 (3)            31,620        35,814
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (City Univ.)                       5.50%      7/1/2016 (2)(Prere.)     4,640         5,089
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (City Univ.)                       5.75%      7/1/2016 (3)             7,255         8,217
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (City Univ.)                       5.75%      7/1/2016 (3)             4,475         5,069
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Columbia Univ.)                  5.125%      7/1/2019                 5,100         5,532
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Cornell Univ.) VRDO                                                 1.10%     12/8/2003                 8,076         8,076
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Court Fac.)                       5.75%     5/15/2023 (2)            21,370        23,890
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Department of Health)                                               5.50%      7/1/2025 (1)             3,870         4,215
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Fordham Univ.)                    5.75%      7/1/2015 (3)             1,500         1,566
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Fordham Univ.)                    7.20%      7/1/2015 (2)               710           713
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Fordham Univ.)                    5.50%      7/1/2023 (3)            10,150        10,578


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                            FACE        MARKET
                                                                                  MATURITY                AMOUNT        VALUE*
                                                                      COUPON          DATE                  (000)         (000)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Lenox Hill Hosp. Obligation Group)                                 5.375%      7/1/2020             $   2,400    $    2,491
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Mental Health Services)                                            5.375%     2/15/2006 (1)(Prere.)     7,230         7,977
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Mental Health Services)                                            5.875%     8/15/2013 (4)             2,475         2,843
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Mental Health Services)                                            5.875%     8/15/2014 (4)             2,625         2,942
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Mental Health Services)                                            5.875%     8/15/2015 (4)             2,785         3,124
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Mental Health Services)                                            5.375%     2/15/2026 (1)(Prere.)       270           287
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Mental Health Services) VRDO                                        1.12%     12/8/2003 (1)            12,000        12,000
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Montefiore Medical Center)                                          5.25%      2/1/2015 (2)            42,750        46,812
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (New School for Social Research)                                    5.625%      7/1/2016 (1)             2,260         2,537
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (New York Univ.)                   5.75%      7/1/2016 (1)             3,500         4,116
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (New York Univ.)                   5.50%      7/1/2031 (2)             8,910        10,118
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (New York Univ.)                   5.50%      7/1/2040 (2)            20,330        23,263
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Pace)                            5.625%      7/1/2017 (1)            11,185        12,554
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Queens Hosp.)                     5.45%     8/15/2019 (2)             4,980         5,350
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Rochester Institute of Technology)                                  5.30%      7/1/2017 (1)             6,275         6,905
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Rochester Institute of Technology)                                  5.25%      7/1/2022 (1)             3,000         3,211
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Rockefeller Univ.)                5.00%      7/1/2018                 2,805         2,994
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)                                      5.75%      7/1/2019 (1)            15,900        18,499
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)                                      5.75%      7/1/2020 (1)             5,500         6,396
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)                                      5.50%      7/1/2023 (1)            14,000        15,692
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (St. John's Univ.)                 5.25%      7/1/2020 (1)            15,170        16,434
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (St. John's Univ.)                 5.70%      7/1/2026 (1)            14,370        15,835
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (St. Joseph's Hosp.)               5.25%      7/1/2018 (1)             6,700         7,070
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (St. Vincent Hosp. Medical Center)                                   5.80%      8/1/2025 (2)             4,250         4,607
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (State Univ.)                      6.00%      7/1/2009 (2)             1,590         1,862
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (State Univ.)                      6.00%     5/15/2012 (1)            16,160        18,776
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (State Univ.)                      6.00%     5/15/2013 (1)            27,285        31,745
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (State Univ.)                      6.00%     5/15/2014 (1)            10,660        12,369
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (State Univ.)                      6.00%     5/15/2015 (1)            12,500        14,504
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (State Univ.)                      6.00%     5/15/2016 (1)             5,000         5,802
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (State Univ.)                      5.75%     5/15/2017 (4)             3,750         4,407
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (State Univ.)                     5.375%      7/1/2021                 5,315         5,702
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (The New York & Presbyterian Hosp.)                                  5.50%      2/1/2010 (2)             6,330         7,187
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Univ. of Rochester)               5.00%      7/1/2017 (1)             2,000         2,147
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Upstate Community Colleges)                                         5.25%      7/1/2012 (2)             6,170         6,820


