Exhibit 10.7


                            OSTEX INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                                THOMAS A. BOLOGNA

                            Dated as of July 16, 1997


         This Executive Employment Agreement (this "Agreement") between Ostex 
International, Inc. (the "Company"), a Washington corporation and Thomas 
A. Bologna ("Executive") is dated and entered into as of July 16, 1997.

         In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein,
the Company and the Executive agree as follows:

         1.       Employment

         The Company will employ the  Executive  and the  Executive  will accept
employment  by the Company as its President and Chief  Executive  Officer,  with
duties and  responsibilities  customarily  associated  with such  position.  The
Executive  will perform such duties as may be assigned  from time to time by the
Board of Directors  of the Company  which relate to the business of the Company,
its  subsidiaries  or  any  business  ventures  in  which  the  Company  or  its
subsidiaries may participate.

         2.       Attention and Effort

         The Executive will devote his full business time,  attention and effort
to the  Company's  business  and will use his skills and render  services to the
best of his  ability  to serve the  interests  of the  Company.  Notwithstanding
anything herein to the contrary, the parties agree that Executive may serve as a
member of the board of Directors  of other  corporations  or entities  (provided
that such  corporations  or entities do not compete with the Company) and engage
in consulting and other activities  related to such  directorships and that such
service shall not constitute a violation of Executive's  duties and  obligations
to  the  Company;  provided,   however,  that  such  directorships  and  related
consulting  and  other  activities  (i)  shall be  limited  to those  which  the
Executive  currently  performs  pursuant to existing  agreements  that have been
disclosed to the Company and (ii) shall not materially detract from or interfere
with the Executive's obligations under this Section 2.

         3.       Term

         Unless  otherwise  terminated as provided in paragraphs 6 and 7 of this
Agreement,  the  Executive's  term of  employment  under  this  Agreement  shall
commence  on the date  hereof  and  shall  expire  on July 15,  2001;  provided,
however,  that this  Agreement  shall be  automatically  renewed  thereafter for
additional  terms of one year each unless  either the  Company or the  Executive
gives the other written  notice of termination at least 30 days prior to the end
of the then current term.

         4.       Compensation

                  4.1      Base Salary

         The Executive's  compensation shall consist, in part, of an annual base
salary of $275,000 before all customary payroll  deductions (the "Base Salary").
The Base Salary shall be paid in  substantially  equal  installments at the same
intervals  as other  officers of the Company are paid.  The Base Salary shall be
increased  effective on the first anniversary of this Agreement by not less than
10% of the Base Salary. Thereafter, further increases to the Base Salary will be
reviewed annually by the Board of Directors and any adjustments shall be made at
the sole  discretion  of the Board of  Directors.  The Base Salary  shall not be
reduced without Executive's express consent.

                  4.2      Bonus

         For services  rendered for the period  through  December 31, 1997,  the
Executive  shall be paid a bonus of $50,000,  of which  $25,000 shall be paid on
the date of this Agreement and $25,000 shall be paid on January 10, 1998.

         5.       Benefits and Expenses

                  5.1      Expenses

         The Company shall  promptly  reimburse the Executive for all reasonable
and necessary business expenses incurred and advanced by him in carrying out his
duties under this  Agreement.  The  Executive  shall present to the Company from
time  to time an  itemized  account  of  such  expenses  in such  form as may be
required by the Company.

                  5.2      Benefits

         During  the  term of  employment  hereunder,  the  Executive  shall  be
entitled to participate fully in any and all benefit plans,  programs,  policies
and any and all  fringe  benefits  which  may be made  available  to the  senior
executives  of the  Company  generally,  including  but not  limited to medical,
dental,  disability,  pension and retirement benefits,  life insurance and other
death benefits.

