January 25, 2007

Christian Sandoe, Esq.
Division of Investment Management
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission            VIA ELECTRONIC FILING
100 F Street NE
Washington, D.C. 20549

Re:        Vanguard Morgan Growth Fund

Dear Mr. Sandoe:

     The following responds to your comments of January 24, 2007, on the
post-effective amendment of the registration statement of the above-referenced
registrant. You commented on Post-Effective Amendment No. 64 that was filed on
January 8, 2007.

Comment 1:        Prospectus - Investment Style Risk
----------        ----------------------------------

Comment:       The Fund profile  states that  historically  mid-cap  stocks have
               been more volatile in price than large-cap stocks, and they often
               perform quite differently.  Please provide additional explanation
               of that statement.

Response:      We have added a sentence to investment  style risk in the profile
               and on page 7 of the prospectus  stating that mid-cap stocks tend
               to have greater  volatility than large-cap stocks because,  among
               other  things,   medium-size  companies  are  more  sensitive  to
               changing economic conditions.

Comment 2:        Prospectus -Security Selection
----------        ------------------------------

Comment:       You include  percentages  of the Fund managed by each  investment
               advisor except for Jennison Associates. Please explain why.

Response:      We included the  percentage of Fund assets managed by each of the
               Fund's  investment  advisors as of the Fund's most recent  fiscal
               year-end.  At that  time,  Jennison  did not serve as  investment
               advisor  to the Fund.  In  addition,  Jennison  will be  managing
               incoming  cash  flows,  and  therefore  we do not  believe  it is
               appropriate to show the current percentage of Fund assets managed
               by Jennison Associates.  We state in the prospectus that Jennison
               Associates  was recently  added as an  investment  advisor to the

January 25, 2007
Christian Sandoe
Page 2 of 2

Comment 3:        Prospectus -Financial Highlights
----------        --------------------------------

Comment:       The Financial  Highlights table does not include  information for
               2006.  Therefore,  the prospectus  must be filed pursuant to rule
               485(a) in order to be granted effectiveness.

Response:      We plan to file the prospectus pursuant to rule 485(a).

                                    * * * * *

               As required by the SEC, the Fund acknowledges that:

     o    The  Fund  is  responsible  for  the  adequacy  and  accuracy  of  the
          disclosure in the filing.

     o    Staff comments or changes in response to staff comments in the filings
          reviewed by the staff do not foreclose the Commission  from taking any
          action with respect to the filing.

     o    The Fund may not assert staff  comments as a defense in any proceeding
          initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal securities
          laws of the United States.

     Please  contact  me at  (610)  503-5854  with  any  questions  or  comments
regarding the above responses. Thank you.


Sarah A. Buescher
Senior Counsel