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                            FACE        MARKET
                                                                                  MATURITY                AMOUNT        VALUE*
NEW YORK LONG-TERM TAX-EXEMPT FUND                                    COUPON          DATE                  (000)         (000)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Upstate Community Colleges)                                         5.00%      7/1/2015 (2)         $   3,000    $    3,259
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Upstate Community Colleges)                                         5.00%      7/1/2016 (2)             1,250         1,350
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Vassar Brothers Hosp.)                                              5.25%      7/1/2017 (4)             8,025         8,530
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
  (Vassar Brothers Hosp.)                                             5.375%      7/1/2025 (4)             7,000         7,498
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. Rev.
  (Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Funds)                            5.375%     6/15/2015                 7,650         8,570
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. Rev.
  (Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Funds)                             5.25%     6/15/2016                 3,095         3,422
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. Rev.
  (Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Funds)                            5.375%     6/15/2016                 6,000         6,693
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. Rev.
  (Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Funds)                             5.25%     6/15/2018                10,000        10,950
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. Rev.
  (Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Funds)                             5.25%     6/15/2019                36,610        39,867
New York State GO                                                      5.75%     5/15/2011 (4)             4,540         5,226
New York State GO                                                     5.875%     5/15/2012 (4)             4,670         5,382
New York State Local Govt. Assistance Corp.                            5.25%      4/1/2015 (2)             8,000         8,742
New York State Local Govt. Assistance Corp.                            5.50%      4/1/2017                12,905        14,675
New York State Local Govt. Assistance Corp.                           5.375%      4/1/2019 (1)             3,000         3,290
New York State Local Govt. Assistance Corp. VRDO                       1.08%     12/8/2003 LOC            14,985        14,985
New York State Local Govt. Assistance Corp. VRDO                       1.10%     12/8/2003 LOC             2,000         2,000
New York State Local Govt. Assistance Corp. VRDO                       1.10%     12/8/2003 LOC               570           570
New York State Medical Care Fac. Finance Agency Rev.                   5.25%     2/15/2019 (3)            16,230        16,675
New York State Medical Care Fac. Finance Agency Rev.
  (Mental Health Services)                                             6.00%     2/15/2005 (1)(Prere.)       150           162
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.                                      5.25%      1/1/2014                 5,560         6,067
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
  (Highway & Bridge Trust Fund)                                        5.75%      4/1/2010 (3)(Prere.)     5,575         6,559
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
  (Highway & Bridge Trust Fund)                                        5.75%      4/1/2013 (3)             5,870         6,687
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
  (Highway & Bridge Trust Fund)                                        5.25%      4/1/2014 (1)             7,500         8,279
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
  (Highway & Bridge Trust Fund)                                        5.50%      4/1/2014 (2)            32,875        36,987
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
  (Highway & Bridge Trust Fund)                                        5.50%      4/1/2014 (3)             2,500         2,799
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
  (Highway & Bridge Trust Fund)                                        5.75%      4/1/2014 (3)             3,000         3,409
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
  (Highway & Bridge Trust Fund)                                        5.50%      4/1/2015 (3)             2,000         2,241
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
  (Highway & Bridge Trust Fund)                                        5.75%      4/1/2015 (3)             2,500         2,840
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
  (Highway & Bridge Trust Fund)                                        5.50%      4/1/2016 (3)             3,000         3,349
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
  (Highway & Bridge Trust Fund)                                        5.75%      4/1/2016 (3)             2,080         2,363
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
  (Service Contract)                                                   5.75%      4/1/2009 (1)(Prere.)     4,000         4,675


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                            FACE        MARKET
                                                                                  MATURITY                AMOUNT        VALUE*
                                                                      COUPON          DATE                  (000)         (000)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

New York State Thruway Auth. Rev. (Service Contract)                   5.25%      4/1/2015             $    8,075   $    8,560
New York State Urban Dev. Corp. Rev.
  (Community Enhancement Fac.)                                        5.125%      4/1/2015 (2)             5,500         6,022
New York State Urban Dev. Corp. Rev. (Correctional Fac.)               6.00%      1/1/2009 (2)(Prere.)     2,500         2,939
New York State Urban Dev. Corp. Rev. (Correctional Fac.)               6.00%      1/1/2009 (2)(Prere.)     3,000         3,527
New York State Urban Dev. Corp. Rev. (Correctional Fac.)               6.00%      1/1/2009 (2)(Prere.)     4,110         4,832
New York State Urban Dev. Corp. Rev. (Correctional Fac.)               6.00%      1/1/2009 (2)(Prere.)     5,000         5,878
New York State Urban Dev. Corp. Rev. (Correctional Fac.)               5.75%      1/1/2011 (4)(Prere.)     6,380         7,458
New York State Urban Dev. Corp. Rev. (Correctional Fac.)               5.50%      4/1/2016 (1)            13,350        14,545
Niagara County NY IDA Solid Waste Disposal Rev. PUT                    5.55%    11/15/2013                12,500        13,093
Niagara Falls NY Bridge Comm. Rev.                                     5.25%     10/1/2015 (3)             5,000         5,660
Niagara Falls NY Bridge Comm. Rev.                                     6.25%     10/1/2020 (3)             8,685        10,723
Niagara Falls NY Bridge Comm. Rev.                                     6.25%     10/1/2021 (3)             9,230        11,377
North Hempstead NY GO                                                  6.40%      4/1/2010 (3)             1,500         1,791
North Hempstead NY GO                                                  6.40%      4/1/2011 (3)             2,075         2,498
North Hempstead NY Solid Waste Auth.                                   5.00%      2/1/2012 (1)             3,370         3,457
Oneida County NY IDA Rev. (Hamilton College) VRDO                      1.07%     12/8/2003 (1)             2,645         2,645
Onondaga County NY Public Improvements                                5.875%     2/15/2008 (ETM)           1,250         1,434
Onondaga County NY Public Improvements                                5.875%     2/15/2008                 1,225         1,405
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey Rev.                               5.50%    12/15/2016 (2)             4,190         4,610
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey Rev.                               5.50%    12/15/2017 (2)             4,600         5,030
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey Rev.                               5.50%    12/15/2018 (2)             4,620         5,031
Suffolk County NY Water Auth. Rev.                                     5.25%      6/1/2010 (2)(ETM)        3,790         4,331
Suffolk County NY Water Auth. Rev.                                     5.25%      6/1/2011 (2)(ETM)        2,380         2,724
Suffolk County NY Water Auth. Rev.                                     5.25%      6/1/2012 (2)(ETM)        4,290         4,892
Suffolk County NY Water Auth. Rev.                                     5.75%      6/1/2013 (2)(ETM)        7,340         7,485
Suffolk County NY Water Auth. Rev.                                     5.25%      6/1/2017 (2)(ETM)        1,695         1,907
Suffolk County NY Water Auth. Rev. VRDO                                1.08%     12/8/2003                   600           600
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev.                         6.75%      1/1/2009 (2)(ETM)(Prere.)3,000         3,513
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev.                         5.25%      1/1/2014                 3,000         3,300
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev.                         5.25%      1/1/2015                 2,930         3,219
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev.                         5.25%      1/1/2016                 2,500         2,732
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev.                         5.25%    11/15/2017                16,770        18,389
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev.                         5.25%      1/1/2018                 2,330         2,523
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev.                         5.25%    11/15/2018                30,285        33,017
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev.                         5.25%    11/15/2019                43,025        46,637
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev. VRDO                    1.10%     12/8/2003 (4)             3,500         3,500

