Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM N-CSR

                          CERTIFIED SHAREHOLDER REPORT

Investment Company Act file number: 811-4570

Name of Registrant: Vanguard New York Tax-Free Funds

Address of Registrant: P.O. Box 2600
                       Valley Forge, PA 19482

Name and address of agent for service:      R. Gregory Barton, Esquire
                                            P.O. Box 876
                                            Valley Forge, PA 19482

Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (610) 669-1000

Date of fiscal year end:  November 30

Date of reporting period:  December 1, 2003 - May 31, 2004

Item 1: Reports to Shareholders


MAY 31, 2004




This report contains information that can help you evaluate your investment.  It
includes  details  about your fund's  return and presents data and analysis that
provide insight into the fund's performance and investment approach.

By reading the letter from Vanguard's chairman,  John J. Brennan,  together with
the letter from the managers who select  securities for your fund, you'll get an
understanding  of how the fund invests and how the market  environment  affected
its  performance.   The  statistical  information  that  follows  can  help  you
understand how the fund's performance and characteristics stack up against those
of similar funds and market benchmarks.

It's  important  to keep in mind  that  the  opinions  expressed  by  Vanguard's
investment  managers  are just  that:  informed  opinions.  They  should  not be
considered  promises or advice.  The opinions,  like the  statistics,  cover the
period  through the date on the cover of this report.  As things  change--and in
the financial markets you can be certain only of change--an investment manager's
job is to evaluate  new  information  and make  adjustments,  if  necessary.  Of
course, the risks of investing in the fund are spelled out in the prospectus.

Frequent  updates on the fund's  performance and  information  about some of its
holdings are available on Vanguard.com(R).

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* The Vanguard New York  Tax-Exempt  Funds provided  returns  consistent with an
  environment of low, but rising, interest rates.
* The yield of the Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund budged only slightly,  while the
  yield  of the  Long-Term  Tax-Exempt  Fund  rose as the  prices  of its  bonds
* Both funds outperformed their average peer funds.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Dear Shareholder,

During the six months ended May 31, 2004,  surprisingly  strong  economic growth
fueled fears of inflation,  boosting the yields (and  depressing  the prices) of
most municipal bonds. The shortest-term  securities--those  held by money market
portfolios--were an exception to this pattern.


- -------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL RETURNS                               SIX MONTHS ENDED
                                                MAY 31, 2004
- -------------------------------------------------------------
Vanguard New York Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund
   (SEC 7-Day Annualized Yield: 0.91%)                   0.4%
Average New York Tax-Exempt
   Money Market Fund*                                    0.2
- -------------------------------------------------------------
Vanguard New York Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund
   Investor Shares                                      -0.7%
   Admiral Shares                                       -0.7
Lehman 10 Year Municipal Bond Index                     -0.1
Average New York Municipal Debt Fund*                   -0.8
Lehman Municipal Bond Index                             -0.2
- -------------------------------------------------------------
*Derived from data provided by Lipper Inc.

Their yields held steady as investors  awaited the Federal  Reserve Board's June
meeting on monetary policy.

The Vanguard New York Tax-Exempt  Funds provided  returns  consistent with these
trends. The Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund returned -0.7%, as its interest income was
not enough to offset the decline in bond  prices.  The  Tax-Exempt  Money Market
Fund returned 0.4%.  Both funds' returns  exceeded the average  returns of their
peer groups.  The funds' starting and ending net asset values and  distributions
to shareholders in the period appear on page 5.

The funds' yields also reflected the market environment, rising slightly for the
Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund and more significantly for the Long-Term Tax-Exempt
Fund.  At the end of the  six-month  period,  the  Tax-Exempt  Money Market Fund
offered a yield of 0.91%,  representing a taxable-equivalent  yield of 1.52% for
investors in the highest  federal tax bracket.  (This  calculation  accounts for
federal and state taxes, but not local taxes or the possibility that an investor
might be subject to the  alternative  minimum  tax.) The Investor  Shares of the
Long-Term  Tax-Exempt


Fund provided a yield of 3.80%,  for a  taxable-equivalent  yield of 6.33%.  The
Admiral  Shares'  3.86%  yield  was  equivalent  to a  taxable  yield of  6.43%.


The fixed  income  markets  were quiet for much of the six months,  but interest
rates rose sharply in April as the economic expansion gathered momentum, raising
the specter of inflation.  The yield of the benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury note
increased 32 basis points, from 4.33% to 4.65%, during the period as bond prices
declined.  The Lehman  Brothers  Aggregate  Bond Index, a measure of the taxable
investment-grade bond market, returned 0.6%.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A lower-cost  class of shares  available to many  longtime  shareholders  and to
those with significant investments in the fund.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The yields of short-term securities rose in expectation of actions by the Fed to
boost interest rates, but those of the shortest-term  securities were relatively
stable.  The yield of the 3-month Treasury bill, a proxy for money market rates,
closed the period at 1.06%, compared with 0.93% when the fiscal year began.

A more  pronounced  version of these  dynamics was at play in the municipal bond
market.  Municipal  yields rose more  sharply  than  Treasury  rates,  producing
steeper  price  declines  and causing  municipal  bonds to trail their  Treasury
counterparts.  The yield of a 10-year AAA-rated  general-obligation bond rose 38
basis points to 3.93%.  The broad  municipal  market,  as measured by the Lehman
Municipal Bond Index, returned -0.2%.


The fiscal  half-year  opened with strong  returns in domestic and foreign stock
markets, as the bull market of 2003 spilled into January.  Toward the end of the
period,  stock prices retreated.  For the six months,  the U.S. stock market, as
measured  by the  Dow  Jones  Wilshire  5000  Composite  Index,  returned  6.4%.
Large-capitalization stocks fared better than smaller stocks, and value-oriented
shares (those that generally trade at below-market  valuations relative to their
book values and other  fundamental  measures)  posted better results than growth
stocks (those expected to produce  above-average  earnings growth).



During the first half of fiscal 2004,  the New York  Long-Term  Tax-Exempt  Fund
produced a negative total return,  but the period was marked by some  positives.
The most  significant  influence on  performance  was the rise in interest rates
(or, put  differently,  the decline in bond  prices).  The increase in rates was
felt most by securities with maturities of less than 10 years.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MARKET BAROMETER                                                   TOTAL RETURNS
                                                      PERIODS ENDED MAY 31, 2004
                                                     SIX         ONE        FIVE
                                                  MONTHS        YEAR      YEARS*
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lehman Aggregate Bond Index                         0.6%       -0.4%        6.8%
  (Broad taxable market)
Lehman Municipal Bond Index                        -0.2         0.0         5.5
Citigroup 3-Month Treasury Bill Index               0.5         1.0         3.2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Russell 1000 Index (Large-caps)                     6.4%       18.9%       -1.0%
Russell 2000 Index (Small-caps)                     4.5        30.3         6.7
Dow Jones Wilshire 5000 Index                       6.4        20.5        -0.5
  (Entire market)
MSCI All Country World Index
  ex USA (International)                            9.6        33.2         1.4
Consumer Price Index                                2.5%        3.1%        2.6%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Rising rates reduced the capital value of the fund's shares by -2.8%,  which was
partially  offset by the fund's  six-month  income  return of 2.1%.  (It's worth
noting that a bond fund's semiannual return includes just a half-year's worth of
interest income but reflects the full impact of any price changes resulting from
interest rate trends.) During the six months, the fund's advisor--Vanguard Fixed
Income  Group--kept  the  fund's  duration  (a  measure  of  its  interest  rate
sensitivity)  near the short end of its typical range.  This positioning  helped
moderate the effect of rising rates.

Two positive developments--mostly  prospective--were New York's improving fiscal
strength,  which  enhances  the  attractiveness  of  the  state's  debt,  and an
improvement in the relative valuation of Treasury and municipal securities. With
the latter,  the bad news is that the more attractive  valuation simply reflects
the swifter decline in municipal prices than in Treasury  prices.  The good news
is that new municipal  investments  and reinvested  distributions  can be put to
work at  higher  absolute  yields  and at more  attractive  yields  relative  to

For the Tax-Exempt  Money Market Fund, the half-year was static;  its yield rose
just 3 basis points during the period.  The fund maintained a net asset value of
$1 per share (as is expected,  but not guaranteed) and generated a higher return
than its peer-group average.  The advisor made few changes to the composition of
the high-credit-quality portfolio.


As I noted at the outset, both funds outperformed their average  competitors,  a
tribute to the talents of  Vanguard  Fixed  Income  Group and also to the funds'
very low operating  expenses.  Low costs are important in any  environment,  but
their value is especially apparent in times of low interest rates, such as those
of the past few years.  For more  information  about the funds and the municipal
bond  market,  please see the  Report  from the  Advisor  on page 6;  additional
information  about  expenses is on page 14.


Not long ago, in the punishing bear market, we were counseling  investors not to
give up on stocks.  Today,  investor apprehension seems to have relocated to the
bond market, but our message is the same. The best response to the ever-changing
risks  of the  financial  markets  is to  develop  a plan and  stick  with it. A
sensible plan includes a mix of stock,  bond, and money market funds weighted in
proportions  appropriate  to your  unique  circumstances.  When a  tough  period
strikes one asset class, some of the pain can be offset by better performance in
another.  Over time, this simple,  balanced approach puts you in a good position
to meet your financial goals.

Thank you for entrusting your assets to us.


John J. Brennan

JUNE 15, 2004


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
YOUR FUND'S PERFORMANCE AT A GLANCE               NOVEMBER 30, 2003-MAY 31, 2004

                                                        DISTRIBUTIONS PER SHARE
                              STARTING       ENDING        INCOME        CAPITAL
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Money Market                    $ 1.00       $ 1.00        $0.004         $0.000
  Investor Shares                11.57        11.22         0.243          0.027
  Admiral Shares                 11.57        11.22         0.246          0.027
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Interest  rates  declined  for much of the six months  ended May 31,  2004,  but
reversed  course in the final two months,  finishing  the period  signifi-cantly
higher than where they started.  The Vanguard New York Tax-Exempt Funds produced
total returns  consistent with this  environment:  0.4% for the Tax-Exempt Money
Market Fund and -0.7% for the Long-Term  Tax-Exempt  Fund.  The rise in interest
rates was most pronounced  among  shorter-maturity  bonds,  flattening the yield
curve.  (In other words,  the interest rate spread  between short- and long-term
bonds narrowed.)


The  economy  expanded  strongly  during the  semiannual  period.  In the fourth
quarter of 2003, real  (inflation-adjusted)  gross domestic product increased an
annualized 4.1%, and in the first quarter of 2004 it rose 3.9%. Business capital
spending  accelerated,  adding fuel to an economic  engine that had been powered
mostly by the consumer over the past few years.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The advisor  believes that each fund, while operating within stated maturity and
stringent quality targets, can achieve a relatively high level of current income
that  is  exempt  from  federal  and New  York  income  taxes  by  investing  in
high-quality  securities  issued  by  New  York  state,  county,  and  municipal
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Although the Federal  Reserve Board  maintained its target for the federal funds
rate at 1.00% during the six months,  both the bond market's and the Fed's focus
seemed  to shift  from  the  possibility  of  deflation  to  signs of  incipient
inflation.  At its May 4 meeting,  the Fed's Open Market  Committee  said it was
adopting a "measured"  approach to current  monetary  policy, a statement widely
interpreted  as a signal  that the Fed would soon begin to raise rates to offset
inflationary   pressures.   As  the  six-month  period  ended,  the  market  was
forecasting that the Fed would boost its rate target. Fed officials are expected
to implement any rate increases slowly over a lengthy period.


On balance, the economic signals were positive, but concerns remained, including
those associated with the soaring price of oil.  Although OPEC members indicated
that they planned to boost production, the price of a barrel of crude at the end
of May was still around $40,  and  gasoline  prices were stuck at more than $2 a
gallon as the summer  driving  season began.  Our assessment is that the economy
will continue to expand,  and (in keeping with the market  consensus) we believe
that the Fed will gradually  raise rates to protect  against any  reemergence of


Except for the longest-term  bonds, rate increases (and the corresponding  price
declines)  were sharper  among  municipal  securities  than among U.S.  Treasury
securities,   leading  munis  to   underperform.   Because  of  the   widespread
anticipation  of rate  increases  by the  Fed,  shorter-term  munis--those  with
maturities of less than 10 years--were hit particularly  hard, as illustrated by
the increase in yields in the adjacent table.

In New York,  the  supply of newly  issued  municipal  bonds  was  mostly  flat,
increasing  0.9% compared with the same period a year ago-from  $18.7 billion in
the first half of fiscal 2003 to $18.9 billion this fiscal half-year.  State tax
revenues  improved as the economy gathered  momentum,  enhancing the strength of
the state's general-obligation bonds.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

MATURITY                 NOV. 30, 2003      MAY 31, 2004          (BASIS POINTS)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 years                          1.40%             2.00%                     +60
5 years                          2.39              3.10                      +71
10 years                         3.55              3.93                      +38
30 years                         4.72              4.99                      +27
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Source: The Vanguard Group.

The  performances  of the Vanguard New York  Tax-Exempt  Funds were in line with
their market  segments.  We maintained our focus on the market's  higher-quality
issues,  and as we had during the previous six months,  we positioned  the funds
defensively  relative to interest rate risk. The portfolios'  average maturities
and durations ended the period at the low end of their prescribed  ranges.  Both
funds provided higher returns than their peer-group averages.