                  5.3      Travel and Relocation Expenses

         During the term of Executive's employment,  the Company shall reimburse
the Executive for or pay directly the  reasonable  expense of (i) round trip air
travel  from San Diego to  Seattle  once per  week,  (ii)  leasing  a  furnished
apartment in Seattle (including utilities, telephone and similar expenses), such
leases to be subject to the Company's  approval (iii) limited  moving  expenses,
and (iv)  temporary  living  accommodations  in Seattle  until an  apartment  is
rented.  The Company and the Executive shall agree on a budget for such expenses

as soon as  practicable  after the date of this Agreement and shall initial such
final budget to  acknowledge  the agreed levels of expenses.  To the extent that
such  reimbursement  or direct payment shall be treated as taxable  income,  the
Executive  shall receive a "gross up" bonus to compensate  the Executive for any
and all income taxes that the  Executive  may be required to pay with respect to
such  reimbursement  and gross up bonus  (whenever such taxes may be assessed or
paid). The Executive shall report all such  reimbursement and "gross up" bonuses
as ordinary  income for income tax purposes.  Upon  termination  of  Executive's
employment,  if Executive so requests, the Company shall reimburse the Executive
for the  reasonable  expense of  relocating  to San Diego (or  another  location
designated  by  Executive  within the United  States) and shall assume any lease
which Executive may have entered into in Seattle.

                  5.4      Stock Options

         Simultaneously  herewith,  the Company has granted  options to purchase
700,000  shares of Common  Stock to the  Executive  under the  authority  of its
Amended  and  Restated  1994 Stock  Option  Plan and  pursuant  to the terms and
conditions of the Stock Option Agreement dated July 16, 1997 between the parties
(the "Stock Option Agreement"). Annually, the Board of Directors shall consider,
at its sole discretion,  granting additional stock options to the Executive. The
Company  represents  and warrants to the Executive  that all stock options (both
incentive stock options and nonqualified stock options) it has granted under the
1994 Stock  Option  Plan have  contained a provision  that vested  options  will
terminate  upon  the  expiration  of 90 days  from  the  date  of an  optionee's
termination of employment or contractual  relationship  with the Company for any
reason other than death or disability.

                  5.5      Insurance

         During the term of the Executive's employment,  the Company will obtain
term life insurance on the life of the Executive,  which  insurance will provide
for the payment of an amount equal to the Base Salary for one year (or an amount
equal to two  times  the Base  Salary  following  a Change  in  Control)  to the
Executive's  spouse in the event of the  Executive's  death;  provided  that the
Company may obtain such insurance for a larger amount,  with the balance payable
to the Company in the event of the Executive's death.

         6.       Termination

         Employment  of  the  Executive   pursuant  to  this  Agreement  may  be
terminated as follows, but in any case, the provisions of Sections 8 and 9 shall
survive the termination of the Executive's employment:

                  6.1      By the Company

         With or without  Cause (as defined  below),  the Board of Directors may
terminate  the  employment  of the  Executive  at any time  during the Term upon
giving Notice of Termination (as defined below).

                  6.2      By the Executive

         The Executive  may terminate his  employment at any time for any reason
upon giving Notice of Termination.

                  6.3      Automatic Termination

         Employment shall terminate automatically upon death or total disability
of the  Executive.  The term "total  disability"  as used herein,  shall mean an
inability  to  perform  the duties set forth in  paragraph  1 of this  Agreement
because of  illness or  physical  or mental  disability  for a period or periods
aggregating  120 calendar days in any 12-month  period,  unless the Executive is
granted a leave of absence by the Board of Directors  of the Company.  Executive
and the Company hereby  acknowledge that the Executive's  ability to perform the
duties  specified  in  paragraph 1 of this  Agreement  is of the essence of this
Agreement.  Termination  hereunder  shall be deemed to be effective  immediately
upon the  Executive's  death or 30 days following a Notice of Termination  based
upon a determination by the Board of Directors of the Company of the Executive's
total disability, as defined herein.