Outside New York:
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth. Rev.                                  5.25%      7/1/2015 (1)             5,000         5,551
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth. Rev.                                  5.25%      7/1/2015 (1)             7,000         7,987
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth. Rev.                                 5.375%      7/1/2016 (1)            16,345        18,399
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth. Rev.                                 5.375%      7/1/2018 (1)             6,250         6,957
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth. Rev.                                 5.375%      7/1/2019 (1)             6,500         7,195
Puerto Rico GO                                                         5.50%      7/1/2013 (3)             6,000         6,965
Puerto Rico GO                                                         5.50%      7/1/2014 (3)             2,500         2,906
Puerto Rico GO                                                         5.00%      7/1/2018 (1)             2,650         2,835
Puerto Rico GO                                                         5.50%      7/1/2020 (3)             6,305         7,285
Puerto Rico GO                                                         5.50%      7/1/2021 (1)            16,505        18,931
Puerto Rico Govt. Dev. Bank VRDO                                       1.01%     12/8/2003 (1)             3,230         3,230
Puerto Rico Highway & Transp. Auth. Rev. VRDO                          1.07%     12/8/2003 (2)             2,300         2,300
Puerto Rico Muni. Finance Agency                                       5.75%      8/1/2011 (4)             8,060         9,318
Puerto Rico Muni. Finance Agency                                       5.75%      8/1/2011 (4)             7,750         8,960


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                            FACE        MARKET
                                                                                  MATURITY                AMOUNT        VALUE*
NEW YORK LONG-TERM TAX-EXEMPT FUND                                    COUPON          DATE                  (000)         (000)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Puerto Rico Muni. Finance Agency                                      5.875%      8/1/2014 (4)             6,480         7,504
Puerto Rico Muni. Finance Agency                                       6.00%      8/1/2016 (4)             2,645         3,080
Puerto Rico Muni. Finance Agency                                       5.25%      8/1/2017 (4)             7,000         7,717
Puerto Rico Public Buildings Auth. Govt. Fac. Rev.                     5.25%      7/1/2014 (3)            10,000        11,404
Puerto Rico Public Finance Corp.                                       6.00%      8/1/2026                10,000        11,495
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  (Cost $1,917,676)                                                                                                  2,069,202
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other Assets--Note B                                                                                                    28,086
Liabilities                                                                                                             (5,239)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSETS (100%)                                                                                                   $2,092,049
*See Note A in Notes to Financial Statements.
For key to abbreviations and other references, see page 27.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Paid-in Capital                                                                                                     $1,936,469
Undistributed Net Investment Income                                                                                         --
Accumulated Net Realized Gains                                                                                           4,054
Unrealized Appreciation                                                                                                151,526
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSETS                                                                                                          $2,092,049

Investor Shares--Net Assets

Applicable to 114,167,792 outstanding $.001
  par value shares of beneficial interest (unlimited authorization)                                                 $1,321,000
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE PER SHARE--INVESTOR SHARES                                                                              $11.57

Admiral Shares--Net Assets
Applicable to 66,638,168 outstanding $.001
  par value shares of beneficial interest (unlimited authorization)                                                   $771,049
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE PER SHARE--ADMIRAL SHARES                                                                               $11.57

See Note D in Notes to Financial  Statements for the tax-basis components of net



BAN--Bond Anticipation Note.
COP--Certificate of Participation.
CP--Commercial Paper.
FR--Floating Rate.
GAN--Grant Anticipation Note.
GO--General Obligation Bond.
IDA--Industrial Development Authority Bond.
IDR--Industrial Development Revenue Bond.
PCR--Pollution Control Revenue Bond.
PUT--Put Option Obligation.
RAN--Revenue Anticipation Note.
TAN--Tax Anticipation Note.
TOB--Tender Option Bond.
TRAN--Tax Revenue Anticipation Note.
UFSD--Union Free School District.
USD--United School District.
VRDO--Variable Rate Demand Obligation.
(ETM)--Escrowed to Maturity.

Scheduled principal and interest payments are guaranteed by:
(1) MBIA (Municipal Bond Insurance Association).
(2) AMBAC (Ambac Assurance Corporation).
(3) FGIC (Financial Guaranty Insurance Company).
(4) FSA (Financial Security Assurance).
(5) BIGI (Bond Investors Guaranty Insurance).
(6) Connie Lee Inc.
(7) FHA (Federal Housing Authority).
(8) CapMAC (Capital Markets Assurance Corporation).
(9) American Capital Access Financial Guaranty Corporation.
(10) XL Capital Assurance Inc.
The insurance does not guarantee the market value of the municipal bonds.