An important  advantage we continue to enjoy relative to peer funds is our lower
costs.  Despite the rise in interest rates,  yields remain at very low levels by
historical  standards.  Even seemingly modest  differences in expense ratios can
consume a large proportion of the yield available to shareholders.

Robert F. Auwaerter, PRINCIPAL
Christopher M. Ryon, PRINCIPAL
Pamela Wisehaupt Tynan, PRINCIPAL
Kathryn T. Allen, PRINCIPAL


JUNE 17, 2004

                                                      SEE PAGE 16 FOR A COMPLETE
                                                 LISTING OF THE FUNDS' HOLDINGS.


AS OF 5/31/2004          FUND PROFILES

These Profiles provide snapshots of each fund's characteristics,  compared where
indicated  with both an appropriate  market index and a broad market index.  Key
terms are defined on page 11.

- --------------------------------------

Yield                             0.9%
Average Weighted Maturity      37 days
Average Quality                  MIG-1
Expense Ratio                   0.15%*
- --------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------

MIG-1/SP-1+                                 59%
A-1/P-1                                     38
AAA/AA                                       3
- -----------------------------------------------
Total                                      100%
- -----------------------------------------------

*Annualized.                                   VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT VANGUARD.COM
                                         FOR REGULARLY UPDATED FUND INFORMATION.



- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                  COMPARATIVE         BROAD
                                    FUND               INDEX*       INDEX**
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Number of Issues                     255                9,079        48,257
Yield                                                      --            --
 Investor Shares                     3.8%
 Admiral Shares                      3.9%
Yield to Maturity                   4.1%+                  --            --
Average Coupon                       4.8%                5.2%          5.2%
Average Effective Maturity      7.4 years           7.2 years     9.1 years
Average Quality                       AAA                 AA+           AA+
Average Duration                5.7 years           5.8 years     6.3 years
Expense Ratio                                              --            --
 Investor Shares                  0.15%++
 Admiral Shares                   0.09%++
Short-Term Reserves                    7%                  --            --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------------------------------

AAA                                          81%
AA                                           17
A                                             1
BBB                                           1
- ------------------------------------------------
Total                                       100%
- ------------------------------------------------

- ---------------------------

- ---------------------------

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
                                     COMPARATIVE                BROAD
                       FUND               INDEX*   FUND      INDEX**
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
R-Squared             0.98                 1.00    0.98          1.00
Beta                  1.03                 1.00    1.19          1.00
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------------

Under 1 Year                           9%
1-5 Years                             15
5-10 Years                            61
10-20 Years                           12
20-30 Years                            2
Over 30 Years                          1
- -----------------------------------------
Total                                100%
- -----------------------------------------

 *Lehman 10 Year Municipal Bond Index.
**Lehman Municipal Bond Index.
 +Before expenses.



AVERAGE COUPON.  The average  interest rate paid on the fixed income  securities
held by a fund. It is expressed as a percentage of face value.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AVERAGE DURATION.  An estimate of how much the value of the bonds held by a fund
will fluctuate in response to a change in interest  rates.  To see how the value
could change,  multiply the average duration by the change in rates. If interest
rates  rise by 1  percentage  point,  the  value of the  bonds in a fund with an
average duration of five years would decline by about 5%. If rates decrease by a
percentage point, the value would rise by 5%.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AVERAGE  EFFECTIVE  MATURITY.  The  average  length of time until  fixed  income
securities  held  by  a  fund  reach  maturity  and  are  repaid,   taking  into
consideration  the  possibility  that the  issuer  may call the bond  before its
maturity date. The figure reflects the proportion of fund assets  represented by
each  security;  it also reflects any futures  contracts  held. In general,  the
longer  the  average  effective  maturity,  the more a fund's  share  price will
fluctuate in response to changes in market interest rates.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AVERAGE QUALITY.  An indicator of credit risk, this figure is the average of the
ratings  assigned to a fund's holdings by credit-rating  agencies.  The agencies
make  their  judgment  after   appraising  an  issuer's   ability  to  meet  its
obligations.  Quality is graded on a scale,  with Aaa or AAA indicating the most
creditworthy  bond  issuers and A-1 or MIG-1  indicating  the most  creditworthy
issuers of money market securities.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AVERAGE  WEIGHTED  MATURITY.  The  average  length of time  until  fixed  income
securities held by a fund reach maturity and are repaid. The figure reflects the
proportion of fund assets represented by each security.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BETA. A measure of the magnitude of a fund's past  share-price  fluctuations  in
relation to the ups and downs of a given market  index.  The index is assigned a
beta of 1.00.  Compared with a given index, a fund with a beta of 1.20 typically
would have seen its share  price rise or fall by 12% when the index rose or fell
by 10%. A fund's beta should be reviewed in conjunction  with its R-squared (see
definition  below).  The  lower the  R-squared,  the less  correlation  there is
between the fund and the index, and the less reliable beta is as an indicator of
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EXPENSE  RATIO.  The  percentage of a fund's  average net assets used to pay its
annual  administrative  and advisory  expenses.  These expenses  directly reduce
returns to investors.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
R-SQUARED.  A measure of how much of a fund's past  returns can be  explained by
the returns  from the market in general,  as  measured  by a given  index.  If a
fund's total returns were precisely  synchronized  with an index's returns,  its
R-squared  would be 1.00.  If the fund's  returns  bore no  relationship  to the
index's returns, its R-squared would be 0.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SHORT-TERM  RESERVES.  The  percentage  of a fund  invested  in  highly  liquid,
short-term securities that can be readily converted to cash.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
YIELD.  A  snapshot  of a fund's  interest  income.  The yield,  expressed  as a
percentage  of the fund's net asset  value,  is based on income  earned over the
past 30 days (7 days for money  market  funds) and is  annualized,  or projected
forward for the coming year.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
YIELD TO  MATURITY.  The rate of return an investor  would  receive if the fixed
income securities held by a fund were held to their maturity dates.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


As of 5/31/2004      PERFORMANCE SUMMARIES

All of the returns in this report  represent  past  performance,  which is not a
guarantee of future results that may be achieved by the funds.  (For performance
data  current to the most  recent  month-end,  which may be higher or lower than
that cited,  visit our website at  www.vanguard.com.)  An  investment in a money
market  fund is not  insured or  guaranteed  by the  Federal  Deposit  Insurance
Corporation or any other government agency. Although the Tax-Exempt Money Market
Fund seeks to  preserve  the value of your  investment  at $1 per  share,  it is
possible to lose money by investing in the fund. The annualized  yield shown for
this fund  reflects  current  earnings  more closely than do the average  annual
returns.  For bond  funds,  both  investment  returns  and  principal  value can
fluctuate  widely,  so an investor's  shares,  when sold, could be worth more or
less than their  original  cost.  The returns  shown do not reflect taxes that a
shareholder would pay on fund distributions or on the sale of fund shares.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      NEW YORK TAX-EXEMPT                     AVERAGE
                        MONEY MARKET FUND                       FUND*
FISCAL                         TOTAL                            TOTAL
YEAR                          RETURN                           RETURN
1997                            0.8%                             0.8%
1998                            3.3                              2.9
1999                            3.0                              2.6
2000                            3.9                              3.4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      NEW YORK TAX-EXEMPT                     AVERAGE
                        MONEY MARKET FUND                       FUND*
FISCAL                         TOTAL                            TOTAL
YEAR                          RETURN                           RETURN
2001                            2.8%                             2.4%
2002                            1.3                              0.9
2003                            0.9                              0.5
2004**                          0.4                              0.2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                   SEC 7-Day Annualized Yield (5/31/2004): 0.91%
 *Returns for the Average New York Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund are derived from
  data provided by Lipper Inc.
**Six months ended May 31, 2004.
NOTE: See Financial Highlights table on page 32 for dividend information.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This table  presents  average annual total returns  through the latest  calendar
quarter--rather  than  through  the end of the  fiscal  period.  Securities  and
Exchange Commission rules require that we provide this information.

                                                      SINCE INCEPTION
                                          ONE   FIVE  --------------------------
                         INCEPTION DATE  YEAR  YEARS   CAPITAL   INCOME    TOTAL
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New York Tax-Exempt
 Money Market Fund             9/3/1997 0.84%  2.24%     0.00%    2.47%    2.47%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                       NEW YORK LONG-TERM
                 TAX-EXEMPT FUND INVESTOR SHARES              LEHMAN*
FISCAL          CAPITAL       INCOME       TOTAL                TOTAL
YEAR             RETURN       RETURN      RETURN               RETURN
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1994             -11.5%         5.1%       -6.4%                -4.5%
1995              13.5          6.4        19.9                 18.6
1996               0.4          5.4         5.8                  5.7
1997               0.9          5.5         6.4                  7.1
1998               2.4          5.3         7.7                  8.1
1999              -7.0          4.7        -2.3                 -0.4
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      NEW YORK LONG-TERM
                 TAX-EXEMPT FUND INVESTOR SHARES              LEHMAN*
FISCAL          CAPITAL       INCOME       TOTAL                TOTAL
YEAR             RETURN       RETURN      RETURN               RETURN
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2000               3.9%         5.7%       9.6%                  7.7%
2001               3.4          5.0        8.4                   8.2
2002               2.2          4.6        6.8                   6.7
2003               2.8          4.4        7.2                   6.9
2004**            -2.8          2.1       -0.7                  -0.1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *Lehman 10 Year Municipal Bond Index.
**Six months ended May 31, 2004.
NOTE: See Financial  Highlights tables on page 33 for dividend and capital gains

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This table  presents  average annual total returns  through the latest  calendar
quarter--rather  than  through  the end of the  fiscal  period.  Securities  and
Exchange Commission rules require that we provide this information.

                                                                  TEN YEARS
                                                 ONE   FIVE --------------------
                               INCEPTION DATE   YEAR  YEARS CAPITAL INCOME TOTAL
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New York Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund
  Investor Shares                    4/7/1986  5.51%  6.04%   1.54%  5.19% 6.73%
  Admiral Shares                    5/14/2001  5.57   7.04*      --    --     --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Return since inception.



We believe it is  important  for you to  understand  the impact of costs on your
investment.  All mutual funds have operating  expenses.  As a shareholder of the
fund,  you incur ongoing  costs,  which include costs for portfolio  management,
administrative  services, and shareholder reports (like this one), among others.
Operating  expenses,  which are deducted  from a fund's gross  income,  directly
reduce the investment return of the fund.

A fund's expenses are expressed as a percentage of its average net assets.  This
figure is known as the expense  ratio.  The  following  examples are intended to
help you understand the ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your fund and
to compare these costs with those of other mutual funds.  The examples are based
on an  investment  of $1,000 made at the  beginning of the period shown and held
for the entire period.

The table below illustrates your fund's costs in two ways:

* ACTUAL FUND  RETURN.  This section  helps you to estimate the actual  expenses
that you paid over the period.  The "Ending Account Value" shown is derived from
the fund's  actual  return,  and the third column  shows the dollar  amount that
would have been paid by an investor who started with $1,000 in the fund. You may
use the information here, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the
expenses that you paid over the period.

To do so, simply  divide your account  value by $1,000 (for  example,  an $8,600
account value  divided by $1,000 = 8.6),  then multiply the result by the number
given for your fund under the heading "Expenses Paid During Period."

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                       BEGINNING          ENDING        EXPENSES
TAX-EXEMPT FUNDS                     11/30/2003        5/31/2004         PERIOD*
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Actual Fund Return
New York Tax-Exempt
  Money Market Fund                       $1,000          $1,004           $0.75
New York Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund
  Investor Shares                          1,000             993            0.75
  Admiral Shares                           1,000             993            0.45
Hypothetical 5% Return
New York Tax-Exempt
  Money Market Fund                       $1,000          $1,049           $0.77
New York Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund
  Investor Shares                          1,000           1,049            0.77
  Admiral Shares                           1,000           1,050            0.46
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Expenses are equal to the fund's  annualized  expense  ratio  multiplied by the
average  account value over the period,  multiplied by the number of days in the
most recent fiscal half-year, then divided by 366.

*  HYPOTHETICAL  5% RETURN.  This  section is intended to help you compare  your
fund's  costs with those of other mutual  funds.  It assumes that the fund had a
return of 5% before expenses during the period shown, but that the expense ratio
is  unchanged.  In this  case--because  the return used is not the fund's actual
return--the  results do not apply to your  investment.  The example is useful in
making comparisons  because the Securities and Exchange  Commission requires all
mutual funds to  calculate  expenses  based on a 5% return.  You can assess your
fund's  costs by  comparing  this  hypothetical  example  with the  hypothetical
examples that appear in shareholder reports of other funds.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        INVESTOR         ADMIRAL            PEER
                                          SHARES          SHARES          GROUP*
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New York Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund      0.15%              --           0.61%
New York Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund         0.15            0.09%           1.10
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*Peer groups are: for the New York Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund, the Average New
York Tax-Exempt  Money Market Fund; for the New York Long-Term  Tax-Exempt Fund,
the Average New York Municipal Debt Fund.  Peer-group expense ratios are derived
from data provided by Lipper Inc. and capture information through year-end 2003.

