January 12, 2006

Christian Sandoe, Esq.
Division of Investment Management
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission               via electronic filing
450 Fifth Street,
N.W., Fifth Floor
Washington, D.C. 20549

                  Re:      Vanguard Morgan Growth Fund (the "Fund")

Dear Mr. Sandoe:

The following responds to your comments of January 6, 2006 on the post-effective
amendment of the registration statement of the above-referenced registrant. You
commented on Post-Effective Amendment No. 63 that was filed on November 21,

Comment 1:  Prospectus:  More on the Fund
Comment:          Is the Fund's objective fundamental?

Response:         The Fund's objective is fundamental, and is disclosed as such
                  in the Fund's Statement of Additional Information.  No
                  additional Prospectus disclosure is required.

Comment 2:        Prospectus:  Other Investment Policies and Risks
Comment:          On page 7 you state that Vanguard receives no additional
                  revenue from investing Fund assets in VIPER Shares of other
                  Vanguard funds. Do the Fund's advisors, other than Vanguard,
                  receive additional revenue from investing Fund assets in VIPER
                  Shares of other Vanguard funds? If so, please disclose.

Response:         We think the disclosure is appropriate as written. The
                  sentences prior to the sentence referenced in this Comment
                  state that "Vanguard typically invests a small portion of the
                  Fund's assets in stock index futures and/or shares of
                  exchange-traded funds (ETFs), including VIPER Shares issues by
                  Vanguard stock index funds.  Stock index futures and ETFs
                  provide returns similar to those of common stocks.  Vanguard
                  may purchase

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Christian Sandoe
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                  futures or ETFs when doing so will reduce the
                  Fund's transaction costs or add value because the instruments
                  are favorably priced."  Since those sentences only reference
                  Vanguard and not the other advisers, we believe that it is
                  clear that only Vanguard invests in VIPER Shares. Accordingly,
                  the other advisers, by virtue of not investing in VIPER
                  Shares, would not receive any additional revenue from VIPER

Comment 3:        SAI - Investment Advisory Services
Comment:          Include more information about the fees paid to each fund's
                  investment advisor(s). Add details about the performance fee
                  arrangements and include the fee schedules with asset and
                  performance based breakpoints for each advisor.

Response:         We will file appropriate advisory fee disclosure in the SAI.
                  Vanguard operates a multi-manager structure for certain funds
                  pursuant to an exemptive order granted by the Commission in
                  2003 (the "2003 Order").(1) The funds are permitted under the
                  2003 Order to enter into and amend investment advisory
                  agreements with unaffiliated third-party advisors without
                  shareholder approval, provided certain conditions are met. The
                  2003 Order exempts multi-managed Vanguard funds from certain
                  disclosure requirements so that they are only required to
                  disclose advisory fees (as both a dollar amount and as a
                  percentage of a fund's net assets) as follows: (1) aggregate
                  fees paid by a fund to Vanguard and any affiliated advisors;
                  (2) aggregate fees paid by the fund to unaffiliated third-
                  party advisors; and (3) aggregate fees paid by the fund to all
                  investment advisors (collectively, the "Aggregate Fee
                  Disclosure"). A fund using Aggregate Fee Disclosure does not
                  have to include additional details, including asset-based and
                  performance fee schedules, about its advisory fees and fee

                  An Aggregate Fee Disclosure regime is in the best interests of
                  fund shareholders. In a recent proposal to codify
                  multi-manager exemptive orders, the Commission said that fund
                  sponsors (including Vanguard) have represented that they "are
                  able to negotiate lower fees with subadvisers if they do not
                  have to disclose those fees separately, and in our orders we
                  have provided them relief from our disclosure requirements. We
                  are proposing to codify this relief, which permits a manager
                  of managers fund to disclose only the aggregate amount of
                  advisory fees that it pays to subadvisers as a group."(2)

1 In the Matter of Vanguard Convertible Securities Fund, et al(.), File No.
  812-12380, Inv. Co. Act Release Nos. 26062 (May 29, 2003) (Notice) and 26089
  (June 25, 2003) (order).
2 Exemption from Shareholder Approval for Certain Subadvisory Contracts,
  Securities Act Release No. 8312 (Oct. 23, 2003).

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Christian Sandoe
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Tandy Requirements
Comment:   The SEC is now requiring all registrants to provide at the end
           of response letters to registration statement comments, the
           following statements:

           - The Fund is responsible for the adequacy and accuracy of the
             disclosure in the filing.
           - Staff comments or changes in response to staff comments in
             the filings reviewed by the staff do not foreclose the
             Commission from taking any action with respect to the
           - The Fund may not assert staff comments as a defense in any
             proceeding initiated by the Commission or any person under
             the federal securities laws of the United States.

Response:  As required by the SEC, we will provide the foregoing

                                   * * * * *

           As required by the SEC, the Fund acknowledges that:

           - The Fund is responsible for the adequacy and accuracy of the
             disclosure in the filing.
           - Staff comments or changes in response to staff comments in the
             filings reviewed by the staff do not foreclose the Commission
             from taking any action with respect to the filing.
           - The Fund may not assert staff comments as a defense in any
             proceeding initiated by the Commission or any person under the
             federal securities laws of the United States.

         Please contact me at (610) 669-5284 with any questions or comments
regarding the above responses. Thank you.


                                                     /s/ Lisa Matson
                                                     Lisa  Matson
                                                     Associate Counsel