LOC--Scheduled  principal and interest payments are guaranteed by bank letter of



This Statement  shows  interest  income earned by each fund during the reporting
period,  and details the operating expenses charged to each class of its shares.
These expenses  directly reduce the amount of investment income available to pay
to shareholders as tax-exempt  income  dividends.  This Statement also shows any
Net  Gain  (Loss)  realized  on the sale of  investments,  and the  increase  or
decrease in the Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) of investments during the
period.  For money  market  funds,  Realized  Net Gain (Loss)  should  always be
minimal, and Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) should be zero.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              New York                New York
                                            Tax-Exempt               Long-Term
                                          Money Market              Tax-Exempt
                                                  Fund                    Fund
                                              Year Ended November 30, 2003
                                                 (000)                    (000)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Interest                                    $17,786                 $ 94,161
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total Income                                 17,786                   94,161
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  The Vanguard Group--Note B
    Investment Advisory Services                  238                      307
    Management and Administrative
      Investor Shares                           2,250                    1,879
      Admiral Shares                               --                      691
    Marketing and Distribution
      Investor Shares                             311                      191
      Admiral Shares                               --                       95
  Custodian Fees                                   16                       20
  Auditing Fees                                    10                       15
  Shareholders' Reports and Proxies
      Investor Shares                              14                       27
      Admiral Shares                               --                        3
    Trustees' Fees and Expenses                     2                        2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Total Expenses                            2,841                    3,230
      Expenses Paid Indirectly--Note C             --                     (191)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Net Expenses                              2,841                    3,039
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET INVESTMENT INCOME                          14,945                   91,122
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Investment Securities Sold                     (8)                   9,778
    Futures Contracts                              --                   (4,531)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REALIZED NET GAIN (LOSS)                           (8)                   5,247
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Investment Securities                            --                   53,461
  Futures Contracts                                --                      284
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS                   $14,937                 $150,114



This  Statement  shows how each fund's total net assets  changed  during the two
most recent reporting periods.  The Operations  section  summarizes  information
detailed in the Statement of Operations. Because the fund distributes its income
to shareholders  each day, the amounts of  Distributions--Net  Investment Income
generally equal the net income earned as shown under the Operations section. The
amounts of Distributions--Realized  Capital Gain may not match the capital gains
shown in the Operations section,  because  distributions are determined on a tax
basis and may be made in a period different from the one in which the gains were
realized on the financial  statements.  The Capital Share  Transactions  section
shows  the net  amount  shareholders  invested  in or  redeemed  from the  fund.
Distributions and Capital Share Transactions are shown separately for each class
of shares.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 New York Tax-Exempt                   New York Long-Term
                                                  Money Market Fund                      Tax-Exempt Fund
                                                 -------------------                   -------------------
                                                                  Year Ended November 30,
                                                    2003       2002                  2003       2002
                                                   (000)      (000)                 (000)      (000)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Net Investment Income                         $ 14,945   $ 19,309              $ 91,122   $ 92,697
  Realized Net Gain (Loss)                            (8)        67                 5,247     24,118
  Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)    --         --                53,745     20,178
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets
      Resulting from Operations                   14,937     19,376               150,114    136,993
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Net Investment Income
    Investor Shares                              (14,945)   (19,309)              (56,709)   (59,863)
    Admiral Shares                                    --         --               (34,413)   (32,834)
  Realized Capital Gain*
    Investor Shares                                   --         --               (14,716)    (7,382)
    Admiral Shares                                    --         --                (8,920)    (3,566)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Distributions                              (14,945)   (19,309)             (114,758)  (103,645)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Investor Shares                                144,900    268,821               (40,117)   (14,377)
  Admiral Shares                                      --         --               (54,079)   173,497
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net Increase (Decrease) from
      Capital Share Transactions                 144,900    268,821               (94,196)   159,120
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total Increase (Decrease)                      144,892    268,888               (58,840)   192,468
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Assets
  Beginning of Period                          1,627,414  1,358,526             2,150,889  1,958,421
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  End of Period                               $1,772,306 $1,627,414            $2,092,049 $2,150,889
*Includes  fiscal 2003 and 2002  short-term gain  distributions  by the New York
Long-Term  Tax-Exempt  Fund totaling  $1,207,000 and  $1,164,000,  respectively.
Short-term gain  distributions  are treated as ordinary income dividends for tax



This table  summarizes  each  fund's  investment  results and  distributions  to
shareholders on a per-share basis for each class of shares. It also presents the
Total  Return and shows net  investment  income and expenses as  percentages  of
average net  assets.  These data will help you assess:  the  variability  of the
fund's  net  income  and  total   returns  from  year  to  year;   the  relative
contributions  of net income and capital gains to the fund's total  return;  how
much it costs to  operate  the fund;  and the  extent to which the fund tends to
distribute  capital gains.  The table also shows the Portfolio  Turnover Rate, a
measure of trading  activity.  A  turnover  rate of 100% means that the  average
security is held in the fund for one year.  Money  market funds are not required
to report a Portfolio Turnover Rate.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                    Year Ended November 30,
For a Share Outstanding Throughout Each Period            2003      2002      2001     2000      1999
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period                     $1.00     $1.00     $1.00    $1.00     $1.00
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Net Investment Income                                   .009      .013      .028     .038      .030
  Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments    --        --        --       --        --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total from Investment Operations                      .009      .013      .028     .038      .030
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Dividends from Net Investment Income                   (.009)    (.013)    (.028)   (.038)    (.030)
  Distributions from Realized Capital Gains                 --        --        --       --        --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Distributions                                  (.009)    (.013)    (.028)   (.038)    (.030)