Note that the expenses  shown in the table on page 14 are meant to highlight and
help you compare ongoing costs only and do not reflect any  transactional  costs
or account  maintenance  fees. They do not include your fund's  low-balance fee,
described  in the  prospectus.  If this fee were applied to your  account,  your
costs  would be higher.  Your fund does not  charge  transaction  fees,  such as
purchase or redemption fees, nor does it carry a "sales load."

The  calculations  assume no shares were bought or sold during the period.  Your
actual  costs may have been  higher or lower,  depending  on the  amount of your
investment and the timing of any purchases or redemptions.

You can find  more  information  about the  fund's  expenses,  including  annual
expense ratios for the past five years, in the Financial  Statements  section of
this  report.  For  additional  information  on  operating  expenses  and  other
shareholder costs, please refer to the appropriate fund prospectus.




This Statement  provides a detailed list of each fund's municipal bond holdings,
including each security's  market value on the last day of the reporting  period
and information on credit enhancements  (insurance or letters of credit).  Other
assets are added to, and  liabilities  are  subtracted  from, the value of Total
Municipal  Bonds to  calculate  the fund's Net Assets.  Finally,  Net Assets are
divided by the  outstanding  shares of the fund to arrive at its share price, or
Net Asset Value (NAV) Per Share.

At the end of the Statement of Net Assets,  you will find a table displaying the
composition of the fund's net assets.  Undistributed  Net  Investment  Income is
usually zero because the fund  distributes  its net income to  shareholders as a
dividend each day. Any realized gains must be distributed  annually, so the bulk
of net assets consists of Paid-in Capital (money invested by shareholders).  The
balance shown for Accumulated Net Realized Gains usually approximates the amount
available to  distribute  to share-  holders as taxable  capital gains as of the
statement date, but may differ because certain  investments or transactions  may
be treated differently for financial statement and tax purposes. Any Accumulated
Net  Realized  Losses,  and any  cumulative  excess  of  distributions  over net
realized  gains,  will  appear as  negative  balances.  Unrealized  Appreciation
(Depreciation) is the difference between the value of the fund's investments and
their cost,  and reflects the gains  (losses) that would be realized if the fund
were to sell all of its investments at their statement-date values.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                      FACE            MARKET
                                                                        MATURITY                    AMOUNT            VALUE*
NEW YORK TAX-EXEMPT MONEY MARKET FUND                     COUPON            DATE                     (000)             (000)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Albany County NY BAN                                       1.75%       12/3/2004             $      50,000     $      50,155
Allegany County NY IDA (Atlantic Richfield Project) VRDO   1.11%        6/1/2004                     4,700             4,700
Battery Park City NY Auth. Rev. TOB VRDO                   1.08%        6/7/2004 *                   5,330             5,330
Erie County NY Water Auth. Rev. VRDO                       1.01%        6/7/2004 (2)                11,400            11,400
Garden City NY UFSD TAN                                    1.60%       6/29/2004                     5,000             5,002
Great Neck NY UFSD TAN                                     1.60%       6/29/2004                     5,000             5,003
Great Neck NY UFSD TAN                                     2.00%       6/29/2004                    15,000            15,012
Half Hollow Hills NY Central School Dist.
 Huntington & Babylon TAN                                  1.75%       6/29/2004                     7,000             7,004
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev. CP         0.95%        8/9/2004                    26,000            26,000
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev. VRDO       1.07%        6/1/2004 LOC                13,700            13,700
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev. VRDO       1.08%        6/1/2004 LOC                30,025            30,025
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev. VRDO       1.06%        6/7/2004 (1)                 4,000             4,000
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev. VRDO       1.06%        6/7/2004 (4)                30,800            30,800
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev.
 (Dedicated Petroleum Tax) TOB VRDO                        1.08%        6/7/2004 (3)*                5,570             5,570
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev.
 (Dedicated Petroleum Tax) VRDO                            1.04%        6/7/2004 (4)                10,500            10,500
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Service Contract)
 TOB VRDO                                                  1.09%        6/7/2004 (1)*               10,310            10,310
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Service Contract)
 TOB VRDO                                                  1.09%        6/7/2004 (1)*                5,000             5,000
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Service Contract)
 TOB VRDO                                                  1.09%        6/7/2004 (2)*                3,600             3,600


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                      FACE            MARKET
                                                                        MATURITY                    AMOUNT            VALUE*
NEW YORK TAX-EXEMPT MONEY MARKET FUND                     COUPON            DATE                     (000)             (000)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.) CP       0.95%        7/6/2004             $      10,000     $      10,000
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.) CP       0.98%        9/7/2004                    15,000            15,000
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.) TOB VRDO 1.08%        6/7/2004 (1)*                3,300             3,300
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.) VRDO     1.06%        6/7/2004 (4)                 5,200             5,200
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. TOB VRDO                1.08%        6/7/2004 (4)*                6,495             6,495
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. TOB VRDO                1.11%        6/7/2004 (3)*               19,985            19,985
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. VRDO                    1.06%        6/7/2004 (4)                 5,000             5,000
Nassau County NY Interim Finance Auth. VRDO                1.04%        6/7/2004 (4)                27,055            27,055
New York City NY Cultural Resources Rev.
 (American Museum of Natural History) PUT                  0.85%        7/1/2004 (2)                35,975            35,975
New York City NY Cultural Resources Rev.
 (Asia Society) VRDO                                       1.03%        6/7/2004 LOC                11,700            11,700
New York City NY Cultural Resources Rev.
 (Carnegie Hall) VRDO                                      1.04%        6/7/2004 LOC                15,065            15,065
New York City NY Cultural Resources Rev.
 (Pierpont Morgan Library) VRDO                            1.05%        6/7/2004 LOC                10,000            10,000
New York City NY Cultural Resources Rev.
 (Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation) VRDO                   1.05%        6/7/2004 LOC                18,907            18,907
New York City NY GO 2.00% 8/1/2004 17,780 17,812
New York City NY GO TOB VRDO                               1.07%        6/7/2004 (10)*               6,955             6,955
New York City NY GO TOB VRDO                               1.09%        6/7/2004 (1)*                5,840             5,840
New York City NY GO TOB VRDO                               1.09%        6/7/2004 (4)*                6,144             6,144
New York City NY GO TOB VRDO                               1.10%        6/7/2004 (1)*                9,995             9,995
New York City NY GO TOB VRDO                               1.10%        6/7/2004 (3)*                5,585             5,585
New York City NY GO TOB VRDO                               1.10%        6/7/2004 (3)*                5,765             5,765
New York City NY GO TOB VRDO                               1.10%        6/7/2004 (3)*                8,415             8,415
New York City NY GO TOB VRDO                               1.13%        6/7/2004 *LOC               25,000            25,000
New York City NY GO VRDO                                   1.07%        6/1/2004 LOC                 4,000             4,000
New York City NY GO VRDO                                   1.08%        6/1/2004 LOC                   300               300
New York City NY GO VRDO                                   1.05%        6/7/2004 LOC                 7,000             7,000
New York City NY GO VRDO                                   1.06%        6/7/2004 LOC                 1,350             1,350
New York City NY Housing Dev.Corp.
 (Westmont Apartments) VRDO                                1.04%        6/7/2004 LOC                24,200            24,200
New York City NY IDA (National Audubon Society) VRDO       1.07%        6/1/2004 LOC                14,700            14,700
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
 Water & Sewer System CP                                   0.99%        7/1/2004                     9,000             9,000
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
 Water & Sewer System CP                                   1.08%       7/15/2004                    15,000            15,000
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
 Water & Sewer System Rev.                                 5.30%       6/15/2004 (Prere.)           19,065            19,286
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
 Water & Sewer System Rev. TOB VRDO                        1.07%        6/7/2004 *                   4,400             4,400
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
 Water & Sewer System Rev. TOB VRDO                        1.09%        6/7/2004 *                   4,610             4,610
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
 Water & Sewer System Rev. TOB VRDO                        1.09%        6/7/2004 (1)(4)*            12,075            12,075
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
 Water & Sewer System Rev. TOB VRDO                        1.11%        6/7/2004 *                  20,500            20,500
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
 Water & Sewer System Rev. VRDO                            1.07%        6/1/2004                     5,350             5,350


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                      FACE            MARKET
                                                                        MATURITY                    AMOUNT            VALUE*
NEW YORK TAX-EXEMPT MONEY MARKET FUND                     COUPON            DATE                     (000)             (000)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
 Water & Sewer System Rev. VRDO                            1.08%        6/1/2004 (3)         $      16,050     $      16,050
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
 Water & Sewer System Rev. VRDO                            1.09%        6/1/2004                     3,000             3,000
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
 Water & Sewer System Rev. VRDO                            1.09%        6/1/2004                    36,450            36,450
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
 Water & Sewer System Rev. VRDO                            1.09%        6/1/2004 (3)                 3,000             3,000
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
 Water & Sewer System Rev. VRDO                            1.05%        6/7/2004                     9,800             9,800
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.
 TOB VRDO                                                  1.07%        6/7/2004 (3)*                6,080             6,080
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.
 TOB VRDO                                                  1.10%        6/7/2004 *                   9,845             9,845
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO      1.07%        6/1/2004                     9,975             9,975
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO      1.07%        6/1/2004                    20,850            20,850
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO      1.08%        6/1/2004                     3,000             3,000
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO      1.08%        6/1/2004                     3,850             3,850
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO      1.00%        6/7/2004                    12,000            12,000
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO      1.06%        6/7/2004                     2,900             2,900
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO      1.06%        6/7/2004                    12,000            12,000
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO      1.06%        6/7/2004                    34,500            34,500
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO      1.07%        6/7/2004                    10,500            10,500
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO      1.08%        6/7/2004                     5,900             5,900
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Columbia Univ.) CP    1.08%        8/6/2004                    21,005            21,005
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Columbia Univ.) CP    1.00%       8/12/2004                    11,635            11,635
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Columbia Univ.) PUT   1.03%        3/8/2005                     5,000             5,000
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Columbia Univ.) PUT   1.60%        6/8/2005                    13,000            13,000
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Cornell Univ.) VRDO   1.09%        6/1/2004                    10,525            10,525
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Cornell Univ.) VRDO   1.03%        6/7/2004                    26,900            26,900
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Cornell Univ.) VRDO   1.03%        6/7/2004                    32,920            32,920
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
 (Mental Health Services) TOB VRDO                         1.08%        6/7/2004 (3)*                5,355             5,355
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
 (Mental Health Services) TOB VRDO                         1.08%        6/7/2004 (1)*               16,455            16,455
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
 (Mental Health Services) TOB VRDO                         1.12%        6/7/2004 (3)*               10,500            10,500
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
 (Mental Health Services) VRDO                             1.05%        6/7/2004 (4)                 7,000             7,000
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
 (Mental Health Services) VRDO                             1.05%        6/7/2004 (1)                20,400            20,400
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
 (Mental Health Services) VRDO                             1.05%        6/7/2004 (2)                 2,500             2,500
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
 (Mental Health Services) VRDO                             1.05%        6/7/2004 (4)                19,000            19,000
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
 (Mental Health Services) VRDO                             1.07%        6/7/2004 (4)                16,400            16,400
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
 (New York Public Library) VRDO                            1.06%        6/7/2004 (1)                40,465            40,465
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
 (New York Public Library) VRDO                            1.06%        6/7/2004 (1)                10,800            10,800


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                      FACE            MARKET
                                                                        MATURITY                    AMOUNT            VALUE*
NEW YORK TAX-EXEMPT MONEY MARKET FUND                     COUPON            DATE                     (000)             (000)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (New York Univ.)
 TOB PUT                                                   1.15%        6/7/2004 (1)*        $       6,700     $       6,700
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
 (Personal Income Tax) TOB VRDO                            1.08%        6/7/2004 (3)*                5,000             5,000
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
 (Rochester Institute of Technology) VRDO                  1.05%        6/7/2004 (2)                 9,700             9,700
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
 (Rockefeller Univ.) VRDO                                  1.05%        6/7/2004                    34,600            34,600
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
 (Rockefeller Univ.) VRDO                                  1.05%        6/7/2004                    39,000            39,000
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
 (Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center) TOB VRDO                  1.08%        6/7/2004 (1)*                5,300             5,300
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
 (Univ. of Rochester)                                      5.75%        7/1/2004 (1)(Prere.)         9,725             9,957
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. TOB VRDO               1.08%        6/7/2004 *                   4,725             4,725
New York State Energy Research & Dev. Auth. PCR
 (NY Electric & Gas) PUT                                   1.08%      10/15/2004 LOC                23,775            23,766
New York State Environmental Corp. Rev.
 (General Electric) CP                                     1.08%       6/16/2004                     8,000             8,000
New York State Environmental Corp. Rev.
 (General Electric) CP                                     1.08%       6/16/2004                     3,000             3,000
New York State Environmental Corp. Rev.
 (General Electric) CP                                     0.93%        7/9/2004                    21,000            21,000
New York State Environmental Corp. Rev.
 (General Electric) CP                                     1.03%       8/11/2004                    23,400            23,400
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp.
 PCR TOB VRDO                                              1.08%        6/7/2004 (4)*               26,725            26,725
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. Rev.
 (Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Funds) TOB VRDO         1.08%        6/7/2004  *                  3,730             3,730
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. Rev.
 (Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Funds) TOB VRDO         1.08%        6/7/2004  *                  6,480             6,480
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. Rev.
 (Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Funds) TOB VRDO         1.08%        6/7/2004  *                  2,710             2,710
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. Rev.
 (Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Funds) TOB VRDO         1.08%        6/7/2004  *                 13,905            13,905
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. Rev.
 (Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Funds) TOB VRDO         1.08%        6/7/2004  *                  5,000             5,000
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. Rev.
 (Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Funds) TOB VRDO         1.08%        6/7/2004  *                  8,250             8,250
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. Rev.
 (Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Funds) TOB VRDO         1.09%        6/7/2004  *                 15,280            15,280
New York State GO PUT                                      1.02%        8/5/2004 LOC                31,400            31,400
New York State GO PUT                                      1.05%       10/7/2004 LOC                30,100            30,100
New York State Housing Finance Agency Service.
 Contract Rev. VRDO                                        1.06%        6/7/2004 LOC                 9,000             9,000
New York State Local Govt. Assistance Corp.                5.90%        4/1/2005 (Prere.)            9,000             9,526
New York State Local Govt. Assistance Corp. TOB VRDO       1.12%        6/7/2004  *                  5,325             5,325
New York State Local Govt. Assistance Corp. VRDO           1.02%        6/7/2004 LOC                 8,020             8,020
New York State Local Govt. Assistance Corp. VRDO           1.04%        6/7/2004 LOC                17,000            17,000
New York State Local Govt. Assistance Corp. VRDO           1.05%        6/7/2004 LOC                11,615            11,615
New York State Local Govt. Assistance Corp. VRDO           1.05%        6/7/2004 LOC                15,290            15,290