                  6.4      Notice

         The  term  "Notice  of  Termination"   shall  mean  written  notice  of
termination of the  Executive's  employment.  The Executive's  employment  shall
terminate  effective  upon  receipt  of the  Notice of  Termination  or the date
specified in the Notice of  Termination,  whichever is later,  provided that the
Executive shall be entitled to termination payments in accordance with paragraph
7 of this Agreement.

                  6.5      Cause

         Wherever  reference is made in this Agreement to termination being with
or without Cause,  "Cause" means cause given by the Executive to the Company and
is limited to the following:

                   (i) The  willful  and  material  breach of any  provision  of
         Sections 1 or 2  (including  but not  limited to the  refusal to follow
         reasonable and lawful directives of the Board of Directors) or Sections
         8 or 9;

                  (ii)     Conviction of a felony or of a crime involving moral

                 (iii)     Continuing misuse of alcohol or controlled 
          substances; or

                  (iv)  The  willful  misconduct  or  gross  negligence  of  the
         Executive that results in a material adverse effect on the Company:

provided, however, that to the extent that a breach of Sections 6.5(i), (iii) or
(iv) is curable,  the Board of Directors will give the Executive  written notice
of such  breach  and the  Executive  will have 30 days from the  receipt of such
notice to cure such breach.

         7.       Termination Payments

         In the event of termination  of the  employment of the  Executive,  all
compensation  and benefits set forth in this Agreement shall terminate except as
specifically provided in this paragraph 7:

                  7.1      Termination by the Company

         If the Board of Directors terminates the Executive's employment without
Cause,  the  Executive  shall be  entitled to receive (i) any unpaid Base Salary
which has accrued for services  already  performed as of the date termination of
the Executive's employment becomes effective, (ii) the then existing Base Salary
the Executive would have received if his employment had continued for 12 months,
payable as provided in subparagraph 4.1 of this Agreement,  (iii) any bonus that
has been earned but not paid, and (iv) continuation of benefits for himself, his
spouse and his dependents (paid for by the Company) set forth in Section 5.2 for
a period of 12 months following such termination. If the Executive is terminated
by the Board of  Directors  for Cause,  the  Executive  shall not be entitled to
receive the  benefits set forth in clauses  (ii) and (iv).  If such  termination
occurs  without  Cause in connection  with or at any time  following a Change in
Control (as defined in the  Company's  Amended and  Restated  1994 Stock  Option
Plan), the Executive shall be entitled to a lump sum payment equal to two years'
Base Salary,  plus a bonus of 30% of such amount,  and  continuation of benefits
(paid for by the  Company)  set forth in  Section  5.2 for a period of 24 months
following such termination.

                  7.2      Termination by the Executive

         If the Executive voluntarily  terminates his employment,  the Executive
shall not be  entitled  to receive  any  payments  hereunder  other than (i) any
unpaid Base Salary  which has accrued for services  already  performed as of the
date termination of the Executive's  employment  becomes  effective and (ii) any
unpaid bonus which has been earned but not yet paid.

                  7.3      Termination Because of Death or Total Disability

         In the event of a termination of the Executive's  employment because of
his death or total  disability,  the  Executive or his  personal  representative
shall not be  entitled  to receive  any  payments  hereunder  other than (i) any
unpaid Base Salary  which has accrued for services  already  performed as of the
date termination of the Executive's employment becomes effective, (ii) any bonus
which has been  earned  but not paid and (iii) a  continuation  of  medical  and
dental  benefits for  himself,  his spouse and his  dependents  (paid for by the
Company) for a period of eighteen months following such termination.

         8.       Nondisclosure

         As a condition of his employment hereunder,  the Executive has executed
and delivered to the Company Employee  Confidentiality  and Invention  Agreement
(the  "Nondisclosure  Agreement")  in the form attached  hereto as Exhibit A and
incorporated  herein  by  reference  as if  set  forth  in  full  herein,  which
Nondisclosure  Agreement  shall  survive  the  termination  of  the  Executive's

         9.       Noncompetition and Nonsolicitation

                  9.1      Applicability

         This  Section  9  shall  survive  the  termination  of the  Executive's
employment with the Company or the expiration of the term of this Agreement.