TOTAL RETURN                                             0.89%     1.32%     2.79%    3.87%     3.01%
  Net Assets, End of Period (Millions)                  $1,772    $1,627    $1,359   $1,154      $798
  Ratio of Total Expenses to Average Net Assets          0.17%     0.17%     0.18%   0.14%      0.17%
  Ratio of Net Investment Income to Average Net Assets   0.88%     1.31%     2.72%    3.81%     2.99%


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                    Year Ended November 30,
FOR A SHARE OUTSTANDING THROUGHOUT EACH PERIOD            2003      2002      2001     2000      1999
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE, BEGINNING OF PERIOD                    $11.38    $11.20    $10.83   $10.42    $11.30
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Net Investment Income                                   .486      .503      .525     .556      .547
  Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments  .315      .243      .370     .410     (.789)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Total from Investment Operations                       .801      .746      .895     .966     (.242)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Dividends from Net Investment Income                   (.486)    (.503)    (.525)   (.556)    (.547)
  Distributions from Realized Capital Gains              (.125)    (.063)       --       --     (.091)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Distributions                                  (.611)    (.566)    (.525)   (.556)    (.638)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE, END OF PERIOD                          $11.57    $11.38    $11.20   $10.83    $10.42

TOTAL RETURN                                             7.20%     6.84%     8.37%    9.56%    -2.25%

  Net Assets, End of Period (Millions)                  $1,321    $1,340    $1,333   $1,664    $1,530
  Ratio of Total Expenses to Average Net Assets          0.17%     0.18%     0.20%    0.20%     0.20%
  Ratio of Net Investment Income to Average Net Assets   4.22%     4.46%     4.71%    5.28%     5.02%
  Portfolio Turnover Rate                                   3%       16%       12%      21%        5%


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                Year Ended       May 14* to
                                                               November 30,        Nov. 30,
FOR A SHARE OUTSTANDING THROUGHOUT EACH PERIOD                2003      2002           2001
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE, BEGINNING OF PERIOD                        $11.38    $11.20         $11.05
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Net Investment Income                                       .493      .509           .284
  Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments      .315      .243           .150
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total from Investment Operations                          .808      .752           .434
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Dividends from Net Investment Income                       (.493)    (.509)         (.284)
  Distributions from Realized Capital Gains                  (.125)    (.063)            --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Distributions                                      (.618)    (.572)         (.284)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE, END OF PERIOD                              $11.57    $11.38         $11.20

TOTAL RETURN                                                 7.26%     6.89%          3.94%

  Net Assets, End of Period (Millions)                        $771      $811           $626
  Ratio of Total Expenses to Average Net Assets              0.11%     0.13%          0.15%**
  Ratio of Net Investment Income to Average Net Assets       4.28%     4.51%          4.58%**
  Portfolio Turnover Rate                                       3%       16%            12%



Vanguard New York Tax-Exempt Funds comprise the New York Tax-Exempt Money Market
Fund and New York Long-Term  Tax-Exempt  Fund, each of which is registered under
the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end  investment company, or mutual
fund. Each fund invests in debt  instruments of municipal  issuers whose ability
to meet their obligations may be affected by economic and political developments
in the state of New York.
     The Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund offers two classes of shares, Investor Shares
and Admiral Shares.  Investor Shares are available to any investor who meets the
fund's minimum purchase requirements.  Admiral Shares are designed for investors
who meet certain administrative,  servicing,  tenure, and account-size criteria.
The Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund offers only Investor  Shares.

A.      The  following  significant  accounting  policies  conform to  generally
accepted  accounting  principles for U.S. mutual funds.  The funds  consistently
follow such policies in preparing their financial statements.

     1. SECURITY VALUATION:  Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund: Investment securities
are  valued at  amortized  cost,  which  approximates  market  value.  Long-Term
Tax-Exempt Fund: Bonds, and temporary cash investments  acquired over 60 days to
maturity,  are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based on a
matrix  system  (which  considers  such  factors  as  security  prices,  yields,
maturities,  and ratings),  both as furnished by independent  pricing  services.
Other  temporary  cash   investments   are  valued  at  amortized  cost,   which
approximates  market  value.  Securities  for which  market  quotations  are not
readily  available,  or whose  values  have been  materially  affected by events
occurring  before the funds' pricing time but after the close of the securities'
primary  markets,  are  valued by  methods  deemed by the board of  trustees  to
represent fair value.
     2. FUTURES CONTRACTS:  The Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund may use Municipal Bond
Index, U.S. Treasury Bond, and U.S.  Treasury Note futures  contracts,  with the
objectives  of  enhancing  returns,  managing  interest  rate risk,  maintaining
liquidity,  diversifying credit risk, and minimizing transaction costs. The fund
may purchase or sell  futures  contracts  instead of bonds to take  advantage of
pricing  differentials  between the futures  contracts and the underlying bonds.
The fund may also seek to take advantage of price  differences among bond market
sectors by  simultaneously  buying  futures (or bonds) of one market  sector and
selling futures (or bonds) of another sector. Futures contracts may also be used
to simulate a fully invested  position in the underlying bonds while maintaining
a cash  balance for  liquidity.  The primary  risks  associated  with the use of
futures contracts are imperfect  correlation between changes in market values of
bonds held by the fund and the prices of futures contracts,  and the possibility
of an illiquid market.
     Futures  contracts  are valued  based upon their  quoted  daily  settlement
prices. The aggregate principal amounts of the contracts are not recorded in the
financial statements. Fluctuations in the value of the contracts are recorded in
the  Statement  of Net Assets as an asset  (liability)  and in the  Statement of
Operations as  unrealized  appreciation  (depreciation)  until the contracts are
closed, when they are recorded as realized futures gains (losses).
     3.  FEDERAL  INCOME  TAXES:  Each fund  intends to continue to qualify as a
regulated investment company and distribute all of its income.  Accordingly,  no
provision for federal income taxes is required in the financial statements.
     4.  DISTRIBUTIONS:  Distributions  from net investment  income are declared
daily  and  paid  on the  first  business  day of the  following  month.  Annual
distributions  from  realized  capital  gains,  if  any,  are  recorded  on  the
ex-dividend date.
     5. OTHER:  Security  transactions  are accounted for on the date securities
are bought or sold. Costs used to determine  realized gains (losses) on the sale
of investment securities are those of the specific