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                      FACE            MARKET
                                                                        MATURITY                    AMOUNT            VALUE*
NEW YORK TAX-EXEMPT MONEY MARKET FUND                     COUPON            DATE                     (000)             (000)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New York State Local Govt. Assistance Corp. VRDO           1.05%        6/7/2004 LOC         $       7,100     $       7,100
New York State Mortgage Agency Rev. TOB VRDO               1.10%        6/7/2004 *                   2,795             2,795
New York State Mortgage Agency Rev. TOB VRDO               1.10%        6/7/2004 (1)*                2,845             2,845
New York State Mortgage Agency Rev. TOB VRDO               1.13%        6/7/2004 *                   5,960             5,960
New York State Power Auth. Rev. CP                         0.92%        6/1/2004                    14,050            14,050
New York State Power Auth. Rev. CP                         0.97%        7/7/2004                    10,000            10,000
New York State Power Auth. Rev. CP                         1.07%       7/23/2004                    13,995            13,995
New York State Power Auth. Rev. CP                         1.10%       8/11/2004                    20,000            20,000
New York State Power Auth. Rev. VRDO                       1.06%        6/7/2004                    34,500            34,500
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
 (Highway & Bridge Trust Fund) TOB VRDO                    1.08%        6/7/2004 (2)*               10,550            10,550
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
 (Highway & Bridge Trust Fund) TOB VRDO                    1.10%        6/7/2004 (1)*                8,555             8,555
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev. CP                       1.09%       7/21/2004                    20,000            20,000
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev. CP                       1.10%       7/23/2004                    15,000            15,000
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev. CP                       0.93%        8/6/2004                     9,000             9,000
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev. CP                       0.95%        8/6/2004                     3,000             3,000
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev. CP                       1.13%       8/12/2004                    12,250            12,250
North Hempstead NY BAN                                     2.00%       4/28/2005                    10,465            10,538
Oneida County NY IDA Rev. (Hamilton College) VRDO          1.03%        6/7/2004 (1)                26,980            26,980
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey CP                     1.10%       8/26/2004                     6,500             6,500
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey CP                     0.98%       9/10/2004                    13,140            13,140
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey Rev. TOB VRDO          1.11%        6/7/2004  *                 10,000            10,000
Rockland County NY BAN                                     2.00%       2/24/2005                     5,530             5,567
Rockland County NY BAN                                     1.75%       3/24/2005                    45,000            45,260
Suffolk County NY Water Auth. Rev. VRDO                    1.04%        6/7/2004                    39,700            39,700
Syosset NY Central School Dist. BAN                        1.30%       7/16/2004                     2,000             2,001
Tobacco Settlement Financing Corp. NY Rev. TOB VRDO        1.10%        6/7/2004 (2)*                6,295             6,295
Tompkins County NY IDA Civic Fac. (Cornell Univ.) VRDO     1.03%        6/7/2004                    12,300            12,300
Tompkins County NY IDA Civic Fac. (Cornell Univ.) VRDO     1.03%        6/7/2004                     8,390             8,390
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev. TOB VRDO    1.08%        6/7/2004 (1)*                7,200             7,200
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev. TOB VRDO    1.09%        6/7/2004 (1)*                1,995             1,995
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev. TOB VRDO    1.10%        6/7/2004 *                   9,230             9,230
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev. TOB VRDO    1.10%        6/7/2004 (2)*               16,660            16,660
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev. VRDO        1.03%        6/7/2004 (4)                 2,400             2,400
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev. VRDO        1.04%        6/7/2004                    25,000            25,000
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev. VRDO        1.06%        6/7/2004 (4)                15,500            15,500
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev. VRDO        1.06%        6/7/2004 (4)                24,200            24,200
Troy County NY IDA Civic Fac. Rev.
 (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) VRDO                   1.07%        6/7/2004                    11,250            11,250

Puerto Rico Govt. Dev. Bank VRDO                           0.97%        6/7/2004 (1)                 2,000             2,000
Puerto Rico Highway & Transp. Auth. Rev. VRDO              1.06%        6/7/2004 (2)                54,500            54,500
Puerto Rico Public Finance Corp. VRDO                      1.09%        6/7/2004 (11)*              13,975            13,975
Puerto Rico TRAN                                           2.00%       7/30/2004                    10,000            10,017
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL MUNICIPAL BONDS (Cost $2,113,337)                                                                        $   2,113,337
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                      FACE            MARKET
                                                                        MATURITY                    AMOUNT            VALUE*
NEW YORK TAX-EXEMPT MONEY MARKET FUND                     COUPON            DATE                     (000)             (000)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other Assets--Note B                                                                                           $      14,839
Liabilities                                                                                                         (24,495)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Applicable to 2,103,398,223 outstanding $.001
par value shares of beneficial interest (unlimited authorization)                                              $   2,103,681
NET ASSET VALUE PER SHARE                                                                                      $        1.00

* See Note A in Notes to Financial Statements.
* Security  exempt from  registration  under Rule 144A of the  Securities Act of
1933.  These  securities may be sold in transactions  exempt from  registration,
normally to qualified institutional buyers. At May 31, 2004, the aggregate value
of these securities was $428,299,000,  representing 20.4% of net assets. For key
to abbreviations and other references, see page 29.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                          AMOUNT             PER
                                                           (000)           SHARE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Paid-in Capital                                       $2,103,417           $1.00
Undistributed Net Investment Income                           --              --
Accumulated Net Realized Gains                               264              --
Unrealized Appreciation                                       --              --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSETS                                            $2,103,681           $1.00


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                      FACE            MARKET
                                                                        MATURITY                    AMOUNT            VALUE*
NEW YORK LONG-TERM TAX-EXEMPT FUND                        COUPON            DATE                     (000)             (000)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Albany County NY GO                                         5.00%      10/1/2012(3)          $       4,400     $       4,809
Albany NY GO                                                7.00%      1/15/2005(2)                     20                20
Battery Park City NY Auth. Rev.                             5.50%      11/1/2006(2)(Prere.)         11,750            12,882
Battery Park City NY Auth. Rev.                             5.25%      11/1/2015                    12,520            13,544
Broome County NY Public Safety Fac. Project COP             5.25%       4/1/2015(1)                    335               342
Broome County NY Public Safety Fac. Project COP             5.25%       4/1/2015(1)(ETM)             2,665             2,745
Buffalo & Erie Counties NY Toll Bridge Auth. Rev.           6.00%       1/1/2015(1)                  4,500             4,643
Buffalo NY GO                                              5.125%       2/1/2012(2)                  1,870             2,014
Buffalo NY GO                                              5.125%       2/1/2013(2)                  2,945             3,160
Erie County NY Water Auth. Rev.                             6.00%      12/1/2008(2)(ETM)             1,600             1,738
Hempstead NY GO                                             5.50%       8/1/2005(3)(Prere.)            190               202
Hempstead NY GO                                            5.625%       2/1/2006(3)(Prere.)            210               226
Hempstead NY GO                                            5.625%       2/1/2006(3)(Prere.)            270               291
Hempstead NY GO                                            5.625%       2/1/2013(3)                    960             1,030
Hempstead NY GO                                            5.625%       2/1/2012(3)                  1,220             1,309
Hempstead NY GO                                             5.50%       8/1/2011(3)                  2,260             2,408
Hempstead NY IDA Civic Fac. Rev. (Hofstra Univ.)            5.25%       7/1/2017                     2,360             2,450
Hempstead NY IDA Civic Fac. Rev. (Hofstra Univ.)            5.25%       7/1/2019                     3,200             3,281
Huntington NY GO                                            6.70%       2/1/2011(3)                    310               367
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev.             0.00%       6/1/2019(4)                  2,460             1,197
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev.             5.50%      12/1/2011(2)                  5,000             5,567
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev.             0.00%       6/1/2014(4)                  5,000             3,259
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev.             0.00%       6/1/2021(4)                 13,355             5,766
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev.             5.25%       6/1/2013                    15,690            16,768
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev.             0.00%       6/1/2011(4)                 16,690            12,801
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev.             0.00%       6/1/2024(4)                 21,830             7,770
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev.             0.00%       6/1/2027(4)                 23,905             7,000
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev.             0.00%       6/1/2023(4)                 35,500            13,554
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev. VRDO        1.07%       6/1/2004 LOC                 8,800             8,800
Long Island NY Power Auth. Electric System Rev. VRDO        1.08%       6/1/2004 LOC                11,100            11,100
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Commuter Fac.)         5.125%       7/1/2009(3)(Prere.)          3,000             3,275
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Commuter Fac.)          5.50%       7/1/2011(Prere.)             6,280             7,035
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Commuter Fac.)          5.50%       7/1/2013(2)(Prere.)          6,585             7,404
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Commuter Fac.)          5.30%       7/1/2009(3)(Prere.)         17,475            19,221
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev.
(Dedicated Petroleum Tax)                                   5.25%      10/1/2010(1)(Prere.)          7,900             8,718
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev.
(Dedicated Petroleum Tax)                                   6.00%       4/1/2020(1)(ETM)            32,500            37,665
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev.
(Dedicated Petroleum Tax)                                   5.25%      10/1/2010(1)(Prere.)         34,060            37,585
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.)           5.50%     11/15/2016(1)                  4,000             4,352
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.)           5.50%     11/15/2017(1)                  5,000             5,437
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.)           5.00%       1/1/2012(2)(Prere.)          5,000             5,444
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.)           5.50%     11/15/2019(1)                  6,000             6,475
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.)           5.50%     11/15/2020(1)                  7,000             7,528
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.)           5.50%     11/15/2014(2)                  8,000             8,997
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.)           7.00%       7/1/2009(2)(ETM)             9,050            10,259
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.)           5.50%     11/15/2016(2)                 28,075            30,548
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.)           5.50%     11/15/2017(2)*                35,000            38,061
Metro. New York Transp. Auth. Rev. (Transit Rev.) VRDO      1.06%       6/7/2004(4)                 24,100            24,100