                  9.2      Scope of Competition

         The Executive agrees that he will not,  directly or indirectly,  during
his  employment  and for a period  of two  years  after  the  date on which  his
employment with the Company  terminates,  be employed by, own, manage,  operate,
join, control or participate in the ownership,  management, operation or control
of or be  connected  with,  in any manner,  any person or entity  engaged in any
business activity anywhere in the world (including without limitation  research,
development,  manufacturing,  selling, leasing, licensing or providing services)

which  is  competitive  with any  products  or  services  that  the  Company  is
developing or exploiting  during the  Executive's  employment  with the Company,
unless  released  from such  obligation  in  writing by the  Company's  Board of
Directors.  The Executive  shall be deemed to be connected with such business if
such business is carried on by a  partnership,  corporation  or  association  of
which he is an employee,  member,  consultant or agent; provided,  however, that
nothing  herein shall  prevent the  purchase or  ownership  by the  Executive of
shares which constitute less than 2% of the outstanding  equity  securities of a
publicly or privately held corporation.

                  9.3      Scope of Nonsolicitation

         The  Executive  shall not,  in  addition,  directly or  indirectly  (i)
solicit,  or entice  any  employee  or  consultant  of the  Company to cease his
relationship  with the Company or (ii) solicit,  entice or in any way divert any
customer or supplier of the Company from doing  business with the Company.  This
Section 9.3 shall apply during the time period and  geographical  area described
in Section 9.2 hereof.

                  9.4      Equitable Relief

         The Executive  acknowledges  that the  provisions of this Section 9 are
essential to the Company,  that the Company would not enter into this  Agreement
if it did not  include  covenants  not to compete or  solicit  and that  damages
sustained  by the  Company as a result of a breach of such  covenants  cannot be
adequately  remedied  by damages,  and the  Executive  agrees that the  Company,
notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement,  in addition to any other
remedy  it may  have  under  this  Agreement  or at law,  shall be  entitled  to
injunctive  and other  equitable  relief to prevent or curtail any breach of any
provision of this Agreement,  including  without  limitation this Section 9. The
Executive  acknowledges  that the covenants in this Agreement are reasonable and
that  compliance  with such  covenants  will not prevent him from  pursuing  his

                  9.5      Effect of Violation

         The Executive and the Company agree that additional  consideration  has
been   given  for  the   Executive   entering   into  the   noncompetition   and
nonsolicitation  provisions of this  Agreement and the  Nondisclosure  Agreement
described  in Section  10,  such  additional  consideration  including,  without
limitation certain provisions for termination payments pursuant to Section 7 and
other payments  pursuant to Section 8 of this Agreement.  Material  violation by
the  Executive of such  noncompetition  and  nonsolicitation  provisions  or the
Nondisclosure  Agreement shall relieve the Company of any obligation it may have
to make such  termination  payments  under  Section 7, but shall not relieve the
Executive of his obligation hereunder not to compete or solicit.

                  9.6      Definition of the Company

         For  purposes  of  Sections  9.2 and 9.3 hereof,  "the  Company"  shall
include all subsidiaries of the Company,  the Company's  parent  corporation and
any  business  ventures in which the  Company,  its  subsidiaries  or its parent
corporation may participate.