     securities  sold.  Premiums  and  discounts  are  amortized  and  accreted,
     respectively,   to  interest  income  over  the  lives  of  the  respective

     Each class of shares has equal  rights as to assets  and  earnings,  except
     that each class separately bears certain class-specific expenses related to
     maintenance   of   shareholder   accounts   (included  in  Management   and
     Administrative expenses), shareholder reporting, and proxies. Marketing and
     distribution  expenses  are  allocated  to each class of shares  based on a
     method approved by the board of trustees.  Income, other non-class-specific
     expenses,  and gains and losses on investments  are allocated to each class
     of shares based on its relative net assets.

B.      The Vanguard  Group  furnishes at cost  investment  advisory,  corporate
management,  administrative,  marketing, and distribution services. The costs of
such services are allocated to each fund under methods  approved by the board of
trustees.  Each fund has  committed  to provide up to 0.40% of its net assets in
capital  contributions  to  Vanguard.  At  November  30,  2003,  the  funds  had
contributed capital to Vanguard (included in Other Assets) of:

                           Capital Contribution    Percentage   Percentage of
                                    to Vanguard       of Fund      Vanguard's
    New York Tax-Exempt Fund              (000)    Net Assets  Capitalization
    Money Market                           $285         0.02%           0.28%
    Long-Term                               336         0.02            0.34

The funds' trustees and officers are also directors and officers of Vanguard.

C.      The funds' investment advisor may direct new issue purchases, subject to
obtaining  the best price and  execution,  to  underwriters  who have  agreed to
rebate or credit to the funds  part of the  underwriting  fees  generated.  Such
rebates  or  credits  are used  solely  to  reduce  the  funds'  management  and
administrative expenses. The funds' custodian bank has also agreed to reduce its
fees when the  funds  maintain  cash on  deposit  in their  non-interest-bearing
custody  accounts.  For the year ended  November  30, 2003,  these  arrangements
reduced the Long-Term  Tax-Exempt Fund's management and administrative  expenses
by  $190,000  and  custodian  fees  by  $1,000.   The  total  expense  reduction
represented an effective annual rate of 0.01% of the fund's average net assets.

D.      Capital gain  distributions are determined on a tax basis and may differ
from realized capital gains for financial reporting purposes. Differences may be
permanent or temporary.  Permanent  differences are  reclassified  among capital
accounts in the financial  statements to reflect their tax character.  Temporary
differences  arise when gains or losses are recognized in different  periods for
financial  statement and tax purposes;  these  differences  will reverse at some
time in the future.

The Long-Term  Tax-Exempt Fund used a tax accounting practice to treat a portion
of the price of capital shares  redeemed during the year as  distributions  from
realized capital gains.  Accordingly,  the fund has  reclassified  $856,000 from
accumulated net realized gains to paid-in capital.

At November  30,  2003,  the  Long-Term  Tax-Exempt  Fund had  capital  gains of
$4,787,000 available for distribution.

The Long-Term  Tax-Exempt  Fund had realized losses  totaling  $733,000  through
November 30, 2003,  which are deferred for tax purposes and reduce the amount of
unrealized appreciation on investment securities for tax purposes.

At November 30, 2003, net unrealized  appreciation of Long-Term  Tax-Exempt Fund
investment   securities  for  tax  purposes  was  $150,793,000,   consisting  of
unrealized  gains of  $151,016,000  on securities



that had risen in value since their  purchase and $223,000 in unrealized  losses
on securities that had fallen in value since their purchase.

E.      During the year ended November 30, 2003, the Long-Term  Tax-Exempt  Fund
purchased   $64,914,000  of  investment  securities  and  sold  $177,302,000  of
investment securities,  other than temporary cash investments.