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                      FACE            MARKET
                                                                        MATURITY                    AMOUNT            VALUE*
                                                          COUPON            DATE                     (000)             (000)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nassau County NY Combined Sewer Dist. GO                    6.25%      5/15/2010(1)          $         820     $         837
Nassau County NY Combined Sewer Dist. GO                    6.25%      5/15/2009(1)                    825               842
Nassau County NY Combined Sewer Dist. GO                   5.875%       8/1/2012(3)                    825               839
Nassau County NY Combined Sewer Dist. GO                    6.20%      5/15/2008(1)                    835               852
Nassau County NY Combined Sewer Dist. GO                    6.20%      5/15/2007(1)                    840               857
Nassau County NY Combined Sewer Dist. GO                    5.00%       5/1/2011(3)                  1,770             1,918
Nassau County NY Combined Sewer Dist. GO                    5.00%       5/1/2010(3)                  2,875             3,111
Nassau County NY GO                                         5.75%       2/1/2011(1)                  1,100             1,118
Nassau County NY GO                                         5.70%       8/1/2011(3)                  2,000             2,075
Nassau County NY GO                                         5.25%       6/1/2011(2)                  3,670             3,993
Nassau County NY GO                                         5.25%       6/1/2012(2)                  4,670             5,074
Nassau County NY GO                                         5.25%       6/1/2014(2)                  6,585             7,101
Nassau County NY GO                                         5.25%       6/1/2013(2)                  6,905             7,486
Nassau County NY Interim Finance Auth. VRDO                 1.04%       6/7/2004(4)                  3,635             3,635
New York City NY Cultural Resources Rev.
(American Museum of Natural History)                        5.60%       4/1/2018(1)                  2,635             2,832
New York City NY Cultural Resources Rev.
(American Museum of Natural History)                        5.65%       4/1/2022(1)                  5,000             5,316
New York City NY Cultural Resources Rev.
(American Museum of Natural History)                        5.70%       4/1/2016(1)                 12,730            13,703
New York City NY Cultural Resources Rev.
(Museum of Modern Art)                                      5.50%       1/1/2007(2)(ETM)                35                38
New York City NY Cultural Resources Rev.
(Museum of Modern Art)                                      5.40%       1/1/2006(2)(ETM)                85                90
New York City NY Cultural Resources Rev.
(Museum of Modern Art)                                      5.50%       1/1/2016(2)                  2,000             2,144
New York City NY GO                                         5.75%      5/15/2011(4)                  4,540             5,078
New York City NY GO                                        5.875%      5/15/2012(4)                  4,670             5,254
New York City NY GO                                         5.25%      3/15/2016(2)                  5,000             5,305
New York City NY GO                                         5.20%       8/1/2014(4)                  5,000             5,312
New York City NY GO                                         5.75%      3/15/2027(4)                  5,000             5,343
New York City NY GO                                        6.375%      8/15/2005(Prere.)             5,400             5,765
New York City NY GO                                        5.375%       8/1/2013(3)                  8,295             8,980
New York City NY GO                                         5.75%       8/1/2011(1)                 15,750            17,648
New York City NY GO                                        5.125%       8/1/2013(4)                 19,025            20,417
New York City NY GO VRDO                                    1.08%       6/1/2004LOC                  7,000             7,000
New York City NY IDA (USTA National Tennis Center)         6.375%     11/15/2014(4)                  2,000             2,082
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
Water & Sewer System Rev.                                   0.00%      6/15/2021                     4,490             1,932
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
Water & Sewer System Rev.                                   5.35%      6/15/2013(1)                  5,300             5,416
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
Water & Sewer System Rev.                                   0.00%      6/15/2017                    10,000             5,434
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
Water & Sewer System Rev.                                   0.00%      6/15/2018                    10,000             5,136
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
Water & Sewer System Rev.                                   5.75%      6/15/2029(1)                 15,000            15,988
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
Water & Sewer System Rev.                                  5.875%      6/15/2012(2)                 18,500            21,098
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
Water & Sewer System Rev.                                  5.875%      6/15/2013(2)                 20,000            22,927


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                      FACE            MARKET
                                                                        MATURITY                    AMOUNT            VALUE*
NEW YORK LONG-TERM TAX-EXEMPT FUND                        COUPON            DATE                     (000)             (000)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
Water & Sewer System Rev.                                   5.50%      6/15/2027(1)          $      23,955     $      24,847
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
Water & Sewer System Rev.                                  5.375%      6/15/2017                    25,015            26,617
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
Water & Sewer System Rev.                                  5.375%      6/15/2018                    25,095            26,633
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
Water & Sewer System Rev.                                   5.75%      6/15/2031(3)                 30,650            32,711
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
Water & Sewer System Rev. VRDO                              1.09%       6/1/2004                     5,700             5,700
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
Water & Sewer System Rev. VRDO                              1.09%       6/1/2004(3)                  9,500             9,500
New York City NY Muni. Water Finance Auth.
Water & Sewer System Rev. VRDO                              1.09%       6/1/2004                    16,500            16,500
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.            5.50%       5/1/2009(Prere.)                15                17
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.            5.75%      5/15/2010(Prere.)               930             1,057
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.            5.50%       2/1/2011(Prere.)             1,150             1,290
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.            5.50%       5/1/2009(Prere.)             1,325             1,477
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.            5.50%       5/1/2025                     1,660             1,719
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.            5.50%       2/1/2011(Prere.)             2,265             2,540
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.            5.50%      2/15/2016                     2,735             2,943
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.            5.50%       2/1/2012                     2,805             3,102
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.            5.50%       2/1/2011(Prere.)             2,955             3,313
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.            5.50%       2/1/2015                     3,850             4,158
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.            5.75%      8/15/2009(Prere.)             5,000             5,649
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.           5.375%       2/1/2015                     7,310             7,843
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.           5.375%       2/1/2016                     8,415             8,983
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.            5.75%     11/15/2020                     9,070             9,886
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.           5.375%      2/15/2015                     9,395            10,090
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.            5.50%       2/1/2014                     9,735            10,643
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.            5.50%       2/1/2016                    11,045            11,870
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.            5.25%       5/1/2013                    12,270            13,358
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev.            5.25%       5/1/2014                    17,720            19,128
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO       1.08%       6/1/2004                     1,450             1,450
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO       1.07%       6/1/2004                     1,650             1,650
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO       1.07%       6/1/2004                     1,900             1,900
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO       1.07%       6/1/2004                     2,985             2,985
New York City NY Transitional Finance Auth. Rev. VRDO       1.07%       6/1/2004                     3,000             3,000
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Barnard College)       5.25%       7/1/2026(2)                  4,370             4,420
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Catholic Health)       5.50%       7/1/2022(1)                 10,000            10,541
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (City Univ.)            5.75%       7/1/2010(3)                  2,215             2,425
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (City Univ.)            5.75%       7/1/2010(3)                  4,475             4,900
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (City Univ.)            5.50%       7/1/2016(2)                  4,640             4,987
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (City Univ.)            5.75%       7/1/2011(3)                  5,950             6,740
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (City Univ.)            5.75%       7/1/2016(3)                  7,255             7,943
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (City Univ.)            5.50%       7/1/2006(2)(Prere.)         11,360            12,364
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (City Univ.)            5.75%       7/1/2010(3)                 31,620            34,620
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Columbia Univ.)       5.125%       7/1/2019                     5,100             5,359
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Court Fac.)            5.75%      5/15/2023(2)                 21,370            23,045
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(Department of Health)                                      5.50%       7/1/2025(1)                  3,870             4,028


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                      FACE            MARKET
                                                                        MATURITY                    AMOUNT            VALUE*
                                                          COUPON            DATE                     (000)             (000)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Fordham Univ.)         7.20%       7/1/2015(2)          $         710     $         713
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Fordham Univ.)         5.75%       7/1/2015(3)                  1,500             1,534
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Fordham Univ.)         5.50%       7/1/2023(3)                 10,150            10,377
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(Lenox Hill Hosp. Obligation Group)                        5.375%       7/1/2020                     2,400             2,459
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(Mental Health Services)                                   5.375%      2/15/2026(1)                    270               274
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(Mental Health Services)                                   5.875%      8/15/2013(4)                  2,475             2,744
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(Mental Health Services)                                   5.875%      8/15/2014(4)                  2,625             2,877
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(Mental Health Services)                                   5.875%      8/15/2015(4)                  2,785             3,033
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(Mental Health Services)                                   5.375%      2/15/2006(1)(Prere.)          7,230             7,775
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(Mental Health Services) VRDO                               1.05%       6/7/2004(1)                    800               800
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(Mental Health Services) VRDO                               1.05%       6/7/2004(1)                  1,800             1,800
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(Mental Health Services) VRDO                               1.04%       6/7/2004(4)                 18,000            18,000
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(Montefiore Medical Center)                                 5.25%       2/1/2015(2)                 42,750            44,987
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(New School for Social Research)                           5.625%       7/1/2016(1)                  2,260             2,447
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (New York Univ.)        5.50%       7/1/2016(2)                  1,925             2,143
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (New York Univ.)        5.75%       7/1/2016(1)                  3,500             3,989
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (New York Univ.)        5.50%       7/1/2031(2)                  8,910             9,648
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (New York Univ.)        5.50%       7/1/2040(2)                 20,330            22,081
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Pace)                 5.625%       7/1/2017(1)                 11,185            12,111
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Queens Hosp.)          5.45%      8/15/2019(2)                  4,960             5,200
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(Rochester Institute of Technology)                         5.25%       7/1/2022(1)                  3,000             3,103
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(Rochester Institute of Technology)                         5.30%       7/1/2017(1)                  6,275             6,665
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Rockefeller Univ.)     5.00%       7/1/2018                     2,805             2,876
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)                             5.75%       7/1/2020(1)                  5,500             6,200
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)                             5.00%       7/1/2022(1)                  5,500             5,552
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)                             5.50%       7/1/2023(1)                 14,000            15,215
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)                             5.75%       7/1/2019(1)                 15,900            17,947
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (St. John's Univ.)      5.70%       7/1/2026(1)                 14,370            15,256
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (St. John's Univ.)      5.25%       7/1/2020(1)                 15,170            15,859
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (St. Joseph's Hosp.)    5.25%       7/1/2018(1)                  6,700             6,911
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(St. Vincent Hosp. Medical Center)                          5.80%       8/1/2025(2)                  4,250             4,474
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (State Univ.)           6.00%       7/1/2009(2)                  1,590             1,794
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (State Univ.)           5.75%      5/15/2017(4)                  3,750             4,262


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                      FACE            MARKET
                                                                        MATURITY                    AMOUNT            VALUE*
NEW YORK LONG-TERM TAX-EXEMPT FUND                        COUPON            DATE                     (000)             (000)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (State Univ.)          5.375%       7/1/2012(Prere.)     $       4,720     $       5,274
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (State Univ.)           6.00%      5/15/2016(1)                  5,000             5,599
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (State Univ.)          5.375%       7/1/2012(Prere.)             5,315             5,938
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (State Univ.)           5.25%      5/15/2015(4)                  6,500             7,089
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (State Univ.)           6.00%      5/15/2014(1)                 10,660            12,088
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (State Univ.)           6.00%      5/15/2015(1)                 12,500            13,998
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (State Univ.)           6.00%      5/15/2012(1)                 16,160            18,325
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (State Univ.)           6.00%      5/15/2013(1)                 27,285            30,940
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(The New York & Presbyterian Hosp.)                         5.50%       2/1/2010(2)                  6,330             6,965
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev. (Univ. of Rochester)    5.00%       7/1/2017(1)                  2,000             2,060
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(Upstate Community Colleges)                                5.00%       7/1/2016(2)                  1,250             1,297
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(Upstate Community Colleges)                                5.00%       7/1/2015(2)                  3,000             3,122
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(Upstate Community Colleges)                                5.25%       7/1/2012(2)                  6,170             6,705
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(Vassar Brothers Hosp.)                                    5.375%       7/1/2025(4)                  7,000             7,137
New York State Dormitory Auth. Rev.
(Vassar Brothers Hosp.)                                     5.25%       7/1/2017(4)                  8,025             8,327
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. Rev.
(Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Funds)                    5.25%      6/15/2016                     3,095             3,308
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. Rev.
(Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Funds)                   5.375%      6/15/2016                     6,000             6,481
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. Rev.
(Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Funds)                   5.375%      6/15/2015                     7,650             8,302
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. Rev.
(Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Funds)                    5.25%      6/15/2018                    10,000            10,564
New York State Environmental Fac. Corp. Rev.
(Clean Water & Drinking Revolving Funds)                    5.25%      6/15/2019                    36,610            38,521
New York State Local Govt. Assistance Corp.                 5.00%       4/1/2013(4)                  6,395             6,926
New York State Local Govt. Assistance Corp.                 5.25%       4/1/2015(2)                  8,000             8,454
New York State Local Govt. Assistance Corp.                 5.50%       4/1/2017                    12,905            14,153
New York State Local Govt. Assistance Corp. VRDO            1.04%       6/7/2004LOC                  3,000             3,000
New York State Local Govt. Assistance Corp. VRDO            1.05%       6/7/2004LOC                  4,985             4,985
New York State Medical Care Fac. Finance Agency Rev.
(Mental Health Services)                                    6.00%      2/15/2005(1)(Prere.)            150               158
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.                           5.25%       1/1/2014                     5,560             5,904
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
(Highway & Bridge Trust Fund)                               5.50%       4/1/2015(3)                  2,000             2,174
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
(Highway & Bridge Trust Fund)                               5.75%       4/1/2016(3)                  2,080             2,287
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
(Highway & Bridge Trust Fund)                               5.50%       4/1/2014(3)                  2,500             2,751
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
(Highway & Bridge Trust Fund)                               5.75%       4/1/2015(3)                  2,500             2,748
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
(Highway & Bridge Trust Fund)                               5.75%       4/1/2014(3)                  3,000             3,351
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
(Highway & Bridge Trust Fund)                               5.50%       4/1/2016(3)                  3,000             3,243


