[Vanguard Ship Logo]

                                                              December 20, 2006

Christian Sandoe, Esq.
Division of Investment Management
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission            via electronic filing address
100 F Street NE
Washington, D.C. 20549

                       Re:        Vanguard World Funds

Dear Mr. Sandoe:

         The following responds to your comments of December 11, 2006, on the
post-effective amendment of the registration statement of the above-referenced
registrant. You commented on Post-Effective Amendment No. 102 that was filed on
October 26, 2006.

Vanguard U.S. Growth Fund
Comment 1:        Prospectus - Primary Investment Strategies
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Comment:          Include the Fund's 80% [names rule] policy in the Primary
                  Investment Strategies. While the names rule does not require
                  disclosure in Item 2, it is suggested in the footnotes to the
                  rule that such disclosure be added.

Response:         Footnote 15 to rule 35d-1 (the "names rule") states that:

                  "We note that an investment company that is covered by the
                  rule should disclose its policy to invest its assets in
                  accordance with the 80% investment requirement suggested by
                  its name as one of its principal investment strategies in the

                  The footnote to the names rule requires that the fund disclose
                  its policy to invest its assets in accordance with the 80%
                  investment requirement suggested by its name and we believe
                  that the fund's principal investment strategies does that by
                  stating: "The Fund invests mainly in large-capitalization
                  stocks of U.S. companies..." We believe our current disclosure
                  is in compliance with the names rule and Form N-1A.

Vanguard International Growth Fund
Comment 2:        Prospectus -Investment Strategy
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Comment:          Explain how the Fund diversifies its assets across a number of
                  countries throughout the world (see footnote 42 to
                  the names rule).

Response:         In footnote 42 of Release No. IC-24828 (the "names rule
                  Release"), the SEC stated that:

                  "[t]he terms `international' and `global,' however, connote
                  diversification among investments in a number of different
                  countries throughout the world, and `international' and
                  `global' funds will not be subject to the [names] rule. We
                  would expect, however, that investment companies using these
                  terms in their names will invest their assets in investments
                  that are tied economically to a number of countries throughout
                  the world." (Emphasis added.)

                  The above-quoted guidance does not impose a particular
                  disclosure requirement; rather, it sets forth an expectation
                  regarding a fund's investment approach.

                  The Fund satisfies this expectation. We think that our
                  existing disclosure sufficiently conveys the idea that the
                  Fund invests (chooses and allocates) across a number of
                  countries throughout the world. In describing the investment
                  process used by the Fund's two investment advisors, the
                  prospectus states in the "Securities Selection" section:

o                     Schroders continually evaluates financial markets around
                      the world and identifies those countries with, in the
                      advisor's opinion, the most favorable business climates...
                      The companies chosen by Schroders reflect a wide variety
                      of countries and industries
o                     To determine how to allocate its portion of the Fund's
                      assets geographically, Baillie Gifford constantly
                      evaluates economic, market, and political trends

Comment 3:        Prospectus - Investment Advisors
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Comment:          Identify The Vanguard Group, Inc. as an investment advisor of
                  the fund in the "Investment Advisor" section of the prospectus
                  because on page 9 of the prospectus, it states that "The
                  Vanguard Group (Vanguard) manages a small portion
                  (approximately 3%) of the Fund's assets to facilitate cash
                  flows to and from the Fund's advisors. Vanguard typically
                  invests its portion of the Fund's assets in stock index
                  futures and/or shares of exchange-traded funds."

Response:           We disagree that Vanguard  should be listed as an investment
                    advisor of the Fund.  Vanguard's  responsibilities  are very
                    limited. As stated in the prospectus, "[t]he Fund's board of
                    trustees  designates  the  proportion  of Fund  assets to be
                    managed by each advisor and may change these  proportions at
                    any  time."  Vanguard's  role  is  simply  to  maintain  the
                    allocation  of assets  mandated  by the board.  Assume,  for
                    example, that the Fund's two advisors are entrusted with 60%
                    and 40%, respectively,  of the Fund's assets. Over time, due
                    to differing  performance of the respective  sub-portfolios,
                    the  allocation  may have become 62% and 38%,  respectively.
                    Forcing one advisor to sell assets and deliver the  proceeds
                    to the other advisor would drive up transaction costs to the
                    detriment of the Fund and its  shareholders.  To  accomplish
                    the reallocation in a more cost-effective  manner, the board
                    has directed that a small percentage of the Fund's assets be
                    maintained in highly liquid  instruments that can be sold at
                    minimal cost with the proceeds allocated to one party or the
                    other  as  necessary.  Vanguard's  role is to  oversee  this
                    "buffer" and use it as needed to ensure that the  allocation
                    of Fund  assets  between  advisors  remains in line with the
                    board's  mandate.  To avoid "cash drag," Vanguard places the
                    buffer in highly liquid proxies for the equity market,  such
                    as futures  contracts  and shares of  exchange-traded  funds
                    tied to the same general market segment as the Fund.

                  In any event, under section 2(a)(20) of the Investment Company
                  Act, Vanguard is not an investment advisor. Section 2(a)(20)
                  provides that the definition of investment advisor does not
                  include "a company furnishing such services at cost to one or
                  more investment companies...." Vanguard is compensated at cost
                  for managing the allocation of assets among the Fund's
                  investment advisors, and therefore is not an investment
                  advisor subject to the disclosure requirements of Form N-1A.

Comment 4:        Prospectus - Investment Advisors
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Comment:          Describe the relationship between the Schroder "co-managers"
                  and state that relationship more clearly in the Fund's

Response:         We will update this disclosure via the 485(b) filing to
                  indicate that the named Schroder portfolio managers "jointly
                  manage" the Fund's assets.

World Funds SAI
Comment 5:        SAI - Description of PM Compensation
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Comment:          Describe the specific investment performance criteria (i.e.,
                  benchmark, time periods) in the Description of Compensation
                  for William Blair & Company and any other advisor listed in
                  this Part B.

Response:         We will update this disclosure via the 485(b) filing as

              As required by the SEC, the Funds acknowledge that:

o                 Each Fund is responsible for the adequacy and accuracy of the
                  disclosure in the filing.
o                 Staff comments or changes in response to staff comments in the
                  filings reviewed by the staff do not foreclose the Commission
                  from taking any action with respect to the filing.
o                 Each Fund may not assert staff comments as a defense in any
                  proceeding initiated by the Commission or any person under the
                  federal securities laws of the placecountry-regionUnited

         Please contact me at (610) 669-6018 with any questions or comments
regarding the above responses. Thank you.


Beverly Hart
Legal Manager