F.      Capital share transactions for each class of shares were:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                    YEAR ENDED NOVEMBER 30,
                                                                2003                      2002
                                                   -------------------------        -------------------
                                                          AMOUNT      SHARES        AMOUNT       SHARES
NEW YORK TAX-EXEMPT FUND                                   (000)       (000)         (000)        (000)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Issued                                             $ 1,537,373   1,537,373     1,462,745    1,462,745
  Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions                    14,439      14,439        18,618       18,618
  Redeemed                                            (1,406,912) (1,406,912)   (1,212,542)  (1,212,542)
    Net Increase (Decrease)                              144,900     144,900       268,821      268,821
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investor Shares
  Issued                                               $ 228,826      19,887     $ 326,425       28,983
  Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions                    55,471       4,822        50,572        4,496
  Redeemed                                              (324,414)    (28,257)     (391,374)     (34,750)
    Net Increase (Decrease)--Investor Shares             (40,117)     (3,548)      (14,377)      (1,271)
Admiral Shares
  Issued                                                 161,640      14,077       315,702       28,030
  Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions                    29,343       2,550        25,281        2,246
  Redeemed                                              (245,062)    (21,277)     (167,486)     (14,867)
    Net Increase (Decrease)--Admiral Shares              (54,079)     (4,650)      173,497       15,409
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



To the Shareholders and Trustees of Vanguard New York Tax-Exempt Funds:

In our  opinion,  the  accompanying  statements  of net assets  and the  related
statements  of  operations  and of  changes  in net  assets  and  the  financial
highlights present fairly, in all material  respects,  the financial position of
New York  Tax-Exempt  Money Market Fund and New York Long-Term  Tax-Exempt  Fund
(constituting  Vanguard New York Tax-Exempt Funds,  hereafter referred to as the
"Funds") at November 30, 2003,  the results of each of their  operations for the
year then  ended,  the  changes  in each of their net assets for each of the two
years in the period then ended and the financial highlights for each of the five
years in the  period  then  ended,  in  conformity  with  accounting  principles
generally accepted in the United States of America.  These financial  statements
and financial highlights  (hereafter referred to as "financial  statements") are
the responsibility of the Funds' management; our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these  financial  statements  based on our audits.  We conducted  our
audits of these  financial  statements  in accordance  with  auditing  standards
generally  accepted in the United States of America,  which require that we plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements,  assessing the accounting  principles used and significant estimates
made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe  that our  audits,  which  included  confirmation  of  securities  at
November 30, 2003 by  correspondence  with the  custodian,  provide a reasonable
basis for our opinion.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

January 6, 2004

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(unaudited) for vanguard new york tax-exempt funds

This  information  for the fiscal  year ended  November  30,  2003,  is included
pursuant to provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.

The Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund distributed  $23,285,000 as capital gain dividends
(from net long-term capital gains) to shareholders during the fiscal year.

Each fund designates 100% of its income dividends as exempt-interest  dividends.



The  trustees of your mutual fund are there to see that the fund is operated and
managed in your best interests since, as a shareholder,  you are a part owner of
the fund.  Your  fund  trustees  also  serve on the  board of  directors  of The
Vanguard  Group,  Inc.,  which is owned by the  Vanguard(R)  funds and  provides
services to them on an at-cost basis.

A majority of Vanguard's board members are  independent,  meaning that they have
no affiliation  with Vanguard or the funds they oversee,  apart from the sizable
personal investments they have made as private individuals.

Our  independent  board members  bring  distinguished  backgrounds  in business,
academia,  and public service to their task of working with Vanguard officers to
establish the policies and oversee the activities of


                          POSITION(S) HELD WITH
NAME                      FUND (NUMBER OF
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
JOHN J. BRENNAN*          Chairman of the          Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, and Director/Trustee of
(1954)                    Board, Chief             The Vanguard Group, Inc., and of each of the investment companies
May 1987                  Executive Officer,       served by The Vanguard Group.
                          and Trustee
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CHARLES D. ELLIS          Trustee                  The Partners of '63 (pro bono ventures in education); Senior Advisor
(1937)                    (118)                    to Greenwich Associates (international business strategy consulting);
January 2001                                       Successor Trustee of Yale University; Overseer of the Stern School of
                                                   Business at New York University; Trustee of the Whitehead Institute
                                                   for Biomedical Research.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RAJIV L. GUPTA            Trustee                  Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (since October 1999), Vice
(1945)                    (118)                    Chairman (January-September 1999), and Vice President (prior to
December                                           September 1999) of Rohm and Haas Co. (chemicals); Director of
                                                   Technitrol, Inc. (electronic components), and Agere Systems (commu-
                                                   nications components); Board Member of 2002 the American Chemistry
                                                   Council; Trustee of Drexel University.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
JOANN HEFFERNAN           Trustee                  Vice President, Chief Information Officer, and Member of the
HEISEN                    (118)                    Executive Committee of Johnson & Johnson (pharmaceuticals/
(1950)                                             consumer products); Director of the University Medical Center at
July 1998                                          Princeton and Women's Research and Education Institute.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BURTON G. MALKIEL         Trustee                  Chemical Bank Chairman's Professor of Economics, Princeton
(1932)                    (116)                    University; Director of Vanguard Investment Series plc (Irish invest-
May 1977                                           ment fund) (since November 2001), Vanguard Group (Ireland)
                                                   Limited (Irish investment management firm) (since November 2001),
                                                   Prudential Insurance Co. of America, BKF Capital (investment
                                                   management), The Jeffrey Co. (holding company), and NeuVis, Inc.
                                                   (software company).
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


the funds.  Among  board  members'  responsibilities  are  selecting  investment
advisors for the funds;  monitoring  fund  operations,  performance,  and costs;
reviewing  contracts;  nominating  and  selecting  new  trustees/directors;  and
electing Vanguard officers.