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                      FACE            MARKET
                                                                        MATURITY                    AMOUNT            VALUE*
                                                          COUPON            DATE                     (000)             (000)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
(Highway & Bridge Trust Fund)                               5.75%       4/1/2010(3)(Prere.)  $       5,575     $       6,328
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
(Highway & Bridge Trust Fund)                               5.75%       4/1/2013(3)                  5,870             6,562
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
(Highway & Bridge Trust Fund)                               5.25%       4/1/2014(1)                  7,500             8,079
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev.
(Highway & Bridge Trust Fund)                               5.50%       4/1/2014(2)                 32,875            36,178
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev. (Service Contract)        5.25%       4/1/2007(Prere.)             1,300             1,421
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev. (Service Contract)        5.75%       4/1/2009(1)(Prere.)          4,000             4,500
New York State Thruway Auth. Rev. (Service Contract)        5.25%       4/1/2015                     6,775             7,101
New York State Urban Dev. Corp. Rev.
(Community Enhancement Fac.)                               5.125%       4/1/2015(2)                  5,500             5,768
New York State Urban Dev. Corp. Rev. (Correctional Fac.)    6.00%       1/1/2009(2)(Prere.)          2,500             2,827
New York State Urban Dev. Corp. Rev. (Correctional Fac.)    6.00%       1/1/2009(2)(Prere.)          3,000             3,393
New York State Urban Dev. Corp. Rev. (Correctional Fac.)    6.00%       1/1/2009(2)(Prere.)          4,110             4,648
New York State Urban Dev. Corp. Rev. (Correctional Fac.)    6.00%       1/1/2009(2)(Prere.)          5,000             5,655
New York State Urban Dev. Corp. Rev. (Correctional Fac.)    5.75%       1/1/2011(4)(Prere.)          6,380             7,194
New York State Urban Dev. Corp. Rev. (Correctional Fac.)    5.50%       4/1/2016(1)                 13,350            14,277
Niagara County NY IDA Solid Waste Disposal Rev. PUT         5.55%     11/15/2013                    12,500            12,948
Niagara Falls NY Bridge Comm. Rev.                          5.25%      10/1/2015(3)                  5,000             5,443
Niagara Falls NY Bridge Comm. Rev.                          6.25%      10/1/2020(3)                  8,685            10,363
Niagara Falls NY Bridge Comm. Rev.                          6.25%      10/1/2021(3)                  9,230            11,011
North Hempstead NY GO                                       6.40%       4/1/2010(3)                  1,500             1,733
North Hempstead NY GO                                       6.40%       4/1/2011(3)                  2,075             2,422
North Hempstead NY Solid Waste Auth.                        5.00%       2/1/2012(1)                    115               118
Onondaga County NY Public Improvements                     5.875%      2/15/2008                     1,225             1,355
Onondaga County NY Public Improvements                     5.875%      2/15/2008(ETM)                1,250             1,383
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey Rev.                    5.50%     12/15/2016(2)                  4,190             4,501
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey Rev.                    5.50%     12/15/2017(2)                  4,600             4,913
Port Auth. of New York & New Jersey Rev.                    5.50%     12/15/2018(2)                  4,620             4,886
Suffolk County NY Water Auth. Rev.                          5.25%       6/1/2017(2)(ETM)             1,695             1,851
Suffolk County NY Water Auth. Rev.                          5.25%       6/1/2011(2)(ETM)             2,380             2,624
Suffolk County NY Water Auth. Rev.                          5.25%       6/1/2010(2)(ETM)             3,790             4,177
Suffolk County NY Water Auth. Rev.                          5.25%       6/1/2012(2)(ETM)             4,290             4,754
Suffolk County NY Water Auth. Rev.                          5.75%       6/1/2013(2)(ETM)             7,340             7,342
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev.              5.25%       1/1/2018                     2,330             2,443
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev.              5.25%       1/1/2016                     2,500             2,651
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev.              5.25%       1/1/2015                     2,930             3,128
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev.              5.25%       1/1/2014                     3,000             3,227
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev.              6.75%       1/1/2009(2)(ETM)             3,000             3,366
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev.              5.50%     11/15/2021(1)                 11,370            12,604
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev.              5.25%     11/15/2017                    16,770            17,744
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev.              5.25%     11/15/2018                    30,285            31,890
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev.              5.25%     11/15/2019                    43,025            45,120
Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. New York Rev. VRDO         1.03%       6/7/2004(4)                    350               350
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth. Rev.                       5.25%       7/1/2015(1)                  5,000             5,361
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth. Rev.                       5.25%       7/1/2015(1)                  7,000             7,711
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth. Rev.                      5.375%       7/1/2016(1)                 16,345            17,826
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth. Rev.                      5.375%       7/1/2018(1)                  6,250             6,754


- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                      FACE            MARKET
                                                                        MATURITY                    AMOUNT            VALUE*
NEW YORK LONG-TERM TAX-EXEMPT FUND                        COUPON            DATE                     (000)             (000)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Puerto Rico Electric Power Auth. Rev.                      5.375%       7/1/2019(1)          $       6,500     $       6,996
Puerto Rico GO                                              5.50%       7/1/2013(3)                  6,000             6,768
Puerto Rico GO                                              5.50%       7/1/2014(3)                  2,500             2,823
Puerto Rico GO                                              5.00%       7/1/2018(1)                  2,650             2,739
Puerto Rico GO                                              5.50%       7/1/2018(4)                  5,000             5,595
Puerto Rico GO                                              5.50%       7/1/2020(3)                  6,305             7,013
Puerto Rico GO                                              5.50%       7/1/2021(1)                 16,505            18,270
Puerto Rico Govt. Dev. Bank VRDO                            0.97%       6/7/2004(1)                  1,700             1,700
Puerto Rico Highway & Transp. Auth. Rev. VRDO               1.06%       6/7/2004(2)                  2,600             2,600
Puerto Rico Muni. Finance Agency                            5.75%       8/1/2011(4)                  8,060             9,006
Puerto Rico Muni. Finance Agency                            5.75%       8/1/2011(4)                  7,750             8,659
Puerto Rico Muni. Finance Agency                           5.875%       8/1/2014(4)                  6,480             7,265
Puerto Rico Muni. Finance Agency                            6.00%       8/1/2016(4)                  2,645             2,964
Puerto Rico Muni. Finance Agency                            5.25%       8/1/2017(4)                  7,000             7,517
Puerto Rico Public Buildings Auth. Govt. Fac. Rev.          5.25%       7/1/2014(3)                 10,000            11,086
Puerto Rico Public Finance Corp.                            6.00%       8/1/2026                    10,000            11,101
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Cost $1,941,628)                                                                                                  2,028,366
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other Assets--Note B                                                                                                  28,984
Liabilities                                                                                                           (6,105)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSETS (100%)                                                                                                 $2,051,245

*See Note A in Notes to Financial Statements.
*Securities  with a value of $6,606,000  have been  segregated as initial margin
for open futures contracts.  For key to abbreviations and other references,  see
page 29.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Paid-in Capital                                                       1,962,213
Undistributed Net Investment Income                                          --
Accumulated Net Realized Gains                                            2,342
Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)
  Investment Securities                                                  86,738
  Futures Contracts                                                         (48)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSETS                                                            $2,051,245
Investor Shares--Net Assets
Applicable to 114,210,544 outstanding $.001
  par value shares of beneficial interest (unlimited authorization)  $1,280,924
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE PER SHARE--INVESTOR SHARES                               $11.22
Admiral Shares--Net Assets
Applicable to 68,683,945 outstanding $.001
  par value shares of beneficial interest (unlimited authorization)    $770,321
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE PER SHARE--ADMIRAL SHARES                                $11.22
See Note C in Notes to Financial  Statements for the tax-basis components of net


BAN--Bond Anticipation Note.
COP--Certificate of Participation.
CP--Commercial Paper.
FR--Floating Rate.
GAN--Grant Anticipation Note.
GO--General Obligation Bond.
IDA--Industrial Development Authority Bond.
IDR--Industrial Development Revenue Bond.
PCR--Pollution Control Revenue Bond.
PUT--Put Option Obligation.
RAN--Revenue Anticipation Note.
TAN--Tax Anticipation Note.
TOB--Tender Option Bond.
TRAN--Tax Revenue Anticipation Note.
UFSD--Union Free School District.
USD--United School District.
VRDO--Variable Rate Demand Obligation.
(ETM)--Escrowed to Maturity.

Scheduled principal and interest payments are guaranteed by:

(1)  MBIA (Municipal Bond Insurance Association).
(2)  AMBAC (Ambac Assurance Corporation).
(3)  FGIC (Financial Guaranty Insurance Company).
(4)  FSA (Financial Security Assurance).
(5)  BIGI (Bond Investors Guaranty Insurance).
(6)  Connie Lee Inc.
(7)  FHA (Federal Housing Authority).
(8)  CapMAC (Capital Markets Assurance Corporation).
(9)  American Capital Access Financial Guaranty Corporation.
(10) XL Capital Assurance Inc.
(11) CIFG (CDC IXIS Financial Guaranty).

The insurance does not guarantee the market value of the municipal bonds.

LOC--Scheduled  principal and interest payments are guaranteed by bank letter of
credit. statement of operations



This Statement  shows  interest  income earned by each fund during the reporting
period,  and details the operating expenses charged to each class of its shares.
These expenses  directly reduce the amount of investment income available to pay
to shareholders as tax-exempt  income  dividends.  This Statement also shows any
Net  Gain  (Loss)  realized  on the sale of  investments,  and the  increase  or
decrease in the Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) of investments during the
period.  For money  market  funds,  Realized  Net Gain (Loss)  should  always be
minimal, and Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) should be zero.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                      NEW YORK TAX-EXEMPT     NEW YORK LONG-TERM
                                        MONEY MARKET FUND        TAX-EXEMPT FUND
                                         SIX MONTHS ENDED MAY 31, 2004
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                              (000)                    (000)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Interest                                   $ 9,646                 $ 45,906
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Total Income                               9,646                   45,906
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Vanguard Group--Note B
 Investment Advisory Services                   120                      138
 Management and Administrative
   Investor Shares                            1,109                      781
   Admiral Shares                                --                      248
 Marketing and Distribution
   Investor Shares                              181                      100
   Admiral Shares                                --                       51
Custodian Fees                                    6                        9
Shareholders' Reports
   Investor Shares                                6                        9
   Admiral Shares                                --                        1
Trustees' Fees and Expenses                       1                        1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   Total Expenses                             1,423                    1,338
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET INVESTMENT INCOME                         8,223                   44,568
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Investment Securities Sold                     273                    3,348
 Futures Contracts                               --                     (264)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REALIZED NET GAIN (LOSS)                        273                    3,084
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Investment Securities                           --                  (64,788)
 Futures Contracts                               --                      (48)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   RESULTING FROM OPERATIONS                $ 8,496                 $(17,184)



This  Statement  shows how each fund's total net assets  changed  during the two
most recent reporting periods.  The Operations  section  summarizes  information
detailed in the Statement of Operations. Because the fund distributes its income
to shareholders  each day, the amounts of  Distributions--Net  Investment Income
generally equal the net income earned as shown under the Operations section. The
amounts of Distributions--Realized  Capital Gain may not match the capital gains
shown in the Operations section,  because  distributions are determined on a tax
basis and may be made in a period different from the one in which the gains were
realized on the financial  statements.  The Capital Share  Transactions  section
shows  the net  amount  shareholders  invested  in or  redeemed  from the  fund.
Distributions and Capital Share Transactions are shown separately for each class
of shares.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                              NEW YORK TAX-EXEMPT           NEW YORK LONG-TERM
                                                               MONEY MARKET FUND              TAX-EXEMPT FUND
                                                         ---------------------------   ----------------------------
                                                           SIX MONTHS           YEAR     SIX MONTHS           YEAR
                                                                ENDED          ENDED          ENDED          ENDED
                                                         MAY 31, 2004  NOV. 30, 2003   MAY 31, 2004  NOV. 30, 2003
                                                                (000)          (000)          (000)          (000)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Net Investment Income                                   $     8,223    $    14,945    $    44,568    $    91,122
  Realized Net Gain (Loss)                                        273             (8)         3,084          5,247
  Change in Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation)                 --             --        (64,836)        53,745
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets
      Resulting from Operations                                 8,496         14,937        (17,184)       150,114
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Net Investment Income
    Investor Shares                                            (8,223)       (14,945)       (27,798)       (56,709)
    Admiral Shares                                                 --             --        (16,770)       (34,413)
  Realized Capital Gain*
    Investor Shares                                                --             --         (3,012)       (14,716)
    Admiral Shares                                                 --             --         (1,784)        (8,920)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Distributions                                        (8,223)       (14,945)       (49,364)      (114,758)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Investor Shares                                             331,102        144,900          1,377        (40,117)
  Admiral Shares                                                   --             --         24,367        (54,079)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Net Increase (Decrease) from
      Capital Share Transactions                              331,102        144,900         25,744        (94,196)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total Increase (Decrease)                                   331,375        144,892        (40,804)       (58,840)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Beginning of Period                                       1,772,306      1,627,414      2,092,049      2,150,889
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  End of Period                                            $2,103,681     $1,772,306     $2,051,245     $2,092,049

*Includes  fiscal 2004 and 2003  short-term gain  distributions  by the New York
Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund totaling $0 and $1,207,000,  respectively.  Short-term
gain distributions are treated as ordinary income dividends for tax purposes.



This table  summarizes  each  fund's  investment  results and  distributions  to
shareholders on a per-share basis for each class of shares. It also presents the
Total  Return and shows net  investment  income and expenses as  percentages  of
average net  assets.  These data will help you assess:  the  variability  of the
fund's  net  income  and  total   returns  from  year  to  year;   the  relative
contributions  of net income and capital gains to the fund's total  return;  how
much it costs to  operate  the fund;  and the  extent to which the fund tends to
distribute  capital gains.  The table also shows the Portfolio  Turnover Rate, a
measure of trading  activity.  A  turnover  rate of 100% means that the  average
security is held in the fund for one year.  Money  market funds are not required
to report a Portfolio Turnover Rate.


- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                SIX MONTHS ENDED                      YEAR ENDED NOVEMBER 30,
                                                         MAY 31,       -----------------------------------------------------
FOR A SHARE OUTSTANDING THROUGHOUT EACH PERIOD              2004        2003       2002        2001         2000        1999
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Asset Value, Beginning of Period                       $1.00       $1.00      $1.00       $1.00        $1.00       $1.00
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Net Investment Income                                     .004        .009       .013        .028         .038        .030
  Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments      --          --         --          --           --          --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total from Investment Operations                          .004        .009       .013        .028         .038        .030
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Dividends from Net Investment Income                    (.004)      (.009)     (.013)      (.028)       (.038)      (.030)
  Distributions from Realized Capital Gains                   --          --         --          --           --          --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Distributions                                   (.004)      (.009)     (.013)      (.028)       (.038)      (.030)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE, END OF PERIOD                             $1.00       $1.00      $1.00       $1.00        $1.00       $1.00

TOTAL RETURN                                               0.43%       0.89%      1.32%       2.79%        3.87%       3.01%

  Net Assets, End of Period (Millions)                    $2,104      $1,772     $1,627      $1,359       $1,154        $798
  Ratio of Total Expenses to Average Net Assets           0.15%*       0.17%      0.17%       0.18%        0.14%       0.17%
  Ratio of Net Investment Income to Average Net Assets    0.86%*       0.88%      1.31%       2.72%        3.81%       2.99%




- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                SIX MONTHS ENDED                     YEAR ENDED NOVEMBER 30,
                                                         MAY 31,      -------------------------------------------------------
FOR A SHARE OUTSTANDING THROUGHOUT EACH PERIOD              2004        2003       2002        2001         2000        1999
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE, BEGINNING OF PERIOD                      $11.57      $11.38     $11.20      $10.83       $10.42      $11.30
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Net Investment Income                                     .243        .486       .503        .525         .556        .547
  Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)
    on Investments                                         (.323)       .315       .243        .370         .410       (.789)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total from Investment Operations                       (.080)       .801       .746        .895         .966       (.242)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Dividends from Net Investment Income                     (.243)      (.486)     (.503)      (.525)       (.556)      (.547)
  Distributions from Realized Capital Gains                (.027)      (.125)     (.063)         --           --       (.091)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total Distributions                                    (.270)      (.611)     (.566)      (.525)       (.556)      (.638)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE, END OF PERIOD                            $11.22      $11.57     $11.38      $11.20       $10.83      $10.42
TOTAL RETURN                                              -0.74%        7.20%      6.84%       8.37%        9.56%     -2.25%
  Net Assets, End of Period (Millions)                    $1,281      $1,321     $1,340      $1,333       $1,664      $1,530
  Ratio of Total Expenses to Average Net Assets             0.15%*      0.17%      0.18%       0.20%        0.20%       0.20%
  Ratio of Net Investment Income to Average Net Assets      4.20%*      4.22%      4.46%       4.71%        5.28%       5.02%
  Portfolio Turnover Rate                                      4%*         3%        16%         12%          21%          5%


- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                             YEAR ENDED
                                                         SIX MONTHS          NOVEMBER 30,   MAY 14* TO
                                                              ENDED      ------------------   NOV. 30,
FOR A SHARE OUTSTANDING THROUGHOUT EACH PERIOD         MAY 31, 2004        2003        2002       2001
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE, BEGINNING OF PERIOD                         $11.57      $11.38      $11.20     $11.05
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Net Investment Income                                        .246        .493        .509       .284
  Net Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments     (.323)        .315        .243       .150
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Total from Investment Operations                         (.077)        .808        .752       .434
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Dividends from Net Investment Income                       (.246)      (.493)      (.509)     (.284)
  Distributions from Realized Capital Gains                  (.027)      (.125)      (.063)        --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Total Distributions                                        (.273)      (.618)      (.572)     (.284)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NET ASSET VALUE, END OF PERIOD                               $11.22      $11.57      $11.38     $11.20

TOTAL RETURN                                                 -0.71%       7.26%       6.89%      3.94%

  Net Assets, End of Period (Millions)                         $770        $771        $811       $626
  Ratio of Total Expenses to Average Net Assets             0.09%**       0.11%       0.13%    0.15%**
  Ratio of Net Investment Income to Average Net Assets      4.26%**       4.28%       4.51%    4.58%**
  Portfolio Turnover Rate                                      4%**          3%         16%        12%




Vanguard New York Tax-Exempt Funds comprise the New York Tax-Exempt Money Market
Fund and New York Long-Term  Tax-Exempt  Fund, each of which is registered under
the Investment Company Act of 1940 as an open-end  investment company, or mutual
fund. Each fund invests in debt  instruments of municipal  issuers whose ability
to meet their obligations may be affected by economic and political developments
in the state of New York.

The Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund offers two classes of shares,  Investor Shares and
Admiral  Shares.  Investor  Shares are  available  to any investor who meets the
fund's minimum purchase requirements.  Admiral Shares are designed for investors
who meet certain administrative,  servicing,  tenure, and account-size criteria.
The Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund offers only Investor Shares.

A. The following  significant  accounting policies conform to generally accepted
accounting  principles for U.S. mutual funds. The funds consistently follow such
policies in preparing their financial statements.

1.SECURITY VALUATION:  Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund:  Investment  securities are
  valued  at  amortized  cost,  which  approximates   market  value.   Long-Term
  Tax-Exempt Fund:  Bonds, and temporary cash investments  acquired over 60 days
  to maturity,  are valued using the latest bid prices or using valuations based
  on a matrix system (which considers such factors as security  prices,  yields,
  maturities,  and ratings),  both as furnished by independent pricing services.
  Other  temporary  cash   investments  are  valued  at  amortized  cost,  which
  approximates  market value.  Securities  for which market  quotations  are not
  readily  available,  or whose values have been  materially  affected by events
  occurring  before  the  funds'  pricing  time  but  after  the  close  of  the
  securities'  primary  markets,  are valued by  methods  deemed by the board of
  trustees to represent fair value.

2.FUTURES  CONTRACTS:  The  Long-Term  Tax-Exempt  Fund may use  Municipal  Bond
  Index, U.S. Treasury Bond, and U.S. Treasury Note futures contracts,  with the
  objectives of enhancing  returns,  managing  interest  rate risk,  maintaining
  liquidity,  diversifying  credit risk, and minimizing  transaction  costs. The
  fund may purchase or sell futures contracts instead of bonds to take advantage
  of pricing  differentials  between the futures  contracts  and the  underlying
  bonds.  The fund may also seek to take  advantage of price  differences  among
  bond market sectors by simultaneously  buying futures (or bonds) of one market
  sector and selling futures (or bonds) of another sector. Futures contracts may
  also be used to simulate a fully  invested  position in the  underlying  bonds
  while  maintaining a cash balance for liquidity.  The primary risks associated
  with the use of futures contracts are imperfect correlation between changes in
  market  values of bonds held by the fund and the prices of futures  contracts,
  and the possibility of an illiquid market.

  Futures contracts are valued based upon their quoted daily settlement  prices.
  The  aggregate  principal  amounts of the  contracts  are not  recorded in the
  financial statements.  Fluctuations in the value of the contracts are recorded
  in the Statement of Net Assets as an asset (liability) and in the Statement of
  Operations as unrealized  appreciation  (depreciation) until the contracts are
  closed, when they are recorded as realized futures gains (losses).

3.FEDERAL INCOME TAXES:  Each fund intends to continue to qualify as a regulated
  investment company and distribute all of its income. Accordingly, no provision
  for federal income taxes is required in the financial statements.

4.DISTRIBUTIONS:  Distributions  from net  investment  income are declared daily
  and  paid  on  the  first  business  day  of  the  following   month.   Annual
  distributions  from  realized  capital  gains,  if any,  are  recorded  on the
  ex-dividend date.


5.OTHER:  Security  transactions  are accounted for on the date  securities  are
  bought or sold. Costs used to determine realized gains (losses) on the sale of
  investment  securities are those of the specific securities sold. Premiums and
  discounts are amortized and accreted,  respectively,  to interest  income over
  the lives of the respective securities.

  Each class of shares has equal rights as to assets and  earnings,  except that
  each  class  separately  bears  certain  class-specific  expenses  related  to
  maintenance of shareholder accounts (included in Management and Administrative
  expenses) and shareholder  reporting.  Marketing and distribution expenses are
  allocated to each class of shares  based on a method  approved by the board of
  trustees.  Income, other non-class-specific  expenses, and gains and losses on
  investments  are  allocated  to each class of shares based on its relative net

B.  The  Vanguard  Group  furnishes  at  cost  investment  advisory,   corporate
management,  administrative,  marketing, and distribution services. The costs of
such services are allocated to each fund under methods  approved by the board of
trustees.  Each fund has  committed  to provide up to 0.40% of its net assets in
capital  contributions  to Vanguard.  At May 31, 2004, the funds had contributed
capital to Vanguard (included in Other Assets) of:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 TO VANGUARD       OF FUND            VANGUARD'S
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Money Market                            $304         0.01%                 0.30%
Long-Term                                307          0.01                  0.31
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The funds' trustees and officers are also directors and officers of Vanguard.

C. Capital gain  distributions are determined on a tax basis and may differ from
realized  capital gains for financial  reporting  purposes.  Differences  may be
permanent or temporary.  Permanent  differences are  reclassified  among capital
accounts in the financial  statements to reflect their tax character.  Temporary
differences  arise when gains or losses are recognized in different  periods for
financial  statement and tax purposes;  these  differences  will reverse at some
time in the future. The funds' tax-basis capital gains and losses are determined
only at the end of each fiscal year.

The Long-Term  Tax-Exempt  Fund had realized losses  totaling  $733,000  through
November 30, 2003,  which are deferred for tax purposes and reduce the amount of
unrealized appreciation on investment securities for tax purposes.

At May 31,  2004,  net  unrealized  appreciation  of Long-Term  Tax-Exempt  Fund
investment securities for tax purposes was $86,005,000, consisting of unrealized
gains of $94,739,000 on securities  that had risen in value since their purchase
and $8,734,000 in unrealized losses on securities that had fallen in value since
their purchase.

At May 31,  2004,  the  aggregate  settlement  value of open  futures  contracts
expiring  through  September  2004  and  the  related  unrealized   appreciation
(depreciation) were:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                      AGGREGATE       UNREALIZED
                               NUMBER OF LONG        SETTLEMENT     APPRECIATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10-Year Treasury Note                    (90)            $9,754            ($48)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Unrealized appreciation  (depreciation) on open futures contracts is required to
be treated as realized gain (loss) for tax purposes.



D. During the six months  ended May 31,  2004,  the  Long-Term  Tax-Exempt  Fund
purchased   $86,975,000  of  investment   securities  and  sold  $42,567,000  of
investment securities, other than temporary cash investments.

E. Capital share transactions for each class of shares were:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                    SIX MONTHS ENDED             YEAR ENDED
                                                      MAY 31, 2004            NOVEMBER 30, 2003
                                                -----------------------   ------------------------
                                                    AMOUNT       SHARES        AMOUNT       SHARES
NEW YORK TAX-EXEMPT FUND                             (000)        (000)         (000)        (000)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Issued                                         $1,181,566    1,181,566    $1,537,373    1,537,373
 Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions                7,947        7,947        14,439       14,439
 Redeemed                                        (858,411)    (858,411)   (1,406,912)  (1,406,912)
   Net Increase (Decrease)                         331,102      331,102       144,900      144,900
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investor Shares
 Issued                                           $128,654       11,114      $228,826       19,887
 Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions               23,703        2,059        55,471        4,822
 Redeemed                                        (150,980)     (13,130)     (324,414)     (28,257)
   Net Increase (Decrease)--Investor Shares          1,377           43      (40,117)      (3,548)
Admiral Shares
 Issued                                            110,480        9,537       161,640       14,077
 Issued in Lieu of Cash Distributions               12,569        1,092        29,343        2,550
 Redeemed                                         (98,682)      (8,583)     (245,062)     (21,277)
   Net Increase (Decrease)--Admiral Shares          24,367        2,046      (54,079)      (4,650)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



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Find out what Vanguard.com can do for you. Log on today!



Are you taking full advantage of your individual  retirement account? You really
should be.  These  tax-deferred  accounts are  powerful  options for  retirement

Here's how you can exploit  your  IRA--and  improve  your  chances of having the
retirement of your dreams.

It may be an  obvious  point,  but if you  invest as much in your IRA as the law
allows--currently  $3,000 per tax year if you are under age 50 and $3,500 if you
are age 50 or over--you will increase the odds of meeting your retirement goals.
"Max out" every year you can.

Put your IRA on autopilot by taking advantage of Vanguard's Automatic Investment
Plan.  Your IRA  contributions  will be  deducted  from your bank  account  on a
schedule of your choosing, making retirement investing a healthy habit.

The owners of low-cost  investments keep a larger portion of their gross returns
than the owners of high-cost investments.  Over the long term, avoiding costlier
mutual funds and brokerage commissions could significantly boost your retirement
savings. Our low costs are one reason a Vanguard IRA(R) is such a smart choice.

