P.O. Box 2600
                                                     Valley Forge, PA 19482-2600


August 22, 2007

Christian Sandoe, Esq.
U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission                      via electronic filing
100 F Street, N.E.
Washington, DC  20549

RE:      Vanguard World Funds

Dear Mr. Sandoe,

     The following  summarizes  our  discussion of this  afternoon  regarding an
additional comment to Post-effective  Amendment No. 103 of Vanguard World Fund's
registration statement. The Post-Effective Amendment was filed on June 25, 2007.
The comment pertains to Vanguard Extended Duration Treasury Index Fund.

Comment 1: Prospectus - Fees and Expenses; Investing With Vanguard - Purchasing
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Comment:   Does the Fund reserve the right to assess a portfolio transaction fee
           on aggregate purchases of greater than a stated amount by a single
           investor?  If so, consider adding disclosure to that effect.

Response:  Yes, the Fund reserves the right to assess a portfolio transaction
           fee of 0.20% on aggregate purchases of more than $20 by a single
           investor.  We will update the prospectus accordingly.

Comment 2:        Tandy Requirements
- ------------------------------------
As required by the SEC, the Fund acknowledges that:

o    The Fund is responsible  for the adequacy and accuracy of the disclosure in
     the filing.
o    Staff  comments  or changes in  response  to staff  comments in the filings
     reviewed  by the staff do not  foreclose  the  Commission  from  taking any
     action with respect to the filing.
o    The Fund may not  assert  staff  comments  as a defense  in any  proceeding
     initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal securities laws
     of the United States.

     Please  contact  me at  (610)  669-1538  with  any  questions  or  comments
regarding the above responses. Thank you.


Judith L. Gaines
Associate Counsel
Securities Regulation, Legal Department