Each  trustee  serves a fund  until  its  termination;  or until  the  trustee's
retirement,  resignation,  or death;  or  otherwise  as  specified in the fund's
organizational  documents. Any trustee may be removed at a shareholders' meeting
by a vote  representing  two-thirds  of the net asset value of all shares of the
fund  together with shares of other  Vanguard  funds  organized  within the same
trust.  The table on these two pages  shows  information  for each  trustee  and
executive  officer of the fund. The mailing address of the trustees and officers
is P.O. Box 876, Valley Forge, PA 19482.


                          Position(s) Held with
Name                      Fund (Number of
(Year of Birth)           Vanguard Funds
Trustee/Officer           Overseen by
Since                     Trustee/Officer)         Principal Occupation(s) During the Past Five Years
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ALFRED M. RANKIN, JR.     Trustee                  Chairman, President, Chief Executive Officer, and Director of NACCO
(1941)                    (118)                    Industries, Inc. (forklift trucks/housewares/lignite); Director of
January 1993                                       Goodrich Corporation (industrial products/aircraft systems and
                                                   services); Director of Standard Products Company (supplier for
                                                   the automotive industry) until 1998.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
J. LAWRENCE WILSON        Trustee                  Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Rohm and Haas Co.
(1936)                    (118)                    (chemicals); Director of Cummins Inc. (diesel engines), MeadWestvaco
April 1985                                         Corp. (paper products), and AmerisourceBergen Corp. (pharmaceutical
                                                   distribution); Trustee of Vanderbilt University.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

R. GREGORY BARTON         Secretary                Managing Director and General Counsel of The Vanguard Group, Inc.;
(1951)                    (118)                    Secretary of The Vanguard Group and of each of the investment
June 2001                                          companies served by The Vanguard Group.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thomas J. Higgins         Treasurer                Principal of The Vanguard Group, Inc.; Treasurer of each of the
(1957)                    (118)                    investment companies served by The Vanguard Group.
July 1998
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Officers  of the funds are  "interested  persons" as defined in the  Investment
Company Act of 1940.

More  information   about  the  trustees  is  in  the  Statement  of  Additional
Information, available from The Vanguard Group.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

MORTIMER J. BUCKLEY, Information Technology.                 MICHAEL S. MILLER, Planning and Development.
JAMES H. GATELY, Investment Programs and Services.           RALPH K. PACKARD,  Finance.
KATHLEEN C. GUBANICH, Human Resources.                       GEORGE U. SAUTER,  Chief Investment Officer.
F. WILLIAM MCNABB, III, Client Relationship Group.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
JOHN C. BOGLE, Founder; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, 1974-1996.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

VALLEY FORGE, PA 19482-2600

Vanguard,  The  Vanguard  Group,  Vanguard.com,  Admiral,  and the ship logo are
trademarks of The Vanguard Group, Inc.

All other marks are the exclusive property of their respective owners.


The  photographs  that  appear on the cover of this  report are  copyrighted  by
Michael Kahn.

For More Information

This report is intended for the funds'  shareholders.  It may not be distributed
to  prospective  investors  unless it is preceded or  accompanied by the current
fund prospectus.

To  receive  a free  copy  of the  prospectus  or the  Statement  of  Additional
Information,  or to  request  additional  information  about  the funds or other
Vanguard funds, please contact us at one of the adjacent telephone numbers or by
e-mail through Vanguard.com. Prospectuses may also be viewed online.

All  comparative  mutual fund data are from Lipper  Inc. or  Morningstar,  Inc.,
unless otherwise noted.







Q760 012004

ITEM 2: Code of Ethics.  The Board of Trustees has adopted a code of ethics that
applies  to  the  principal  executive  officer,  principal  financial  officer,
principal  accounting  officer or controller of the  Registrant and The Vanguard
Group, Inc., and to persons performing similar functions.

ITEM 3:  Audit  Committee  Financial  Expert.  All of the  members  of the Audit
Committee have been determined by the Registrant's Board of Trustees to be Audit
Committee Financial Experts.  The members of the Audit Committee are: Charles D.
Ellis,  Rajiv L. Gupta,  JoAnn Heffernan  Heisen,  Burton G. Malkiel,  Alfred M.
Rankin, Jr., and J. Lawrence Wilson. All Audit Committee members are independent
under applicable rules.

ITEM 4: Not applicable.

ITEM 5: Not applicable.

ITEM 6: Reserved.

ITEM 7: Not applicable.

ITEM 8: Reserved.


     (a)  Disclosure  Controls  and  Procedures.  The  Principal  Executive  and
Financial  Officers  concluded  that the  Registrant's  Disclosure  Controls and
Procedures are effective  based on their  evaluation of the Disclosure  Controls
and Procedures as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this report.

     (b) Internal  Control Over Financial  Reporting.  There were no significant
changes in Registrant's  internal  control over financial  reporting or in other
factors that could  significantly  affect this control subsequent to the date of
the  evaluation,  including any  corrective  actions with regard to  significant
deficiencies and material weaknesses.

ITEM 10: EXHIBITS.  The following exhibits are attached hereto:
         (a) code of ethics
         (b) certifications

Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 and the
Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be
signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


               (HEIDI STAM)
             JOHN J. BRENNAN*

Date: January 22, 2004

Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 and the
Investment  Company  Act of  1940,  this  report  has been  signed  below by the
following  persons on behalf of the  registrant and in the capacities and on the
dates indicated.


               (HEIDI STAM)
             JOHN J. BRENNAN*

Date: January 22, 2004


               (HEIDI STAM)
            THOMAS J. HIGGINS*

Date: January 22, 2004

*By Power of  Attorney.  See File Number  2-57689,  filed on December  26, 2002.
Incorporated by Reference.