Don't spend your retirement assets before you've retired.  When you change jobs,
roll your 401(k) or other  employer-sponsored  retirement  plan assets  directly
into your IRA.

If you have  questions  about your IRA,  want to  transfer  an IRA from  another
institution to Vanguard,  or need help with any other IRA transaction,  call our
Retirement Resource Center at 1-800-205-6189 or visit VANGUARD.COM. You can open
or fund your IRA on our  website  and have a  confirmation  in your hand  within

500 Index Fund
Calvert Social Index Fund
Capital Opportunity Fund
Capital Value Fund
Convertible Securities Fund
Developed Markets Index Fund
Dividend Growth Fund
Emerging Markets Stock Index Fund
Energy Fund
Equity Income Fund
European Stock Index Fund
Explorer(TM) Fund
Extended Market Index Fund
Global Equity Fund
Growth and Income Fund
Growth Equity Fund
Growth Index Fund
Health Care Fund
Institutional Developed Markets Index Fund
Institutional Index Fund
Institutional Total Stock Market Index Fund
International Explorer(TM) Fund
International Growth Fund
International Value Fund
Large-Cap Index Fund
Mid-Cap Growth Fund
Mid-Cap Index Fund
Morgan(TM) Growth Fund
Pacific Stock Index Fund
Precious Metals and Mining Fund
REIT Index Fund
Selected Value Fund
Small-Cap Growth Index Fund
Small-Cap Index Fund
Small-Cap Value Index Fund
Strategic Equity Fund
Tax-Managed Capital Appreciation Fund
Tax-Managed Growth and Income Fund
Tax-Managed International Fund
Tax-Managed Small-Cap Fund
Total International Stock Index Fund
Total Stock Market Index Fund
U.S. Growth Fund
U.S. Sector Index Funds:
Consumer Discretionary Index
Consumer Staples Index
Financials Index
Health Care Index
Information Technology Index
Materials Index
Utilities Index
U.S. Value Fund
Value Index Fund
Windsor(TM) Fund
Windsor(TM) II Fund

Asset Allocation Fund
Balanced Index Fund
LifeStrategy(R) Conservative Growth Fund
LifeStrategy(R) Growth Fund
LifeStrategy(R) Income Fund
LifeStrategy(R) Moderate Growth Fund
STAR(R) Fund
Target Retirement Funds:
Retirement Income
Retirement 2005
Retirement 2015
Retirement 2025
Retirement 2035
Retirement 2045
Tax-Managed Balanced Fund
Wellesley(R) Income Fund
Wellington(TM) Fund


High-Yield Corporate Fund
High-Yield Tax-Exempt Fund
Inflation-Protected Securities Fund
Institutional Total Bond Market Index Fund
Insured Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund
Intermediate-Term Bond Index Fund
Intermediate-Term Corporate Fund
Intermediate-Term Tax-Exempt Fund
Intermediate-Term Treasury Fund
Limited-Term Tax-Exempt Fund
Long-Term Bond Index Fund
Long-Term Corporate Fund
Long-Term Tax-Exempt Fund
Long-Term Treasury Fund
Short-Term Bond Index Fund
Short-Term Corporate Fund
Short-Term Federal Fund
Short-Term Tax-Exempt Fund
Short-Term Treasury Fund
State Tax-Exempt Bond Funds
(California, Florida, Massachusetts,
New Jersey, New York, Ohio,
Total Bond Market Index Fund

Admiral(TM) Treasury Money Market Fund
Federal Money Market Fund
Prime Money Market Fund
State Tax-Exempt Money Market Funds
(California, New Jersey,
New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania)
Tax-Exempt Money Market Fund
Treasury Money Market Fund

Balanced Portfolio
Capital Growth Portfolio
Diversified Value Portfolio
Equity Income Portfolio
Equity Index Portfolio
Growth Portfolio
High Yield Bond Portfolio
International Portfolio
Mid-Cap Index Portfolio
Money Market Portfolio
REIT Index Portfolio
Short-Term Corporate Portfolio
Small Company Growth Portfolio
Total Bond Market Index Portfolio
Total Stock Market Index Portfolio

For more information, visit www.vanguard.com,  or call 800-662-7447 for Vanguard
funds and 800-522-5555 for Vanguard annuity products, to obtain fund and annuity
contract  prospectuses.  Investment  objectives,  risks, charges,  expenses, and
other important information are contained in the prospectuses; consider and read
them carefully before investing.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The  trustees of your mutual fund are there to see that the fund is operated and
managed in your best interests since, as a shareholder,  you are a part owner of
the fund.  Your  fund  trustees  also  serve on the  board of  directors  of The
Vanguard  Group,  Inc.,  which is owned by the  Vanguard(R)  funds and  provides
services to them on an at-cost basis.

A majority of Vanguard's board members are  independent,  meaning that they have
no affiliation  with Vanguard or the funds they oversee,  apart from the sizable
personal investments they have made as private individuals.

Our  independent  board members  bring  distinguished  backgrounds  in business,
academia,  and public service to their task of working with Vanguard officers to
establish the policies and oversee the activities of
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                     POSITION(S) HELD WITH
NAME                 FUND (NUMBER OF
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
JOHN J. BRENNAN*     Chairman of the       Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, and Director/Trustee of
(1954)               Board, Chief          The Vanguard Group, Inc., and of each of the investment companies
May 1987             Executive Officer,    served by The Vanguard Group.
                     and Trustee
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CHARLES D. ELLIS     Trustee               The Partners of `63 (pro bono ventures in education); Senior Advisor
(1937)               (129)                 to Greenwich Associates (international business strategy consulting);
January 2001                               Successor Trustee of Yale University; Overseer of the Stern School of
                                           Business at New York University; Trustee of the Whitehead Institute
                                           for Biomedical Research.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RAJIV L. GUPTA       Trustee               Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (since October 1999), Vice
(1945)               (129)                 Chairman (January-September 1999), and Vice President (prior to
December 2002                              September 1999) of Rohm and Haas Co. (chemicals); Director of
                                           Technitrol, Inc. (electronic components), and Agere Systems (commu-
                                           nications components); Board Member of the American Chemistry
                                           Council; Trustee of Drexel University.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
JOANN HEFFERNAN      Trustee               Vice President, Chief Information Officer, and Member of the
HEISEN               (129)                 Executive Committee of Johnson & Johnson (pharmaceuticals/
(1950)                                     consumer products); Director of the University Medical Center at
July 1998                                  Princeton and Women's Research and Education Institute.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BURTON G. MALKIEL    Trustee               Chemical Bank Chairman's Professor of Economics, Princeton
(1932)               (127)                 University; Director of Vanguard Investment Series plc (Irish invest-
May 1977                                   ment fund) (since November 2001), Vanguard Group (Ireland)
                                           Limited (Irish investment management firm) (since November 2001),
                                           Prudential Insurance Co. of America, BKF Capital (investment
                                           management), The Jeffrey Co. (holding company), and NeuVis, Inc.
                                           (software company).
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
the funds.  Among  board  members'  responsibilities  are  selecting  investment
advisors for the funds;  monitoring  fund  operations,  performance,  and costs;
reviewing  contracts;  nominating  and  selecting  new  trustees/directors;  and
electing Vanguard officers.

Each  trustee  serves a fund  until  its  termination;  or until  the  trustee's
retirement,  resignation,  or death;  or  otherwise  as  specified in the fund's
organizational  documents. Any trustee may be removed at a shareholders' meeting
by a vote  representing  two-thirds  of the net asset value of all shares of the
fund  together with shares of other  Vanguard  funds  organized  within the same
trust.  The table on these two pages  shows  information  for each  trustee  and
executive  officer of the fund. The mailing address of the trustees and officers
is P.O. Box 876, Valley Forge, PA 19482.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                        POSITION(S) HELD WITH
NAME                    FUND (NUMBER OF
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ALFRED M. RANKIN, JR.   Trustee               Chairman, President, Chief Executive Officer, and Director of NACCO
(1941)                  (129)                 Industries, Inc. (forklift trucks/housewares/lignite); Director of
January 1993                                  Goodrich Corporation (industrial products/aircraft systems and
                                              services); Director of Standard Products Company (supplier for
                                              the automotive industry) until 1998.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
J. LAWRENCE WILSON      Trustee               Retired Chairman and Chief Executive  Officer of Rohm and Haas Co.
(1936)                  (129)                 (chemicals); Director of Cummins Inc. (diesel engines), MeadWestvaco
April 1985                                    Corp. (paper products), and AmerisourceBergen Corp.(pharmaceutical
                                              distribution); Trustee of Vanderbilt University.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
R. GREGORY BARTON       Secretary             Managing Director and General Counsel of The Vanguard Group, Inc.;
(1951)                  (129)                 Secretary of The Vanguard Group and of each of the investment
June 2001                                     companies served by The Vanguard Group.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
THOMAS J. HIGGINS       Treasurer             Principal of The Vanguard Group, Inc.; Treasurer of each of the
(1957)                  (129)                 investment companies served by The Vanguard Group.
July 1998
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*Officers  of the funds are  "interested  persons" as defined in the  Investment
Company Act of 1940.

More  information   about  the  trustees  is  in  the  Statement  of  Additional
Information, available from The Vanguard Group.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
MORTIMER J. BUCKLEY, Information Technology.                          MICHAEL S. MILLER, Planning and Development.
JAMES H. GATELY, Investment Programs and Services.                    RALPH K. PACKARD, Finance.
KATHLEEN C. GUBANICH, Human Resources.                                GEORGE U. SAUTER, Chief Investment Officer.
F. WILLIAM MCNABB, III, Client Relationship Group.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
JOHN C. BOGLE, Founder; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, 1974-1996.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Post Office Box 2600
Valley Forge, PA 19482-2600

Vanguard,  The Vanguard Group,  Vanguard.com,  Vanguard IRA, Admiral,  Explorer,
LifeStrategy,  Morgan, PlainTalk, STAR, Wellesley,  Wellington, Windsor, and the
ship logo are trademarks of The Vanguard Group, Inc.

500 is a trademark of The McGraw- Hill  Companies,  Inc.,  and has been licensed
for use by The Vanguard  Group,  Inc.  Vanguard  mutual funds are not sponsored,
endorsed, sold, or promoted by Standard & Poor's, and Standard & Poor's makes no
representation regarding the advisability of investing in the funds.

Calvert  Social  Index is a  trademark  of  Calvert  Group,  Ltd.,  and has been
licensed for use by The Vanguard Group,  Inc. Vanguard Calvert Social Index Fund
is not  sponsored,  endorsed,  sold,  or promoted by Calvert  Group,  Ltd.,  and
Calvert Group,  Ltd.,  makes no  representation  regarding the  advisability  of
investing in the fund.

All other marks are the exclusive property of their respective owners.

The  photographs  that  appear on the cover of this  report are  copyrighted  by
Michael Kahn.

This report is intended for the funds'  shareholders.  It may not be distributed
to  prospective  investors  unless it is preceded or  accompanied by the current
fund prospectus.
     To receive a free copy of the  prospectus  or the  Statement of  Additional
Information,  or to  request  additional  information  about  the funds or other
Vanguard funds, please contact us at one of the adjacent telephone numbers or by
e-mail through Vanguard.com. Prospectuses may also be viewed online.

You can obtain a free copy of Vanguard's proxy voting guidelines by visiting our
website,  www.vanguard.com,  and searching for "proxy voting  guidelines," or by
calling  1-800-662-2739.  They  are  also  available  from  the  SEC's  website,

All  comparative  mutual fund data are from Lipper  Inc. or  Morningstar,  Inc.,
unless otherwise noted.






(C) 2004 The Vanguard Group, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Vanguard Marketing
Corporation, Distributor.

Q762 072004

Item 2: Not applicable.

Item 3: Not applicable.

Item 4: Not applicable.

Item 5: Not applicable.

Item 6: Not applicable.

Item 7: Not applicable.

Item 8: Not applicable.

Item 9: Not applicable.

Item 10: Controls and Procedures.

     (a)  Disclosure  Controls  and  Procedures.  The  Principal  Executive  and
Financial  Officers  concluded  that the  Registrant's  Disclosure  Controls and
Procedures are effective  based on their  evaluation of the Disclosure  Controls
and Procedures as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this report.

     (b) Internal  Controls.  There were no significant  changes in Registrant's
internal  controls or in other  factors  that could  significantly  affect these
controls  subsequent to the date of their  evaluation,  including any corrective
actions with regard to significant deficiencies and material weaknesses.

Item 11: Exhibits.
        (a) Certifications.

Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 and the
Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be
signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


BY:             (signature)
                (HEIDI STAM)
              JOHN J. BRENNAN*

Date:  July 23, 2004

Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 and the
Investment  Company  Act of  1940,  this  report  has been  signed  below by the
following  persons on behalf of the  registrant and in the capacities and on the
dates indicated.


BY:             (signature)
                (HEIDI STAM)
              JOHN J. BRENNAN*

Date:  July 23, 2004


BY:             (signature)
                (HEIDI STAM)
              THOMAS J. HIGGINS*

Date:  July 23, 2004

*By Power of  Attorney.  See File Number  2-57689,  filed on December  26, 2002.
Incorporated by Reference.