         10.      Form of Notice

         Every notice  required by the terms of this Agreement shall be given in
writing by serving the same upon the party to whom it was addressed  personally,
by courier,  by facsimile  transmission  (with hard copy  delivered by overnight
courier) or by registered or certified mail,  return receipt  requested,  at the
address set forth below or at such other  address as may hereafter be designated
by notice given in compliance with the terms hereof:

         If to the Executive: Thomas A. Bologna
                              c/o Ostex International, Inc.
                              2203 Airport Way South, Suite 400
                              Seattle, Washington 98134

         If to the Company:   Ostex International, Inc.
                              2203 Airport Way South, Suite 400
                              Seattle, Washington 98134
                              Attention:  Chief Financial Officer

         Copy to:             James R. Lisbakken
                              Perkins Coie
                              1201 Third Avenue, 40th Floor
                              Seattle, Washington 98101

or such other address as shall be provided in accordance  with the terms hereof.
Notice shall be effective upon personal delivery,  delivery by courier,  receipt
of facsimile transmission or three days after mailing.

         11.      Successors and Assigns

         For  purposes  of this  Agreement,  "Company  Successor"  means (a) any
corporation resulting from any merger,  consolidation or other reorganization to
which the Company is a party or (b) any corporation, partnership, association or
other person or entity to which the Company may  transfer  all or  substantially
all of the assets and business.  The Executive agrees that this Agreement may be
transferred  or assigned by the  Company to the Company  Successor.  Any Company
Successor shall succeed to the rights and  obligations of the Company  hereunder
and shall be bound by the terms of this Agreement.  If all or substantially  all
of the  outstanding  voting  stock of the  Company  is  transferred  to  another
corporation, partnership, association or other person or entity, the Company, at
the request of the Executive,  will reaffirm in writing it's  obligations  under
this Agreement.  This Agreement is not assignable by the Executive.  The Company
agrees  that it will  require  any  Company  Successor  (as a  condition  to any
transaction  described in this Section) to expressly assume and agree to perform
this Agreement,  including (without limitation) payment of the amounts set forth
in Section 7 above.

         12.      Waiver

         No  waiver of any of the  provisions  hereof  shall be valid  unless in
writing,  signed by the party  against whom such claim or waiver is sought to be
enforced,  nor shall  failure  to  enforce  any  right  hereunder  constitute  a
continuing waiver of the same or a waiver of any other right hereunder.

         13.      Amendments in Writing

         No amendment,  modification,  waiver,  termination  or discharge of any
provision of this  Agreement,  nor consent to any departure  therefrom by either
party  hereto,  shall in any  event be  effective  unless  the same  shall be in
writing,  specifically  identifying this Agreement and the provision intended to
be amended, modified, waived, terminated or discharged and signed by the Company
and the Executive, and each such amendment, modification, waiver, termination or
discharge shall be effective only in the specific  instance and for the specific
purpose  for which  given.  No  provision  of this  Agreement  shall be  varied,
contradicted  or  explained  by  any  oral  agreement,   course  of  dealing  or
performance  or any other  matter not set forth in an  agreement  in writing and
signed by the Company and the Executive.

         14.      Applicable Law

         This Agreement shall be governed by the  substantive  laws of the state
of Washington, without regard to its conflicts of laws provisions.

         15.      Severability

         All   provisions   of   this   Agreement   are   severable,   and   the
unenforceability  or invalidity of any single  provision hereof shall not affect
the remaining provisions.

         16.      Headings

         All  headings  or  titles  in this  Agreement  are for the  purpose  of
reference  only  and  shall  not  in  any  way  affect  the   interpretation  or
construction of this Agreement.

         17.      Attorneys' Fees

         The Company will reimburse the Executive for reasonable  attorneys fees
in connection with the preparation and review of this Agreement, up to a maximum
or $3,000.

         18.      Entire Agreement

         This  Agreement,  the  Stock  Option  Agreement  and the  Nondisclosure
Agreement constitute the full and entire understanding and agreement between the
parties  with  respect to the  subject  matter  hereof and  supersede  all prior
agreements with respect to the subject matter hereof.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  have  executed and entered into this
Agreement on the date set forth above.


                                                     /S/ THOMAS A. BOLOGNA
                                                      Thomas A. Bologna


                                                     OSTEX INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                                                    By: /S/ THOMAS J. CABLE
                                                      Its Chairman of the
                                                      Board of Directors